Mr. Louis Manuppelli, Principal
Mr. Gerald Perrone, Vice Principal
Mr. Joseph Ricciardelli, Director of Athletics
Student Name: _____________________________________________
Period 1 Teacher: __________________________________________
By electronically signing this page, you have acknowledged you and your parents/guardians
understand and comply with all the rules and regulations that govern NMHS.
Parent/Guardian Signature Student Signature
New Milford Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer. Employment is granted without regard to race,
color, creed or national origin. The Affirmative Action officer for the New Milford Board of Education is Mr.
Gerald Perrone, Vice Principal – New Milford High School (x2000).
The 504 Officer for the high school and middle school is Mrs. Mary Bilali, New Milford High School
(201) 262-0172 (ext. 2011)
The 504 Officer for the elementary schools is Mr. Timothy Coughlin, Vice Principal of David E. Owens Middle
School (201) 265-8661 (ext. 3000)
Returning students and parents/guardians should sign this form in the “Returning Student
Registration Page”
in PowerSchool. New enrollments will do so upon registration to NMHS.
NMHS 2021-2022
One Snyder Circle
New Milford, NJ 07646
(201) 262-0172
Fax (201) 262-4445
On occasion, we issue press releases or invite news media to promote news and events held at
school. Please review the media consent below.
Media Permission
I give permission for my child to appear in any newspaper, television program (news or any type
of educational program), or through the Internet (video, blog, article) originating from the New
Milford School District. The appearance could include name, photo, video, and/or resemblance. I
also grant permission for New Milford High School to publish educational content created by my
child (blogs, pictures, videos, etc.). It is understood that New Milford High School is not
responsible for inappropriate content posted by my child or another person on any social media
site that may be used in school (i.e. Flickr, YouTube, Blogs, etc.).
Student Name (please print): _______________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature _______________________________
Returning students and parents/guardians should sign this form in the
“Returning Student Registration Page”
in PowerSchool. New enrollments will
do so upon registration to NMHS.
NMHS 2021-2022
Dear Students and Parents:
It is a pleasure to welcome you to New Milford High School. This handbook/planner is designed to make
you aware of the educational opportunities available at New Milford High School and to highlight the
school’s policies and procedures. We have attempted to answer the most often asked questions. Please
read this handbook very carefully.
Our varied programs at New Milford High School offer many challenging and rewarding experiences. It
is our hope that each of you will work together with the faculty and staff to make these experiences
enjoyable and rewarding.
We wish you all the best for the new school year.
Mr. Louis Manuppelli Mr. Gerald Perrone
Principal Vice Principal
The New Milford Public School District provides relevant, innovative and rigorous educational
opportunities to students at all grade levels. The District is resolute in its attention to the development
of the whole child by providing a comprehensive range of experiences essential to building capacity for
independent and responsible living. The program is designed to prepare all students to meet or exceed
NJSLS, to think critically, master the challenges of life-long academic, cultural, social, economic,
emotional and professional advancement, as well as constructive participation as citizens in an
interdependent global society. The District embraces family and community as active partners in a
unified effort to develop students into self-directed, self-confident adults on their journeys to becoming
the next generations of entrepreneurs, builders, artists, designers, inventors, scientists, educators,
caregivers, protectors, workers and leaders.
NMHS 2021-2022
*Bell schedules will be revised if alternate in-person, remote/hybrid learning schedules are implemented.
The district calendar can be found at Any revisions to the calendar will be updated upon
Board of Education Approval.
NMHS 2021-2022
R4 (Reserve Day)
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Period 1
Period 3
Period 4
Period 1
Period 2
Period 4
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 6
Period 6
Period 7
Period 5
Period 7
Period 7
Period 5
Period 6
Period 5
Period 3
Period 4
Period 1
Period 2
Period 5
Period 7
Period 6
Half Day
Delayed Bell
Period 1
Period 1
Period 2
Period 2
Period 3
Period 3
Period 4
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Period 5
Period 7
Period 6
Period 7
Period “zero” begins at 7:10am.
Students arriving after 7:35am will be marked absent for the period.
All BOE policies in this handbook are subject to change/revision throughout the course of the school year,
including in-person, hybrid, and remote instruction and learning.
The state has mandated that attendance/absence regulations be instituted in all secondary schools (New Jersey State
Statute 18:38-25), and student attendance is addressed in Board of Education Policy #5200. Students must be
present a minimum of four (4) hours of instructional time in order to participate in any extra-curricular activity,
including practices and rehearsals. Exceptions to this policy, including early dismissals for reasons other than
illness, must have the Principal’s approval.
1. Board Policy #5200 states: …“absenteeism from a class for any reason beyond eighteen (18) classes
will result in a ‘no marks - no credit’ status in that subject for the entire school year. Absences count,
regardless of the reason, except that consecutive absences covered by a doctor’s note presented upon
the student’s return to school will count as a single (1) absence. All opportunity to make up work is
lost with absenteeism beyond eighteen (18) classes.” Additionally, students are allowed nine (9)
unexcused absences from semester courses and will lose credit upon the tenth day of absence.
2. Every three (3) tardies to a class will count as one (1) absence. Tardy halfway through a period will
count as an absence.
3. Students should be mindful that unauthorized absences from school (e.g. truancy and/or cuts) not only
count in this regulation, but also will be dealt with according to the discipline code.
4. Students are required to make up all work missed during absences from school.
5. For all absences, the parent/guardian should contact the attendance secretary for an explanation of the
reason for the absence. A parental note is required upon re-entry. These notes should include the date(s) of
the absence and the date of return.
6. Period “zero” begins at 7:10am. Students arriving after 7:35am will be marked absent for the period.
7. Continued absences/excessive tardiness may result in the loss of privileges, including senior privilege, at
the discretion of the administration.
8. Vacations should be scheduled to coincide with the school calendar. Vacation during the school year will
count as unexcused absences. Work will not be provided in advance of a vacation. There is no replacement
for direct instruction.
NMHS believes that technology plays an important role in enhancing the learning experience for our students.
NMHS has now migrated to 1:1 student chromebook use. These school-issued chromebooks are the primary use of
technology in the instructional setting. Students should have their chromebook with them in school each day and
fully charged before arriving to school. Issued chromebooks and chargers are the responsibility of the student and
parent while in their care and may be held responsible for damaged or lost items. Any chromebook or technology
issues should be emailed to [email protected]. “Mobile Learning Devices” (i.e., cell phones) can be used by
students during non-instructional time. The only other time phones may be used is for learning purposes at the
discretion of the teacher. ClassLink: All students can access a virtual desktop utilizing ClassLink
. The virtual
desktop can be accessed at by signing in a username, password and school code.
