University of Brighton
An Exemplar Guide for Students, Practice Supervisors,
Practice Assessors and Academic Assessors
BSc (Hons) Nursing
An Overview of the South Practice Assessment Document
This guide has been adapted from the materials supplied by the Pan London Practice Learning Group in
their development of the Pan London Assessment Document. This work has been led by Jane Fish (Project
Aims of This Guide
For it to be used by both students and all staff involved in practice learning and assessment as an
aid memoire for completion of PAD
To ensure that the key principles are understood and completed by students, practice supervisors,
practice assessors and academic assessors
To provide a visual aid to help with completion of the PAD and OAR and should be read in
combination with the Guide to Using the South PAD document
There are a number of key principles that apply across all AEI’s within the South PAD area. In addition HEI’s
will have identified specific programme regulations that must be adhered to you will find these at the
start of each PAD for each Part.
Overall Summary of the PAD
Each document is known as ‘Parts’ to reflect the NMC progression points for the course; e.g. part 1
may equate to year 1 of the course. Each individual HEI will specify how the parts are allocated for
their course
There are 4 mandatory components to the PAD
1. Professional Values (must be completed each placement)
2. Proficiencies (must be completed by the end if the part)
3. Episodes of Care x 2 (must be completed by the end if the part)
4. Medicine Management x 1 (must be completed by the end if the part)
In Parts 2 and 3 there are a 14 proficiencies marked with an asterisk* - these proficiencies can be
achieved in either Part 2 or 3 but all must be achieved by end of Part 3. A record of the complete
asterisked* proficiencies is provided in the Ongoing Achievement Record (OAR)
An initial, mid-point and final interview MUST be completed for all students
Range of Service User feedback forms are available. This will be facilitated by the practice
supervisor and/or practice assessor.
Range of additional feedback paperwork includes Peer Feedback, Other Health Care Professionals,
and Additional Communications to provide insight into the students learning and progression
List to record all practice supervisors and practice assessors for each placement and academic
assessor for the Part
Grading of practice may occur in some HEI’s - please be aware of HEI specific requirements
All students will have an Ongoing Record of Achievement (OAR) this is a single document that
provides a summary view of the students’ progress across placements and parts
University of Brighton (UoB) Appendix 1 this is a mandatory requirement that students must
complete prior to summative submission of the PAD for each Part
Completing the Practice Assessment Document
Section 1 -Preparation for student placement:-
Signatory List
Placement Information
Section 2 - Recording student progress/objectives/feedback
Initial/Mid and End Interviews
Service User feedback
Record of working with and learning from others/inter-
professional working
Peer Feedback
Record of communication/additional feedback
Section 3 - Principles for Assessment
Assessment Descriptors and advice students/practice
supervisors/practice assessors
Assessment of Professional Values
Assessment of Proficiencies
Episodes of Care and Medicine Management Summative
Assessment by Practice Assessors only
17 - 18
19 - 21
22 26
Section 4 - Action Plans
Section 5 Ongoing Achievement Record (OAR)
UoB Appendix 1 - Confirmation of Mandatory Training
Undertaken/Record of Exposure to Fields of Nursing and
Declaration of Good Health and Character (NMC mandatory
Progression onto the next Part
Remember: If concerns are highlighted at any stage during the placement then the academic
assessor must be informed and an Action Plan completed.
The academic assessor will contact the relevant Practice Liaison Lecturer Team (PLL) to forward
on concerns and to ensure support is given to both student and practice colleagues
Signatory List for Practice Supervisors/Practice Assessors and Academic Assessors
Any Registered professional who writes in the PAD or OAR must complete the appropriate signatories’ page.
This includes the record of orientation, record of communication and/or record of practice hours. The page
can be found at the start of each PAD for the relevant Part
It is the practice supervisor, practice assessor and academic assessor’s responsibility to complete this
Students should remind their practice supervisor, practice assessor and academic assessor that this is a
This is to ensure the university can assure the NMC that correct processes have been followed and that all
practice supervisors, practice assessors and academic assessors are properly up to date and qualified to
verify the student's competence. Those supervisors/assessors who are not registered nurses should
indicate their professional qualification
Example of a completed Signatory List
List of Practice Supervisors
A sample signature must be obtained for all entries within this document
Job Title
Staff Nurse
Ward 2b
Staff Nurse
Rapid Response Team
List of Practice Assessors
A sample signature must be obtained for all entries within this document
Job Title
Senior Staff Nurse
Ward 2b
Charge Nurse
Rapid Response Team
List of Academic Assessors
A sample signature must be obtained for all entries within this document
Job Title
Senior Lecturer
Part 1
Section 1: Preparation for Student Placement
Placement Information
Students should complete these sections prior to the initial interview
Placement Provider:
(e.g. Trust/Organisation)
St Elsewhere Community Trust
Name of Placement Area:
Rapid Response Team
Type of Experience:
Acute Community Placement
(e.g. Community/Ward based)
Placement Telephone number 01234
Placement Contact Email:
Start Date:
. End Date:
No. of Hours
37.5 hours per week
Nominated person to support student and address concerns:
Name: Jack Straw
Designation: Practice Education Facilitator
Contact email address [email protected]
Practice Assessor Details
Name: Sam Makepiece
Designation: Charge Nurse
Contact email address: [email protected]
Academic Assessor Details (for part):
Name: Holly Grey
Designation: Senior Lecturer
Contact email address: [email protected]
This section can be completed by the Practice Supervisor or a designated member of staff in the placement
There are some elements of orientation that must be completed on the first day on placement
as highlighted below*
Risk Assessments/reasonable adjustments should be discussed with the Practice Supervisor and noted
Placement Area 1
Placement Area 2
(if app.)
Name of Placement Area
Name of Staff Member
This should be undertaken by a member
of staff in the Placement Area
The following criteria need to be met within the first* day/week in placement
*A general orientation to the health and
social care placement setting has been
*The local fire procedures have been explained
The student has been shown the:
fire alarms*
fire exits*
fire extinguishers*
*Resuscitation policy and procedures have
been explained Tel: ..........................
*Resuscitation equipment has been shown
and explained
*The student knows how to summon help
in the event of an emergency
The student is aware of where to find local
health and safety
incident reporting procedures
infection control
handling of messages and
other policies
The student has been made aware of
information governance requirements
*The shift times, meal times and reporting sick
policies have been explained.
The student is aware of his/her professional
role in practice.
