Future Developments
For the latest information about developments
related to Pub. 597, such as legislation enacted
after it was published, go to www.irs.gov/
What's New
Under Revenue Procedure 2014-55, 2014-44
I.R.B. 753, available at www.irs.gov/irb/
2014-44_IRB/ar10.html, there are new
procedures for electing to defer U.S. tax on
undistributed income from certain Canadian
retirement plans (including RRSPs and RRIFs).
Form 8891 is no longer required to make the
election or to report distributions or earnings on
undistributed income. Revenue Procedure
2014-55 also provides guidance concerning
information reporting with respect to interests in
certain Canadian retirement plans. For more
information, see Tax-deferred plans under
Pensions, Annuities, Social Security, and
Alimony, later.
This publication provides information on the in-
come tax treaty between the United States and
Canada. It discusses a number of treaty provi-
sions that most often apply to U.S. citizens or
residents who may be liable for Canadian tax.
Treaty provisions are generally reciprocal
(the same rules apply to both treaty countries).
Therefore, Canadian residents who receive in-
come from the United States may also refer to
this publication to see if a treaty provision af-
fects their U.S. tax liability.
This publication does not deal with
Canadian income tax laws; nor does it
provide Canada's interpretation of
treaty articles, definitions, or specific terms not
defined in the treaty itself. For questions regard-
ing Canadian taxation, contact the Canada
Revenue Agency at www.cra-arc.gc.ca.
The United States–Canada income tax
treaty was signed on September 26, 1980. It
has been amended by five protocols, the most
recent of which generally became effective Jan-
uary 1, 2009. In this publication, the term “arti-
cle” refers to the particular article of the treaty,
as amended.
Application of Treaty
The benefits of the income tax treaty are gener-
ally provided on the basis of residence for in-
come tax purposes. That is, a person who is
recognized as a resident of the United States
under the treaty, who claims the benefit of the
treaty, and who has income from Canada, will
often pay less income tax to Canada on that in-
come than if no treaty was in effect. Article IV
provides definitions of residents of Canada and
the United States, and provides specific criteria
for determining your residence (a tie-breaker
of the
Publication 597
(Rev. October 2015)
Cat. No. 46597M
Information on
the United
Income Tax
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Oct 07, 2015
rule) if both countries consider you to be a resi-
dent under their domestic tax laws (a dual-resi-
dent taxpayer).
Dual-resident taxpayers who are Canadian
residents under a tie-breaker rule. If you
are a dual-resident taxpayer because you have
a U.S. green card but you determine under the
tie-breaker rule that you are a resident of Can-
ada, you may claim treaty benefits and compute
your U.S. income tax as a nonresident alien.
But you must file a U.S. income tax return by
the due date (including extensions) using Form
1040NR or Form 1040NR-EZ. You must also
attach a fully completed Form 8833,
Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure Under
Section 6114 or 7701(b). For more information,
see Pub. 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens.
Dual-resident taxpayers who are not Cana-
dian residents under a tie-breaker rule. If
you are a dual resident of the United States and
a third country and derive income from Canada,
you can only claim treaty benefits from Canada
if you have a substantial presence, permanent
home or habitual abode in the United States,
and your personal and economic relations are
closer to the United States than to any third
If you are a U.S. citizen or green card holder
living in Canada, you still have to file a Form
1040 and report your worldwide income be-
cause of the “saving clause” in Article XXIX(2),
which allows the United States to tax its citizens
and residents as if the treaty had not entered
into effect. There are limited exceptions to the
saving clause, which means certain types of in-
come may be exempt from tax in the United
States. Exceptions to the saving clause can be
found in Article XXIX, paragraph 3.
Special foreign tax credit rules for U.S. citi-
zens residing in Canada.
If you are a U.S.
citizen and a resident of Canada, special for-
eign tax credit rules may apply to relieve double
tax on income from the United States. See Arti-
cle XXIV(3), (4) and (5). For more information
about foreign tax credit rules generally, see
come Tax Credits, later.
Example. As a U.S. citizen residing in Can-
ada, you have dividend income from a U.S. cor-
poration. Canada will tax you on your worldwide
income, including your U.S. dividend income.
As a resident of Canada under the treaty you
can claim a reduced withholding rate from the
United States on the dividend income (15%)
rather than 30%, and Canada generally allows
you to deduct the U.S. withholding tax from your
Canadian tax on that income. However, you still
need to file a U.S. income tax return and report
your worldwide income, and pay any residual
tax to the United States, to the extent it exceeds
the U.S. tax withheld and the Canadian tax paid
with respect to the income.
Income from self-employment (Article VII).
Income from services performed (other than
those performed as an employee) are taxed in
Canada if they are attributable to a permanent
establishment in Canada. This income is
treated as business profits, and taxable on a net
basis in Canada in accordance with Article
If you carry on (or have carried on) business
in Canada through a permanent establishment,
Canada may tax the profits the permanent es-
tablishment might be expected to make if it
were a distinct and separate person. The busi-
ness profits attributable to the permanent estab-
lishment include only those profits derived from
assets used, risks assumed, and activities per-
formed by the permanent establishment.
You may be considered to have a perma-
nent establishment if you meet certain condi-
tions. For more information, see Article V (Per-
manent Establishment) and Article VII
(Business Profits).
Services permanent establishment (Article
V Paragraph 9). Under paragraph 9 of Article
V, if you, or your enterprise, provide services in
Canada, you may be treated as providing them
through a permanent establishment in Canada
even if you do not have a fixed base in Canada
from which you operate. This rule applies, how-
ever, only if:
1. You are present in Canada for more than
183 days in a 12-month period, and, dur-
ing that period or periods, more than 50
percent of your gross active business rev-
enues consist of income derived from your
services performed in Canada; or
2. Your enterprise provides services in Can-
ada for an aggregate of 183 days or more
in any 12-month period with respect to the
same or connected project for customers
who are either residents of Canada or who
maintain a permanent establishment in
Canada and your services are provided in
respect of that permanent establishment.
This rule applies to tax years beginning af-
ter January 1, 2010.
Personal Services
A U.S. citizen or resident who is temporarily
present in Canada during the tax year is exempt
from Canadian income taxes on pay for serv-
ices performed, or remittances received from
the United States, if the citizen or resident quali-
fies under one of the treaty exemption provi-
sions set out below.
Income from employment (Article XV). In-
come U.S. residents receive for the perform-
ance of dependent personal services in Canada
(except as public entertainers) is exempt from
Canadian tax if it is not more than $10,000 in
Canadian currency for the year. If it is more than
$10,000 for the year, it is exempt only if:
1. The residents are present in Canada for
no more than 183 days in any 12-month
period beginning or ending in the year
concerned, and
2. The income is not paid by, or on behalf of,
a Canadian resident and is not borne by a
permanent establishment in Canada.
Whether there is a permanent estab-
lishment in Canada is determined by
the rules set forth in Article V.
You are a U.S. resident em-
ployed under an 8-month contract with a Cana-
dian firm to install equipment in their Montreal
plant. During the calendar year you were physi-
cally present in Canada for 179 days and were
paid $16,500 (Canadian) for your services. Al-
though you were in Canada for not more than
183 days during the year, your income is not ex-
empt from Canadian income tax because it was
paid by a Canadian resident and was more than
$10,000 (Canadian) for the year.
Pay received by a U.S. resident for work
regularly done in more than one country as an
employee on a ship, aircraft, motor vehicle, or
train operated by a U.S. resident is exempt from
Canadian tax.
Income from self-employment (Article VII).
Income from services performed (other than
those performed as an employee) are taxed in
Canada if they are attributable to a permanent
establishment in Canada. This income is
treated as business profits, and deductions sim-
ilar to those allowed under U.S. law are allowa-
If you carry on (or have carried on) business
in both Canada and the United States, the busi-
ness profits are attributable to each country
based on the profits that the permanent estab-
lishment might be expected to make if it were a
distinct and separate person engaged in the
same or similar activities. The business profits
attributable to the permanent establishment in-
clude only those profits derived from assets
used, risks assumed, and activities performed
by the permanent establishment.
You may be considered to have a perma-
nent establishment if you meet certain condi-
tions. For more information, see Article V (Per-
manent Establishment) and Article VII
(Business Profits).
Public entertainers (Article XVI). The provi-
sions under income from employment or in-
come from self-employment do not apply to
public entertainers (such as theater, motion pic-
ture, radio, or television artistes, musicians, or
athletes) from the United States who receive
more than $15,000 in gross receipts in Cana-
dian currency, including reimbursed expenses,
from their entertainment activities in Canada
during the calendar year. However, this provi-
sion for public entertainers does not apply (and
the other provisions will apply) to athletes par-
ticipating in team sports in leagues with regu-
larly scheduled games in both the United States
and Canada.
Compensation paid by the U.S. Govern-
ment (Article XIX). Wages, salaries, and simi-
lar income (other than pensions) paid to a U.S.
citizen by the United States or any of its agen-
cies, instrumentalities, or political subdivisions
for discharging governmental functions are ex-
empt from Canadian income tax.
