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Elizabeth A. Beverly
Presented to the Faculty of
The College of Education and Human Services
Department of Educational Studies, Leadership, and Counseling
at Murray State University
In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements
For the Degree of Doctor of Education
P-20 & Community Leadership
Specialization: Postsecondary Leadership
Under the supervision of Dr. Randal H. Wilson, Assistant Professor
Murray, KY
May 2019
Declining numbers in healthcare workers are nearing critical levels. In the next few years, more
than a million nursing positions are predicted to be needed, increasing the demand on institutions
to produce quality and competent graduates in health-related fields. Hundreds of potential
students apply for nursing programs each semester, and numerous qualified applicants are denied
admission due to limited space, thus placing emphasis on the selective admissions process.
This study serves to validate current admissions criteria utilized by the nursing program at
Hopkinsville Community College (HCC) to ensure students with the highest probability for
success are admitted. Participants include admitted nursing students (n = 237) from the Spring
2014 through Spring 2017 admission cycles. Analyzed data focused on NLN PAX-RN entrance
exam scores to determine if relationships exist between individual scores and probability for
successful completion of the nursing program, as well as passing the NCLEX-RN on first
Limited current research was available for comparison, but results concluded that the NLN PAX-
RN does minimally predict student success. Each of the three individually tested sections on the
NLN PAX-RN were evaluated and Mathematic scores have the highest correlation for predicting
success. Contrary to the current ideology at HCC, no statistically significant relationship was
identified between national percentile scores on the NLN PAX-RN and student success.
Discussion on findings from the study and suggested continued research, provide opportunities
to more effectively assist with closing the growing divide in healthcare.
Keywords: ADN program, student success, admissions criteria, NLN PAX-RN
Without the love and support of my family, friends, and colleagues, this accomplishment
would not be possible. To David, my rock and consistent, you will never know how much I love
you. To my kids, Kendel, Rhyan, and Judd, the answer to “Mommy are you finished?” is finally
a yes. They are my heart and reason for life. To my dad for always pushing me to do better, my
mom for all she does, John for setting academic standards ridiculously high, and Hannah for
being my best friend and secret society member; thank you all for everything.
To Ted Wilson, who has been my continual example of academic leadership, I hope to be
half the educator that you are. Thank you for your friendship, even if you do not admit to it. For
collecting the needed data, even when you were beyond busy, Kristi Martin, thank you. Thank
you to all of my colleagues, professors, and teachers who have been a past and present
For the guidance through this process, endless questions, countless emails, and preparing
me to begin my journey as a progressive leader, I say thank you to my dissertation chair, Dr.
Randal Wilson and dissertation committee, Dr. Teresa Clark, and Dr. Mardis Dunham. Your
continual leadership, encouragement, and guidance has led me to this completion and now the
adventure begins.
Table of Contents
Title page …………………………………………………………………………….
Abstract ……………………………………………………………………………....
Acknowledgements …………………………………………………………………..
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………….
List of Tables ………………………………………………………………………...
Chapter I: Introduction ………………………………………………………………
Purpose of Study ………………………………………………………………….
Research Questions ……………………………………………………………….
Definitions ………………………………………………………………………..
Significance of Study ……………………………………………………………..
Chapter II: Literature Review ………………………………………………………..
Admission Criteria ………………………………………………………………..
Interview scores ……………………………………………………………….
Grade point average …………………………………………………………...
Standardized testing …………………………………………………………...
Community College Nursing Programs …………………………………………..
Kentucky Community Technical College System ………………………………..
Hopkinsville Community College …………………………………………….
Limited Validity of the NLN PAX-RN …………………………………………..
Chapter III: Methodology ……………………………………………………………
Sample Selection ………………………………………………………………....
Participants ……………………………………………………………………….
Admission Criteria ………………………………………………………..……...
ACT scores ……………………………………………………………………
NLN PAX-RN scores …………………………………………………………
Grades …………………………………………………………………………
Data Collection …………………………………….……………………………..
Research Questions ……………………………………………………………….
Analyses …………………………………………………………………………..
Summary ………………………………………………………………………….
Chapter IV: Findings and Analyses ………………………………………………….
Research Questions ……………………………………………………………….
Chapter V: Conclusions and Discussions ……………………………………………
Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………….
Research question 1 …………………………………………………………...
Research question 2 …………………………………………………………...
Research question 3 …………………………………………………………...
Research question 4 …………………………………………………………...
Discussions ……………………………………………………………………….
Practical Implications ....……………………………………………………….....
Limitations of the Study ………………………………………………………….
Recommendations for Future Research …………………………………………..
P-20 Implications …………………………………………………………………
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………..
References ……………………………………………………………………………
Appendix A: IRB Approval Letters ………………………………………………….
List of Tables
Table 1. Number of ADN Admits Between Spring 2014 and Spring 2017 ………...
Table 2. Fate of Students Admitted into the ADN Program ………………………...
Table 3. ADN Program and NLCEX-RN Results for Admitted Students ………….
Table 4. NLN PAX-RN Percentile Scores of Admitted Students …………..............
Chapter I: Introduction
Purpose of Study
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nationwide demand for nurses will reach
a critical level in the next five years with over one million positions to fill before 2022 (Bureau
of Labor Statistics [BLS], 2017). Numerous factors contribute to the accelerated disparity of the
current ratio between qualified healthcare workers and patient. Nursing programs on college
campuses have been challenged to support the initiative of providing qualified healthcare
graduates to bridge the gap.
The growing nursing shortage and concerns regarding the inevitable impact on healthcare
has been emphasized in current literature (Blair, 2014; Blitchok, 2018; Snavely, 2016; Young,
2018). Collaborative efforts between the healthcare industry and higher education are struggling
to keep pace with escalating patient demands. Supplemental nursing positons are needed. A
better understanding of what precipitated the emergent nursing crisis by identifying some of the
contributing factors, will support the need for additional nursing programs, graduates, and
Referring to a specific generation, baby boomers were born following World War II
between the years 1940 to 1964 (Johnstone, 2018). Of the 76 million births in the United States
during these years, 65.2 million were still alive in 2012 (Pollard & Scommegna, 2014). Projected
by 2029 to represent more than one fourth of the population, the approximate 61.3 million baby
boomers have a significant contribution to the aging population and demand for elevated medical
care (Grant, 2016; Jimenez, 2016; Pollard & Scommegna, 2014).
Defined as an incurable and continual illness that can often be medically managed,
chronic diseases or conditions are becoming more prevalent in the aging population (Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018). In 2012, nearly half of the reported deaths were
contributed to chronic illnesses, and healthcare professionals predict over 164 million new
patients will suffer from at least one chronic illness by 2025 (CDC, 2018; Partnership for
Solutions, 2004). Considering these numbers, 80% of the population suffers from a chronic
condition and 64% with at least two chronic illnesses which validates the need for additional
nursing care (Jimenez, 2016).
Similar to the aging population of patients, the average age of working nurses is also on
the rise (Jimenez, 2016). Over the next few years, more than one third of the current workforce
in nursing will reach retirement age, meaning over 700,000 retirees must be replaced by 2024
(Grant, 2016). These predicted positions are in addition to the 1.1 million nurses needed to
satisfy growing patient demands.
Health-related programs represented on college campuses across the nation are also a
contributing factor to the expanding shortage witnessed in nursing (Grant, 2016; Jimenez, 2016).
Due to the limited space of classrooms, inability to secure qualified faculty members, and
continuing federal and state budget cuts, nursing programs are restricted on the number of
students admitted each year (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2017).
Despite the fact that nursing is one of the fastest growing career opportunities and the
demand for nurses in the United States is dire, institutions turn away a significant amount of
highly qualified applicants each admission cycle (Blitchok, 2018). Many of the students denied
admission were of the top academic performers at the institution and met all admission criteria
successfully (Blitchok, 2018). In 2014, over 35% of qualified applicants were denied admission
into nursing programs (National League for Nursing [NLN], 2018). For the past 10 years, more
than 30,000 applicants meeting all requirements for nursing programs were rejected (Young,
2018) due to reasons mentioned above by the AACN (2017), specifically the lack of classroom
space and qualified faculty to teach the programs.
In 2014, 78% of nursing programs were forced to deny the admission of qualified
candidates (NLN, 2018). Institutions are challenged to admit applicants with the highest
probability of success within nursing programs. The formidable selection process relies heavily
on the validity of admissions criteria. Identifying the most accurate measure of probable success
in nursing programs has been inconclusively represented in current research.
Hopkinsville Community College (HCC) is dedicated to providing quality education and
graduating competent healthcare professionals. In attempt to support the local and national
demand for nurses, HCC has committed to review the current admissions criteria to ensure the
most accurate indicator of student success is utilized. Current research is inconclusive regarding
which admissions criteria are the best indicators of student success within nursing programs, as
well as in predicting students with the highest probability of first time passing the National
Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN).
Nursing programs implement a variety of admissions criteria and set standards for
acceptance. Depending upon the degree conferred, variations on admission requirements are
noted. Students applying to the Associates Degree in Nursing (ADN) at HCC have specified
requirements that must be met prior to consideration for admission into the nursing program.
Applicants at HCC with all admissions criteria completed are reviewed and considered by an
admissions committee. The decision to admit a student is based heavily upon the candidates
National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Exam (NLN PAX-RN) score, although research
representing the validity of this entrance exam is limited.
Students at HCC are admitted into the ADN program each fall and spring semester, and
of the numerous qualified applicants, approximately 40 candidates are granted admission.
Consistent with the current literature, restricted classroom space and limited available faculty
prevent the admission of additional students at HCC. Currently there are over 300 students vying
for the coveted seats in the ADN program. Of those 300 applicants, approximately 10 students
per semester will be placed on a waiting list, and will be accepted only if an admitted student
decides not to accept the seat. Historically, students admitted into the program confirm their spot,
therefore very few students from the waiting list are accepted. Any student that is not admitted
into the program must go through the application process each admission cycle.
The purpose of the current study is to evaluate the predictive validity of the NLN PAX-
RN when utilized as an admissions requirement. This study will determine the relationship
between overall NLN PAX-RN scores and student success. Likewise, an examination of
individual sections represented on the NLN PAX-RN will be considered to determine if there is a
significant correlation between student success and a specific tested area. Finally, this study will
identify any relationships between admission cutoff scores on the NLN PAX-RN and student
Research Questions
The following research questions and hypotheses will be addressed in this study:
Research question 1: What is the correlation between individual NLN PAX-RN scores
and successful completion of the HCC ADN program?
: There is no correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores and success of students in the
HCC ADN program.
Research question 2: What is the predictive power of the combined three individual
sections represented on the NLN PAX-RN exam and successfully passing the NCLEX-RN on
first attempt?
: There is no combined predictive power of using the three individual sections of the
NLN PAX-RN and passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt.
Research question 3: What is the correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores of admitted
HCC ADN students and first time pass rate of the NCLEX-RN?
: There is no correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores and first time pass rates of the
Research question 4: Do students scoring at the 88
national percentage (or above) on the
NLN PAX-RN have a higher first time NCLEX-RN pass rate than students scoring below the
national percentage?
: There is no statistical difference in national percentage scores on the NLN PAX-RN
and first time pass rates of the NCLEX-RN.
The following terms and acronyms are used throughout the current study, and have been
defined for clarity.
1. Associate degree in Nursing (ADN): A two-year program, typically taught at community
colleges, that provides the minimal educational requirements for graduates to sit for
certification as a licensed registered nurse (RN).
2. National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN): State required licensure
examination to become an RN and eligible for employment as a nurse.
