A guidance document on
Policy Intersections, Considerations and Recommendations
© 2024 Minnesota State System Office
Minnesota State is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator.
Document Information
Version: 1.0
Original Publication Date: March 4, 2024
Updated: --
Questions regarding the format or substance of this document may be directed to Stephen
Kelly at
This guidance document is a product of the Minnesota State System Office and made possible
through the contributions of a multidivisional team of professionals.
Academic and Student Affairs
Stephen Kelly
Project Manager NextGen Student
Educational Development and Technology
Kim Lynch
Associate Vice Chancellor for Educational
Development and Technology
Educational Development and Technology
Scott Wojtanowski
System Director for Educational Technology
and Development
Educational Development and Technology
Gary Hunter
System Director for Policy, Procedure, and
Intellectual Property
Student Affairs and Enrollment
Catherine Ford
Program Director for Educational
Educational Development and Technology
Office of the General Counsel
Daniel McCabe
Assistant General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Information Technology
Adam Barker
Director of M365 Services
Infrastructure Services and Operations
Mari Payton
Director of Engineering and Data
Enterprise Applications
Jim Nelson
Security Risk Analyst
Information Security
Human Resources
Paul Guillaume
HR Data Reporting Analyst
Human Resources
Office of Equity and Inclusion
Tarnjeet Kang
Director of Equity Assessment
Office of Equity and Inclusion
With additional contributions from:
Ashley Atteberry
Associate Compliance Officer
Civil Rights / Title IX Compliance
Cover Image Credit: OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT Plus + DALL-E 3 (Jan 30 version) [Large language model].
1 | About These Guidelines ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 | Background......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 | Statement of Intent ............................................................................................................ 1
1.3 | Document Updates ............................................................................................................ 1
1.4 | Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 1
2 | Existing Policies and Generative Artificial Intelligence ............................................................. 3
2.1 | Board Policy 3.26 Intellectual Property ............................................................................. 3
2.2 | Board Policy 3.27 Copyrights ............................................................................................. 3
2.3 | System Procedure 3.27.1 Copyright Clearance .................................................................. 3
2.4 | System Procedure 5.22.1 Acceptable Use of Computers and Information Technology
Resources .................................................................................................................................... 3
2.5 | Operating Instruction Data Security Classification .............................................. 4
2.6 | Operating Instruction Information Security Controls .......................................... 4
3 | Considerations and Recommendations .................................................................................... 5
3.1 | User Responsibility ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2 | Inappropriate Use of Generative AI ................................................................................... 5
3.2.1 | Academic Dishonesty .................................................................................................. 5
3.2.2 | Harmful Use and Misconduct...................................................................................... 6
3.3 | Syllabus Statements ........................................................................................................... 6
3.3.1 | Types of Syllabus Statements...................................................................................... 6
3.3.2 | Complementing a Syllabus Statement ........................................................................ 7
3.4 | Detecting the Use of Generative AI ................................................................................... 7
3.4.1 | AI Detection Software ................................................................................................. 8
3.4.2 | Benchmark Writing Samples ....................................................................................... 8
3.4.3 | Presence of Inaccuracies and/or Inconsistencies ....................................................... 8
3.5 | Proofreading Generative AI Outputs ................................................................................. 9
3.6 | Recognizing Bias and Inappropriate Content Generation ............................................... 10
3.7 | Ethical Considerations ...................................................................................................... 10
3.7.1 | Referencing / Citing Generative AI ............................................................................ 10
3.7.2 | Validation of Generated Data ................................................................................... 10
3.7.3 | Anonymization of Sensitive Data .............................................................................. 10
3.7.4 | Accessibility Compliance ........................................................................................... 10
3.7.5 | Required Use of Generative AI Services .................................................................... 10
3.8 | Equity Considerations ...................................................................................................... 11
4 | Procurement Process for AI Services ...................................................................................... 12
4.1 | Authorized Generative AI Services ................................................................................... 12
4.1.1 | Microsoft Copilot ...................................................................................................... 12
4.1.2 | Zoom AI Companion (aka Assistant) ......................................................................... 13
4.1.3 | Adobe Firefly ............................................................................................................. 13
5 | Learn More About Generative AI ............................................................................................ 14
5.1 | More Guidance Information ............................................................................................ 14
5.2 | Minnesota State Resources .............................................................................................. 14
5.3 | Free Learning Resources .................................................................................................. 14
5.4 | Free Classroom Materials................................................................................................. 14
Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions ....................................................................................... i
Appendix B: Practices to Complement Syllabus Statements .......................................................... iii
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 1
1.1 | Background
Generative artificial intelligence (AI)
services like ChatGPT are changing higher
education in unprecedented ways. Faculty,
staff, and students are asking important
questions regarding the acceptable use of
these services and are looking to campus
leaders for guidance. Many of these
questions are in turn directed to the
Minnesota State system office.
