The Political Methodologist, vol. 20, no. 2 27
Crowdsourcing Panel Studies and Real-
Time Experiments in MTurk
Dino P. Christenson and David M. Glick
Boston University
While researchers conducting quick experiments and pi-
lot studies currently appear to make the most use of Ama-
zon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) as a subject recruitment
tool, it is capable of supporting more ambitious research de-
signs, many of which would be otherwise infeasible for most
researchers. Specifically, researchers with a modest budget
can use MTurk to recruit participants for customized and
flexible panel studies. Because it is a cloud based environ-
ment, it is easy to recontact resp ondents, which helps limit
panel attrition. Moreover, when used in tandem with online
survey software, panel waves can be quickly fielded around
imminent and recent political events, rather than at con-
stant intervals or other times determined well in advance.
Thus, MTurk’s attributes allow researchers to aordably
collect individual level data for pre-post comparisons that
can be combined with real-time experimental treatments. In
this piece we briefly discuss our own experience conducting
panel studies in MTurk and provide some basic instructions
for researchers looking to do the same. We utilize the design
and data from one of our own recent studies to discuss how
we took advantage of MTurk and suggest some avenues for
future research.
Implementing a Panel Study in MTurk
Last summer we implemented a five wave panel study to
capture public opinion about health care, the Supreme
Court, and politics in ge neral around the Supreme Court’s
Aordable Care Act (ACA) decision (Christenson and
Glick, 2012). We collected two waves of data prior to the
ACA decision, two waves shortly after, and then recon-
nected with our participants for a final wave around the
November elections. I n all, we were able to independently
conduct five extensive political surveys for approximately
$5,000 total. Employing an MTurk sample was not just in-
expensive but, as we show b elow, also oered unparalleled
flexibility for collecting panel data and implementing a real-
time experimental treatment around a real world event.
We used MTurk for sample recruitment and re-contact
while conducting the actual surveys using an online plat-
We have used both SurveyGizmo and Qualtrics in
our work and found MTurk to be e qually compatible with
them. The first step in recruiting a panel is very similar to
conducting a one-time survey in MTurk. You simply have
to post a public “HIT” (MTurk jargon for an assignment
or “Human Intelligence Task”) to attract participants and
direct them to the survey. For this HIT we oered partici-
pants $1 for a 15 minute survey in which they would “answer
questions about p o litics and healthcare.” Following Berin-
sky, Huber and Le nz (2012a), we restricted our survey to
those in the United States with a 95% approval rating from
other MTurk “requesters” (those who post assignments like
us) on at least 50 previous assignments. Our initial HIT
also told participants that “attentive and satisfactory com-
pletion of the initial survey will earn invitations to follow up
surveys at higher pay rates.” We also advised respondents
that “we check responses to ensure that [they] read the ques-
tions and respond carefully.” Such recruitment restrictions
and clear wording regarding the length of the study lead to
more reliable samples across the waves and less respondent
drop-o on each survey.
The initial HIT must also include a link to take partici-
pants recruited in MTurk to online survey hosted elsewhere
(e.g., Qualtrics or SurveyGizmo), the generic password for
entering it, if password protected, and a box for partici-
pants to enter the unique code which se rves as a receipt
they will get at the end of the survey. We recommend
explicitly telling participants both in the HIT and at the
end of the survey to return to the HIT and enter the ran-
dom number displayed at the end of the survey to claim
their compensation and approval. This last part is critical
because it is necessary for a) determining who satisfacto-
rily completed the assignment for payment, and b) linking
a participant’s surveys to each other for the panel. This
step is necessary in part because Amazon is the intermedi-
ary for all connections between researchers and participants,
which provides anonymity to the participants. Researchers
(“requesters”) fund an Amazon account with a cre dit card
and then Amazon deposits money in participants’ accounts
after assignments are approved. All the researcher knows
about participants is their random ID number. Both Sur-
veyGizmo and Qualtrics will produce a unique ID for the
respondent on the last page of the survey, which also ap-
pears as a variable in the survey output. Respondents can
then copy and paste or type this receipt into MTurk. In
the ACA study, we recruited participants straight into our
first wave. Alternatively, one can conduct a screener survey
prior to the full survey to ensure that those taking the survey
meet particular characteristics, which would be appropriate
for oversampling from particular populations (e.g., based on
demographic questions) or limiting the sample to particular
populations (e.g., based on geographic regions) or launching
side-by-side panels around dierent events without repeat
participants. Such screener surveys generally cost only a
few cents per respondent.