3. National League for Nursing (NLN): A national organization that endorses academic
excellence in the field of nursing through professional development opportunities, testing
services, current research, and partnerships to ensure competent and qualified graduates
enter the workforce (NLN, 2018).
4. National League for Nursing Pre-Admission Exam (NLN PAX-RN): An entrance exam
with three tested areas, designed to assist nursing programs in admitting students with a
higher probability of success, and often included in ADN admissions criteria (NLN,
5. Student success: Students admitted into an ADN program, successfully complete the
nursing program within four semesters, and pass the NCLEX-RN on first attempt.
Significance of Study
Identifying factors to predict student success in nursing programs is critical as the
shortage of available nurses continues to be of growing concern. Qualified applicants are being
denied from programs, thus selecting students with the highest probability of successful
completion of the program and obtaining national certification as a Registered Nurse (RN) is
Required criteria for the selective admissions process is common practice in numerous
allied health programs. Commonalities in the admission requirements are identified in current
research between varying healthcare programs. Such findings support the need to validate
specific criteria and statistically confirm that admission policies are capable in identifying
potential students with a higher probability for success.
While studies have suggested that a relationship exists between entrance exam scores and
student success, many of the studies are dated and have not been recently reviewed. Studies also
have inconclusive findings, leaving admission committees unsure if instruments used to select
candidates are valid. Ideally, results from this study will determine the strength of the
admissions criteria being utilized at HCC.
Based upon the results of this study, implementation and adoption of best practice during
the admissions process at HCC will assist in predicting student success as measured by
completion of the ADN program within four semesters and first attempt passing of the NCLEX-
RN. By accepting students likely to succeed, HCC will provide qualified and competent nurses
in the workforce to help bridge the growing divide in healthcare. Likewise, admission of these
students will ensure that more admitted students will succeed, thus reducing the overall cost to
both the institution and the students for those who fail to complete the program.
Chapter II: Literature Review
The current critical shortage of nurses in healthcare facilities across the United States,
along with the impact from these declining numbers, is predicted to become worse over the next
few years. More than 1.09 million nurses will be needed to adequately cover patient needs by the
year 2024, meaning an increase in demand of 16% (American Association of Colleges of
Nursing [AACN], 2017). Similarly, a substantial number of nurses in the workforce are
reportedly over the age of 50 and will be retiring within the next 10 years (Snavely, 2016).
Considering this data, over one million nurses will be eligible for retirement by 2024,
multiplying the concerns for the future of healthcare.
Nursing positions have an alarmingly high attrition rate, and numerous causative factors
must be considered as the nursing turnover has reached a critical point. Reportedly one out of
five newly hired nurses leave their job within the first year, and one in three will leave within the
first two years (Blair, 2014). Even more surprising, just over 50% of newly graduated nurses will
leave the medical profession within three years of beginning clinical work (Snavely, 2016). The
high demands of being a nurse, extreme physical and emotional stress, insufficiently staffed
work environments with high nurse to patient ratio, a mismatch between personal and
organizational values, and lack of organizational and leadership support are just a few examples
reported as major contributing factors to the high attrition rate (Blair, 2014; Gillet et al., 2017;
Snavely, 2016).
The mounting shortage in clinical nursing can be also be attributed to numerous
trepidations within nursing programs across the nation. Nearly 60,000 applicants were denied
admission into nursing programs in 2017 due to limited classroom space, clinical availability,
and an inadequate number of faculty members available teach numerous sections of nursing
courses (Kavilanz, 2018). Research on the current nursing faculty shortage highlight the obvious
unbalanced salary offered to nurses in academia versus those in clinical work as a significant
barrier in finding qualified faculty (Nardi & Gyurko, 2013). Despite the demand of nursing
graduates, since 2008 at least 30,000 qualified applicants have been denied admission into
programs (Young, 2018). Considering these constraints and the current state of healthcare,
nursing programs are faced with the daunting task of admitting students who have the highest
probability of success during and after the program.
Success can be defined and represented in many ways depending on, and linked to, a
variety of different factors. In this study, the definition of student success will remain consistent
with the most common definition represented in current literature. The current accepted
definition for success includes successful completion of a nursing program within the appropriate
time frame, and the first time pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination
(NCLEX-RN) (Schmidt & MacWilliams, 2011). This definition will be used throughout the
study as a measure of program success.
Pass rates on the NCLEX-RN vary from state to state, and each state is required by the
accrediting body and nursing boards to report the pass/fail ratio for the first attempt on the
NCLEX-RN exam. State nursing boards set a minimal benchmark percentage, which is required
by all nursing programs within that individual state to meet in order to remain compliant and in
good status. The state of Kentucky has a higher than average benchmark requirement for passing.
Specifically, nursing programs in Kentucky are expected to have a first time pass rate of 85% or
higher to remain in good standing with the Kentucky Board of Nursing (Kentucky Board of
Nursing [KBN], 2018).
The NCLEX-RN exam is under perpetual review and updated every three years to assure
expected competencies for a newly graduated nurse are accurately evaluated before entering into
the medical field (National Council of State Boards of Nursing [NCSBN], 2018). Individual
questions are continuously reviewed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing
(NCSBN) to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the master question pool (NCSBN, 2018).
The exam is proctored by an approved testing center and administered to students via computer.
According to the NCSBN (2018), the adaptive computerized exam will end when one of the
following occurs: 1. The computer is 95% confident that the student is above the standard pass
rate, 2. The student has taken all of the exam questions and is either found to be above or below
the standard pass rate, or 3. The candidate runs out of time and has or has not reached the
minimum number of required questions, or has reached a minimum number of questions and is
or is not above the standard pass rate.
Nursing programs meticulously vet applicants to ensure admission of students with the
highest probability of succeeding in the program. Failure to succeed has a palpable impact on the
program, the institution, the faculty, the student, and the healthcare field (Tipton et al., 2008).
Extensive research has focused on how to identify appropriate admissions criteria that predict
student success. Conflicting findings are represented in nearly all current literature with no
conclusive evidence in support of the most significant predictor. This gap in identifying effective
admissions criteria supports opportunities for a more focused research opportunity of the specific
criteria currently being utilized in nursing programs.
Admission Criteria
Historically, college and program admission requirements have evolved to represent a
more diverse and talented student population (Beale, 1970). While many academic and non-
academic factors are examined during the admissions process by nursing programs, the three
most common admissions criteria noted in the literature reviewed were interview scores, student
grade point average (GPA), and standardized testing scores. As discussed in detail below,
contradicting findings for each of the three criteria were consistently reported, indicating
uncertainty in the validity of utilizing these criteria for admissions.
Interview scores. Incorporation of interviews has provided programs with representation
of non-academic factors in the admissions process. Even with the support of interviews
represented in current literature, concerns were identified by many groups (Deluca, 2012;
Edwards, Johnson, & Molidor, 1990; McNelis et al., 2010). For example, prior to the interview,
review of all submitted applications is complete and academically strong students have been
identified. With academic markers identified, the likelihood of biased opinions greatly increases
and several studies expressed concerns with utilizing interviews as criteria to admit students due
to this represented biased factor (McNelis et al., 2010).
Another apprehension concerning the usage of interviews was identified by the manner in
which each candidate is rated or scored. Inconsistencies of the rating for interview scores,
committee members represented on the interview panel, and the degree of structure represented
in the interview design all play a role in the validity of using interviews as admissions criteria
(Edwards et al., 1990). Many institutions provide a scale for scoring individual applicants as well
as a list of desired traits or characteristics to improve consistency within the interview process
and assist in deciding admission (Deluca, 2012). However, Deluca (2012) still reported
significant concerns with consistent findings of erratic ratings.
Contrary to the research showing problems with the interviews in the admissions process,
many studies highlighted that interviews increase the diversity of student population represented
in healthcare related programs (Schmidt & MacWilliams, 2011). Statistically, the numbers for
nursing programs and employed nurses show a serious need to improve diversity. Minority
populations in nursing over the past few years have been improving, however are still extremely
underrepresented. In 2000, only 12% of Registered Nurses (RNs) were minority nurses (McNelis
et al., 2010) compared to 24.6% in 2018 (Nursing Statistics, 2018). Minimal diversity within the
healthcare field has been recognized as problematic by numerous associations, institutions, and
research groups.
Gender gaps are also exemplified, with men in the RN field representing only 10.7%
(Data USA, 2018). Limited studies have been focused on the recruitment and representation of
male nurses (Stanley et al., 2016). In an environment historically dominated by women, a shift in
the promotion of gender diversity has been appreciated in current literature (Olson, 2014). Even
with challenges identified for men in nursing, the advantages for male nurses have been utilized
as a recruitment tool for programs and employment (Stanley et al., 2016). Still, the negativity
and stereotypes that surrounds men in nursing hinder male students from pursuing the career
(Rajacich, Kane, Williston, & Cameron, 2013; Stanley et al., 2016).
Cultural, ethnic, and gender diversity increased in some nursing programs from 2% to as
high as 25% after the implementation of interviews as required admissions criteria (McNeils et
al., 2010). Interviews also provide an opportunity to accentuate personality and characteristics
not reviewable or demonstrated through standardized testing or GPA (Trice & Foster, 2008).
While academic factors arguably have solid validity for candidate consideration, non-academic
influences, such as interviews, provide valuable information not represented in academia.
Applicant’s personality and desirable traits such as compassion, empathy, ability to establish and
maintain relationships, authenticity, motivation, and intent are not measurable by a standardized
test, yet provide valuable insight for the admissions committee and can be demonstrated during
interviews (Rosenberg, Perraud, & Willis, 2007).
Despite the sentiment expressed by Rosenberg et al., (2007), incorporating interviews as
a predictor of academic success provided conflicting results in research conducted by the Indiana
University School of Nursing. The research focused on the addition of interviews to admissions
criteria, concluding that the information obtained from interviewing candidates was beneficial,
but agreed more data was needed to conclusively say that interviews helped predict success
(McNelis et al., 2010). Schmidt and MacWilliams (2011), however, concluded that interviews
increased the diversity of selected applicants, however was only slightly predictive of students
that are more likely to drop out of the program as opposed to predicting those more likely to pass
the required NCLEX-RN. Contrary to these findings, several researchers concluded that
interviews do predict the success of students (Alaki, Yamany, Shinawi, Hassan, & Tekian, 2016;
Goho & Blackman, 2009). Research surrounding interviews noted that gender and ethnicity was
shown to have little predictive advantage of overall success; however, the research often noted
that the age of the student and the primary language spoken were found to be significant
predictors of first time pass rates on the NCLEX-RN (Sears, Othman, & Mahoney, 2015).
Review of the current literature provided inconclusive conclusions on the significance of
incorporating interviews as part of the admissions criteria for nursing programs to predict
success. However, all literature reviewed agreed that interviews assisted in improving the
diversity of admitted candidates. Likewise, interviews were consistently deemed useful in the
overall process for admitting students; however, the significance of impact from interviews
varied. Prediction of student success based off of the inclusion of interviews was inconclusive.
Grade point average. The most common predictor of student success utilized during the
nursing program admissions process is the quantitative values from student GPA (Schmidt &
MacWilliams, 2011). Numerous programs considered the overall or cumulative GPA of
applicants prior to entering into the nursing program, while others only considered how students
performed academically in specified prerequisite courses for the GPA consideration. Science and
math courses were the two most common prerequisite course GPAs assessed for admission into
nursing programs. As with the previous research, opposing conclusions regarding the validity of
GPA as a predictor of success were represented in the current literature.
