Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
ISSN 1679-3951
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Keywords: 
Ensaio teórico sobre as avaliações de políticas públicas
Ensayo teórico sobre las evaluaciones de políticas publicas
Palabras clave: 
DOI: 
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
Although widely discussed in Brazil and in the world, the term “public policy” may adopt several meanings. According to
Secchi (2014), lan-speaking countries nd it dicult to disnguish two terms from the English language: polics and policy.
For Bobbio, Maeucci and Pasquino (1998), the rst refers to a set of human acvies pertaining to the polis or to the
State; and, according to Secchi (2014), the second denotes something more concrete, that has relaon with acons, and
decisions. Thus, “public policy” is aligned with the meaning of policy, i.e., it refers to the process of polical construcon,
acng, and decision. It may be said that public policy is closely linked to state acons, however, there are other currents of
thought that indicate a mul-centric scenario (SECCHI, 2014). In the mul-centered approach, there appears a network of
public policy made up of government actors, private and non-governmental organizaons, and mullateral organizaons
(FREY, 2000; SECCHI, 2014). From the conceptual point of view, besides involving several actors in the formulaon or
implementaon, public policies are muldisciplinary and have an impact on the economy, and sociees (SOUZA, 2006;
HOWLETT, RAMESH and PERL, 2013). In view of the aforemenoned denions, we may infer that the study of public policy
is a complex phenomenon with a mulplicity of actors internal or external to the State (HOWLETT, RAMESH and PERL, 2013).
Consequently, the search for analycal processes is a way to reduce the complexity of the object and to simplify the analysis.
In order to do so, the division into stages was established, under the aegis of the policy cycle and in relaon to the various
phases of the polical process arranged in a sequenal and interdependent way (FREY, 2000; HOWLETT, RAMESH and PERL,
2013; SECCHI, 2014). Among the formats observed in the literature, we have chosen to describe the applied resoluon of
problems and the stages corresponding to the polical cycle, based on Howle, Ramesh and Perl (2013) and Secchi (2014)
– Box 1 summarizes these connecons.
Applied problem
Polical cycle stage
according to Howle,
Ramesh e Perl (2013)
Polical cycle stage
according to Secchi (2014)
  
 
  
  
  
Source: Elaborated by the authors.
Since it is a holisc eld with several unfolding events, this study proposes to specically analyze the historical process of
structuring one stage of the polical cycle, namely evaluaon. Given its conceptual, methodological, and developmental
importance, the evaluaon of public policies, public programs, or public processes is included in the contemporary research
agenda as an essenal tool for the improvement of public policies in all spheres of government, and in the global scenario. The
United Naons (UN), the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Organizaon for Economic Co-operaon
and Development (OECD), the Economic Commission for Lan America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), and the Lan American
Center for Public Administraon and Development (Clad) emerge as protagonists in the generaon of methodologies, and
evaluave projects (RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012).
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
The eecve use of evaluave processes can contribute to the transparency of public acts, as well as to present forms of
control and monitoring of governmental acons to cizens, thus guaranteeing the legimacy of the policies or programs
developed (WEISS, 1999; ALA-HARJA and HELGASON, 2000; MOKATE, 2002; VEDUNG, 2009; RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012).
Nevertheless, it is worth nong that, because of its polical nature, evaluaons can contribute to the maintenance or not of
a certain policy, somemes linked to the proposions and strategies of the pares involved (RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012;
ARRETCHE, 2001; CRUZ, 2015).
Carvalho (1999) notes that the evaluaon presents a high degree of complexity and specicity, factors that increase the diculty
in incorporang the evaluave acvity in the day-to-day of the administrators, since there are mulple actors, objecves,
causes, eects, and outcomes. In this sense, in order to contribute to the debate on public policy evaluaon, this arcle
devotes the next topics to the historical rescue of the study of the evaluaon, as well as to the details of the exisng models,
types, and methodologies in the literature and recent internaonal trends inserted in this discussion. For the construcon
of this theorecal essay, we opted for advanced search in the following databases: SCOPUS, Web of Science, Google Scholar,
SciELO, USP Bank of Theses and Dissertaons, VHL, and Capes Journal Portal. The main keywords of the research were:
“public policies”; “evaluaon”; and “public policy evaluaon”. Nevertheless, this search also resulted in an amplicaon of
the literature through the arcles analyzed.
The literature considers the end of the 1950s as a cornerstone of the evaluave studies. According to Vedung (2010), the
historical process of studies on evaluaon in the global context can be divided into four diusion waves. Each wave is indicated
for a period of me and coined according to social, polical, and economic issues. The construcon of this metaphor refers
to the constant renewal of the scenario resulng from the repeve movement of the waves and the constant sediment
deposits for the creaon of a base (VEDUNG, 2010). Using this theorecal framework, we opt for describing the evoluon of
the evaluave studies using Vedungs diusion wave concepon (2010).