NMHS students and parents/guardians fully acknowledge that use of a personal device on the premises of New
Milford High School is subject to all guidelines, rules and regulations governing acceptable use as established by the
New Milford Public Schools Board of Education, Policy #2361 and Regulation R2361. It is further understood that
use of a personal device is restricted to those activities as required or related to the student's program of study and
any use otherwise may be subject to disciplinary action including loss of device use privileges. Students WILL NOT
access websites with inappropriate content using a 4G connection. Students and parents understand/agree that New
Milford High School is NOT responsible for any damage or theft that may occur to the laptop while on school
NMHS 2021-2022
By logging into the New Milford wireless network, they are accepting the terms of the New Milford Student
Responsible Use Guidelines. Once on the New Milford wireless network all users will have filtered Internet access
just as they would on a district-owned device.
Multiple discipline referrals, suspensions, or attendance violations will deny your son or daughter the ability to
attend the prom, dances, and any after school activity, at the administrators’ discretion.
The State of New Jersey supplies us with a list of approved religious holidays occurring on school days. Student
absences on these days will be excused if accompanied by a note from parent/guardian. This list of holidays is
available in the attendance office.
The school day begins at 8:00am. If a student is not present in class by 8:00am, he/she MUST report to the
attendance office to sign in. Late arrivals are disruptive to the educational process and detrimental to the student’s
learning. The following procedures will be implemented to ensure students arrive to school on time:
tardy during the school year – warning from Administration
tardy during the school year – extended detention
tardy during the school year and every 5
tardy thereafter – extended detention
Excessive tardiness may result in a parent conference, notification to the SRO, and may result in Saturday detention
or a suspension for acting in an openly defiant manner
(NJ 18A:37-1, 37-2).
Excessive tardiness may also result in the loss of Senior Privilege, the opportunity to participate in school activities
including trips, athletics, clubs, extracurricular, etc.
All students are required to present their school-issued photo I.D. upon entrance to the school. Staff is also required
to have their photo I.D. available. Lost or damaged cards MUST be replaced. A $5.00 fee will be assessed for
replacement of any lost, damaged or defaced card. In addition, detentions may be assigned. (See “discipline” for
related infractions.) I.D. cards must also be presented when requested by teachers or administrators.
In addition to monthly fire drills, the school will be conducting school security drills as per N.J.S. 18A:41-1.
Radio stations WOR (710 AM), WINS (1010 AM), WCBS (880 AM), and CABLEVISION CHANNEL 10 are the
official stations through which "no school" announcements are made between 6:15 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. If school will
not be open, there will be two blasts on the fire whistle sounded at 6:30, 7:00 and 7:30 a.m. Parents should not call
the school or police department since this only jams the switchboards during emergency situations. You may call the
New Milford Board of Education Office at 262-0172 between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. to obtain a recorded message. The
district utilizes an automated emergency closing phone service for parents. Families may also be notified via
School Messenger.
NMHS 2021-2022
If a decision is made to delay the opening of school, the district will activate the automated emergency call service.
School will start at 10:00 a.m. If weather conditions worsen during the early morning, A.M. radio stations WOR,
WINS, WCBS and Cablevision will announce that schools are closed for the day. If weather conditions worsen
during the school day, school may be dismissed early. Families may also be notified via School Messenger.
1. Students are welcome to use the Library before and after school, with a pass during the school day, or on
their own during a scheduled independent study/senior privilege period. As the Library is a resource center
for the whole school, users are expected to be respectful of others, to maintain a positive learning
environment and to be careful not to damage any of the furniture or library materials.
2. All students are encouraged to get a library card from the New Milford Public Library in order to access
their useful online resources and books.
3. Most books circulate for 28 days and periodicals for 14 days. It is the student’s responsibility to request
renewals before the due date.
4. A student may borrow library materials for him/herself only.
5. Overdue fines will NOT be charged on circulation items. The students will, however, not be allowed to
check out more materials until the overdue items have been returned.
6. Information about the Library is available on the district website ( through the high school
7. The Library’s computers are for educational purposes only.
8. A scheduled class has priority over individual student use.
9. Failure to comply with the Board of Education’s Acceptable Use Policy may result in withdrawal of
computer privileges and/or other disciplinary action.
10. All students are responsible for depositing their trash from their table and floor into the trash container at
the end of the lunch period.
11. Failure to comply with Library rules may result in withdrawal of the privilege to use the library
and/or other disciplinary action.
Parents/guardians are urged to make medical, dental and other appointments at times outside of school hours.
Should a need arise; a note written by the parent/guardian must be presented to the attendance secretary no later
than 8:00 a.m. on the day involved. The note should state: reason for the request, time the student must leave
school and name of the doctor or dentist so that the appointment may be verified.
The New Milford Board of education realizes that a pupil’s attendance at school may be contingent upon the
administration of medication prescribed by a licensed physician. The Board will permit such dispensation of
medication in accordance to N.J.S.A 18A:40-4.1. Before any medication may be administered to or by any student
during school hours, the Board of Education Policy #5530 requires the written request of the parent and the written
order of the prescribing physician. All medication, including over the counter types, must be stored in the nurse's
office and used as necessary with supervision by the nurse.
A student 18 years of age or older, is recognized as an adult in the State of New Jersey. In New Milford High
School, these students may:
1. Request permission to leave early in writing with a verified parent phone call to the Vice Principal before
8:00 a.m. It is not to be assumed that permission is automatically granted. Such requests should not exceed
one per marking period. Jurisdiction rests with the Vice Principal.
2. Review their official school records by following the established procedure.
NMHS 2021-2022
3. Submit written requests for change of address for correspondence.
A student 18 years of age or older must still obey school rules and regulations. Regardless of age, students
will be held accountable for grades, disciplinary sanctions, attendance and conduct in school.
If a student is injured anywhere in school, whether in curricular or extracurricular activities, the student must notify
the teacher involved and the school nurse as soon as possible so that an accident report can be filed.
The New Milford Board of Education is not liable, and may not provide insurance coverage for accidental injuries
that students sustain during the course of the school day. The Board is not responsible for injuries to pupils while
they are traveling to and from school. Students in New Milford High School are eligible for accident insurance by
filing an application distributed to them at the beginning of the school year and the payment of a fee. Parents who do
not participate in this program should depend on personal insurance policies to pay for medical expenses for injuries
in any school activity.
