School of Music
Graduate Application Process
Review and confirm that you are eligible to apply for a graduate program through Penn
State's requirements for graduate admission.
Prepare all necessary items for your intended application to The Graduate School.
Applicants are required to upload the following items:
Statement of Purpose (maximum of 2 pages outlining long-range professional
goals and how graduate study at Penn State will help you attain these goals).
Contact information for two recommenders. This includes name, title, email
address, physical address, and phone number. The Graduate School will then
request letters directly from your recommenders.
PDF copy of your official transcript(s) in the official language of the
institution(s) attended (NOTE: If the language of your official transcript(s) is
not English, an official English translation must also be uploaded with your
application materials). The Graduate School will request and review all
official documents to finalize the offer of admission. Offers will be revoked if
official/original documents are not received by The Graduate School within
specified deadlines, or if these documents differ from the copies uploaded by
the applicant at the time of application.
If applying to the M.A. program, please prepare a research paper or thesis on
a musical topic (maximum of 20 pages), providing evidence of scholarship
and writing skills.
If applying to a performance, conducting, or composition program, be
prepared to provide a private video weblink(s) of your prescreening
application requirements.
o To see the requirements for your intended program, please see
Audition Requirements.
o Recording links can be shared via YouTube, Soundcloud, Vimeo, or a
file sharing service such as Dropbox.
o Portfolio materials should be uploaded to Google Drive, Dropbox, or a
similar file storage service.
o Please leave all links active until you are notified of your Penn State
admission status. Please be sure all privacy settings of your links allow
anyone with a link to view and download your files.
NOTE: International applicants should review the information for
international admissions. Please make special note of the TOEFL language
(Optional) Graduate assistantship application: if desired, assistantship
application questions may be found within the application to each
corresponding degree program.
Go to the online application to apply. When completing the application, you must select
your major first, then the degree. The following is a list of majors and corresponding
graduate degrees from which you may choose:
MUCOM - M.Mus. in Composition and Theory
MUCND: M.Mus. in band/wind ensemble, choral, or orchestral conducting
MUSMA: M.A. in Music with tracks in Musicology, Music Theory, or Music
Theory and History
MUED: M.M.E., Ph.D., or Instructional/Certification in music education
MUSPP: M.Mus. in Pedagogy and Performance with tracks in Voice or Piano
MUPER: M.Mus. in Performance with tracks in Orchestral Instruments, Piano,
or Voice
PIANO: D.M.A. in Piano Performance
NOTE: You must pay the application fee in order for the application to be reviewed.
After completed applications have been submitted, qualifying applicants will be selected
for an audition or interview. In the event that you have been selected for an interview
or audition, you will be contacted.
If there is not an updated response in the GRADS portal and you have not heard from
Penn State School of Music, please contact Gina Miller, Admissions and Communications
Assistant, at
Application Deadlines
The following deadlines list the important dates for auditionees who wish to be considered for
fall and spring admission, as well as the Ph.D. in Music Education. Late applications are not
guaranteed consideration, but they may be considered if space is available.
For fall semester admission, applications and auditions completed by February 15 will
be given full consideration for admission and graduate assistantship funding.
For spring semester admission, applications received by September 30, with audition
and/or interview requirements completed by October 31, will be given full
consideration for admission. NOTE: Not all programs allow spring semester admissions.
The Ph.D. in Music Education has a rolling admission with funding priority for applications
received prior to January 15. To be considered for the competitive University Graduate
Fellowship funding, Ph.D. applications must be submitted by December 1.
For more information, please contact:
Administrative Support Assistant
School of Music Graduate Admissions
The Pennsylvania State University
233 Music Building
University Park, PA 16802-1901