Canada/US-Management Plan for Potato
Viruses that Cause Tuber Necrosis
October 25, 2004
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Plant Protection and Quarantine
4700 River Road, Unit 140
Riverdale, MD 20737
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Plant Protection Division
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0Y9
1. Introduction and Goals…………………………………………………….. 3
2. Definitions and Descriptions………………………………………………. 3
3. Virus Management Methods………………………………………………. 6
3.1 PVY Complex……………………………………………………………….. 6
3.2 Potato Mop Top Virus………………………………………………………. 7
3.3 Tobacco Rattle Virus………………………………………………………... 7
3.4 Alfalfa Mosaic Virus……………………………………………………........8
3.5 Shipping Point Inspection …………………………………………………... 8
4. Scoping survey for PVY Complex …………………………………………. 9
5. Research Needs……………………………………………………………… 9
6. Training needs ……………………………………………………………… 10
7. Implementation …………………………………………………………….. 10
8. Revision ……………………………………………………………………... 10
9. Endorsement …………………………………………………………….….. 10
10. References …………………………………………………………...……. 11
Appendices ………………………………………………………………….… 12
Appendix 1 - North American PVY Strain Survey – Crop Year 2004
1. Introduction and Goals
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) and the U. S. Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced, on December 23, 2002,
that a joint potato virus management plan will be developed to maintain high quality seed
potato production.
This plan proposes immediate measures to manage the risks associated with several pests
that occur in both countries, including Potato mop top virus (PMTV), Potato virus Y
(PVY) complex and Tobacco rattle virus (TRV), through seed potato certification
measures. Through surveys and research, data will be collected and evaluated to better
understand the biology of these viruses and their vectors, thus enabling the establishment
of further control measures.
CFIA and APHIS are working cooperatively to protect each country's agricultural and
environmental resources and agree to take actions that are least disruptive to trade.
CFIA and APHIS also agree to work collaboratively with respective seed potato
certification agencies and potato organizations to harmonize and make transparent, seed
certification procedures to control viruses causing internal tuber necrosis. Successful
management of viruses that cause internal tuber defects and their respective vectors will
contribute to maintaining high seed potato phytosanitary quality and minimize impacts on
commercial potato production.
This plan replaces the previous PVY
management plan dated March 2, 1994 and
amended October 5, 2001. The objective of this plan remains to facilitate trade of
potatoes within and between Canada and the USA, while minimizing the impact on the
tobacco industry caused by the tobacco-necrotic isolates of PVY infecting the potato
crop. Additionally this plan has the objective to manage the incidence of PMTV and
TRV and minimize the impact of these viruses on US and Canadian potato industries.
2. Definitions and Descriptions
A variety and class of seed potatoes, growing in an aseptic environment, a protected
environment or in one or more fields of a farm unit.*
Farm Unit:
a. A single tract of land, operated for the production and marketing of seed potatoes
under the control of one grower, or
b. A number of separate tracts of land, operated as a single unit, with the use of common
equipment, facilities or storage, for the production and marketing of seed potatoes under
the control of one grower.
Identifiable area of land on which seed potatoes of a particular variety and class are
planted or have been produced.
Flush-Through Production System:
System of seed potato production in which material is allowed to remain in the system for
a limited number of generations.
Official visual examination of plants, plant products or other regulated articles to
determine if pests are present and/or to determine compliance with phytosanitary
regulations.* This includes visual examination as part of a federally recognized quality
assurance program.
A population of certified seed potatoes of one variety and class that is identified by one
certificate number.
Nuclear material:
Plant material produced in an aseptic or protected environment.
Positive Lot, Crop or Field:
A lot, crop or field, where the presence of a pathogen has been confirmed, based on
recognized tests.