For example, according to findings from Sears et al. (2015), pre-nursing GPA is a
significant predictor of first time NCLEX-RN pass rate. Early research conducted on indicators
of student success within nursing programs recognized cumulative GPA as the most accurate
predictor used by admissions committees when selecting candidates (Daley, Kirkpatrick, Frazier,
Chung, & Moser, 2003). In some studies, a positive correlation was identified between higher
GPAs, successful first time pass rate on the NCLEX-RN, and overall success in the nursing
program (Daley et al., 2003; Feldt & Donahue, 1989). Frith, Sewell, and Clark (2008) found that
higher GPAs were a predictor of passing the NCLEX-RN on the first attempt; whereas. lower
academically performing students were more likely to fail the NCLEX-RN. In research
conducted by Bosch, Doshier, and Gess-Newsome (2012), cumulative GPA was indicated as the
best predictor for NCLEX-RN failure.
Several research groups identified individual course GPAs, specifically Biology and
Chemistry, as more likely to be predictive of student success (Simon, McGinniss, & Krauss,
2013). Terminal grades for Anatomy and Physiology and Pathophysiology were the only two
courses found statistically significant as a predictor of NCLEX-RN success rates by Daley et al.
(2003), where Rancoli, Lisanti, and Falcone (2000) could not conclusively identify specific
science courses as more predictive. Research conducted at Arizona State University identified
students receiving a grade of B or higher in Pathophysiology as significantly more likely to
succeed in the program and on the NCLEX-RN (Herrera & Blair, 2015). In one study, science
specific GPAs were shown to be significant predictors of on-time graduation; however, this
particular study did not examine the impact of GPA on NCLEX-RN pass rates (Seago, Keane,
Chen, Spetz, & Grumbach, 2012).
Contrary to the support of GPA as a predictor of student success, other studies suggested
no relationship between GPA and overall success. For example, a detailed study on predicting
nursing success by Blackman, Hall, and Darmawan (2007) reported that pre-nursing GPA had
minimal predictive validity on overall success in the nursing program. Similarly, Uyehara,
Magnussen, Itano, and Zhang (2007) found no significant correlation between student GPA prior
to entering into the program and first time NCLEX-RN pass rate. Neither Anatomy and
Physiology or Biology I and II were found by Beeman and Waterhouse (2001) to be significant
predictors of student success. These findings were partially repeated by Tipton et al. (2008) who
concluded that GPA of certain specified courses which are required by nursing programs were
useful in predicting NCLEX-RN pass rate; however, they reported that overall GPA was not an
indicator of success.
While prior GPA had significant validity in predicting nursing school success in several
studies, a vast majority of the reviewed literature focused heavily on student GPA while enrolled
in nursing school as the best predictor of NCLEX-RN pass rate. Students with higher GPA in
nursing courses consistently showed a higher pass rate on the NCLEX-RN than did students with
lower GPA (Tipton et al., 2008). Corroborating studies concluded that students with fewer C’s in
nursing courses were more likely to pass the NCLEX-RN on first attempt (Crow, Handley,
Morrison, & Shelton, 2004). Arizona State University examined nursing courses that consistently
have lower academic performance and therefore representing the lowest grades received during
the nursing program and found conclusively that students doing poorly in these classes were
more likely to fail the NCLEX-RN (Herrera & Blair, 2015).
Nationally, the average benchmark for passing nursing courses is 73%, meaning any
student averaging a score below 73% for the final grade will subsequently fail the class and must
reapply to the program for readmission into the semester (Norton et al., 2006). Limited research
could identify an exact nursing school predictive GPA for indicating success, however Frith et al.
(2008) concluded that a GPA of 3.14 was an indicator of success on the NCLEX-RN where a
GPA of 3.07 or lower indicated a higher probability of failure. This small range indicates that
even one grade letter or one course could be the difference between student success or failure on
the NCLEX-RN. To ensure academic preparedness in the nursing program, strong nursing
faculty, clear organization of nursing courses, and effective content delivery are a necessity
(Simon et al., 2013).
Regarding specific courses, some studies have indicated that particular courses within the
nursing program were better predictors of student success, suggesting these courses could
identify the students more likely to fail the NCLEX-RN. Nursing Foundational Principles, often
taught in Nursing I, were found to be highly predictive of student success. Similarly,
Medical/Surgical course grades correctly identified 78.4% of students that failed the NCLEX-RN
(Simon et al., 2013). Other studies supported the importance of Medical/Surgical nursing
courses, as well as added Pathophysiology as a strong indicator (Alameida et al., 2011;
McGahee, Gramling, & Reid, 2010). In one study, Pathophysiology was found to be statistically
a very strong indicator of student success, wherein students receiving a grade of A in the course
were ten times more likely to succeed than students receiving a grade of C (Seldomridge &
DiBartolo, 2004). Students performing academically strong in the first two nursing courses were
consistently found to be more likely to pass the NCLEX-RN upon first attempt (Tipton et al.,
2008). Ukapabi (2008) concurred that Nursing Fundamentals was a solid indicator of student
success, but added Mental Health and Pharmacology as predicative courses. Students with lower
GPA in the first nursing semester were not only more likely to fail the NCLEX-RN, but also
predicted to do poorly or fail the second semester nursing (Blackman et al., 2007).
While some studies disputed exact percentages of predictive GPA and what percentage
constituted a C letter grade, the majority of reviewed literature agreed that nursing GPA was
statistically significant in predicting first time success on the NCLEX-RN. Contrary to these
findings, Uyehara et al. (2007) found no significant correlation between nursing GPA and
predicting NCLEX-RN pass rate. Overall the reviewed literature supported nursing school GPA
to be consistently found as one of the most accurate predictors of student success (Crow et al.,
2004; Daley et al., 2003; Herrera & Blair, 2015; Romeo, 2013; Seago et al., 2012; Sears et al.,
2015; Tipton et al., 2008).
Standardized testing. Considering the current shortage of healthcare workers,
identifying students with a higher probability of completing the nursing program successfully
and passing the NCLEX-RN exam on the first attempt is a high priority for nursing faculty and
their institutions. Standardized testing has been used by nursing programs since the 1930’s
(Shultz, 2010). A variety of entrance exams and standardized tests were identified in the
reviewed literature as currently being used to predict student success including but not limited to:
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), the American College Test (ACT), the National League for
Nursing Pre-Admission Exam (NLN PAX-RN), the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS),
and the Health Education Systems, INC Exam (HESI).
Despite the popularity of using standardized testing in admissions criteria, concerns were
raised in research conducted by Wang and Yeh (2005). This study emphasized that many
students are not properly prepared academically or emotionally prior to applying for nursing
programs that would require an entrance exam. Their work concluded that the emotional stress of
preparing for and taking an entrance exam could potentially eliminate academically strong
students with a high probability of succeeding from being admitted (Wang & Yeh, 2005).
Emphasis on the high level of test anxiety for nursing students was studied by
Zargarzadeh and Shirazi (2014). Reportedly more than 30% of students admit to having severe
test anxiety (Ejei, Rezaei, & Gholamali, 2011). Nursing students report the limited space for
admission into programs adds to the stress of entrance exams (Beggs, Shields, & Janiszewski-
Goodin, 2011). Elevated levels of anxiety during exams has been linked to loss of concentration,
second guessing cognitive ability, physical illness or discomfort, minimal motivation, and overall
significant decrease in academic performance (Dongfang & Bo, 2017; Enright, Baldo, & Wykes,
2000; Hancock, 2010). Anxiety during entrance exams can result in an eight percent drop in the
score, sparking concerns on the validity of entrance exams (Cassidy & Johnson, 2001; Dongfang
& Bo, 2017).
While disadvantages of standardized testing have been noted, they remain a significant
component of most nursing programs’ admission requirements (NLN, 2018). The following will
briefly discuss each of the most popular standard exams used by ADN nursing program for
admission. A more detailed discussion on the NLN PAX-RN will be emphasized as that
particular exam reflects the purpose of this study.
An assortment of research teams identified the SAT and the ACT as two of the most
common and traditional standardized tests reviewed during the admissions process in many
programs (Crow et al., 2004; Frith et al., 2008; Gallagher, Bomba, & Crane, 2001; Schmidt &
McWilliams, 2011; Wolkowitz & Kelley, 2010). Conflicting research on the validity of
standardized tests offered no conclusive evidence that either of these tests accurately predict
student success. While many groups supported the SAT as a significant predictor of student
success and correlated a high SAT score with passing the NCLEX-RN (Alameida et al., 2011;
Beeson & Kissling, 2001; Rancoli et al., 2000; Stuenkel, 2006), others did not agree with these
findings. Conflicting studies by Beeman and Waterhouse (2001) and Crow et al., (2004)
concluded that SAT scores were inversely related to NCLEX-RN pass rates. Haas, Nugent, and
Rule (2004) concluded that overall SAT scores were not predictive of student success; however,
the Verbal scores alone did predict NCLEX-RN pass rates.
Of the studies discussed above, those in support of the SAT as a predictor of NCLEX-RN
first time pass rates were also in support of the ACT as an indicator of success (Alameida et al.,
2011; Beeson & Kissling, 2001; Rancoli et al., 2000; Stuenkel, 2006). Likewise, Sayles, Shelton,
and Powell (2003) found a strong correlation between higher ACT scores and students passing
the NCLEX-RN on first attempt. The ACT assess English, Math, Reading, Science, and an
optional Writing section of which Higgins (2005) and Sayles et al. (2003) found only Math and
Reading sections to be predictive of NCLEX-RN success. Additionally, at the community
college level, nursing programs found a significant correlation between students scoring low in
Reading sections being more likely to fail the NCLEX-RN (Gallagher et al., 2001).
Contrary to those studies, Tipton et al. (2008) did not support Math or Reading as
indicators for success. Similarly, Lengacher and Kelly (1990) concluded that neither Math nor
English sections of the ACT were significant in predicting student success. Wolkowitz and
Kelley (2010) determined the ACT often reports scores below expected performance, suggesting
the weighted score of each section is not accurately represented by an unweighted composite
score. Many studies supported pre-nursing science courses as indicators of nursing program
success, yet very few standardized tests incorporate a science section, potentially limiting the
validity of standardized tests as a measurement of success (Wolkowitz & Kelley, 2010).
Admissions criteria required by several nursing programs assesses potential candidates by
administering an entrance exam. Unlike the ACT, the TEAS test has a weighted composite
average where English is weighted heavier than math, then reading, and finally science
(Wolkowitz & Kelley, 2010). Support for nursing programs to adhere to a predetermined
benchmark score on the TEAS test as an indicator for student success was emphasized by
Bremner, Blake, Long, and Yanosky (2014). Their findings were similar to those found by
Newton, Smith, Moore, and Magnan (2007) who concluded the TEAS test was a predictor of
early nursing school success, but not correlated to NCLEX-RN pass rates. Research from Ukpabi
(2008) identified the TEAS as a strong predictor of student ability to pass the NCLEX-RN on
first attempt with applicants that score 78 or higher on the TEAS.
Elsevier’s HESI admissions exam incorporated into nursing admission requirements was
found to be significant in predicting first-semester nursing success (Chen & Voyles, 2013).
Consistent with this research Yoho, Young, Adamson, and Britt (2007) reported that the
comprehensive reading score on the HESI was the best indicator of success. More current
research found conflicting results and concluded comprehensive reading was not specifically
correlated with success in the program or on the NCLEX-RN (Chen & Voyles, 2013).
Furthermore, Chen and Voyles (2013) reported all tested sections were observed to be positively
correlated and significant in predicting student success in the first two nursing courses, and the
Math section was found highly significant for nursing Pharmacology courses. Contrary to these
findings, Tipton et al. (2008) found no significant correlation of entrance exam comprehensive
Reading or Math to passing the NCLEX-RN.
