Section: Students
Subject: Attendance AR-5113
Administrative Regulation
Milford Public Schools
Milford, CT
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Regular attendance is an integral part of the overall learning experience, involving all members of
the home, school and community. The Milford Board of Education recognizes that daily classroom
participation is an essential component of the learning process; classroom time directly influences
student achievement.
I. Absence
An absence for a regular school day is one in which a student is absent for at least half of the
regular school day.
Period Absence
A period absence is defined as a student not attending an assigned class, but is present at his/her
school for the day.
Cutting Class
Cutting class is defined as a student not attending an assigned class and not having permission or
an excusable reason to be absent from a class (pass, in-school scheduled appointment, or
administrative excuse), but is present at his/her school for the day.
Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic absenteeism is an identifying factor in academic success. A student is considered
chronically absent when their absences, both excused and unexcused, are above 10% of the
scheduled amount of school days.
II. Excused and Unexcused Absences
For the purposes of school attendance and class participation, there is no distinction between
“excused” and “unexcused” absences. You must be present to participate in learning. For state
reporting of absent rates, and truancy; the definitions of Excused and Unexcused absences
existing within this policy will be used.
III. Parent Notifications
Attendance Concern Notification
When a student misses class there is a significant impact to their learning. Although missed
work is given, discussions and classroom experiences cannot be replicated. Notices of student
attendance concerns and notices of intervention may be sent at any time during the year.
Loss of Credit (High School)
Students will lose a portion of or all credit in a course when daily absences or period absences for
a class total:
Ten (10) absences, daily and/or period, for a half-year course,
Section: Students
Subject: Attendance AR-5113
Administrative Regulation
Milford Public Schools
Milford, CT
Page 2 of 3
Twenty (20) absences, daily and/or period, for a full-year course.
For a half-year course, notification to parents will be made at three (3), five (5) and seven (7)
absences through a guidance counselor phone call and notification letter with discussions
regarding some or all of the following:
Attendance plan or the review of an existing attendance plan with scheduled follow-up
and progress monitoring,
Additional intervention strategies,
Recommendation to Attendance Review Committee.
Upon the tenth (10) absence the following will occur:
Letter regarding loss of credit sent to parent(s) or guardian(s) from the principal or
Parent phone call from Guidance to arrange meeting regarding next steps after loss of
For a full year course, notification to parents will be made at five (5), ten (10) and fifteen (15)
absences through a guidance counselor phone call and notification letter with discussions
regarding some or all of the following:
Attendance plan or the review of an existing attendance plan with scheduled follow-up
and progress monitoring,
Additional intervention strategies,
Recommendation to Attendance Review Committee.
Upon the twentieth (20) absence the following will occur:
Letter regarding loss of credit sent to parent(s) or guardian(s) from the principal or
Parent phone call from Guidance to arrange meeting regarding next steps after loss of
In the event that a student passes the course despite a loss of credit, the following will apply:
The course will not be awarded any credit.
The student may progress to the next course in the sequence (with the exception of
Algebra, Civics and American History).
The course grade will not be factored into the student’s GPA.
School Approved Absences, 504 plans and health plans
School approved absences do not count against students for the purposes of accumulation;
however, makeup work is expected to be completed as per the attendance policy. School
approved absences consist of:
School sponsored field trips with documentation from school staff
Section: Students
Subject: Attendance AR-5113
Administrative Regulation
Milford Public Schools
Milford, CT
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Nurse/Medical dismissal
Guidance Meeting (noted in PowerSchool)
Court appearance with corresponding documentation
College visits (one for junior year, one for senior year) with documentation
Special permission for “Exceptional Education Experience” for example; meeting with
the U.S. President or participating in an Olympic competition.
Parents with children that have a need for special accommodations due to health related issues,
chronic illness, or circumstances that will directly impact attendance are expected to contact their
child’s guidance counselor or school nurse to discuss the viability of a 504 plan or a health plan.
Appeals Process
Students who have lost credit will have an opportunity to have credit reinstated by writing a
request for an appeal within ten (10) days of loss of credit notice. A student’s decision to appeal
must take into consideration the student’s total attendance record. Students with significant
unexcused and undocumented (especially class cuts) absences, chronic absences, or absences
which fall into patterns will weaken the student’s appeal. Students wishing to appeal must follow
the appeals procedure. If students do not have valid reasons for appealing loss of credit, they
should contact their counselor to identify what options are available.
Appeals Board
It is composed of a teacher, administrator and guidance counselor.
It hears the student’s case and makes a decision on whether to reinstate credit.
The decision of the Appeals Board is final.
A student must appear in person before the Appeals Board, failure to do so will be an
automatic denial of restoration of credit.
Class Cutting Following Loss of Credit
Students, who flagrantly disregard the intent of the Milford Public Schools Attendance Policy
and continue to cut class/classes after a loss of credit, may be removed from that class with a
final grade of Withdrawn Failure (WF). The administrator responsible for the student, after
consultation with the teacher, will determine under what circumstances this action will be taken.
Regulation Approved: October 27, 2014
Elizabeth E. Feser, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools