From Root Infinitive to Finite Sentence
The acquisition of verbal inflections and auxiliaries
From Root Infinitive to Finite Sentence
The acquisition of verbal inflections and auxiliaries
Van Infinitiefconstructie tot Finiete Zin
De verwerving van werkwoordelijke inflecties en hulpwerkwoorden
(met een samenvatting in het Nederlands)
ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor
aan de Universiteit Utrecht
op gezag van de Rector Magnificus, Prof. Dr. W.H.Gispen,
ingevolge het besluit van het College voor Promoties
in het openbaar te verdedigen
op woensdag 29 januari 2003
des middags te 14:30 uur
Wilhelmina Bernardina Theodora Blom
geboren op 4 december 1972 te Warnsveld
Promotores: Prof. P.L.C. van Geert
Prof. H.E. de Swart
Co-promotor: Dr. F.N.K. Wijnen
Published by
LOT phone: +31 30 253 6006
Trans 10 fax: +31 30 253 6000
3512 JK Utrecht e-mail: [email protected]
The Netherlands
Cover illustration: Jakob and Kenzo at the exposition of the graduate
students of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague, June 2002. The
children are playing in the room with the work of Dorry Hughes. Ineke de
Jong made the picture.
ISBN 90-76864-31-4
NUR 632
Copyright © 2003 Elma Blom. All rights reserved.
Where to begin? I'd like to think that it all started a long time ago when I was
doing my high school exams and studied some novels from the Dutch author
W.F. Hermans. Hermans' novels and essays were nice objects to analyse and
they sketched a fascinating picture of academic life. They stimulated my urge to
understand and hence, learn the methods of understanding. The battle of study
advisors was won by Riekje Doeksen, who motivated me to take up the study
of Dutch Language and Literature (and not psychology) at Utrecht University.
Especially the teachers from the linguistics department excelled in sharing their
own enthusiasm about linguistics with their students. Thus, I decided to
concentrate on linguistics (and not medieval literature).
I was very lucky to have Frank Wijnen as my daily supervisor and guide
through the vast fields of language acquisition research. His work has had great
influence on this thesis, and in many cases his insights and theories are the
point of departure for my investigations. I want to thank him for his sugges-
tions and comments, patience and confidence. Paul van Geert was a supervisor
at distance, both in kilometres as well as in research topic. Nevertheless, his
influence shows in the statistical parts of this thesis. I hope they reflect Paul’s
enthusiasm and his clear way of dealing with statistical problems. Henriette de
Swart joined the team of supervisors when I had already written the first
versions of this book. At that time, I did not know how many versions would
follow and she was wise enough not to let me know. Child language is not
Henriette's main scientific concern, which made her into a perfect judge of the
relevance of some questions I was wrestling with. She always managed to be
very critical and motivating at the same time, so that I, after a meeting, jumped
on my bicycle to rush to my computer and rewrite the entire manuscript.
I would like to thank the members of my ‘leescommittee’ - Sergey Avrutin,
Peter Coopmans, Steven Gillis, Ger de Haan and Nina Hyams. A special thanks
goes to Nina Hyams for her quick and detailed comments. The problems she
pointed out did not make my life easier at certain moments. However, in the
long run, her criticism led to many improvements. I am also very grateful to her
for helping me organising my visit to the UCLA Linguistics Department where
I could carry out experiments at the UCLA daycare centers.
I want to thank all the children for providing me with the empirical basis of this
study and for showing me a pleasant, funny and fascinating side of language
research. Without the help and hospitality of the daycare centers (‘ t Hummel-
honk in Maarn, De Pinksterbloem, De Zonnebloem and Lutje Potje in
Groningen,‘t Kevertje in Utrecht and the Fernald Center, the UCLA Village
Child Care Center and the Bellagio Center in Los Angeles) I would not have
been able to test all the children that I have tested. Various students helped me
with coding corpus data and testing children. I am grateful to Yvonne
Steeneveld, Mouna Mana, Fiona Koster and Lilian van Embden.
This study started as a Flemish-Dutch joint project funded by the VNC
(NFWO and Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO, nrs. 200-
41.031 and G.2201.96) to explore the possibilities of simulating natural
language learning with a learning algorithm. At Antwerp University, I had
regular meetings with Steven Gillis, Masja Kempen and Frank Wijnen. At
various conferences, Masja and I formed a team. Later on, when I started doing
experiments, I did a lot of work in collaboration with Evelien Krikhaar. I am
not only grateful to my close colleagues, but also to the entire linguistic com-
munity: audiences at various conferences, a number of anonymous reviewers
and the members of the CHILDES mailinglist.
During my PhD-period, the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics provided a
stimulating environment. Over the years, the number of researchers focusing
on child language development grew almost exponentially and lab-meetings
were introduced (later on: ELiTU lectures). For me, this was an excellent
development: especially in the later stages, there were always people around
that knew the problems of child language research. I much liked the daily
chatting with roommates and roommates-next-door (Sergio Baauw, Ellen
Gerrits, Esther Janse, Maarten Janssen, Annemarie Kerkhoff, Erica van Lente,
Brigit van der Pas, Saskia te Riele, Judith van Wijk) about highly relevant and
less important topics. Jacqueline van Kampen and Jan de Jong commented on
early versions of this manuscript. Sharon Unsworth and Alexander Kaiser
corrected the English and pointed out some recurring mistakes. All errors that
remained are mine. Esther Kraak gave invaluable advice and help while I was
preparing the manuscript.
During my eight-month stay in the US, I enjoyed the encouraging and sunny
atmosphere at the UCLA Linguistics Department. I want to thank the people
who enabled my visit to Los Angeles, helped me passing some initial obstacles
and made my stay into an unforgettable period of my life. A special thanks goes
to Misha Becker, Stella de Bode, Christine Erb, Jelena Kripokavic and Luca
Storto. I am grateful to the UiL-OTS, NWO and LOT (Netherlands Graduate
School of Linguistics) for the grants that made my visit to UCLA possible.
Finally, I want to thank my parents, Herman Blom and Gerda Wijtten, as well
as my sister Marian for helping me out so that I was in the luxurious position to
have some extra time for my dissertation, conferences and family life.
Alexander deserves to be thanked in an infinite many ways, but I want to
restrict myself here to the aspects that stand in direct relation to this study,
which are his patience, the mind-cracking exhausting but eventually always
clarifying discussions about linguistics, his help with lay-out and technical
problems and, finally, the way in which he worked himself through the pre-final
version of the manuscript. Only few correctors would have detected the thirty
forgotten dots in the bibliography. To our son Jakob I dedicate this piece of
work. Time has come, I would say, that he expresses his desire to eat five
cookies in a nice root infinitive.
Introduction i
1 Perspectives on Root Infinitives 1
1.1 Two opposite perspectives 2
1.2 Verb movement 4
1.3 Why children do not move the verb and use RIs 6
1.4 Why children know verb movement 9
1.5 …but still use RIs 10
1.5.1 Underspecification Hypotheses 10
1.5.2 The AUX-drop Hypothesis 15
1.5.3 The Truncation Hypothesis 17
1.5.4 Where hypotheses diverge: subject drop 18
1.6 The No Overlap Hypothesis revisited 21
1.6.1 Dynamicity Hypotheses 22
1.6.2 The Telicity Hypothesis 28
1.7 The role of the input 29
1.8 Summary 32
1.9 Outline of the thesis 33
2 Statistical Methods 35
2.1 Differences between stages 35
2.1.1 Four stages 36
2.1.2 The Root Infinitive period 37
2.1.3 Two developments 38
2.1.4 "Jack knife" technique 40
2.2 Differences between groups 42
2.3 Summary 46
3 Temporal, Modal and Aspectual Denotation 47
3.1 Outline of this chapter 48
3.2 Three hypotheses 48
3.2.1 Tense 48
3.2.2 Modality 50
3.2.3 Aspect 56
3.2.4 Tense, modality and aspect in adult Dutch 57
3.3 RIs in early child Dutch: a corpus study 60
3.3.1 The selection of RIs 61
3.3.2 The criteria for assigning interpretations 62
3.3.3 The denotation of RIs 64
3.3.4 A closer look at the non-modal RIs 66
3.3.5 Comparison with other studies 67
3.3.6 The denotation of finite sentences 69
3.3.7 Evaluating hypotheses 75
3.3.8 Towards a new hypothesis 77
3.4 Differences across languages: experimental data 80
3.4.1 More reliable interpretations 81
3.4.2 Valid cross-linguistic comparisons 82
3.4.3 Pilots 84
3.4.4 Pre-test 87
3.4.5 Test items 87
3.4.6 Protocol 88
3.4.7 Subjects 89
3.4.8 Analysed data 90
3.4.9 Two different questions 91
3.4.10 The semantic approach to the results 92
3.4.11 The syntactic approach to the results 96
3.4.12 Discussion 101
3.4.13 Comparison with other studies 102
3.4.14 Summary 105
3.5 The ongoingness of English RIs 106
3.6 A methodological artefact 106
3.6.1 The corpus results re-analysed 109
3.6.2 Conclusion 111
3.7 The Heterogeneous Set Effect 111
3.7.1 Support from Dutch for the HSE 113
3.7.2 Other cross-linguistic differences explained 116
3.7.3 Some final notes on bare stems in child English 117
3.8 Summary 119
4 Types of Verbs 121
4.1 Outline of this chapter 122
4.2 Evidence for a weak Eventivity Constraint 122
4.2.1 Aspectual classes, terminology and tests 123
4.2.2 Testing the Dynamicity Hypotheses 126
4.2.3 Testing the Telicity Hypothesis 129
4.2.4 Summary 132
4.3 Syntactic and semantic approaches to the EC 133
4.3.1 Test case PVs 134
4.3.2 States in RIs 136
4.3.3 The EC in adult Dutch 138
4.3.4 Summary 140
4.4 The Modal Approach to the EC 140
4.4.1 States in the here-and-now 140
4.4.2 Desired states 143
4.4.3 Required states 143
4.4.4 Intended states 148
4.4.5 Summary 150
4.5 The effect of cognitive immaturity 151
4.6 Verb type in English RIs 155
4.7 The role of the input 156
4.8 Summary 157
5 Changes over Time 159
5.1 Outline of this chapter 160
5.2 The rise of FINs 160
5.2.1 Properties of FINs in the target language 161
5.2.2 The sequence of development 165
5.2.3 Motivation for the GoF
(Grammaticalisation of Finiteness Hypothesis) 169
5.2.4 Testing the GoF 175
5.2.5 Lexical overlap 176
5.2.6 Lexical variation 177
5.2.7 Paradigmatic variation 178
5.2.8 Errors 180
5.2.9 The first occurrences of FINs 184
5.2.10 Conclusion 187
5.3 The modal shift in RIs 188
5.3.1 The cause of the Modal Shift 191
5.3.2 The driving force 197
5.3.3 Aspect, modality and tense 199
5.3.4 Re-interpreting the experimental results 203
5.3.5 Recapitulation 205
5.3.6 Evaluation of hypotheses 206
5.4 The development of subject use 206
5.4.1 Predictions 207
5.4.2 Method 208
5.4.3 Results 209
5.4.4 Interpretation of subject drop in RIs and FINs 212
5.4.5 Obligatory subjects in FINs 213
5.4.6 Optional subjects in RIs 216
5.4.7 Early differences between FINs and RIs 218
5.4.8 Conclusion 219
5.5 An alternative scenario for changes in RIs 219
5.6 A note on methodology 220
5.7 Summary 221
6 Summary and Implications 223
6.1 Summaries of the chapters 3, 4 and 5 224
6.1.1 Temporal, modal and aspectual denotation 224
6.1.2 Types of verbs 225
6.1.3 Changes over time 226
6.2 Evaluation of previous research 228
6.3 Implications for future research 230
6.3.1 Experimental methods 230
6.3.2 Longitudinal research 233
Appendices 237
Abbreviations 265
Tables and Figures 269
Bibliography 277
Samenvatting in het Nederlands 291
"Next: how shall we define the whale, by his
obvious externals, so as conspicuously to label him
for all time to come? To be short, then, a whale is
a spouting fish with a horizontal tail."
H. Melville, Moby Dick
Across languages, the first sentences of children are remarkably similar.
Children systematically omit finite verbs and use infinitives instead. In (1) -
(4), some examples are given from early child Dutch, French, Russian and
(1) jij de walvis maken Daan 2;04.28
you the whale make-inf
(2) pas tomber la poupée Nathalie 2;2.2
not fall-inf the doll
'The doll does not fall'
(3) papa peèku topit' Zhenya 1;9
daddy stove keep-going-inf
'Daddy keeps the stove going'
(4) tapuax lishtot Lior 1;8.08
apple drink-inf
'I want to drink an apple'
The examples (2) to (4) are taken from Ferdinand (1996), Brun et al. (1999) and Armon-
Lotem (1995), respectively.
ii I
The same characteristic that unifies many child languages all over the world
reveals a difference between child and adult language.
Just to illustrate the
contrast between children and adults: Daan, one of the children I examine
in this thesis, used (1) where his parents would use sentences like (5) or (6):
(5) jij moet de walvis maken
you must-aux the whale make-inf
'You have to make the whale'
(6) Jij maakt de walvis
you make-fin the whale
'You are making the whale'
A comparison between (1), on the one hand, and (5) and (6), on the other,
shows that Daan either leaves out a finite auxiliary or fails to inflect and
move the verb. On the basis of this comparison, we could hypothesise that
Daan does not know the forms to express finiteness (i.e. inflected main
verbs and auxiliaries), and that he therefore is not able to use finite
In the last paragraph, I emphasised the difference between child and adult
language: Daan uses sentences that his parents do not use. This conclusion
is not entirely correct, though. In telling a story to the investigator who
audio-taped his son Daan's father said:
(7) Oeh hij krijsen
oeh he scream-inf
'And then he started to scream'
The sentence in (7) is not directed to Daan, but addressed to another adult.
Thus, Dutch adults can use non-finite main clauses (commonly named root
infinitives and abbreviated as RIs) that apparently have the same structural
properties as Daan's utterance in (1). The adult RIs are restricted by certain
In many different child languages, non-finite sentences are found. There are considerable
differences between languages with regard to the length of the period in which children omit
finiteness. This gave rise to the idea that there are 'RI-languages' and 'non-RI-languages'
(Hoekstra & Hyams, 1995, amongst others). Romance languages like Italian or Spanish are
examples of non-RI-languages.
discourse conditions, like embedding in a narrative context as in (7). It
seems that children violate these rules and overuse RIs. Examples as in (7)
give rise to the hypothesis that young children lack the knowledge of where
to use finiteness, rather than of finite forms. Before we can draw the
conclusion that children overuse RIs as the effect of pragmatic 'errors'
(maybe due to processing limitations), we first have to know whether
children are in command of the finite alternatives for RIs that would be
felicitous. If these alternatives are not yet acquired, children are forced to
violate discourse conditions by using RIs. Then, their use of RIs is not due
to pragmatic deficits, but to the unavailability of finite forms.
For these reasons, the goal of this thesis is to learn more about children's
early grammatical development. The aim is to explain the early absence of a
finiteness system and its successive acquisition. The most appropriate
empirical material for such a study comes from the developmental phase
that begins when children combine their first words into two-word
utterances and ends when children use multi-word sentences. I focus on two
topics: (i) semantic properties of RIs (denotation and verb type) and (ii) the
development of child language from RI-stage to finite-stage. Chapters 3 and
4 deal with temporal, modal and aspectual denotation and verb type,
respectively, whereas Chapter 5 presents a detailed study of developmental
changes in which special attention is paid to the aforementioned semantic
aspects. Chapter 1, Perspectives on Root Infinitives, gives an overview of the
main ideas and running themes in the RI-jungle. Chapter 2 describes the
analysed data and the statistical methods applied to them.
In the literature, the semantic properties of RIs are taken as indicators of
children's grammatical knowledge. The first relevant semantic aspect is the
denotation of RIs, more specifically, their temporal, modal and aspectual
denotation. The predominance of RIs that express desires or commands
and the sentence-final placement of the infinitive could indicate that RIs are
'normal' adult sentences that contain a silent modal auxiliary (cf. (5)). Hence,
it could be argued that children are grammatically fully competent. The
observation that RIs differ in meaning in languages like Dutch and German,
on the one hand, and English, on the other hand, motivates a second
hypothesis: semantic properties of RIs relate to infinitival morphology. RIs
iv I
in Dutch and German contain 'true' infinitives with infinitival morphology,
whereas English RIs contain bare stem forms:
(8) Dis go right there Adam 3;3
I evaluate these two claims on the basis of analyses of spontaneous speech
data from six Dutch-speaking children and experimental data from Dutch
and English child language. We can find evidence showing that Dutch RIs
are aspectually restricted, but there is no support for the claim that RIs have
a pre-determined modal or temporal meaning. Moreover, it is confirmed
that Dutch and English RIs differ in meaning.
Building on these observations, I explain the semantics of RIs by the initial
absence and gradual acquisition of a system of finiteness marking, and the
Heterogeneous Set Effect. The temporal and modal denotation of RIs is
intrinsically free. As long as children do not know any other verb forms
than the unspecified infinitive, RIs are frequent and used everywhere. When
specified verb forms are learned, RIs become infrequent and are restricted
to those contexts for which no specified alternatives are available (Elsewhere
Hypothesis). The acquisition of specified alternatives for RIs is a grammatical
process, since it results in the acquisition of auxiliaries, inflection and verb
movement. Cross-linguistic differences are argued to follow from the
Heterogeneous Set Effect: as an effect of inflection drop, English RIs comprise
non-finite and finite sentences. This effect does not occur in Dutch.
The second semantic property of RIs, their restriction to certain verb types,
received much attention in the literature. Abel - another child whose
language I study in this thesis - uses his RIs for describing events that refer
to something dynamic, such as pakken 'get', doen 'do' or bouwen 'build':
(9) Koppie thee pakken Abel 2;03.02
cup tea get-inf
'I am going to get a cup of tea'
The examples are taken from Harris & Wexler (1996).
His finite sentences also contain state-denoting predicates:
(10) Ik wil jou Abel 1;11.26
I want-fin you
'I want to sit by you'
It seems that RIs obey an Eventivity Constraint. In the literature, this
constraint is approached in three different ways: as an effect of the absence
of finiteness in RIs, as the result of the modal usage of RIs, or as an input
effect. I argue that there is support for the second and third claim, but not
for the first, even though the finiteness-contrast between (9) and (10) may
suggest the opposite. The difference between verb type selection in Dutch
and English RIs follows directly from my proposal that English RIs
represent a heterogeneous set of sentences.
In Chapter 3 and 4, I supply empirical data and single out the hypotheses
that are successful with respect to empirical coverage. Methodological
questions regarding cross-linguistic comparisons will be discussed. I show
how to deal with small datasets (an inherent problem of studies on early
child language) and stress the importance of fine-grained analyses of
empirical data.
Notwithstanding the relevance of these matters, it is Chapter 5 that
constitutes the vital heart of this thesis. Despite the extensive amount of
literature on children's early omission of finiteness, only little attention has
been paid to children's unlearning of RIs. In Chapter 5, the incremental
acquisition of grammatical finiteness in early child Dutch is described and
interpreted. I formulate the Grammaticalisation of Finiteness Hypothesis (GoF),
which states that the rise of finite sentences passes through three successive
stages: (i) the appearance of simple lexical-finiteness markers, (ii) the
emergence of combinations of lexical-finiteness markers and infinitives, and
(iii) the acquisition of grammatical-finiteness markers in the form of
inflected, moved verbs.
Though the GoF holds for Dutch, I am hesitant to
draw any conclusions about other languages. Since it is argued that the
developmental path of Dutch children is influenced by the way in which
The first step is characterised by the appearance of sentences as in (10), the second step by
the appearance of sentences as in (5), while the final step is marked by sentences as in (6).
vi I
grammatical information is packaged in the input, we first have to know
more about the input patterns of other target languages. My hypothesis that
the rise of finite sentences is directly linked to the disappearance of RIs is
supported by the observation that RIs change their meaning at a certain
point on the developmental path: the modal shift in RIs can be explained as
an effect of the increase of finite equivalents for RIs. Patterns of subject use
in RIs and finite sentences let us determine the point of time at which
inflection comes in and children move the verb.
Elma Blom
Utrecht, Fall 2002
Perspectives on Root Infinitives
In this chapter, the literature about RIs will be divided into three main
categories. According to one view, RIs are one of the symptoms that
characterise children’s deficient grammatical knowledge. Studies that take
this viewpoint, advocate the reduced competence hypothesis; the underlying idea is
that children are born with reduced grammatical competence, as compared
to adults. Other studies - most studies about RIs - defend the full competence
hypothesis. According to this view, RIs are either a symptom of non-
grammatical deficits or result from very small grammatical differences
between child and adult grammar. A third type of approach concentrates on
the language children hear, rather than on the linguistic competence of
children. In these studies, it is argued that properties of RIs are input-driven.
These three perspectives do not necessarily exclude each other. The first two
are fundamentally different but the third input-oriented approach is, in
principle, consistent with the other two views. I start the overview by
introducing the two opposite perspectives in section 1.1. The difference
between the perspectives hinges upon the question whether or not children
move the finite verb already at a very early age. More background on verb
movement in Dutch is given in section 1.2, while the sections 1.3 - 1.6
continue with discussions on the reduced competence analysis and full
competence analyses of verb movement in early child Dutch (amongst other
languages). In section 1.7, input-oriented studies will be discussed. Section
1.8 gives a summary, followed by an outline of the thesis in 1.9.
2 C
1.1 Two opposite perspectives
Several studies relate the omission of finite verbs to the omission of certain
other words. Lebeaux (1988) and Radford (1988, 1990) argued that children
systematically omit functional words. They use telegraphic speech, where
finite verbs, determiners and complementisers are left out (the examples in
(1) are from Radford, 1990):
(1) a. bear in chair
the bear is in the chair
b. bow-wow go?
where did the bow-wow go?
Such systematic omissions lead to the conclusion that the child's grammar
lacks functional categories across the board. According to Radford, adult
knowledge of functional categories has to mature. He claims that this
happens all at once. Before this happens, the child uses lexical words that are
connected to each other by thematic relations. Because functional structure
is absent from this early representation, there are less syntactic positions
than in the adult equivalent. As a consequence, a syntactic operation such as
verb movement cannot take place. A verb, generated in V, cannot move to I
to pick up inflection as there is no I; absence of the functional category I
results in children's use of RIs.
In a nutshell, this is the maturational reduced competence hypothesis about
language acquisition, and, in particular, verb movement. Around the same
time as the studies of Lebeaux and Radford appeared - in the 1980's of last
century - De Haan (1987) reported data from a Dutch boy, Tim, that
indicated that the acquisition of verb movement involves more steps than
was suggested by Lebeaux and Radford. Children do not jump from an RI
stage without verb movement to an adult finite stage with verb movement;
rather, they use RIs and finite sentences alongside each other for a while. In
Wexler's (1992, 1994) terms, children go through an Optional Infinitive
Stage, i.e. a stage in which finiteness is optional and RIs are used alongside
finite sentences. A similar observation to the one which De Haan reported
for Dutch, is reported by Poeppel & Wexler (1993) for the German-
speaking boy, Andreas. Andreas (2;1) used the following sentences in one
and the same session (examples are from Poeppel & Wexler, 1993). The
sentences in (2) contain finite hab and mach while (3) contains the infinitival
form haben:
(2) a. Ich hab ein dossen Ball
I have-fin a big ball
b. Ich mach das nich
I do-fin that not
(3) a. Thorsten Caesar haben
Thorsten Caesar (= doll) have-inf
b. du das haben
you that have-inf
Observations such as these have puzzled researchers for many years as they
seem contradictory: children use finite sentences, suggesting that knowledge
of functional categories and verb movement is available to them, yet at the
same time, they do not use finite sentences as frequently and systematically
as adults do.
De Haan and Poeppel & Wexler dealt with the Optional Infinitive (or OI)
stage in two entirely different ways. De Haan advocated a more or less
reduced competence analysis, but explained language development not via
maturation, as in the original version of the RCH that was explained before,
but as a process of re-analysis that children apply. For this reason, I take De
Haan's proposal as an exponent of the RCH that takes an incremental position
with regard to the acquisition of grammatical knowledge rather than a
maturational position. According to the maturational version of the RCH,
functional categories mature all at once. According to the incremental
version of the RCH, functional categories are accessed through an
incremental growth of knowledge. In studies taking the second viewpoint,
the existence of stages is emphasised; children's productions over time are
described as successive steps in the acquisition of grammatical knowledge.
De Haan argued that the early appearance of finite verbs and the early
correct placement of these verbs do not necessarily imply that children
move the verb. According to De Haan, two observations make it hard to
believe that Tim knows the morphological and syntactic rules of finiteness:
Tim's first finite verbs are not overtly marked for finiteness, hence there is
no systematic morphological marking of finiteness yet. Moreover, the small
set of lexical items that are placed in the position for finite verbs can be
4 C
analysed as lexical markers of finiteness. Thus, according to this account, the
final stage in which finiteness is a grammatical property is preceded in early
child language by a stage in which finiteness is lexical. De Haan's proposal
contrasts with Poeppel & Wexler’s full competence hypothesis (FCH).
Poeppel & Wexler argued that children move the verb from early on.
Andreas' data are presented in support of this claim. From a RCH-
perspective, it is obvious why child language differs from adult language,
and, hence, why children use RIs. From the FCH-perspective, children's use
of RIs asks for an explanation. In the literature on RIs, three kinds of
answers can be distinguished. These can be grouped under the headings
‘Underspecification Hypotheses’, ‘AUX-drop Hypotheses’ and ‘Truncation
1.2 Verb movement
The controversy between De Haan and Poeppel & Wexler is about the
question of whether young children move the finite verb form early on.
Before I turn to the proposals to discuss them in more detail, I will first go
into some details of verb movement in Dutch necessary for understanding
the rest of this chapter. Consider the following difference between the
placement of the finite and non-finite verb in adult Dutch. In Dutch
declarative main clauses the finite verb is in second position, while the
infinitive is placed sentence-finally:
(4) Zij dansten de hele nacht
they danced-fin the whole night
'They danced all night long'
(5) Ooit zullen Laura's dromen waarheid worden
once will-fin Laura's dreams truth become-inf
'One day Laura's dreams will become true'
The syntactic analysis of the sentences in (4) and (5) can be unified if both
are derived from the same underlying structure. Verb movement is a way to
unify the two structures. The finite verb moves out of its sentence-final base
position, while the infinitive remains in this position. Structurally, this can be
represented as is illustrated below:
(6) Jan danst de tango
John dances the tango
(7) CP
spec C’
spec I
spec V
de tango t
In the standard analysis of Dutch (Koster, 1975; Den Besten, 1983), the
verb moves from V-to-I-to-C, as exemplified in (7). The bare lexical stem of
the verb is inserted in V. The morphological marking of finiteness,
inflection, is generated in I. Thus, the verb moves to I to pick up inflection.
As inflection encodes tense, the inflected verb moves subsequently up to C
to be in a proper tense position. Tense has scope over the entire sentence
and is, therefore, related to the highest projection (CP).
Dutch does not
only show verb second, but also has obligatory inverted order in, for
instance, yes-no questions. In this case, the verb is in first position. In more
This story holds for main clauses. In embedded clauses, C is filled with a complementiser.
This blocks movement and the verb stays in its base position i.e. V.
6 C
recent analyses, the idea of invariant movement from V-to-I-to-C is replaced
with less rigid analyses (Zwart, 1993; Koeneman, 2000). Zwart (1993),
following Kayne (1994), furthermore argued that the Dutch base order is
SVO instead of SOV. Irrespective of the specific analysis, though, the finite
verb moves or is raised in overt syntax in Dutch main clauses.
The result of
verb movement is that the finite verb surfaces in the first or the second
position of a sentence, depending on the sentence type: the inverted VSO-
order is used in yes-no questions or conditionals, whereas the SVO-order is
used in the other sentence types. Both Zwart (1997) as well as Koeneman
(2000) describe the traditional analyses and give new analyses of verb
placement in Dutch.
1.3 Why children do not move the verb and use RIs
De Haan (1987) examined Tim's spontaneous speech data to investigate
whether or not verb placement in Dutch child language resembles verb
placement in early child German. This investigation was motivated by
Clahsen's work on child German (Clahsen, 1982; Clahsen & Smolka, 1986).
Clahsen, partially in collaboration with others, found evidence for the
following stages in the development of verb placement in child German:
I 25-29 months There is no fixed order between the constitu-
ents of a sentence; all verbal elements occur in
first/second and final position with a pre-
ference for final position; this also holds for
verbal complexes
In the discussion on RIs in child language, Dutch and German are often collapsed.
Though there are various differences between both languages, this seems appropriate for the
early use of verb forms by children that learn either language. As regards the analysis of adult
German, the analysis given for Dutch applies to German as well.
II 31-33 months Verbal elements containing non-finite parts
show up systematically in final position; finite
verbs occur in both final and first/second
III 37-39 months All and only finite verbs are in first/second
position; verbal complexes with finite and
non-finite parts appear to be discontinuous
IV 40-42 months In embedded sentences the finite verb is in
final position; this occurs from the moment
such sentences are acquired
Clahsen interpreted the finding that all verbal elements, including verbal
complexes, can appear in first/second position as an indicator of early verb
movement. To explain the initial random distribution of finite and non-finite
verb forms, Clahsen proposed the Lexical Learning hypothesis (Clahsen,
1990; Clahsen & Penke, 1992; Clahsen, Eissenbeiss & Penke, 1994), which is
another example of the incremental version of the RCH. Children do not
have access to the entire set of functional projections; rather, they only have
one FP (i.e. Functional Projection). When functional words are acquired,
this FP is split into various specific projections. If children start out with
only one general FP, there is no specific trigger for finite verbs and both
finite and non-finite verbs can appear in sentence-initial position. However,
Jordens (1990) has pointed out that the sentence-final finite verbs Clahsen
mentions are, in fact, past participles with an omitted prefix. These forms
are superficially indistinguishable from simple present tense forms. In
general, the finding that children place the verb in an adultlike fashion (i.e.
finite verb in initial position and non-finite verb in final position) is robust
for German (Boser, Lust, Santelmann & Whitman, 1992; Poeppel & Wexler,
1993) as well as for Dutch (Verhulst-Schlichting, 1985; De Haan, 1987;
Jordens, 1990; Wijnen, 1993). In stage II, children acquire the knowledge
that only simplex verbs move. In stage III, an adult-like use of verb
movement is attained. The fact that children do not move the finite verb in
embedded sentences reinforces this conclusion.
8 C
Dutch is very similar to German, and therefore appropriate to test Clahsen’s
claims. Tim's data did not confirm the claims, however. When Tim (data
collected at the ages of 2;01.15 and 2;02.15) was in stage I and II, he treated
verbs syntactically already in a very restricted manner: finite forms are in
sentence-initial position while non-finite forms are sentence-final. Thus, only
finite verbs are fronted. Systematic marking of tense or agreement is lacking;
only the finite-nonfinite distinction is visible in morphology on the verb. De
Haan writes:
"This boils down to the postulation of two verbal categories that are
morphologically, semantically and syntactically distinct." (p. 21)
These two categories are AUX and V, given in (8) and (9) respectively:
(8) a. gaat niet
goes-fin not
AUX - neg
b. moet daar in
must-fin there in
AUX - adv - prep
(9) a. ik een keertje doen
I one time do-inf
subj - obj - V
b. even buiten kijken
just outside look-inf
adv - adv - V
AUX does not carry infinitival morphology and is used to express tense and
modality. V, on the other hand, captures notions like 'act' or 'change'. V is
morphologically distinct from AUX because of its infinitival morphology:
[ -en ]. Syntactically, AUX and V are generated in different positions.
In summary, De Haan says that children do not classify verbs in the same
way as adults. What guides children towards a non-adult classification? The
child may be mislead by the input because the input does not contain
explicit information about grammatical classes - the child is not told what a
verb is, or a noun - and the syntactic classification must be derived from
cues in the input data. Pinker (1984) hypothesised that children apply
semantic bootstrapping to detect syntactic classes. His idea is that children
have early access to a number of semantic observable primitives. 'Action' or
'motion' are such primitives. Through linking rules, this primitive is linked to
the syntactic category V. In this system, predicates that do not denote
activities will initially not be classified as V. From this perspective, it is
understandable that children end up with two different categories: the
predicates that denote tense and modality (non-action predicates) are
assigned a different grammatical category than action-denoting predicates.
To arrive at one, adultlike, class V that contains all verbal predicates, the
children have to merge the two categories. According to De Haan, finite
morphology helps the child to generalise. Only if children have access to the
finite paradigm, can they deduce that not all elements of the class V denote
activities. Knowledge of finite morphology merges the categories AUX and
V. This unification is a prerequisite for verb movement.
1.4 Why children know verb movement …
Poeppel & Wexler (1993) made a strong claim against the No-Overlap
hypothesis, as they call De Haan's approach. Recall that De Haan claimed that
different types of verbs appear in RIs and early finite sentences and hence,
predicts that there is no overlap between the verb types used in RIs and
finite sentences. From their study of Andreas' (2;01) data, Poeppel & Wexler
report that out of the 28 verbs that are used twice or more, 8 verbs appear in
finite as well as non-finite form. Poeppel & Wexler do not give the list of
verbs. The 20 remaining verbs that do not overlap do not fit De Haan's
classification, but is is clear from the text that the finite verbs are not only
modals such as können 'can' and mögen 'want' or the copula sein 'be', but they
denote also activities like fliegen 'fly' or umkippen 'fall over'. The non-finite
forms are nearly all verbs that denote actions. The predicate stehenbleiben
'stand still' that appears in non-finite form in Andreas' data, is ambiguous: it
can denote an action as well as a state or a property.
Structural properties of Andreas' finite sentences, and differences in
structural properties between RIs and finite sentences, are taken by Poeppel
& Wexler as evidence for early verb movement. First of all, finite verbs and
non-finite verbs appear in different positions. The former appear in
10 C
sentence-initial position while the latter are sentence-final. There are 197
sentences with the finite verb in second position; 180 contain an overt
subject and in 50 examples, the finite verb is preceded by a nonsubject i.e.
object or adverb. Thus, Andreas does not stick to the canonical subject-verb
order and it seems that he is able to topicalise constituents. He does this
correctly, that is, in accordance with adult German: in all cases, the verb is
located in second position. As regards the morphological properties of the
early finite forms, Poeppel & Wexler's study remains unclear. Tense is
restricted to present tense, which is unmarked. Hence, there is no indication
that Andreas has acquired any morphological tense distinctions. As regards
agreement morphology, Poeppel & Wexler reported that:
"Andreas used predominantly singular subjects with correct agreement
morphology on the verb." (p. 6)
Based on this, Poeppel & Wexler concluded that Andreas knows agreement
because he hardly makes any errors. All in all, their conclusion is that
Andreas, at the age of 2;01, has an adult-like sentence representation and full
grammatical competence: he moves the finite verb and uses the I and the C
1.5 …but still use RIs
Poeppel & Wexler's conclusion that Andreas had full grammatical
competence was based on Andreas' finite utterances. However, Andreas'
German still differed from adult German, because he used RIs. Why do
children use RIs even though they know verb movement? In this section,
three traditional full competence explanations for RIs that deal with this
question will be summarised.
1.5.1 Underspecification Hypotheses
The common FCH explanation is that the child grammar is complete but
underspecified. This idea relies on the minimalist program as proposed by
Chomsky (1993). The minimalist account of verb movement differs from
the Government and Binding analysis (§ 1.2) in several respects. In the GB
model, the lexical stem in V moves to I to pick up inflection, as inflection is
generated in I. In the minimalist analysis, V is not occupied by a bare stem
but by a fully inflected form. This form contains tense and agreement
features, that project functional structure: Agr(eement)P and a T(ense)P.
The functional heads are occupied by inflectional features and not by
inflection itself (as in the GB framework). The features of the verb in V
must match the features in the functional domain; the verb moves to the
functional positions in order to check its features. Movement takes place in
overt or covert syntax, depending on the strength of the feature. Strong
features require movement in overt syntax (prior to spell-out), while weak
features lead to procrastination of movement (until LF).
In an
underspecified grammar, V projects, even though the inflectional features
are not specified. As an effect, FPs are projected (instead of specified
projections such as AgrP or TP). The underspecified FP does not attract the
verb and hence, movement is not triggered.
NDERSPECIFICATION OF TENSE Recall that one of the problems of
the RCH proposals of Radford (1988) and Lebeaux (1990) was the co-
occurrence of RIs and finite sentences. Poeppel & Wexler (1993) did not
solve this problem. Wexler (1992, 1994) concentrated on children's optional
use of finiteness and argued that children pass through an Optional Infinitive
Stage. According to him, the characteristics of OI stage are that both finite
and non-finite verbs appear in the root clause. The finite and non-finite verb
forms appear with a different word order: raised and not raised, respectively.
This pattern is in accordance with the adult grammar. Wexler claimed that in
this stage, Tense is underspecified. Thus, verbs do not move for tense; the
only trigger for verbs is agreement. In finite sentences, the verb is raised,
resulting in a form that is agreeing. In RIs, the verb is lowered, resulting in a
form that is not agreeing.
Wexler illustrated his claims with data from
French taken from (Pierce, 1989, 1992). Data from French child language
show that young French-speaking children have moved or raised the finite
verb, while the verb in RIs is unmoved (or lowered, in terms of Wexler).
The French examples below illustrate that a verb that precedes the negation
Wexler needed these two options because, following the minimalist framework, he
assumed that optionality only occurs if two derivations are equally costly. Therefore, in finite
sentences, as well as RIs, the verb must move.
12 C
pas (hence moved) is finite, while a verb that follows pas (hence unmoved) is
an infinitive (examples are from Pierce, 1992).
(10) a. marche pas
walk-fin not
b. ça tourne pas
this turn-fin not
(11) a. pas casser
not break-inf
b. pas rouler en vélo
not roll-inf on bike
The child escapes from the OI stage by specifying Tense. RIs do not occur
anymore as the acquisition of forms to mark temporal distinctions leads to
the obligatoriness of Tense marking.
Besides French, Wexler discussed the optional infinitive phenomenon in a
wide range of languages. He claimed that, although English has no distinct
infinitival form (unlike the other languages Wexler mentions), English
children do go through an optional infinitive stage, just like Dutch, German,
French, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish children. He argued that
uninflected verb forms, illustrated in (12), are actually infinitives. In English,
these infinitives happen to be indistinguishable from stems and all persons
in the simple present tense paradigm except third person singular
(12) a. Eve sit floor Eve 1;7
b. Where penny go? Adam 2;4.30
c. That truck fall down Nina 2;0.24
An elaborate discussion of the OI stage in child English can be found in Harris & Wexler
(1996). One of the results presented in support of Wexler's claim is that English children do
use (ia) while (ib) is unattested:
(i) a. She not go
b. * She not goes
If the verb form in (ia) is nonfinite, it is predicted that it does not move as there are no
finiteness feature to check. The fact that go follows negation indicates that this prediction is
borne out. English children distinguish untensed verb forms syntactically from tensed verbs;
they move the tensed verb to check its features. As expected, (ib) does not appear.
NDERSPECIFICATION OF NUMBER Hoekstra & Hyams (1995) and
Hyams (1996, 1999) proposed an alternative underspecification hypothesis:
instead of Tense, Number is underspecified. Underspecification of Number
leads to absence of Tense, according to them. Cross-linguistic patterns are
presented in support of this claim. In Germanic languages, such as Dutch,
German and English, RIs are frequent although they hardly appear in a
Romance language such as Italian.
The two language types differ in the
richness of their inflectional paradigms. Italian has person as well as number
agreement in the present tense paradigm, whereas the Germanic languages only
mark Number i.e. the difference between singular and plural.
Hyams (1999)
states that in languages of the Germanic type 'number is the morpho-syntactic
reflex of tense binding' (p. 402).
If in these languages Number is underspecified,
Tense cannot be bound: a verb form that has no morphological tense features
surfaces, namely the infinitive.
Data on Italian can be found in Schaeffer (1990) and Guasti (1992).
This generalisation does not follow straightforwardly from the inflectional paradigms in
Germanic languages. In order to make this claim, Hoekstra & Hyams (1995) have to start
with a set of assumptions. First, they assume that the first person singular may be unmarked.
This yields the conclusion that the [ -t ] extension found with second and third person
singular in Dutch (and not with first person singular) marks Number rather than Person.
Second, in order to explain early child German, Hoekstra & Hyams argue that German is
initially misanalysed by German-learning children as being Dutch-like (the German children
fail to detect the Person marking initially). Third, Hoekstra & Hyams follow Kayne (1989)
with regard to the assumption that you in English is grammatically plural. This yields the
conclusion that the [ -s ] extension found with third person singular in English marks
Tense is thought of as being anaphoric. It relies on an antecedent that is given in the
preceding discourse for its interpretation. Partee (1984) observes similarities between
temporal and nominal anaphora. In particular, she points out that in both cases the
antecedent can remain implicit. In (ia) the temporal reference is not specified while in (ib) it
is the nominal reference which is not specified:
(i) a. I didn't turn off the stove
b. She left me
The distinction in anaphoric and pronominal Tense is used in Gueron & Hoekstra's (1989,
1996) analysis. If Tense is anaphoric, it is bound to a tense operator which has the unmarked
value of
'here-and-now' or speech time S (co-indexed). If Tense is pronominal, it is free and
has the value 'past tense' (contra-indexed). The temporal index is realised by morphology e.g.
a past tense suffix. If Tense is underspecified, it is not indexed, so it is neither co-indexed nor
14 C
Underspecification of Number prevents children (acquiring languages that
have Number agreement) from using finite sentences. As long as Number is
underspecified, RIs surface. To explain the OI stage itself and to account for
the shift to a finite stage, Hyams (1999) gives an additional explanation. In
the OI stage, children have two ways to bind Tense. In RIs, they bind tense
deictically, that is to speech time S. In finite sentences, Tense is bound
grammatically through a tense chain. Children escape from the OI stage
when they learn that Tense, being anaphoric, must be bound grammatically.
As long as the general pragmatic principle that prescribes grammatical
binding is not acquired, finiteness is optional for children.
Avrutin (1999)
connects to Hyams' more recent work by locating the RI-phenomenon at
the syntax-discourse interface. According to Avrutin, children know the
grammatical properties of Tense. They lack, however, the processing
capacities required to obey the pragmatic conditions on Tense. Conse-
quently, children fail to use Tense for introducing events in the discourse.
underspecification account is proposed by Schütze & Wexler (1996) and
Schütze (1997). The difference between this and the other two unders-
pecification accounts (the Underspecification of Tense and Underspecification
of Number approach) is that it is underspecification of two functional features,
Tense and/or Agreement, instead of one that leads to RIs. Support for this
proposal comes from subject Case errors in English child RIs. In adult English,
the subject must have nominative Case. Children, however, use RIs with
accusative subjects. The examples in (13) are from Schütze (1997):
(13) a. him fall down Nina 2;3.14
b. her have a big mouth Nina 2;2.6
It is argued that Tense and Agreement both bear a relation to the subject:
Tense licenses overt subjects, while the subject's Case is assigned by
contra-indexed. There are no morphological tense features on the verb. In this analysis,
Tense forms a chain between the event in V, the finite verb in I and the tense operator in C
(Evers, 1981; Enç, 1987; Gueron & Hoekstra, 1989, 1996).
Hyams (1999) refers to the work of Grodzinsky & Reinhardt (1993) for an example of
such a principle stating that the deictic binding option is blocked when grammatical binding
yields the same interpretation as deictic binding.
Agreement. As a result, subject drop is only allowed when Tense is
underspecified, because the subject is not licensed. The subject can have a
wrong Case if agreement is underspecified. This surfaces only in languages
where the default Case is non-nominative. As accusative is the default Case
in English, it is correctly predicted that English children use RIs with
accusative subjects.
1.5.2 The AUX-drop Hypothesis
The idea behind the AUX-drop hypothesis, initially proposed by Boser,
Lust, Santelmann & Whitman (1992), is simple. In principle, RIs are
equivalent to adult sentences with periphrastic verbs. The only difference
between children's RIs and adult sentences with periphrastic verbs is that
children do not realise the auxiliary phonetically. The auxiliary is dropped
and an RI remains. The null auxiliary is recognisable through cues from
morphology, syntax and semantics. The covert auxiliary corresponds to a
modal or dummy verb that does not have any lexical content. A more recent
interpretation of the AUX-drop hypothesis, Ferdinand (1996) argued that
the null auxiliary is specifically a modal or future auxiliary as this would offer
an explanation for the observation that RIs are restricted to eventive
predicates. In § 1.6.1, Ferdinand's proposal will be discussed in more depth.
Note that final placement of the verb in RIs follows automatically from the
fact that the null auxiliary fills I. The main verb cannot move from V to I
and remains in base position.
The AUX-drop hypothesis has been criticised for several reasons. First of
all, there is a methodological problem: to drop the auxiliary in periphrastic
constructions children must be able to use overt periphrastic constructions.
However, in the sequence of developmental stages, periphrastic verbs are
acquired after the RI stage (Jordens, 1990; Wijnen, 2000). Secondly, it is
unclear why children should drop the auxiliary in the first place, assuming
that they can, in principle, produce it. Thirdly, there are various empirical
problems. If RIs were like ‘normal’ finite sentences, then it is expected that
In a language like Dutch, in which nominative Case is the default Case, no such errors are
16 C
RIs pattern like finite sentences. However, both topicalisation as well as WH
movement are unattested in RIs, whereas they are found in children’s early
finite utterances. Poeppel & Wexler (1993) pointed to topicalisation facts in
the finite sentences of Andreas (see: § 1.4). WH asymmetry between RIs and
finite sentences is observed in Dutch, German, Swedish and French child
language (see Phillips, 1995 for an overview).
10, 11
Another point of criticism
concerns the licensing of the null auxiliary. As an empty category, the null
auxiliary needs licensing. Boser et al. claimed that an overt subject licenses it.
One of the characteristics of RIs, however, is that the presence of a subject
is optional (Hyams & Wexler, 1993). Thus, it remains unexplained how the
null auxiliary is licensed.
Some objections can be raised against the empirical criticism. The obser-
vation that children do not topicalise constituents and that WH words are
absent in RIs does not necessarily imply that children cannot use them. It is
a common research strategy to make this assumption though.
A more
serious problem of the empirical criticism is that both the absence of
topicalisation facts and WH words in RIs can be seen as effects of
development: topicalisation as well as WH words may surface in RIs and not
in finite sentences, because RIs are acquired before finite sentences come in.
Thus, to examine whether or not this criticism holds, longitudinal data need
to be analysed, so more can be said about the patterns that emerge over
1.5.3 The Truncation Hypothesis
Although the truncation hypothesis can be seen as less full competence than
the other two hypotheses (AUX-drop and underspecification), in the sense
that the child grammar allows for representations that are not allowed by the
adult grammar, it still claims that children do have access to the entire set of
functional projections and know verb movement. In this way, the truncation
hypothesis assumes full grammatical competence from early on.
Phillips (1995) for English, Haegeman (1994) for Dutch, Kursawe (1994) for German,
Santelmann (1994) for Swedish and Crisma (1992) for French
Interestingly, English child language does not show both of these asymmetries, whereas
the other child languages do (Roeper & Rohrbacher, 1994; Phillips, 1995).
The central tenet of the Truncation Hypothesis is that children lack the
knowledge that C heads every sentence. According to Rizzi (1992, 1994),
this knowledge matures. According to Weissenborn (1994), however,
truncated trees follow from reduced processing resources. Children do not
have to project the entire adult structure, though they have to obey the
canonical order of projections that is given by UG. Weissenborn (1994:216)
formulated this as the Local Well-Formedness Constraint, which requires
that the representation of any utterance of the child is locally wellformed
with respect to a representation of the adult grammar. Thus, children cannot
omit material from the middle of a syntactic tree; only 'top' nodes can be
dropped. The resulting trees are called ‘truncated trees’ (Rizzi, 1992, 1994;
Weissenborn, 1994; Haegeman, 1995) and the root of a sentence can be CP
or any projection below CP. If the child has only one grammar, the root
principle must look like (14):
(14) VP or TP or CP is root
The optional use of infinitives follows from the optional projection of TP
and CP. In the case of RIs, children take the VP as root:
(15) VP
spec V'
In the case of finite utterances, either TP or CP is root. Rizzi (1994) argued
that RIs in Italian are rare (Guasti, 1993) and that this is an effect of feature
strength. In both the tensed and untensed paradigm, Italian agreement is
strong. Thus, following the ideas of the minimalist program (Chomsky,
1993), Rizzi (1994) proposed that in Italian tensed as well as untensed verbs
move as high as AgrP, because they are both triggered by strong agreement
One could also hypothesise that the child has different grammars: one with CP = root,
one with TP = root and one with CP = root. The difference between this idea and Rizzi's
formulation is purely conceptual. Formally, there is no difference between a single grammar
that contains the unspecified rule in (14) or three co-existing grammars with specified rules.
18 C
1.5.4 Where hypotheses diverge: subject drop
The Underspecification, AUX-drop and Truncation Hypothesis differ most
clearly with respect to their predictions concerning patterns of subject use in
RIs and finite sentences. I already mentioned that the AUX-drop hypothesis
predicts that RIs must contain overt subjects. Wexler & Hyams (1993)
pointed out that this prediction is not borne out. Observations from Dutch
and German child language, reported by Krämer (1993), and from Danish
child language, reported by Hamann & Plunkett (1998), indicate that RIs
show a clear preference for subject drop and do not appear with overt
subjects most of the time. Both the Underspecification and the Truncation
hypothesis account for this observation and for the observation that finite
sentences used alongside RIs do not share the preference for subject drop.
Both hypotheses take asymmetries between RIs and finite sentences as their
point of departure, as opposed to the AUX-drop hypothesis (according to
which RIs and finite sentences are structurally identical). According to both
hypotheses, RIs are untensed clauses that contain a non-agreeing verb form.
In this respect, RIs differ fundamentally from finite clauses. With regard to
their specific ideas about subject drop in the OI stage, the
Underspecification and Truncation hypothesis differ, however.
Underspecification accounts transfer the analysis of adult infinitival clauses
to child RIs (Sano & Hyams, 1994; Wexler, 1994; Schütze & Wexler, 1996;
Schütze, 1997). It is argued that RIs contain a null subject, and that this null
subject is identified as PRO ('big pro'). Why is the subject PRO and is the
child not allowed to simply drop the subject? Chomsky (1986) argued that
UG contains a principle stating that all sentences must have subjects. This
principle, known as the Extended Projection Principle or EPP, explains
(among other things) the insertion of the expletive subjects in sentences like
(16) a. There is a man in the garden
b. It is fun for Jane to play badminton
The EPP makes direct predictions for the analysis of subjectless sentences.
To obey the EPP, it must be assumed that (17) contains a null subject: a
subject that is structurally present but does not have a phonetic
(17) It would be wrong [ NULL SUBJECT to leave now ]
As the null subject in (17) has a syntactic function but is not phonetically
realised, it is an empty category. In generative theory, there are different
types of empty categories, each with their own licensing conditions.
According to Chomsky's theory, there is only one empty category that must
remain ungoverned, namely PRO.
Infinitival clauses lack a finite verb,
hence I is empty and spec, IP (the canonical subject position) is ungoverned.
Thus, PRO is licensed in this position. In child RIs, I - Tense, Agreement or
both - is/are underspecified. Therefore, I cannot license an overt subject. As
in adult infinitival clauses, the only subject that is allowed is PRO. In sum,
Underspecification accounts concentrate on the I domain. They predict that
RIs contain null subjects, while finite sentences appear with overt subjects.
Truncation hypotheses focus on the absence of a C domain in child
language. According to these accounts, the dropped subject in child
language is not PRO, but it is a ‘null constant’, which is allowed to be
antecedentless by virtue of the absence of an antecedent position.
Spec CP
is an antecedent position, thus absence of CP leads to absence of an
antecedent position. The null constant is allowed in the canonical subject
position, i.e., spec IP. Truncation accounts predict that RIs have a null
subject, while finite sentences have null subjects and overt subjects. Note
that the Underspecification and Truncation accounts make different
predictions for the patterning over time. According to Underspecification,
RIs will show a constant longitudinal pattern of subject drop while finite
sentences show a constant pattern of subject use. According to Truncation,
a stage with optional subject use in finite sentences is followed by a stage
with obligatory use of subjects in finite sentences.
The Agreement and Tense Omission Model, or ATOM, (Schütze & Wexler,
1996; Schütze, 1997) differs from the other Underspecification proposals in
The distribution of PRO has puzzled many researchers over the years and has lead to
different proposals. In the original PRO theorem, PRO is a pronominal anaphor (Chomsky,
1981). Alternative accounts have been proposed. It is argued that PRO is a pure anaphor, a
pure pronoun or sometimes anaphor/sometimes pronoun. I will not go into the details of
this discussion but a recent overview can be found in Petter (1998), for example.
Note that this is a stipulation; no further support is given for such a null category.
20 C
that it allows for overt subjects in RIs. It is predicted that RIs show optional
subject use while finite sentences only contain overt subjects. The ATOM
predicts furthermore that subject Case errors in Dutch child RIs will not
appear: overt subjects in RIs do not appear with non-nominative Case. In
the available literature, the picture of subject Case in Dutch child RIs is
heterogeneous. According to Schaerlakens & Gillis (1987), Dutch-speaking
children go through a short phase in which they use the accusative form mij
'me' instead of nominative ik 'I'. Van Ginneken (1917) reported a similar
overuse of subjects with accusative Case:
(18) Mij moet et hebbe Keesje 2;7
me must it have-inf
(18) is not a RI, though. Boezewinkel (1995) found accusative subjects as
well; in her data, the accusative subjects only appear in RIs:
(19) a. mij doen Laura 2;3
me do-inf
b. mij zitten Sarah 2;0
me sit-inf
Kaper (1976), Powers (1994) and Bol & Kuiken (1986) found hardly any
examples of accusative subjects in RIs, if any at all. It seems that the use of
RIs with accusative subjects is idiosyncratic. In general, children make hardly
any Case errors, as predicted by the ATOM.
1.6 The No Overlap Hypothesis revisited
Recall that I started this chapter with the observation from De Haan (1987)
that children use different verb types in their early finite sentences and RIs:
there was no lexical overlap between the two types of sentences. De Haan
argued that this no-overlap pattern indicates that Tim is not able to move
the verb. Contrasting this analysis with full competence proposals, leads to
the question how full competence accounts deal with the no-overlap
patterns during the OI stage. In this section, four full competence
explanations for De Haan's observation will be discussed. These four
explanations differ from each other in two respects. Firstly, the explanations
differ with regard to whether or not they allow for overlap. Ferdinand
(1996) argues, like De Haan, that there is no overlap: there is a class of verbs
types that appears in finite forms and there is a different class of verbs types
that appears as infinitives in RIs. A verb type that belongs to one class
cannot belong to the other class. Wijnen (1997), Hoekstra & Hyams (1998)
and Gavruseva (2001, 2002) argue for an asymmetry between finite sentences
and RIs: verb types in RIs are restricted to a particular class, but the verbs
types that appear in simple finite sentences are not. Thus, the prediction is
that all verbs that appear as infinitives in RIs may occur as finite verbs, but
not the other way around. The full competence studies formulate the
difference between verbs in RIs and finite sentences in terms of aspectual
classes (Vendler, 1967; Dowty, 1979) and not in terms of grammatical
classes as De Haan did.
Explanations are based on the incompatibility of
certain aspectual properties of verbs and properties of RIs. A second
difference between the four full competence explanations will be discussed
in this section. It concerns the types of aspectual classes. Two types of
hypotheses can be distinguished. According to the Dynamicity Hypotheses,
RIs are restricted to
[ +dynamic ] or eventive predicates while finite
sentences (also) contain
[ -dynamic ] predicates or states (Ferdinand, 1996;
Wijnen, 1997; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998). According to the Telicity
Hypothesis, RIs contain predicates that are not inherently specified for
telicity, i.e. [ αtelic ], while finite sentences contain predicates in which a
[ +telic ] or [ -telic ] meaning is part of the verb's lexical content (Gavruseva,
2001, 2002).
1.6.1 Dynamicity Hypotheses
FERDINAND (1996) Ferdinand's (1996) work was briefly mentioned
when the AUX-drop hypothesis was portrayed. Since Ferdinand used the
AUX-drop hypothesis, more specifically, the MODAL-drop hypothesis, in
Note that the lexical items in De Haan's two grammatical classes (AUX and V) overlap for
a great deal with the lexical items in the different aspectual classes. The main difference is
that De Haan predicts a smaller set of different verbs to appear as early finite verbs that any
of the other studies does. Details on this issue can be found in Chapter 4.
22 C
order to explain no-overlap patterns in child French, I have chosen to
discuss her proposal here. Ferdinand found that children in the age-group
she studied use overt auxiliaries that select for infinitival predicates with a
future ('inchoative' as Ferdinand calls it
) or deontic meaning.
illustrated this with the following examples:
(20) a. 'tacha va met Nathalie 2;2.2
Natacha go-fin put-inf
'Natacha is going to put it there'
b. va chercher maman Gregoire 1;11.20
go-fin look-for-inf mummy
'I am going to look for mummy'
(21) a. veux fermer Daniel 1;8.1
want-fin close-inf
'I want to close it'
b. poupee doit faire dodo Nathalie 2;2.2
doll have-fin to do sleep-sleep-inf
'The doll has to sleep'
Ferdinand claimed that these auxiliaries are dropped in RIs. Since these
auxiliaries are incompatible with states, this explains why RIs are restricted
Ferdinand chooses the label ‘inchoative’ to make clear that va does not have a temporal
meaning. However, future is modal rather than temporal. As future is a better way to
describe the meaning of va (and it is the standard label in the literature) I refer to va as a
future auxiliary.
Ferdinand includes volitionary vouloir 'want' and dynamic pouvoir 'be able to' in the set of
deontic modals.
to eventive predicates, according to Ferdinand.
Examples from adult
French were used to illustrate this claim. When the future auxiliary selects a
stative infinitive, the predicate becomes eventive: according to Ferdinand,
(22a) denotes the beginning or inception of a state and is, therefore, eventive
rather than stative. If a modal selects for a stative infinitive, the sentence
receives an epistemic reading. Ferdinand's example in (22b), taken from a
French dialect, is used to illustrate this.
(22) a. Jean va être malade
Jean go-fin be-inf ill
'Jean is going to be ill'
b. il veut faire beau
it want-fin make-inf beautiful
'It is probably going to be good weather'
As children in the RI stage do not use epistemic modals, stative predicates
do not appear in their RIs. Eventive predicates are absent from children's
early finite sentences because tense is still underspecified: the early finite
forms are just
[ +tense ] and not further specified as [ -past ] or
[ +past ].
The value of tense is determined by speech time S, which yields a here-and-
now or present tense reading. Ferdinand assumed that only stative
There are more convincing examples that illustrate the relation between modal
interpretations and predicate types than the French examples Ferdinand gives, for instance,
the 'minimal pair' weten 'know'/leren 'learn' given by Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) to illustrate
that stative predicates force an epistemic reading of the modal auxiliary (i), while with
eventive predicates a deontic reading is preferred (ii). The lexical meaning of the two
predicates is quite similar, but their dynamicity values (or rather their agentivity values, as I
will argue in Chapter 4) differ. :
(i) Jan moet het antwoord weten
John must the answer know
'I conclude that John knows the answer'
(ii) Jan moet Frans leren
John must French learn
'John is required to learn French'
The observation that a relation exists between epistemic modals and stative predicates
should not be attributed to Ferdinand but is mentioned in earlier studies, for instance,
Steedman (1977), McDowell (1987) and Barbiers (1995).
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predicates can survive with an underspecified tense form. Ferdinand (1996:
88) says about this assumption:
"Non-eventive verbs lack internal temporal structure, they denote states.
This entails that they can be
[ +tense ] without being linked to a specific
part of the time axis. Eventive verbs, on the contrary, have internal
temporal structure; they denote changes taking place in time. For this
reason, whenever an eventive verb is marked for
[ +tense ] it must be
linked to a specific moment in time."
In sum, Ferdinand provides two explanations: one for the verbs that appear
as early finite verbs - these can survive the underspecified tense - and
another explanation for the verbs that appear in RIs - these are compatible
with the underlying modal auxiliaries in RIs -. The result is that a strict no
overlap pattern is predicted. In this respect, Ferdinand's proposal differs
from the other three full competence proposals that I will discuss in the
remainder of this section.
IJNEN (1997) Wijnen (1997) applied Carlson's (1979) distinction between
stage and individual-level predicates to explain why stative predicates are
absent in RIs. He used Kratzer's (1989) analysis of stage and individual-level
predicates to account for patterns in early child language. Stage-level
predicates denote temporal properties while individual-level predicates
denote permanent properties. Thus, eventive verbs are a subset of stage-
level predicates while stative verbs are a subset of individual-level predicates.
Semantically, Kratzer (1989) describes the difference between stage and
individual-level predicates in terms of an event variable: stage-level
predicates (i.e. events) contain this variable while individual-level predicates
(i.e. states) do not. There is also a syntactic difference between these two
types: subjects of stage-level predicates (i.e. events) originate in the specifier
of VP while subjects of individual-level predicates (i.e. states) are generated
in spec IP.
Wijnen argued that the absence of stative predicates in RIs shows that Tense
is absent in RIs.
In tensed sentences, the event variable is bound by Tense.
In RIs, an alternative strategy is applied. As Tense is absent, the event
variable is bound deictically. Stative predicates do not have an event
Therefore, a temporal interpretation cannot be assigned
deictically. As a result, stative predicates are (necessarily) overtly marked for
Tense while eventive predicates can remain untensed.
Under the
assumption that the event variable is bound to speech time by a deictic
operator, it is predicted that RIs are restricted to present tense interpre-
tations. But Wijnen found that the RIs of four Dutch children are most
often modal or future (Wijnen reported an average of 86% RIs that were
modally used), just like the RIs produced by German children (Ingram &
Thompson, 1996). To account for this finding, Wijnen hypothesised that a
modal or irrealis interpretation surfaces as the default. This is the meaning
that is assigned in absence of Tense. According to Wijnen, a lack of Tense
provides furthermore a syntactic way to account for the absence of stative
predicates in RIs. Kratzer’s syntactic analysis of stage and individual-level
predicates implies that stative predicates need an IP layer to host the tensed
verb. In RIs, however, this layer is absent and stative predicates cannot
appear. This analysis is compatible with Truncation as well as
Underspecification Hypothesis discussed earlier, as the claim of these two
theories is that Tense is optional in child language and Tense is absent in
OEKSTRA & HYAMS (1998), HYAMS (2001A, B) In their
underspecification account, Hoekstra & Hyams (1995) and Hyams (1996, 1999)
argued, like Wijnen (1997), that children bind tense deictically in RIs. Findings
reported in various studies suggest that RIs have a preference for modal
interpretations, however (Krämer, 1993; Ingram & Thompson, 1996; Wijnen,
1997). To account for the modal interpretation of RIs, Hoekstra & Hyams
Most individual-level predicates are stative and most stage-level predicates are eventive,
but there are stage-level stative predicates. Dowty (1979) gives the following examples:
(i) a. New Orleans lies at the mouth of the Mississippi River
b. ?? New Orleans is lying at the mouth of the Mississippi River
(ii) a. My socks are lying under the bed
b. ?? My socks lie under the bed
The claim that the event variable is bound by a Tense Operator does not come from
Kratzer (1989), as Kratzer assumes that Tense is a predicate. In Wijnen's proposal it not
really explained why stative predicates appear as tensed forms: if states do not have an event
variable, grammatical binding of tense is not possible either. Thanks to Henriette de Swart
for pointing this out.
26 C
(1998) pursue the idea that the infinitive itself has a meaning, instantiated in the
infinitival morpheme, and denotes
[ -realised ]. According to Hoekstra &
[ -realised ] gives rise to boulemaic and deontic interpretations of RIs.
With this claim, an attempt is made to capture differences in meaning between
Dutch and German RIs, on the one hand, and English RIs, on the other.
Recall that Wijnen found over 80 % modal RIs in the data of four Dutch boys.
Deen (1997) and Madsen & Gilkerson (1999) reported the reverse for English:
only ca. 20 % of the RIs in English child language are modal. Hoekstra &
Hyams argued that absence of a modal meaning follows from absence of
infinitival morphology in English. English RIs contain a bare verb form, so
there is no suffix to carry the
[ -realised ] meaning. Referring to the work Giorgi
& Pianesi (1996), Hoekstra & Hyams assumed that the English bare verb form
has an inherent meaning which differs from the meaning of the infinitive,
namely [ +perfective ], an assumption which is not covered by the English RIs
as these denote most frequently events and states that take place in the here-
and-now and hence, that are ongoing and not completed (which would be
predicted by the specification [ -perfective ].
Moreover, the assumption that
Boulemaic RIs are used to express a wish, while deontic RIs are used to give a command
(see Chapter 3).
This is not only predicted for Dutch child language, but also for German, French and all
other languages in which the infinitive is morphologically marked. The generalisation is that
RIs in languages with a morphologically marked infinitive are modal while RIs in languages
with a base infinitival form are non-modal (or have a free temporal and modal reference).
Hoekstra & Hyams gave the following contrast in support of the claim that the English
bare verb form is inherently perfective:
(i) a. * I see him cross the street
b. I saw him cross the street
In English, the bare verb form cannot be embedded under a present tense matrix verb. The
Dutch infinitive does not show this restriction:
(ii) a. Ik zie hem de straat oversteken
I see him the street cross
b. Ik zag hem de straat oversteken
I saw him the street cross
It is unclear, though, why exactly this difference should indicate that the English bare verb
form denotes [ +perfective ] and the Dutch infinitive [ -realised ]; only the English example
displays a meaning restriction. It can be questioned whether this English restriction must
the English bare form denotes a specific meaning, does not really follow from
Hoekstra & Hyams' own proposal: if presence of an infinitival morpheme
restricts the meaning of infinitives, then it is expected that absence of this
morpheme, resulting in a bare stem, leads to absence of these restrictions. This
is the position taken by Hyams (2001a, b): English RIs have a free temporal use
as they do not have Tense and there is no verbal morphology.
Hoekstra & Hyams and Hyams related differences in use of Dutch and
English RIs to differences in predicate restrictions. Deen (1997) reported
that 75% of the RIs in the English data he studied are eventive, Madsen &
Gilkerson (1999) found that only 60 % of the English RIs they examined are
eventive (data reported by Hyams, 2001a, b). This contrasts strongly with
the Dutch results, reported by Wijnen (1997). Based on this comparison,
Hoekstra & Hyams and Hyams argued that the Eventivity Constraint - RIs
are restricted to event-denoting predicates - that applies to Dutch (German and
French) does not apply to English. The finding that both, meaning and
predicate type, differ, leads to an analysis in the spirit of Ferdinand (1996):
the modal meaning of RIs restricts the predicate type. For English, the
reverse argumentation holds: because English RIs are not modal, they are
also not restricted to eventive predicates.
1.6.2 The Telicity Hypothesis
GAVRUSEVA (2001, 2002) Gavruseva (2001, 2002) argued that the
eventivity of RIs follows from aspectual underspecification, in particular,
underspecification of the functional head Telicity.
Verbal predicates differ
really be attributed to properties of the bare verb form and not to properties of the present
tense in English (which is well-known for its severely restricted use).
Hyams (2001a, b) compared the use of nonfinite verbs to the use of other verb forms.
Hyams assumes that children initially make a mood distinction: they use different forms in
realis and irrealis contexts. English RIs appear in the realis contexts - because of a lack of
infinitival morphology they are appropriate in these contexts - while at the same time English
children use modal catenatives like gonna, wanna, needta and hafta in the irrealis contexts. Dutch
and German children use RIs in irrealis contexts and finite verb forms for realis meanings.
The finite forms of English children are used for habitual meanings (Madsen & Gilkerson,
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with respect to their telicity value. Some predicates are telic and have an
inherent endpoint e.g. close, die, arrive. Other predicates are nontelic and do
not have an inherent endpoint e.g. dance, walk, eat. There are also verbs that
are transient: they can be telic as well as nontelic. For instance, the event
denoted by eat an apple has finished when the apple is eaten. However, eat by
itself is not telic. As the addition of an object influences the telicity value,
telicity is argued to be compositionality derived (Verkuyl, 1972). Gavruseva
argued that children lack the ability to compute the telicity value. Thus, if a
transient predicate is used the telicity value of the VP remains undetermined
in child language. As the VP must be specified for telicity to establish a tense
chain, the chain is blocked.
The effect is that an untensed form surfaces.
Stative predicates are inherently specified for telicity: they are nontelic.
Punctual events are telic. In both cases, a tense chain can be established and
a finite sentence is used. Gavruseva added a cross-linguistic dimension and
compared Germanic and Slavic languages. In Germanic languages, telicity is
syntactically derived, while in Slavic languages it is a morphological feature.
According to Gavruseva, the aspectual encoding is present in the grammar
as a parameter and languages differ with regard to the value of the
parameter. She claims that children leaning Germanic languages need more
knowledge before they can determine the value of the parameter than
children learning Slavic languages.
This delay leads to a relatively long RI-
period in the Germanic languages, as compared to the RI-period in Slavic
Although the cross-linguistic claim made by the Telicity Hypothesis is
appealing, Gavruseva's proposal faces a problem if we consider an ob-
servation reported by Bar-Shalom & Snyder (1998). Bar-Shalom & Snyder
compared spontaneous speech data from Italian, Polish and Russian
children to test whether or not these children use RIs and go through an OI
Stage. The Telicity Hypothesis predicts no difference between Polish and
Russian: both are Slavic languages with a morphological aspectual system,
and hence, it is expected that they are 'no-RI-languages'. Bar-Shalom &
Snyder observed a difference between Polish and Russian child language,
The syntactic licensing condition on tense chains is not part of Gueron & Hoekstra’s
original proposal and is added by Gavruseva (2001).
Gavruseva (2001) argues that knowledge of the DP is required as the presence or absence
of a determiner can also affect the telicity value.
however. The Polish children used virtually no RIs. The Russian children
produced far more RIs than any of the Polish children did. Under the
Telicity Hypothesis, this difference is not expected and it is unclear how the
Telicity Hypothesis can account for it.
1.7 The role of the input
The RCH and FCH concentrate on children's linguistic capacities, but do
not consider the input seriously. Nevertheless, Poeppel & Wexler (1993: 30)
say, "the input data are of course relevant". There are various studies about
RIs in which children's use of RIs and the properties of RIs have been
ascribed to properties of the input. In this section, the role of the input with
respect to the meaning assigned to RIs, the no-overlap pattern in the OI
stage and the early acquisition of the infinitive by Dutch children.
Ingram & Thompson (1996) claimed that the predominant modal inter-
pretation of RIs of German-speaking children is an effect of what the
children hear in the input. They argue that German children associate
infinitives with modality based on the input. Blom, Wijnen & Gillis (1998)
tested whether or not this claim holds for Dutch child language and
compared the modal use of the RIs of two Dutch-speaking boys with the
frequency of modally used infinitives in the input. Similar correlations
between modality and sentence-final infinitives were observed in the
children's input and in the children's output. However, though the
proportions of modal infinitives were alike, the expressions that children
and adults used differed: children used RIs, whereas adults used periphrastic
verbs, consisting of a modal auxiliary and a sentence-final infinitive. The
similar proportions, on the one hand, and the observed difference in surface
form, on the other, gave rise to a proposal along the lines of Boser et al.
(1992) and, more specifically, Ferdinand's (1996) proposal that child RIs
contain an underlying null modal. However, as has been pointed out, the
AUX-drop hypothesis is problematic from a methodological as well as from
an empirical point of view.
Pine, Lieven & Rowland (1998) studied data from English children and their
mothers in order to test the claim made by Wexler (1992, 1994) and to find
30 C
out if the English children really go through an OI stage. They replicated De
Haan's (1987) no-overlap observation: in early child English, which they
investigated, finite sentences and RIs produced during the OI stage contain
systematically different verbs. The early finite verbs are mainly auxiliary-like
items, whereas the infinitives are thematic verbs. This observation suggests
that finiteness is not truly optional, as finite sentence and sentences that lack
finiteness express different meanings. On the contrary, these two forms
correspond to different LF representations and denote different meanings.
To explain this dichotomy between the verbs children use in finite sentences
and RIs, Pine et al. looked at the input that the children received. They
concluded that the no-overlap in child English reflected no-overlap in
English child-directed speech:
"…These results suggest that the major determinant of individual
mother's use of tensed [ finite verbs, EB] and untensed forms
[ infinitives, EB ] is the lexical frequency of those forms in the language,
and that it is possible to explain the patterning of children's use of tensed
and untensed main verbs fairly straightforwardly in terms of the
frequency with which children are exposed to particular lexical forms in
the input." (p. 20)
Besides meaning and verb type, the early use of infinitives itself has been
related to properties of the input. Wijnen, Kempen & Gillis (2001) tried to
answer the question whether or not Dutch children's early use of infinitives
can be explained as an input-effect. Wijnen et al.'s study is, in part, a
replication of a study carried out by Klein (1974). According to Klein, the
early use of sentence-final infinitives by Dutch children could be analysed as
an effect of frequencies in the input. Unlike Klein (and unlike Pine et al. for
English), Wijnen et al. did not find a significant relation between frequency
of sentence-final infinitives in the input and children's early and frequent use
of RIs. Because of this observation, the conclusion was that not frequency
alone, but also other characteristics of infinitival forms in the input of
Dutch-speaking children contribute to the explanation of the relative ease
with which children learn infinitives. Wijnen et al. mention position,
information load and semantic transparency. The infinitive's peripheral
position in Dutch makes it a salient form that is presumably easier to detect
for the child than forms that appear in the middle of a sentence, such as
finite verb forms in Dutch.
The sentence-final infinitives in the input data
Wijnen et al. examined, displayed a type-token ratio that was much higher
than that of the finite forms. This high type-token ratio indicates that
infinitives often carry new and unpredictable information, and are, therefore,
important for the child to pay attention to.
A final determinant may be that
the lexical items that appear as infinitives are often semantically transparent,
in the sense that they denote perceivable actions. In this respect, they differ
from the finite verbs that denote states, the denotation of which is relatively
In the input-oriented studies about RIs various similarities have been
observed between what the children hear and what they produce. Children
use modal RIs and hear sentence-final infinitives in the input most
frequently in sentences with a modal meaning (Ingram & Thompson, 1996;
Blom et al., 1998). Children show no overlap during the OI stage and they
hear do not overlap in the input either (Pine et al. 1998). The interpretation
of the observation about the input is very much dependent on the point of
view one takes as different claims are corroborated by the input. If one takes
a behavioristic point of view, the conclusion may be that these observations
indicate that children imitate the input, and that they learn language by
copying what they hear. The interpretation from a mentalist point of view,
though, would be that children have adult language knowledge. Wijnen et al.
(2001) showed that frequency alone does not explain why Dutch children
use sentence-final infinitives so early. They argued that there is a complex of
other (innate) factors that guide Dutch children to pick up and use the
infinitival form earlier than other verb forms.
This calls to mind Slobin's (1973) 'pay attention to the end of word' principle for child
In this respect, these infinitives are almost embedded in repetitive carrier phrases. Peters
(1982) argued that such phrases, as for instance "Look a ball", "Say ball" or "Gimme the ball"
help the child to discover prosodic boundaries.
Like in Pinker's (1984) semantic bootstrapping hypothesis, the underlying assumption
seems to be that perceptible or observable cues are easier to pick up for young children than
more abstract cues.
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1.8 Summary
This summary focuses on three properties of RIs that have been explained
in the literature in different ways. RIs show a preference for dropped
subjects, whereas the finite sentences used alongside them do not (cf.
Krämer, 1993; Haegeman, 1995; Hamann & Plunkett, 1998). This general
observation could be explained by various variants of the FCH: Truncation
accounts (Rizzi, 1992, 1994; Weissenborn, 1994; Haegeman, 1995) as well as
Underspecification accounts (Sano & Hyams, 1994; Wexler, 1992, 1994;
Schütze & Wexler, 1996; Schütze, 1997). The observation that children use
systematically different verbs in their RIs and in their finite sentences, has
been accounted for by the incremental version of the RCH (De Haan, 1987),
by versions of the FCH (Ferdinand, 1996; Wijnen, 1997; Gavruseva, 2001,
2002) and by input-driven approaches (Pine, Lieven & Rowland, 1998). The
temporal, modal and aspectual meaning of RIs is explained as an effect of
structural properties of RIs (Ferdinand, 1996; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998;
Hyams, 2001a, b) and this, too, has been considered from the perspective of
the input (Ingram & Thompson, 1996; Blom, Wijnen & Gillis, 1998).
1.9 Outline of the thesis
Chapter 1 shows in how many ways the absence of finiteness in early child
language can be approached. As the number of theories outranks the
amount of robust empirical findings, I have chosen to emphasise the
empirical side of RIs in this thesis.
After a chapter devoted to the statistical methods applied in this thesis
(Chapter 2), I will start the actual investigation in Chapter 3 by testing the
hypotheses regarding the temporal, modal and aspectual denotation of RIs.
The claims that will be tested are: (i) RIs can receive any temporal
interpretation, (ii) RIs are modal, and (iii) RIs are not completed. Naturalistic
data from six Dutch-speaking children and results from Dutch and English
child language elicited in a controlled experimental setting are analysed. This
cross-linguistic comparison is motivated by Hoekstra & Hyams' (1998)
theory that infinitival morphology has a specific modal denotation (see:
§ 1.6.1). By implication, RIs that contain bare stems (e.g. RIs in early child
English) have a meaning different from that of RIs containing true infinitival
forms (e.g. RIs in early child Dutch). Testing this claim against the
experimental results will help us to determine whether it is feasible and
hence, whether the conclusion holds that children using RIs already encode
modal distinctions.
The findings and conclusions in Chapter 3 provide a basis for the Chapters
4 and 5. In Chapter 4, it will be shown that the temporal/modal denotation
of RIs, more specifically, the different modal usages, restrict verb selection
in RIs. With reference to earlier proposals, I will argue that the modal
properties of RIs lead to the marginal appearance of stative RIs (Ferdinand,
1996; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998). To support this claim, I freely borrow
from the observations reported in Chapter 3. My claim is that various
factors lead, independent of each other, to the absence of stative RIs. First
of all, like adults, children between two and three years old know that certain
modalities are incompatible with states. Secondly, Dutch children hear only
few stative infinitives in the input (which is probably an effect of the
selection restrictions on stative predicates). As long as children are unable to
derive infinitival forms themselves, the absence of stative infinitives is
directly linked to distributions in the input. Thirdly, the kind of modality
that is compatible with states is not accessible to children in the RI-age due
to cognitive immaturity..
In Chapter 5, I will expand on a number of observations from the preceding
chapters. Earlier observations will be placed in a developmental perspective,
a strategy that turns out to be very fruitful. It will be shown that the
predominance of modal RIs is not an effect of children's early ability to
encode modal distinctions. On the contrary, it is the effect of children's
ability to encode present tense. There may be support, however, for the claim
that RIs mark aspectual contrasts. Changes in lexical and morphological
properties of the verb forms that Dutch children know, suggest that
inflection is acquired fairly late, as was hypothesised in Chapter 4. In order
to learn inflection, Dutch children have to look beyond misleading patterns
in the input. The only way to achieve this is by collecting sufficient evidence.
Since verbal inflection is identified as the trigger for the acquisition of verb
movement, it does not come as a surprise that I will defend the claim that
verb movement, which marks the endpoint of the developmental path from
34 C
root infinitives to finite sentences, is not available to Dutch children from
the beginning on.
The thesis closes with a summary of the most important observations and
conclusions, a brief evaluation of previous hypotheses and a section on the
implications for future research.
Statistical Methods
Studies on early child language face the problem that analysable data are
sparse. The division of data into developmental stages makes the problem
even more serious, because few data per stage remain after division,
particularly in the earliest stages. This brings us to a second problem, which
is that the numbers of utterances differ considerably from stage to stage.
The implication of the lack of data and the uneven distribution of the data
over stages is that standard statistical tests cannot be used. Standard tests are
suitable for data that are normally distributed. The data analysed in this
thesis contain too little information to decide whether or not they are
normally distributed, however. Therefore, a statistical method is applied that
does not require any additional assumptions: the permutation test (Good,
1999). This chapter describes this method and how it is used on various
occasions in this thesis.
2.1 Differences between stages
Chapter 5 deals with longitudinal analyses, but the present chapter provides
information on the stages that are distinguished. It is explained how
statistical methods will be applied in this thesis in order to test for changes
over time. Additionally, it is explained which method is used to determine
whether or not generalisations hold for the total sample of six children.
2.1.1 Four stages
I analysed transcriptions of spontaneous speech data of six monolingual
Dutch-speaking children. All analysed data are available through the Child
Language Data Exchange System or CHILDES (MacWhinney, 1995). Abel,
Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter are part of the Groningen Corpus.
Laura is part of the Van Kampen Corpus. The transcriptions in these
corpora are based on audiotape recordings made at home, in an
unstructured home setting. The children’s age ranges are given in Table 2.1.
This table shows furthermore the total number of utterances produced by
each child in the selected files to give an idea about the size of the files that
were examined.
Table 2.1: Children’s age ranges and the total number of utterances in the
selected files that are used for analysis, data from all six children
Child Age range Total number of utterances
Abel 1;10.03 - 2;07.29 2890
Daan 1;08.21 - 2;09.10 4859
Josse 2;00.07 - 2;08.18 3340
Laura 1;09.04 - 3;04.06 4241
Matthijs 1;09.30 - 2;11.19 4624
Peter 1;07.18 - 2;03.21 2349
Laura's sample contains files from an older age (above three) than the
samples from the other children (under three). As Laura suffered from
recurrent ear-infections, her development is delayed. Otherwise, Laura
developed normally.
From the corpus of each child, a number of files were selected. The data
that were examined represent four developmental stages. I selected clusters
See Van Kampen (1997) for detailed information about Laura's linguistic development.
of files that correspond roughly with the following frequencies of finite
verbs. The right-most column gives the average MLU (Mean Length of
Utterance) of the six children in a certain stage:
Table 2.2: 'Stages' in the development of finiteness: frequency of finite
sentences per stage (as a percentage of the total number of sentences that
contains a verb), average MLU per stage.
Stage Frequency of finite verbs Average MLU
I 0 1.125
II < 30 % 1.387
III 50 % 1.972
IV > 80 % 2.607
The selected files are listed in Appendix 2.1 (p. 237).
Appendix 2.2 (p. 238)
contains detailed information about the numbers of RIs and finite sentences
in the four stages and the average MLU per child per stage. Note that
children do not jump from 0 % to 30 % to 50 % to 80 % finite sentences.
Rather, the increase of finite sentences is gradual, and the stages are
snapshots taken from this gradual development.
2.1.2 The Root Infinitive period
Stages I-IV represent the Root Infinitive period (RI-period), i.e. the phase in
which children (i) use RIs more frequently than adult speakers do
(quantitative criterion), and (ii) use RIs differently from adult speakers
(qualitative criterion). Stages II-IV constitute the Optional Infinitive stage
(OI-stage) as defined by Wexler (1992, 1994). According to Wexler's
The age of the child is given per file as well as the Mean Length of Utterance (MLU). The
MLU is the number of morphemes that the child produced in a file divided by the number of
utterances the child produced. This gives an estimation of the length of the utterances that a
child produces. When the children get older, the MLU goes up.
definition, finite sentences and RIs co-occur in the OI-stage. The OI-stage
ends when the frequency with which children use RIs equals the frequency
with which adult speakers use RIs. Bol & Wijnen (1993) determined that
approximately 5 % of the utterances in a spontaneous speech sample of
adult Dutch are RIs. It is expected that when the quantitative criterion for
the end of the OI-stage is met, the qualitative criterion is met as well. Since
finiteness is only truly optional if children use the same (types of) verbs in
RIs and finite sentences, Wijnen (2000) states that children enter the OI-
stage when they are able to use the same verbs in finite sentences and RIs.
In Chapter 5, it will be shown that this is not the case in stage II, even
though the children use finite sentences next to their RIs. This observation
shows that the choice between the application of Wexler's or Wijnen's
definition is not arbitrary: it has consequences for the interpretation of child
data, as Wijnen's definition leads to the discovery of a substage that remains
obscured when Wexler's definition of the OI-stage is applied. My concern is
changes over time. Therefore, Wijnen's definition is more appropriate than
the definition given by Wexler. The label 'OI-stage' as defined by Wijnen,
applies to stages III/IV in my data.
Developmental stages stress the dynamicity of language learning. They are
the main topic of Chapter 5. In this chapter, data from more children and
data that from a wider range of phenomena (than discussed in other
longitudinal studies on early child Dutch) indicate that structural knowledge
of finiteness (e.g. inflection and verb movement) is acquired by Dutch
children in a piecemeal fashion. The four stages become less arbitrary than
they may look now. It will be shown that at each stage represents a step in
the direction of the target grammar of Dutch, and that each step gives rise
to various simultaneous developments. In the third and fourth chapter, I
will abstract away from the stages I-IV. In these chapters, properties of RIs
will be compared to properties of finite sentences that are used alongside
RIs. Changes over time within the set of RIs (and finite sentences) remain
for the fifth chapter.
2.1.3 Two developments
Over time, the meaning of RIs changes. This change can be modelled by an
S-shaped curve: when the children get older, RIs are more frequently modal
as compared to the preceding stages, that is, RIs are more frequently used to
describe desires, intentions and to give commands and relatively less often
to describe events that are ongoing at speech time. More specifically,
between stages II and III, a modal shift takes place (Blom & Wijnen, 2000).
The permutation test will be applied to determine whether or not the modal
use of RIs in stage II differs from stage III/IV in the data of Abel, Daan,
Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter. A second development concerns the
dropping of subjects in RIs. Between stages I and III, the relative number of
dropped subjects in RIs shows a decrease while between stages III and IV,
the relative number of dropped subjects in RIs starts to go up again. This
development can be modelled by a U-shaped curve. The permutation test
will be applied here to test whether or not stages II/IV differ significantly
from stage III. Stage I is left out of the statistical analysis, because the
number of observations in this stage is so marginal that they may have a
disproportionate effect on the outcome.
To test if the developmental differences as they visually present themselves
are statistically significant, it will be estimated to what extent the observed
differences between the stages are due to chance. In order to do this, I will
start by spelling out the null hypothesis: “there is no difference between the
stages”. More specifically, in the case of the modal shift, the null hypothesis
is that there is no difference between stage II and stages III and IV; the
results from stage II, on the one hand, and stages III and IV, on the other
hand, are drawn from one single distribution. In the case of subject drop,
the null hypothesis states that there is no difference between stage III, on
the one hand, and stages II and IV, on the other. Then, the null hypothesis
will be simulated by randomly shuffling the observations per child over the
different stages; recall that there is no difference between the stages, hence
this random distribution is the distribution given the null hypothesis. We
can now calculate the expected difference if all stages were similar. For the
modal shift, the relevant difference is between the proportion of modal RIs
in stage II and the proportion of modal RIs in stages III/IV. For subject
drop, the relevant difference is that between the proportion of subject drop
in stage II/IV and the proportion of subject drop in stage III. As I am
interested in differences between stages and not in differences between
children, I will calculate the average difference of the six children in both
The above procedure gives us the average simulated difference between the
stages given the null hypothesis. In addition, the average observed
difference is calculated. This means that for each child the difference
between the proportion of modal use in stage II and stages III/IV is
calculated. The same procedure is applied to the proportions of subject
drop in stages II/IV and stage III. As before, the average difference over
the sample of six children will be estimated. We now have two values: a
simulated average difference that is expected given the null hypothesis and
an observed average difference. Since the number of all possible
permutations and combinations for the six children is very big, we
approximate the distribution of the differences based on chance by
randomly shuffling the observed proportions 1000 times (or 5000, or more),
which provides 1000 values (or 5000, or more) for the test statistic based on
chance (Monte Carlo simulation). By counting the number of chance
differences that are equal to or bigger than the observed difference, a very
close approximation of the probability is obtained that the observed values
are based on chance. This probability is the p-value. The p-value can be
interpreted as follows. If the value is very small (say lower than a criterion
value of 0.05), we consider it very unlikely that the stages are in fact one
undifferentiated stage as far as meaning or subject drop is concerned. The
null hypothesis is not confirmed; the alternative hypothesis provides a
model that fits the observations better. The conclusion is that the changes
over time are statistically significant patterns that have to be explained. If
the p-value is very big (e.g. p > 0.95), chance will lead to a difference that is
bigger than the observed difference in most of the cases. Thus, the
difference is much smaller than would be expected on the basis of chance
alone. This case is the opposite of the first (i.e. the small p-values). At the
end of section 2.2, I give an example of the strategy that I follow in the case
of unexpected high p-values.
2.1.4 "Jack knife" technique
To test whether it is possible to generalise over the six children, I applied a
so-called Jack knife technique. This is a method, which is used to determine
if the obtained p-value for the total sample of six children is influenced by
the deviating results of one particular child. A simple example will illustrate
the Jack knife technique. Imagine a study in which cultural differences
between children's preferences for certain shapes are examined. Assume
that Japanese children prefer round forms; we want to know whether or not
this preference for round forms within Japanese children develops over
time. Four children are tested at the age of 1, 2 and 3 years old to find out if
a change occurs and if the preference for round shapes is stronger at an
older age than at a younger age.
Table 2.3: Imaginary results of longitudinal study of preferences for round
shapes of four Japanese children at the ages of 1, 2 and 3
Age Child A Child B Child C Child D Average
1 0.3 0.6 0.1 0.4 0.35
2 0.2 0.1 0.3 0 0.15
3 0.7 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.78
The results in Table 2.3 suggest a change in preference between the age of
two and three. In order to test if this difference is statistically significant, the
results from the ages 1/2 are compared to the results from age 3. The null
hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between the average
preference for round shapes of the four children at the ages 1/2 and the
average preference of these four children at the age of 3. With the help of a
simulation of the null hypothesis, a p-value of 0.047 is obtained that the
observed difference between average preferences for round shapes at the
ages 1/2 is drawn from the same distribution as the average preference at
the age of 3. Though the difference is not highly significant, it is just below
the significance level of p = 0.05. Hence, it can be concluded that there is a
change over time.
It may be that this value is due to one individual participant
(generalisability), however. This may happen especially since so few children
are followed and the results are sparse. To test this, the probability is
recalculated four times, each time the results of one particular child are
omitted: first Child A is left out and only Child B, C and D are included,
then Child B is left out and only child A, C and D are included, etcetera.
The results are given in Table 2.4:
Table 2.4: Probabilities that the observed average difference between
preferences for round shapes at the ages of 1/2 and at the age of 3 is due to
chance. The probabilities are calculated over the entire group of four
children and over 4 groups of three children, with one specific child omitted
at a time
All children 0.047
Child A 0.041
Child B 0.045
Child C 0.061
Child D 0.037
In most cases, p is still fairly low, i.e. below the criterion value (of 0.05). In
one case, i.e. when child C is omitted, the p value is slightly above 0.05. As
this is only slightly above the critical value, it is not the case that the data
from one particular child influence the obtained p value for the total sample
of four children disproportionally. It seems that we can generalise over the
children and conclude that the preference for round shapes of Japanese
children develops over time. This development occurs when the children
are between two and three years old.
2.2 Differences between groups
In Chapter 3, experimental data on the meaning of Dutch and English child
RIs will be presented. Apart from testing whether or not there is a
preference for a certain meaning within the set of RIs in the two languages,
I will test for differences between the two languages, i.e. a difference
between groups. The null hypothesis states that the Dutch and the English
children are in fact one undivided group as far as their preference is
concerned. Like before, the permutation test is appropriate, given that I
collected relatively few data.
How does the permutation test work when differences between groups are
tested? Imagine that we want to know whether Japanese children like round
shapes more than English children do. In order to test whether or not there
is a difference between children from the two groups, a simple experimental
setting is designed and 12 Japanese and 12 English children are tested. The
experiment contained 10 test items: each item consisted of two forms, a
round form and a square form, and each child had to choose between the
two forms. In Table 2.5 the results are given as the proportion of round
preferences (number of test items divided by number of round forms that
were chosen):
Table 2.5: Results of an imaginary experiment on the preference for round
or square shapes with Japanese and English children, average and standard
deviation (SD)
Subject Proportion preferences for
round shapes in Japanese
Proportion preferences for
round shapes in English
1 0.6 0.2
2 1 0.1
3 0.5 0.6
4 1 0.4
5 0.7 0.3
6 0.9 0.4
7 0.6 0.5
8 0.5 0.5
9 0.8 1
10 0.3 0.3
11 0.6 0.1
12 0.5 0
Average 0.67 0.37
SD 0.22 0.27
Recall that the null hypothesis states that there is no difference between
Japanese and English children. Another way of putting this is to say that the
relation between a particular preference and being Japanese or English is
completely accidental. That is, any combination between a particular
preference and a nationality (Japanese or English) is just as good as any
other. Any such combination will result in a particular average preference
for the Japanese and an average preference for the English children. These
averages will of course differ, but each of these differences will be
accidental. For differences to be meaningful and to reflect a real distinction
between Japanese and English children, it should be bigger than the
differences that result from the arbitrary combinations of preferences with
nationality labels. In practice, the difference is said to be meaningful if it is
bigger than the great majority of such accidental differences (usually set to at
least 95 %). I will go briefly over the statistical procedure once more. First,
the preferences are combined into one group. Secondly, we randomly
shuffle the position of the preferences, like randomly shuffling a deck of
cards. Third, we assign the first half of the randomly shuffled preferences to
the Japanese, the second half to the English group. Fourth, the preferences
of the Japanese and the English group are calculated and the difference
between these preferences is determined (Japanese difference minus English
preference). Fifth, the procedure is repeated many times (1000 or 5000).
Sixth, we count the number of times that this difference is bigger than or as
big as the difference that we observed in our experiment and divide this by
the number of repetitions (1000 or 5000). This results in the p-value, the
estimation of the probability that the observed difference is due to chance.
This procedure results in p = 0.004, which is clearly below 0.05. We can
conclude that the English and Japanese children come from different
groups as far as the preference for round shapes is concerned. The Japanese
children show a greater preference for round shapes than English children
Besides the difference between Japanese and English children, the data in
Table 2.5 can also be used to test whether the Japanese children (or English
children) show a preference for round shapes (or for square forms). The
null hypothesis can be simulated by randomly distributing the proportions
of round and square shapes in Table 2.5 for each child: we observed that
child 1 had a proportion of 0.6 preference for round shapes. However,
given the null hypothesis, the chance that the preference for square shapes
is also 0.6, is large; there is no preference for either the one or the other.
Table 2.6: Results of imaginary experiment, proportions of preferences for
round and square shapes of Japanese children
Subject Proportions of preferences
for round shapes
Proportions of preferences
for square shapes
1 0.6 0.4
2 1 0
3 0.5 0.5
4 1 0
5 0.7 0.3
6 0.9 0.1
7 0.6 0.4
8 0.5 0.5
9 0.8 0.2
10 0.3 0.7
11 0.6 0.4
12 0.5 0.5
Sum 8 4
In order to simulate the random distribution that is expected under the null
hypothesis, the results in Table 2.6 are shuffled for each child. The sum of
the proportion of preferences for round shapes of all children is calculated;
the same procedure is applied to preferences for square shapes and then the
difference between these two sums is calculated. This value is calculated
1000 times. When the observed difference is compared to the chance
distribution, the probability that our observed difference is found by chance
is 0.017. This is below the 0.05, hence the difference is statistically
significant: the Japanese children choose more often round forms than
square forms. If we follow the same procedure for English, an extreme p-
value of 0.96 is obtained. Based on this, we can conclude that the English
children do not show a preference for either round or square forms.
However, the difference is much smaller than should be expected on the
basis of chance alone. How to interpret this unexpected high p-value? I have
now tested for a preference of round as compared to square. However, if I
had tested for the reverse, that is, for a preference for square shapes as
compared to round shapes, the outcome for English would have been 1 -
0.96 = 0.04 (and for Japanese 1 - 0.017 = 0.983). The conclusion of this test
would be that the English children show a preference for square forms,
whereas the Japanese children show no preference. The general rule that I
will follow with regard to the extreme values of p is that if p < 0.05 the null
hypothesis is confirmed. If p > 0.95 there is support for the hypothesis that
states the opposite.
2.3 Summary
I dedicated a chapter to the statistical method used in this thesis, i.e. the
permutation test, because this technique is not commonly used in studies on
language acquisition. A problem that occurs in all studies that focus on
children's earliest utterances and that make use of empirical data, is that
there are few useful data available and it is unclear whether or not these data
are normally distributed. The advantage of the permutation test is that it
works without the assumption that the data are normally distributed. I
illustrated how the permutation test can be applied to test for differences
between groups and differences between stages. These two kinds of
differences play a role in Chapters 3 and 5.
Temporal, Modal and
Aspectual Denotation
In 1917, Van Ginneken observed that Dutch children use RIs to express
wishes and desires. Almost a century later, Krämer (1993) and Wijnen
(1997) confirmed the observation that RIs in Dutch child language
predominantly express unrealised events. Around the same time, Ingram &
Thompson (1996) and Ferdinand (1996) reported similar observations for
German and French speaking children. The impossibility to generalise the
specific meaning of RIs to English child language lead Hoekstra & Hyams
(1998) and Hyams (2001a, b) to the proposal that infinitival morphology,
which is present in Dutch, German and French but not in English, carries
the modal meaning that is assigned to RIs.
The present chapter addresses
the issue of the temporal, modal and/or aspectual properties of RIs. It
provides more insight into the way in which Dutch-speaking children use
RIs. Throughout this chapter, I will analyse and re-analyse both naturalistic
and experimental data in order to clarify the nature of differences between
the meaning that is assigned to two different types of RIs, those represented
by RIs in Dutch and English child language, respectively. The topic of this
chapter gives rise to various methodological questions. Therefore, I will pay
a considerable amount of attention to research strategies.
Henceforth, I refer only to Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) with regard to this claim. In Hyams
(2001a, b), the claim is worked out in more detail, but the basic claim regarding differences
between Dutch and English remained similar.
3.1 Outline of this chapter
Let me start by warning the reader that this chapter is fairly long. For
keeping the overview, it may be helpful to make a three-way division. In the
first part, that is, section 3.2, definitions are given and the relevant
hypotheses are repeated. The second part discusses corpus results from
early child Dutch are discussed (§ 3.3). In the third part, differences between
the meaning of RIs in early child Dutch and early child English are
examined in-depth (sections 3.4 to 3.7). This includes the presentation of
experimental results as well as re-analyses of the Dutch corpus results.
Section 3.8 contains a summary of the chapter.
3.2 Three hypotheses
The claims that have been made about the meaning of RIs in child Dutch
can be divided into hypotheses about the temporal, modal or aspectual
properties of RIs, respectively: the No Tense Hypothesis (Behrens, 1993;
Wijnen, 1997), the Modal Hypothesis (Ferdinand, 1996; Ingram & Thompson,
1996; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998) and the hypothesis that states that RIs obey
a Non-Completedness Constraint (Lasser, 1997).
The notions tense, modality and aspect are well known for their complexity.
The terminology becomes particularly confusing in studies about young
children's speech since all terms originated as labels for various fine-grained
semantic distinctions that adult speakers make and that children between the
two and three - commonly the age in which they use RIs - cannot make (at
least, not in the language they use).
3.2.1 Tense
Tense is the grammatical expression of a relation between speech time and
event time, with present tense (e.g. speech time) as the unmarked tense. The
absolute tenses - i.e. past, present and future - denote a relation between
speech time and event time (Reichenbach, 1947). They do not make a claim
about the length or span of the event. Comrie (1985: 38) wrote:
"Present tense refers only to a situation holding at the present
moment, even where that situation is part of a larger situation that
occupies more than just the present moment."
while past tense
"only locates the situation in the past, without saying anything about
whether that situation continues to the present or in the future,
although there is often a conversational implicature that it does not
continue to or beyond the present." (p. 41)
Following the common strategy in research on RIs, I do not make a
distinction between tense and finiteness.
Note that this idea about the
relation between finiteness and tense may be a simplification, however. A
number of studies that concentrate on finiteness in adult language suggest a
more complex relation. Non-finite constructions that have their own
temporal domain are possible, as pointed out by Erb (2001). This suggests
that finiteness and tense are dissociated. Other linguists identify finiteness as
a prerequisite for tense (and also mood) marking: the functional finiteness
head, which is claimed to be part of the C-domain, provides a sentence's
anchoring point to speech time (Holmberg & Platzack, 1995; Rizzi, 1997;
Rousseau, 1998). Klein (1994) defines finiteness as a complex notion that
contains tense and assertion information.
The observation that finite verbs contain tense and agreement features, could lead to the
hypothesis that finiteness also includes agreement. There are various reasons to exclude
agreement from finiteness, however. Finiteness is a semantic concept, while agreement
describes a relation between two words (subject and verb) and is syntactic in nature rather
than semantic. The exclusion of agreement from the concept of finiteness is corroborated by
the occurrence of inflected infinitives that are marked for agreement in Hungarian (Tóth,
2001) and Portuguese (Raposo, 1994).
More specifically, finiteness is associated with topic time, i.e. 'the time span to which the
speaker's claim on this occasion is confined' (Klein, 1994: 4) and with assertion. Both topic
time and assertion can be emphasised by contrastive focus (marked with capitals in the
examples below); see (i) and (ii), respectively. In both cases contrastive focus lies on the finite
verb. In example (i) the topic time is emphasised, while in (ii) the positive claim that Peter
was at the party is emphasised:
Amongst others, Wexler (1992, 1994), Rizzi (1992, 1994) and Hyams (1996)
argued that the absence of a finite verb in RIs is one of the indications that
RIs lack tense.
Wijnen (1997) tested this hypothesis and argued that if tense
is absent, RIs must have a free temporal reference. He interpreted the
existence of RIs with past, present and future tense interpretations in the
data of four Dutch-speaking children as support for the claim that RIs are
untensed, irrespective of the uneven proportions of the temporal
interpretations and the strong preference for a future or intentional usage.
Wijnen's Dutch findings resembled the findings for German child RIs that
were reported by Behrens (1993) and Lasser (1997).
(1) No Tense Hypothesis
RIs lack tense. Hence, they can be used to denote past, present and
future tense (Behrens, 1993; Wijnen, 1997; Lasser, 1997).
3.2.2 Modality
Modality has to do with possibility and necessity (Kratzer, 1981: 39). The
prototypical examples of modal expressions are the modal verbs can and
must, the former denoting possibility and the latter necessity. There are many
different modalities (see Palmer, 1986, for an overview). One of the most
well known distinctions is that between epistemic and deontic (also: root or
circumstantial) modality. In (2) and (3), this distinction is illustrated with the
verbs can and must; in (2), epistemic examples are given while the examples
in (3) exemplify deontic modality:
(i) A: The book is on the table
B: No, the book WAS on the table
(ii) A: Peter was not at the party yesterday
B: Sure, he WAS at the party (at some point). He came late and left early.
Behrens' (1993) observation that German children that omit finite verbs are able to use
temporal adverbials corroborates the conclusion that RIs need a grammatical explanation.
Absence of tense is not the effect of children's inability to understand tense. A similar
observation holds for Dutch children in the RI-age. The children I have examined use
adverbials and particles to introduce topic time or refer to a future action like nu 'now', even
'just'. straks 'later on'.
(2) a John must be the murderer
'Based on everything I know, I conclude that it is necessary that
John is the murderer'
b. John can be the murderer
'Based on everything I know, I conclude that it is possible that
John is the murderer'
(3) a. Mary must leave the room
'It is required that Mary leaves the room'
b. Mary can leave the room
'It is permitted that Mary leaves the room'
Obligation, requirement and permission are deontic modal notions.
According to Lyons (1977), these modal notions always involve a morally
responsible agent that acts necessarily or possibly. Epistemic modality is
speaker-oriented and refers to a speaker’s beliefs or judgements. Often,
reasoning is involved. Palmer (1986) makes a distinction between deontic
and dynamic modality (both can be considered as root or circumstantial
modalities). Dynamic modality is subject-oriented, as opposed to deontic
modality. Palmer uses the label 'dynamic modality' for wishes or abilities,
which refer to a necessity that is somehow internal to the subject (also:
volition or boulemaic modality) or possibility, respectively. The distinction
between dynamic and deontic modality can be illustrated with the sentence
in (4):
(4) I can play the trombone, but I cannot play the trombone now
'I know how to play the trombone, but I am not allowed to play the
trombone now'
The first clause of (4) expresses dynamic modality. The subject tells us that
he has learned to play the trombone, hence (s)he is able to play the
trombone. The second clause expresses deontic modality. The subject
announces that he is not allowed to play the trombone at the time he utters
(4), because he is not permitted to do so, maybe because he is in a place
where silence is required. Note that the paraphrase in (4) is not the only
accessible interpretation. Other possible interpretations are: 'I am allowed to
play the trombone, but I am not in the physical condition to play the
trombone' or 'I know how to play the trombone, but I am not in the
physical condition to play the trombone', etc. Kratzer (1981: 42) emphasised
the influence of the context for the assignment a modal interpretation:
"Modals are context-dependent expressions since their interpretation
depends on a conversational background which usually has to be
provided by the utterance situation."
Confusingly, the terms 'modality' and 'mood' are sometimes used as
synonyms. I will make a clear distinction and take mood as a grammatical
category (unlike modality, which is a semantic category) that surfaces in
verbal inflection and/or verb placement. Though the formal properties of
mood seem quite clear, it is less easy to describe what mood actually is,
especially since there are different mood classifications.
Most well known
are the two-way mood distinction between indicative and subjunctive mood
(verbal mood) and the three-way mood distinction between declarative,
interrogative and imperative sentences (sentence mood). In Indo-European
languages, indicative and subjunctive mood are marked with inflection on
the verb. The indicative is used to express perceived reality whereas the
subjunctive is used to express doubt, probability, certainty, etc. The Spanish
examples in (5) illustrate the distinction. In (5a), the speaker knows that his
car is not working, whereas in (5b), the speaker does not know whether his
car is defect or not.
(5) a. Llegaré aunque mi carro no funciona
I will arrive even though my car is not running
b. Llegaré aunque mi carro no funcione
I will arrive even if my car is not running
The indicative/subjunctive distinction can be seen as the grammaticalisation
of epistemic modality, as a speaker's certainty or belief is marked on the
verb through inflection (Lyons, 1977; Palmer, 1986; Bybee & Fleischman,
1995). The three-way distinction between the sentence-types declarative,
interrogative and imperative can also be described as a mood distinction.
Like verbal mood, sentence mood is closely related to modality, although
the relation has an entirely different character. Imperative mood and deontic
modality are closely related as imperatives are prototypically interpreted as
In a clarifying overview article, Portner (1998) discussed various different classifications.
deontic modal expressions. In (6a), an imperative sentence is given, while
(6b) contains a deontic declarative sentence:
(6) a. Ga nu!
leave now
'Leave now!'
b. Je moet nu gaan
you must now go
'You have to leave now'
In the debate on the semantic properties of RIs, the claim that RIs are
modal is most clearly put forward in the work of Ferdinand (1996), Ingram
& Thompson (1996) and Hoekstra & Hyams (1998). In these studies, the
term 'modality' does not only collapse intentions and various, more specific,
modal interpretations, such as volition and deontic modality, but also
includes temporal and mood properties of RIs. I will turn to the relation
between tense and modality in the following paragraph.
In future tense, modality/mood and tense meet. It is commonly assumed
that future tense is modal, because it is impossible to make a claim about
our knowledge of the future (Lyons, 1977; Palmer, 1986). As we can make a
claim about our knowledge of the past and the present, there is in this
respect a distinction between past and present tense, on the one hand, and
future tense, on the other. In various languages, future tense is expressed as
a mood distinction with verbal inflection. In other languages, auxiliaries
express both modality and future tense (cf. Chung & Timberlake, 1985;
Palmer, 1986). For the present discussion, the relevant implication of the
overlap between the notions of tense and modality is that RIs that are
assigned a future tense interpretation count as modal. In fact, the only
formulation of the Modal Hypothesis that captures all more specific
formulations that have been given, defines the modality in RIs in terms of
(7) Modal Hypothesis
RIs denote modal events and do not denote past and present events
(Ferdinand, 1996; Ingram & Thompson, 1996; Hoekstra & Hyams,
According to Ingram & Thompson (1996: 102), modal RIs express that
"some activity will, can or should occur". According to Ferdinand (1996),
modal RIs denote deontic modality and inchoative aspect. Hoekstra &
Hyams (1998) include deontic modal RIs and volitional RIs in the set of
modal RIs. According to them, modal RIs denote events that are not yet
realised, because the verb form in RIs, i.e. the infinitive, contains the feature
[ -realised ]. Note that the Modal Hypothesis proposed by Hoekstra &
Hyams has a cross-linguistic dimension and, according to this theory, the
modal meaning of RIs cannot be generalised to English child language. I
will take up this issue in sections 3.4 and 3.5. The (working) definitions of
Ingram & Thompson (1996), Ferdinand (1996) and Hoekstra & Hyams
(1998) all exclude RIs that denote events that took place prior to speech
time (past) or events that are taking place at speech time (present) from the
set of modal RIs. Hence, (7) adequately summarises these proposals. Apart
from studies that explicitly deal with the modality of RIs in terms of one or
the other variant of the Modal Hypothesis above, there are some studies in
which the modality of RIs is assumed to be an effect of the No Tense
Hypothesis (Schönenberger, Pierce, Wexler & Wijnen, 1995; Schütze, 1997;
Wijnen, 1997). In these studies, the idea that the modal interpretation is the
reading that follows if tense cannot be grammatically bound, that is, the
unanchored reading.
I will conclude this section with a brief note on sentence mood that serves
as an additional illustration of how modality is interpreted in this thesis.
With regard to their function, imperatives and deontic modal declarative
sentences overlap: both (6a) and (6b) are used to order or request
Grammatically, they differ, however, as different verb forms are
used and the main verb is placed in different positions in imperative and
deontic modal declarative sentences.
Lasser (1997) divided RIs in German
child language into declaratives, interrogatives and imperatives. In her study,
A similar claim is made by Fries (1999).
Following Levinson (1983), I make a distinction between sentences and utterances.
Levinson (p. 243) writes:
" […] we must be careful to distinguish the set of terms imperative, interrogative and declarative
from the set of terms order (or request), question and assertion (or statement). The first set are
linguistic categories that pertain to sentences, the second set are categories that pertain
only to the use of sentences (i.e. to utterances and utterance-types)."
these labels do not refer to types of sentences or sentence mood, but to
three different illocutionary forces (making a claim, soliciting information
from an addressee and soliciting actions from an addressee, respectively).
Hence, Lasser uses the notions declarative, interrogative and imperative to
describe properties of the content of RIs and not to describe formal
grammatical properties. From this functional perspective, imperative RIs are
necessarily modal. I will not address the question whether RIs are
declarative, interrogative or imperative in this thesis. I take the formal
perspective on these sentence types, which leads to the conclusion that RIs
can be used, theoretically, in all three moods. Verb form (i.e. infinitive) and
verb placement (i.e. sentence-final) in RIs is compatible with all three
sentence-types. This is illustrated in (8): declarative, interrogative and
imperative sentences can all contain a sentence-final infinitive in adult
(8) a. Ga je je nu aankleden?
go-fin you yourself now dress-inf
'Do you get dressed now?'
b. Je gaat je nu aankleden
you go-fin yourself now dress-inf
'You are going to get dressed now'
c. Ga je nu aankleden!
go-fin you now dressed-inf
'Get dressed now!'
The examples in (8) show that sentence mood can be morpho-syntactically
marked in adult Dutch by placing the finite verb in first or second position.
However, the infinitive does not give any information about sentence-
mood, since it is placed in final position, irrespective of a particular mood.
As RIs only contain a sentence-final infinitival main verb, I conclude that
In both imperatives and interrogatives, the finite verb is inverted (in the first sentence-
position), whereas in declaratives, it is in second position. The examples in (8) do not show a
morphological difference between imperatives and interrogatives. However, the finite verb in
a Dutch imperative is always a bare verb form. The finite verb form in interrogatives is
normally inflected, with the only exception being second person singular. In declarative
sentences, the finite verb inflected for second person singular has a suffix [ -t ], while in
interrogative sentences, there is no suffix.
morpho-syntactic properties do not suffice as a criterion for determining the
sentence mood of RIs.
3.2.3 Aspect
Comrie (1985) called aspect the internal temporal structure of an event. Notions
like ‘ongoing’, ‘progressive’, ‘inchoative’, 'prospective', ‘perfective’, ‘telic' or
'punctual' describe aspectual properties. Although there is resemblance
between aspect and tense, the two notions are distinct.
A syntactic
difference is that that tense (like modality and mood) is located in at a high
position in the syntactic structure, that is, the C-domain. Tense takes scope
over the entire proposition expressed in a sentence, that is, subject as well as
predicate. Aspect is related to the VP level, however.
In the discussion about semantic properties of RIs, aspect plays a twofold
role. In this chapter, I will investigate whether or not there is evidence for
claim that RIs contain structural features, either phonetically realised or not,
that determine their aspectual meaning. This investigation is motivated by
Lasser's (1997: 64) Non-Completedness Constraint, which states that the
denotation of RIs is aspectually restricted:
(9) Non-Completedness Constraint
The predicate of an RI cannot refer to a completed event
Although Lasser formulates the constraint in aspectual terms, she makes no
distinction between past tense RIs and completed aspect RIs in the
interpretation of child RIs, presumably because this distinction cannot be
made on the basis of the available information. In fact, Lasser (1997: 197-
198) takes completion at speech time as a criterion for past interpretation.
One could infer that Hoekstra & Hyams' (1998) feature [ -realised ]
(cf. § 3.2.2) makes a prediction similar to the constraint in (9). The feature
applies to events that are not finished or that have not yet been completed.
On closer inspection, this conclusion is incorrect. If [ -realised ] had the
Prosodic information would be very helpful in this respect: questions, for instance, are
prosodically marked by a rising intonation.
See Klein (1994) for the relation between tense and aspect.
same effect as (9), the prediction would be that [ -realised ] RIs allow for a
present tense reading, because an event that takes place at speech time is not
completed at speech time. Hence, provided that this feature is understood
as [ -completed ], present tense and [ -realised ] are compatible. From their
analyses - a definition of the feature is lacking - , however, it becomes clear
that Hoekstra & Hyams exclude present tense from [ -realised ]. Therefore, I
conclude that [ -realised ] does not mean 'not yet realised', but rather 'not yet
Excluding past as well as present tense, it makes as different
prediction as Lasser's Non-Completedness Constraint: it falls under the
Modal Hypothesis in (7) and not under the constraint in (9).
In the following chapter, I will turn to a second kind of aspect, that is,
aspectual properties of RIs that are due to the lexical meaning of the
selected verb. Earlier findings indicate that children do not use all types of
verbs in their RIs and the constraints seem to be linked to lexical aspect.
The issues discussed in the chapter on verb type are closely related to the
issues discussed in the present chapter, as several scholars have argued that
constraints on verb selection in RIs follow from the absence or tense or
from the predominance of modal meanings in RIs.
3.2.4 Tense, modality and aspect in adult Dutch
On the surface, children's RIs lack words for tense, modality and aspect.
Nevertheless, or maybe because of this, the meaning assigned to RIs is
described in terms of temporal reference, modal and aspectual
interpretation, as we just have seen. One of the issues in the debate on the
semantic properties of RIs is how and at which level the meaning (that is
obviously assigned to RIs) is represented. In order to understand the claims
that have been made by others and that will be made in this thesis, some
insight in the Dutch system of tense, modality and aspect marking is a
See Blom (2002) for more discussion of this issue.
In adult Dutch, tense distinctions surface as inflection on the verb.
tense, notated in (10) as an empty suffix, is the unmarked tense (speech
time), whereas past tense is marked by a suffix (regular) or changes in the
stem of the verb (irregular).
(10) sneeuw-ø sneeuw-de
snow-pres-sg snow-past-sg
(11) zoek-ø zocht
search-pres-sg search-past-sg
Auxiliaries that take an infinitival complement mark future tense and
modality. In Dutch, there are two types of future tense, exemplified in (12a)
and (12b).
Semantically, there is a distinction between the two future
forms: (12a) tends to be used for the expression of epistemic modality
whereas (12b) expresses near future. In (13), some examples of Dutch
modal markers are given:
(12) a. zal sneeuwen
'will snow'
b. gaat sneeuwen
'is going to snow'
(13) a. moet zoeken
'have/has to search'
b. wil weten
'want/s to search'
Note that inflection does not only encode tense, but also carries agreement features.
Agreement will not play a role in the discussion until Chapter 5, therefore I will not discuss
the properties of agreement here. More information about agreement inflection can be found
in section 5.4.5.
In addition, simple present tense forms can also be used with a future denotation in
c. kan dansen
'am/is able to dance'
The (deontic) modal markers bear past, present or future tense features. As
present tense is not overtly marked (as opposed to past tense), it is the
unmarked tense in Dutch that receives the default value of speech time.
Present tense is lexically marked by an auxiliary if the verbal predicate
expresses (im)perfective aspect, however. In the examples below, the event
expressed by the verbal predicate is completed at speech time. The link to
speech time is made by the auxiliaries hebben 'have' and zijn 'be'. Both tense
auxiliaries take a past participle as their complement:
(14) a. heeft gesneeuwd
pres snow-part-past
'has snowed'
b. is gebeurd
pres happen-part-past
'has happened'
In sentences that contain a so-called prepositional infinitival complement
(prepositional infinitival constructions or PICs), the auxiliary zijn 'be' seems to
have a similar function to the example given in (14b). In this case, the verbal
predicate is marked for ongoing aspect and zijn links the event expressed by
the verbal predicate to speech time:
(15) is aan het sneeuwen
pres on the snow
'is snowing'
In adult Dutch, finite (tensed) verbs move to first or second position,
whereas infinitives remain in sentence-final base position. See (16):
Felser (2000) analyses the preposition aan 'on' as the aspectual marker.
(16) a. De mus valt van het dak
the sparrow fall-fin off the roof
'The sparrow is falling off the roof'
b. Gisteren viel de mus van het dak
yesterday fall-fin the sparrow off the roof
'Yesterday, the sparrow fell off the roof'
c. De mus wil van het dak springen
the sparrow want-fin off the roof jump-inf
'The sparrow wants to jump of off the roof'
More details on verb movement in Dutch can be found in Chapter 1 (§ 1.2).
I conclude this section with a form that plays a very important role
throughout this thesis: the infinitive. In adult Dutch, the infinitive is a form
that is morphologically marked with the suffix [ -en ]. Syntactically, the
infinitive is distinguishable from finite verbs as the infinitive is placed in
final position, whereas finite verbs are moved; see example (16c) with the
sentence-final infinitival form springen 'jump'.
3.3 RIs in early child Dutch: a corpus study
Having introduced the relevant hypotheses and definitions, I will turn to the
data of Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter. What do their RIs have
to say about the claims that have been made? Recall that there were three
hypotheses, that is: (i) the No Tense Hypothesis according to which RIs lack
tense and hence, they can be used to denote past, present and future tense
(Behrens, 1993; Wijnen, 1997; Lasser, 1997), (ii) the Modal Hypothesis
stating that RIs denote modal events and do not denote past and present
events (Ferdinand, 1996; Ingram & Thompson, 1996; Hoekstra & Hyams,
1998), and, finally, (iii) the Non-Completedness Constraint that bans RIs
that denote completed events (Lasser, 1997). In this section, I put these
hypotheses to the test. The assignment of a specific interpretation to RIs
could indicate that the construction contains structural features that
determine the denotation and hence, could be used as an argument for early
linguistic knowledge. In order to carry out this investigation, it must first be
decided what counts as an RI (§ 3.3.1), and what counts as a modal, present,
past or completed RI (§ 3.3.2).
3.3.1 The selection of RIs
In Dutch, there are two cues to distinguish RIs from finite sentences: the
infinitive is morphologically marked and is placed in a distinct position.
Nevertheless, when I analysed the child data it was not always
unambiguously clear whether or not a child utterance was really finite. The
Dutch infinitive is similar to the present plural form and therefore
ambiguities arise, as in the case of wij eten 'we eat'. I excluded such
utterances. A problem was posed by one-word-utterances, since these are
ambiguous: a bare eten 'eat' can either be an RI with a dropped subject or a
present plural with dropped subject. I decided to count these examples as
RIs, for the following reasons: in finite sentences with overt subjects, the
children used few plurals. The subject nearly always referred to the speaker
or the addressee (respectively first and second person singular). Given this
observation, I concluded that the likelihood that one-word-utterances with a
verb form ending on [ -en ] were present plurals, was low and that in this
case a conservative strategy would lead to the unnecessary exclusion of
valuable data. Parasitic RIs that are used to give an answer to a question
were excluded, as they are not syntactically independent.
This dependency
is illustrated in (17) and (18). The question in (17) would yield a non-modal
use of the infinitive, while in (18) the infinitive would be modal.
(17) Q: Wat ben je aan het doen?
'What are you doing?'
A: Fietsen
(18) Q: Wat wil je vandaag doen?
'What do you want to do today?
A: Eten
With this exclusion, I follow other studies on RIs (e.g. Lasser, 1997).
3.3.2 The criteria for assigning interpretations
In the transcripts, utterances of Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter
have been annotated with codes for verb forms that appear in the child
Two people assigned modal/temporal and aspectual
interpretations independently. Recall that according to the definition I used,
the modal and temporal interpretation can be derived from each other. First
of all, an utterance is marked as being modal or non-modal. Utterances that
received a non-modal interpretation were provided with more precise
aspectual codes for events that were completed, ongoing or prospective at
speech time. The coding-system is represented in the diagram on the
opposite page. The system is based on Palmer's (1986) division into
epistemic, deontic and dynamic modality.
The schema is applied to utterances with verbs. The available information
from the transcripts was used in order to determine the interpretation of an
utterance; this was mainly linguistic information and to a lesser degree
circumstantial or contextual information. Utterances labelled 'modal' had to
meet one of the following criteria: preceding or subsequent parental
utterances suggested a modal interpretation, or the contexts suggested a
modal interpretation. In Appendix 3.1 (p. 240) some examples from the
transcripts are given that illustrate the codes and show how the
interpretations were assigned. The specific modal labels in schema 3.1 are
irrelevant in section 3.3 (because only a distinction between modal and non-
modal use of an utterance will be made), but they will play a role in section
3.4, particularly, the observation that modal RIs are used to express I want
(dynamic necessity or volition) or You must (deontic necessity) becomes
important later on in this chapter. These two modal expressions correspond
with two usages: the 'dynamic necessity' RIs are used by the children to
express a wish, while the 'deontic necessity' RIs are used for commands.
Modal distinctions are relevant in Chapter 4, as different modalities appear
with different verb types.
The codes follow the CHAT conventions (MacWhinney, 1995). The CHILDES tools
could be used for various searches and counts. This facilitated the analysis of the data.
a subject's wish (necessity)
a subject's ability (possibility)
obligation, requirement (necessity)
permission (possibility)
a proposition is necessarily or possibly
Figure 3.1: Modal coding system (utterances with verbs)
As for a definition of modality, I will use the definition in (7): RIs denote
modal events and do not denote past and present events. This is a working
definition that does not state what modality is but rather what modality does
or does not do: modal utterances do not describe an event that occurs
simultaneous to speech time or happened prior to speech time. In modal
utterances, the predicate denotes an event that (possibly) takes place after
speech time. Core modal notions such as possibility and necessity do not
play an important role in theories on the modal denotation of RIs; modality
is basically defined in temporal terms, which is directly reflected in the
working definition. The definition is definition is based on previous work
on the interpretation of RIs. It captures future tense, and more specific
usages, such as commands, desires and intentions. Epistemic modality is
excluded, which might seem inappropriate from a theoretical point of view
as it implies an adjustment of the notion modality. However, it suffices for a
concise description of the meaning of RIs, as children in the RI age -
roughly between the two and three years old - do not yet use epistemic
modality. In Chapter 4, I will expand on the issue of cognitive immaturity of
children in the RI age, the role it plays in their language production, and
particularly, on how cognitive factors influence the verb types that appear in
RIs (see § 4.4.5).
The implication of my definition of modality is that RIs that were coded as
'non-modal prospective' are included in the set of modal RIs.
Under the
strict interpretation of modality on which the coding system was based,
these RIs are not modal as modality is about possibility and necessity.
According to the working definition, prospective RIs denote an event that
(probably) takes place after speech time. Hence, these RIs are counted as
modal. Unclear cases, i.e. the RIs that could not be assigned an
unambiguous interpretation, were not included in the analysis. The
application of a conservative strategy lead to the exclusion of 317 RIs out of
a total number of 1565.
3.3.3 The denotation of RIs
Figure 3.2 gives the percentage of RIs that received a modal interpretation;
this is the percentage out of the total number of interpretable RIs. Table 3.1
gives the corresponding numbers. For all children, modal RIs are more
frequently used than non-modal RIs.
These RIs can be said to express an intention. With respect to the interpretation of RIs, it
was often impossible to decide whether an RI expressed a wish or an intention. As both are
included in the set of modal RIs, this distinction (or the impossibility to make this
distinction) is irrelevant for the counting of modal RIs. The distinction does become relevant
in the next chapter, though. as sentences that express a wish or an intention behave
differently with regard to the selection of verb types.
Modal RIs
Abel Daan Josse Laura Matthijs Peter Average
Figure 3.2: Percentage of modal RIs, data from all six children and average
Table 3.1: Number of interpretable RIs, number of modal RIs and
percentage of modal RIs, data from all six children
Abel 120 91 76
Daan 157 115 73
Josse 206 150 73
Laura 314 200 64
Matthijs 254 199 78
Peter 197 157 80
Sum 1248 912 -
Average - - 73
SD - - 6
Examples of modal RIs and non-modal RIs are given in (19) and (20),
(19) a. Peter bal pakken Peter 2;01.27
Peter ball get-inf
context: Peter wants to get the ball
b. vrachtwagen emmer doen Matthijs 2;04.24
truck basket do-inf
context: Matthijs wants the investigator to put the truck in the
c. op kist zitten Josse 2;08.04
on box sit-inf
context: Josse wants his mother to sit on the box
(20) a. ah, mij bril vallen [= mijn bril valt] Abel 2;05.27
ah, my glasses fall-inf
context: his glasses are falling
b. poffie ginke [= koffie drinken]! Daan 2;01.21
coffee drink-inf
context: people on television are drinking coffee
c. boot svaje [= varen] Laura 2;04.01
boat sail-inf
context: refers to a picture with a sailing boat
3.3.4 A closer look at the non-modal RIs
The non-modal RIs represented in Figure 3.2 and Table 3.1 nearly always, i.e.
in 95% of the cases, refer to events that are simultaneous to speech time:
they are ongoing and denote present tense. In the files of all six children, I
found only 17 RIs that denoted an event that took place prior to speech time
and that was completed at speech time (which is the only criterion that can
be used for past/completed interpretations). These 17 RIs are included in
the non-modal RIs of the preceding section, and cover 5% of the non-
modal RIs and 1 % of all interpretable RIs. Some examples are given in (21)
and (22):
(21) *MAT: Ieke spugen ! Matthijs 1;11.24
Ieke [= baby sister] throw-inf up
*MOT: ging Ieke spugen ?
went Ieke throw up
(22) *MOT: vond je dat leuk ? Laura 3;04.06
find you that nice
*LAU: ja
*MOT: in grote zwembad
in big swimmingpool
*LAU: met mij emmertjes spelen
with me baskets-dim play-inf
Thus, the nonmodal RIs of the Dutch children are predominantly present/
ongoing events and hardly ever denote past/completed events.
3.3.5 Comparison with other studies
The findings confirm various previously reported results from Dutch and
German child language. My findings strongly resemble those of Lasser
(1997) for German in the sense that there are only very few past/completed
RIs. With regard to the temporal and modal interpretation of RIs, the results
indicate a free temporal/modal reference, as RIs are not restricted modal
usage. Although there is a preponderance of modal RIs - a Modal Reference
Effect or MRE as Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) called it - RIs are also used for
non-modal events taking place at speech time or took place before speech
time. Haegeman (1995) and Wijnen (1997) reported similar observations for
Dutch child language, Behrens (1993) and Lasser (1997) found similar
results in German child language.
Haegeman’s (1995) case study of the Dutch child, Hein (2;4-3;1), shows that
56 % (50/89) of his RIs have a modal interpretation, 7 % (6/89) are non-
modal and the rest is ambiguous.
Wijnen (1997) reports a higher
percentage of modal RIs in the data of four Dutch children. His results are
given below:
In addition, 7% (6/89) are elliptical answers of the type Wat ben je aan doen? lopen ( 'What
are you doing? walking'). In Dutch, the elliptical answer contains an infinitive and does not
contain a finite form. Such an utterance could count as an RI. However, these elliptical
answers should be distinguished from RIs because they do not occur as independent
utterances (unlike RIs).
Table 3.2: The modal/temporal interpretation of RIs in the spontaneous
speech data of four Dutch-speaking children, data Wijnen (1997)
Josse 272 73 18 9
Matthijs 677 86 12 2
Niek 348 94.3 4.3 1.4
Peter 493 87 9 4
Average 85 11 4
The data Wijnen analysed partially overlap with my data; we both examined
utterances from Josse, Matthijs and Peter. For Josse, we found the same
percentage of modal RIs, but for Matthijs and Peter, my percentages of
modal RIs are lower: 79 % (Wijnen: 86 %) and 76 % (Wijnen: 87 %),
respectively. In § 3.4.1, I will argue that such differences may easily occur
due to the methodology that is used, i.e. the interpretation of transcriptions
of spontaneous speech data.
The findings for German child RIs are similar to the Dutch findings. In her
study of the temporal reference in early German, Behrens (1993) studied six
German children. She found that the temporal reference of RIs was free.
Behrens provided quantitative data from only one child, Simone, since only
this corpus was extensive enough for a quantitative analysis. Lasser analysed
data from the German children, Simone and Andreas, and found that
respectively 73 % (N = 130) and 69 % (N = 108) of all interpretable RIs in
Below, the age ranges of the children Wijnen examined, are given:
Child Age range
Josse 2;0.7 - 2;06.22
Matthijs 1;11.10 - 2;8.5
Niek 2;7 - 3;2.13
Peter 1;9.6 - 2;1.26
these data were modal. The rest received a present (predominant) or past
(rare) interpretation.
3.3.6 The denotation of finite sentences
Is the temporal, modal or aspectual interpretation of RIs a specific property
that relates to the absence of a finite verb? If this is the case, then it is
expected that sentences that are entirely comparable with RIs but that are
finite instead of non-finite, receive a different interpretation. In the files of
the six children, an abundant number of finite sentences is available that can
be compared. There are two types of finite sentences that differ from RIs
only with respect to finiteness: simple finite sentences (SFs) and sentences
with periphrastic verbs (PVs). The two constructions are illustrated in (23a)
and (23b):
(23) Simple finite verb (SF)
a. Lola rent de hele dag
Lola run-fin the whole day
'Lola is running the whole day'
Periphrastic verb (PV)
b. Agent Cooper moet de wet volgen
Agent Cooper must-fin the law follow-inf
'Agent Cooper has to follow the law'
Copula and auxiliaries do not appear in RIs (De Haan, 1987; Jordens, 1990;
Wijnen, 1997). Therefore, I excluded SFs with copula and auxiliaries and
narrowed the set of SFs down to sentences with a thematic verb. Henceforth,
this subset of the set of SFs will be referred to as SF
., because thematic
verbs assign theta-roles (θ). As the main verb in PVs is thematic, this
selection does not apply to PVs. I furthermore restricted the set of PVs to
PVs that stand in close relation to RIs, hence the PVs with an infinitival
complement; clauses containing auxiliary + past participle are excluded.
Note that with the label 'PVs with infinitival complements' I generalise over
genuine PVs and PICs, i.e. prepositional infinitival complements. Although
these are clearly a different kind of construction in adult Dutch, Dutch
children initially do not seem to make a distinction between the two. I will
give some examples to illustrate this point. In adult Dutch, PICs contain the
preposition aan 'on'. Aan selects a nominal infinitive; the infinitive in this
construction is preceded by the definite determine het:
(24) De poppen zijn aan het dansen
the puppets are on the dance-inf
'The puppets are dancing'
In my sample, all children omitted the determiner and nearly always the
(25) a. nee, die s een boek leese papa Laura 2;5
no, that is-fin a book read-inf daddy
'No, daddy is reading a book'
b. is takelen Matthijs 2;5.1
is-fin hoist-inf
'The machine is hoisting'
c. zijn put openmaken Josse 2;7.20
are-fin ditch open make-inf
'They are opening the ditch'
The surface structures of the sentences in (25) do not show whether or not
the children distinguish between PVs and the precursors of PICs in (25) in
their underlying representation: the children say wil lezen 'wants read-inf' next
to is lezen 'is read-inf', with the auxiliaries denoting modality and present
tense, respectively. The preposition and nominal infinitive that characterise
PICs in adult Dutch appear only later in child Dutch.
Differences in
Only Peter, in the final files I examined from him, used the preposition aan 'on',
exemplified in (i):
(i) varken is trui aan breien Peter 2;3.21
pig is-fin pullover on knit-inf
'The pig is knitting a pullover'
Note that in adult Dutch, it is possible to use constructions like the ones in (ii). These
constructions have the specific connotation that the agent is absent from the current setting:
(ii) Jan is lezen
Jan is read-inf
'John is away to read'
meaning could indicate a formal distinction. However, as will be shown
shortly, not all PVs in early Dutch child language are modal: is + inf 'is +
inf' (which I interpret as a precursor of PICs, a pre-PIC) and PVs, like gaat +
inf 'goes + inf' or doet + inf 'does + inf', are all used by children for events
that are ongoing at speech time. It is unclear if the children use the pre-PIC
to describe the ongoingness (and mark aspect) and the PVs to denote
present tense.
Before I turn to the quantitative results on the children's
interpretation of PVs, I will first describe their use of the other finite
sentence type: SF
Modal SF
Abel Daan Josse Laura Matthijs Peter Average
Figure 3.3: Percentage of modal SF
, data from all six children and average
Young children do not use the construction with this specific meaning, though, e.g. the
action described in (ii) is performed in the presence of the speaker.
According to Felser (2000), the preposition aan 'on' is the aspectual marker in this
construction. The implication of the early omission of aan may be the aspectual meaning of
PICs is specified later on and that the precursors of PICs denote only present tense. This
would imply that Dutch children make a 'tense-before-aspect' distinction, though considering
that there are various observations in support of the 'aspect-before-tense' hypothesis (cf.
Bronckart & Sinclair, 1973; Antinucci & Miller, 1976; Wagner, 1998), this hypothesis may be
unlikely. In general, there is not much known about the development of PICs in child Dutch,
as far as I know. It would be an interesting subject for future research.
A comparison between Figures 3.2 and 3.3 reveals a major contrast between
RIs and SF
with respect to modality: RIs occur most frequently in modal
contexts, while SF
are most often non-modal. The average percentage of
modal use of RIs is 73 % (SD = 6) while on average only 8 % of the SF
used modally (SD = 5). Thus, the difference is highly significant: the modal
use of RIs is approximately 9 standard deviations larger than the modal use
of SF
Table 3.3 gives the exact numbers and percentages that correspond to
Figure 3.3.
Table 3.3: Number of interpretable SF
, number of modal SF
percentage of modal SF
, data from all six children
Abel 119 9 7
Daan 289 43 15
Josse 137 12 9
Laura 157 17 11
Matthijs 95 5 5
Peter 424 7 2
Sum 1221 93 -
Average - - 8
SD - - 5
(26) and (27) give examples of modal and non-modal SF
, respectively:
(26) a. oh, valt bijna om Abel Abel 2; 07.15
oh, fall-fin almost down
'Oh, it almost falls down'
b. ik ga ook naar de dok, of niet? Laura 3;04.06
I go-fin also to the doctor, or not
'I will go to the doctor too, don't I?'
(27) a. ik hoor paatje niet Laura 2;04.15
I hear-fin horse-dim not
'I do not hear the little horse'
b. Daan ligt in de wieg Daan 2;04.14
Daan lie-fin in the crib
'Daan is lying in the crib'
If we now turn to the PVs, and do not consider the deviating results from
Peter, a picture emerges that is the opposite from Figure 3.3. In (28), some
examples of PVs used by the children, are given.
Modal PVs
Abel Daan Josse Laura Matthijs Peter Average
Figure 3.4: Percentage of modal PVs, data from all six children and average
Table 3.4: Number of interpretable PVs, number of modal PVs and
percentage of modal PVs, data from all six children
Abel 79 68 86
Daan 108 92 85
Josse 108 90 83
Laura 156 102 65
Matthijs 149 128 86
Peter 91 32 35
Sum 691 512 -
Average - - 73
SD - - 20
(28) a. Ik moet daar zitten he Matthijs 2;10.22
I must-fin there sit-inf huh
'I have to sit there, haven't I?
b. mag ik grote blok bouwen? Abel 2;07.15
may-fin I big block build-inf
'May I build the big block?'
The difference between SF
's and RIs with regard to modal use is highly
significant. For PVs and RIs, this is less clear, partially because the average
of the six children is affected by Peter's strikingly low proportion of modal
PVs: when Peter is excluded the average percentage of modal PVs goes up
from 73 % to 81 %. When we use a permutation test to see whether or not
there is a difference between RIs and PVs with regard to modality, it turns
out that inclusion of Peter leads to no difference between RIs and PVs
(p = 0.518). When Peter is excluded and we compare the PVs and RIs of
the other five children, there is a significant difference and PVs are more
often modally used (p = 0.02). As to the question why Peter deviates, it
turns out that there are two factors that contribute to his high number of
non-modal PVs. Firstly, Peter uses gaat + inf 'goes + inf' more than any of
the other children to denote ongoing events. Secondly, he uses many
precursors of PICs that have the format is (aan) + inf 'is (on) + inf'. This is
especially true for the last files that I examined from him (i.e. 2;03.21) where
he is describing pictures in a booklet. In (29), two examples are given from
the ongoing use of the auxiliary gaan 'go' and the precursors of PICs,
(29) a. hij gaat zo hoepla doen Peter 2;03.21
he go-fin so hoopla do-inf
'He is now doing hoopla'
b. kikker is aan lopen Peter 2;03.21
frog is-fin on walk-inf
'Frog is walking'
Summarising the observations so far, we can say that Dutch-speaking
children use RIs for modal as well as non-modal events. They use RIs more
frequently to denote modal events than non-modal events. In this respect,
there is a Modal Reference Effect (MRE) in early child Dutch. Non-modal
RIs are nearly always used to denote activities that are ongoing at speech
time and hence, have a present tense reference. The denotation of RIs
contrasts with the denotation of children's early finite sentences: SF
's are
restricted to present tense while PVs are predominantly modal. In general,
PVs are slightly more frequently modal than RIs, although there is variation
per child. In my sample of six children, Peter uses many non-modal PVs.
3.3.7 Evaluating hypotheses
Even though the RIs of the six Dutch-speaking children appear more often
in modal than in non-modal contexts, the Modal Hypothesis is not
confirmed because there is no restriction to modal usage. The theories
underlying the Modal Hypothesis assume that the modal meaning assigned
to RIs is structurally represented. The modal meaning is encoded by either a
covert modal auxiliary (Ferdinand, 1996; Ingram & Thompson, 1996) or an
infinitival suffix (Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998). In particular, the strong claim
made by the second proposal, which I will dub the Infinitival Morphology
Hypothesis or simply IMH, is not confirmed. According to the IMH,
infinitival morphology yields a modal meaning. Hence, as each RI contains
infinitival morphology, the prediction is that each RI must be modal.
a low percentage of non-modal RIs in a language in which the infinitive has
infinitival morphology provide evidence against this hypothesis. Behrens
(1993) addressed the issue of what counts as 'restricted to a certain meaning'
and proposed a 90 % criterion.
I will apply a somewhat lower threshold
and assume that Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) own "criterion" of 85 % modal
use suffices.
The rate of modal RIs in my data differs per child; it ranges
from 64 % to 78 %. A calculation of the average rate shows that
approximately one quarter of the RIs in Dutch child language is non-modal,
which is 10 % below the percentage that is required to conclude that the
IMH hypothesis is confirmed and even 15 % below the 90 % criterion. The
No Tense Hypothesis, on the other hand, is confirmed since children use
RIs with different temporal denotations. The percentage of past/completed
RIs is so low (less than 5 %) that the Non-Completedness Constraint
(NCC) is confirmed.
Ferdinand (1996) argued that RIs contain a null modal. However, in the original AUX
drop proposal of Boser et al. (1992), the dropped auxiliary could either be a null modal or a
dummy do or go. These dummy verbs would give rise to a non-modal interpretation, thus,
non-modal use of RIs is not per se excluded in the AUX drop account. Recall that Ferdinand
needed the modal drop hypothesis to explain the eventivity constraint. An interesting
question would be whether she could maintain her claim if the matrix verb is a dummy or
light verb instead of a modal. Thus, unlike the IMH, the AUX drop hypothesis does not
necessarily predict a modal meaning. In this respect, the AUX drop hypothesis explains the
range of interpretations assigned to RIs more adequately than the IMH. However, as has
already been pointed out in Chapter 1, I think that the AUX drop hypothesis faces
methodological problems: in Chapter 5, it will be shown that when children start to use RIs,
they do not use any combinations of auxiliary and infinitive. Hence, there is no indication
whatsoever that the auxiliary is dropped in RIs.
An independent criterion is needed. Modal use in RIs could be compared to modal use in
the set of all finite sentences or FINs (collapsed SFs and PVs). The modal use of FINs could
give an indication of whether or not RIs are disproportionally often modal. In Chapter 5,
however, I will argue that modality in RIs and FINs is not independent: the more specified
modal FINs there are, the less modal RIs there will be. To decide whether or not RIs are
relatively often modal, the modal RIs have to be calculated as a proportion from modal RIs
and FINs (all utterances with verbs that children use to talk about events). In § 3.4.9, I come
back to this issue.
Although Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) do not use any explicit criteria for what counts as
modal, they take Wijnen's (1997) average of 85 % modal use in the data of Dutch children as
evidence for the MRE. Thus, according to them, the predicate 'modal' can be applied to RIs
even though 15 % of the RIs are not modal.
3.3.8 Towards a new hypothesis
By putting interpretations of RIs into broad categories (like modal vs. non-
modal), one abstracts away from the more specific interpretations that are
actually assigned to RIs. Based on close examination of the RIs produced by
the six children, I conclude that Dutch child RIs receive at least six different
interpretations. Consider Daan's RIs in (30):
(30) boekje lezen Daan 2;01.21
book-dim read-inf
Daan utters (30) with a neutral intonation; there is no prosodic cue that
marks a particular illocutionary force, such as a rise, which would suggest
that Daan is asking a question.
As explained before, the morpho-syntactic
properties of RIs exclude that RIs are imperatives. Hence, I (as an
interpreter) take (30) to be a declarative sentence. A first possible
interpretation of (30) is paraphrased in (31):
(31) You have to read a book D
The deontic necessity interpretation arises from cues given by (i) the context
(Daan walks to somebody and hands her the book, for instance), (ii) from
what I know of Daan (he cannot read himself) and (iii) from the shared
history of Daan and the other person (she always reads books to him).
Based on the same cues, (30) can also receive a slightly different, volitional,
(32) I want to read a book V
OLITION (modal)
Note that it can be hazardous or even impossible to decide between (31)
and (32). Commands and desires are closely related and Daan can use (30)
not to make a statement but also as an indirect command. According to
Lyons (1977: 826):
In the CHILDES corpora I studied, utterances that have a question intonation are marked
with a question mark.
"It seems clear that these two functions are ontogenetically basic, in
the sense that they are associated with language from the very earliest
stage of its development in the child. It is equally clear that they are
very closely connected. It is a small step from a desiderative utterance
meaning “I want the book” to an instrumental utterance meaning
“Give me the book”; parents will commonly interpret the child’s
early desiderative utterances and mands, thereby reinforcing, if not
actually creating, the child’s developing awareness that he can use
language in order to get others to satisfy his wants and desires.”
Daan's behaviour leads me to a third interpretation. If he is taking steps to
start reading a book (and he is not reading yet), I may infer that (30) denotes
an intention:
(33) I am going to read a book I
NTENTION (modal)
According to the definition of modality that I apply, (31), (32) and (33) are
modal. However, when Daan utters (30) while he himself or someone else
in the room is reading a book, one of the two non-modal interpretations in
(34) or (35) can be assigned:
(34) X is reading a book D
ESCRIPTION (non-modal)
(35) This is 'reading a book' P
In the interpretation of (34), the predicate boekje lezen is used to denote the
event 'read book'. In the interpretation of (35), Daan performs a
metalinguistic act and modifies the predicate boekje lezen 'read book'. Note
that 'modification' does not only mean that information is added and the
content of the predicate changes; 'modification' can also mean that the
content of a predicate is confirmed. An interpretation as in (35) is assigned
when Daan utters (30) in the middle of a labelling game, for instance.
Although the difference between (34) and (35) is interesting and may even
be crucial to our understanding of RIs, I do not see how they can be
distinguished systematically. Therefore, I did not distinguish between the
two readings.
Finally, I encountered RIs in the corpus data that were
assigned a past interpretation (when Daan is telling a story about a past
(36) X was reading a book N
ARRATION (non-modal)
The examples above indicate that Dutch child RIs allow for a wide range of
interpretations and that the interpretations assigned to children's RIs are
based on a complex of extra-linguistic factors such as contextual infor-
mation, shared history, knowledge of the world, etc. In this respect, the
example in (37) is illustrative. In (37), Laura says pakke 'glue'. With this
utterance, she refers to the event of gluing. The sequence of questions that
follows shows how her mother tries to understand what Laura exactly wants
to express. Her attempt shows that RIs allow for various different inter-
In Blom (2002), I argue that one possible strategy to circumvent the problem of the
existence of non-modal RIs is to assume that the non-modal RIs differ fundamentally from
the modal RIs. One way in which they could differ is with respect to their syntactic category.
In adult Dutch, infinitives can be verbal as well as nominal. It could be hypothesised that this
difference is reflected in the RIs of Dutch children: modal RIs are verbal and non-modal RIs,
depicting an ongoing activity, are used as labels and hence, are nominal. I hypothesised that
the nominal infinitives appear less often with subjects/objects than the verbal RIs. However,
although I found that non-modal RIs contained less subjects than modal RIs, there were
various non-modal RIs with subjects. It was argued that the difference in subject use could
be a developmental effect as most non-modal RIs were used in the earliest stages (see
Chapter 5) and studies on subject drop (Haegeman, 1995) show that subject drop is also a
property of Dutch child language that is related to the earliest stages. However, the
developmental observations that will be presented in Chapter 5 shed a different light on this
problem, because the development of subject drop in RIs differs from the development of
subject drop in general. Between stages III and IV, subject drop in RIs shows an increase,
which implies that the appearance of fewer overt subjects in non-modal RIs than in modal
RIs cannot be explained as a developmental effect.
(37) *LAU: pakke, hoor
glue-inf, interjection
*MOT: ga je plakken?
go-fin you glue-inf
'Are you going to glue?'
*MOT: is dat plakken?
is-fin that glue-inf
'Is that gluing'
*MOT: ben je daarmee aan het plakken?
are-fin you therewith on the glue-inf
'Are you glueing with that?
*LAU: eh. Laura 2;06.10
Example (37) exemplifies the semantic unspecificity of RIs and the result of
this, namely how we (as interpreters) are guessing what children intend to
say when they use an RI.
However, suppose that the meaning of RIs is intrinsically free. Considering
the results presented in this chapter, two questions arise: how is it that (i)
completed RIs hardly occur and obey the NCC, and (ii) that modal RIs are
predominant and that RIs display a MRE? I will take up these two questions
in Chapter 5 (§ 5.3).
3.4 Differences across languages: experimental data
As a follow-up on the corpus study, I decided to conduct an experiment.
An important motivation for an experiment was the difficulties that arose
when interpretations were assigned to the RIs in the corpus data. In § 3.4.1,
these difficulties will be explained. Secondly, I was struck by a difference in
the interpretation of Dutch and English RIs discussed in the work of
The experiment was conducted in collaboration with Evelien Krikhaar (Groningen
University). We carried out the pilot studies together. After this, Evelien Krikhaar took care
of the execution of the final experimental design with Dutch-speaking children while I tested
the English-speaking children.
Hoekstra & Hyams (1998). An experiment would make it possible to
compare the two languages in a more principled and controlled way than the
previously reported corpus data allowed for (§ 3.4.2).
3.4.1 More reliable interpretations
Recall that Wijnen (1997) reported more modal use in RIs in the data of two
Dutch-speaking children than I did, even though we examined data from
the same children (§ 3.3.5). In this section, I will illustrate that such
differences can easily occur with the methodology we used, i.e. assigning
interpretations to corpus data. The difference between our studies illustrates
the severe methodological difficulties of corpus analysis and the limitations
of the analysis of corpus data with regard to semantic questions. Results that
are based on interpretations of corpus data may show quite some variation
due to (i) too little information, (ii) subjective interpretations, and (iii) the
situation and the activities that were carried out when the children were
taped (yielding variation over sessions and children).
Corpus data that are transcriptions of audiotapes often provide little
extra-linguistic information.
Especially circumstantial information is neces-
sary to interpret elliptic utterances such as RIs 3.3.8). A simple example
will illustrate this problem. Assume that a child says bal gooien ('ball throw').
As long as the interpreter does not know anything about the state or
position of the ball, this utterance can be modal as well as non-modal: the
ball could be going to be thrown, could have to be thrown, would be
thrown or could have been thrown (when the child tells a story).
minimise the risk of assigning a wrong interpretation, more than one
researcher must interpret the utterance (and the interpreting must be done
independently), and the application of a conservative strategy ('exclude the
utterance from the analysis in case of uncertainty or ambiguity') is advisable.
Nevertheless, even if the risk of interpretation mistakes is minimised,
Video recordings are, for instance, much more informative than audio-tapes as they show
the surrounding space, direction of the gaze and gestures, which are all useful sources of
In paraphrase, the modal version could be 'you have to throw the ball' or 'I am going to
throw the ball'. The non-modal version would either be 'You are throwing the ball' or 'I am
throwing the ball'.
problems still remain. The researcher's interpretation is often deduced from
an adult response to the child's utterance. This response is based on the
adult's interpretation and may be incorrect. Other disadvantages are that
studies are difficult to compare as researchers use their own criteria and
definitions (the subjectivity factor). Second, the data are not only influenced by
the interpreter but also by the circumstances in which the data are collected.
Not every situation yields a similar amount of modality (the situation factor).
For example, a play situation elicits much modality as the child expresses
wishes and gives commands to the adult while playing. When adult and
child read a booklet or look at pictures, there is less modality. Presumably,
the distribution of situations over transcripts differs when different files are
studied. As a consequence, the number of modal utterances may be
different per file.
Coming back to the discrepancy between Wijnen's results
and mine (§ 3.3.5), the subjectivity factor may play a role here. But also the
situation factor, since we did not study exactly the same files of these two
Many of the problems signalled above can be circumvented in an experi-
ment. With an elicitation task in which the context, i.e. the interpretation
that is to be encoded, is given, it is possible to test which verb forms
children use to express modal or non-modal meanings (under the
assumption that the child interprets the depicted situation in an adult-like
way). Doing a corpus study, the researcher assigns the interpretation
afterwards to a given verb form. In an experiment, this situation can be
turned around: the interpretation is given and a specific verb form is
3.4.2 Valid cross-linguistic comparisons
In their study on the meaning of RIs, Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) compared
Dutch/German RIs with English RIs and concluded that the data showed a
significant cross-linguistic difference. Their conclusion was that RIs in
Dutch and German child language are modal while English RIs are not.
They related the difference to a morphological difference between Dutch
This implies that a meta-analysis is required that compares datasets with regard to the
amount of modality that is used.
and German RIs, on the one hand, and English RIs on the other. The
former contain infinitival morphology, whereas the latter contain bare
stems. As their claim is that infinitival morphology denotes a modal
meaning, the cross-linguistic predictions of the Infinitival Morphology Hypo-
thesis (IMH) are:
(38) The IMH cross-linguistically
(i) Dutch RIs are restricted to modal use
(ii) English RIs are not restricted to modal use and have a free
The empirical fundament for (38) comes from a comparison of data
reported in various studies.
This comparison focuses on percentages
reported by others and only little is known about the data behind the
percentages. As discussed before, this is a risky method with a number of
uncontrolled factors that possibly influence the results.
The use of the
same experimental design for different languages, however, enables a
methodologically valid cross-linguistic comparison. In this way, it can be
tested in a relatively controlled and principled fashion whether or not there
is a difference between the meaning of Dutch and English RIs. Previously,
Schönenberger, Pierce, Wexler & Wijnen (1995) attempted to compare the
interpretation of RIs in Dutch and English child language through an
experiment. In § 3.4.13, I will discuss this study and compare the obtained
results with my results.
Before I turn to the experimental design, the protocol, the subjects and the
results, I want to comment on the relation between the IMH, its predictions
in (38) and my conclusions earlier in this chapter with regard to Dutch child
language. Earlier in this chapter, it was concluded that (38i) is not borne out:
Dutch corpus data show that there is no restriction to modal use. This
means that there is no explanation for the size of the MRE, because the
theories we have available predict an MRE that is larger than the observed
Wijnen (1997) and Behrens (1993) for Dutch and German, respectively, Deen (1997) and
Madsen & Gilkerson, (1999) for English.
Especially about the English data only marginal information is available. It is not clear
which utterances are included, what criteria have been applied for interpretations and
whether or not more than one interpreter assigned an interpretation, for instance.
MRE. In the fifth chapter, I will propose an alternative account that
captures the corpus results reported in this chapter as well as other data that
will be presented in Chapter 5. The implication of rejecting the IMH
account is that if the experiment reveals differences in meaning between
Dutch and English RIs, an alternative explanation must be given for this
cross-linguistic difference. If the experiments do not suggest any difference,
it must be explained why the corpus and experimental results are deviant.
3.4.3 Pilots
To test the children, we used a design to elicit verb forms: a controlled
elicitation task. For an experiment, this design is fairly unconstrained, as will
be explained later on. The major difference between the experiment and the
corpus method is that in the experiment the meaning is controlled. The
design we ultimately settled on followed a series of pilot studies. This
section provides a summary of the most important conclusions from the
pilot studies.
Assigning an interpretation to naturalistic corpus data is problematic.
However, testing two- and three-year-olds to find out more about the
semantics of the forms they use, is difficult for other reasons. During the
pilots we observed (i) that a completion task may lead to imitation, (ii) that a
comprehension task was often not correctly understood, (iii) that dynamic
movies are preferred to static pictures for the present topic, and (iv) that a
condition intended to depict modality requires more explanation than a
condition expressing an ongoing activity. Most of these problems relate to
the young age group we tried to test. In this section, I will discuss these
points one by one.
In the pilots, we tested whether a completion task qualified as a pre-test.
The aim of the pre-test was to pick out the children in the RI-period. We
showed the children two contrasting pictures in two conditions, i.e. ongoing
and modal, described the first picture and stimulated the children to
complete the description of the second picture. For instance, in the ongoing
condition we presented the children a picture with an eating man and a
drinking man. The experimenter said: Deze man eet en deze man …? ('This man
is eating and this man …?'). The sentence was uttered with a rising
intonation so that the child was stimulated to fill in the event in the second
clause. The children we aimed to select, had to insert an infinitive in at least
one of the items that were offered. As various children that used RIs when
they talked spontaneously produced no RIs in this test (which may be an
effect of the finite triggering sentence), we decided that this test was not an
adequate pre-test to select subjects for the experiment.
According to the first set-up, a production as well as a comprehension task
was carried out to investigate the meaning properties of RIs. Even though I
am still convinced that this combination of tests gives optimal results, we
did not include comprehension in the final experiments. Subjects who were
able to do the production task were often incapable of doing the
comprehension task and there were few subjects that understood both tasks.
Most misunderstandings were of the following type: the children that were
asked to pick out the picture that matched a sentence (either ongoing or
modal) selected the picture that simply matched the event. This means that
the ongoing picture (showing the event) was the preferred picture, for both
the ongoing as well as the modal sentence. The picture showing the modal
event (hence, that did not show the event) did not match any sentence.
Therefore, it was less often chosen. For instance, the triggering sentence in
the modal condition was Peter wil
'Peter wants to eat'. The ongoing
variant was Peter
'Peter eats'. In both cases, the children tended to select
the picture that showed Peter eating and not the picture that showed Peter's
intention or desire to eat. This tendency indicated that the children
concentrated on the event and the picture that represented the event; the
children neglected the ongoingness or modality that distinguished the two
conditions from each other. More discussion on this issue can be found in
§ 3.4.13.
It turned out to be difficult to make young children understand the modal
condition. Two things were helpful in this respect: the use of movies and
the implementation of causality in the modal condition. Movies were
preferred to pictures, as the children we examined tended to interpret
describing pictures as a labelling task: they did not pay attention to the
modal-ongoing contrast. Instead, they interpreted the modal action as a
‘not-action’ or a different action instead of a ‘going to be action’. Thus,
We decided not to use RIs to elicit child completions, because this lead to unnatural
triggering sentences.
many responses were of the type: walks - not walks/stands and not from the
type walks - wants to walk. Movies elicited less labelling utterances and
relatively more multi-word sentences. To emphasise modality, we built in
causality: the necessity to act was stressed because the agent had a reason to
act. For instance, a dirty hungry dog had to wash himself because he was
only allowed to enter the house (where the food was) if he was clean. In this
case, the washing was motivated by the dog's filthiness and hunger. Another
illustration of a compelling reason to act (more specifically to run away) was
the approaching of a car while a boy played on the street. Although this
strategy helped the children to understand the modality involved, it required
insight in causal relations between events. This requirement excluded
children of the youngest age group.
Our initial idea was to create a controlled procedure in which we would
collect an equal number of responses for each subject as well as an equal
number of responses in each condition. In the elicitation task that we finally
carried out, we gave this kind of control up as it led to the exclusion of
many informative responses. The movies represented activities in an
ongoing and a modal condition. In the former condition, the action was
shown. In the latter condition, the desire or necessity to perform the action
was stressed through causality; the action itself was not shown. However,
the children did not always talk about the specific actions that we primed
on. When we were focussing on washing, the children talked about
swimming, taking a bath, becoming clean or splashing. Therefore, the
decision was made to allow a fairly broad interpretation of the actions
depicted in the movies, and hence to include utterances about swimming,
taking a bath, becoming clean and splashing as descriptions for the 'washing'
movies. Furthermore, a movie contained often more than one action,
especially the movies in the modal condition. For instance, in the modal
'running' movie, a moving car was to be seen. In the modal 'drinking' movie,
a girl walks to her mother. When the children talked about what happened
in the movies, they mentioned such side-activities as well. We decided that it
was important to collect as many verb forms as possible that denoted an
activity of which we were certain that, at speech time, it was either ongoing
or modal, irrespective of whether it was the action we initially focussed on.
3.4.4 Pre-test
Before the experimental task started, each child was shown a big picture on
a laptop computer with lots of things to talk about. In this picture, three
subsequent actions or movements could be animated: a bird flew away, a
ball rolled on the grass and someone was driving a car. Presenting this
picture served several purposes. For us it served to elicit spontaneous
speech from a child. On the basis of this sample, we decided whether or not
the child was in the RI-phase. Children that only used finite sentences in the
pre-test were not selected for the actual experiment. Apart from being
representative of the children's linguistic behaviour, other advantages of this
pre-test were that it made the children familiar with the laptop computer,
the setting and the task.
3.4.5 Test items
We designed eight animated movies that concentrate on four actions. Each
action was shown in a modal and a non-modal condition. In the modal
condition, only the intention or wish to act was shown, whereas in the non-
modal condition the ongoing action was shown. I will describe the test
items below. The choice of verbs denoting particular actions was based on
(i) frequent use of the verbs in Dutch corpus data, and (ii) appropriateness
of the denoted actions for short movies. This lead to the selection of wassen
(washing), rennen (running), drinken (drinking), and bellen (calling).
Table 3.5: Description of the test items, used in the controlled elicitation
task to test the denotation of verb forms in Dutch and English child
Action Ongoing Condition Modal Condition
Washing A dirty pig, covered with
mud, stands next to a bathtub
that is filled with water and
foam. The pig jumps in the
tub. He is washing himself: he
turns around several times, is
splashing water and the dirt
A dirty dog, covered with
mud, stands on a road that
leads to a house, which can
be seen on the background.
A bathtub is in front of the
house. The dog walks in
gradually disappears. the direction of the house.
Running A girl is running from the left
to the right side of the screen.
It is raining.
A boy is playing on the
street. He throws a ball up
in the air several times.
Suddenly a car is
approaching him.
Drinking A boy is sitting at a table. He
picks up a glass filled with
lemonade that stands in front
of him. He brings the glass to
his mouth and drinks until the
glass is empty. This is shown
by a gradually reducing
amount of lemonade.
In a room there are a girl
and a mother. The girl has
an empty glass in her
hands. She walks to her
mother and lifts the empty
Calling A boy is sitting at a table. In
front of him is a telephone.
The boy picks up the phone
and talks for a while, which is
shown by his moving lips.
A little girl is standing next
to a cupboard with a phone
on it. She tries to reach the
phone but is too small.
We made the movies simple in order to reduce the chance that the children
misunderstood the purpose of the movie. Occasionally, however, the
children drew their own conclusions from what they saw. An anecdote
illustrates the unforeseen interpretations of young children: one boy insisted
that getting clean did not help the dog to enter the house. When we asked
him why, he answered that the dog first had to become smaller (because of
the perspective the house in the background was much smaller than the dog
in the foreground).
3.4.6 Protocol
The experiments were run with two experimenters. While one experimenter
talked to the child and told the story of the movie, the other observed and
took notes. In addition, the sessions were audio-taped, to be transcribed in
CHAT-format (MacWhinney, 1995) afterwards and expanded with semantic
information. We used the following protocol. First, the experimenter intro-
duced the characters. The human beings were given common names like
Peter or Lisa. The movie was shown while the experimenter told the child
what happened. Then, the movie was shown a second time and the child
was asked some questions to test whether the movie was understood (Can
you tell me what you see? What does Peter want? What is the doggy going
to do? Etc.).
If so, the experimenter showed the movie again and asked the child to say
what happened. The experimenter interfered as little as possible. Note that
the story telling was especially important in the modal condition, as the
intended meaning (i.e. wish or requirement) could not be derived from the
movie alone. Below are two examples, washing in the modal and the non-
modal condition respectively. The rest of the stories are in Appendix 3.2 (p.
This is the story of the dirty hungry dog that wants to go into the house to eat. He
is so hungry and his food is in the house. But he is much too dirty to go into the
house. Look how dirty he is! The doggy really has to wash himself. Look! Next
to the house is a bathtub, where he can go and wash himself.
This is the story about the dirty pig. The pig is waiting to get in the bath. See,
now he jumps into the bathtub. He is washing and washing. He washes himself
until he is completely clean. You see?
3.4.7 Subjects
Table 3.6 gives information about the number of subjects that participated,
their ages and MLU scores. All subjects produced RIs in the pre-test, and
were selected on the basis of this pre-test. As our analyses concentrated on
RIs, we excluded subjects that did produce RIs in the pre-test but used no
RIs at all in the test itself. The subjects in Table 3.6 used at least one RI.
Subjects that did not seem to respond on modal contexts were excluded.
Table 3.6: Numbers, ages, MLU of the Dutch and English-speaking subjects
in the experiment
Dutch subjects English subjects
Number 26 29
Age range 1;11 - 3;10 1;11 - 3;6
Mean age 2;10 2;7
MLU range 1.57 - 4.9 2 - 5.62
Mean MLU 2.63 3.44
Given that (Dutch) children start to produce RIs around the age of two (see
Chapter 5 of this thesis), the subjects in the experiment are fairly old: the
mean age of the Dutch subjects is 2 years and 10 months.
3.4.8 Analysed data
To be included in the analysis, RIs had to meet the following criteria: (i) they
had to be part of a multi-word utterance in order to exclude nominative
infinitives that are used to label actions, and (ii) they were not parasitic or
elliptic. Thus, infinitives that were answers to a question asked by the
experimenter, such as in the examples (17) and (18) in § 3.3.1, were
excluded. In English, the elicited utterance must have a third person singular
subject, as this requires the only finite verb form that is morphologically
distinct from the bare verb form with either the suffix [ -s ] in the present
tense or [ -ed ] for past tense. In the experiment, this criterion was easily met,
as the characters in the movie were all third person singular subjects. A total
number of 198 and 158 RIs have been excluded in the English and Dutch
results. Additionally, 91 root participles (i.e. non-finite clauses like RIs,
The subjects were English-speaking American toddlers, predominantly monolinguals. The
bi-lingual subjects that were included did not show any deficiencies in their English. Before
the children were tested, we asked the children's caregivers to fill out a questionnaire about
the language situation at home (languages of the caregivers, languages spoken at home, etc.).
In Blom & Krikhaar (2002), there are 30 English subjects. However, I later excluded one
subject when it became clear on closer inspection that it used no modal utterances at all.
containing a past participle instead of an RI) have been left out from the
English data. Very few finite sentences, i.e. less than 10, were excluded.
3.4.9 Two different questions
The experimental data can be approached in two ways, dependent on the
question that is asked. Both meaning and form can be taken as constants or
variables. When meaning is taken as a constant and form is the variable, the
question follows: Given a meaning, what is the probability that a child uses
an RI? I will call this the semantic approach, for this approach isolates a
meaning, say modal meanings, and the probability is calculated that a
particular form (e.g. RIs, SFs or PVs) is used to denote this meaning. This is
turned around in the second approach, i.e. the syntactic approach. In the
syntactic approach, forms, say RIs, are isolated and the probability is
calculated that this form is used with a certain denotation (e.g. modal or
The syntactic approach is applied to the corpus results. Thus, in order to
compare the experimental results with the previously reported corpus
results, the syntactic approach is preferred, even though it seems counter-
intuitive at first sight. The semantic approach has other advantages,
however, and is preferred for reasons other than just being comparable to
the corpus results. The first advantage of the semantic approach is that
modality within RIs is calculated as a proportion of the total amount of
modal utterances that a child produces (the same applies to the proportion
of ongoing RIs). Thus, the percentages of modal RIs and ongoing RIs are
independently calculated. This analysis controls for the effect that either a
high or low percentage of modal RIs is the effect of much or little modal
talk in general (this method controls for the situation factor discussed in
(§ 3.4.1). Secondly, the first analysis provides insight in the full range of verb
forms that a child has available. It relates the properties of RIs to other
forms and hence, gives additional valuable information. Therefore, I will
reconsider the corpus data and apply the semantic approach. The results
based on this method will be presented in the fifth chapter (§ 5.3).
The question may arise why the semantic approach is not applied to the
corpus data.
As far as I may judge, the main reason for application of the
syntactic approach is a focus on RIs as a construction. Researchers that
examined semantic properties of RIs were interested in discovering and
defining properties of this specific form that is frequent in child language
but rare in adult speech. Given the syntactic point of view, the question
'What is the meaning of an RI?' is more obvious than the question 'What is
the proportion of RIs in the set of utterances that denote modal events?'.
3.4.10 The semantic approach to the results
The semantic approach takes the whole range of verb forms that children
use into account. In the experiment, the Dutch subjects used four different
forms: RIs, simple finite sentences (SFs), periphrastic verbs (PVs) and
prepositional infinitival complements (PICs):
(40) a. Het meisje rennen RI
the girl run-inf
b. Het meisje rent SF
the girl run-fin
'The girl is running'
c. Het meisje moet/wil/gaat rennen PV
the girl must/wants to/goes run-inf
'The girl must/wants to/is going to run'
d. Het meisje is aan het rennen PIC
the girl is on the run-inf
'The girl is running'
The English subjects used five different forms: RIs, SFs, PVs and two forms
that contain a present participle, namely 'normal' finite sentences
(abbreviated as FPs 'finite participles') and root participles (RPs). Examples
of the five forms are given in (41):
This question mainly concerns Hoekstra & Hyams' study (and the studies that Hoekstra &
Hyams refer to), because they make a strong claim about the meaning of RIs but only use the
contrast between RIs and SFs to show that RIs are modal. RIs are not compared to PVs.
There is no information about the proportion of RIs in the sets of modal and ongoing
utterances, and, hence no evidence showing that the modality in RIs is disproportional.
(41) a. The girl run RI
b. The girl runs SF
c. The girl has to/wants to/is going to run PV
d. The girl is running FP
e. The girl running RP
The Tables 3.7 and 3.8 show the distribution of these forms over the modal
and ongoing condition in the Dutch and English data:
Table 3.7: Distribution of forms in the modal and ongoing condition, Dutch
subjects (N = 26)
Form N Modal condition
(N = 298)
Ongoing condition
(N = 562)
N % N %
RI 149 101 34 48 9
SF 487 42 14 445 79
PV 216 155 52 61 11
PIC 8 0 0 8 1
Table 3.8: Distribution of forms in the modal and ongoing condition,
English subjects (N = 29)
Form N Modal condition
(N = 243)
Ongoing condition
(N = 440)
N % N %
RI 162 71 29 91 21
SF 79 14 6 65 15
PV 153 134 55 19 4
FP 201 13 5 188 43
RP 87 11 5 76 17
What do these distributions show? Let us start with the forms that show a
rather clear usage. In the Dutch results, these are SFs and PVs. The first are
very likely to appear in the ongoing condition, whereas the latter prefer the
modal condition. In the English results, FPs and PVs show a clear usage.
The first are likely to appear in the ongoing condition, whereas PVs prefer
the modal condition (like in Dutch). PICs in early Dutch child language are
marginal, SFs are less frequently used by English children than by Dutch
children and the English children use a variant of RIs, namely RPs.
closer look at the class of PVs in Dutch indicates that PVs with a modal
auxiliary like moet 'must' or wil 'want' have to be distinguished from PVs that
contain the auxiliary gaat 'goes'. In adult Dutch, gaat is used to denote (near)
future but the children use this auxiliary in a different way. Recall that this
was mentioned before, in § 3.3.6, with regard to the interpretation of the
PVs of one of the six Dutch-speaking children that I examined, Peter. In the
experiment, all PVs used in the ongoing condition were instances of 'go'. In
the literature on Dutch child language, this non-adultlike use of gaat is often
reported (Schaerlakens & Gillis, 1987; Verhulst-Schlichting, 1985; Jordens,
1990; Evers & Van Kampen, 1995; Hollebrandse & Roeper, 1996; Van
Kampen, 1997; Zuckerman, 2001). In Chapter 5, I will discuss this ongoing,
or present tense, use of gaat as an effect of development.
Compared to these clear forms, the behaviour of RIs looks diffuse,
especially in the English results. Recall that the predictions generated by the
hypothesis with which I started this section, i.e. the IMH, were that Dutch
RIs are restricted to a modal meaning whereas English RIs are unrestricted
with regard to modality. Translating this into predictions that are consistent
with the semantic approach, I arrive at the following three predictions: it is
expected that (i) in Dutch, the likelihood that RIs appear in the modal
condition is larger than in the ongoing condition, (ii) in English, there is no
difference between the two conditions, and (iii) it is more likely in Dutch
that RIs appear in the modal condition than in English. At first blush, it
seems more likely that Dutch RIs appear in the modal condition than in the
ongoing condition, because 34 % of the modal forms are RIs, whereas only
Note that the comparison between the different verb forms serves a methodological
purpose. The clear differences between the forms indicate that the experimental results are
reliable. If the subjects did not understand the experimental conditions (for instance the
modal condition), less clear-cut differences between the forms would have been expected.
9 % of the ongoing forms are RIs. In English, there is less of a difference
between the two conditions: 29 % of the modal forms are RIs, whereas
21 % of the ongoing forms are RIs. With regard to the cross-linguistic
difference, the results suggest a difference between the probability that RIs
appear in the modal condition, although the difference is small: 34 % of the
modal forms in the Dutch data are RIs, whereas 29 % of the modal forms in
the English data are RIs.
Are the differences and similarities as they present themselves in the
percentages statistically reliable? Table 3.9 gives an overview over the
probabilities that the various H0's (which follow from the three predictions
that I formulated) are confirmed. The permutation test is used to calculate
the p-values:
Table 3.9: Probabilities that there is no difference between the Dutch and
English results in the modal and ongoing condition and that there is no
difference between the modal and ongoing condition in Dutch and English
H0 p-value
There is no difference between the conditions in Dutch 0.001
There is no difference between the conditions in English 0.03
There is no difference between Dutch and English in the
modal condition
Given the probabilities in Table 3.9, it can be concluded that statistical
analyses confirm the first impressions. In Dutch, there is a difference
between the two conditions. As the p-value is small, i.e. p = 0.001 < p =
0.05, it can be concluded that it is more likely that an RI appears in the
modal condition than in the ongoing condition. The same applies to the
English results: there is a difference between the two conditions (p = 0.03 <
p = 0.05). The larger probability that RIs show up in the modal condition in
both languages is the result of the children using relatively more forms
(other than RIs) in the ongoing condition than in the modal condition. In
Proportions RIs in the modal and ongoing condition are calculated for each subject. I have
taken the average of these proportions and difference between languages/conditions.
the Dutch data, these productive ongoing forms are predominantly SFs. In
the English data, progressives, i.e. FPs and RPs, are responsible. When the
two languages are compared, it turns out that there is a difference: in Dutch,
it is more likely that an RI occurs in the modal condition than in English
(p = 0.001 < p = 0.05).
3.4.11 The syntactic approach to the results
In this section, RIs are isolated (as is done with the corpus results) and the
number of modal RIs is calculated as a proportion of the total number of
interpretable RIs. This is done for both languages, Dutch as well as English.
The results are plotted in a box-plot. The percentiles provide information
about the distribution of the results. When the box is small, the results are
very similar and the standard deviation will be low. When the box is large,
the children's responses diverge clearly and the standard deviation will be
high. The box-plot in Figure 3.5 depicts the percentiles 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75
and 0.95. The percentiles 0.05 and 0.95 are the two borders of the 90 %
interval; in the figure, this interval is marked with two horizontal stripes.
The percentiles 0.25 and 0.75 are the two borders of the 50 % interval; this
interval is marked with the two small open circles. The percentile 0.5 is the
exact middle of the distribution, or the median; this is marked with the black
square. The big open circle is the average proportion of modally used RIs.
RIs in Dutch and English child language:
percentile 0.05-0.25-0.5-0.75-0.95 and avera
Dutch English
Figure 3.5: Use of RIs in the
modal condition, results o
Dutch and English-speakin
children that used at least 1 RI,
percentile 0.05-0.25-0.5-0.75-
0.95 and avera
0.05 - 0.95 percentile
0.25 - 0.75 percentile
g median
Table 3.10 gives the total number of interpretable RIs, the proportion of
RIs used in the modal condition (with the number of modally used RIs in
parenthesis), the average modal proportion over the total sample of children
and the standard deviation.
Table 3.10: Use of RIs in modal condition, results of Dutch and English-
speaking children that produced at least 1 RI, number of interpretable RIs,
percentage of modally used RIs (number), and standard deviation
Dutch 149 26 68 % (101) 29
English 162 29 44 % (71) 31
With the aid of the permutation test, I calculated (i) whether the Dutch
children show a preference with regard to the use of RIs in the modal
condition, (ii) whether the English children prefer to use RIs in one of the
two conditions, and (iii) whether there is a difference between the Dutch
and the English results. The Dutch children show a preference for using RIs
to denote modal events. When a chance distribution is simulated and the
observations are shuffled per subject, it turns out to be unlikely that the
observed distribution and the chance distribution are drawn from a single
distribution (p = 0.013). The English subjects do not show a preference
(p = 0.62). The English p-value is not extremely high (smaller than 0.95).
Hence, I conclude that there is no support for the claim that English RIs
show a preference to denote ongoing events with RIs. If we compare the
Dutch and English results and estimate the probability that the distributions
in the two languages are drawn from one single distribution, a p-value of
0.024 is obtained, which is below the criterion value of 0.05. This indicates
that there is difference between the usages of RIs in two languages: RIs in
child Dutch are more often modal than RIs in child English.