The exemption does not apply to pay for
services performed in connection with any trade
or business carried on for profit by the United
States, or any of its agencies, instrumentalities,
or political subdivisions.
Students and apprentices (Article XX). A
full-time student, apprentice, or business
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trainee who is in Canada to study or acquire
business experience is exempt from Canadian
income tax on remittances received from any
source outside Canada for maintenance, edu-
cation, or training. The recipient must be or
must have been a U.S. resident immediately
before visiting Canada.
An apprentice or business trainee can claim
this exemption only for a period of one year
from the date the individual first arrived in Can-
ada for the purpose of training.
Pensions, Annuities,
Social Security, and
Under Article XVIII, pensions and annuities from
Canadian sources paid to U.S. residents are
subject to tax by Canada, but the tax is limited
to 15% of the gross amount (if a periodic pen-
sion payment) or of the taxable amount (if an
annuity). Canadian pensions and annuities paid
to U.S. residents may be taxed by the United
States, but the amount of any pension included
in income for U.S. tax purposes may not be
more than the amount that would be included in
income in Canada if the recipient were a Cana-
dian resident.
Pensions. A pension includes any payment
under a pension or other retirement arrange-
ment, Armed Forces retirement pay, war veter-
ans pensions and allowances, and payments
under a sickness, accident, or disability plan. It
includes pensions paid by private employers
and the government for services rendered.
Pensions also include payments from indi-
vidual retirement arrangements (IRAs) in the
United States, registered retirement savings
plans (RRSPs) and registered retirement in-
come funds (RRIFs) in Canada.
Pensions do not include social security ben-
Roth IRAs. A distribution from a Roth IRA
is exempt from Canadian tax to the extent it
would be exempt from U.S. tax if paid to a U.S.
resident. In addition, you may elect to defer any
tax in Canada on income accrued within the
Roth IRA but not distributed by the Roth IRA.
However, you cannot defer tax on any accruals
due to contributions made after you become a
Canadian resident.
Tax-deferred plans. Generally, income
that accrues in certain Canadian retirement
plans (including RRSPs or RRIFs) is currently
subject to U.S. tax, even if it is not distributed.
However, a U.S. citizen or resident can elect to
defer U.S. tax on income accrued in the plan
until the income is distributed.
The election procedures differ depending on
whether an individual qualifies as an “eligible in-
dividual” as described under Section 4.01 of
Revenue Procedure 2014-55 available at
www.irs.gov/irb/2014-44_IRB/ar10.html. A ben-
eficiary of a Canadian retirement plan is an “eli-
gible individual” if the individual:
Is or at any time was a U.S. citizen or resi-
dent (within the meaning of section
7701(b)(1)(A)) while a beneficiary of the
Has satisfied any requirement for filing a
U.S. federal income tax return for each tax
year during which the individual was a U.S.
citizen or resident;
Has not reported as gross income on a
U.S. federal income tax return the earnings
that accrued in, but were not distributed
by, the plan during any tax year in which
the individual was a U.S. citizen or resi-
dent; and
Has reported any and all distributions re-
ceived from the plan as if the individual
had made an election under Article XVIII(7)
of the Convention for all years during
which the individual was a U.S. citizen or
Eligible individuals are treated as having
made the election in the first year in which they
would have been entitled to defer U.S. tax on
the undistributed income from the plan.
Filing Form 8891 (now obsolete) is no lon-
ger required to make the election. An individual
who has previously made the election on Form
8891 or under the procedures set forth in Reve-
nue Procedure 2002-23 (superseded by Reve-
nue Procedure 2014-55) is not required to file
Form 8891 or a similar statement for tax years
after December 31, 2012.
Individuals who have previously reported
the undistributed income accrued in a Canadian
retirement plan (including RRSP or RRIF) on a
U.S. federal income tax return are not eligible
individuals as described in Revenue Procedure
2014-55 , and must continue to report the un-
distributed income accrued in their Canadian
retirement plan on their U.S. federal income tax
return and pay U.S. tax on the undistributed in-
come. If these individuals want to make the
election, they must seek approval from the IRS.
Revenue Procedure 2014-55 also provides
guidance concerning information reporting with
respect to interests in certain Canadian retire-
ment plans (including RRSPs and RRIFs). How-
ever, the revenue procedure does not affect
any other reporting obligations that a benefi-
ciary or annuitant of a Canadian retirement plan
(including RRSPs and RRIFs) may have, in-
cluding the requirement to file a Form 8938,
Statement of Specified Foreign Financial As-
sets, and FinCEN Form 114, Report of Foreign
Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).
