Suckermouth Catfish (Hypostomus plecostomus)
Ecological Risk Screening Summary
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Web Version 1/29/2018
Photo: Ildar Sagdejev. Licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 International. Available:
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2004-02-02_Plecostomus_on_blue_gravel.jpg. (May
1 Native Range and Status in the United States
Native Range
From Nico and Neilson (2015):
“South America: Guyana, Surniame [sic] and French Guiana, between the Essequibo and
Oyapock River basins (Weber et al. 2012)”
Status in the United States
From Nico and Neilson (2015):
Hypostomus plecostomus was collected from Six Mile Creek in Tampa, Florida in 1972
(museum specimens). Various other reports from around the state (Florida FWC 2000), including
a borrow pit in Wayside Park in Perrine, Miami-Dade County (Shafland 1976). Collected in
Indian Spring, Nevada, in 1983 (museum specimens). Reported in several watersheds in Texas:
the San Antonio River (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 2001; museum specimens), San
Felipe Creek (Gleason 2004), the San Marcos River (museum specimens), Comal River
(Howells 1992; Whiteside and Berkhouse 1992), and White Oak Bayou (T. White, personal
A single specimen was collected from Dos Bocas Reservoir and several specimens collected
from an irrigation canal in Lajas, Puerto Rico (F. Grana, personal communication).”
“Established in Texas. Reported from Florida, Nevada, and Puerto Rico.”
From CABI (2015):
“Although H. plecostomus was reported from Indian Spring, Nevada, in 1983, the single
specimen was later determined to be an unidentified species of Hypostomus and not H.
plecostomus (USGS NAS, 2015).”
From NatureServe (2017):
The identity of the species in this genus [Hypostomus] that are established in the United States
is uncertain.
Means of Introductions in the United States
From Nico and Neilson (2015):
“Aquarium release or escape from aquaculture facilities.”
From FAO (2013):
“Reason of Introduction: ornamental”
There is some taxonomic uncertainty that interferes with obtaining a clearly defined distribution
for Hypostomus plecostomus.
2 Biology and Ecology
Taxonomic Hierarchy and Taxonomic Standing
From ITIS (2013):
“Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Superclass Osteichthyes
Class Actinopterygii
Subclass Neopterygii
Infraclass Teleostei
Superorder Ostariophysi
Order Siluriformes
Family Loricariidae
Subfamily Hypostominae
Genus Hypostomus Lacepède, 1803
Species Hypostomus plecostomus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Taxonomic Status:
Current Standing: valid”
From Eschmeyer et al. (2017):
plecostomus, Acipenser Linnaeus [C.] 1758:238 [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1 […]] Suriname
River. Lectotype: NRM 32 (57.8 mm SL). Paralectotypes: ?NRM 32 (82.0 and 81.4 mm), NRM
32 (smallest). Type catalog and nomenclatural discussion: Fernholm & Wheeler 1983:222 […],
Ferraris 2007:258 […]. Type information: Isbrücker 1980:30 […], Wheeler 1989:215 […].
Neotype designation by Boeseman 1968 (RMNH 18240 is considered to be invalid since at least
the smallest specimen in NHRM LP 32 is regarded as part of the type series); Lectotype selected
by Weber et al. 2012:210 […]. •Valid as Hypostomus plecostomus (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Isbrücker
1980:30 […], Burgess 1989:432 […], Galvis et al. 1997:86 […], Britski et al. 1998:135 […],
Isbrücker 2001:25, 27 […], Isbrücker 2002:19 […], Camargo & Isaac 2001:145 […], Ferraris
2003:865 […], Weber in Reis et al. 2003:361 […], Armbruster 2004:79 […], Nelson et al.
2004:83 […], Scharpf 2006:20 […] as cf. plecostomus, Armbruster et al. 2007:67 […], Ferraris
2007:258 […], Zawadzki et al. 2010:724 […], Weber et al. 2012:196 […], 210, Page et al.
