Guide to Esports for K12 Schools
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Esports Guide for K12 / Esports Overview
Your Guide to Esports in Your K12 School
Given the overwhelming popularity of video gaming, the rise of esports isn't
surprising, and many schools are now embracing structured esports programs as an
alternative or in addition to traditional sports.
School administrators recognize that students can learn the same types of lessons
from competitive video gaming as they would learn in traditional sports. Esports
programs can help build a sense of belonging, promote collaboration and
communication skills, and foster good sportsmanship and improved social behavior,
while also creating a pipeline for future STEM careers and furthering students'
strategic thinking and problem solving abilities.
In the following pages, we share a wealth of information to help your school
administrators understand the esports benefits and trends, and delve into what you'll
need to integrate a successful esports program into your schools curricula or after-
school programming.
We partner with all of the key technology manufacturers so that we can support
every aspect of your needs from infrastructure to hardware to software, and
everything in between. Contact us today to talk about next steps and get you started
on powering up your school's esports team! We look forward to hearing from you.
Backed by key partnerships with:
For more information contact us at 864-214-0221
Esports Guide for K12 / Contents
Esports Overview ................................................................................ 2
Esports Facts .......................................................................................................... 3
Esports in Your Shool – Your Opportunity ............................................... 4
Opportunities for student body and community participation ....................................... 5
Benefits of Esports in Education ................................................................................ 5
Launching an Esports Program in Your School........................................ 6
Giving Your School a Competitive Edge ................................................................... 7
Networking Capabilities .......................................................................................... 9
Network Latency, Jitter, Delays, and Bandwidth Bottlenecks ......................................... 9
On-Premise Solutions ........................................................................ 10
Equipping a Successful Esports Lab ......................................................................... 10
Resources to Help Your School Kick-Off a Successful Esports Program ........ 12
Leverage Esports Program Resources ....................................................................... 12
Partnership with HSEL ............................................................................................ 13
Top Esports Games to Consider ........................................................... 14
Next Steps: ...................................................................................... 29
Computing Requirements by Game ......................................................................... 14
League of Legends (LoL) ......................................................................................... 15
Rocket League ...................................................................................................... 16
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) ................................................................ 18
Overwatch ........................................................................................................... 19
Super Smash Brother Ultimate ................................................................................. 20
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege ............................................................................. 21
Fortnite ................................................................................................................ 22
Hearthstone .......................................................................................................... 23
NBA 2K20 ............................................................................................................ 24
Madden 20 .......................................................................................................... 25
Minecraft: Survival Games ...................................................................................... 27
Call of Duty (CoD) Modern Warfare: Gunfight ........................................................... 28
SMITE .................................................................................................................. 17
FIFA 20 ................................................................................................................ 26
Citations: ........................................................................................30
2 Esports Playbook / Esports Overview
Esports Overview
Esports, or “electronic sports”, takes video gaming to another level with organized
competitive gameplay between two teams, governed by its own strict set of rules
and guidelines.
Contrary to common perception, esports is not simply a phenomenon occurring in the basements of unemployed
twenty-somethings. Esports has become a booming industry globally, investable and growing exponentially, with
over 400 million fans and regularly selling outarenas all around the world.
Esports vs Traditional Sports
Esports are similar to traditional sports, but with one major difference: the games are video games. Just as with a foot-
ball or volleyball team, esports programs require tryouts, daily practice sessions, team captains, and solid academic
Esports has transformed online gaming into a spectator sport where skilled gamers compete in the same manner as
traditional sports (i.e.: baseball, basketball, and football). With millions of fans from all over the world, spectators can
watch online or in-person. The experience is similar to a professional sporting event except that video gamers com-
pete against each other in a virtual environment.
Just as viewers of traditional sports are dedicated to their favorite players and teams, the fan base for esports is highly
engaged. When kids aren’t playing games themselves, they are spectators, gleaning new skills and thrilling in the
excitement as they watch elite global players compete in high-stakes tournaments.
