Published at the Offices of the Grand Chapter of
© copyright 2017, Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, Inc.
2015 Edition
(Revised February 2017)
(includes amendments adopted at the
58th meeting of the Grand Chapter)
THE DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES .....................................................................................................1
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION .............................................................................................................3
INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION ........................................................................................................ 7
INTERNATIONAL BYLAWS AND TRADITIONS .................................................................................. 20
INDEX TO INTERNATIONAL CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS .........................................................51
We, the members of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, hereby declaring our strict adherence and unswerving fidelity
to what we believe to be the basic principles of true friendship, do ordain and adopt this our Declaration of Principles.
The object of this Declaration is to codify the settled convictions of this fraternity into abiding form to guide
fraternal action and conduct for all time to come. And to the principles hereinafter enunciated, we individually and
collectively pledge our unreserved allegiance.
Man is a social being. Our whole structure evidences the absolute interdependence of man. Reclusiveness is
dwarfing to man’s best qualities. Intimate and frequent contact with our fellows is necessary to symmetrical develop-
ment. As a consequence, organizations whose purpose is to promote these ends are to be fostered and encouraged.
We believe that at no other period in the life of a man is the time more opportune for the fostering of such quali-
ties than during the years of his college career. Then mind and heart are in their most receptive condition, for it is
the formative period of life.
We regard mental development as of vital importance, but of equal consequence is the acquisition of a knowl-
edge of men and a proper conception of their relation to one another. This is not obtained from texts and lectures,
but from actual and intimate intercourse with men. To promote these ends is the avowed and earnest purpose of this
fraternity. Fully realizing the burdens of this duty, we enter upon its performance with the conscientious purpose of
adequately meeting its demands.
We maintain that exclusiveness is the direct antithesis of true fraternity. We condemn the un-American policies
of some of the leading college fraternities of the country in their attitude of contempt to all who are without the
bonds of fraternities, regardless of character, ability or personal merits. Such policies we seek to avoid, as they are
destructive of the very ends of true fraternity.
We believe that a fraternity should be a brotherhood in conduct as well as in name. “Faith without works is dead.”
Pledges of brotherhood not succeeded by observance in conduct are as “sounding brass and tinkling cymbal.” By
the tenor of our daily action we should evidence our devotion to the principles we have solemnly obligated ourselves
to observe.
The duties and obligations that subsist between the sons of the same mother should subsist between brothers in
the sacred bond of this fraternity. The instinct to the observance of mutual duties that common blood supplies, must
be furnished by the pledges of our ritual.
We believe that the essential elements of true brotherhood are love, charity, and esteem; love, that binds our
hearts with the sturdy chords of fraternal affection; charity, that is impulsive to see virtues in a brother and slow to
reprove his faults; esteem, that is respectful to the honest convictions of others and that refrains from treading upon
that which is sacred to spirit and conscience; these are the triple obligations of every brother in the bond.
We believe in secretism in so far as it enables a fraternity to protect the confidence of the brotherhood. Secrecy
that is promoted for selfish purposes or utilized to cloak fraternal wrong-doings we unsparingly condemn. We uphold
this policy in so far as it is necessary to insure the dignity of our ritualism and the privacy of our internal affairs.
As secrecy is employed to protect and perpetuate the sanctity of the family relation, so we enlist the advantage of
secrecy to preserve inviolate the confidences and sanctities of the brotherhood.
Toward other fraternities we believe we should maintain an attitude of dignity and respect, recognizing their
merits and studiously avoiding their evils. We believe our relation to them is, in a measure, competitive, and that
we should endeavor to excel them in the fields of college activity.
We maintain that competition may become detrimental to any school. When healthy rivalry is followed by
competition in which honorable methods are employed, it is a boon to the fraternity, and a benefit to the school, but
when groveling and unprincipled means are employed, when school spirit and interest are subordinated to fraternal
prejudice and selfishness, it becomes “a snare to the feet,” and a detriment to the fraternity and to the school. Com-
petition in such form we condemn, and pledge every effort to avoid.
Finally, above all else, this fraternity stands for Men. We believe in their equality in those things which the
Creator has decreed they should equally enjoy. We consider no man from the standpoint of those qualities and ad-
vantages he has not attained by personal effort. We stand for men whose manhood has withstood the test of trying
conditions. We deem sterling character and staunch uprightness to be necessary qualifications to membership in
this fraternity. All else, though desirable, is secondary to these.
—Adopted in 1908
Vision, Mission, and Purpose of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity
Tau Kappa Epsilon creates lifelong relationships that enhance educational,
interpersonal, community and professional success.
Our mission is to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development
for life.
TKE contributes to the advancement of society through the personal growth
of our members, and service to others.
The name of the Corporation is Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.
Purposes and Powers
SECTION 1. Purposes. The exclusive purposes for which this Corporation is organized and for which it
shall be operated are to promote and to secure the intellectual, educational, social and recreational benefits derived
from fellowship among its members and to promote such fellowship.
SEC. 2. Powers. The Corporation shall possess and may exercise all of the powers conferred by the Indiana
General Not For Profit Corporation Act (“Act”) and, in addition, all of the following powers:
(a) To advise and instruct the members and chapters of the Corporation and all entities, corporations,
and associations related to such chapters or related to the Corporation with respect to the principles, rituals and
traditions of the Corporation and to expel those members and declare non-operating or dormant those chapters
that fail to conform to such principles, rituals and traditions.
(b) To acquire, own, hold, use, lease, mortgage, pledge, sell, convey or otherwise dispose of, property,
real or personal, tangible or intangible.
(c) To acquire, hold, own and vote and to sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of
the capital stock, bonds, securities or evidences of indebtedness of any other corporation, domestic or foreign.
(d) To borrow money and to issue, sell or pledge its obligations and evidences of indebtedness, and to
mortgage its property and franchises.
(e) To enter into and perform, cancel or rescind agreements and contracts of any nature.
(f) To sue and be sued in its own name.
(g) To receive from any source, by gift, grant, devise, bequest or otherwise, any money or property, ab-
solutely or in trust.
(h) To make gifts, donations, contributions, loans and grants of all or any part of its income, assets and
(i) To appoint such officers and agents as the affairs of the Corporation may require and to define their
duties and fix their compensation.
(j) To indemnify the persons described in Article III, Section 2 of these Articles of Incorporation, in the
manner and to the extent described therein.
(k) To purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of the persons described in Article III, Section 2 of these
Articles of Incorporation, in the manner and to the extent described therein.
(l) To make by-laws for the government and regulation of its affairs.
(m) To carry out its purposes in this state or elsewhere.
(n) To do any and all other acts and things necessary, convenient or expedient for the furtherance of the
purposes for which the Corporation is formed.
SECTION 3. Construction and Limitation of the Foregoing Sections. The implementation by the Corpo-
ration of its purposes and the exercise of its powers shall be subject to the following restrictions:
(a) It is intended by the provisions of these Articles of Incorporation that the Corporation shall be an orga-
nization exempt from federal income taxation under the provisions of Section501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue
Code shall be construed so as to effect such intention. The Board of Directors, the officers and the members
shall have no power or authority to do any act which would prevent the Corporation from being an organization
described in Section 501(c)(7).
(b) Chapters, chapter corporations, and members of the Corporation shall have no right or authority, and
shall have no obligation or duty, to act on behalf of the Corporation in any manner, and shall under no circum-
stances represent themselves as being agents or partners of, or joint venturers with, the Corporation, except in
the case of chapters and chapter corporations to the limited extent necessary in connection with the collection
and transmittal to the Corporation of members’ dues, fees and assessments payable to the Corporation, as to
which acts the chapters and chapter corporations shall be special agents of the Corporation and shall be entitled
to represent themselves as such. Notwithstanding anything in these Articles of Incorporation or the Corporation’s
Constitution or Bylaws to the contrary, the Corporation’s power to supervise members and chapters shall be
limited to those acts and things necessary, convenient or expedient to protect the Corporation’s name and ritual.
The Corporation’s sole right in the event that a member or chapter fails to conform to the principles, rituals and
traditions of the Corporation shall be to expel the offending member or to declare non-operating or dormant the
offending chapter.
(c) No power conferred by the Act or set forth in any of the foregoing provisions of Section 2 of this
Article II shall be construed to limit any other such power. The expression of the foregoing powers shall not be
deemed to exclude any other power of like character although not expressed.
Provisions for the Regulation of the Affairs of the Corporation
SECTION 1. Nonliability of Members and Directors. No member or Director of the Corporation shall be
liable for any of its obligations.
SEC. 2. Indemnification and Insurance. To the extent not inconsistent with the Act as in effect from time
to time:
(a) Every person (and the heirs and personal representatives of such person) who is or was a Director, of-
ficer or employee of the Corporation shall be indemnified by the Corporation against all liability and reasonable
expense that may be incurred by him in connection with or resulting from any claim, action, suit or proceeding
(i) if such Director, officer or employee is wholly successful with respect thereto or (ii) if not wholly successful,
then if such Director, officer or employee is determined, as provided in subsection (e), not to have engaged in
willful misconduct. The termination of any claim, action, suit or proceeding, by judgment, settlement (whether
with or without court approval) or conviction or upon a plea of guilty or of nolo contendere, or its equivalent,
shall not create a presumption that a Director, officer or employee did not meet the standards of conduct set forth
in this section.
(b) As used in this Section 2, the terms “claim, action, suit or proceeding” shall include every claim, ac-
tion, suit or proceeding and all appeals thereof (whether brought by or in the right of the Corporation or any other
corporation or otherwise), civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, or threat thereof, in which a Director
or officer or employee of the Corporation (or his heirs and personal representatives) may become involved, as
a party or otherwise:
(1) by reason of his being or having been a Director, officer or employee of the Corporation or of
any other corporation which he has served as such at the request of the Corporation, or
(2) by reason of his acting or having acted in any capacity in a partnership, association, trust or
other organization or entity where he served as such at the request of the Corporation, or
(3) by reason of any action taken or not taken by him in any such capacity, whether or not he con-
tinues in such capacity at the time such liability or expense shall have been incurred.
(c) As used in this Section 2, the terms “liability” and “expense” shall include, but shall not be limited
to, counsel fees and disbursements and amounts of judgments, fines and penalties, and amounts paid in settlement
by or on behalf of, a Director, officer or employee.
(d) As used in this Section 2, the term “wholly successful” shall mean (i) termination of any action, suit
or proceeding against the person in question without any finding of liability or guilt against him, and not settled by
agreement predicated on the existence of willful misconduct by him, (ii) approval by a court, with knowledge of the
indemnity herein provided, of a settlement of any action, suit or proceeding, or (iii) the expiration of a reasonable
period of time after the making of any claim or threat of an action, suit or proceeding without the institution of the
same, without any payment or promise made to induce a settlement.
(e) Every person claiming indemnification hereunder (other than one who has been wholly successful with
respect to any claim, action, suit or proceeding) shall be entitled to indemnification (i) if special independent legal
counsel, which may be regular counsel of the Corporation or other disinterested person or persons, in either case
selected by the Board of Directors, whether or not a disinterested quorum exists (such counsel or person or persons
being hereinafter called the “referee”), shall deliver to the Corporation a written finding that such Director, officer or
employee has met the standards of conduct set forth in the preceding subsection (a) and (ii) if the Board of Directors,
acting upon such written finding, so determines. The person claiming indemnification shall, if requested, appear
before the referee and answer questions which the referee deems relevant and shall be given ample opportunity to
present to the referee evidence upon which he relies for indemnification. The Corporation shall, at the request of
the referee, make available facts, opinions or other evidence in any way relevant to the referee’s finding which are
within the possession or control of the Corporation.
(f) The rights of indemnification provided in this Section 2 shall be in addition to any rights to which any
such Director, officer or employee may otherwise be entitled. Irrespective of the provisions of this Section 2, the
Board of Directors may, at any time and from time to time, approve indemnification of Directors, officers, employees
or other persons to the full extent permitted by the Act and the law of the State of Indiana, whether on account of
past or future transactions.
(g) Expenses incurred with respect to any claim, action, suit or proceeding may be advanced by the
Corporation (by action of the Board of Directors, whether or not a disinterested quorum exists) prior to the final
disposition thereof upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the recipient to repay such amount unless he
is entitled to indemnification.
(h) The Board of Directors is authorized and empowered to purchase insurance covering the Corpora-
tion’s liabilities and obligations under this Section 2 and insurance protecting the Corporation’s Directors, officers,
members and employees, whether or not the Corporation would have the power to indemnify such Directors, officers,
members and employees under the provisions of this Section 2.
SECTION 3. Amendments. The Corporation may alter, change or repeal any provision contained in these
Articles of Incorporation in the manner prescribed by the Act.
SECTION 4. Further Provisions. Any further provisions, consistent with these Articles of Incorporation
and the Act, for the regulation and conduct of the affairs of the Corporation, and the creation, definition, limitation or
regulation of the powers of the Corporation, of the Directors or of the members, may from time to time be prescribed
by the By-Laws of the Corporation.
The principal place of business of said Corporation shall be in Indianapolis, Indiana.
I General ............................................................................................................7
II The Grand Chapter ..........................................................................................7
III The Grand Council ..........................................................................................8
IV Grand Officers.................................................................................................9
V Chapters ........................................................................................................11
VI Membership ..................................................................................................12
VII Officers of Collegiate Chapters.....................................................................14
VIII The Judiciary Committee ..............................................................................15
IX Finance ..........................................................................................................15
X Publications ...................................................................................................16
XI Ritual .............................................................................................................16
XII Emblems and Insignia ...................................................................................16
XIII Honors and Awards .......................................................................................17
XIV Chapter Corporation & Property ...................................................................17
XV Inspection and Supervision ...........................................................................17
XVI Amendments .................................................................................................18
We, brothers sworn in solemn compact, in order to secure the benefits - intellectual, social and moral - derived
from a closer fellowship, do institute and ordain this Constitution.
SECTION 1. Name. The name of this Fraternity shall be Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity.
SEC. 2. Corporation. This Fraternity shall be a not-for-profit corporation under the laws of the state of
Indiana or other state as the Grand Council may direct.
SEC. 3. Bylaws. The Bylaws of the Fraternity shall be composed of two parts: (a) the International
Constitution (“Constitution”) and (b) the International Bylaws and Traditions (“Bylaws”) [the Constitution and
Bylaws are herein collectively sometimes referred to as “laws”].
SEC. 4. Government. The government of the Fraternity shall be vested in a Grand Chapter and, in the in-
terim between its meeting, in a Grand Council, except as required by the laws of the state of Indiana or otherwise
provided in the Constitution or Bylaws.
The Grand Chapter
SECTION 1. Name. The name of the Grand Chapter shall be the Grand Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon
SEC. 2. Who Compose. The Grand Chapter shall consist of all members of the Fraternity. Members
having voting rights shall be the Grand Council members, all living Past Grand Prytani, and one delegate from
each collegiate chapter and alumni association. When a collegiate chapter cannot be represented by a collegiate
delegate from the chapter due to school session conflicts, the chapter may certify an alumnus of that chapter as its
SEC. 3. Term of Delegates. Each delegate shall serve for a term equal to the lesser of two years or until
the chapter which such delegate represents files credentials certifying another delegate to represent such chapter.
SEC. 4. Past Grand Prytanis. Each Grand Prytanis, upon his retirement, shall have the title of Past Grand
Prytanis, and shall be a life member of the Grand Chapter, with one vote.
SEC. 5. Chapter in Arrears. No chapter in arrears to the Fraternity shall be entitled to a vote in the Grand
SEC. 6. Number of Votes. Each collegiate chapter delegate shall be entitled to two votes in the Grand
Chapter, and each alumni association delegate, Grand Council member and Past Grand Prytanis to one vote each.
No individual shall act in more than one capacity as a voting member. No other members shall have voting rights
except as otherwise required by the laws of the state of Indiana.
SEC. 7. Quorum. A quorum of the Grand Chapter shall be a sufficient number of delegates, Grand Council
members and Past Grand Prytani to cast legally a majority of the total number of votes in the full Grand Chapter.
SEC. 8. Meetings. The Grand Chapter shall meet annually. Meetings held in odd numbered years shall be
referred to as Conclaves and meetings held in even numbered years shall be referred to as Administrative Meet-
ings. Meetings of the Grand Chapter shall be held at such times and places as the Grand Council shall designate.
Special meetings of the Grand Chapter shall be called and conducted as provided in Chapter III of the Bylaws.
SEC. 9. Mail Vote. Voting members may vote by proxy only at Special Administrative Meetings and
only with respect to (a) ratification of the granting of charters to collegiate chapters and (b) such other matters as
the Grand Council may by resolution provide. Proxies must be mailed to the Offices of the Grand Chapter and
received prior to the time of the meeting in order to be valid.
SEC. 10. Authority. The Grand Chapter shall be the only source of authority, and shall exercise general and
exclusive original jurisdiction over all subjects of fraternity legislation, except as required by the laws of the state of
Indiana or otherwise provided in the Constitution or Bylaws, and full appellate and supervisory jurisdiction over acts
and decisions of the Grand Council and Grand Prytanis, and may adopt general and special laws, regulations, tradi
tions, insignia and ritualistic ceremonies, and do whatever it may consider necessary to the well being and perpetuity
of the Fraternity, when not inconsistent with the laws of the state of Indiana, the Constitution, or the Bylaws.
The Grand Council
SECTION 1. Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the Fraternity shall be known as the Grand
SEC. 2. Who Compose. The Grand Council shall be composed of up to eleven (11) members. The Grand
Officers shall be the members of the Grand Council, as well as those selected pursuant to Article IV, Section 7 of
this Constitution.
SEC. 3. Time and Place of Meeting. The Grand Council shall meet at such times, places, and frequency
as may be provided in the Bylaws or by resolution of the Grand Council.
SEC. 4. Authority Over Laws. The Grand Council shall have power to enact, amend or suspend laws,
under the following conditions and limitations:
First: Such law, amendment or suspension shall continue in force only until the next Conclave of the
Grand Chapter, when if not expressly confirmed, such law, amendment or suspension shall thereafter be null and
void, and any such amended or suspended law shall again be in force in its original form.
Second: No law shall be passed, amended or suspended except by unanimous vote, and then only in case
of emergency, which emergency shall be stated in detail in the enacting clause of the act, amendment or suspension;
provided, however, that an unconstitutional law may, by two-thirds vote, be suspended or amended to conform to the
constitution, but only upon a written opinion of the Judiciary Committee that the said law is unconstitutional.
Third: No law shall be passed, amended, or suspended after the Grand Chapter has once refused to
confirm such enactment, amendment or suspension, nor except in the case of an unconstitutional law, within three
months next succeeding a Conclave.
SEC. 5. Additional Original Jurisdiction. In addition to the foregoing, the Grand Council shall have
original jurisdiction as follows:
First: Upon petition of not less than 20 qualified persons, it may by a two-thirds vote, grant charters for
collegiate chapters and alumni associations, which grant, however, insofar as collegiate chapters are concerned,
shall be only with respect to qualified schools where no similar chapter exists and shall not become effective or
final until three (3) days after notification thereof shall have been given to the Grand Chapter and until such grant
shall have received an affirmative majority of the votes returned by the Grand Chapter within said period. No such
notification shall be given to the Grand Chapter from April 15th to September 15th, both inclusive, of any year. If
such grants do not become effective or final as aforesaid, such petition shall stand referred to the next Conclave of
the Grand Chapter.
Second: To manage the property and assets of the Fraternity, regulate their use, authorize or prohibit their
sale or encumbrance, and to invest and reinvest such property and assets in such securities (including, but not
limited to, common and preferred stock and investment trusts) or real, personal or intangible property (whether or
not mortgaged or subject to any lien or assessment), without limit as to kind or amount.
