23 AUGUST 2023
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OPR: AF/A1S Certified by: SAF/MR
Supersedes: DAFI36-2906, 13 May 2021 Pages: 21
This publication implements Department of the Air Force Policy Directive (DAFPD) 36-29,
Military Standards. In collaboration with the Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human
Capital (SF/S1), the Chief of the Air Force Reserve (AF/RE), and the Director of the Air National
Guard (NGB/CF), the Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services (AF/A1)
develops personnel policy for personal financial responsibility. This instruction provides guidance
and procedures for managing and processing allegations of delinquent financial obligations and
provides guidance on financial support of family members. This instruction applies to uniformed
members of the Regular Air Force, United States Space Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air National
Guard on Title 10 orders. This instruction does not apply to Department of the Air Force civilian
members. This instruction requires the collection and or maintenance of information protected by
5 United States Code § 552a, Records maintained on individuals (Privacy Act of 1974) authorized
by Title 10 United States Code (USC) Section (§) 9013, Secretary of the Air Force; 5 USC § 301,
Departmental Regulations; Title 37 USC, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services; and
Executive Order 9397, Numbering System for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual Persons.
The authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication are identified with a tier
(“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See Department of the Air
Force Manual 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, for a description of authorities
associated with tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers through the chain of command to the
appropriate tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to the requestor’s commander for non-
tiered compliance items. Ensure all records generated as a result of processes prescribed in this
publication adhere to Air Force Instruction 33-322, Records Management and Information
Governance Program, and are disposed in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition
2 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
Schedule, which is located in the Air Force Records Information Management System. Refer
recommended changes and questions about this publication to AF, Services Resourcing and
Requirements Division (AF/A1SR) using the Department of the Air Force (DAF) Form 847,
Recommendation for Change of Publication; route DAF Forms 847 from the field through the
appropriate functional chain of command. This instruction requires the collection and or
maintenance of information protected by the Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by 5 USC, Section
552a, and Executive Order 9397 Numbering System for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual
Persons, as amended. The applicable System of Records Notice F036 AF PC C, Military Personnel
Records System is available at:
This document has been revised and should be completely reviewed. Chapters 3 and 4 have been
substantially rewritten to provide greater clarity and understanding of responsibilities and the
support required in the absence of an agreement or a court order.
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 3
Chapter 1
1.1. Overview. Personal financial responsibility applies to all Regular Air Force, United States
Space Force, Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard members on active duty pursuant to a call
or order for a period in excess of 180 days. It provides procedures for managing and processing
allegations of delinquent financial obligations.
1.2. Purpose. This instruction establishes guidelines for managing and processing allegations of
delinquent financial obligations. Federal law and policy (listed in Attachment 1) authorizes
allotments from Regular Air Force, United States Space Force, Air Force Reserve, and Air
National Guard members’ military pay to satisfy certain financial obligations. Military members
are expected to pay their just financial obligations. Air Force Instruction (AFI) 1-1, Air Force
Standards, includes general guidance on personal financial responsibility as one element of a
strong Air Force culture. Attachments 2 and 3 of this publication contain fact sheets on federal
policy and guidelines related to military personal indebtedness to aid both commanders and
4 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
Chapter 2
2.1. Major Command, Field Command, Field Operating Agency and Direct Reporting Unit
Responsibilities: Monitor and guide subordinate units, including comprehensive instructions
about personal financial management in teaching guides or course curricula.
2.2. Installation Commander Responsibilities: Obtain the advice of and coordinate with the
installation staff judge advocate, the military personnel flight commander, the accounting and
finance officer, and the inspector general to develop responses to higher headquarters and
Congressional inquiries.
2.3. Unit Commander Responsibilities:
2.3.1. Review and assess financial responsibility complaints in conjunction with legal review
of documentation and respond to complainants within 15 calendar days for the Regular Air
Force, United States Space Force, and Air Force Reserve and 60 calendar days for the Air
National Guard. As appropriate, include with the responses a copy of the fact sheets in this
instruction (Attachments 2 and 3). Advise members and complainants of Department of the Air Force policy,
including the fact that the Department of the Air Force has no authority to arbitrate disputed
cases of nonsupport or personal indebtedness. Monitor complaints until resolved. Provide no information to complainants regarding administrative or disciplinary
action contemplated or taken against the members.
2.3.2. Refer members who demonstrate financial irresponsibility to the local Military and
Family Readiness Center for financial management education and information. For non-
collocated Air Reserve Component locations, refer members to Department of Defense (DoD)-
provided certified personal financial counselors if available, or other certified financial
counselors available on base (e.g., trained M&FR personnel, installation bank or credit union),
Joint Force Support Assistance Program and Military Family Life Consultant support, the
nearest installation with full Center services, provide information on other certified financial
counselors available through on base (e.g., installation bank or credit union) or off base (e.g.,
federal, state or local agencies or nonprofit consumer credit counseling organizations)
community resources.
2.3.3. Refer members to an installation legal assistance provider in nonsupport cases,
consumer credit and garnishment cases, or when members may have legal standing to contest
the indebtedness.