If, in the experiment, a child used only one RI and this RI was used in the
modal condition, 100 % of the RIs of this particular child were classified as
modal. Many of such subjects may affect the results. Therefore, I carried out
an additional post hoc selection that includes only children that used 5 or
more RIs and 5 or more finite sentences, i.e. FINs, (to be sure that the
children are also able to use forms other than infinitives or bare stems).
Although the sample of subjects after this selection is much smaller, the data
may be more reliable than the data just described: the effect of children that
use only one RI (and this one RIs is either 100 % modal or 100 % non-
modal/ongoing) no longer occurs.
Although this number remains rather arbitrary, is gives some idea of the effect.
Table 3.11: Numbers, ages, MLU of Dutch and English-speaking subjects in
the experiment that produced 5 or more RIs and 5 or more FINs
Dutch subjects English subjects
Number 9 12
Age range 1;11 - 3;10 2;1 - 3;5
Mean age 2;09 2;06
MLU range 1.57 - 4.25 2.74 - 5.62
Mean MLU 2.68 4.08
Considering Figure 3.6 and Table 3.12, it seems that the distributions in
both languages are indeed affected by the exclusion of children who used
very few RIs/FINs. The 90 % and the 50 % intervals are smaller than
before and the standard deviation is lower. In general, the results are less
spread out than before.
RIs in Dutch and English child language:
percentile 0.05-0.25-0.5-0.75-0.95 and avera
Dutch English
Figure 3.6: Use of RIs in modal
condition, results of Dutch and
English-speaking children that
used at least 5 RIs and 5 FINs,
0.05 - 0.95 percentile
0.25 - 0.75 percentile
g median
percentile 0.05-0.25-0.5-0.75-0.95 and average
Table 3.12: Use of RIs in the modal condition, results of Dutch and
English-speaking children that produced at least 5 RIs and 5 FINs, number
of interpretable RIs, percentage of RIs used in modal condition (number),
and standard deviation
Dutch 87 9 61 % (53) 22
English 90 12 36 % (32) 17
Statistical tests confirm the first informal observations in so far as that the
results for each language have changed in comparison to the first analysis
that included all children. The difference between the two languages remains
statistically significant (p = 0.006). What is the difference between the two
analyses? For the Dutch subjects, the probability that the observed
distribution and a chance distribution are drawn from the same distribution
is large (p = 0.22). They do not show a preference for the modal condition
anymore. The p-value is smaller than 0.95, which suggests that there is no
support for the claim the Dutch subjects show a preference for the ongoing
condition. For the English subjects, the probability that the children show a
modal preference is small: p = 0.005. This p-value is smaller than 0.05.
Hence, I conclude that these data show a preference to use RIs to denote
ongoing events.
In sum, according to both tests, there is a difference between the two
Table 3.13: Probabilities that there is no difference between the use of
Dutch and English RIs in the modal condition (i.e. null hypothesis), for all
children (that used at least one RI) and for the productive children (i.e. the
children that used at least 5 RIs and 5 FINs).
H0 P-value
All children
No difference between the
use of Dutch and English RIs
in the modal condition
p = 0.024 p = 0.006
The outcome of the two analyses is similar: Dutch RIs are more often
modal than English RIs. With regard to the question whether Dutch RIs
show a preference for modal events or English RIs show a preference for
ongoing events, the results are ambiguous. When the larger sample of
children is taken and all subjects are included, there is a modal preference in
the Dutch RIs and no preference for either modal or ongoing events in the
English RIs. When results of a small sample of productive children are
analysed, there is an ongoing preference in the English RIs and no modal or
ongoing preference in the Dutch RIs.
3.4.12 Discussion
I approached the experimental data in two ways. The question that underlies
the semantic approach is which form(s) the children use when they talk
about either a modal or an ongoing event. More specifically, how probable
is it that Dutch and English-speaking children in the RI-age use an RI in the
modal condition given a set of various different verb forms? It turned out
that in both languages, it was more likely that RIs appeared in the modal
condition than in the ongoing condition. A comparison between the two
languages showed that the probability that Dutch children used RIs in the
modal condition was significantly larger than that the English children used
RIs in this condition. In the syntactic approach, I collapsed the RIs
produced in the two conditions in order to determine the proportion of
modal versus ongoing RIs within the set of RIs in the two languages. Like the
results from the semantic approach, the results from the syntactic approach
confirm cross-linguistic differences. On the basis of the experimental
results, it is unclear if the difference should be formulated as 'Dutch RIs
show a modal preference and English RIs do not' or 'English RIs show an
ongoing preference and Dutch RIs do not'. The direction of the difference
is similar in both formulations, however.
According to Hoekstra & Hyams's (1998) theory, the IMH, the proportion
of modal RIs in Dutch child language is insensitive to the frequencies of
other forms that children use besides RIs. In the semantic approach, the
proportions of RIs are relative to the other forms that the children used in
the experiment, however. Because of this discrepancy, I am reluctant to
draw any conclusions on the basis of the outcome of the semantic analysis
with regard to the study that motivated me to do the experiment in the first
place. Nevertheless, an observation that is in line with the IMH is that there
is a difference in meaning between Dutch and English RIs, more specifically
that Dutch RIs are more frequently modal than English RIs. Taking a look
at the data in the Tables 3.7 and 3.8, I conclude that the experimental results
do not seem to support the IMH unequivocally, in spite of this cross-
linguistic difference. The tests that I applied tested differences, which I
translated as preferences. The IMH, however, makes a prediction with a
more absolute character for Dutch: it is expected that the Dutch children
use RIs in the modal condition, but do not use RIs in the ongoing condition
3.3.7). This prediction is not borne out as the Dutch subjects use RIs in
both conditions: in the modal condition 34 % of the responses are RIs, in
the ongoing condition 9 % are RIs.
3.4.13 Comparison with other studies
How do the cross-linguistic experimental results relate to other and earlier
findings? As far as I know, there is only one other experimental study in
which the use of verb forms in child Dutch and English has been compared.
Schönenberger, Pierce, Wexler & Wijnen (1995) report data from a
sentence-picture-matching task carried out with Dutch and English-
speaking children. Despite the fact that the design of the experiment causes
a non-modal bias - I will discuss this bias later on in this section - and that
the number of English children that is tested is too low (N = 5) to draw any
far-reaching conclusions, it is interesting to take a look at their results.
The aim of the Schönenberger et al. study was to investigate the
interpretation that children assign to RIs (modal vs. ongoing). In the task,
the child functions as an intermediary between puppet Kermit the Frog and
the experimenter. The experimenter tells a story involving two pictures: one
depicting an ongoing event, the other depicting a modal event. A puppet
(Kermit the Frog) is listening to the story as well. After the story has
finished, the experimenter asks Kermit which picture he likes best.
However, Kermit cannot point. Therefore, he has to explain with a
descriptive sentence. The experimenter does not understand Kermit and so
the child, who can understand him, has to make Kermit's choice clear to the
experimenter by pointing at the picture that fits Kermit's description. In the
experiment, Kermit uses three kinds of sentences: either with a finite main
verb, a modal auxiliary or an RI. In the English version, the present
progressive is used instead of a simple finite main verb as this sounds much
more natural. In this way, this experiment elicited the interpretation (i.e.
modal or ongoing) of three kinds of constructions. Table 3.14 below
contains the percentages of selection of the picture that depicted the
ongoing event for three different sentences:
Table 3.14: Results from Dutch-English experiment on the interpretation of
RIs, Schönenberger et al. (1995), the percentages of selections of pictures
that depicted ongoing events for respectively finite verbs, non-finite verbs
(RIs) and modal verbs
Dutch 91 62 43
English 95 95 40
Eight English-speaking children joined the experiment. However, only results of five
children could be retained. The age-range holds for all eight children though.
Number of subjects Age range
Dutch 18 1; 11 - 3; 4
English 5 2; 8 - 3; 5
These results show the ongoing bias that we also noticed in our pilots when
we asked the children to point to the picture that matched a sentence
(§ 3.4.3). Various children tended to ignore the modality and focused on the
action. This action is expressed in all stimuli, but it is only shown in the
picture that depicts the ongoing action. The picture that depicts the modal
action does not show the action itself. Hence, for all stimuli the ongoing
picture is the best match. The results in Table 3.14 illustrate this effect: even
for the stimulus sentence with a modal verb (e.g. Koekiemonster wil de koekjes
hebben/Cookie Monster wants to have the cookies), both Dutch and English-
speaking children point to the picture that shows the ongoing event (thus,
to the picture in which Cookie Monster has cookies) in approximately 40 %
of the cases. Despite this non-modal bias, the results in Table 3.14 do show
an effect. Finite verbs (simple present tense in Dutch and present
progressive in English) and modal verbs are interpreted similarly in Dutch
and English: finite verbs are nearly always ongoing, while for modal verbs,
the modal ongoing picture is chosen approximately 60 % of the time.
Interestingly, non-finite verbs (i.e. the infinitive in Dutch and bare stem in
English) yield a different interpretation in the two languages. English
children tend to point more often to the ongoing picture if the stimulus
sentence is an RI than the Dutch children do (95 % vs. 62 %).
In Table 3.15, an overview of the results from various studies is given. I do
not aim to compare the different studies in detail, as there are too many
differences between these studies. In each study a different methodology is
applied, and, as pointed out before, each methodology has its own problems
that may affect the results.
The size of these effects is unknown, and,
therefore, a detailed comparison is meaningless. In spite of these
methodological differences and problems, across studies a similar difference
is measured. In all studies, it is found that Dutch RIs are less often
ongoing/more often modal than English RIs. In the overview below, I
informally corrected Schönenberger et al.'s results and subtracted 40 %
(which may approach the size of the non-modal bias, given the children's
responses on stimuli that contained a modal auxiliary):
At least three factors may influence the interpretation of corpus RIs: the information
factor, subjectivity factor and situation factor (§ 3.4.1). The comprehension experiment
suffers from a bias for the ongoing condition.
Table 3.15: Modal RIs in Dutch and English child language, corpus data
(present study for Dutch data; the English percentage is the average of the
results from Deen, 1997 and Madsen & Gilkerson, 1999), experimental
results from a production task (present study) and experimental results from
a comprehension task (Schönenberger et al., 1995)
corpus study
experimental study
experimental study
Dutch 26 32 - 39 22
English 89 45 - 36 45
Besides the cross-linguistic difference, there is another observation that
catches the eye: the asymmetry between the two experimental studies, on
the one hand, and the corpus study, on the other hand, with regard to the
preponderance of ongoing RIs in the English data. In the corpus data, the
percentage of RIs with an ongoing reading is strikingly high. A similar high
proportion of ongoing RIs, also based on analysis of corpus data, is
reported by Harris & Wexler (1996). Harris & Wexler interpreted the bare
stems of English children and compared their temporal reference to forms
ending with an [ -s ] suffix. They found a clearly dominant present tense
('ongoing') use of the bare stems of 82 %.
In § 3.5.1, I will give an answer to the question why specifically English
corpus RIs are more frequently ongoing than the experimental results. In
§ 3.5.2, an alternative explanation for differences between the interpretation
of RIs in Dutch and English child language will be given that does not
restrict RIs in Dutch child language to a modal meaning (and that, therefore,
accounts more successfully for the results than the IMH in this respect).
3.4.14 Summary
In this section, I discussed experimental results of a cross-linguistic
experiment carried out with Dutch and English subjects in the RI-age. The
motivation for this experiment were the predictions that follow from a
theory developed by Hoekstra & Hyams' (1998), the IMH, and naturalistic
child data Hoekstra & Hyams discuss in order to support the IMH.
Basically, the idea is that RIs in Dutch child language are modal because
they contain a morphologically marked infinitival verb form, whereas RIs in
English child language (lacking infinitival morphology) have a free modal
usage. I argued that the empirical foundation of this claim, which is
provided by a comparison between data from various different studies, is
unstable and that it is therefore desirable to conduct an experiment. In an
attempt to design a suitable experiment, I encountered a number of
difficulties, which led to a fairly uncontrolled final experimental design. The
most important advantages of the experimental data are that the denotation
of a child utterance is more controlled and that a valid comparison can be
made between Dutch and English. The results confirm a difference in
meaning between RIs in Dutch and English child language: Dutch RIs are
more often modal than English RIs. This observation is compatible with the
IMH. Given the IMH, it is not expected that Dutch children use RIs for
ongoing events. The Dutch subjects, however, used ongoing RIs and hence,
the prediction from the IMH is not borne out (as concluded before with
regard to the Dutch corpus data).
3.5 The ongoingness of English RIs
In the remainder of this chapter, Dutch and English RIs will be discussed in
greater detail in order to explain the large variation between the
observations reported in the studies that concentrate on this topic and to
gain more insight into cross-linguistic differences and similarities. I first
address differences between corpus studies and experimental studies. In the
following section, I will argue that differences between the meaning of RIs
in Dutch and English child language are expected, given certain
morphological and syntactic properties of the two languages.
3.6 A methodological artefact
Why are English corpus RIs so often non-modal? The answer to this
question follows from the fact that the English corpus RIs are restricted to
utterances with third person singular subjects while Dutch corpus RIs are
utterances with all kind of subjects. Exclusion of utterances with first and
second person singular subjects leads to a considerable decrease of,
particularly, modal utterances. What is the reason for the asymmetry
between the Dutch and English corpus data? Before I turn to a reanalysis of
the Dutch data, I will explain why it is perfectly well understandable that the
set of English RIs contrasts to the set of Dutch RIs.
English has a very poor inflectional paradigm. In the present tense there is
only one suffix, which is the third person singular [ -s ] as in walks or drinks.
All other forms in the paradigm are bare. Thus, except for utterances with
third person singular subjects, RIs cannot be distinguished from finite
(42) a. Peter get ball RI
b. Peter gets ball FIN
c. I/you/we/they get ball ??
In Dutch, the inflectional paradigm is not only richer, but the position of
finite verb and infinitive is distinct as well. Recall that finite forms are placed
in sentence-initial position while infinitives are placed sentence-finally. Even
if morphology is not sufficient (as in the plural), syntax provides a cue to
decide whether an utterance is finite or non-finite. Present tense plural is
marked by a morpheme that is equivalent to the infinitival morpheme:
[ -en ]. However, if present tense plural is used, the verb is moved to
sentence-initial position and precedes the object, while in RIs the verb
follows the object:
(43) a. Peter bal pakken RI
Peter ball get-inf
b. Peter/jij pakt bal FIN
Peter/you get-fin-2/3sg ball
c. Ik pak de bal FIN
I get-fin-1sg the ball
d. Wij/zij pakken de bal FIN
we/they get-fin-pl the ball
There seems to be no methodological reason to exclude RIs with specific
subjects from the Dutch dataset, as long as it is unambiguously clear that the
utterance is a RI and no finite utterance. And, indeed RIs with different
subjects are included, in all the Dutch data reported so far while in the
English samples, only RIs with third person singular subjects are analysed.
As soon as the interpretation of RIs is involved, and especially a modal
interpretation, subjects in RIs become important however. The modality
children use in RIs is strongly connected to discourse subjects, that is, to
first and second person subjects or 'I' and 'you '. The specific interpretation
that have been assigned to the RIs in my database, showed that the children
used modal RIs nearly always to express desires/intentions or commands:
they expressed either I want + inf or You must + inf. Thus, the modal RIs
were either of the type 'dynamic necessity' and expressed a wish of the child,
i.e. the speaker, ('volition') or were of the type 'deontic necessity' and
expressed a command to an addressee. In addition, the children used
prospective RIs for intentions (see § 3.3.1 for more information about the
interpretations). I grouped the volitional and intentional RIs under the 'I
want to + inf -RIs'. These were often difficult to distinguish from each other,
and for the present purpose, the distinction is irrelevant since the children
connect them both to first person singular subjects. To conclude, the
exclusion of first and second person subjects may lead to a dramatic
decrease in the proportion of modal RIs.
In an attempt to give an idea of the size of this effect, I will re-analyse the
Dutch corpus data presented earlier this chapter (section 3.3). My
expectation is that when the Dutch RIs are made more comparable to the
English RIs, the two languages do no longer exhibit such differences as
suggested by the previously reported corpus data.
Moreover, the corpus
data will be more like the experimental data, as the experimental data do not
suffer from the methodological artefact: all characters are third person
singular subjects. I want to emphasise that this reanalysis serves as an
illustration. A re-analysis of the Dutch corpus data cannot provide a valid
estimation of the actual size of the effect in the English corpus data.
In addition to my attempt to make the Dutch and English RIs more comparable by re-
analysing the Dutch data, further research has to point out what happens if the English data
are re-analysed and modal use within all utterances with bare stems is calculated.
3.6.1 The corpus results re-analysed
To make the Dutch data comparable to the English data, the set of Dutch
RIs must be narrowed down to RIs with third person singular subjects only.
To facilitate this selection, subject use in RIs has been coded. In Appendix
3.1 (p. 240), some examples of these codes can be found. Null subjects
whose interpretation was unclear, are excluded from the analysis. Table 3.16
gives the 'old' and 'new', i.e. re-analysed, data:
Table 3.16: Modal use of RIs, reanalysed Dutch corpus data on the basis of
exclusion of first and second person subjects, data from all six children
'Old data'
Incl. first and second person
'New' data
Excl. first and second
person subjects
Abel 120 91 76 16 7 44
Daan 157 115 73 27 13 48
Josse 206 150 73 26 18 69
Laura 314 200 64 82 28 34
Matthijs 254 199 78 76 34 45
Peter 197 157 80 93 67 72
Sum 1248 912 - 320 167 -
Average - - 74 - - 52
SD - - 6 - - 15
Re-analysis shows that the number of RIs dramatically decreases when first
and second person subjects are excluded: the total number of RIs goes
down from 1248 to 320. And, more importantly for our purposes: for four
out of six children (Abel, Daan, Laura and Matthijs), there is no
predominant modal use anymore. Their modal ratio is below the 50% level.
Two children still show a preference for modal use. However, for Josse
there are relatively few data available. The average modal ratio for the six
children goes down from 74 % to 52 %. Peter's case is peculiar in another
way. He very often tends to use a proper name where adults would use
discourse pronouns. In (44) two examples are given where an adult would
use I and you:
(44) a Peter pakken Peter 1;11.13
Peter get-inf
b. mamma doen Peter 1;11.13
mama do-inf
Table 3.17 illustrates how often Peter uses a proper name, his own name,
instead of the pronoun I. The other children hardly ever do this, but Peter
does so in 44 out of 93 RIs. The first column contains the number of
interpretable RIs.
Table 3.17: Use of proper name instead of first person singular subjects in
RIs, data from all six children
RIs with proper name instead of
first pers. sg. pronoun
Abel 16 0
Daan 27 0
Josse 26 4
Laura 82 0
Matthijs 76 4
Peter 93 44
If Peter's data are modified and the 44 cases where a proper name is used
instead of a first person singular pronoun are excluded, Peter's percentage
of modal RIs goes down to 62 % (32/52). The average of all six children
goes down from 52 % to 50 % modal use of RIs (SD = 13). Presumably,
this percentage decreases even more if Peter's frequent use of mama 'mama'
instead of second person singular you is excluded (there are 29 examples).
However, due to the fact that corpus data do not provide any insight into
the speech situation, one can never be sure if the proper name is really used
instead of you. Since most often a third adult is present as well, Peter may
also be speaking to this adult and not directly addressing his mother.
Therefore, I will not make this second modification. I assume that the first
modification illustrated the described effect already very clearly.
3.6.2 Conclusion
In this section, I argued that the methodology used in corpus studies on RIs
in English child language distorts the comparison between the
interpretations assigned to Dutch and English (corpus) RIs. RIs in the
studies on English RIs do not include RIs with first and second person
singular subjects. This selection is not made in the studies on RIs in Dutch
child language. The modality that children use in RIs, however, is closely
related to first and second person singular subjects. Therefore, it is expected
that the English RIs are less modal than the Dutch RIs. A modification of
the Dutch results confirmed this hypothesis. The exclusion of first and
second person singular subjects in the Dutch corpus data had a significant
effect: the average modal use of RIs went down from 74 % to exactly 50 %.
Recall that this problem occurred in corpus studies, but not in the
experiments: all RIs in the Dutch as well as English experimental results
have third person singular subjects. This explains why a comparison
between the meaning of Dutch and English corpus RIs (as made by
Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998) shows a considerable larger difference than the
experimental results (Schönenberger et al., 1995; results presented in this
3.7 The Heterogeneous Set Effect
In Blom & Krikhaar (2002), it was argued that the Fuzzy Set Effect is
responsible for differences in meaning between Dutch and English RIs. Our
proposal was that the set of RIs in English is heterogeneous and contains
different forms, as opposed to the set of Dutch RIs. More specifically,
English RIs are a collection of 'real' untensed RIs in the sense of Wexler
(1994) and Harris & Wexler (1996) and of forms with randomly dropped
By implication, English RIs are relatively frequently ongoing:
apart from the expected proportion of ongoing RIs in a prototypical RI-
language such as Dutch or German, English RIs contain finite forms that
have an ongoing or present tense denotation. In the present study, I use the
more appropriate name Heterogeneous Set Effect (HSE) for this phenomenon.
'Fuzzy' relates to the border of a set whereas 'heterogeneous' is about the
content of a set.
As the effect I am aiming at is dependent on the content
and not the borders of the set of RIs, the term 'heterogeneous' is more
Why are English RIs a heterogeneous set of utterances? In brief, if English-
speaking children use a finite sentence but, for some reason, drop inflection,
an RI remains:
(45) Peter catch-es the ball
In Dutch, this does not happen. A finite sentence with dropped inflection
would look like (46):
(46) Peter vang-t de bal
There are two reasons to exclude (46) from the set of RIs. First, the verb is
placed in front of the object. Second, the verb does not have infinitival
morphology. The RI-variant of (46) would look like (47):
(47) Peter de bal vangen
Unlike Dutch, English is not a Verb Second language. Thus, English finite
and non-finite verbs are placed in the same position. Morphologically, the
verb form that is used in RIs, a bare stem, is hardly distinguishable from
finite verbs (only in third person singular contexts, see previous section).
These two properties of the verb in English RIs, make it impossible to
This is what Harris & Wexler (1996) call 'Hypothesis I'; a hypothesis stating that children
randomly use the [ -s ] morpheme: "…inflectional marking is optionally added or deleted,
subject to interference from processing-load demands." (Harris & Wexler 1996:9). Such a
proposal would be in the spirit of Bloom (1990).
Frank Wijnen pointed this out to me.
distinguish between an RI and an utterance that contains a verb form with
dropped inflection.
3.7.1 Support from Dutch for the HSE
Do children drop inflection randomly? This question cannot be answered
for English, but it can be answered for Dutch. It turns out that Dutch
children do use forms that are moved and that are syntactically marked for
tense, but that lack inflection. These forms can count as 'stripped' forms
when agreement inflection is dropped. Note that they can also be first
person singular forms, since in the Dutch agreement paradigm first person
singular is marked with a bare stem. For the present purpose, this
distinction is not relevant: it is relevant, however, that both the dropped
inflection form as well as the overused first person singular forms are finite.
I will refer to the bare forms that appear in inappropriate contexts as
"overused bare stems". An exhaustive list of these items is given in
Appendix 3.3, p. 245. I have excluded one-word utterances from this list
and bare stems that are the result of dropped infinitival morphology. On the
basis of relative placement of object/particle and verb, I decided whether
the child dropped (non-finite) infinitival/participial or finite morphology.
When object or particle precede the bare stem, infinitival morphology is
dropped. When object or particle follow the bare stem, finite morphology is
dropped. In (48) some examples are given:
(48) a. jij bouw trein Abel 2;05.27
you build-ø train
b. die heef snor Daan 2;04.28
that has-ø moustache
c. Audrey slaap nog een tijdje Josse 2;07.20
Audrey sleep-ø still for a while
d. dese hoor niet daar Laura 3;03
that belong-ø not there
e. zit ook pitten in Matthijs 2;10.21
sit-ø also pits in
f. hij zeg toettoet Peter 2;03.07
he say-ø toettoet
If the overused bare forms are finite, it is expected that utterances that
contain forms with and without inflection have a similar use. More precisely,
it is expected that all utterances in (48a-f) - and all other examples in
Appendix 3.3 - denote present tense, just like their equivalents in which the
verb carries a suffix [ -t ].
This prediction is borne out: the bare stems in
Dutch do not display the free use of RIs, but they pattern like the inflected
present tense forms.
Additional motivation for the claim that the
overused bare stems in Dutch child language are finite comes from the
observation that the percentage of states in the bare stem forms clearly
exceeds the percentage of states in RIs. There are 37 stative bare stems (i.e.
approximately 40 %), whereas states hardly appear in RIs (Wijnen, 1997; see
Chapter 4). Based on these observations, it can be concluded that it is very
plausible to assume that the set of English RIs contains finite utterances (i.e.
overused bare stems that are either the result from inflection drop or from
wrong inflection), and, that these utterances affect the overall interpretation
assigned to the English RIs. To get some idea of the effect that the HSE
may take, I calculated the average percentage of modal use in a set of
utterances that contains RIs and utterances with overused-bare stems (BS).
Again I want to stress that the aim of these counts is merely to illustrate the
likelihood that the HSE has a noticeable effect that may even cause a
statistically significant difference between the meaning assigned to RIs in
Dutch and English child language. The result of the counts is not necessarily
representative for the size that the HSE has on the interpretation of English
Theoretically, past tense interpretations are also expected. However, children at this age
use in these cases hardly any past tense forms. If they use past tense form, they use irregular
forms. Past tense is not marked by inflection but it is expressed by vowel change. I will deal
with this issue in Chapter 5.
De Jong (1999) reports that overuse of bare stems is found in the speech of Dutch SLI
children. He attributes this drop of the inflectional ending to a lack of processing resources.
Extending this to the data from the normally developing, but clearly younger children, it can
be hypothesised that the children in my sample drop inflection because of a lack of
processing resources. An explanation along these lines is compatible with the random
character of inflection drop. If there was an underlying grammatical deficit, it were expected
that inflection is dropped across the board. However, children drop inflection sometimes and
at other times, they don't.
The use of bare stems that lack the overt signs of tense and agreement but have a specific
temporal reference is also found in Swahili child language (Deen & Hyams, 2001).
Table 3.18: The Heterogeneous Set Effect illustrated with Dutch corpus
data, number of overused bare stems (BS), sum of interpretable RIs and BS,
number and percentage of modal use within (the combined set of) RIs and
BS, average percentage and standard deviation, data from all six children
Abel 10 26 7 27
Daan 16 43 13 30
Josse 19 45 18 40
Laura 22 104 28 27
Matthijs 8 84 34 40
Peter 17 69 32 46
Sum 92 371 132 -
Average - - - 35
SD - - - 10
In the Dutch data, the average percentage of modal utterances shows a clear
decrease: it goes down from 50 % to 35 % if the HSE is included. Thus, if
the Dutch data are made comparable to the English data, in the sense that
only RIs with third person singular subjects are counted and if sentences that
contain a bare stem are added, the apparent modal preference disappears
and a preference for non-modal use is observed in the Dutch results.
Extending this observation to the cross-linguistic comparison, I conclude
that the HSE can theoretically account for the observation that RIs in
English child language are less often modal than RIs in Dutch child
language. Like the Infinitival Morphology Hypothesis (IMH) proposed by
Hoekstra & Hyams (1998), the HSE predicts a difference between RIs in
Dutch and English child language. The IMH relates this difference directly
Utterances with first person singular subjects are not included as in Dutch these forms
cannot be distinguished from bare forms with dropped inflection.
These are the RIs that remain after all corrections. Thus, only third person singular
subjects and Peter's data are corrected for use of proper name instead of I.
to presence vs. absence of infinitival morphology. According to the HSE,
presence vs. absence of infinitival morphology combined with OV/VO-
order explains the difference between the two languages. The empirical
advantage of the HSE is that this account does not predict a restricted use
of RIs in Dutch (or English) child language. Because of this, the HSE,
unlike the IMH, does not ignore the occurrence of ongoing RIs in Dutch
child language.
3.7.2 Other cross-linguistic differences explained
Wexler (1994) and Harris & Wexler (1996) argued that English children use
RIs, just like Dutch, Danish, German, Swedish, Norwegian and French
children do. Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) pointed out that there is a difference
in the interpretation of English RI and Dutch and German RIs. In the
previous section, I discussed a factor that contributes to the cross-linguistic
difference in the meaning of RIs: the HSE.
In this section, I will point to a
number of other differences between English RIs, on the one hand, and RIs
in other languages (that is, more prototypical RI-languages that possess a
recognisable infinitival form) that are explained by the HSE.
First, there is a difference in predicate type between English, on the one
hand, and Dutch/French RIs, on the other. Deen (1997) and Madsen &
Gilkerson (1999) find respectively 25 % and 40 % stative predicates in
English RIs. The percentages Wijnen (1997) and Ferdinand (1996) report
for Dutch and French are lower: less than 10 % of the RIs in these
languages are stative. However, stative predicates are frequent in finite
As mentioned before, I assume that the interpretation of RIs in intrinsically free. This
applies to RIs in Dutch but also to the subset of RIs in English that contains 'real' RIs (and
not finite items with dropped inflection). As other, newly acquired, verb forms take over the
function of RIs, the order of acquisition and relative productivity of these new forms has an
effect on the overall interpretation given to RIs. Thus, the interpretation (or use) of English
RIs is not only influenced by the HSE, but also by another factor: the acquisition other
forms. As far as I know, the development of different verb forms over time in English child
language has not been studied yet. Therefore, I cannot determine whether or not this factor
is relevant for the study of cross-linguistic differences. However, before detailed comparisons
can be made between the different languages more insight into the acquisition of different
verb forms in different languages is required.
sentences in both languages. As English RIs contain finite sentences with
dropped inflection, it is expected that English RIs contain more stative
predicates than Dutch and French RIs. A second difference concerns WH-
words. Phillips (1995) summarises results from different studies: he reports
that German, Dutch, Swedish and probably French show an asymmetry
between finite sentences and RIs with respect to WH-questions. Finite
sentences contain WH-questions while RIs do not (Kursawe, 1994 for
German; Haegeman, 1994 for Dutch; Santelmann, 1994 for Swedish;
Crisma, 1992 for French). In all these languages, RIs differ clearly from
finite sentences in verb form and/or verb placement. Phillips did not find
the same effect for English though: in child English, both finite sentences as
well as RIs contain WH-questions. Given that in the English data the total
number of RIs includes finite sentences, this difference is to be expected.
3.7.3 Some final notes on bare stems in child English
Hyams (2001a, b) reports a contrast between the interpretation of bare verb
forms in child English and forms that end on [ -s ], that is, third person
singular SFs.
The former are predominantly ongoing whereas the latter are
most often habitual (like in adult English). This observation might have the
implication that RIs in English child language are more often habitual than
RIs in Dutch child language, because English RIs contain forms that are, in
their underlying semantic representation, SFs. I made an attempt to find out
The reverse prediction is that WH-questions in Dutch are expected to appear with
dropped inflection (like in English). The problem is that this is difficult to determine as in
Dutch WH-questions with third person subjects, inflection and subject cliticise, as illustrated
in (ii):
(i) wat doet hij/die?
what does-fin he
'What does he do?'
(ii) wat doetij/doetie
By implication, sentences with pronominal subjects cannot be used to determine whether or
not inflection is really dropped. Sentences with full DP subjects, however, could provide a
test case. I will leave this as a suggestion of future research.
Hyams cites results from Madsen & Gilkerson (1999).
more about the habitual use of RIs (and other verb forms) in the Dutch
corpus data, and found hardly any habitual RIs. I have to admit, though,
that I found it very hard to define any criteria to decide whether or not an
utterance was habitual or not. The only more or less clear cases occurred
when children talked about animal sounds (the pig grunts, the dog barks,
etc.). However, even when the children were looking at the same time at
images of pigs or dogs, it was still questionable as to whether the utterance
was habitual. Therefore, I desist from drawing any conclusions on this
One could also infer from the contrast that Hyams describes that the HSE
may not adequately describe the difference between Dutch and English:
Hyams' study suggests that relatively few SFs in child English denote
ongoing events. Hence, the number of SFs with dropped inflection
denoting ongoing events must also be small. By implication, the HSE may
cover relatively few ongoing RIs in early child English. Until now, it is still
unclear what the size and the nature of the difference between the
interpretations of RIs in the two languages is, however. Thus, although an
explanation of differences between the meaning of Dutch and English RIs
like the HSE has to reckon with the different semantics of SFs in Dutch and
English, future study has to point out whether or not an additional
explanation for differences in meaning between Dutch and English RIs is
really required.
Suppose that future research shows that the HSE does not suffice: what
factors, other than the HSE, could explain the ongoingness of English RIs?
The analysis that I will give for the Modal Reference Effect (MRE) of RIs in
early child Dutch in Chapter 5 gives an idea for a possible solution. It turns
out that the order of acquisition of various finite forms causes changes in
the meaning of RIs. I will not go into the details of this analysis, but, given
that finite forms in English differ from finite forms in Dutch, we could
Given the kind of criteria that are used to decide whether or not RIs in child Dutch are
modal - that is, no reference to an event that is ongoing at speech time or took place before
speech time - it is furthermore possible that some of the modal RIs were, in fact, habitual.
Both in the modal as well as in the habitual reading a reference is established to speech time
of a time prior to speech time.
hypothesise that the developmental effect that takes place in Dutch and that
leads to the MRE, does not take place in English.
I finish this section with a final remark on SFs in early child English that
relates to the previous paragraph in which I mentioned changes over time in
the children's system of verb forms. Considering the experimental data, the
use of SFs by English-speaking children is ambiguous: the experimental
results show that children have some idea of the habitual use of SFs specific
to English, on the one hand, but they also suggest that a full grasp of the
habitual restriction is lacking. The early awareness of the restrictions on SFs
shows up in the children's preference to use progressives in the ongoing
condition instead of SFs.
However, if the SFs were restricted to habitual
readings and bare stems to ongoing readings (which is, basically, the claim
made by Hyams), the expectation would be that the English subjects in the
experiment used exclusively bare stems and no forms with [ -s ] in the
ongoing condition. This expectation is not borne out, as 19 % of the verbs
in the ongoing condition were bare, whereas 15 % carried an [ -s ] ending.
Thus, the children used approximately as many SFs as RIs in ongoing
condition. This may suggest that they do not have the full grasp of the target
system and (over) use SFs relatively frequently to denote ongoing events.
leave this as a suggestion for future research; preferably longitudinal
research that shows whether forms with [ -s ] become more specific (i.e.
habitual) over time.
3.8 Summary
In this chapter, I focused on the temporal, modal and aspectual denotation
of RIs. Corpus data from six children acquiring Dutch showed that the
children preferred to use RIs for modal events. Non-modal usage was
The results in Table 3.8 (p. 93) indicate that it is more likely that the English children use a
progressive form on [ -ing ] in the ongoing condition than a form that ends on [ -s ]: the
percentages are 60 % and 15 %, respectively.
As in adult English, verbs denoting states appear more often as finite forms on [ -s ] than
verbs denoting events - and states even require [ -s ] and cannot appear as progressives - one
could hypothesise that young children do not yet map aspect and tense properly and overuse
the [ -s ] on the basis of a generalisation over state verbs.
certainly not excluded, however: this confirms that there is a Modal
Reference Effect (MRE) in early Dutch child RIs. In this respect, I found
more evidence for the No Tense Hypothesis (Behrens, 1993; Wijnen, 1997),
than for the Modal Hypothesis (Ingram & Thompson, 1996; Ferdinand,
1996; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998). The strikingly marginal number of
past/completed RIs suggests that Dutch RIs obey a Non-Completedness
Constraint or NCC (Lasser, 1997). Experimental results confirmed a
difference between the meaning of RIs in Dutch and English child language:
Dutch RIs are more often modal than English RIs. The observed difference,
however, was less sizeable than the difference that Hoekstra & Hyams
(1998) reported, in a corpus-based study. I pointed to methodological
choices that are responsible for the difference between experimental data
and corpus results, and bring about a non-modal bias in the English corpus
analysis. It was furthermore argued that RIs in child English are expected to
be more frequently ongoing than RIs in Dutch child language because of
the Heterogeneous Set Effect (HSE). As opposed to Dutch RIs, English
RIs contain finite sentences in which the bare stem form is "overused". This
asymmetry between Dutch and English RIs is the effect of morphological
and syntactic differences between the two languages. The HSE is motivated
by data from Dutch that support the claim that children indeed overuse bare
stems because they either drop inflection or use incorrect inflections. The
awareness that the HSE interferes in cross-linguistic comparisons does not
only enable a better understanding of cross-linguistic differences in the
meaning assigned to RIs but also explains various other asymmetries
between RIs in early child English and RIs in languages that have distinct
infinitival forms.
Types of Verbs
We have seen that Dutch and English RIs differ with regard to their
temporal and modal denotation. This is not the only difference between RIs
in the two languages: RIs in early child English contain numerous state-
denoting predicates, whereas the number of stative predicates in Dutch RIs
can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Towards the end of the previous
chapter, I mentioned this asymmetry in verb types as support for the claim
that English RIs contain finite verbs, while Dutch RIs are non-finite across
the board. Naturally, this explanation is only applicable given that simple
finite sentences, SFs, are actually used by young children to denote states. In
the present chapter, I will look more closely at the types of verbs that Dutch
children use in their SFs and RIs. The data from Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura,
Matthijs and Peter support the claim that Dutch RIs obey the Eventivity
Constraint (EC) and contrast with SFs in this respect. The EC, however, is a
weak constraint, since stative predicates are not excluded in RIs. It will be
argued that, although the number of stative RIs is small in early child Dutch,
they should not be ignored, as, remarkable as it may sound, the appearance
of stative RIs provides us with a cue to understand why RIs are so often
eventive. Following previous claims, it will be shown that the EC is related
to the predominant modal use of RIs: in their RIs, children use kinds of
modality that are semantically incompatible with stative predicates. Yet, at
the same time, children do not use the kind of modality in RIs that goes well
with states, because they lack the cognitive maturity that this particular kind
of modality, i.e. epistemic modality, requires. In an attempt to disentangle
the complex of factors involved in the EC, distributions in the input are
found to be relevant as well.
122 C
4.1 Outline of this chapter
In the first chapter of this thesis, theories about the types of verbs that
children use in RIs and SFs were divided into Dynamicity Hypotheses, on
the one hand, and a Telicity Hypothesis, on the other hand. These theories
do not only make different predictions with regard to the characterisation of
the verb types in RIs and SFs, but also with regard to the overlap between
the types of verbs that children use in RIs and SFs. In section 4.2, the
predictions derived from the hypotheses are tested on the data of Abel,
Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter. In 4.3, I evaluate the outcome of this
test. On the basis of empirical arguments, the most promising explanation
will be singled out for more discussion in section 4.4. Section 4.5 gives a
summary of the findings and conclusions of this chapter.
4.2 Evidence for a weak Eventivity Constraint
Let me start with two recent claims. Ferdinand (1996), Wijnen (1997) and
Hoekstra & Hyams (1998) argued that the difference between finite verbs in
SFs and infinitives in RIs can be described as a distinction between states
and events. Their conclusion is based on data from early child French
(Ferdinand) and early child Dutch (Wijnen and Hoekstra & Hyams); the
distinguishing feature is [ ±dynamic ]:
(1) Dynamicity Hypotheses
(i) Eventive predicates are excluded in early finite sentences
(Ferdinand, 1996)
(ii) Stative predicates are excluded in RIs
(Ferdinand, 1996; Wijnen, 1997; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998)
Gavruseva (2001, 2002) defends another viewpoint.
She claims that the
relevant difference is that between verbs that are inherently telic or atelic
and verbs that become telic or atelic in combination with other words.
Henceforth, I will refer to this theory as Gavruseva (2001), because the two studies make
the same claim but the 2001-version is more elaborate than the 2002-version.
Skipping details, the second (underspecified) type of verb is expected to
appear in RIs, whereas the first (specified) type of verb is expected to appear
in finite forms (see § 4.2.3 for some discussion on the exact predictions of
the Telicity Hypothesis).
(2) Telicity Hypothesis
Verbs that do not have an inherent telicity value appear in RIs,
whereas [ +telic ] and [ -telic ] verbs appear in SFs. (Gavruseva, 2001)
Theories about the types of verbs that children use in RIs and SFs can be
classified on the basis of the aspectual features dynamicity and telicity. A
second division can be made on the basis of the predicted overlap between
verb types in SFs and RIs. Ferdinand (1996) predicts a no-overlap pattern in
the child data: states appear in SFs and events are used in RIs. As a verb is
either stative or eventive, it is predicted that a verb type that appears in an
SF does not appear in an RI, and vice versa. The other theories predict
overlap: the same verb type may show up in RIs and SFs.
I continue with an introductory section on aspectual verb classes. This
section contains background information and gives the criteria that were
applied in this study to classify verb types in children’s SFs and RIs.
4.2.1 Aspectual classes, terminology and tests
Vendler (1967) divided verbs into four classes: activities, accomplishments,
achievements and states. He gave the following definitions (Vendler, 1967:
"For activities: A was running at time t means that time instant t is on
a time stretch in which A was running.
For accomplishments: A was drawing a circle at t means that t is on
the time stretch in which A drew that circle.
For achievements: A won a race between t
means the time instant
at which A won the race is between t
For states: A loved somebody from t
to t
means that at any instant
between t
A loved person"
124 C
States and achievements denote a process in time, whereas activities and
accomplishments do not.
With respect to the state-event contrast that plays
a role in the theories about child language, Vendler's classes cluster as
follows: activities, accomplishments and achievements are events, and
contrast in dynamicity with states. Comrie (1976: 48) suggested that events,
but not states, require an input of energy for the maintenance of the
eventuality. Pustejovsky (1991: 56) described a state as “a single event,
which is evaluated relative to no other event”. Summarising various claims
in the literature, Wanner (1999) gave the following list of stative verbal
predicates: perception verbs (taste, feel, smell), position verbs (sit, lie, stand),
verbs of existence (be, seem, exist), psych verbs (fear, like) and verbs of
possession (have, possess, own). In his study on child Dutch, Wijnen (1997)
classified modal verbs that appear as main verbs in Dutch, as states. These
are verbs like kunnen ('be able to'), moeten ('have to') or willen ('want to'). I
follow Wijnen's approach as the criteria for states, as given below, apply to
the Dutch modal main verbs. In particular in studies on child language, the
modal verbs turn out to be important: they appear very early in Dutch child
There are several tests to distinguish between states and events. According
to Lakoff (1966), the following contexts only allow eventive verbs:
imperatives, sentences with the adverbs deliberately and carefully, and
complements of verbs such as force or persuade. Another test that is often
applied to distinguish states from events is the present progressive test:
states are incompatible with present progressive. Some confusion may be
caused by states that can switch their dynamicity value and shift from state
to event (Dowty, 1979; Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech & Svartvik, 1985). Quirk
et al. (1985: 201 ff.) write:
"The definition of stative verbs is not so much that they are
incompatible with progressive, as that when they are combined with
Dowty (1979) gives the following formalisation of Vendler's classes:
STATE: [x BE [z]]
ACTIVITY: [x DO [z]]
]] CAUSE [y BECOME [(AT) z
the progressive, some change of interpretation other than the
addition of 'temporary' meaning of the progressive aspect is required.
This change of interpretation can usually be classified as a transfer, or
reclassification of the verb as dynamic, eg. as having a meaning of
process or agentivity."
According to Dowty (1979), the set of stative verbs includes perception
verbs. Wanner (1999) adds verbs of position. While the feature dynamicity
distinguishes between states and the various events, the factor telicity
distinguishes between states and activities, on the one hand, and
achievements and accomplishments, on the other. Telic predicates can be
modified with the adverbial phrase in an hour while atelic predicates can
appear with for an hour. Traditional examples of achievements are the telic
instantaneous verbs or VPs die, arrive, find a wallet or recognise. Examples of
accomplishments are telic predicates that involve a process in time, such as
run a mile, read the book or travel from X to Y. Verkuyl (1972) noticed that
'telicity' is compositionally derived. To distinguish between the telicity that is
part of the lexical meaning of the verb, and the 'telicity' on the level of the
VP or sentence, he introduced the term 'terminativity'. Terminativity
contrasts with durativity. The examples in (3) show how properties of the
verb's internal and external argument affect the terminativity or durativity of
a sentence:
(3) a. Mary walks three miles
b. Mary walks miles and miles
c. Children walk three miles
Having introduced the notions dynamicity and telicity, I will now turn to the
patterns in child Dutch. Recall that one prediction is that there is no overlap
in the verb types that appear in SFs and RIs and that the former contain
stative predicates, whereas the latter are eventive (Ferdinand, 1996). Another
prediction is that there is overlap between SFs and RIs: the former contain
stative and eventive predicates, while the latter are restricted to event-
denoting predicates (Wijnen, 1997; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998). The
prediction of this second view is described as a constraint, i.e. the Eventivity
Constraint or EC ('RIs are restricted to event-denoting predicates'), a term
that has been coined by Hoekstra & Hyams. Finally, it is predicted that there
is overlap between SFs and RIs, in the sense that SFs contain [ +telic ] and
126 C
[ -telic ] verbs, whereas RIs contain [ αtelic ], [ +telic ] and [ -telic ] verbs
(Gavruseva, 2001). As it is not obvious how this set of predictions follows
from the Telicity Hypothesis, I will give an explanation in § 4.2.3.
4.2.2 Testing the Dynamicity Hypotheses
Ferdinand's no-overlap claim is not confirmed by the data from Abel, Daan,
Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter, as there is overlap between the verb types
that appear in SFs and RIs during the RI-period of the six children. Table
4.1 shows that this overlap is not even marginal: approximately half of the
verb types in SFs overlap with verb types in RIs. In Table 4.2, the verb types
that overlap are given. Appendices 4.1 (p. 248) and 4.2. (p. 251) contain
exhaustive lists of the verb types that are used in RIs and SFs.
Table 4.1: Numbers of different verb types in RIs and SFs and numbers of
overlapping verb types in RIs and SFs, data from all six children
Child N
verb types RI
verb types SF
overlap verb types RI - SF
Abel 46 24 10
Daan 53 35 13
Josse 53 21 8
Laura 55 23 8
Matthijs 73 35 16
Peter 33 33 18
Table 4.2: Overlapping verb types in RIs and SFs, data from all six children
Child Overlapping verb types in RIs and SFs
Abel doen 'do', gaan 'go', hebben 'have', komen 'come', maken
'repair', nemen 'take', staan 'stand', vallen 'fall', zetten 'put',
zitten 'sit'
Daan doen 'do', hebben 'have', horen 'hear', komen 'come', leggen
'put', liggen 'lie', maken 'repair', pakken 'get', slapen 'sleep',
spelen 'play', stoppen 'stop', zit 'sit', zoeken 'search'
Josse doen 'do', gaan 'go', klimmen 'climb', slapen 'sleep',
springen 'jump', staan 'stand', vallen 'fall', zitten 'sit'
Laura doen 'do', sooien [= gooien, EB] 'throw', hebben 'have',
knoeien 'spill', komen 'come', zingen 'sing', zitten 'sit',
zwemmen 'swim'
Matthijs doen 'do', gaan 'go', geven 'give', gooien 'throw', hebben
'have, klimmen 'climb', komen 'come', liggen 'lie', maken
'repair', rijden 'ride', slapen 'sleep', vinden 'find', zetten 'set',
zien 'see', zitten 'sit', zoeken 'search'
Peter branden 'burn', doen 'do', draaien 'turn', dragen 'carry',
geven 'give', gooien 'throw', hebben 'have', eten 'eat', kijken
'look', liggen 'lie', maken 'repair', pakken 'take', rijden 'ride',
staan 'stand', vallen 'fall', zetten 'put', zien 'see', zitten 'sit'
The list of overlapping verb types in Table 4.2 contains states as well as
events. This indicates that states and events appear in SFs and RIs. Given
this observation, the conclusion might be draw that the EC gives an
inadequate description of the data, because it excludes the appearance of
states in RIs. Put differently, the EC, as it stands now, would predict that
the predicates in Table 4.2 are restricted to eventive predicates (which is not
the case). The EC could be maintained, but only in a weaker variant, if there
is a clear asymmetry between SFs and RIs in the sense that the number of
eventive SFs is significantly greater than the number of stative RIs. In order
to determine whether or not there is evidence for such an adjustment of the
EC, the size of the overlap-effect in the set of verb types in RIs and in the
set of verb types in SFs has to be determined.
128 C
A comparison of the verb types in the Appendices 4.1 and 4.2 suggests that
verb selection in SFs is fairly unconstrained: there is no preference for either
states or events. In RIs, however, events are clearly favoured. Table 4.3 gives
the numbers and percentages of states in RIs, whereas Table 4.4 shows the
results for SFs. The number in parenthesis in the third column represents
the stative verbs that are unambiguously stative, because they do not allow
for type shifting to eventiveness (non-type shifting predicates, i.e. NTS).
Table 4.3: Numbers and percentages of stative predicates in RIs (qualitative
results), data from all six children
verb type RI
stative RI (NTS)
stative RI ( NTS)
Abel 46 5 (2) 11 % (4 %)
Daan 53 6 (1) 11 % (2 %)
Josse 53 4 (1) 8 % (2 %)
Laura 55 2 (1) 4 % (2 %)
Matthijs 73 4 (1) 5 % (1 %)
Peter 33 6 (1) 18 % (3 %)
Table 4.4: Numbers and percentages of stative predicates in SFs (qualitative
results), data from all six children
verb type SF
stative SF (NTS)
stative SF ( NTS)
Abel 24 15 (10) 63 % (42 %)
Daan 35 17 (11) 49 % (31 %)
Josse 21 12 (8) 57 % (38 %)
Laura 23 12 (8) 52 % (35 %)
Matthijs 35 15 (10) 43 % (29 %)
Peter 33 14 (7) 42 % (21 %)
All six children show an amazingly similar pattern, not only with regard to
the asymmetry between RIs and SFs but also with regard to the proportions
of states within RIs and SFs. On the basis of a comparison between the
results in Tables 4.3 and 4.4, I conclude that the EC describes the pattern in
children's RIs and early SFs adequately, provided that the EC is interpreted
as a weak constraint: it describes children's tendency not to use states in RIs
rather than that it forces the exclusion of states in RIs.
The studies that defend the Dynamicity Hypothesis deal differently with the
weakness of the EC, or rather, they have different ways of ignoring the
weakness. For Ferdinand (1996), the issue does not exist. She argues that all
states in RIs in early child French are type-shifting predicates that denote
events when they are used in RIs. This type-shifting is forced by the modal
meaning of RIs, according to Ferdinand (1996). Wijnen (1997) observes that
states do appear in RIs in early Dutch child language. He reports
furthermore that states prefer modal RIs. Wijnen does not explain these
observations, even though they pose a problem for his account. Hoekstra &
Hyams (1998) make use of Wijnen's data, but neglect the small percentage
of stative RIs. In sum, there seems to be an explanatory gap with regard to
the occurrence of states in RIs. Later on in this chapter, the weakness of the
EC is discussed in detail. It will be shown that specifically its weak character
is crucial for understanding one of the factors that contribute to the absence
of states in RIs.
4.2.3 Testing the Telicity Hypothesis
In order to yield predictions from Gavruseva's (2001) proposal, I first go
into some of the details of her proposal that were not mentioned in the
overview in Chapter 1. My interpretations may go beyond the original
proposal; it will be mentioned when predictions are derived on the basis of
my interpretations on issues where the theory is unclear.
130 C
As discussed in Chapter 1, Gavruseva claims that verbs that are
underspecified for telicity, notated here as [ αtelic ]
, cannot appear as finite
verbs in SFs as long as children are unable to derive the telicity value of the
VP syntactically. As an effect, [ αtelic ] predicates surface as infinitives
(resulting in RIs). Taking children’s use of RIs as an indicator for the
inability to compute the telicity value of the VP, I come to the following
contrast: finite verbs in SFs are [ +telic ] or [ -telic ], whereas RIs contain
verbs that are [ αtelic ]. As long as the children use RIs, [ αtelic ] predicates
will not appear in SFs.
RIs in child language can be argued to be due to grammatical deficits.
However, when adults use RIs, absence of grammatical knowledge cannot
serve as an explanation for the omission of finite verbs, since adults have a
full-fledged grammar. Thus, the occurrence of adult RIs suggests that the
grammar allows for omission of finiteness.
Why do I turn so suddenly to
RIs in adult language? Gavruseva makes reference to RIs in adult language
(p. 54-55) may imply that she assumes that finiteness (or tense) is not
grammatically required. If finiteness is not required, verbs that are inherently
specified for telicity can freely appear in RIs. By implication, the Telicity
Hypothesis predicts overlap between the verbs that appear in SFs and RIs in
the sense that [ +telic ] verbs and [ -telic ] verbs are allowed in both sentence
types. Adult use of RIs shows that RIs are not only indicators of an
underspecified grammar, for the simple reason that adults do not have an
underspecified grammar anymore. RIs that are not the output of an
underspecified grammatical system are expected to occur in child language
as well as adult language. Taking this rationale one step further, it can be
argued that there is no reason whatsoever for these RIs to be restricted to
[ αtelic ] predicates. The assumption can be made that this particular set of
RIs, i.e. the set of RIs that are used by both children and adults, allows for
all types of predicates. In sum, the finding that child RIs contain, apart form
[ αtelic ] verbs, [ +telic ] or [ -telic ] verbs, does not contradict the Telicity
Hypothesis. These [ +telic ] or [ -telic ] RIs are expected, however, to be
The underspecified value must be distinguished from a negative specification, [ -telic ],
which is a specified value.
See Avrutin (1999), who gives an account for RIs in adult language, according to which
finiteness is required by rules that are part of the language module regulating discourse rather
than by grammatical rules.
similar to the RIs that are allowed in adult Dutch. If this expectation is not
borne out and if children use RIs that are specified for telicity, on the one
hand, but that differ from adult RIs, on the other hand, we are left with an
unexplained category of RIs in child language. For this reason, it will be
tested whether or not such non-adult RIs occur.
What do the data show? First of all, SFs that contain [ αtelic ] verbs are not
ruled out during the RI-period of Dutch children, as illustrated by the
examples in (4). Verb like doen 'do', zingen 'sing' or draaien 'turn' are not
inherently telic but become telic when a direct object or particle is added, as
in de afwas doen 'do the dishes', een liedje zingen 'sing a song' or een rondje draaien
'turn around in a circle':
(4) a. hij doet zo Abel 2;05.27
he do-fin so
b. hij zingt Daan 2;00.29
he sings-fin
c. die draait Peter 2;00.28
that turns-fin
Secondly, is there evidence for the children using RIs with verbs that are
intrinsically [ +telic ] or [ -telic ], but that cannot be used by adult speakers
of Dutch? The RIs in (5) contain [ +telic ] verbs, whereas the RIs in (6)
contain [ -telic ] verbs:
(5) a. ik ook opschrijven Abel 2;01.16
I also down write-inf
b. dichtdoen ! Daan 2;00.29
c. Ab maken Josse 2;00.07
Ab make-inf
(6) a. ja jij niet goed (be)waren ! Daan 2;08.13
yes you not good keep-inf
b. mama niet hebbe Laura 2;06.10
mama not have-inf
c. woef liggen Peter 1;09.20
woef [= dog, EB] lie-inf
132 C
From the examples in (5) and (6), only (5b) is allowed in adult Dutch.
Hence, it can be concluded that Gavruseva's proposal does not cover all the
RIs that Dutch children use. There are two possible conclusions: either RIs
in child language are caused by an additional lack of knowledge (besides
their inability to syntactically derive telicity) or the Telicity Hypothesis is not
on the right track. I decide for the latter option, because there are various
problems with the Telicity Hypothesis other than the one just mentioned.
The Telicity Hypothesis makes the incorrect prediction that SFs with an
undetermined telicity value do not occur during the RI-period. Secondly, the
Telicity Hypothesis could not account for the observation reported by Bar-
Shalom & Snyder (1998) that there is a difference in frequency of RIs
between Polish and Russian child language. According to the Telicity
Hypothesis, no difference between these two Slavic languages is predicted:
they are expected to show equally few RIs. The Russian data are problematic
as they suggest that Russian children use a considerable amount of RIs and
that they are, in this respect, much more similar to children acquiring
Germanic languages than expected given the Telicity Hypothesis (see
Chapter 1, § 1.6.2, for a more elaborate discussion of this problem).
4.2.4 Summary
The Dutch findings did not resemble Ferdinand's (1996) observations for
child French. Ferdinand found a strict no-overlap pattern that matches the
state-event contrast. Ferdinand writes that "a verb like avoir 'have' is always
finite, both as an auxiliary and as a lexical verb with the possessive reading"
(p. 102). Thus, when French children used type-shifting verbs in RIs, these
always denoted the inception of a state. Although the Telicity Hypothesis
predicts overlap, the results reported in this section did not support this
hypothesis either. The most adequate description for the patterns of verb
type selection in RIs and SFs is given by the EC, provided the EC is
interpreted as a weak constraint. Put simply, the weak EC states that similar
verb types are allowed in SFs and RIs, but there is an asymmetry between
The use of RIs by Russian children is discussed also in the work of Bar-Shalom & Snyder
(1999), Brun, Avrutin & Babyonishev (1999) and De Bode (1999).
SFs and RIs in the sense that SFs contain significantly more state-denoting
predicates than RIs do.
4.3 Syntactic and semantic approaches to the EC
Earlier in this chapter, I mentioned two kinds of Dynamicity Hypotheses:
those that predict no-overlap and those that allow overlap, more specifically,
predict that only verb type selection in RIs is constrained by the EC (and
that SFs show free selection). The Dutch results support the hypotheses that
allow for overlap and argue for the EC. If we now turn to the Dynamicity
Hypotheses that account for the EC, two different types of explanations can
be distinguished. Both explanations are related to the issues discussed in
Chapter 3: the EC is explained as an effect of the absence of Tense (i.e. the
No Tense Hypothesis) or from the modal meaning of RIs (i.e. the Modal
Hypothesis) (see Chapter 3, section 3.2 for more details about these
hypotheses). Figure 4.1 gives an overview. In the previous section, § 4.2.2, I
zoomed in on the upper part of Figure 4.1, that is, on the hypotheses that
are not bold-faced. The present section concentrates on the lower part of
the figure, i.e. the bold-faced hypotheses:
No Overlap
Ferdinand (1996)
No Tense
Wijnen (1997)
Ferdinand (1996)
Hoekstra & Hyams (1998)
Dynamicity Hypotheses
Figure 4.1: Dynamicity Hypotheses
134 C
The theory that relates the EC to the absence of Tense in RIs takes a
syntactic point of view, in the sense that the syntactic representations that
children can build (i.e. representations without TP) are incompatible with
formal properties of states (i.e. no event variable). The theory that relates
the EC to the modal meaning of RIs takes a semantic viewpoint, because it
stresses the semantic interaction between modal verbs and the verb types
that appear as the complements of modal verbs.