For more information on the election and in-
formation reporting requirements, see Revenue
Procedure 2014-55. Information on FinCEN
Form 114 is available at
Annuities. An annuity is a stated sum payable
periodically at stated times, during life, or during
a specified number of years, under an obliga-
tion to make the payments in return for ade-
quate and full consideration (other than serv-
ices rendered). Annuities do not include:
Non-periodic payments, or
An annuity the cost of which was deducti-
ble for tax purposes.
Special rules. Special rules apply to pensions
and annuities with respect to:
Short-term assignments,
Cross-border commuters, and
Individuals who participate in a Canadian
qualifying plan.
Generally, distributions in such cases are
deemed to be earned in the country in which
the plan is established, without regard to where
the services were rendered.
Social security benefits. U.S. social security
benefits paid to a resident of Canada are taxed
in Canada as if they were benefits under the
Canada Pension Plan, except that 15% of the
amount of the benefit is exempt from Canadian
Alimony. Alimony and similar amounts (includ-
ing child support payments) from Canadian
sources paid to U.S. residents are exempt from
Canadian tax. For purposes of U.S. tax, these
amounts are excluded from income to the same
extent they would be excluded from income in
Canada if the recipient was a Canadian resi-
Investment Income
From Canadian
The treaty provides beneficial treatment for cer-
tain items of Canadian source income that re-
sult from an investment of capital.
Dividends (Article X). For Canadian source
dividends received by U.S. residents, the Cana-
dian income tax generally may not be more
than 15%.
A 5% rate applies to intercorporate divi-
dends paid from a subsidiary to a parent corpo-
ration owning at least 10% of the subsidiary's
voting stock. However, a 10% rate applies if the
payer of the dividend is a nonresident-owned
Canadian investment corporation.
These rates do not apply if the owner of the
dividends carries on, or has carried on, a busi-
ness in Canada through a permanent establish-
ment and the holding on which the income is
paid is effectively connected with that perma-
nent establishment.
Interest (Article XI). Generally, Canadian
source interest received by U.S. residents is ex-
empt from Canadian income tax.
The exemption does not apply if the owner
of the interest carries on, or has carried on, a
business in Canada through a permanent es-
tablishment and the debt on which the income
is paid is effectively connected with that perma-
nent establishment.
Gains from the sale of property (Article
XIII). Generally, gains from the sale of personal
property by a U.S. resident having no perma-
nent establishment in Canada are exempt from
Canadian income tax. However, the exemption
from Canadian tax does not apply to gains real-
ized by U.S. residents on Canadian real prop-
erty, and on personal property belonging to a
permanent establishment in Canada.
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Publication 597 (October 2015) Page 3
If the property subject to Canadian tax is a
capital asset and was owned by the U.S. resi-
dent on September 26, 1980, not as part of the
business property of a permanent establish-
ment in Canada, generally the taxable gain is
limited to the appreciation after 1984.
Royalties (Article XII). The following are ex-
empt from Canadian tax:
1. Copyright royalties and other like pay-
ments for the production or reproduction
of any literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic
work (other than payments for motion pic-
tures and works on film, videotape, or
other means of reproduction for use in
connection with television, which may be
taxed at 10%),
2. Payments for the use of, or the right to
use, computer software,
3. Payments for the use of, or the right to
use, any patent or any information con-
cerning industrial, commercial, or scientific
experience (but not within a rental or fran-
chise agreement), and
4. Payments for broadcasting as agreed to in
an exchange of notes between the coun-
This rate or exemption does not apply if the
owner of the royalties carries on, or has carried
on, a business in Canada through a permanent
establishment and the right or property on
which the income is paid is effectively connec-
ted with that permanent establishment.
This exemption (or lower rate) does not ap-
ply to royalties to explore for or to exploit min-
eral deposits, timber, and other natural resour-
Other Income
Generally, Canadian source income that is not
specifically mentioned in the treaty, may be
taxed by Canada.
Gambling losses. Canadian residents may
deduct gambling losses in the U.S. against
gambling winnings in the U.S. in the same man-
ner as a U.S. resident.
Charitable Contributions
United States income tax return. Under Arti-
cle XXI, you may deduct contributions to certain
qualified Canadian charitable organizations on
your United States income tax return. Besides
being subject to the overall limits applicable to
all your charitable contributions under U.S. tax
law, your charitable contributions to Canadian
organizations (other than contributions to a col-
lege or university at which you or a member of
your family is or was enrolled) are subject to the
U.S. percentage limits on charitable contribu-
tions, applied to your Canadian source income.