Policy regarding safeguarding has been
The student is aware of the policy and
process of raising concerns
Lone working policy has been explained (if
Risk assessments/reasonable adjustments
relating to disability/learning/pregnancy
needs have been discussed (where
The following criteria need to be met prior to use
*The student has been shown and given a
demonstration of the moving and handling
equipment used in the placement area
The student has been shown and given a
demonstration of the medical devices used in
the placement area
Practice Supervisors should use the relevant risk assessment documentation for the University and ensure
they follow specific university processes where required. The orientation checklist allows for orientation to
be carried out in two areas as some students may attend more than one area as part of their placement
Initial Interview
This can be completed by a Practice Supervisor (PS) or Practice Assessor (PA). This meeting should take
place within the first week of placement. If completed by the PS they must discuss and agree with
the PA
Student to identify learning and development needs (with guidance from the Practice Supervisor)
Develop Confidence in assessing patients in the community who are acutely unwell
Develop skills in communicating news to relatives/patients about their condition
Practice handing over/referring patients to other HCP’s
Learn more about how the RRT work as an multi-disciplinary team
Taking available learning opportunities into consideration, the student and Practice
Supervisor/Practice Assessor to negotiate and agree a learning plan.
Outline of learning plan
How will this be achieved?
To assess patients (initially under supervision) when
on home visits
Stuart to carry out supervised handover/referral of
Stuart to initially observe communication with
relatives and then to carry out supervised
communication with patients/relatives
Stuart to spend time with each professional body that
makes up the RRT to appreciate their role in the team
Patients will be identified as suitable for assessment
by the relevant HCP and Stuart to be supported in
taking the lead on the assessment/handover/referral
of patient
Communication with relatives/patients will be enabled
initially following conversation with HCP
but latterly initiated by Stuart
Weekly meeting with myself (practice supervisor) to
discuss progression
Off duty will identify opportunities to work alongside
members of MDT
Learning plan for placement agreed by Practice Assessor (where applicable) YES/NO
Student’s Name:
Stuart Marl
Practice Supervisor/Assessor’s Name:
Mark Matthews (PS) / Sam Makepiece (PA)
Section 2. Recording student progress/objectives/feedback
Mid-Point Interview
This is completed by the student and the Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor who will
review progress and if there are causes for concern the Practice Assessor will liaise with the
Academic Assessor and complete an
action plan
The date for the midpoint interview should be identified at the beginning of the placement. This
ensures that both the practice supervisor, practice assessor and student are allocated the same
shift and time is set aside for the interview to take place. Students should prepare for the interview
by completing their self-assessment/reflection on progress. The midpoint interview is an
opportunity for the practice supervisor, practice assessor and student to reflect on the first half of
the placement, review all feedback both whilst planning for the second part of the placement. This
meeting should be an opportunity for the student to discuss their documented reflection on their
learning, including their strengths and developments linking to learning outcomes and
professional values.
Advice for Students
Advice for students:
Your reflection should include evidence to support your self-assessment. Give examples of how
you’ve demonstrated appropriate knowledge, professional values and essential skills.
Learning Needs
Am I meeting my personal learning needs set at the beginning of
How am I achieving these?
What professional values have I achieved and how?
What professional values need developing?
What Proficiencies have I achieved and how?
What Proficiencies need developing?
Advice for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors:
Consider the following areas for discussion and review
Learning Needs
Is the student meeting their personal learning needs that they set at
beginning of placement?
What evidence supports this?
Has there been any concerns/interruptions that has hindered this?
What professional values is the student achieving?
What professional values need developing?
What evidence supports both of these points?
What Proficiencies is the student achieving?
What Proficiencies need developing and why?
What evidence supports both of these points?
Student’s self-assessment/reflection on progress
Reflect on your overall progression referring to your personal learning needs, professional values and
proficiencies. Identify your strengths and document areas for development.
I have been assessed and achieved some of the proficiencies around communication, assessment and recognition
of deterioration. I have practiced handing over to other staff, but still feel under confident especially when
talking to relatives about the patient’s condition
I have been given opportunities to practice the skills of assessment and communication, but find the lack of
knowledge about patient’s medications and conditions difficult. I am also struggling with discussing the
deterioration of the patients with the patient and their relatives
Attitudes and values:
I believe that I act in a professional manner at all times. There have been a couple of times when I have
been late due to bus timetables and I have spoken about this with my practice supervisor and a plan has
been formed as to how to contact the placement if this happens again
Practice Assessor’s comments
Discuss with the student their self-assessment and comment on their progression using the criteria for
Assessment in Practice Descriptors, detailing evidence used to come to your decision.
Stuart has been working hard to develop his knowledge of the more common conditions encountered on this
placement. He needs to develop confidence in this new knowledge to help him communicate more effectively
with other HCP’s, patients and relatives. We have agreed that Stuart needs to understand commonly used
medications in more detail
Stuart is developing clear and empathetic communication skills with patients and relatives, but lacks
confidence in his abilities. He is good at picking up on non-verbal cues. More practice will help Stuart to
overcome his nervousness at handover
Attitudes and values:
Stuart recognizes his limitations, although does need to step out of his comfort zone at times to develop
further. There have been 3 occasions of lateness and 2 of absenteeism and Stuart and I have discussed
this and agreed that if this happens again he is to text both Mark and myself, so that we are aware of a)
his personal welfare and b) when he will be on duty
Following the Mid-Point interview the student is to identify their learning and development needs
for the remainder of the placement and negotiate with their Practice Assessor how these will be
Learning and development needs
How will these be achieved?
Gain more confidence in handing over to other HCPs,
especially medical profession using SBAR
To develop knowledge on commonly used drugs
Stuart to spend time with each professional body that
makes up the RRT to appreciate their role in the team
To ensure communication about attendance is maintained
Observe trained staff communicating with other
agencies plus be prepared to take the lead more
frequently. Be open to receiving feedback.
Stuart to be provided with a list of common encountered
medications and to develop cue cards around these to
help with knowledge and understanding
Off duty will identify opportunities to work alongside
members of MDT
Must attend every shift as planned to ensure learning
objectives are met
Student’s Name:
Stuart Marl
Practice Assessor’s Name:
Sam Makepiece
Any outstanding learning and development needs are to be discussed and documented at the final
Final Interview
This is completed by the
student and the Practice Assessor
who will review progress and confirm
achievement. At the end of the interview the Practice Assessor must complete the checklist for assessed
Student’s self-assessment/reflection on progress
Reflect on your overall progression referring to your personal learning needs, professional values
and proficiencies. Identify your strengths and document areas for development.