3 Esports Guide for K12 / Esports Overview
Esports Facts
Varsity collegiate esports began in 2014 when Robert Morris University in Illinois
announced a scholarship-sponsored League of Legends team. According to ESPN,
there are now up to 180+ schools offering Varsity Collegiate teams around the
country. Scholarships are available in the following games:
Multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA): League of Legends (LoL), Defense of the
Ancients (DOTA) 2, Heroes of the Storm, Smite
First person shooter: Overwatch, Fortnite, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
(CS:GO), Player Unknown's Battlergrounds (PUBG), Paladins
Collectible card game: Hearthstone
Real-time strategy: StarCraft II
Sports games: Rocket League, FIFA, Madden
Esports Playbook / Esports in
Your School – Your Opportunity
Esports in Your School - Your Opportunity
K12 institutions are starting to see the potential of adding esports to the curriculum as
its becoming an important aspect of supporting student recruitment into higher ed-
ucation. Currently, there are more than
200 colleges and universitiesoffering nearly
$15 million in scholarships to high school students.
The Extreme-eCampus News Worldwide Esports Survey found that 21% of schools already have an
esports program and that over 70% of K12 schools are now considering introducing competitive
gaming to its curriculum in some shape or form.
have seen academic
improvement aer
found increased student
and recruitment
top esports athletes
attract scholarships to
national colleges
The high school esports education is usually available as an add-on to either the athletics or technology-
based curriculum. These optional courses are sometimes added as extra-curricular activities, and
students must meet specific educational requirements to stay on the team.
5 Esports Guide for K12 / Esports in Your School – Your Opportunity
Benefits of Esports in Education
Esports in schools is at the confluence of some of the most important drivers in ed-
ucation. A well-implemented esports program can promote student engagement,
college recruitment, and retention by blending online and offline campus experi-
ences–which ultimately prepares students for future careers.
Participation: More than 80% of esports teams are made up of students
who had never participated in extra-curricular activities prior to esports, giving
the untraditional student-athlete the opportunity to experience leadership,
sportsmanship, teamwork, social skills, and pride through athletic competition.
Attendance: Esports student-athletes attendance significantly improves as
they feel more connected and look forward to going to school.
Academic Performance: Esports participation has the capability to change
a student’s entire academic trajectory, helping to increase their GPA by an
average of 1.7 points.
Teamwork: Through deepened levels of interaction, cooperative learning
and working in groups, participants learn to communicate and work more
effectively with others.
Sense of Community: The inclusiveness and accessibility of esports allows
students to come together over a common passion while providing access to
positive adult mentors.
Coursework Alignment: Game Design, Graphic and Multimedia Design,
Technological Communication, and Cybersecurity programs align with an
esports curriculum.
Real-World Experience: Students spend hours analyzing data, game
statistics, and strategies, providing real-world experience and application for
in-demand job skills —the same attributes colleges and employers are looking
for in high school graduates.
Tomorrow’s Workforce: Prepares students for jobs
in the business of esports including but limited to:
sports sales, sports marketing, public relations and
social media, event and tournament management,
account management, broadcasting, coaching, and
video editing.
Continued Education: Esports programs and
scholarships create a new viable path to college for
those who may never have considered and/or could
not afford higher education.
Because of these important benefits, esports now has a
rapidly-growing presence in education and should be
in-tegrated into the planning of your school, whether
higher education or primary/secondary.
of esports student-athletes
are first time participants in
extracurricular activity
increase in
average GPA
improvement in
school attendance
Theory Craers
Coaches Analysts
Fandom Art
& Media
Anderson, Tsaan,
Reitman, Lee, Wu, Steele,
Turner & Steinkuehler (2018)
Opportunities for student body and community participation
6 Esports Guide for K12 / Launching an Esports Program in Your School
Launching an Esports Program in Your School
7 Esports Guide for K12 / Launching an Esports Program in Your School
Giving Your School a Competitive Edge
Keeping technology on point is an important part of staying
com-petitive, and laying the right technological foundation can
be the key to building your esports program’s momentum. We'll
provide the right components to
optimize your students'
gaming experience and help with outfitting your esports facility.