2.3.4. Consider and, if appropriate, initiate administrative or disciplinary action against
members who continue to demonstrate financial irresponsibility.
2.3.5. Respond to inquiries from the Air Force Personnel Center, Special Programs Team
(AFPC/DP2SSM), 550 C Street West, JBSA-Randolph, TX 78150-4747, with the following
information. Member’s military status and position.
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 5 Whether the member agrees to release information protected by 5 USC § 552a,
Records Maintained on Individuals, also referred to as the “Privacy Act of 1974”. Name, address, and telephone number of unit commander and of the person
preparing the inquiry.
2.3.6. Review all available facts surrounding the transaction forming the basis of the
complaints, when addressing debt complaints against members. Include the members’ legal
rights and obligations, and any defenses or counterclaims the members may have.
2.4. Force Support Squadron Responsibilities:
2.4.1. Assign a section in the Force Support Squadron to process personal financial
responsibility complaints.
2.4.2. Forward financial responsibility complaints to the member's unit commander for action
if the member is Regular Air Force, United States Space Force, a traditional reservist, or guard
2.4.3. Forward financial responsibility complaints for members not assigned to a unit within
the appropriate military personnel flight.
2.4.4. Send complaints involving Air Force Reserve members assigned to Headquarters
Individual Reservist Readiness & Integration Organization (HQ RIO) to HQ RIO, 18420 E.
Silver Creek Avenue, Building 390, MS 68, Buckley Space Force Base, CO 80011. For all
others, refer to paragraph 2.4.2.
2.4.5. Advise the complainant that the Department of the Air Force cannot assist individuals
no longer on active duty, such as members who have separated or retired from the service.
2.4.6. Advise complainants who want to contact a military member about indebtedness to
request the member's military address from Air Force Personnel Center, Military Records
Section (AFPC/DP1ORM) Air Force Worldwide Locator, AFPC/DP1ORM, 550 C Street West
Suite 50, JBSA Randolph, TX 78150. Commercial creditors will be charged $3.50 for locator
service. Additional information is available at: AFPC/DP1ORM will advise the
creditor in writing if they are unable to release a member’s address.
2.4.7. Recommend that AFPC/DP1ORM discontinue processing complaints when
complainants refuse or repeatedly fail to comply with this instruction.
2.4.8. Provide complainants with the DFAS Office of General Counsel Garnishment Law
Directorate address and phone number upon request.
2.4.9. Report cases of fraudulent, misleading, or deceptive business practices to the Armed
Forces Disciplinary Control Board according to AFI 31-213, Armed Forces Disciplinary
Control Boards and Off-Installation Liaison and Operations (available at:, Army Regulation 190-24, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control
Boards and Off-Installation Liaison and Operations), and AFPC/DP2SSM.
6 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
2.5. Installation Staff Judge Advocate Responsibilities:
2.5.1. Advise unit commanders on how to apply policy to individual cases involving financial
support of dependents, garnishments, and involuntary allotments for financial support based
upon court orders. Advise unit commanders on the procedures involved in processing involuntary
allotment cases, including assisting the commander in determining whether demands of
military duty support a decision to disapprove the application for involuntary allotment. Advise unit commanders on appropriate administrative or disciplinary action in
cases of fraud, deceit, criminal conduct, or persistent financial irresponsibility.
2.5.2. Provide legal assistance to military members on issues of financial responsibility under
federal and state laws, including 15 USC §§ 1692-1692p, Debt Collection Practices; 10 USC
§ 1408, Payment of Retired or Retainer Pay in Compliance with Court Orders; 50 USC §§
3901-4043, Servicemembers Civil Relief Act; and AFI 51-304, Legal Assistance, Notary,
Preventive Law, and Tax Programs. Coordinate on Congressional inquiries and special action cases involving
allegations of non-support or financial irresponsibility.
2.6. Military and Family Readiness Center and Personal Financial Management Program
Manager Responsibilities: Provide military members and their families with financial
management education, information, and referral services. Air Force Reserve installations’
Military and Family Readiness offices may provide financial counseling or refer members to DoD
personal financial counselors or provide information on other qualified on-base or community-
based financial management personnel. For the Air National Guard, the Military and Family
Readiness Program Managers may provide financial counseling or refer to the nearest active duty
location, Joint Force Support Assistance Program/Military Family Life Consultant, or other off-
base agencies.
2.7. Military Member Responsibilities:
2.7.1. Comply with legally enforceable financial support agreements and obligations or court
orders in a proper and timely manner.
2.7.2. Comply with the requirements imposed by this instruction, including the requirement
to respond to applications for involuntary allotments of pay within the suspense dates
established by Air Force Personnel Center - Operating Location or the commander.
2.8. Air Force Personnel Center - Operating Location Responsibilities:
2.8.1. Refers Regular Air Force, United States Space Force, Air Force Reserve, Air National
Guard, retired members, and creditors seeking assistance with garnishments, statutory
allotments for child and spousal support, or involuntary allotments for civil debts to the
following: DFAS Office of General Counsel. Garnishment Law Directorate P.O. Box 998002,
Cleveland OH 44199-8002, Telephone: 1-888-332-7411.