In September 2023 system office
representatives from Academic and Student
Affairs, Information Technology, the Office
of General Counsel, Human Resources, and
the Office of Equity and Inclusion gathered
to discuss the impact of generative AI on
higher education and the acceptable use of
generative AI services in the system. The
group reviewed existing policies and
guidelines from institutions outside the
Minnesota State system, reviewed existing
board policies and system procedures for
applicability, and from there, developed an
outline of guidance items based on
questions from faculty, staff, and
administrators in the system. This guidance
document is the result of that effort.
1.2 | Statement of Intent
This document provides guidance on the
acceptable use of generative AI services.
Campuses may use this document to inform
the development of local policies and
guidelines tailored to their campus
community. This document clarifies the
applicability of existing board policies,
system procedures, and operating
CSRC Topics | artificial intelligence. (2023, July 20). National
Institute for Standards and Technology. Retrieved Nov. 20, 2023
instructions, but is not itself a board policy,
system procedure, or operating instruction.
This document does not introduce any new
Campuses should use an equity lens to
evaluate their existing local policies and
practices for applicability and to further
clarify the parameters of acceptable
generative AI use.
The Minnesota State system office
encourages the responsible exploration and
ethical use of generative AI services. In
situations where this document does not
provide guidance to specific questions
about generative artificial intelligence,
persons are encouraged to contact system
office representatives for further guidance
through the Minnesota State Service Portal.
1.3 | Document Updates
This document will be updated periodically
in response to future events that impact the
accuracy of the information herein.
The most recent version of this document is
available on the Educational Development
and Technology webpage at
1.4 | Definitions
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
A branch of computer science devoted to
developing data processing systems that
perform functions normally associated with
human intelligence, such as reasoning,
learning, and self-improvement.
Examples: auto-captioning in Zoom,
predictive text in Microsoft Word, auto-
correct in text messaging, content
recommendations on YouTube or Facebook
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 2
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence models that can
generate high-quality text, images, and
other content based on the data they were
trained on.
Examples: chatbots, image generators,
video generators
Large Language Models
Large language models (LLMs) are deep
learning algorithms that can recognize,
summarize, translate, predict, and generate
content using very large datasets.
models underpin generative artificial
intelligence services.
Examples: GPT-4, PaLM 2, Claude 2
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Any cloud-based or client-side artificial
intelligence software, tool, or access point
that generates text, images, and other
content from user prompts.
Examples: ChatGPT, Google Gemini, Claude
AI, Midjourney, Microsoft Copilot
Any employee or student of Minnesota
State Colleges and Universities using
computers or information technology
services for academic or business activities.
Sensitive Data
Data that is classified as highly restricted or
restricted in accordance with Operating
Instruction Data Security
What is Generative AI?. (2023, April 20). IBM Research Blog.
Retrieved Nov. 20, 2023 from
Nvidia. (n.d.) What are Large Language Models. Retrieved Nov.
20, 2023 from
Bias (in generative AI)
Bias is a disproportionate weigh in favor of
or against an idea or thing, usually in a way
that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or
Bias often appears in generative AI
outputs due to the perpetuation of bias
reflected in a model’s training data or the
bias reflected in a user’s prompt.
1: “A Distinguished Business Person.” An example of bias
in generative AI image generation. Microsoft. (2024)
Copilot with DALL-E 3 [Large language model].
Minnesota State Terms of Equity and Inclusion. (2023, October
18). Minnesota State Office of Equity and Inclusion. Retrieved
February 5, 2024 from
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 3
2.1 | Board Policy 3.26 Intellectual
Board Policy 3.26 provides guidance related
to the ownership and management of
intellectual property rights within
Minnesota State. Ownership of content
created using generative AI is presently
unsettled at the federal level; however, the
U.S. Copyright Office is currently gathering
information from stakeholders and the
public related to, among other things, the
intersection of intellectual property
ownership and the outputs of generative AI
The outputs of generative AI services are
presently not subject to Board Policy 3.26
since the U.S. Copyright Office has
designated all outputs from generative AI
services as public domain.
Collections of generative AI content that
include components of human authorship
may be subject to limited intellectual
property protections.
Employees and
student are encouraged to connect with the
System Director for Policy, Procedure, and
Intellectual Property with questions
regarding potential ownership of
2.2 | Board Policy 3.27 Copyrights
Board Policy 3.27 provides guidance related
to the use of copyrighted works to further
Copyright Office Issues Notice of Inquiry on Copyright and
Artificial Intelligence. (2023, August 30). U.S. Copyright Office.