The rst wave, or diusion phase of the evaluaon studies, dates back to the late 1950s, consolidated in the mid-1960s
(DERLIEN, 2001; TREVISAN and BELLEN, 2008; VEDUNG, 2010; PICCIOTTO, 2015), and is characterized as “the wave oriented
to science” (VEDUNG, 2010). The studies belonging to this period in me are related to the emergence of the Welfare State,
especially in the countries with reformist aspiraons in that period, especially United States of America (USA), France, Germany,
Sweden, and Canada (DERLIEN, 2001; VERDUNG, 2010; PICCIOTTO, 2015).
The main objecves of the studies of this phase were following up and analyzing the results of the policies implemented;
Derlien (2001) aributes to this set of studies the informaon funcon. These are evaluaons with the purpose of assessing
the eects and results of the policy or program, as well as idenfying possible posive or negave consequences. These
studies also aimed to verify points to be improved and to indicate recurrent failures (DERLIEN, 2001). “The focus was on the
improvement of the program, and administrators were interested in using evaluaon as a feedback mechanism” (TREVISAN
and BELLEN, 2008, p. 537). For Vedung (2010), it was during this period that evaluaons emerged from a context of radical
raonality; the structure of evaluave thinking was guided by the noon of “sciencaon” of processes of public policy, and
public administraon. The evaluaon would bring to the government an air of raonality with a scienc and fact-based scaold
(ROSSI and WRIGHT, 1984; WEISS, 1999; VEDUNG, 2010). In his paper on public sector reform, Thoenig (2000) reinforces the
raonality described by Vedung (2010) and conrms the informaon funcon proposed by Derlien (2001), stang that if the
use of evaluaon is oriented to acon, it must concentrate on providing usable knowledge. For the author, the evaluaon is
much more likely to be accepted if its informaonal aspect is emphasized (THOENIG, 2000).
The second me period, or the second wave described by Vedung (2010), named dialogue-oriented wave”, dates back to
the mid-1970s, in a context in which researchers argued that assessments should be more pluralisc, driven by progressive
ideals (VEDUNG, 2010; PICCIOTTO, 2015).
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
It is discussed the inseron of all the actors involved in the intervenon to be analyzed, from researchers and policians to
operators of the policy or program in queson (VEDUNG, 2010). Rossi and Wright (1984) emphasize the growth in the use of
qualitave research in this period, a model that is convergent to the inclusive thinking of the me, jusfying its use based on
the lower costs of these surveys at the local level, and with greater ulity and exibility for administrators. These evaluave
models would support beer the parcipatory comprehensiveness and would bring greater contact with reality (ROSSI
and WRIGHT, 1984; VEDUNG, 2010). Summing up the characteriscs of this wave, Vedung (2010, p. 270, our translaon)
explains that, “in contrast to the science-induced wave, the dialogue-oriented wave rested on communicave raonality.
Instead of producing truths, a dialogic evaluaon would generate broad agreements, consensus, polical acceptability, and
democrac legimacy”.
On the other hand, the third wave, named by Vedung (2010) “neoliberal wave”, introduced in the early 1980s, modied once
again the evaluaon studies standard. Vedung (2010) and Piccioo (2015) describe this period as a neoliberal ood in the
eld of evaluave studies, focusing on reducing the state, and promong free market and public-private partnerships. In the
USA, the new evaluave concepons followed the dismantling of social programs promoted by Ronald Reagan (ROSSI and
WRIGHT, 1984). The emerging management model was the New Public Management (NPM), with greater focus on results in
relaon to the processes. Vedung (2010, p. 270, our translaon) complements by arguing that decentralizaon, deregulaon,
privazaon, civil society and, in parcular, customer orientaon have become new slogans. Previously considered the soluon
to the problems, the public sector had become the problem to be solved”. Derlien (2001) aributes the mapping funcon to
this wave, and the studies focus on diagnosing the policies or programs that can be cut based on the negave results presented
and on the consequences of the privazaon of certain state funcons or acvies; nancial eciency in the conducon of
public policies and programs is aimed at (DERLIEN, 2001).
In their contribuon, Ala-Harja and Helgason (2000) indicate that, in this phase, evaluaon was understood as a tool capable
of jusfying policies and reallocang nancial resources. At the governmental level, the evaluators focus on the Ministry of
Finance and audit organs. In conclusion, Vedung (2010) summarizes that the evaluaon acvies of the third wave were
mainly directed to accountability, performance measurement and consumpon, search for the quality of services provided,
and comparave evaluaons.
Following, the fourth and last wave described by Vedung (2010) is called “wave of evidence: the return of experimentaon”.