2.8.2. Provides automated information for collecting a commercial debt from a military
member at:
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 7
Chapter 3
3.1. Commander Response to the Air Force Personnel Center. When responding to an
AFPC/DP2SSM request for information concerning a non-support case, commanders will include
a copy of the reply sent to the complainant and the following information: (T-3)
3.1.1. If applicable, a copy of the court order. (T-3)
3.1.2. Evaluation of the degree of compliance by the member. (T-3)
3.1.3. Date, amount, and method of prior support payments. (T-3)
3.1.4. Proposed date, amount, and method of payment for future support payments. If paying
by allotment, include the effective date of the first payroll deduction. (T-3)
3.1.5. Basic allowance for housing (BAH) amounts received by the member and the basis of
receipt (i.e., spouse, child, child in custody of former spouse). (T-3)
3.1.6. If applicable, action anticipated or taken in accordance with Department of the Air Force
policy. (T-3)
3.2. In Cases Alleging Nonsupport of Family Members, a Commander’s Responsibilities
3.2.1. Advise members they are expected to provide adequate financial support to their family
member(s). (T-3) See fact sheet in Attachment 2.
3.2.2. Advise the family member(s) of procedures they may implement to obtain involuntary
collection of support through garnishment or statutory allotments. (T-3) See fact sheet in
Attachment 2.
3.2.3. Upon receipt of a complaint of non-support from a dependent, require member to
provide proof of adequate financial support. (T-3)
3.2.4. Work with the Financial Operations Flight to assess members’ entitlement to BAH at
the with-dependent rate and the BAH-differential (BAH-DIFF) rate. (T-0)
3.2.5. Inform members their failure to provide adequate financial support to their family
member(s) may result in termination of BAH entitlement at the with-dependent rate and that
the Department of the Air Force will recoup BAH overpayment during periods of non-support.
3.2.6. Where a member’s entitlement to BAH at the with dependents or BAH-Diff rate is based
solely on the financial support the member provides to a family member, the member’s
entitlement to this allowance is only authorized if the monthly financial support provided by
the member is at least the amount of BAHDiff. The Air Force Personnel Center - Operating
Location may cancel a member’s entitlement to BAH at the with dependents or BAH-Diff rate
and recoup past payments at these rates when a member’s monthly financial support is less
than BAHDiff regardless of financial support provisions in applicable court orders and
written agreements. If a member has been or is receiving BAH at the with dependents rate or
BAHDiff rate and is not paying financial support to a dependent on whose behalf BAH is
received, the commander should notify the appropriate financial operations flight so that excess
8 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
BAH payments to which the member is not entitled may be stopped and excess BAH payments
to which the member was not entitled may be collected. (T-0)
3.2.7. Counsel members to pay their just debts, including complying, as appropriate, with
court orders and judgments for the payments of alimony or child support. In the absence of
court orders or judgments, counsel members their compliance with the dependent support
requirements of this instruction begins on the date of separation, not the date it is discovered
the member is not complying. (T-3)
3.3. In Cases Alleging Paternity, a Commander’s Responsibilities Include:
3.3.1. Counsel the member concerning the allegations. (T-3)
3.3.2. If the member denies paternity, inform the claimant accordingly and advise that the
Department of the Air Force does not have the authority to adjudicate paternity claims. (T-0)
3.3.3. If a member acknowledges paternity, advise member of their financial support
obligations. (T-3) Refer the member to the military personnel flight for guidance on eligibility
of an identification card for the child, to the local Financial Operations Flight for with-
dependent rate financial support information, and to the servicing legal office for advice on the
member’s legal rights and obligations to the child(ren). (T-3)
3.3.4. If the case involves a member assigned to Headquarters Individual Reservist Readiness
and Integration Organization (HQ RIO), send the order or any information to HQ RIO at 18420
E. Silver Creek Avenue, Building 390, MS 68, Buckley Space Force Base, Colorado 80011.
(T-3) For specific guidance on eligibility of dependents, contact the Total Force Service
Center. For financial support information, contact the member’s servicing reserve pay office.
3.3.5. If the case involves a member released from the Department of the Air Force who retains
no military affiliation, return the case to the complainant advising them of the fact. (T-3)
3.4. In Cases Alleging Personal Financial Indebtedness of a Civil Nature, a Commander’s
Responsibilities Include:
3.4.1. Advise members of Department of the Air Force policy, stating that members are
expected to pay their just financial obligations in a proper and timely manner. (T-3) Further
advise the member that failure to pay just debts may result in the creditor obtaining a court
judgment. (T-3) A failure to pay just debts could result in an involuntary allotment from the
member’s military pay.
3.4.2. Advise the claimant that the Department of the Air Force has no authority to resolve
disputed claims or to require members to pay a private debt without a civil judgment.