The cornerstone of your setup is the infrastructure that runs
the games and connects students to gameplay: security, data
center, connectivity, cloud computing, digital signage and
cabling solutions.
We can help you with every step of the process. Below are some
of the key factors for a successful setup.
Your Technology Checklist:
Network speed, agility, and bandwidth are critical.
One of the biggest issues that has affected the esports
space is latency. Primarily, tournaments are broadcast
via streaming platforms such as Twitch and Steam,
with large groups of highly skilled players making
moves that need to be played back in milliseconds on
high definition systems with detailed graphics.
On-Premises Solutions for Security
From fan engagement to real-time cheating and
fraud detection, since officiating happens online, on-
premises technology is preferred for esports. On-
premises solutions help schools keep tight controls
on security to prevent cheating, interference with
gameplay, and hacks that can affect all users.
Gaming Devices
When building an esports lab or even a single user
setup for a competitive gam
ing, the cornerstone is the
gaming console or computer that runs the operation.
Gaming laptops provide the portability needed for
gamers on the go, while desktops offer enhanced
capacity during competitions. The leagues that your
esports teams compete in will have guiding
technology specs.
Before making initial investments, get the basic specs
provided by the leagues you want to participate in for
each of the games the team will be competing in.
Many offer a preview of how those tech needs will
evolve in the coming year, which can help you to
invest in technology that will meet their needs over
time. Often, these include guidelines on processing
power, memory, hard drives, and graphics cards.
8 Esports Guide for K12 / Launching an Esports Program in Your School
We can help you decipher those needs and provide you with the proper hardware for success as well
as provide you with ongoing support and services to keep your school’s fleet of gaming devices current
and supported. Lifecycle management helps with upgrades, repairs, and services. Asset tagging keeps
track of devices and manage setup. Laser etching identifies property to deter theft while advertising
your school.
Monitors and Digital Signage
Monitors and digital signage bring the visual experience of gaming to life and are critical to delivering
the visual interface that enables strong gameplay. A state-of-the-art gaming monitor has the graphics,
size, and refresh capacities to offer a visual experience that pairs with a computer to process gameplay
at lighting speed.
One of the biggest considerations is whether to go with curved monitors or flat monitors. Curved
monitors offer a more immersive field of view, while flat displays offer a wider range of choices in brands,
size, and cost.
Another factor to consider is digital signage and large-screen video displays for onsite fans who will
oen sit for hours, watching the gameplay unfold. Whether streaming gameplay or displaying stats for a
competition in progress, adding large screens pulls everything together to create a “big experience” feel.
Essentials for Student Gamers
· Headsets: Headsets allow players to hear the gameplay and participate in team discussions via
microphones. It’s important to consider noise-canceling gaming headset models that are comfortable
for long-term gameplay and offer sound quality that supports what players need. We typically avoid
gaming headsets that consist of low-quality materials or have thin cables as students need durability
that will get them through the year.
· Keyboards:
For PC-based gamers, the keyboard is an important part of streamlining gaming and
offering an ergonomic experience. The biggest feature to consider is whether to choose a standard
membrane keyboard or go for a higher-quality mechanical keyboard. There are also specialized
gaming keyboards—sometimes called MMO keyboards—with extra buttons that can be used to
optimize gameplay.
· Mouse: When it comes to gaming mice, there are different options that align to game types. A
shooter mouse works well with first-person shooter games, while a MOBA- or MMO-style mouse
offers expanded button access. A good gaming mouse should have more buttons than a traditional
mouse as well as a sturdy grip.
· Cameras: Video production, equipment and positioning are critical to truly experience the thrill of
esports. Investing in broadcast quality cameras geared toward the high-performance needs of the
gaming industry is not only a requirement in many leagues but also a necessity that provides audience
· Gaming Chair: It is necessary to invest in a high-quality gaming chair that has good ergonomics since
students will be sitting for long durations.
Our team is available to consult with you on every item in this checklist to ensure that
your school is set up with the right technology to fit your student and league needs, as
well as your school's budget.