Third: To manage the finances of the Fraternity, and adopt budgets and financial estimates.
Fourth: To propose amendments to the Fraternity’s Articles of Incorporation.
Fifth: To authorize the establishment of colonies or affiliated local fraternities.
Sixth: Over such other matters as the Grand Chapter shall, from time to time, direct or authorize.
SEC. 6. Appellate Jurisdiction. In addition to the foregoing, the Grand Council shall have appellate
jurisdiction from the Grand Prytanis over all matters of controversy. In no case brought before the Grand Council
shall the Grand Council member whose decision is appealed from be entitled to vote, nor shall any Grand Council
member involved in a controversy to be determined be entitled to vote upon such determination.
SEC. 7. Offices of the Grand Chapter. The Grand Council shall establish a Offices of the Grand Chapter
for the keeping of the books, records, documents, and other property of the Fraternity, in current use and for the
performance of the administrative details of the Fraternity.
Grand Officers, Grand Council Members & Corporate Officers
SECTION 1. Name and Rank of Grand Officers. The officers of the Fraternity shall include a president
(herein referred to as the “Grand Prytanis”), a vice president (herein referred to as the “Grand Epiprytanis”), a
secretary (herein referred to as the “Grand Grammateus”), a treasurer (herein referred to as the “Grand Cryso-
phylos”), a Grand Histor, a Grand Hypophetes, a Grand Pylortes, and a Grand Hegemon. The persons holding the
offices specified in this section shall be known as Grand Officers.
SEC. 2. Eligibility. A candidate for Grand Office at the time of his nomination or succession to office
must be an alumnus or honorary member, and have completed an approved background check and application
through the Offices of the Grand Chapter, to be declared eligible by the Judiciary Committee. Items which would
cause a person to be ineligible would include, but are not limited to: (1) a conviction for a felony in any jurisdic-
tion; (2) a conviction for a crime of dishonesty in any jurisdiction; (3) pending criminal charges in any jurisdic-
tion; (4) pending warrants out of any jurisdiction. A declaration of ineligibility by the Judiciary Committee is
appealable to the Grand Prytanis and must be received in writing no later than seven (7) days after notice of the
ineligibility is sent by the Judiciary Committee.
SEC. 3. Election. The Grand Officers shall be elected by a majority ballot of the Grand Chapter at each
Conclave and shall hold office until the close of the next succeeding Conclave or until such time as their succes-
sors shall be elected and installed. The Grand Prytanis shall not succeed himself in that office, except in cases
where the current Grand Prytanis is serving as a result of filling a vacancy in the Grand Prytanis office.
SEC. 4. Filling Vacancies. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal from office of the Grand
Prytanis, the Grand Epiprytanis shall succeed to that office with the title, powers and authority thereof. In case of
a vacancy in any other Grand Office than that of the Grand Prytanis, the Grand Council shall fill the vacancy by
a majority vote. Should the offices of Grand Prytanis and Grand Epiprytanis become vacant at the same time, the
Grand Officer senior in time of election to the Grand Council shall call a Special Meeting of the Grand Council
to fill such vacancies, and shall preside over meetings of the Grand Council, until the office of the Grand Prytanis
shall have been filled pursuant to this Section 4.
SEC. 5. Rights and Duties of the Grand Prytanis. The Grand Prytanis shall preside over the Grand
Council and all meetings of the Grand Chapter and shall have all of the powers and duties of a president not
inconsistent with the Constitution and Bylaws. It shall be his duty to encourage compliance by all members and
chapters with the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, laws, traditions, usages, regulations, rulings,
obligations and ritualistic ceremonies of the Fraternity. He may appoint one or more assistants or deputies to
assist him in carrying out his duties. His decisions and rulings shall be binding until reversed or revoked by the
Grand Council or Grand Chapter.
SEC. 6. Rights and Duties of the Other Grand Officers. The other Grand Officers of the Fraternity shall
have the rights and duties customary to such office, together with such rights and duties provided in the Constitu-
tion, Bylaws and by resolution of the Grand Council.
SEC. 7. Other Grand Council Members. In addition to the eight Grand Officers, one representative
selected by the Collegiate Advisory Committee and two other alumni selected by the Grand Officers shall serve
as ex-officio, voting members of the Grand Council. All ex- officio members contemplated in this section shall
submit to an approved background check through the Offices of the Grand Chapter and be declared eligible by
the Judiciary Committee prior to taking office.
SEC. 8. Chief Executive Officer. In addition to the Grand Officers, the Grand Council shall appoint a
chief executive and administrative officer known as the Chief Executive Officer. The Chief Executive Officer
shall be a full-time employee of the International Fraternity, shall be charged with administering and overseeing
the day-to-day operations of the International Fraternity, subject to the direction and control of the Grand Coun-
cil. In addition to being the Chief Executive Officer, he shall be the Assistant Secretary and Assistant Treasurer
of the International Fraternity and may execute contracts, notes and other documents in such capacities to the
extent authorized by the Grand Council. The Chief Executive Officer shall have charge of the principal offices of
the International Fraternity and such administrative assistants, clerical help and budget as the Grand Council may
from time to time provide. In addition, the Chief Executive Officer shall have such additional rights and duties as
provided by the Articles of Incorporation, the laws and by resolution of the Grand Council or Grand Chapter, as
well as those which customarily pertain to the office of Chief Executive Officer.
The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Grand Council, and the Grand Council shall deter-
mine his compensation from time to time. The Chief Executive Officer may be removed by the Grand Council,
with or without cause, whenever in its judgment the best interests of the International Fraternity would be served
by such action, and the term of any agreement governing the employment of the Chief Executive Officer shall not
exceed three years.
No person may be considered for employment as the Chief Executive Officer, or any other staff position,
who is also a member of the Grand Council or the TKE Educational Foundation Board of Directors.
SEC. 9. Other Officers. Members of the Judiciary Committee and the Investment Committee shall be
officers of the Fraternity with such rights and duties as specified in the Constitution or Bylaws, or by resolution
of the Grand Council. The Fraternity may have such other officers with such rights and duties as specified in the
Constitution or Bylaws or by resolution of the Grand Council.
SEC. 10. Expenses. Grand Officers shall serve without compensation; however, they may be reimbursed
for actual, reasonable and necessary expenses approved by the Grand Council.
SEC. 11. Limitation of Authority of Grand Officers. All Grand Officers are volunteers and not paid
employees of the International Fraternity, and as such, they have no authority to individually act on behalf of, or
legally bind, the International Fraternity in their capacities as Grand Officers or as members of the Grand Coun-
cil, except as expressly set forth in the Articles of Incorporation, the laws of the International Fraternity, and as
expressly authorized by resolution of the Grand Chapter or Grand Council.
SECTION 1. Collegiate Chapter Defined. A collegiate chapter is a regularly chartered and installed orga-
nization of duly initiated collegiate members.
SEC. 2. Alumni Association Defined. An alumni association is a regularly chartered and installed organi-
zation of alumni and honorary members.
SEC. 3. Collegiate Chapter Names. Each collegiate chapter as chartered shall be named in accordance
with a Greek letter or letters in consecutive order of the alphabet excepting Sigma Chapter, which may be des-
ignated Scorpion Chapter; provided, however, that no chapter shall be named with Greek letters containing the
Greek letter “Eta” as a prefix.
SEC. 4. Alumni Association Names. Each Alumni Association hereafter chartered shall be named in
accordance with the Greek letter or letters designated to the collegiate chapter with whom it is associated. In the
case of an alumni association comprised of the members of several chapters and located principally in a specific
geographic area, then the name of that alumni association shall be the name of the city, town, or geographic area
in which it is located. In either case, the name shall contain the words “Alumni Association.” The determination
of the name of the alumni association shall be made by the Grand Council concurrent with the approval of the
granting of said alumni association charter.
SEC. 5. Power to Make Bylaws. Both alumni associations and collegiate chapters shall have the power to
make local rules, regulations and bylaws for their own government, not inconsistent with the Constitution, By-
laws, laws, traditions, usages, regulations, rulings, obligations or ritual of the Fraternity.
SEC. 6. Qualified School Defined. In order to be eligible to receive and retain a charter, a chapter must
be located at a college or university which is accredited as a four-year degree granting institution by the appropri-
ate regional association.
SEC. 7. Colony. A colony is an unchartered organization designated as such by the Grand Council. Colo-
nies must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Council. Colonies may be permitted to initiate members
into regular membership into the Fraternity provided, however, that each candidate must be approved in advance
by the Chief Executive Officer. Said candidates of the colony would remit to the International Fraternity regular
initiate fees as defined in Division Two, Chapter VII, of the International Bylaws and Traditions. Members initi-
ated by colonies would be considered charter members at such time as a charter may be granted to the colony.
SEC. 8. Affiliated Local Fraternity. By a two-thirds vote of the Grand Council, a local fraternity may
be recognized as affiliated with this Fraternity. Upon recommendation by the Chief Executive Officer, and upon
approval by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Council, affiliated local fraternities may be permitted to initiate
members into regular membership into the Fraternity provided, however, that each initiate membership must be
approved in advance by the Chief Executive Officer. Said initiates of the affiliated local fraternity would remit
to the International Fraternity regular initiate fees as defined in Division Two, Chapter VII, of the International
Bylaws and Traditions.
Members initiated by affiliated local fraternities would be considered charter members at such time as a charter
may be granted to the affiliated local fraternity.
SECTION 1. Kinds of Members. The membership of the Fraternity shall consist of collegiate, inactive,
alumni, honorary members and Chapter Corporations which hold title to real or personal property for use by a col-
legiate chapter.
SEC. 2. Collegiate Member Defined. A collegiate member is a male student in good standing at the
institution which he is attending, who shall have been regularly initiated by a collegiate chapter, and who shall
not have been granted inactive or alumni status. Alumni members may revert to collegiate status while attending
graduate school, but are not required to do so.
SEC. 3. Inactive Member Defined. An inactive member is a regularly initiated member in good standing
who shall be:
First: A collegiate student at a school where no chapter of this Fraternity is established, or
Second: An unaffiliated collegiate student in attendance at a school where a chapter of this Fraternity is
established and is a regular initiate of a collegiate chapter at another school; or
Third: A collegiate member whose participation in chapter activities has been precluded because of:
(a) An extended illness, injury or other extreme and unexpected reason.
(b) Not being enrolled as a student.
(c) Not residing in the metropolitan area where his chapter is located because of participation
in an internship, co-op program, foreign exchange student program or student teaching program.
Written consent of the Chapter Advisor and the Board of Advisors is required for inactive status, and a
copy of said consent shall be filed with the Offices of the Grand Chapter.
The Chief Executive Officer may require a physician’s statement to verify extended illness or injury, or a
statement from the college/university to verify the member is no longer a student or no longer a resident.
In the alternative, the Chief Executive Officer may require sufficient documentation from the Chapter
Advisor and the Board of Advisors.
An inactive member shall have none of the rights or privileges of an active, honorary or alumni member.
SEC. 4. Alumnus Member Defined. An alumnus member is one who continues to be in good standing,
who has ceased to be a student in attendance in school, or continues to be in attendance in school after graduat-
ing with a Bachelors Degree, and who has been regularly initiated into Tau Kappa Epsilon as (a) a collegiate
member of a collegiate chapter, or (b) as an alumnus member of a colony which has been chartered as a chapter
of Tau Kappa Epsilon, or (c) as an alumnus member of a local fraternity, affiliated or unaffiliated, which has been
chartered as a chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
SEC. 5. Life Loyal Teke. The designation of “Life Loyal Teke” shall apply to any member who has volun-
tarily enrolled in the Life Loyal Teke program.
SEC.6. Honorary Members.
(a) An honorary member is one of the following who, having been nominated by a collegiate chapter
or the Grand Chapter and confirmed by the Chief Executive Officer, is not a member of any other national social
fraternity and who has been regularly initiated into Tau Kappa Epsilon: (1) male members of the faculty of the
school where the chapter making the nomination is located, (2) male persons who have rendered or are render-
ing important service to the school, the community, the state, or province, or the nation, who are of good moral
character; or (3) male persons who have rendered important service to the chapter making the nomination or to the
(b) Alumni of any local fraternity which has been installed as a chapter may be initiated as honorary
members by a collegiate chapter.
(c) The Chief Executive Officer shall designate the place of initiation, and which collegiate chapter
scroll such honorary member shall sign when initiated, and the manner his signature shall be affixed thereto.
(d) Upon the approval of the Grand Prytanis, alumni of a school where a chapter is held in suspen-
sion may be initiated by a chartered alumni association, and such initiates shall sign the scroll of the collegiate
chapter designated by the Grand Prytanis.
(e) Honorary members, in their own chapter, shall have all the privileges of alumni members.
SEC. 7. Requirements for Initiation. No person shall be initiated into this Fraternity as a collegiate mem-
ber except an individual who has been duly and regularly elected to membership by vote of the collegiate chapter.
SEC. 8. Double Membership Forbidden. No person shall be eligible to membership in this Fraternity
who is a member of any other collegiate national or international social fraternity.
SEC. 9. Affiliation. Any collegiate chapter may, by such vote as its local laws provide, affiliate into active
membership in such chapter any inactive initiate of another chapter who may be in attendance at the school where
said first chapter is established, and in good standing, and such affiliate shall thereupon become an active colle-
giate member of the chapter affiliating him. An alumnus member who is in good standing at the institution which
he is attending may be eligible for collegiate chapter affiliation at the discretion of the collegiate chapter, or by
such vote as its local laws may provide.
SEC. 10. Restoration of Inactive Members. An inactive member who has acquired such status under Sec-
tion 3 of this article may be restored to collegiate membership by two-thirds vote of his chapter.
SEC. 11. Good Standing Defined. A member in good standing is one who is not on probation or who is
not in arrears to his chapter or the Fraternity, or to any agency or instrumentality thereof, beyond the period fixed
by law. A member not in good standing shall be considered as suspended from membership until all arrears are
paid, or time of payment extended.
SEC. 12. Expulsion, Suspension, Probation and Dropping from Rolls. Members may be expelled, sus-
pended, put on probation, dropped from the rolls and otherwise punished for non-payment of obligations and such
offenses as may be provided by law, upon due notice and opportunity for hearing.
SEC. 13. Demit. A member, at his own request, may demit by written request to the Chief Executive
Officer. With such request, said member shall surrender his badge, membership card and membership certificate.
Upon approval of said demit, the Chief Executive Officer shall immediately notify the appropriate fraternity of-
ficial to strike said members name from the chapter scroll.
A member who demits shall have no rights or privileges in Tau Kappa Epsilon.
SEC. 14. Address. All members shall be responsible for notifying the Offices of the Grand Chapter of
changes in their and their family’s home addresses and contact information.
Officers of Collegiate Chapters
SECTION 1. Titles of Officers. The officers of each chapter shall be Prytanis, Epiprytanis, Grammateus,
Crysophylos, Histor, Hypophetes, Pylortes and Hegemon.
SEC. 2. Election, Term and Resignation of Officers. The officers of a collegiate chapter shall be chosen
by majority ballot at least annually to hold office until their successors shall have been duly elected and installed.
The term of the Prytanis, Epiprytanis, Crysophylos, and Hegemon shall be no less than one year. The retiring
Grammateus shall certify to the Offices of the Grand Chapter within 10 days after election the names of the newly
elected officers. A collegiate chapter may accept the resignation of any chapter officer when it appears that such
resignation would be in the best interest of the chapter and the Fraternity.
SEC. 3. Vacancies, How Filled. In case of vacancy in any office, it shall be filled by majority ballot at the
next regular meeting.
SEC. 4. Prytanis. The Prytanis shall preside over all meetings, enforce the constitution, laws, traditions,
ritual, and local bylaws and rules at all times, and have the duties and powers of a president.
SEC. 5. Epiprytanis. The Epiprytanis, in the absence or incapacity of the Prytanis, shall perform all duties
of the Prytanis; he shall have the custody of all copies of the constitution and laws and of the bylaws of the chap-
ter and be familiar with their contents. He shall also coordinate the chapter Public Relations program and commit-
tee as established by the Prytanis.
SEC. 6. Grammateus. The Grammateus shall keep a permanent record of all proceedings of the chapter;
attend to all correspondence, and, forward to the Offices of the Grand Chapter a complete record of each initiate,
and affiliated, reinstated or returned member. Further, the Grammateus shall update chapter address and contact
information at least annually and report those changes to the Offices of the Grand Chapter.
SEC. 7. Crysophylos. The Crysophylos shall act as treasurer; collect all monies due the chapter and dis-
burse the same; keep accurate and true accounts thereof; make reports of receipts and expenditures when required;
and promptly remit to the Offices of the Grand Chapter all fees and dues.
SEC. 8. Histor. The Histor shall keep a record containing the personal history and permanent and col-
legiate address of each member of the chapter; file properly all matters of historical interest, act as librarian,
furnish correspondence to the Fraternity magazine and edit the chapter publications. Further, the Histor shall, at
least annually, submit articles, reports, photos, etc. covering chapter activities to THE TEKE magazine or other
SEC. 9. Hypophetes. The Hypophetes shall conduct all devotional exercises; have the custody of all ritu-
als; administer the oath of officers-elect; preside in the absence of both Prytanis and Epiprytanis, and supervise
the scholarship of the members and the hospitality of the chapter.
SEC. 10. Pylortes. The Pylortes shall act as doorkeeper and custodian of the chapter room and parapher-
nalia, keep order at all proceedings of the chapter, and act as the chapter risk manager.
SEC. 11. Hegemon. The Hegemon shall have charge of the candidates for initiation until their initia-
tion shall be completed. Further, the Hegemon shall serve as the chapter member development officer and shall
facilitate ongoing training and education programs for the general membership until their graduation and their
subsequent participation in the Fraternity through programs such as Life Loyal Teke. Training and education of
all members shall be consistent with the programs and policies of the Fraternity.
The Judiciary Committee
SECTION 1. Membership, Appointment, and Tenure. The Judiciary Committee shall consist of three
members, two of whom shall be lawyers, or such other number as may be fixed from time to time by resolution
of the Grand Council. The Judiciary Committee members shall be appointed biennially by the Grand Prytanis, to
hold office for a term of two years and until their successors are appointed and have accepted such appointment.
The Grand Prytanis shall designate one of their number as chairman.
SEC. 2. Duties. The Judiciary Committee shall have charge of all revisions of the Constitution and laws,
and may suggest amendments and changes thereof as it shall see fit. All proposed amendments to the Constitu-
tion, and all new laws or amendments to laws, and all motions or resolutions affecting the same at any Conclave
or Grand Council meeting shall stand referred to it. It may, with the approval of the Grand Council, renumber,
relabel, and reorganize articles and sections whenever necessary, and eliminate or modify language that is un-
necessary or ambiguous, or that has been superceded in effect by any amendment, provided that any such changes
do not alter the intent of the laws of the Fraternity. It shall advise the Grand Council and Grand Prytanis as to the
legality of any proposed amendment to the Articles of Incorporation or laws or other matter the Grand Prytanis or
Grand Council may request guidance on, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be devolved upon it.
SECTION 1. Fees, Dues, and Assessments. The Grand Chapter may assess and collect from all members
and chapters such fees, dues and assessments as it shall see fit, provided, that such assessments, exclusive of the
membership fees, shall not exceed 50 percent of the applicable annual membership fee (per member).
SEC. 2. Endowment. The Grand Chapter may provide for an endowment fund or funds, to be raised from
such sources and in such manner as it may by law provide.
SEC. 3. Dues, Etc., How Levied. Each chapter shall be responsible for all fees, dues and assessments of
the members of the Fraternity who are affiliated with such chapter and the same shall be assessed directly against
each chapter.