3.4.3. Refer the claimant to the DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law
Directorate ( to obtain a DD Form 2653, Involuntary
Allotment Application, if the complaint is supported by a court judgment or if the complainant
is attempting to serve legal documents upon the Department of the Air Force. (T-3)
3.4.4. Upon receipt of a DD Form 2654, Involuntary Allotment Notice and Processing, from
the Air Force Personnel Center - Operating Location:
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 9 If the member is not assigned or attached to the commander’s unit, immediately
complete and return the DD Form 2654 indicating that the member is not available to
process an involuntary allotment. (T-3) If the member is assigned to the commander’s unit, consider granting a reasonable
extension of time for the member to submit a response to Defense Finance Accounting
Service. In such cases, complete the form to reflect the new suspense date and promptly
return a copy to the DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate.
(T-3) Provide the member a copy of the involuntary allotment package and counsel the
member accordingly if they are available to respond to the involuntary allotment package.
(T-3) Forward the member’s response to DFAS Office of General Counsel -
Garnishment Law Directorate for further review and final determination. If the member
refuses to respond or fails to respond by the authorized suspense date, note that fact on the
DD Form 2654 and return the form to DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment
Law Directorate. (T-2) If the member asserts that the demands of military duty prevented them from
appearing at judicial proceedings which resulted in the ordered allotment, determine
whether the member’s assertion is true. Document commander’s decision on the DD Form
2654 and return the completed form to DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment
Law Directorate. If the commander substantiates the member’s claim regarding military
duties preventing their appearance at judicial proceedings, designate the name and address
of the appellate authority for that determination on the DD Form 2654. (T-3)
10 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
Chapter 4
4.1. Required support in the absence of an agreement or court order. This instruction
provides guidance to commanders on how to define for their members a reasonable requirement
for adequate financial support in complex family situations. In the absence of a financial support
agreement or a court order containing a financial support provision, members will provide a pro-
rata share as calculated using the equation in Figure 4.1, as an interim measure until such an
agreement is signed or such an order is issued. (T-3) Total financial support consists of the sum of
each pro rata share per dependent who requires pro rata share support under this chapter.
Figure 4.1. Pro-Rata Share Formula.
Pro-Rata Share
Applicable Non-Locality
Basic Allowance for Housing
With Dependents
4.1.1. This formula applies when the member is receiving additional allowances for support
of his or her dependents, regardless of whether the member is Continental United States
(CONUS), OCONUS, or even where the servicemember is outside the CONUS (OCONUS)
and receiving allowances for a spouse living CONUS. (T-3) In addition to the guidance set
forth herein, commanders should always consult with their servicing Staff Judge Advocate
whenever contemplating a release from the financial support obligation calculated using
Figure 4.1.
4.1.2. The amount of support provided in accordance with a financial support agreement or a
court order involving one or more family members does not affect the calculation of the pro-
rata share required under this instruction.
4.2. Supported Family Members. The “total number of supported family members” in the
denominator of the fraction of Figure 4.1 includes all family members (regardless of residence)
except the military member and the following:
4.2.1. A member’s former spouse, regardless of whether the member is providing financial
support to the former spouse pursuant to a court order or other agreement.
4.2.2. A member’s current spouse who is on active duty in one of the military services.
4.2.3. A family member from whom the military member has been released by his or her
commander of the requirement to provide financial support, pursuant to this instruction.
4.2.4. Example. A member is divorced and has three children from that marriage. The
member is required by a court order to pay $300 per month in financial support for these
children and $100 per month in alimony to his former spouse. The member has remarried and
has a child with the current spouse. Now, however, the member has separated from his current
spouse and the current spouse and child are living in a private apartment. There is no court
order or written financial support agreement pertaining to support of this current spouse or
their child. The member now has a total of five (5) family members for whom he is required
to provide financial support under this regulation (a former spouse is not considered a family
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 11
member in determining the pro rata shares of family members). In this example, the applicable
non-locality Basic Allowance for Housing With Dependents for the member’s pay grade is
$1,400. The member must pay a total of $400 a month to his former spouse for the alimony
and child support required by the court order. He must also provide financial support to his
current, but separated, spouse and their child. To calculate this amount, since there is no
support agreement, use the pro-rata share formula: (1/5 x $1400 = $280). Since the member
must support his spouse and child, and their pro-rata share is $280, the member owes his
current spouse and child $560 a month ($280 x 2) in financial support.
4.3. Release from Spousal Support Requirements. Under the below subsections, a commander
may release a member from the requirement to provide financial support to his or her spouse, but
not from the requirement to provide financial support to his or her children. This provision does
not give a commander authority to release a member from the requirement to provide support
required by a court order or a written financial support agreement.
4.3.1. The following situations may warrant relief: The income of the spouse exceeds the military pay of the member. This member has been the victim of substantiated physical, emotional, or sexual
abuse by the spouse. The supported family member is incarcerated or involuntary committed for mental
health or substance abuse issues. Required support has been provided to the spouse for 18 months.
