Friday February 4, 2022
***Caramel Popcorn***
Winter XXIV Olympics Begin ~Wear Red Day
Snickers Day ~ Happy Birthday USO (1941) & Facebook (2004)
9:00 10/11 Pure Nebraska DAILY(CH.11) (In Room)
9:05 Popping Popcorn
10:00 Morning Coffee & Cards (A)
11:15 Fit & Fierce on Fridays - Exercise
11:45-12:00 “Truly ThankfulGrace/Prayer (DR)
12:45 Daily Devotions In Activity Room
2:30 Facts & Floats (DR)
3:15 Entertainment By Tim Javorsky (DR)
4:15 Catholic Confessions & Blessing
w/Father Kubat (LB/CH)
6:30 Resident Lead ~ PIGGame (I/CS)
6:30 Catholic Rosary (Ch.95)
7:00 Beijing 2022 Olympics (NBC 5)
Saturday February 5, 2022
Songs Of The Heart Saturday ~ Monarch Day
World Nutella Day ~ Weathermans Day
Mail Boxes: Daily Chronicles & Trivia Pages
10:00 Coffee, Cards & Conversation (CS/I)
2:15 Favorite Song BINGO (CS)
3:00 Nutella & The Flight Of The Monarch
Butterfly *Netflix Documentary (MT)
6:00 ON TV: The Lawrence Welk Show (Ch.17)
Wednesday February 2, 2022
Groundhog Day ~ 2.2.22 ~ National Tater Tot Day
National Hedgehog Day ~ Candlemas Day
9:00 Faith Lutheran Church Service (Ch.181)
11:45-12:00 Lords Prayer (DR)
12:45 Daily Devotions In Activity Room
1:15/1:30 Charlie & Suzie Visits (MS/CS)
2:00 Entertainment By Ray Conant (DR)
3:15 Hot Homemade Bread & Butter (A)
3:30 ITs A TWOSDAY SOCAILHappy Hour, Double
Activity Points, Groundhog Trivia, Puzzles & More (A)
7:00 The Amazing Race (CBS Ch. 11)
7:00 Guys Grocery Games (Food Ch. 50 )
Sunday February 6, 2022
National Croissant Day ~ Yodel For Your Neighbors Day
10:30 First Presbyterian Church Service (FB LIVE/MT)
2:00 Popping Popcorn
2:00 Church Service by LCMS (CH)
2:30 Sunday Sundaes (CS)
3:10 Snapshot: Weekly Suite Stops
Televised Sunday Church Services
6:00 Hour of Power (OXYGN ch.49)
8:00 Peace Lutheran Church (Ch.181)
9:00 First Presbyterian Church (Ch.181)
9:30 Catholic Mass (TV ch.5)
10:30 First United Methodist Church (Ch.181)
1:30 Zion Lutheran Church (Ch.181)
2:30 First St. Paul's Lutheran Church (Ch.181)
4:00 Saint Marks Episcopal Church (Ch.181)
Tuesday February 1, 2022
Chinese New Year ~ Spunky Old Broads Day
International Friendship Month
9:15 Snapshot: Weekly Suite Stops
10:15 Ladies Coffee & Social Hour In Library
10:45 Simple Craft: Chinese Lanterns (LB)
11:15 Touch Your Toes Tuesday - Exercise
11:45-12:00 Lords Prayer (DR)
12:45 Daily Devotions In Activity Room
1:30 BINGO (CS)
2:15 Chinese New Years Celebration (MT)
3:30 Dominos (MT)
4:30 Catholic Rosary (CH)
Happy 98
Birthday Dorothy Anderson
(A) Activity Room
(CH) Chapel
(CS) Coffee Shop
(CY) Courtyard
(DR) Dining Room
(PDR) Private Dining Room
(PR) Puzzle Room
(FH) Friendship Hall
(I) Independent/Self Lead Activity
(L) Library
(MS) Memory Support
(T) Theatre
(TBA) To Be Announced
(W) Wellness Room
Popcorn & Ice Cream
Are Available Daily
Rebecca Bruns - Life Enrichment Director 402-461-2806
[email protected] 1100 North 6th Ave, Hastings 68901
Thursday February 3, 2022
***Personal Shopper delivery***
Feed The Birds Day ~ Norman Rockwell Day ~ Carrot Cake Day
International Fake Moustache Day
9:00 10/11 Pure Nebraska DAILY(CH.11) (MT)
9:15 Stop&Shop Van Service & Walmart Pick Up (Outing)
11:15 Tone It Up Thursday - Exercise
11:45-12:00 “God Is GoodGrace/Prayer (DR)
12:45 Daily Devotions In Activity Room
2:00 Merrymakers Entertainment
By Joyce Torcia *Thank You Sponsors
3:00 Lutheran Communion (CH)
3:30 I Moustache You A Question Happy Hour(CS)
4:00 1st Meeting Of The *NEW*
College View Prayer ChainCommittee (A)
7:00 Evening Card Group (Resident Lead/MT)
NET: 7&8pm This Old House (Ch 17)
7:00 Restaurant Impossible (Food Ch. 50)
All Activities Are Subject To Change
Wear Masks At ALL Activities
Monday January 31, 2022
Inspire your Heart With Art Day
Hot Chocolate Day ~ Eat Brussel Sprouts Day
11:45-12:00 Lords Prayer (DR)
12:45 Daily Devotions In Activity Room
1:30 Townhall Meeting * Discuss Prayer Chain
Everyone Is Encouraged To Attend (DR)
2:00 Bridge Ladies - Meet in the Library
2:15-4 Polished To Perfection (A ONLY TIME THIS WEEK)
3:00 YouTube: Lets Laugh!!
3:30 Happy Hour: AdultHot Chocolate (A)
6:15 Snapshot Nailcare *Appointment Only (A)
NET: 7&8pm Antiques Roadshow (Ch 17)
7:00 Alaska: The Last Frontier (Animal Ch 44)