Security of personal property is the responsibility of each student. Students must use the locker assigned -
sharing lockers is prohibited. No other lock, aside from a school issued lock, may be used without
administrative approval. Lost or stolen locks must be paid for at a cost of $6.00. Although locks and lockers are
provided for each student, they are owned by the New Milford Board of Education and authorized personnel have
the legal right to inspect lockers. (BOE Policy #5770). N.J.S.A. 18A:36-19.2. The Principal or other officials
designated by the local Board of Education may inspect lockers or other storage facilities provided for use by
students. We are not responsible for items not locked away in lockers.
The Board of Education supplies each student with textbooks paid for with public tax money. Students are held
responsible for proper care of their materials. All books and materials must be returned at the end of the school year.
Failure to return books or pay fines may result in delays in access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal. In an attempt to
reduce wear and tear, all books should be covered.
Participation in extracurricular activities/clubs may be delayed if a student has outstanding obligations (e.g., lost or
damaged books, library fines, school property damage, not returning uniforms, etc.). Unfulfilled obligations may
result in delayed access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal. If there is an extenuating circumstance (i.e. financial
hardship) that does not allow for the fulfillment of an obligation, please contact the main office to discuss how the
matter may be resolved.
Students should not bring money or valuables to school. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Valuable items should not be left in lockers since we cannot assume responsibility for their security. All
personal belongings must be locked in each student’s own locker – both in hallway and gym locker. This has
become a special concern in the P.E. locker room area. Please see the administration for assistance on those rare
occasions when valuables or a larger amount of money must be brought to school. These items may then be stored in
the school safe.
NMHS 2021-2022
If a student finds a book, article of clothing, jewelry, money, etc., please bring it to the main office. An attempt will
be made to locate the rightful owner.
1. No student may bring a visitor to the school.
2. Adult visitors (e.g. parents, guest speakers, board members, salespersons, vendors, etc.) will only be admitted
with a previously arranged appointment.
3. All visitors must report to the main entrance window to sign in and receive a visitor's badge.
4. Unauthorized visitors may be prosecuted if they do not comply with posted signs and Board of
Education Policy #9l50.
5. Visitors must provide a valid driver’s license or acceptable I.D. that will be scanned through the use of our
LobbyGuard security system.
6. Students are not permitted to order or have food delivered to school.
*Guidance of visitor procedures during remote/hybrid learning will be posted and shared.
Improper behavior, including vulgar and/or abusive language, will not be tolerated. Failure to abide by the rules and
regulations may result in suspension of bus privileges and other disciplinary action. This applies to all buses
transporting N.M.H.S. students. All students and staff are required to use seatbelts and practice social distancing
throughout the duration of the trip.
Students may use their cars for transportation to and from school, but must park off school grounds. The school is in
no way responsible for damage to student automobiles, regardless of where parked. If your car is damaged, New
Milford police should be contacted. At no time are students to park in the faculty parking lots or in the “CVS”
parking lot. Cars parked in the “CVS” parking areas are subject to towing at students’ expense. Students violating
any of the above are subject to penalty as stated in the discipline code.
It is generally accepted that the dress code of young men and women contributes toward positive behavior and
attitude. The school has an obligation to encourage the proper standards of dress among students. Student dress and
grooming shall reflect appropriateness, cleanliness and safety within the classroom and at school activities. The
interpretation of this lies with the administration. Du-rags, headbands, bandanas, and hoods will not be carried
or worn in the school. Students wearing hooded sweatshirts may not wear the hood in school. Halter tops,
sheer outer clothing covering only undergarments, bare midriffs, cut-off sleeves, and oversized, revealing
tank tops are considered inappropriate dress. (Specifically, under garments may not be visible.) Clothing
and/or accessories that may be construed as gang-related are prohibited, as well as, chains attached to wallets
or other garments. Safe and appropriate footwear must be worn at all times (i.e. no sandals/flip flops without
backs). Shorts and skirts of appropriate length are permitted. Anti-religious, anti-racial, or obscene references are
prohibited. Clothing with alcohol, drug, or other inappropriate messages or advertisements is prohibited. The school
reserves the right to make the decision as to whether student attire is appropriate.
Procedures and rules have been established to allow all students to eat their lunch in a safe and orderly environment.
1. Failure to pay for food items will be considered grounds for discipline, including suspension, and notification to
the SRO.
2. Talking should be conducted at a normal conversational level. Loud talking, yelling or shouting is not
3. Throwing of food, containers, or objects of any kind will be considered a serious disciplinary matter and may
result in suspension.
4. All students are responsible for depositing their trash from their table, floor, or area into the trash container at the
end of the lunch period.
NMHS 2021-2022
5. Students are permitted to use the field outside the cafeteria and the courtyard area as long as supervision is
available and students remain in the line of sight (weather and availability permitting).
6. Vending machines are the property of Pomptonian food service. Please see the cafeteria staff for issues or
concerns regarding machines.
7. Portable speakers (i.e., Bluetooth) should not be used during unit lunch or at any time during the school day
without administration approval. Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.
During Flex period, students are encouraged to organize activities and should do so through the building
administration or designee. Students are also encouraged to seek extra help opportunities with teachers during this
period. NO students are permitted to leave the building during Flex period without administrative permission.
Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action. Portable speakers (i.e., Bluetooth) should not be used during
Flex or at any time during the school day without administration approval. Failure to comply may result in
disciplinary action. ALL students must attend homeroom prior to the start of Flex.
The senior lounge is located near the cafeteria and is restricted to SENIOR USE during instructional periods. The
use of the senior lounge is a privilege
Guidelines are:
1. The Senior Lounge will be open during instructional periods for students assigned a senior
privilege period.
2. Seniors must keep the room in a clean and orderly fashion (clean up debris, no graffiti, etc.).
3. They should do nothing to disturb nearby classes.
4. Any activity that could be construed to include gambling is expressly forbidden on school property.
5. Physically active games such as Frisbee and ball playing are not permitted.
6. Video games are accepted at the discretion of the administration. Volume must be kept at appropriate
level. Students must gain prior permission to use these items.
7. Administration reserves the right to close the senior lounge if the above rules are not abided by.
8. The lounge is open to all students during unit lunch and Flex periods.
Students have the right to discuss a grievance they might have concerning general rules and regulations established
by the school, administration and/or teachers. Grievances must follow the chain of command:
Classroom teacher
Department Chairperson/Athletic Director
Guidance, if applicable
Vice Principal
Superintendent of Schools
Board of Education
State law requires that every individual under the age of eighteen, who desires to work, must obtain working papers.