4.3.2. Relief should not be granted when the member is receiving BAH at the with-dependents
rate solely on the basis of providing financial support to that spouse, unless the member agrees
to terminate the additional allowance effective upon the date released from the support
4.4. Release from Child Support Requirements. A squadron commander or equivalent position
of authority may release a member from the requirement to provide financial support to his or her
child if all of the following provisions apply:
4.4.1. The member is the lawful custodian of the child;
4.4.2. The child, without the member’s consent, is in the custody of another person who is not
the lawful custodian of the child; and
4.4.3. The member is diligently pursuing legal means to obtain physical custody of the child.
4.5. Shared physical custody arrangements. The pro-rata share for a particular child may be
reduced if the member shares physical custody of that child with the child’s other parent. The
reduced pro-rata share is calculated by using the equation below in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.2. Reduced Pro-Rata Share Formula.
Pro-Rata Share
Total Number of Days Per Week
without Custody of Child
Pro-Rata Share
12 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
4.5.1. Example. Assume that a member and his or her non-military spouse have two children
and have agreed that the children will live with the member for 4 days per week and live with
the spouse for 3 days per week and that there are no other children from this or any other
4.5.2. In this case, the member will pay the spouse the full pro-rata share for the spouse, but
only 3/7ths of the pro-rata share for each of the two children. Further, assume that the
applicable non-locality BAH with dependents for this member is $1,050 per month. The pro-
rata share for the spouse would be $350 per month, but the pro-rata share for each of the two
children would only be 3/7ths of that amount, or $150 per month. Accordingly, the member
would pay $650 per month (or $350 + $150 + $150) rather than the full $1,050 per month.
4.6. Government family housing. The member is not required to provide additional support for
family members residing in government family housing. When family members move out of
government family housing, the member will provide for those family members a pro-rata share
as required in paragraph 4.1. (T-3) In the case that only some family members move out of
government housing, the denominator would reflect those members accordingly.
4.7. Timing of financial support payments. Payments of financial support required under this
chapter must be delivered to the adult family member concerned or the adult having custody of the
child concerned no later than first day of the month following the month to which the financial
support payment pertains. (T-3)
4.8. Indirect support for housing expenses. As an exception to direct payments required in
paragraph 4.7, a member may comply with the financial support requirements of paragraph 4.1
with indirect support by directly paying optional housing expenses on behalf of family members.
4.8.1. Housing expenses are limited to rent; mortgage payments on a home in which the family
members are residing; and essential utilities such as gas, electricity, and water; but do not
include such expenses for which the member is already legally responsible by contract, lease,
or loan agreement. Authorized expenses also do not include other housing costs, such as
internet or cable television charges, regardless of whether or not the member is already legally
responsible for their payment. Authorized expenses also do not include other support services
provided to the family not directly related to a housing unit (e.g., cellular phone service).
4.8.2. To the extent that the monthly financial support requirements of this chapter exceed the
monthly indirect housing expenses paid by a member for their supported family members,
payment for any shortfall will be made as required by paragraph 4.7. To the extent that the
monthly indirect housing expenses paid by a member exceed the monthly financial support
requirements of this chapter, no credit is authorized under this instruction for any financial
support payment due in any subsequent month or for the same month with regard to any family
member residing elsewhere.
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary
(Manpower and Reserve Affairs)
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 13
Attachment 1
Executive Order 9397, Numbering System for Federal Accounts Relating to Individual Persons,
23 November 1943
5 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 581, Processing Garnishment Orders for Child
Support and/or Alimony
32 CFR Part 113, Indebtedness Procedures of Military Personnel
5 USC § 301, Departmental Regulations
5 USC § 552a, Records Maintained on Individuals
5 USC § 5520a, Garnishment of Pay
10 USC § 1408, Payment of Retired or Retainer Pay in Compliance with Court Orders
10 USC § 9013, Secretary of the Air Force
15 USC § 1692-1692p, Debt Collection Practices
37 USC, Pay and Allowances of the Uniformed Services
42 USC § 651 et seq., Child Support Enforcement and Paternity Establishment Program
50 USC §§ 3901-4043, Servicemembers Civil Relief Act
Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993
Title IV-D of the Social Security Act
Joint Travel Regulation, para. 10012, Transit Housing Allowance, 1 March 2023
Joint Travel Regulation, para. 10014, RC Rate, 1 March 2023
DoD 7000.14-R, Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7A, Chapter 41, January 2023
DoDI 1344.09, Indebtedness of Military Personnel, 1 February 2022
DAFPD 36-29, Military Standards, 24 January 2023
AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards, 7 August 2012
AFI 31-213, Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards and Off-Installation Liaison and
Operations, 27 July 2006
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 March 2020
DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, 15 April 2022
Prescribed Forms
14 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
Adopted Forms
DD Form 2653, Involuntary Allotment Application
DD Form 2654, Involuntary Allotment Notice and Proceeding
DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
BAHBasic Allowance for Housing
BAHDiffBasic Allowance for Housing-Differential
BAQBasic Allowance for Quarters
CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CONUSContinental United States
DAFDepartment of the Air Force
DAFIDepartment of the Air Force Instruction
DAFPDDepartment of the Air Force Policy Directive
DoDDepartment of Defense
DoDIDepartment of Defense Instruction
OCONUSOutside the Continental United States
USCUnited States Code
Office Symbols
AF/A1Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services
AF/A1SDirector, Air Force Services
AF/A1SRServices Resourcing and Requirements Division
AF/REChief of Air Force Reserve
AFPC/DP1ORMAir Force Personnel Center, Military Records Section
AFPC/DP2SSMAir Force Personnel Center, Special Programs Team
HQ RIOHeadquarters Individual Reservist Readiness & Integration Organization (HQ RIO)
NGB/CFDirector of the Air National Guard
SAF/MRAssistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
SF/S1Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Human Capital
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 15
Active DutyFull-time duty in the active military service of the United States, including active
duty or full-time training duty in the Reserve component.