In the following sections, it will be shown that the semantic Modal
Approach (MA) is more fruitful than the syntactic No Tense Approach
The explanatory potential of both models will be examined by
means of an empirical test, followed by a discussion of the possibilities that
the models offer for explaining two observations that relate to the EC. The
outcome pleads for an account along the lines of the MA.
4.3.1 Test case PVs
Until now, only one type of finite utterances has been discussed, and that
was SFs. However, children also use periphrastic verbs (PVs) in the RI-
period, as we have seen in the previous chapter. PVs share with SFs the
property that they contain a finite form and hence, that they are tensed.
With regard to modality, the results in Chapter 3 show that PVs are more
like RIs than like SFs, however. In Table 4.5, the temporal/modal
interpretation of SFs, RIs and PVs is summarised to give an impression of
the distributions of modality in the three sentences types. Recall, that PVs
are PVs with an infinitival complement. I excluded PVs with participles (cf.
Chapter 3, § 3.3.6). Unlike the SFs discussed in the previous chapter, the
SFs examined here contain thematic verbs and non-thematic verbs like
auxiliaries and copula.
Table 4.5: Modal use of interpretable SFs, PVs and RIs compared, data from
all six children collapsed
SFs 3185 93 3 %
PVs 691 512 73 %
RIs 1248 912 73 %
The results in Table 4.5 show a very significant difference between the
modal use of SFs and PVs: the former are non-modal (predominantly
present tense) whereas the latter denote various modal meanings. The
average percentage of modally used PVs equals the percentage of modal
RIs. Peter's data lead to a decrease of modality in PVs because he uses a
considerable number of ongoing PVs. If Peter is excluded from the sample,
the average percentage of modal PVs increases to 81 % (whereas the
average percentage of modally used RIs remains similar).
On the basis of the results in Table 4.5, it can be concluded that PVs
provide a test case for the MA versus the NTA. If stativity is correlated with
the absence of Tense (NTA) states are expected to be absent in RIs only
and not in SFs and PVs. If stativity is negatively correlated with modality
(MA), it is expected that states are absent in RIs and PVs, and not in SFs.
Table 4.6 contains the results of this test:
All children behave very similarly, and differences between the subjects are marginal.
Therefore, the data are collapsed. The same holds for the results in Table 4.6.
136 C
Table 4.6: Distribution of stative predicates over SFs, PVs and RIs, data
from all six children collapsed
SFs 3242 2645 82 %
PVs 810 70 9 %
RIs 1565 60 4%
The following schema summarises the observations:
Table 4.7: Tense, modality and eventivity in SFs, PVs and RIs, general
patterning in early child Dutch
Tense Modal Eventive
SFs + - -
PVs + + +
RIs - + +
On the basis of the patterns in Table 4.7, it can be concluded that eventivity
correlates with modality and not with absence of Tense. This provides an
empirical argument in support of the MA.
4.3.2 States in RIs
A first observation that will be discussed in the light of the NTA and the
MA is the weakness of the EC. Are the two approaches able to deal with the
observation that states are allowed in RIs?
Most states in PVs appear quite late, that is, when the children use 'can' and 'may' with an
infinitival verb form that denotes a position (kan staan 'can stand', mag zitten 'may sit', etc.).
The children hardly use these modal meanings in their RIs.
All six children use states in their RIs, such as the verb of possession hebben
'have' and verbs that denote a location or position.
According to the NTA,
RIs are sentences that lack Tense. RIs do not allow for states, because states
need to be temporally anchored via Tense. Thus, the NTA cannot explain
why states appear in RIs, even though the number of stative RIs is marginal.
The MA can deal with weakness of the EC, however. Basically, the idea of
the MA is that selection of the verbal predicate is constrained by the kind of
modality that is expressed in an utterance. The results of the previous
chapter show that there is an asymmetry with regard to the modal use of RIs
and SFs in Dutch child language: RIs are most often modal, whereas SFs are
not modal and nearly always denote ongoing present tense events. Based on
the difference in the modal use of SFs and RIs, the MA predicts that SFs
select freely for states, whereas RIs do not (being constrained by their modal
Turning now to the small set of states that appear in RIs, we can
think of two possible explanations within the framework provided by the
MA. The first option comes from the set of RIs that are not modal, which
covers one quarter of all the interpretable RIs: the MA does not apply to the
ongoing RIs and hence, it may be that the stative RIs are restricted to the set
of ongoing RIs. A second possibility is that the set of modal RIs does not
behave uniformly with respect to the selection of verbal predicates: one kind
of modality may be compatible with states, whereas another kind of
modality may not. Irrespective of which explanation is on the right track,
the MA predicts an asymmetry between SFs and RIs, in the sense that SFs
more frequently contain states than RIs, but the MA does not necessarily
exclude states in RIs. Thus, in the light of the observed weakness of the EC,
the MA seems more promising than the NTA.
States that appear frequently in SFs such as modals, copula and various mental verbs do
not appear in RIs. Therefore, the asymmetry in verb type between SFs and RIs concerns
basically auxiliary-like verbs like modals and copula and some mental verbs.
Note that, because of the topic of the present chapter, an additional analysis must be made
that includes non-thematic verbs such as auxiliaries and copula in the set of SFs. The aim is
here to find out whether or not there is a correlation between modality and verb type (and
not, as in the previous chapter, to find out if RIs differ in meaning from comparable finite
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4.3.3 The EC in adult Dutch
Before, it was concluded that the EC is not a particular property of RIs, but
also that it applies to the PVs of Dutch children, and, hence applies to
children's sentence-final infinitives in general (§ 4.3.1). We can generalise
even further when adult Dutch is taken into account, because sentence-final
infinitives in adult Dutch also obey the EC. An analysis of the caregivers'
speech in the corpora of Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter
illustrates this claim. If the data from the children's caregivers are examined,
it turns out that eventive and stative predicates are unevenly distributed,
more specifically, that the distributions of eventive and stative predicates
resemble the distributions of these predicates in the children's data. In Table
4.8, the results of this investigation are summarised. FINs are all sentences
with finite verbs in first or second position, whereas INFs comprise all
sentences with a sentence-final infinitive. In the set of FINs, the finite verbs
in SFs and PVs are collapsed. In the set of INFs, infinitives in PVs and adult
RIs are collapsed.
Table 4.8: Distributions of stative predicates over finite and infinitive main
verbs in Dutch child-directed speech
Finite verbs FINs 8915 7922 89 %
Infinitives INFs 3500 89 3 %
Table 4.8 displays an asymmetric distribution: there are hardly any infinitival
states whereas finite forms are predominantly stative. Like in the child data,
these finite states predominantly comprise auxiliaries, modals and copula (N
= 5920), and the rest (N = 2002) are verbs of position (liggen 'lie', zitten 'sit',
zijn 'be')
, possession (hebben 'have'), and mental states (denken 'think', vinden
'find/think', weten 'know', bedoelen 'mean', etc.).
As before, the MA has the potential to cover a more extensive empirical
domain than the NTA. According to the NTA, the eventivity of RIs is a
particular property of child language, because children lack knowledge of
Tense, whereas adults do not. By implication, the similarity between the EC
in child and adult language must be apparent and, according to the NTA,
the two ECs have different causes.
Theoretically speaking, the MA can
account for both ECs, however. The eventivity of RIs follows from (i) the
relation between deontic modality and eventivity, on the one hand, and
epistemic modality and stativity, on the other hand, and (ii) the non-use of
epistemic modality (as opposed to deontic modality and near future).
Provided that adult speakers of Dutch use relatively few epistemic modal
I distinguished between the copula be ('he is mad') and the verb of location be ('he is at
See for similar observations about the uneven distribution of verb types of finite forms
and infinitives in adult Dutch and Dutch child-directed speech Schlichting (1996:188) and
Wijnen, Kempen & Gillis (2001). Schlichting compared child data to data from adult Dutch
and observed that there were significant correlations between the two with regard to the
formal properties of the verbs and types of verbs (Schlichting compared the two on a lexical
level). Pine, Lieven & Rowland (1998) report high correlations between the production data
of English children and the production data of their caregivers with regard to verb form-verb
type patterns (see also Chapter 1, § 1.7).
Given that the NTA needs an additional explanation for the EC in adult sentence-final
infinitives (which are most frequently PVs) anyway, it could be the case that this additional
explanation also accounts for the EC in the PVs in child Dutch, mentioned earlier in this
Note that there are, apart from deontic modality and near future (which are the contexts
that Ferdinand and Hoekstra & Hyams mention), more selecting contexts that prefer or even
select for eventive infinitival complements, and that, hence, contribute to the EC. Consider
the progressive:
(i) Hawk is sporen van de dader aan het zoeken
Hawk is traces of the offender on the search-inf
'Hawk is searching traces of the offender'
(ii) * Andy is de vader van de baby aan het zijn
Andy is the father of the baby on the be-inf
'Andy is being the father of the baby'
140 C
utterances, the explanation for the EC in child Dutch can easily be extended
to the EC in adult Dutch.
4.3.4 Summary
Two explanations for the EC have been evaluated: the syntax-oriented No
Tense Approach (NTA) and the semantics-oriented Modal Approach (MA).
On the basis of the pattern that PVs display, I concluded that the MA is
preferred as an explanatory model. The two approaches were also evaluated
in the light of two observations: (i) the (marginal) appearance of states in
RIs, and (ii) the similarity between child and adult language with regard to
the EC. In both cases, the NTA showed a lack of explanatory power,
whereas the MA offered possible explanations. The overall conclusion is
that the MA is more promising in terms of empirical coverage. Therefore, I
will continue this chapter by zooming in on the MA.
4.4 The Modal Approach to the EC
Recall that the MA offers two possible explanations for the appearance of
stative RIs: stative RIs could be limited to the RIs that are not modal (but
ongoing at speech time or denoting the here-and-now at speech time) or it
could be that modal RIs represent a heterogeneous set with regard to
selection restrictions. These two explanations do not exclude each other.
Hence, both of them may apply. In the following sections, the data of the
six children will be examined more closely in order to answer the question
as to why RIs are so often eventive, but are not eventive across the board.
4.4.1 States in the here-and-now
If all stative RIs are ongoing, the first explanation is supported. If all stative
RIs appear in utterances qualified by a certain type of modality, the second
explanation holds. If both explanations hold, it is expected that there are
only a number of non-modal RIs in the set of stative RIs and that the rest
must be a specific type of modal RI.
In the literature, there are some relevant observations on this issue. Wijnen
(1997:17) noticed that the states in Dutch child RIs show a preference for
modal/future interpretations:
“Non-eventive verbs are not entirely absent from root infinitivals,
though their number is marginal (7 % at most). Importantly, the
temporal interpretation of these non-eventive root infinitives is
restricted to the future."
A similar preference has been observed in the experimental study of
Schönenberger, Pierce, Wexler & Wijnen (1995).
In this study, the
proportion of future interpretations was almost twice as high for stative
verbs (50 %) than for eventive verbs (27 %). These observations indicate
that what appeared to be the most obvious explanation for stative RIs at
first sight does not account sufficiently for the data on closer inspection.
Not all stative RIs denote states that are ongoing at speech time; there are
also stative RIs that denote states that possibly or necessarily take place after
speech time (future). The results mentioned in this paragraph even suggest
that modal stative RIs are preferred.
The data from Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter confirm this
preference, as shown in Table 4.9:
Table 4.9: Modal interpretations of stative RIs, data from all six children
(%) N
Stative RIs 37 (62 %) 23 (38 %)
Stative RIs are predominantly modal. More specifically, they express
volition. For instance, all 31 instances of RIs with hebben 'have' were
desiderative and expressed a wish. Some examples are given in (7) below.
See Chapter 3, § 3.4.13, for more details on the work carried out by Schönenberger et al.
142 C
RIs that contain verbs of position/location contain type-shifting predicates
that can be stative as well as eventive. In deontic RIs used to give a
command, these verbs receive eventive interpretations such as 'sit down', 'lie
down' or 'go stand'. The verb refers to the inception of a state, hence to an
event. A stative verb like blijven 'stay' is used as 'don't go' and implicitly
denotes the event of going. In the RIs used to express a desire (8a-c) or used
to describe the situation at speech time (8d-e) there is no shift towards
The children talk about a desired state, and, sometimes, they
describe a property of the situation at speech time. Thus, occasionally,
stative RIs are ongoing RIs, but most often, stative RIs are modal RIs,
particularly volitional RIs.
(7) a. Ik ook een hebben Daan 2;09.10
I also one have-inf
'I also want to have one'
b. soel [= stoel, EB] hebben Abel 2;07.15
chair have-inf
'I want to have the chair'
c. speen en poesje hebben Matthijs 2;05.10
pacifier and cat have-inf
'I want to have my pacifier and cat'
(8) a. koekjes in zitten Abel 2;07.15
cookies in sit-inf
'cookies are in there'
b. hier sjaan Daan 2;01.21
hier stand-inf
'I want to stand here'
c. bugge zitten Josse 2;03.28
buggy sit-inf
'I want to sit in the buggy'
d. Thijsje liggen Matthijs 1;11.24
Thijsje lie-inf
'Thijsje is lying'
This kind of type shifting is also mentioned by Ferdinand (1996) for child French.
e. Woef liggen Peter 1;09.20
dog lie-inf
'The dog is lying'
States appear in RIs with a here-and-now denotation (e.g. verbs of
location/position) and in RIs that express a desire (e.g. verbs of possession).
States are unattested in deontic and intentional RIs. These observations
indicate that there is support for both explanations that the MA provides for
the allowance of stative RIs. The pattern within the set of modal RIs, that is,
the restriction of states to volitional RIs expressing a desire, suggests that we
are on the right track by assuming that modalities differ with regard to their
selection restrictions. In the following sections, I will take a closer look at
desired states (attested), required states (unattested) and intentional states
(unattested) in order to determine why children denote the first in their early
sentences, but not the second and third.
4.4.2 Desired states
Children's use of states as well as events in volitional sentences is in
accordance with adult Dutch, as shown in the examples in (9):
(9) a. James en Donna willen gelukkig zijn
James and Donna want happy be-inf
'James and Donna want to be happy'
b. Bobby en Shelly willen trouwen
Bobby and Shelly want marry-inf
'Bobby and Shelly want to marry'
Thus, when children use states in volitional RIs, they do not do anything
remarkable; they do just what they are supposed to do.
4.4.3 Required states
A similar conclusion can be drawn for deontic RIs that express required
states and are used by children to give commands. In adult Dutch,
commands and states are less easily combined than desires with states.
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Hence, the absence of states in commanding RIs is not unexpected. When
states are inserted in a sentence that is formally marked for imperative
mood, the sentence expresses a warning rather than a command (the
prototypical function of imperatives):
(10) a. Heb plezier in het leven!
have-imp joy in the life
'Enjoy life!'
b. Weet het antwoord op mijn vraag!
know-imp the answer on my question
'Know the answer to my question!'
The difficulty arises as an effect of incongruity between the function of a
command and the lexical meaning of many state verbs. Bickerton (1981:
157) put this as follows: "It would be bizarre if he [i.e. speaker, EB] sought
[…] to influence the thought processes and emotions of others by
commanding them to want, need, know, etc."
In an attempt to formalise this intuition, I will propose that this
inappropriateness comes from a conflict between two different
specifications of the feature [ ±control ]: commands require [ +control ]
predicates, whereas most states are inherently specified for [ -control ].
Examples of [ -control ] states are zwanger zijn 'be pregnant' or bestaan 'exist';
[ +control ] states are exemplified by predicates like stil zijn 'be silent' or
blijven zitten 'remain sitting'. The following contrast in an
imperative/commanding sentence between a [ +control ] state, like stil zijn
'be quiet', and a [ -control ] state, such as zwanger zijn 'be pregnant', confirms
the relevancy of the feature [ ±control ]:
(11) a. Wees stil!
be-imp quiet
'Be quiet!'
b. * Wees zwanger!
be-imp pregnant
'Be pregnant!'
For the purpose of trying to understand why children do not use any states
in their commanding RIs, while they do talk about desired states in RIs, it is
important to realise how much overlap there is between the set of states and
the set of [ -control ] predicates. Levin & Rappaport (1995:170-171) already
pointed out that it is difficult to find a test that establishes the state-event
contrast. They observed that most tests distinguish between agentive and
non-agentive predicates, which is pertaining to the distinction between
[ +control ] and [ -control ].
Thus, in practice, the claim that RIs are
relatively infrequently stative is highly similar to the conclusion that
[ -control ] predicates are seldom used in RIs.
In spite of the amount of overlap between the set of states and the set of
non-agentive predicates, the example in (11) shows that there are some
[ +control ] statives. Thus, theoretically speaking, children should be able to
use stative [ +control ] verbs in their commanding RIs. Given that the set of
[ +control ] statives contains only few elements, the chance that such RIs
indeed occur is very small. Turning to the data of the six children, it can be
observed that the children use two kinds of state verbs: verbs of
position/location and verbs of possession. In commanding RIs, the stative
[ -control ] reading of verbs of position/location (sit, lie, stand, etc.) is
blocked. As a consequence, the [ +control ] eventive reading is triggered.
According to Levin & Rappaport, the test from Dowty (1979) that only non-statives have
the ability to appear in do-constructions and Jackendoff's (1983) test that only non-statives
can be inserted in the frame What happened/occurred/took place was ? are the only tests that
distinguish between states and events.
Not all [ -control ] predicates are stative though: a predicate like blush, for instance,
describes an event but is [ -control ]. Thus, although most states are [ -control ], there are
[ +control ] states and [ -control ] events. Interestingly, when such a predicate is selected by
the auxiliary moeten 'must', a third kind of modality (next to deontic and epistemic) surfaces.
In (i), there is no subject-external source that requires an event or state, as with deontic
modality (and with sentences that express through imperative mood, a command), but there
is a subject-internal source. Barbiers (1995) called this kind of modality 'dispositional'. As
expected (because of the negative specification for control), the imperative command is
semantically not ill-formed.
(i) De onderwijzer moet blozen
the teacher must blush
'It happened to the teacher that he had to blush'
(ii) * Bloos nu!
blush-imp now
'Blush now!'
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The verb of possession, hebben 'have', does not have a [ +control ] variant;
hence, it is absent in commanding RIs. In their SFs, the children use various
states that are not used in commanding RIs: mental verbs, modals like
kunnen 'can', moeten 'must', mogen 'may' or willen 'want' and the copula zijn 'be'.
These verbs are [ -control ] and therefore unexpected in commanding RIs.
In sum, I conclude that like children's use of states in volitional RIs, the
absence of states in commanding RIs is fully in accordance with properties
of adult Dutch. It follows from the selection restrictions on commands that
are in force for child as well as adult language.
The explanation I gave is inspired by, and therefore resembles, previous
claims made by Ferdinand (1996) and Hoekstra & Hyams (1998). It also
differs from these claims, however. Ferdinand and Hoekstra & Hyams do
not consider the feature [ ±control ] and the incompatibility of deontic RIs
and stative predicates that I analysed as the effect of this feature. The gist of
the explanation given by Ferdinand and Hoekstra & Hyams is that the
deontic modal reading "switches" to an epistemic modal reading when a
stative predicate appears in a modal RI. As young children cannot yet use
epistemic modality, stative modal RIs do not occur. Ferdinand as well as
Hoekstra & Hyams do not go into the question as to why epistemic
modality is unavailable to children during the RI-period. As will be shown in
section 4.5, there is empirical evidence from the field of developmental
psychology in support of this claim. Hence, in this respect the proposal is
tenable. To illustrate the relation between eventivity and deontic modality,
on the one hand, and stativity and epistemic modality, on the other hand,
Hoekstra & Hyams take a (more or less) minimal pair such as leren 'learn'-
weten 'know'. These two verbs contrast in dynamicity (weten 'know' is stative),
but they are, for the rest, semantically quite similar. The example in (12b)
suggests that stativity of the selected complement triggers an epistemic
modal reading of moeten 'must':
(12) a. Jij moet Chinees leren
you must Chinese learn
'It is required that you learn Chinese
b. Jij moet het antwoord weten
you must the answer know
'Based on everything I know, I conclude that you know the
'It is required that you know the answer'
Example (12b) shows that the deontic necessity reading is still accessible
when a state verb is selected; this is illustrated by the second paraphrase.
Thus, the explanation given by Ferdinand (1996) and Hoekstra & Hyams
(1998) does not really account for the absence of stative RIs. The analysis I
have given shows that stative predicates and commanding sentences are
semantically incompatible and ruled out, because states are specified as
[ -control ], whereas commands select for [ +control ] predicates.
Before discussing the last type of modal use, i.e. intentions, I will briefly
illustrate that opposite conclusions can be drawn on the basis of
explanations - mine, on the one hand, and the proposals from Ferdinand,
1996, and Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998, on the other hand - for the same set of
observations in child language, because these explanations are based on only
slightly different examples from adult language. Recall that my claim was
that children, by ruling out states in their commanding RIs, behave like
adults. This claim stresses that young children and adult speakers are
sensitive to the same selection restrictions. Ferdinand and Hoekstra &
Hyams explain children's ruling out of states in commanding RIs as an
effect of the absence of epistemic modality in early child language. The
implication of this analysis is that children and adults differ, because
children do not use epistemic modality (for reasons that are not further
specified in the two studies), whereas adults do. I supported my claim with
imperative sentences from adult Dutch; these sentences show that
commands cannot select for a predicate that is [ -control ]. Ferdinand and
Hoekstra & Hyams used declarative sentences with deontic modal auxiliaries
to illustrate their viewpoint. In (13), the declarative counterparts of my
imperative examples in (11) are given. In (11b), [ -control ] states are simply
ruled out, whereas in (13b), [ -control ] are allowed but with an epistemic
modal reading:
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(13) a. De kinderen moeten stil zijn
the children must silent be
'The children have to be silent'
'It must be the case that the children are silent'
b. De vrouw van de onderwijzer moet zwanger zijn
the wife of the teacher must pregnant be
'The teacher's wife must be pregnant'
In order to explain the very marginal appearance of states in modal RIs,
Ferdinand and Hoekstra & Hyams assume that the epistemic reading is not
available to children (it is to adults, though). This explanation is superfluous
when examples like in (11) are used to paraphrase the modal denotation of
RIs. Note that Ferdinand has to use the declarative examples with modal
auxiliaries, since she claims that RIs contain an underlying silent modal
auxiliary. Hoekstra & Hyams are not forced to use this particular example,
4.4.4 Intended states
Up to now, children's use and non-use of states in RIs is fully in accordance
with what adult speakers do in utterances that are semantically comparable
to child RIs: it is expected that volitional RIs contain states, whereas
commanding RIs do not. I will now turn to the third kind of modality that
Dutch children use in their RIs, that is, intentional modality. This denotation
is illustrated in (14):
In Dutch, an epistemic reading is reinforced if the particles haast wel are added. These
particles are hardly translatable but they stress the speaker-orientation of epistemic modality
and trigger the epistemic 'It must be the case' reading:
(i) De kinderen moeten haast wel stil zijn
the children must particle particle silent be
(14) a. Ik ga Chinees leren
I go Chinese learn
'I am going to learn Chinese'
b. Ik ga het antwoord weten
I go the answer know
'I shall know the answer'
In Chapter 3 (§ 3.2.2) epistemic modality was described as speaker-oriented
modality that refers to a speaker's beliefs or judgements (Lyons, 1977;
Palmer, 1986). Given this definition, (14b) denotes epistemic modality: the
speaker expresses a strong belief (I am sure about it/I reassure you) and
emphasises his certainty about the possible truth of the proposition
KNOW(I, the answer). The epistemic modal reading is not necessarily
present in (14a), although this reading can be triggered by stressing ga 'go'.
The feature [ ±control ] does not play a role: the examples in (15) contain a
[ +control ] and a [ -control ] state, respectively, and both receive the same
epistemic modal interpretation:
(15) a. De kinderen gaan stil zijn
the children go silent be-inf
'The children are going to be silent'
b. De vrouw van de onderwijzer gaat zwanger zijn
the wife of the teacher go pregnant be-inf
'The teacher's wife is going to be pregnant'
If the claim that young children (that is, children during the RI-period)
cannot use epistemic modality is true, RIs that denote intended states are
not expected to occur. Young children's knowledge of epistemic modality
will be examined in section 4.5. Taking the conclusions from this section for
granted, I assume that epistemic modality is indeed not available to children
in the RI-age. The implication of the analysis I have given is that the
explanation proposed by Ferdinand and Hoekstra & Hyams does apply to
intentional RIs, but not to commanding RIs.
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4.4.5 Summary
The central tenet of the Modal Approach is that modal meanings and
aspectual properties of the verbal complement interact. More specifically,
the claim is made that stative predicates trigger modal meanings that cannot
yet be used by children in the 'RI-age'. In this section, I studied this
interaction in order to investigate whether or not the Modal Approach can
capture the observation that the few stative RIs that are used in modal RIs,
are restricted to volitional RIs. Table 4.10 summarises the observations. The
bold-faced interpretations refer to the three modalities that appear in the
RIs of Dutch children. When the interpretation is preceded by an asterisk
(*), this means that the interpretation is ruled out given the semantic
specification of the selected verb type. States are [ -dynamic ] and, almost
always, [ -control ]. The selecting verb is the auxiliary that Dutch adults use
to paraphrase the modal meanings expressed in RIs.
Table 4.10: Relations between modal use and restrictions on the verb type
of the selected verbal predicate
Auxiliary Verbal complement Resulting interpretation
[ -control ] Epistemic necessity (speaker
* Command (requirement,
deontic necessity)
'is going to'
[ -dynamic ] Epistemic necessity (speaker
* Intention
[ -control ]/
[ -dynamic ]
Wishes and desires (volition,
dynamic necessity)
On the basis of this set of observations, the conclusion can be drawn that
the use of states in volitional RIs is fully expected given the MA, that is, the
Modal Approach to the eventivity of RIs. It is also expected that states do
not occur in commanding RIs. Finally, provided that children in the RI-age
are unable to use epistemic modality, it is expected that states do not appear
in RIs that denote intentions.
4.5 The effect of cognitive immaturity
It could be that the absence of epistemic modality in child RIs is accidental
and, therefore, meaningless. However, there are a number of reasons to
believe that this is not the case and that the cognitive immaturity of children
in the RI-age prevents them from using epistemic modality. I will show that
epistemic modal utterances are absent from young children's production, as
well as comprehension data, across the board, and that there is, in this
respect, an asymmetry between dynamic and deontic modality, on the one
hand, and epistemic modality, on the other. Dynamic and deontic modality
appear before the age of three, epistemic modality appears only after the age
of three.
Various studies on English child language report that modal verbs in
English child language come in between the ages of two and three (Kuczaj
& Maratsos, 1975; Shepard, 1982; Stephany, 1986; Gerhardt, 1991).
Stephany (1986) reported the forms can and cannot as the first to appear.
Hoekstra & Jordens (1994) observed the modal forms magnie 'may not',
kannie 'cannot', nee 'want not', minne 'want' and wil 'want' in the data of a
Dutch-speaking girl around the age of two (1;10 and 1;11). These early 'can'
and 'want' modals can be classified as dynamic (referring to a subject
internal possibility or necessity), whereas the early 'may' modal is deontic
(referring to a subject external possibility, a permission from 'outside').
Epistemic modality is not yet used. Schatz, Wellman & Silber (1983),
Bartsch & Wellman (cited in Wellman, 1990) and Becker (1998) discovered
that children do not refer to epistemic modal concepts such as belief or
knowledge before their third birthday. Kuczaj & Maratsos (1975) reported
that the first epistemic usages of modals in child English appear during the
fourth year. Comprehension tasks carried out by Hirst & Weil (1982)
showed that the understanding of epistemic certainty by English-speaking
children also begins during the fourth year. These expressions begin to
appear when the children are between three and four years old.
152 C
In an attempt to investigate the relation between preschoolers' under-
standing of modal verb meaning with their non-linguistic understanding of
modality, Gonsalves (1998) compared the production and comprehension
of preschoolers' modal verbs to their scores on a non-linguistic search task.
Gonsalves included children between 2;6 and 5 years and divided this
population into three age groups. The comprehension test, which was a
truth value judgement task, probed the preschoolers' understanding of can
(possibility), cannot (impossibility), has to (necessity) and doesn't have to (non-
necessity) across three context domains: deontic, dynamic and epistemic
modality. Gonsalves collected speech samples from child-caregiver
conversation. She examined whether or not, and with which frequency, the
children used deontic, dynamic and epistemic modals. The results from
these two linguistic tasks were compared to the results of a non-linguistic
task with possible and necessary hiding places for a toy. In the test
condition, there was either sufficient evidence for the hiding place (necessity
or impossibility) or insufficient evidence (possibility or non-necessity). The
aim of this non-linguistic task was to find out whether or not the child had
the cognitive abilities to differentiate between determinate or indeterminate
conclusions, hence to find out if the child has a non-linguistic grasp of
modal concepts. Gonsalves found that not a single child that was able to
distinguish epistemic 'can be true' from 'has to be true' in the
comprehension test, failed on the non-linguistic task. At the same time, all
children that failed on the non-linguistic test and were not able to
distinguish possibility from necessity also failed on the epistemic
comprehension test. However, these children did not fail on the deontic and
dynamic condition in the comprehension test and deontic and dynamic
modals were found in production data of these children. The conclusion can
be drawn that epistemic modality requires a full-fledged grasp of the modal
concepts possibility, necessity, impossibility and non-necessity, whereas
dynamic and deontic modality do not.
All the above results show that epistemic modality is systematically absent in
language production as well as comprehension of children in the RI-age. In
studies that concentrate on children's cognitive development, cognitive
immaturity is explained by the absence of a Theory of Mind (cf. Wimmer &
Perner, 1983; Carey, 1985; Wellman, 1990). Because young children lack a
concept of the mind, they neither talk about or understand their own mental
states nor talk about or understand those of others. As epistemic modality
concerns knowledge of beliefs, hence mental states, children will not use
epistemic modality before they have a Theory of Mind. In the literature on
this topic, the emergence of a Theory of Mind is described as a sudden
change that takes place halfway during the third year. This claim is
substantiated by responses of three and four year olds on the so-called false
belief task.
Note that mental states like beliefs are distinct from mental
states such as intentions and desires. In order to describe the differences
between beliefs and intentions/desires Gopnik (1993) makes use of Searle's
(1983) distinction between a "mind-to-world" and a "world-to-mind
direction-to-fit" in the case of a "mind-to-world direction-to-fit", the mind is
altered to fit the world, whereas in case of a "world-to-mind direction-to-
fit", the world is altered to fit the mind. Beliefs are examples of the first,
whereas intentions/desires exemplify the latter. There is evidence that
young children perform better on tasks that involve "world-to-mind
directions-to-fit" such as intentions and desires than on experimental tasks
that require a concept of "mind-to-world directions-to-fit" such as belief
(Flavell, Flavell, Green & Moses, 1990; Wellman & Woolley; 1990;
Astington & Gopnik, 1991). Flavell et. al (1990) found for instance that
three-year-olds perform better on desire tasks than on belief-tasks, but the
proportions of errors that occurred when talking about the desires of others
were still considerable: between 30 % and 40 %. According to Gopnik
(1993), children between two and three do not have a full grasp of
intentions and desires and their concept of these mental states is simple and
non-representational. As young children lack internal representations of
intentions and desires, it is expected that when these children talk about
desires and intentions, the desired object or action is present in the speech
situation (and triggered the intention or desire). This property of early
desires and intentions is reflected in data from Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura,
A simple false belief task as developed by Baron - Cohen (1985) works as follows. There
are two puppets, Sally and Anne. Sally has a marble, which she keeps in a basket. Then Sally
leaves the room, and while she is away Anne takes the marble out of the basket and hides it
in the box. Sally comes back into the room. The child subject is then asked the question:
"Where will Sally look for her marble?" Older children say that she will look in the basket,
because although they know the marble is in the box, they know that Sally doesn't know it
has been moved from the basket, and they can distinguish Sally's (false) belief from their own
(true) belief. Younger children do not distinguish between the two and simply say that Sally
will look in the box.
154 C
Matthijs and Peter in so far that the children almost always use the
desiderative predicate willen to talk about their own desires in the here-and-
now. Hardly any reference is made to the desires of others or to past desires.
Table 4.11: Willen 'want', first person singular subjects and temporal
reference, data from all six children
(%) N
Abel 58 49 (84) 58 (100)
Daan 32 31 (97) 32 (100)
Josse 33 33 (100) 33 (100)
Laura 86 83 (97) 85 (99)
Matthijs 13 9 (69) 13 (100)
Peter 6 5 (100) 5 (83)
Astington & Gopnik (1991) furthermore found that three-year-olds had
difficulty in understanding their own past desires. In an experimental setting,
they presented children with a situation in which their desires were satiated
over time. The aim of the task was to cause a change in the children’s
desires. One third of the three-year-olds, in response to a question, did not
reflect on this change and they answered that they had been in their final
(satiated) state all along. Bringing this discussion on the impact of children's
cognitive immaturity to an end, I will close with an observation on the basis
of the data from the six children. The asymmetry between epistemic
modality (beliefs) and intentions/desires can be observed in the data of
Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter: their modal RIs are never
epistemic, whereas they are often volitional and used to express intentions
and desires.
Interestingly, possibility readings are virtually absent from modal RIs, although verbs like
kan 'can' and mag 'may' appear very early in SFs alongside RIs and appear some months after
the first RIs in the first PVs (kan dansen 'can dance', mag dansen 'may dance'); see Chapter 5 for
the relevant data. It is, as far as I know, still an open question why the possibility readings are
systematically lacking from RIs.
4.6 Verb type in English RIs
By proposing the Modal Approach to account for the EC, I followed
Ferdinand (1996) and Hoekstra & Hyams (1998). As discussed in the
previous chapter, Hoekstra & Hyams propose the Modal Approach not only
to explain the EC in Dutch RIs, but also to account for differences between
Dutch and English RIs with regard to verb type selection. However, even
though I share the opinion with Hoekstra & Hyams that there is a close
relation between modality and verb type, I do not follow their explanation
for semantic asymmetries between Dutch and English RIs. In the light of
the present chapter, I briefly summarise my analysis for cross-linguistic
differences with regard to verb types that appear in RIs.
Hoekstra & Hyams claimed that the modal interpretation of Dutch RIs is
carried by the infinitival morpheme [ -en ]. Verb forms in English RIs do not
possess this morpheme, and hence, they are not restricted to a modal
interpretation, according to Hoekstra & Hyams. On the basis of the
observation that about one quarter of the Dutch RIs was non-modal, I
concluded in Chapter 3 that the denotation of RIs is not fixed and hence,
that infinitival morphology is not reponsible for the interpretation assigned
to RIs. This conclusion implied that morphological differences in verb form
do not explain differences in meaning between Dutch and English RIs. I
argued that the relative frequent use of RIs with non-modal (e.g. present
tense and, to a lesser degree, past tense) interpretations by English children
is captured by the Heterogeneous Set Effect (HSE): the set of English RIs,
as opposed to the set of Dutch RIs, contains finite sentences with dropped
inflection. Given the HSE, the observed asymmetry in meaning between
Dutch and English RIs is to be expected. In this chapter, we have seen that
finite verbs in early Dutch child language are more often stative than
infinitives. Expanding this observation to English child language, it can be
concluded that the HSE accounts for the observed asymmetry between the
verb types in Dutch and English RIs as well: since the set of English RIs
contains finite verbs, it is expected that English RIs contain relatively many
state-denoting predicates.
Both the explanation defended in this thesis as well as the explanation given
by Hoekstra & Hyams, relate semantic differences (i.e. temporal/modal
denotation and aspectual type of the verb) to morphological properties of
156 C
the verb form used in RIs in the two languages. However, my analysis
includes a second difference, namely verb placement. In English, the HSE
occurs, and finite forms with dropped inflection are indistinguishable from
non-finite RIs, because of: (i) English does not have a true infinitive, and (ii)
finite verb forms and non-finite verb forms are placed in the same position
in English. Both properties do not apply to Dutch. By implication, the HSE
does not occur in Dutch and RIs in Dutch child language are not only more
often modal than RIs in English children, but also more frequently eventive.
4.7 The role of the input
I argued that the EC is due to two factors: children's early knowledge of
selection restrictions explains the absence of stative predicates in
commanding RIs and children's cognitive immaturity accounts for the
absence of stative predicates in RIs that denote intentions. There is a third
factor involved in the EC in early child Dutch: patterns in the input.
In section 4.3.3, distributions of eventive and stative predicates in adult
Dutch were discussed. It was shown that patterns in child and adult Dutch
resemble each other, in the sense that both display an Eventivity Constraint
(EC). Given that the language children hear is one of the factors that
determine patterns in language children produce, it is expected that the EC
in adult Dutch also has effect on child Dutch. More specifically, it could be
argued that the EC in the data from Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and
Peter is not only similar to the EC in the language of the children's
caregivers, but also that it follows from the EC in the caregivers' speech.
The six children hear hardly any states in infinitival form, whereas they hear
numerous states in finite form. Given this observation, the chance that the
children pick up states in infinitival form must be fairly low. The only way in
which the states-in-infinitival-form can become available to the children is
by deriving them from the finite forms they know. However, the children
Similar claims are made by Schlichting (1996) for Dutch and by Pine, Lieven & Rowland
(1998) for English.
can only do this when they know the rules for segmentation and suffixation.
In Chapter 5, I will go over a number of indicators for the acquisition of
segmentation and suffixation. It will be concluded that Dutch children
acquire this capacity only about halfway through the RI-period. Thus, prior
to this moment, children are fully dependent on the forms they pick up
from the input. This implies that infinitival forms are predominantly
eventive, whereas finite forms are relatively often stative verbs.
4.8 Summary
De Haan (1987) observed that children tend to use different verb types in
RIs and finite sentences. In the literature, this observation has been
explained in various ways. Evaluating these hypotheses, I examined the data
from Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter and concluded that their
RIs obey the Eventivity Constraint (EC). However, after considering the
state-denoting predicates that the children also used in their RIs, this EC
was found to be violable. I argued that there were three factors that cause
the EC in early child Dutch. In the first stages of children's language
development, the EC is the effect of patterns in the input. A second factor
that contributes to the EC is that children are unable to use epistemic
modality, because of their cognitive immaturity. This leads to the absence of
RIs that denote intended states. The effect of this second factor will also
disappear when the children grow older. By then, the RI-period is expected
to have ended, however. The third factor that causes the EC will not
disappear as a function of grammatical development or cognitive
maturation: the inappropriateness of stative predicates in commanding
sentences leads to the EC in Dutch child language as well as Dutch adult
language. I argued that the violable character of the EC provided support
for the Modal Approach to the EC, which is constituted by the second and
third factor. The Modal Approach correctly predicts that a combination of
(i) children's knowledge of modality (i.e. deontic modality and volition), and
(ii) deficits in their knowledge of modality (i.e. epistemic modality) leads to
the restriction of stative predicates to volitional RIs.
Changes over Time
In the previous two chapters, data that were collected over a longer period
of time were collapsed. By doing this, I followed the common method in RI
research and abstracted away from developments that take place during the
period in which children use RIs more frequently than adults do. In this
chapter, I will look at the data from Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and
Peter from a different viewpoint: the RI-period of the six children will be
sliced into smaller chunks, more specifically, into four stages, in order to
give a precise description of the changes over time. It will be shown that
Dutch children acquire finite sentences (FINs) step-by-step: absence of
finiteness is followed by a stage in which finiteness is a lexical property. The
lexical stage is followed by a grammatical stage in which the morpho-
syntactic properties of finiteness become available. I argue that the acquisi-
tion of FINs has an impact on children's semantic, morphological and
syntactic development. Finite forms pave the way for verb movement and
rule-governed subject use. The acquisition of FINs has an effect on the
semantic and structural properties of RIs. In this chapter, an alternative for
the modal hypotheses discussed in Chapter 3 will be proposed. According
to this proposal the Modal Reference Effect does not follow from a silent
modal auxiliary or the meaning of infinitival morphology, but results from
the rise of FINs. The data presented in this fifth chapter support the idea
that children have to unravel the information that guides them to
grammatical knowledge. They do this in a piece-meal fashion through
analysis and re-analysis of words and phrases on the basis of newly acquired
lexical information.
5.1 Outline of this chapter
Although Dutch children use infinitives very early, they do not learn the
properties of infinitives until they have access to contrasting finite verb
forms. This hypothesis enables us to make predictions for changes in RIs
based on the development of FINs. The presumed correlation between
FINs and RIs implies that there are (at least) two ways to organise this
chapter. One way is to start by looking for changes in RIs that happen over
time and then make predictions for the development of FINs that are based
on the observations within RIs. Another way is to begin by describing the
rise of FINs and derive predictions for RIs on the basis of the develop-
mental patterning of FINs. Since the final conclusion is that changes in
FINs cause changes in RIs, the order seemed the more logical of the two.
Therefore, I will start with the rise of FINs. The acquisition of FINs will be
discussed in section 5.2. Section 5.3 deals with the effect of the acquisition
of FINs on the meaning assigned to RIs. Section 5.4 is about the effects of
the acquisition of FINs on subject use. Theoretically, changes in meaning as
well as in subject use in RIs can be explained from a full competence
perspective (that is, the Agreement and Tense Omission Model that was
proposed by Wexler & Schütze, 1996 and Schütze, 1997). In section 5.5, I
will compare the latter explanation to the interpretation of the changes that
I propose. Section 5.6 contains a note on the methodology that is applied
here, whereas 5.7 summarises the findings and conclusions of this chapter.
5.2 The rise of FINs
By investigating changes over time, I focus on a topic that has been ignored
by most studies on RIs, namely the actual development from RI-stage to
adult finite stage. Taking a brief look at the hypotheses that deal with the
absence of finiteness in child language - more details can be found in
Chapter 1, section 1.1 -, it turns out that strikingly little is said about the
developmental path of the acquisition of finiteness. According to matur-
ational version of the RCH, children's use of RIs reveals absence of
functional categories (Lebeaux, 1988; Radford, 1988, 1990). Children are not
immediately ready to project, for instance, the functional projection FinP (or
TP, under the assumption that finiteness is tense). Instead, FinP matures.
According to the FCH, children have abstract knowledge of finiteness from
early on, but this knowledge does not surface when children do not know
the instantiations of finiteness (Poeppel & Wexler, 1993).
By concentrating
on the abstract level, assuming a process like maturation or by making a
distinction between instantiations and abstract representations, the actual
development from RIs to FINs becomes unessential for both the
maturational RCH and the FCH.
This section will show that the examination of the small steps that children
take is a fruitful research strategy. It will be argued that the 'transition' from
a system that produces RIs to a system that produces finite sentences,
consists of a series of smaller steps, and, hence that there is no all at once
transition. Via these smaller steps, children acquire the abstract grammatical
finiteness features of Dutch: inflection and, ultimately, verb movement. To
argue for this claim, I will first discuss the different properties of FINs in
adult Dutch (§ 5.2.1), then I turn to the sequence of development of FINs
in early child Dutch (§ 5.2.2 -§ 5.2.3), followed by an examination of the
data of Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter (§ 5.2.4 - § 5.2.10).
5.2.1 Properties of FINs in the target language
FINs comprise different kinds of sentences, but I will restrict myself to the
development of FINs that stand in relation with RIs (and that are expected
to affect children's use of RIs, given that RIs are the focus in the present
When the maturational version of the RCH and the FCH are compared on a very basic
level, it quickly becomes obvious that in the studies that defend the former hypothesis, RIs
are used to illustrate that children do not have Fin
, where 'Fin' stands for the functional
finiteness category and the index
stands for adult language. The FCH studies concentrate
on syntactic properties of the earliest FINs used alongside RIs and on syntactic differences
between FINs and RIs in order to show that Fin
= Fin
- where the index
stands for
child language - even when Fin
does not surface. Considering the stages I-IV as observed
by Wijnen (2000) and in the present study, it also becomes clear that the maturational version
of the RCH and the FCH emphasise different stages.
Either of the two models may fit developmental findings, but the models do not make any
predictions for the sequence of development themselves (apart from some major transitions
from child RIs stage to adult finite stage or child OI stage to adult finite stage).
work). These are finite alternatives to RIs, which are PVs with infinitives
and SFs. This set of FINs, which excludes PVs with participles, express the
same modal, temporal and aspectual meanings that are expressed with RIs,
that is, all tenses, modal as well as non-modal meanings and imperfective
aspect. PVs with a participle are excluded because they are not an alternative
for RIs, as RIs do not denote completed aspect. For reasons given in
Chapter 3, § 3.3.6, no distinction is made between genuine PVs and pre-
PICs, i.e. children's precursors of prepositional infinitival complements.
The finiteness markers in Dutch children's FINs are either attached to
auxiliaries (in PVs) or inflected main verbs (in SFs). In Chapter 3, I
explained various properties of the Dutch auxiliary and inflectional system.
In this section, I summarise the main properties of these systems. SFs and
PVs differ syntactically and semantically from each other. In SFs, the main
verb carries inflectional morphology and is moved out of its sentence-final
base position to first or second position. This is illustrated in (1):
(1) [
de Vierdaagse van Nijmegen t
Jan walk-fin the Vierdaagse van Nijmegen
'John is walking the Vierdaagse van Nijmegen'
In PVs, the lexical verb is still in its base position and the auxiliary takes first
or second position:
(2) a. [
de Vierdaagse van Nijmegen lopen]]]
Jan must the Vierdaagse van Nijmegen walk-inf
'John must walk the Vierdaagse van Nijmegen'
b. [
de Vierdaagse van Nijmegen aan het
Jan is the Vierdaagse van Nijmegen on the walk-inf
'John is walking the Vierdaagse van Nijmegen'
I have given here a more or less traditional representation that does not contain a split IP.
With this representation, I do not want to make any claims about the exact representation.
My aim is to show that the main verb moves.
This Vierdaagse 'four-day-' is a yearly event in The Netherlands at which lots of people walk
a certain distance for four subsequent days. Particularly popular is the Vierdaagse that takes
place in the area surrounding the city of Nijmegen.
Morphologically, there are differences between (1) and (2) as well. The main
verb in (1) has a finite suffix that marks tense and agreement, whereas the
main verb in (2) has an infinitival morpheme with no tense or agreement
specifications. The inflectional markings of the finite verbs in (1) and (2) are
different because the auxiliaries used in PVs usually have impoverished or
irregular inflection as compared to main verbs used in finite SFs. Apart from
agreement, regular inflection in Dutch marks a past-present tense
distinction. As described in Chapter 3, tense inflection has two forms in
Dutch. The form that is structurally represented by a zero or null suffix [ -ø ]
primarily denotes present tense but can also be used with a future
Regular past tense is marked on the verbal stem through a suffix
[ -de ] or [ -te ]. The present tense agreement paradigm encodes a number
distinction (singular vs. plural). In the singular forms, a distinction is made
between first person singular, on the one hand, and second/third person
singular, on the other hand. The first person singular is similar to the bare
verbal stem. Here, I focus on morphological differences between regular
inflection and auxiliaries. In § 5.4.5, the properties of agreement in Dutch
will be discussed in more detail. In (3), the present tense paradigm of the
verb lopen 'walk' is given:
(3) SG PL
1st loopø lopen
2nd loopt lopen
3rd loopt lopen
With respect to auxiliaries, it can be observed that many auxiliaries lack the
overt distinction between first person singular and second/third person
singular. This is illustrated in (4) with the present tense paradigm of the
modal auxiliary moeten 'must':
In context, the present tense form can also be used with a future tense reference:
(i) Over dertig jaar loop ik naar Santiago de Compostella
over thirty years walk I to Santiago de Compostella
'In about thirty years, I will walk to Santiago de Compostella'
(4) SG PL
1st moet moeten
2nd moet moeten
3rd moet moeten
Moeten 'must' is not an exception: the modal auxiliaries kunnen 'can/be able',
mogen 'may/be allowed', willen 'want', zullen 'will' show a similar pattern. Zijn
'be' and hebben 'have' have their own, idiosyncratic, irregular paradigms. The
auxiliaries hoeven (niet) 'must (not)' and gaan 'are going to' are exceptional as
their agreement paradigms are regular.
Table 5.1 provides a summary of the properties of SFs and PVs with
Table 5.1: Syntactic, morphological, and semantic, properties of SFs and of
PVs in adult Dutch
Placement of main
Morphology of
main verb
SFs initial ('moved') Finite past, present, future
PVs final ('unmoved') Infinitival modality, imperfective
The apparent differences between SFs and PVs in adult Dutch lead to
specific expectations with regard to the sequence of development of FINs.
In the next section, I describe the acquisition of FINs as the result of an
incremental learning procedure. The hypothesis that will be proposed is
based on a number of findings reported in previous studies. It is in line with
ideas expressed by several other scholars (cf. De Haan, 1987; Hoekstra &
Jordens, 1994; Van Kampen, 1997; Wijnen & Elbers, 1998; Wijnen, 1999,
5.2.2 The sequence of development
From the studies carried out by Wijnen & Bol (1993) and Haegeman (1995),
we know that Dutch-speaking children start out their 'verbal career' with RIs
and that FINs (i.e. SFs and PVs) come in later. This means that the
‘Optional Infinitive stage’, that is, the stage in which children use FINs and
RIs at the same time is preceded by a stage in which infinitives are not
optional, but obligatory. The absence of FINs and the sole use of RIs in the
earliest stages suggest that the knowledge to use finite sentences is lacking
entirely in these stages. The absence of finiteness in RIs is marked by
morphological as well as syntactic properties: the verb carries infinitival
morphology and is not moved. Findings from § 3.3 and § 3.4 indicate that
the semantics of RIs are compatible with their structural properties, since
they have no fixed temporal reference. The evolvement of the semantic
properties of FINs will be discussed in § 5.3. The present section focuses on
the sequence of development of morpho-syntactic properties of finiteness.
This sequence of development begins with RIs in which the verb is non-
finite and unmoved and ends when children show productive use of SFs, i.e.
sentences that contain a finite moved verb. Begin and end are exemplified in
(5) and (6), respectively:
(5) Ik de toren bouwen
I the tower build-inf
(6) Ik bouw de toren
I build-fin the tower
The various differences between these two sentences suggest that the
development from a system that generates sentences such as (5) to a system
generating sentences such as (6) involves more than one step: the main verb
is placed in different positions (sentence-finally versus sentence-initially), the
morphology of the main verb differs ([ -en ] versus [ -ø ]) and the meaning of
(5) and (6) is different (untensed versus specified for present tense).
A number of observations from early child Dutch (that will be discussed
below) are consistent with the hypothesis that knowledge from the
morphological and syntactic properties of finite verbs is gradually build up
(De Haan, 1987; Jordens, 1990; Van Kampen, 1997; Wijnen, 1999, 2000).
More specifically, the observations suggest that Dutch children first pass a
lexical-finiteness-stage before they access the adult-like grammatical-finite-
ness-stage. This sequence of development of finiteness is stated in (7) as the
Grammaticalisation of Finiteness (GoF) Hypothesis:
(7) Grammaticalisation of Finiteness (GoF) Hypothesis
In early child Dutch, the grammatical marking of finiteness by means
of inflection and verb movement is preceded by a lexical-finiteness
The observations furthermore indicate that the lexical-finiteness-stage
consists of two substages: a stage in which (i) lexical finiteness markers
come in, and (ii) lexical finiteness markers are combined with infinitives.
The stages are exemplified in (8) and (9), respectively.
(8) a. Ik wil een toren
I want-fin a tower
b. Dat is een toren
That is-fin a tower
(9) a. Ik wil een toren bouwen
I want-fin a tower build-inf
b. Ik ga een toren bouwen
I go-fin a tower build-inf
These observations lead to further specification of (7). The revised GoF
Hypothesis, that includes the two substages of the lexical-finiteness-stage, is
given in (10):
(10) Grammaticalisation of Finiteness (GoF) Hypothesis (final)
(i) In early child Dutch, the grammatical marking of finiteness by
means of inflection and verb movement is preceded by a lexical-
The GoF-Hypothesis is in line with ideas expressed previously by De Haan (1987) and
Wijnen (1999, 2000). The idea that a lexical stage precedes a grammatical stage can also be
found in the work of Roeper (1996) and Powers (1998).
(ii) In the lexical-finiteness-stage, simple lexical finiteness markers
precede complex lexical finiteness markers.
Support for the existence of a lexical-finiteness-stage comes from the
observation that the (earliest) SFs that appear alongside RIs contain verbs
that are fundamentally different to RIs. More specifically, the earliest finite
verbs are auxiliary-like forms that denote tense and modality (De Haan,
1987; Van Kampen, 1997; Wijnen, 2000). These are illustrated in (8). Wijnen
& Elbers (1998) pointed out that the early no-overlap stage (which I
interpreted as the first substage of the lexical-finiteness-stage) precedes the
appearance of PVs (which I argued to be second substage of the lexical-
finiteness-stage), illustrated in (9).
Wijnen & Elbers take the acquisition of
these early SFs as a step towards the acquisition of PVs:
"[…] at this point in the developmental sequence, their [ i.e. periphrastic
verbs, EB ] perceptual salience and segmentability is boosted by the fact
that they are now known and used as independent predicates. The result
is that the periphrastic predicate structure is added to the child's
repertoire" (p. 19)
In the citation above, Wijnen & Elbers refer to the notion of segmentability.
In the next section, I will emphasise the importance of segmentability for
the acquisition of grammatical finiteness.
Van Kampen (1997) emphasised the overuse of PVs by Dutch children. This
overuse shows in the way in which children use certain PVs. The PVs
contain a finite doen 'do' or gaan that selects an infinitive; some examples are
given in (11):
This is a re-interpretation of De Haan (1987). De Haan did not distinguish between
different stages within the RI-period, so, implicitly, he seemed to assume that the no-overlap
generalisation applies to the entire RI-period. Unlike De Haan, Wijnen & Elbers argue that
the no-overlap generalisation applies to a stage within the entire RI-period, however.
(11) a. Lucy doet een toren bouwen
Lucy does-fin a tower build-inf
'Lucy is building a tower'
b. Andy gaat een toren bouwen
Andy goes-fin a tower build-inf
'Andy is building a tower'
Formally, these PVs look like 'normal' adult PVs, but semantically they are
different from PVs in adult Dutch in the sense that they denote present
tense like SFs do.
According to Van Kampen (1997), children use these
PVs as a strategy to avoid verb movement. The motivation for this
avoidance is that it is ‘cheaper’ for a child to insert a finiteness marker than
to move the verb in order to mark finiteness, according to Van Kampen.
My proposal is different. I will argue in § 5.2.3 that the overuse of PVs is a
step that mediates between the exclusive use of RIs and the productive use of
SFs. Children overuse PVs as long as they lack knowledge of the
grammatical marking of finiteness by verbal inflections and, consequently,
verb movement.
In this section, I hypothesised that Dutch children learning finiteness,
develop from a stage that is characterised by the absence of finiteness (RI)
via a lexical-finiteness-stage (SF
and PV
, respectively) to a grammatical-
finiteness-stage (SF
). Further motivation for the GoF Hypothesis will be
given in the following section. Wijnen, Kempen & Gillis (2001) already
discussed the reasons for Dutch children to begin with infinitives. They
point out that a complex of factors - frequency, saliency, information load
and semantic transparency - lets Dutch children pick up infinitives early (see
Chapter 1, section 1.7). I focus on the following two (related) questions: (i)
Why does the lexical-finiteness-stage precede the grammatical-finiteness-
stage in early child Dutch, and (ii) Why does it take Dutch children relatively
long to learn inflection?
Similar observations for Dutch child language are reported by Schaerlakens & Gillis, 1987;
Verhulst-Schlichting, 1985; Jordens, 1990; Evers & Van Kampen, 1995; Hollebrandse &
Roeper, 1996; Zuckerman 2001).
Van Kampen's analysis, however, could apply to a somewhat later stage than the stage I
discuss, that is, when children do have the knowledge to use the verb but still display overuse
of PVs.
5.2.3 Motivation for the GoF (Grammaticalisation of
Finiteness Hypothesis)
In order to answer the questions above, I begin by determining the
knowledge that is required in order to be able to move the verb. Since
verbal inflections are identified as the trigger for verb movement, I will,
subsequently, discuss the knowledge children require for learning verbal
In generative theory, verb movement is analysed in different ways. In
minimalist terms, the verb has to move in order to check its finiteness
features to the corresponding functional head (cf. Chomsky, 1993; Zwart,
1993, 1997 for verb movement in Dutch). The required functional structure
is simply there in order to provide an appropriate checking environment.
There is another approach to the movement operation that takes an
economical view on representations and is compatible with the idea that
children build up grammatical representations, i.e. the structure building
approach (Grimshaw, 1994).
According to this view on verb movement,
the inflected verb is inserted in V and has to move outside the VP in order
to project (functional) structure. Movement is motivated as a structure building
operation so that the finite (more specifically, tensed) verb can be in a
position where it has scope over the entire proposition, including the
subject. An analysis of verb movement along these lines can be found in
Koeneman (2000).
This is in line with the Lexical Learning Hypothesis (Clahsen, 1990; Clahsen & Penke,
1992; Clahsen, Eissenbeiss & Penke, 1993) in the sense that the acquisition of inflection
triggers the appearance of functional structure. Clahsen, Eissenbeiss & Penke (1993: 133)
"The idea is that functional categories such as IP, AgrP, etc. or syntactic features may
come into the child's phrase-structure representations as a consequence of the child's
learning a regular inflectional paradigm of distinct inflectional affixes."
In addition, however, inflection also introduces verb movement.
Koeneman (2000) argues that verb movement is triggered by tense and/or agreement
features. The claim is that verb movement for reasons of tense is universally triggered, but
verb movement for reasons of agreement is dependent on richness of the agreement
paradigm. Only when agreement is rich, agreement can function as a full DP argument and
Adopting the structure building view on verb movement, I conclude the
there are three prerequisites that must be fulfilled before children move the
verb: children have to know that (i) finite verbs and infinitives belong to the
same category V, (ii) that finiteness is a property that can be added to items
belonging to this category via inflection, and (iii) that finiteness is related to
a syntactic position high up in the tree. Like Roeper (1996) and Van
Kampen (1997, 2001) who claimed that children are ready to project the
sentence skeleton of CP-IP-VP from onset on, I assume that children know
about dominance relations in a sentence from early on. One could argue
that the basic hierarchy has an inherent logic. The features are projected in a
strict hierarchical pre-determined order: first argumental features (resulting
in VP and creating structure for the verbs internal arguments), then
predicational features (leading to IP and creating a position for the verb's
external argument) and finally illocutionary features (leading to CP and
providing the structure that enables binding to a wider discourse). Note that
Finiteness (or Tense; I do not make a distinction, see Chapter 3 section
3.2.1, for the relation between finiteness and Tense) is a property of the C-
domain, as it scopes over the entire proposition expressed in a sentence and
is bound to an antecedent in the preceding discourse. Thus, I assume that
the third prerequisite I formulated for the acquisition of verb movement is
fulfilled because the knowledge of the positioning of finiteness features in a
sentence belongs to the a priori knowledge of language that children have.