They may be obtained in the Main Office. The Principal is the issuing officer and is given the authority to
revoke working papers at any time should he/she feel employment interferes with good scholastic work.
A pupil who uses, possesses, or distributes a substance, on or off school premises, will be subject to discipline. The
Superintendent and/or designee will notify the appropriate law enforcement agency pursuant to N.J.A.C.
6A:16-6.3(a). Discipline may include suspension or expulsion. All students enrolled in the New Milford Public
Schools are FORBIDDEN to sell, use, or transfer any drugs or alcohol at any time while attending school, at a
NMHS 2021-2022
school function including field trips or on school property. When there is reason to suspect
that a student is selling,
transferring, possessing, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, that student will be subject to the following:
(1) The administration shall notify the parent or guardian, and the superintendent of schools, and shall arrange
for an immediate examination of the pupil by a doctor selected by the school or parent/guardian. The pupil
shall be examined as soon as possible for the purpose of diagnosing whether or not he/she is under such
influence. (18A:4OA-12)
(2) If a doctor is not immediately available, the pupil shall be taken to the emergency room of the nearest
hospital for examination accompanied by a member of the school staff and a parent or guardian of the pupil
if available
within 24 hours of the referral. N.J.A.C. 6A:16-4. (A) (6)
(3) If it is determined that the pupil is under the influence of a substance, the pupil shall not return to school
until the Principal receives a written report certifying that the pupil is physically and mentally able to
a. The pupil shall be interviewed by the Student Assistance Counselor to determine the extent of the pupil's drug
involvement and possible need for treatment.
b. If it is determined that the pupil's involvement with these substances represents a danger to the pupil's health
and well-being, the administration shall refer the pupil to an appropriate treatment program.
c. The Administration will assign the appropriate penalties as per Board of Education regulation #5530.
The New Milford Board of Education and administration recognizes that a pupil’s abuse of harmful substances
seriously impede that pupil’s education and threatens the welfare of the entire school community. The Board is
committed to the prevention of substance abuse and the rehabilitation of substance abusers by educational means,
but will take additional necessary and appropriate steps to protect the school community from harm and from
exposure to harmful substances. In keeping with its commitment to protect the students, staff and community
members from the harm of alcohol use and the deterrence of alcohol use, a passive alcohol detector (PASI) will be
utilized at select events. The PASI screening may be conducted before, during and after any extra-curricular
school-sponsored event, including, but not limited to: dances, proms/cotillions, class trips, overnight trips, or when
the building Principal or designee has reason to believe the use of alcohol by pupils may be present. A PASI will
only be used in accordance with the guidelines of this policy
As set forth in various Board of Education Polices and Regulations, and the State of New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill
of Rights, all forms of harassment, intimidation and bullying will not be tolerated (N.J.S.A.-18A:37-15.). This
policy will include consequences for acts of harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB) that occur both on and off
school grounds and include such acts as cyber-bullying (e.g., the use of electronic or wireless devices to harass,
intimidate, or bully). This policy complies with the provisions of N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.6, Conduct Away from School
Grounds, and the district’s code of pupil conduct, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1. Professional staff members will
be trained to identify and recognize harassment of all types (including: race, creed, color, national origin,
ancestry, age, marital status, affectional or sexual orientation, gender, religion, disability or socioeconomic
status). Disciplinary measures and appropriate counseling interventions will be imposed whenever cases of HIB are
reported. Visit the New Milford School District’s Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying web page for further
assistance regarding the district’s policy and procedures or contact New Milford School District’s Harassment,
Intimidation and Bullying Specialist.
The New Jersey School Integrated Pest Management Act of 2002 requires school districts to implement a school
integrated pest management policy that includes an IPM Plan. Refer to Board of Education Policy #7422 for more
NMHS 2021-2022
The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) requires schools to "ensure that workers and building
occupants, or their legal guardians, are informed at least once each school year about inspections, response actions,
and post-response action activities, including periodic re-inspection and surveillance activities that are planned or in
progress (763.84(c)). Such notification must be done in writing and a copy placed in the management plan.
Suggested notification methods may be through the publication of an article in a school district newsletter or through
a separate written notice distributed to staff and sent home to a student's parent or legal guardian. AHERA
Management is available for review in the District office. Please call ahead to view during normal operational hours,
8AM to 4PM Monday through Friday with the exception of holidays.
1) Detention - A.M. or P.M. detentions may be assigned for minor infractions. Missing an assigned detention
would result in penalties accorded any act of defiance and/or insubordination.
2) Lunch Detention – may be assigned at the discretion of the administration.
3) Extended Detention – “Extended Detention” may be assigned as a consequence for various infractions.
“Extended Detention” is a 60-, 90- or 120-minute session of supervised study to be held immediately after
school. Assigned students are required to be on time (no one will be admitted late) and to be prepared to
work on previously assigned schoolwork. A teacher is present at all times. NO speakers, headphones,
iPods, games, cell phones, food, beverages, etc. are permitted. Lavatory privileges are at the discretion of
the detention teacher. Any student who is disruptive will be removed from Extended Detention, and
will be suspended from school. Failure to attend Extended Detention may also result in suspension.
4) Saturday Detention – This 4-hour detention may be assigned as a consequence for severe or repeat
infractions in which extended detentions have not worked to deter negative behaviors or as an alternative to
suspension. Being tardy or failing to attend Saturday detention may result in suspension.
5) In-School Suspension - This action involves a suspension for a short duration of time, usually one day.
Parents are notified by the Vice Principal. Work will be assigned by both the Vice Principal and the
student’s teachers. All suspensions will require a parent/guardian conference prior to re-admittance.
6) Out-of-School Suspension – As a consequence for more serious infractions, this action involves a
suspension during which the student does not report to school. Upon return, students have the responsibility
to make up all work missed. All suspensions will require a parent/guardian conference prior to
7) Expulsion - An expulsion hearing may be conducted for students in very serious circumstances as outlined
in state laws and board policies.
*Multiple discipline referrals and/or suspensions may deny a student the ability to attend dances, school trips or
participation in any school activity, athletics and clubs, at the discretion of the administration.
1. Students who miss any of their assignments due to cutting, truancy, and/or lateness forfeit the option
of making up any work they missed, including announced or unannounced exams, tests or quizzes on
the day involved.