I believe that I have learnt a lot from this placement and know more about conditions such as COPD,
Chronic Asthma, Diabetes and Heart Failure. I still need to know more about drugs.
I still feel under confident about discussing patient’s conditions with relatives and at handover. I have
enjoyed improving my skills in assessment and clinical decision making and have achieved proficiencies in
these, although have been frustrated at times when I am not allowed to do things independently
Attitudes and values:
I believe that I have been professional at all times, although I know there are concerns expressed about
my attendance and appearance. I have spoken to Mark about these and he is aware of why I have
struggled with both of these things
Practice Assessor’s comments
Discuss with the student their self-assessment and comment on their progression using the criteria
for Assessment in Practice Descriptors, detailing evidence used to come to your decision.
Stuart has developed his knowledge well regarding COPD and Diabetes but could still develop more
knowledge in the management of heart failure. This is partly because Stuart has been absent for a number
of shifts towards the end of this placement. He also did not engage in the development of cue cards
regarding medications as agreed
Due to lack of attendance Stuart has not really had the opportunity to develop his handover skills and gain
confidence in this, which is a shame as he demonstrated good potential at the start of this placement to
achieve this
Attitudes and values:
Professional Value No’s 14 and 15 has not been met despite discussions at mid-point and an action
plan drawn up in the 2
part of the placement to help Stuart meet this. Stuart (when present on
placement) shows a willingness to learn and participate in care, but over the latter part of the
placement his attendance has remained sporadic, and when present his appearance is disheveled and
uniform is stained and unclean
Practice Assessor to identify specific areas to take forward to the next placement
Attendance needs to be addressed and Stuart is to meet with his Personal Tutor and Student Support
on return to uni to review the issues he has raised with myself and Mark his Practice Supervisor
Stuart needs to develop his knowledge on medications and continue to develop his skills on
communication with HCP’s and handover of patients
Student Advice
Use this section to identify specific learning opportunities that you feel would help you develop during
your next practice learning experience. Revisit the advice for mid-point interview to help with this
Practice Assessor Advice
Use this section to summarise areas the student has achieved and any areas of non-achievement. Revisit
the advice for mid-point interview to help with this. There should be an action plan completed at this time
if the student has not achieved any outcome
See Page 28 for more about Action Plans
Checklist for assessed documents
The professional value statements have been signed at both Mid-Point
and Final Interview
The relevant proficiencies/skills that the student has achieved in this area
(where applicable) have been signed
The practice placement hours have been checked and signed
All the interview records and development plans have been
completed and signed as appropriate
The Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessor have printed and
signed their name on the appropriate list at the beginning of the
The Practice Assessor has completed the Ongoing Achievement Record
Student’s Name:
Stuart Marl
Practice Assessor’s Name:
Sam Makepiece
Additional Signature (If Applicable e.g. Academic Assessor)
Holly Grey
Service User/Carer Feedback
Below is an example of 1 of the 4 forms that can be used
Advice for Students
The student will reflect on the feedback provided by the patient/service user/carer
and discuss the outcomes, including any changes to practice that need to be made
which can be included in the interviews or in an Action plan.
Advice for Practice Supervisors/Practice Assessors
Please obtain consent from patients/service users/carers/families, who should feel
able to decline to participate. The practice supervisor/practice assessor should offer the
service user the option of completing the service user feedback themselves, or offers to
complete it with them. It is important that the student receives feedback from a service user
on every placement if possible. There may well be instances where service user feedback is not
appropriate and practice supervisors/practice assessors should use their discretion with this
Record of working with and learning from others/inter-professional working
Student Reflection: Reflect on your learning in outreach/short placements or with members of the
multi-disciplinary team who are supervising your learning and summaries below:
Student Name:
Practice Supervisor’s Comments:
Practice Supervisor Name:
Student Reflection: Reflect on your learning in outreach/short placements or with members of
the multi-disciplinary team who are supervising your learning and summaries below:
Student Name:
Practice Supervisor’s Comments:
Practice Supervisor Name:
Advice for Students
Students should reflect on their learning when working with members of the multi- disciplinary
team and document this. Additional learning experiences (such as undertaken through spokes)
should reflect learning that is in addition to the usual day to day learning experiences available
in a placement area. All additional learning experiences should be undertaken through
discussion with your practice supervisor to ensure they are appropriate for your level of learning.
There is no set time period for an additional learning opportunity. The length is dependent on
the experience being undertaken, but must be discussed and agreed by your practice supervisor.
Advice for Practice Supervisors/Practice Assessors/Other Designated Registered Health Care
The Practice Supervisor or designated other Registered Health Care Professional will
discuss the student’s reflection on their learning from others and provide relevant
feedback to the Practice Assessor as appropriate. The Practice Assessor will review
documented records where the student has worked with other health and social care
professionals and incorporate into assessment where appropriate.
Record of peer feedback
Feedback is an essential part of the learning process. Through engaging in peer review and
receiving feedback from a number of peers, students are exposed to a greater diversity of
perspectives as well as enabling students to develop skills in peer review and feedback. (NMC,
2018 5LMNCWIT 5.8, 5.9)
These records can be completed by peers i.e. other students who have worked alongside you or
have had the opportunity to discuss you’re learning needs with you. If you have facilitated a
teaching session on placement you can use the form below to obtain feedback
Peer feedback
Name: Programme/year:
Signature: Date:
Record of communication/additional feedback
These records can be completed by Practice Supervisors, Practice Assessors, Academic Assessor
or any other members of the team involved in the supervision and/or assessment of the student.
Communication/additional feedback
Advice for Students
Students can seek feedback from staff members they have been working with on a daily basis
as this will be useful feedback for their mentors/ supervisors
Advice for Practice Supervisors/Practice Assessors/Academic Assessors and Others
If students require additional advice, support or development of action plans then these meetings
should be recorded here. For example; after the mid-point interview if identification of additional
needs re student progression has been identified then please record the meetings here but fill
out an action plan as per usual practice
Levels of Expected Supervision and Achievement dependent on Part
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
The decision on the level of supervision provided for students should be based on the needs of the
individual student. The level of supervision can decrease with the student’s increasing proficiency and
confidence. (NMC, 2018, p 5). This should be taken into account when assessing the students against the
proficiencies and episodes of care/medicine management for the relevant part. This is achieved in
combination with the criteria below.