Air Reserve ComponentThe component of the United States Air Force that includes the Air
Force Reserve and Air National Guard.
Basic Allowance for HousingContinental United States based allowance prescribed by
geographic duty location, pay grade, and dependency status. It provides uniformed service
members equitable housing compensation based on housing costs in the local civilian housing
markets with the United States when government quarters are not provided.
Basic Allowance for Housing-Differential (BAH-Diff)Paid to a service member assigned to
single-type government quarters and who qualifies for a BAH solely due to paying sufficient child
support. The BAH-Diff is a fixed rate and is the difference between the with-dependent basic
allowance for quarters (BAQ) rate and the without-dependent BAQ rate as of December 31, 1997,
based on the service member’s grade and increased each year by the average pay raise percentage.
CommanderA commissioned officer who, by virtue of rank and assignment, exercises
command authority over a military organization or prescribed territorial area, which under
pertinent official directives is recognized as a “command.” This designation is used in all
Department of the Air Force organizations authorized to be led by a commander, except the United
States Air Force Academy, which is commanded by a superintendent, a school or academic
organizations, which may be commanded by commandants.
Court OrderAs used in this instruction a court order includes any final, temporary, or
interlocutory order, including an ex parte order, issued by a court within the United States, by a
judge or any other judicial official, such as a judge pro tem, magistrate, commissioner, or master.
Court order also includes any administrative order issued by a state child support enforcement
Demands and Exigencies of Military DutyA military assignment or mission-essential duty
that, because of its urgency, importance, duration, location, or isolation, necessitates the absence
of a member of the Military Services from appearance at a judicial proceeding or prevents the
member from being able to respond to a notice of application for an involuntary allotment.
Exigency of military duty is normally presumed during periods of war, national emergency, or
when the member is deployed.
DivorceDissolution of marriage that completely severs the marital relationship, as opposed to
limited divorce, legal separation, or so-called divorce from table and bed or bed and board. A
divorce includes an annulment.
Family MemberFor the purpose of this instruction only, a family member includes: (1) A
member’s present spouse (former spouse is not a family member); (2) A member’s minor children
from the present marriage; (3) A member’s children by any former marriage if the member has a
current obligation to provide support to that child (a family member does not include the child of
a member who has been legally adopted by another person); (4) Minor children born out of
wedlock to: (a) a female member; (b) a male member if evidenced by a court order, or the
functional equivalent of a court order, identifying the member as the father or if the member is
providing support to the child under the terms of this regulation; (5) Any other person (for example,
16 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
parent, stepchild) for whom the member has a legal obligation to provide financial support under
the applicable law. This includes court orders directing the member to provide financial support to
a child 18 years of age or older or to some other person. It does not include financial support
voluntarily provided to a child 18 years of age or older or to some other person.
Financial SupportThe amount of money provided to or indirect support for housing expenses
provided for a member’s family members on a periodic or other continuing basis in accordance
with a written agreement signed by both parties, a court order, or this instruction. Financial support
includes court-ordered spousal support (or alimony) and child support. It does not include any
division of marital or nonmarital property between spouses or former spouses or financial
payments made as part of a property settlement.
Financial Support AgreementA written agreement between spouses to provide financial
support. There is no requirement that the written financial support agreement appear in any specific
form. Any signed document, or group of documents, that evidences the party’s agreement to the
terms of support will be sufficient. Examples of a written financial support agreement include, a
separation agreement or property settlement agreement or a letter or a series of letters signed and
evidencing an agreement to provide financial support.
Legal ProcessAny writ, order, summons, or other process in the nature of garnishment directed
to the Department of the Air Force which is issued by a court of competent jurisdiction within any
State, territory, or possession of the United States; a court of competent jurisdiction in any foreign
country with which the United States has entered into an agreement that requires the United States
to honor such process; or an authorized official pursuant to an order of such court of competent
jurisdiction or pursuant to state or local law.
Minor ChildrenUnmarried children under 18 years of age who are not on active duty with the
Armed Forces.
Non-Locality Basic Allowance for Housing Rates—The fixed portion of a member’s BAH
entitlement without the location-dependent variable portion. The amount of non-locality BAH
does not vary by geographic location.
Personal Financial Indebtedness of a Civil NatureA financial indebtedness relating to or
stemming from an administrative military action, a military judicial action, or non-military
criminal proceedings by action or suit in a civilian court.
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 17
Attachment 2
A2.1. Methods of Involuntary Collection of Military Pay. This fact sheet addresses the general
procedures involved in the two methods of involuntarily collecting military pay from a military
member for child support and spousal support (alimony): garnishment and statutory allotments.