2013:81 […], Zawadzki et al. 2014:103 […], Sarmiento et al. 2014:191 […], Cardoso et al.
2016:22 […], Zhang et al. 2016:211 […], Melo et al. 2016:134 […]). Current status: Valid as
Hypostomus plecostomus (Linnaeus 1758). Loricariidae: Hypostominae.
Size, Weight, and Age Range
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
“Max length : 50.0 cm SL male/unsexed; [Galvis et al. 1997]; common length: 28.0 cm TL
male/unsexed; [Hugg 1996]
From CABI (2015):
“Limited data are available on the lifespan of H. plecostomus. Pectoral fin rays, used in
traditional age assessments, may not be accurate due to lumens that form with the growth of the
fish (i.e. they become hollow) and due to non-annual formation of growth rings. Lifespans of
Hypostomus spp. in the wild of range from 7-8 years; however, aquaria specimens are commonly
reported to live for 10-15 years (Hoover et al., 2004).”
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
“Freshwater; demersal; pH range: 6.2 - 8.2; dH range: ? - 28. […]; 20°C - 28°C [assumed to be
recommended aquarium temperature range] [Baensch and Riehl 1985]; […]”
From CABI (2015):
Hypostomus sp. tolerate brackish water of 6-12 ppt, though are not found in higher adjacent
salinities (Barletta et al., 2000; Hoover et al., 2014).
Although Hypostomus sp. can tolerate hypoxic conditions using accessory breathing, no data
are available on oxygen levels necessary to promote this response.”
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
“Tropical; […]; 12°N - 25°S, 60°W - 51°W”
From CABI (2015):
Hypostomus sp. are found living in areas where waters reach 32°C (Barletta et al., 2000).
Hypostomus sp. are tolerant of cooler temperatures (16°C) though at 13°C they exhibit a
distinctive reddening of fins due to cold stress (Grier, 1980; Hoover et al., 2014). In controlled
laboratory experiments Shafland and Pestrak (1982) determined that a Hypostomus spp. reduced
feeding at 20.5°C, stopped feeding at 18.7°C and died at 11.2°C. Hoover et al. (2014) suggested
a lower lethal temperature of 12-14°C, which was supported by the absence of low temperature
‘winter kills’ above 15°C at Galveston Bay, Texas (Robinson and Culbertson, 2005) and the
presence of winter kills at Hillsborough River at 10-12°C (Hoover et al., 2014).”
Distribution Outside the United States
From Nico and Neilson (2015):
“South America: Guyana, Surniame [sic] and French Guiana, between the Essequibo and
Oyapock River basins (Weber et al. 2012)”
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
“Have been introduced to several Asian countries for the aquarium trade [Baensch and Riehl
“Established: Bangladesh, Florida and Texas, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Sri Lanka,
Philippines. Introduced: Singapore, Hong Kong, China, UK.”
From Maceda-Veiga et al. (2013):
“Besides the species highlighted in our study, other ornamental species have been recorded in
Iberian waters: tinfoil barb (Barbonymus schwanenfeldi) in Portugal (Gante et al. 2008); and,
Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), red piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri), and suckermouth catfish
(Hypostomus plecostomus) in Spain (Elvira and Almodo´var 2001; Doadrio 2002).”
From Zięba et al. (2010):
“Other released specie of particular note are [] an armoured suckermouth catfish Hypostomus
plecostomus (Linnaeus, 1758) in St-John’s Pond of Epping Forest [England]”
From CABI (2015):
“It has been introduced to 17 countries in the Americas, Asia and Europe.
It is possible that specimens collected and recorded as H. plecostomus from Brazil (Silvano and
Begossi, 2001) and Argentina (Lopez et al., 1987) may be introduced populations of H.
plecostomus, or more likely other Hypostomus sp., because these locations are geographically
isolated from the natural distribution of H. plecostomus (northern South America).”
“Although introduced populations of H. plecostomus occur in at least 17 countries, these
populations have not been well documented, particularly in many Asian countries. This has been
exacerbated by the taxonomic uncertainty of loricariids in general, and Hypostomus and
Pterygoplichthys spp. in particular.”