SEC. 4. Life Loyal Teke Communications Endowment. An appropriate portion of each Life Loyal Teke
enrollment fee, as determined by the Grand Council, initially $45, shall be deposited and maintained in a separate
Life Loyal Teke Communications Endowment investment account. The investment proceeds from this account
shall be used exclusively to fund lifelong communications to all Life Loyal Tekes.
SECTION 1. Magazine. An official magazine or educational journal shall be published periodically as
determined by the Grand Council.
SEC. 2. General Publications. The Grand Council shall authorize the publications necessary to the suc-
cessful operation of the Fraternity.
SEC. 3. Chapter Newsletters. Each active chapter shall prepare and distribute a newsletter to all alumni
of that chapter at least once per academic year.
Official Ritual. The Silver Book shall be the official ritual of the Fraternity and all persons shall be initi-
ated according to this ritual.
Emblems and Insignia
SECTION 1. Coat of Arms. The coat of arms of Tau Kappa Epsilon shall be blazoned as follows: Gules,
on a bend argent five equilateral triangles bendwise of the first voided. Crest: Above a peers helmet, a death’s
head three-quarters profile, proper. Mantling: Gules, double argent. Motto: The Greek letters, pi, alpha, omega,
epsilon, alpha. The symbolism of the coat of arms shall be expressed in the ritual and its usage in the laws and
SEC. 2. Badge. The badge of this Fraternity shall be an equilateral triangle surmounting a scroll, con-
voluted at its ends, and a pendant from an apex, the convolutions touching the sides of the triangle equidistant
from the apex. On the face of the scroll shall appear the Greek letters TKE. Inside the triangle shall be set a solid
triangle one-third smaller, upon which background shall arise a skull and crossbones in relief. In each apex of the
outer triangle shall be set a small pearl or simulated pearl and in each eye of the skull shall be set a red jewel or
simulated red jewel of uniform size and quality. The materials used in the manufacture of the badge shall be as
prescribed by appropriate resolution adopted from time to time by the Grand Council, subject to the terms of this
SEC. 3. Colors, Flower, and Jewel. The colors of the Fraternity shall be the shade of cherry known as
crimson lake, and the shade of gray known as pure silver, and the flower the red carnation. The jewel is the pearl.
SEC. 4. Jewelling and Mode of Purchase. Collegiate and inactive members shall wear only the official
badge which shall be purchased only from an official jeweler through the Offices of the Grand Chapter. Alumni
and honorary members may wear badges with extra jewelling.
EC. 5. Forbidden Use of Badge. The use of the badge on unauthorized jewelry, ornaments, or other items
is forbidden. The badge may not be replicated on anything other than official jewelry, official correspondence,
newsletters, or publications of the Fraternity or its chapters without permission of the Chief Executive Officer.
SEC. 6. Registered Trademarks. Registered trademarks of the Fraternity are for personal use of members
and for collegiate chapter affairs. Registered trademarks of the Fraternity may not be used for commercial pur-
poses without permission of the Chief Executive Officer. Items bearing TKE trademarks may not be sold outside
the chapter fabricating the items without permission of the Chief Executive Officer.
SEC. 7. Ownership of Membership Badge and Certificate. Payment of the proper initiation fee shall
entitle the member to the exclusive use for life of the Membership Badge and Certificate, so long as he remains a
member. The membership badge and certificate remain the property of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity and will be
surrendered to the Fraternity if the member is expelled from TKE.
Honors and Awards
Authority to Establish. The Grand Chapter may, by resolution, establish honorary orders and awards,
authorize the persons by whom and those upon whom the same may be conferred, establish the form in which the
same shall be memorialized, and ratify and confirm any such orders, honors and awards as have been established
by the Grand Council and the conferring thereof. The Offices of the Grand Chapter shall keep a permanent record
of all persons or groups upon which any such honors have been conferred.
Chapter Corporation & Property
SECTION 1. Title. The assets of each collegiate chapter, including title to all real and personal property,
shall be held by a not-for-profit corporation (hereinafter called “Chapter Corporation”), organized and managed
by the Board of Advisors. Each Chapter Corporation shall be subject to the obligations imposed upon it by this
Constitution and the International Bylaws and Traditions of the Fraternity.
SEC. 2. Chapter Finances. The finances of each collegiate chapter shall be supervised by its Board of
SEC. 3. Chapter Corporations. No charter shall hereafter be granted unless or until the petitioning body
shall have first organized a Chapter Corporation. Any existing chartered chapter not having a Chapter Corpora-
tion is required to form and maintain such a corporation in order to remain in good standing with the International
SEC. 4. Corporation Directors. The Board of Advisors shall serve as the Board of Directors of the
Chapter Corporation. Only members of the Board of Advisors shall be eligible to serve as directors of the Chapter
Inspection and Supervision
SECTION 1. May be Provided. Programs for advising and counseling the several chapters and Chapter
Corporations in the principles, rituals and traditions of the Fraternity and in methods and techniques of successful
chapter operation may be provided for by the Constitution or Bylaws or by resolution of the Grand Council or the
Grand Chapter.
SEC. 2. Regions. The chapters and Chapter Corporations of the Fraternity may be assigned to regions, the
geographic boundaries of which may from time to time be fixed by the Grand Council, for the purpose of assis-
tance and counseling.
SEC. 3. Volunteer Program. The Chief Executive Officer shall establish a volunteer program for the
involvement of alumni Fraters. Such program shall be subject to the approval of the Grand Council.
SECTION 1. How Amended. Amendments to the Constitution shall be adopted upon receiving three-
fourths of the votes cast at a meeting of the Grand Chapter.
SEC. 2. Effective Date. This Constitution, as amended, shall supersede all previous constitutions of this
Fraternity and shall have full force and effect from and after August 6, 2011.
I Conclaves of the Grand Chapter ......................................................................... 20
II Rules of Conclave .................................................................................................. 22
III Ad Interim Organization and Administrative Meetings ................................. 24
IV Grand Council ....................................................................................................... 24
V Chief Executive Officer ........................................................................................ 25
VI Records ................................................................................................................... 25
VII Fraternity Finance ................................................................................................. 26
VIII Investment Committee ......................................................................................... 28
IX The Founders Housing Fund, LLC ..................................................................... 28
X Audits and Budget ................................................................................................. 28
XI Debts to the Fraternity ......................................................................................... 29
XII Collegiate Finance ................................................................................................. 30
XIII The Board of Advisors and Chapter Corporation ............................................ 30
XIV Chapter Advisor, Assistant Chapter Advisor, and Campus Advisor .............. 32
XV Candidates .............................................................................................................. 33
XVI Scholarship ............................................................................................................. 34
XVII Alumni Associations ............................................................................................. 35
XVIII New Chapters ........................................................................................................ 36
XIX Chapter Charter Status ......................................................................................... 36
XX Publications ............................................................................................................ 38
XXI Observance of Ritual ............................................................................................ 38
XXII Traditions ............................................................................................................... 39
XXIII Insignia ................................................................................................................... 40
XXIV Honors and Awards .............................................................................................. 41
XXV Trial of Members ................................................................................................... 43
XXVI Trial by Chapter Court ......................................................................................... 44
XXVII Trial by Special Court ........................................................................................... 45
XXVIII General Court ........................................................................................................ 47
XXIX Appeals ................................................................................................................... 47
XXX Grand Court .......................................................................................................... 48
XXXI Trial of Grand Council Member ......................................................................... 49
XXXII Amendments to Bylaws ........................................................................................ 50
Conclaves of the Grand Chapter
SECTION 1. Time of Meeting. The Conclave of the Grand Chapter shall convene in each odd-numbered
year, except in case of emergency, at such time and place as shall be designated by the Grand Council.
SEC. 2. Notice of Conclave. Written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour of the Conclave
shall be delivered at the direction of the Grand Prytanis not fewer than five (5) nor more than forty (40) days
before the date of the Conclave to each member entitled to vote at such Conclave. If mailed, such notice shall be
deemed delivered when deposited in the United States mail addressed to the member at his address as it appears
on the records of the Fraternity, with postage prepaid.
SEC. 3. Attendance and Registration. Each chapter of the Fraternity is required to be in attendance at each
Conclave, being represented by an accredited delegate. The payment of the registration and other fees for the at-
tendance of Conclave shall be the responsibility of each chapter. Payment of the registration and other fees shall be
made in four equal installments in accordance with a schedule established by the Chief Executive Officer. Failure
of the delegate to be in attendance at the Conclave shall not relieve the chapter of the responsibility for the payment
of the registration and other fees for the Conclave. The registration and other fees shall be established by the Chief
Executive Officer in amounts necessary to cover the cost of conducting the Fraternity’s Biennial Conclave.
SEC. 4. Standing Committees. The Standing Committees of the Conclave shall be Judiciary, Nomina-
tions, and Resolutions.
SEC. 5. Roll. The Chief Executive Officer shall prepare a roll of the Grand Chapter, containing the names
of all delegates whose credentials have been filed from chapters not in arrears to the Fraternity, together with the
other voting members of the Grand Chapter. Voting members shall register as “present” and constitute the Official
Register of Delegates. The Grand Grammateus, as the first order of business, shall call the roll and at the conclu-
sion thereof, announce the number of votes present and declare the existence or non-existence of a quorum. Any
question on Official Delegates shall stand referred to the Judiciary Committee.
SEC. 6. Official Tellers. The Grand Prytanis shall designate four Fraters to act as Official Tellers of votes
of the Conclave.
SEC. 7. Judiciary Committee. The Judiciary Committee shall be constituted and empowered as provided
in the Constitution. The Chairman of the Judiciary Committee shall attend all meetings of the Grand Council. He
shall act as Parliamentarian at Grand Chapter and Grand Council meetings and shall serve as legal advisor to the
General Fraternity and to the Grand Council at such meetings. If for any reason, the Chairman of the Judiciary
Committee is unable to attend a meeting of the Grand Chapter or of the Grand Council, he shall designate another
member of the Judiciary Committee to attend in his place. The member of the Judiciary Committee so designated
shall perform the duties of the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee at the Grand Chapter or Grand Council meet-
ings for which he was designated. All proposed legislation shall be presented to the Grand Chapter in the Report
of the Judiciary Committee.
SEC. 8. Nominations Committee-Who Compose and How Selected.
Alumnus Members. The Grand Prytanis shall appoint, no later than 120 days prior to the Conclave,
the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary of the Committee. These appointments will be dis-
tributed to the Grand Chapter with the proposed legislation. At the opening session of the Grand
Chapter, the Grand Prytanis will appoint additional alumni members to be selected from certified
alumni association delegates in the same ratio and manner as specified below for collegiate mem-
bers, provided however, that in no event shall fewer than three additional alumnus members be so
appointed. No candidate for Grand Council may serve on the Nominations Committee.
B. Collegiate Members. The Grand Prytanis will appoint the collegiate members to the Nominations
Committee at the opening session of the Grand Chapter from the certified delegates, in a ratio
of one collegiate per every 10 chapters through a method of random selection in the following
manner: When the official registration has been completed and number of official delegates in at-
tendance established, that number will be divided by 10. The names of all delegates in attendance
will be placed in a box and the Grand Prytanis will draw the required number of names.
SEC. 9. Deadline for Application for Candidacy to the Grand Council. Any eligible alumnus or hon-
orary member wishing to present himself as a candidate for the Grand Council must submit an appropriate ap-
plication and signed release provided by the Offices of the Grand Chapter and submit to an approved background
check through the Offices of the Grand Chapter for determination of eligibility by the Judiciary Committee at
least thirty (30) business days in advance of the first day of Conclave for the purpose of conducting appropriate
background screening for members of the corporate board of directors.
SEC. 10. Amendments and Legislation, How Introduced. Proposals to adopt new legislation, including
resolutions or amendments of the Articles of Incorporation, the International Constitution (“Constitution”) and the
International Bylaws and Traditions (“Bylaws”) [the Constitution and Bylaws are sometimes herein collectively
referred to as “laws”], shall not be considered unless either:
1. Recommended by the Grand Council, or
2. Recommended by a current Grand Council Member, or
3. Recommended by a regular or ad interim committee in its reports, or
4. Reported by the Judiciary Committee, or
5. Having the unanimous consent of the voting members present at the time such proposal is made, or
6. Recommended in writing by any collegiate chapter or alumni association of the Fraternity, or
7. Recommended by any Past Grand Prytanis.
SEC. 11. Amendments and Legislation. All proposed legislation that is intended to be presented at the Con-
clave must be presented in writing to the Offices of the Grand Chapter on or prior to January 31 of the year in which
Conclave is to be held. The January 31 deadline shall not apply to proposed legislation that is authored by members
of the Grand Council or the Judiciary Committee. Such legislation shall stand referred to the Judiciary Committee,
which shall in turn distribute all legislation through the Chief Executive Officer to the Grand Chapter in as timely
a manner as practical, but in no case later than April 15 of the Conclave year. Such proposed legislation shall be
submitted to a vote of the Grand Chapter at Conclave, but may not be amended from the floor unless the amendment
is solely for the purpose of clarification of language. Any questions of whether a proposed amendment is solely for
the purpose of clarification of language shall stand referred to the Judiciary Committee. Distribution of proposed
legislation may be by first class mail, electronic transmission, or by publication on the official Fraternity website.
SEC. 12. Resolutions Committee. The Grand Prytanis shall appoint not more than five and no fewer than
three alumni members to the Resolutions Committee, designating the Chairman and Secretary.
SEC. 13. Minutes. The minutes of each Conclave, and of all Grand Council meetings in the interim, shall
be printed or mimeographed, and shall not be read at the succeeding Conclave, but approved as printed, with such
corrections as may be necessary.
SEC. 14. Reports and Agenda. The Chief Executive Officer shall make available for the inspection of
each voting member of the Grand Chapter at the Conclave a copy of the following:
A. All minutes of the Grand Chapter and Grand Council meetings held since the last Conclave;
B. All current reports of the Grand Council, Chief Executive Officer, auditor, standing and ad in-
terim committees, and commissions;
C. A list of alumni appointments to the Conclave Committees;
D. An agenda for the Conclave;
E. An account of the specific proposals and votes of the individual members of the Grand Council
from all Council meetings held since the last Conclave; and
An account of the specific person, chapter or chapters, etc., that have submitted proposed legislation.
The Chief Executive Officer shall, following the Conclave, distribute a digest of the Conclave proceed-
ings to each voting member of the Grand Chapter. He shall also distribute a digest of each Council meeting to the
Grand Council members immediately after each meeting thereof.
SEC. 15. Mileage. All properly credentialed collegiate delegates eligible to vote and one official repre-
sentative from each colony shall be reimbursed for attendance at the Conclave at the rate of 10 cents per mile for
the straight-line distance from the location of the school of the attendee to the meeting place of the Conclave and
return, and for the Past Grand Prytani from the place of residence to the Conclave and return, provided that in
no event shall mileage allowance for each Conclave exceed the aggregate amount of $40,000.00 (U.S. dollars).
Grand Council members shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in traveling to and attending the Con-
clave. No member of the Grand Chapter shall receive reimbursement for performance in a dual capacity.
Rules of Conclave
SECTION 1. Order of Business. The order of business shall be as follows:
1. Opening by ritual.
2. Roll Call.
3. Appointment of Official Tellers.
4. Pronouncement of vote requirements.
5. Corrections, if any, of minutes of previous Conclave.
6. Corrections, if any, of Grand Council Meeting Minutes.
7. General report by the Grand Prytanis on the status of the Fraternity.
8. General report of the Chief Executive Officer.
9. Committee Reports.
10. Unfinished business.
11. New business.
12. Report of Judiciary Committee.
13. Report of Resolutions Committee.
14. Report of Nominations Committee.
15. Ballot on Grand Officers.
16. Adjournment.
SEC. 2. Method of Reporting. Each Committee Chairman shall use the following format in reporting the
activities of his committee to the Grand Chapter:
1. Significant activities of past biennium.
2. Present projects.
3. Proposed projects with recommendations.
SEC. 3. Filing Proposals with Judiciary Committee. All appeals from Grand Council and Grand
Prytanis, questions or complaints from members or chapters, and all proposals involving new legislation, shall
be filed with the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee at the last regular Grand Council Meeting preceding the
Conclave, and if so filed, shall be included in the report of the Judiciary Committee.
SEC. 4. Roll Call. The method of voting on amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, the Constitution
or Bylaws or the granting of a charter shall be as follows:
1. The presiding officer shall first ask all those voting members who are opposed to stand. If there
are no opposing votes, he shall call for affirmative voice votes and declare the amendment duly
adopted or charter granted, upon receipt of any affirmative votes.
If there are opposing votes, the presiding officer shall direct the Official Tellers to count them, and
report the number, and he shall then call for those voting members favoring the motion to stand,
and be counted by the Official Tellers, who shall then report, and if, the requisite number of votes
in favor of the motion, as shown by the Grand Grammateus, are sufficient to approve the motion,
that fact shall be reported by the Official Tellers, and the presiding officer shall declare the amend
ment adopted, or charter granted, without a roll call; otherwise, he shall declare the motion to adopt
3. The roll may be called only:
a. if ordered by the presiding officer on his own motion,
b. if demanded by not fewer than five voting members of the Grand Chapter, or
c. as otherwise required by law.
SEC. 5. Elections. The ballots shall be distributed, collected and counted by the Official Tellers. Vacan-
cies in the board of Official Tellers may be filled by the Grand Prytanis.
SEC. 6. Procedure in Election of Grand Officers.
1. The Nominations Committee shall place the name of its nominee for each Grand Office singly in
the order specified in Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution.
2. The presiding officer shall thereafter request other nominations for the subject Grand Office from
the floor.
3. If any nomination is made from the floor, and after nominations have been closed:
a. the Judiciary Committee shall confirm each nominee’s eligibility for office pursuant to
Art. IV, §2 of the International Constitution;
b. each eligible candidate for the subject Grand Office shall be presented to the Grand
Chapter in alphabetical order, and permitted to speak for not more than five (5) minutes
each, outside the presence of the other candidate(s), in support of his candidacy;
c. the presiding officer shall thereafter, outside the presence of all candidates, present
the names of the eligible candidates in alphabetical order for discussion by the voting
members of the Grand Chapter. A total of thirty (30) minutes shall be allowed for such
discussion, divided equally between the number of candidates for such Grand Office
after official statements on each candidate are given by the Nominations Committee and
Judiciary Committee;
d. after expiration of the discussion period, or all voting members of the Grand Chapter
desiring to speak have been recognized, whichever shall occur first, the presiding officer
shall declare the discussion of candidates closed, and the Grand Chapter shall proceed to
ballot upon said nominees.
4. After any ballot on any Grand Office for which there are more than two nominees, and no one
nominee has received a majority of the votes, the name of any nominee receiving less than 20
percent of the total votes cast on said ballot shall be eliminated from the succeeding ballot, unless
such elimination would result in only one remaining nominee, in which situation the next suc-
ceeding ballot shall be on the names of the two nominees receiving the highest number of votes
on the subject ballot. Provided further, that should any nominee receive 90 percent of the number
of votes cast for the next higher nominee, his name shall be included in the list of nominees to be
voted upon on the said next succeeding ballot.
5. At the discretion of the Grand Prytanis, a voice vote may be taken for the election of a Grand Of-
ficer. The result of the voice vote shall be decided by the four Official Tellers in unanimous agree-
ment. If the tellers are not in unanimous agreement, there shall be a written ballot as provided in
paragraph 4 of this section.
SEC. 7. Rules of Order. Except as otherwise required by law or as otherwise provided by the Constitution
or Bylaws or by resolution of the Grand Council or Grand Chapter, parliamentary law, as contained in the latest
edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, shall govern the proceedings of the Conclave.
Ad Interim Organization and Administrative Meetings
SECTION 1. Ad Interim Standing Committees. Between Conclaves, there shall be such ad-interim com-
mittees and commissions as the Grand Prytanis or Grand Council shall authorize.
