English Department Meeting
9/8/22 Minutes
Attendance: J. Annick, E. Brenes, S. Burnham, R. Cerofeci, T. Cody, S. Corbin, D. Crotwell, K. Degnan, S.
Donnell, A. Gallagher, S. Gates, E. Geraghty, C. Henson, L. Hong, E. Kelley, M. Leiby, R. Lewitzki, P.
Marcoux, M. Mattern, A. Mavromati, M. McDermit, S. Merz, C. Nagao, C. Page, B. Peppard, J. Sandor, S.
Schwartz, A. Sharp, E. Uyemura
R. Arehart, S. Leinen, K. Runkle
D. Breckheimer, R. Diaz, S. Kushigemachi, H. Wada
Not in Attendance: M. Cheung (SL), C. Glover (SL), B. Isaacs (PN), J. McMahon (PN), S. Ochoa (SL), D.
Thompson (SB), R. Williams (SL)
Reminder: Division No Show Deadline was 9/7 Scott
Add process Deb
o Give students add codes. Deadline Sunday but students should use add codes by Friday.
Make sure student is adding instead of registering for class on MyECC.
o Form for Students Having Trouble w/ Your Add Code:
Power Outages Deb
o Power Outages will happen periodically. Don’t dismiss class. Power should come on
Nixle Alert Deb
o See attached
o Encourage students to sign up.
If you move desks around in the classroom, please move them back!
Department Business:
English 1C revisions Shane and Anna
o Anna shared revisions
Area Announcements:
Counseling Rocio Diaz Reminder: ECC has a limited time Tuition Relief Program for Fall
2022. Note: 6 unit minimum to apply. English 1A+1AS students automatically qualify as long as
they also apply for financial aid and fill out Zero Tuition and Fees form by Sunday, September
All steps noted below:
Submit an admissions application
Register in at least 6 units for Fall 2022
Apply for financial aid by submitting a 2022-23 FAFSA or CA Dream Act application
Submit Zero Tuition and Fees form (very quick step!) by Sunday, September 11
If approved for Zero Tuition and Fees, student’s balance will be updated after
September 12
o Counseling appointments will resume Monday, September 12
. Counseling
appointment request form available. Drop-in counseling pending.
o Return of counseling office hours in the Humanities building in the works.
Curriculum Chelsea
o Due date for faculty reviewers to have course outlines completed in Curriculog is
September 22. Those courses will go to the dean's approval level and then to the DCC.
Senate Stephanie Burnham
o Your Humanities Division Senators are: Stephanie Burnham, Erica Brenes, Sean Donnell,
Brent Isaacs, and Kevin Degnan
o Future Senate reports: email? Bulletin board (Faculty Loungemake it Division-wide)?,
o Senate is looking for feedback on the following (more info on each item is forthcoming;
see email from Stephanie Burnham):
o The Academic Senate is considering creating a campus-wide syllabus template; right now,
we have syllabus statement ‘suggestions’--there is talk of making those (and possibly
others) a requirement for all faculty.
o The Senate published their goals for the year (see the full list in the email).
o New suggested requirement: Senators must serve on a Senate committee in addition to
their work at Senate
o New Campus wide committee: The Student Success Committee. Please see the proposal
and let us know if you have any suggestions
o All feedback on the above items is due 9/15”
o Two Adjunct representative spots Email Stephanie for more information.
1A/1AS Committee Chris Page
o Timed Writing Assignments Share your thoughts with Chris
o Invitation to join the next meeting 9/27.
Writing Center Deb for Glover
o Now open for in-person and online tutoring Encourage students to come in person.
o Let Chris know if you would like to hold an office hour in the WC
o Traveling Tutor Program Let Chris know if you like to have a tutor come to your class.
Class Size Reduction Stephanie Merz
o Proposal passed. Next step is negotiation with Federation.
How to sign out of Windows Pete
o See attached
o Don’t log off on teacher’s station, just sign out of Windows!
Travel/Conference approval procedure Bruce
o Formstack form. Ask Helen for link and instructions.
Equity Committee Meeting 9/22 at 1:15 on Zoom Michael
o Check your paystubs
Computer Loan Program Pete
o Description of the program: https://www.elcamino.edu/departments/professional-
o Instructions/Procedures:
Instructions for Signing Up for the Emergency Text Notification System on
your Cell Phone
Compose a text message to: 888777
Text the following message:
ECCPD - This will allow you to receive alerts from the El Camino College campus.
You will receive the following text message: “Thank you for signing up for El Camino College
Police Department Alerts. Nixle Local Alerts local police and fire alerts. Info: 877-649-5362. TXT
HELP for help. To stop txt STOP.”
Notifications may also be accessed at www.nixle.com.
Additionally, iPhone users may download the Nixle App from the Nixle Website or App Store.
(Note: When signing up for Nixle online, you must type in El Camino College’s address in order
to be directed to receive notices from the ECCPD.)
Sign out of Windows on the classroom teacher’s station computer!