The authors’ names are listed alphabetically.
We were able to conduct our rst panel studies with few complications in part by utilizing the work of Berinsky, Hub er and Lenz (2012 a)and
their supplemental documentation online (Berinsky, Huber and Lenz, 2012b,c).
28 The Political Methodologist, vol. 20, no.2
At the end of the first wave you will have two spread-
sheets: one downloaded from the survey software with all
of the responses, and one downloaded from MTurk. To get
the latter, log in as “requester,” then select “manage,” then
click on the “batch” you want, and then choose “download
csv.” The next step is deciding whom to approve and whom
to keep in the panel. This requires matching rows in the
survey data to rows in the MTurk participant file using the
unique ID that participants entered into the MTurk HIT
and which appears in the “answer” column at the far right
of the MTurk export file. Matching with the unique identi-
fier can be done in any statistical program or spreadsheet.
We chose to compensate and approve anyone with a suc-
cessful match and those who appeared to make a good faith
eort to enter a proper unique ID (even those that may have
made a typo or otherwise gotten confused). While you can
compensate those without a perfect match, you can only
keep those for whom you can match an MTurk entry to a
survey entry in the panel.
In addition, you may want to include a few trick screener
questions in the first survey to identify those who are not
paying any attention and simply checking boxes (Berinsky,
Margolis and Sances, 2012). Because some Turkers may be
multitasking, expecting little oversight or exhausted from
previous MTurk tasks, you are likely to have some survey
For example, in the ACA study, embedded in a
series of multiple choice political knowledge questions, such
as “what government position does John Roberts hold,” we
asked: “what government position (Senator, Chief Justice,
Speaker of the House, Secretary of State, None of the Above)
do you currently hold?” We deemed participants who failed
all three screeners unsatisfactory and dropped them from
the data and from the recruitment list for subsequent waves,
since they were likely not paying attention at various points
in the survey.
At the end of this process you will be able to create a
simple master panel file which comprises MTurk ID num-
bers in the first column and their corresponding wave one
survey IDs in the second column. As the panel progresses
you will simply tack on additional columns of survey IDs
after subsequent waves by matching to the MTurk IDs in
the corresponding MTurk output files. The final step in the
first wave, though it is not absolutely necessary, is giving
all of those we wanted to invite back for the second wave a
custom MTurk “qualification,” which we called “complete
1.” You can create and bulk-assign a custom qualification by
uploading a spreadsheet of MTurk IDs within the “manage”
function. MTurk will allow you to make this qualification a
requirement to view the second wave HIT which will prevent
other Turkers from accidentally trying to join the panel.
The only dierence between the first wave and subse-
quent waves is that instead of posting a public HIT to re-
cruit, you will need to have Amazon send emails to your
chosen participants inviting them to the next wave. You
can do this automatically with a script. We followed Berin-
sky, Huber and Lenz (2012 c) and used a simple Perl code to
feed it a text file of MTurk IDs (all of the “live” participants
from the first column of our master panel spreadsheet) and
the contents of an email which will be sent from the address
associated with your Amazon account to each participant.
You will want to include a subject line such as “invitation
to follow up survey for $1.50” and include a link to the
proper survey and the password to enter it in the text (and,
probably, a friendly and gracious note). We placed our own
MTurk ID (which you will get when signing up) at the top
and bottom of text file so that we would get the first and last
emails to verify that the Perl script was working correctly.
For each wave after the first, you will need to create a
new HIT so that participants can enter the new code they
will get at the end of the survey. This HIT is no longer
for recruiting but is still needed for collecting survey IDs
to compensate participants and for continuing the panel.
On that note, we found that participants occasionally had
trouble accessing the HIT, and thus we ended up creating a
main HIT as well as one or two backups (with smaller Ns)
for those who got locked out of the primary HIT. Doing so
simply means that you will have to download and append
multiple CSVs from MTurk for a given wave. It is likely
that a few people will recognize that they made a mistake
entering their unique ID and email you. As long as they
send a MTurk ID and a survey code, you can update your
master sheet manually. We recommend double-checking all
non-matches manually, as som e will not match due to for-
matting iss ues, like leading or lagging spaces (we encoun-
tered approximately five per wave like this).
