Last update – March 2023
Season 2023
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1. Acceptance and modification of the Rules ............................................................................................................. 2
1.1. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of the Rules ............................................................................................2
1.1.1. Teams, Team Staff and Players ..................................................................................................................2
1.1.2. Tournament Organizers ............................................................................................................................2
1.2. Modification of the Rules. ...............................................................................................................................2
1.2.1. Modification of the Rules and BLAST R6 format. .....................................................................................2
1.2.2. Notification. ..............................................................................................................................................3
2. BLAST R6 definition ................................................................................................................................................ 3
2.1. Regions ............................................................................................................................................................3
2.2. Duration ...........................................................................................................................................................4
2.3. Levels of Competition ......................................................................................................................................4
2.3.1. Global Competitions .................................................................................................................................4
2.3.2. Regional competitions ..............................................................................................................................5
2.4. Global Point System .........................................................................................................................................6
2.4.1. Point Distribution ......................................................................................................................................6
2.4.2. Qualification to the Six Invitational ..........................................................................................................6
2.4.3. Tiebreaker rules ........................................................................................................................................6
2.5 Regional Structures ...........................................................................................................................................7
3. Conditions for participation.................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1. Team Licenses in Closed Regional Leagues and Global Competitions .............................................................8
3.1.1. License Requirements ...............................................................................................................................9
3.1.2. License Restrictions ..................................................................................................................................9
3.1.3. License transfer .........................................................................................................................................9
3.1.4. Effect of a License transfer..................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.5. License transfer limitations .................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.6. License Revocation ................................................................................................................................ 10
3.2. Acknowledgment letter (For Teams without a License) ............................................................................... 10
3.3. Player and Team Staff Eligibility .................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1. Compliance with the Rules .................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.2. Age ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.3. Residence ............................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.4. Ubisoft account in good standing .......................................................................................................... 11
3.3.5. No competition suspension ................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.6. Compliance with local labor and immigration laws............................................................................... 11
3.3.7. Absence of Conflict of Interest .............................................................................................................. 12
4. Team Composition, Players Transfers and Roster Registration ............................................................................. 13
4.1. Players’ roles & Roster Definition ................................................................................................................. 13
4.2. Minimum Team composition ........................................................................................................................ 14
4.3. Additional Team composition ....................................................................................................................... 14
4.4. Insufficient number of Players and Stand-in Players .................................................................................... 15
4.5. Roster Lock ................................................................................................................................................... 15
4.6 Player and/or Coach transfers for Teams with a License ............................................................................... 15
4.6.1. Transfer Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 15
4.6.2. Transfer Process ..................................................................................................................................... 16
4.6.3. Transfer Windows .................................................................................................................................. 16
4.6.4. Transfer Limitations and Player Swap .................................................................................................... 17
4.7. Roster Registration and Global Contract Database ...................................................................................... 17
4.7.1. Roster Registration ................................................................................................................................ 17
4.7.2. Global Contract Database ...................................................................................................................... 18
5. Rainbow Six: Siege competitions operation and administration .......................................................................... 18
5.1. Game Rules ................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.1. Match format ......................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.2. Match settings ....................................................................................................................................... 18
5.1.3. Maps and Operators .............................................................................................................................. 19
5.1.4. Tactical Timeouts ................................................................................................................................... 22
5.2. Good sportsmanship Rules ........................................................................................................................... 22
5.3. Competition Rules ........................................................................................................................................ 23
5.3.1. Player Substitution................................................................................................................................. 24
5.3.2. Standardized Competition Rules ........................................................................................................... 24
6. Sanction(s) & Penalties ......................................................................................................................................... 26
6.1 Definition & Scope of Punishment ................................................................................................................ 26
6.2. Notification and enforcement ...................................................................................................................... 27
6.3. Additional Protective & Supportive measures ............................................................................................. 28
6.3.1. Definition ............................................................................................................................................... 28
6.3.2. Process ................................................................................................................................................... 28
7. Prize payment ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
7.1. Recipient and release ................................................................................................................................... 29
7.2. Withholding Taxes ........................................................................................................................................ 29
8. Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
8.1. Reserved Rights ............................................................................................................................................ 29
8.1.1. Exclusive Rights ...................................................................................................................................... 29
8.1.2. Tournament Organizer License .............................................................................................................. 30
8.1.3. BLAST R6 livestreaming policy ............................................................................................................... 30
8.2. Confidentiality .............................................................................................................................................. 30
8.3. Privacy .......................................................................................................................................................... 30
8.4. Teams and Players Name, likeness and logo ................................................................................................ 32
8.4.1. Teams and Players Name & Likeness ..................................................................................................... 32
8.4.2. Teams Logos ........................................................................................................................................... 32
8.4.3. Scope of the License .............................................................................................................................. 33
8.5. No Gambling ................................................................................................................................................. 33
8.6. Sponsorships & Product Placements ............................................................................................................ 33
8.6.1. Sponsorships .......................................................................................................................................... 33
8.6.2. Product Placements ............................................................................................................................... 34
8.7. Approval process .......................................................................................................................................... 34
8.8. Notification process ...................................................................................................................................... 35
ANNEX A - ACKNOWLEDGEMENT LETTER ................................................................................................................ 36
ANNEX B - PENALTY INDEX ....................................................................................................................................... 37
COMPETITIVE PLAY ................................................................................................................................................... 40
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Integrity – Innovation – Discipline
These are the core values of BLAST Rainbow Six defined in Section 2 of this rulebook (“BLAST R6”).
Through these values, UBISOFTs and BLAST’s wish is to operate Rainbow Six: Siege at the forefront of the
esports industry, providing an environment for players and organizations alike to thrive. Through high
standards only can we build an inclusive and fair ecosystem where discipline, hard-work and results are
It is the responsibility of each individual or organization participating in BLAST R6 to uphold these values,
whether they are from UBISOFT, BLAST, a competing organization, a production entity or independent on-
screen talents.
This rulebook applies within the context of BLAST R6 and to any of its affiliated tournaments. This rulebook
aims at providing and codifying a structured and consistent set of global rules and standards enforceable
across all levels of competition for everyone and every organisation partaking in BLAST R6, and in
particular the Teams (the term Teamrefers to any person or entity authorized and eligible to compete
in BLAST R6). Participation in any competitions part of BLAST R6 is conditioned to the acceptance of the
following rules and standards (collectively the “Rules”):
The rules and penalties contained in the present Rulebook, as updated, amended or
supplemented from time to time (the “Rulebook”); and
The Specific Rules issued by each Tournament Organizer for each competition part of BLAST R6,
which will be provided or made available in advance by the applicable Tournament Organizer
(the “Specific Rules”); and
The UBISOFT Code of Conduct: The way we play establishing a set of core guidelines that all
players, partners, and employees must follow when participating in activities associated with
UBISOFT’s products or services, both online and offline (the “Code of Conduct”)
The Rainbow Six: Siege Code of Conduct setting forth the acceptable behavior of each and any
player playing the game Rainbow Six: Siege (theRainbow Six: Siege Code of Conduct”)
The Penalty Index referencing and providing a range of Sanction(s) for any violation of the Rules,
the Specific Rules, the Code of Conduct or the Rainbow Six: Siege Code of Conduct (the Penalty
Index”). Any Sanction(s) issued through the Penalty Index will be without prejudice to any other
sanction which UBISOFT may decide to issue in case of a breach of the Rainbow Six: Siege Code
of Conduct or Ubisoft Terms of Use (“Ubisoft Terms of Use”).
The privacy notice provided for in Section 8.3 titled “Privacy” of the Rulebook, shall also be
read carefully in order to participate in BLAST R6. If any questions arise regarding the way
UBISOFT processes Personal Data as part of BLAST R6, please contact UBISOFT’s Data
Protection Officer: here
Any capitalized term in this Rulebook which is not listed above shall have the meaning ascribed to these
terms in the Rulebook.
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1. Acceptance and modification of the Rules
1.1. Acknowledgement and Acceptance of the Rules
1.1.1. Teams, Team Staff and Players
Each License Holder, Player and Team Staff must read, acknowledge and accept these Rules, and agree
to abide by them at all times in order to remain eligible to participate in BLAST R6. A definition of the term
License Holder, Player and Team Staff may be found in Section 4.1 of this Rulebook. By accepting these
Rules, each of them consents to the Penalty Index and to UBISOFT’s, BLAST’s, and/or the Tournament
Organizer’s authority to issue sanction or sanctions, preliminary conservative measures and/or definitive
sanctions (“Sanction(s)”) in accordance with the Penalty Index, without prejudice to any other sanction
issued under the Rainbow Six: Siege Code of Conduct and UBISOFT’s Terms of Use. The Rules may be
accepted either through the registration process of a BLAST R6 competition or deemed accepted when
a Player or its Team enter and participate into any match of BLAST R6. Players and their Team may not
participate if they do not agree to be bound to these Rules or otherwise do not meet the eligibility
requirements set forth in the Rules.
1.1.2. Tournament Organizers
Any and each Tournament Organizer contracted by Ubisoft and/or BLAST for the operation of a
competition part of BLAST R6 is responsible for abiding to these Rules and may issue Specific Rules when
permitted under this Rulebook.
The term “Tournament Organizerrefers to the entity that organizes the competition and produces the
broadcast of a competition part of BLAST R6 via:
ItsAdministrative Staff”, which refers to the Tournament Organizer’s staff in charge of enforcing
the Rules applicable to BLAST R6, as well as the Specific Rules of the competition taking place.
Administrative staff also serves as a point of contact for Teams regarding any question related to
BLAST R6, and to report any breach to the Rules.
Its Production and Broadcasting Staff“ which refers to the staff employed or contracted to
operate, broadcast or livestream the BLAST R6 or any associated content.
For some competitions of BLAST R6, the Tournament Organizer may be UBISOFT and/or BLAST. In such
case, the Specific Rules will specify which point of contact between BLAST or UBISOFT applies.
1.2. Modification of the Rules.
1.2.1. Modification of the Rules and BLAST R6 format.
In order to ensure that BLAST R6 is operated in accordance with the values conveyed by the Principles of
Esports Engagement set forth by the Entertainment Software Association which UBISOFT is a part of, or
for the protection of any interest that UBISOFT and/or BLAST considers material in order to preserve the
values, legitimacy and integrity of BLAST R6, or in order to comply with any applicable law, UBISOFT
and/or BLAST may amend or supplement these Rules with or without prior notice. UBISOFT and/or BLAST
may also change part of, or the entirety of, the format of BLAST R6 defined in Section 2 with a reasonable
notice before said modified parts of the format are executed upon. The Tournament Organizer may modify
the Specific Rules in accordance with the same principles, subject to UBISOFT/BLAST’s prior review and
approval of such modifications in each instance.
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1.2.2. Notification.
Any modification of the Rules or BLAST R6 format will be communicated or made available to the Teams
either through the update of a revised version of the Rules, through a public blog post linking to a revised
version of the Rules, or by sending an email directly to the Point of Contact designed by each Team.
By default, the License Holder will be the official Point of Contact for Teams with a License, i.e. the only
person able to execute official communications for the Team regarding the prerogatives attached to the
License, while the official Point of Contact for Teams without a license will be the Appointed Team Member
indicated in the Acknowledgement Letter indicated in Section 3.2 (the Point of Contact”). The License
Holder may appoint another staff member of the Team as Point of Contact. The Point of Contact of a Team
shall be limited to one person representing the Team,
Any change in the Specific Rules will be notified by the Tournament Organizer to the Teams in the manner
described in said Specific Rules.
2. BLAST R6 definition
BLAST R6 is a combination of Global and Regional competitions (as further described in Section 2.3), run
across multiple regions of the world, and establishing the official competitive scene of Rainbow Six: Siege.
UBISOFT/BLAST may update the list of eligible countries and regions part of each Region during a Season,
notably to reflect the list of countries and regions under international sanctions (if applicable), and/or to
preserve the continuity and stability of BLAST R6’s operation during a Season.
2.1. Regions
BLAST R6 is composed of 9 Regions. Each region is composed as follows (the “Regions”):
Europe (“EU Region”)
The EU Region includes the following countries and regions:
Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United
Kingdom and Vatican City.
North America (“NA Region”)
The NA Region includes the following countries and regions: Canada and United States of America.
Brazil (“BR Region”)
The Brazil Region includes one country: Brazil
Japan (“JP Region”)
The Japan Region includes one country: Japan
South Korea (“SK Region”)
The South Korea Region includes one country: South Korea
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Hispanic Latin-America Region (“Hispanic LATAM Region”)
The Hispanic LATAM Region includes the following countries and regions: Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador,
Costa Rica, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua,
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru.
Asia Region (“Asia Region”)
The Asia Region includes the following countries and regions: Chinese-Taipei, Thailand, Indonesia,
Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Maldives.
Oceania Region (“OCE Region”)
The Oceania Region includes the following countries and regions: Australia, New Zealand and Polynesian
Middle East and North Africa Region (“MENA Region”)
The MENA Region includes the following countries and regions: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Tunisia, United Arab
2.2. Duration
BLAST R6 will unfold throughout a whole year called a season(the “Season”). Each Season begins in
March and ends after the end of next year’s Off-Season Transfer Window, usually after the Six Invitational.
A Season is composed of two stages (individually a Stageand collectively Stages”), and two off-season
periods. Each Stage culminates in a Major and the Season culminates at the Six Invitational in February.
Season 2023
Stage 1
From March to May 2023
Off-Season 1
From June to August 2023
Stage 2
From September to November 2023
Off-Season 2
December 2023 and January 2024
Six Invitational
February 2024
2.3. Levels of Competition
BLAST R6 includes a variety of Rainbow Six competitions, organized by UBISOFT and/or BLAST and/or
Tournament Organizers contracted by UBISOFT and/or BLAST, and which will take place either at a global
or regional level.
2.3.1. Global Competitions
The Six Invitational. The Six Invitational takes place once a year and closes the annual Season of BLAST
R6, crowning the world champion for that Season. Qualification to the Six Invitational is determined
through the Global Point System which is a global ranking assessing all Teams’ performance during a
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Season of BLAST R6. Twenty teams will qualify to the Six Invitational through the Global Point System.
Majors. The Majors are global tournaments (usually offline) occurring two times a year and establishing
Stage champions in BLAST R6. Each Major is constituted of three phases. Through their performance in
their respective Region each Stage. Teams may qualify to either phase 1 or directly to phase 2 of a Major.
Phase 1: 16 Teams from all nine regions of BLAST R6 will compete in phase 1 of each Major. The 16
teams are selected as follows:
o 2 Teams from EU
o 2 Teams from NA
o 2 Teams from Brazil
o 2 Teams from Japan
o 2 Teams from South Korea
o 2 Teams from Hispanic LATAM
o 2 Teams from Asia
o 1 Team from Oceania
o 1 Team from MENA
Phase 1 of the Major ends with 8 teams qualifying to phase 2
Phase 2: 16 Teams compete in phase 2 of each Major and are selected as follows:
o 8 Teams qualified from Phase 1 of the Major
o 2 Teams from EU
o 2 Teams from NA
o 2 Teams from Brazil
o 1 Team from Japan
o 1 Team from South Korea
In total, 24 teams will compete at each Major.
2.3.2. Regional competitions
Open Regional Qualifiers. Each Stage of a Season, all 9 Regions will feature an Open Regional Qualifier
allowing any eligible Team (see Section 3.3) to compete and attempt to qualify to the Stages Major. Each
Open Regional Qualifier operates independently from one another and may have its own format of
competition. Each Open Regional Qualifier determines which Teams from said Region will compete for a
chance to qualify for phase 1 of the Major in the regions Open Regional League or in the regions Major
Last Chance Qualifier.
Closed Regional Leagues. The EU, NA, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Hispanic Latam and Asia regions will
feature Closed Regional Leagues each Stage of a Season and Major Last Chance Qualifiers. The Closed
Regional Leagues are league-based competitions and determine:
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- which Teams from EU, NA, Brazil, Japan and South Korea qualify directly for phase 2 of the Major;
- which Teams from EU, NA, Brazil, Japan, South Korea and Hispanic LATAM qualify directly for
phase 1 of the Major; and
- which Teams from EU, NA, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, Hispanic Latam and Asia will need to face
Teams from their regions Open Regional Qualifiers in their respective Major Last Chance
Qualifiers, in order to attempt to qualify for phase 1 of the Major.
Each Closed Regional League operates independently from one another and may have its own format of
Open Regional Leagues (OCE AND MENA). The OCE and MENA regions will feature Open Regional
Leagues. Teams from each regions Open Regional Qualifier will qualify to these Open Regional Leagues
where they will compete to qualify for phase 1 of the Major.
More details regarding the BLAST R6 Majors’ competitive structure may be found here.
2.4. Global Point System
The BLAST R6 Global Point System (“Global Point System”) provides a global ranking of all Teams
competing in BLAST R6 each Season in order to determine the twenty Teams that will qualify to the Six
2.4.1. Point Distribution
At the end of each Stage, all Teams who participated in the Stages Major, as well as the best eight Teams
from each Region will be rewarded with points in the Global Point System. The eight best Teams of each
Region are determined differently from one Region to another, as further described in each Regions
Specific Rules (see Section 2.5).
Points are distributed as follows:
2.4.2. Qualification to the Six Invitational
At the end of Stage 2 of each Season, the 20 Teams with the most points will automatically be qualified
for the Six Invitational.
2.4.3. Tiebreaker rules
The following tiebreaker rules shall apply to resolve ties in the event that multiple Teams have the same
number of points in the Global Point System at the conclusion of Stage 2, in order to determine the Teams
qualifying for the Six Invitational.
Page 7 sur 40 Application of the Tiebreaker rules
These tiebreaker rules act sequentially. If there is a set of tied Teams, and a rule can break at least part of
the tie, this rule is applied, and we move-on to the next rule to break the remaining tied teams. (ie: if there
are three Teams tied and the first rule can break the set of three tied Teams into one singleton and a pair
of two Teams who remain tied then the tie is broken for the singleton Team and the other two Teams
proceed to the next tiebreaker rule in order to break their tie if needed, and so on). Head-to-head record
If two or more Teams have the same number of points in the Global Point System, the first tiebreaker is
head-to-head records. To calculate the head-to-head tiebreaker, the Teams who are tied are listed, then
total number of wins, ties, and losses that each Team has against the other Teams involved in the tie is
calculated. The Team who has the best win-rate amongst the set of tied Teams qualifies. Total Major Points
If head-to-head was not able to resolve all ties, then the total Major points (the sum of the points obtained
by a Team at the current seasons Majors) will be calculated for each Team. The Team with the highest
total Major points wins the tie. Percentage of matches won at Majors
If none of the previous rules were able to resolve the ties, the percentage of matches a Team has won at
Majors will be considered. The Team with the highest percentage will win the tie. Percentage of maps won at Majors
If none of the previous rules were able to resolve the ties, the percentage of maps a Team has won at
Majors will be considered. The Team with the highest percentage will win the tie. Percentage of rounds won at Majors
If none of the previous rules were able to resolve the ties, the percentage of rounds a Team has won at
Majors will be considered. The Team with the highest percentage will win the tie. Tiebreaker Match
If none of the previous rules were able to resolve the ties, an additional tiebreaker match will be scheduled
between the tied Teams at a moment decided by the Tournament Organizer. The tiebreaker match will be
played in a Best of 3 format, with standard overtime rules.
2.5 Regional Structures
The structure of competitions in each Region can vary from one to another. Each Regions general
structure of competitions, qualification methods from one competition to another, as well as the formats
of said competitions, are presented the Regions Specific Rules.
The Specific Rules will be accessible in the “Rules Tab of Ubisoft Rainbow Six Esport Website and/or
accessible through the following websites:
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EU Region:
NA Region:
BR Region:
JP Region:
SK Region:
Hispanic LATAM Region:
Asia Region:
OCE Region:
MENA Region:
More details regarding Regional structures may also be found here
3. Conditions for participation
3.1. Team Licenses in Closed Regional Leagues and Global Competitions
Grant of License. Teams competing in Closed Regional Leagues or that have secured points in the Global
Point System during a Season of BLAST R6 will be granted a license, by UBISOFT.
A License is only granted for the duration of a Season and remains valid during that Season as long as the
Team complies with the Rules (“License”).
UBISOFT’s decision to allow a Team to participate into a Closed Regional Leagues is made at UBISOFT’s
discretion based on various factors such as prior competitive performance in BLAST R6, committed efforts
to ensure continuous and stable participation of Players in BLAST R6, and commercial efforts put in place
by each Team to promote BLAST R6 and Rainbow Six: Siege in their respective Region. Reasonably in
advance before the end of a Season, UBISOFT and BLAST will conduct a review process to determine
whether each License granted to Teams in Closed Regional Leagues shall be renewed for the next Season
of BLAST R6.
A License grants ownership of the competitive slot to the Team, within the Closed Regional League or in
the Global Competitions the Team is qualified for, for the duration of the Season. The License includes
the following prerogatives:
Authorization to compete in their respective Closed Regional League and the Global
Competition it has qualified for; and
Eligibility to earn points in the Global Point System; and
Right to request a transfer of License, conditioned to UBISOFT/BLAST’s approval in each
instance as set forth in Section 3.1.3
License Holder. A material condition for a Team to be granted a License is the appointment by the Team
of a License Holder. This License Holder automatically becomes the Teams official Point of Contact with
UBISOFT’s and/or BLAST’s designated Regional esports manager as well as for Tournament Organizer’s
Administrative Staff. The License Holder is the only person authorized to act as a representative of the
Team, and exercise the prerogatives attached to the License. For teams competing in Closed Regional
Leagues, the License Holder cannot be a Player.
The License holder may appoint someone else from its organization as official Point of Contact for the
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Team (usually the Teams Manager). The Point of Contact can thereon execute all official communications
on behalf of the License Holder (notifications and approval most notably, as specified in Section 8.7 and
8.8) but still requires the License Holder’s final validation to execute operations. UBISOFT/BLAST may
request a change of Point of Contact should a teams Point of Contact not be timely responsive.
Any change of License Holder must be requested in writing (email being sufficient) by the License Holder
to UBISOFT and BLAST’s Regional esports manager and shall be formally approved by UBISOFT and
BLAST by email prior to its effectiveness.
3.1.1 . License Requirements
Legal Entity. In order to be granted a License, an eligible Team must be represented by a legal entity
(association, company …). If a Team becomes eligible to be granted a License at any point during the
Season, then at such time UBISOFT and BLAST may allow a grace period of (60) days for the Team to
meet the legal entity requirement. This grace period may be provided by UBISOFT and BLAST in cases
where failure to have the legal entity created stems from incompressible delays on which the Team has no
control over and despite the Team’s best efforts to have the legal entity created in time.
Proof of such valid legal entity needs to be provided to the Teams regional Tournament Organizers
Administrative Staff and/or to Ubisoft’s and/or BLAST’s Regional esports manager prior to any
participation into BLAST R6.
Teams competing in BLAST R6 with a License must operate Transfer of Player(s) and/or Coach(es) in
accordance with Section 4.6 of this Rulebook.
Specific Rules may also provide additional details regarding UBISOFT, BLAST and/or the Tournament
Organizer expectations in terms of promotional and media obligations to be performed by each Team
with a License as part of their participation into BLAST R6 (e.g. participation into Media Days, posting of
match results on the Teams social media accounts, etc..).