9 Esports Guide for K12 / Launching an Esports Program in Your School
Networking Capabilities
The network is the differentiator that will ultimately hinder or enable the success of your players and teams.
supporting an on-campus or off-campus esports program, schools must address critical technology issues to make
sure their technology meets program requirements.
Network Latency, Jitter, Delays, and Bandwidth Bottlenecks
Continuous Availability
Network Management and Security
Constant Visibility into Network Applications and Responsiveness
Broadband Connection to the Internet
Technical Services and Support
Network Latency, Jitter, Delays, and Bandwidth Bottlenecks
Quick and decisive player reactions only translate to advantage if they are passed through the network with mini-
mal delay. To achieve the maximum advantage, the wired and/or wireless network must be capable of adequate
bandwidth and intr
oduce the minimum possible latency. While total bandwidth requirements for esports are not
high, the network must be capable of allocating the bandwidth where it is most needed. The network must have
adequate backhaul capability to handle the wired and wireless edge data throughput from competitors, visitors,
and video input devices.
The hard work of making a game look good and run smoothly is, after all, handled by the hard drives and graphics
cards of your consoles or gaming PCs.
What matters most for online gamers is low latency. Latency is that lag you can sometimes see online, be it in a web
page download stuttering or game struggling to keep up. An ISP needs to provide a consistent and stable
connection to the Internet servers used for online game play. We'll be able to set you up with the necessary network
infrastructure to support your team, whether if you need to build from scratch or allocate from your current school
On-Premise Solutions
Equipping a Successful Esports Lab
The meteoric rise in popularity of esports has led to schools around
the country to constructing designated gaming facilities to house
their developing esports programs. Having the right
technology setup is crucial to a successful esports experience, and
we are here to help you with that.
We can develop specific solutions customized for your school,
dedicated to esports gameplay and audience participation:
Create Flexible, Multi-Purpose Spaces
For educational institutions just starting out, we'll
want to focus on developing flexible, multi-purpose
areas for students. For example, a room outfitted
with advanced computers for game play
tournaments can double as a lab for advanced
computer aided design (CAD) and programming
Modular, Mobile and Multifunction Furniture Solutions
Your needs will likely change over time as does technology. Modular furniture can be reconfigured with
ordinary hand tools to create new floorplan layouts. It’s easy to add new modules to expand the
footprint or allow for social distancing, and the furniture is easily disassembled and transported to set up
in new locations with zero waste. Custom mobile solutions add the ability to make it easy to move
furniture to where it’s needed. And multifunction furniture can be used in different ways: for example, tilt-
up tables can convert to presentation stands against the wall.
10 Esports Guide for K12 / On-Premise Solutions & Esports Labs
11 Esports Guide for K12 / On-Premise Solutions & Esports Labs
Safe, Healthy Ergonomic Desks, Tables and
Students need to be comfortable, especially
when they are sitting in front of a computer
for hours on end. For optimal experience, we
recommend chairs with ergonomic qualities
and dimensions to ensure they
accommodate the size of high school
students and prevent back pain. Desks or
tables with sit-to-stand capabilities built-in
also allow students to change positions as
Moveable Monitor Arms
Robust monitor arm solutions securely hold
the heaviest computer display monitors, yet
make it easy for users to adjust the position to
fit their needs.
Enhanced Security for Expensive Equipment
Esports equipment relies on advanced
computer equipment. We'll help you explore
built-in lockable storage and other security
measures to make sure your investment
remains secure, even in a public
Organization with Overhead Utility Systems
Wires and cables can pose a trip hazard. Unique,
overhead carrier systems keep things neat and
tidy, by running all the electric and networking
cables in custom-made overhead trays.
Cooling System Considerations
As with most tech labs, cooling requirements
are a concern when a large number of
computers and servers are packed together
in a confined space. We can provide options
to avoid hotspots that can damage
equipment and make students
Noise Management
Controlling unwanted noise in open areas is an
increasingly important design consideration.
We suggest implementing solutions that help
to control ambient noise, particularly if your
esports team practices during the school day.
