Introduction to Computer Science with MakeCode for Minecraft
Lesson 9: Artificial Intelligence
In this chapter, we’ll dive into the popular field of Artificial Intelligence, or AI”. From driverless
cars, to robots who beat humans at Chess and Jeopardy, the field of artificial intelligence is one
of the most exciting and promising areas of computer science. The art and science of crafting
programs that mimic, and even surpass human intelligence, is tremendously important. But
there are also some ethical questions, and fears when it comes to AI. There have been many
science fiction books and futuristic movies made about machines and robots that take over the
world (i.e. The Terminator, The Matrix, etc.)
IBM’s Deep Blue computer was the first computer to beat a
human at chess in 1997 Deep Blue defeated the World
Chess Champion Garry Kasparov. There was a documentary
film called Game Over: Kasparov and the Machine that was
made about this match.
Here are some good prompts to start a class discussion around Artificial Intelligence:
1. What are some criteria you would use to classify a computer as “intelligent”?
o There is no one definition, but researchers agree on some common traits:
Ability to make ‘smart’ decisions
Ability to learn and increase knowledge
Ability to imitate humans (language/speech, vision/image recognition)
o The computer scientist, Alan Turing invented the “Turing Test” that was an effort to
create a test that would determine if a machine was intelligent
2. What are some things that computers could do if we had better AI programs?
o Some examples: diagnose diseases, drive our cars, fly airplanes, order groceries for
us, do our laundry, be our personal translator when we travel, do our banking and
money management, etc.
3. If a computer is intelligent, does that mean it has its own consciousness, meaning, is it self-
o AI doesn’t necessarily mean that a computer can feel, or that it has its own
personality. However, many researchers have been studying whether there are
robot rights” that we need to be aware of.
4. What are some fears that humans have about AI? How real do you think these fears are?
o Some examples: robots will take away all human jobs, computers will become
smarter than humans and humans will become their slaves, AI robots “cyborgs” will
become an enhanced race of humans
Side bar: Artificial Intelligence Research
Companies like Microsoft are investing in Artificial Intelligence Research. Ofer Dekel is an AI
Researcher at Microsoft who focuses on a field of AI called “Machine Learning”. Here are
some of his thoughts.
What are the kinds of AI research you do in your job at Microsoft?
What is the most rewarding part of your work?
How did you get involved in artificial intelligence? What were your favorite subjects in school?
What advice do you have for students who are interested in coding and computer science?
Unplugged activity: Paper AI
Tell the students that they are going to play a game that they are probably all so familiar with
that they may have stopped playing it altogether because it’s not a challenge anymore. It’s Tic-
Have the students pair with a classmate and play a few rounds of tic-tac-toe. They usually
enjoy this since for most of them it has been a while since they’ve played.
Ask the students how much they thought about the decisions they were making while they
playeddecisions about where to place their mark next and how their decisions may change
depending on the other player’s moves. For most students, since they are so familiar with
the game, they feel like they aren’t thinking too much about their moves.
Have them play a few more rounds of tic-tac-toe, but this time be aware of their thinking.
Why are they making the moves that they are, and how do their opponent’s moves affect
their moves?
Ask them to share some of the thinking that went into deciding where to place their next
Challenge them to come up with a list of rules/strategies that anyone could follow to win at
tic-tac-toe. Tell them they can use if-else structures to describe their rules. What they’re
writing is pseudocode… a mix of English and code.
To get them going with their list of rules, as a class, have them suggest a rule for the very
first move. Most will say, if the center spot is open, place your mark in the center spot.
Ask them to think about their next move, and then the one after that... continuing their list of
rules/strategies until they think their rules would help anyone win every time.
This is usually where the students realize just how much thinking actually goes into their
decision making. This activity really challenges most students, even those that thought at
first it would be easy!
Have each student swap their finished list of rules with their classmate and play a few more
rounds of tic-tac-toe against each other. The important difference in these rounds is that
each student must use only the set of rules written by their classmate to determine their next
move. They may not use their own rules or strategies. They enjoy this activity and they begin
to realize more about the game and what it takes to write rules that result in a win every
Ask them to imagine what it takes to program a computer to play checkers or chess!
Optional challenge: Write a list of rules/strategies to play a connect four in a row type game.
Try it out with a classmate.