3.1.2. License Restrictions
A Team can only be granted one license at a time to compete in BLAST R6, but a Team may have both a
Main Roster and a Secondary Roster registered in the same Region or in different Regions (as defined in
Section 4.1), provided that both Rosters are not both competing in Closed Regional Leagues.
For sake of Clarity, a Team may not compete, whether through its Main or Secondary Roster, in more than
one Closed Regional League during any given Season. This also applies to Teams whose Secondary Roster
is registered in a different Region from their Main Roster.
In the event that both a Teams Main and Secondary Roster qualify for a Global Competition, whether
through qualification in one Region or two different Regions, only one Roster will be allowed to participate
in said Global Competition. In such event, the Team must decide which Roster advances to said Global
3.1.3. License transfer
A License Holder validly holding a License for its Team can initiate a License transfer with another Team
that does not yet hold a License, provided the acquiring Team complies with the Rules and fulfills the
conditions for participation set forth in Section 3.
Prior to any transfer, the License Holder shall notify UBISOFT and BLAST’s Regional Esports manager of
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its intention to transfer its Team License and all proof of the acquiring teams eligibility (including an
absence of conflict-of-interest statement based on the template provided by UBISOFT and/or BLAST)
must be communicated to the Tournament Organizer officials and/or UBISOFT and/or BLAST. A license
transfer will neither be valid nor enforceable unless formally approved by UBISOFT and BLAST according
to the Approval process set forth in Section 8.7.
3.1.4. Effect of a License transfer
When a License is transferred, the acquiring Team obtains the acquired Team’s current number of points
in the Global Point System, and the acquired Teams ranking in the Closed Regional League if applicable.
If a License transfer occurs while a prize pool payment is due to the acquired License Holder, then the
right to such payment will be automatically transferred to the acquiring License Holder.
3.1.5. License transfer limitations
As a condition for the License transfer to be valid, the acquiring License Holder must maintain the Roster
of Players of the Team of the former License Holder, including both the Main Roster and the Secondary
Roster if such Secondary Roster exists. For sake of clarity, a License Holder may not transfer its License
for the level competition in which its Main Roster partakes without transferring the same License for the
level of competition in which its Secondary Roster partakes in.
UBISOFT shall have sole discretion to allow or decline a License transfer and may impose specific
timeframe and requirements regarding a contemplated transfer of License if required to ensure the
continuity of its league operation and to protect UBISOFT’s esports ecosystem integrity. These additional
requirements may require from the transferring and acquiring organisation an obligation to provide
documentation supporting the ability of the acquiring team to maintain the applicable Roster(s) of the
transferring organization in compliance with the eligibility requirement of the Rules, as well as details
regarding the acquiring Team’s endeavours to market and promote its participation into BLAST R6 should
a License transfer was to be approved by BLAST and UBISOFT. If UBISOFT and BLAST reckon that the
timing of a projected transfer is likely to create instability in BLAST R6’s league operations and continuity,
or if UBISOFT and BLAST determine that the acquiring Team endeavours to promote BLAST R6 are not
aligned with UBISOFT and BLAST needs for BLAST R6, then UBISOFT and BLAST reserve the right to
decline a License transfer at discretion.
Once the transfer is effective and approved by UBISOFT and BLAST, changes to the Roster(s) can be made
during the next transfer window set forth in Section 4.6.3.
3.1.6. License Revocation
UBISOFT reserves the right to revoke a license granted for the Season in case of major or repeated
breaches of the Rules by any of the Teams Players or Teams Staff.
3.2. Acknowledgment letter (For Teams without a License)
All Teams competing in BLAST R6 that are not eligible for a License must be represented by a Player or
Team Staff of said Team by appointing this Player or Team Staff as their appointed representative through
the execution of the Acknowledgment Letter set forth in the Appendix (the “Acknowledgement Letter”).
An Acknowledgement Letter is valid until the end of the ongoing Stage of competition and must be
renewed should the Team want to participate in another Stage of competition during the same Season.
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Through the execution of the Acknowledgment Letter, all members of the Team agree that all Prize
Payments they are owed due to their placement in competitions of BLAST R6 will be made to the
Appointed Team Member indicated in said Acknowledgement Letter.
3.3. Player and Team Staff Eligibility
3.3.1. Compliance with the Rules
Players and Team Staff will be eligible and remain eligible to compete in BLAST R6 with their Team as long
as they agree to be bound to and abide by the Rules, and in particular comply with the eligibility
requirements set forth in this Section 3.3.
3.3.2. Age
Each Player and Team Staff must be 18 years old or older, as stated on their official government issued
documentations, at the time of their first match in BLAST R6 in order to be eligible to participate.
3.3.3. Residence
Any Player competing in BLAST R6 must reside in the Region such Player competes in. Additionally,
UBISOFT, BLAST and/or Tournament Organizers may add extra residency requirements in their Specific
Rules for the Teams participating in specific Regional competitions.
A Team Coach (as defined in Section 4.1) is allowed to perform his role from a different Region its Roster
competes in for online competitions but must be physically present to perform its role for any competition
taking place in an offline environment.
3.3.4. Ubisoft account in good standing
In order to be eligible to participate in BLAST R6 and throughout the entire duration of BLAST R6, Players
and Team Staff may not own or use a Ubisoft account that is not in good standing. The notion of Good
standing” is construed in application of the Rainbow Six: Siege code of conduct and of Ubisoft Terms of
Use and such standing may be verified by UBISOFT from time to time.
Any sanction emitted by UBISOFT on the Ubisoft account of a Player or Team Staff may translate into
Sanction(s) in BLAST R6. Additionally, should any Player or Team Staff own or use another account that is
not in good standing, any sanction to such account may translate into Sanction(s) in BLAST R6 as well.
3.3.5. No competition suspension
A Player and/or Team Staff may not participate or be involved in any competition of BLAST R6 if such
Player and/or Team Staff is subject to a competitive suspension issued by UBISOFT, BLAST or the
Tournament Organizer of said competition.
3.3.6. Compliance with local labor and immigration laws
Participation in any competition of the BLAST R6 is conditioned to the obtention, by each Player and Team
Staff of any necessary official documentation (visas, work permits, governmental authorizations…)
required to comply with applicable local laws where the BLAST R6 competition is held.
UBISOFT, BLAST and/or the Tournament Organizer cannot be held responsible for the failure of a Player
and/or Team Staff and/or Teams failure to secure any required documentation needed to participate in
Page 12 sur 40
a BLAST R6 competition in compliance with applicable law. Teams are responsible for providing to the
Tournament Organizer operating a competition of BLAST R6 with supporting document substantiating the
compliance of their Players and Team Staff with Sections 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 3.3.4 and 3.3.7 at the beginning of
each Season and no later than seven days prior to the Teams first official match of a Season in BLAST R6
or during the Season whenever a new Player is acquired.
3.3.7. Absence of Conflict of Interest
At the time of its registration, prior to any License transfer, and/or upon UBISOFT’s Regional esports
manager and/or Tournament Organizer Administrative Staff request, each Team, regardless of whether or
not they own a License within BLAST R6, must provide an absence of Conflict of Interest” statement
certifying that the Team is not facing a Conflict of Interest. A “Conflict of Interest may include, but is not
limited to:
(i) Joint Control of multiple Teams, or any form of interests in multiples teams in BLAST R6. For
purpose of this definition in this present Section 3.3.7 (i), “Control” means:
The possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to vote five percent (5%) or more of all
interests having voting power for the election of Team owners or any Team representative.
The ownership of a general partnership interest or a limited partnership interest (or other
ownership interest) representing ten percent (10%) or more of the outstanding limited
partnership interests or other ownership interests of such Team.
(ii) A situation where a Player or a Team Staff (such term being defined in Section 4.1) is an
employee, officer, director, agent, contractor or subcontractor performing services or work in
connection with BLAST R6, or representatives of UBISOFT, BLAST or of the Tournament Organizer
and/or of any person or other entity which own or Control, is under the ownership or is under
common ownership or Control of UBISOFT, BLAST or the Tournament Organizer. “Control” under
this present Section 3.3.7 (ii) shall mean the power, through any means, to determine the policies
or management of an entity, whether through the power to elect, appoint or approve, directly or
indirectly, the directors, officers, managers or trustees of such entity or otherwise.
(iii) A situation of collusion where a Player or Team Staff is in a position in which said Player or Team
Staff could interfere and/or benefit financially or otherwise, directly or indirectly, from a decision
to alter the outcome of a match and/or behavior of the Team within a competition of BLAST R6 in
a manner contrary with the integrity and competitive spirit of BLAST R6. A situation of collusion
includes, but is not limited to, undisclosed agreement between two or more parties to deceive
and/or mislead Tournament Organizer’s officials and/or UBISOFT’s and/or BLAST’s Regional
Esports manager or tampering the outcome of a or multiple matches in a competition of BLAST
(iv) Any cluster of clues indicative of a Conflict of Interest identified by UBISOFT or BLAST.
Failure to provide the aforementioned absence of Conflict-of-Interest statement, or in case of any
misrepresentation or deceit on the facts alleged on this absence of Conflict-of-Interest statement, may
lead to Sanction(s), which may include disqualification of the Team from BLAST R6.
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4. Team Composition, Players Transfers and Roster Registration
4.1. Players’ roles & Roster Definition
The License Holder is the person appointed by the Team to exercise the prerogatives attached
to the License mentioned in the conditions set forth in Section 3.1.
The term “Playersrefers to all players (Starters or Substitutes) part of either the Main Roster or
the Secondary Roster of a Team (collectively thePlayers”)
The Term “Roster” refers to a group of 5 to 7 Players (5 Starters and up to 2 Substitutes) registered
to compete in a competition of BLAST R6 and which may be either the Main Roster or the
Secondary Roster. The Term “Rosters” refers collectively to the Main and the Secondary Roster of
a Team.
A Teams “Main Roster shall either mean the unique roster that a Team has registered for
participation in the BLAST R6 or, for Teams that have elected to constitute a “Secondary Roster”,
its roster of Players that partakes in the highest level of competition within BLAST R6 during the
A Teams Secondary Rosteris a Roster competing at a level of competition that is lower than
the Team’s Main Roster level of competition. A Secondary Roster can exist within the same Region
as the Main Roster, or within a different Region, and is subject to the restrictions outlined in
Section 3.1.2.
A “Starter” is a Player of a Teams Roster. Any Roster must have 5 Starters to be validly registered
to compete in any given competition. As a general rule, the 5 Starters of a Roster shall be the ones
playing in BLAST R6 matches by default.
A “Substitute” is a Player of a Teams roster. Any Team may register up to 2 substitutes per Roster
(see Section 4.3). A Substitute can replace one of the Teams Starters in a match as outlined in
Section 5.3.1.
The termSupport Staff” shall mean any person employed or contracted by the Team whose role
is to directly or indirectly assist the Players through their participation in BLAST R6. Team Support
Staff may for example be an analyst, psychologist, physical trainer, social media manager, content
creator, nutritionist, etc.
The term “Team Coach” shall refer to the person responsible, in the Team, for assisting Players in
their in-game preparation for competition, as well as supporting them during their participation
in official matches of BLAST R6.
The term “Team Manager shall refer to the person responsible, in the Team, for assisting Players
in the administration and logistics of their participation in BLAST R6. He is usually the most
appropriate person to be appointed as Team Point of Contact instead of the License Holder
“Team Staff”
The term Team Staff shall refer collectively to the Team Coach(es), Team Manager and
Support Staff.
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4.2. Minimum Team composition
Each Team shall always have the following Team composition during the Season in order to remain eligible
to participate in BLAST R6 (roles can be cumulated unless specified otherwise):
One License Holder (only for Teams competing with a License) or one Appointed Team Member
(only for Teams competing with an Acknowledgement Letter); and
Five Players constituting the Starters of the Main Roster of a Team. Except for Teams that are
contractually bound to UBISOFT to maintain their Roster at all times during the Season, this
obligation to maintain the Main Roster does not apply if said Roster is not competing or qualified
to compete in any esports program of BLAST R6 before the end of the Season.