Built-to-Last Furniture
Durable furniture built from solid steel and
other heavy-duty materials are designed
to withstand heavy use in educational
Esports Playbook / Resources to Help You Kick-Off Your School's Esports Program
Resources to Help Your School Kick-Off
a Successful Esports Program
The easiest part of starting an esports program is recruiting students. When schools
announce their esports program students will come running, challenging schools to
meet the demand of finding enough staff to serve as coaches, cr eating dedicated
gaming areas big enough to compete and outfitting with advanced gaming tools and
the latest technology; but the investment doesn’t have to be huge.
There is also the cost of licenses for each game; for example, Rocket League costs approximately $20 per student.
Experts suggest starting out with just one game, allowing the team to focus and build mastery.
Leverage Esports Program Resources
Esports may be less costly and easier to get off the ground than schools realize. There are numerous ways for schools
to fund curriculum and equipment for their esports program. They can raise money through funding platforms, STEM
grants, scholarships and by leveraging their clubs and CTE programs.
Here are a few funding and grant opportunity resources.
Video Game Grants and Scholarships
STEM Grants
Esports Course
Scholarships for Women
Frey Scientific
Aer School STEM
13 Esports Guide for K12 / Resources to Help Schools Kick-Off Their Esports Program
Governing Bodies
Governing bodies can help with launching esports programs in schools. Among the most popular are the National
Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE), North America Scholastic Esports Federation (NASEF), Esport Gaming As-
sociation Australia (EGAA), High School Esports League (HSEL), GPAC, and TESPA.
Partnership with HSEL
With thousands of school districts across the nation seeking to be educated on how to embrace
the esports opportunity, we work with the High School Esports League (HSEL) to help your K12
school get started. Our goals are to:
Provide you with education and programming as well as a gaming platform
Make it easier for you to offer esports as a legitimate varsity level sport
Give educators access to a Gaming Concepts curriculum and accredited programs
your school gain access to grant and funding opportunities to help cover the cost of getting started
Offer a fertile recruiting ground for esports scholarship opportunities in higher education
High School Esports League (HSEL) and Middle School Esports League (MSEL)
We can get you set up with
the subscriptions need
to participate in High School Esports League and Middle
School Esports League tournaments.
HSEL is the largest and longest-operating competitive gaming organization in North America serving 2,000+ part-
nered schools and over 50,000 students across the US & Canada. HSEL fulfills a very important role in bringing order
to the rapidly increasing esports academic landscape across the nation. HSELs mission is to “make esports available to
every student as a legitimate varsity level sport in high schools across the nation,” HSEL has 1,700 schools and 45,000
students in its community. They offer a paid partnership deal with high schools, to let students engage in a variety of es-
ports programs. This partnership includes perks like premium tournaments with a chance to win esports
scholarships. Other prices include sponsored LAN parties and streaming opportunities through the Twitch Student
program. The High School Esports League operate tournaments within the esports titles Hearthstone, Rocket
League, CS:GO, Overwatch, Smite, CoD, Injustice 2, Rainbow 6 Siege and Paladins.
HSEL resources:
High School Partnership Starter Packet
Getting Started Guide:
How to start a school club
Sign up sheet and flyers
How to set up game connections
Free Agent Teams
Gaming Concepts School Curriculum
Grant and Funding opportunities for HSEL Schools
14 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games to Consider
Top Esports Games to Consider:
Computing Requirements by Game
PC Specifications
Install Game
Peripheral drivers
Game updates and patching policies
Communications client (Discord, Teamspeak, Twitch, etc.)
Headset with microphone
Network connection
Bandwidth per player
White list game specific public IP and ports in Internet filter/firewall
School’s public IP addresses for onboarding process (Used by game developers to tag/allow
high volume esports specific traffic from high schools.)
Game System Requirements
System Requirements Lab/Can You RUN it
Battle Net
Steam Powered
Game Special
15 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
League of Legends (LoL)
Can You Run It?