Retrieved November 20, 2023 from
Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material
Generated by Artificial
Intelligence. (2023, March 16). U.S.
teaching, research, and public service at
Minnesota State colleges and universities.
Employees and students should refrain
from using copyrighted works as prompts
(in whole or in part) when using generative
AI services, except in circumstances where
express permission is provided from the
copyright holder, or alternatively, a clear
application of fair use or the TEACH Act is
2.3 | System Procedure 3.27.1
Copyright Clearance
Employees and students who intend to use
copyrighted (or potentially copyrighted)
materials in conjunction with generative AI
services should clear the copyright of said
materials in accordance with System
Procedure 3.27.1.
2.4 | System Procedure 5.22.1
Acceptable Use of Computers and
Information Technology Resources
System Procedure 5.22.1 applies to all users
of system information technology, which
may include generative AI services. The
procedure requires users to comply with all
applicable board policies, system
procedures, laws and regulations including
the Minnesota Government Data Practices
Act (MGDPA) and the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). As the title
implies, Acceptable Use of Computers and
Information Technology Resources
addresses proper and improper use of
information technology that is used for
academic or business activities.
Copyright Office. Retrieved November 20, 2023 from
Re: Zarya of the Dawn (Registration # VAu001480196). (2023,
February 21). U.S. Copyright Office. Retrieved November 20, 2023
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 4
2.5 | Operating Instruction
Data Security Classification
Minnesota State has established three (3)
data classification levels consistent with the
MGDPA. The classification levels are highly
restricted, restricted, and low. Classifying
Minnesota State data elements, including
student and academic records, provides the
foundation to identify and apply security
controls commensurate with the
classification level. Some examples of highly
restricted, restricted and low data elements
found in the Operating Instruction
Data Security List include:
Highly RestrictedSocial Security
Numbers, personal health/medical
information, banking, or credit card
information, etc.
RestrictedStudent grades, transcripts,
class schedule, employee personal
contact information, individual
demographics including age, race,
ethnicity, gender, etc.
LowData that by law is available to
the public upon request.
Providing or using highly restricted or
restricted data in any third-party
application or service, including generative
AI services, requires a contractual
agreement with the third party that
ensures adherence to data security and
data sharing protocols. These agreements
are subject to review by the Minnesota
State Office of General Counsel (or
alternatively, the Attorney General’s Office)
to ensure terms and conditions adhere to
applicable system policies and state/federal
Third party agreements are also subject to a
data security review from the Information
Technology division of the Minnesota State
system office. This includes conducting a
risk assessment of the third-party service
and reviewing contractual clauses with the
vendor to ensure Minnesota State data is
properly protected from unauthorized
exposure and cybersecurity attacks.
Questions related to data security reviews
may be directed to your local campus IT
department. Questions related to the
review of contractual agreements, terms
and conditions may be directed to the
Office of General Counsel.
2.6 | Operating Instruction
Information Security Controls
Operating Instruction defines the
security controls that are required to
protect Minnesota State data assets.
Requirements apply to enterprise systems
hosted by Minnesota State, campus-based
systems, and systems hosted by third
parties, including third parties that provide
generative AI services. Users accessing
generative AI services should consult their
designated campus information security
representative to clarify acceptable data
use parameters. The Office of General
Counsel or the Attorney General’s Office
can further assist with ensuring proper
Terms and Conditions are included in
generative AI contracts or end user license
agreements, including those agreements
that are open-source or zero cost.
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 5
3.1 | User Responsibility
Users are responsible for their use of
generative AI services when accessing these
services using institution or system
resources. Acceptable use is in part defined
by the terms set forth in Procedure 5.22.1,
Part 4 Responsibilities of All Users.
Institutions may further define acceptable
use of generative AI services in accordance
with local policies and procedures.
Inappropriate use of generative AI services
is subject to applicable system and
institutional policies, including but not
limited to System Procedure 5.22.1, student
codes of conduct, and course syllabus
3.2 | Inappropriate Use of
Generative AI
Student Use
In accordance with Board Policy 3.6 Student
Conduct, institutions shall establish a
student code of conduct. Institutions may
choose to further define the acceptable use
of generative AI services within their
student code of conduct. The student code
of conduct may clarify how the institution
addresses cases of inappropriate use,
academic dishonesty, and their associated
resolution processes.
Faculty should also consider including a
syllabus statement defining acceptable use
of generative AI services in their course. For
further guidance on syllabus statements,
see section 3.3 Syllabus Statements.