2. Responsibility for disproving accusations of misbehavior or cutting rests with the student.
3. Any student withdrawn from a course required for graduation must take it as a “new” course during the
summer session (repeating the course during the regular year may be an option).
4. Students who continue to commit infractions beyond the prescribed steps in the code will receive more
stringent disciplinary actions – an expulsion may be considered. Students with repeated disciplinary
NMHS 2021-2022
referrals from the same class may be temporarily or permanently excluded from class, as determined by the
5. Students who do not fulfill obligations for Extended Detention may be suspended as determined by the
6. An established due process procedure permits a student and/or parent to appeal to the next highest
a. if the student feels the offense does not warrant the punishment
b. if the duration of the suspension seems excessive
c. if there are extenuating circumstances to be taken into consideration
[The "chain of command" for an appeal must be followed: Teacher, Vice Principal, Principal, Superintendent of
Schools, Board of Education.]
These include assemblies, Flex assignments, homeroom and any other school activity scheduled during
the school day.
1 Extended Detention(s)/Written parental contact
2 In-school Suspension/Written parental contact
Required parent conference with guidance/administration
3 Suspension(s) - all subsequent cuts: multiple suspensions
Required parent conference
*3rd Cut in any one class will result in withdrawal from that course and a grade of WF (as per Board of
Education Regulation 5600).
Cell phone/devices may be used in the classroom at teacher/administration discretion. Cell phone use and
technology are intended to enhance the learning experience. Students not adhering to teacher direction may be
referred to administration. Failure to use cell phones or technology appropriately my result in:
1 Confiscated from student and returned at the end of the day with the assignment of a detention.
2 Confiscated from student and returned to Parent/Guardian with the assignment of a detention.
Any future infractions may result in additional disciplinary action, which may include Saturday detention,
suspension or loss of senior privileges.
Refusal to relinquish the phone or electronic device to the teacher or administrator will result in an automatic
Students are prohibited by State law and New Milford school policy from bringing any weapons into the school
building. Weapons may include guns, knives, incendiary devices, such as fireworks, sparklers, firecrackers and other
related products capable of inflicting bodily harm. Any student carrying or using a weapon will be immediately
suspended from school. When there is probable cause to believe that an offense has been committed, the police will
send an officer to the school to take custody of the weapon. It is understood and agreed that the New Milford Police
department will make an arrest of any student believed to be in the unlawful possession of a firearm or other
dangerous weapon. A formal complaint will be filed against a student in possession of a dangerous weapon and a
recommendation for expulsion will be sent to the Superintendent.
NMHS 2021-2022
Students are not permitted to possess or ignite fireworks anywhere on school grounds. Possession of fireworks is
illegal and will incur police involvement and immediate disciplinary action.
Any student who commits an assault (NJAC 18A:37-2.12), with or without a weapon, upon a teacher, administrator,
Board of Ed. member, or any other employee of the Board of Ed. acting in the performance of his/ her duties and in
a situation where his/her authority to act is apparent, shall be immediately suspended from school consistent with
procedural due process pending expulsion hearings before the Board of Education.
Sexual harassment between students can be any unwanted and uninvited behavior, words, gestures, threats, or
physical contact on a gender or sexual basis that results in physical harm or causes a person to feel uncomfortable,
unsafe, or threatened. Such actions include, but are not limited to: touching or grabbing; being the target of sexual
rumors; sexual comments about one’s body; comments about one’s gender; conversations that are too personal;
sexual pictures, photos, or drawings; “mooning” or “flashing”; verbal disrespect; dirty jokes; and obscene language.
When the Administration learns of such action they will initiate disciplinary action including required parent
conference, detention, suspension, and possible expulsion.
Please read the following New Jersey State Statutes. We adhere to these laws:
18A:37-1 Submission of Pupils to Authority
“Pupils in the public schools shall comply with the rules established in pursuance of law for the government of such
schools, pursue the prescribed course of study and submit to the authority of the teachers and others in
authority over them."
18A:37-2 Causes for Suspension or Expulsion of Pupils
"Any pupil who is guilty of continued and willful disobedience or of open defiance of the authority of any teacher
or person having authority over him or of the habitual use of profanity or obscene language, or who shall cut,
deface or otherwise injure any school property, shall be liable to punishment and to suspension or expulsion from
18A:37-3 Liability of Parents or Pupils for Damage to Property
"The parents or guardian of any pupil who shall injure any school property shall be liable for damages for the
amount of the injury to be collected by the Board of Education of the district and any court of competent
jurisdiction, together with costs of suit."
Board of Education Policy #5530 is in the process of revision. Updated policy will be included once Board
approval is granted
(Board of Education Policy #5530)
First Offense: One day in-school-suspension (with referral to Municipal Court for a possible fine).
Second Offense: Two day out-of-school-suspension (with referral to Municipal Court for a possible fine).
Additional Offenses: Multiple day out-of-school suspension (with referral to Municipal Court for a possible fine)
(Board of Education Policy #5530)
First Offense: Minimum of three (3) after school detentions.
Second Offense: Minimum of a one day in-school suspension
Additional Infractions: May result in multiple days of suspension.
NMHS 2021-2022
Penalties according to Board of Education Regulation #5530:
First offense: Parent conference
Mandatory counseling
Interviewed by the Student Assistance Coordinator
Extra-curricular ineligibility for ten (10) days of scheduled activities.
Mandatory four (4) day out of school suspension and one (1) day in school suspension
Loss of senior privilege of leaving the building
Police notification
Second offense: Parent conference
Mandatory counseling
Interviewed by the Student Assistance Coordinator
Extra-curricular ineligibility for one (1) calendar year
Mandatory ten (10) day out of school suspension
Loss of senior privilege of leaving the building
Police notification
Recommendation for expulsion
Additional Offenses: All subsequent offenses may include any of the above mentioned procedures, including
suspension, possible alternative school placement, and/or expulsion.
As per Board of Education Policy #5516, students are prohibited from using cell phones, unless granted permission
at the discretion of administration or a teacher. Students are also prohibited from utilizing portable speakers,
rollerblades, scooters, skateboards and hover boards in the school building. Students guilty of use or having any of
these items out or on will have the item taken away, as per disciplinary code. In addition, disciplinary action may be
Inappropriate conduct away from our campus, even when school is not in session, is of great concern. Such actions
include, but are not limited to, possession of a weapon, verbal or physical assault, or defiance of another school’s
staff member’s authority. When the administration learns of such actions occurring off-campus, they can
initiate disciplinary action including suspension(s)/expulsion(s) as if the action had taken place on our
school’s grounds.