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
OS: Windows 10
CPU: 3GHz processor (supporting SSE2
instruction set or higher)
VIDEO CARD: Shader version 2.0 capable
video card
OS: Windows 10 with the latest service pack
CPU: 3GHz Dual-Core processor
VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce 8800/AMD
Radeon HD 5670 or equivalent video card
(Dedicated GPU with 512MB or higher Video
League of Legends game details
League of Legends is the reigning MOBA king, with more colorful champions than you could hope to become an
expert with in a single lifetime. League of Legends is far from being a new player in the scene and has continued to be
one of the most played games since its inception way back in 2009. The staying power of League of Legends as being
one of the top games streamed on popular broadcasting sites like Twitch speaks volumes about the fans of this indus-
try-defining MOBA. It shares these commonalities with its biggest competitor, DOTA 2, but each game has their own
playstyle and fans of each will argue that their game is the best! On top of being free to download, the system require-
ments for League of Legends are extremely accessible. Combine these two things with fun and addictive gameplay,
and you have a recipe for a game that can stand the test of time.
League of Legends’ minimum system requirements are extremely low, and it will even run on a wide range of lap-
tops. In fact, the minimum CPU requirement is so low that Riot Games only states that a 2GHz CPU is needed (even
if dual-core). This means that most modern CPU will be well above what’s needed to get League of Legends up and
Once you crank the settings up to High, League of Legends has a very pleasing aesthetic to its art style that you may
miss out on by playing on low resolution/graphics. In order to safely max out the graphics, you’ll need to be above the
recommended requirements, which are still on the low side compared to most popular games.
16 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Rocket League
HSEL Supported Platform
Nintendo Switch
Can You Run It?
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
OS: Windows 10
Processor: 2.4GHz Dual core
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 260 or ATI 4850
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7GB available space
OS: Windows 10
Processor: 2.5+GHz Quad core
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 or better, ATI 7950
or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7GB available space
Additional Notes: Gamepad or Controller
OS: MacOS X 10.8.5
Processor: Intel Core i5 2.4GHz
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 4.1 - ATI Radeon HD 5670,
NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M, Intel HD Graphics
4000 or Iris Pro Graphics
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7GB available space
OS: MacOS X 10.8.5 or Newer
Processor: Intel Core i7 2.4GHz+
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics: OpenGL 4.1 - ATI Radeon HD 5670,
NVIDIA GeForce GT 640M
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7GB available space
Processor: 2.4+GHz Quad core
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 260 or ATI 4850
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7GB available space
Processor: 2.5+GHz Quad core
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 or better, ATI 7950
or better
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 7GB available space
Additional Notes: Gamepad or Controller
HSEL Game Summary
17 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4GHz or Athlon X2
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT
Storage: 30GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X3,
Memory: 6GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or ATI
Radeon HD 7950
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 30GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card
Game Overview
18 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
HSEL Supported Platforms
Can You Run It?
Required PC Specifications
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel
2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom
X3 8750 processor or better
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: Video card must be 256MB or more and should be a DirectX 9-compatible with
support for Pixel Shader 3.0
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 15GB available space
OS: MacOS X 10.11 (El Capitan) or later
Processor: Intel Core Duo Processor (2GHz or better)
Memory: 2GB RAM
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2400 or better / NVidia 8600M or better
Storage: 15GB available space
OS: Ubuntu 12.04
Processor: 64-bit Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8GHz
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600 (Graphic
Drivers: nVidia 310, AMD 12.11), OpenGL 2.1
Storage: 15GB available space
Sound Card: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
HSEL Game Summary
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive game details
A multiplayer staple, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive pits teams against each other as they attempt to dominate elab-
orate maps with more guns than you could fit into an armory.