4.3. Additional Team composition
A Team may have the following additional Team Players and/or Team Staff:
Up to Seven additional Players, depending on the following:
o A team may register up to 2 Substitutes with its Main Roster.
o A Team may constitute a Secondary Roster with 5 different Players from the Starters of its
Main Roster. Those 5 Players will constitute the Starters of said Secondary Roster. For
Team’s whose Main and Secondary Rosters compete in the same Region, 2 of the 5 Starters
of the Secondary Roster may be registered as Substitutes of the Main Roster. The opposite
is, however, not possible, i.e., 2 Starters from the Main Roster may not be registered as
Substitutes of the Secondary Roster. In addition, a Team may register 2 dedicated
Substitutes for its Secondary Roster. The grand total of all Players registered in the Main
and Secondary Roster of a Team cannot exceed 12 Players.
One Team Manager who may serve as Point of Contact with the Tournament Organizer(s) and
UBISOFT and/or BLAST for logistics and league operations purposes.
One Coach per Roster, supporting the Players during official matches in accordance with the
Specific Rules of BLAST R6 competitions the Team partakes in. The status of Coach for a Roster
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gives the Coach the right to request to substitute one of the Starters with a Substitute of the Roster
in an official match. In the event a Starter, due to exceptional circumstances, is not able to play an
official match, with no Substitutes for the Roster available for replacement, the Roster’s Coach may
request the ability to step-in temporarily as a substitute Player himself. A Coach may only step-in
with the Tournament Organizer’s approval and will not be allowed to step-in in case of non-
compliance with all the eligibility conditions set forth in Section 3.3.
Any number of additionalSupport Staff” as the Team sees fit.
4.4. Insufficient number of Players and Stand-in Players
If a Team is not able to have five Players competing in a particular match of BLAST R6, including through
calling a Substitute, or with its Coach stepping-in, the Team can request to have another one of their Team
Staff members replace the unavailable Player. Authorization to compete with a Team Staff member
replacing a Player is subject to Ubisoft and to the Tournament Organizer’s approval.
In the event that a Team is unable to have five Players competing including through calling a Substitute, a
Coach stepping-in or any other Team Staff member, the Team can exceptionally request to play with a
Stand-In Player. A “Stand-In Player” is a person exceptionally authorized to compete with a Team he is
not under contract with, for a limited period of time (a Stand-In Player”) and for the sole purpose of
avoiding the Team forfeiting that match for breach of the Team composition requirements set forth in
Section 4.2. Authorization for a Team to compete with a Stand-In Player is always subject to UBISOFT
and/or BLAST and/or to the Tournament Organizer’s approval and is subject to the following limitations:
Stand-In Players must meet all eligibility requirements presented in Section 3.3. Exception can be
made to the Residence eligibility rule Section 3.3.3 only for offline competitions, and subject to
UBISOFT and/or BLAST and the Tournament Organizer’s approval in each instance.
A Stand-In Player cannot have been registered with another Team that has competed, in the same
Stage of the Season, against the Team he is standing-in for. This applies across all competitions of
A Stand-In Player cannot be registered in the Roster of another Team that is competing in the same
competition he is asked to stand-in for.
4.5. Roster Lock
A Roster is considered locked upon its registration with the applicable Tournament Organizer for a
competition or multiple competitions of BLAST R6. Once locked, no new Player(s) or Coach may be added
to the roster:
For Teams operating with a License: until the beginning of the next Transfer Window
For Teams operating with an Acknowledgement Letter: until the roster exits the competition or
becomes eligible to obtain a License.
4.6 Player and/or Coach transfers for Teams with a License
4.6.1. Transfer Rules
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Any transfer of a Player and/or Team Coach from a Team (with or without a License) to a Team with a
License, or any addition of a Free Agent Player to a Team with a License is considered a Player or Coach
transfer. A “Free Agent Player” is an individual who is not contracted by a Team competing in BLAST R6
(“Free Agent Player”). At the beginning of each Stage, Teams with a License shall provide any
documentation set forth in Section 3.3 for all new Players and/or Coach in their Roster (i.e. Players and/or
Coach that weren’t already part of said Team during the previous Stage) to the applicable Tournament
Teams with a License can only execute transfers during the pre-established transfer windows set forth in
Section 4.6.3 and subject to the limitations set forth in the Section 4.6.4.
4.6.2. Transfer Process
Only License Holders are allowed to get in touch with other License holders in order to discuss and/or
initiate transfer of Player(s) and/or Team Coach. License Holders are not authorized to reach out or
contact any Players or Team Staff from another Team with a License for the purpose of a Player transfer.
A License Holder may delegate this right to discuss transfers by appointing one of his or her Team Staff
as its representative for the transfer discussion and negotiation purposes on his or her behalf.
Appointment of said Team Staff shall immediately be notified to UBISOFT’s and BLASTs Regional Esports
Manager and Tournament Organizer officials for the competition the Team competes in.
Breach of this rule will be considered poaching and will be heavily sanctioned within the scope defined by
the Penalty Index.
4.6.3. Transfer Windows
Transfer windows are timeframes during which transfer of Player(s) and/or Coach to a Team with License
may be executed (the “Transfer Windows”). For sake of clarity, discussion and negotiation regarding an
upcoming Transfer of Player outside of the Transfer Window may be initiated, but the execution of such
Transfer may only occur during a Transfer Window. The transfer is considered “executed” once the
acquired Player or Coach and the acquiring Team with a License have agreed to be legally and
unconditionally bound to the participation of the acquired Player or Coach in the Team at the latest at
the end of the Transfer Window, and provided that such transfer is notified by email to UBISOFT, BLAST
and the relevant Tournament Organizer. All relevant parties involved in such Transfer shall be included in
cc in the email sent to the Tournament Organizer and UBISOFT and/or BLAST to notify the execution of
such Transfer.
The Transfer Windows for Season 2023 are as follows:
Season 2023
Mid-Season Transfer
Window 1
From May 15
, 2023, 9 AM CET until August 28
2023, 9 AM CET
Mid-Season Transfer Window
Mid-Season Transfer
Window 2
From November 13
, 2023, 9 AM CET until
November 27
, 2023, 9 AM CET
Mid-Season Transfer Window
Off-Season Transfer
From February 19
, 2024, 9 AM CET until March
, 2024, 9 AM CET
Off-Season Transfer Window
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4.6.4. Transfer Limitations and Player Swap . Mid-Season Transfers
All Transfer Windows, except the last one of each Season (starting in February after the end of the Six
Invitational for that Season) are considered “Mid-Season Transfer Windows”.
During a mid-Season Transfer Window, Teams with License can bring a maximum of two new Players and
one Coach in each of their Rosters. Should new Players be added to the Secondary Roster of a Team with
a License, those Players cannot also be registered as Substitutes of the Main Roster as outlined in Section
4.3. Off-Season Transfers
The last Transfer Window of each Season starting in February after the end of the Six Invitational is
called the “Off-Season Transfer Window”.
During an Off-Season Transfer Window, Teams with a License can change the Coach and/or as many
Players as they want from their Roster(s). Player and/or Coach Swap
Any transfer of a Player and/or Coach from a Teams Main Roster to its Secondary Roster, or vice versa, is
considered a “Player Swap” or a “Coach Swap”.
Player and/or Coach Swaps can only occur during the pre-established transfer windows set forth in
Section 4.6.3 and in accordance with the transfer rules set in Section 4.6.1 :
- During Mid-Season Transfer Windows: Teams with a License are allowed to swap a maximum
of 2 Players and one Coach between their Rosters.
- During the Off-Season Transfer Window: Teams with a License are allowed to swap their
Coach and/or as many Players as they want between their Rosters.
4.7. Roster Registration and Global Contract Database
4.7.1. Roster Registration
At the start of the Season and of any given Stage, each Team must provide to the Tournament Organizer(s)
a list of information regarding its official Roster for the upcoming Stage of competition, as part of a Roster
Registration process. Should a Team with a License have both a Main and a Secondary Roster, each Roster
must be registered separately. This list should include the following information (collectively the Team
For Players and Coach: legal first name, legal family name, Ubisoft ID, role (Player or Coach),
country of residence, birthdate, and contract end date (if applicable).
For License Holders: legal first name, legal family name, email address.
The communication to UBISOFT of the aforementioned Team Data regarding Players’ and or Coachs
availability for a transfer and License Holder contract details constitute a legitimate interest for the
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protection of the integrity of BLAST R6 and a material condition for the Teams participation in BLAST R6.
Any change in such Team Data shall be notified to UBISOFT whenever a change occurs. Team Data for a
given Player, Coach or License Holder contained in the Global Contract Database will be deleted from
the Global Contract Database once said Player, Coach or License Holder leaves BLAST R6.
More information regarding the way Ubisoft processes Team Data (including Personal Data), to enable
Players’ Transfers during the Transfer window, is provided in Section 8.3 of the Rulebook titled “Privacy”.
4.7.2. Global Contract Database
In order to facilitate Player and/or Coach transfers during Transfer Windows, to avoid poaching and
encourage best practices across all Teams with a License, the Team Data regarding Players and/or Coach
availability during a Transfer Windows will be made available to License Holders within a Global Contract
database managed by UBISOFT and BLAST. The Global Contract Database may also be shared with third
party organizations that have expressed a legitimate interest to acquire a License for participation into
an upcoming Stage or Season of BLAST R6.
If a License Holder appoints a Point of Contact to manage Player and/or Coach transfers on its behalf,
access to the Global Contract Database will be granted to the appointed Point of Contact. Any change
of Point of Contact shall be limited in time and notified to UBISOFT, being understood that any access
granted will terminate once the duration of the appointment expires.
The communication to UBISOFT of the aforementioned Team Data regarding Players’ and or Coachs
availability for a transfer and License Holder contract details constitute a legitimate interest for the
protection of the integrity of BLAST R6 and a material condition for the Teams participation in BLAST R6.
Any change in such Team Data shall be notified to UBISOFT whenever a change occurs. Team Data for a
given Player, Coach or License Holder contained in the Global Contract Database will be deleted from
the Global Contract Database once said Player, Coach or License Holder leaves BLAST R6.
More information regarding the way Ubisoft processes Team Data (including Personal Data), to enable
Players’ Transfers during the Transfer window, is provided in Section 8.3 of the Rulebook titled “Privacy”.
5. Rainbow Six: Siege competitions operation and administration
5.1. Game Rules
Rainbow Six Siege is a 5vs5 first-person tactical shooter where two teams compete on various maps and
across multiple rounds by attacking and defending objectives. All competitions of BLAST R6 are played
on PC.
5.1.1. Match format
A Match of Rainbow Six: Siege can be played as a best of 1, best of 2, best of 3 or best of 5 maps depending
on the Specific Rules of the BLAST R6 competition it is part of.
5.1.2. Match settings
The following match settings be applied consistently across all competitions of BLAST R6:
By default, the host of the game should be the observer, an admin or a commentator. Tournament
Organizers may specify otherwise in the Specific Rules but the responsibility of hosting the game
can never fall on one of the Players.