“In China, H. plecostomus was recorded in the Huizhou segment of the Dongjiang River in 2007.
It was not recorded in previous surveys in the 1980s (Liu et al., 2011). Ma et al. (2003) reported
that H. plecostomus was introduced to aquatic habitats in the country in 1990, though provided
no further details.
In Columbia, introduced populations of H. plecostomus are well established in the
anthropogenically-impacted upper basin of the Cauca River. Lopez Macias et al. (2009) cited the
field collections of Ortega et al. (1999), where it was found that H. plecostomus was the most
abundant fish species captured. H. plecostomus was introduced to Columbia from Guyana
(Lopez Macias et al., 2009).”
From Pallewatta et al. (2003):
“[…] not yet considered invasive, but on "watch list"; introduced in 1990s by ornamental fish
industry; escaped from breeding ponds into Laguna de Bay/nearby rivers; […]”
Hypostomus plecostomus (tank cleaner), a species imported to Sri Lanka by the ornamental fish
industry, […]”
Means of Introduction Outside the United States
From FAO (2013):
“Reasons of Introduction: ornamental”
From CABI (2015):
“The majority of nonindigenous populations of H. plecostomus are the result of the release of
unwanted ornamental fishes (Mendoza-Alfaro et al., 2009; USGS NAS, 2015).”
Short Description
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
“Dorsal spines (total): 1; Dorsal soft rays (total): 7; Anal spines: 1; Anal soft rays: 3 - 5. Body
short and robust; caudal peduncle not depressed. Upper parts of head and body encased in
longitudinal rows of scutes; lower surface of head and abdomen naked.”
“Adipose fin: present. Pectoral fins: 1 spine, 3-5 soft rays. Pelvic fins: 1 spine 5 soft rays.”
From CABI (2015):
H. plecostomus and other Loricariidae (including Pterygoplichthys sp.) can be distinguished
from native North American catfishes (Ictaluridae) by the presence of flexible bony plates
covering the body (absent in ictalurids) and a ventral suckermouth (terminal in ictalurids) (Nico
et al., 2015).
In comparison with Pterygoplichthys sp., H. plecostomus is usually shorter and stouter, the head
is broader relative to the length and there are small discrete dark spots on the head (Florida Fish
and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 2015).
A commonly-introduced species of the latter genus, Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus, may also
be differentiated from H. plecostomus by the connection of the last dorsal ray by a small
membrane to the base of the following bony plate. The species also has a granular edge on the
snout (Page and Burr, 1991).”
From CABI (2015):
“Parental care is common in loricariids and many species are cavity builders and nest guarders.
Male H. plecostomus burrow into banks and bottom sediments to create chambers in which
females lay eggs. Males guard the mass of eggs (Burgess, 1989) which hatch in 3-5 days
(Baensch and Riehl, 1985). Burrows of H. plecostomus observed in Florida ponds exhibit a
single opening but then subdivide into three or four different tunnels that extend 0.9-1.2 m
parallel to the surface of the water (Grier, 1980). In Texas, burrows are reported to be 1.2-1.5 m
deep (Texas Parks and Wildlife, 2012). Burrows are typically located in steeply sloping banks
with soils containing almost no gravel, and they are especially evident in highly disturbed urban
ponds (Hoover et al., 2014).
H. plecostomus grows rapidly and may mature at lengths of 150 mm in introduced populations
in Florida (Grier, 1980), which is less than half the typical adult size of 400-500 mm (Burgess,
1989). Size at maturity of H. plecostomus is comparable with other Hypostomus sp. in their
native range in South America (Nomura and Mueller, 1980; Mazzoni and Caramaschi, 1995).