This wave of evaluave studies took shape in the decades of 1990 and 2000, especially in the North Atlanc and Nordic
countries. These are evidence-based studies and, in this sense, Piccioo (2015) emphasizes that those involved in assessment
studies are “surngthis fourth wave. Studies focused on scienc evidence aim to separate what works from what does not
work (VEDUNG, 2010; PICCIOTTO, 2015).
The authors highlight that studies with experimental approaches, by using randomizaon (control and treatment groups) or
quasi-experimental, have as main objecve the vericaon of the impacts caused by the public policy or program (VEDUNG,
2010; PICCIOTTO, 2015). Complementarily, Silveira, Vieira, Capobiango et al. (2013) resume the concept of evaluaon that
seeks to understand and know the consequences of an acon, as well as to ancipate its possible results. In the meanwhile,
internaonal organizaons, academics, and governments began to perform systemac reviews of the literature, in order to
strengthen the research bases, guaranteeing greater raonality to the process. Vedung (2010) classies this movement of
incessant search for scienc evidence as a return to the science-based model, however, with a new style. In Derlien’s view
(2001, p. 107, our translaon), evaluaon at this me has the funcon of legimaon: “it is believed that scienc evidence
juses polical decisions, either to improve, reduce or eliminate programs.”
In view of the internaonal panorama presented, it is necessary to make a geographical breakdown for the discussion on the
evaluaon studies eld in Brazil. Unlike the countries with a long tradion of evaluang public policies and programs, Brazil
entered at a late me in this phase of the polical cycle. According to Mokate (2002, p. 90, our translaon):
Despite what has been said and according to what was published about the importance of evaluaon
processes, it is sll uncommon to nd social programs or policies in Lan America that have a rigorous
systemac evaluaon process incorporated into daily processes of administraon and decision-making.
The concern about evaluang public policies or programs is something that has recently been incorporated into the polical
agenda, since administrators’ priority was channeled into the policy formulaon process, with lile emphasis on the other
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
stages of the cycle (COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003; ALVES and PASSADOR, 2011; CRUMPTON, MEDEIROS, FERREIRA et al., 2016).
This incorporaon was reported in the mid-1980s, aer the experience of structural reforms in the state apparatus proposed
in various parts of the world, in order to reduce government costs and make it more ecient (PAULA, 2005). Therefore, a
greater and less fragmented use of evaluaon in Brazil only appears during the third wave described by Vedung (2010) or
during the legimizaon funcon proposed by Derlien (2001).
On the other hand, the adopon of evaluave pracces in countries such as Brazil aims at strengthening instuonal
arrangements and providing administrators with an analysis of the policies adopted (CRUMPTON, MEDEIROS, FERREIRA et
al., 2016). In their study, Crumpton, Medeiros, Ferreira et al. (2016) compared the evaluave studies carried out in Brazil and
the USA, in order to present the degree of establishment of this type of research in the countries; as a result, it is found that,
unlike the USA, the area of research in evaluaon is not fully established in Brazil, although there is an eort on the part of
the researchers to change this picture.
It is believed that, in the Brazilian case, the public databases available present reliability problems (some have declared
data), unavailable data, and disconnuity in the indicators producon; such factors may contribute to the low adherence to
quantave evaluave studies. Therefore, evaluaons in the country would be between the second wave proposed by Vedung
(2010), with more qualitave assessments of local character and specic policies analysis, and the third wave, focused mainly
on accountability, performance measurement, and search for quality in the services provided.
At any rate, it should be emphasized that there is a strengthening of the evaluaon study to seek best pracces and theories,
contribung in a substanal way to the creaon of an evaluave culture” capable of embracing the complexity and specicies
of each policy or program in queson (CARVALHO, 1999; UNDP, 2016).
The evoluonary trajectory of evaluave processes in Brazil and in the world facilitates understanding that there is no single
method or standard dened at the present me. There is a mulplicity of approaches and methodologies covering a wide
range of opons. Based on the assumpon that evaluaons are not the same, Cohen and Franco (2008), and Ramos and
Schabbach (2012) suggest the descripon of the dierent forms of evaluaon according to a series of criteria, namely use, me,
objecves, who performs it, to whom it is intended for, what is the expected outcome, among others. Costa and Castanhar
(2003) call the variety of concepts and methodologies of evaluaon studies a conceptual entanglement. The authors indicate
that the knowledge of several theorecal alternaves contributes greatly to the choice of the most appropriate method for
each type of policy or program to be evaluated.
According to Faria (2005), it is possible to indicate at least four types of use for the evaluaon: instrumental; conceptual;
persuasive; or claricaon. The instrumental use refers to the importance of quality and the adequate propagaon of the
results achieved, in order to turn the evaluaon somewhat tangible, and feasible of employability. Weiss (1998) adds that
the instrumental use of evaluaon might guide decision-makers as it enables a return to the history of the program analyzed,
provides feedback to evaluaon praconers, and also highlights the objecves established for the program.