While entrance exams have been a primary focus of predicting success, HESI exit exams
have also been studied for validity. The HESI exit exam with a benchmark score of 850 or higher
was identified as a strong predictor of NCLEX-RN pass rate (Barton, Wilson, Langford, &
Schreiner, 2014). Numerous research groups support the addition of HESI exit exams to nursing
programs, concluding the exam is a dominating indicator for NCLEX-RN first time pass rate
(Alameida et al., 2011; Frith et al., 2005; Harding, 2010; Lauchner, Newman, & Britt, 2008;
Morrison, Adamson, Nibert, & Hsia, 2005; Sears et al., 2015;). Substantiating these findings,
Barton et al. (2014) reported the HESI exit exam as accurate as 99.16% in predicting NCLEX-
RN success.
Isolating the most accurate nursing school admissions criteria to predict both successful
and unsuccessful candidates is minimally represented in current literature (Bennett, Bormann,
Lovan, & Cobb, 2016). Much of the represented research uses data to predict students with
higher probability of success, but does not utilize the same data to deduce students with high
probability of failing. Focused on providing quality data to ensure the most accurate information
for programs to utilize during the selective admissions process, the National League for Nursing
(NLN) uses a variety of research methods for continual evaluation of the ability to and process of
predicting student success (Kaufman, 2012).
Since 1987, educators and leaders of the nursing community gather annually to discuss
all collected data and make suggestions to improve the overall training of nurses and enhance
current healthcare practices (Grady & Adams, 2015). The overall mission and vision of the NLN
supports the improvement of nursing programs to ensure quality education and competent nurses
to enrich the inclusive healthcare workforce (National League for Nursing [NLN], 2018). By
providing a plethora of resources, networking, professional development, and grant
opportunities, the NLN (2018) is dedicated to improving higher education and the medical
One of the most common assessment exams required by nursing schools for admission is
the NLN PAX-RN, a tailored exam created by the NLN to assist the admissions process in
predicting students likely to succeed in nursing programs (NLN, 2016). Redesigned in 2016 to
ensure higher validity and better accuracy, the NLN PAX-RN is a computerized exam consisting
of multiple choice questions chosen at random from over 1000 available test bank items to make
every exam a unique and individual test (NLN, 2016). The test was developed as a specific tool
to be utilized by nursing program to predict student success.
As with other standardized exams, the NLN PAX-RN assesses content by scoring three
sections individually as well as computing a weighted overall score (NLN, 2016). The
comprehensive score is calculated into a national percentile for comparisons of all students
across the United States completing that particular NLN PAX-RN exam (NLN, 2016). The exam
does not set pass or fail precedents, instead provides the national comparison to assist individual
programs in gauging academic ability of applicants.
Preparing for the NLN PAX-RN exam can be daunting for potential nursing students. To
aid in this preparation for nursing entrance exams, Swick and Callahan (2016) provide a detailed
breakdown of the content covered on the NLN PAX-RN. Three separate subsections are assessed
in 60 minute increments. Consisting of 40 questions, the Mathematics portion covers topics such
as, but not limited to: Algebra, Geometry, word problems, charts, ratios, percentages, and
fractions. The Science subsection has 60 questions comprised of content from Biology,
Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology, Genetics, and Development. Finally, the 60 questions on
the Verbal Skills addresses the students’ ability to understand vocabulary, analogies, verbal
reasoning, reading comprehension, spelling, grammar, and root words. (Swick & Callahan,
To interpret the composite scores ranging from 0 to 200, the NLN provides a computed
percentage from 0 to 99. This percentage is not reporting the number of questions answered
correctly, but instead is calculated from a reference group that recorded raw scores lower than
the individual taking the test (Santa Monica College, 2017). Providing this information allows
students and institutions the opportunity to compare an individual applicant’s performance in
relation to all others testing with the same exam. According to the NLN Testing Services (2016),
a student scoring a 150 on the NLN PAX-RN would be at the 99 percentile. Whereas, a student
scoring a 100 on the same NLN PAX-RN test would be ranked at the 48 percentile (NLN
Testing Services, 2016). Based on the reported national norms, institutions and faculty decide on
a benchmark percentile for applicants to be considered for admissions.
Improving the admissions criteria to more effectively predict student success improves
retention of students and increases graduation rates, therefore affecting the overall numbers of
healthcare workers available to serve patient needs (Bissett, 1995). Nursing programs represent
some of the highest attrition rates in education (Stickney, 2008). While NCLEX-RN pass rates
are used to assess the effectiveness of nursing programs, Giddens (2009) questions the validity of
reporting high NCLEX-RN pass rates when a very low percentage of admitted nursing students
finish the program and take the NCLEX-RN. According to a study on factors that contribute to
attrition, Stickney (2008) emphasizes the need to identify at-risk students during the admissions
process to address and improve the elevated attrition rates. Suggestions on a solution included
pre-admissions entrance exams, specifically the NLN PAX-RN which was found to be the most
accurate predictor of student success (Campbell & Dickson, 1996; Stickney, 2008).
Community College Nursing Programs
To meet the demands and challenges facing current and future healthcare, community
colleges across the nation are struggling to provide adequate enrollment space and qualified
faculty to close the growing gap. For more than 60 years, community colleges provided the
majority of entry-level healthcare professionals in the workforce (Mahaffey, 2002). More than
37% of qualified candidates were rejected from admission into an associate degree in nursing
(ADN) program at community colleges across the United States in 2014 (NLN, 2018). This
number is down from the 45% of students turned away in 2012 (NLN, 2018). Even with a high
percentage of qualified students denied admissions into a program, more than 60,000 students
graduated from an ADN program in 2008 in comparison to the 35,000 that same year that
graduated from a four-year baccalaureate program (NLN, 2018).
Community colleges are important to the healthcare community as they provide quality,
effective, affordable, and accessible education (Skillman, Keppel, Patterson, & Doescher, 2012).
Research specifically focused on community colleges and improving the overall admissions is
reviewed by administrators and faculty to assist in making decisions or implementing program
changes, yet the information and data are often outdated and conflicting (Mahaffey, 2002).
Community college ADN programs are supported by the American Association of Colleges of
Nursing (AACN) and acknowledged as having a significant impact to the medical environment
(AACN, 2017).
In the state of Kentucky, students have an opportunity to apply to 41 different ADN
programs (KBN, 2018). Successful completion of an ADN program requires 65-70 credit hours,
including general education and nursing courses. Typically, programs will be designed to take
students five to six semesters for graduation with the first and often second semester reserved for
general education courses. While there are numerous ways to gauge program success, NCLEX-
RN pass rates is a popular indicator reviewed (KBN, 2018).
Kentucky sets high expectations for ADN graduates with an NCLEX-RN pass rate of
85% or higher which exceeds NCLEX-RN scores (KBN, 2018). Each year, more than 1,000
nursing positions are opened for employment, which means an overall outlook for nursing
positions is predicted at 20% every year (Registered Nursing, 2018). With over 69,000 employed
nurses, Kentucky still feels the impact of the healthcare shortage and predicts an increase in
nursing demand by more than 36% over the next seven years (Patrick, 2017). Kentucky
acknowledged the immediate need to combine efforts between healthcare and higher education
to strategically plan for the future in nursing (Patrick, 2017).
Kentucky Community Technical College System
Serving nearly 875,000 students, 16 community colleges across the state of Kentucky
make up the Kentucky Community Technical College System (KCTCS, 2018). Originally apart
of the University of Kentucky, 14 institutions and 15 technical colleges from Kentucky
Workforce Development were combined in 1998 to establish KCTCS. Now the largest
postsecondary education provider in the state, more than half of graduates in the state of
Kentucky started the college journey with one of the KCTCS community colleges (KCTCS,
Implementation of a new strategic plan in 2016 focuses on elevated program and
institutional performance and improving affordability, accessibility, and engagement (KCTCS,
2018). Supporting student success, KCTCS (2018) mission and value highlights the
responsibilities of institutions to: be more responsive to students and the community, deliver
information to students with innovative and flexible methods, provide clear communication,
sustain continuous assessment for improvements, and promote diversity.
Each of the KCTCS community colleges offers an ADN program with selective
admissions criteria required of all potential students. Data from individual colleges reported 12
of the 16 colleges required an acceptable entrance exam score for admission into the nursing
program (KCTCS, 2018). Several colleges specifically utilize the NLN PAX-RN for selecting
students. Reportedly, nine out of sixteen KCTCS colleges require the NLN PAX-RN; however,
of those nine colleges, three have an “either/ or policy” and will accept other admissions criteria
such as a high ACT score in place of the NLN PAX-RN (KCTCS, 2018). The HESI entrance
exam was required by two of the sixteen colleges and one other college would accept either the
HESI or the TEAS entrance exam (KCTCS, 2018).
First time pass rates on the NCLEX-RN for all institutions are reported by individual
states’ Board of Nursing. In Kentucky, the Kentucky Board of Nursing maintains records of first
time pass rates for five consecutive years (KBN, 2018). This allows colleges to compare program
effectiveness amongst other two-year institutions as well as four-year universities. Likewise,
reporting the passing rates maintains clear records for the Board of Nursing to track trends in
nursing and assure compliance and good standing of each institution.
First time pass NCLEX-RN results in 2017 supported the high initiative expected by the
state of Kentucky and by KCTCS. Of the six KCTCS colleges that require the NLN PAX-RN for
admission into the nursing program, a range of 13 to 114 represented the number of students per
program taking the NCLEX-RN, with an average at 56.67. Of this particular group of students
that tested, KBN (2018) reported a range of 84.5 to 100 percent first attempt pass rate, with an
average of 91 percent. Three KCTCS colleges will accept the NLN PAX-RN or other admissions
criteria in place of the entrance exam. Of these, a range of 17 to 64 students took the NCLEX-
RN, with an average of 48 students. Reportedly, a range of 88 to 94 percent passed on the first
attempt with an average of 91 percent passing. Requiring an entrance exam other than the NLN
PAX-RN, three KCTCS colleges reported a range of 35 to 67 students, average of 50, testing on
the NCLEX-RN in 2017. From those students, 83 to 97 percent passed with an average of 90.33
percent. Finally, four KCTCS colleges do not use any entrance exam for admissions criteria. Of
these four colleges, a range of 20 to 39 students with the average of 31 were tested. From these
specific colleges, 77 to 100 percent, averaging to 88.75 percent, reportedly passed the NCLEX-
RN on first attempt (KBN, 2018). Despite the diverse range of enrolled number of students, the
average pass rate on the NCLEX-RN was very similar.
Hopkinsville Community College. Specific to the current study, Hopkinsville
Community College (HCC) is one of the sixteen KCTCS colleges. Located in Hopkinsville,
Kentucky, HCC offers associate level degrees, diplomas, and certificates to more than 3,700
students (Hopkinsville Community College [HCC], 2018). Students have the option to pursue
numerous Allied Health programs currently including: Register Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse,
Medical Assisting, Surgical Technology, Massage Therapy, Emergency Medical Technician,
Paramedic, Respiratory Therapy, Medicaid Nurse Aide, Phlebotomy for Healthcare Workers,
and Medical Information Technology.
Since founded in 1965, institutional values, visions, and overall mission of HCC supports
innovative academic excellence to encourage, prepare, and support student learning.
Hopkinsville is a uniquely diverse college with two main campuses, one in Hopkinsville and the
other located on the Army military base at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. Students have the
opportunity to take courses online, as a hybrid, or in-person to accommodate personal learning
styles and individual schedules (HCC, 2018).
