Big Epic
The wrench in the top red bar will let you place
shortcuts from the Epic buon on to your top bar.
Good opons for clinicians: Sta (to send reminders),
Telephone Call (to start a new telephone encounter),
Chart (to review), Enter/Edit results (if you frequently
do this), Web Links (if you want to get in to UpToDate
from your home computer). Other items that you use
can be “pinned” to the top of the dropdown menu.
Other items that you rarely use can be put in the rare-
ly used folder.
Hint: it’s easy to click on a buon, and if you have to
open a menu to nd something, the shorter and
cleaner it is, the quicker to nd what you need.
Within each navigator, you can adjust the le side-bar menu.
You can have which buons show, if they’re fat or thin (not
applied to all buons), and for the acvies that you don’t use,
put them in rarely used. The system also has informaon on
the right-hand side of the page about what acvies you use
the most.
Hint: This has to be done for each type of encounter (oce
visit 1, telephone encounter, post-op, ob check, etc). This is
why we want to limit the number of navigators that you use.
Within an
Someme, they can be tricky and hide the wrench in the symbol for
the drop down menu. You can arrange the order of the acvity in to
what works best for you.
Hint: you cannot move an acvity from pane to pane, you can only
adjust order within a given pane.
You can make buons for the most common
note templates that you use.
Hint: name them something short and sweet,
that you’ll remember, to save space and keep
it dy.
You can make buons for
your common LOS, me for
next follow-up, and reason
for follow-up
Pre-Charng. What can and cannot be done...
You can…
Review and edit problem, including A/P notes
Review and add visit diagnosis
Review and rell or d/c any meds (just don’t sign your cart
unl the paent is seen and those acons are conrmed)
Start a progress note, H&P, or procedure note—can use all of
your normal tools
Reconcile Outside Informaon
Please new orders (imaging, labs, medicaons) - again, do not
sign unl the paent is seen and the need for these are veri-
Review BPAs
You cannot…
Place LOS
Place a f/u recommendaon
Insert paent instrucons
(essenally, you can’t do anything that will indicate to
the system that the paent is arrived and checked in)
Q. Why should I spend my me pre-charng. How could it possibly help me?
A. You can likely get a lot more done in 30 minutes of focused, uninterrupted me than during any amount of me in the middle
of clinic. Clinic brings a lot of distracent quesons, peer comments, nursing quesons, phone calls, emails, etc. Geng
yourself prepped and set up for the day will allow the day to run more smoothly once you’re in the middle of it. Addionally,
reviewing your schedule before will allow you to have sta make adjustments as needed to ensure a smooth day.
Chart Review
1) Use Filters. You can lter any of the tabs by a plethora of opons. You need to take 10 minutes to
play around with it to see what works for you. Examples: all encounters associated with a given diag-
nosis; all medicaons every prescribed from a certain pharmaceucal class; all the lab results for a
specic lab. Click the lter buon to make that window appear and disappear
2) Personalize (the wrench). You can change what order the tabs are in, and the rst tab will be the
default that the window opens to every me. You can change the color coding on the tabs. You can
adjust the short-cuts to lters.
Remember, the most useful box in the world...
Chart Search
This box will search a paent’s chart for anything that
has that given word. For instance, in this case I
searched hypertension. The results are going to be any
progress notes with the word hypertension anywhere in
them, any labs ordered with an associated diagnosis of
hypertension, any medicaons with an associated diag-
nosis of hypertension, and procedures associated with
hypertension, etc. Any document that can be “read” by
Epic will show up.
Hint: What will not show up? Documents that have
been scanned in to Epic, usually under the media tab.
Those come in as a picture, therefore are unable to be
“read” by the search engine.
There are so many things to say about the in-basket, so in order to not overwhelm, we’ll just provide a few key ps:
1 & 2) Use the tabs on the le side of the screen to navigate between your inbasket, any in-baskets you are aached to, and your
sent/completed work.
3) Use the wrench. First, click “report on boom.” That will orient you in the manner that the above photo shows. This is a much
beer conguraon for a laptop. Then, you can play around with various seng to show or hide dierent columns. Only show
the ones that you need—it’s easier to see things in a less-muddled page.
4) Example of a useful column. Shows the paent’s myChart status.
5) Quick acons can help you be more ecient with repeve result notes.
Hint: Each secon of the in-basket will need to be adjusted as noted above. That means, unl you have something in your “co-
sign charts” folder, you cannot set it to show “report on boom.” There is no “apply all” buon. Each folder is individualized.
Check out the wrench in each folder to make it the most ecient for you.
In-Basket Management
Its Possible”
A Great Way to Learn
Take 30 seconds to watch and learn.
You could be surprised...
Where to Find Extra Help
Step 1: go to the Portal and click “Clinician Support”
Step 2: Click on “Tip Sheets”
at the boom of the page
Step 3: Select the appropriate category of Tip Sheets.
Step 4: Search with key words for any applicable Tip Sheets. Push CTRL+F, then
type in the key word.
Hint: There are direcons at the top of the page if you forget how.