SEC. 2. Regular Administrative Meetings. The Grand Chapter shall hold Regular Administrative Meet-
ings in even-numbered years, on such dates and at such times and places as the Grand Council shall designate.
SEC. 3. Special Administrative Meetings. Special Administrative Meetings may be called by the Grand
Prytanis, by a two-thirds vote of the Grand Council or by delegates representing ten (10) collegiate chapters. Spe
cial Administrative Meetings shall be held on such date and at such time as shall be specified by the Grand Prytanis
in the notice of the meeting, but shall be held only at the Offices of the Grand Chapter in Indianapolis, Indiana.
SEC. 4. Notice of Administrative Meetings. Written or printed notice stating the place, day and hour of
the Regular Administrative Meeting and the place, day, hour and purpose or purposes of a Special Administrative
Meeting shall be delivered, at the direction of the Grand Prytanis, not fewer than five (5) nor more than forty (40)
days before the date of the meeting to each member entitled to vote at such meeting. If mailed, a notice shall be
deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail addressed to the member at his address as it ap-
pears on the records of the Fraternity, with postage prepaid.
SEC. 5. Matters Considered. The Grand Chapter at Administrative Meetings shall consider only those
matters which are (a) proposed by the Grand Council, (b) in the case of a Regular Administrative Meeting,
submitted in person by a voting member attending such meeting, and (c) in the case of a Special Administrative
Meeting, specified in the notice of the meeting submitted by the delegates who called such meeting.
Grand Council
SECTION 1. Regular Meetings. The Grand Council, by resolution, may provide for the holding of regu-
lar meetings at such times and places as shall be provided in the resolutions. If the time or place of regular meet-
ings is fixed or changed, written notice thereof shall be mailed to any Grand Council member not present when
such action was taken at least 10 days prior to the next regular meeting.
SEC. 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Grand Council may be called by the Grand Prytanis or
by any three (3) Grand Council members upon notice given by mail, if mailed at least three (3) days before such
meeting, or upon 24 hours’ notice given personally or by telephone or other electronic means to each Grand Coun-
cil member. Such notice, however given, shall specify the place, day and hour of the meeting.
SEC. 3. Quorum. A majority of the number of Grand Council members actually elected or selected, quali-
fied, and serving shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. The act of a major-
ity of Grand Council members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the act of the Grand
Council, unless the act of a greater number is required by the Constitution, Bylaws, or laws of the state of Indiana.
SEC. 4. Expenses and Compensation of Grand Council. Grand Council members and other alumni offi-
cials are volunteers and shall receive no payments for services. The members of the Grand Council and the Chair-
man of the Judiciary Committee (or the alternate who has been delegated to take his place), shall be allowed actual
living expenses for attendance at any meeting of the Grand Council, Grand Chapter, or when engaged in authorized
travel on behalf of the Fraternity. Except for meetings of the Grand Council or Grand Chapter, reimbursement for
expenses shall be made only if authorized by the Grand Prytanis and only in amounts within the budget.
SEC. 5. Vote by Mail and Electronic Mail. A vote of the Grand Council may be taken by mail or by
electronic means on questions submitted by the Grand Prytanis. Such questions shall be filed with, and the vote
taken, recorded, and reported to the Grand Prytanis by the Chief Executive Officer. The result of the vote shall be
effective upon receiving and recording a sufficient number of ballots favorable to the proposition to adopt it, or of
negative ballots to defeat it.
SEC. 6. Collegiate Advisory Committee. The Collegiate Advisory Committee shall consist of nine mem-
bers, geographically representative of the Fraternity, appointed by the Chief Executive Officer, subject to the
approval of all living Past Grand Prytani, to act as advisors to the Grand Council. The committee shall select one
of its members as chairman who shall act as liaison with the Grand Council and shall represent the committee at
each Grand Council meeting.
SEC. 7. At-Large Grand Council Members. The Grand Officers may select two alumni members, in
good standing, to serve as ex-officio, voting members of the Grand Council pursuant to Art. IV, §7 of the Interna-
tional Constitution.
Chief Executive Officer
SECTION 1. Duties. The Chief Executive Officer shall have the rights and duties specified in the Articles
of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, and by resolution of the Grand Council. In addition to being the chief
executive and administrative officer, the Chief Executive Officer shall be the Assistant Secretary and Assistant
Treasurer of the Fraternity and may execute contracts, notes and other documents in such capacities to the ex
tent authorized by the Grand Council. The Chief Executive Officer shall have charge of the Offices of the Grand
Chapter and such administrative assistants, clerical help and budget as the Grand Council may from time to time
SEC. 2. Selection and Removal. The Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Grand Council
for a term not to exceed three (3) years, and at such compensation as the Grand Council may from time to time
provide. The Chief Executive Officer may be removed by the Grand Council, with or without cause, whenever in
its judgment the best interests of the Fraternity would be served by such action.
SECTION 1. Membership Roll. The Chief Executive Officer shall keep a complete official Fraternity
membership roll, containing the name, chapter, address and such additional biographical details regarding each
member as he may deem advisable. Each Frater shall advise the Offices of the Grand Chapter of any change of
address after his initiation.
SEC. 2. Chief Executive Officer to Keep Roll. The Chief Executive Officer shall also keep another
complete roll which shall at all times show the status of each member whether collegiate, inactive, alumnus, or
honorary, and whether or not in good standing, and the date of any change of classification or standing.
SEC. 3. Officers to Furnish Information. The officers of each chapter shall promptly furnish the Offices of
the Grand Chapter with all information essential to the keeping of the rolls, which shall always be kept up to date.
SEC. 4. Other Records. All other records shall be preserved in the Offices of the Grand Chapter.
SEC. 5. Distribution. Distribution of any Fraternity membership roster, mailing list, or other compilation
of names or information, for any commercial purpose, is strictly forbidden except with permission of the Chief
Executive Officer.
Fraternity Finance
SECTION 1. Membership Fees. The membership fees are an obligation of each member of the Frater-
nity. The fees shall be paid as follows:
A. On the date that a person is inducted as a candidate for membership to the Fraternity he is obli-
gated to pay a candidate fee. The candidate fee is established annually by the Grand Council and
shall be paid to the International Fraternity at its headquarters.
B. On the date that a candidate for membership becomes a collegiate member, he is obligated to pay
a membership fee. The collegiate initiate fee is established annually by the Grand Council. If this
fee is not remitted within fifteen (15) days of becoming a collegiate member, then an additional
fee not to exceed forty (40) percent of the collegiate initiate fee shall apply. The appropriate fee
shall be paid to the International Fraternity at its headquarters.
Beginning the fiscal year following the fiscal year in which a person becomes a collegiate or
colony member, and continuing each subsequent fiscal year while the member remains a collegiate
or colony member, an Annual Membership Fee (AMF) established annually by the Grand Council
shall be due. The AMF shall be due on October 1 of each fiscal year. This fee may be paid in two
installments. If this option is selected, then an additional fee not to exceed twenty (20) percent
will be added. The first installment shall be paid on October 1, and the second installment shall be
paid on March 1 of each fiscal year. Additionally, a Risk Management Fee, also established annu-
ally by the Grand Council, is due October 15 of each fiscal year. This fee may also be paid in two
installments. If this option is selected, then an additional fee not to exceed twenty (20) percent will
be added. The first installment of the Risk Management Fee shall be paid on October 15, and the
second installment shall be paid on March 15 of each fiscal year.
D. One-time fee: In lieu of the initiation and annual fees contained in Section 1 of this chapter, a
new initiate may pay a one-time fee, the amount of which is set annually by the Grand Council,
provided said fee is remitted to the International Fraternity at its headquarters within 15 days of
becoming a collegiate member.
E. Within fifteen (15) days following the date of membership (1) each alumnus member of a local
fraternity installed as a chapter, (2) each alumnus member of any national fraternity merged with
this Fraternity, and (3) each honorary member shall remit a fee established annually by the Grand
Council to the International Fraternity.
SEC. 2. Privileges of Membership. Each New Member shall, upon request of his chapter, be entitled to a
“New Member Kit.” In addition to the rights and privileges of membership set forth in the International Constitu-
tion and International Bylaws and Traditions, each collegiate member who has paid the fees due from him pursu-
ant to Section 1 of this Chapter, shall be entitled to an official badge and an official certificate of membership for
so long as he remains a member of the Fraternity. Each collegiate member shall be entitled to a subscription to the
Fraternity magazine during his time as a collegiate member and for one year following his collegiate membership.
Each honorary member and each alumnus member of a local fraternity installed as a chapter or a national frater-
nity merged with the Fraternity who has paid the fees due from him pursuant to Section 1 of this Chapter shall
be entitled to an official certificate of membership for so long as he remains a member of the Fraternity and to a
subscription to the Fraternity’s magazine for one year following the date he becomes a member of the Fraternity.
SEC. 3. Payment of Fees. Each chapter and Chapter Corporation (or if there is no Chapter Corporation,
the Board of Advisors) shall (a) collect, in trust, and remit to the Offices of the Grand Chapter prior to their due
date all fees required of its members who have not been granted inactive status who are enrolled as students at
the college or university at which such chapter is located and (b) pay, prior to their due date, all liabilities of the
chapter to the Fraternity.
SEC. 4. Charter Fees. Every new collegiate chapter and Chapter Corporation which may be installed (or,
if there is no Chapter Corporation, the Board of Advisors) shall pay to the International Fraternity a chartering fee
to be determined by the Chief Executive Officer, in addition to the regular membership fees for each member of
such collegiate chapter. Every new alumni association installed shall pay a charter fee established annually by the
Grand Council.
SEC. 5. Payment of Dues. All dues, assessments, membership fees and charter fees and all other obliga-
tions of the members and chapters shall be paid to the International Fraternity at the Offices of the Grand Chapter.
The Grand Council shall develop a policy to ensure the timely collection of all dues, assessments and fees within
90 days after the debt is incurred. Any chapter, colony, recognized TKE entity, or individual member who main-
tains indebtedness to the Fraternity will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including but not limited to
expulsion from the Fraternity or suspension of the chapter, colony or TKE entity’s charter.
SEC. 6. Exchange Rate. The Grand Council shall, from time to time, fix the equivalent fund Canadian
exchange rate for payment of fees and other charges by Canadian chapters.
SEC. 7. Annual Fee Review. The Grand Council shall annually review the membership fees of the
Fraternity and may, by a unanimous vote, increase or decrease the membership fees. The total percentage of any
increases, however, may not exceed the percentage increase in the cost of living (as determined by the Grand
Council based upon review of appropriate indexes) since the date of the last fee adjustment. The Grand Council
will notify the Grand Chapter at least six months in advance of any increase or decrease in membership fees.
SEC. 8. Chapter in Arrears. The Chief Executive Officer shall report to the Judiciary Committee, at its
meeting prior to each Conclave, any chapter, Chapter Corporation or Board of Advisors in arrears to the Interna-
tional Fraternity on any of its obligations or for any fees which it is required to collect and remit to the Offices of
the Grand Chapter, and no delegate from such chapter shall be permitted a seat or vote in the Grand Chapter.
SEC. 9. Bond. Every officer, agent, and/or employee of the International Fraternity and of each chapter,
Chapter Corporation, and Board of Advisors authorized to receive, collect or disburse monies of the International
Fraternity, or of any chapter, title-holding corporations, or Board of Advisors, shall be bonded, in an amount fixed
by the Grand Council, by a surety bond of a responsible surety company, sufficient to cover all funds held by such
officers, agents, and/or employees, or to come into or pass through the hands of them or any of them, conditioned
for the faithful performance of their respective duties and the faithful accounting for and paying over of such
funds to their respective successors or to other agents, officers or employees of the Fraternity entitled to receive
the same. Said bond shall be procured and held by the Chief Executive Officer and the premium thereof included
in and paid out of the International Fraternity’s budget; provided, that the Grand Council may, in its discretion,
omit officers of chapters, Chapter Corporations and Board of Advisors from such bond.
SEC. 10. Alumni Contributions. Each alumnus member and each honorary member shall contribute an
amount established annually by the Grand Council to either the International Fraternity or to TKE Educational
Foundation, Inc., as determined by the Grand Council. However, no member shall be denied any of the privileges
or benefits of membership for failure to make contributions under this section. A portion of each annual contribu-
tion shall constitute payment of the annual subscription to the Fraternity’s magazine. The designated contribution
amount shall be subject to the provisions of the Annual Fee Review. Collegiate graduating seniors and alumni are
encouraged to participate in the Life Loyal Teke program which provides members with certain lifetime benefits
as determined by the Grand Council.
Investment Committee
SECTION 1. Investment Committee. The Investment Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members.
The members shall be appointed by the Grand Prytanis with the consent of the Grand Council. Each member of
the committee will hold office until the next Conclave. The Grand Prytanis shall designate one of their members as
chairman and designate a Grand Council member to become the Grand Council liaison to the committee.
SEC. 2. Duties of the Investment Committee. The Investment Committee shall assist and advise the
Grand Council concerning investments of Fraternity funds and shall be primarily responsible to the Grand Coun-
cil for suggesting changes in investment policy and procedures. The Investment Committee shall have such other
duties and powers as may be provided by resolution of the Grand Council.
The Founders Housing Fund, LLC
SECTION 1. The Founders Housing Fund, LLC. The purpose of The Founders Housing Fund, LLC
shall be to hold monies of non-operating and dormant chapters of the Fraternity for their future use upon reestab-
lishment of such chapter to active status and to provide loans to chapters of the Fraternity for the construction and
remodeling of chapter houses. The terms and conditions of each loan shall be determined from time to time by
resolution of the Grand Council.
SEC. 2. Assets of The Founders Housing Fund, LLC. The assets of The Founders Housing Fund, LLC
shall consist of all assets transferred to it plus the income from such assets. Assets shall not be allocated to or
from The Founders Housing Fund, LLC except by resolution of the Grand Council. The income and principal of
The Founders Housing Fund, LLC shall be set aside or used solely for educational and charitable purposes unless
otherwise determined by the Grand Council.
SEC. 3. Operations and Governance. The Founders Housing Fund, LLC shall be operated and governed
according to its Articles of Incorporations and Bylaws, as established or authorized by the Grand Council.
Audits and Budget
SECTION 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Fraternity shall be from June 1 of each year through May
31 of the succeeding year.
SEC. 2. Auditor. The Grand Prytanis shall employ a qualified Certified Public Accountant or Chartered
Accountant as Auditor, who shall serve during the term of the Grand Prytanis and until his successor is appointed,
unless removed for cause.
SEC. 3. Fee of Auditor. The Auditor shall be paid an annual fee agreed upon with him and appropriated
in the budget.
SEC. 4. Audits. Said Auditor shall, at the conclusion of the fiscal year prior to the Fraternity’s biennial
Conclave, or more often if directed by the Grand Prytanis or Grand Council, audit all funds of the Fraternity and
make report thereof to the Grand Prytanis, who shall submit the same to the next Conclave of the Grand Chapter.
In the alternate fiscal years, a review of the Fraternity’s financial records shall be conducted by the Auditor, and in
the interim his report be submitted to the next meeting of the Grand Council.
SEC. 5. Budget. The Grand Council shall be responsible for annually adopting a budget for the ensuing year.
SEC. 6. Contents of Budget. The budget shall contain a careful estimate of the income of the Fraternity,
based on the experience of the preceding years and also an appropriation for each of the Grand Council members who
requires one, for the Judiciary Committee, the Investment Board, each ad-interim committee which shall require one,
each Volunteer Assistant, the Auditor, and for such other expenses as shall be deemed necessary, and an emergency
appropriation, and in no case shall the aggregate of the appropriations exceed the estimated income of such year.
SEC. 7. Payments, How Made. All payments from the several funds in the budget shall be on vouchers
signed by the Grand Prytanis, Grand Crysophylos, Chief Executive Officer, or such others as the Grand Council
may by resolution authorize, on itemized bills presented and approved by the Grand Council member, chairman of
committee, or other person for whom an appropriation has been made in said budget.
Chapter XI
Debts to the Fraternity
SECTION 1. Remedies for Indebtedness. Notwithstanding any other provision of these International
Bylaws and Traditions, the obligation of any candidate or member of the Fraternity, including candidate, ini-
tiation, annual membership, a members pro rata share of his chapter or colony’s risk management insurance
and costs, and any other obligation for which all or part of the amount is payable to the Fraternity, are enforce-
able commitments under the Bond and under civil law. If a candidate or member does not timely pay such
obligation(s) to the Fraternity, enforcement actions may include:
1. Imposition of late charges in addition to the amount of the original obligation;
2. In the case of a candidate, suspension of the candidate’s ability to become affiliated with the Fra-
3. Preferring of charges and trial under the procedures in Division IX of the International Bylaws &
4. In the case of a candidate or member whose obligation has been affirmed through appropriate
Fraternity procedures but who still fails to pay such obligations, including applicable late charges,
pursuing legal remedies in a court of law for breach of contract or other applicable remedies; and
5. In the event of civil action, recovery of attorneys’ fees and costs associated with the enforcement
SEC. 2. Continuation of Financial Obligation. The refusal to admit a candidate to membership or the
suspension or expulsion of a member pursuant to this Chapter shall not affect the obligation of the candidate or
member, or former candidate or member, to pay the originally contracted obligation to the Fraternity, including all
fees and costs associated with the enforcement actions.
Chapter XII:
Collegiate Finance
SECTION 1. Uniform Accounts. So far as practicable, the accounts of the several collegiate chapters
shall be uniform, and kept in a form prescribed by the Grand Chapter and supplied by the Chief Executive Officer.
SEC. 2. Financial Reports. The Crysophylos of each collegiate chapter shall present to the chapter writ-
ten monthly reports. The Crysophylos shall also, after the close of the academic year, submit an Annual Report to
the Offices of the Grand Chapter no later than May 15. The report shall be on forms supplied by the Offices of the
Grand Chapter and shall include a complete financial statement along with a budget for the ensuing year.
SEC. 3. Annual Report. A copy of the Annual Report shall be filed within 10 days with the Chapter Advi-
sor, Chapter Corporation, Board of Advisors, and in the chapter files. Any chapter failing to file the Annual Report
with the Offices of the Grand Chapter by May 15 will be subject to a fine of $50.00 (U.S. dollars) and an addi-
tional $50.00 (U.S. dollars) for each ninety (90) days thereafter until such report has been filed.
SEC. 4. Budget. The Crysophylos shall, before June 30 of each year, meet with the Prytanis, Chapter
Advisor, Chapter Corporation and Board of Advisors to prepare and adopt a budget for the ensuing year.
SEC. 5. Audit. The financial records of each collegiate chapter shall be annually audited by the Chapter
Corporation and the Board of Advisors, and they may be audited at such other times as the Chapter Corporation,
the Board of Advisors, the Volunteer Assistant or other Fraternity authority may determine.
SEC. 6. Arrears Forbidden. No member shall be permitted to be in arrears to the International Fraternity
or his chapter, Board of Advisors or Chapter Corporation for dues, membership fees, assessments, board, room
and rent, or for any other obligation whatsoever, except in case of emergency, and then only with the written con-
sent of the Chairman or President of the Chapter Corporation and Board of Advisors and the Chapter Advisor or,
in the case of obligations to the International Fraternity, with the consent of the Chief Executive Officer.
SEC. 7. Enforcement. It shall be the duty of each collegiate chapter, Chapter Corporation, and Board of
Advisors to enforce the foregoing Section 6 by appropriate action, and the respective officers and members shall
each be responsible for such enforcement.
