Milford Attendance Policy
At Milford, we believe in the correlation between good attendance and academic achievement.
To foster positive work and study habits, administration and faculty believe that students must
be on time and in class in order to fully maximize their educational opportunities. Acceptable
reasons for excused absences are as follows:
College visits
Religious holiday/celebration
Medical/Dental/Mental Health Appointment
*When appropriate, documentation may be required or per request. When excusing your child
or requesting an early dismissal, 24-hour notice or more is preferred. Please understand, with
less than 24-hour notice, it may cause a delay in your student’s departure time.
Procedure for Reporting a Student Absence:
Follow classroom teachers’ policy about missing instruction and work.
Parent/guardian contact the Milford attendance office within 24 hours of the absence:
Phone: (248) 684-8255
Only a parent or guardian may excuse an absence. Students who attempt to call
themselves in to excuse an absence may be subject to disciplinary intervention.
Pre-arranged absences should be communicated to the school ASAP (this is for 4-5
consecutive days or more at a time).
Families are also encouraged to plan vacations during school breaks. If this is
unavoidable, please schedule ahead with all necessary staff.
Kevin McKenna
Eric Dziobak
Assistant Principal
Elizabeth Suminski
Assistant Principal
James Marszalek
Athletic Director
Additional Attendance Information:
We would like to remind everyone that the first hour starts promptly at 7:21 AM, students
are expected to be in their classroom at that time. To reduce the amount of instructional
time lost, on bad weather days especially, please allow for extra time by leaving earlier to
safely make it to school on time.
Please note, promptly at 7:21 AM, the student parking lot doors will be locked
and students will be redirected to the main entrance.
Please understand that Milford High School is a closed campus. Students are not to be
excused just for their lunch period for anything other than a healthcare appointment.
When a student returns to Milford High School due to a healthcare appointment, it is
expected that the student will provide a note on a health provider's letterhead verifying
the date and time the student was seen by the provider. If your student is unable to
provide a document from their health provider, this will result in an unexcused absence
and considered skipping and could result in administrative intervention.
When leaving a voicemail on the attendance line (248-684-8255), please use that as
confirmation that your message has been received, there is no need to call back for
On high call volume days, those messages may take longer to address, but they
will be received.
If you are picking up your child, without a call to attendance, you must come to the main
door with a picture ID. Then proceed to the attendance office (second door on your left)
where your child will be waiting and sign them out.
If a student is ill at school, a parent or emergency contact is expected to come to school
as soon as possible to take their student home.
Kevin McKenna
Eric Dziobak
Assistant Principal
Elizabeth Suminski
Assistant Principal
James Marszalek
Athletic Director
Tardy Policy:
Students who are late will be marked tardy. While a phone call from a parent is
appreciated, the student is still tardy.
At the 4th tardy of a class, students may receive a detention from their teacher.
At the 8th tardy of a class, students may be referred to administration and receive two
At the 12th tardy of a class, students may receive an ISS (in-school suspension) and/or
loss of parking privileges to MHS.
If the behavior has not changed after the 12th tardy, students may be given an
“Attendance Contract” and face administrative intervention ranging from detentions to
out-of-school suspension.
Making up work due to tardiness and unexcused absences is at the discretion of the
Detention Policy:
Students are expected to report to detention on their assigned date.
Any missed/unexcused detention absence will automatically result in two assigned
detentions to be served.
Students are expected to bring classwork or a book to read for detention. Cell phones or
personal electronic devices are not allowed.
Kevin McKenna
Eric Dziobak
Assistant Principal
Elizabeth Suminski
Assistant Principal
James Marszalek
Athletic Director
Milford Attendance Procedures
Late Pass – This is not an excused pass, student is either tardy or absent (on a typical school day
twenty five minutes or more is considered an absence) Pass is presented to teacher when entering
Excused Pass – Given to student by administrator, attendance is marked “Present”, Pass is
presented to teacher when entering class
Building Departure Pass – Given to a student when a parent requests an early release. All
Students require a departure pass if leaving before the end of the school day
Parking Lot Pass – given to a student visiting their car during school hours. Pass is returned to
the attendance office upon re-entry into the building
Students arriving late or departing early must stop at the attendance office and sign in or out
All Students arriving after 7:21a.m. must SIGN-IN at the attendance office and receive a late pass
All Students departing before 2:03p.m. must have parental permission, SIGN-OUT in the
attendance office and receive a departure pass
Failure to SIGN in or OUT will be an unexcused tardy or absence and will not be excused after the fact
All Students MUST have parental permission to depart during school hours
Students should sign out only when absolutely necessary and preferably during passing time to minimize
classroom interruptions (See “Bell Schedule”)
Kevin McKenna
Eric Dziobak
Assistant Principal
Elizabeth Suminski
Assistant Principal
James Marszalek
Athletic Director
Requests to excuse a late arrival or all day absence must be called in or received in writing within 24
hours of the incident to be excused
The “Sick Room” is only for those students who are sick or injured and waiting to be picked up by a
A completed Plan of Care (POC) must accompany ALL medication either Self-Administered or Office
Prescription medication must be in its original bottle
Over the counter medication must be UNOPENED in its original container
Completed POC’s can be faxed to us at 248-684-8094
Kevin McKenna
Eric Dziobak
Assistant Principal
Elizabeth Suminski
Assistant Principal
James Marszalek
Athletic Director