Employee Use
Institutions should communicate
expectations and parameters for employee
use of generative AI services. These
expectations and parameters should be
informed by applicable system policies and
procedures (as identified in this document)
along with campus policies related to
employee conduct.
3.2.1 | Academic Dishonesty
Submitting the outputs from generative AI
as one’s own work in the absence of proper
citation is plagiarism. Student use of
generative AI that violates the academic
expectations set forth in an institution’s
student code of conduct or a course
syllabus may constitute academic
Whether a particular use of generative AI
constitutes academic dishonesty is
contingent upon the acceptable use
parameters established in a course syllabus.
For instance, students using generative AI
to complete a multiple-choice examination
may constitute academic dishonesty in one
course, but the same use may not
constitute academic dishonesty in another
course where a faculty member permits the
use of generative AI in assessments.
Similarly, a faculty member may not permit
any use of generative AI for essay writing in
one course, but that same faculty member
may permit the use of generative AI in
another course as an ideation or
developmental tool for essay writing.
As a final example, a faculty member may
not permit the inclusion of verbatim
outputs from generative AI in assignments
for one course, but that same faculty
member may permit properly cited
verbatim outputs from generative AI in
another course.
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 6
3.2.2 | Harmful Use and Misconduct
Generative AI services allow everyone to
create large quantities of images, audio,
and videos, and these can be used to create
deep fakes or to impersonate the likeness
of others in realistic ways. This increases
the potential for inappropriate use
appearing in the form of harmful pranks,
harassment, disinformation, and
misinformation. The Federal Bureau of
Investigation has noted a marked increase
in the number of reported incidents of
explicit content and sextortion using
generative AI.
Creating and/or disseminating the above
forms of AI generated content can be
harmful regardless of intent, and
institutions should evaluate every report of
harmful use within the scope of current
policies, including the Equal Opportunity
and Nondiscrimination in Employment and
Education (1B.1) Policy and the Sexual
Violence (1B.3, Title IX Sexual Harassment)
Policy. Institutions should consider the
information reported, conduct a close
analysis of what may be AI generated
materials, and weigh the potential impact
on campus community members.
Faculty, staff, and students should report
the harmful use of generative AI (and any
associated misconduct) to the appropriate
campus official(s) in charge of addressing
Federal Bureau of Investigation. (2023, June 5). Malicious Actors
Manipulating Photos and Videos to Create Explicit Content and
Sextortion Schemes. Public Service Announcement.
Guidry, K. (2023). Syllabi policies for AI Generative Tools. Google
2:"Pope in a Puffer Jacket." An example of deep fake
imagery. Midjourney. (2023). Midjourney (version 5).
3.3 | Syllabus Statements
The degree to which students are permitted
to use generative AI services to complete
course work may be specified on a course
3.3.1 | Types of Syllabus Statements
This section includes statements that
instructors are welcome to use in their
syllabus. These statements may be used in
part or in their entirety. Instructors are
encouraged to specify practices in their
syllabus that are congruent with their
course learning outcomes. The following
texts are adapted from the University of
Delaware and shared using a Creative
Commons license.
Considerations for Using Artificial
Intelligence in this Course
You should note that all large language
models still tend to make up incorrect facts
and fake citations. Artificial intelligence
models tend to produce inaccurate outputs,
and image generation models can
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 7
occasionally come up with highly offensive
products. You will be responsible for any
inaccurate, biased, offensive, or otherwise
unethical content you submit regardless of
whether it originally comes from you or an
AI tool. This syllabus includes the course
assignments and the degree to which you
may use artificial intelligence to complete
the corresponding assignment.
Practice 1: Prohibited
All work submitted during this course must
be your own. Contributions from anyone or
anything else, including AI sources, must be
properly quoted and cited every time they
are used. Failure to do so violates the
institution's academic misconduct/integrity
policy. Any allegations of academic
misconduct will be adjudicated using the
process outlined in the institution’s student
Practice 2: Prescribed
There are situations and contexts within this
course where students will be permitted to
use generative AI tools to explore how they
can be used to complete course work. Any
student work submitted using generative AI
tools should clearly indicate what work is
the student’s work and what part is
generated by the AI. Any allegations of
academic misconduct will be adjudicated
using the process outlined in the
institution’s student handbook.
Outside of those instances that are
permitted, students are discouraged from
using generative AI tools to generate
content (text, video, audio, images) that will
end up in any student work (assignments,
activities, responses, etc.) that is used to
assess student learning.
Any allegations of academic misconduct will
be adjudicated using the process outlined in
the institution’s student handbook.
