Accela Version Upgrade (
Highlights (Back office)
Last modified: April 24, 2023
Report page names now appear correctly in the Launchpad. Instead of ‘Report 1’, ‘Report 2’ etc. They will appear as
shown below:
Accela has implemented some changes and limits to the number of spaces a user can have open at one time
in order to improve performance. The new maximum limit for opened spaces on the main menu bar is 8
(previously 20). The recommended limit is 5.
When users reach the various space limits, they will encounter these notifications:
Last modified: April 24, 2023
Selecting ‘Automatically close the oldest Space’ closes the oldest space in order of when you opened them. Only
unpinned spaces are automatically closed. This setting can be changed later in Preference Management. If this
option is not selected (you must manually close spaces once the limit of 8 is reached before new spaces can be
The new limit for pinned spaces is 4 (previously it could be up to the allowed number of open spaces). If you reach
the limit of 4 (previously, you could pin all open spaces), and try to pin another space, a notification displays,
informing you that a space must be unpinned or closed before you can continue.
When you log into the new version, if you have more than 4 spaces pinned, the system prompts you to select the
spaces you want to keep pinned. Select up to 4 from the list that you want to keep pinned, then select Submit (the
unselected items are removed) or select Remove All).
Previously, the assigned inspector was wiped out when an inspection was rescheduled. Now, the assigned
inspector information is retained when the inspection is rescheduled.
When submitting a pending inspection, the inspection list now refreshes automatically.
The record header details are no longer missing when a record is opened from an alert.
Record header components now automatically update to the latest relevant information as you save and submit
changes (i.e. record status changes, changes to the description of work, etc.).
Accessing a record from reference address or reference contacts now shows the record header information
(previously it was blank when navigating to a record from either of those reference pages).
Last modified: April 24, 2023
The order of actions listed under Manage Documents has changed and Delete now appears at the bottom.
When selecting Delete from Manage Documents, the user now receives a pop-up asking them to confirm they wish
to delete the document
There are some changes to the related records tree view (primarily helpful for very large projects with many related
A total record count at the bottom of the page.
Pagination controls for the tree view results. The user can select specific pages, such as 1, 2, 3, or view the
first page or last page of related record results.
A dropdown allows the user to determine the number of related records to display per page.
A quick filter field option, where the user can input a value and the tree view will update to display the
transaction records matching the value. The value will be highlighted.
A sort option based on specific record values, will sort the tree view in ascending order, A-Z or 1-10. Create
Date is the default order. Other sorting options include Status Type, Record ID, Alt Id and Record Alias.
Last modified: April 24, 2023
Now has an option to include both active and inactive records in reference search results (transaction
records/permits and transaction documents have active records only).
Included is the introduction of an Everything tab on the search results page - in addition to the Records, Locations,
License Professionals, Documents, Contacts and Parcels tabs.
When you click the Global Search icon from the left global navigation, the search page appears the search input
field has been moved from the left side near the search icon, to the upper right near the logged in user display. You
can select Include Inactive records if you want to display both active and inactive reference records, such as
contact, parcel, or address, in the search results.
You may also click the box to Show Only Exact Matches.
The Search button remains gray until you type a minimum of three characters in the search box. Clicking Search
returns results in eight tabs. The Everything tab displays in card format and contains a consolidated display of all
results included on the other tabs.
The everything tab displays as “cards”. For delegate users, an Agency tag appears on the Everything card display to
reference the Agency the record (transaction Record, Contact, License Professional, Asset, Document) belongs to.
The location records (Address and Parcel) will contain an agency reference in a future release.
Last modified: April 24, 2023
Exporting My Tasks as a CSV no longer causes an error.
Previously, the text in Standard Comments pop-ups did not wrap, making it difficult to view and/or select the
appropriate comment. Now the text wraps.
The IVR number field is no longer missing from the Description of Work page when logged in as a delegate user.
Agency now appears as a column in the CSV when exported from the record list if the user is logged in as a
delegate user.