To meet the other two prerequisites, children have to learn inflection. The
acquisition of inflection leads (i) to a set of inflectional endings that can be
attached to the verbal stem, and (ii) to a generalisation over inflected finite
verbs and non-inflected infinitives. Segmentability is children's ability to
segment a phonological form into smaller chunks (Peters, 1982). Earlier this
chapter, I cited Wijnen & Elbers (1998), who mention the role of
segmentability - the ability to segment - for learning verb forms.
the inflected verb moves in order to project agreement features and create a position for the
verb's external argument (that is, outside the VP, traditionally this is V-to-I movement). In
Dutch, agreement is poor. Thus, the verb only moves for tense and there is no I or Agr
projection. See section 5.4.5 for more information about agreement in Dutch.
This is confirmed by the child data in so far as Dutch children (and also the children in my
sample) tend to place the finite item, either lexical or grammatical, in sentence-initial position
from the moment they come in.
Segmentability is crucial for the acquisition of finite verb forms: children
have to learn that finite verbs consist of stem + suffix or of an auxiliary +
infinitive. A number of cues guide them to the discovery that verb forms are
segmented and consist of stem + suffix. When children know different
forms from one and the same paradigm (i.e. paradigmatic variation), for
instance loopt 'walks' and lopen 'walk', the children are, theoretically, able to
analyse verb forms and recognise what is the stem and what the suffix.
Likewise, knowledge of finite forms from different verbs, e.g. loopt 'walks'
versus kust 'kisses', provide the possibility to segment as well (i.e. lexical
variation). Lexical overlap between finite forms and infinitives is a special
case of paradigmatic variation: it is the variation between paradigmatic
forms and non-paradigmatic verb forms. Paradigmatic and lexical variation
is knowledge that children in all languages need in order to build up
inflectional paradigms. Wijnen & Elbers' (1998) claim is that the
independent appearance of various auxiliaries (e.g. the modal auxiliaries) as
main verbs next to the independent use of infinitives in RIs is helpful for
detecting the borders of auxiliary and infinitive in PVs and hence, for the
analysis of verb forms into auxiliary + infinitive. As it is precisely auxiliaries
that Dutch children acquire as their earliest finite forms, it is expected that
PVs can be segmented, and hence will be acquired early on in Dutch child
I claim that inflection, on the other hand, comes in fairly late in
child Dutch.
On the basis of findings reported in Chapter 4, I conclude that both the
early appearance of PVs as well as the late acquisition of inflection are
effects from one and the same factor, namely patterns in the input. In
section 4.7, I examined the types of verbs that Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura,
Matthijs and Peter hear as finite forms and as infinitives in the input.
Partitioning of the verb types into state-denoting and event-denoting
predicates led to the observation that 89 % of the finite verbs in the
caregivers' speech data were stative, showing a major contrast with the 3 %
stative infinitives. The finite forms in the input are predominantly auxiliaries,
modals and copula (N = 5920), and a minority of the finite forms in the
In this respect, the fact that Dutch is a SOV language with Verb Second in main clauses
may prove useful: auxiliary and infinitive are divided by an object. This disjunction may be
helpful to the child to tease auxiliary and infinitive apart. English, as an SVO language, does
not have this advantage.
input are thematic (N = 2002). The thematic finite predicates are most often
verbs of position (liggen 'lie', zitten 'sit', zijn 'be')
, possession (hebben 'have'),
and mental states (denken 'think', vinden 'find/think', weten 'know', bedoelen
'mean', etc.).
Thus, the early emergence of finite auxiliaries in early child
Dutch seems to be directly linked to the frequent use of finite auxiliaries in
the input. Since lexical variation is one of the cues for children to segment
verb forms into stem and suffix, I conclude that the observed marginal
lexical variation within the set of finite forms in the input has a negative
effect on the acquisition of inflection by Dutch children. Moreover, the
Dutch inflectional paradigm contains a number of known obstacles for
acquisition of inflection such as zero-morphemes and homomorphemes
(Slobin, 1981). Homomorphemes, in particular, delay segmentation. Note
that the segmentation of the verbs in SFs into stem + suffix does not profit
from the early acquisition of lexical finiteness markers (unlike PVs).
The implication of the late acquisition of inflection is that the earliest finite
forms (i.e. the finite verbs that are used before inflection is acquired), are
unanalysed. This means that finiteness is already present before the children
can make use of grammatical devices for finiteness marking (inflection
followed by verb movement). Hence, finiteness starts out as being (part of)
the lexical content of 'verbs'. This is confirmed by the observation that
lexical-finiteness-markers are auxiliary-like predicates that denote primarily
temporal and modal meanings (De Haan, 1987). I placed 'verbs' in quotes,
because it is questionable whether children classify these early finite forms
as verbs (V). Early in the developmental sequence, children treat finite
forms and infinitives as disjoint classes. The two forms differ lexically,
morphologically and syntactically; there are no indications whatsoever that
the two types of predicates are part of the same class in early child language.
Rather, the disjunction indicates that the opposite is true. Syntactically, early
finite verbs could be finiteness markers that are simply adjoined to an XP
I distinguished the copula be ('he is mad') from the verb of location be ('he is at home').
See for similar observations about the uneven distribution of verb types of finite forms
and infinitives in adult Dutch and Dutch child-directed speech Schlichting (1996) and
Wijnen, Kempen & Gillis (2001).
high up in the sentence-representation, say the CP, where they modify the
This is illustrated in (12):
(12) CP
! !
gaat V
! !
[ +fin ] lopen
[ -fin ]
The acquisition of inflection leads to a change. Through inflection, children
generalise over infinitives and finite forms, as predicates in the 'finite class'
as well as in the 'non-finiteness class' possess the ability to inflect. From
now on, the two forms belong to the same lexical category (V). In other
words, via the acquisition of inflection, finiteness is re-analysed as a property
of V.
The effect of the acquisition of inflection is that the verb enters the
derivation as a fully inflected finite form and not as an infinitive. The
syntactic effect is that the item carrying finiteness features (i.e. the inflected
verb) is not simply 'stuck in' a high sentence position through adjunction,
but moves to this position, which I call FinP in the representation given
below in (13), in order to create a position for the finite verb.
According to De Haan (1987) and Van Kampen (1997) the early finiteness markers are
located in C. Hoekstra & Jordens (1994) argue that they are VP adjuncts. Given my
assumption that children know from early on that finiteness or tense takes scope over the
entire proposition, the lexical-finiteness-marker is a CP-adjunct and does not adjoin to the
Note that one could say that V is also re-analysed. Following Pinker (1984), children
initially link V to a semantic class of words that denote activities. However, in order to arrive
at an adult category V, morphology is a necessary cue: not all verbs denote activities but all
verbs can be inflected.
(13) FinP
! !
[ +fin ] V
In sum, on the basis of a number of observations in early child Dutch and
properties of the target/input language of Dutch, I have described the rise
of FINs in the production of children acquiring Dutch in terms of the GoF
(Grammaticalisation of Finiteness hypothesis), according to which the gram-
matical marking of finiteness is acquired incrementally. The GoF states that
Dutch children take the following developmental path: RI-SF
The initial stage that is characterised by the absence of finiteness marking is
followed by a stage in which finiteness is a lexical property (SF
. Via
the lexical stage, the children bridge a gap that exists between the forms
with which they start out, RIs containing an unmoved infinitival verb form,
and the final grammatical stage that is characterised by inflected moved
verbs (SF
). The distance between RIs and SFs is emphasised by the input
of Dutch children, as, in the input, there is marginal lexical overlap between
finite verbs and infinitives. Additionally, there is little lexical variation within
the set of finite verbs. Considering the three factors, marginal lexical
overlap, little lexical variation, and poverty of paradigmatic variation of the
Dutch inflectional paradigm, it is expected that inflection is learned
relatively late by Dutch children. This does not imply that finiteness marking
comes in late. Distributions in the input may have a delaying effect on the
acquisition of the grammatical marking of finiteness, but they reinforce the
acquisition of lexical-finiteness-markers. As an effect, the grammatical-
finiteness-stage in Dutch child language is preceded by a lexical-finiteness-
stage. In comparison to the RI-stage, the lexical-finiteness stage implies
linguistic progress for the children: they can now add meaning to their
sentences by using a finiteness marker. Structurally, the sentences that
characterise the lexical-finiteness stage are close to the sentences produced
in the preceding RI stage because position as well as morphology of the
main verb remains unchanged. Thus, by using lexical finiteness markers,
children produce finite sentences that are close to RIs and that do not
require knowledge of inflection and movement.
In order to look beyond
the misleading patterns in the input and leave the lexical-finiteness-stage
behind, Dutch children need a certain amount of lexical knowledge to learn
inflection and move the verb.
5.2.4 Testing the GoF
Recall that the data I selected from Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and
Peter represent four stages that are characterised by a decreasing number of
RIs and an increasing number of FINs (cf. § 2.1). I selected the files
relatively roughly on the basis of frequencies of FINs. In the selection, I did
not consider qualitative properties of verbs other than a simple finite/non-
finiteness distinction. This distinction was made on the basis of morphology
and verb placement. In the first stage, children use RIs only and no FINs
(that is, the few FINs that are found, seem to be accidental) In order to
select files that represent stage II, i.e. the stage in which the first FINs
appear, I searched the children's corpora for the file in which the first FINs
appeared besides RIs, selected this file and the files that immediately
followed. Thus, the second stage represents the stage in which the first
FINs come in. In the third stage, the number of FINs has reached a
frequency that equals the number of RIs, whereas in the fourth stage, FINs
are predominant.
In following sections, I test whether or not the Dutch data support the
GoF, repeated in (14) below:
Note that this avoidance strategy can be applied for two reasons: (i) because it is necessary,
as knowledge of inflection and verb movement are absent, and (ii) because it is less effortful,
as the two grammatical operations (inflect and move) are not yet automatise processes for the
child (this claim can be found in the work of Philips, 1995, for instance).
(14) Grammaticalisation of Finiteness (GoF) Hypothesis (final)
(i) In early child Dutch, the grammatical marking of finiteness by
means of inflection and verb movement is preceded by a lexical-
(ii) In the lexical-finiteness-stage, simple lexical finiteness markers
precede complex lexical finiteness markers.
Thus, we have to determine whether FINs appear before inflection is
learned. I begin by investigating at which point of time Abel, Daan, Josse,
Laura, Matthijs and Peter acquire inflection. The cues for the acquisition of
inflection that will be examined are lexical overlap (§ 5.2.5), lexical variation
5.2.6), paradigmatic variation (§ 5.2.7) and errors with inflection (§ 5.2.8).
Inflection errors, i.e. non-adult use of inflectional endings, provide a
classical test for determining when the children segment finite forms. The
errors indicate that the children have some but not full knowledge of the
inflectional system. On the basis of the outcome of the preceding four
sections, I will examine in § 5.2.9 whether there I evidence for the claim that
(i) a lexical-finiteness-stage precedes a grammatical-finiteness-stage, and (ii)
the lexical-finiteness-stage consists of two substages. The findings and
conclusions are summarised in § 5.2.10.
5.2.5 Lexical overlap
In Chapter 4, I examined lexical overlap between the verb types used in SFs
and RIs and concluded that, contrary to claims made by for instance De
Haan (1987) and Ferdinand (1996), lexical overlap occurred and was not
even marginal during the RI-period. Further examination of these data
reveals a time effect: lexical overlap emerges at stage III and grows over
Table 5.2: The development (accumulation) of lexical overlap between the
verbal predicates in RIs and SFs, data from all six children
Abel 0 (13/2) 3 (34/15) 10 (46/24)
Daan 2 (24/9) 6 (36/21) 13 (53/35)
Josse 0 (20/5) 1 (38/11) 8 (53/21)
Laura 2 (14/8) 6 (45/17) 8 (55/24)
Matthijs 0 (36/2) 7 (63/14) 16 (73/35)
Peter 1 (21/3) 9 (31/18) 18 (33/33)
The steady growth of lexical overlap from almost no overlapping items to
4.3 overlapping items in stage III (i.e. the average of the six children) and
12.2 in stage IV shows that the collapsed data from Chapter 4 obscure
changes over time. Detailed information about the data in Table 5.2 can be
found in Appendix 5.1 (p. 253).
5.2.6 Lexical variation
The investigation of the development of lexical variation of finite verbs
serves two purposes. It provides further insight in the lexical knowledge of
the children in the four stages (besides lexical overlap and paradigmatic
variation). It may also be expected that when the children learn to inflect, a
sudden growth is noticeable in the number of different lexical items that get
inflected. In Table 5.3, I summarised the lexical growth of SFs. This table
gives the lexical variation of finite forms in the different stages. 'N
' gives
the total numbers of the elements in set of finite verbs in a stage (i.e. the
accumulated set), whereas 'N
gives the number of new verb types
from one stage to the next stage. Detailed information can be found in
Appendix 5.1 (p. 253).
Table 5.3: Accumulation of finite verb types (i.e. growth of lexical variation)
in the stages I, II, III and IV, data from all six children
Abel 2 (2) 13 (15) 9 (24)
Daan 9 (9) 21 (12) 35 (14)
Josse 5 (5) 11 (6) 21 (10)
Laura 8 (8) 17 (9) 23 (6)
Matthijs 2 (2) 14 (12) 35 (21)
Peter 3 (3) 18 (15) 33 (15)
The results in Table 5.3 show that lexical variation of finite forms undergoes
a steady growth from stage to stage. There is no sudden increase pointing to
the acquisition of a morphological rule. However, in this respect it is
important to be aware of the lexical restrictions that adult speakers of Dutch
(or, at least, the children's caregivers) show in their finite verbs. Given this
observation, a sudden growth in lexical variation in children's finite verbs
may be concealed by limitations on the use of finite forms, other than the
absence of knowledge of inflection.
5.2.7 Paradigmatic variation
If we collapse the data of the six children, there are a total of 116 SFs in
stage II. They have either first person singular subjects or third person
singular subjects. Only 8 forms carry an inflectional suffix and the rest of
the forms are similar to the stem or are part of an irregular paradigm (and
hence, do not carry inflection). Thus, the earliest finite verbs that children
use carry hardly any overt signs of inflection. One could think that the
It is unclear where this pattern (or restriction) in adult Dutch comes from. Hence, I cannot
determine if it is likely that the children have this knowledge as well.
absence of inflection shows omission of inflection, and hence, can be
interpreted as an error that points to early segmentation. This is not the case,
however: the earliest finite forms are predominantly auxiliary-like items with
impoverished inflectional paradigms, which implies that they often do not
have overt inflectional endings (see: § 5.2.1). In addition, the items with first
person singular subjects are not expected to carry inflectional suffixes.
From stage III onwards, all children show some paradigmatic variation; they
start to use different inflectional endings with the same verbal stem. Note
that here the lexical growth, which was described in the previous section,
surfaces: obviously, the children do not only use verbs with impoverished
inflectional paradigms anymore. From stage III onwards, the children vary
number and distinguish between first and second/third person (like Dutch
adults). In Appendix 5.2 (p. 261), the paradigmatic variation in the inflected
forms that are used by Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter in stages
III and IV is listed. This list does not contain verb types from which only
one paradigmatic form is used. Paradigmatic variation in these stages
concerns agreement rather than tense. The (infrequent) past tense forms
that are used in stages III and IV are irregular: they are not formed by
suffixation of the past tense suffix but they show vowel change in the stem.
The past tense forms I found are highly similar for all children: wou 'want-
SG-past', was 'be-SG-past', deed 'do-SG-past', had 'have-SG-past', ging 'go-SG-
past' and zat 'sit-SG-past', which are the past tense forms of respectively
willen 'want', zijn 'be', doen 'do', hebben 'have', gaan 'go' and zitten 'sit'. These are
all highly frequently used verbs. This observation raises the question
whether the early past tenses are solely a frequency effect or whether the
early acquisition of irregular past tense forms reveals that irregular past
tenses are easier to pick up or easier to use than regular forms. The rationale
is that the clear phonological contrast between present and past tense in the
irregular cases may enlarge the saliency of the forms, and hence, facilitate
their acquisition. Another, processing-related account could provide an
explanation as well. If the irregular forms remain stored as unanalysed
chunks, the irregular forms have the advantage that the operation of
inflection does not have to be carried out. The direct retrieval of past tense
forms out of the lexicon may put less strain on the children's processing
abilities than when a past tense form has to be composed. Because of
limitations on their processing abilities, children may fall back on RIs in the
regular cases.
There are various possible explanations for children's use of past tense
during the RI-period and it is, at this point, unclear which of these
explanations is most successful. Nevertheless, we can draw some
conclusions based on the empirical observations in this section. In stages III
and IV, all children show some paradigmatic variation. They use different
forms from the agreement paradigm. Tense inflection appears after stage
IV. With regard to segmentation, the results suggest that the children are
not able to segment verb forms earlier than stage III, simply because they
lack the lexical knowledge that enables them to learn how to segment.
5.2.8 Errors
A test for the acquisition of the analysis of verb forms is the emergence of
inflection errors. Errors indicate that children segment the unanalysed
chunks they have extracted from the input; they attach inflectional endings
in a way that is different from what they could have heard in the input. In
particular omissions of inflection, resulting in bare stems, suggest that the
children are segmenting. In Table 5.4, the errors in the SF
of the six
children are summarised. I only included SF
, as non-thematic verbs are
hardly inflected. Note that the errors concern errors with agreement, as
there is no tense inflection yet. Nearly all errors are made in stage III and
IV. The errors in Table 5.4 are divided into 'overused bare stems' and
'wrong inflection'. Items with wrong inflection are errors with person
agreement that show overgeneralisation of the second or third person
singular suffix [ -t ] or errors with number agreement that show
overgeneralisation of the plural ending [ -en ]. As mentioned in Chapter 3,
bare stems can be items with dropped inflection or agreement errors (that is,
overuse of first person singular forms). As this distinction cannot be made
between the tokens in the data, I listed them simply as 'overused bare stems
(BS)'. Unlike the bare stem forms listed in Chapter 3, I have now included
the items with dropped infinitival or participial morphology:
I did not include forms like vin 'find' or lus 'taste' in which the children have omitted the
final [ -t]. This is omission of part of the stem rather than omission of inflection. In colloquial
Table 5.4: Table 5.4: Inflection (agreement) errors, data from all six children
Overused BS
Wrong Inflection
Abel 119 11 4
Daan 289 16 2
Josse 137 22 2
Laura 157 29 2
Matthijs 95 8 5
Peter 424 21 2
Total 1221 107 17
Appendix 3.3 (p. 245) contains a list of the overused bare stem forms. The
unambiguous agreement errors (overgeneralisation of second/third person
singular and wrong number) are listed in Appendix 5.3 (p. 262). Omission
of inflection occurs as early as stage II, but the unambiguous errors appear
in stages III and IV. The errors are most frequently examples of
overgeneralisation of second/third person singular forms. This is illustrated
in (15):
speech, adult speakers of Dutch also tend to omit this ending in sentences such as lus je geen
erwtensoep? instead of lust je geen erwtensoep? 'don't you like pea soup?'.
These do not contain utterances with first person singular subjects as in Dutch these
forms cannot be distinguished from bare forms with dropped inflection.
(15) a. ik ook ziet ook niet Abel 2;03.02
I also see-2/3SG also not
'I do not see it either'
b. ik doet weer Josse 2;03.28
I do-2/3SG again
'I do it again'
c. ik gaat me niet Laura 3;03
I go-2/3SG me not
'I am not going'
d. is ik weer Matthijs 2;10.22
be-2/3SG I again
'I am again'
e. ik heeft hem Peter 2;03.21
I have-2/3SG him
'I have him'
In a few nice cases, children regularise. In the case of the plural forms he
instead of he
en 'have' (Daan 2;09.10) and k
nnen instead of k
nnen 'can'
(Josse 2;07.20), the child based the plural on the singular forms heeft and kan,
segmented the forms and added the plural suffix [ -en ]. In adult Dutch,
these forms are irregular, however. The data in Table 5.4 show that the
children make quite a number of agreement errors: if the data of the six
children are collapsed, and the overuse of bare stems (which is either drop
of inflection or incorrect use of first person singular forms) and wrong
inflection are included in the count, the percentage of errors is
approximately 10 %.
Most errors can be characterised as overuse of bare
A. de Haan (1996) carried out a study on errors that Dutch children make
with inflection. She reports data that are invaluable for the present study as
they provide extra insight in the acquisition of inflection by Abel, Daan,
Josse and Matthijs, more specifically in the errors that these children make.
As A. de Haan did not select files out of the entire corpora of these children
but examined all files and therefore made use of a dataset with greater
This contrasts with findings reported for German by Clahsen & Penke (1990) and Poeppel
& Wexler (1993) and Guasti's (1994) findings for Italian. Both report hardly any agreement
errors. They have to carried out analyses over time, though.
density, she has been able to make more precise longitudinal observations
about errors than I did. In addition, she followed these four children until
an older age than I did; see Table 5.5:
Table 5.5: Data studied by A. de Haan (1996)
Child Age range
Abel 1;10.30 - 3;04.01
Daan 1;08.21 - 3;03.30
Josse 2;00.21 - 3;04.17
Matthijs 1;10.13 - 3;07.02
Similar to what is reported here, A. de Haan did not find tense inflection.
This agrees with the conclusion that tense inflection is acquired after
agreement inflection.
With regard to agreement, A. de Haan distinguished
between person and number agreement. She observed that number errors
start to appear at the age of 2;5 while person errors start to emerge around
the age of 2;6. The older the children got, the worse they performed.
can be concluded from this that segmentation/inflection generally comes in
around the age of 2;5/2;6.
A comparison with my data shows that these
ages are exactly between stages III and IV in the data I examined of these
four children: the average age of Abel, Daan, Josse and Matthijs in stage III
is 2;4 and in stage IV is 2;9. The conclusion is that the children start to
segment finite verb forms. The onset of the acquisition of inflection lies
between stages III and IV. This is compatible with earlier findings on lexical
This does not mean that the children do not have any knowledge of the distinction
between present and past. Recall that I found a few lexically marked tensed forms; this
suggests that the children know that past tense can be marked with a verb. The grammatical
means to do this comes in late, however.
Only up to a certain age of course. When the children master inflection, the error rate is
expected to decrease rapidly.
I examined data from Laura as well as Peter. These two children may deviate form the
other four children in two different ways. Laura has a delayed development, and therefore,
may start to acquire inflection relatively late. Peter is a quick learner, and hence, may be
earlier than the other children.
overlap, lexical variation and paradigmatic variation. These indicate that the
children are, theoretically, able to segment finite verbs from stage III
onwards but not earlier.
5.2.9 The first occurrences of FINs
Given the GoF, it is expected that FINs come in prior to the stage in which
inflection is acquired, that is, prior to stage IV. From the previous sections,
we already know that this prediction is borne out and that FINs appear
already in the stages II and III. Thus, Dutch children use finiteness before
they have knowledge of the grammatical marking of finiteness by inflection.
In this section, I zoom in on the lexical-finiteness-stage, that precedes the
grammatical-finiteness-stage in early child Dutch. Does the lexical-
finiteness-stage fall apart into two substages indicating the application of an
incremental learning procedure? More specifically, do the early SFs contain a
restricted set of auxiliary-like predicates that, one stage later, appear as
auxiliaries in PVs?
Tables 5.6 - 5.8 give the frequencies of RIs, SFs and PV in stages I, II, III
and IV. The numbers in a stage are bold-faced when a verb form shows a
level of productivity that exceeds incidental use. If there were 5 or more
occurrences of a verb form I considered those verb forms to be productive.
Although the size of incidental use is quite arbitrary and the data below
show considerable differences between the children, the general trend
across these six children is similar: the first FINs are SFs (stage II), whereas
PVs appear in stage III:
Table 5.6: Number of RIs in stages I, II, III and IV, data from all six
Abel n.a 33 84 42
Daan 5 54 66 71
Josse n.a 99 76 64
Laura 18 56 276 65
Matthijs 40 127 112 51
Peter 26 114 57 29
Table 5.7: Number of SFs in stages I, II, III and IV, data from all six
Abel n.a 9 172 193
Daan 4 47 223 505
Josse n.a. 13 93 325
Laura 4 21 282 272
Matthijs 8
5 56 384
Peter 0 5 79 542
This is an unexpected high number of SFs in a very early stage, but as this includes a
repetition of a form that appears in one early file and re-appears only a couple of months
later (mag ‘may’), it seems justified to interpret this as ‘incidental use’.
Table 5.8: Number of PVs in stages I, II, III and IV, data from all six
Abel n.a 0 26 82
Daan 0 2 23 116
Josse n.a. 0 5 114
Laura 0 5 66 100
Matthijs 0 1 29 140
Peter 0 0 16 85
Can the emergence of PVs in stage III be seen as the result of the preceding
two stages, in the sense that the PVs are combinations of the (stage II) SFs
with the earlier (stage I) infinitives? In order to find this out, the finite forms
from stage II have to be compared to the auxiliaries that appear in stage III
in PVs. The PVs in stage III contain a variety of auxiliaries. Modal
auxiliaries are predominant (kan 'can', wil 'want', moet 'must or mag 'may'),
aspectual auxiliaries like gaat 'goes' and kom(t) 'comes' or dummy tense
markers like doe 'do', gaat 'goes' and is 'is' are used by most children.
Incidentally, a form like lig 'lie' is used in a PV in stage III.
If this set of auxiliaries is compared to the verbs that appear in SFs in stage
II, there is a considerable amount of lexical overlap: 75 out of the 116 SFs in
stage II contained modals, aspectuals like gaat 'goes' or komt 'comes' or the
copula is 'is' (with a preponderance of modals). These are all auxiliary-like
predicates and are similar to the finite verb in stage-III-PVs in form as well
as meaning. Additionally, there were some verbs of position like zit 'sit' or lig
'lie', some of which were used to describe a position (SF
), and others to
describe an action (SF
An overview is given in Table 5.5:
Verbs of position can select infinitival complements in Dutch. These constructions denote
ongoing aspect:
Table 5.9: Distribution of SF
and SF
over SFs in stage I/II, data from all
six children
Abel 9 -
Daan 39 12 (past, 'fits', zie 'see', zingt
Josse 11 2 (rink 'jumps', heet 'is called')
Laura 19 6 (hoor 'hear', valt 'falls', zit 'sits')
Matthijs 6 7 (past 'fits')
Peter 3 2 (eet 'eat', zit 'sits')
Total 87 (75 % 29 (25 %)
Nearly all verb types that appear in stage III in PVs as auxiliaries are used
before in the preceding stage II as main verbs in SFs. In the SFs of stage II,
dominate and SF
are relatively rare. This pattern, that is, the
distribution of verb types over the earliest SFs, is very similar to the earliest
finite forms found by others who examined production data from Dutch
children (De Haan, 1987; Van Kampen, 1997; Wijnen & Elbers, 1998).
5.2.10 Conclusion
A comparison between the results reported in § 5.2.5 - § 5.2.8, on the one
hand, and § 5.2.9, on the other, shows that the Grammaticalisation of
Finiteness (GoF) Hypothesis that I formulated at the beginning of section
5.2, is confirmed by the Dutch data: Dutch children use finite sentences
before they have access to the morphological rule to inflect verbs. Stage II is
characterised by the appearance of SFs, whereas the appearance of PVs is a
(i) Jakob zit te tekenen
Jakob sit-fin to draw
'Jakob is drawing'
characteristic of stage III. Various factors (i.e. lexical overlap, lexical
variation and paradigmatic variation) indicate that in stages II and III, the
children do not know that verb forms consist of segments, that is, stem +
suffix, however. By implication, the earliest finite sentences contain lexical-
finiteness-markers. The conclusion that finiteness starts out as a lexical
feature and is reanalysed as a grammatical feature is confirmed by (i) the
emergence of inflection errors between stages III and IV (indicating that
children do not segment verb forms prior to stage IV), and (ii) the
dominance SF
predicates in the earliest SFs (which have hardly any other
lexical content than temporal and modal meanings). As a result from lexical
overlap, lexical variation and paradigmatic variation, finiteness will be re-
analysed as a grammatical feature that can be added to items of that belong
to the class of V by means of a morphological rule. The syntactic effect of
the acquisition of inflection is that the operation of verb movement is
introduced in the child grammar.
5.3 The modal shift in RIs
In this chapter, little attention has been paid to RIs so far. In this section,
one of the effects of the rise of FINs on RIs will be discussed. Returning to
an observation that was left unexplained in Chapter 3, I will argue that the
Modal Reference Effect (MRE), i.e. the predominance of modal RIs in the
set of RIs, has a developmental cause. Furthermore the semantic effects of
the acquisition of finiteness are discussed.
I begin by showing that a breakdown of the results from Chapter 3 over
time reveals a developmental effect: in stages III and IV, RIs are used
significantly more often to denote modality than in stages I/II. In earlier
work, I referred to this development as the modal shift (Blom & Wijnen,
2000; Blom, 2002). Figure 5.1 gives an impression of the modal shift: the
proportion of modal RIs in stages I/II is compared to the proportion of
modal RIs in stages III/IV. For all children the lower bar, which gives the
proportion of modal RIs in stages III/IV as a percentage of the total
number of interpretable RIs in these stages, is longer than the upper bar,
which shows the proportion of modal RIs in stages I/II.
The Modal Shift
% modal RIs over time
0 20406080100
Stage I/II Stage III/IV
Figure 5.1: Modal RIs, average and standard deviations; a comparison between
the stages I/II and III/IV, data from all six children
Table 5.10: Modal RIs, average and standard deviations; a comparison between
stages I/II and III/IV, data from all six children
Stages I/II Stages III/IV
Abel 24 58 % (14) 96 80 % (77)
Daan 49 63 % (31) 108 78 % (84)
Josse 84 52 % (44) 122 87 % (106)
Laura 59 56 % (33) 255 65 % (167)
Matthijs 120 68 % (82) 134 87 % (117)
Peter 123 78 % (96) 74 82 % (61)
Average 63 % 80 %
SD 9 8
In order to calculate the statistical significance of the modal shift, the
permutation test and Jack knife technique are applied (cf. Chapter 2). Table
5.11 gives the p-values that give an estimation of the probability that our
observations can be found by chance.
Table 5.11: Probabilities that the observed average difference between
modal use in stage II and modal use in stages III/IV is due to chance. The
probabilities are calculated over the entire group of six children and over 6
groups of five children, with one specific child omitted at a time (Jack knife
All children 0.004
Abel 0.007
Daan 0.014
Josse 0.018
Laura 0.003
Matthijs 0.005
Peter 0.01
The first value (p = 0.004) is the probability when the average from the total
sample of six children is taken; the rest are the values when one of the
children is left out from the statistical analysis. Given that the probability is
below the critical value of 0.05 in all cases, we may be confident that the
modal shift is a statistically reliable change over time that takes place
between stages II and III.
Interestingly, the modal shift is not restricted to child Dutch. Behrens
(1993) analysed data from a German-speaking girl, Simone, (between the
ages of 1;9.11 and 2;7.19) and found that Simone used relatively more RIs to
talk about modal events as she got older.
Initially, only 28 % (N = 7) of
Simone's RIs were modal, while in the final file that Behrens examined 85 %
(N = 27) of Simone's RIs were modal. Armon-Lotem (1995) observed a
modal shift in the RIs of children acquiring Hebrew. Although I will not go
into the cross-linguistic aspects of the modal shift, I think the German and
Hebrew findings are noteworthy because they corroborate the conclusion
that the modal shift is not an accidental observation.
5.3.1 The cause of the Modal Shift
If the number of modal utterances in general increases during the RI period,
we would have a very straightforward explanation for the modal shift in RIs.
It would just be one of the various modal shifts.
This explanation does not
hold for the data I examined, however. In fact, if we look at the total
number of utterances that the children use to talk about events in all four
stages (see the data in Table 5.12) and calculate the proportions of ongoing
and modal events, it turns out that during the four stages, the amount of
ongoing, non-modal, utterances remains rather stable in the first three stages
and that the proportion of non-modal utterances even shows an increase
between stages III and IV. The proportions are given below:
Behrens (1993) subsumes intentions, commands, non-actuals and future events under the
label non-ongoing. According to my definition, these interpretations are modal.
Halliday (1975) carried out a detailed investigation into the early development of language
functions in the spontaneous speech data of his son, Nigel. He pointed out that use of the
modal functions, such as the regulating ('Do as I tell you' or 'You must') and instrumental ('I
want') function, clearly increase over time. This increase, however, takes place before the
general age in which RIs come in (namely when Nigel is between the 16½ and 18 months)
and clearly before the modal shift takes place. Therefore, Halliday's observations provide no
further insight into the modal shift. Apart from this study, I do not know of any studies
examining the quantitative development of modal child language.
Table 5.12: Development of frequencies and proportions of ongoing and
modal utterances that denote events
(%) N
I 80 34 (43 %) 46 (57 %)
II 436 168 (38 %) 268 (62 %)
III 999 447 (45 %) 552 (55 %)
IV 2621 1854 (71 %) 767 (29 %)
In earlier work (Blom & Wijnen, 2000; Blom, 2002), I proposed a different
kind of explanation embedded within Hoekstra & Hyams' (1998) model.
Recall that according to this model, infinitives in Dutch receive a modal
reading because they possess infinitival morphology carrying the feature
[ -realised ]. I hypothesised that the modal shift reflects children's discovery
of the infinitive, as an effect of the ability to analyse verb forms. I argued
that this ability directly followed from the acquisition of contrasting finite
forms and, more specifically, from the emergence of lexical overlap between
infinitives and finite forms in stage III (see also the results in Table 5.2 on p.
177). In essence, the idea was that the knowledge of infinitival morphology
leads to the mapping of the infinitival suffix to the feature [ -realised ]. In
this section, a revised analysis will be given. I will not argue that
specification of infinitival morphology leads to the modal shift but that the
unspecified temporal/modal nature of the infinitive, in combination with
the growth of specified tensed forms, causes a relative increase of modal
RIs. This property does not only lead to an explanation of the observed
modal shift in child Dutch, but ultimately to an explanation of the marginal
and context-dependent allowance of RIs in adult Dutch. In this section, I
will present a number of empirical and theoretical arguments in support of
the revised hypothesis.
In brief, my claim is that the modal shift in RIs can be interpreted as the
effect of RIs being ‘pushed out’ by sentences containing verb forms that are
semantically more specified than infinitives. In § 5.3.3, I will give a more
detailed description of this ‘pushing out’. For now, I hope that the metaphor
is clear enough. Basically, the idea is that FINs take over at the expense of
RIs. According to this scenario, the modal shift takes place because present
tense FINs are earlier productive than modal FINs. By effect, non-modal
present tense RIs are used relatively less often than modal RIs. Hence, RIs
display a modal shift.
In order to find out whether or not this hypothesis is supported by the data,
I examined the distributions of RIs and specified alternatives of RIs used by
the children during the four stages to describe ongoing present tense events
and modal events. First, I selected all utterances from the six children that
denoted events and divided this set into utterances that denoted events that
were ongoing at speech time and modal events. The children used three
different sentence types in both contexts: RIs, SF
's and PVs. I examined
the relative frequencies of utterances containing these three forms in both
contexts in the four developmental stages. The results are shown in Figures
5.2 and 5.3. Tables 5.13 and 5.14 give the corresponding numbers. The
relative number of ongoing and modal events remains similar in all stages
and, at the same time, the forms children use to express ongoing and modal
events change from stage to stage. This change is dependent on the novel
verb forms that children acquire and that become productive. Initially, RIs
will be used for ongoing as well as modal events. Thus, the distributions of
forms over the sets of ongoing and modal events are identical. The modal
shift suggests that the distributions of forms over the two sets diverge over
time, however. Based on this hypothesis, my expectation is that in stage III,
that is, when the modal shift takes place, specified alternatives to RIs that
describe ongoing events are more productive than specified modal
Ongoing Events
Figure 5.2: Percentages of RIs, SF
's and PVs used to describe ongoing events
in four developmental stages, data form all six children collapsed
Modal Events
Figure 5.3: Percentages of RIs, SF
's and PVs
used for modal events in four developmenta
stages, data from all six children collapsed
Table 5.13: Numbers (percentage) of RIs, SF
's and PVs used to describe
ongoing events in four developmental stages, collapsed data from all six
Stage N
(%) N
(%) N
(%) N
I 32 (94 %) 2 (6 %) 0 (0 %) 34
II 127 (86 %) 19 (13 %) 1 (1 %) 147
III 116 (31 %) 212 (57 %) 43 (12 %) 371
IV 61 (6 %) 751 (79 %) 135 (14 %) 947
Table 5.14: Number (percentage) of RIs, SF
's and PVs used for modal
events in four developmental stages, data from all six children collapsed
Stage N
(%) N
(%) N
(%) N
I 43 (93 %) 3 (7 %) 0 (0 %) 46
II 256 (96 %) 6 (2 %) 5 (2 %) 267
III 402 (79 %) 22 (4 %) 85 (17 %) 509
IV 210 (30 %) 71 (10 %) 422 (60 %) 703
The data in Figures 5.2 and 5.3 suggest that the prediction is borne out:
between stages II and III, the number of SF
that are used to describe
events shows an increase. It takes place before modal PVs start to be used
instead of modal RIs: modal PVs show a considerable increase between
stages III and IV. A comparison between the rise of PVs in the two figures
indicates that when PVs come in in stage III, they are used for modal as well
as ongoing events. After stage III, PVs show a clear tendency towards
modal use. Some examples of the stage III PVs are given in (16):
(16) a. kan niet zoeken Abel 2;03.02
can-fin not search-inf
'I cannot get it'
b. koe gaat rijden Matthijs 2;04.24
cow goes-fin drive-inf
'The cow is driving'
c. wil tekening maken Peter 2;00.28
want-fin painting make-inf
'I want to make a drawing'
d. sijn de soep e ete Laura 2;04.01
are the soup eat-inf
'They are eating the soup'
In stage III, SF
's and PVs together cover 69 % of the ongoing events.
They cover only 21 % of the modal events in stage III. Thus, in stage III,
ongoing events are predominantly described through other forms than RIs
(that is, newly acquired forms), whereas in stage III modal events are still
predominantly described with RIs. This comparison suggests that the
hypothesis that the modal shift is an effect of the acquisition of specified
alternatives is on the right track.
Although the results are compatible my revised analysis of the modal shift, it
must be remarked that the test I carried out in this section gives only a
rough estimation of the way in which RIs are pushed out. I assumed that the
relative number, i.e. the quantity, of ongoing and modal utterances remains
rather similar throughout all stages. However, this does not mean that the
specific meanings, thus the qualitative properties of the sets of modal and
ongoing utterances, remain constant over time. If we zoom in on the
development of the specific modal forms, it becomes clear that we cannot
simply assume that the children use the newly acquired modal PVs instead
of RIs: with the acquisition of modal PVs, new modal meanings come in as
Abel uses the verb zoeken 'search' also with the denotation 'get'.
Note that this situation in which the cumulative effect of the acquisition of two
forms takes more effect than the acquisition of one form can only happen if the
development is gradual and children still use RIs alongside the other forms. If RIs
were immediately replaced across the board by a new form, there would be not
cumulative effect.
well. Modal RIs nearly always expressed intentions, dynamic necessity
(wishes and desires) or deontic necessity (commands). With their modal
PVs, all children introduce dynamic and deontic possibility, denoting
abilities and permission, respectively. An example is given in (16a). Thus,
only a part of the increasing number of modal PVs replaces RIs. The kind
of expansion within the set of modal meanings does not take place in the
case of ongoing/present tense meanings as (i) there are in the temporal
domain not so many differentiated meanings as in the modal domain, and
(ii) the forms that are used to mark the present-past tense distinction come
in after stage IV. This does not mean that the rise of SF
's is a case of
simply replacing RIs, however: the rise of SF
's is also evidence for lexical
growth. With their newly acquired SF
's, children denote ongoing activities
that they did not denote before with their RIs.
Figures 5.2 and 5.3 do not only show that ongoing specified alternatives for
RIs are productive earlier than modal specified alternatives; the
developmental pattern of PVs in the two figures also reveals a
developmental step that Dutch children take in their development of
finiteness. This step is in the direction of the target language. By itself,
however, it leads to non-adult forms, that is, the introduction of ongoing or
present tense PVs. In stage III, the proportion of PVs that are used for
ongoing events (12 %) is close to the proportion of PV, used for modal
events (17 %). Between stages III and IV, however, the proportion of
ongoing PVs stabilises (14 %) while the proportion of modal PVs goes up
(60 %). The initial rise of non-modal PVs in stage III, as well as their
stabilisation in stage IV, confirms the hypothesis that these PVs mark a
developmental step that precedes the acquisition of the grammatical
marking of finiteness by inflection and verb movement. The results are
compatible with my conclusion that grammatical finiteness comes in around
stage IV.
5.3.2 The driving force
To account for the modal shift, the ‘pushing out’- metaphor was used. In
this section, I will explain the process of replacing unspecific forms by
specific forms can be captured in a more principled way. The idea is that
children are forced to use the most specified form out of a set of related
forms (e.g. a inflectional paradigm) by an innate mechanism that works in
the lexicon.
Kiparsky (1973), Anderson (1992) and Halle & Marantz (1993) proposed a
selection mechanism that blocks the selection of underspecified forms: the
Elsewhere Condition. Kiparsky (1973) introduced the Elsewhere Condition as a
principle governing the application of morphological rules. The Elsewhere
Condition states that if there are two rules, A and B, and (i) A (the specific)
case includes B (the general case) and (ii) the application of rule A yields a
distinct result from the application of rule B, A is applied first. If A takes
effect, B is not applied. Anderson (1992) and Halle & Marantz (1993)
applied the Elsewhere Conditions to related forms stored in the lexicon. In
this framework, known as Distributed Morphology, lexical insertion takes place
after syntax. The result of syntactic operations (movement and adjunction)
is that a feature bundle consisting of morpho-syntactic features fills each
syntactic position. For the phonological representation, the lexicon is
searched for a form that matches this feature bundle. In this competition,
the most specific form, that is the form that matches most features, wins.
The less, or under-, specified form is used elsewhere, that is, where none of
the more specified forms can be used.
Under the assumption that the Elsewhere Condition is an innate principle
that works from early on, the driving force behind the modal shift follows
from the elsewhere, or unspecified, character of infinitives. As soon as
specified alternatives are acquired, RIs will not be used anymore. When the
children have picked up the present tense form zit 'sit', they have to use (17)
instead of (18):
(17) mama zit
mama sit-fin
'mama is sitting'
(18) mama zitten
mama sit-inf
'mama is sitting'
As there is lexical overlap between RIs and SFs at stage x, this hypothesis
can, theoretically speaking, be tested: the prediction is that a certain lexical
item used in an ongoing RI will not be used anymore in this way when this
item has appeared in an SF. In practice, however, the corpus data I
examined provide too little information to test this specific prediction.
Apart from the fact that the data are not dense enough, an additional
problem is that non-modal RIs can still be used (in spite of the Elsewhere
Principle) even though there are specified alternatives. They appear as so-
called presentationals (dit is + inf 'this is + inf): SFs do not provide an
alternative for this specific usage as the verb in SFs lacks the nominal
properties of the infinitive. As pointed out in Chapter 3, the corpus data
provide too little information to determine whether or not children use RIs
to label actions.
5.3.3 Aspect, modality and tense
The Elsewhere analysis of RIs provides an explanation for a second
observation that remained unexplained in Chapter 3. Recall that RIs do not
only show predominance for modal interpretations, but they seem to be
aspectually restricted in the sense that usage of RIs for completed events is
excluded. In Lasser’s (1997) terms, RIs obey a Non-Completedness Con-
straint (NCC). In this section, I will point out how the Elsewhere Hypo-
thesis accounts for the NCC. There is, however, a second possible
interpretation, which differs from the Elsewhere-explanation. This second
explanation raises various questions with regard to the sequence of
development of tense, modality and aspect in early child language and this
may be a point of departure for further research. The difference between
the two possible explanations hinges upon the nature of the infinitive.
According to the first, the infinitive is aspectually, temporally, and modally
an Elsewhere form. According to the second, the infinitive is only an
Elsewhere form with respect to tense and modality.
Let me start with the first explanation, according to which RIs surface as
long as children do not have access to specified modal, temporal and
aspectual forms. According to the Elsewhere Hypothesis, RIs are vulnerable
forms: their use is immediately affected by the acquisition of specified
forms. Thus, if children learn [ +completed ] alternatives for RIs early, it is
expected that completed RIs do not occur. Jordens (1990) reported that
participles appear very early in Dutch child language. In the same period
that RIs are used, children also use 'root participles', i.e. non-finite clauses
like RIs that contain a sentence-final participle instead of a sentence-final
infinitive. Some examples of Dutch RPs are given in (19):
(19) a. jij ook maakt Abel 2;02.19
you also make-part
‘You have made it as well’
b. afvalt Daan 2;04.14
‘It has fallen off x’
c. ape poept Josse 2;00.21
monkey defecate-part
‘The monkey has defecated’
d. die ook in bad wees Laura 2;05
that also in bath be-part
‘That one has also been in bath
e. boer daan Matthijs 1;11.24
burp do-part
‘I have done a burp’
f. Peter emmer daan Peter 1;10.03
Peter basket do-part
‘Peter has done it in the basket’
In my data, the early appearance of RPs is also found: the first unambiguous
examples appear in stage II. When RPs were used, they had a very specific
denotation (unlike RIs): all 102 interpretable RPs that I found had a
completed aspect denotation. Though the overall number is low, this
number must be seen in relation to the number of times that children talk
about completed events in general. Given that there are no completed RIs,
that SFs are nearly always used for present tense and that PVs (that is, the
PVs that I concentrated on, namely those with an infinitival complement)
are either modal or ongoing, it seems that all completed events in the
earliest stages are denoted by RPs and later on, via PVs with participial
complements. In sum, these observations make the assumption that
children specify the infinitive as [ -completed ] superfluous: the NCC
follows from the early availability of participles.
As mentioned in the introduction, a second interpretation of the NCC and
the early appearance of RPs is possible, according to which the contrast
between [ -completed ] RIs and [ +completed ] RPs is more meaningful
than is assumed in the preceding explanation. It can be argued that children
learning new forms will always try to map these to a meaning and that
different forms will always be mapped onto different meanings.
In this
case, the children make a very early aspectual distinction with RIs and RPs
and formally partition the set of events into completed and uncompleted
events: completed events are described with RPs that contain the specified
[ +completed ] participle form whereas uncompleted events are denoted by
RIs containing the [ -completed ] infinitival form.
Considering the results I
presented earlier in this chapter, the early aspectual distinction is followed
by a mood/modal distinction between realis and irrealis (in the sense of
Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998); the forms children use to make this distinction
are SFs and PVs, denoting non-modal ongoing events and possible or
necessary future events, respectively.
This distinction surfaces around
stage III and, hence, after the aspectual distinction marked by RIs and RPs.
According to this scenario, the tense distinction between present and past,
systematically marked through inflection on the verb is the last to appear.
Even in the fourth stage that I examined, Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs
and Peter did not use past tense inflections, as was shown in § 5.2.7. In
Table 5.15, this order of aspectual, modal and tense distinctions is
In the literature on child language acquisition, various proposals have been made about
restrictions that the Language Acquisition Device places on the mapping of a meaning to
newly acquired forms. Pinker's (1984:177) Unique Entry Principle according to which "no
complete set of grammatical feature values may be encoded by two or more distinct
morphemes" is an example of such a learning principle. Clark's (1987:2) Principle of Contrast
stating that "every two forms contrast in meaning" is another example.
This specification is aspectual and differs from the modal [ -realised] specification
proposed by Hoekstra & Hyams (1998). See Chapter 3 for more discussion on the feature [ -
I did not consider imperatives, even though they may be examples of modal utterances
that reveal early modal distinctions. Although the children in my sample use imperatives early
(as early as stage II), the early imperatives are restricted to only a few lexical items: kijk
('look!') is used by all children very often to draw attention, sometimes kom ('come!') or pas op
('be careful!') is used. This restricted use does not change during the four stages that I
examined. The restricted use itself and the absence of any lexical increase of imperative
forms indicate that imperative forms are not productive yet.
Table 5.15: Schema of sequence of development of specified aspectual,
modal and tensed forms in early child Dutch
Stage Area Form Meaning
II Aspect RP [ +completed ]
RI [ -completed ]
III Modality SF [ +realis ]
PV [ -realis ]
IV Tense SF-ø [ -past ]
SF-suffix [ +past ]
This sequence of development is compatible with the Aspect-before-Tense
Hypothesis (cf. Bronckart & Sinclair, 1973; Antinucci & Miller, 1976).
However, the aspectual distinction between completed and uncompleted
events does not only appear before the tense distinction between past and
present events, but also before the modal distinction between realis and
irrealis events; the observations suggest the order Aspect >> Modality >>
Tense. The observed order could either be universal or language-specific.
When the order of specification of the features [ ± completed ], [ ± realis ]
and [ ± past ] has an inherent logic in the sense that the one has to be
derived from the other or the order is determined by cognitive maturity, the
observed sequence might be universal. If the order of specification is
dependent on the kind of encoding and children pick up the one kind of
encoding (say auxiliaries) earlier than the other kind of encoding (say
inflection), then the order of specification would be language-specific.
far as I know, there is no immediate support for the universal perspective,
while there are indications that properties of the packaging or encoding of
inflection affect the ease and hence, rapidity of acquisition (Slobin, 1977,
1982). Given this, it may be hypothesised that for Dutch children syntactic
cues are more salient than morphological cues and that (i) sentence-final
placement of participle and infinitive is responsible for the early acquisition
Note that the opposition between an auxiliary versus inflection is presumably too
simplistic, as position of the verb as well as richness of inflection play a role as well.
of the completed-uncompleted distinction, and that (ii) the modal
distinction between sentence-final and sentence-initial placement of the
main verb is more prominent than the tense distinction between the suffixes
[ ø ] and [ -de ]/[ -te ]. This issue must be addressed in future research.
5.3.4 Re-interpreting the experimental results
Chapter 3 included an examination of not only corpus data, but also
experimental results. What does my conclusion that the MRE in Dutch RIs
is a developmental effect mean for the experimental results in Chapter 3? At
first glance, the experimental data are consistent with the developmental
hypothesis: the modal predominance of RIs in the experimental results
could very well be an effect of age/linguistic proficiency as the children in
the experiment are relatively old (2;10 on average). Apart from age, this
conclusion is confirmed by a simple test. As described in Chapter 2, the
third stage (i.e. the stage of the modal shift) is characterised by children's use
of approximately as many FINs as RIs. Before this stage, the number of RIs
exceeds the number of FINs. After this stage, the situation is turned around
and FINs are predominant. Only 8 subjects in the experiment used less
FINs than RIs, whereas 18 subjects used as much FINs as RIs or even more
FINs than RIs. Therefore, I conclude that the experimental results are
representative of a fairly late stage within the RI-period.
In order to place the experimental results in the developmental picture, I
will compare corpus results and experimental results. The experimental
results from the Dutch subjects are repeated in Table 5.16. Table 5.17
contains an overview of the corpus data analysed along the same lines as the
experimental data (the semantic approach, see § 3.4.10). Thus, first the
numbers of utterances expressing a modal event and expressing an ongoing
event are calculated. On the basis of this, the proportions of verb forms in
these two contexts (modal and ongoing) have subsequently been
determined. Note that the PVs in Table 5.16 contain (precursors of) PICs
(see Chapter 3, § 3.2.2):
Table 5.16: Distribution of forms in modal and ongoing condition,
experimental results for Dutch subjects (n = 26), data from Chapter 3
Form # Modal condition
(n = 298)
Ongoing condition
(n = 562)
# % # %
RI 149 101 34 48 9
SF 487 42 14 445 79
PV 216 155 52 61 11
PIC 8 0 0 8 1
Table 5.17: Distribution of forms used for modal and ongoing meanings,
corpus results from all six children (collapsed)
Form # Modal condition
(n = 1517)
Ongoing condition
(n = 1643)
# % # %
RI 1248 912 60 336 20
SF 1221 93 6 1128 69
PV 691 512 34 179 11
A comparison between the two tables shows that the children in the corpus
study used relatively more RIs and relatively less PVs than the children in
the experimental study. Also, the relative number of SFs in the experimental
study is higher than the relative number of SFs in the corpus study. What
does this show? Relating the experimental results to the longitudinal
patterns observed in this section, it becomes clear that most of the children
in the experiment have already undergone the modal shift. Most of the
ongoing RIs have been pushed out by specified finite alternatives
(predominantly SF
's). Although children rely in the modal condition more
on RIs than in the ongoing condition, there is, nevertheless, a noticeable
effect of modal PVs: more obvious than in the corpus data, the modal RIs
are pushed out by modal PVs (34 % RIs vs. 52 % PVs in the experiments
against 60 % RIs vs. 34 % PVs in the corpus study). This confirms the
earlier conclusion that the subjects in the experiment are linguistically
proficient and represent a relatively old age group. In all, I conclude that the
comparison between experimental results and corpus results in the light of
development shows that the modal predominance in the experimental
results is consistent with the modal predominance in the corpus data. Both
can be interpreted as effects of a modal shift and hence, as an effect of the
sequence of development in Dutch child language.
5.3.5 Recapitulation
This section started with the introduction of the Grammaticalisation of
Finiteness Hypothesis (GoF), which predicts a particular sequence of the
development of FINs in Dutch child language based on a mix of previously
reported findings and ideas on how knowledge of finiteness is built up
incrementally. The GoF is confirmed: FINs develop from a stage in which
finiteness is absent to a lexical-finiteness-stage, followed by a grammatical-
finiteness- stage. In the lexical-finiteness-stage, lexical finiteness markers
come in and subsequently, these lexical finiteness markers are combined
with PVs. The lexical finiteness markers are unanalysed forms that primarily
denote tense and modal meanings. In the final, grammatical stage, verbs are
analysed and inflection comes in. The acquisition of inflection induces a
generalisation over the early lexical finiteness markers and infinitives.
Children re-analyse the forms and an adult-like category of verbs is acquired.
This generalisation results in the acquisition of verb movement. Strikingly,
exactly this sequence of development was found in the longitudinal data of
six Dutch-speaking children. Moreover, it was shown that the observed
sequence of development is imprinted in changes of RIs over time. The
increase of SF
's and the overuse of ongoing PVs cause a modal shift in RIs;
the modal shift leads to the MRE as it was described in Chapter 3.
Additionally, it was argued that the NCC, that is, the exclusive use of RIs for
incomplete events, could follow from the same condition as the MRE: the
Elsewhere Condition. An alternative explanation led to the hypothesis that
the aspectual feature [ ±completed ] is specified before the modal
distinction [ ±realis ] is made; both these distinctions surface before Dutch
children formalise the tense distinction [ ±past ].
5.3.6 Evaluation of hypotheses
Briefly evaluating the impact of the above observations for two influential
hypotheses about children's grammatical representations, I conclude that the
incremental growth of knowledge is not in line with the maturational
version of the Reduced Competence Hypothesis (RCH), because this
hypothesis predicts an instantaneous development. The observations are
consistent with the Full Competence Hypothesis (FCH). The FCH,
however, does not contribute new insights, because this hypothesis does not
explain small changes over time in the child data. In order to account for
such changes, an additional explanation is needed. The uniformity of the
observations in different stages within a sample of six children strengthens
this conclusion. The observations confirm that children access grammatical
knowledge in a piecemeal fashion. In the earliest stages, frequencies and
distributions in the input play a crucial role (the no-overlap stage). Over
time, children become independent of the input, overcome the misleading
information in the input and get their language system to work on the basis
of the knowledge they have extracted from the input. Children derive
morphological knowledge on the basis of an accumulation of lexical items,
whereas the acquisition of morphology guides the children to the syntactic
operation of verb movement.
In the following section, I link the acquisition of inflection to a second
syntactic change that takes place. Given that (i) inflection encodes tense and
agreement features and (ii) agreement connects finite verb and subject, it is
expected that the acquisition of inflection effects subject use.
5.4 The development of subject use
Like the drop of finiteness (resulting in RIs), the asymmetry between child
and adult language with regard to the dropping of subjects is one of the
topics that FCH studies have paid much attention to. According to the
FCH, like adults, children are equipped with the Extended Projection
Principle (EPP), which is the principle that states that all sentences have a
subject. Therefore, it is expected that children use subjects in a way that is
consistent with UG principles. However, spontaneous speech data show
that children leave out overt subjects more frequently than adults do. The
general solution given by studies that advocate the FCH is that even though
quantitative data show that the children drop subjects more often than
adults do, the way in which children drop the subject is fully in accordance
with principles of the (adult) grammar: children drop the subject where
empty categories are licensed. This is: (i) when the verb is an infinitive
(Krämer, 1993; Wexler, 1994; Sano & Hyams, 1994; Schütze & Wexler
1996; Schütze, 1997) or (ii) when CP is absent (Rizzi, 1992, 1994;
Haegeman, 1995). Scholars consider their proposals to be confirmed when
they find a correlation between subject drop and RIs and a similar decrease
of RIs and subject drop over time.
In this section, it will be shown that there are phases in which children drop
subjects in a way that is incompatible with the FCH. The data indicate that
rule-governed subject drop is learned: the pattern of subject drop in FINs as
well as RIs changes over time. Only in the final developmental stage, i.e.
stage IV, can the patterns of subject drop be considered adultlike and hence,
in accordance with adult grammar. The changes suggest that from onset the
children do not know that subjects are required: they leave out subjects in
RIs as well as in FINs. It will be argued that the acquisition of inflection
plays a crucial role in the development of subject drop.
5.4.1 Predictions
In Chapter 1, Underspecification and Truncation Hypotheses have been
discussed as exponents of the FCH. According to both accounts, no
development of subject use within the set of RIs is expected. As subject drop
is either dependent on RIs (underspecification of I) or correlated with RIs
(absence of CP), subject drop and RIs go hand in hand. The Agreement and
Tense Omission Model or ATOM (Schütze & Wexler 1996; Schütze, 1997)
is the only theory that provides the possibility to model developmental
patterns of subject use within RIs. According to the ATOM, subject drop in
RIs follows from the underspecification of Tense, as the underspecified
Tense provides a licit environment for the empty category PRO. According
to the ATOM, RIs are the effect of underspecification of Tense and/or
Agreement. There are RIs that match the feature matrix
[ +tense, -agreement ]. In these RIs, Tense is specified: PRO is not licensed
and hence, overt subjects are required. Taking the developmental view, we
can deduce that when Tense becomes specified before Agreement, the
proportion of overt subjects in RIs is expected to increase. I will come back
to the ATOM in section 5.5. In this section, I discuss the ATOM in the
context of the observed combination of developments in RIs, i.e. modal
shift and subject use. Turning to the predictions for FINs, the Truncation
model predicts a transition from a stage in which subjects are dropped in
FINs to a stage with no (or less) subject drop in FINs (Rizzi, 1992, 1994;
Haegeman, 1995). This transition is the effect of maturation of the rule 'CP
= root'; projection of a C domain implies absence of a licit environment for
the null subject in FINs and RIs. According to the Underspecification view,
no development of subject use in FINs whatsoever is expected or predicted
(Krämer, 1993; Wexler, 1994; Sano & Hyams, 1994).