The second use, called conceptual, is oen applied to those that do not have direct contact with the program formulaon
(local technicians); It is, therefore, necessary to provide informaon about the policy or program, to present its nature and
operaon, and to introduce them to the impacts and results achieved (FARIA, 2005). We may state that the main objecve
of the conceptual use is the learning provided to the actors; in this regard, Mokate (2002, p. 127, our translaon) emphasizes
that summing up, evaluaon allows us to enrich management processes with dynamic learning. Far from being a devilish
monster, then, the assessment may have a new image, that of a guardian ally. Complementarily, Ramos and Schabbach (2012)
indicate that learning can be enhanced when technicians acvely parcipate in the evaluaon process.
Addionally, the third use, called persuasive, described by Faria (2005, p. 103), “occurs when it is used to mobilize the support
towards the posion that decision-makers already have about the necessary changes in the policy or program”. The evaluaon,
at that moment, has the funcon of legimizing the desired changes and winning new supporters for this movement. Finally,
the use of claricaon is proposed as a result of the accumulaon of knowledge originated from the several already performed
evaluaons (FARIA, 2005) and becomes capable of guiding the governmental agenda. Mokate (2002) states that the maturaon
of a new management paradigm, focused on evaluave pracces, may be an ally in incorporang evaluaon as a natural and
gradual process for the achievement of the objecves proposed.
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
In order to provide a foundaon for the dierenaon between the various moments of the evaluaon, Cohen and Franco
(2008) divide it into ex ante evaluaon and ex post evaluaon.
Ex-ante evaluaons are those performed prior to the decision-making process and may be said to serve as an input to decision-
making on the implementaon of social policies or programs (COTTA, 2001; COHEN and FRANCO, 2008). Furthermore, Ramos
and Schabbach (2012) arm that, in this type of evaluaon, a diagnosis is generated on the situaon observed, contribung
with the adequacy of the available resources to the proposed objecves (viability vericaon), also being able to serve as a
direcon tool for the maintenance and/or formulaon of policies or programs.
The ex post classicaon indicates that the evaluaons are performed during the execuon of a project or at the end of the
project. When evaluang refers to the intermediate moment (process evaluaon), the conclusions may found decisions of
connuity or disconnuity of a certain policy or program (COTTA, 2001; COHEN and FRANCO, 2008; TREVISAN and BELLEN,
2008; RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012). With regard to terminal evaluaons (which measure impact and outcome, for example),
ex-post evaluaons provide informaon concerning the experience gained and can support future decisions on the same
policy or program or contribute to the construcon of an evaluaon model to another objecve or similar experiences (COTTA,
2001; COHEN and FRANCO, 2008; TREVISAN and BELLEN, 2008; RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012). Based on the literature, we
may infer that ex post evaluaons are more widespread both in academic and praccal applicaons; thus, they present beer
established and more sophiscated methodologies.
Similarly, Scriven (1991) denes two terms for the evaluaon moments: formave evaluaon and summave evaluaon.
The formave evaluaon resembles the funcon of the ex post intermediate evaluaon, being conducted during the process
of implementaon or development of the program, and has as purpose providing an analycal reading to the decision makers.
The summave evaluaon is directed aer the compleon of the program (terminal ex post), providing administrators and
users with a judgment of the overall value of the program (SCRIVEN, 1991; TREVISAN and BELLEN, 2008). From the same
point of view, Ramos and Schabbach argue that the evaluaon rangs made by Scriven (1991) also present connecons
with the nature of evaluaon, whether it is program formaon (formave assessments) or analysis and producon of
informaon (summave assessment). Weiss (1998) argues that the simplicity proposed in Scriven’s denion (1991)
does not diminish the reach of the evaluave purposes, but produces informaon that contributes to the modicaon or
maintenance of the program.
Regarding the classicaon of the evaluaon from the point of view of who executes it or parcipates in it, it can be stated
that there is a consensus in the literature regarding the disncon in four types: external evaluaon; internal evaluaon;
mixed evaluaon; and parcipatory evaluaon. Firstly, Cohen and Franco (2008) warn that evaluaons performed by people
outside the organizaon tend to emphasize the method applied to the detriment of specic knowledge of the area in which
the policy or program is developed. Coa (1998) contributes with the discussion informing that external evaluaons add an
exempon to the evaluave pracce, however, the external evaluator has greater dicules of accessing the data. In addion,
we can cite as an advantage the greater objecvity of the external evaluators, because they do not parcipate in the internal
processes, besides the possibility of comparison with similar programs (COHEN and FRANCO, 2008; RAMOS and SCHABBACH,
2012). In the view of Thoenig (2000), in his arcle on public sector reform, external evaluaons may play a crucial role in
decision making; the author cites the case of Greece, which performed external evaluaons for decision-making in relaon
to the structural funds of the European Union.