Tic-Tac-Toe game
Pseudo-code Rules of Tic-Tac-Toe
Here are some Sample AI rules for Tic-Tac-Toe:
Move 0: Place your mark in the center.
Move 1:
o If opponent places their mark adjacent to center, then place your next mark in a
o Else place your mark adjacent to center.
Move 2:
o If there are two of your marks in a row, column, or diagonal and the third space in
that row, column, or diagonal is an empty space, place your mark there for the win.
o Else, place your mark in the other corner.
Move 3 and beyond:
o If there are two of your marks in a row, column, or diagonal and the third space in
that row, column, or diagonal is an empty space, place your mark there for the win.
o Else, if your opponent has two of their marks in a row, column, or diagonal and the
third space in that row, column, or diagonal is an empty space, place your mark there
for the block.
o Else, go in any empty space.
Activity: Maze Generation
Learning how to read and learning how to write go hand in hand. It is good practice to look at
other people’s programs, and try to read and understand how they work, in order to become
better at writing code yourself. For this activity, instead of writing code, we will explore an
existing program for creating a maze.
Launch Minecraft and create a new Flat world in creative mode
You can use the Blocks of Grass
template in Minecraft: Education Edition
In Minecraft Windows 10, create a New World and
set Game Mode to Creative, and World Type to Flat
Open MakeCode in the Code Connection app
Select the Import button in MakeCode
Select the Import URL card
Paste this URL in the text box:
Give the Agent some stone in its inventory, in the upper left inventory slot
Type the command “maze” in the chat window to see the program run
Now let’s look at the code, and in a separate document, do your best to answer the following
questions about this part of the program:
1. Describe what the Fill With block does.
2. Why do we Place a block of Air at ~0 ~0 ~0?
3. Why do you think we set Agent destroy obstacles to false?
4. What is the difference between the two Teleport commands?
1. The Fill With stone block creates a 10 x 10 block of stone around the Player’s location. The
Agent will carve the maze out of this stone.
2. The Agent starts at the center of the block and carves out, so first we teleport the Agent to
the Player’s coordinates, then place a block of air at that spot.
3. We set Destroy obstacles to false because we don’t want the Agent to destroy the blocks in
front of it until we have a chance to inspect them. This helps us determine whether we are in
an existing maze pathway or not.
4. The first teleport block teleports the Agent to the Player’s location, which is at the center of
the maze. The second teleport block teleports the Player to a spot five blocks above the
maze, for a bird’s-eye view.
Answer the following questions about this section of code:
1. What is the purpose of the “shuffle” function?
2. What is the “dirs” variable?
3. Why do we use two different index variables “index” and “index2”?
4. What is the purpose of the temp variable?
1. The “shuffle” function creates an array of directions and then shuffles them to create a
random order of directions. This will create a random, meandering path through the maze.
2. The “dirs” variable is meant to specify a direction. It holds an array with the directions
forward, left and right.
3. The index and index2 variables each specify a random element of the dirs array. The code
then swaps those two values in the array to ‘shuffle’ them.
4. In order to properly swap two values, we need a third temporary variable to store one of
them while we copy the other one over.
Maze generation algorithms are a popular programming exercise because there are as many
different approaches as there are types of mazes! It’s also fun to see the maze as it’s being
created. The maze generation routine we are using here is adapted from an algorithm called
“recursive backtracking”.
Here is the pseudocode:
Shuffle the array:
Create an array of three directions
Randomize their order
For each value in the array:
If it’s left, turn left
If it’s right, turn right
If there’s a wall in front of us (empty
on the other side), preserve the wall
If there’s no wall in front of us, dig a
path forward (recursively by calling
the same function “dig”)
Back up 2 spaces
Turn back to original direction
The main idea is that the Agent will continue to carve an erratic path through the solid block
until it reaches a blank space, trying not to destroy walls between passages. Notice that at the
very end it calls the same function again in order to restart the maze carving. This is a special
form of iteration known as recursion.
Optional Extension:
Pass in a parameter corresponding to the side length of the maze so that the Builder creates a
maze of any size you want.
The Agent still gets stuck from time to time. Try to modify the main maze generating code to
improve the algorithm.
Activity: Maze Pathfinding
Now let’s teach the Agent how to navigate a maze on its own. Rather than giving the Agent a
set series of directional commands to solve one particular maze, we are going to need to use
conditional statements to teach the Agent how to find its through any maze, intelligently.