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A game must be hosted on a local server with the following settings for the corresponding match
Best of 1
Match format
Best of 2
Match format
Best of 3
Match format
Best of 5
Match format
Game Mode
Plant duration
Defuse duration
Fuse time
Time of day
HUD settings
Pro League
Pro League
Pro League
Pro League
Number of bans
Ban Timer
Number of rounds
Overtime Rounds
0 or 3
0 or 3
3 or Infinite
Overtime score difference
Overtime role
Objective rotation
Objective type for rotation
Rounds played
Rounds played
Rounds played
Rounds played
Individual Attacker Spawn
Pick Phase timer
Damage handicap
Friendly fire damage
Friendly fire in Prep Phase
Death Replay
Death Duration
5.1.3. Maps and Operators . Map pool
The official map pool for competitive play in BLAST R6 is constituted of 9 maps. At the end of every Stage
of BLAST R6, or of the Season, Ubisoft may change some of the maps in the map pool. Tournament
Organizers and Teams competing in their programs will be notified at least 2 weeks prior to the start of
the next Stage or Season.
The current map pool is constituted of the following maps:
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VILLA Map bans
A match of Rainbow Six: Siege begins with a map ban sequence where both teams alternate banning and
selecting maps of the official map pool in a predefined order that varies depending on the match
format; in order to determine which map is (are) played throughout the match. The following table
presents the sequence of bans prior to a match between team “A” and team “B”, for each match format:
Winner of the coin toss can decide on having side selection for whichever map is selected or decide
which team will ban a map first. The loser of the coin toss gets to make the other decision.
Map ban sequence
Best of
Coin toss, winner either chooses “side selection” once a map is selected or “who bans a map first”.
A Ban – B Ban – A Ban – B Ban – A Ban – B Ban – A Ban – B Ban – Map played
Best of
Coin toss, winner either chooses “side selection” once a map is selected or “who bans a map first”. “Side
selection” goes to the other team for the second map.
B Ban – A Ban – B Ban – A Ban – B Ban – A Map pick – B Ban – B Ban – B Map pick
Best of
Coin toss, winner either chooses “side selection” once a map is selected or “who bans a map first”. “Side
selection goes to the other team for the second map. New coin toss to determine who gets side
selection” for the decider map.
A Ban – B Ban – A Ban – B Ban – A Pick – B Pick – A Ban – B Ban – Decider
Best of
If the format of the competition this is used for features a Single Elimination bracket: coin toss, winner
chooses either side selectiononce a map is selected or “who bans a map first”. “Side selectiongoes
to the other team for the second map. New coin toss to determine who gets “side selection for the
decider map.
A Ban – B Ban – A Pick – B Pick – A Ban – B Ban – A Pick – B Pick – Decider
If the format of the competition this is used for features a Double Elimination bracket, the team coming
from the Upper Bracket (UB Team) choses the map ban sequence out of the 3 options below. Side
selection on the first 4 maps goes to the team that didn’t chose that map, a coin toss will determine who
gets “side selectionfor the decider map.
1. UB Team Pick / LB Team Ban / UB Team Ban / LB Team Pick / UB Team Ban / LB Team Ban / UB
Team Pick / LB Team Pick / Decider
2. LB Team Ban / UB Team Ban / LB Team Pick / UB Team Pick / LB Team Ban / UB Team Ban / LB
Team Pick / UB Team Pick / Decider
3. UB Team Ban / LB Team Ban / UB Team Pick / LB Team Pick / UB Team Ban / LB Team Ban / UB
Team Pick / LB Team Pick / Decider
In each of those ban sequences, should any map go to Overtime, the team that didn’t get “Side Selection
on said map, will get “Overtime Side Selection”.
Page 21 sur 40 Operators, gadgets, equipment or attachments
Every new operator released in Rainbow Six: Siege is available for competitive play in BLAST R6 upon
Ubisoft reserves the right to ban specific operators, as well as gadgets, equipment or attachments they
may have, from time to time, in order to guarantee a fair competition, and if UBISOFT reckons that it
contains a bug, creates imbalance or has a game-breaking effect on competitive play. Tournament
Organizers are responsible for notifying all Teams competing in their programs of such ban once notified
by UBISOFT. Cosmetics
During BLAST R6 competitions’ official matches, Players can only use the battle dress uniforms
and headgears listed below. All others battle dress uniforms and headgears are banned from use
in competitive play:
Operator’s default skins
Pro League skins (gold sets)
Pro teams branded cosmetics
Esports Programs’ cosmetics
For sake of clarity, permitted operator battle dress uniforms and headgears that aren’t operators’ default
skins nor pro teams branded are listed in ANNEX C.
Weapon skins, weapon charms and operator background cards are not subject to any restriction.
Drone skins and operator gadget skins are all forbidden in competitive play. Players can only use the
default drone and operator gadget skins.
UBISOFT reserves the right to update the list of prohibited cosmetics at any point during the Season and
will inform teams of any such update through the relevant Tournament Organizer. Usage of bugs or in-game exploits
The list of bug exploits or in-game exploits that are prohibited from being used in any competition of
BLAST R6 is indicated below and will be updated by UBISOFT from time to time. Any bug exploits or in-
game exploit not currently indicated in this list shall be escalated to UBISOFT and/or BLAST and/or the
Tournament Organizer so that UBISOFT can investigate as to whether such bug exploits, or in-game
exploit must be barred from usage in any competition of BLAST R6.
These are known unintended mechanics that have been approved for use in BLAST R6 and, unless a new
variation or change impacts these, Teams may implement them.
Using equipment or defusing through a destructible surface
Destroying a hatch with the defuser on it to cause it to fall and deactivate (resulting in a win for the
defending team)
Smoking through walls
Hibana’s pellets, Aces SELMA charges and Thermites exothermic charges can be placed
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These are known unintended mechanics that have been banned for use in BLAST R6 and, at minimum, will
carry an immediate round loss and/or further Sanction(s).
Any position that Players can get their operator, drones or gadgets to, and out of, by passing
through any object, wall or surface, resulting in the operator, drone or gadget not being seen as
they normally should.
Any position that Players can get their operator, drones or gadgets to, and out of, only through the
help of one or multiple of their teammates clustering around them (through 3D models collisions)
Any behavior or action that Players can perform to create a situation where they can see or shoot
at an opponent without the opponent being able to see them or attack/shoot at them as they
normally should.
Standing on a window ledge undetected
Blocking window vaulting with a destructible shield
Shooting through what is intended to be non-destructible items including walls, floors, ceilings and
other objects or surfaces.
Placing any equipment or gadget in a place where it cannot be destroyed
Vaulting on ledges and proning to reach normally inaccessible spots
Vaulting onto skylight windows
5.1.4. Tactical Timeouts
Tactical Timeouts are short pauses in the flow of a game that can be requested by a Coach. In order to
request a Tactical Timeout, the Coach needs to notify the referee or tournament administrator at the end
of a round, or during the first 15 seconds of the operator pick phase. Upon notification, the game will be
paused and a 45 second timer will start during which the Coach will be allowed to communicate with
Players of his or her Team. A referee or tournament administrator will be listening to the communications
between the Players and their Coach for the entire duration of the timeout. Once the 45 seconds have
elapsed, the communication between the Coach and the Players will automatically be cut-off, and the
game will resume.
Each Team may request one Tactical Timeout per map during any given match. Timeouts that are not used
do not carry over to the next map and are lost.
When one Team requests a Tactical Timeout, the other Team also benefits from having their Coach
allowed to communicate with their Players and will be subject to the same restrictions.
5.2. Good sportsmanship Rules
Additionally, to all rules and mechanics established in Rainbow Six: Siege, competitive play in BLAST R6 is
subject to the following good sportsmanship rules:
Teams and Players are expected to perform and play at their best at all times during any match,
and to avoid any behavior inconsistent with principles of honesty, and fair play
Intentional teamkilling is strictly forbidden
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Spawnkilling (defined by killing an opponent within the first 2 seconds of the action phase of a
round) is strictly forbidden
5.3. Competition Rules
Each competition of BLAST R6 may be operated by different Tournament Organizers, or by UBISOFT
and/or BLAST themselves for certain part of BLAST R6. Depending on the location, duration and format
of the competition, rules pertaining to the organization of BLAST R6 competitions may vary. The
Tournament Organizer is responsible for the establishment of guidelines and rules on the topics identified
in this section and must make such rules and guidelines available to Teams before the start of the
competition they oversee. In the event where there is an ambiguity, conflict or inconsistency between
competitions Specific Rule and the rules contained in this Global Rulebook, the rules contained in the
Global Rulebook shall prevail. This order of precedence may not however be applied retroactively and
shall only be applied for future matches and/or situations.
Tournament Organizer’s responsibility
Staff Role
Identification and communication to the Teams of all Tournament Organizer Administrative
Staff role in order to facilitate organizational and logistical communications.
Listing and communication of all Players’ equipment required to compete in offline events
and competitions of BLAST R6, with an indication each time on the equipment provided by
the Tournament Organizer and the equipment that Players shall bring themselves to
The Tournament Organizer shall also establish and indicate in advance any limitation
regarding the access of the Players to their equipment throughout their participation in
All Tournament Organizers in charge of offline events must establish and maintain a
submission and validation process for all Player’s equipment used in BLAST R6 competitions
they operate.
Third party
program usage
For offline play, establishment of a submission and validation process for any drivers or third-
party program necessary for the use of the equipment brought by Players if such driver or
third-party program is allowed. Tournament Organizers will be responsible for supervising
the installation and usage of those programs or drivers.
Tournament Organizers may require or allow usage of a specific third-party program for the
management of the BLAST R6 competition they operate. In such case, the Tournament
Organizer will be fully responsible for any processing related to this third program and if
necessary, inform the Players regarding any processing of personal information operated
through that mean, in compliance with the applicable data protection law.
Cheat &
Equipment tampering, usage of unauthorized third-party programs affecting gameplay or
macros is strictly forbidden and will be considered cheating. Tournament Organizers will be
responsible for the establishment and enforcement of verification processes to prevent the
use of cheats in any kind of form within BLAST R6, both for offline and online competition of
Offline event
accesses for all
parties involved
Tournament Organizers will provide instructions (including but not limited to schedule, floor
map, etc.) regarding accesses to all different areas of the venue they operate for offline
competitions of BLAST R6, as well as require the use of credentials and any security
procedures which will have to be always complied with by the Players and Team Staff.
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As indicated in Section 5.1.1, Match format will be defined by the Tournament Organizer in
the Specific Rules and made available to the Teams prior to the start of any BLAST R6
competition that the Tournament Organizer operates.
Tournament Organizers will require Players and Team Staff to go through a registration
process in order to participate in the BLAST R6 competition(s) they operate, and Players
shall provide any documentation required by the Tournament Organizer throughout this
registration process, in particular any document indicated in Section 3.3, in order to be
authorized to participate in said competition.
Match &
Tournament Organizers will determine in their Specific Rules the procedure that Teams will
have to follow throughout each step (map bans, match, post-match …) of BLAST R6
competition they operate as well as any obligations Teams might have to follow throughout
these steps.
Notification and
Tournament Organizers will clearly inform the Players and Teams participating in BLAST R6
competitions they operate about the notification and escalation process in place in case of
any issue occurring during a competitive match of BLAST R6 (e.g. to notify a bug exploit, a
suspicion of cheating, a technical issue, etc…).
5.3.1. Player Substitution
A Team may request that one or two of the registered Substitute Players of its Roster replaces one or two
of the registered Starter Players of said Roster for a given match of BLAST R6.
To request a substitution, the Coach or Manager of the Team must notify the tournament administrator at
least 20 minutes ahead of the match. The notification must mention the name(s) of the Starter Player(s)
that will be substituted out and the name(s) of the Substitute Player(s) that will be substituted in.
Following acknowledgement of the substitutions requested by both Teams, and 15 minutes prior to the
start of the match, the tournament administrator will notify each Team of the Player Substitutions(s)
operated on each side. The tournament administrator will notify each team of the Player Substitution(s)
on each side at the same time, and Teams are not allowed to request any additional Player Substitution
after such notification.