The college is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), which requires institutional assessments to be conducted
on regular basis (Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges
[SACSCOC], 2018). Continual assessment ensures a high standard for the quality of education
and overall educational experience. Specific guidelines for institutional effectiveness are
monitored closely with institutional submissions of annual program reports and a five-year site
visit from the accrediting body to emphasize the importance of excellence in higher education
(SACSCOC, 2018).
Along with the four-semester ADN program, HCC also offers an eleven-month practical
nursing program (PN) and a three semester bridge program for licensed practical nurses (LPN) to
complete the required education for an RN (HCC, 2018). Inclusion of an Allied Health division
at HCC in 2017 was implemented to provide a variety of opportunities to students and address
the current healthcare crisis. The ADN program at HCC has consistently remained the largest
and one of the most successful technical programs represented on campus (HCC, 2018).
In 1971, HCC admitted the first group of nursing students. During the initial stages of the
program, the ADN was affiliated with the Pennyrile Regional Associate Degree Program
(PRADP). Sharing instructors, classrooms, curriculums, and resources between HCC and
Madisonville Community College (MCC), the joint program remained functional until 1992
(KCTCS, 2018). While successful in graduating 938 nursing students, the mutual decision to
separate the two college programs dissolved the PRADP and led to individual programs as seen
in other KCTCS sister colleges (KCTCS, 2018).
As a stand-alone program, HCC has graduated on average 45 ADN nursing students with
an Associate of Allied Science in Nursing annually since 1992 (HCC, 2018). Designed to be
completed in five semesters with the first semester set aside for general education courses,
students complete a total of 24 to 30 credits in general education classes and 38 nursing credits to
complete the degree. In 2000, HCC received initial accreditation through the National League for
Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC) and has been held in good standing each year
(HCC, 2018). Now known as the Accrediting Commission for Educating Nurses (ACEN), the
NLNAC granted HCC the maximum term for continuing accreditation of eight years in 2006. As
of 2018, the program remains in continuing accreditation with the next evaluation and site visit
for accreditation scheduled for the Fall 2021 semester (HCC, 2018).
Students are admitted into the ADN nursing program at HCC every fall and spring
semester. Admission into the program depends upon the following: submission of application,
ACT composite score of 20 or higher or a combined SAT score of 940 in Reading and Math,
attendance at an offered Pre-Admissions Conference held by HCC nursing faculty, a minimum
score of 111 on the NLN PAX-RN exam, a GPA of 2.0 or higher, a grade of C or higher in all
Math and Science course pre-requisites (HCC, 2018).
Once admitted into the program at HCC, students are required to pass all nursing courses
with a final letter grade of C or higher. The grading scale for HCC’s nursing program deems a
grade of 75% or higher as a passing score. Any student that does not meet the 75% final grade
will subsequently fail the class and will not be permitted to continue to the next semester. Failing
students are allowed to re-apply into the nursing program as early as the following semester;
however, are not guaranteed a spot. (HCC, 2018).
Of the students admitted into the nursing program, HCC reports the percentage of
students that complete all four semesters successfully without repeating any nursing courses. In
the fall semester of 2014 a total of 58% of students were successful, where in spring 2015 77%
of students admitted passed (HCC, 2018). Fall 2015 reported 49% and spring 2016 had 44% of
nursing students graduate the program. Only 52% of those admitted passed the nursing program
in fall 2016, and in spring 2017 HCC reported 85% of students passed (HCC, 2018). Compared
to other ADN programs in Kentucky, with average graduation rates for all ADN programs at
62.5% in 2016 and 62.6% in 2017, HCC was below average in 2016 but above average in 2017
(KBN, 2018).
Program completion at HCC reflects the national statistics reported in nursing programs,
supporting a higher than normal attrition rate (Merkley, 2015). According to the NLN (2018),
two-year institution nursing programs have experienced a retention rate of 65%. Similarly, one
study reported a national nursing attrition average for ADN programs to be 47%, and suggested
that nursing programs address their admissions process in order to improve attrition rates (Harris,
Rosenberg, & O’Rourke, 2014). Declining numbers of available seats for enrollment into nursing
programs, lack of qualified nursing faculty to teach courses, poor retention of admitted nursing
students, and fewer graduates of ADN programs (AACN, 2017), all validate the need to research
effective admissions criteria to admit those students with the highest probability of success.
Over the last five years, HCC has been successful in graduating competent students and
providing qualified nurses to help bridge the gap in healthcare. In 2013, 51 students from HCC
took the NCLEX-RN and of those tested, 94% passed on the first attempt (KBN, 2018). Of the
51 HCC graduates that tested in 2014, 86% initially passed the NCLEX-RN. The following year,
50 students sat for national certification and 90% passed (KBN, 2018). Due to the high attrition
rates noted in second semester, a change in the breakdown of content lectured during the first
two semesters of nursing was implemented in 2016 (HCC, 2018). On the NCLEX-RN in 2016,
38 students tested with a 97% first time pass rate (KBN, 2018). In 2017, 43 students sat for the
NCLEX-RN exam and 100% of students that took the national certification passed on the first
attempt (HCC, 2018; KBN, 2018).
Limited Validity of the NLN PAX-RN
Current research is very limited regarding validity of the NLN PAX-RN as a predictor for
student success. Support requiring the NLN PAX-RN for selective admissions was represented
in the reviewed literature as an indicator for student success (Briscoe & Anema, 1999; Crow et
al., 2004; Ukpabi, 2008). Strength of indication provided by the NLN PAX-RN was conflicting
in much of the research. Crow et al. (2004) reported a low percentage of nursing programs that
implemented the NLN PAX-RN into admissions criteria found significant ability to predict early
nursing school success. Sayles et al. (2003) concluded that higher Math and Reading
comprehension subsection scores of the entrance exam were a significant indicator of first
attempt NCLEX-RN pass rates, and that the overall composite score is a valid tool for
admissions committees to review when assessing which students are more likely to succeed in
the program.
Concerns with utilizing any standardized testing for selective admissions into nursing
programs have been reported (Randolph, 2017; Tagher, 2017). Randolph (2017) argues that high
pass rates on the NCLEX-RN are not always indicative of a nursing program or intuition’s
efficiency because the test does not examine any skills and addresses only minimal competencies
covered in nursing curriculum. While standardize testing could benefit students by highlighting
academic areas of strengths and weaknesses, these tests are rarely used for content analysis
(Tagher, 2017). Therefore, students often have a negative perspective towards standardize
testing, view such exams as an academic hindrance, and tend to score lower than on program
exams they deem beneficial (March & Robinson, 2015; Tagher, 2017).
In 2012, the National League of Nursing implemented the national fair testing guidelines
in response to growing concerns of using standardized testing in nursing programs to predict
student success (NLN, 2012). The high attrition of nursing students and low graduation numbers
were recognized by the public, institutions, and industries, and the NLN acknowledged the lack
of guidelines or policies for how nursing programs should utilize standardized testing may
contribute to these issues (NLN, 2012). The national fair testing guidelines consists of five major
points including: 1. Faculty are ethically obligated to ensure the tests are consistent and fair to all
students, 2. Faculty must consider assessed skills and abilities that are not included in
standardized testing, 3. Programs should use multiple sources of evaluation, 4. Standardized
testing results must be used to improve the overall program, and 5. Results and how programs
will use standardized testing must be clearly communicated to students (NLN, 2012).
Regardless of the concerns for using standardized testing in nursing, ADN programs
utilize tests such as the NLN PAX-RN entrance exam to admit students. A majority of the
research supporting the validity of using entrance exams was dated and not represented or
recreated in current studies. Recent publications on admissions criteria for nursing schools was
found to support entrance exams, however these studies were focused on the different available
options of entrance exams, and presented without conclusion of which exam is the most accurate
indicator of student success (Liu, Codd, & Mills, 2018). Studies suggest that nursing programs
should examine the admissions process very closely to ensure the predictive validity of tools
used as indicators for selecting applicants (Fowles, 1992; Gallagher et al., 2001).
Obvious gaps in the current literature and concerns regarding the validity of entrance
exams provides a platform for this study to evaluate the NLN PAX-RN as an indicator for
student success. Comparison of overall composite score with each subsection score may provide
insight on the most significant predictor of success. The goal of this study was to provide nursing
programs with current data on the validity of using the NLN PAX-RN in the admissions process
to select candidates with the highest probability of completing the program and passing the
NCLEX-RN on first attempt.
Chapter III: Methodology
Growing concerns in healthcare reflect the need to graduate qualified nurses for
employment. Application pools are filled with qualified candidates, however limited availability
in programs denies admission to hundreds of potential nurses each semester. The purpose of the
study was to determine the validity of Hopkinsville Community College’s (HCC) admissions
policy in the highly competitive Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) program.
This chapter highlights methods utilized during the study to address the research
questions previously detailed in Chapter I. This chapter describes the selection of the sample,
data collection procedures, and the analysis of quantifiable data in order to validate the use of the
NLN PAX-RN entrance exam as a predictor of student success in the nursing school program at
HCC. The goal of this study was to provide selective admissions committees with applicable
results to ensure admittance of candidates with a higher probability of program success.
Sample Selection
The current study examined data collected from HCC nursing program inclusive of
admission cycles from January 2014 through January 2017. The sample specifically included
students that were admitted into the ADN program. Students at HCC are admitted into the ADN
program each fall and spring term, and graduate in four semesters. The sample was limited to
only one of sixteen Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) institutions
with the understanding that results could have systematic impact upon similar nursing programs.
Findings from the study could be implemented at HCC and applied to other KCTCS ADN
nursing programs.
The collected data identified HCC nursing students who reported a composite national
percentile score on the NLN PAX-RN, were admitted into the ADN program, successfully
graduated in four semesters, and passed the NCLEX-RN upon first attempt. Considering the
NLN PAX-RN, the study addressed students admitted into the program who scored in the 85
percentile and successfully passed the NCLEX- RN. Selected percentiles were studied based
upon the average NLN PAX-RN scores reported at HCC that resulted in students being admitted.
Likewise, detection of students scoring below the 85
percentile who were admitted into the
nursing program and passed the initial NCLEX-RN attempt will be reviewed.
The sample included students that were admitted, based upon predetermined admissions
criteria, into the ADN program at HCC during the spring and fall terms from January 2014
through January 2017. A total of 237 students were admitted into the nursing program during
these seven admission cycles. A description of the admitted students for each semester is
provided in Table 1. Required admissions criteria data were provided for all admitted student for
analysis. Following IRB approval from MSU and KCTCS, data were collected from historical
HCC nursing records, and scrubbed of all personal identifiers. Confidentiality was maintained
throughout the duration of the study.
On average 150 applications are submitted for the fall admissions consideration into the
HCC ADN program, and approximately 100 applications are submitted for the spring semester.
During the seven semesters analyzed within this study, an average of 33.86 students were
admitted each semester. The low number of students accepted into the ADN program each
semester is consistent with the reviewed literature (Kavilanz, 2018; Nardi & Gyurko, 2013;
Young, 2018). Factors such as classroom space, qualified faculty, and clinical availability
contribute to the enrollment restrictions.
Table 1
Number of ADN Admits Between Spring 2014 and Spring 2017
Admission Cycle
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Admission Criteria
Eligibility for admission into the HCC nursing program is based upon published criteria,
as detailed below, and is required by all applicants for consideration. Applications that are
incomplete, submitted after the deadline, or that do not meet any portion of the admission criteria
are marked ineligible for acceptance. Applications are reviewed by the Director of Nursing and
the Nursing Administrative Assistant, removing any ineligible applications from the pool prior to
the admissions committee consideration. Potential ADN students are allowed to submit a request
to waive any portion of the admission criteria, and waivers are determined on individual basis.