PVY Complex:
Potato virus Y (PVY) is the type-species of the Potyvirus genus. It is a positive strand
monopartite RNA virus that infects primarily solanaceous plants including potato,
tomato, tobacco, and pepper. PVY occurs as a complex of virus strains that can be
distinguished by reactions on tobacco and potato cultivars. Recognized strains covered
by this plan include, but are not limited to:
Strain Group Symptoms Other Distinguishing
Mosaic, leaf and stem-
necrosis, leaf drop or veinal
necrosis in potato
Mosaic in tobacco, mild to
severe mosaic in potato;
hyper sensitive response in
potato with Ny and Nc
Mosaic or mild mosaic in
potato, veinal necrosis in
distinguishable from
; coat protein
sequence phylogenetically
distinct from PVY
note: may include several
distinct isolates/groups
Mosaic or veinal necrosis in
tobacco, necrotic arcs and
ring spots in tubers of some
potato cultivars
distinguishable from
; coat protein
sequence phylogenetically
distinct from PVY
Symptoms may vary. Some strains are not
serologically or
phylogenetically distinct
from PVY
Quality Assurance System: A planned and regularly monitored framework of controls,
based on documented procedures, which is applied to critical operational activities in the
production of potatoes or the performance of a service (e.g. diagnostics) or activity (e.g.
conducting a test) to ensure operational efficiency and reliable compliance with specified
quality standards. (NAPPO RSPM 3, 2002)
Shipping Point Inspection:
Inspection of seed potatoes shortly before or at time of shipment to determine the product
complies with seed potato grade standards recognized by the US and Canada seed potato
regulatory agencies.
Official examination, other than visual, to determine if pests are present or to identify
Tuber Necrosis:
Necrotic dark brown arcs, rings and/or flecks in the tuber tissue often associated with
necrotic rings on the tuber surface. Tuber necrosis is also referred to as spraing
depending on the virus.
* FAO Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms, 2002
3. Virus Management Methods
3.1 Potato Virus Y (PVY) Complex
3.1.1 Nuclear Material
In-vitro material
All plants in a tissue culture bank must be tested and found free of PVY.
Any material introduced into tissue culture must be tested and found free of PVY.
Any tissue culture material testing positive for PVY cannot be used to produce
certified seed potatoes, unless the virus is eliminated.
Protected Environment (greenhouse / screenhouse/growth chamber)
Certification rules concerning production in protected environment must include the
Seed potato production in a protected environment will be tested at least annually
for PVY at a target rate of 1% of the plants, with a minimum of 5 plants per
crop/lot. It is recommended that testing takes place every crop cycle.
Any crop/lot grown in a protected environment that tests positive for PVY must
be destroyed, unless it is found to be PVY
alone, in which case it can be
If aphid vectors are detected in the protected environment, when the crop is
growing, testing must be conducted to determine freedom from PVY.
3.1.2 Field Grown Seed
Inspection for PVY complex symptoms will be included in seed certification
agencies’ inspection procedures.
A sample of suspect plants observed during field inspection will be tested to
determine if the symptoms are caused by PVY. :
If PVY presence is confirmed
the tolerances for mosaic must be enforced.
3.1.3 Field Generation 2
All Field Generation 2 (FG2) material will be sampled and tested for the presence of
. A total of 400 leaves will be collected and tested from up to 10 seed
lots/crops per farm unit. The collection of the 400 leaves will be proportional and
random across the crops or lots to be tested.
Tolerances of the state and federal certification programs apply.
If a farm unit has less than 10 FG2 crops/lots the sample size for the farm will still
be 400 leaves.
If the farm unit has more than 10 FG2 crops/lots an additional sample of 400
leaves will be submitted for testing from every group of 10 lots or less.
If crops/lots are found positive for PVY
, all FG2 crops/lots on that farm, and
lots/crops that are progeny of the same seed lot as the positive crops/lots, must be
sampled and tested at a rate of 400 leaves per lot.
Regulatory action will only be taken on FG2 crops/lots. PVY
positive crops/lots
of FG2 can only be used for the production of commercial crops, not for
The testing of FG2 crops/lots may be done either during the growing season or post
harvest. If done post-harvest, leaves from grown-out plants or sprouts from tubers must
be used.
Leaf testing will be done by ELISA using an appropriate protocol. An ELISA
positive for PVY
will be considered a suspect positive. Confirmatory tests must
be conducted with PCR and/or bioassays.
3.2 Potato Mop Top Virus (PMTV)
3.2.1 Nuclear Material
All plants in a tissue culture bank must be
tested and found free of PMTV.
Any material introduced into tissue culture must be tested and found free of
Any tissue culture material testing positive for PMTV cannot be used to produce
certified seed potatoes, unless the virus is eliminated.
3.2.2 Field Grown Seed
Inspection for PMTV related symptoms will be included in seed certification
agencies’ inspection procedures. Training material on PMTV symptoms in plants
will be provided to all field inspectors.
Plants symptomatic for PMTV must be eliminated before final inspection.