Criteria for Assessment Achieved MUST be obtained across all 3 components to pass the element under
Part 1: Guided participation in Care
Attitudes and Values
Is able to identify the appropriate knowledge
base required to deliver safe, person centred
care under with some guidance.
In commonly encountered
situations is able to utilise
appropriate skills in the delivery
of person centred care with
some guidance.
Is able to demonstrate a
professional attitude in delivering
person centred care.
Is not able to demonstrate an adequate
knowledge base and has significant gaps in
understanding, leading to poor practice
Under direct supervision is not
able to demonstrate safe
practice in delivering care
despite repeated guidance
and prompting in familiar
Inconsistent professional
attitude towards others and
lacks self-awareness. Is not
asking questions nor engaging
with own learning needs.
Part 2: Active participation in care with minimal guidance and increasing confidence
Attitudes and Values
Has a sound knowledge base to
support safe and effective practice
and provide the rationale to support
decision making.
Utilises a range of skills to deliver
safe, person centered and evidence
based care with increased confidence
and in a range of contexts
Demonstrates an understanding
of professional roles and
responsibilities within the
multidisciplinary team. Maximizes
opportunities to extend own
Has a superficial knowledge base and
is unable to provide a rationale for
care, demonstrating unsafe practice
With supervision is not able to
demonstrate safe practice and is
unable to perform the activity and/or
follow instructions despite repeated
Demonstrates lack of self-
awareness and understanding of
professional role and
responsibilities. Is not asking
appropriate questions nor
engaged with their own learning
Section 3: Principles for Assessment
Guided participation
in care and
performing with
confidence and
Active participation in
care with minimal
guidance and performing
with increased
confidence and
independently with
minimal supervision
and leading and
coordinating care
with confidence
Part 3: Leads and coordinates care
Attitudes and Values
Has a comprehensive knowledge-base to
support safe and effective practice and can
critically justify decisions and actions using
an appropriate evidence-base.
Is able to safely, confidently
and competently manage
person centered care in both
predictable and less well
recognised situations,
demonstrating appropriate
evidence based skills.
Acts as an accountable
practitioner in responding
proactively and flexibly to a
range of situations. Takes
responsibility for own learning
and the learning of others.
Is only able to identify the essential
knowledge-base with poor understanding of
rationale for care. Is unable to justify
decisions made leading to unsafe practice.
With minimal supervision is not
able to demonstrate safe
practice despite guidance.
Demonstrates lack of self-
awareness and
professionalism. Does not take
responsibility for their own
Remember -
If the student’s performance gives cause for concern at the mid-point interview or
at any point during the experience feedback must be given and an action plan written to
enable the student to address this prior to the final interview. The Practice Assessor must
communicate with and involve the Academic Assessor in this process.
Advice for Students
Students are continually assessed. To pass a proficiency students must demonstrate Knowledge, Skills and
Attitudes and Values appropriate to the Part (see above). To help with this consider the following:
Need to participate in activities that involve the proficiencies you want to be assessed in
Need to demonstrate knowledge by providing evidence of supportive reading/learning for the
proficiencies to be achieved
Actively seek feedback from other HCP’s who you have worked with in support of the
proficiencies you want to achieve.
Ensure feedback is documented under either Peer Support or Record of working with and
learning from others/inter-professional working
Can discuss with the PS PA examples from practice that they have participated in to meet the
relevant proficiency
Students may wish to keep a record of participation with reflection as a tool as an aide memoire.
Advice for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors
The levels of expected supervision and achievement provide guidance of expected performance that a
student should be working towards achieving by the end of the respective part. Use this in conjunction
with the Criteria for Assessment relevant to the Part to assist in the decision making process regarding
progression and achievement. Evidence should be sought via the various feedback mechanisms as
discussed on pages 12-14 of this guide. To help with this consider the following points:-
Have you tested the students’ knowledge and understanding appropriate to the part?
Has the student demonstrated appropriate professional values?
Have you observed/tested the student preforming the proficiency/episode of care?
Have you received testimonial from patients/service users/carers/relatives?
Have you received feedback from other members of staff
Is all the above documented?
Assessment of Professional Values
Advice for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors
Assessment of professional values is a continuous process and practice supervisors and practice
assessors should provide specific evidence of where standards are being met / not met at the midpoint
and end of placement, or more frequently if required.
Students should be assessed on ALL professional values during EVERY PLACEMENT
Students are required to demonstrate high standards of professional conduct at all times during their
placements. Students should work within ethical and legal frameworks, and be able to articulate the
underpinning values of The Code (NMC, 2015). Professional Values reflect a number of proficiency
statements and are captured under the 4 sections of The Code.
The Practice Assessor has responsibility for assessing Professional Values though the Mid-Point review,
which can also be completed by a Practice Supervisor in liaison with the Practice Assessor
Student achievement: Important information if student is not maintaining
competence of assessed elements
Where other components have been assessed and achieved e.g. a proficiency assessed at the beginning
of the Part, the student needs to demonstrate continued competence and confidence in the proficiency.
Professional Value statement 8 enables the assessor to ensure and record that the student is meeting
this requirement
If the student is not achieving any aspect of professional values this must be identified as a
development need with the student. If it continues, an action plan will be required.
Action plans should reflect specific areas of concern and be completed as early in the placement as
possible to ensure the student has the maximum time and opportunity to develop. If there are any
issues/areas for concern, these must be recorded as ‘Not Achieved’ and must trigger an Action Plan.
The joint Action Plan must involve the Practice Assessor and Academic Assessor and/or delegated
representative from the student’s university e.g. Practice Liaison Lecturer/Link Lecturer.
Advice for Students
Assessment of Professional Values is done via continuous assessment and feedback is given
and documented at mid-point and end point interviews. However feedback can be given at
any time if required using the record of communication/feedback sheets.
Students must provide a comment on how they felt they had achieved the value at any point
during the placement but are advised to have reflected upon at least a third of all the
Professional Values by midpoint and then to have completed all by final interview
Exemplar of Professional Values to be assessed
Yes = Achieved, No = Not Achieved (Refer to Criteria for Assessment in Practice)
Prioritise people
1. The student maintains confidentiality in accordance with the NMC
2. The student is non-judgmental, respectful and courteous at
all times when interacting with patients/service users/carers
and all colleagues.
Practice effectively
6. The student maintains consistent, safe and person- centered
practice based on best available evidence.
7. The student manages appropriate and constructive relationships
within the inter-disciplinary team with the intent of building
professional relationships.