Required criteria are available on the HCC nursing webpage and in the nursing
department. Academic advisors cover ADN requirements during advising sessions to ensure that
potential students are aware of current standards to apply. Prior to the admission cycle deadline,
students must complete the following criteria for consideration: submit a completed application,
have any official transcript on file, have a minimum of a 20 composite score on the ACT or a
combined score of 940 in Critical Reading and Math on the SAT, attend a Nursing Pre-
Admission Conference, score a minimum of 111 on the NLN PAX-RN, be in good academic
standing at HCC, and have at least a 2.0 GPA with a grade of C or higher in all Math, Science,
and pre-requisite courses.
ACT scores. Of the admitted students during the selected semesters, 227 students
reported ACT scores (M = 22.99; SD = 2.949). Individual scores ranged from a minimum of 19
to a maximum of 33. This requirement was waived for five students, and five students reported
SAT scores in the place of the ACT.
NLN PAX-RN scores. All 237 of the admitted applicants reported NLN PAX-RN scores
which were converted to a national percentile for comparison and consideration. The mean was
the 88
percentile, with a minimum individual score accepted being the 67
percentile and the
maximum reported individual in the 99
percentile. For the selected admission cycles, 75% of
the admitted students scored at the 94
percentile or higher.
Grades. For students admitted into the HCC nursing program, 144 students (60.8%)
successfully passed all four required semesters and graduated the ADN program. The program
had a total of 93 students (39.2%) that were not successful during these semesters. Of the
unsuccessful students, 64 students (68.8%) did not meet the minimum academic grade of a C or
higher required to continue in the program, 14 students (15.1%) chose to withdraw from the
program prior to the final exam due to the impossibility of academic recovery, and 15 students
(16.1%) withdrew due to non-academic related issues. Table 2 summarizes the findings for
students admitted into the HCC nursing program.
Table 2
Fate of Students Admitted into the ADN Program
Admission Cycle
WD Failing
WD Non-Academic
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Student success as defined by the current study, includes successful completion of the
ADN program within four semesters and passing of the NCLEX-RN licensure examination on
first attempt. To evaluate the effectiveness of the HCC nursing program in preparing graduates
for eligibility of nursing employment, successful first attempt pass rates of the NCLEX-RN were
analyzed. A total of 131 students took the NCLEX-RN licensure examination during the selected
terms. Of those who took the NCLEX-RN, 119 students (90.1%) passed on first attempt, and 12
students (9.2%) who passed the ADN program at HCC then failed the initial NCLEX-RN. These
data suggest the nursing program at HCC is effectively preparing students for passing the
NCLEX-RN licensure examination.
When considering only the students that were successful in the HCC ADN nursing
program (n = 144), a Chi-square test indicated a statistically significant relationship between
ADN program completion and successfully passing the NCLEX-RN. The Chi-square test
examines the differences between categories within a sample, and accounts for which categorical
variables are responsible for the observed differences (McHugh, 2013). Students who pass the
HCC nursing program have a very high likelihood of being successful on the initial nursing
licensure examination. A summary of these findings are found in Table 3.
Table 3
ADN Program and NLCEX-RN Results for Admitted Students
Admission Cycle
Passed ADN and
Passed ADN but
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
Data Collection
Prior to the collection of data, the Institutional Review Boards (IRB) of Murray State
University (MSU) and the KCTCS approved the current study. Historical data were collected
with all personal identifiers removed and confidentiality was maintained throughout the study.
The data were collected from HCC program admission files, NLN PAX-RN records, ADN
course records, and NCLEX-RN records. All statistical analyses utilized the 25
edition of the
SPSS Statistical Software.
Participants included 237 students admitted by an appointed committee to the HCC
nursing program based upon the required NLN PAX-RN entrance exam scores, completed
application, ACT score of 20 or higher, a grade of C or higher in prerequisite courses, and an
overall GPA of 2.0 or higher. Focus was on those students that were successful in their first
attempt at passing the NCLEX-RN for all students graduating in the following terms: Spring
2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2017, and Spring 2017.
Research Questions
In an attempt to explore the overall selective admissions criteria for nursing programs, the
following research questions and hypotheses were addressed in this study:
Research question 1: What is the correlation between individual NLN PAX-RN scores
and successful completion of the HCC ADN program?
: There is no correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores and success of students in the
HCC ADN program.
Research question 2: What is the predictive power of the combined three individual
sections represented on the NLN PAX-RN exam and successfully passing the NCLEX-RN on
first attempt?
: There is no combined predictive power of using the three individual sections of the
NLN PAX-RN and passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt.
Research question 3: What is the correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores of admitted
HCC ADN students and first time pass rate of the NCLEX-RN?
: There is no correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores and first time pass rates of the
Research question 4: Do students scoring at the 88
national percentage (or above) on the
NLN PAX-RN have a higher first time NCLEX-RN pass rate than students scoring below the
national percentage?
: There is no statistical difference in national percentage scores on the NLN PAX-RN
and first time pass rates of the NCLEX-RN.
To determine if the NLN PAX-RN is an adequate indicator of student success, individual
research questions must be studied statistically. The current study defined student success as
successful completion of the HCC nursing program within the allotted four semesters and
passing of the NCLEX-RN licensure examination on first attempt.
In order to establish if any relationship existed between NLN PAX-RN scores and
success in passing HCC nursing program courses, data were analyzed with a series of point-
biserial correlation and multiple regression. Data were further analyzed to determine if any one
of the three specific sections of the NLN PAX-RN was a more accurate indicator of student
success than the others. The Verbal Ability, Mathematics, and Science sections of the NLN
PAX-RN were evaluated via regression to quantify any relationship between each section and
student success. Multiple regression determines which independent variable or variables best
predicts the dependent variable.
First time pass rates on the NCLEX-RN and individual NLN PAX-RN scores were
compared via a point- biserial coefficient to determine the strength of the relationship is. Data
were analyzed further to determine if the relationship between NLN PAX-RN and NLCEX-RN
pass rates is stronger than the relationship identified in the first research question with NLN
PAX-RN and students passing the nursing courses.
Finally, the national percentage scores from the NLN PAX-RN were examined to
determine if a particular benchmark percentile serves as a defined indicator for student success.
A Chi-square test was utilized to decipher if students scoring at the 88
national percentile or
higher on the NLN PAX-RN were more likely to pass the NCLEX-RN on initial attempt than
students scoring below the 88
percentile. Current admission practices at HCC for the ADN
program identifies a cutoff score based upon the size of the applicant pool as opposed to a
minimal percentile that students are required to obtain for admission.
Based upon the data collected, the current study analyzed each of the identified research
questions in an attempt to validate the current admission criteria used in predicting student
success. This study provides the opportunity to make results-based recommendations that can
lead to best methods and policies that will identify applicants with the highest probability of
success in the HCC ADN program and initial passing of the NCLEX-RN.
Chapter IV: Findings and Analyses
This chapter presents the findings of this study for each of the research questions and
hypotheses. This study investigated the relationship between the NLN PAX-RN entrance exam,
required for admission into the ADN nursing program at HCC, and student success as previously
defined in Chapter 1. Furthermore, individual sections of the NLN PAX-RN were examined to
determine if a specific section of the NLN PAX-RN was a better indicator of success. Lastly, the
NLN PAX-RN percentile scores of successful students were analyzed to determine if there was a
relationship between an identified benchmark score on the NLN PAX-RN and overall success.
Research Questions
Data were used to analyze the four research questions and hypotheses with the intention
of validating current admissions criteria utilized in the HCC nursing program.
Research question 1: What is the correlation between individual NLN PAX-RN scores
and successful completion of the HCC ADN program?
: There is no correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores and success of students in the
HCC ADN program.
To determine if a relationship exists between NLN PAX-RN scores and students
successfully completing the ADN program, a point-biserial correlation was calculated. A point-
biserial correlation is a specific correlation used to examine possible relationships between a
dichotomous variable (i.e., successful completion of the ADN program) and a continuous
variable (i.e., NLN PAX-RN scores) (Varma, 2006). The point-biserial correlation revealed a
statistically significant relationship between individual NLN PAX-RN composite percentile
scores and successful completion of the HCC nursing program (r
= .222, n = 234, p = .001). A
positive correlation was found, meaning that as NLN PAX-RN percentile scores increase, the
likelihood of passing the ADN program increases as well. The results indicated individual NLN
PAX-RN percentile scores are useful in predicting students likely to successfully complete the
nursing program at HCC. The null hypothesis is rejected.
The results of Research Question 1 suggest that individual NLN PAX-RN percentile
scores and successful graduation from the ADN program have a statistically significant positive
relationship (p =.001). The obtained correlation was weak (r = 0.222), indicating that individual
NLN PAX-RN percentile scores are minimally useful in predicting success in the ADN program.
Research question 2: What is the predictive power of the combined three individual
sections represented on the NLN PAX-RN exam and successfully passing the NCLEX-RN on
first attempt?
: There is no combined predictive power of using the three individual sections of the
NLN PAX-RN and passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt.
Multiple regression analysis is a valuable tool for determining the predictive power of
several continuous independent variables on a dichotomous dependent variable (Aiken & West,
1991). To determine the best predictor of the dependent variable, a mathematical linear equation
composed of all represented variables is constructed for correlation (Kelley & Maxwell, 2003).
Considering the slope of a line, the independent variables are compared by calculating
how closely each of the variables fit the prediction slope and are reported as R
2014). Such values are reported between .000 and .100, where .000 shows no relationship
between the variables and .100 shows absolute correlation between the independent and
dependent variable (Kenton, 2018).
Verbal Ability, Mathematics, and Science are the three represented and reported sections
on the NLN PAX-RN. A multiple regression analysis (n = 197) utilizing the Enter method was
performed to evaluate if the individual NLN PAX-RN sections, independently or combined,
significantly predicted the likelihood for passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt. Collectively,
the individual percentage of NLN-PAX RN scores were significant (F = (3,193) = 5.596, p =
.001) with an R
of .081, meaning that 8.1% of the variance in the data can be explained by the
three variables.
However, of the three individual sections reported on the NLN PAX-RN, only
Mathematics proved statistically significant (p = .001, R
= .053) in predicting success on the
NLCEX-RN. Neither the Verbal Ability (p = .128, R
= .012) and nor the Science (p = .160, R
.025) sections were statistically significant in predicting first attempt success on the NCLEX-RN.
Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. Mathematics scores are the most significant predictor of
passing the initial NCLEX-RN exam.
Individual NLN PAX-RN Mathematic scores reported (n = 203) for the selected
semesters within the current study ranged from 45 to 98 (M = 76.41, SD = 11.960). To further
evaluate the association between Mathematics and student success, a point-biserial test revealed
a significant relationship between NLN PAX-RN Mathematic percentile scores and successful
passing of the ADN program (r
= .174, n = 201, p = .013). As Mathematics scores on the NLN
PAX-RN increase, the likelihood of passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt increases as well.
Consideration of individual NLN PAX-RN Mathematics scores would prove beneficial in
admitting students into the ADN program at HCC.
Research question 3: What is the correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores of admitted
HCC ADN students and first time pass rate of the NCLEX-RN?