Practice 3: Open
Within this class, you are welcome to use
artificial intelligence tools in a totally
unrestricted fashion, for any purpose. Any
student work submitted using generative AI
tools should clearly indicate what work is
the student’s work and what part is
generated by the AI.
3.3.2 | Complementing a Syllabus
A syllabus statement can be a starting point
for adopting practices that complement the
acceptable use of generative AI in a course,
and faculty across Minnesota State are
actively experimenting with new practices.
Appendix B of this document contains a
growing list of practices from faculty in the
system. These practices are shared for
academic, experimental, and inspirational
purposes. These practices may not be
effective in every learning environment and
faculty should carefully evaluate each for
potential fit.
Faculty are invited to submit their practices
to the system office for potential inclusion
in this document. Contact Stephen Kelly at for more
3.4 | Detecting the Use of
Generative AI
Generative AI services can generate content
that is difficult to distinguish from human
created content. This can make detecting
the use of generative AI services difficult.
Educators are searching for a singular
solution that will make detecting the use of
generative AI in academic work easy.
Unfortunately, no singular solution exists,
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 8
and due to the stochastic nature of
generative AI, there is no guarantee one will
ever emerge.
There are steps educators can take to
better detect the use of uncited generative
AI content while continuing to provide a
supportive and welcoming learning
environment for students. These steps
involve engaging students directly in
discussions about the acceptable use of AI
and the importance of referencing sources
in their work. The triangulation of multiple
indicators of generative AI use is
recommended. Educators are encouraged
to consider and explore the following
approaches to generative AI detection
alongside any methods or approaches
already in place.
3.4.1 | AI Detection Software
Since the release of generative AI services
like ChatGPT, individual developers and
companies have rushed to create tools to
detect the outputs of generative AI. The
makers of these tools boast accuracy levels
of up to 99% when used to detect writing
created by artificial intelligence.
selection of these service providers include
TurnItIn, Copyleaks, GPTZero, and
Originality AI.
Performance testing of AI detection tools
demonstrates a propensity for false positive
outcomes across the industry.
detection tools have also exhibited biased
performance when analyzing text written
by non-native English writers, with one
Desaire, H., Chua, A.E., Isom, M. et. al. (2023). Distinguishing
academic science writing from humans or ChatGPT with over 99%
accuracy using off-the-shelf machine learning tools. Cell Reports
Physical Science 4, 6.
Elkhatat, A.M., Elsaid, K. & Almeer, S. (2023). Evaluating the
efficacy of AI content detection tools in differentiating between
human and AI-generated text. Int J Educ Integr 19, 17.
noteworthy study demonstrating a false
positive rate of 61.3%.
For these reasons,
educators should carefully consider use of
these tools in the analysis of student work.
The Minnesota State system office does not
recommend the use of AI detection tools as
singular indicators of plagiarism.
3.4.2 | Benchmark Writing Samples
Obtaining a benchmark writing sample from
a student can be a helpful comparative tool
when attempting to detect the use of
generative AI in academic writing. There are
a variety of ways to attain a benchmark
writing sample.
For example, one approach is to provide a
short essay question in the first weeks of a
course focused on a topic of great personal
interest to a student. This essay should
encourage a student to pull from their
personal experience and tap into their
interests, hobbies, and ambitions. This
essay question may reference course topics,
but it can also stand alone. If the class
meets in person, students can be asked to
write the essay while in class to add an
additional layer of ensured authenticity.
3.4.3 | Presence of Inaccuracies and/or
Generative AI services such as ChatGPT can
“hallucinate” in circumstances where the
user does not provide specific operating
instructions. These hallucinations typically
appear as outputs containing inaccurate
information or nonsense. The presence of
this information can be an indicator of
Sadasivan, V.S., Kumar, A., Balasubramanian, S., et. al. (2023).
Can AI-Generated Text be Reliably Detected?. Retrieved
November 22, 2023, from
Liang, W., Yuksekgonul, M., Mao, Y., et. al. (2023). GPT
detectors are biased against non-native English writers. Patterns
4, 7.
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 9
generative AI use, but educators should
take care not to confuse generative AI
hallucinations with a student’s authentic
(but uninformed) response.
3.5 | Proofreading Generative AI
Generative AI services can produce
inaccurate, misleading, or nonsensical
content. These are commonly referred to as
“hallucinations.” The developers of these
services are actively taking steps to mitigate
the generation of inaccurate content,
however, there is no indication that
developers will be able to eliminate the
generation of inaccurate content anytime
To mitigate the impact of inaccurate
outputs, users of generative AI services may
consider the following approaches:
1. Manually review and verify the veracity
of all outputs. Do not assume accuracy.
2. Use generative AI services that provide
citations to the information provided in
outputs (e.g., Copilot from Microsoft).