A2.2. Garnishment of Military Pay. (Refer to 42 USC § 659-660, Child Support and
Establishment of Paternity and 5 CFR Part 581, Processing Garnishment Orders For Child
Support and/or Alimony, to review laws pertaining to garnishment of military pay):
A2.2.1. Federal law authorizes legal process (garnishment) against the pay of Department of
the Air Force members to enforce child support and alimony in accordance with State law.
Garnishments may be placed against the pay of Regular, Reserve, Guard, and retired military
members of the Department of the Air Force.
A2.2.2. The procedure to obtain a garnishment order is determined by state law. However,
federal law determines how the garnishment order is applied to military pay, i.e., how service
of process is accomplished, the type of pay subject to garnishment, etc.
A2.2.3. Unless state law specifies a lesser amount, federal law provides a limit of 50 percent
of the member’s aggregate disposable earnings for any workweek if the member is currently
supporting a second family (spouse or child) and 60 percent if the member is not supporting a
second family. The percentage may be increased by 5 percent if the arrearage is 12 weeks or
A2.2.4. Legal documents should clearly show that the garnishment order was issued for child
support or alimony or both. Garnishment orders are not honored for payments or transfers of
property by one spouse to another for purposes of a marital property settlement or for the
division of retired pay resulting from divorce or legal separation.
A2.2.5. Sufficient identifying information must accompany the legal process in order for the
Department of the Air Force to implement the order. At a minimum, the information includes
the following: the member’s full name, date of birth, Social Security number, current military
status and, if known, the member’s current assignment.
A2.2.6. Garnishment orders may be submitted by mail to DFAS Office of General Counsel,
Attn: Garnishment Law Directorate, P.O. Box 998002, Cleveland OH 44199-8002, Telephone:
A2.3. Statutory Allotments for Child Support and Alimony. (Refer to 42 USC § 665, Child
Support and Establishment of Paternity and 32 CFR Part 581, Allotments for Child and Spousal
Support to review laws pertaining to statutory allotments for child support and alimony):
A2.3.1. Federal law authorizes allotments from active duty military pay in order to satisfy
child support and alimony obligations. Alimony alone does not qualify under this law. These
statutory allotments may only be paid from active duty pay.
A2.3.2. A statutory allotment may be initiated when child support and alimony payments are
at least 2 months in arrears. The allotment is initiated by furnishing the Air Force Personnel
18 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
Center - Operating Location a written notice from a court or state agency administering the
child support program under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act, Child Support and
Establishment of Paternity (42 USC § 651 et seq.). The notice is signed by an authorized
official and contains the following information:
A2.3.2.1. A statement that the person signing the request is an agent or attorney of a state
that has a Title IV-D plan with authority under the plan to collect money owed by a military
member as child support or child support and alimony. The request may also be signed by
an agent of the court issuing the order.
A2.3.2.2. The statement includes the military member’s full name, Social Security
number, the dates that the current support terminates for each child, and the exact name
and address of the allotment payee. The statement also shows the total amount of the
allotment to be taken and specifies the amount to be paid each month for current support
and the arrearage.
A2.3.2.3. The statement is supported by a recently certified copy of the original court order
awarding support and a court order which specifies the amount of the arrears and those
payments made to liquidate such arrears.
A2.3.3. Allotments cannot exceed 50 percent of a member’s pay and allowances if the member
is supporting a second family. If the member is not supporting a second family, the allotment
may not exceed 60 percent. The percentage may be increased by 5 percent if the arrearage is
12 weeks or more.
A2.3.4. After Air Force Personnel Center - Operating Location receives the request, Air Force
Personnel Center - Operating Location notifies the member’s commander. The commander
will then notify and counsel the member. The member has 30 days to cure the arrearage or to
submit evidence that the arrearage is an error. If not, Air Force Personnel Center - Operating
Location will ordinarily implement the allotment 30 days after the member’s notification.
Payments begin at the end of the month in which the allotment is to be effective.
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 19
Attachment 3
A3.1. Involuntary Allotments. This fact sheet addresses the general procedures involved in
resolving allegations of indebtedness and initiating involuntary allotments against military pay for
civil debts.
A3.2. Department of the Air Force Policy. Military members are expected to pay their just
financial obligations in a proper and timely manner. When necessary, commanders will counsel
members about their financial responsibilities. However, Department of the Air Force components
have no legal authority to arbitrate or resolve personal disputes over debts or except as provided
in paragraph A3.4, to require a member to pay or to divert any part of a member’s pay to satisfy
a private debt.
A3.3. Disputes over Indebtedness. Whenever possible, disputes over indebtedness should be
resolved through amicable means by the parties involved. Claimants desiring to contact a military
member about indebtedness may, in most cases, obtain the member's military address by
contacting the member’s department of service (i.e., Army, Navy, Department of the Air Force, or
Marine Corps) locator service.
A3.3.1. For Department of the Air Force members, the military locator service may be
contacted at: AFPC/DP1ORM, 550 C Street West Suite 50, JBSA Randolph, TX 78150.