Students are prohibited from loitering both inside and outside the building during non-school hours. Any student
guilty of loitering will be subject to detention and possible suspension for repeat offenses. Students are prohibited
from re-entering the building after school hours except when participating in a supervised, school-related activity.
The New Milford School District will not condone any form of academic dishonesty or misconduct, including
cheating, intentional or unintentional. Students are responsible for their own authentic work, and may not participate
in plagiarism, fabrication, deception, cheating, sabotage, impersonation or any other attempt to misrepresent their
own academic achievement or intellectual property. Academic dishonesty in ANY form is considered a serious
offense. NMHS administration will address academic dishonesty the way we discipline any other flagrant violation
of school rules or district policy, which may include suspension and a meeting with district administration. Parents
will be contacted. As an academic institution, meeting the learning objectives is a primary focus. Students will be
required to complete work, honestly
, under the supervision of a faculty member or assigned school official. Full
credit may not be awarded.
NMHS 2021-2022
In addition, the following offenses may result in detentions and/or suspensions. These include, but are not
limited to:
-Failure to check into homeroom or attendance office when required
-Use of profanity or obscene language/gestures
-Endangering the safety of self or others
-Vandalism/Causing damage to school property, includes I.D. card (suspension plus financial liability)
-Failure to properly display I.D. card
-Failure to follow school rules and regulations
-Failure to comply with the Board of Education Acceptable Computer Use Policy
-Sexual harassment
-Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
-Gambling (including possession of gambling implements such as dice or cards).
-Card playing during school is prohibited
-Possession of tobacco-related materials
-Possession of vapes, electronic cigarettes and similar type of objects
-Failure to comply with the dress code
Open Defiance and/or Suspension(s) as per New Jersey Title 18A
Fighting 1 Five day out-of-school suspension
(a formal police complaint may also be signed)
Dress Code 1 Student sent home for a clothing change or parent required to report to
school with new clothing
2 Extended detention issued
3 In-school suspension issued
Out of Building without 1 One day In-school Suspension
Permission 2 Up to a three-day Suspension
3 Three day Out-of-School Suspension
Truancy 1 Three Extended Detentions
(Required parent conference before student re-admitted)
2 One day In-School-Suspension
(Required parent conference before student re-admitted)
3 Multiple suspensions with possible referral to Superintendent and
“municipal court”
Lateness to Assignments 1 Verbal warning by teacher
2 One 1/2-hour detention assigned with teacher
3 Referred to Vice Principal for P.M. Detention and/or
Extended Detention
4 Extended Detentions or Suspension
NMHS 2021-2022
Course requirement sheets are published for all courses in the curriculum. These set: objectives, skills, work to be
covered, and evaluative criteria. Students receive these sheets during the first week of school.
The following grading and grade point system will be instituted for all New Milford High School students. This
weighting scale corresponds to course rigor and will be used to calculate GPA’s.
Student status will be determined by placement in a tiered system. For post-secondary institutions specifically
seeking the rank of an applicant or as a qualifier for a merit scholarship based on class standing, NMHS will
calculate the rank of an individual student upon documented request by the scholarship provider or institute of
higher learning. GPA is calculated at the end of the 6
and 7
high school semesters using NMHS’s Grading
System. Class standing at the end of the 7
semester of senior year is used to determine Valedictorian and
Salutatorian. However, if there is no clear distinction between student’s grade point averages to determine
Valedictorian and Salutatorian, the building administration reserves the right to re-evaluate student’s grade point
averages at a later date.
Report cards are posted online quarterly through the PowerSchool portal. Progress reports are also posted online
mid-way through each marking period. Academic progress can be accessed anytime during the school year using the
PowerSchool Parent Portal.
The honors system at the high school is one which rewards academic excellence and achievement. All subjects are
included in the computation of honors. The following are the scholastic criteria:
A. FIRST HONORS - A+ or A in all scheduled courses.
B. SECOND HONORS - B+ or better in all scheduled courses.
C. THIRD HONORS - B- or better in all scheduled courses.
Students with "incompletes" or withdrawals are ineligible for the honor roll in the marking period such conditions
existed. The student must carry the required subject load based on the scholastic program being pursued.
Determination of the students selected for the honor roll will be based on grades given at the conclusion of the
marking period.
NMHS 2021-2022
College Prep
Numerical Grade
97 – 100
93 - 96
90 - 92
87 - 89
83 - 86
80 - 82
77 - 79
73 - 76
70 - 72
65 - 69
< - 64
All students must fulfill the following curriculum requirements:
1. Four years of English, totaling 20 credits.
2. Three years of Mathematics, totaling 15 credits.
3. Two years of U.S. History, totaling 10 credits.
4. One year of Modern World History, totaling 5 credits.
5. Three years of Science, at least 5 credits in laboratory Biology, totaling 15 credits.
6. One year of physical education and health or safety education for each year of enrollment.
7. One course in World Languages (5 credits) + one course in Visual & Performing Arts (5 credits) + one course in
Century Life and Careers or Career-Technical Education (5 credits).
8. Personal Financial Literacy (2.5 credit course) integrated into designated 21
Century Life and Careers, Math and
Social Studies courses as outlined in the NMHS Program of Studies. Students can also fulfill the requirement by
taking the 2.5 Personal Financial Literacy stand-alone traditional or on-line course.
Students in grades 9-12 are enrolled in seven (7) or more classes each year. Students may not take fewer than six (6).
The minimum number of credits to be earned for placement in the succeeding grade’s homeroom: Ninth = 30, Tenth
= 60 (cumulative), Eleventh = 90 (cumulative).
If a class required for graduation is failed, it must be made up.
In addition, students must meet the following criteria:
1. Earn a minimum of 130 diploma credits.
2. Meet attendance requirements, as stated above.
3. Earn a qualifying score on the state mandated NJSLA assessments in ELA and Mathematics or
qualifying score on another standardized assessment (PSAT, SAT, Accuplacer, ACT and/or ASVAB) as
determined by the NJ State Department of Education.
ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY (Number of Credits Required)
Grade First Semester Second Semester
Grade 9 No Credit Requirement 15 (predicted)
Grade 10 30 (previous year) 15 (predicted)
Grade 11 30 (previous year) 15 (predicted)
Grade 12 30 (previous year) 15 (predicted)
ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY: At the Principal's discretion, a pupil who fails to observe school rules for pupil conduct
may forfeit his/her eligibility for participation in athletic competition. Students must be present a minimum of
four (4) hours of instructional time in order to participate in any extra-curricular activity including practices
and rehearsals.