The Board of Advisors and Chapter Corporation
SECTION 1. How Constituted. The activities of each collegiate chapter shall be supervised by a Board of
Advisors consisting of the Chapter Advisor, the Chapter Prytanis, the Chapter Crysophylos, and at least four other
persons, the majority of whom should be alumni or honorary members of the International Fraternity. The Board
of Advisors shall act in compliance with the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, laws, traditions, us-
ages, obligations, and principles of the Fraternity and to set by example the standard of conduct for collegiates and
non-members to emulate. The elected members of the Board of Advisors shall serve for a term of four years or
for terms as approved by the Board of Advisors, and until their successors are elected, and all vacancies except as
hereinafter provided shall be filled by the members of said Board. The Chief Executive Officer shall have power
to remove from office at his discretion, for violation of the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, laws,
traditions, usages, obligations, principles or ritual of the Fraternity or other good cause, any member or members
of a Board of Advisors, and may fill by appointment all vacancies thereby created.
SEC. 2. Officers. The Board shall annually choose a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer,
which latter two officers may be combined in one person if desired. The members shall hold office until their suc-
cessors are elected and shall not lose their right to vote by reason of holding office.
SEC. 3. Liability Insurance. The Board of Advisors shall maintain comprehensive general liability insur-
ance under which the chapter corporation and the chapter or the colony corporation and the colony, as the case
may be, shall be named insureds, which shall include host liquor liability coverage, provided the same is reason-
ably available. In the event that for any reason no Board of Advisors exists, then the obligation to maintain the
insurance herein required shall be on the officers of the chapter corporation, the chapter, the colony corporation
and the colony, as the case may be.
SEC. 4. Motions by Members of Chapter. Any member of the said chapter may present written mo-
tions or resolutions for the consideration of the Board, or any matter within its jurisdiction, which, if seconded in
writing by another member, shall thereupon be discussed and voted upon in the same manner as if offered by a
member of the Board.
SEC. 5. Appeals. Any chapter may, by majority vote, appeal to the Chief Executive Officer from any
decision or action by the Board of Advisors, with further right of appeal from his decision to the Grand Prytanis.
SEC. 6. Sinking Fund. Whenever any chapter shall be or become indebted for other than current expens-
es, it shall be the duty of the Chapter Corporation to establish a sinking fund for the retirement of such debt, and
to require said chapter to pay monthly to the Treasurer of the Chapter Corporation a sum sufficient for said sink-
ing fund, and also to cover its taxes, insurance and a reasonable depreciation on its property, the amount of which
shall also be fixed by the Chapter Corporation.
SEC. 7. Powers and Duties. Whenever property shall be held for the use of any chapter, the Chapter Cor-
poration shall have the power to require repairs, insurance, the payment of taxes, special assessments, mechanics’
liens, judgments and all other matters necessary for the protection and preservation of such property. No encum-
brance or conveyance of such real estate shall be made without its consent. It shall have power to prohibit any act
or omission which may waste or damage the said property.
SEC. 8. Title to Property. The title to all real and personal property of the several collegiate chapters shall
vest in and be held by the Chapter Corporation for such collegiate chapters.
SEC. 9. Chattel Mortgages, Etc. Chattel mortgages, conditional sales contracts and any other contract
granting a security interest in property used by any collegiate chapter shall be executed only by the proper officers
of the Chapter Corporation, when authorized by a proper resolution of the Board of Directors.
SEC. 10. Control and Disposition of Personal Property on Loss of Charter. In the event that the charter
of any collegiate chapter shall be withdrawn or surrendered, the control and custody of the personal property held
by or for the use of such chapter shall devolve upon the Chapter Corporation, and it shall dispose of the same as
directed by the Grand Council. All monies, and the proceeds of sale of such personal property of said chapter,
shall be held by the Fraternity to the credit of said chapter, as directed by the Grand Council.
SEC. 11. Authority of Grand Council. In the event that a chapter is suspended or declared non-operating,
the Grand Council shall have authority over the real estate and personal property held by the Chapter Corpora-
tion, Boards of Advisors and chapters to prevent its being diverted from its proper use as Fraternity property and
to prevent the carrying on of any practices contrary to the Constitution, Bylaws, laws, ritual or principles of the
International Fraternity.
SEC. 12. Disposition of Real Estate on Loss of Charter. In the event that the charter of any chapter shall
be withdrawn or surrendered, the title to any real estate shall be held for the alumni members of said chapter, for
period of two years. If, at the expiration of the two years, such chapter shall not have been restored, the local Board
of Advisors or the Chapter Corporation shall sell the real estate, unless other action is authorized by the Grand
Prytanis. After the payment or provision for payment of all legally enforceable obligations of the owner of the real
estate, the remaining proceeds of any sale of real estate shall be promptly transferred to the Fraternity (unless other-
wise determined by the Grand Council) and held by the Fraternity to the credit of said chapter regardless of the time
of such sale and regardless of whether title was held by the chapter, Chapter Corporation or Board of Advisors.
SEC. 13. General Supervision. The Board of Advisors and the Chapter Corporation shall have general
supervision over all phases of chapter operations and the finances of the chapter; shall approve budgets hereinbefore
provided; shall prevent incurring of unnecessary or unwise expenditures or indebtedness, or penalties to the Frater
nity; shall require the prompt collection by the chapter of all monies due it or due the Chapter Corporation or the
International Fraternity, and assist therein, and shall require all chapter accounts to be kept and reports made on the
forms and at the times required by law, or by the Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Advisors and the Directors of
the Chapter Corporation must confer with the officers of the chapter concerning the execution of the aforesaid duties.
SEC. 14. Business Manager. The Board of Advisors of, and the Chapter Corporation for, each chapter
may annually employ a Business Manager of the chapter who may, but need not be, a member of a Board of
Advisors and fix his compensation at such reasonable sum as may be agreed upon. The Business Manager shall
supervise the work of the Crysophylos, make a monthly audit of his books; collect all bills of members for board,
room rent, dues, fees, and other obligations to the International Fraternity, the Chapter Corporation and the chap-
ter which are not paid when due, supervise the purchase of all supplies and the payment of all accounts payable of
the chapter and the Chapter Corporation. He shall keep such books of account as may be necessary and make such
reports to the Board of Advisors and the Chapter Corporation and to the International Fraternity as may from time
to time be required. All or any of such duties of a Business Manager may be performed by an officer or employee
of the college or university at which the chapter is located, as required or designated by said college or university.
SEC. 15. Employees. All contracts for services of business managers, resident advisors, housemothers,
housekeepers, cooks, stewards, and all other persons who may be employed by or in the services of any collegiate
chapter shall be made and the compensation and duties of such person or persons fixed by the respective Boards
of Advisors or Chapter Corporation.
SEC. 16. Annual Reports. The Board of Advisors and the said Chapter Corporation shall file an annual re-
port with the chapter, the Secretary of the Board of Advisors, the Secretary of the Chapter Corporation and the Inter-
national Fraternity. The report shall be on forms supplied by the International Fraternity and shall include information
as may be deemed necessary by the Grand Council from time to time. The annual report shall be filed no later than
May 15 of each year. Additionally, a financial report and a copy of the Chapter and/or Chapter Corporation Internal
Revenue Service Form 990 shall be filed with the Offices of the Grand Chapter by November 15 of each year.
SEC. 17. Board of Advisors. The rights and duties imposed by these Bylaws on the Chapter Corpora-
tion shall be exercised by the Board of Advisors if a Chapter Corporation has not been organized by such Board
of Advisors. If a Chapter Corporation has been organized, the Board of Advisors may nevertheless exercise the
rights and duties imposed by these Bylaws on the Chapter Corporation to the extent necessary or appropriate un-
der applicable state law, and the Board of Advisors shall exercise such rights and duties to the extent the Chapter
Corporation fails to do so.
Chapter Advisor, Assistant Chapter Advisor, and Campus Advisor
SECTION 1. Chapter Advisor - Selection. Each collegiate chapter shall elect an individual 25 years or
older, not a collegiate, to serve as Chapter Advisor. The Board of Advisors may select the Chapter Advisor as an
alternative to election, subject to local bylaws. The Grammateus shall immediately notify the Chief Executive Of-
ficer and the Board of Advisors of the person so elected.
SEC. 2. Duties. The Chapter Advisor should visit the chapter regularly and attend chapter meetings insofar
as possible; advise the officers concerning the performance of their duties and assist them with such questions as
may arise therein; advise the chapter with respect to the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, laws, tra-
ditions, usages, obligations, principles and ritual of the Fraternity, and rulings and decisions of the Grand Prytanis.
SEC. 3. Powers. The Chapter Advisor shall have power to call meetings of the chapter; to prefer charges
against any collegiate member of such chapter; and he shall be an ex officio voting member of the Board of Advi-
sors subject to removal from such Board and from the office of Chapter Advisor by the Chief Executive Officer at
his discretion for violation of the Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, laws, traditions, usages, obliga-
tions, principles or ritual of the Fraternity or other good cause.
SEC. 4. Assistant Chapter Advisor - Selection. The Board of Advisors or the Chapter Advisor may, at any
time, designate a graduating senior or alumnus to serve as Assistant Chapter Advisor.
SEC. 5. Assistant Chapter Advisor - Duties. The Assistant Chapter Advisor shall be an ex-officio member
of the Board of Advisors, and shall assist the Chapter Advisor in performing his duties as described in the Consti-
tution and Bylaws.
SEC. 6. Campus Advisor - Selection. Each collegiate chapter shall, at the time of its regular annual
election, elect an individual to serve as Campus Advisor. The Campus Advisor shall be a regular member of the
Faculty or Staff of the institution and shall meet any other requirements of the institution for the position.
SEC. 7. Campus Advisor - Duties. The Campus Advisor shall be encouraged to visit with the chapter
members regularly; attend chapter meetings when possible and work with the chapter and designated officers on
the academic and member education programs of the chapter.
SECTION 1. Vote Required. No person shall be initiated prior to approval thereof by a collegiate chapter
in compliance with the vote required by the bylaws of the respective chapter at a regular or duly called special
meeting at which a quorum is present.
SEC. 2. Instruction of Members. It shall be the duty of the Hegemon to see that each candidate is fully
instructed in the history, principles, Constitution, laws, traditions, and government of the Fraternity, and in the
rules, regulations, and Bylaws of the chapter, and his duties and obligations as a member of the Fraternity and
SEC. 3. Bad Character Bar to Initiation. At the discretion of the individual chapter, no candidate shall
be initiated who is of bad reputation, immoral habits, addicted to the use of intoxicants, or who has violated any
state, provincial or federal criminal law.
SEC. 4. Indebtedness. No person shall be initiated who is in debt to the International Fraternity for his
membership fees, or any part of, or for any past due room rent, board, or any obligation whatsoever to the Interna-
tional Fraternity, the chapter, or the Chapter Corporation. All applications for badges and membership certificates
shall contain a certificate by the Crysophylos that this section has been complied with.
SEC. 5. Candidate Fees. On the date that a person becomes a candidate for membership, he is obligated to
pay a non-refundable candidate fee, which shall be a credit against the initiation fee if he is initiated. The candidate
fee shall be determined by the Grand Council, but shall not exceed 40 percent of the initiation fee. The fee shall be
paid to the Fraternity at its headquarters. Each Chapter and Chapter Corporation (or if there is no Chapter Corpora
tion, the Board of Advisors) shall, within fifteen (15) days following the date on which a person becomes a candi-
date for membership (a) collect, in trust, and (b) remit the Candidate Fee to the Fraternity. The Crysophylos shall
be responsible for remitting the fees along with a report of the new Candidates for Membership. Candidate status
shall automatically terminate on May 10th of each year and the candidate fee will be forfeited, unless the date is
extended by the Chief Executive Officer due to the unique requirements of any particular educational institution.
SEC. 6. Privileges of Membership.
A. Privileges of Collegiate Members: Each collegiate member shall, upon request of his chapter,
be entitled to a copy of the Member Manual. In addition to the rights and privileges of member-
ship set forth in the International Constitution and the International Bylaws and Traditions, each
collegiate member who has paid the fees due from him pursuant to Section 1 of Chapter VII:
Fraternity Finance, shall be entitled to an official badge and an official certificate of membership
for so long as he remains a member of the Fraternity. Each collegiate member shall be entitled to
a subscription to the Fraternity magazine for the period of time as stipulated in these bylaws.
B. Honorary Members and Alumni Members: Each honorary member and each alumnus member
of a local fraternity installed as a chapter or a national fraternity merged with the Fraternity who
has paid the fees due from him pursuant to Section 1 of Chapter VII: Fraternity Finance, shall be
entitled to an official certificate of membership and an official badge for so long as he remains a
member of the Fraternity and to a subscription to the Fraternity’s magazine for the period of time
as stipulated in these bylaws.
SEC. 7. Initiation Fees. Each chapter and Chapter Corporation (or if there is no Chapter Corporation, the
Board of Advisors) shall, prior to initiation, collect, in trust, the initiation fee from the candidate to be initiated
and shall, within fifteen (15) days following the date on which such person becomes a member, remit that initia-
tion fee to the International Fraternity. The Crysophylos shall be responsible for remitting the fees along with the
report of the new members.
SEC. 8. Prompt Initiation Required. Initiation shall be required within eight (8) weeks of acceptance of
candidate membership. Upon written request to the Chief Executive Officer, this initiation deadline (a) shall be
extended if college or university rules or regulations prohibit compliance with the initiation deadline or (b) may
be extended for reasons of just cause.
Scholastic Probation. By majority vote of the Grand Council, a collegiate chapter ranking below the All
Men’s Scholastic Average on its campus for two consecutive years may be placed on scholastic probation, after
review of the chapters current status, and notified that unless the chapter raises its scholarship average above the
All Men’s Scholastic Average during the following grading period, the chapter shall not initiate any candidate or
elect any officer who possesses a cumulative scholastic average less than that required by the college or university
for graduation, or less than the All Men’s Scholastic Average on its campus, whichever is higher. Scholastic pro-
bation shall be lifted in the event such chapter raises its chapter scholastic average above the All Men’s Scholastic
Average during any grading period in the 12 months following placement on scholastic probation. If such proba-
tion is not accordingly lifted within such 12-month period, charges may be preferred for revocation of charter.
Alumni Associations
SECTION 1. Alumni Associations. Each alumni association shall elect officers biennially and the Secre-
ect of the association shall certify a list of the newly elected officers to the Offices of the Grand Chapter im-
mediately following the election and shall further certify that the alumni association has met the necessary require-
ments during each calendar year in order to retain their active status and a vote in the Grand Chapter. Each alumni
association shall also submit registration fees as determined by the Grand Council. Failure to file such certification
and registration fee will result in the alumni association being placed on an inactive status and thereby losing its
vote in the Grand Chapter until such certification is filed and acknowledged by the Chief Executive Officer.
SEC. 2. Bylaws of Alumni Associations. Each alumni association shall provide itself with a written set
of bylaws by which it shall be governed in its activities, both business and social. Said bylaws shall be consistent
with the International Constitution, Bylaws, rituals, and traditions of the Fraternity and with the policies of the
Grand Council.
SEC. 3. Alumni Association Records. Each alumni association shall keep an accurate record of its stated
sessions, membership roster, and any and all other matters pertaining to its welfare and membership thereof.
SEC. 4. Biennial Certification. Alumni associations which have been chartered may be granted one vote
in the Grand Chapter if they meet the following requirements:
A. Payment of the registration fee as determined by the Grand Council.
B. Provision to the Offices of the Grand Chapter of an updated address list for the alumni member-
ship of the association.
C. Publication of at least two newsletters per calendar year to be sent to all members of the associa-
tion with a copy sent to the Offices of the Grand Chapter.
D. Sponsorship of at least one alumni social event per calendar year.
E. Participation in at least one project per calendar year to assist the collegiate chapter, the associa-
tion, or the International Fraternity.
SEC. 5. Officers of Associations. Alumni associations shall have such officers, committees, meetings,
and the like as shall be provided in their bylaws.
SEC. 6. Duty to Belong. It is the duty of each chapter to form an alumni association of that chapter to
assist the Board of Advisors, Chapter Corporation, and Chapter Advisor in securing loans and property to pro-
mote the welfare of the chapter and to promote the continued association of the alumni members of that col-
legiate chapter. It is also the duty of each alumnus member to become at the earliest possible time a member of
the alumni association of his chapter and/or a member of the alumni association geographically located within a
reasonable distance of the members residence.
SEC. 7. Alumni Involvement Committee. The Alumni Involvement Committee shall be appointed by the
Grand Prytanis to provide alumni programming, including outreach, development, and training of all alumni. The
committee shall also assist in the development, certification, and operations of alumni associations.
New Chapters
SECTION 1. Primary Inspection. Before a qualified group may petition the Grand Council for consid-
eration to become a recognized colony of the Fraternity, such group shall have received a primary inspection, by
some Grand Officer or other alumnus member designated by the Grand Prytanis for that purpose, to disclose that
there is a reasonable probability that a petition from said group for a charter will be granted. In addition, the Of-
fices of the Grand Chapter, or the respective Volunteer, if so designated, shall notify each chapter located within
the state where said group is located that it intends to petition for a charter, and shall solicit a report from each
such chapter indicating its opinion concerning the acceptability to it of the group as a prospective chapter.
The primary inspection report and any additional reports or letters on the subject from any chapter shall
be duplicated and attached to the respective petition for a charter by the Offices of the Grand Chapter.
SEC. 2. Petitions. Petitions for charters for new collegiate chapters shall be submitted to the Offices of
the Grand Chapter in two copies, in typewritten form. The contents of said petition shall be determined by the
Grand Council. Upon receipt of said petition and required contents therein, accompanied by the petition fee and
charter fee, the Chief Executive Officer shall cause sufficient copies of the same to be printed, and shall distribute
copies of the same to each voting member of the Grand Chapter.
SEC. 3. Secondary Inspection. Upon the filing of any such petition by a collegiate group, the Grand
Prytanis, before submitting the same, shall cause a secondary inspection of said petitioning group to be made,
attesting to the accuracy of the petition. Such inspection shall be made by one or more alumni members of the
Fraternity, who shall not be members of the International Fraternity staff, appointed by the Grand Prytanis, to in-
clude a Grand Council Member where feasible, and said inspection report shall be distributed with and in the same
manner as the petition; provided, however, that said report shall also be distributed to all Volunteers. A secondary
inspection shall not be required of alumni petitions.
SEC. 4. Installation. In case said charter is granted, the chapter shall be formally installed at its expense
(excepting that involving the attendance of the Chief Installing Officer) by an Installation Team appointed by the
Grand Prytanis, the Chief Installing Officer of which shall be a Grand Council Member or Past Grand Council
Member. The Chief Installing Officer shall be an alumni member of the Fraternity, and shall instruct said chapter
in the history, principles, constitution, laws, traditions and relationship of a chapter therein. It shall also exemplify
and explain the entire ritual as provided therein for such installations.
SEC. 5. Petitions for Alumni Association Charters. Petitions for alumni association charters shall be type-
written, mimeographed or printed, may be in any suitable form, and the installation of any such association may be
by ritual, without additional instruction.
Chapter Charter Status
SECTION 1. Dormant Chapters. A dormant chapter is defined as one which has ceased to operate and for
which there is no reasonable prospect for resuming operations.
SEC. 2. Non-Operating Chapters. A non-operating chapter is defined as a chapter which is suspended and
has temporarily ceased operations.
SEC. 3. Charter Probation. Charter Probation is the status of a chapter which has been found guilty after
trial of a triable offense as described in Section 5 below.
SEC. 4. Chapter Probation. Chapter Probation is the status of a chapter which has been placed on proba-
tion for committing one of the triable offenses described in Section 5 below.
SEC. 5. Triable Offenses. A chapter may be tried for committing one of the following offenses:
A. Failure of a chapter to conform to the Constitution, Bylaws, laws, traditions, usages, obligations
and ritualistic ceremonies of the Fraternity.
B. Failure of a chapter to obey the rules or orders of the administration of the college or university at
which such chapter is located.