5.3.2. Standardized Competition Rules
In order to facilitate esports operations across regions and create a consistent competing environment
between all competitions, the following rules are standardized. Majors Format
Each Major is split in 3 phases, with some Teams qualifying directly from Regional competitions to phase
2 and other Teams qualifying to phase 1 at the end of the Stages Regional competitions. A high-level
overview of how Regional competitions qualify Teams to each phase is presented in Section 2.3 and
more details are available here. Major phase 1
Phase 1 of a Major will feature 4 groups of 4 Teams each and will play out in a GSL format where each
Team’s next opponent is determined according to their respective performance in the previous round
(see graphic below).
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All Winner Bracket Round 1 and 2 matches will be played in a Best of 1 format. All elimination matches
(Lower Bracket Round 1 and 2 matches) will be played in a Best of 3 format.
2 Teams from each group will advance to phase 2 of the Major, for a total of 8 Teams qualifying from
phase 1 to phase 2. Major phase 2
Phase 2 of a Major will feature 16 teams, 8 of which qualified from phase 1, and 8 of which qualified
directly from the Stages Regional competitions.
Phase 2 of a Major be played in a Swiss bracket where each Teams next opponent is determined based
on their respective performance in the previous round and according to the Buchholz system.
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All non-elimination matches will be played in a Best of 1 format and all elimination matches will be played
in a Best of 3 format.
At the end of the Swiss bracket, 8 teams will have qualified for phase 3 of the Major: the Playoffs. Major phase 3
The Playoffs will be played in a single elimination bracket with quarter finals and semi-finals played in Best
of 3, and the Grand Final played in a Best of 5 with standard overtime rules. Tie breaker rules
Whenever applicable (Closed Regional Leagues, Majors or any other format supporting this type of
scenario) ties are broken by looking at the following elements sequentially in the context of the compe-
tition taking place:
1. Map difference
2. Round difference
3. Head-to-head
4. Match win percentage
5. Round win percentage
6. Tiebreaker match
6. Sanction(s) & Penalties
6.1 Definition & Scope of Punishment
Infringement of any of the rules, requirements and obligations presented in the Rulebook, Specific Rules,
Code of Conduct, Rainbow Six: Siege Code of Conduct and Ubisoft Terms of Use, may trigger
competitive Sanction(s) and penalties. These Sanction(s) and penalties may be in addition to any other
sanctions and penalties which may be applied on the Ubisoft account of the Player.
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Sanction(s) and penalties for each type of infraction are categorized in the Penalty Index.
The Penalty Index indicates for each type of infraction a range of Sanction(s) from minimum to maximum,
as well as a limitation period which will run from the notification or discovery of the infraction (whichever
occurs the latest) and during which infractions may be penalized under the Penalty Index. The Penalty
Index shall not be considered exhaustive, and UBISOFT and/or BLAST and/or the Tournament Organizer
may penalize other behavior if considered in good faith to be in breach of the Rules.
Scope of punishment may vary, as illustrated in the table below, and may include, but is not limited to, fines,
temporary and definitive suspension period(s) for a Team, Player or Team Staff member, round loss, map
or match forfeits etc…
Lowest form punishment, a simple warning given to the Player or Team
and ban
A Player or Team can be temporarily barred from competing in any BLAST R6 competition or
in exceptional cases, if the gravity of the infraction justifies it, banned from BLAST R6
permanently. The Penalty Index provides the possible range of suspension for the different
types of infractions, whose list shall not be considered exhaustive. In addition, a Player or Team
may be temporarily barred from competing in any BLAST R6 competition while UBISOFT
and/or BLAST and/or the Tournament Organizer conduct an investigation, including through
a third-party investigator if deemed necessary by UBISOFT and BLAST, in case of reports of
Misbehavioral Incidents (as defined in Section 6.3 below).
Certain infractions perpetrated by a Team and/or one of its Players’ or Team Staff may be
penalized under the Penalty Index with monetary fines. In such event, the fine will be applied as
a deduction of the prize money earned by the applicable Team and withdrawn from any
payment due to the applicable Team if constituting a prize money. The amount so deduced will
be redistributed as prize money amongst the other Teams participating into the same BLAST
R6 competition as the Team impacted by this fine.
Global Points
Infractions committed in the context of Global Competitions may trigger the withdrawal of a
percentage of a Teams points in the Global Point System. Such withdrawal will be effective
after all points have been distributed for the Stage in which the infraction was committed.
Certain infractions perpetrated by a Team and/or one of its Players’ may be penalized by a
round loss, map loss or match forfeit depending on the severity of the infraction, as illustrated
in the Penalty Index.
UBISOFT and BLAST reserve the right to proceed with any other penalty method in relation to the
infraction and to issue sanction(s) going beyond the maximum Sanction(s) indicated in the Penalty Index
if justified by the severity of the infraction. All aforementioned infractions may be combined and lead to
more severe Sanction(s) in case of repeated infraction.
6.2. Notification and enforcement
Whether it is UBISOFT, BLAST or the Tournament Organizer who defines Sanction(s) for a Team or Player,
the Sanction(s) will depend on the type of infraction, as defined in the Penalty Index:
Sanction(s) for infractions of category 1 will be issued and notified by Tournament Organizer
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officials to the Team’s Point of Contact
Sanction(s) for infractions of category 2 may be discussed between the Tournament Organizer,
BLAST and UBISOFT and the Sanction(s) will be notified by UBISOFT’s and/or BLAST’s Regional
Esports Manager to the Team’s Point of Contact. UBISOFT and BLAST may issue preliminary
conservative measures (including Player and/or Team temporary suspension for the duration of
the investigation) in case of reports of severe infractions of category 2.
Regardless of the category of the infraction, UBISOFT and BLAST will be notified by the Tournament
Organizer for all infractions occurring in BLAST R6. Unless requested otherwise by UBISOFT, BLAST or
the Tournament Organizer, all communication related to an infraction will take place between the Teams
Point of Contact and UBISOFT, BLAST and/or the Tournament Organizer’s administrative staff.
6.3. Additional Protective & Supportive measures
6.3.1. Definition
Supportive and protective measures are support services and other forms of assistance available to any
person who may be affected by a discrimination and/or harassment, relationship violence, or sexual
misconduct (“Misbehavioral Incidents”). Supportive and protective measures that are reasonable and
appropriate will be considered, provided that they do not unreasonably burden another party.
6.3.2. Process
Upon receipt of a report of Misbehavioral Incident, UBISOFT and BLAST will provide reasonable and
appropriate protective and supportive measures during the time of the investigation, designed to:
preserve the individuals affected by the Misbehavioral Incident; and
address safety concerns for any person affected by such Misbehavioral Incident; and
ensure that the integrity of the investigative and/or resolution process is maintained.
This includes UBISOFT’s and BLAST’s assistance in contacting law enforcement authorities and other
external resources to seek protective orders. In such case UBISOFT and BLAST will respect and assist in
the implementation of protective orders to the extent practicable and provided that the person affected
by the Misbehavioral Incident issues a request for assistance to UBISOFT and BLAST.
6.4. Investigation Process
Upon notification of a breach of any of the Rules, UBISOFT, BLAST and/or the Tournament Organizer may
trigger an investigation process to gather evidence and bring to light facts that support or contradict the
breach that was notified.
Within a timeframe of 15 days following the notification of the breach, UBISOFT and/or BLAST and/or the
Tournament Organizer will reach out to the person or people involved in such breach and inform him, her
or them of the ongoing investigation. Such notification may also include the License Holder and Appointed
Team Member, if applicable. From this moment, the person or people involved in such breach will have 7
days to come forward with any supporting elements or information contradicting the claims that triggered
the investigation.
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7. Prize payment
7.1. Recipient and release
All prize money will be paid within 30 to 90 days after the end of the BLAST R6 competition where such
prize money has been won. In most cases, the prize money will be paid by the Tournament Organizer in
charge of the BLAST R6 competition it operates, and the Tournament Organizer will communicate to the
License Holder or Appointed Team Member of each Team the applicable process and information
required to operate the payment of the prize pool. Vendor forms and other documents may be needed to
be completed in full by the winning entity in order to process payment. Uncomplete forms may trigger
additional payment delays as payment of the prize money is dependent on the Team capability and
obligation to provide a proper payment reception method, a valid invoice, and information requested (e.g.
Fiscal ID, Fiscal ID Type, place of registration, legal entity name appearing on income tax return), as well
as the issuing bank payment capabilities. Each Team acknowledges and agrees that withholding of prize
pool may apply in order to comply with a potential international sanction which may occur during a
Season of BLAST R6 and that would be applicable at the time of the scheduled payment. In such case, the
processing of the prize pool payment will resume once such international sanction is officially lifted.
7.2. Withholding Taxes
Prizes payment may be subject to applicable federal, state and local income tax or withholding tax and it
is the responsibility of the Team eligible to such payment to seek assistance of a local tax advisor to
determine which taxes may apply to the receipt of a prize and ensure that any applicable taxes are
reported and paid to the appropriate authority.
8. Miscellaneous
8.1. Reserved Rights
8.1.1. Exclusive Rights
UBISOFT is the exclusive owner of the intellectual property and trademarks of the game Rainbow Six: Siege
and of any element derived therefrom, including any and all exploitation rights of BLAST R6 and any
tournament thereof, to the exception of the term “BLAST” which is the exclusive property of BLAST. These
exploitations rights include the non-exhaustive exclusive rights to:
- use the game Rainbow Six: Siege for the operation of a competition part of BLAST R6.
- use the trademark BLAST R6, jointly with BLAST, in connection with a competition part of the
- grant to third party the exploitation rights with regards to audiovisual content produced in
any competition part of BLAST R6.
- secure sponsorships and grant merchandising rights in connection with BLAST R6 or any
competition thereof.
- consent to gambling or betting operations on any element of a competition part of BLAST R6.
For sake of clarity, UBISOFT may decide at its sole discretion whether or not to grant access to its
official league data for the purpose of allowing wagering on the outcome of BLAST R6 matches.
UBISOFT expressly reserve any such rights, including without limitation any access to such data
from UBISOFT private or public API gathering in-game statistics of Players and Team partaking in
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8.1.2. Tournament Organizer License
Each Tournament Organizer is mandated and instructed by UBISOFT and/or BLAST for the organization
of a competition in BLAST R6 and has obtained from UBISOFT a license, or a sub-license from BLAST, to
exploit or exercise any of the rights mentioned above.
8.1.3. BLAST R6 livestreaming policy
UBISOFT is the sole owner of the broadcasting right of any competition of BLAST R6, including online and
offline stage of any competition of the BLAST R6, and may decide at its sole discretion to license these
rights to a Tournament Organizer or to any third-party broadcaster. Any person interested in obtaining a
license from UBISOFT to broadcast any BLAST R6 competition shall reach out to the UBISOFT Esports
manager in their Region in order to secure a license to do so.
UBISOFT may decide to include a particular competition of BLAST R6 in the scope of the Watch Party
program. In such case, UBISOFT will let the community know by communicating this decision through a
public blogpost or a post from its social media channels. Participation in the Watch Party Program will
always be subject to (a) UBISOFT approval of the application of the Watch Party organizer and (b) the
signature of the terms and conditions for the Watch party Program provided by UBISOFT. In certain cases,
such participation may require content creators to be a member of UBISOFT Creators Program available
8.2. Confidentiality
Any communication or discussion privately held and related to any confidential in nature components of
BLAST R6 or any competition thereof, made either through written instruments or verbal communication,
made between UBISOFT and/or BLAST and/or the Tournament Organizer and/or any Team and/or Players
and/or Team Staff shall be deemed strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed publicly without the prior
written approval of UBISOFT.