Validate these citations.
3. When using generative AI services for
reasoning tasks (such as arithmetic), try
approaches like “chain-of-thought”
prompting to encourage more accurate
4. Apply an equity lens when crafting
inputs (prompts) to reduce the
probability of inappropriate outputs.
Apply the same lens to the analysis of
3 An example of a hallucination. OpenAI. (February 2024). ChatGPT (version 3.5). [Large language model]. Inspired by “Why AI Is Incredibly Smart and Shockingly Stupid.” A presentation by computer scientist
Dr. Yejin Choi.
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 10
3.6 | Recognizing Bias and
Inappropriate Content Generation
Large Language Models (the foundation of
generative AI services) are informed by
training data. This training data comes in
the form of text, and this text is pulled from
a variety of sources including books,
journals, newspapers, and much more. The
largest amount of text comes from internet
websites like Wikipedia and Reddit, as well
as data sets like Common Crawl. Because
generative AI services from American
companies are trained on text that is
representative of western cultural values,
norms, beliefs, and customs, the outputs
produced by the services are often
reflective of western-centric viewpoints.
Furthermore, these services may produce
outputs reflective of deeper societal biases
related to concepts of gender, race,
ethnicity, and other aspects of diversity.
Providers of generative AI services are
taking steps to mitigate the potential for
harmful outputs, especially those that are
offensive or disrespectful to persons
belonging to specific groups that have
historically been minoritized and are not
reflected positively or proportionally in
training data. Despite these efforts,
generative AI services still hold the
potential to produce harmful outputs. It is
important for faculty, staff, and students to
recognize the bias inherent in training data,
and to be aware of the potential for
unpredictability in outputs. Users should be
prepared to encounter inappropriate
outputs and report them to the provider of
the generative AI service accordingly.
3.7 | Ethical Considerations
3.7.1 | Referencing / Citing Generative AI
Users should always cite their use of
generative AI services in academic and
professional work consistent with standards
set forth by the American Psychological
Association (APA), the Chicago Manual of
Style, the Modern Language Association
(MLA), and similar guiding organizations.
3.7.2 | Validation of Generated Data
Users should independently validate the
outputs of generative AI services for
accuracy and fidelity to fact, especially in
circumstances where generated material
may be presented in a slidedeck, report,
application, or any other format where
observers may rely on the information for
business, academics, or research.
3.7.3 | Anonymization of Sensitive Data
In circumstances where a contract may
provide authorized use of sensitive data,
users should consider practices that protect
the subject of the data when using
generative AI services. This could include
practices such as anonymizing data and/or
restricting data access to specific roles.
3.7.4 | Accessibility Compliance
Generative AI services like ChatGPT may not
be fully accessible for those who utilize
assistive technology. Educators should be
aware of these limitations and the obstacles
they may create, and further be prepared
to pursue reasonable accommodations for
persons using assistive technology. Users
are encouraged to connect with their
campus access center for assistance.
3.7.5 | Required Use of Generative AI
There may be circumstances where users
are asked or required to use generative AI
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 11
services for academics or business. It is
important to remember that generative AI
services typically use clickthrough
agreements as service gateways.
Educators cannot compel students to enter
into a contract, such as terms of use or an
end user license agreement. If a student
refuses to sign or “clickthrough” such a
contract, alternative course materials that
allow the objecting student to participate in
the course must be provided.
Faculty are encouraged to clearly note any
required use of generative AI services in
their course descriptions and course
syllabus. Students can then make an
informed enrollment decision based on the
required use.
Supervisors should consider the perspective
of employees in circumstances where the
use of a generative AI service is required.
3.8 | Equity Considerations
Equity Lens for Policy Review
Policies developed by Minnesota State
institutions to guide the use of generative
AI services should apply an equity lens to
the policy review process. This includes the
formation of a policy review team to:
assess the purpose of the policy.
assess who it aims to benefit and
who is left out.
uncover assumptions.
ensure that equity considerations
are intentional.
Policy makers are encouraged to consult
with their Campus Diversity Officer (CDO)
and/or the Office of Equity and Inclusion at
the system office for further guidance.
Equity Lens in Other Contexts
Generative AI services can support
assessments that evaluate diversity, equity,
and inclusion trends in higher education,
but when conducting statistical analyses,
researchers should control bias and
inaccuracies through the careful validation
of outputs.
Artificial intelligence can also be used to
generate audio transcriptions. This
functionality is available in select enterprise
tools in Minnesota State, including Kaltura
Mediaspace, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams.
The training data used to create these tools
typically favors “western” accents and may
not perform well in diverse participant
groups. Users are encouraged to test and
validate all transcription outputs.