We will need a maze to start out with. You can either use the maze generation program above,
and have the Agent create a maze for you, or you can create your own maze (which is lots of
fun, too!) The Agent will need to know when it has successfully completed the maze, so figure
out a starting point and an ending point, and place a redstone block underneath the ending
point. We’ll have the Agent stop when it detects redstone under its feet.
The Algorithm
In any maze or labyrinth, you can always find your way out by following one wall consistently.
You may not find the most direct way out, but you will always come out on the other side. In a
Minecraft maze, this basically means always turn left whenever you can, and when you reach a
dead end, turn around. So, our simple maze following algorithm looks like:
As long as you aren’t standing on redstone:
o If there is no block to the left of you, turn left and move forward.
o Otherwise, if there is no block in front of you, move forward.
o Otherwise, if there is no block to the right of you, turn right and move forward.
o Otherwise, turn around and move forward.
Try to code this on your own before following the steps below if you get stuck.
1. Create a new MakeCode project called “Pathfinder
2. Rename the existing On chat command block to “maze”
We’ll put the whole algorithm in a while loop, which means do this as long as you aren’t
standing on redstone.
3. From the Loops Toolbox drawer, drag a While loop under the On chat command block
4. From the Logic Toolbox drawer, a Not block into the While loop replacing the true block
5. From the Agent Toolbox drawer, drag an Agent Detect block into the Not block
6. In the Agent Detect block, use the drop-down menu to select ‘redstone’ as the type of block
to detect
7. In the Agent Detect block, use the drop-down menu to select ‘down’ as the direction
This essentially means that while we don’t detect Redstone beneath us, we will run the following
code. Next, we’ll check to see if there is a path open to the left and if so, turn left and move
8. From the Logic Toolbox drawer, drag an If then else block into the While loop
9. From the Logic Toolbox drawer, drag a Not block into the If then conditional slot replacing
the true block
10. From the Agent Toolbox drawer, drag an Agent Detect block into the Not block
11. In the Agent Detect block, use the drop-down menu to select ‘left’ as the direction to look
If the Agent doesn’t detect a block to its left, then we want the Agent to turn left and move
12. From the Agent Toolbox drawer, drag an Agent turn, and an Agent move block into the If
then clause of our conditional block
Now we need to add 2 more conditions to check forward and to the right of the Agent.
13. Click the Plus (+) sign at the bottom of the If then else block twice, to add 2 more ‘Else if
14. Right-click on the Not block in the first If then conditional slot, and select Duplicate do this
twice to create two more Not Agent Detect conditions
15. Drop these Not Agent Detect conditions into the two additional Else if slots
16. In the first of these Not Agent Detect blocks, use the drop-down menu to select ‘forward’ as
the direction to check
17. In the second Not Agent Detect block, use the drop-down menu to select ‘right’ as the
direction to check
If the Agent doesn’t detect a block in front of it, then we should simply move the Agent forward.
18. From the Agent Toolbox drawer, drag an Agent move block into the first Else if clause
If the Agent doesn’t detect a block to its right, then we should turn the Agent right and move
19. From the Agent Toolbox drawer, drag an Agent turn, and an Agent move block into the
second Else if clause
20. In the Agent turn block, use the drop-down menu to select ‘right’ as the direction to turn
Finally, if the Agent is at a dead-end (none of the three directions are open), we want her to turn
around and head back in the opposite direction.
21. From the Agent Toolbox drawer, drag the following 3 blocks into the last Else clause: 2
Agent turn blocks, and an Agent move block
If the Agent detects Redstone, it will know it has reached the finish, so you can even have it run
a chat command “dance” and do a happy dance at the end of the maze! Feel free to reuse the
code from the Dance Dance Agent activity in Lesson 5 Iteration.