19 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
HSEL Supported Platforms
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel
i3 or AMD Phenom
GTX 460, ATI
HD 4850, or Intel
HD Graphics 4400
Memory: 4GB RAM
Storage: 30GB available hard drive space
Internet: Broadband connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel
i5 or AMD Phenom
X3 or better
GTX 660 or AMD
HD 7950 or better
Memory: 6GB RAM
Storage: 30GB available hard drive space
Internet: Broadband connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
HSEL Game Overview
Passing the minimum system requirements for Overwatch is important to being able to run with passable frames on
Low settings. If you want to crank the graphics all the way up while you’re zoomed in with Widow preparing for that
headshot, your computer needs to pass the recommended system requirements test. The recommended system re-
quirements for Overwatch are only a little bit higher than the aforementioned minimum specs.
20 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Super Smash Brother Ultimate
HSEL Supported Platforms
Nintendo Switch
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a game that’s exclusive to the Nintendo Switch and therefore not available on PS4, Xbox
One, or PC. The Super Smash Bros. series of games groups together various characters from throughout Nintendo’s
history and current lineup of games.
HSEL Game Overview Game System Requirements
21 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege
HSEL Supported Platforms
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel Core i3 560 @ 3.3GHz or AMD
Phenom II X4 945 @ 3.0GHz
Memory: 6GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD
Radeon HD 5870 (DirectX-11 compliant with
1GB of VRAM)
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 61GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX
9.0c compatible sound
card with latest drivers
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K @ 3.3GHz or
better or AMD FX-8120 @ 3.1GHz or better
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 (or GTX
760 / GTX 960) or AMD Radeon HD 7970 (or
R9 280x [2GB VRAM] / R9 380 / Fury X)
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Storage: 61GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX
9.0c compatible sound
card 5.1 with latest drivers
HSEL Game Overview
STEAM Game Information
22 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
HSEL Supported Platforms
Nintendo Switch
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i3 2.4GHz
Memory: 4GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD 4000
Pixel Shader: 3.0
Vertex Shader: 3.0
OS: Windows 10 64-bit (latest Service Pack)
Processor: Intel Core i5 2.8GHz
Memory: 8GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD
7870 equivalent DX11 GPU with 2GB VRAM
Pixel Shader: 3.0
Vertex Shader: 3.0
Dedicated Video RAM: 2048MB
HSEL Game Overview
HSEL Game Help
23 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
HSEL Supported Platforms
Mobile (Hearthstone App)
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit (latest
service packs)
Processor: Intel
D or AMD
64 X2
Memory: 3GB RAM
Storage: 3GB available HD space
6800 (256MB) or
X1600 Pro (256MB) or better
Pixel Shader: 4.0
Vertex Shader: 4.0
Sound Card: Yes
Dedicated Video RAM: 256MB
Internet: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit (latest
service packs)
Processor: Intel
2 Duo (2.2GHz) or
64 X2 (2.6GHz) or better
Memory: 4GB RAM
Storage: 3GB available HD space
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (512MB) or
ATI Radeon HD 4850 (512MB) or better
Pixel Shader: 4.1
Vertex Shader: 4.1
Sound Card: Yes
Dedicated Video RAM: 512MB
Internet: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
HSEL Game Overview
24 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
NBA 2K20
HSEL Supported Platforms
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit (latest
service packs)
Processor: Intel
i3-530 @ 2.93GHz /
AMD FX-4100 @ 3.60GHz or better
Memory: 4GB RAM
Storage: 80GB available space
6800 (256MB) or
AMD Radeon
X1600 Pro (256MB) or better
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
DX: Version 11
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0x compatible
Dedicated Video RAM: 1024MB
Internet: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit (latest
service packs)
Processor: Intel
i5-4430 @ 3GHz /
AMD FX-8370 @ 3.4GHz or better
Memory: 8GB RAM
Storage: 80GB available space
Video: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT (512MB) or
AMD Radeon HD 4850 (512MB) or better
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
DX: Version 11
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Dedicated Video RAM: 2048MB
Internet: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
HSEL Game Overview
25 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Madden 20
HSEL Supported Platforms
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: AMD FX-4320 or Equivalent / Intel
i3-4350 or Equivalent
Memory: 8GB RAM
Storage: 48.5GB available space
Video: AMD Radeon RX 460 or Equivalent /
Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or Equivalent
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
DX: 11 Compatible video card or equivalent
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0x compatible
Dedicated Video RAM: 1024MB
Network: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: AMD FX-4320 or Equivalent / Intel
i3-4350 or Equivalent
Memory: 8GB RAM
Storage: 48.5GB available space
Video: AMD Radeon R9 270x or Equivalent /
Nvidia GeForce GTX 670 or Equivalent
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
DX: 11 Compatible video card or equivalent
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Dedicated Video RAM: 2048MB
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1024 x 768 minimum display
HSEL Game Overview
26 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
HSEL Supported Platforms
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 965 or Equivalent
/ Intel i3-2100 or Equivalent
Memory: 8GB RAM
Storage: 50GB available space
Video: Radeon HD 7850 / GeForce GTX 660
or better
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
Dedicated Video RAM: 1024MB
Network: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: AMD FX 8150 or Equivalent / Intel
i5-3550 or Equivalent
Memory: 8GB RAM
Storage: 50GB available space
Video: Radeon R9 270X / GeForce GTX 670 or
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
Dedicated Video RAM: 2048MB
Network: Broadband Internet connection
HSEL Game Overview
27 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Minecra: Survival Games
HSEL Supported Platforms
PC (Java version)
Can You Run It?