You can make the HIT private by including a custom
qualification (above) as a requirement for accepting the HIT.
Importantly, you will want to make sure you can view the
HIT from your own account, so that you can copy the unique
URL and include it on the last page of the survey and/or in
the email, which points participants to the URL where they
can enter their codes. In the design phase you will have a
choice of whether to allow those who do not meet the re-
quirements (including yourself) to still be able to view a
HIT. The procedure for subsequent waves is the same, but
with a new custom qualification, new private HIT, and new
list of MTurk IDs for the Perl script to send the emails. By
the end of the process you should have a master participant
We recommend reading little, if anything, into the time to completion data from MTurk. This numb er simply represents how long it to ok
for respondents to enter the survey rec e ipt after opening the HIT. It is an accurate indicator of time only for those who open the HIT, go straight
to the survey, and then go straight back to MTurk. If one refreshes or reopens the MTurk HIT for example, their time to completion could be a
few seconds. This becomes even more relevant later when participants access the su rvey via an email and only go to the HIT at the end.
You can also update your ID le partway through a wave to send a reminder email.
The Political Methodologist, vol. 20, no. 2 29
file matching MTurk IDs with each survey they completed
and output files for each wave from the survey program, i.e.,
panel data.
Panel Demographics and Attrition
The primary concern in conducting any study with a sample
of Turkers is representativeness. As with any online environ-
ment, one expects a younger, more liberal, and more tech-
nology savvy participant pool than the population at large.
These demographic traits and other features of MTurk sam-
ples are thoroughly described and analyzed in Berinsky, Hu-
ber and Lenz (2012a), and our initial ACA study sample
largely bolsters their cross-sectional findings. Before turn-
ing to the evolution of our sample over the panel waves, we
briefly describe our first wave sample demographics with an
eye towards the potential for unrepresentativeness.
Table 1: Sample Demographics and Comparison with Other Surveys
Internet Face to Face
Var i abl e Sa m ple MTu r k 20 0 8-0 9 20 0 8 20 0 8
%Female 54.4 60.1 57.6 51.7 55.0
% White 79.0 83.5 83.0 81.2 79.1
%Black 7.9 4.4 8.9 11.8 12.0
% Hispanic 5.0 6.7 5.0 13.7 9.1
Age (years) 33.4 32.3 49.7 46.0 46.6
Party ID (mean 7 pt.) 3.2 3.5 3.9 3.7
Ideology (mean 7 pt.) 3.3 3.4 4.3 4.2
Education 50% Coll Grad 14.9 yrs 16.2 yrs 13.2 yrs 13.5 yrs
37% Some Coll
Income (median) 30-49K 45K 67.5K 55K 55K
Traits for our sample from wave 1 (N=1242), BHL MTurk = Berinsky, Hub er and Lenz (2012 a),, ANES-P = American National Election Panel
Study (Knowledge Networks), CPS = Current Population Survey, ANES = American National Election Study), CPS and ANES are weighted.
Data from all columns other than “Our Sample” reproduced from Table 3 in Berinsky, Huber and Lenz (2012a)
Table 1 compares our (wave one) MTurk sample to that
of another MTurk sample, a high quality internet panel
study, the 2008-2009 American National Election Panel
Study (ANES-P) conducted by Knowledge Networks, and
two gold standard traditional surveys, the 2008 Current
Population Survey (CPS) and the 2008 ANES. Overall,
our sample appears to closely resemble the population with
a few expected deviations, especially age and education.
While not as representative as the field’s best national prob-
ability samples, it outperforms the typical convenience sam-
ples. Indeed, other than being a slightly younger sample, it
is comparable to the high quality ANES-P population.
Panel studies, however, introduce additional opportu-
nities to reduce the sample representativeness with every
wave. Panel attrition may be the result of participants
choosing to opt out of future surveys or diculties faced
by the researcher in re-contacting them. In either case, if
those in particular demographic groups or with c ertain at-
titudes leave the panel, the reduction in sample size can
aect representativeness and pose a problem for inference.