Final program:
player.onChat("maze", function () {
while (!(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Redstone,
SixDirection.Down))) {
if (!(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Block,
SixDirection.Left))) {
agent.move(SixDirection.Forward, 1)
} else if (!(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Block,
SixDirection.Forward))) {
agent.move(SixDirection.Forward, 1)
} else if (!(agent.detect(AgentDetection.Block,
SixDirection.Right))) {
agent.move(SixDirection.Forward, 1)
} else {
agent.move(SixDirection.Forward, 1)
player.onChat("dance", function () {
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
agent.move(SixDirection.Left, 1)
agent.move(SixDirection.Right, 1)
agent.move(SixDirection.Right, 1)
agent.move(SixDirection.Left, 1)
Shared Program:
Paired Independent Project: Build an AI
For an independent project, now it’s your turn to work with another student to teach the Agent
or the Builder to intelligently adapt to the Minecraft environment. You can use conditional
statements to allow the Agent or the Builder to evaluate its environment and make its own
decisions accordingly.
For certain tasks, you may want to use the Builder instead of the Agent because the Builder is
faster and can save its current position. However, the Builder is also invisible, so it can be
difficult to see exactly what it is doing while it is working.
Pair Brainstorm:
First, sit with your partner and brainstorm about five or six common tasks in Minecraft that
might be automated. Here are some ideas as a starting point:
Finding temples
Finding villages
Finding dungeons
Harvesting mature wheat
Harvesting tall sugar canes
Finding the way out of a cave
You and your partner should pick two different tasks from your list that would require the Agent
or the Builder to evaluate its environment and react differently. Try to write out, in pseudocode,
what the steps would be to accomplish each task.
Here is one example, for finding jungle temples. The Builder will fly over the treetops and
examine a given search area beneath the tree line until it finds moss stone above ground, which
is likely to be the site of a jungle temple. This is similar to the tree cover-penetrating radar that
archaeologists use to find real temples in the Amazon!
Create a variable for steps
Create a variable for turns
Teleport the Builder to my position
Ascend to 20 blocks above my position
While a test for moss stone in an area between 20 and 15 blocks below the Builder is
o Change the number of steps by 1
o If the number of steps is greater than the search area:
Alternate turning right or left based on the value of turns
Reset steps to zero
Flip the value of turns (i.e., if it’s true, make it false, and vice versa.)
o Move forward to search a new area
If you have found moss stone, report your current position since moss stone above ground
level is the likely spot of a jungle temple.
You can use a similar algorithm for finding strongholds or dungeons. It is a good idea to have
the Builder report its position every so often (using a Say block) so you have an idea of where it
is and what it is doing.
As a pair, decide which one of these tasks seems the most promising, and then go ahead and
build it in MakeCode. Be sure to test it out and make adjustments as necessary!
Minecraft Diary
Compose a diary entry addressing the following:
What Minecraft problem did you decide to solve? What does your program do?
Describe how your AI figures out how to perform the task or solve the problem
Discuss one (or more) ways that working with a partner was different from just doing the
project by yourself.
Describe one point where you got stuck. Then discuss how you figured it out.
Include at least one screenshot of your program in action.
Share your project to the web and include the URL here.
NOTE: If you decided to improve one of this lesson’s activities, please talk about the new code
you wrote in addition to what was already provided in the lesson.
Diary entry is
missing 4 or
more of the
Diary entry is
missing 2 or
3 of the
Diary entry
is missing 1
of the
addresses all
Builder never
its assigned
its assigned
task some of
the time and
in some
its assigned
task most of
the time in
its assigned
task in all
s all the
Project code
is greatly
solves a
problem but
execution of
the task is
or inefficient.
solves a
solves a
CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards
Identify factors that distinguish humans from machines.
Recognize that computers model intelligent behavior. (Examples: computer opponents in
gaming, speech and language recognition, robotics, computer animation of real world
(Resource: The CS Standards Crosswalk with CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards for
State/District/Course Standards
Additional CSTA Standards:
CL.L2-03 Collaborate with peers, experts, and others using collaborative practices such as
pair programming, working in project teams, and participating in group active learning
CL.L2-04 Exhibit dispositions necessary for collaboration: providing useful feedback,
integrating feedback, understanding and accepting multiple perspectives, socialization.
CL.L3A-01 Work in a team to design and develop a software artifact.
K-12 Computer Science Framework Core concept: Control Structures
CT.L2-12 - Use abstraction to decompose a problem into sub problems
CPP.L1:6-05 - Construct a program as a set of step-by-step instructions to be acted out
CPP.L1:6-06 - Implement problem solutions using a block-based visual programming
NGSS 3-5-ETS1-2 - Generate and compare multiple possible solutions to a problem
based on how well each is likely to meet the criteria and constraints of the problem