C. Failure of a chapter to obey the lawful orders of the Grand Chapter, Grand Council or Grand Prytanis.
D. Failure of a chapter to pay dues, fees, penalties or other lawful financial obligations to the Fraternity.
E. Failure of a chapter to enforce the Constitution, Bylaws, laws, traditions, usages, obligations and
ritualistic ceremonies governing its members.
F. Failure of a chapter to submit to a Grand Court, General Court or Special Court, or to obey the
lawful requirements of such court.
G. Failure of a chapter to be represented by an accredited delegate at a Grand Chapter meeting at a
Continued and flagrant conduct tending to bring reproach upon the Fraternity and degrade it before
the public.
I. Failure of a chapter to initiate new members, resulting in an insufficient number of collegiate
members to carry on the function of a collegiate chapter.
J. Failure of a chapter to meet chapter or member standards.
SEC. 6. Chapter Charter Status Determined. A chapter may be tried by a General Court, the Grand Court,
or the Grand Council in accordance with Division Nine of the International Bylaws and Traditions. The Grand Pry-
tanis, the Grand Council, the Grand Court or a General Court may place a chapter on Chapter Probation. The Grand
Council, Grand Court or a General Court may place a chapter on Chapter Probation or Charter Probation, and the
Grand Prytanis, in the case of exigent circumstances, may do so without a trial, to be effective until the next regular
meeting of the Grand Council or convening of a General Court, as the Grand Prytanis may designate.
SEC. 7. Rights and Obligations. The Grand Council or lawful court shall determine the rights and obliga-
tions of chapters in any one of the Chapter Charter Status categories described in this chapter.
SEC. 8. Review of Chapter Charter Status. All chapters in one of the aforementioned status categories
shall be reviewed at each subsequent Grand Council meeting or lawful court called for that specific purpose. On
review the Grand Council or lawful court, may, by majority vote:
A. Declare the chapter to be in good standing.
B. Continue the chapter in its current category.
C. Change the chapter status for cause.
D. Call for a trial by a lawful court to hear charges of violations as described in Section 5 of this chapter.
SEC. 9. Administrative Review and Sanctions. A chapter, after having been duly notified that it has been
or will be charged with a triable offense under Chapter XIX, Section 5, may elect to plead guilty in writing to the
triable offense or offenses and be made subject to administrative sanctions imposed by the Chief Executive Officer
or his designee. The Chief Executive Officer, or his designee, may impose upon a chapter any sanction which may
be imposed by any court provided for in the laws of the International Fraternity.
SECTION 1. Supervision. The Grand Council shall exercise general policy supervision over all printed
matter issued by the Fraternity.
SEC. 2. Business Manager. The Chief Executive Officer shall be the business manager of the magazine
and publications and shall keep all accounts and pay all bills for their publication and circulation.
SEC. 3. Publication. THE TEKE shall be the official magazine of the Fraternity and shall be published at
least four times each calendar year. Editorial content shall include, but not be limited to, a report of the activities
of various collegiate chapters, official colonies and chartered alumni associations from reports submitted for that
SEC. 4. Distribution. The magazine shall be mailed to members of the Fraternity as provided in Chapter
VII, Section 2, of the Bylaws. To all others, except exchanges, the subscription price shall be determined by the
Chief Executive Officer, subject to approval by the Grand Council, based on the actual cost of producing and
distributing the magazine.
SEC. 5. Official Directory. The Chief Executive Officer shall publish an official copyrighted directory
of the Fraternity each year, which shall be distributed to each chapter and official colony, each Chapter Advisor,
Campus Advisor, and Board of Advisors Chairman, committee chairman, volunteer official, Past Grand Officer and
such other persons as may be deemed appropriate. Publication and distribution of the directory may be by electronic
format, printed copy, or other common means of mass communication as the Chief Executive Officer deems appro
priate. Such Official Directory shall contain, but not be limited to, a listing of all chapters and official colonies, the
mailing addresses of each, and the name of the last known Prytanis and Board of Advisors Chairman, the names and
addresses of the members of the Grand Council, directors of the TKE Educational Foundation, Grand Province Ad-
visors (or other volunteer leaders), and the chairmen of the various committees and task forces, as well as the names,
offices held, and addresses of the officers and/or trustees of any other related Fraternity agencies or corporations.
SEC. 6. Other Publications. The Grand Council shall authorize in the fraternity budget the issuance of
whatever manuals, books, and other publications may be deemed necessary.
Observance of Ritual
SECTION 1. Paraphernalia to be Uniform. It shall be the duty of each chapter to be equipped with all
the paraphernalia prescribed by the ritual. Such paraphernalia shall be uniform and must be issued by the Offices
of the Grand Chapter. This paraphernalia remains the property of the International Fraternity lent to the chapter
for the purposes indicated.
SEC. 2. Initiation by Ritual Only. No person shall be initiated except by the full, regularly adopted ritual,
nor shall any deviation there from or change therein be permitted.
SEC. 3. Who May Initiate. Only collegiate chapters may initiate into collegiate membership, but alumni
associations may initiate honorary members, alumni members of local fraternities heretofore or hereafter char-
tered and installed as chapters of this Fraternity, and alumni members of other national fraternities who are
eligible for membership in Tau Kappa Epsilon by the terms of merger agreements which have been or may be
entered into with such fraternities. Upon approval of the Grand Prytanis, alumni of a school where a chapter is
held in suspension may be initiated by a chartered alumni association and such initiates shall sign the scroll of the
collegiate chapter designated by the Grand Prytanis. Upon approval of the Grand Prytanis, the Chief Executive
Officer, using Fraters of his choice as an initiation team, may initiate as honorary members men who have been of
service to the Fraternity, and such initiates shall sign a scroll hereafter designated as the Grand Chapter Scroll.
SECTION 1. Grand Chapter May Adopt. The Grand Chapter may adopt, declare and preserve such tradi-
tions of this Fraternity as it shall, from time to time, see fit.
SEC. 2. Traditions. The following are hereby adopted as traditions of the Fraternity:
First: Death of Members. Upon the death of a member of a collegiate chapter, the members of such chap-
ter shall wear the black ribbon under their badges for a period of fourteen days.
Second: Death of a Grand Officer. Upon the death of any of the Grand Officers, or of a Past Grand Pryta-
nis, the members of all collegiate chapters shall wear the black ribbon under their badges for a period of 14 days.
Third: Wearing Badge. No member shall at any time permit his badge to be worn by a member of the op-
posite sex, except when pre-engaged or engaged to be married or married.
Fourth: Wearing the Badge to Commemorate the First Three Chapters. The badge shall be worn with
the right side vertical in commemoration of the geographical location of the first three chapters in the form of an
equilateral triangle, having its right or west side in a vertical or north-and-south line.
Fifth: Founders’ Day. January 10th in each year shall be known and celebrated as Founders’ Day by each
collegiate chapter, each alumni association, and the Grand Prytanis shall send a suitable message to be read as a
part of the program of each celebration.
Sixth: Parents’ Day. The Sunday in May of each year which is celebrated nationally as Mothers Day
shall also be celebrated by the Fraternity as Mothers Day, and either the same day or some other day shall be cel-
ebrated as Fathers Day, at which time the parents of collegiate chapter members shall be entertained as the guests
of the chapters with appropriate ceremony, provided that by resolution properly certified and filed with the Chief
Executive Officer, any chapter may substitute a different day for Mothers Day.
Seventh: Songs. At all banquets a Fraternity song shall be sung before those present are seated, and be-
fore Grace is said, and at the close the college alma mater shall be sung.
Eighth: Correspondence. All personal and Fraternity correspondence between Fraters in Tau Kappa Epsi-
lon shall close with the phrase “Yours in the Bond.”
Ninth: Use of Colors:
(1) Whenever the national flag or Fraternity flag are flown together, the national flag shall at all times
take precedence, flying either above or on the right.
(2) The national and Fraternity flags shall be displayed at full mast on:
(a) National holidays or celebrations when customary or appropriate.
(b) Occasions or celebrations by the institution at which the chapter is established.
(3) Both flags shall be displayed at half mast on occasions of national or institutional mourning.
(4) The Fraternity flag shall be displayed alone at full mast on:
(a) Days of Fraternity celebration, such as Founders’ Day, Fathers and Mothers Day and
other special occasions.
(b) The days when the Conclave of the Grand Chapter is in session.
(c) During official or invited visits of a Past Grand Prytanis, Grand Officer, or Volunteer or
any distinguished visitor to whom honor is due.
(d) Whenever ordered by the Grand Prytanis, Grand Council or Grand Chapter.
(5) The Fraternity flag shall be displayed alone at half mast on:
(a) Days of mourning for a deceased member of the chapter, the time to be fixed by resolu-
tion of the chapter.
(b) On the death of a Past Grand Prytanis, or Grand Officer.
(c) Whenever days of mourning may be proclaimed by the Grand Prytanis, Grand Chapter or
Grand Council.
(6) The Fraternity flag shall be used to drape the coffin of a member of the Fraternity in good stand-
ing when the ritual is to be used or may, at the request of the family, be so used when the ritual is
not to be used.
Tenth: Use of Coat of Arms. The full coat of arms may be used by any member of the Fraternity in good
standing upon his stationery, jewelry or other articles of personal use.
Eleventh: Little Sister Organizations. Auxiliary organizations or Little Sister groups, composed of col-
legiate women and affiliated with a collegiate chapter, are prohibited.
SECTION 1. Official Insignia. All badges and other similar officially adopted insignia purchased by the
International Fraternity must be purchased from manufacturers selected by the Fraternity and the members and
chapters may then purchase all such insignia and jewelry from the International Fraternity.
SEC. 2. Past Grand Prytanis’ Key. Each Past Grand Prytanis shall be entitled to wear, as the badge of his
office, a gold pendant in the form of a key described as follows:
The Grand Prytanis Jewel shall be of gold, one and one-half inches in length. The central enameled
triangle shall be three-quarters of an inch on each side, the design for the obverse to be an equilateral triangle
of black enamel, three-quarters of an inch on each side, surrounded by a bevel one-eighth of an inch wide, and
bearing in its center a gold scroll, upon which are displayed the Scales of Justice in bas-relief. The dependent
apex of the triangle shall bear a gavel, the handle forming the stem of the jewel, and upon each gavel head shall
be inscribed the chapter letter of the wearer. The entire triangle shall be surmounted by a scroll, upon which shall
appear in relief the year of founding in Greek letters, Alpha, Theta, Iota, Iota. The triangle portion of the reverse
shall show in its upper margin the name of the bearer and on the central, triangle in chief, the book of laws, upon
which are engraved the years of incumbency and in the base, an eye. The jewel shall be borne upon a ribbon one
and one-half inches wide of cherry, with gray center stripe, the three bands of the ribbon to be equal in width.
SEC. 3. Official Flag. The official Fraternity flag shall be rectangular in the proportions of the flag of the
United States and Canada and shall display in the center of a cherry red field, a gray band on which are placed, in
the manner of the coat of arms, five equilateral triangles, voided.
SEC. 4. Other Flags and Banners. Other flags, banners, and the like, presenting the Greek letters, name,
coat of arms, or other public symbols of the Fraternity may be displayed.
Honors and Awards
SECTION 1. Founders. The official title of FOUNDERS having been conferred on Joseph L. Settles,
Owen I. Truitt, C. Roy Atkinson, Clarence A. Mayer and James C. McNutt during their lives, with life member-
ship in the Grand Chapter, and all of them being now deceased, said title of FOUNDERS so conferred on them is
hereby continued posthumously and exclusively, in perpetuity.
SEC. 2. National Founders. The title of NATIONAL FOUNDERS having been heretofore conferred on
Lester H. Martin, William L. Wilson, Wallace G. McCauley and L. W. Tuesburg, all of them being now deceased,
as having originated and first advocated and promoted the conversion of Tau Kappa Epsilon into a national
fraternity, said title of NATIONAL FOUNDERS so conferred upon them, is hereby continued posthumously and
exclusively, in perpetuity.
SEC. 3. Expansion Leaders. For the purpose of giving recognition to leaders in the expansion of Tau
Kappa Epsilon into all sections of the United States and into the Dominion of Canada, the official title of EX-
PANSION LEADERS having been created and conferred on Dr. R. C. Williams, Leland F. Leland, James C.
Logan, Frank B. Scott, and Bruce B. Melchert, all of whom are Past Grand Prytani and as such have life member-
ship in the Grand Chapter, said title so created and conferred shall be continued in perpetuity.
SEC. 4. International Expansion Leaders. The title of INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION LEADER is
hereby conferred on J. Russel Salsbury, and Frank B. Scott, posthumously, as having originated and first advocat-
ed and promoted the conversion of Tau Kappa Epsilon into an International Fraternity, to be held by them exclu-
sively and in perpetuity.
SEC. 5. Grand Histor Emeritus. Leland F. Leland, in recognition of his distinguished services to the
Fraternity as Grand Histor and editor of the Fraternity magazine, THE TEKE, for 25 years, and who developed that
magazine into one of the outstanding publications in its field, who having been granted the official title of GRAND
HISTOR EMERITUS during his lifetime, shall continue to posthumously hold that title to him in perpetuity.
SEC. 6. Executive Vice President Emeritus. T. J. Schmitz, in recognition of his distinguished service to
the Fraternity as a member of the professional staff for over 25 years, is hereby granted the official title of EX-
SEC. 7. Order of the Golden Eagle. The ORDER OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE is and shall be the highest
honor conferred by Tau Kappa Epsilon, and shall be conferred only at biennial Conclaves, as part of the ceremo-
nies thereof, but if a recipient is unable to be in attendance, the award may be presented during the interim be-
tween Conclaves at an appropriate event approved by the Awards Committee. The following persons only shall be
considered for this honor:
1. A Past Grand Officer or a past member of the Board of Directors of the TKE Educational Founda-
tion; or
2. A man who has given unselfish and devoted service of recognized value in the Fraternity for at
least 10 years; or
3. A man whose life exemplified the ideals of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
This Order shall be conferred upon two persons only at each Conclave. However, in the event the recipi-
ent is a Past Grand Prytanis, or this honor is being conferred posthumously, then in either of such events, the
Awards Committee, in its discretion, may confer this honor upon one additional person.
(a) The Emblem. The emblem of this order is described in heraldic language as follows: A spread
eagle bearing on his breast the armorial bearings of Tau Kappa Epsilon, and surmounting an estoile of five, with
arms pattee, braced, all within a wreath of laurel, nimbused and rayed of six, debruising the lower section of the
wreath, a scroll lettered: THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE.
(b) How Selected. The award of THE ORDER OF THE GOLDEN EAGLE shall be made by a com-
mittee composed of three alumni members, plus all members of the Order of the Golden Eagle, by a majority vote.
SEC. 8. Teke Alumnus of the Year Award. The TEKE ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR Award is given for
outstanding accomplishment and performance in the members career or field of endeavor. The Awards Commit-
tee, in its discretion, shall determine upon whom such awards may be conferred at each Conclave. If the recipients
are unable to be in attendance at a Conclave, the award may be presented during the interim between Conclaves at
an appropriate event approved by the Committee.
(a) The Emblem. The emblem of this award shall be a raised coat of arms atop a circular sunburst 1
3/4 inches in diameter. On the reverse side shall be inscribed the words “TEKE ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR,” the
name of the chapter of the recipient, and the year for which awarded.
(b) How Selected. The award of TEKE ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR shall be made by a committee
composed of three alumni members, by a majority vote.
SEC. 9. Grand Prytanis Award. The Grand Prytanis may make these awards to two Fraters each year
who, in his opinion, have rendered the most valuable services to the Fraternity as a whole.
(a) The Emblem. The emblem of the Grand Prytanis Award shall be the same as that of the TEKE
ALUMNUS OF THE YEAR Award, except that the wording on the reverse side shall be “GRAND PRYTANIS
(b) How Selected. This award shall be made by the Grand Prytanis only. Grand Officers shall not
receive any of these three (aforementioned) awards during their term of office.
SEC. 10. Top TKE Chapter Awards. TOP TKE CHAPTER Awards may be made annually by the Chief
Executive Officer, on ratings established by a point system to be set up by that officer, from chapters nominated
by Volunteers. If two or more chapters are tied for this award, each shall receive it.
SEC. 11. Top Teke Award. TOP TEKE Awards may be made annually by the Chief Executive Officer on
ratings established by a point system to be set up by that officer, from collegiate members nominated by Volun-
teers. If two or more collegiate members are tied for this award, each shall receive it.
SEC. 12. Past Grand Officer Award. There is hereby authorized and conferred upon each Past Grand Of-
ficer other than Past Grand Prytani, the PAST GRAND OFFICER AWARD.
(a) The Emblem. The emblem of the Past Grand Officer Award shall be a medallion approximately 1
1/4 inches in diameter with a laurel wreath surrounding a triangle with the letters “TKE” on the inside and “Past
Grand Officer” on the outside.
SEC. 13. Salsbury-Scott Interfraternity Award. The Grand Prytanis may annually make this award to the
man or woman who, in his opinion, shall have rendered the most valuable services to advance the cause of frater-
nities and the Greek system. The recipient shall not be required to be a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon, or of any
other fraternity or sorority.
SEC. 14. International Sweetheart. By a mail ballot of the Grand Chapter, a collegiate female enrolled
at an institution of higher education shall be elected INTERNATIONAL SWEETHEART of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
Nominations shall be made by each collegiate chapter in the form specified by the Chief Executive Officer, and
the selection of finalists and method of balloting shall be at his discretion. The International Sweetheart shall be
awarded a suitable trophy and she shall also receive an expense paid trip to the Conclave should there be one dur-
ing the year of her election.
SEC. 15. Silver Maple Leaf Award. The ORDER OF THE SILVER MAPLE LEAF Award may be
conferred upon a member of Tau Kappa Epsilon only at the biennial Conclave as part of the ceremonies thereof,
but if the recipient is unable to be in attendance at the Conclave, the award may be presented during the interim
between Conclaves at an appropriate event approved by the Awards Committee. The ORDER OF THE SILVER
MAPLE LEAF Award is given to an individual who (a) throughout his lifetime has exemplified the ideals of Tau
Kappa Epsilon and/or (b) through his efforts has promoted the causes of international understanding and brother-
hood within or outside of the Fraternity.
(a) The Emblem. The emblem of this award is described as follows: A maple leaf in sterling silver
with the letters “TKE” enclosed in a triangle in the center of the maple leaf with a scroll beneath lettered: ORDER
OF THE SILVER MAPLE LEAF. On the reverse side shall be inscribed the name of the recipient and the year for
which awarded.
(b) How Selected. The award recipients shall be selected by an Awards Committee appointed by the
Grand Prytanis for that purpose.
SEC. 16. Other Awards. The Grand Council may adopt collegiate and alumni awards now presently
given, change the same, or set up new ones, and provide for their form, method of awarding and such other details
as may be required.
Trial of Members
SECTION 1. Rights of Members. Membership in the Fraternity is a privilege and confers no legal rights
of any kind on any member except the benefits of membership as prescribed by the Constitution and Bylaws of
the Fraternity. The Fraternity is a private, voluntary organization and may revoke, condition, or restrict the privi-
lege of membership, upon good cause and by due process, as the Grand Chapter may determine in its absolute
discretion. The procedures for trial and appeal provided in this Division shall be the sole and exclusive means to
determine or resolve any issues as to the circumstances and status of membership or the privileges and respon-
sibilities thereof. No member may assert any rights to enforcement or review of such decisions in a court of law,
and by joining the Fraternity each member expressly waives and relinquishes any such non-fraternal rights.
SEC. 2. Triable Offenses. The Fraternity and all chapters thereof shall have power to try and punish their
members for any of the following offenses, to-wit:
A. Failure of any member to conform to the Constitution, Bylaws, laws, traditions, usages, obliga-
tions and ritualistic ceremonies of the Fraternity.