With regard to internal evaluaons, the advantages presented by the literature are the reducon of the conicts generated by
the inseron of external people or organizaons; the possibility of review and learning regarding the processes executed in a
given policy or program; the greater theorecal and technical knowledge of the specic features evaluated. However, internal
evaluaons risk losing objecvity and paral conclusions, since they are developed by those involved in the formulaon and
implementaon of the analyzed program (WEISS 1998; COTTA 1998; COHEN and FRANCO 2008; VEDUNG 2009; RAMOS and
Then, we have the mixed evaluaon, which combines the two models described. Basically, the goal of mixed assessment
is to add eorts and ensure synergy between the actors involved in the acon. The potenalies of each model are then
combined and the impacts or biases which are presented individually are reduced (COHEN and FRANCO, 2008; RAMOS and
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
Finally, there exists the parcipatory evaluaon, which has as a main objecve reducing the distance between the organizers
and producers of the evaluaon and the beneciaries of the evaluated policies or programs. It allows the parcipaon of users
in all phases of the polical cycle, favoring opinion, and meeng the specic demands of these actors (COHEN and FRANCO,
2008, RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012). For Paon (1999), parcipatory evaluaon should consider priories and eects and
establish common denions for both evaluators and beneciaries.
The author describes some steps to make parcipatory evaluaon feasible, such as conducng interacve sessions to discuss
aspects of the evaluaon; discussion and mode of use of priories, purposes, and denions; and proposal of an ideal evaluaon
model that sases all the condions exposed in the previous stages (PATTON, 1999). Addionally, Spink (2001) exposes the
importance of parcipatory evaluaon, already highlighted, capable of strengthening the es between the involved ones,
helping to maintain the democrac evaluaon pracce. However, one should take into account the dimension of the policy
or program evaluated; in this regard, Ramos and Schabbach (2012) suggest that parcipatory evaluaons work adequately
only on small projects or local programs. In turn, Carvalho (1999, p. 89) argues that:
In fact, in dealing with more circumscribed units (an instuon or a program), parcipatory evaluaon
becomes a rich procedure, since its accomplishment is shared with the agents and beneciaries involved
(in the program or instuon), allowing a reecve and socialized appropriaon among the various
subjects of moving acon in addion to the evaluaon.
We should emphasize, therefore, that parcipatory evaluaon promotes the incorporaon of individuals into decision-making
and favors social learning, and cizenship (CARVALHO, 1999). Ceneviva and Farah (2012) emphasize that bureaucrats should
not work in isolaon, on the contrary, evaluaon is a tool for transparency of public acts and cizens can and should inform
themselves and supervise the acons promoted by polical actors.
Regarding the approach, the evaluaons can be classied in qualitave, quantave, and mixed methods. In short, Weiss
(1998) classies qualitave research as those that present themselves in words and quantave ones, in numbers. The author
complements by stang that quantave assessments collect data and transform it into numerical informaon, strongly
supported by stascs, mathemacal, and econometric methods. Quantave approaches can use sophiscated tools in
data analysis, which idenfy relaonships between one or more variables, and can encompass a large sample universe, as
well as provide informaon on the extent and distribuon of a phenomenon (WEISS, 1998). On the other hand, qualitave
evaluaons tend to use less structured tools, such as interviews, observaonal techniques and document analysis (WEISS,
1998). Garcia (2001, p. 29) argues that:
The evaluaon has to be operated with a broad vision, guided by a judgment of value, something
eminently qualitave, focused on complex processes, in which the elements in interacon do not always
produce measurable manifestaons, and some of these elements may not present quanable aributes.
Rossi and Wright (1984) argue that, for social research, as in the case of public policies study, the qualitave approach displays
advantages because it has the capacity to promote approximaon with reality and is exible to contemplate the complexity
entailed in such policies. Mokate (2002) alludes to the great discussions in the social sectors that place qualitave and
quantave approaches on dierent sides of the same arena. It is an exaggerated compeon about which method is most
ecient, eectual or eecve. These dierences are aributed to the reasons for which, in part, evaluaons are not rounely
instuonalized as a roune of the administrave pracce.
In terms of results, a large part of the naonal and internaonal literature discusses the advantages and disadvantages
of each approach, however, there is growing acceptance that the integraon between them is the best soluon to the
theorecal confrontaons (SILVEIRA, VIEIRA, CAPOBIANGO et al., 2013). The dierences between the approaches generate
opportunies for complementaon, adding the similaries and increasing the synergy between the pares (MOKATE, 2002).