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i3-3210 / AMD A8-7600
APU or equivalent
Memory: 4GB (2GB free)
Graphics: Integrated: Intel HD Graphics 4000
(Ivy Bridge) or AMD Radeon R5 series (Kaveri
line) with OpenGL 4.41 Discrete: Nvidia
GeForce 400 Series or AMD Radeon HD 7000
series with OpenGL 4.4
Storage: At least 1GB for Game Core and Other
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
Network: Internet access is required for
multiplayer, unless the server is on the LAN.
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-4690 / AMD A10-7800
or equivalent
Memory: 8GB (4GB free)
Graphics: GeForce 700 Series or AMD Radeon
Rx 200 Series (excluding integrated chipsets)
with OpenGL 4.5
Storage: 4GB
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
Dedicated Video RAM: 256MB
Network: Broadband Internet connection
OS: OS X 10.9 Maverick OS: OS X 10.12 Sierra
Any distribution from 2014 or later Any distribution from 2014 or later
HSEL Game Summary
28 Esports Guide for K12 / Top Esports Games
Call of Duty (CoD) Modern Warfare:
HSEL Supported Platforms
Can You Run It
Required PC Specifications
Minimum Recommended
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
Processor: Intel Core i3-4340 or AMD FX-6300
Memory: 8GB RAM
Storage: 175GB hard drive space available
GTX 1650 or AMD Radeon
DX: Version 11
Sound Card: DirectX 11 Compatible
Pixel Shader: 5.0
Vertex Shader: 5.0
Dedicated Video RAM: 2048MB
Resolution: 1080p 30fps
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit
(latest update)
Processor: Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD Ryzen
R5 1600X processor
Memory: 12GB RAM
Storage: 175GB hard drive space available
GTX 1660 or AMD Radeon
R9 390 /
AMD Radeon
RX 580
DX: Version 12
Sound Card: DirectX-compatible
Pixel Shader: 5.1
Vertex Shader: 5.1
Dedicated Video RAM: 4096MB
Resolution: 1080p 60fps
Network: Broadband Internet connection
HSEL Game Summary
29 Esports Playbook / Next Steps
Take the Next Step
We hope the information shared here has been educational and valuable in helping
you make the decision to add esports to your school's curricula or after school
Evidence shows that a well-planned esports program can support STEM learning in
so many ways, further supporting your students on their learning and career paths.
Our mission is to help bring esports to all schools and elevate the program to the
level of traditional varsity sports. We'll partner with you every step of the way to
ensure that you have the right tools to engage, entertain, and educate your students
through the fun of esports.
Contact us today to get you started on the path to esports dominance!
Backed by key partnerships with:
30 Esports Guide for K12 / Citations
The Extreme-eCampus News Worldwide Esports Survey
ESPN - List of varsity esports programs spans North America
Anatomy of an Esports Arena