In addition, Players and Team Staff attending in person a competition part of BLAST R6 may be exposed
to content that has not yet been officially revealed by UBISOFT to the public and which may be considered
as confidential information (e.g. scenography, run of show, main stage design, content of a season or
esports panel, and more generally any content or element of the competition that has not yet been
disclosed by UBISOFT to the general public). Any disclosure of such content by any means by a Team Staff
and/or any Player, even accidentally, may constitute a breach of confidentiality likely to cause UBISOFT a
material harm and expose the person involved to Sanction(s), in addition to any other remedy that
UBISOFT may have at law or otherwise”.
8.3. Privacy
Management of Player’s and/or Team Staff member’s Personal Data by UBISOFT and/or BLAST,
when such Personal Data is transferred to UBISOFT and/or BLAST by a Tournament Organizer
mandated by UBISOFT and/or BLAST (Thus, when UBISOFT or BLAST are not themselves Tourna-
ment Organizer).
UBISOFT, BLAST or the Tournament Organizer mandated by UBISOFT or BLAST collects and processes
Player’s and/or Team Staff’s personal data regarding their participation in BLAST R6 (“Personal Data”)
to administrate and operate BLAST R6 and provide Players and Team Staff with the best possible expe-
rience, and specifically:
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Personal Data collected
Purpose of processing
Identification information including full
name, birthdate, contact details, home
address, nationality, social media, Ubisoft
ID, username, and nickname, Team infor-
mation (including team name, abbrevia-
tion, registration name, logo, social media
page, Player’s role in the Team), Team
manager information.
Registration to and administration of BLAST R6
Roster Registration and maintenance of the Global Con-
tract Database as described in Section 4.7.2 here-
Reservation of flights, travel arrangements, and accom-
modation (if applicable);
Ensuring effective and ongoing communication with
Players and Team Staff.
Game data, including game statistics
Game analyses and statistics
Audience engagement.
Please note: UBISOFT may make publicly viewable Play-
ers game data and may share such data with third par-
ties through APIs
Video and media recording, including
recording of their voice, image, appear-
ance, and screen.
Broadcast and live streaming on TV channels and social
media platforms and networks
Drive audience engagement and public interest for the
BLAST R6 and esports events and tournaments in gen-
Document the history of BLAST R6 and esports tourna-
ments and events.
Sanction(s) and offenses data, offenses
committed, as well as any sanctions, pen-
alties, or disciplinary measures (past or
current) taken against them in compliance
with the Rules (including the time, date,
and duration of such measures).
Ensure Players and Team Staff compliance with the Rule-
book and Ubisoft Terms of Use
Maintain and monitor the register of sanctions and pen-
Report any breach of the Rules and associated Sanc-
Key contractual information regarding
Player’s and Coach’s availability for a
transfer and any other relevant infor-
mation, in accordance with the transfer
rules set forth in this Rulebook (see Sec-
tion 4.6)
Ensure compliance with the transfer rules set forth in this
Rulebook (see Section 4.6) through Ubisoft’s Global
Players Contract Database
Monitor, document, and operate transfers in compliance
with the transfer rules.
Inform License holders, and third-party organizations ex-
pressing legitimate interest for the acquisition of a Li-
cense, regarding potential availability of Players and
Coach for Players and/or Coach transfer.
COVID-related information, which may
include information regarding the Player
or Team Staff COVID vaccination status,
COVID symptoms, and COVID test re-
Ensuring the physical security and health of the Players
and Team Staff
Please note: this Personal Data will only be collected
from Players and Team Staff who attend a tournament
or event in person and will be permanently deleted
within a month after the end of the tournament or event.
Players and/or Team Staff acknowledge that the Tournament Organizer may share this Personal Data with
Ubisoft International, 2 avenue Pasteur 94160 Saint-Mandé, FRANCE and BLAST ApS, Lergravsvej 57,
sal 1 2300, København S, Hovedstaden Denmark.
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The legal basis for the processing of Players and Team Staff member’s Personal Data is the performance
of the contract they have entered into with UBISOFT and BLAST by accepting the Rulebook.
Without prejudice to any right granted under Section 8.4.1., Player’s and/or Team Staff member’s Personal
Data will be stored for as long as necessary for completion of the purpose of collection, and in any case,
for no longer than five (5) years after the end of their participation in BLAST R6. Some Personal Data,
including videos and media recordings, may be archived and retained for a longer duration in accordance
with their purpose of collection. Player’s and/or Team Staff member’s Personal Data may be transferred to
non-European countries that ensure an adequate level of protection according to the EU Commission,
within the Privacy Shield framework, or within the framework of the standard data protection clauses
adopted by the EU Commission.
Players and/or Team Staff can exercise their rights to access, rectify or erase their Personal Data, object
to or restrict the processing of their Personal Data, and receive their information in portable form by
contacting UBISOFT’s Data Protection Officer at the following address: (
FR/Article/000063467) or BLAST’s Data Protection Officer at After contacting
UBISOFT, if a Player and/or Team Staff is not satisfied with the way their request was handled, they may
also lodge a complaint with the national supervisory authority of their country. This Privacy section
completes and must be read jointly with the Ubisoft global Privacy Policy, which applies to Players and
Team Staff to the extent they use or interact with Ubisoft games, applications, websites and online
services. Ubisoft global Privacy Policy provides a comprehensive description of Ubisoft data collection
and data processing operations as well as available privacy rights.
8.4. Teams and Players Name, likeness and logo
8.4.1. Teams and Players Name & Likeness
By accepting these Rules and in consideration of the exposure obtained through their participation in the
BLAST R6, and any other consideration otherwise provided by UBISOFT and/or BLAST, Players and/or
Team Staff authorize and grant to UBISOFT and BLAST, and to any company part of their respective
economic group, the royalty free, fully paid-up, worldwide right and license (with the right to grant
sublicenses), for a period of time of fifty (50) years starting from the date of acceptance of these Rules, to
use their image, voice and likeness (“Image”) captured or fixed, by any means by UBISOFT and/or BLAST
or by any production and broadcast Staff contracted by UBISOFT and/or BLAST throughout BLAST R6
and/or as part of any match, games or any promotional activity or event associated with the BLAST R6
to which Players and/or Team Staff Members have appeared, attended, played or participated
8.4.2. Teams Logos
As a material condition for their participation into BLAST R6, each Team grants UBISOFT and BLAST
and/or their affiliates a worldwide, non-exclusive, free, irrevocable, for the maximum time permitted under
applicable intellectual property law, right and license (including the right to grant sublicenses) to use the
Team’s name and/or trade name or mark used by the Team, as well as any texts, moto, visuals, symbols or
any other elements whether protected by intellectual property or not, used to make reference or designate
the Team (the “Team Elements”) in the Records. The Team Elements shall be communicated by the Team
to UBISOFT and BLAST either during the registration process or at UBISOFT’s request during BLAST R6
and exploited by UBISOFT and BLAST in the conditions set forth below.
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8.4.3. Scope of the License
The Team Logos and Players Image may be used, transmitted, distributed, broadcasted, displayed,
modified, adapted (including dubbing and captioning) or otherwise exploited by UBISOFT and BLAST,
their affiliates and/or any third party authorized by UBISOFT and/or BLAST and/or their affiliates, in whole
or in part, through any medium, support or process currently in existence or that may be created in the
future, in the entire world and for any purpose, institutional or commercial (including through sale of media
rights of the Records, advertisement, sponsorship, and any other type of commercial exploitation), in
connection with BLAST R6 and any associated promotional activities. For sake of clarity, these rights shall
include the following:
(i) making available digital or wireless distribution of the Records over the Internet, either by
download or streaming, webcast or otherwise through online distribution, including video on demand
(VOD) systems; and
(ii) broadcasting by any means the Records, including through any form or method of transmission
by radio and television; and
(iii) marketing, sale of media rights of the Records, advertising, obtention of sponsorship and
promotional events in connection with BLAST R6, Rainbow Six: Siege and other events related thereto; and
(iv) inclusion on social media sites and posts (for example Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube) and
editorial content of BLAST R6 and related promotional events; and
(v) incorporation to or association with any promotional or editorial content of UBISOFT and
BLAST and/or their respective affiliates or a third party licensed by UBISOFT and BLAST and/or their
respective affiliates, as well as the right to create promotional and marketing materials related to the
BLAST R6, Rainbow Six Siege and/or UBISOFT’s and/or BLAST’s activities.
Each Team represents and warrants that it has obtained the right to license the Team Elements to UBISOFT
and BLAST in the conditions set forth above. Further, each Team Staff and Players represent and warrant
to be under no obligation or disability by law or otherwise which would prevent or restrict the license on
the Image contemplated above.
8.5. No Gambling
No Player or Team Staff may take part, directly or indirectly, in betting or gambling (including fantasy
esports gambling) on any results of any BLAST R6 match and/or any portion hereof.
8.6. Sponsorships & Product Placements
8.6.1. Sponsorships
In order to preserve the integrity of BLAST R6 and the business reputation of UBISOFT, each Team agrees
not to enter into and shall make sure that its Team Staff and Players do not enter into any sponsorship or
partnership with one of the following sponsors in connection with their participation into BLAST R6 without
the prior consent in writing of UBISOFT.
Alcoholic products, and in particular liquors and beers (including non-alcoholic version of eponym
beers), or other intoxicating substances whose sale or use is regulated by law (including cannabis-
based products)
Tobacco, cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, related paraphernalia
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Firearms (including firearm accessories or ammunitions), including replicas or airsoft products
Gambling or betting websites, including fantasy esports operators
Pornography and other related mature materials and paraphernalia
Any medicinal substance that requires prescription or is not freely sold in a pharmacy
Political campaigns
Any esports or video game tournament, league or event
Any entities, companies or organizations that may, at UBISOFT’s sole discretion, be considered
detrimental to UBISOFT’s business or reputation, including but not limited to, key sellers, hacking
and botting, account selling, in-game currency or digital item selling services, and any other video
game, other video game developer, or publisher competing with UBISOFT or UBISOFT games
Unauthorized and/or non-compliant with applicable law or regulations cryptocurrencies, financial
instruments or market activities.
In the event a Team is sponsored by entities involved in the sports betting, bookmaking or gambling
segment, the Players shall wear the alternative jerseys and other apparel available free of any such
sponsors markings in BLAST R6.
For sake of clarity, all other known to date categories for sponsorships and/or partnership are permitted
provided that they are notified in writing to Ubisoft Point of Contact and that Ubisoft Point of Contact
acknowledges them without reserves.
Notwithstanding the above, UBISOFT rely on Teams to ensure that any of their sponsor respect all
regulations and UBISOFT may:
Require any Team to stop providing sponsorship activation for any sponsor that is likely to put
UBISOFT in breach of applicable law, or create any reputational damage if display of such sponsor
brand may have an adverse effect on UBISOFT’s good will and reputation
Prompt any Team to provide any additional documentation or explanation necessary for UBISOFT
to justify their sponsor’s compliance with applicable law.
In both aforementioned cases and as soon as notified by UBISOFT (email sufficient), Players and Teams
with such sponsor shall immediately stop displaying and using any reference to such sponsor while
participating in the BLAST R6. Players and Teams shall have readily available alternative jersey free of any
sponsor logo while participating in the Rainbow Six Circuit to anticipate this type of situation.
8.6.2. Product Placements
During the live broadcasts of BLAST R6, Players and Coach are not allowed:
(i) to display or otherwise endorse any other brand aside of their own Teams name in their
nickname used in game
(ii) Display the logo of their Teams sponsor other than on their team jersey and clothes
(iii) Operate any kind of product placement or make any statements/perform actions that may be
perceived as UBISOFT’s endorsing a certain product or services, unless explicitly approved by UBISOFT
(iv) Display the logo natively appearing on their peripherals and accessories (including chair,
monitor, etc), with the exception of any logo appearing on the Players’ and Coachs keyboard, mouse or
mousepad for which hiding of any natively existing logo is not necessary.