8. The student makes consistent effort to engage in and reflect on
their learning, contributing to their own professional development
and supporting the learning and development of others.
Preserve safety
10. The student demonstrates openness (candour), trustworthiness and
11. The student reports any concerns to a member of staff when
appropriate e.g. safeguarding.
Promote professionalism and trust
14. The student’s personal presentation and dress code is in accordance
with the local policy.
15. The student maintains an appropriate professional attitude regarding
punctuality and communicates appropriately if unable to attend
Mid-point assessment
Practice Supervisor Name: Mark Matthews
Reviewed and agreed by Practice Assessor
Practice Assessor Name: Sam Makepiece
End point: Student reflection on meeting Professional Values
Choose one example from your practice on this placement to demonstrate how you practice within the
NMC Code of Conduct (ensure confidentiality is maintained). For each placement, please select a different section of The
Code to reflect on
Reflection on No 1 Confidentiality I have observed and am aware of the need to obtain patient permission prior to
discussing a patient’s condition with a relative. This can be hard at times when the relative insists on knowing and the
patient does not want them told. I came across this with an elderly patient who had cancer and was insistent that their
daughter should not know. The daughter was not happy and was threatening to complain, the RN sat down with the
daughter and discussed sharing of information. In the end the daughter understood.
Student Name: Stuart Marl Signature:
Final assessment - please add comments on Final Interview Page
Practice Assessor Name: Sam Makepiece Signature:
Assessment of Proficiencies
The proficiencies “apply to all registered nurses, but the level of expertise and knowledge required will
vary depending on the chosen field(s) of practice”. (NMC, Future Nurse, 2018, p22, 26)
Assessment of Proficiencies are undertaken across the Part. These can be assessed in a range of
placements but need to be assessed as Achieved (YES) at least once by the end of the Part. If a proficiency
is assessed as Achieved (YES) early in the Part it is expected that the student maintains that level of
competence and can be re-assessed in subsequent placements at the Practice Assessor’s discretion.
Professional Value No 8 can be used if a student does not maintain competency of a proficiency
Proficiencies include skills and procedures, and should be assessed within the field of practice
that the student is undertaking. However, when considering the person’s age and a range of
mental, physical, cognitive and behavioural health challenges, the student can learn and be
assessed across different health and social care settings.
The Grade Descriptors are ‘Yes’ (This proficiency has been achieved), ‘No’ (this proficiency has not been
achieved). Refer to Criteria for Assessment in Practice for further details. Some of the proficiencies may be
met within simulated learning as per the individual university’s policy. Hyperlink
Proficiencies marked with an * can be met in either Part 2 or Part 3; please refer to the OAR to
confirm achievement of these.
Achievement of Proficiencies:
As student’s progress through each part of the programme the proficiencies will vary by number and level
of difficulty. For example in Part 1 = 29; Part 2 = 22; Part 3 =27. There are 14 Proficiencies that can be
achieved in either Part 2 or Part 3 (92 in total)
Advice for Students
Students are continually assessed. To pass a proficiency students must demonstrate Knowledge, Skills and
Attitudes and Values appropriate to the Part. To help with this consider the following:
Need to participate in activities that involve the proficiencies you want to be assessed in
Need to demonstrate knowledge by providing evidence of supportive reading/learning for the
proficiencies to be achieved
Actively seek feedback from other HCP’s who you have worked with in support of the
proficiencies you want to achieve.
Ensure feedback is documented under either Peer Support or Record of working with and
learning from others/inter-professional working
Can discuss with the PS PA examples from practice that they have participated in to meet the
relevant proficiency
Students may wish to keep a record of participation with reflection as a tool as an aide memoire.
Advice for Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors
The levels of expected supervision and achievement provide guidance of expected performance that a
student should be working towards achieving by the end of the respective part. Use this in conjunction
with the Criteria for Assessment relevant to the Part to assist in the decision making process regarding
Part 3
Participates in
assessing needs
and planning person-centered
Participates in
assessing needs
and planning person-centered
care with increased confidence
Confidently assess needs and
plans person-centered care
Participates in
providing and
evaluating person-
centered care
Participates in
providing and
evaluating person-
centered care with
increased confidence
Confidently delivers and
evaluates person-centered care
Participates in procedures for the
planning, provision and
management of person-
centered care
Participates in procedures for
the planning, provision and
management of person-
centered care with increased
Confidently manages the
procedure in assessing,
providing and evaluating care
Participates in
improving safety and
quality of person-
centered care
Participates in improving safety
and quality of person-centered
care with increased confidence
Confidently contributes to
improving safety and quality
person-centered care
Participates in the co-
ordination of person-
centered care
Participates in the co-ordination
of person-centered care with
increased confidence
Confidently co-
ordinates person-
centered care
If a student does not achieve a Proficiency by the end of a Part
It must have been discussed between the student, practice supervisor and practice assessor
that a student is struggling to achieve a proficiency. The academic assessor must have been
notified early on in the process. An Action Plan must also be completed to allow every
opportunity for the student to achieve.
A decision regarding not-achievement is made at the final interview on the final placement and
recorded as ‘Not Achieved’. Practice Assessors should record this by writing an ‘NO’ in the box.
They should then date and sign the assessment and record this in the ‘Learning and
Development Needs’ page in the PAD (part of the final interview paperwork)
progression and achievement. Evidence should be sought via the various feedback mechanisms
as discussed on pages 12-14 of this guide. To help with this consider the following points:-
Have you tested the students’ knowledge and understanding appropriate to the part?
Has the student demonstrated appropriate professional values?
Have you observed/tested the student preforming the proficiency/episode of care?
Have you received testimonial from patients/service users/carers/relatives?
Have you received feedback from other members of staff
Is all the above documented?
In Addition Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessors are advised to consider these under
the 5 clusters as many are related and can be achieved in combination. Also remember when
that a number of the proficiencies can be achieved whilst undertaking an Episode of Care
Summative Assessment with a Practice Assessor
Example from the proficiencies
The individual completing the assessment should draw on a range of observed experiences in which the students demonstrates the required
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to achieve high quality person/family-centered care in an increasingly confident manner, ensuring all
care is underpinned by effective communication skills.