Researchers are exploring the use of
generative AI in data collection and data
analysis processes. Some common use
cases include creating survey questions or
using AI to code qualitative data.
Researchers should be mindful that these
kinds of uses can embed bias into the
design of research studies, and appropriate
steps to review and validate all training and
output data from AI (while using an equity
lens) is highly recommended.
Further guidance on applying an equity lens
when conducting assessments can be
obtained from the Office of Equity and
Inclusion at the system office.
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 12
Purchasing and use of generative AI services
must follow all Minnesota State standard
procurement processes including legal,
security and contract review. This includes
zero cost services that are often obtained
via online clickthrough agreements. For
many of these ‘free’ services, the subscriber
is required to accept all terms and
conditions by clicking on an “Agree” button
to gain access to the service. System
Procedure 5.14.5 Part 3, Purchasing states:
Purchases must be prepared on forms
approved by the system office to assure that
they include all state-required contract
language. Any modifications of forms
approved by the system office or the use of
a non-system office form requires the
review by system legal counsel.
Users are encouraged to contact their
campus IT department for procurement
guidance. The system office will provide
procurement support to campuses pursuing
generative AI services for academic and
business use.
4.1 | Authorized Generative AI
4.1.1 | Microsoft Copilot
The Minnesota State Microsoft 365
agreement authorizes the use of generative
AI services that Microsoft Corporation
officially provides.
Microsoft offers a suite of generative AI
services all organized under their brand
product Copilot. The Copilot ecosystem is
built upon foundational models from
OpenAI like GPT-4 and DALL-E 3. Microsoft
offers a mix of free, individual subscription,
and enterprise licensed Copilot solutions
across their client-based and cloud-based
software systems. For employees and
students, this means some Copilot
technology may be free to access (e.g., other
Copilot technology may require a
subscription (e.g. Microsoft 365 Copilot,
Copilot for PowerBI, Copilot Studio, etc.),
and others still may be available through
the system’s Office 365 licensing agreement
(e.g. Copilot with commercial data
Contact your campus IT department to
learn more about which Copilot services
might be available to you through the
system office or through your institution.
Copilot (Standard)
Copilot (formerly Bing Chat Enterprise) is
available in the Microsoft Edge sidebar, the
Windows operating system, and at This is a
web-based AI chat tool that is built on
OpenAI’s GPT-4 and DALLE 3 models. The
consumer version of this tool is at no cost.
The Enterprise version of this tool comes
with “commercial data protection” and is
accessible by logging in with your
school/work-based Microsoft 365
credentials. ( or
[email protected]). This tool is
included with existing Microsoft 365
Copilot for Microsoft 365
Copilot for Microsoft 365 is an AI-powered
productivity service that coordinates large
language models, content in Microsoft
Graph, and the Microsoft 365 apps to help
users accomplish more. The estimated cost
of Copilot for Microsoft 365 is $30 per
month for each user account.
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 13
Other Copilots
Microsoft offers other Copilots, including
but not limited to:
Copilot for PowerBI which requires
either a PowerBI Premium Capacity
(P1 or higher) or a Fabric Capacity
(F64 or higher).
Copilot for Github to assist with
writing code
Copilot Studio for building AI based
Azure AI Studio for building your
own large language models
Microsoft security Copilot, an AI
assisted IT security tool
Dynamics 365 Copilot
Microsoft Sales Copilot
For technical assistance, please consult your
campus IT support staff. They can escalate
the issue to the System Office Service Desk
if necessary. Campus CIO's can also contact
the Director of M365 Services directly for
any additional inquiries.
4.1.2 | Zoom AI Companion (aka Assistant)
The Zoom AI Companion specializes at
notetaking and creating summaries of
meetings hosted in Zoom. This service is
available to all employees in Minnesota
State and approved for use through the
system’s enterprise Zoom agreement.
4.1.3 | Adobe Firefly
With simple text prompts, Adobe Firefly
allows users to generate images, add or
remove objects, transform text, and more.
Adobe Firefly is available within Adobe
Photoshop or through a web browser and is
available to users with Adobe Cloud
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | Page 14
Generative AI is a rapidly evolving
technology. The Minnesota State system
office encourages students, faculty, staff,
and administrators to learn more about
how this technology works and the ways it
will continue to impact our lives inside and
outside of education. The following
resources are shared for information
purposes only. Resources and opportunities
provided from organizations outside of
Minnesota State should not be
misconstrued as representing any views,
positions, or opinions of the system.