: There is no correlation between NLN PAX-RN scores and first time pass rates of the
A point-biserial correlation revealed a statistically significant relationship between
individual NLN PAX-RN composite percentile scores and successfully passing of the NCLEX-
RN on first attempt (r
= .254, n = 220, p < 0.001). A positive correlation was found, meaning
that as NLN PAX-RN percentile scores increase, the likelihood of passing the NCLEX-RN
licensure exam on the first attempt increase as well. The results indicated individual NLN PAX-
RN percentile scores are useful in predicting first attempt passing of the NCLEX-RN. The null
hypothesis is rejected.
Research question 4: Do students scoring at the 88
national percentage (or above) on the
NLN PAX-RN have a higher first time NCLEX-RN pass rate than students scoring below the
national percentage?
: There is no statistical difference in national percentage scores on the NLN PAX-RN
and first time pass rates of the NCLEX-RN.
Of the admitted ADN students at HCC represented in the current study (n = 237), the
mean NLN PAX-RN percentile score was the 88
percentile. The lowest admitted score was at
the 67
percentile and highest admitted score was at the 99
percentile. Current NLN PAX-RN
requirements for admission into the ADN program is a composite score of 111, or the 61
percentile. The lowest reported percentile admitted into the program that was successful in the
ADN program and passed the initial NCLEX-RN was in the 68
percentile. Data from the NLN
PAX-RN scores are represented in Table 4.
Table 4
NLN PAX-RN Percentile Scores of Admitted Students
Number of Students at the
Percentile or Higher
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Spring 2015
Fall 2015
Spring 2016
Fall 2016
Spring 2017
To address Research Question 4, a Chi-square test of independence was conducted to
examine the relationship between NLN PAX-RN percentage scores and initial success on the
NCLEX-RN. Chi-square analysis has been historically valuable in determining if an association
of variables exists (Federighi, 1950). There was a statistically significant association found
between the percentile score on individual NLN PAX-RN exams and passing the NCLEX-RN on
the first attempt (X
(58) = 76.713, p = 0.051). Percentile scores above the 88
percentile on the
NLN PAX-RN are a better indicator for passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt when compared
to those students scoring below the 88
percentile. Thus the null hypothesis is rejected.
Admitting students into the ADN program with an NLN PAX-RN score at the 88
percentile or
higher would increase the likelihood of student success.
Chapter V: Conclusions and Discussions
Several conclusions may be made from analyzing data collected on students in the ADN
nursing program at HCC during the admission cycles including Spring 2014 through Spring
2017. Research questions were designed to evaluate the current criteria utilized to select
applicants for admission into the nursing program.
Research question 1. The first research question was intended to determine if individual
NLN PAX-RN scores predict a higher likelihood of successfully completing the requirements set
forth in the HCC ADN program. The results showed that there was a statistically significant
relationship between these two variables, although this relationship was weak. The NLN PAX-
RN scores are heavily weighted in the determination of admitting students at HCC. This aspect
of entry requirements seems to be defensible, applicants are organized by NLN PAX-RN
entrance exam scores and presented to the Admission Committee for admission consideration.
While applicants are required to meet all predetermined admission criteria, consideration
or discussion of any criteria besides the NLN PAX-RN is not represented in the decision to admit
students into the nursing program. Admission criteria are checked as completing the minimum
requirements, and committee focus on the NLN PAX-RN score is extensive. In the event that
two or more applicants with the same NLN PAX-RN scores are vying for the final admission
seat, prerequisite GPA will typically be the next criteria evaluated for selection.
Based upon analysis of the data, the relationship between NLN PAX-RN scores and
successful completion of the HCC nursing program is a very weak indicator of overall student
success. Of the 93 total students who failed or withdrew from the program, 35 students (37.6%)
scored at the 90
percentile or higher on the NLN PAX-RN.
Research question 2. While the percentile scores for the three individual sections
represented on the NLN PAX-RN are readily available, the nursing admissions committee does
not currently consider these sections in determining admission. The score used to determine
admission for each applicant is the composite scores converted to a national percentile. Data
collected were evaluated to decide if the individual sections were indicative of success on the
NCLEX-RN. The individual Mathematics percentile score was the only section that statistically
predicted success on the NCLEX-RN. Neither Science nor Verbal Ability scores were
Of the semesters represented in the current study, nearly half of the students with
reported individual NLN PAX-RN sections scored at the 77
percentile or lower in the area of
Mathematics. While findings from this study suggest that individual Mathematics percentile
scores are statistically significant in predicting success on the NCLEX-RN, a benchmark score
was undetermined. Further research to statistically support which percentile score in
Mathematics correlates to a 90% passing of the NCLEX-RN would be helpful.
These findings are of particular interest considering the prerequisite courses required by
HCC for admission into the ADN program include Mathematics, Science, and English. Students
must have a grade of C or higher in selected courses to be considered for admission. Based on
the findings, student success in prerequisite Mathematic courses may provide greater insight on
potential student success.
Comparable findings were witnessed in an internal assessment conducted by the nursing
department that highlighted an obvious lack of basic Mathematical skills, thus hindering students
from succeeding in the program. To address this need, interdepartmental discussions resulted in a
weekly offering of a one-hour tutoring session for nursing students. The session was led by
faculty members in the Mathematics department to assist in homework problems and testing
strategies that involved calculations. Due to a change in schedule, the tutoring was only available
for two semesters.
Research question 3. To better understand if a relationship exists between the NLN
PAX-RN and likelihood for students to pass the NCLEX-RN on first attempt, the study
compared individual NLN PAX-RN percentile scores to NCLEX-RN pass rates. The results
revealed similar findings as the first research question, and found a significant positive
relationship between these variables. The overall goal for students entering into an ADN
program includes passing the NCLEX-RN for licensure and certification in order to be eligible to
enter into the healthcare work field. The HCC nursing admissions committee and nursing faculty
rely on NLN PAX-RN scores to identify students capable of reaching this goal. Of the 119
students that passed the NCLEX-RN on first attempt, 33 students (27.7%) had an NLN PAX-RN
score at the 85
percentile or lower, and 7 students (5.9%) were below the 80
The NLN PAX-RN scores are heavily considered during the ADN admission process,
and accepted cutoff percentiles vary each semester based on the application pools. Of the
analyzed semesters, the lowest accepted percentile was in Spring 2017 and was at the 67
percentile. While that particular student was not successful in the program, in the same semester,
a student scoring at the 68
percentile on the NLN PAX-RN was admitted and passed both the
ADN program and the NCLEX-RN on first attempt. Current criteria requires students to have a
composite score of 111 or higher on the NLN PAX-RN for admission consideration, which
correlates to a 61
national percentile rank.
A range of NLN PAX-RN scores from the 67
national percentile to the 99
was admitted during the seven selected semesters. Overall student success was varied with
respect to NLN PAX-RN scores. Some of the admitted students scoring in the lower national
percentiles on the NLN PAX-RN passed the NCLEX-RN on first attempt, while other students
scoring in the higher national percentiles did not pass the initial NCLEX-RN. Further evaluation
to identify the national percentile score that best correlates to a 90% pass rate on the initial
NCLEX-RN would provide insight for admission committees.
Research question 4. Currently HCC does not require a minimum benchmark percentile
score on the NLN PAX-RN for acceptance into the program. Any student who has taken the
NLN PAX-RN and has met all of the other specified criteria is eligible to apply and considered
for admission. A minimum NLN PAX-RN composite score of 111 score is stated in the
admissions packet, on the HCC nursing webpage, and relayed during advising sessions, however
students with a score lower than 111 can still apply to the ADN program. Of the semesters
studied, no admitted student scored lower than 115 on the PAX-RN. The average score of
students accepted into the program was at the 88
percentile, a 32-point range was represented
with the lowest percentile accepted being at the 67
percentile and the highest at the 99
percentile. Based on the results, the mean percentile was a statistically valuable predictor of
success on the NLCEX-RN.
Despite the suggested composite score of 111 on the NLN PAX-RN, which corresponds
to the 61
percentile, students scoring below the 80
percentile on the entrance exam are highly
encouraged by nursing advisors to retake the NLN PAX-RN for a higher score before applying
to the HCC nursing program. Reasoning behind this suggestion is based upon the ideology and
assumptions that: 1. Students scoring below the 80
percentile are not likely to be admitted in an
admission cycle due to the vast number of applicants, 2. Students scoring below the 80
percentile often fail the ADN program, and 3. Students scoring below the 80
percentile do not
succeed on the initial NCLEX-RN examination. Of the students admitted into the program
during the represented admission cycles, 29 students (12.2%) scored below the 80
percentile on
the NLN PAX-RN. As discussed above, 5.9% of the students successful on the initial NCLEX-
RN exam had scored below the 80
percentile on the NLN PAX-RN, and the admitted student
scoring at the 68
percentile on the NLN PAX-RN was recently successful in passing the
NCLEX-RN on first attempt.
Findings from the study are significant in predicting student success, and are as follows:
1. NLN PAX-RN scores are a weak indicator of ADN program success, 2. the NLN PAX-RN
scores are significant in predicting passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt, 3. the individual
NLN PAX-RN Mathematics percentile score was found to be significant in predicting success on
the NCLEX-RN, and 4. Students scoring at the 88
percentile or higher on the NLN PAX-RN
are more likely to pass the NCLEX-RN on first attempt than students scoring lower than the 88
Based upon the results of the current study, HCC can improve their selective admissions
process into the ADN program by prioritizing the entrance components. Applicants with the
highest probability of success, as defined by this study, will report an NLN PAX-RN score at the
percentile or higher, and once a percentile benchmark is established for a Mathematics
score, HCC should consider the individual Mathematics percentile scores for admission.
Consistent with findings from previous research (Fowles, 1992; Gallagher, Bomba, &
Crane, 2001; Liu, Codd, & Mills, 2018) entrance exams offer insight for selecting students with
a higher probability of success. Validation that the NLN PAX-RN is an indicator for student
success is consistent with research conducted by Briscoe and Anema, (1999), Crow, Handley,
Morrison, and Shelton, (2004), Sayles, Shelton, and Powell (2003), and Ukpabi, (2008). Strength
of the correlation between the NLN PAX-RN and student success was consistent with Crow et
al. (2004) who reported NLN PAX-RN scores were a weak indicator of predicting nursing
school success. Considering the increased weight placed upon the NLN PAX-RN scores at HCC
during the admission process, and the findings of a weak correlation to success, HCC should
consider decreasing the weight of the NLN PAX-RN in the admissions selection.
Of the three tested content sections on the NLN PAX-RN, findings from the current
research were inconsistent with earlier studies. Sayles et al. (2003) reported that both
Mathematics and Reading can predict student success. Results for this study indicated only the
Mathematics scores were statistically significant. Currently, the only score on the NLN PAX-RN
that is considered for admission into the ADN program at HCC is the composite score. Based on
the data, HCC should continue to consider the national percentile score on the NLN PAX-RN,
but should also report the Mathematics percentile scores when admitting students. A benchmark
Mathematics percentile score should be determined and considered during admissions.
No previous data were found to compare with the findings of this study in regards to a
specific benchmark score on the NLN PAX-RN being a better indicator of student success.
Individual ADN programs arbitrarily choose a cutoff score for admission, however findings from
this study indicated that the average percentile score reported at HCC during the seven semesters
on the NLN PAX-RN was a better indicator of student success.
Practical Implications
Students in the nursing program are required to complete College Algebra or higher for
eligibility of admission. Based on the current study, Mathematics scores are significant in
predicting overall success. Research on the addition of a first-semester, content-based, remedial
Mathematics course for admitted nursing students with a C in College Algebra may prove
academically beneficial in successful completion of the student. Interdisciplinary coordination
between Nursing and Mathematics to develop and deliver such a course is suggested.