The total fecundity of H. plecostomus is reported to be approximately 3000 eggs (Azevedo,
1938). The batch fecundity of female fish from the San Marcos River in Texas ranged from 871-
3367 eggs per ovary (Cook-Hildreth, 2008). Data are similar to those from various Hypostomus
sp. in their native range, which have total fecundities of several thousand eggs, and batch
fecundities of approximately 1000 eggs (Mazzoni and Caramaschi, 1997; Duarte and Araújo,
2002). Egg masses of H. plecostomus typically contain 500-700 eggs (Grier, 1980; Hoover et al.,
H. plecostomus is believed to spawn multiple times throughout a protracted spawning season. In
Texas, multiple-sized oocytes, which are indicative of multiple spawning events, are documented
for the species (Cook-Hildreth, 2008). The spawning season, based on gonadosomatic indices, is
from March through September (Hoover et al., 2014). In their native range, Hypostomus sp. also
exhibit protracted spawning periods of greater than 5 months, which usually coincides with the
warm rainy season (Mazzoni and Caramaschi, 1997).
Loricariids have evolved several modifications of their digestive tracts that function as
accessory respiratory organs or hydrostatic organs. These modifications include an enlarged
stomach in the Pterygoplichthys and Hypostomus spp., where veins in the stomach walls uptake
oxygen into the bloodstream. Loricariids are facultative air breathers and will only breathe air if
subject to hypoxia (Armbruster, 1998; Texas Parks and Wildlife, 2012).
Loricariid catfish are generally nocturnal (PlecoInvasion, 2015) and non-migratory (Froese and
Pauly, 2014). Although not migratory, loricariids exhibit a tendency to disperse throughout and
between aquatic habitats. Hypostomus spp. can reportedly cross damp land to reach new water
bodies if necessary (Texas Parks and Wildlife, 2012; Hoover et al., 2014). According to Gerstner
(2007), the dispersal and station-holding ability of Hypostomus spp. in flowing water is
facilitated by diverse behaviours distinctive to the unusual morphology of the group. These
include the ability to hold onto solid substrates using the oral disc (suckermouth), pelvic fin
beats, and hooking and bracing using the studded spines of the pectoral fins. These behaviours
enable even comparatively small individuals (approximately 80 mm total length) to negotiate
flows up to 145 cm/s. Consequently, a single population can quickly colonize adjacent water
bodies (Hoover et al., 2014).”
From Nico and Neilson (2015):
“Occurs in quiet, slow-moving waters and swamps of the lower reaches of rivers between the
lower falls and the estuarine zone (Weber et al. 2012).”
Human Uses
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
“Fisheries: subsistence fisheries; aquarium: highly commercial”
“Is cultured in ponds in Singapore and Hong Kong for the aquarium trade, where it is very
popular [Baensch and Riehl 1985].”
From CABI (2015):
“According to Sterba (1966), the ornamental trade in ‘suckermouth catfishes’ began in 1893 with
commercial imports of H. plecostomus. Hypostomus spp. were common in the ornamental trade
in the 1960s and 1970s, when loricariids were exported from Venezuela, Suriname and the
Guyanas (the natural distribution of H. plecostomus) (PlanetCatfish, 2015).”
H. plecostomus are consumed in parts of their native range (Burgess, 1989) and in Mexico
(around the Infierinillo Reservoir) (Hoover et al., 2014).
In Mexico, Hypostomus and Pterygoplichthys sp. have been used to produce collagen, fish paste
and fishmeal (Mendoza-Alfaro et al., 2009).
During the 1960s, H. plecostomus was used to control algae in pools at a zoo in Texas (Barron,
1964). They have also been introduced into the Balsas Basin, Mexico, to control macrophytes
and algae (Mendoza-Alfaro et al., 2009). It is not recorded whether these attempts at biological
control were successful.”
No records of OIE reportable diseases were found.