B. Any violation of the obligations of membership.
C. Refusal or persistent failure to pay dues or assessments, or any other indebtedness to the chapter,
or any indebtedness to the Fraternity.
D. Any violation of local chapter bylaws or house rules.
E. Joining another fraternity prohibited by ARTICLE VI, Section 8 of the Constitution.
F. Failure of any member to prefer charges or provide information as provided in Chapter XXV,
Section 1.
G. Failure of any member to meet the member standards of the Fraternity.
SEC. 3. Methods of Trial. The trial of accused members shall be in one of the following methods:
A. By a Chapter Court, as provided in Chapter XXVI.
B. By a Special Court, as provided in Chapter XXVII.
C. By a General Court, appointed by the Grand Prytanis.
D. By the Grand Court.
E. By the Grand Council.
SEC. 4. Charges, By Whom Preferred. Charges may be preferred by any Grand Officer, by the Judiciary
Chairman, by the Chief Executive Officer or his representative, by the Chapter Advisor, Board of Advisors, Vol-
unteer, or any alumnus or collegiate member of the same chapter.
SEC. 5. Administrative Review and Sanctions. A member, after having been duly notified that charges
have been, or will be, filed against him, may elect to plead guilty in writing to the triable offense or offenses and
be made subject to administrative sanctions imposed by the Chief Executive Officer or his designee. The Chief
Executive Officer, or his designee, may impose upon the member any sanction which may be imposed by any
court provided for in the laws of the International Fraternity.
Trial by Chapter Court
SECTION 1. Preferring Charges. Whenever it shall become known to any collegiate member that any
collegiate member of his chapter has been guilty of any of the offenses specified in SECTION 2 of CHAPTER
XXV (Trial of Members), it shall be his duty to prefer charges against him, or provide full and complete informa-
tion as to the possible offenses to an appropriate officer or board who may prefer charges.
SEC. 2. Charges and Specifications. Such charges shall be brought in writing, stating:
A. The enumerated offense(s) of Section 2, Chapter XXV (Triable Offenses) violated.
B. Where applicable, the particular law, obligation, tradition, or standard violated.
C. To the extent known or practical, the specific facts concerning the time, place and manner of the
Such written charges shall be signed by an appropriate officer or board.
SEC. 3. Notice. A copy of such charges, with notice of the time and place at which trial shall be held,
shall be served on the accused member as follows:
A. Notice shall be served sufficiently in advance of the trial to allow the member to arrange to be
present and have an opportunity to be heard.
B. Notice shall be provided in person, or mailed to or delivered to the member if his location is
known to an officer of the chapter, or posted at the chapter house or designated chapter meeting
place when the location of the member is not known. In the case of an alumnus member, notice
may be sent to the last known mailing or electronic address provided by the member to the Offic-
es of the Grand Chapter, with a copy to the Board of Advisors and any alumni association which
exists for the members chapter. If a member is duly noticed of a trial on any charge specified in
Section 2 of Chapter XXV, he may be tried and found guilty of any other charge in such Section 2
based on the evidence and testimony presented at the trial.
SEC. 4. Trial of Charges. Such charges shall be presented to the chapter in writing at the next regular
or special meeting called for that purpose, and the chapter shall sit as a Chapter Court and try the charges, or the
chapter may appoint a Court of at least three collegiate or alumni members to try such charges in the manner pro-
vided in this Chapter XXVI.
SEC. 5. Plea. The accused member may challenge whether the charges and notice conform to the provi-
sions of this Division and the Court shall rule on such objections prior to requiring the member to answer. If no
challenge is made or any objection is overruled, the accused member shall answer whether he is “guilty” or “not
guilty” of each charge. If he refuses or fails to plead, a plea of “not guilty” shall be entered on his behalf.
SEC. 6. Right to Representation. The accused member shall have the right to be represented by another
member of the Fraternity, if such representative can appear at the time and place of the trial.
SEC. 7. Trial Proceedings. Trials shall be conducted with the Manual for Trials or other policies which
the Grand Court shall from time to time direct.
SEC. 8. Record of Proceedings. If practical, the trial shall be tape recorded, or written notes of the pro-
ceeding shall be made. The Court shall make a written decision as to its findings on each charge and a summary
of the facts or circumstances supporting its decision.
SEC. 9. Punishment. If the member is found guilty of any charge, the Chapter Court may:
A. Expel a collegiate or inactive member and direct him to surrender his badge and membership
B. Drop an alumnus member from the rolls.
C. Suspend the member for up to one year.
D. Place the member on probation under such conditions and for such time as the court deems ap-
E. Impose restrictions on the participation and conduct of the member in the Fraternity.
F. Direct the member to perform remedial or compensatory activities.
G. Impose other punishment as may be appropriate for the nature and severity of the violation for
which the member was found guilty.
SEC. 10. Removal from Office. Any member suspended shall thereby automatically be removed from any
chapter office or position he may hold.
SEC. 11. Conviction of Crime. Upon the introduction in evidence before any such trial body of sufficient
evidence of the conviction of any accused member of any criminal felony, by any court in the United States or
Canada, it shall be the option of such trial body to find the accused guilty and expel him, if a collegiate member,
or drop him from the rolls if an alumnus member, unless it shall affirmatively appear that an appeal or writ of er-
ror is pending, or that the case has been reversed, in which case the trial body may proceed with other testimony,
or suspend the hearing until the final determination of the case, as it shall see fit.
SEC. 12. Expulsion. Every person expelled by the judgment of such trial body shall have his badge and
membership certificate taken up by the trial body, and forwarded to the Offices of the Grand Chapter, pending
final disposition of the case, and if such expulsion be affirmed, his name shall be stricken from the rolls of the
chapter and Fraternity, and his membership certificate cancelled by writing across the face thereof the fact and
date of such expulsion, and the cause thereof.
Trial by Special Court
SECTION 1. Preferring Charges. Whenever it shall become known to any member of the Fraternity that
any member of his collegiate chapter has been guilty of any of the offenses specified in Section 2 of CHAPTER
XXV (Trial of Members), it shall be his duty to prefer charges against him, or cause them to be preferred by an ap-
propriate officer or board.
SEC. 2. Laying Accusations. Such charges shall be laid before the chapter at the next regular or a special
meeting called for that purpose, and if the chapter shall decide that there is probable cause, it shall empanel a spe-
cial court of three alumni members to try such charges.
SEC. 3. Charges and Specifications. Before proceeding to trial, the accusation shall be reduced to writing,
in the form of charges stating the section of law or other matter violated, supported by definite specifications de
scribing the act charged to be such violation, and signed by an appropriate officer or board. A copy of such charges,
with notice of the time and place of hearing, shall thereupon be served upon said accused member, sufficiently early,
and under such circumstances that he may be present and have an opportunity to secure counsel and be heard.
SEC. 4. Pleading. The accused shall thereupon be required to enter at the foot of the charges a writ-
ten plea of “guilty” or “not guilty,” or he may deny their legal sufficiency by written exceptions, which shall be
passed on by the court before he shall be required to plead.
SEC. 5. Refusal to Plead. In case the accused refuses or fails to plead, the court shall thereupon cause a
written plea of “not guilty” to be entered in his behalf.
SEC. 6. Rights of Accused. The accused shall have the right to be represented by any member of the
Fraternity within a reasonable distance as counsel, and to demand a stenographic report of the testimony and other
proceedings and shall be advised of these rights at the time he is required to plead.
SEC. 7. Report of Proceedings. If the expulsion or dropping of the accused from the rolls is demanded, or
believed to be the proper penalty if he shall be found guilty, a stenographic record or tape recording of the evi-
dence and proceedings shall be taken and preserved, whether demanded or not, at the expense of the chapter.
SEC. 8. Appeals, How Perfected. Any such appeal shall be made in writing, specifying, in respectful and
courteous language, and without in any way reflecting on the accuser or the trial body, where the decision is er-
SEC. 9. Punishment. If the accused be found guilty, the trial court may, if a collegiate or inactive member,
sentence him to expulsion, and to surrender his badge and membership certificate, or, if he is an alumnus member,
to be dropped from the rolls, or in either case, he may be put upon suitable probation, or suspended for not to ex-
ceed one year, or publicly reprimanded, or removed from any office he may hold, other than a Volunteer or Auditor.
SEC. 10. Removal from Office. Any member suspended shall thereby automatically be removed from any
chapter office or position he may hold.
SEC. 11. Conviction of Crime. Upon the introduction in evidence before any such trial body of a prop-
erly certified copy of the record of the conviction of any accused member of any criminal felony, by any court in
the United States or Canada, it shall be the option of such trial body to find the accused guilty and expel him, if
a collegiate member, or drop him from the rolls if an alumnus member, unless it shall affirmatively appear that
an appeal or writ of error is pending, or that the case has been reversed, in which case the trial body may proceed
with other testimony, or suspend the hearing until the final determination of the case, as it shall see fit.
SEC. 12. Expulsion. Every person expelled by the judgment of such trial body shall have his badge and
membership certificate taken up by the trial body, and forwarded to the Offices of the Grand Chapter, pending
final disposition of the case, and if such expulsion be affirmed, his name shall be stricken from the rolls of the
chapter and Fraternity, and his membership certificate cancelled by writing across the face thereof the fact and
date of such expulsion, and the cause thereof.
General Court
SECTION 1. When Appointed. The Grand Prytanis may appoint a General Court in any of the following
A. There is information that a member has been guilty of one or more of the offenses described
under Section 2 of Chapter XXV hereof, and his chapter has refused, or failed, after the lapse of a
reasonable time, or after notice from the Grand Prytanis, to put the member on trial, or a Chapter
Court has acquitted such member contrary to the evidence, or in the opinion of the Grand Prytanis
a situation exists which warrants trial by a General Court instead of chapter action or trial.
B. Such a Court is requested by any chapter, or the Prytanis of any chapter, or the Board of Advisors
of any chapter or the Grand Court.
C. Complaint is made by any Grand Officer, Chief Executive Officer, Chapter Advisor, or Board of
Advisors that any chapter neglects or refuses, or habitually permits its members to neglect or re-
fuse to pay dues or other fraternal obligations, or to obey the Constitution, laws, rules, or obliga-
tions of the Fraternity, or the lawful demands and requirements of any officer or agency thereof.
D. In the opinion of the Grand Prytanis, any chapter is in a demoralized condition, financially embar-
rassed, insubordinate, or its stability and safety are endangered.
SEC. 2. How Constituted. A General Court shall consist of three alumni members of the Fraternity, of
whom one shall preferably be a lawyer. One member shall be designated as presiding judge. In the case of ur-
gency as determined by the Grand Prytanis or the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Grand Justice shall designate
a Grand Justice to serve as the sole judge for a General Court or conduct such trial as the sole judge.
SEC. 3. Powers. A General Court shall have power to call any chapter into session, to summon any member
of the Fraternity except a Grand Officer or Grand Justice to attend a trial or otherwise call witnesses, to administer
an oath under Fraternity bond, to prefer charges against members to remove a chapter officer, Chapter Advisor, or
member of the Board of Advisors, to impose any other action it deems expedient and warranted by the evidence and
testimony presented, to appoint one of its members to hear, summarize and report to the court on the testimony of
witnesses where necessary to conduct an expeditious trial, and shall have all the powers of a Chapter Court.
SEC. 4. Trials by Court. The procedure for trial by a General Court shall be the same as that provided in
CHAPTER XXVI for Chapter Courts.
SEC. 5. Trial by Chapter Court Not Final. The trial of any member by a Chapter Court shall not be a bar
to the further trial of such member by a General Court, which shall have power to vacate the decision of a Chapter
Court and to re-try such member, or to review the judgment of such trial body and reverse a verdict of acquittal, or
increase, alter or vary the punishment inflicted thereby to any extent it shall see fit.
SEC. 6. Expense. All reasonable expenses of a General Court shall be borne by the chapter at which the
inquiry is held, unless otherwise ordered by the Court, with the approval of the Grand Prytanis.
ECTION 1. Review by Chief Grand Justice. All sentences of expulsion or being dropped from the rolls
may be appealed to the Chief Grand Justice before becoming effective. An appeal may be taken in a timely manner
to the Chief Grand Justice from any other order by (1) any member or alumnus on whom punishment was directly
imposed; (2) a chapter whose rights or duties have been restricted, or on whom punishment was imposed; (3) other
members or alumni, provided that such appeal is concurred in by the Chapter Advisor, Chapter Prytanis, or any
member of the court. Any issues with respect to the procedural validity of an appeal shall be determined by the Chief
Grand Justice. If the Chief Grand Justice acts as a trial judge in a matter, appeals may be made to the Grand Prytanis.
SEC. 2. Chief Grand Justice May Modify Sentence. Upon review of the decision of any court, the Chief
Grand Justice may affirm the decision, reverse it, with or without returning the matter for a new trial, or modify
it, as he shall deem just and lawful. His order shall thereupon be filed with the Offices of the Grand Chapter who
shall transmit copies to the Court and to the accused. If the Chief Grand Justice acts as trial judge, the review will
be made by the Grand Prytanis who may exercise the same powers.
SEC. 3. Appeals, How Perfected. Any appeal, whether from a Chapter Court or General Court, shall
be made in writing, specifying, in respectful and courteous language, the basis for reversing or modifying the
decision of the court, and sent to the Offices of the Grand Chapter. Copies of the appeal shall be provided to the
chapter involved or to the court from whose decision the appeal is taken, and the chapter or court shall have the
opportunity to respond to such appeal. Any individual who appeals a sentence of expulsion, with or without pro-
bation, shall submit with his appeal his badge, certificate of membership, and any other Fraternity property in his
possession for his appeal to be considered.
SEC. 4. Delegation of Review Authority. The Chief Grand Justice may, with the approval of the Grand
Prytanis, delegate his authority and responsibility under this Chapter XXIX to a Grand Justice in a particular matter
or matters.
Grand Court
SECTION 1. Defined. The Grand Court shall consist of at least five (5) alumni members of the Fraternity,
at least two of whom shall be lawyers. A quorum shall constitute a simple majority of the members. Each member
of the Grand Court shall be called a “Grand Justice.” Each Grand Justice shall cover a particular geographic area.
EC. 2. How Appointed. The Grand Justices shall be appointed by the Grand Prytanis with the advice and
consent of the Grand Council. The Grand Prytanis shall designate one of the Justices to serve as Chief Grand Jus
SEC. 3. Term of Office. Each Justice shall serve until such time as a successor for his position is appoint-
ed as prescribed in Section 2 of this chapter.
SEC. 4. Powers and Duties. The Grand Court shall have all the powers and duties of any Court provided
for in this Division; the right to convene as a court with at least three of its members in attendance, either in
person or by conference call, which court may preclude, suspend, supersede, or review a trial by any other court
provided in this Division.
SEC. 5. Justice Duties. Each Justice, by nature of his office, shall be the chairman of any General Court
called in his geographic area. He may delegate this duty with the consent of the Chief Grand Justice, but in such
case the Grand Justice retains his right to review and comment on the results of the General Court and to instigate
at his own discretion an appeal of such decision. Based on the need for expediency, at the discretion of the Chief
Executive Officer, another alumnus of the Fraternity may be appointed to serve as chairman of any General Court.
SEC. 6. Decision Review. All decisions of the Grand Court are final and not further appealable except that a
determination that a chapter shall be declared non-operating must be reviewed and approved by the Grand Council.
SEC. 7. Grand Court Administrative Investigation. The Chief Grand Justice of the Grand Court or the
Chief Executive Officer shall appoint at least one alumnus member of the Fraternity, who shall act as an investi-
gative liaison to the Grand Court, upon allegation of a triable offense being committed. The investigative liaison
shall interview members, take depositions, and otherwise gather all available evidence. Said evidence shall be
shared with the Grand Court which may meet at the earliest available time, either in person or by teleconference,
or by other electronic means and may be the basis to prefer charges against a member or chapter to be tried by the
Grand Court.
SEC. 8. Duties of Chief Grand Justice. In addition to the rights and duties provided in this chapter and
the powers conferred on them by Chapter XXIX concerning appeals and modification of decisions, the Grand
Court and Chief Grand Justice shall have the responsibility, with the Judiciary Committee, to draft, with the
advice and consent of the Grand Council, a Manual For Trials to govern procedures and policies for conducting
any of the inquiries, trials, courts, and other actions provided for in this Division Nine; and such other powers and
duties as are reasonably necessary to carry out his or their obligations and duties. The Chief Grand Justice shall,
upon request by the Grand Prytanis or Chief Executive Officer, attend a Grand Council Meeting to present the
results of trials and appeals pending before the Grand Council, and to provide comment and suggestions on the
practices and procedures of the disciplinary system.
Trial of Grand Council Member
SECTION 1: Grand Council Member Insane or Convicted of Crime. In case any Grand Council mem-
ber, other than the Grand Prytanis, shall be convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, or
shall be adjudged insane, upon the filing with the Grand Prytanis of a certified transcript of such final judgment, it
shall be the duty of the Grand Prytanis to declare said office vacant and to appoint a successor.
SEC. 2. Grand Prytanis Insane or Convicted of a Crime. In case the Grand Prytanis shall be convicted
of a felony or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or adjudged insane, as aforesaid, upon the filing of such
transcript with the Chief Executive Officer, the Grand Council shall remove the said Grand Prytanis from office,
and the next officer in succession shall assume the position.
SEC. 3. Trial of Grand Council Member. In case any Grand Council member, other than the Grand Pry-
tanis, shall be charged with violating the laws of the Fraternity, or with malfeasance or misfeasance in office of a
character to warrant his removal, the Grand Prytanis shall call a meeting of the Grand Council, which shall there-
upon, exclusive of the accused member, sit as a court to try him, under the same procedure as provided in Chapter
XXVI hereof, and if found guilty by a two-thirds vote, exclusive of his own, he shall be removed from office.
SEC. 4. Impeachment of Grand Prytanis. In case formal charges accusing the Grand Prytanis of viola-
tion of the laws of the Fraternity or of malfeasance or misfeasance in office warranting his removal from office
are filed with the Chief Executive Officer, he shall call a special meeting of the Grand Council, to be presided
over by the Grand Epiprytanis, or ranking Grand Officer present, which shall consider and vote upon the im-
peachment of the Grand Prytanis, who shall not participate in such meeting.
SEC. 5. Trial of Grand Prytanis. If such impeachment shall be voted, the Grand Epiprytanis, or ranking
Grand Officer, shall summon all of the Past Grand Prytani to sit as an Extraordinary Court, to try the same. The
Senior Past Grand Prytanis present shall preside; the procedure shall be that prescribed in Chapter XXVI hereof,
and no verdict of guilty shall be rendered unless concurred in by a majority of the members of such Court, consti-
tuting a majority thereof. If the Grand Prytanis be found guilty, the Court shall enter judgment removing him from
office, and file the same with the Chief Executive Officer who shall thereupon notify the Grand Epiprytanis or
ranking Grand Officer of his succession as Grand Prytanis.
Amendments to Bylaws
SECTION 1. How Amended. Amendments to the Bylaws shall be adopted upon receiving a majority of
the votes cast at a meeting of the Grand Chapter.
SEC. 2. Effective Date. These Bylaws, as amended, shall be in effect from and after August 6, 2011, and
shall repeal and supersede all existing Bylaws heretofore enacted.
To International Constitution and Bylaws
This index applies only to the International Constitution and the International Bylaws with Traditions. Upper-
case Roman numerals refer to articles in the Constitution, and lower-case Roman numerals refer to chapters in the
Bylaws. The Arabic numerals following the Roman refer to the appropriate sections of the articles and chapters.
For example, IV-3 refers to Article IV, Section 3, which will be found in the Constitution; iv-3 refers to Chapter
IV, Section 3, of the Bylaws. Page numbers follow in parentheses.