Because it utilizes cloud computing, MTurk makes panel at-
trition less likely. For one, regardless of whether panelists
move—a typical problem for long-term panel studies—they
are still easy to contact through their MTurk accounts. In
addition, because we can screen for Turkers with a history of
carefully completed (but unrelated) projects, we can sample
those who are more likely to complete new tasks.
The numbers of successfully completed responses for the
four waves conducted in the weeks surrounding the ACA
decisions were 1242, 944 (76% of the successful completes
from the previous wave), 856 (91%), and 751 (88%). We
consider these numbers to be especially high given the tight
time windows we were working with. They are in line with
rates in other “carefully conducted” high quality surveys
(Bartels, 1999). Because we wanted to make sure all of our
responses in a respective wave had the same opportunities
to be exposed to relevant information, our surveys were only
in the field for a few days. In fact, our se cond wave, the one
with the largest attrition, was only in the field for 48 hours,
because we wanted to stop it prior to Supreme Court deci-
sion, the date of which was not known until moments before
the announcement. Four months after our initial four waves,
we were able to collect responses from 472 participants (63%
response rate).
While the number of responses and the speed with which
we were able to collect them are impressive in their own
30 The Political Methodologist, vol. 20, no.2
rights, the seemingly random attrition may be even more
important for statistical inference in a panel study. Fig-
ure 1 shows the evolution of our panel’s demographics. Par-
ticularly in the first four waves, collected in a one-month
period around the Supreme Court decision (highlighted as
the event in the figure), our panel demographics remained
stable as people fell out of the panel. While there were some
deviations in the fifth wave, collected four months later, our
data suggest that panel attrition was ess entially more or
less equal across the categories of respondent traits, such as
race, gender, partisanship, and income. Interestingly, slight
trends are evident in age and education, with 18 and 19
year olds and those with some college education consistently
falling out slightly more often than the older and more edu-
cated, respectively. It is somewhat intuitive to expect that
across five months, the older and more educated would be
more reliable survey respondents. In all, however, we be-
lieve that the results of our study suggest that there is little
danger in the panel attrition in MTurk samples across the
typical demographics.
Leveraging the Cloud
Turkers respond to survey requests incredibly quickly, which
is especially valuable when conducting surveys intended to
explore how individuals respond to real events in an obser-
vational setting. Indeed, the pre-post event design has the
unique potential to c apture any micro-level change in this
context, which is one of several typical reasons to collect
panel data (see Sharot, 1991). Moreover, because events
in the real world unfold quickly and often change with the
discovery of new information, related events or media cov-
erage, it is important that the panels surrounding the event
are tightly situated around it. MTurk makes it possible to
launch a survey and collect hundreds of responses within
hours. Even in latter waves of our panel, we registered
dozens of responses in the first several minutes of posting
the HIT. In our case, this allowed us to end waves in antici-
pation of the health care decision and start a new one right
after it was announced. While we did not need to, it also
would have allowed us to quickly go back into the field with
another wave if, for example, President Obama had made
a health care speech a few days after an adverse decision.
Thus, along with MTurk’s low cost and ease of use, the
low panel attrition and quick response times of the MTurk
sample provide unusual flexibility for researchers to quickly
adapt their research design to real world events. In our
study of the ACA decision, scheduled weekly panels would
have been much less ecient than panels quickly and easily
adaptable to the event’s uncertain timing. Our case is not
unique; for example, one who is interested in public opinion
in response to natural disasters could time surveys around
forecasts and collect data in tight windows as events unfold.
A related benefit of doing MTurk panel studies around
events is the ability to do what we are calling real-time sur-
vey experiments, in which one randomizes participants to
realistic treatments related to the event as they are simul-
taneously getting political information about it in their nat-
ural environments. Relative to conducting artificial exper-
iments with captive audiences, this approach dramatically
increases external validity and oers a unique opportunity to
combine experimental treatments with the unfolding events
in the real world, thereby reconciling some of the known
discrepancies in survey and experimental studies (Hovland,
1959). Indeed, there has been some noteworthy attention
to the implications of captive audiences in political science
(e.g., Arceneaux and Johnson, 2010; Gaines and Kuklinski,
2011; Gaines, Kuklinski and Quirk, 2007; Levendusky, 2011)
and even to realistic experiments of attitude change in the
longitudinal context (Druckman, Fein and Leeper, 2012).