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
“White spot Disease, Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
Skin Flukes, Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
Velvet Disease, Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)”
Threat to Humans
From Froese and Pauly (2013):
3 Impacts of Introductions
From Nico and Neilson (2015):
“In Texas, Hubbs et al. (1978) reported possible local displacement of algae-feeding native
fishes such as Campostoma anomalum by Hypostomus, and López-Fernández and Winemiller
(2005) suggest that reductions in Dionda diaboli abundance in portions of San Felipe Creek are
the result of population increases of Hypostomus. Because of their abundance in Hawaii,
introduced Hypostomus, Pterygoplichthys, and Ancistrus may compete for food and space with
native stream species (Devick 1989; Sabaj and Englund 1999).”
From Marambe et al. (2011):
“The tank cleaner (Hypostomus plecostomus) can out-compete native biota. The species is an
omnivore with a diet varying from plankton to plant matter and invertebrates. Further invasion to
inland waters may pose a threat to endemic fish species (Wijethunga and Epa 2008). The scrape
feeding habits of the tank cleaner could change habitat quality, leading to detrimental effects on
co-occurring species (Amarasinghe et al. 2006).”
From CABI (2015):
“Economic impacts of introduced populations of Hypostomus and Pterygoplichthys sp. have
been quantified for commercial tilapia fisheries in Florida and Mexico (Mendoza-Alfaro et al.,
2009). During the period 1993-2006, tilapia catch in six lakes in Florida decreased from 45-80%
of the total catch to 17-30% of the total catch after Hypostomus and Pterygoplichthys sp. became
established. Concurrently, the representation of loricariids increased to 11-65% of the
commercial catch (Hoover et al., 2014).
The tilapia catch in a reservoir in Mexico decreased 83% after proliferation of Hypostomus and
Pterygoplichthys sp.. As a result, individual fishermen spend an additional $1400-$2600/year to
replace damaged nets, work an additional 2 hr/day, and lose more than $29,000 (US) per year.
Total economic losses are approximately $16.4 million: $11.63 million from commercial fishing
(losses in gear, hours worked, revenue from catch, health status), $4.74 million from natural
capital (water quality, shoreline formation, native fauna), and an unknown quantity from effects
on aquarium trade (sale of illegally traded wild-caught Hypostomus and Pterygoplichthys sp.)
(Hoover et al., 2014).
The burrows created by Hypostomus sp. during reproduction may cause erosion, sedimentation
and increased turbidity. Bank failure, shoreline collapse and terracing have been observed in
Mexico, Texas, and Florida where burrow densities were high (Hoover et al., 2014).
Grazing H. plecostomus may reduce algal standing crops and composition. Extensive grazing
may promote a change in algal composition from green algae-dominated communities to diatoms
(Flecker, 1992) or diatom-dominated communities to blue-green algae (Power, 1984). Resultant
impacts include reduced quality of habitat for algae-dwelling invertebrates and fishes, and
reduction in food sources for other grazing aquatic organisms (Hoover et al., 2014).
Impacts on aquatic biodiversity have been observed as a result of introduced populations of H.
plecostomus in Texas (San Antonio and San Marcos rivers, and San Felipe Creek). H.
plecostomus may compete for resources (food and habitat) with sympatric fishes and aquatic
organisms, disturb nest sites, eat eggs of native fishes and disrupt trophic flows and nutrient
cycling aquatic habitats.
In the San Antonio River, H. plecostomus has been implicated in the reduced abundance of the
algae-eating central stoneroller Campostoma anomalum (Hubbs et al., 1978; Hoover et al.,
In San Felipe Creek, H. plecostomus is believed to be impacting populations of the IUCN
endangered Devils River minnow Dionda diaboli. D. diaboli was once abundant in San Felipe
Creek, but the species has undergone a major decrease in abundance concurrent with the
dramatic increase in the population of H. plecostomus (Howells, 2005). D. diaboli is an algivore
and is probably subject to resource competition with H. plecostomus (Hoover et al., 2014). Other
algal-feeding species have also declined, including the native snail Elimia comalensis (Howells,
In the San Marcos River, considerable research has been conducted on the biology and ecology
of introduced populations of H. plecostomus. Pound et al. (2011) investigated the diet of
introduced populations of H. plecostomus from the San Marcos River using gut contents and
stable isotope analyses. They found that H. plecostomus primarily consumed amorphous detritus
with small quantities of filamentous red algae and picoplankton. They concluded that the large
populations of H. plecostomus in the San Marcos River probably compete with several native
herbivorous fishes and may be disrupting trophic flows and nutrient cycling in spring-influenced
streams of central and west Texas.