It is in this area that the mixed methods approach is inserted, which are nothing more than the combinaon of qualitave
and quantave assessments. Mokate (2002, p. 114, our translaon) argues that “parcularly, the evaluaon may also be
applied to quantave and qualitave methods to generate dierent types of informaon which together correspond to the
dierent quesons proposed by the evaluaon process.
Scriven (1996) establishes the skills of an evaluator and notes the use of mixed methods, arguing that the evaluator should
present basic qualitave domains such as quesonnaire use and observaonal methods. The control of polarizaon between
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
approaches is also necessary to combine such praccal tests, measurement procedures, judgment and narrave evaluaon,
and case study techniques. Therefore, Bloch, Soresen, Graversen et al. (2014) argue that the use of mixed methods contributes
to the use of the best available data sources, with the aim of providing comprehensive and robust answers. However, the
authors present the me taken, the resources, and the commitment to build the pragmac aspects of the evaluaon as
limitaons to the use of mixed methods, (BLOCH, SORENSEN, GRAVERSEN et al., 2014). Costa, Pegado, Ávila et al. (2013) add
that quantave research leads to a generalizaon of results generated by standardized informaon. On the other hand,
qualitave research will probably provide data on social circumstances and environments, giving emphasis to the cultural
and contextual dimensions.
Considering the methodology applied to the evaluaon, Costa and Castanhar (2003) group the evaluaons in process evaluaon;
goals evaluaon; and impact assessment. As for the process evaluaon, according to Costa and Castanhar (2003, p. 980):
Its objecve is to detect possible defects in the elaboraon of procedures, to idenfy barriers, and
obstacles to its implementaon and to generate important data for its reprogramming, through the
registraon of events and acvies. Thus, the proper use of the informaon produced during the
development of the program allows introducing changes in its content during its execuon.
With purposes similar to those of the formave evaluaon described by Scriven (1991), the process evaluaon systemacally
assesses the evoluon of policies or programs, as well as follows its internal processes. Its uses allow to contemplate the content
of the program, the relaonship between what was planned and what has been executed, the reach of the target users, and
the success or failure in the correct delivery of the benets (COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003; RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012).
Furthermore, we have the goals evaluaon, described by Costa and Castanhar (2003) as the most tradional evaluaon
methodologies. It aims to “measure the degree of success that a program achieves in relaon to the achievement of previously
established goals” (COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003, p. 997). We may consider this type of evaluaon as an ex post evaluaon
since it requires the program to be completed to be evaluated (COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003). Ramos and Schabbach (2012)
present a dierent conceptualizaon, called results evaluaon, but with objecves similar to the goals evaluaon; In this
context, the eects and consequences of a given policy are measured, determining its success or failure based on eecve
changes in the populaons beneted.
The evaluaon, once considered as a way of measuring the performance of policies or programs, being such performance the
achievement of goals (COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003) or the results evaluaon (RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012), needs criteria
to structure and, nally, to measure the contracted consequence (COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003). In this manner, three basic
dimensions prevail to measure the results obtained (DRAIBE, 2001; COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003; ALVES and PASSADOR, 2011):
•  of economic origin, signies to achieve the objecves of the program, by priorizing established
standards, with the lowest possible cost-benet rao;
•  measures the degree to which goals and objecves have been achieved, thus translang in a simplied
way the result achieved;
•  also treated in the literature as a measure of impact, indicates the posive eects related to the program
target public. It is a broader dimension, because it analyzes the economic, socio-cultural, environmental, and
instuonal aspects, that is, eecvity measures both the quanty and the quality of the goals reached by the
In the chain of ideas, Costa and Castanhar (2003), and Ramos and Schabbach (2012) agree on the last denion proposed: the
impact assessment. It is therefore inferred that impact assessment covers not only the results achieved in terms of eciency,
eecvity, and ecacy, but also changes in the target populaon as a result of the implementaon of the evaluated policy
or program. Coa (1998, p. 113) adds that:
The dierence between the results evaluaon and impact assessment, therefore, depends eminently
on the scope of the analysis: if the objecve is to inquire about the eects of an intervenon on
the public served, then it is a results evaluaon; if the intenon is to capture the reexes of this
same intervenon in a broader context, then it is an impact assessment. Or, put another way, the
results evaluaon is aimed at measuring the intermediate results of the intervenon, and the impact
assessment, its nal results.
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
We may compare the impact assessment to the summave evaluaon proposed by Scriven (1991), which is executed ex
post to the realizaon of the program or project. In summary, this evaluave model uses methodological structures that
provide cause and eect relaonships between the acons performed by the program and the eects promoted in the target
community (COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003; RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012). In order to do so, it is necessary to follow two
guidelines noted by Coa (1998): a) the objecves must be dened to include the idencaon of measurable goals; and b)
the implementaon of the policy or program must be at least sasfactory to support an impact assessment without bias or
even to make it unfeasible.