5.4.2 Method
In addition to the modal codes (see § 3.3.2), the files have been annotated
with codes about subject use. Subjects in all positions are included.
Vocative utterances, mentioning the addressee explicitly (Jakob, eten! 'Jakob,
eat!'), are not counted as utterances with subjects. In the transcripts, these
Haegeman (1995) makes a distinction between different subjects: initial null subjects in
root clauses (ia), non-initial null subjects in root clauses (ib) and null subjects in embedded
clauses (ic):
(i) a. NULL SUBJECT heb 't zo koud Hein 2;9
have it so cold
'I am so cold'
b. in de creche # heef NULL SUBJECT dat gezien Hein 2;9
in the creche have seen that
'I have seen that in the creche'
c. als NULL SUBJECT niet # bang is Hein 2;5
if/when not afraid is
'when it is not afraid'
As I am interested in the correlation between absence of finiteness and subject drop (and not
in specific predictions from the truncation hypothesis) I did not make this distinction.
could be recognised by a comma between the addressee and the rest of the
utterance. Imperatives containing a bare stem (Kijk! 'Look!'), are excluded
from the analysis as these forms do (usually) not contain a subject in adult
Dutch. It is unclear if they can allow for grammatical subjects. The
sentences that are included are RIs, SFs and PVs.
5.4.3 Results
The graphs 5.3-5.8 on the next page give the frequencies of omitted subjects
in RIs and FINs. Recall that FINs are all sentences that contain a verb that
is finite (SFs and PVs), i.e. placed in first or second position and/or carries
inflectional morphology. The raw numbers are given in the Tables 5.18 and
Table 5.18: Subject drop (null subjects = NS) in RIs, numbers per stage,
data from all six children
Abel Daan Josse Laura Matthijs Peter
I n.a. n.a. 5 5 n.a. n.a. 18 18 40 40 26 26
II 33 31 54 50 99 94 56 36 127 113 114 69
III 84 73 66 37 76 56 276 201 112 85 57 22
IV 42 35 71 58 64 55 65 55 51 46 29 22
Figures 5.3 - 5.8: Percentages of sub
ect drop in
RIs and FINs four subsequent developmental
stages, data from all six children
Table 5.19: Subject drop (null subjects = NS) in FINs, numbers per stage, data
from all six children
Abel Daan Josse Laura Matthijs Peter
I n.a. n.a. 2 2 n.a. n.a. 4 3 8 8 0 0
II 10 6 47 20 13 11 26 8 6 6 5 4
III 198 97 246 50 98 62 348 103 85 50 95 17
IV 275 85 621 92 437 152 372 87 524 139 627 41
I start by describing the most eye-catching developments, generalising
across the six children. Later on, I point out some child-specific peculiar-
ities. The development can be divided in two parts. In the early develop-
ment, which continues until stage III, the proportion of subject drop in RIs
and FINs decreases. In the late development, which starts after stage III, RIs
and FINs show deviating patterns: the proportions of subject drop in RIs
increase, while the proportions of subject drop in FINs continue their
decrease. These deviating developments are most clearly visible in the final
stage, i.e. stage IV: more than in any of the preceding stages, the children
prefer to drop the subject in RIs and to use an overt subject in FINs. The
graphs show that the development of subject drop in RIs can be modelled
through a U-shaped curve. Laura’s curve indicates that some child-specific
variation occurs: Laura reaches the lowest point of the U, i.e. the moment at
which overt subject use in RIs is at its peak, somewhat earlier than the other
children. Given the uniform results of the other five children, it seems
plausible that in Abel's case, the increase of subject drop in RIs still has to
come and takes place after stage IV.
The question is whether or not the U-shaped development is statistically
reliable. As before, this is tested with the permutation test. The null
hypothesis states that all stages have equal average proportions of subject
drop and there is no development. More precisely, the null hypothesis states
that the proportions of subject drop observed over stages II, III and IV are
drawn from a single distribution. Table 5.20 below contains the probabilities
that the observed average differences between subject drop RIs in stage III
and stages II/IV are due to chance and the p-values when one of the
children is left out of the analysis (Jack knife).
Table 5.20: Probabilities that the observed average difference between
subject drop in stage III and subject drop in stages II/IV is due to chance.
The probabilities are calculated over the entire group of six children and
over 6 groups of five children, with one specific child omitted at a time
All children 0.001
Abel 0.001
Daan 0.013
Josse 0.004
Laura 0.001
Matthijs 0.004
Peter 0.004
The conclusion is clear: the probability that the observed difference in
proportion of subject drop between stage III and stages II and IV is due to
chance is very small (p = 0.001). That is, the difference is highly significant.
In addition, a single child does not disproportionately affect the probability.
This means that we can speak of a U-shaped development of subject drop
in RIs.
5.4.4 Interpretation of subject drop in RIs and FINs
The U-shaped development of subject drop in RIs indicates that between
stage III and IV a reorganisation takes place. In this section, I will explain
how this reorganisation falls in place (and is expected to occur) if we
connect the observations regarding subject drop to earlier observations
about the acquisition of inflection. In brief, the subject requirement in FINs
is in fact an antecedent-anaphor relation and follows from the anaphoric
nature of agreement inflection in Dutch. By implication, the children need
to have access to the agreement paradigm in order to find out that
agreement in their target language is anaphoric and overt DP subjects (i.e.
antecedents) are required (§ 5.4.5). Knowledge of the agreement paradigm
will lead to identification of the infinitives as contrasting non-agreeing forms
(§ 5.4.6).
5.4.5 Obligatory subjects in FINs
Starting with the patterns in adult Dutch, it can be observed that subject
drop in finite main clauses is not allowed, apart from a number of
constrained colloquial speech settings.
The requirement to use lexical
subjects makes Dutch a so-called non pro-drop language. The generalisation
that underlies that lexical subjects can be left unrealised in a language with
rich agreement. When agreement is poor, lexical subjects are required (cf.
Rizzi, 1982). For instance, the agreement paradigm of Italian expresses
number as well as various person features. Italian exemplifies a rich
paradigm and, therefore, allows for drop of pronominal subjects; see (20).
Haegeman (1995) calls this diary drop. Van Kampen dubs the phenomenon confession mode.
Under the analysis of Rizzi (1994) and Haegeman (1995) the examples of subject drop in
Dutch exemplify topic drop. Haegeman (1995) gives the following examples to illustrate that
the subject can only be dropped when placed in sentence-initial position. She argues that the
subject is placed in the same extraposed position as the object in (ii), that is spec, CP:
(i) NULL SUBJECT heb het al gezien
have it already seen
'I have seen it already'
(ii) NULL OBJECT heb ik al gezien
have I already seen
'I have seen it already'
(iii) * Dat boek ken NULL SUBJECT niet
that book know not
Van Kampen (1997), however, stresses that subject drop in adult Dutch is restricted to first
person subject drop, and hence, illustrates not just topic drop (because if it were topic drop
such restrictions were not expected) but a highly marked register.
(20) mangia una mela
eat-fin an apple
Dutch is clearly more restricted in this respect, as shown in (21):
(21) * eet een appel
eat-fin an apple
Over the years, various proposals have been made to capture the relation
between drop of subject and richness of agreement. Recently, Koeneman
(2000) developed a theory that is empirically well-motivated and that
captures a wide range of languages. According to Koeneman, rich
agreement must (at least) encode the following three binary features:
[ αspeaker ], [ αaddressee ] and [ αsingular ].
If there is no evidence for
one of these three features in the agreement paradigm of a language,
agreement in this language is poor according to Koeneman’s proposal.
Furthermore, poor agreement is non-argumental and cannot function as a
full DP subject. Rather, poor agreement is anaphoric and requires a full DP
subject as antecedent.
According to this definition, agreement in Dutch is
poor: there is not enough evidence to postulate the feature [ αaddressee ].
In Figure 5.9, Koeneman's hierarchical interpretation of the Dutch regular
present tense paradigm is given:
The advantage of this system is that the entire paradigm is described with three binary
features. When the agreement paradigm is described in terms of person and number, there is
a feature that has three values (person) and a feature with two values (number). The features
[αspeaker] and [α addressee] are needed to distinguish first person and second person from
third person forms.
Note that this is syntactic anaphoricity, relating to a variable that must be locally bound.
[ αsg, αsp ]
[ +sg, αsp ] [ -sg, αsp ]
wo !
[ +sg, +sp ] [ +sg, -sp ] !
! ! !
[ ] [ -t ] [ -en ]
Figure 5.9: Agreement in the Dutch present tense paradigm, according to
Koeneman (2000)
From this proposal, it follows directly that children must search the input
and find evidence for the three features before they determine if an overt
subject is required.
In section 5.2, it was concluded that the onset of the
acquisition of inflection is between stages III and IV. Thus, before stage
III, the children will not know that FINs need overt subjects. Hence, it is
expected that the children 'overdrop' subjects in FINs prior to stage III
(from an adult point of view). Given the curves of FINs in the graphs 5.3 –
5.8 (most clearly in the data of Josse, Laura, Matthijs and Peter), this
expectation is borne out.
Proposals along similar lines, i.e. according to which the acquisition of overt
subject use is related to the acquisition of inflection, can be found in Jaeggli
& Hyams (1988) and in the work of Guilfoyle & Noonan (1992). In the
literature, there is another kind of explanation for the overdrop of subjects
by young children. According to this hypothesis, subject drop that seems -
at first sight – to be banned by the grammar, is analysed as being topic drop.
As Dutch is a language that allows topic drop, subject drop that is topic
drop is grammatically legitimate (De Haan & Tuijnman, 1988). The
Many more null subject/pro-drop proposals imply that it is required for the children to
have knowledge of the inflectional paradigm in order to find out the properties of the target
language. In this respect, Koeneman's proposal must be viewed in the line of a tradition that
contains many proposals with some small differences. I have chosen Koeneman's proposal as
it has a large empirical coverage and is clarifying. The proposal, moreover, exemplifies a
structure building view and a very close relation is proposed between morphology and
syntax. With regard to language development the influence of the acquisition of morphology
surfaces directly in a growing phrasal marker.
implication of this analysis is that children overlicense topics. It is argued
that this overlicensing is caused by deficits in pragmatic knowledge
(Bromberg & Wexler, 1995). The study carried out by De Cat (2002),
however, suggests that this alternative explanation, which analyses subject
drop in early child language as topic drop, does not hold. According to De
Cat, who examined topic drop in early child French, it is unlikely that
children misanalyse certain subjects as topics. On the contrary, already in the
earliest stages that De Cat looked at (which are the earliest stages in
syntactic development), the French children seemed to know the properties
of topics.
5.4.6 Optional subjects in RIs
The increase of overt subjects in RIs is an effect of the acquisition of
inflection. (How) does this relate to the U-shaped development of subject
drop in RIs? In order to answer this question, I will first turn to the final
stage. What are children expected to learn with regard to subject drop in
RIs? If we turn to RIs in adult Dutch, it can be concluded that here, subject
use is optional. More specifically, there are cases in which the subject is truly
optional, cases in which subjects must be omitted or cases in which subjects
have to be present. In (22) and (23), examples are given in which the subject
is optionally present (the bold-faced part is the RI). In (24), an example of
obligatory subject use, and (25) exemplifies obligatory subject drop in RIs.
Following the common analysis of subjects in infinitival clauses, I notated
the dropped subject as PRO or 'big pro' (Chomsky, 1986; Haegeman, 1992).
(22) Parel/PRO altijd bij ons blijven? Dat zie ik al gebeuren!
Pearl/PRO always with us stay-inf? That see I already happen!
'Parel forever stay with us? I don't wanna see that happening!'
In the first optional examples in (22) the subject was present in the original sentence, while
it was absent in the original sentence in (23).
From the recommendable Dutch novel Uit talloos veel miljoenen, written by W.F. Hermans
(23) Zat ik naar 'Het kleine huis op de prairie' te kijken…Zij/PRO
sat I to ‘The little house on the prairy’ to watch … she/PRO weep-inf
‘I was watching the ‘little house on the prairy’, when she suddenly
started to weep’ (Magazine)
(24) Hij/*PRO achter ons aansjokken
he/PRO behind us walk-inf
he came slouching behind us (UTVM)
(25) Wacht, *ik/PRO de wekker proberen voor morgenochtend
wait, I/PRO the alarmclock try-inf for tomorrow morning
'Wait, I am going to try the alarmclock for tomorrow morning'
I will no go into the rules – assuming that there are rules - that underlie the
patterns in (22)-(25) above; for now, the relevant observation is that RIs in
adult Dutch do not require subjects in the way FINs do. Given that the
infinitive does not have any agreement features, infinitival morphology is
not anaphoric and does not require a lexical subject as antecedent. As
knowledge of inflection, in particular of agreement, comes in between stages
III and IV, it is not expected that children are able to make a systematic
distinction between inflected forms (FINs) and infinitives (RIs) prior to
stage IV. When children indeed acquire inflection between stages III and
IV, as we concluded earlier on the basis of paradigmatic/lexical variation
and inflection errors, then it is expected that the children make this
distinction between stages III and IV. More specifically, it is predicted that
between stages III and IV, RIs and FINs start to show a deviating pattern
with regard to subject drop. This expectation is borne out. The conclusion is
that the observed systematic reorganisation of subject use is the effect of (i)
the children's specification of agreement inflection in Dutch as
[ +anaphoric ], and (ii) the ability to distinguish between agreeing finite
forms and the non-agreeing infinitive, that is, the identification of the
infinitive as a form that is not anaphoric and does not require a DP subject
as antecedent like FINs do.
From the Dutch novel Meneer Visser's hellevaart, written by S. Vestdijk.
5.4.7 Early differences between FINs and RIs
A closer look at the graphs in 5.3 – 5.8 shows that the children seem to drop
subjects more often in FINs than in RIs, even in the earliest stages. This
could indicate that children make the grammatical distinction between RIs
and FINs earlier than I claimed it to be made. There are, however,
indications that the early distinction (before stage IV) has a different cause. I
illustrated this in (26):
(26) a. dies dieis gogel Abel 1;11.26
that-is that-is bird
'That is a bird'
b. weejdikook Daan 2;00.22
'I also want to have that
The sentences in (26) exemplify clitisation between finite verb and subject.
This kind of clitisation takes place in FINs but not in RIs. The difference
between FINs and RIs follows from properties of the input. Due to Verb
Second, finite verb and subject are adjacent in Dutch. By implication,
subject and finite verbs are candidates for clitisation. For the children the
adjacency (and clitisation) of finite verb and subject poses a segmentation
problem: it is not clear where the subject ends and the verb begins. This
results in forms like kwil (ik wil 'I want'), the inverted version willik (wil ik
'want I') or tis (dit is 'this is'), as illustrated in (26) above. In the case of
infinitives, the segmentation problem does not occur: due to the SOV base
order in Dutch, subject and infinitive are not adjacent. It is expected that
this difference between subject-verb clitisation between finite verb and
infinitive in Dutch will lead to relatively many overt subjects in FINs,
especially in the early developmental stages when children are still figuring
out the segments on a syntactic level, rather than on morphological level.
Note that this kind of clitisation is difficult to study systematically with corpus data
because there is a strong influence of choices made by the transcribers of the corpus data in
this respect.
5.4.8 Conclusion
In this section, a second syntactic effect of the acquisition of inflection has
been discussed: the appearance of rule-governed subject use, i.e. obligatory
subject use in FINs and optional lexical subjects in RIs. The developmental
patterns of subject drop in the data of Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs
and Peter point to a rather radical change between stages III and IV. Before
this moment, subject drop in RIs and FINs followed a similar type of
development (and the small differences that appeared could be related to a
phonological difference), but after stage III, subject drop in FINs continues
its gradual decrease while subject drop in RIs suddenly starts to increase
again. This change co-occurs with the acquisition of inflection, as was
concluded in section 5.2. In this section, I proposed that this co-occurrence
is not accidental but follows from the establishment of an anaphoric relation
between agreeing verb and lexical subject. Consequently, the acquisition of
inflection leads to the identification of infinitives as non-agreeing verbs and
hence, as forms that do not grammatically require an antecedent. Thus,
when inflection comes in, the patterns of subject drop in RIs and FINs start
to diverge.
5.5 An alternative scenario for changes in RIs
RIs undergo two changes. I argued that the changes are correlated by a third
factor, namely the rise of FINs. In other words, they both follow from new
knowledge about finiteness that children collect in different stages. In this
section, I will turn to a scenario that might have been an alternative if it had
not made the wrong predictions for the course of development. This
scenario is based on the Agreement and Tense Omission Model, or ATOM
(Schütze & Wexler, 1996; Schütze, 1997) that was explained in Chapter 1.
What goes wrong in the ATOM? According to the ATOM, RIs follow from
an underspecified grammatical system, more specifically from the
underspecification of two functional categories that are represented in
morpho-syntax by inflection: Agreement and/or Tense. Underspecification
of one of the two categories suffices for the infinitive to appear. Thus, RIs
correspond to sentences that are either specified for [ +agreement, -tense ],
[ -tense, +agreement ] or [ -tense, -agreement ]. When both Tense and
Agreement are specified, a finite verb is selected. According to Schütze
(1997: 232), [ +tense ] RIs are restricted to present tense. These RIs are
bound by tense to speech time, which is the default time as long as the
children cannot make a distinction between present and past. Unlike the
tensed RIs, [ -tense ] or untensed RIs are not bound to a specific point in
time, hence the untensed RIs must be modal. Thus, theoretically speaking,
the ATOM can model the modal shift in RIs as the effect of an increase of
[ -tense ] RIs, implying that RIs become underspecified. The second change
over time concerns subject use. Theoretically speaking, the ATOM is also
capable of modelling this development. According to the ATOM, the
difference between RIs in which either Tense or Agreement is
underspecified is noticeable in subject use in RIs. In RIs that are
underspecified for Agreement, the overt subject receives default Case, as
Agreement is taken to be responsible for Case. RIs that are [ -tense ] provide
a licit environment for PRO, as Tense is claimed to be responsible for
subject licensing. It follows that specification of Tense leads to the
appearance of RIs with overt subjects (and default Case). By implication, the
emergence of a clear preference for subject drop implies that Tense
becomes underspecified.
In sum, the ATOM can explain changes in the use of RIs as well as changes
in subject drop. However, according to the ATOM the two observed
developments imply a development from [ +tense ] RIs to [ -tense ] RIs,
which would be a reverse or backwards development: a specified stage is
followed by an underspecified stage. This sequence of development
contradicts the basic assumption that underlies the ATOM and other
underspecification accounts, namely the idea that the underspecified stage is
the initial stage. Therefore, I conclude that, the ATOM is inconsistent with
the observed changes of RIs.
5.6 A note on methodology
I want to finish this chapter with a final remark on methodology. In this
chapter, I have motivated claims about the development of children's
competence by looking at performance data. Methodologically, this is tricky.
However, I only drew conclusions if observations could be generalised over
a set of six children. This minimises the risk of drawing far-reaching con-
clusions based on performance noise considerably. Moreover, embedding
my claims into a theoretical framework that relates phenomena via
grammatical rules leads to predictions about co-occurring changes that
result from grammatical development. When the changes indeed co-occur in
the predicted way, it can be taken as evidence that the production data are
reliable. The more such co-occurrences can be formulated beforehand and
the more they are actually found in the data, the more reliable these data can
be considered to be. In this respect, this chapter illustrates how language
production data can be telling with regard to language competence.
5.7 Summary
This chapter has stressed the value of longitudinal research. A detailed
investigation of changes over time reveals that children gradually build up
knowledge of finiteness (the Grammaticalisation of Finiteness Hypothesis).
In Dutch, the grammatical encoding of finiteness is not immediately
accessible as the inflectional paradigm is rather poor and there is only
marginal lexical overlap between finite verbs and infinitives in the input.
This leads to a sequence of development in which finiteness is initially
absent and finiteness first comes in in the form of lexical elements. Only
later on, is finiteness re-analysed as a grammatical category realised by
inflection. The acquisition of inflection introduces verb movement as an
operation that generalises over sentences. It was argued that the modal shift
in RIs that takes place in stage III is an effect of the stepwise acquisition of
finiteness, more specifically, of the more frequent use of tensed forms than
of modal alternatives for RIs in stage III. A factor that plays a role in this
respect is the overuse of lexical finiteness markers in the stage that precedes
the acquisition of inflection. The modal shift in RIs explained the
observation that Dutch child RIs display a MRE, that is, that they are
predominantly used to denote modal events. The syntactic effect of the
acquisition of inflection is two-fold. Verb movement is induced by the tense
features of inflection, whereas the agreement features of inflection lead to
the acquisition of rule-governed subject use. This second effect shows up in
a comparison of the development of subject drop in FINs and RIs: the
children that were investigated start to make a clear distinction between
subject drop in FINs and RIs when they have knowledge of inflection, that
is between stages III and IV. Relating the observations in this chapter to the
structure building view on grammar, I concluded that children are not able
to move the verb from start, nor can they project functional structure.
Rather, they need to have knowledge of inflection first in order to be able to
take this syntactic step. Children have knowledge about universal
dominance relations between phrases, but they have to detect how the
properties of language they hear can be brought back to this universal basic
sentence structure. This is achieved by extracting structural information on
the basis of growing lexical knowledge.
Summary and Implications
This dissertation dealt with the acquisition of finite sentences, more
specifically, with the acquisition of auxiliaries and verbal inflection. Normally
developing Dutch-speaking children acquire the basis for the auxiliary and
inflectional system of their target language when they are between ages of two
and three years old. The first step in this development is the appearance of the
so-called root infinitives, commonly abbreviated as RIs. These sentences
contain a verb, i.e. a potential carrier of finiteness features, but initially this verb
appears exclusively in non-finite form. Sentences such as Bob op bank zitten
(‘Bob on sofa sit-inf’) or Schoen aantrekken (‘Shoe on put-inf’) are characteristic
examples of RIs: in these sentences a finite auxiliary (Bob moet op de bank zitten
‘Bob has to sit on the sofa’) or finite inflection (Bob zit op de bank ‘Bob sits on
the sofa’) is lacking. After the first non-finite stage, children pass a number of
stages in which finite sentences and RIs are used alongside each other. A
recurring question in this thesis is what the status of RIs in early child speech
is. The answer to this question is of importance for determining the knowledge
children have in the initial stage and for interpreting changes in the expression
of finiteness that take place later.
The first chapter provided an overview of the literature on RIs. The second
chapter focused on the statistical methods that were applied. In the remaining
chapters, spontaneous speech data from six Dutch-speaking children were
analysed. In Chapters 3 and 4, data from subsequent developmental stages
were collapsed in order to test a number of hypotheses. Chapter 5 dealt with
the small steps children take from one stage to another. In this thesis, patterns
in Dutch child language have been compared to patterns in other languages; in
particular to child English. In Chapter 3, results from an experiment with
Dutch and English two- and three-year-olds were presented.
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6.1 Summaries of the chapters 3, 4 and 5
6.1.1 Temporal, modal and aspectual denotation
RIs lack all overt expressions of tense, modality or aspect that adult sentences
characterise. How do we assign this sentence a temporal, modal or aspectual
interpretation? In the literature, three different answers to this question have
been given. According to the No Tense Hypothesis, RIs are untensed and can
receive all temporal interpretations: past, present and future (Behrens, 1993;
Wijnen, 1997; Lasser, 1997). According to the Modal Hypothesis, RIs contain
structural features that give rise to a modal interpretation. The modal features
are either represented by a null auxiliary (Ferdinand, 1996; Ingram &
Thompson, 1996) or by infinitival morphology (Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998).
The third hypothesis states that RIs obey a Non-Completedness Constraint
(NCC) and do not denote completed events (Lasser, 1997).
Naturalistic language data from six normally developing Dutch-speaking
children showed that future, or modal RIs are predominant. The number of
RIs that denote an event that took place prior to speech time is negligible.
Hence, RIs in early child Dutch display what has been termed a Modal
Reference Effect (MRE). Non-modal RIs are too frequent to confirm the
Modal Hypothesis, however. The No Tense Hypothesis and the NCC are
confirmed because there is no fixed temporal reference and past/completed
RIs are very sparse. An empirical argument for one of the Modal Hypotheses,
namely Hoekstra & Hyams' (1998) Infinitival Morphology Hypothesis (IMH),
is based on a comparison between corpus data from Dutch and English-
acquiring children. These suggest that English RIs do not display a MRE.
According to the IMH, this is due the absence of infinitival morphology in
English RIs. The outcome of an experiment with Dutch and English two and
three-year-olds, presented in Chapter 3, confirmed the observation that Dutch
RIs are more frequently modal than English RIs, but the strong predictions
from the IMH are not borne out.
The remainder of Chapter 3 concentrated on the question how to understand
the experimental results. First of all was the difference in interpretation
between Dutch and English RIs considerably smaller than in previously
reported corpus data. How could the difference between the two research
methods be explained? I pointed to an asymmetry between the Dutch and
English corpus data: in the set of English RIs, utterances with first and second
person subjects are excluded, whereas they are not in the set of Dutch RIs.
Since first and second person subjects correlate with modality ('I want' and 'You
must'), many modal utterances are left out in the set of English RIs. Re-analysis
of the Dutch data confirmed this hypothesis: exclusion of RIs with first and
second person subjects from the set of Dutch RIs led to a significant decrease
of the proportion of modal RIs in this set. The difference between Dutch and
English corpus RIs became smaller and, therefore, more comparable with the
observed difference in the experiments.
Secondly, how could the observed difference in meaning be accounted for,
given my earlier conclusion that the Modal Hypotheses, and hence, the IMH,
are untenable? As an alternative explanation, it was argued that the
Heterogeneous Set Effect (HSE) occurs in English but not in Dutch. English
RIs present a heterogeneous set because they contain 'real' non-finite RIs and
finite sentences in which the inflectional morpheme of the finite verb is not
realised (which can be the result of either drop or overgeneralisation of other
paradigmatic forms). Dutch corpus data confirmed the hypothesis that
children tend to overuse bare stems in finite contexts. In Dutch, as opposed to
English, such sentences do not end up as RIs, because of SOV/Verb Second
and infinitival morphology in Dutch. This explanation was supported by the
following independent observations: English RIs contain relatively many
stative predicates, allow for topicalisation and contain WH-words. It could not
be concluded whether or not the HSE accounts sufficiently for semantic
differences between Dutch and English RIs. Studies report deviating results
with regard to the size of the difference and the size of the HSE in English is
By the end of this chapter, two questions were not yet answered: (i) why are
Dutch RIs predominantly modal and display an MRE, and (ii) why are Dutch
RIs not used to denote completed aspect and obey the NCC?
6.1.2 Types of verbs
De Haan (1987) discovered that Dutch children use different types of verbs in
RIs and SFs. RIs contain predicates that denote activities, whereas SFs
primarily contain auxiliary-like predicates such as modals, copula and aspectual
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verbs. More recent interpretations of De Haan's observation describe this
dichotomy between RIs and SFs as an eventive-stative distinction (Ferdinand,
1996; Wijnen, 1997; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998) or as a [ ±telic ] versus [ αtelic ]
asymmetry (Gavruseva, 2001). The fourth chapter started with a test to
determine which of the generalisations suits the Dutch data. I concluded that
there is evidence for a weak version of the Eventivity Constraint (EC), that is,
both SFs and RIs can be stative as well as eventive, but RIs are significantly
more often eventive than SFs.
In an attempt to explain the EC, I disentangled three relevant factors: early
obedience to semantic selection restrictions, cognitive immaturity and patterns
in the input. An inventory of input patterns showed that state-denoting
predicates appear predominantly as finite inflected forms in the input, whereas
event-denoting predicates are most often sentence-final infinitives. Given that
Dutch children are able to derive novel infinitival forms only about halfway the
RI-period (empirical evidence for this claim has been provided in Chapter 5),
the verb form-verb type correlations in children's production data must reflect
verb form-verb type correlations in the input. Semantic selection restrictions
play a role in RIs that are used by the children to give commands. Stative
predicates in commanding utterances violate selection restrictions, since the
former are specified for [ +control ], whereas the latter are [ -control ]. Finally,
cognitive immaturity surfaces in the absence of RIs that express intended
states. The interaction of state and intention triggers an epistemic modal
reading. On the basis of results from various production studies and
comprehension tasks, it was concluded that children in the RI-age do not have
access to epistemic modality. The multiple-factor account for the EC presented
in Chapter 4 leads to the prediction that stative RIs denote either states at
speech time or desired states. This prediction is borne out.
6.1.3 Changes over time
In the chapters 3 and 4, data from the six children collected over a longer
period of time (approximately one year) were collapsed. In the fifth chapter,
longitudinal analyses have been performed on these data. It turned out that
during the RI-period, finite sentences come in and become more frequent over
time. Initially, all overt reflections of finiteness are absent: there are no inflected
main verbs or auxiliaries. The first finite forms to appear are modal verbs and
the copula is ‘is’. These forms do not carry inflection and denote modality and
present tense. Absence of inflection and restriction of finiteness to a small set
of verbs that have little lexical content, led me to the conclusion that finiteness
starts out as a lexical feature in child Dutch. The lexical-finiteness-stage
consists of two substages: the first substage is characterised by simplex lexical
markers of finiteness, the second substage by periphrastic verbs in which
lexical finiteness markers appear in combination with infinitives. It was argued
that a lexical growth of finite verbs provides children with the prerequisites for
verb-form-analysis. The emergence of inflection errors was taken as conclusive
evidence for the acquisition of inflection. On the basis of verb movement
theory, it was concluded that the morphological generalisation over verbs,
introduced by inflection, triggers verb movement in the child grammar as a
strategy to economise the syntactic representation and derive different
sentences from one basic structure. In sum, the findings confirmed the
Grammaticalisation of Finiteness Hypothesis.
Inflection is acquired fairly late by Dutch children, that is, after the first finite
sentences appear. This was argued to be the effect of (i) homomorphemes and
zero-affixes in the Dutch inflectional paradigm, (ii) of relatively little lexical
variation within the inflected forms in the input, and (iii) of relatively little
lexical overlap between inflected forms and non-inflected infinitives in the
input. Examination of finite forms and infinitives, showed that lexical overlap
emerges only in the later developmental stages. This observation added a
developmental dimension to the results from Chapter 4.
The longitudinal perspective of Chapter 5 provided an explanation for the two
unexplained observations from Chapter 3: the MRE and the NCC. Under the
assumption that the Elsewhere Condition is working from the beginning in
children's lexicon, the infinitive in early child Dutch is a vulnerable form: the
infinitive will only be frequent as long as children have not yet learned specified
tensed and modal alternatives for the unspecified infinitive. Driven by the
Elsewhere Condition, the increasing number of finite forms causes the gradual
pushing out of RIs from the children’s repertoire. This process explained the
Modal Shift in RIs, i.e. the observation that RIs are in later developmental
stages more often modal than in early developmental stages. This hypothesis is
supported by empirical findings: it was found that eventive verbs forms with a
present tense denotation are earlier productive than modal eventive verbs
forms. One reason for this effect is children's overuse of periphrastic verbs in
present tense contexts during the lexical-finiteness-stage. The alternative
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explanation for the MRE has two advantages (in comparison to the Modal
Hypotheses from Chapter 3): non-modal RIs as well as changes over time in
the temporal/modal denotation of RIs can be captured.
The NCC could also be explained as the result of obedience of the Elsewhere
Condition: completed alternatives for RIs are acquired very early in the form of
root participles (RPs). A second interpretation of the observations has been
given, however. According to this view, RIs and RPs denote aspectual
contrasts: the verb form in RIs is specified for [ -completed ], whereas RPs
contain a [ +completed ] verb form. This second view is consistent with the
hypothesis that children are very early sensitive to aspectual distinctions. On
the basis of the data from the six children, the order of appearance of formal
distinctions in early child Dutch would be: Aspect >> Modality >> Tense.
During the RI-period, modal distinctions expand. In the earliest stages, only
forms that denote necessary events were found. The acquisition of periphrastic
verbs introduces forms for possible events.
The remainder of the Chapter 5 dealt with changes in subject use. Inflection in
Dutch does not only contain tense features, but also agreement features: the
finite verb agrees in person and number with the subject. On the basis of a
recently developed theory, it was tested whether the acquisition of inflection
has an effect on subject use. It was also tested whether the patterns of subject
use confirm the moment of the acquisition of inflection as it was determined
earlier in Chapter 5. It turned out that the developmental patterns of subject
drop could be directly related to the acquisition of inflection. The conclusion
was that two syntactic properties of Dutch are triggered by the acquisition of
verbal inflections: verb movement and rule-governed subject use.
6.2 Evaluation of previous research
3 The Modal Hypotheses (Ingram & Thompson, 1996;
Ferdinand, 1996; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998) predicted exclusive modal use of
Dutch RIs. Corpus as well as experiment results showed that Dutch children
use RIs for modal and ongoing/present tense events, but hardly for
completed/past events. RIs that denote events ongoing at speech time (i.e.
present tense) cover one quarter of all interpretable RIs. Hence, the Modal
Hypotheses were not confirmed, unlike the No Tense Hypothesis (Behrens,
1993; Wijnen, 1997) and the NCC (Lasser, 1997). The predominance of modal
RIs confirmed the claim the Dutch RIs display the MRE. Experimental
findings confirmed that RIs in Dutch and English child language have a
different meaning: English RIs do not show the MRE.
4 I did not find any support for the absence of lexical overlap
between the verb types in SFs and RIs during the RI-period (De Haan, 1987;
Ferdinand, 1996) nor for the Telicity Hypothesis (Gavruseva, 2001). Provided
that the EC is interpreted as a tendency and not as a true constraint, the results
support the existence of an EC in early child Dutch (Ferdinand, 1996; Wijnen,
1997; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998). Finally, the No Tense Approach (Wijnen,
1997) turned out to be a less adequate model for the EC than the Modal
Approach (Ferdinand, 1996; Hoekstra & Hyams, 1998) or an input-driven
approach (Schlichting, 1996; Pine, Lieven & Rowland, 1998).
5 I found evidence for the existence of a no-overlap stage,
followed by a stage in which finite verbs and infinitives show lexical overlap
(Wijnen, 2000). The findings suggested furthermore that the acquisition of
inflection correlates with the acquisition that Dutch is a non pro-drop language.
This is in line with work from Jaeggli & Hyams (1988) and Guilfoyle &
Noonan (1992). Results regarding the stepwise development of finiteness are
inconsistent with the maturational version of the RCH (Lebeaux, 1988;
Radford, 1988; 1990). The results are compatible with the FCH (cf. Poeppel &
Wexler, 1993, amongst others). The scope of the FCH is limited with respect
to developmental issues, however, and the hypothesis does not contribute to
our insights into the process of acquiring language.
I want to close this section with a remark about the implications for the
theoretical controversy with which I began the first chapter: De Haan (1987)
versus Poeppel & Wexler (1993). De Haan argued that children have to acquire
grammatical knowledge while Poeppel & Wexler defended the FCH and claim
that children have access to grammatical knowledge from early on. Both
positions were empirically motivated with data from respectively the Dutch
boy, Tim, and the German boy, Andreas. Considering the developmental path
that Dutch children take, the data from these two children represent two
different developmental stages. The no-overlap pattern of Tim indicates that
he is in stage II. However, Andreas must be well beyond this stage. In the file
that is studied, Andreas uses 231 finite sentences and 51 RIs. Thus, finite
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sentences are clearly predominant. There are more indications suggesting that
Andreas is a quick learner. He does not only use many finite predicates but he
also uses many different finite predicates. Considering the observations in this
thesis, this points to fairly advanced knowledge. In addition, Andreas drops
relatively few subjects. According to Poeppel & Wexler, in a set of 197 finite
sentences, 180 sentences have overt subjects (ca. 91%). In a longitudinal study
of subject drop in child Dutch, Haegeman (1995) shows that the curve of
subject drop (in finite sentences and RIs) resembles the curve of RIs. They
both show a similar decrease around the same time. If the developmental curve
of subject drop in German child language is like Haegeman’s curve for Dutch,
Andreas’ behaviour fits a rather late developmental stage. Even if all of his 51
RIs contain dropped subjects, he generally uses overt subjects (that is, in 73 %
of the cases). Based on these comparisons, I think it is justified to conclude
that Poeppel & Wexler's data do not contradict De Haan's data. On the
contrary, the data reported in both studies are compatible with the
developmental pattern described in this thesis. Tim's data represent the
developmental stage that precedes the stage that is compatible with Andreas's
6.3 Implications for future research
The implications of the present study for future research cluster around two
topics: the development of experimental methods for studies on the relation
between verb forms and meanings and longitudinal studies of the development
of inflection and auxiliaries.
6.3.1 Experimental methods
Chapter 3, § 3.4, stresses the difficulty of testing young children. The final
experimental design that I used did not overcome all problems. With respect to
the experimental method, I assumed the following. If the action takes place in
the here-and-now, the child utterance denoting the action received an ongoing
present tense interpretation. If the action does not take place in the here-and-
now or did not take place in the past, a modal interpretation was assigned.
Thus, the situation at speech time is always taken as the situation of reference.
However, even though young children seem to speak very much about the
here-and-now, it is not excluded that they refer to a situation that is disjoint
from the here-and-now. Consequently, a wrong interpretation is assigned to
the child utterance.
Because of this problem, I did not make any strong claims
on the basis of only the experiment. Since other studies that used different
methods (and hence, suffered from other problems as, for instance, the
comprehension task as described by Schönenberger et al., 1995), report similar
observations, I concluded that my experimental results contribute to the
robustness of the observation that Dutch and English RIs differ in meaning. It
must be emphasised, however, that the experiment is exploratory and that
much can be improved with regard to its design.
In Chapter 5, it was shown that age-effects influenced the experimental results.
Thus, one of the implications for future research is that we must think about
an experimental setting that does not have the age/proficiency bias and enables
a comparison between children from different stages in the RI-period: a stage
in which RIs do not have any specified equivalents yet (stage I/II) and a stage
in which there are specified equivalents available (stage III/IV). For early child
Dutch, it is expected that the two groups use RIs for different meanings: the
first and younger group will use them for modal as well as ongoing activities,
whereas the second and older group are expected to use other forms than RIs
for ongoing activities and RIs still for modal activities. However, to develop an
experiment that is also suitable for young children, we first have to figure out
which problems arise with the younger age-group.
The setting itself may be problematic. Furthermore, the modality involved in
the experiment may pose a problem. With regard to the situation, the
presentation of movies on a laptop can be distracting or imposing. Both effects
are undesirable.
Embedding modal and ongoing conditions in the children’s
daily pattern, i.e. in every-day life, may provide a situation that has less effect
on whether or not young children can be tested. How can this be achieved?
The children that have been tested went to daycare centers where they usually
followed a strict every-day-routine. This routine creates the opportunity to find
Note that the same assumption underlies the corpus method.
To minimise the distracting effect, we covered the keyboard with a flat cardboard box so that
the children could not press buttons or see lights flickering. This helped a lot, but was not always
sufficient as there were children that wanted to play with the mouse or wanted to touch the
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slots during the day in which one activity is ongoing and another activity is
modal, such as the 15 minutes before lunchtime or before the children go
outside to play. Such an “experiment” - or rather a means to control
naturalistic speech - is quite similar to the fairly uncontrolled design that I used.
Advantages would be that the items as well as the situations are familiar and
not artificial; less clarification and explanation would be needed. By
implication, the situation is less demanding than the original experimental
setting. As for the modality involved in the experiment, the discussion in
Chapter 4 (§ 4.5) suggests that intentions and desires can be better understood
by two- and three-year olds if they are their own (i.e. first person)
intentions/desires than if they are someone else's intentions/desires; the
concept of desires/intentions of two- and three-year olds seems to be limited,
i.e. non-representational, and does not go beyond 'Me in the here-and-now'.
Thus, a modal condition expressing intentions/desires has to utilise first
person intentions/desires. Note that this restriction does not seem to apply to
deontic modality. The children I studied use deontic RIs most frequently to
give commands to others.
It would be desirable to elicit speech in a production task and, additionally, to
also test comprehension. A comprehension task does not suffer from the
critical assumption I mentioned earlier, since the child itself is the interpreter.
Schönenberger et al. (1995) carried out a comprehension experiment, but they
tested only a few subjects. Moreover, their results showed a strong ongoing
bias as has been discussed in Chapter 3. On the basis of pilots that I carried
out, I concluded that the children tended to focus on the activity that was
expressed and that they ignored the variable modal/ongoing. This was evident
in children's selection of pictures that display the activity, i.e. the ongoing
picture. A factor that probably made the modal condition difficult for the
children and which lead to the ignoring of the modality in the modal triggering
sentences, was that modality was expressed in the experiment as third person
intentions and desires. The experiment could be improved by using deontic
modality, as this kind of modality does not seem to have the limitations that
desires/intentions have. Furthermore, it may be worth trying to use an eye-
tracker-experiment instead of a picture-pointing task. As the situation is less
demanding, it may be a useful strategy, especially for the younger children.
6.3.2 Longitudinal research
Chapter 5 illustrated the impact of longitudinal research. The longitudinal
analysis that is proposed gives rise to new hypotheses that provide a point of
departure for future research. A first hypothesis concerns the acquisition of
functional categories. It has been found that finiteness is acquired in a
piecemeal fashion. Children’s production data suggest a developmental path
from ‘absent’ via ‘lexical’ to ‘grammatical’ finiteness. On the basis of this
observation, it may be hypothesised that a generalisation can be made over
functional categories. Such a hypothesis would state that the development of
grammatical categories follows the path 'absent-lexical-grammatical'.
A second hypothesis concerns the order in which the semantic distinctions in
the domains of tense, modality and aspect are formalised. It is hypothesised
that this is dependent on the type of encoding in the target language. Verb
placement, as well as richness of verbal morphology, seem to play a role. The
earliest distinction is aspectual, namely that between completed and incomplete
events: RPs versus RIs. In both cases, the verb that carries the aspectual
specification is placed in sentence-final position. Modal and temporal
distinctions require a broadened syntactic analysis as for these distinctions the
child has to focus on sentence-initial and sentence-internal positions (first or
second position). The modal distinction between realised (or factual) events
and irrealis (or non-factual) events follows the early aspectual distinction: this
distinction is formalised by verb first/second versus sentence-final placement
of the main verb. The temporal distinction between past and present events is
formalised by morphological differences on the verb in first/second position.
This order suggests that Dutch children initially concentrate on the analysis of
sentence-final words (which may be in line with Slobin’s (1973) Pay-attention-to-
the-end-of-word-Principle), followed by a general syntactic distinction between
sentence-final and, roughly, sentence-initial verbs (i.e. placed in first/second
position), which in turn is followed by the morphological fine-tuning of verbs
in first/second position. The question whether or not this sequence of
development can be generalised, remains open. It could be answered with the
help of comparable cross-linguistic studies that compare Dutch results with
results from target languages that differ from Dutch in their temporal, modal
and aspectual encoding.
234 C
A third issue for further research is the hypothesis that the effect of Elsewhere
Condition can be noticed in children's production data collected over a longer
period of time. The Elsewhere Condition makes specific predictions for
changes over time: when children have access to specified tensed or modal
alternative for RIs, RIs will not be used anymore. More detailed data enlarge
the chance of lexical overlap between the verb types in RIs, on the one hand,
and SFs and PVs, on the other. This could show whether or not the
replacement of RIs is consistent with the predicted effect of the Elsewhere
Condition. Note that in order to be able to test the effect of the Elsewhere
Condition, it is important to keep the temporal and modal meanings of the
compared utterances constant. Therefore, modal PVs that express dynamic
and deontic possibility must be left out of the set of modal utterances, as
children do not (or hardly) express these types of modality in their RIs.
To sum up, this study provides a basis for cross-linguistic comparisons of
longitudinal data. Ideally, the longitudinal data are denser than the data
investigated in this thesis. I will point to one specific example from this thesis
to exemplify the need for cross-linguistically comparable longitudinal data. In
Chapter 5, I argued that the MRE in Dutch RIs is an effect of developmental
patterns. Put simply, RIs are left for modal meanings, because the modal
equivalents for RIs become productive later on than ongoing equivalents.
Suppose that both the methodological artifact and the HSE do not sufficiently
account for the semantic differences between Dutch and English RIs. In this
case, developmental patterning may be a third factor that contributes to cross-
linguistic differences in meaning. Given that the MRE in early child Dutch
follows from the modal shift, the expectation is that there is no modal shift in
early child English. One counteracting force of the modal shift is already
provided by the HSE. Assume that English finite forms appear later than RIs
(as in Dutch). Then, given that overuse of bare forms (i.e. inflection
drop/incorrect inflection) is the effect of the emergence of finite forms,
English RIs become a heterogeneous set over time. Another option would be
that English children learn specified modal alternatives for RIs earlier than
Dutch children. From work by Bloom, Tackeff & Lahey (1984) and Gerhardt
(1991), we know that various modal catenatives like gonna, wanna, hafta and
needta come in early in child English. It is unclear, however, if this early
occurrence can be related to the absence of an MRE in English RIs.
A longitudinal comparison between early child Dutch and early child English
has to go further. The experimental data presented in this thesis show that a
comparison between Dutch and English is more complicated: besides RIs,
English children use RPs, i.e. root participles containing a present participle
(e.g. Josie walking). Data discussed by Hyams (2001) suggest that RIs and the
present RPs overlap in meaning as both are used for ongoing events, the
difference being that English RIs are less restricted and that these are also used
for past and future denotations. However, when children try to map different
forms onto different meanings from early on, it is unclear why children allow
for overlap between RIs and RPs. Thus, to get a grip on the meaning of RIs in
early child English, English RIs should not only be compared to SFs but also
to RPs. A comparison of frequencies of these forms over time to meaning
properties of RIs over time may deepen our insight into properties of RIs in
early child English, and, finally, also into the strategies children apply while
learning language. In sum, in order to make cross-linguistic comparisons to
investigate universal patterns in children's use of early verb forms,
generalisations based on data that come from different developmental stages
do not suffice. The status of a form may change over time as a function of
development, simply because a verb form stands in relation to the other verb
forms that a child knows. As the whole range of verb forms that children
know grows over time, it is expected that this one form will change as an effect
of this growth. As the target set of verb forms differs from language to
language (even between two Germanic languages like Dutch and English the
differences are already considerable), it is expected that children acquiring
different languages show their own developmental path; cross-linguistic
comparisons can only be made with care.
I want to close this chapter with two final suggestions for extensions of the
longitudinal research carried out in this thesis. Firstly, apart from a comparison
between languages, it may be fruitful to compare the sequence of development
of normally developing children, as has been described in this thesis, to the
sequence of development of children with a specific language impairment
(SLI). In the last couple of years, the discussion about RIs has been extended
to SLI-children. Rice & Wexler (1996) proposed, for instance, that SLI-
children have an extended optional infinitive stage. Turning to SLI-effects in
child Dutch, we know from De Jong (1999) that the errors of Dutch SLI
surface in inflection, in the sense that inflection is omitted or incorrectly used
and SLI children tend to use RIs more often/longer than normally developing
236 C
children. A detailed comparison over time of the acquisition of inflection, on
the basis of parameters such a lexical/paradigmatic variation, errors and subject
use, may help us to determine where the SLI children deviate from the
normally developing children with regard to their use of verbal inflection.
Secondly, the sequence of development of normally developing Dutch
children that learn Dutch as their first language can also be compared to the
development of children and adults that acquire Dutch as a second language
(simultaneous or successive). For instance, Cornips (2000) has observed
bilingual children of Moroccan and Turkish descent (between 6 and 13 years
old) overuse the periphrastic construction gaan + inf (‘go’ + inf) and use it to
denote ongoing events. This overuse is reminiscent of the overuse that I
reported in the data of six young children that acquire Dutch as their first
language. The question arises whether or not these two examples of the
apparently same type of overuse also have the same cause. Furthermore, the
Dutch-Moroccan/Turkish bilinguals that have the same age as the Dutch
monolinguals examined in this thesis seem to make different errors with regard
to agreement inflection than Dutch monolingual children (Cornips, p.c.).
Closer examination of these errors, coupled with comparisons with the errors
Dutch monolinguals and with the properties of the Moroccan and Turkish
verbal inflectional systems would help us to understand more about
bilingualism and the processes involved in second language learning.
2.1: S
Abel n.a. 1;10.30
Daan 1;08.21
Josse n.a. 2;00.07
Laura 1;09.04 (01)
1;09.18 (02)
2;00.05 (08)
2;00.19 (09)
2;01.02 (10)
2;04.01 (17)
2;04.15 (18)
2;05.00 (19)
2;05.17 (20)
2;06.10 (21)
3;02.09 (34)
3;03.00 (35)
3;03.02 (36)
3;04.06 (37)
Matthijs 1:09.30
Peter 1;07.18 1;09.20
238 A
2.2: F
Stage N N MLU (N
Abel I n.a n.a. n.a.
II 33 10 1.31 (1041/795)
III 84 198 1.87 (3027/1622)
IV 42 275 2.19 (2779/1268)
Stage N N MLU (N
Daan I 5 2 1.10 (423/382)
II 54 49 1.41 (1880/1331)
III 66 246 2.07 (2788/1348)
IV 71 621 2.73 (4907/1796)
Stage N N MLU (N
Josse I n.a n.a. n.a.
II 99 11 1.32 (1257/955)
III 76 98 1.98 (1831/926)
IV 64 439 2.32 (3386/1459)
The MLU is the ratio of the total number of morphemes from a speaker in a file and the
total number of utterances in this file. The ratios give the MLU of all files within a stage.
' is the number of morphemes in this stages and 'N
' is the number of utterances.
2.2 239
Stage N N MLU (N
Laura I 18 2 1.33 (420/315)
II 56 26 1.42 (992/697)
III 276 348 1.87 (4010/2139)
IV 65 372 2.84 (3101/1090)
Stage N N MLU (N
Matthijs I 40 8 1.07 (1021/955)
II 127 6 1.45 (1594/1098)
III 112 85 1.83 (1841/1006)
IV 51 524 2.55 (1998/1565)
Stage N N MLU (N
Peter I 26 0 1.00 (46/46)
II 114 5 1.41 (1099/782)
III 57 95 2.21 (965/436)
IV 29 627 3.01 (3271/1085)
240 A
3.1: C
: D
In (1), (2) and (3) some examples of interpretations and codes are given.
Each $ introduces a new field with different types of codes. In field 1, the
modal value is given (modal = M, non-modal = N). If the utterance was
modal, and the kind of modality could be determined, the M is followed by
DY for dynamic modality, and by DE for deontic modality. If the modal
value could not be determined, this field contained an O. Field 2 gives a
specification of field 1. If the utterance was modal, the kind of modality was
specified: 'nes' for necessity and 'pos' for possibility. After the colon,
additional information was given as to whether the utterance was
desiderative and expressed a wish ('des'), was regulating and expressed a
command ('reg') or expressed a capacity ('cap'). If the utterance was non-
modal, the completedness ('c'), ongoingness ('o') or prospectiveness ('p') of
the event expressed in the utterance, was determined. If this value was
unclear, the utterances was assigned an 'u' in this field. Field 3 gives
information about the verb form (this was a while range of codes for RIs,
simple finite verb, periphrastic verbs, modal verbs, copula, etc.).
(1) *PET: Peter woef hebben
Peter dog have
%mod: $MDY $nes:des $RI
%par: on the verge of crying
*MOT: o
*MOT: wil je even je +...
want you part you
*MOT: wil je even je woef hebben ?
want you part your dog have
'Do you want to have your dog?'
%act: <aft> kisses PET . Peter 2;00.28
3.1 241
(2) *LAU: die s pakke [= plakken, EB], hoor
that glue interj
%mod: $N $o $RI
*LAU: die
*LAU: pakke [= plakken]
%mod: $N $o $RI
*MOT: is dat plakken ["] ?
is that glueing?
*MOT: ben je daarmee aan het plakken?
are you therewith on the glue
'Are you glueing with that?' Laura 2;05.17
(3) *MAT: mama !
*MOT: wat is er ?
what is there
'What's wrong?'
*MAT: Ieke spugen !
Ieke throw up
%mod: $N $c $RI
*MOT: ging Ieke spugen ?
went Ieke throw up
'Did Ieke throw up?'
*MAT: ja .
*MOT: oh, getsie
oh yuk Matthijs 1;11.24
Each RI is provided with a code for person of the subject (F(irst), S(econd)
or T(hird)), number of the subject (S(ingular) or P(lural)) and overtness of
the subject (O(overt) or N(ull)). In (4) and (5) some examples are given with
a first person singular overt subject and a null subject respectively:
242 A
(4) *ABE: ik een hand tekenen
I a hand draw
'I am drawing a hand'
%mod: $FSO $N $o $RI Abel 2;07.15
(5) *LAU: oto niet neezett
car not downput
'don't put the car down'
%mod: $FSN $N $o $RI Laura 2;06.10
3.2 243
3.2: E
Dirty dog (modal)
This is the story of the dirty dog who wants to go into the house to eat. He
is so hungry and his food is in the house. But the dog is much too dirty to
go into the house. Look how dirty it is! The doggy has to wash himself.
Look! Next to the house is a bath tub, where he can go and wash himself.
Washing pig (non-modal)
This is the story about the dirty pig. The pig is waiting to get into the bath.
See! Now he jumps into the bath tub. He is washing and washing and
washing. He washes himself until he is completely clean. You see?
Boy in danger (modal)
This is the story of a little boy who has to run away. Look at that little boy.
Look how he is playing on the street. He throws the ball high up in the air.
And then he catches it again. You see? But the boy is very silly. It is
dangerous on the street. Oh oh! See what a happens! There comes a car!
And now? The boy has to run away now.
Running girl (non-modal)
Here is a little girl. Her name is Lisa. Lisa is running. She is running home
because it rains. Look how Lisa runs. She is running as fast as she can.
244 A
Thirsty girl (modal)
This is the story about a little girl who is very thirsty. She is thirsty and she
really wants to drink, but the glass in her hand is empty. Do you see the
glass? Is it empty? Now the girl goes to her mother and holds up her empty
Drinking boy (ongoing)
Here is Peter. Peter is sitting at the table. He has a big glass of lemonade.
See how he picks up the glass and lifts it. Peter is drinking the lemonade. He
drinks, drinks, drinks until his glass is empty
Girl wanting to call (modal)
This is the story of a little girl who wants to call her grandmother. Her
granny has her birthday today. Look, there is the girl. She sits on the floor.
There is the telephone on the cupboard. But the phone is too high and the
girl is too small to reach the phone.
Calling boy calling (ongoing)
This boy is calling his friend. He talks and talks and talks for a long time.
3.3 245
3.3: O
ga ook niet (= dat gaat ook niet) (2x) 2;05.27
jij bouw trein 2;05.27
jij heb oorbel? 2;05.27
ja, jij toren maak ? 2;07.15 (OV/RI)
zit koekjes in 2;07.15
hij heb even kots 2;07.15
die heb rits 2;07.15
je heb rits 2;07.15
hij doe niet meer 2;07.29
olifant ga niet door de 2;07.29
Daan zoek Aart [?] 2;01.21
pas ient (=past niet) 2;01.21
Daan li (=ligt) in de wieg 2;04.14
nee jij heb xxx 2;04.14
(l)ig niet (in) de kist 2;04.28
die heef snor 2;04.28
deze ga in rijden 2;05.11
deze ga auto is ie 2;05.11
ha politie deze heb 2;05.11
die heef band 2;09.27
pak Rosa kuis [?] 2;08.27
jij heef die heb ik ook al voor koffie 2;08.27
doe zeer, daar mij hier kleine voet 2;08.27
die heef geel 2;08.27
val ze op hun neus, pof 2;09.10
hij vies (=fietst?) om 2;09.10
Josse trui heef Abel 2;00.07
ape geef [= aap een kusje geven] 2;00.21 (OV/RI)
kom niet 2;00.21
ga niet he? 2;03.28
ga niet 2;03.28
even zit Jos 2;04.11
246 A
ga er af 2;04.11
jij heb knoop 2;04.11
toren bouw 2;04.11 (OV/RI)
duur nog een tijdje (2x) 2;07.20
Audrey slaap nog een tijdje 2;07.20
kom &6 slager 2;07.20
Ab heef ook buik 2;07.20
Hanneke heef niet 2;07.20
heef een snor 2;07.20
Gerard heef geld 2;08.04
au, doe mij zeer 2;08.04
je kom eruit 2;08.18
hier kom de baktor (=tractor) 2;08.18
dat grote zon heef een gezicht 2;08.18
jij teken een reiger 2;08.18
Laura oh, bal pak 1;09.04 (OV/RI)
boeke kijk 1;09.04 (OV/RI)
ikke meer maak 2;04.01 (PV/RI)
potte maak (2x) 2;04.01 (PV/RP)
poppe saap 2;04.01
paard rij 2;04.01 (OV/RI)
mama e sie niet 2;04.01
doe nou? (2x) 2;05
die ook pak niet 2;05.17
ekom papa aan! 3;02.09
kom nou aan 3;02.09
kom bij 3;03.00
deese heb 3;03.00
dese hoor niet daar 3;03.00
dese hoor nou? 3;03.00
nee jij vasthou mij 3;03.02
kijk, Ernie huil 3;03.02
pas so die (die past zo) 3;03.02
dese blijf hier in deur 3;04.06
dat doe 3;04.06 (OV/RI)
sij heb net de auto 3;04.06
ga sij met de auto 3;04.06
3.3 247
ga naa de ziekenhuis 3;04.06
sij maak n nat 3;04.06
heb meneer nou op? 3;04.06
dese heb wel 3;04.06
ga Roos na ande sembad 3;04.06
Matthijs pak boek 1;11.10
mama help 1;11.10
zit ook pitten in 2;10.22
heef jij pleister? 2;10.22
heef jij muggebulten 2;10.22
Mirjam klim berg op 2;10.22
die zat pitjes al uit 2;10.22
Hannah heb ook n ijsbeer 2;11.03
Peter binnen stap 1;09.20 (PV/RI)
Peter stap 1.10.03
Peter hier stap 1;10.03 (PV/RI)
Peter maak open 2;00.28
Peter los maak 2;00.28 (PV/RI)
Peter stoel kijk 2;00.28 (OV/RI)
Jiska maak los 2.01.27
die ga even doorheen 2;03.07
hij zeg toettoet 2;03.07
hij zeg niet toettoet 2;03.07
hij zeg weer piepo 2;03.07
daar lig kikker 2;03.21
nu heef kikker schaatsen 2;03.21
die kikker heef ook om 2;03.21
daar heef kikker sjaal om 2;03.21
hij heef voetjes 2;03.21
die kom uit bed 2;03.21
heef eend schaatsen 2;03.21
zeg niet klik 2;03.21
hij ga omhoog 2;03.21
Peter maak weer open 2;03.21
248 A
4.1: V
Below all verbal predicates that appear in RIs are listed per child. Stative
predicates that are non-type-shifting are bold-faced and in italics, while type-
shifting predicates are only bold-faced.