One of the herbivorous fishes impacted by H. plecostomus in the San Marcos River is the IUCN
endangered fountain darter Etheostoma fonticola (Hoover et al., 2014). E. fonticola deposits its
eggs on algae and is believed to be impacted by loss of spawning habitat and egg predation.
Cook-Hildreth (2008) conducted experiments on the egg survival of E. fonticola and the results
suggested that survival was reduced in the presence of H. plecostomus. The observation of E.
fonticola eggs in the stomach of H. plecostomus indicated that direct predation of eggs also
Scott et al. (2012) reported that H. plecostomus has a wide range and occurs in high densities in
the San Marcos River. They conducted mesocosm experiments to determine the impacts of H.
plecostomus on aquatic ecosystem function and found that it impacted on ecosystems by
decreasing periphyton biomass, altering periphyton nutrient ratios, and facilitating detrital
decomposition. The presence of H. plecostomus altered the aquatic invertebrate community
composition in leaf packs and produced ecosystem engineering effects by altering the benthic
habitat. Mesocosm experiments by Hoover et al. (2013) demonstrated that Hypostomus sp. and
Pterygoplichthys sp. did not impact water quality or an insectivorous fish after three months, but
reduced the abundance of a floating macrophyte, increased phytoplankton-based turbidity and
eliminated periphyton.
Hoover et al. (2014) theorized that H. plecostomus can monopolize nutrient resources in the San
Marcos River due to the species rapid maturation, high densities and longevity. The large size
and high density of H. plecostomus may constitute a significant phosphorus sink in the
oligotrophic San Marcos River system. This may lead to reduced primary productivity in the
form of a reduction in algal standing crops, which may in turn may impact secondary
productivity and invertebrate standing crops.”
From Pallewatta et al. (2003):
Hypostomus plecostomus (tank cleaner), a species imported to Sri Lanka by the ornamental fish
industry, has been observed to attach itself by its ventral sucker to the bodies of larger fish.
When it detaches, the slime layer covering the outside of the fish which acts as a protective
covering is also removed, making the host susceptible to diseases (Bambaradeniya et al., 2001).”
4 Global Distribution
Figure 1. Known global distribution of Hypostomus plecostomus. Map from GBIF Secretariat
Figure 2. Known global distribution of Hypostomus plecostomus. Map from Froese and Pauly
Locations reported in Canada and Ohio were from aquarium collections and not wild
observations (GBIF Secretariat 2017). Locations in South America that were south of the
described native range were not included due to confusion about the species identification of
those populations (CABI 2015). The record England (Zięba et al. 2010) did not have more
specific location data. None of these locations were used as source points in the climate match.
5 Distribution Within the United States
Figure 3. Known distribution of Hypostomus plecostomus within the United States. Map from
USGS NAS Database (Nico and Neilson 2015).
The record in Nevada did not represent an established population (CABI 2015) and was not used
as a source point in the climate match.
6 Climate Matching
Summary of Climate Matching Analysis
The climate match for Hypostomus plecostomus was very high through Texas, Florida, the
southern Atlantic coast, the southern Pacific Coast, and along the border with Mexico. Parts of
the Middle Atlantic States and the Great Lakes Basin had a medium to high match. Elsewhere
had a low match. The Climate 6 score (Sanders et al. 2014; 16 climate variables; Euclidean
distance) for the contiguous U.S. was 0.205, high, and individually high in Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, New Mexico, North Carolina,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.
Figure 4. RAMP (Sanders et al. 2014) source map showing weather stations selected as source
locations (red) and non-source locations (grey) for Hypostomus plecostomus climate matching.