High attrition rates, particularly in the second semester of the ADN program, are
concerning. Evaluation of the current distribution of content delivered during the first and second
semesters may provide insight on reasons that many students are not academically successful in
the program. Second-semester nursing at HCC is focused on the management of patient care and
requires students to utilize critical thinking skills, apply knowledge, and correlate information to
succeed. Students historically struggle with the ability to perform the needed cognitive processes
to answer questions that demand application of content. The addition of Allied Health specific
Anatomy and Physiology, Mathematics, and Psychology courses, embedded with critical
thinking style assignments and exams, designed collaboratively between nursing and general
education faculty may prove beneficial in more effectively preparing students who identify as
pre-nursing. Better preparation academically prior to admission into the nursing program may
alleviate the elevated attrition noted in second semester.
Historically, emphasis on using pre-nursing grade point average (GPA) to predict student
success has been represented in the literature. Of the reviewed literature, findings varied on the
extent that pre-nursing GPA can be used to predict student success, however most studies
concluded that GPA does provide some validity in predicating student success in nursing
programs (Blackman, Hall, & Darmawan, 2007; Bosch, Doshier, & Gess-Newsome, 2012;
Herrera & Blair, 2015; Seago, Keane, Chen, Spetz, & Grumbach, 2012; Sears, Othman, &
Mahoney, 2015). Students applying to the ADN program at HCC are required to have a
minimum pre-nursing GPA of 2.0, which is comparatively low when compared to the 2.5 to 3.0
GPA required by many similar nursing programs. Increasing the minimum GPA requirement to
2.5 may improve the likelihood of admitting students with a higher probability of overall
Research shows a statistically significant relationship between GPA of nursing courses
and overall student success (Alameida et al., 2011; Crow et al., 2004; Herrera & Blair, 2015;
Tipton et al., 2008; Ukapabi, 2008). Students with high academic performance, particularly in
the Nursing Fundamentals course taught in the first semester of nursing, have a statistically
higher probability of completing the program and passing the NCLEX-RN on first attempt
(Blackman et al., 2007; Simon, McGinniss, & Krauss, 2013; Tipton et al., 2008; Ukapabi, 2008).
Based upon these findings, students in the HCC nursing program who receive a grade of C in the
first semester of nursing, should be required to complete a three week accelerated remedial
course before beginning second semester. The course should be designed in modules, developed
by nursing faculty, with the intent to review content obtained in the first semester. To ensure
students remain on track for graduation, fall semester students would complete the mandatory
remedial course during the winter break and spring semester students would complete the course
during the summer break. Students receiving the grade of an A or B in the first semester of
nursing should have the option to complete the course for individual benefit.
The addition of an interview process may prove valuable in identifying students with a
higher probability of student success. Discussions of an interview portion for admission into the
nursing program has been considered at HCC, but not implemented. Interviews will assist in
improving the diversity of students represented in the program and provide perspective on
potential non-academic concerns. Both academic and non-academic factors should be considered
when selecting applicants for admission into the nursing program.
Finally, input during the admissions process from faculty members that teach the required
prerequisite courses could provide valuable insight on applicants being considered for
acceptance into the ADN program. Faculty feedback could potentially be collected via a survey
to be completed by each professor, designed specifically to evaluate the individual applicants.
Responses must be submitted in a timely manner each semester to allow for ample analysis by
the Nursing Admissions Committee for consideration of each candidate. While this particular
mode of participation may be beneficial, a more effective method of soliciting cross-disciplinary
input is suggested. Allowing Algebra, Psychology, and Anatomy and Physiology faculty to serve
on the Nursing Admissions Committee cultivates an environment open to discussion on
individual applicant’s strength and weaknesses in the classroom prior to the decision to admit.
Limitations of the Study
Numerous limitations were identified within the study that will limit generalizability of
the findings. The current study represented a small sample size in each of the seven analyzed
semesters. The data collected focused on students admitted to the HCC nursing program.
According to the NLN (2016) in 2014, 1,092 accredited ADN programs were available for
enrollment. Nearly half of those programs were located in the South or Midwest region of the
United States (NLN, 2016). In the state of Kentucky, 29 ADN programs are available and of
those, the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) accredits 17 (KBN,
2018). Thus, the small sample size studied within this research may not represent the total
population of ADN students.
The study did not include all students applying for the HCC nursing program, only those
admitted during the selected semesters. Likewise, the current study did not examine gender, race,
or age of the admitted students. Hundreds of applications are denied consideration due to limited
availability of space within the program. Of those students not accepted, several meet and even
exceed the qualifications for the program. Students who applied, but were not accepted into the
ADN program during the seven semesters were not considered or analyzed in the current study.
Future research including data from all ADN applicants has potential to be proven statistically
Prior to the semesters represented within the study, data were not available for analysis.
There has been little to no change in the admissions criteria required for acceptance in the HCC
nursing program since Spring 2014. There was a reported change in the minimal ACT score
requirement during the analyzed semesters from 19 to 20, and therefore ACT scores were not
evaluated in this study. Of the 227 admitted students during this study who reported ACT scores,
only 12 students had a score of 19.
In accordance to requirements set forth by accrediting bodies, only the first attempt of the
NCLEX-RN is reported to the HCC nursing program. Any student passing the initial
examination is considered successful, and any student that fails the first attempt is considered
unsuccessful. Students that fail the first attempt have the opportunity to retake the licensure exam
after a 45-day waiting period. A total of eight attempts each year are possible for persistent
students. Upon passing the NLCEX-RN, regardless of how many attempts, students are eligible
to work as an RN. While acknowledged as both a personal and professional achievement, these
students are never considered a success for the program. Students that pass the NCLEX-RN after
the first attempt and are subsequently employed in healthcare are successful in impacting the
national nursing shortage; however, based on the definition of success within the current study,
these students are considered a failure. No information beyond the first attempt was available for
students that were eventually successful on the NLCEX-RN.
Recommendations for Future Research
Several recommendations for future research were identified. While some
recommendations are outside of the scope of this study, additional and expanded research can
have substantial impact on the nursing program at HCC. Findings from continual research can
potentially be implemented at similarly structured nursing programs across the nation. Future
research can corroborate findings of this study, justify suggestions for improvement, and foster
successful programs.
The findings of this study should be replicated across educational nursing programs at
both the community college and university levels. According to Cai et al. (2018), two optional
methods for replicating educational research can be utilized. The first is called the exact method
of replication, which Cai et al. (2018) concluded to be difficult when considering the diverse
composition of education. The second method is called the conceptual method and openly
accepts slight variations in the research with the goal to test the generalization of other findings
(Cai et al., 2018). Data from other identified community college ADN programs that utilize the
same admissions criteria, would enhance the validity of the findings from the current study. Due
to the complex nature and extreme diversity of classrooms, nursing programs, admission
policies, instructors, and students, future research should attempt to reproduce the findings of this
Upon examination of the data, further research to identify specific contributors to the
attrition rate reported by the HCC nursing program would be of benefit. In the analyzed
semesters, a total of 93 students (39.2%) failed or withdrew from the program. Research should
focus on individual semesters of the nursing program to recognize major personal events or
specific content that led to either the withdraw or failing of students.
Historically, the second semester of nursing at HCC has reported a very high attrition rate
and could be an interest and focus for future researchers. Identifying the most likely reason for
this high attrition rate has proven difficult for nursing faculty and administers. Of the 93 students
that failed out of or withdrew from the ADN program during Spring 2014 through Spring 2017,
84 students (88.3%) were lost in the second nursing semester.
Additionally, of the 46 students admitted in Fall 2017, which were excluded from this
study due to incompletion of the program at the time current study was performed, 16 of the 18
students which have already failed out or withdrew were in second semester. There is a specific
need to improve retention in all college programs. Early detection of possible academic barriers
must be identified and improvements made to increase retention and student success.
Based upon the current literature, a third suggestion for research would be to establish the
significance of non-academic factors in predicting student success. Future research should
determine if non-academic factors play any significant role in identifying applicants more likely
to pass the nursing program and the NCLEX-RN on first attempt. Of the students who withdrew
from the ADN program, 16.1% reported non-academic factors as the cause for leaving. Further
investigation of these barriers will assist to identify potential problems and provide assistance to
specifically address non-academic contributions. Recognition and improvement in such factors
could improve the admissions policy and student success at HCC.
Many ADN programs utilize a point system in the admissions process to assist in ranking
students for program consideration. Students are assigned points in identified categories with top
ranking students endorsed for admission. Many of the point systems included an interview score
to assess the non-academic factors. Further research on the ranking process and validity of such a
system, combined with the findings of this study, may provide enhanced methods for selecting
students with a higher probability of success.
While outside of the scope for the current study, progressive healthcare educators should
focus on improving the represented diversity of admitted nursing students. As reported in the
reviewed literature, gender and ethnic gaps in the nursing field are obvious (Olson, 2014);
however, the findings are contradicting and inconclusive regarding a statistical correlation
between increasing diversity and overall student success in nursing programs (Sears et al., 2015).
Future research on improving recruitment efforts of gender, cultural, and ethnic minorities may
prove beneficial to the program and the institution as a whole.
Finally, further examination of student success in prerequisite courses to determine how
academic preparedness impacts nursing school success would be of substantial benefit. Future
researchers should study grades and academic performance in prerequisite courses, particularly
in Mathematics, to determine if a C average statistically correlates to student success in the
nursing program. Attention should be drawn to the fact that in the prerequisite courses at HCC, a
70% is considered a C grade. However, in the HCC nursing program, students must maintain a
76% or higher to be eligible for continuation. This discrepancy of the grading scale could prove
statistically significant in predicting overall success.
P-20 Implications
The continual evolution of education, combined with the increasing need for healthcare
workers, has provided a platform of opportunity for progressive leaders. Future successes depend
upon the ability of institutions to implement more effective methods in selecting students for
programs with the highest probability of overall success. Research-based suggestions for
improvements validate changes made to current practice.
Transformational educational leaders must support the implementation of more effective
methods and continue further research to identify factors that predict overall student success.
Numerous qualified applicants are denied admission into the HCC nursing program due to
limitations of classroom space, clinical availability, financial constraints, and lack of faculty.
Such enrollment obstructions as these are difficult for programs and institutions to overcome,
and thus solidifies the need for research-based suggestions on improving the selective admissions
process. Innovative methods to increase the likelihood that selected students succeed have
widespread implications.
Earlier identification, progressive advising, and academic preparation of students
expressing an interest in nursing will facilitate stronger applicants with higher probability of
overall success. Institutional and program recruitment efforts must begin prior to high school,
and must be supported at all levels of education. Providing younger generations with the
resources, the tools, and the academic pathways to succeed will assist in constructing a stronger
educational future. Progressive leaders must work collaboratively from birth and beyond,
breaking down current academic silos, to produce qualified, competent, and effective graduates.
Growing demands for healthcare workers have grabbed the attention of higher education
programs. The responsibility to produce qualified and competent employees, helping to bridge
the current divide in healthcare, falls upon institutions like HCC. Large applicant pools of
qualified candidates are denied admission into programs for various reasons, thus selecting
students for admittance with the highest probability of program success is critical. Confirmation
that HCC’s standard practice for admission criteria identifies students more likely to complete
the nursing program and pass the nursing licensure examination validates current methods.
While the admissions methods are statistically significant, the reported correlations are weak,
suggesting room for improvement. Further research may enrich the overall admissions process
into nursing, assist to increase retention, produce more graduates employable in nursing, and
therefore significantly impact the expanding healthcare crisis.
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