Abel blijven 'stay', bouwen 'build', drinken 'drink', doen 'do', eten 'eat',
fietsen 'cycle', gaan 'go', geven 'give', gooien 'throw',
, helpen 'help', hikken 'hiccup', kijken 'look', kammen
'comb', kleien 'do clay modelling', klimmen 'climb', komen 'come',
kopen 'buy', lachen 'laugh', laten zien 'show', lezen 'read', lopen
'walk', maken 'repair', (mee)nemen 'take', opeten 'finish food',
pakken 'get',
passen 'fit'
, poepen 'defecate', proeven 'taste',
opschrijven 'write down', (s)choonmaken 'clean', (s)chrijven 'write',
slapen 'sleep', staan 'stand', stoppen 'stop', tekenen 'draw', tillen
'lift', trekken 'pull', uitkijken 'watch', vallen 'fall', vragen 'ask',
wachten 'wait', zetten 'set', zitten 'sit', zoeken 'search'.
Daan aaien 'stroke', aankomen 'touch', bewaren 'keep', blijven 'stay',
boksen 'box', bouwen 'build', doen 'do', dichtgooien 'close',
douchen 'take a shower', drinken 'drink', drijven 'float', dukke [=
drukken, EB] 'press', eten 'eat', gooien 'throw', halen 'get',
, horen 'hear', indoen 'put in', kauwen 'chew', kijken 'look',
kleien 'do clay modelling', k(l)imme 'climb', komen 'come', kneden
'knead', leggen 'put', lezen 'read', liggen 'lie', maken 'repair',
neerzetten 'put down', opeten 'finish food', opschiete 'hurry',
owake [= openmaken?, EB], pakken 'get', (ka)pokmaken 'destroy',
ophalen 'pick up', rijden 'ride', (s)chaatsen 'skate', schommelen
'swing', slapen 'sleep', slopen 'destroy', spelen 'play', staan 'stand',
stoppen 'stop', tekenen 'draw', timme [ = timmeren, EB] 'hammer',
uitd(r)ukke 'press out, vastmaken 'fasten', voetballen 'play soccer',
wachten 'wait', zagen 'saw', (in)zitten 'sit', zoeken 'search',
zwemmen 'swim'.
Josse afruilen 'exchange', bellen 'call', blazen 'blow', boeren 'belch',
bouwen 'build', lazen [= blazen] 'blow', doen 'do', draaien 'turn',
drinken 'drink', eten 'eat',
aan '
even '
ooien 'throw',
4.1 249
hebben 'have'
, helpen 'help', hoesten 'cough', huilen 'cry', kijken
'look', klimmen 'climb', kopen 'buy', koppetje duikelen 'turn head
over heels', leegmaken 'empty', lezen 'read', maken 'make',
meenemen 'take', openmaken 'open', opzetten 'put on', pakken
'get', plassen 'urinate', prikken 'prick', roeren 'stir', schrijven 'write',
slaan 'beat', slapen 'sleep', spelen 'play', springen 'jump', staan
'stand', stampen 'stamp ones foot', sturen 'steer', tanken 'tank',
tekenen 'draw', timmeren 'hammer', uithalen 'get out', uitstappen
'get out', vallen 'fall', vangen 'catch, vegen 'weep', verven 'paint',
weggooien 'throw away', wachten 'wait', zien 'see', zingen 'sing',
zitten 'sit'.
Laura aandoen 'put on', aankomen 'touch', balle(n) 'play with ball', bellen
'call', bouwen 'build', dansen 'dance', dichtdoen 'close', doen 'do',
doese 'take a shower', d(r)inken 'drink', (op)eten 'eat', fuite
[= fluiten?, EB] 'whistle', slije [= glijden] 'slide', sooie [= gooien]
hebben 'have'
, huilen 'cry', kammen 'comb', kijken 'look',
k(n)oeien 'spill', koken 'cook', komen 'come', kopen 'buy', lezen
'read', maken 'repair', nspatte [= natspatten, EB] 'wet', neerzetten
'put down', nemen 'take', omruilen 'exchange', ope(n)maken
'open', opeten 'finish food', opruimen 'clean', paatrije [= paard
rijden] 'ride a horse', pakken 'get', plakken 'glue', poetsen 'polish',
rij(d)en 'ride', rooje [= rollen] 'roll', s(ch)oonmaken 'clean', sille (?),
s(l)apen 'sleep', s(l)apen doen 'sleep do', (s)pelen 'play', stappen
'step', stoppen 'stop', suise [= schuiven] 'shove', tekenen 'draw',
uit(s)tappen 'get off', varen 'sail', toppe [= verstoppen] 'hide',
voorlezen 'read', wassen 'wash', semme [= zwemmen] 'swim',
zingen 'sing', zitten 'sit'.
Matthijs aandoen 'put on', aangeven 'hand', aanmaken 'put on', aanzetten
'put on', bakken 'bake', blaffen 'bark', binnenlopen 'walk in',
bouwen 'build', brengen 'bring', doen 'do', dragen 'carry', draaien
'turn', drinken 'drink', duikelen 'turn somersaults', eten 'eat', fietsen
'cycle', gaan 'go', geven 'give', gooien 'throw', halen 'get',
', helpen 'help', hijsen 'lift', kijken 'look', kletsen 'chat',
klimmen 'climb', komen 'come', kopen 'buy', knippen 'cut', kruipen
'crawl', lachen 'laugh', laten 'let', lezen 'read', liggen 'lie', maken
air', meekomen 'come with', naaien 'sew', neerzetten '
250 A
down', omdoen 'put on', opdoen 'put on', open maken 'open',
ophalen 'pick up', opruimen 'clean', pakken 'get', poepen 'relieve
nature', praten 'talk', rijden 'ride', roeren 'stir', schuiven 'shove',
slapen 'sleep', (s)pelen 'play', spugen 'throw up', staan 'stand',
stappen 'step', strijken 'iron', sturen 'steer', taken [= takelen, EB]
'rig', tikken 'tick', trekken 'pull', uitdoen 'put off', vallen 'fall',
vasthouden 'hold', vinden 'find', voeden 'feed', voorlezen 'read',
wegbrengen 'take away', weghalen 'get away', zien 'see', zingen
'sing', zitten 'sit', zoeken 'search', zuigen 'suck', zwemmen 'swim'.
Peter branden 'burn', dichtdoen 'close', doen 'do', draaien 'turn', dragen
'carry', drinken 'drink', duwen 'push', eten 'eat', geven 'give', gooien
hebben 'have'
, koken 'cook', kijken 'watch', liggen 'lie',
losmaken 'untie', nemen 'take', opbeuren 'lift', pakken 'get', rijden
'ride', roeren 'stir', schaatsen 'skate', slapen 'sleep', staan stand',
stappen 'step', stukmaken 'destroy', tikken 'tick', trekken 'pull',
vallen 'fall', voelen 'feel', vangen 'catch', zetten 'put', zien 'see',
zitten 'sit'.
4.2 251
4.2: V
Below all verbal predicates that appear in SFs are listed per child. Stative
predicates that are non-type-shifting are bold-faced and in italics, while type-
shifting predicates are only bold-faced.
(be)doelen 'mean'
, doen 'do', gaan 'go',
hebben 'have'
, horen
'hear', huilen 'cry', komen 'come',
kunnen 'can'
, laten 'let',
lukken 'work out'
, maken 'repair',
moeten 'must'
mogen 'be
, nemen 'take', passen 'fit', staan 'stand', vallen 'fall',
vinden 'find',
weten 'know'
willen 'want'
, zetten 'put', zien
zijn ' be'
, zitten 'sit',
zullen 'will'.
Daan doen 'do', draaien 'turn',
durven 'dare'
, gaan 'go', hebben 'have',
hoeven 'must'
, horen 'hear', koesen (?), komen 'come', krijgen
kunnen 'can'
, laten 'let', leggen 'put', liggen 'lie',
'work out'
, maken 'repair',
moeten 'must'
mogen 'be allowed'
pakken 'get', passen 'fit', regenen 'rain', slapen 'sleep', smeren
'spread', spelen 'play', stoppen 'stop', vallen 'fall',
lekker vinden
weten 'know'
wil 'want'
, zie 'see', zingt 'sings', zit 'sit',
zijn 'be'
, zoeken 'search',
zullen 'will'.
Josse doen 'do', gaan 'go', hangen 'hang',
heten 'be called'
, klimmen
'climb', komen 'come', krijgen 'get',
kunnen 'can'
mogen 'be allowed'
, slapen 'sleep', springen 'jump',
staan 'stand', vallen 'fall', vinden 'find',
weten 'know'
, zeggen 'say',
zijn 'be'
, zitten 'sit',
zullen 'will'.
Laura blaffen 'bark', doen 'do',
durven 'dare'
, gaan 'go', sooien
[= gooien] 'throw',
hebben 'have', hoeven 'must'
, horen 'hear',
knoeien 'spill', komen 'come',
kunnen 'can'
mogen 'be
moeten 'must'
, passen 'fit', vallen 'fall', vinden 'find',
weten 'know'
willen 'want'
, zien 'see',
zijn 'be'
, zingen 'sing',
zitten 'sit', zwemmen 'swim'.
Matthijs bijten 'bite', botsen 'bump', denken 'think', doen 'do', gaan 'go',
even '
ooien 'throw',
hebben 'have'
hoeven 'must'
252 A
huilen 'cry', klimmen 'climb', komen 'come',
kunnen 'can'
, liggen
lukken 'work out'
lusten 'like'
, maaien 'mow', maken
moeten 'must'
mogen 'be allowed'
, passen 'fit',
regenen 'rain', rijden 'ride', slapen 'sleep', uittrekken 'take off',
vinden 'find', wachten 'wait',
weten 'know'
willen 'want'
worden 'become', zetten 'put', zien 'see',
zijn 'be'
, zitten 'sit',
zoeken 'search'.
Peter branden 'burn', dansen 'dance', denken 'think', doen 'do', draaien
'turn', dragen 'carry', gaan 'go', geven 'give', gooien 'throw', halen
hebben 'have'
, horen 'hear', eten 'eat', kijken 'look', komen
kunnen 'can'
, liggen 'lie', lopen 'walk', maken 'repair',
moeten 'must'
mogen 'be allowed'
, pakken 'get', passen 'fit',
rammelen 'rattle', rijden 'ride', staan 'stand', vallen 'fall',
zeggen 'say'
, zetten 'put', zien 'see',
zijn 'be'
, zitten
5.2 253
5.1: L
Table A5.1: Abel
Infinitives Finite verbs
Lexical overlap
Stage Types (new) Acc. Types
Acc. Types Acc.
I/II bouwen, doen,
drinken, eten, gooien,
hebben, kijken, lezen,
(s)chrijven, teke(nen),
trekken, vallen, zitten
13 kan, wil 2 - 0
III blijven, fietsen, helpen,
kammen, kleien,
komen, kopen, laten,
lopen, maken,
opschrijven, pakken,
passen, poepen,
proeven, slapen, staan,
(s)choonmaken, tillen,
uitkijken, zoeken
34 doe, gaat,
heb, is,
kom, luk,
vind, mag,
moet, pas,
zie, zit, zul
15 doe/doen
I take here the stem of the finite forms. It various cases, the children use finite forms with
endings on [ -t ]or [ -en ]. This list, however, focuses on the accumulation of lexical items
that appear in finite and infinitival form and on the accumulation of lexical overlap. The
paradigmatic variation of the different finite forms can be found in Appendix 5.2.
254 A
IV gaan, geven, hikken,
klimmen, lachen,
nemen, opeten,
optillen, stoppen,
vragen, wachten,
46 (be)doel,
hoor, huil,
maak, sta,
val, weet,
24 gaat/gaan
Table A5.2.: Daan
Infinitives Finite verbs Lexical overlap
Stage Types (new) Acc. Types
Acc. Types Acc.
I/II aaie(n), dichtgooien,
doen, drinken, d(r)ukke,
eten, gooie(n), horen,
indoen, kauwe(n),
kijken, k(l)imme(n),
lezen, liggen, opete(n),
o(p)schiete(n), owake
(openmaken), pakken,
schommele(n), staan,
timme(ren), zagen,
zitten, zoeke(n)
24 gaat, is,
kan, lig,
moet, wil,
zie, zit,
9 lig/liggen
III bouwen, hebben,
inzitten, (ka)pokmaken,
kleien, kneden, maken,
rijden, (s)chaatsen,
stoppen, tekenen,
36 doe, durf,
heb, hoef,
luk, mag,
stop, val,
weet, zul
21 doe/doen
5.2 255
IV aankomen, bewaren,
blijven, boksen,
douchen, drijven,
komen, leggen, ophalen,
neerzetten, slapen,
slopen, spelen,
vastmaken, voetballen,
wachten, zwemmen
53 draai,
koes (?),
krijg, laat,
leg, maak,
35 hoor/horen
Table A5.3.: Josse
Infinitives Finite verbs Lexical overlap
Stage Types(new) Acc. Types
Acc. Types Acc.
I/II bellen, (b)lazen, doen,
drinken, eten, gooien,
hebben, hoesten,
kijken, kopen, maken,
pakken, schrijven,
spelen, staan,
stampen, vallen,
vegen, zingen, zitten
20 heet, kan,
mag, rink
5 - 0
256 A
III afruilen, boeren,
bouwen, geven,
helpen, huilen, lezen,
openmaken, opzetten,
prikken, roeren,
slapen, sturen,
tekenen, timmeren,
uithalen, vangen
38 doe, ga,
krijg, is,
moet, wil
11 doe/doen 1
IV afgooien, draaien,
gaan, klimmen,
koppetje duik(el)en,
leegmaken, plassen,
slaan, springen,
tanken, uitstappen,
verven, wachten,
weggooien, zien
53 hang,
slaap, sta,
val, vind,
weet, zeg,
zit, zul
21 ga/gaan
Table A5.4.: Laura
Infinitives Finite verbs Lexical overlap
Stage Types (new) Acc. Types
Acc. Types Acc.
I/II doen, ete(n), kammen,
kijke(n), k(n)oe(i)en,
koken, lezen,
pakke(n), poetsen,
rij(d)e(n), s(l)apen,
(s)pele(n), tekenen,
14 doe,
val, wil,
8 zit/zitten
5.2 257
III aankome(n), balle(n),
bellen, bouwe(n),
danse(n), doese
d(r)inke(n), sooie
(gooien), hebben,
huilen, komen,
maken, neerzette(n),
nemen, ope(n)maken,
opeten, omruile(n),
p(l)akke(n), rooje
(rollen), saapen doen
(slapen doen),
suise( schuiven),
uit(s)tappe(n), varen,
toppe (verstoppen),
wassen, semme
(zwemmen), singe
45 ga, sooi
kom, is,
pas, mas
zie, sing
17 kom/komen
IV aandoen, slije (glijden)
dichtdoen, kope(n),
indoen, nspatte
opruime(n), sille (?),
stappe (n), voorlese
55 blaf,
23 knoei/knoeien
258 A
Table A5.5: Matthijs
Infinitives Finite verbs Lexical overlap
Stage Types (new) Acc. Types
Acc. Types Acc.
I/II aanmaken, brengen,
doen, draaien, dragen,
drinken, eten, gooien,
halen, helpen, kijken,
knippen, komen,
kruipen, lachen, lezen,
liggen, naaien, pakken,
poepen, rij(d)en,
roeren, schuiven,
slapen, (s)pelen,
spugen, staan, strijken,
sturen, tikken, vinden,
zingen, zitten, zoeken,
zuigen, zwemmen
36 mag, pas 2 - 0
III aandoen, aanzetten,
bakken, binnenlopen,
bouwen, duikelen,
fietsen, gaan, geven,
hebben, hijsen, kletsen,
klimmen, kopen, laten,
maken, neerzetten,
omdoen, opdoen,
opruimen, praten,
takelen, uitdoen,
vallen, vasthouden,
voeden, zien
63 doe, heb,
ga, gooi,
kan, klim,
is, moet,
zie, zit
14 doe/doen
5.2 259
IV aangeven, blaffen,
openmaken, ophalen,
meekomen, stappen,
trekken, voorlezen,
wegbrengen, weghalen
73 bijt, bots,
denk, geef,
hoef, huil,
kom, lig,
luk, lust,
maai, rijd,
weet, wil,
word, zet,
35 geef/geven
Table A5.6: Peter
Infinitives Finite
Lexical overlap
Stage Types (new) Acc
Types Acc.
I/II doen, draaien,
drinken, duwen,
geven, gooien,
hebben, koken,
liggen, nemen,
pakken, rij(d)en,
roeren, slapen,
staan, stappen,
trekken, vallen,
vangen, zetten,
21 eet, mag,
3 zit/zitten 1
260 A
III branden, dichtdoen,
dragen, eten, kijken,
stukmaken, voelen,
31 doe, draai,
ga, gooi,
haal, heb,
hoor, is,
kan, kijk,
moet, pak,
18 doe/doen
IV tikken, schaatsen 33 brand,
geef, lig,
loop, pas,
rijd, sta,
val, zeg,
zet, zie
33 brand/branden
5.2 261
5.2: P
Stage III Stage IV
Abel is/was ‘is/was’
doe/doet ‘do-sg/does’
vin/vindt ‘find-sg/finds’
past/passen ‘fit-sg/fit-pl
is/zijn/was ‘is/are-pl/was’
ga/gaat/gaan ‘go-sg/goes/go-pl
doe/doet ‘do-sg/does’
is/zijn ‘is/are-pl
heb/heeft ‘have-sg/has’
doe/doet ‘do-sg/does’
heb/heeft ‘have-sg/has’
‘do-sg/does/ did sg
hoort/horen ‘hears/hear-pl
val/vallen ‘fall-sg/fall-pl
doe/doet ‘do-sg/does’
is/bent ‘is/are-sg
heb/heeft ‘have-sg/has’
ga/gaat ‘go-sg/goes’
doe/doet ‘do-sg/does’
staat/stond ‘stands/stood-sg
is/zijn ‘is/are’
doet(e)/doen ‘does/do-pl'
va(l)/valt ‘fall-sg/falls’
is/ben ‘is/am’
heb/heeft ‘have-sg/has’
ga/gaat ‘go-sg/goes’
doet(e) ‘does’
is/was ‘is/was’
is/zijn/was ‘is/are-pl/was’
‘have-sg/has/ have-pl
doe/doet ‘do-sg/does’
gaat/gaan ‘goes/go-pl
zit/zitten/zat ‘sit-sg/sit-pl/sat-sg
vin/vindt 'find-sg/finds’
262 A
5.3: A
Overgeneralisations second and third person singular
(1) ik ook ziet ook niet Abel 2;03.02
I-1sg also sees-2/3sg also not
‘I do not see it either’
(2) jij heeft kloopjes [= knoopjes, EB] Abel 2;03.02
you have-2/3sg buttons-dim
'You have buttons'
(3) ik doet weer Josse 2;03.28
I-1sg does-2/3sg again
‘I do it again’
(4) doet het fordijn [=gordijn, EB]) even dicht Josse 2;07.20
(I)-1sg does-2/3sg the curtain just close
‘I am closing the curtain’
(5) ik gaat me niet Laura 3;03
I-1sg goes-2/3sg me not
‘I am not going’
(6) heef(t) ik Matthijs 2;10.22
has-2/3sg I-1sg
‘I have it’
(7) ja, die heef(t) ik ook nodig Matthijs 2;11.03
yes, that has-2/3sg I-1sg also need
‘Yes, I need that as well’
(8) ik heeft die vuilnisauto Matthijs 2;11.19
I-1sg has-2/3sg that garbage truck
‘I have that garbage truck’
5.4 263
(9) is ik weer Matthijs 2;10.22
is-2/3sg I-1sg again
‘I am again’
(10) koe ziet ik ook in boot Matthijs 2;10.22
cow sees-2/3sg I-1sg also in boat
‘I also see the cow in the boat’
(11) ik heeft hem Peter 2;03.21
I-1sg has-2/3sg him
‘I have him’
Wrong Number
(12) wij moet ook Abel 2;07.29
we-pl must-sg also
'We have to as well'
(13) xxx woont allemaal kindertjes Abel 2;07.29
xxx lives-sg all little children-pl
‘All little children live there’
(14) eerst deze gaan deze auto Daan 2;09.10
first this go-pl this car-sg
‘First this car goes’
(15) deze horen ook deze auto Daan 2;09.10
this belong-pl also this car-sg
'This car also belongs ...'
(16) eh er is hier mense drin Laura 3;06.04
eh there is-sg here people-pl here in
'Eh there are people in here'
(17) dat gaan deze eerst de vinger Peter 2;03.07
that go-pl this first the finger-sg
'First this finger goes’
Abbreviation Full term
AUX-drop Auxiliary drop
The explanation for RIs according to which RIs contain a
phonetically non-realised auxiliary.
ATOM Agreement and Tense Omission Model
Theory that states that Agreement and Tense are
underspecified functional categories in child grammars.
BS Bare Stem
Finite or non-finite verb that appears as bare stem because
inflection has been dropped (as an effect of processing
limitations) or null inflection is overused.
ex: Harry drink koffie
ex. Harry drink coffee
EC Eventivity Constraint
RIs are restricted to event-denoting predicates.
FCH Full Competence Hypothesis
Functional categories are present from early on.
FIN Finite sentence
FP Finite sentence with participial main verb
ex: Harry is drinking coffee
GoF Grammaticalisation of Finiteness (GoF) Hypothesis (final)
(i) In early child Dutch, the grammatical marking of
finiteness by means of inflection and verb
movement is preceded by a lexical-finiteness-
(ii) In the lexical-finiteness-stage, simple lexical
finiteness markers precede complex lexical
finiteness markers.
266 A
HSE Heterogeneous Set Effect
RIs comprise finite and non-finite sentences as an effect of
inflection drop (restricted to languages with bare stem RIs).
MA Modal Approach
RIs obey the EC because they are modal.
MRE Modal Reference Effect
The effect that RIs are more frequently used for modal
meanings than for non-modal meanings.
NCC Non-Completedness Constraint
The predicate of an RI cannot refer to a completed event.
NS Null subject
Phonetically non-realised subject
ex: 0 heb gisteren te veel koffie gedronken
0 have yesterday too much coffee drink-part-past
NTA No Tense Approach
RIs obey the EC because they lack tense.
OI-stage Optional Infinitive Stage
Stage in language acquisition in which finiteness is optional;
characterised by the use of both RIs and SFs.
PIC Prepositional Infinitival Complement (Dutch progressive)
ex: Harry is liters koffie aan het drinken
Harry is liters coffie on the drink-inf
PV Finite sentence with periphrastic verb
ex: Harry mag geen koffie meer drinken
Harry may no coffee anymore drink-inf
Finite sentences with periphrastic verbs used in the lexical-
finiteness-stage (stage III characteristic).
RI Root Infinitive
Nonfinite clause with infinitival main verb:
ex: Harry koffie drinken
Harry coffee drink-inf
RP Root participle
Nonfinite clause with participial main verb:
ex: Harry koffie gedronken
Harry coffee drink-part-past
ex: Harry drinking
SF Finite sentence with simple verb
ex: Harry drinkt koffie
Harry coffee drink-fin
Finite sentence with a simple verb that is grammatically
marked for finiteness by inflection and movement (not
before stage IV)
Finite sentence with simple verb that is lexically marked for finiteness;
contain auxiliary-like predicates, precursors of inflection and
verb movement (stage II characteristic)
Finite sentence with simple thematic main verb
p. 36 Table 2.1: Children’s age ranges and the total number of
utterances in the selected files that are used for analysis, data
from all six children
p. 37 Table 2.2: 'Stages' in the development of finiteness: frequency of
finite sentences per stage (as a percentage of the total number of
sentences that contains a verb), average MLU per stage.
p. 41 Table 2.3: Imaginary results of longitudinal study of preferences
for round shapes of four Japanese children at the ages of 1, 2 and
p. 42 Table 2.4: Probabilities that the observed average difference
between preferences for round shapes at the ages of 1/2 and at
the age of 3 is due to chance. The probabilities are calculated over
the entire group of four children and over 4 groups of three
children, with one specific child omitted at a time
p. 43 Table 2.5: Results of an imaginary experiment on the preference
for round or square shapes with Japanese and English children,
average and standard deviation (SD)
p. 45 Table 2.6: Results of imaginary experiment, proportions of
preferences for round and square shapes of Japanese children
p. 65 Table 3.1: Number of interpretable RIs, number of modal RIs
and percentage of modal RIs, data from all six children
p. 68 Table 3.2: The modal/temporal interpretation of RIs in the
spontaneous speech data of four Dutch-speaking children, data
Wijnen (1997)
270 T
p. 72 Table 3.3: Number of interpretable SF
, number of modal SF
and percentage of modal SF
, data from all six children
p. 74 Table 3.4: Number of interpretable PVs, number of modal PVs
and percentage of modal PVs, data from all six children
p. 87 Table 3.5: Description of the test items, used in the controlled
elicitation task to test the denotation of verb forms in Dutch and
English child language
p. 90 Table 3.6: Numbers, ages, MLU of the Dutch and English-
speaking subjects in the experiment
p. 93 Table 3.7: Distribution of forms in the modal and ongoing
condition, Dutch subjects (N = 26)
p. 93 Table 3.8: Distribution of forms in the modal and ongoing
condition, English subjects (N = 29)
p. 95 Table 3.9: Probabilities that there is no difference between the
Dutch and English results in the modal and ongoing condition
and that there is no difference between the modal and ongoing
condition in Dutch and English
p. 97 Table 3.10: Use of RIs in modal condition, results of Dutch and
English-speaking children that produced at least 1 RI, number of
interpretable RIs, percentage of modally used RIs (number), and
standard deviation
p. 99 Table 3.11: Numbers, ages, MLU of Dutch and English-speaking
subjects in the experiment that produced 5 or more RIs and 5 or
more FINs
p. 100 Table 3.12: Use of RIs in the modal condition, results of Dutch
and English-speaking children that produced at least 5 RIs and 5
FINs, number of interpretable RIs, percentage of RIs used in
modal condition (number), and standard deviation
p. 101 Table 3.13: Probabilities that there is no difference between the
use of Dutch and English RIs in the modal condition (i.e. null
hypothesis), for all children (that used at least one RI) and for the
productive children (i.e. the children that used at least 5 RIs and 5
p. 103 Table 3.14: Results from Dutch-English experiment on the
interpretation of RIs, Schönenberger et al. (1995), the percentages
of selections of pictures that depicted ongoing events for
respectively finite verbs, non-finite verbs (RIs) and modal verbs
p. 105 Table 3.15: Modal RIs in Dutch and English child language,
corpus data (present study for Dutch data; the English percentage
is the average of the results from Deen, 1997 and Madsen &
Gilkerson, 1999), experimental results from a production task
(present study) and experimental results from a comprehension
task (Schönenberger et al., 1995)
p. 109 Table 3.16: Modal use of RIs, reanalysed Dutch corpus data on
the basis of exclusion of first and second person subjects, data
from all six children
p. 110 Table 3.17: Use of proper name instead of first person singular
subjects in RIs, data from all six children
p. 115 Table 3.18: The Heterogeneous Set Effect illustrated with Dutch
corpus data, number of overused bare stems (BS), sum of
interpretable RIs and BS, number and percentage of modal use
within (the combined set of) RIs and BS, average percentage and
standard deviation, data from all six children
p. 126 Table 4.1: Numbers of different verb types in RIs and SFs and
numbers of overlapping verb types in RIs and SFs, data from all
six children
p. 127 Table 4.2: Overlapping verb types in RIs and SFs, data from all
six children
272 T
p. 128 Table 4.3: Numbers and percentages of stative predicates in RIs
(qualitative results), data from all six children
p. 128 Table 4.4: Numbers and percentages of stative predicates in SFs
(qualitative results), data from all six children
p. 135 Table 4.5: Modal use of interpretable SFs, PVs and RIs
compared, data from all six children collapsed
p. 136 Table 4.6: Distribution of stative predicates over SFs, PVs and
RIs, data from all six children collapsed
p. 136 Table 4.7: Tense, modality and eventivity in SFs, PVs and RIs,
general patterning in early child Dutch
p. 138 Table 4.8: Distributions of stative predicates over finite and
infinitive main verbs in Dutch child-directed speech
p. 141 Table 4.9: Modal interpretations of stative RIs, data from all six
children collapsed
p. 150 Table 4.10: Relations between modal use and restrictions on the
verb type of the selected verbal predicate
p. 154 Table 4.11: Willen 'want', first person singular subjects and
temporal reference, data from all six children
p. 164 Table 5.1: Syntactic, morphological, and semantic, properties of
SFs and of PVs in adult Dutch
p. 177 Table 5.2: The development (accumulation) of lexical overlap
between the verbal predicates in RIs and SFs, data from all six
All children behave very similarly, and differences between the subjects are marginal.
Therefore, the data are collapsed. The same holds for the results in Table 4.6.
p. 178 Table 5.3: Accumulation of finite verb types (i.e. growth of lexical
variation) in the stages I, II, III and IV, data from all six children
p. 181 Table 5.4: Inflection (agreement) errors, data from all six
p. 183 Table 5.5: Data studied by A. de Haan (1996)
p. 185 Table 5.6: Number of RIs in stages I, II, III and IV, data from all
six children
p. 185 Table 5.7: Number of SFs in stages I, II, III and IV, data from all
six children
p. 186 Table 5.8: Number of PVs in stages I, II, III and IV, data from all
six children
p. 187 Table 5.9: Distribution of SF
and SF
over SFs in stage I/II,
data from all six children
p. 189 Table 5.10: Modal RIs, average and standard deviations; a
comparison between stages I/II and III/IV, data from all six
p. 190 Table 5.11: Probabilities that the observed average difference
between modal use in stage II and modal use in stages III/IV is
due to chance. The probabilities are calculated over the entire
group of six children and over 6 groups of five children, with one
specific child omitted at a time (Jack knife method)
p. 192 Table 5.12: Development of frequencies and proportions of
ongoing and modal utterances that denote events
p. 195 Table 5.13: Numbers (percentage) of RIs, SF
's and PVs used to
describe ongoing events in four developmental stages, collapsed
data from all six children
p. 195 Table 5.14: Number (percentage) of RIs, SF
's and PVs used for
modal events in four developmental stages, data from all six
children collapsed
274 T
p. 202 Table 5.15: Schema of sequence of development of specified
aspectual, modal and tensed forms in early child Dutch
p. 204 Table 5.16: Distribution of forms in modal and ongoing
condition, experimental results for Dutch subjects (n = 26), data
from Chapter 3
p. 204 Table 5.17: Distribution of forms used for modal and ongoing
meanings, corpus results from all six children (collapsed)
p. 209 Table 5.18: Subject drop (null subjects = NS) in RIs, numbers per
stage, data from all six children
p. 211 Table 5.19: Subject drop (null subjects = NS) in FINs, numbers
per stage, data from all six children
p. 212 Table 5.20: Probabilities that the observed average difference
between subject drop in stage III and subject drop in stages
II/IV is due to chance. The probabilities are calculated over the
entire group of six children and over 6 groups of five children,
with one specific child omitted at a time
p. 63 Figure 3.1: Modal coding system (utterances with verbs)
p. 65 Figure 3.2: Percentage of modal RIs, data from all six children
and average percentage
p. 71 Figure 3.3: Percentage of modal SF
, data from all six children
and average percentage
p. 73 Figure 3.4: Percentage of modal PVs, data from all six children
and average percentage
p. 97 Figure 3.5: Use of RIs in the modal condition, results of Dutch
and English-speaking children that used at least 1 RI, percentile
0.05-0.25-0.5-0.75-0.95 and average
p. 99 Figure 3.6: Use of RIs in modal condition, results of Dutch and
English-speaking children that used at least 5 RIs and 5 FINs,
p. 133 Figure 4.1: Dynamicity Hypotheses
p. 189 Figure 5.1: Modal RIs, average and standard deviations; a
comparison between the stages I/II and III/IV, data from all six
p. 194 Figure 5.2: Percentages of RIs, SF
's and PVs used to describe
ongoing events in four developmental stages, data form all six
children collapsed
p. 194 Figure 5.3: Percentages of RIs, SF
's and PVs used for modal
events in four developmental stages, data from all six children
p. 210 Figures 5.3 - 5.8: Percentages of subject drop in RIs and FINs
four subsequent developmental stages, data from all six children
p. 215 Figure 5.9: Agreement in the Dutch present tense paradigm,
according to Koeneman (2000)
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Deze dissertatie gaat over de verwerving van finiete zinnen, meer specifiek
over de verwerving van werkwoordelijke inflecties en hulpwerkwoorden.
Normaal ontwikkelende Nederlandstalige kinderen leren de basis voor het
inflectie- en hulpwerkwoordsysteem van hun doeltaal wanneer ze ruwweg
tussen de twee en drie jaar oud zijn. De eerste stap in deze ontwikkeling wordt
gemarkeerd door het verschijnen van zogenaamde 'root infinitives' vaak
afgekort tot RIs. Deze zinnen bevatten een werkwoord, i.e. de potentiële
drager van finietheidskenmerken, maar het werkwoord verschijnt aanvankelijk
louter in niet-finiete vorm. Zinnen als Bob op bank zitten of Schoen aantrekken zijn
karakteristieke voorbeelden van dergelijke RIs: een hulpwerkwoord (vgl.: Bob
wil op de bank zitten of Bob moet op de bank zitten) of inflectie (vgl.: Bob zit op de
bank of Ik trek een schoen aan) ontbreekt. Na dit eerste stadium doorlopen
kinderen een aantal volgende stadia die gekenmerkt worden door het gebruik
van RIs en verschillende soorten finiete zinnen naast elkaar. Een terugkerende
vraag in deze dissertatie is wat de status is van RIs in de taal van jonge
In de hoofdstukken 3, 4 en 5 wordt geconcludeerd dat RIs uitingen zijn zonder
een specifieke modale of temporele referentie, maar met een aspectuele
betekenis. De kinderen gebruiken RIs zolang ze nog geen werkwoordvormen
kennen die een gespecificeerde modale of temporele betekenis hebben. De
gespecificeerde alternatieven voor RIs. i.e. uitspellingen van de functionele
categorieën Modaliteit en Tempus, worden door de kinderen op een
stapsgewijze manier geleerd. Vastgesteld wordt dat de lexicale encoderingswijze
van Tempus door middel van een hulpwerkwoord door Nederlandse kinderen
eerder geleerd wordt dan de grammaticale encoderingswijze door middel van
inflectie. Het gevolg is dat (i) overgeneralisatie plaatsvindt van
hulpwerkwoordgebruik en niet alleen Modaliteit maar ook Tempus lexicaal
uitgespeld wordt, en (ii) dat modale onderscheidingen geformaliseerd worden
voor temporele onderscheidingen. Omdat inflectie in het Nederlands niet
alleen de propositie voorziet van een tijdsindex, maar ook subject en
werkwoord aan elkaar relateert door middel van congruentie, wordt aandacht
besteed aan veranderingen in subjectgebruik die het gevolg kunnen zijn van de
verwerving van inflectionele morfologie.
In de hoofdstukken 3, 4 en 5 worden uitingen van zes Nederlandstalige
kinderen tussen de 2 en 3, 5 (i.e. de RI-periode) geanalyseerd. In de
hoofdstukken 3 en 4 wordt geabstraheerd van veranderingen die plaatsvinden
naarmate de kinderen ouder worden: observaties van verschillende
meetmomenten worden samengenomen. In hoofdstuk 5 staan RIs en finiete
zinnen in verschillende ontwikkelingsstadia centraal. Verder wordt
Nederlandse kindertaal vergeleken met andere kindertalen. In het bijzonder
wordt een vergelijking getrokken tussen Nederlands- en Engelstalige kinderen
op grond van uitingen ontlokt in een experimentele situatie. De hoofdstukken
3, 4 en 5 worden vooraf gegaan door een eerste hoofdstuk met een
literatuuroverzicht en een tweede hoofdstuk met uitleg over de gehanteerde
statistische methode en geanalyseerde taaldata. Het zesde hoofdstuk vat de
belangrijkste conclusies en bevindingen samen, evalueert eerder voorgestelde
hypotheses en geeft de implicaties voor toekomstig onderzoek.
hoofdstuk wordt een uitgebreid overzicht gegeven van de verschillende
verklaringen voor het gebruik van RIs door jonge kinderen en voor de
kenmerken van RIs. De relevante literatuur is onderverdeeld in drie typen
benaderingen. Volgens een groep van wetenschappers zijn RIs het resultaat
van beperkingen in de kindergrammatica. Deze beperking uit zich in het
systematisch ontbreken van functionele categorieën. Volgens een tweede groep
van wetenschappers is er geen fundamenteel verschil tussen de grammaticale
kennis van kinderen en volwassenen. Er wordt betoogd dat RIs het gevolg zijn
van het ontbreken van niet-grammaticale kennis. Kinderen weten bijvoorbeeld
niet dat (of waar) finietheid verplicht uitgedrukt moet worden of ze kennen de
lexicale items niet die finietheid uitdrukken, waardoor de functionele categorie
[ αfiniet ] (IP of Tense) ondergespecificeerd blijft in vroege kindertaal. Een
derde tak van onderzoek relateert RIs en eigenschappen van RIs aan patronen
in het taalaanbod.
OOFDSTUK 2 STATISCHE METHODES In veel gevallen zijn de
kindertaaldata die besproken worden in deze dissertatie kwantitatief te
marginaal om standaard statistische significantietoetsen te gebruiken. Daarom
wordt gebruikt gemaakt van de permutatie-toets om de significantie van de
gedane observaties te bepalen. Het voordeel is dat voor gebruik van deze toets
geen extra aannames gedaan hoeven worden over de verdeling van de
geobserveerde data. Volgens deze methode wordt een geobserveerd verschil
afgezet tegen een verschil berekend op basis van toevalsverdelingen. Deze
toevalsverdelingen komen tot stand door de gedane observaties willekeurig te
verdelen over posities. Op grond van een herhaling van deze toevalsprocedure
(bijv. 1000 of 5000 keer) wordt de waarschijnlijkheid bepaald dat het
geobserveerde verschil afwijkt van het toevalsverschil (i.e. de p-waarde). Is de
p-waarde hoog, i.e. hoger dan de significantiedrempel van 0.05, dan wordt de
H0 bevestigd: het is waarschijnlijk dat er geen significant verschil is tussen de
geobserveerde verdeling en de toevalsverdeling. Is de p-waarde laag, i.e. lager
dan de significantiedrempel van 0.05, dan wordt de H0 niet bevestigd: het is
waarschijnlijk dat er verschil is tussen de twee verdelingen. Deze wijze van
toetsen wordt toegepast om te bepalen of er (i) een betekenisverschil is tussen
de RIs van Nederlands- en Engelstalige kinderen en (ii) om te bepalen of er
een verschil is tussen ontwikkelingsstadia. Om vast te stellen of generalisatie
over de zes Nederlandstalige kinderen die in deze dissertatie bestudeerd
worden, mogelijk is, wordt een zogenaamde 'Jack-knife' techniek toegepast: er
wordt berekend of weglating van een enkel kind - steeds een ander kind uit de
groep van kinderen - leidt tot een vertekening van het groepsgemiddelde. Als
dit niet het geval is, kan gegeneraliseerd worden over de groep van kinderen.
Volgens de Geen Tense Hypothese (No Tense Hypothesis) hebben RIs geen
gefixeerde temporele verankering. De voorspelling is dat RIs gebruikt worden
om handelingen te beschrijven die voor, tijdens en na het spreekmoment
plaatsgevonden hebben, plaatsvinden of zullen plaatsvinden. Volgens de
Modaal Hypothese (Modal Hypothesis) zijn RIs modaal. Er zijn twee varianten
van de Modaal Hypothese: RIs bevatten een niet-uitgesproken modaal
hulpwerkwoord (Modal Drop Hypothesis) of het infinitiefsuffix [ -en ] in RIs heeft
een modale betekenis (Infinitival Morphology Hypothesis of IMH). Volgens de
Niet-Compleetheidsbeperking (Non-Completedness Constraint) verwijzen RIs
zonder uitzondering naar niet afgeronde handelingen. Spontane taaldata van de
zes Nederlandstalige kinderen laten zien RIs met een modale betekenis in de
meerderheid zijn ten opzichte van RIs met een tegenwoordige tijd verwijzing.
Het aantal RIs dat verwijst naar een handeling die afgerond is ten tijde van het
spreekmoment, is verwaarloosbaar. Hoewel modale RIs in de meerderheid
zijn, zijn er teveel tegenwoordige-tijd-RIs om de Modaal Hypothese te
bevestigen. Er is wel sprake van een Modaal Referentie Effect (Modal Reference
Effect of MRE). De Geen Tense Hypothese wordt bevestigd omdat er geen
gefixeerde temporele betekenis is. Nederlandse RIs vertonen een Niet-
Een van de argumenten die gegeven is voor de IMH is dat Engelse RIs geen
MRE vertonen: dit wordt verklaard als het gevolg van het ontbreken van
infinitiefmorfologie in het Engels. In het derde hoofdstuk is het verschil in
betekenis tussen Nederlandse en Engelse RIs nader onderzocht door middel
van een experiment. De experimentele methode voorkomt een aantal
methodologische bezwaren van corpusonderzoek en maakt een valide
taalvergelijking mogelijk. De resultaten van het experiment bevestigen een
betekenisverschil tussen Nederlandse en Engelse RIs: de Nederlandse RIs zijn
vaker modaal dan de Engelse. Preciezer uitgedrukt: de kans dat Nederlandse
kinderen een RI voor modale betekenissen gebruiken is groter dan de kans dat
Engelse kinderen een RI voor modale betekenissen aanwenden.
Het geobserveerde verschil tussen Engels en Nederlands is echter aanzienlijk
kleiner dan het verschil zoals dat gesuggereerd wordt door de resultaten van
corpusonderzoek. Wat verklaart het verschil tussen de twee
onderzoeksmethodes? Engelse corpus RIs zijn beperkt tot uitingen met het
onderwerp in derde persoon enkelvoud, omdat alleen deze vorm de
mogelijkheid biedt tot een onderscheid tussen finiete uitingen en RIs.
Nederlandse corpus RIs, daarentegen, bevatten alle mogelijke onderwerpen.
Het experiment vertoont deze asymmetrie tussen de twee talen niet, omdat alle
uitingen in het experiment een onderwerp in derde persoon enkelvoud hebben.
Omdat juist uitingen met een onderwerp in eerste en tweede persoon
enkelvoud een correlatie vertonen met modaliteit ('ik wil' en 'jij moet'), leidt de
asymmetrie tussen de twee talen in de geselecteerde corpusdata tot een
aanzienlijk betekenisverschil tussen RIs in de twee talen. Her-analyse van de
Nederlandse corpus RIs laat zien dat weglating van RIs met onderwerpen in
eerste en tweede persoon enkelvoud leidt tot een significante daling van het
aantal modale RIs. Na her-analyse is de grootte van het betekenisverschil
tussen RIs in Engelse en Nederlandse kindertaal in corpusdata meer
vergelijkbaar met het verschil gevonden in het experiment.
Eerder in dit hoofdstuk is op grond van Nederlandse corpusdata de conclusie
getrokken dat infinitiefmorfologie niet verantwoordelijk kan worden gehouden
voor de betekenis van Nederlandse RIs. Deze conclusie heeft tot gevolg dat de
eerder gegeven verklaring voor betekenisverschillen tussen Engelse en
Nederlandse RIs, niet meer geldt. Ter verklaring van het betekenisverschil
tussen Engelse en Nederlands RIs is gewezen op het Heterogene Set Effect
(Heterogeneous Set Effect of HSE) dat wel een rol speelt in Engels maar niet in
Nederlands. Het gevolg van het HSE is dat de set van Engelse RIs niet alleen
niet-finiete uitingen bevat, maar ook finiete uitingen waarvan inflectie is
weggelaten. Dat jonge kinderen de neiging hebben om inflectie weg te laten in
finiete contexten is aangetoond via de Nederlandse corpusdata. Echter,
doordat Nederlands een SOV/V2 taal is met aparte infinitiefmorfologie en het
Engels een SVO taal is zonder infinitiefmorfologie, zijn dergelijke uitingen in
het Nederlands geen RIs maar in het Engels wel. Deze verklaring voor het
betekenisverschil tussen Nederlandse en Engelse RIs wordt ondersteund door
een aantal onafhankelijke observaties (betrekking hebbend op
werkwoordstype, vraagwoordgebruik en topicalisatie) die erop wijzen dat
Engelse RIs meer verwant zijn aan simpele finiete zinnen dan Nederlandse
RIs. Het is onduidelijk of het HSE daadwerkelijk een voldoende verklaring biedt
voor het betekenisverschil tussen Engelse en Nederlandse RIs.
uitgewezen dat kinderen in RIs systematisch andere werkwoordelijke
predicaten gebruiken dan in hun zinnen met een verbogen finiet
hoofdwerkwoord, i.e. simple finiete zinnen. Er zijn verschillende generalisaties
voorgesteld om dit verschil te beschrijven. De Geen Overlap Hypothese (No
Overlap Hypothesis) stelt dat er geen enkele overlap is tussen de werkwoordstypes
in RIs en finiete zinnen met een finiet hoofwerkwoord. De corpusdata van
Abel, Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs en Peter laten zien dat er wel overlap is.
Naast de Geen Overlap Hypothese zijn er hypotheses die een asymmetrie voor
stellen tussen werkwoorden gebruikt als finiete hoofdwerkwoorden en
infinitieven. Deze hypotheses vallen uiteen in een Teliciteit Hypothese (Telicity
Hypothesis) en een Dynamiciteit Hypothese (Dynamicity Hypothesis). De resultaten
wijzen in richting van de Dynamiciteit Hypothese, omdat RIs vrijwel altijd een
predicaat bevatten dat een gebeurtenis (event) denoteert en slechts zelden een
predicaat bevatten dat een toestand (state) denoteert. Omdat toestands-
beschrijvende RIs niet uitgesloten zijn, wordt de conclusie getrokken dat er
sprake is van een zwakke restrictie.
In de literatuur worden twee verschillende verklaringen gegeven voor de
beperking van RIs tot eventieve predicaten: de een is gebaseerd op de Geen
Tense Hypothese, de andere op de Modaal Hypothese (beide besproken in het
voorgaande hoofdstuk). De Geen Tense Benadering van de event-beperking
kan echter niet verklaren waarom RIs dezelfde event-beperking vertonen als
finiete uitingen met een perifrastisch werkwoord (i.e. een complexe
werkwoordsvorm bestaande uit hulpwerkwoord en infinitief), terwijl de
verklaring die de event-beperking in RIs relateert aan het overwegend modale
gebruik van RIs deze overeenkomst wel kan verklaren. Verder kan de Geen
Tense Benadering niet de overeenkomsten verklaren tussen volwassen en
kindertaal met betrekking tot de event-beperking, terwijl de Modale
Benadering ook deze overeenkomst kan verklaren. Het laatste voordeel dat de
Modale Benadering heeft is dat ze de zwakte van de event-restrictie kan
verklaren, en wel op twee manieren. Zoals geobserveerd in het voorgaande
hoofdstuk, zijn niet alle RIs modaal. Een aantal niet-eventieve RIs is inderdaad
niet-modaal. Verder is de Modale Benadering van werkwoordsselectie in RIs
niet perse unificerend omdat er verschillende modaliteiten gebruikt worden in
RIs. Bepaalde modale betekenissen - deontische modaliteit/commando's -
sluiten statieve predicaten uit. Andere modale betekenissen - intentionaliteit -
leiden in combinatie met een statief predicaat tot een soort van modaliteit die
kinderen tussen de twee en drie door cognitieve beperkingen niet gebruiken, i.e
epistemische modaliteit. De voorspelling dat statieve RIs beperkt zijn tot RIs
met een tegenwoordige tijdsreferentie of tot RIs die een wens uitdrukken,
komt uit.
Nederlandse RIs zijn verder zo vaak eventief als een gevolg van patronen in
het taalaanbod. Nader onderzoek van het taalaanbod dat de zes
Nederlandstalige kinderen laat zien dat deze kinderen statieve werkwoorden
voornamelijk horen als geïnflecteerde hoofdwerkwoorden, terwijl ze eventieve
werkwoorden voornamelijk horen als infinitieven. Zolang de kinderen nog niet
zelf de mogelijkheid hebben om nieuwe werkwoordsvormen samen te stellen,
zijn de vormen die ze gebruiken directe weerspiegelingen van de
werkwoordsvormen in het taalaanbod. Op grond van het taalaanbod is de
geobserveerde asymmetrie in werkwoordstype tussen finiete zinsinitiële
werkwoorden en zinsfinale infinitieven verwacht.
hoofdstukken zijn data verzameld over een langere periode (i.e. circa een jaar)
samengenomen. In dit vijfde hoofdstuk wordt deze periode opgedeeld in een
viertal ontwikkelingsstadia. Er wordt getoond dat finiete zinnen een
stapsgewijze opkomst en groei vertonen. Aanvankelijk ontbreken alle
verschijningsvormen van finietheid: er is noch inflectie noch zijn er
hulpwerkwoorden. De eerste finiete vormen die verschijnen zijn modale
werkwoorden en koppelwerkwoorden. Deze werkwoorden dragen geen
uiterlijke kenmerken van inflectie. Verder hebben zij geen andere lexicale
betekenis dan het verschaffen van een modale- of tijdsbetekenis. Op grond
hiervan wordt de conclusie getrokken dat Finietheid (Tempus) en Modaliteit in
dit stadium lexicaal zijn en dat Finietheid nog niet gegrammaticaliseerd is tot
inflectie. Deze ontwikkeling is voorspeld door de Grammaticalisatie van
Finietheid Hypothese (Grammaticalisation of Finiteness Hypothesis of GoF). Ook
een tweede ontwikkelingsvolgorde is voorspeld door de GoF. Het lexicale
stadium bestaat uit twee sub-stadia. In sub-stadium 1 zijn de lexicale
finietheidsmarkeerders simplex, in sub-stadium 2 worden ze gecombineerd
met infinitieven tot perifrastische vormen. Na het lexicale stadium volgt het
grammaticale stadium: inflectie wordt verworven. Inflectie introduceert
werkwoordverplaatsing en geeft het kind de mogelijkheid economisch om te
gaan met syntactische representaties. Inflectie (en daarmee de grammaticale
categorie Tempus) wordt door Nederlandse kinderen pas laat verworven. Dit
is het gevolg van (i) de weinig saillante kenmerken van inflectie in het
Nederlands, (ii) relatief weinig lexicale variatie in de set van geïnflecteerde
vormen in het taalaanbod, en (iii) weinig lexicale overlap tussen geïnflecteerde
vormen en niet-geïnflecteerde infinitieven. Deze drie factoren vertragen het
proces van segmentatie en daarmee de verwerving van inflectie. Een
inventarisatie van de lexicale overlap in de vier ontwikkelingsstadia in de data
van de zes kinderen toont aan dat de overlap pas in een later stadium ontstaat.
Deze observatie plaatst de observaties van Hoofdstuk 4 in een ontwikkelings-
Door de factor ontwikkeling als uitgangspunt te nemen voor de analyse van
kindertaal, kunnen twee observaties van Hoofdstuk 3 verklaard worden: de
voorkeur voor modale RIs en het ontbreken van RIs die verwijzen naar
afgeronde handelingen. Wanneer aangenomen wordt dat de Elsewhere
Conditie, waarvan betoogd is dat deze een rol speelt in het lexicon van een
volwassen spreker, ook de selectie van woorden in het lexicon van het jonge
kind organiseert, kan verklaard worden waarom Nederlandse RIs zo vaak
modaal gebruikt worden. Infinitieven, vormen zonder tijds- en
modaliteitskenmerken, zijn de eerste werkwoordsvormen die Nederlandse
kinderen leren. Wanneer vormen geleerd worden die semantisch gespecificeerd
zijn, dan zorgt de Elsewhere Conditie ervoor dat de meer gespecificeerde
vormen geselecteerd worden en niet de ongespecificeerde infinitief. Op deze
wijze worden in het taalleerproces RIs verdrongen door finiete zinnen.
Doordat gespecificeerde alternatieven voor RIs met een tegenwoordige
tijdsbetekenis eerder productief zijn dan gespecificeerde alternatieven met een
modale betekenis, worden de RIs van Nederlandse kinderen relatief vaker
modaal gebruikt naarmate de kinderen ouder worden: RIs vertonen
verschuiving naar modaal gebruik (Modal Shift). Het overwegend modale
gebruik van RIs in de latere verwervingsstadia is groot genoeg om te leiden tot
een dominantie van modale RIs wanneer alle data van alle stadia
samengenomen worden. Een van de oorzaken voor de modale verschuiving is
het overgebruik van perifrastische werkwoorden voor handelingen die in de
tegenwoordige tijd plaatsvinden. De Elsewhere of ontwikkelingshypothese
zoals voorgesteld in deze dissertatie heeft als voordeel (boven de andere
verklaringen voor de modaliteit van RIs) dat ze verklaart waarom niet alle RIs
modaal zijn en verklaart waarom RIs modaler worden naarmate kinderen
ouder worden.
In Hoofdstuk 3 is verder gevonden dat RIs van Nederlandse kinderen niet
verwijzen naar handelingen die afgerond zijn. Ook in dit geval is mogelijk de
werking van de Elsewhere Conditie zichtbaar: aspectueel gespecificeerde
alternatieven voor RIs worden vroeg geleerd in de vorm van zogenaamde root
participles (RPs). Er is een tweede interpretatie van de observaties mogelijk en
dat is dat infinitieven ongespecificeerd zijn voor Modaliteit en Tempus, maar
niet voor aspectualiteit. RIs en RPs zijn tegenhangers: de eerste bevatten een
vorm gespecificeerd als [ -compleet ], de tweede een vorm gespecificeerd als
[ +compleet ]. Deze interpretatie betekent dat het aspectuele contrast
[ ±compleet ] gemarkeerd wordt voor het modale contrast [ ±realis ] en het
temporele contrast [ ±verleden tijd ], respectievelijk. Het modale contrast
tussen mogelijkheid en noodzakelijk lijkt ook een ontwikkeling te vertonen: de
verwerving van perifrastische werkwoordsvormen breidt het scala aan
expressies om modale handelingen te beschrijven uit. In de eerste stadia
worden slechts noodzakelijke handelingen beschreven, later ook mogelijke
Na een bespreking van overwegend semantische aspecten van de verwerving
van finietheid, wordt ingegaan op een syntactisch effect van de verwerving van
inflectie. Geïnflecteerde werkwoordsvormen vertonen congruentie met het
zinssubject. Op grond van een recent ontwikkelde theorie wordt de hypothese
getoetst of de verwerving van inflectie effect heeft op het gebruik van
zinssubjecten door Nederlandse kinderen. Andersom gesteld: de patronen van
het gebruik van zinssubjecten vormen een indicatie voor de verwerving van
inflectie. Het blijkt dat de ontwikkeling van subjectgebruik in de data van Abel,
Daan, Josse, Laura, Matthijs en Peter compatibel is met de eerder getrokken
conclusie over het moment waarop inflectie verworven wordt en de kinderen
een onderscheid kunnen maken tussen geïnflecteerde finiete vormen en niet-
geïnflecteerde infinitieven: vanaf het moment dat inflectie verworven wordt,
beginnen RIs en finiete zinnen een tegenovergesteld patroon van
subjectgebruik te vertonen.
de hoofdstukken 3, 4 en 5 leiden tot een aantal hypotheses die getoetst kunnen
worden in toekomstig onderzoek. Een eerste hypothese is dat het incrementele
ontwikkelingstraject geschetst voor de functionele categorie Tempus (van
afwezig, via lexicaal naar grammaticaal) kenmerkend is voor het
ontwikkelingstraject van functionele categorieën in het algemeen. Een andere
hypothese is dat lexicale encoderingen (via een hulpwerkwoord) eerder geleerd
worden dan grammaticale encoderingen (via inflectie). Dit betekent dat de
volgorde Aspectualiteit >> Modaliteit >> Tempus gevonden voor
Nederlandse kindertaal niet universeel is, maar afhankelijk is van taalspecifieke
encoderingen. Voorbeelden van specifieke vragen die de voorgestelde analyses
oproepen zijn: Gaan kinderen die de zogenaamde pro-drop talen leren, zoals
het Italiaans, door een fase waarin ze subjecten in finiete zinnen
overgebruiken? Hoe leren kinderen in een taal als het Afrikaans
werkwoordsverplaatsing, in aanmerking genomen dat het Afrikaans geen enkel
fonetisch-gerealiseerd inflectioneel suffix kent?
De uitgebreide aandacht die besteed is aan de methodes van experimenteel
onderzoek van het gebruik van werkwoordsvormen bij zeer jonge kinderen,
kan dienen als aanknopingspunt voor nieuw op te zetten experiment. Temeer
daar de corpusmethode problematisch is met betrekking tot de verwerving van
de betekenis van werkwoordsvormen, is verder experimenteel onderzoek
(mogelijkerwijs met kinderen uit verschillende ontwikkelingsstadia) gewenst.
Het is verder gebleken dat analyse waarin taalontwikkeling, meer specifiek de
ontwikkeling van werkwoordsvormen, bestudeerd wordt, vruchtbaar is. De
ontwikkelingsanalyse heeft verscheidene eerder gedane observaties in een
nieuw licht geplaatst. Verder longitudinaal onderzoek is zeker gewenst, niet
alleen in het Nederlands maar juist ook in talen die verschillen van het
Nederlands om te onderzoeken in hoeverre kinderen die verschillende talen
leren een vergelijkbaar pad doorlopen. Dit draagt bij aan een verdere
ontrafeling van de universele taalleermechanismes. Het is bekend dat
Nederlandstalige kinderen met een specifieke taalstoornis problemen hebben
met het gebruik van finiete werkwoorden. Ook kinderen en volwassen die het
Nederlands als tweede taal leren maken 'fouten' in het gebruik van finiete
werkwoorden. Gedetailleerde ontwikkelingsanalyses zoals uitgewerkt in deze
dissertatie kunnen bijdragen tot het begrip van de aard van de verschillen
tussen normaal ontwikkelende kinderen die Nederlands als hun eerste taal
leren, en (i) Nederlandstalige kinderen met een taalstoornis en (ii) kinderen en
volwassenen die Nederlands als tweede taal leren.
Elma Blom was born in Warnsveld on the 4
of December 1972. She attended
the Baudartius College in Zutphen, where she received her Athenaeum
diploma in 1990. She studied Dutch Language & Literature at Utrecht
University and specialised in syntax-semantics and sociolinguistics. After
obtaining a cum laude Master’s degree in 1996, she started with
psycholinguistic research at the Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS. The
research carried out at the UIL-OTS resulted in this dissertation. Parts of the
corpus study reported in this dissertation have been used for a joint Dutch-
Flemish project on machine learning on the basis of naturalistic language input.
The experimental research on early child English is carried out during an eight-
month visit at the UCLA Linguistics Department. While preparing this
dissertation, Elma Blom was also a student at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts
in The Hague.