8.7. Approval process
Any approval from UBISOFT, BLAST or the Tournament Organizer in the Rules, as requested in the Rules,
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must be requested as follows:
The License Holder or Appointed Team Member shall contact UBISOFT’s or BLAST Esports
Regional manager, depending on the nature of the request, or the Tournament Organizer officials
by email explaining the nature of their request; then
Ubisoft’s or BLAST Esports Regional Manager or the Tournament Organizer officials, depending
on the nature of the request, will make their best efforts to review the request and provide an
answer by email within 7 business days from reception of the notification.
If no answer is provided within 7 business days, the request will be considered disapproved.
8.8. Notification process
Any mention of a notification in this Rules, should it be by Tournament Organizer officials, UBISOFT,
BLAST or the Point of Contact must be made by email to the appropriate recipient:
Tournament Organizer officials: as indicated in the Specific Rules
Ubisoft Regional Esports Manager: as indicated in the Specific Rules
BLAST Regional Esports Manager: as indicated in the Specific Rules
Team’s Point of Contact: as communicated by the Team during the Teams registration process or
from time to time in case of modification of the Point of Contact
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In accordance with the BLAST R6 license requirements set forth in Section 3.2 of the BLAST R6 Rulebook, we agree collectively to
appoint the following TEAM MEMBER as our legal representative (the Appointed Team Member”) throughout our TEAM’s
participation into the following local competition of BLAST R6:
APPOINTED TEAM MEMBER:____________________________________________________________________
TEAM: ______________________________________________________________________________________
BLAST R6 CIRCUIT COMPETITION: ________________________________________________________________
By executing this Acknowledgment Letter, we voluntarily agree to appoint the aforementioned Appointed Team Member for the
exercise of the following prerogatives on our behalf:
Enable our TEAM to compete in BLAST R6 as long as our TEAM qualifies to this BLAST R6 level of competition in accordance
with the eligibility requirements set forth in the BLAST R6 Rules; and
Authorize this Appointed Team Member to receive any applicable prize money on our behalf, whose prize money shall be
redistributed in accordance with the prize money split that we warrant has been agreed upon in a legally binding document
between us and the Appointed Team Member prior to the execution of this Acknowledgement Letter; and
We further acknowledge and agree that:
Participation into any higher level of competition (and in particular to a Closed Regional League or any BLAST R6 Global com-
petition) will require our TEAM to be represented by a legal entity (association, company…) in order to continue participating
into BLAST R6 or earn points in the Global Point System.
Our participation into BLAST R6 does not constitute an employment relationship between us and UBISOFT and/or BLAST
and we shall be solely responsible for all of our own taxes and withholdings arising from our participation into BLAST R6. We
shall indemnify and hold UBISOFT and BLAST harmless from and against any and all taxes which UBISOFT and/or BLAST may
have to pay, and for any and all liabilities (including judgments, penalties, interest, damages, costs, expenses and reasonable
attorneys' fees) which may be obtained against, opposed or suffered by UBISOFT and/or BLAST or which UBISOFT and/or
BLAST may incur, in case of a breach of this warranty.
We will assume all liability for the use of any prize remitted to us by the Appointed Team Member, including compliance with
any applicable governmental and tax forms required to receive a prize, the payment of any applicable withholding taxes and/or
any and all costs and expenses associated with the receipt of such prize according to any the applicable law in force.
We shall look solely to the Appointed Team Member and not to UBISOFT and/or BLAST for all compensation and other remu-
neration for any and all services and rights which we may render or assign or grant to any third party (including UBISOFT and
BLAST) throughout our participation into BLAST R6;
By executing this Acknowledgement Letter, the Appointed Team Member consent to exercise the aforementioned preroga-
tives solely within the limit and under the condition set forth set forth in the BLAST R6 Rules and in accordance with the
aforementioned restrictions.
Signature: _____________________
Full name:_____________________
Signature: _____________________
Full name:_____________________
Signature: _____________________
Full name:_____________________
Signature: _____________________
Signature: _____________________
Signature: _____________________
Full name:_____________________
Full name:_____________________
Full name:_____________________
Signature: _____________________
Full name:_____________________
Page 37 sur 40
Type of
Match-fixing may be constituted by the action of pre-
determining, tampering or attempting to influence the
outcome of a match, whether through bribery, threats, match
throwing, or any other manner, in exchange of a benefit
(financial or otherwise).
$5,000 (USD)
12 Months
24 Months
Match throwing
Match throwing may be the action of purposely avoid
competing at one's best ability outside of the cases of match
fixing. Examples of match throwing include but are not limited
to: losing purposely to obtain a lower seed or rank, purposely
losing to dodge an opponent in a competition bracket, etc.
Overall, the intention behind forbidding match throwing is to
provide a consistent minimum level of competitiveness and
entertainment throughout Rainbow Six Circuit.
6 Months
$5,000 (USD)
12 Months
12 Months
Cheating is defined as any in-game or out-of-game
technique that would provide an unfair advantage to a
player. This includes but is not limited to the use of third-party
software, any form of tampering with the game's code or
servers, any gathering of information obtained from watching
the match's broadcast while playing it (stream sniping) etc...
$5,000 (USD)
12 Months
24 Months
Ringer use
Usage of a ringer may be constituted by having a Player not
part of a Team playing instead of one of the Players signed in
the roster of said Team.
$1,000 (USD)
6 Months
$5,000 (USD)
12 Months
12 Months
Betting on
Placing any bet on any aspect of a Rainbow Six Circuit
competition, whether using money, virtual currency, or
anything with monetary value. This type of infraction often
cumulates with the infraction of match-fixing.
$1,000 (USD)
6 Months
$5,000 (USD)
12 Months
12 Months
Bug exploit
A bug exploit may occur when a bug or in-game exploit
known and flagged by Ubisoft and/or the Tournament
Organizer, or commonly known as a bug exploit, is used during
the competition.
$1,000 (USD)
6 Months
6 Months
Page 38 sur 40
Breach of
Breach of competition protocol is defined as any breach of a
match and competition process of a match as established in
the Specific Rules of a competition as per Section 5.3 of the
Rulebook. This may include: requesting or causing unjustified
pauses or delay to a match, noncompliance with uniform
policy if one was set by UBISOFT and/or the Tournament
Organizer, not sharing online competition results with admins
in a timely manner when requested etc...
$1,000 (USD)
during a match
Unauthorized communications may include any
communication between Players and/or Team Staff outside
of authorized timeframes. Authorized timeframes are defined
by the Tournament Organizer in the Specific Rules of their
Rainbow Six Circuit competition.
Map forfeit
with referee
Self-explanatory type of infraction
$1,000 (USD)
Act of displaying any logo, name or distinctive sign of
unauthorized brand indicated in Section 8.6 of the Rulebook.
$5,000 (USD)
3 Months
Inability to show
up to match
Self-explanatory type of infraction
Match Forfeit
$5,000 (USD)
6 Months
Breach of
Shall mean any breach of Section 4.2 or Section 3 of the
as long as
12 Months
Player addition
outside of
transfer windows
Shall mean any breach of Section 4.6.
$5,000 (USD)
3 months
12 Months
12 Months
tampering with
Player’s transfers
Poaching or tampering with Player’s transfers may include the
act of engaging in communications with Players or Team Staff
of another Team, for the purpose of discussing or negotiating
a Player's transfer, in breach of the limitation defined in
Section 4.5 of the Rulebook. Any form of complicity or
assistance provided in a poaching attempt constitutes an act
of poaching/tampering.
$10000 (USD) + % of Global
12 Months
24 Months
Page 39 sur 40
Breach of
Shall mean any breach of Section 8.2.
Depending on the nature of the confidential
information shared
Minor miscon-
May include any of the following prohibited behavior:
Any actions or statement which may be found
offensive and related to age, physical appearance,
social origin, political or other opinions.
Any language or content deemed illegal, dangerous
or threatening
Any conduct which interrupts the general flow of the
tournament, sustained disruption of discussion, or
continued one-on-one communication after
requests to cease
Illegal possession, use, or distribution of alcohol or
drugs, steroids or other performance enhancing
Lack of respect and provocation, including verbal
insults or insulting gesture or defamation
Depending on the nature of the prohibited conduct, a minor
may qualify as a Major misconduct or constitute a criminally
prosecuted activity enforced by the local police authorities.
$5,000 (USD)
6 Months
12 Months
Major miscon-
Any of the following prohibited behavior qualifies as Major
Any actions or statement which may be found
offensive and related to gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, disability or mental
illness, ethnicity, nationality, skin color, religion
Impersonation of any team players, managers,
admins or Ubisoft employee
Theft-related crimes such as burglary, robbery or
Deliberate intimidation, actual or threatened
physical violence against another person
Stalking, harassment, inappropriate physical
contact, unsolicited sexual attention
Depending on the nature of the prohibited conduct, a Major
infraction may also be considered a criminally prosecuted
activity enforced by the local police authorities.
12 Months
on the nature
of the Major
36 Months
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The following list of operators’ battle dress uniforms and headgears is permitted for use in competitive play in the
Rainbow Six Circuit. Any new operator battle dress uniforms or headgear part of esports programs’ cosmetics and
released after this list’s last update will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
Ace; Heyday (Y6S4)
Alibi; Sharp Adversary (2021 North America League), Outstanding Performance (Y6S2)
Bandit; Resilient Entrant (2021 APAC League), Ultimate Competitor (Y5S4), Six Major (2023)
Blackbeard; Septentrion (2020 NAL Bundle), Hardy Candidate (2021 LATAM Bundle)
Blitz; Eastern Sunrise (2020 APAC League Bundle), Beyond Terrific (Y6S2), Competitor Blitz (SI 2020)
Buck; Elated Prodigy (2021 NAL Bundle)
Capitão; Athletics Professional (2021 LATAM Bundle)
Castle; NA Major (2021)
Caveira; Golden Courage (2020 LATAM League), Competitor Caveira (SI 2020)
Doc; Disciplined Contestant (2021 EUL Bundle)
Ela; Assiduous Venture (2020 APAC League), Art Explosion (SI 2022)
Unfailing Perseverance (2021 EUL Bundle), Nano Revolution (SI 2022)
Flores; Talented Strategist (2021 LATAM Bundle)
Frost; Sturdy Aspirant (2022 NAL Bundle)
Gridlock; Arduous Hardship (Y5S4)
Triumphant Challenger (Y5S4), Competitor Hibana (SI 2020)
SI 2022
IQ; Doyenne (Y6S3)
Herculean (2020 EUL)
Kaid; One of a Kind (2020 EU Major Set)
Kali; SI 2022 Battlepass
Kapkan; Eminent Unity (2021 EUL)
Lesion; Dedicated Athletics (2021 APAC), APAC Major (2021)
Maestro; Studious Player (2021 EUL Bundle)
Maverick; Record Breaking Stamina (2020 NAL Bundle)
Melusi; Unending Endurance (2021 LATAM Bundle)
Mira; Wild Exuberance (2021 LATAM Bundle)
Mozzie; Competitor Mozzie (SI 2020), Split Squatter (SI 2022)
Nomad; Spirited Victor (2020 LATAM League Bundle)
Osa; Tough Partaker (2021 EUL Bundle)
Pulse; Seasoned Contender (Y5S4), Beating Heart (SI 22)
Sledge; Road to SI 2021, SI 2020 Attendee, Competitor Sledge (SI 2020)
Smoke; Orbes & Maples (2020 NAL League Bundle), Mortal Cloud (SI 22)
Tachanka; SI 2021 VIP
Thermite; Competitor Thermite (SI 2020)
Thunderbird; SI 2022 VIP
Twitch; Fierce Alliance (2020 EUL Bundle), Preeminent (Y6S4)
Valkyrie; SuperJock (2021 NAL Bundle)
Ying; Prestigious Heritage (2021 APAC Bundle)
Zofia; Soaring Flame (SI 22)