It is also worth menoning the importance of the research designs and outcomes for each type of evaluaon: of a process,
goals/results or impacts, depending on the problem that it responds to. In view of this need, Box 2 describes, without the
pretension of exhausng them, each of the designs and outcomes presented in the literature (SCRIVEN, 1991; WEISS, 1998;
COTTA, 1998; OECD, 2002; COSTA and CASTANHAR, 2003; VEDUNG, 2009; CAMELO JUNIOR, FERNANDES, JORGE et al., 2011;
Design/outcome Brief descripon Evaluaon type
Source: Elaborated by the authors.
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
In conclusion, in view of the variety and complexity of the applicaons, methods, tools, approaches, moments and actors
involved in the evaluaon process, the next secon explores internaonal trends about the evoluon of evaluaon studies,
with the aim of comparing them under the point of view of types, methodologies, and outcomes.
In the face of ever more complex and turbulent scenarios, global trends are converging towards structuring and strengthening
internaonal evaluaon acons, supported by government agencies, independent agencies, mullateral organizaons, and
civil society organizaons. It is clear that the pares agree that evaluave acvies are important for good governance and
can contribute to the advancement of more eecve, ecacious, and ecient social public policies (RAMOS and SCHABBACH,
2012; EVALPARTNERS, 2015). In order to achieve it, this topic maps, without the pretension of exhausng them, the acons
developed and presents acons executed by internaonal organizaons.
Internaonal organizaons such as the World Bank, UN and OECD parcipate and play a key role in building and strengthening
instuonalized evaluave pracces. The aim is to develop methodological frameworks and tools to improve the design,
execuon, and evaluaon of programs or projects around the world (RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012).
In this context, 2015 was established by EvalPartners and approved by the UN as the internaonal year of evaluaon. The
organizaon, built through partnerships between the Internaonal Organizaon for Evaluaon Cooperaon (IOCE) and the
United Naons Children’s Fund (UNICEF), in partnership with several major organizaons, aims to create a network of global
evaluators who can contribute to the evaluaon of public policies in their countries (EVALPARTNERS, 2016). According to
the guidelines of the organizaon, the iniave aims at contribung to the improvement of the capacies of civil society
organizaons (CSOs), as well as at involving them strategically and expressively in the naonal evaluaon processes, with the
aim of developing systems of evaluaon and ensure equity in acons (EVALPARTNERS, 2016). To this end, they developed
the Global Assessment Agenda (or EvalAgenda2020). The document, approved by the delegates of the Global Assessment
Forum, held in Nepal in 2015, provides a guide for future assessment, and for the strengthening of evaluators from dierent
countries and organizaons (EVALPARTNERS, 2016).
The European Union has also developed a project to evaluate the structural policies of the bloc, as well as the idencaon
and use of innovave pracces for evaluaon methodologies, as well as mulsectoral involvement with the objecve of
reducing poverty (SOPHIE PROJECT, 2015).
In the context of Lan America, the Lan American and Caribbean Network of Monitoring, Evaluaon and Systemazaon
(ReLAC), in cooperaon with the Foment to the Evaluaon Capacies Project (Foceval Project) of the Ministry of Planning
and Economic Policy of Costa Rica (Mideplan), and the German Instute for Development Cooperaon Assessment (DEVAL)
conducted a series of public consultaons with experts and evaluaon professionals during the years 2014 and 2015 and
presented the rst dras at the IV ReLAC Conference in 2015. Recently, in August 2016, they released a document summarizing
this proposal entled Guidelines for Evaluaon for Lan America and the Caribbean, with objecve of enriching the common
guideline for the theorecal and praccal formaon of evaluators in the region, and insgang the culture of evaluaon in
the connent (BILELLA, VALENCIA, ALVAREZ et al., 2016).
We may conrm the performance of the Evaluaon and Results Learning Center for Brazil and Lusophone Africa (FGV EESP-
Clear), based at the Getulio Vargas Foundaon (FGV) in São Paulo, which benets from the muldisciplinary environment
of the FGV, which is one of the six regional centers that make up the Clear iniave - which involves several countries and
aims to improve policies and programs with development of capacies, and monitoring and evaluaon systems. Among the
axes of monitoring and evaluaon research, the following project: a) training; b) technical assistance; c) generaon of new
evidence; and d) diusion of evidence and knowledge (FGV CLEAR, 2018).
