Pre-authorized Tax Payment Plan
Authorization Agreement
I/we, the undersigned, hereby authorize The Corporation of the City of London and the financial institution
identified below (or any other financial institution I/we may authorize at any time) to draw monthly payments
from the account (identified below) payable to The Corporation of the City of London for payment of property
taxes and amounts added to the tax roll.
Please print or type your responses.
Residence telephone number
Daytime telephone number
Property address
Mailing address (if different from property address)
Property account number
Financial Institution
Name of institution
Type of service
Business use
Chequing account number
Authorizing Signature(s)
Note: If more than one signature is required for the account, all must sign this agreement.
Signature 1
Signature 2
E-mail address
Send this completed form and a VOIDED cheque to:
Finance Division, City of London
PO Box 5256
4th Floor, Room 407
300 Dufferin Avenue, London ON N6A 5M6
Pre-Authorized Payment Plan Terms & Conditions
All taxes due prior to the starting month must be paid prior to the starting month.
Telephone no:
(519) 661-4540
Monthly payments for variable property tax amounts will be debited to your specified account on the last
business day at City Hall for the months of January to October for each year (or such later day as may be
specified on a written notice).
You will be sent 10 days written notice of all property tax amounts to be debited to your bank account.
You certify that your taxes are fully paid to date and that your bank account is in good standing with
sufficient funds to cover pre-authorized payments as they come due.
If more than one signature is required on cheques issued against the account, all depositors must sign the
If a payment cannot be cleared, or if supplementary taxes or invoices added to your account are unpaid
you will automatically be removed from the Pre-authorized Payment Plan and billed for the amount
The City of London will levy a service charge (plus applicable interest) for any payment that cannot clear
your account.
If you wish to cancel your Pre-authorized Payment Plan -- or need to change information such as your bank
account details -- simply provide the City of London Tax Office with written notice at least 30 days in
advance of your next payment date. To obtain a sample cancellation form, or for more information on your
right to cancel this agreement contact your financial institution or visit
You have certain recourse rights if any debit does not comply with this agreement. For example, you have
the right to receive reimbursement for any debit that is not authorized or is not consistent with this Pre-
Authorized Debit Agreement. To obtain more information on your recourse rights contact your financial
institution or visit
Notice of Collection of Personal Information:
The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O.
2001, c. 25, and will be used to process your application to set up a pre-authorization tax payment plan.
Questions about this collection should be addressed to the Manager, Customer Service & Assessment, Finance &
Corporate Services at 300 Dufferin Ave., London, ON N6A 4L9. Tel: 519-661-4540
Form no. 0814 (rev.2018.11)
Please select month to start Pre-Authorized Payments:
January March June July
It means eliminating the chore of writing
cheques and ensuring your payment
reaches City Hall by the due date. You’ll
never have to worry about remembering
to make a payment or the cost of postage
or a possible late fee.
There are no service charges or fees for
enrolling in the plan. All that’s required
is completing and submitting the Pre-
authorized Payment Plan Authorization
Agreement, along with a void cheque.
How does the plan work?
Payments are deducted from your bank
account on the last business day of the
month at City Hall. The payments are
taken over 10 months - January through
to October - and cover the interim and
final tax bills.
There are no payments in November or
December and the program automatically
starts again the following January.
Note: The first five payments (January-
May) will be an estimated, equal monthly
amount. When the amount of the Final
Bill is determined, the monthly payment
may be adjusted. The last five payments
(June- October) reflect the tax rate and
assessment for the year, minus the
payments already received.
Supplementary taxes for new construction
or improvements will not be covered by
the Pre-authorized Payment Plan and
must be paid separately.
Payment Plan
Discover the convenience of the City of London’s
Pre-authorized Payment Plan. This voluntary
plan offers you an easy, time-saving way to have
tax payments automatically deducted from your
bank account.
When can I sign up and when
do payments start?
There are several start dates.
To start in January an application must
be received by the Citys Tax Office by
November 15. Applications received
after November 15 will not be in time
for payment deductions to begin in
To begin the plan in June an
application must be received by the tax
office by May 15. Applications received
after May 15 will not be in time to start
June payment deductions.
To start in March, July, August,
September or October, the property
owner must have an application in the
City Tax Office prior to the first day of
the applicable month and the property
owner must have no past due taxes as
of the first day of the applicable month.
If you miss one of the plan start up
dates you will be required to pay your
regular tax installments until the next
plan start up date.
How do I enrol?
Complete and sign the Pre-authorized
Payment Plan Authorization
Agreement. (It is on the reverse side
with information on the applicable
terms and conditions, along with
points to check in getting your
application ready for submission.)
If you own more than one property,
a separate Authorization Agreement
is required for each property.
Note: In order to participate in the
program, all taxes must be fully paid
to date.
Mark VOID and attach an unsigned
cheque, encoded with your bank
transit number and account
number, to the agreement. Please
use bank accounts only.
Return the completed
agreement and void cheque to: Pre-
authorized Payment Plan, Finance
Division, City of London, 300
Dufferin Avenue, Room 407, PO
Box 5256, London, ON N6A 5M6
or fax these documents
to 519-661-6518. Attention:
Transfer Clerk, or e-mail scanned
documents to [email protected]
You can also obtain an application
form online at or
call our offices at 519-661-4540.
After enrolling, please provide
immediate written notification
of any change in your banking