NOTE: Any student assigned a suspension may NOT participate in any school activities for the duration of the
Cleora H. Stever National Honor Society - Sponsored by National Association of Secondary School Principals
and named after a former teacher and guidance counselor.
World Language Honor Societies - Sponsored by each National Language Association for those demonstrating
high achievement in Spanish, French and Mandarin Chinese.
Tri M Music Honor Society
Art Honor Society
International Thespian Society
NMHS 2021-2022
Membership in any of the honor societies is based upon a certain GPA and eligibility criteria. For specific details,
please see your Guidance Counselor or the Honor Society advisor.
a) Student must have Junior or Senior status. (Earned 70+ credits to date.)
b) Cumulative grade point average of 3.6.
c) Accumulation of at least five activity points (Must be non-credited, school activities. The student must have
participated for a full year prior to induction. Each activity is worth one point.)
d) A discipline record check of all eligible nominees will be conducted by the administration.
e) Adherence to the NMHS attendance policy which states: No more than 18 absences (excused or unexcused) the
year prior to induction.
f) Typed Statement of Intent (350-500 words).
The Faculty Committee and/or Principal reserve the right to deny admission to students with excessive lateness
(excused and/or non-excused) to school.
The Academy of Arts and Letters, the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Academy, and
the Academy for Global Leadership offer concentrated studies in student-driven, passion-led, college and career
explorations. The Academies @ NMHS cultivate emerging professionals who exhibit the knowledge, skill, character
and work ethic necessary for success in the global marketplace. Upon successful completion of 12 Academy credits
over a 3+ year period, students receive special Academy designation on their high school transcripts and diplomas.
Advanced Placement courses are college level courses for those who demonstrate aptitude, skills, interest and
superior achievement within a given subject discipline. The courses are offered in the English, Social Studies,
Mathematics, Science, World Language and the Art departments. In addition, students may elect to enroll in AP
courses not offered at NMHS. College credit for AP courses may be gained through the AP exam program. If a
student earns the required grade on an AP exam, he/she may receive college credit, thereby eliminating the need to
repeat that work in college and saving tuition costs. It should be noted that each college and university has its
own policy of awarding credits and/or advanced standing.
The cost for advanced placement tests will be paid by students registering for the test in accordance with AP
guidelines. As an incentive for students who sit for the exam to do well, the Board will reimburse students for
registration expenses if they score 3 or higher on the test. Test registration costs will be waived for eligible students
on the free and reduced lunch program.
AP Students may also elect to participate in the Middle College Program with Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Participation in the program will enable the student to earn three college credits upon successful completion of the
course. The cost for the program is borne by the parent/guardian. Please see your Guidance Counselor for additional
May be assigned by a teacher if failing a subject or if assistance is required, as per teacher recommendation. Failure
to attend E.H. can result in a conference with administration and/or parent/guardian notification. Please note, in
order to meet academic requirements, continued absences from requested extra help sessions may result in loss of
privileges, which may include Flex activities, extra-curricular participation, athletic eligibility, and senior privileges.
NMHS 2021-2022
Students who are experiencing academic, emotional, and/or social difficulties are referred to the Intervention and
Referral Services Committee (I&RS) by a professional staff member. Following a completed review of the student’s
profile, accommodations and/or strategies may be incorporated. In addition, the student may be referred to the Child
Study Team for evaluation.
A full continuum of alternative placements shall be available to meet the needs of students with disabilities ages
three through 21 for special education and related services. Educational program options shall include the following:
1. Resource programs shall offer individual and small group instruction to the students with disabilities.
Resource programs may be provided in a regular class or in a "pull-out" resource program. When a
resource program is provided, it shall be specified in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP).
In a replacement resource program, the regular education curriculum and the instructional strategies may be
modified based on the student’s IEP. The resource program teacher shall have primary instructional
responsibility for the student in the replacement resource program. In an in-class replacement resource
program, only a single content area shall be taught to the group. A student receiving an in-class
replacement program shall be included in activities such as group discussion, special projects, field trips
and other regular class activities as deemed appropriate in the student’s IEP.
2. A self-contained class in the New Milford Public School District with opportunities for mainstreaming, as
deemed appropriate in the student’s IEP.
3. A special education program in another local school district.
4. A special education program in a vocational and technical school.
5. A special education program in the following settings:
a. A county special services school district;
b. An educational services commission; and
c. A jointure commission
6. A private school for the disabled approved by the New Jersey Department of Education.
The Child Study Team is a branch of the educational system that exists to help students with special educational
needs. The Child Study Team consists of a learning consultant, a psychologist, and a social worker. Their purpose is
to work with students through interview, teacher/parent consultation, assessment and observation to determine
whether a child is eligible for special education and related services. The Child Study Team works closely with the
administration and staff to ensure the academic, social and emotional success of the students in our district.
CarePlus NJ
The New Milford School District believes in providing our student community with overall wellness and mental
health support. We have partnered with CarePlus NJ to create a school based program that is reflective of our
school's needs. Our CarePlus NJ school base team is making a positive impact in classrooms, schools, and our
community. CarePlus NJ's school based team aims to assist our school in overcoming some of the biggest challenges
surrounding mental, social and emotional health of students. The team offers support to our schools by providing a
wide-range of onsite services including counseling, care coordination, school clearance assessments, and access to
CarePlus’ full continuum of integrated care and social support services. We aim for the CarePlus school based team
not to be just in our community but rather a part of the community.
NMHS 2021-2022
A district certified Student Assistance Coordinator (SAC) is available through the New Milford School District to
assist students who may be experimenting with substances, are determined to be at-risk students, or students
experiencing social and/or emotional problems that hinder their ability to strive academically in school or who are
threatening the well-being of students, their families and community as a whole. The creation of the Student
Assistance Coordinator (SAC) position has been the most effective strategy to identify, address, and monitor
individual students as well as coordinate and oversee district prevention/intervention efforts. All contacts are kept
confidential. For further assistance, students may contact the SAC by placing a note in the mailbox located in the
main office or by calling directly at 201-262-0172 Ext. 2013.