Additional information is available at:
Locator. The service charges a reasonable fee for the research service. The Department of the
Air Force does not charge for locator service on Department of the Air Force active duty or
retired personnel. In situations where the Service is unable to release information about the
military member (i.e., members assigned at overseas installations or at classified locations),
the Service forwards correspondence from the claimant to the member at no additional cost.
A3.4. Involuntary Allotments for Civil Debts. Creditors whose bona fide efforts to collect a
debt have failed may seek relief by applying for an involuntary allotment of pay pursuant to the
Hatch Act Reform Amendments of 1993 pursuant to 5 USC § 5520a, Garnishment of Pay, as
implemented by Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1344.09, Indebtedness of Military
Personnel and DAFI 36-2906.
A3.4.1. A creditor may initiate this process against any member of the Regular Air Force,
United States Space Force, Air Force Reserve, or Air National Guard. Involuntary allotments
are not taken from retired or disability pay. The application is initiated by submitting a DD
Form 2653, supported by a certified copy of a judgment issued by a civil court and any other
certifications required by the Department of Defense, to an appropriate Department of Defense
agency. The DD Form 2653 may be obtained from the DFAS debt collection website
A3.4.2. The creditor's application certifies certain state and federal procedural requirements
have been satisfied prior to obtaining the judgment, including satisfaction of the procedural
requirements of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.
A3.4.3. Upon proper receipt of a complete application package, DFAS Office of General
Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate, will forward a copy of the application to the member
20 DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023
and the member's commander along with a DD Form 2654, Involuntary Allotment Notice and
Processing. The member has 90 days from the date DFAS Office of General Counsel -
Garnishment Law Directorate mails the package in which to respond to the application. The
member's time to respond to the action may be extended by the member's commander for good
cause. If the member and commander fail to respond to the notice from DFAS Office of
General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate within the allotted time, and application is
otherwise valid, DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate may
automatically process the involuntary allotment on the 15th calendar day after the date a
response was due.
A3.4.4. If the member consents to the allotment, the commander will return the package to
DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate. The allotment commences
within 30 days. If the member contests the application, the member may seek legal assistance
and submits supporting evidence refuting the validity of the application within 15 days to his
or her commander, who then forwards the response to DFAS Office of General Counsel -
Garnishment Law Directorate.
A3.4.5. DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate officials will make
the final decision on any issues or defenses raised by the member except for the issue of
whether "military demands and exigencies" adversely impacted the member. A "military
exigency" is defined in DoDI 1344.09 to be a military assignment or mission-essential duty
that because of its urgency, importance, duration, location or isolation, necessitates the member
to be absent from an appearance at a judicial proceeding, or prevents the member from being
able to respond to notice of an involuntary allotment action. Exigency of military duty is
normally presumed during periods of war, national emergency, or when the member is
deployed. The member’s unit commander will decide whether the defense of military demand
is valid and the commander’s decision on this issue is binding on DFAS Office of General
Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate. Commanders return the application to DFAS Office
of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate indicating their decision on the DD Form
2654. If the commander finds the military demands defense is valid, DFAS Office of General
Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate will return the application to the creditor without
further action.
A3.4.6. If the involuntary allotment application is denied based upon the commander’s
determination that military demands adversely impacted the member’s ability to respond to the
legal action, DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate will give the
creditor the name and address of the appellate authority listed on the DD Form 2654 by the
commander. In the Department of the Air Force, the appellate authority is the immediate
Department of the Air Force superior commander to the commander who made the initial
decision. The creditor may appeal the denial to the appellate authority, who makes the final
decision within 30 days of receiving the appeal and who responds directly to the creditor. The
appellate authority’s decision may not be appealed. If the appeal is granted, the creditor must
submit a written request to DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate,
along with a copy of the appellate authority’s decision, to start the allotment.
A3.4.7. Involuntary allotments are taken only from pay that is subject to involuntary allotment
as defined by 32 CFR Part 113, Indebtedness Procedures of Military Personnel, Section 113.3
(c), Pay subject to involuntary allotment. Pay subject to allotment includes basic pay and
certain other payments, but not allowances, reimbursements for expenses, or separation pay.
DAFI36-2906 23 AUGUST 2023 21
The maximum amount of pay that may be taken is the lesser of 25 percent of the member’s
pay subject to involuntary allotment or the maximum amount authorized by the applicable
state’s law, as detailed in 32 CFR § 113.4(b). Other debts (e.g., income tax withholding,
government debts, military fines and forfeitures, family support obligations) take priority over
allotments for civil debts pursuant to 32 CFR §113.4(c).
A3.4.8. DFAS Office of General Counsel - Garnishment Law Directorate is the designated
agency to receive involuntary allotment applications on Department of the Air Force, Army,
Navy, and Marine Corps personnel. For further information contact DFAS Office of General
Counsel Attn: Garnishment Law Directorate PO Box 998002 Cleveland, OH 44199-8002
Telephone: 1-888-332-7411 Toll-free Fax: 1-877-622-5930. Please ensure members name and
SSN# are referenced.