PMTV will also be regulated through the inspection of seed shipments.
3.3 Tobacco Rattle Virus (TRV)
3.3.1 Field Grown Seed
Inspection for TRV related symptoms will be included in seed certification
agencies’ inspection procedures. Training material on TRV symptoms in plants
will be provided to all field inspectors.
Plants symptomatic for TRV must be eliminated before final inspection.
TRV will also be regulated through the inspection of seed shipments.
3.4 Alfalfa Mosaic Virus (AMV)
Tubers exhibiting necrosis caused by AMV will be scored as an internal defect
and be allowed for recertification providing the tolerance of 2.0% for internal
necrosis is not exceeded.
3.5 Shipping Point Inspection
3.5.1 Seed for Commercial Production
All seed shipments moving from a production State or Canada for commercial
production must be inspected by federally recognized inspectors or a federally
authorized cooperator from a facility under a quality assurance system and must
meet the tolerances for internal necrosis of Table 1 below. If a lot exceeds this
tolerance, the grower will have the option to re-grade the lot or remove it from the
seed certification system.
3.5.2 Seed for Recertification
All seed shipments moving from a production State or Canada for recertification
must be inspected by a federal, state or provincial inspector for tuber necrosis. If a
lot exceeds the tolerance of 0.5% necrosis caused by PVY complex, PMTV or
TRV (see Table 1 below), it is not eligible for recertification but may be shipped
for commercial purposes.
Table 1: Eli
of Seed potatoes related to the Percenta
e of Internal Tuber
Necrosis, apparently caused by PVY complex, PMTV or TRV
Percentage Internal Tuber
Necrosis Scored*
Seed intended for
Seed intended for
Commercial Production
Less than or equal to 0.5%
Eligible Eligible
Between 0.5 and 2.0% Eligible if negative lab test
for PVY
More than 2.0%
Not eligible Not eligible
* Internal tuber necrosis will be calculated as percent incidence {(number of tubers
with internal necrosis/number of tubers sampled) x100}.
4. Scoping Survey for PVY Complex
A multi year scoping survey, starting with the 2004 crop will be conducted, coordinated
by APHIS and CFIA, in each state and province, where seed potatoes are certified. The
seed lots of the oldest classes in production will be surveyed to determine the incidence
and makeup of any PVY complex at that point in the seed potato production system. The
data will be kept confidential and be reviewed annually on a country-wide basis. The
data will be used confidentially to help determine if the FG2 management protocol is
effectively managing virus levels of PVY complex. No regulatory action will be taken
on lots found to be positive in this survey. PVY certification requirements will not be
changed without proper notification. See Appendix 1 for details of the survey and testing
5. Research Needs
Both parties acknowledge the need for and value of multiple virus testing protocols.
Such protocols should be encouraged as a research goal and new protocols incorporated
into the plan when available.
PVY complex
Research on the susceptibility of US and Canadian potato varieties to PVY
Research on recombinants between PVY
and PVY
to develop appropriate tests
for these and any other PVY
Research on the population dynamics and prevalence of recombinant strains to
determine if changes in the population of strains are occurring.
Research on environmental factors that influence symptom expression to develop
a better understanding of PVY strain symptoms.
Research on susceptibility to PMTV to determine if the pathogen causes an
economic impact on US and Canadian potato varieties. If any varieties are shown
to be extremely sensitive to PMTV, a specific management plan for those
varieties should be developed.
Research on the control of powdery scab since control of the vector will lead to
control of PMTV.
Research on improved testing methodologies for PMTV to improve the detection
of the pathogen.
Research on improved testing methodologies for TRV to improve the detection of
the pathogen.
Research on the control of the TRV vector since control of the vector will lead to
control of TRV.
Research on the efficiency of the nematode vector to acquire the virus from
infected potato plants to determine a better understanding of the dynamics of the
vector/virus interaction.
6. Training needs
Inspectors involved in shipping point and field inspection of seed potatoes will be
trained annually by state, federal, provincial and/or university officials on
symptoms of PVY
, PMTV and TRV in tubers and plants to assist them in
their inspection efforts.
APHIS and CFIA will develop a manual to differentiate spraing symptoms from
other causes of internal necrosis.
An appendix of pest management practices for controlling viruses addressed in
this plan and their vectors will be added upon completion.