Please remember that students do not have to be assessed on every proficiency in every placement, but if assessed and passed must maintain
that competence
Participates in assessing needs and planning person-centered care with increased confidence
YES = Achieved, NO = Not Achieved
Assessment 1
Assessment 2
Assessment 3
Assessment 4
1. Support people to make informed
choices to promote their wellbeing
and recovery, assessing their
motivation and capacity for change
using appropriate therapeutic
interventions e.g. cognitive
behavioural therapy techniques.
(2PHPIH 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, A2.7, A 3.6)
2. Apply the principles underpinning
partnerships in care demonstrating
understanding of a person’s capacity
in shared assessment, planning,
decision- making and goal setting.
(1BAP 1.9, 2PHPIH 2.9, 3ANPC 3.4, 4
PEC 4.2)
* 3. Recognise people at risk of
self-harm and/or suicidal ideation
and demonstrates the knowledge
and skills required to support
person-centred evidence-based
practice using appropriate risk
assessment tools as needed. (3ANPC
3.9, 3.10, 4PEC 4.11)
Those marked with an * can be assessed in Part 2 or Part 3. Please record in OAR as well on achievement
Summative Assessments I (Completed by Practice Assessors Only)
Episodes of Care
Episodes of Care are holistic assessments which enable the student to demonstrate
progression across a number of platforms and must be achieved by the end of the Part.
Effective communication and relationship management skills underpin all aspects of care.
This assessment must be completed by a Practice Assessor
Part 1:
- Episode of direct care meeting the needs of a person receiving care.- can be
completed by Practice Supervisor who must feed back to the Practice Assessor
- Episode of direct care meeting the needs of a person receiving care.
Part 2:
: Episode of Care 1 - group of people receiving care or individual with complex care
: Episode of Care 2 - group of people receiving care with increasingly complex
health and social care needs.
Part 3:
: Episode of Care 1 - Supervising and teaching a junior learner in practice, based on
the delivery of direct person-centered care.
: Episode of Care 2 - organisation and management of care for a group/caseload of
people with complex care covering all seven platforms.
The Student and Practice Assessor should identify an appropriate time and patient to complete
an Episode of care. The discussion should include expectations based on the Levels of Expected
Supervision and Assessment Criteria against the Learning outcomes for that Episode of Care. In
addition recognition of the proficiencies that also could be included within the assessment
should also be identified.
Advice for Students
This is a summative assessment and therefore 1 attempt is allowed to achieve this assessment per
placement. If an Episode of Care is undertaken in placement and not achieved then a 2
Opportunity to
retake the assessment will be given in Placement 2
To pass an Episode of Care assessment students must demonstrate Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes and
Values appropriate to the Part (see page 15 ). To help with this consider the following:
Familiarise themselves with the Aims and Learning Outcomes for each Episode of Care as each
one is different
Discuss with your Practice Supervisor about having Formative assessments on the Episode of
Care this is built into Part 1, but is good practice for students to do this in Part 2 and Part 3
Need to participate in activities that relate to the Episode of Care you are being assessed in
Need to demonstrate knowledge by providing evidence of supportive reading/learning for the
proficiencies to be achieved
Actively seek feedback from other HCP’s who you have worked with in support of the
proficiencies you want to achieve.
Remember -
If the student’s performance gives cause for concern at the mid-point interview or
at any point during the experience feedback must be given and an action plan written to
enable the student to address this prior to the final interview. The Practice Assessor must
communicate with and involve the Academic Assessor in this process.
Advice for Practice Assessors
This is a summative assessment and therefore 1 attempt is allowed to achieve this assessment per
placement. If an Episode of Care is undertaken in placement and not achieved then a 2
Opportunity to
retake the assessment will be given in Placement 2
The levels of expected supervision and achievement provide guidance of expected performance that a
student should be working towards achieving by the end of the respective part. Use this in conjunction
with the Criteria for Assessment relevant to the Part to assist in the decision making process regarding
progression and achievement. Evidence should be sought via the various feedback mechanisms as
discussed on pages 12-14 of this guide. To help with this consider the following points:-
Have you tested the students’ knowledge and understanding appropriate to the part?
Has the student demonstrated appropriate professional values?
Have you observed/tested the student preforming the proficiency/episode of care?
Have you received testimonial from patients/service users/carers/relatives?
Have you received feedback from other members of staff
Is all the above documented?
In addition; Remember that an Episode of Care will also meet a number of Proficiencies, so please review
and complete as required
An integral component of the assessment is the student reflection on the delivery of care
being assessed so make sure you complete it fully and at the time of the assessment.
Exemplar of completed student reflection
Student reflection on an episode of care
Within your reflection describe the episode of care and how you assessed,
planned, delivered and evaluated person-centered care.
I undertook a holistic assessment of a patient who had just been referred to the
Rapid Response Team. I undertook a full set of observations and completed the
referral paperwork.
I ensured that the patient was happy to be assessed, explaining the process before
starting it. I also asked whether she wanted anyone with her during the
assessment. I checked her peak flow and blood glucose level, and asked her about
any medications that she took. I also asked the patient what she thought the
problem was, so I could hear it in her own words.
After the assessment, on discussion with my Practice Assessor, we decided on a
plan of care to manage the patient’s chest infection and prevent re-admission to
hospital. I contacted the physiotherapist (who is part of the team) and asked for
an urgent assessment by them and used SBAR to help me do this. I discussed with
the patient about getting help at home for meals and support with personal needs,
which she agreed to and this was arranged. I also arranged for the prescription of
antibiotics to be delivered. Finally I arranged a follow-up review with the patient
for the next day
What did you do well?
I communicated well with the patient and struck up a rapport which she stated
made her feel comfortable. I remembered to think about additional assessments
such as peak flows and CBG’s
What would you have done differently?
I should have led the discussion with my practice assessor regarding what I
thought should happen for the patient, instead of being hesitant to suggest ideas,
which in hindsight were correct
Describe how you have begun to work more independently in the provision of care
and the decision making process.
Now I am familiar with the assessment process I am using my initiative and
starting elements of it without prompting from my supervisor/assessor.
I am initiating conversations with patients and relatives. I am not waiting to be
asked to make referrals but confirming with my supervisor that I will be taking the
lead on this and then doing it
What learning from this episode of care could be transferred to other areas of
To have more confidence in my knowledge and abilities and to put myself forward
and suggest care more freely
Need to learn more about chest auscultation and maybe spend a day with the
Exemplar of completed assessment feedback by Practice Assessor
Practice Assessor feedback
Based on the student’s reflection, your observation and discussion of the episode of care, please assess and comment on the following:
YES = Achieved No = Not Achieved (Refer to Criteria for Assessment in Practice)
Promoting health
Applies knowledge of healthy lifestyle choices in relation to the
person/persons physical health,
mental health and wellbeing. e.g. smoking cessation. (2PHPIH
2.1, 2PHPIH 2.4, A2.8)
Stuart recognised that the patient’s COPD was not well controlled at the moment and
recognised that the patient was requiring more frequent nebulizers to support her breathing.