Accounts, uniform, xii-1 (30)
Accredited institution, V-6 (11)
Accusation, xxvii-2 (46)
Accused, right of, xxvii-6 (47)
Address of members, VI-14 (14)
Ad-interim organization, iii (24)
Advisor—see Assistant Chapter Advisor, Chapter Advisor,
Campus Advisor, or Business Manager
Affiliated local fraternity, V-8 (12) (see colonies)
Affiliation of members, VI-9 (13)
Agenda of Conclave, i-14 (21)
Alumni associations, xvii-1 (35)
alumni involvement committee, xvii-7 (36)
bylaws, xvii-2 (35)
certification, xvii-4 (35)
defined, V-2 (11)
duty to belong, xvii-6 (36)
names, V-4 (11)
officers of, xvii-5 (36)
petitions, xviii-5 (37)
power to make bylaws, V-5 (11)
records, xvii-3 (35)
Alumni contributions, vii-10 (28)
Alumnus member, VI-4, xv-6-B (13, 34)
Amendments, XVI (18)
how introduced, i-10 (21)
when proposed and distributed, i-11 (21)
Annual reports, xiii-16 (33)
Appeals, xxix (48)
delegation of review authority, xxix-4 (49)
how perfected, xxix-3 (48)
modification of sentence by Chief Grand Justice, xxix-2 (48)
review by Chief Grand Justice, xxix-1 (48)
Appellate process
how perfected, xxvii-8 (47)
to Chief Executive Officer, xiii-5 (31)
to grand council, III-6 (9)
Arms, coat of, XII-1, xxii-2 (16, 40)
of chapters, vii-8 (28)
of members, xii-6 (31)
Articles of incorporation, (3-5)
Assessments, IX-1, 3 (16)
Assistant chapter advisor, xiv (33)
duties, xiv-5 (33)
selection, xiv-4 (33)
ATKINSON, C. ROY, xxiv-1 (41)
collegiate, xii-5 (30)
International, x (29)
Awards, XIII, xxiv (17), (41, 42, 43)
Bad character bar to initiation, xv-3 (34)
Badge of membership
defined, XII-2 (17)
forbidden on jewelry, XII-5 (17)
jewelling, XII-4 (17)
method of purchase, XII-4 (17)
method of wearing, xxii-2 (40)
ownership, XII-7 (17)
Banners, xxiii-4 (41)
Board of Directors, III-1 (8)
Board of Advisors, xiii (31)
annual reports, xiii-16 (33)
chapter appeals to Chief Executive Officer, xiii-5 (31)
composition, xiii-1 (31)
liability insurance, xiii-3 (31)
motions by collegiate, xiii-4 (31)
officers, xiii-2 (31)
powers and duties, xiii-7 (32)
sinking fund, xiii-6 (31)
Bond, surety, vii-9 (28)
Budget, collegiate, xii (30)
annual reports, xii-3 (30)
arrears forbidden, xii-6 (31)
audit, xii-5 (30)
budget, xii-4 (30)
enforcement, xii-7 (31)
financial reports, xii-2 (30)
uniform accounts, xii-1 (30)
Budget, international, x (29)
contents, x-6 (29)
payments, how made, x-7 (29)
Business manager
Board of Advisors, xiii-14 (32)
magazine, publications, xx-2 (38)
Bylaws, xxxii (50)
how amended, xxxii-1 (50)
Campus advisor, xiv (33)
duties, xiv-7 (34)
selection, xiv-6 (33)
Candidates, xv (34)
Chapter advisor, xiv (33)
duties, xiv-2 (33)
powers, xiv-3 (33)
selection, xiv-1 (33)
Chapter charter status, xix (37)
administrative review & sanctions, xix-9 (38)
determined, xix-6 (38)
probation (chapter), xix-4 (37)
probation (charter), xix-3 (37)
review of, xix-8 (38)
rights and obligations, xix-7 (38)
triable offenses, xix-5 (37)
Chapter corporations, XIV-3 (18)
Chapter court—see Trial by chapter court
Chapter newsletters, X-3 (16)
Chapters, V (11)
definition of collegiate, V-1 (11)
dormant, xix-1 (37)
finances, XIV-2 (17)
in arrears, II-5, vii-8 (7, 28)
names of collegiate, V-3 (11)
new, xviii (36)
non-operating, xix-2 (37)
power to make bylaws, V-5 (11)
scholastic probation, xvi (35)
vote in grand chapter, II-6 (7)
Charges, xxv-2, 3, 4; xxvii-3 (44; 46)
Charges against chapters, xix (37)
fee, vii-4 (27)
inspections, xviii-1, 3 (36)
installation, xviii-4 (37)
petitions, xviii-2 (36)
status—see Chapter charter status
Chattel mortgages, xiii-9 (32)
Chief Executive Officer, IV-8, v-1, 2 (10, 25-26)
appeals to, xiii-5 (31)
appoints chapter advisors, xiv-1 (33)
appoints volunteers, XV-3 (18)
approves board of advisors, xiii-1 (31)
as business manager, xx-2 (38)
draws payments, x-7 (29)
duties, v-1 (25)
keeps membership roll, vi-1, 2 (26)
selection and removal, v-2 (26)
Chief Grand Justice
delegation of review authority, xxix-4 (49)
duties, xxx-8 (49)
modification of sentence, xxix-2 (48)
review by, xxix-1 (48)
Coat of arms, XII-1, xxii-2 (16, 40)
Collegiate Advisory Committee, iv-6 (25)
Collegiate member, VI-2 (12)
Collegiate officers, VII (14)
authorized by grand council, III-5 (9)
defined, V-7 (12)
Colors, XII-3 (17)
Colors (flag), xxiii-3 (41)
ad-interim standing, iii-1 (24)
alumni involvement, xvii-7 (36)
investment, viii-1, 2 (28)
judiciary, i-7 (20)
nominations, i-8 (20-21)
reports, ii-2 (23)
resolutions, i-12 (21)
Conclaves, II-8; i, ii (8; 22-24)
election procedure, ii-6 (23)
governing body of fraternity, I-4 (7)
notice of, i-2 (20)
roll call on questions, ii-4 (23)
rules of order, ii-7 (24)
tellers, i-6, ii-5, 6 (20, 23-24)
Conditional sales contracts, xiii-9 (32)
amendments, XVI-1 (18)
when effective, XVI-2, xxxii-2 (18, 50)
Conviction of crime, xxvii-11 (47)
Corporation, I-2 (7)
housing title holding, XIV-1 (17)
Correspondence, xxii-2 (40)
Courts, general—see General court
Courts, grand—see Grand court
Courts, special—see Trial by special court
Crest—see coat of arms
Crime, conviction of, xxvii-11 (47)
Crysophylos, VII-7 (15)
Death of grand officer, xxii-2 (40)
Death of members, xxii-2 (40)
Debts to the Fraternity, xi (30)
Declaration of Principles, (1)
Delegates to Conclave, II-2, 3 (7)
Demit, VI-13 (14)
Directors of fraternity, III-1 (8)
Directory, official, xx-5 (39)
Disposition of reports, ii-2 (23)
Disposition on loss of charter, xiii-12 (32)
Dormant chapters, xix-1 (37)
Double membership forbidden, VI-8 (13)
Dropping from rolls, VI-12, xxix-1 (13, 48)
Dues, payment of, vii-5 (27)
Emblems—see Insignia
Employees of chapters, xiii-15 (33)
Endowment, IX-2 (16)
Epiprytanis, VII-5 (14)
Executive Vice President Emeritus, xxiv-6 (42)
Expansion leaders, xxiv-3 (41)
of delegates to Conclave, i-15 (22)
of general court, xxviii-6 (48)
of grand council, iv-4 (25)
Expulsion, VI-12, xxvii-12 (13, 47)
Fathers day, xxii-2 (40)
Fees, IX-1, 2, 3, 4 (16)
annual review, vii-7 (28)
candidate, xv-5 (34)
charter, vii-4 (27)
exchange rate, vii-6 (27)
initiation, vii-1 (26)
membership, vii-1, 2 (26, 27)
payment of, vii-3 (27)
Filling vacancies, IV-4 (10)
collegiate, xii (30)
debts to the Fraternity, xi (30)
international, IX (15), vii (26)
Fiscal year, x-1 (29)
Flag, xxiii-3, 4 (41)
use of, xxii-2 (40)
Flower, XII-3 (17)
Founders, xxiv-1 (41)
Founders’ Day, xxii-2 (40)
Funerals (use of colors), xxii-2 (40)
General court, xxviii (47)
appointment of, xxviii-1 (47)
composition, xxviii-2 (48)
expense, xxviii-6 (48)
powers, xxviii-3 (48)
Good standing defined, VI-11 (14)
Government of fraternity, I-4 (7)
Grammateus, VII-6 (14)
certifies elections, VII-2 (14)
Grand Chapter, II, i (7, 20)
authority, II-10 (8)
governing body of fraternity, I-4 (7)
grants new charters, III-5 (9)
meetings, iii-2, 3, 4, 5 (24)
minutes, i-13 (21)
name of, II-1 (7)
number of votes, II-6 (7)
quorum, II-7 (8)
reports, when made, i-14 (21)
roll, i-5 (20)
standing committees, i-4 (20)
tellers, i-6 (20), ii-5 (23)
time of meetings, i-1 (20)
who compose, II-2 (7)
Grand Council, III (8)
appellate jurisdiction, III-6 (9)
at-large grand council members, iv-7 (25)
authority over laws, III-4 (8)
authority over real estate, xiii-11 (32)
authorizes colonies, III-5 (9)
Collegiate Advisory Committee, iv-6 (25)
composition, III-2 (8)
deadline for application for candidacy, i-9 (21)
expenses, iv-4 (25)
fixes region boundaries, XV-2 (18)
governing body of fraternity, I-4 (7)
initiates mail vote of grand chapter, II-9 (8)
mail vote of, iv-5 (25)
quorum, iv-3 (25)
supervises property, III-5 (9)
time and place of meetings, III-3 (8), iv-1, 2 (25)
Grand Court, xxx (49)
administrative investigation, xxx-7 (49)
appointment, xxx-2 (49)
Chief Grand Justice duties, xxx-8 (49)
decision review, xxx-6 (49)
definition, xxx-1 (49)
justice duties, xxx-5 (49)
powers and duties, xxx-4 (49)
quorum, xxx-1 (49)
terms, xxx-3 (49)
Grand Crysophylos, IV-1 (9)
Grand Epiprytanis, IV-1 (9)
filling vacancy, IV-4 (10)
in trial of Grand Prytanis, xxxi-5 (50)
Grand Grammateus, IV-1 (9)
Grand Histor, IV-1 (9)
Grand Histor Emeritus, xxiv-5 (42)
Grand Hypophetes, IV-1 (9)
Grand Justice—see Grand Court
Grand Officers, Grand Council Members & Corporate
Officers, IV (9)
compose grand chapter, II-2 (7)
election of, IV-3, ii-6 (9, 23)
eligibility for office, IV-2 (9)
expenses, IV-10 (11)
limitation of authority, IV-11 (11)
name and rank, IV-1 (9)
other grand council members, IV-7 (10)
receive no compensation, IV-10 (11)
rights and duties, IV-6 (10)
trial of, xxxi-3 (50)
vote in grand chapter, II-6 (7)
Grand Prytanis Award, xxiv-9 (42)
Grand Prytanis, IV-5 (10)
appoints general courts, xxviii-1 (47)
appoints installation teams, xviii-4 (37)
filling vacancy, IV-4 (10)
impeachment of, xxxi-4 (49)
removal of, xxxi-4 (50)
term of office, IV-3 (10)
trial of, xxxi-5 (50)
Hegemon, VII-11 (15)
Histor, VII-8 (15)
Honorary members, VI-6, xv-6-B (13, 34)
privileges, VI-6 (13)
Honors, XIII (17)
Hypophetes, VII-9 (15)
Inactive member, VI-3 (12)
privileges, VI-3 (12)
restoration, VI-10 (13)
Incorporation, I-2 (7)
Indiana, state of, I-2 (7)
by ritual, xxi-2 (39)
by whom, xxi-3 (39)
fee, vii-1 (26)
requirements for, VI-7 (13)
Insignia, XII (16)
Insignia, official, xxiii-1 (41)
Installation of chapters, xviii-4 (37)
Insurance, liability, xiii-3 (31)
International expansion leaders, xxiv-4 (42)
International sweetheart, xxiv-14 (43)
Investment committee, viii-1 (28)
duties, viii-2 (28)
Investments, viii-2 (28)
Jewel, official, XII-3 (17)
Jewelling of badge, XII-4 (17)
Judiciary committee, VIII, i-7 (15, 20)
duties, VIII-2 (15)
how appointed—term, VIII-1 (15)
opinion on unconstitutional law, III-4 (8)
receives proposed legislation, ii-3 (23)
Justices—see Grand Court
Key, Past Grand Prytanis, xxiii-2 (41)
Legislation, when proposed and distributed, i-11 (20)
LELAND, LELAND F., xxiv-3, 5 (41-42)
Liability insurance, xiii-3 (31)
Librarian, VII-8 (15)
Life Loyal Teke, VI-5 (13)
Life Loyal Teke Communications Endowment, IX-4 (16)
Local fraternity, affiliated, V-8 (12)
(see colony)
LOGAN, JAMES C., xxiv-3 (41)
Little Sisters, xxii-2 (40)
Magazine, international—see publications
Mail vote
of grand chapter, II-9 (8)
of grand council, iv-5 (25)
MARTIN, LESTER H., xxiv-2 (41)
MAYER, CLARENCE A., xxiv-1 (41)
McCAULEY, WALLACE G., xxiv-2 (41)
McNUTT, JAMES C., xxiv-1 (41)
MELCHERT, BRUCE B., xxiv-3 (41)
Membership, VI (12)
Membership roll, vi-1 (26)
Mileage to Conclave, i-15 (22)
Minutes of grand chapter, i-13 (21)
Mothers day, xxii-2 (40)
Motto of coat of arms, XII-1 (16)
Mourning (use of colors), xxii-2 (40)
Name of fraternity, I-1 (7)
National founders, xxiv-2 (41)
New chapters, xviii (36)
inspection of, xviii-1, 3 (36)
Nominations committee, i-8 (20-21)
Non-operating chapters, xix-2 (37)
Office, removal from, xxvii-10 (47)
Officers of collegiate chapters, VII (14)
election, term and resignation, VII-2 (14)
vacancies, VII-3 (14)
Offices of the Grand Chapter, III-7 (9)
Official directory, xx-5 (39)
Official insignia, xxiii-1 (41)
Order of business at Conclave, II-1 (22)
Order of the Golden Eagle, xxiv-7 (42)
Paraphernalia, xxi-1 (39)
Parents’ day, xxii-2 (40)
Parliamentary procedure, ii-7 (24)
Past Grand Officer award, xxiv-12 (43)
Past Grand Prytanis, II-4 (7)
compose grand chapter, II-2 (7)
number of votes, II-6 (7)
Past Grand Prytanis key, xxiii-2 (41)
Petitions, III-5 (9), xviii-2, 5 (36-37)
President, international—see Grand Prytanis
Probation, chapter, xix-4 (37)
Probation, charter, xix-3 (37)
Probation of members, VI-12 (14)
Probation, scholastic (of chapters), xvi (35)
Property, personal, xiii-8 (32)
chattel mortgages, xiii-9 (32)
control and disposition on loss of charter, xiii-10 (32)
title, xiii-8 (32)
Property, real, XIV (17)
authority of grand council, xiii-11 (32)
chapter corporations, XIV-3 (18)
disposition on loss of charter, xiii-12 (32)
supervision, xiii-7, 9 (32)
taxes, insurance, depreciation, xiii-6, 7 (31-32)
title to chapter house, XIV-1, xiii-8 (17, 32)
Prytanis, VII-4 (14)
Publications, X, xx (16, 38)
business manager, xx-2 (38)
chapter newsletters, x-3 (16)
distribution, xx-4 (39)
general, X-2 (16)
magazine, X-1 (16)
other publications, xx-6 (39)
publication, xx-3 (38)
supervision, xx-1 (38)
Pylortes, VII-10 (15)
Qualified school defined, V-6 (11)
Records, vi (26)
Removal from office, xxvii-10 (47)
collegiate financial, xii-2, 3 (30)
method of reporting, ii-2 (23)
of officers, i-13 (21)
Resignation, xxv-1 (44)
Resolutions committee, i-12 (21)
Rights of accused, xxvii-6 (47)
Ritual, XI, xxi (16, 39)
paraphernalia, xxi-1 (39)
Robert’s Rules of Order, ii-7 (24)
Roll of membership, vi-1 (26)
Rules of Conclave, ii (22)
SALSBURY, J. RUSSEL, xxiv-4 (42)
Salsbury-Scott Interfraternity Award, xxiv-13 (43)
Scholarship, xvi (35)
Scholastic probation of chapters, xvi (35)
SCOTT, FRANK B., xxiv-3, 4 (41-42)
Secretary, International—see Grand Grammateus
SETTLES, JOSEPH L., xxiv-1 (41)
Silver Book, XI (16)
Silver Maple Leaf Award, xxiv-15 (43)
Sinking fund, xiii-6 (31)
Songs, xxii-2 (40)
Special court—see Trial by special court
Stenographic report (in special trial), xxvii-7 (47)
Subscription to magazine, xx-4 (39)
of chapters, XV (18)
Surety bond, vii-9 (28)
Suspension of members, VI-12 (14)
Sweetheart, xxiv-14 (43)
Teke Alumnus of the Year Award, xxiv-8 (42)
Teke, The—see Publications
The Founders Housing Fund, LLC, ix (29)
to personal property, XIV-1, xiii-8 (17, 32)
to real property, XIV-1, xiii-8 (17, 32)
Top Teke Award, xxiv-11 (43)
Top TKE Chapter Award, xxiv-10 (43)
Trademarks, registered, XII-6 (17)
Traditions, xxii (39)
who adopt, xxii-1 (39)
Treasurer, International, IV-1 (9)
administrative review & sanctions, xxv-5 (44)
charges, xxv-4 (44)
methods, xxv-3 (44)
of grand officer, xxxi-3 (50)
rights of members, xxv-1 (44)
triable offenses, xxv-2 (44)
Trial by chapter court, xxvi (45)
charges, xxvi-1, 2 (45)
conviction of crime, xxvi-11 (46)
expulsion, xxvi-12 (46)
notice, xxvi-3 (45)
plea, xxvi-5 (45)
punishment, xxvi-9 (46)
record of proceedings, xxvi-8 (45)
removal from office, xxvi-10 (46)
right to representation, xxvi-6 (45)
trial of charges, xxvi-4 (45)
trial proceedings, xxvi-7 (45)
Trial by special court, xxvii (46)
accusations, xxvii-2 (46)
appeals, how perfected, xxvii-8 (47)
charges, xxvii-1, 3 (46)
conviction of crime, xxvii-11 (47)
expulsion, xxvii-12 (47)
pleading, xxvii-4 (46)
punishment, xxvii-9 (47)
refusal to plead, xxvii-5 (47)
removal from office, xxvii-10 (47)
report of proceedings, xxvii-7 (47)
rights of accused, xxvii-6 (47)
TRUITT, OWEN I., xxiv-1 (41)
TUESBURG, L. W., xxiv-2 (41)
Unconstitutional law suspension, III-4 (8)
Vice President, International, IV-1 (9)
Volunteer, XV-3 (18)
Voting on candidates, xv-1 (34)
Wearing badge, xxii-2 (40)
WILLIAMS, R. C., xxiv-3 (41)
WILSON, WILLIAM, xxiv-2 (41)
Women’s auxiliaries prohibited, xxii-2 (40)
Yours in the Bond, (correspondence), xxii-2 (40)