Source locations from CABI (2015), Froese and Pauly (2015), USGS NAS Database (Nico and
Neilson 2015), and GBIF Secretariat (2017).
Figure 5. Map of RAMP (Sanders et al. 2014) climate matches for Hypostomus plecostomus in
the contiguous United States based on source locations reported by CABI (2015), Froese and
Pauly (2015), USGS NAS Database (Nico and Neilson 2015), and GBIF Secretariat (2017).
0 = Lowest match, 10 = Highest match.
The High, Medium, and Low Climate match Categories are based on the following table:
Climate 6: Proportion of
(Sum of Climate Scores 6-10) / (Sum of total
Climate Scores)
7 Certainty of Assessment
The certainty of assessment is medium. There was a good amount of information available from
reliable sources for this species. Many records of introductions and impacts of introductions were
found for Hypostomus plecostomus. There is some doubt to the native distribution of H.
plecostomus. Many records were incomplete and doubt has been cast on the species
identification of populations in South America outside of H. plecostomus’ native range.
8 Risk Assessment
Summary of Risk to the Contiguous United States
The history of invasiveness for Hypostomus plecostomus is high. Established populations easily
expand their range in favorable conditions. There are many well documented ecological and
economic impacts due to introductions of Hypostomus plecostomus. The climate match of this
species is high. Most of the contiguous United States had at least a medium match, many places
had high matches. The certainty of assessment is medium. The overall risk assessment category
is high.
Assessment Elements
History of Invasiveness (Sec. 3): High
Climate Match (Sec. 6): High
Certainty of Assessment (Sec. 7): Medium
Remarks/Important additional information The identity of the species in this genus
that is established in the United States is uncertain (NatureServe (2017).
Overall Risk Assessment Category: High
9 References
Note: The following references were accessed for this ERSS. References cited within
quoted text but not accessed are included below in Section 10.
CABI. 2015. Hypostomus plecostomus. [original text by M. Maddern]. In Invasive Species
Compendium. CAB International, Wallingford, UK. Available:
http://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/114927. (December 2015).
Eschmeyer, W. N., R. Fricke, and R. van der Laan, editors. 2017. Catalog of fishes: genera,
species, references. Available:
(May 2017).
FAO (Fisheries and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations). 2013. Database on
introductions of aquatic species. FAO, Rome. Available:
http://www.fao.org/fishery/introsp/search/en. (May 2013).
Froese, R., and D. Pauly, editors. 2013. Hypostomus Plecostomus (Linnaeus, 1758). FishBase.
Available: http://www.fishbase.org/summary/Hypostomus-plecostomus.html. (May
GBIF Secretariat. 2017. GBIF backbone taxonomy: Hypostomus Plecostomus (Linnaeus, 1758).
Global Biodiversity Information Facility, Copenhagen. Available:
http://www.gbif.org/species/5202178. (May 2017).
ITIS (Integrated Taxonomic Information System). 2013. Hypostomus Plecostomus (Linnaeus,
1758). Integrated Taxonomic Information System, Reston, Virginia. Available:
42. (May 2013).
Maceda-Veiga, A., J. Escribano-Alacid, A. de Sostoa, and E. García-Berthou. 2013. The
aquarium trade as a potential source of fish introductions in southwestern Europe.
Biological Invasions. [online] DOI 10.1007/s10530-013-0485-0.
Marambe, B., P. Silva, S. Ranwala, J. Gunawardena, D. Weerakoon, S. Wijesundara, L.
Manawadu, N. Atapattu, and M. Kurukulasuriya. 2011. Invasive alien fauna in Sri Lanka:
national list, impacts and regulatory framework. Pages 445450 in C. R. Veitch, M. N.
Clout, and D. R. Towns, editors. Island invasions: eradication and management. IUCN,
Gland, Switzerland.
NatureServe. 2017. NatureServe explorer: an online encyclopedia of life. Version 7.1.
NatureServe, Arlington, Virginia. Available: http://explorer.natureserve.org. (May 2017).
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