He also recognised that this was impacting on her ability to feed and care for herself which
in turn would also impact upon her ability to get better
Assessing needs and planning care
Accurately undertakes a comprehensive assessment and
identifies need and plans care for
a range of health needs. (3ANPC 3.2, 3ANPC 3.3)
Stuart initiated and completed a full assessment on the patient, using his initiative by adding
in peak flow assessments and review of medications. Stuart also managed to obtain a sputum
sample which helped with the decision making for the patients plan of care. Planning care,
Stuart (when prompted) came up with some good ideas about what was required for the
Providing and evaluating care
Demonstrates safe, compassionate, person- centered, evidence
based care that respects and maintains the person/persons dignity
and human rights when managing a range of commonly
encountered presentations e.g. anxiety, pain, restlessness,
confusion. (4PEC 4.4, 4PEC4.5
Stuart’s demeanor and use of non-verbal communication skills immediately put the patient at
ease. He communicated clearly and accurately with the patient and included her in the
planning of care, making sure her wishes were heard and understood
Improving safety and quality of care Accurately undertakes
risks assessments and demonstrates an understanding of local
and national frameworks for managing and reporting risks. (6
ISQC 6.1, 6ISQC 6.7)
Stuart recognised the vulnerability of the patient in not being able to maintain her self-care at
home and initiated a referral to the Help at home services. Stuart completed the appropriate
risk assessment forms clearly and completely
Leading nursing care and working in teams Uses effective
communication skills to manage the care of a small group of
people/individuals with complex care needs, demonstrating the
ability to prioritise care recognising when and whom to
refer/delegate to as appropriate. (1BAP 1.11,
5LMNCWIT 5.4, 5.5, 7CC7.5)
Stuart used the SBAR tool well when referring the patient to the physiotherapist. Clear
written documentation on the referrals to home support and in the nursing documentation
were also completed
If any of the Standards are ‘Not Achieved’ this will require a re-assessment and the Academic Assessor must be informed
Student’s signature:
Date: 12/4/2019
Practice Assessor’s signature:
Date: 12/4/2019
Summative Assessments II (Completed by Practice Assessors Only)
Medicine Management
The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate the student’s knowledge and competence in administering
medications safely. Students Must familiarise themselves with the learning outcomes for the assessment
and practice time can be sought with the Practice Supervisor prior to summative with the Practice Assessor
The student and the Practice Assessor should identify the appropriate placement to complete this
assessment. As there is only one opportunity for assessment the planning should take this into
consideration to maximise the learning for the student. The student should be allowed a number
of practice opportunities to administer medicines under supervision prior to this assessment
YES = Achieved No = Not Achieved
Is aware of the patient/service user’s plan of care
and the reason for medication demonstrating
knowledge of pharmacology for commonly
prescribed medicines within the practice area.
Prepares medication safely checks
expiry date.
Notes any special
Communicates appropriately with the
patient/service user. Provides clear and accurate
information and checks understanding.
Calculates doses accurately and safely.
Demonstrates to assessor the
component parts of the calculation.
Minimum of 3 calculations undertaken.
Understands safe storage of medications in the care
Checks and confirms the patient/service
user’s identity and establishes consent.
(ID band or other confirmation if in
own home)
Maintains effective hygiene/infection control
Administers or supervises self-
administration safely under direct
Verifies that oral medication has been
Checks prescription thoroughly.
Right patient/service user
Right medication
Right time/Date/Valid period
Right dose/last dose
Right route/method
Special instructions
Describes/demonstrates the
procedure in the event of reduced
capacity and non-compliance
Safely utilises and disposes of equipment.
Maintains accurate records.
Records, signs and dates when safely
Monitors effects and is aware of
common side effects and how these are
Checks for allergies demonstrating an
understanding of the risks and managing these as
Asks patient/service user.
Checks prescription chart or identification
Uses appropriate sources of information
e.g. British National Formulary
Offers patient /service user further
support/advice/education, including
discharge/safe transfer where appropriate
An Action Plan should be completed if there is cause for concern in relation to the student’s performance. For example, failure
to achieve components of assessment such as Professional Values.
If a student requires an Action Plan, the Practice Assessor should liaise with the Academic Assessor and is responsible for
reviewing progress and ensuring support and learning is available. Depending on the HEI and the practice placement’s policy,
the Practice Assessor may have to inform the nominated person on placement.
Use the SMART principle to action planning:
S - Be specific about your action(s)
M- Ensure your action(s) is measurable with a clearly defined outcome
A- Make sure your action(s) is achievable. Is it an appropriate outcome for your stage of study?
R- Check that your action(s) is realistic taking account of your time, ability and resources
T- Make sure your action(s) is time restricted. Set an achievable time frame with deadlines and milestones to check progress.
Checklist for what to do when an Action Plan is required
Section 4: Action Planning
Identified by
Practice Assessor
or Practice
Practice Assessor
concern with
Concern is
documented as
values or
either at the mid-
point interview
or in the Record
Practice Assessor
Informs the
Depending on HEI
- Academic
Assessor or
nominated other
will liaise with
the Practice
Assessor and
Student to create
an agreed action
Action Plan is
and signed by all
Agreed review
date is set
Exemplar of a Completed Action Plan
Placement Name Rapid Response Team Date action plan initiated: 29
May 2019
Nature of concern
Refer to Professional Value(s),
Proficiency and/or Episode of Care
What does the student need to
demonstrate; objectives and
measure of success (Measurable,
Achievable and
Support available and who
is responsible
Date for
Professional Value 14
The Student’s personal presentation and dress
code is in accordance with the local policy
Professional Value 15
The student maintains an appropriate
professional attitude regrading punctuality
and communicates appropriately if unable to
attend placement
Stuart must attend placement with a
clean uniform for every shift
Stuart must comb his hair and ensure
fingernails are clean and short for every
Stuart must attend on time every pre-
agreed shift for the remainder of the
If Stuart is unwell, then he must follow
university policy regarding notifying
placements and the university for absence
Stuart must provide his practice
supervisor access to the attendance sheet
so that attendance can be recorded
Stuart is responsible to
ensure this occurs
Support is available from his
personal tutor and student
support at university
Practice supervisor and/or
practice assessor will
monitor compliance
Stuart is responsible to
ensure this occurs
Support is available from his
personal tutor and student
support at university
Practice supervisor and/or
practice assessor will
monitor compliance
Weekly and at end
of placement
Date: 13/6/2019
Comments: Stuart has not
fully addressed the reasons for
his attire and poor attendance.