Sll in Brazil, another iniave is gaining notoriety among the scienc community: The Center for Data Integraon and
Knowledge for Health (Cidacs), created in 2016 and linked to the Oswaldo Cruz Foundaon of Bahia (Fiocruz Bahia), which
promotes research and interdisciplinary projects with processing, integraon, and analysis of large data. The aim is to contribute
to the use of innovave methodologies, to provide professional and scienc training, and to support decision-makers in
relaon to public social policies, especially health determinants, and environmental condions (CIDACS, 2018).
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
It is also worth nong that there is a global eort aimed at building an agenda based on integraon among all internaonal
organizaons, guided mainly by the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Naons
Development Program (UNDP, 2016). The rst ve years envisaged by EvalAgenda2020 have as priority the creaon and
strengthening of mechanisms for the evaluaon of SDGs. Box 3 summarizes the main acons (UNDP, 2016; UNO, 2016;
2018; IBGE, 2018).
Organizaon Acon developted Brief descripon
per capita
Bolsa Família
Minha Casa Minha Vida
Source: Elaborated by the authors.
eoretical essay on public policy evaluations
Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
It is clear to understand that evaluave acvies are important for good governance and can contribute to the advancement
of more eecve, ecacious, and eecve public policies (RAMOS and SCHABBACH, 2012; EVALPARTNERS, 2015). We should
emphasize that, as can be deduced from the academic and governmental research organizaons, it is important to strengthen
the study of evaluaon in order to seek best pracces and theories, greatly contribung to the creaon of an evaluave
culture” capable of encompassing the complexity and the specicies of each policy or program in queson (CARVALHO,
1999; UNDP, 2016).
Based on the theorecal framework built and the assessments made by mullateral organizaons, the main theorecal gaps
observed are: a) studies involving mulple countries; b) use of the mixed methods approach; c) evaluave studies combining two
or more public policies; d) strengthening, training, and structuring of evaluaon pracces in developed and developing countries;
e) use of the results of evaluaons to inform and improve public policies; and f) parcipatory evaluaons - contemplaon of
all the actors involved (administrators, decision makers, formulators, implementers, executors, and beneciaries).
In view of the eorts presented, the importance of robust, unbiased, and mul-method approaches is evident. According
to the above, it is observed that developed countries have already incorporated in their polical agenda the evaluaon as a
process, dierent from what occurs in Brazil and in other developing countries, where the evaluaon of public policies and
programs sll suers from disconnuity and unavailability of reliable and complete data, as well as integrated informaon
systems that facilitate access to informaon, which would contribute greatly to decision making.
In consonance with the search for arculated models for the development of governmental strategies to combat poverty
and promote cizenship in Brazil, several internaonal organizaons have been developing integrave and intersectoral
proposals aimed at improving the quality of life of the world’s populaon. Acons such as the establishment of UNDP SDGs
and comparave and shared studies among countries belonging to the OECD are examples of such eorts.
In Lan America, there is a growing search for evaluave acons to strengthen and improve the public policies adopted in
the region, mainly related to addressing social vulnerabilies. Nevertheless, the scenario demands the development of the
professional capacies of the governments and increase the performance of civil society in monitoring and control. The evoluon
and internalizaon of evaluaon processes contribute to the development of robust and comprehensive methodologies. From
the 1980 decade, there is a growing search for models capable of combining quantave and qualitave informaon (mixed
methods), aiming at improving and making the evaluaon more realisc regarding the complexity of the analyzed policies.
The search for new robust and comprehensive evaluaon methodologies is essenal for the development and evoluon of
evaluaon acvies, providing administrators with concrete, real, and applicable data. Therefore, the aim is to use innovave
methodologies, providing professional and scienc training, and supporng decision-makers in relaon to public social
policies, especially health-related ones.
However, it is worth menoning that, in the Brazilian case, the available public databases present problems of reliability,
unavailable data and disconnuity in the producon of indicators; such factors may contribute to the low adherence to
quantave evaluave studies. Thus, evaluaons in Brazil would have more qualitave evaluaons of local character and
analysis of specic policies, mainly focused on accountability and performance measurement and in search of the quality of
services provided. There are also experiments that promote interdisciplinary research and projects based on the processing,
integraon, and analysis of large data quanes (big data).
Fortunately, we should note that the data demonstrate the strengthening of the study of evaluaon in Brazil, in order to
seek best pracces and theories, enormously contribung to the creaon of an evaluaon culture” capable of embracing
the complexity and specicies of each policy or program in queson. However, it is also necessary to emphasize the
importance of connuous evaluaon acons, especially in scenarios with scarce nancial, human, and material resources.
Such evaluaons may contribute to the adequate allocaon of resources and the strengthening of control acons by the
responsible agencies.
Cad. EBAPE.BR, v. 17, nº 2, Rio de Janeiro, Apr./Jun. 2019.
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Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
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Lilian Ribeiro de Oliveira
Claudia Souza Passador
     