However, outside of using an MTurk sample with an online
survey platform or a convenience sample, combining a large
N panel design around imprecisely timed real world events
with realistic experimental treatments would likely be too
costly and/or would require sacrificing external validity due
to its advanced planning demands.
Our approach using MTurk allows one to not only cap-
ture the micro-level change around the event, but also to
leverage any eects of the event with a related experiment.
That is, we might be interested in not only attitude change
as a result of an event, like the ACA decision, but also with
factors associated with the event that can be experimentally
manipulated, such as media frames. In our case, we took ad-
vantage of news reports that Chief Justice Roberts switched
sides for political reasons that broke within days of the deci-
sions. While a typical experiment might expose participants
to this story, and this story only, weeks or months after a
decision to investigate the eect of a story about politicians
in robes, MTurk enabled us to expose some participants to
it as it was unfolding and as they were also self-selecting
other news and information about the decisions. An exam-
ple of a similar application would be studying the eects
of media frames leading up to and/or after presidential de-
bates. MTurk would allow a researcher to eas ily conduct
a pre-wave and then expose participants to dierent media
frames in the days after the debate to estimate their eect
on people who are also exposed to other uncontrolled infor-
To b e sure, our health care study is but one example of
using MTurk to conduct an inexpensive and flexible panel
study around a foreseeable political event. It enabled us
to ask dozens of questions of our choosing in each wave, to
adopt the timing of our surveys to events as they unfolded,
and to embed experiments by exposing participants to a
little-known yet important news story as it broke. Supreme
Court cases are but one pote ntial application. As we men-
tioned above, whether one wants to collect pre-post data
around precisely scheduled e vents, like presidential debates
The Political Methodologist, vol. 20, no. 2 31
or the release of economic data, or those that can only be
forecast a few days in advance, like natural disasters or ma-
jor legislative votes, MTurk makes it easy to interact politi-
cal events with experimental treatments in real-time. It also
allows one to simply conduct a standard panel design at a
workable price. In all, MTurk makes sophisticated research
designs possible for those with constrained research budgets
and introduces little in the way of inferential bias.
Arceneaux, Kevin and Martin Johnson. 2010. “Does Me-
dia Fragmentation Produce Mass Polarization?” Temple
University. Unpublished paper.
Bartels, Larry M. 1999. “Panel Eects in the American Na-
tional Election Studies.” Political Analysis 8(1):1–20.
Berinsky, Adam J., Gregory A. Huber and Gabriel S. Lenz.
2012a. “Evaluating Online Labor Markets for Experi-
mental Research:’s Mechanical Turk.” Po-
litical Analysis 20(3):351–368.
Berinsky, Adam J., Gregory A. Huber and Gabriel S.
Lenz. 2012b. Mechanical Turk Instructions. Avail-
able at
Berinsky, Adam J., Gregory A. Huber and Gabriel S. Lenz.
2012c. Recontacting Mechanical Turk Workers. Avail-
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Berinsky, Adam J., Michele. Margolis and Michael W.
Sances. 2012. “Separating the Shirkers from the Work-
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ternet Surveys.” Presented at NYU CESS 5th Annual
Experimental Political Science Conference .
Christenson, Dino P. and David M. Glick. 2012. “Roberts’s
Health Care Decision Disrobed: The Microfoundations
of the Court’s Legitimacy.” Presented at the Meeting
of the Pacific Northwest Political Science Association,
November 8–10, 2012. Portland, OR.
Druckman, Jam e s N., Jordan Fein and Thomas J. Leeper.
2012. “A Source of Bias in Public Opinion Stability.”
American Political Science Review 106(2):430–54.
Gaines, Brian J and James H. Kuklinski. 2011. “Experi-
mental Estimation of Heterogeneous Treatment Eects
Related to Self Selection.” American Journal of Political
Science 55(3):724–736.
Gaines, Brian J., James H. Kuklinski and Paul J. Quirk.
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Sharot, Trevor. 1991. “Attrition and Rotation in Panel
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32 The Political Methodologist, vol. 20, no.2
Figure 1: Sample Demographics by Panel Wave
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Eighth Grade
Some HS
HS Grad
Some College
College Grad
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Less than 49k
50k to 99k
More than 100k
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Event refers to the period b etween the second and third waves when the Supreme Court ACA decision was an nounced.