This is to be further
investigated on return to Uni
by his personal tutor and
Student support
Stuart will need to
demonstrate better attendance
and professional attire at his
next placement
Student’s Name:
Stuart Marl
Practice Assessor
Practice Assessor’s Name: Sam Makepiece
Name: Sam Makepiece
Academic Assessor’s Name: Holly Grey
Ongoing Achievement Record
The Ongoing Achievement Record
(OAR) summarises the student’s achievements in each
placement and with the Practice Assessment Document (PAD) provides a comprehensive record
of professional development and performance in practice across all 3 parts
The Practice Assessor
completes the summary page at the end of each placement. At the end
of each Part they must also complete the progression statement.
Also listed in the OAR is the Achievement of those proficiencies that can be completed in
either Part 2 or Part 3. The Practice Assessor needs to complete this at the end of Part 2
identifying those proficiencies not met and needing to be achieved in Part 3. The Practice
assessor will also need to do this at the end of Part 3 at which point all Proficiencies MUST
have been achieved.
The Academic Assessor
confirms the completion of each placement, adds comments and at
the end of each Part completes the progression statement.
Organisation/Placement Provider:
St Elsewhere Community Trust
Name of Practice Area:
Rapid Response Team
Type of Experience:
Acute Community Placement
Telephone/email contact:
01234 56789/
Start Date:
. End Date:
No. of Hours
37.5 hours per week
Summary of students strengths and areas for further development:
Stuart is capable of being an active and positive member of the nursing team. When engaged he demonstrates
motivation to learn and can apply knowledge to his practice and is very patient-centric in his nursing care. Stuart
needs to work on his confidence and challenge himself more, but this will only be achieved if he fully attends
placements and engages with the feedback process.
Has the student achieved the professional values? Yes/No
Has the student achieved the agreed proficiencies? Yes/No
Has the student achieved their agreed learning and development needs? Yes/No
Has the student completed the required hours? Yes/No
Has an Action Plan been put in place (if yes See PAD Document) Yes/No
Student’s Name:
Stuart Marl
Practice Assessor’s Name:
Sam Makepiece
Academic Assessors Comments/Review of PAD document:
(This can be completed following the final review)
The personal tutor will be following up with Stuart (appointment has been arranged) to discuss concerns raised in
practice. The action plan written needs to be carried forward for his next placement and this will be discussed with his
next practice supervisor/assessor
Holly Grey
Date: 20/6/2019
Section 5 Ongoing Achievement Record (OAR)
Progression Statement for Part 1 and Part 2
To be completed at the end of each part by the Practice Assessor and the Academic Assessor
End of Programme Statement (Part 3)
To be completed by Practice Assessor and the Academic Assessor
UoB Appendix 1:
Confirmation of Mandatory Training Undertaken/Record of Exposure to Fields of Nursing and Declaration of
Good Health and Character (NMC mandatory requirement)
This is a student self-declaration document that MUST be completed by all Students prior to Summative
submission for each Part.
It is an NMC/NHS mandatory requirement that the following information is recorded;
Safe Medicate
Basic Life Support
Moving and Handling
MH students PMVA training (Part 1 only)
Adult Students Maternity Package of care e-learning (once by the end of Part 3)
Declaration of Good Health and Good Character
This will be verified by Module Leaders at moderation, that the elements have all been completed.
Failure to complete the document or meet the elements will result in a refer for the module and the
process outlined below will be followed
The record of exposure to other fields is not a mandatory requirement, but is seen as good practice and
provides evidence to your practice supervisors and assessors of the ranges of experience you have had
Progression onto the next Part
Over the page is the process regarding submission and exam board decisions
What happens if a student does not meet the requirements on summative submission at first
*For full explanations of these terms please refer to the course handbook
Fully completed all elements at summative
UoB Mandatory Requirements (Appendix 1 OAR) not
*Refer with Conditional Progression UoB
Mandatory Requirements must be met by end of
next placement
Professional Values not completed but all other
elements met
*Refer with Conditional Progression Professional
values must be met by end of next placement
8 or more proficiencies not achieved
*Refer and Repeat Stage with attendance in
placement to complete outstanding elements
Episode of Cares and /or Medicine Management not
*Refer and Repeat Stage with attendance in
placement to complete outstanding elements
Area Exam Board (AEB) following summative submission
External Examiner reviews a % of PADs and OARs (including all referrals)
Result ratified as pass or refer
No further attempt required
Unconditional progression
(if all other modules passed)
One further attempt permitted*
Conditional progression /
repeat stage with or without
No further attempt permitted No
*Unless previous attempt deferred following upheld mitigating circumstances
Please refer to the Course Handbook and Student Central Assessment Information for full details and
information on assessment regulations, examination boards and mitigating circumstances.
Before start of placement
Student undertakes practice learning preparation at University
Student to contact placement to confirm start date, hours and practice supervisor
Initial Interview
Student to meet with practice supervisor to negotiate initial learning and development needs Student
and practice supervisor develop a learning plan to include reasonable adjustments (as applicable)
Student and practice supervisor agree date for mid-point interview
Mid- Point Interview
Student and practice supervisor review progress with learning plan/professional values/proficiencies and
summative assessments. The interview should be conducted with input from the practice assessor
Any concerns about student learning or progress MUST be referred primarily to the academic assessor, who will
liaise with practice assessor, PLL and/or Practice Education Facilitator (PEF). The concerns MUST be documented
with an action plan and review date(s)
Final Interview
Student and practice assessor review overall progress, achievement of summative assessments and feedback from
other staff in placement
Practice assessor completes all relevant sections in the PAD and OAR in prior to review and confirmation by the
academic assessor
End of placement
Student to submit PAD and OAR (submission dates listed in the Practice Learning for Nursing module site on
Student Central).
Academic assessor reviews submitted documentation and provides feedback
Module lead to moderate the PAD and OAR following summative submission
Course Exam Board (CEB) following summative submission
Student profile reviewed and decision on progression to next academic year or course completion taken