NJSLA New Jersey Student Learning Assessment. All 9
, 10
and selected 11
graders will be assessed in Math
and Language Arts Literacy during the 2020-21 school year. Grade 11 students are required to participate
in the New Jersey State Learning Assessment - Science in the spring of their junior year.
PSAT/SAT/ACT The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT), the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), and ACT
are taken by students in grades 10, 11, and 12 on a voluntary basis. They are intended for those
who wish to pursue entrance to college. These contain assessments in Critical Reading,
Mathematics, Writing, and Science.
Each student meets with their counselor to review course offerings for the following year. During the last and first
full week of the school year, all requests for schedule changes can be made. Schedule changes will be discussed at a
required conference and will be considered only for the following reasons:
1. Recommendation by a teacher and/or Child Study Team member in consultation with the guidance
counselor that a change in ability grouping would be beneficial to the student.
2. In the judgment of the counselor the selection of the course is inappropriate due to final grades, lack of
prerequisites, or changes resulting from summer school attendance.
There are three levels of courses at New Milford High School; College Prep, Honors and Advanced Placement.
Teachers recommendation courses and course levels for students currently enrolled in their courses for the following
school year mid-January. Students who request to advance a level have the right to waive into the higher course
level even if they were not recommended. However, in order to waive into a higher level course without a teacher
recommendation, the student’s parent/guardian must schedule a conference with the student’s guidance counselor in
order to discuss the implications of waiving into advanced courses before approval is granted.
A student desiring to leave school must obtain a withdrawal form from the Guidance Office. The administrators,
guidance counselors, teachers, librarian, nurse, etc. must sign this form. All books must be returned and outstanding
obligations must be satisfied before the release of school records.
As per Board of Education Policy #2320, students wishing to advance in a program of study offered in the high
school may be approved for an independent study. An application can be submitted through
. The
terms of the application must be negotiated with a faculty advisor, and all completed forms must be submitted to the
BOE for approval. Credit will only be granted upon successful completion.
NMHS 2021-2022
OPTION 2 (Physical Education Waiver)
An approved substitution for Physical Education class set by the New Milford Board of Education (Policy #2425).
This waiver will be considered for any athlete only during the approved season of play or any student participating
in an approved off-campus activity.
The school district maintains student records mandated by the State of New Jersey:
l. Personal data including: name, address, date of birth, names of parent/guardian, citizenship, and gender; daily
attendance and health; grades in all subjects.
2. Permissible records include: test scores, rank in class, co-curricular activities, transcript of courses, health
records, etc. A copy of the official permanent record, located in the guidance office may be requested by a
parent/guardian or student if the student is at least 18 years old.
The following special programs are offered for deserving students:
1. New Jersey Boys State – Junior students are selected as scholarship recipients to attend this citizenship
institute in late June. (Sponsored by the local Elks Lodge and American Legion Post)
2. Girls Career Institute – Junior students are selected as scholarship recipients to attend this citizenship
institute in late June. (Sponsored by the New Milford Women’s Club.)
3. Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar (HOBY) - A tenth grade student is selected to attend this
seminar. (Sponsored by the New Milford High School PTO).
All students are encouraged to participate in a wide variety of extra-curricular and co-curricular programs, clubs and
teams. Below, you will find a fairly thorough listing. Clubs and activities are added /dropped based on participation.
Art Club Environmental
Band Honor Societies (Art, French, Music, Spanish, Mandarin, International Thespian)
BUDDY Math League
Business Club Model U.N.
Community Service Club Mural Club
Dance NM Speaks Out
Debate/Mock Trial Team Peer Leadership
Drama Club Stage Crew
Emerald (Yearbook) Student Council
Engineering TED Club
Ensemble Unstoppable
*clubs are subject to change
New Milford High School, in accordance with the Bergen PAC, offers an independent dance program for all
students. The program takes place after school hours. Information with regard to requirements can be found in the
NMHS Athletic Office.
NMHS 2021-2022
Coaches are responsible for team selection. Criteria for selection are established by the coaching staff and may be a
highly subjective process. Team selection, practices, and decisions regarding game situations and playing time are
the responsibility of the coaching staff. Please understand that when your child signs up for a team, there is a
possibility he/she may not be selected if a squad reduction is necessary, or they may not be placed where you or they
think they should; i.e. freshman, JV or varsity. Starting positions and playing time are not guaranteed, regardless of
grade level. These decisions are up to the coaches’ discretion. As has been done at times in the past, parents and
players sometimes honor current seniors in a particular sport during pre-game and/or post-game ceremonies. It is
important to understand that although the contributions, efforts, and dedication put forth by our athletes is something
to be appreciated, it does not guarantee that the senior athlete will be provided playing time during this game.
Appropriate concerns for parents to discuss with coaches may include: the treatment of your child, ways to help your
child improve, concern about your child’s attitude, and academic support and college opportunities. Issues not
appropriate to discuss with coaches and administration include playing time, team strategy, and other student
athletes. Please do not attempt to confront a coach before or after a contest or practice. If you feel it is necessary to
speak with a coach, call to set up an appointment. Refer to the Athletic Office for further information.
The New Milford Board of Education believes that interscholastic sports are an important part of the school program
and will recognize the achievements of student-athletes who give many hours of their time in their district athletic
program, as per Board of Education Policy #5450.
Proper sportsmanship should be reflected by spectators as well as players, no matter what feelings of loyalty one
may have. All parents/guardians must sign off on the Board policy for sportsmanship, as per NJSIAA. Any student,
athlete, spectator and/or parent who does not adhere to the policy will be subject to dismissal and/or suspension from
school-related events. Please contact the Athletic Office with any questions or for further information.
1. Noisemakers and temporary signs are prohibited in the gym.
2. Courtesy of silence should be extended when our team or opponents are shooting a foul and when
cheerleaders are performing.
3. Applause should be encouraged for appreciation of efforts of participants, whether they are players or
4. Kicking and stomping on the bleachers is prohibited.
5. Spectators directing abusive or irritating remarks or cheers towards officials, opposing players, or
opposing spectators will be removed and will be suspended from all future athletic events. (Board of
Education Policy #9160.)
*Please note that during hybrid/remote learning, attendance at events may be restricted.
NMHS 2021-2022
Girls Soccer
Girls Basketball
Girls Softball
Boys Soccer
Boys Basketball
Boys Baseball
Girls Tennis
Girls Indoor Track
Boys Tennis
Cross Country
Boys Indoor Track
Girls Volleyball
Girls Outdoor Track
Boys Outdoor Track
Swimming (co-op)
Ice Hockey (co-op)