Oce of Financial Aid • 115 Main Building, Notre Dame, IN 46556-5602 • 574.631.6436 •
University of Notre Dame School #2 School #3
What impact does applying
for financial aid have on my
application for admission?
Students are admitted to Notre Dame on the
basis of their academic and personal records
of achievement, not based on whether their
family has the money to pay.
How are students considered
for non-need-based
Your application for admission also serves
as your application for our non-need
(merit) scholarships.
Does your school meet
my full demonstrated
financial need?
Notre Dame is committed to meeting the
full demonstrated financial need of each
admitted student who completes the
financial aid application process.
What is the estimated total
cost—including tuition and
fees, books and supplies,
room and meals, travel, and
other personal expenses—for
the current year?
Our estimated total cost of attendance for
the 2020-21 academic year is $76,883.
If costs increase and my
need stays the same, will
my scholarship increase?
Yes, at Notre Dame, we will increase
scholarship if costs increase.
What applications do I need
to complete for financial aid
and is there a deadline?
Notre Dame requires the CSS Profile and the
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA). We have priority dates for
submission which are posted on our website.
What is the average need-
based scholarship?
The average need-based scholarship given
to our entering first-year students for the
fall of 2020 was $47,800.
What is the average student
loan debt at graduation
(Federal Direct Loans)?
What would my monthly
payment be?
The students who graduated in May 2020
borrowed an average of $21,758. This is less
than 10% of the total cost of attendance for
four years at Notre Dame. The monthly
payment on this average is approximately
$230 per month.
Will I receive the same
financial aid decision
each year?
The total dollar amount of financial
assistance is based on demonstrated financial
need. Changes in family circumstances, such
as an increase or decrease in parents’ or
student’s income, assets, family size, or
number of dependent students attending
college, may affect eligibility for financial
aid. If the familys circumstances do not
change significantly over the four years,
financial assistance should be comparable
each year.
Can I ask for more
financial aid?
If your familys circumstances change after
receiving your Financial Aid Notification,
you may request a review of your eligibility
by completing the Change in Circumstances
process outlined on our website.