If your return does not include gross income
from Canadian sources, charitable contribu-
tions to Canadian organizations are generally
not deductible.
You are a U.S. citizen living in
Canada. You have both U.S. and Canadian
source income. During your tax year, you con-
tribute to Canadian organizations that would
qualify as charitable organizations under U.S.
tax law if they were U.S. organizations.
To figure the maximum amount of the contri-
bution to Canadian organizations that you can
deduct on your U.S. income tax return, multiply
your adjusted gross income from Canadian
sources by the percentage limit that applies to
contributions under U.S. income tax law. Then
include this amount on your return along with all
your domestic charitable contributions, subject
to the appropriate percentage limit required for
contributions under U.S. income tax law. The
appropriate percentage limit for U.S. tax purpo-
ses is applied to your total adjusted gross in-
come from all sources.
Qualified charities. These Canadian or-
ganizations must meet the qualifications that a
U.S. charitable organization must meet under
U.S. tax law. Usually an organization will notify
you if it qualifies. For further information on
charitable contributions and the U.S. percent-
age limits, see Pub. 526, Charitable Contribu-
Canadian income tax return. Under certain
conditions, contributions to qualified U.S. chari-
table organizations may also be claimed on
your Canadian income tax return if you are a
Canadian resident.
Income Tax Credits
The treaty contains a credit provision (Article
XXIV) for the elimination of double taxation. In
general, the United States and Canada both al-
low a credit against their income tax for the in-
come tax paid to the other country on income
from sources in that other country.
For detailed discussions of the U.S. income
tax treatment of tax paid to foreign countries,
see Pub. 514, Foreign Tax Credit for Individu-
Competent Authority
Under Article XXVI, a U.S. citizen or resident
can request assistance from the U.S. compe-
tent authority when the actions of Canada, the
United States, or both, potentially result in dou-
ble taxation or taxation contrary to the treaty.
The U.S. competent authority may then consult
with the Canadian competent authority to deter-
mine if the double taxation or denial of treaty
benefits in question can be avoided. If the com-
petent authorities are not able to reach agree-
ment in a case, binding arbitration proceedings
may apply.
Generally, you should file a competent au-
thority request promptly after a competent au-
thority issue arises or is likely to arise. Under
certain circumstances, a competent authority
request or a treaty notification must be filed
within a certain time limit.
For requirements to file, and information that
should be included in, a competent authority re-
quest, see Revenue Procedure 2015-40,
2015-35 I.R.B. 236, available at www.irs.gov/
irb/2015-35_IRB/ar10.html#d0e1688. Addi-
tional information is available at www.irs.gov/
Your competent authority request should be
addressed to:
Deputy Commissioner (International)
Large Business and International Division
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20224
(Attention: TAIT)
All mail should be sent to this mailing ad-
dress, including regular mail, express mail,
overnight mail, and mail sent by USPS, FedEx,
UPS, or any other carrier.
In addition to a timely request for assistance,
you should take the following measures:
File a timely protective claim for credit or
refund of U.S. taxes on Form 1040X, Form
1120X, or amended Form 1041, whichever
is appropriate. This will, among other
things, give you the benefit of a foreign tax
credit in case you do not qualify for the
treaty benefit in question. For figuring this
credit, attach either Form 1116, Foreign
Tax Credit (Individual, Estate, or Trust), or
Form 1118, Foreign Tax Credit—Corpora-
tions, as appropriate. Attach your protec-
tive claim to your request for competent
authority assistance.
Take appropriate action under Canadian
procedures to avoid the lapse or termina-
tion of your right of appeal under Canadian
income tax law.
Text of Treaty
You can get the text of the U.S.-Canada income
tax treaty at IRS.gov. Enter “Tax Treaties” in the
search box. Click on “United States Income Tax
Treaties–A to Z.”
How To Get Tax Help
You can get help with unresolved tax issues, or-
der free publications and forms, ask tax ques-
tions, and get information from the IRS in sev-
eral ways.
You can access IRS.gov 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
You can call the IRS for help at (267)
941-1000 (not a toll-free call).
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For answers to technical or account
questions, you can write to:
Internal Revenue Service
International Section
Philadelphia, PA 19255-0525
Canadian Taxation
You can get information on Canadian taxation
from the Canada Revenue Agency.
You can access the Canada Revenue
Agency at
You can contact the Canada Revenue
Agency for help at 1-800-959-8281
(from anywhere in Canada and the
United States).
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