5.1 | More Guidance Information
State of Minnesota (MNIT) - Public
Artificial Intelligence Services
Security Standard
US Department of Education -
Artificial Intelligence and the Future
of Teaching and Learning
United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) - Guidance for generative
AI in education and research
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) - Artificial
Intelligence Risk Management
5.2 | Minnesota State Resources
The Network for Educational
Development - NED Team -
Generative AI Channel
The Network for Educational
Development - NED Events Calendar
The Network for Educational
Development NED Community -
SharePoint Site
5.3 | Free Learning Resources
Business Users (beginner)
Microsoft AI for Beginners
Google - Introduction to Generative
AI Learning Path
Codecademy Variety of free AI
Khan Academy AI for Education
CourseraIntroduction to
Generative AI
IT Professionals (beginner)
Hugging Face - Hugging Face NLP
5.4 | Free Classroom Materials
Microsoft Classroom Toolkit
(created for ages 13 -15, but
applicable to all learners)
Microsoft Prompts for EDU
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | i
Can I use ChatGPT for work related tasks?
Like social media and other free web services, institutions should maintain a list of approved
generative AI services, and this list may include ChatGPT. If an institution has approved the use
of ChatGPT, then users can use it within the parameters set by the institution. Faculty and staff
should confirm a service’s approval status prior to using it for work-related tasks.
Pursuant to Operating Instruction Data Security Classification, no generative AI service
should be used for work involving sensitive data unless a contract is in place. If a contract is in
place (e.g. Copilot and Microsoft 365), institutional policy will determine the parameters for use
in conjunction with applicable Board Policy and Operating Procedures (Refer to section 2 of this
Can students be required to use ChatGPT or similar tools?
Faculty may assign coursework that requires the use of ChatGPT or similar free tools. However,
faculty cannot compel students to enter into a contract, such as terms of use or an end user
license agreement. If a student refuses to sign or “clickthrough” such a contract, faculty must
provide alternative course materials that allow the objecting student to participate in the
Faculty are encouraged to clearly note the required use of generative AI services in their course
descriptions and course syllabus so students can make an informed enrollment decision based
on the required use. If faculty assign a free generative AI service in coursework, they might
further consider alternative ways for students to satisfy the learning objectives of the course.
This will ensure that students who object to the service provider’s terms have an alternative
way to successfully learn and complete the course.
Is submitting student work to an AI detection service without a student’s
permission a violation of student copyright?
Courts have not settled this question in federal law.
In courses where detection services may be used, faculty are encouraged to include a
statement in their syllabus and the course description that indicates student work may be
submitted to an AI or plagiarism detection service.
Is submitting faculty work to a generative AI service a violation of faculty
Submitting faculty work to a generative AI service without the permission of the author may
infringe on copyrights to that work. In instances where faculty wish to allow student use of
faculty-authored course materials in generative AI prompts, they are encouraged to include the
permission in their course syllabus.
Can my institution or division purchase a license to ChatGPT for my own
professional use or use within a unit or department?
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | ii
Yes. Refer to Section 4 of this document: Procurement Process for AI Services.
When faculty or students create text, images, or other media using generative
AI, who owns them?
The U.S. Copyright Office has issued guidance designating all outputs from generative AI as
public domain. This means that no person can own the copyright to any output generated by a
generative AI service. Persons may be eligible to own the copyright to a collection that
incorporates AI generated material.
For further information, see Copyright Registration Guidance: Works Containing Material
Generated by Artificial Intelligence.
If employees use free generative AI services in the course of work, are they
assuming the liability for any violations of the services terms of use?
The answer to this question is situational. The state is required to defend employees acting
under the auspices of state business, but accepting terms of use in a personal capacity may not
qualify as state business.
Employees are encouraged to consult their campus IT department with questions related to
approved software, including free generative AI services.
If a student is suspected of using a generative AI service to complete academic
work in a prohibited way, what can be done?
See sections 3.2 Inappropriate Use of Generative AI and 3.4 Detecting the Use of Generative AI
for further guidance.
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Policy Intersections, Considerations, and Recommendations | iii
The system office invites faculty to submit their practices to the system office for potential
inclusion in this document. Contact Stephen Kelly at for more
Practice 1
Title of Practice: Modeling how to turn off AI assistance in writing assignments.
Description: This video is a prototype of how instructors might introduce their philosophies
about AI writing assistance or generative AI tools in their courses. For example, a video or in-
class demonstration could focus on the potential for Grammarly to negatively influence a
student's thinking process. Demonstrations like this one could be created for each assignment
or group of assignments to review an instructor's guidelines and expectations. The
demonstration could be combined with other support materials for students to give them more
confidence in their own writing and thinking ability. Link to video prototype: writing with an
authentic voice.
Attribution: Kathleen Coate, Normandale Community College