7. Implementation
It is essential that APHIS and CFIA participate in the implementation of this plan,
and oversee the application of all of its elements. Seed potatoes produced and
certified by a federal or state certification agency must comply fully with the
content of the management plan.
It is understood that some elements of the management plan will require
amendments to regulations, rules, policies and inspection manuals. Therefore,
every certification agency, including CFIA and APHIS, must make the necessary
amendments to achieve full implementation of the plan within 12 months from the
date of signature.
8. Revision
This plan will be reviewed after three years by APHIS and CFIA or as needed at
the request of either party. Results of all reviews and any recommended
modifications to this plan will be shared with federal, state and provincial
regulatory officials, the potato industry and the tobacco industry for comment.
9. Endorsement
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency and the United States Department of
Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service agree to full
implementation of this management plan with an ultimate goal of using existing
seed certification programs to control viruses that cause tuber necrosis.
Date: Date:
10. References
Testing Protocols
Superficial Necrosis, caused by Virus (PTNRD), UN/ECE paper,
- Scoping Survey for PVY Complex
Appendix 1
Scoping Survey for PVY Complex
1. Purpose: To conduct a scoping survey to assess the presence of different strains of
PVY and their incidence in seed potatoes in Canada and the United States. The
specific objectives of the survey are:
a. to estimate the relative incidence of each strain or novel isolate of PVY (PVY
, and others),
b. to assess the correlation between strain type and symptom expression in potato
2. Principles: To ensure uniformity and comparability of survey results, the survey will
be conducted in both Canada and the United States to conform to the following
a. every seed producing state/province will be sampled,
b. the survey will include as many commercial potato cultivars as possible,
c. every seed farm in all seed producing states/provinces will be sampled,
d. older field generations of seed potatoes on each farm will be sampled,
e. the sampling rate in each state/province will be between 100 to 400 tubers per lot.,
f. the number of samples taken in Canada and the US will be proportional to the size
of their respective seed potato industries, estimated to require about 80,000 tubers
for Canada and 100,000 tubers for the US.
g. the survey will utilize an ELISA test (see below) for initial detection of PVY in
tuber sprouts,
h. samples will be preserved to allow subsequent strain characterization,
i. testing will be done on samples representing the 2004 crop and subsequent crops,
j. samples will be collected randomly within the seed potato lots selected for testing,
k. results of the survey will be reviewed by September 1, 2005 and subsequent
l. confidentiality of individual grower results will be maintained.
3. Procedure: The survey will be conducted in three stages of testing.
a. PVY-positive tubers or plants will be selected on the basis of an initial ELISA test
using monoclonal 4C3. every seed producing state/province will be sampled,
b. All 4C3-positive tubers/plants will be retested by ELISA using monoclonal 1F5 to
determine whether the serotype is PVY
or PVY
c. The P1 gene of PVY will be amplified by RT-PCR from all 4C3-positive
tubers/plants and sequenced to determine subtype. Selected PVY isolates
representing each of the recombinant and strain types will be observed or assayed
for symptomology on potato foliage and tubers. The following criteria for the
testing procedures have been adopted to ensure uniformity and comparability of
4. Sample preparation (although the survey can be conducted using either tuber
sprouts or leaves of grow-out plants, testing of tuber sprouts appears to be most
feasible and economical).
a. any method (natural or chemically induced) of breaking tuber dormancy is
b. sprouts must be taken from the bud end of the tuber,
c. one to three sprouts will be tested from each tuber for each test,
d. sprouts must be at least 0.5 cm but not more than 6.0 cm long,
e. sprouts from up to three tubers may be combined into a composite sample for the
initial ELISA test,
f. a fresh sprout extract will be used for the second ELISA test,
g. either a third sprout or sap from the second sprout will be used for RT-PCR
amplification of the PVY P1 gene,
h. sprout sap to be used for RT-PCR amplification must be kept on ice and used
within 24 hr.
a. the initial ELISA test to select PVY infected tubers will utilize monoclonal
antibody 4C3,
b. the second ELISA test to determine PVY serotype will utilize monoclonal
antibody 1F5,
c. the ELISA tests are to be a triple antibody sandwich (TAS) format,
d. coating antibody for both ELISA tests will be a polyclonal antibody that reacts
with known PVY strains,
e. duplication of test wells is NOT required,
f. each ELISA plate requires a minimum of one control well containing a PVY
isolate, one control well containing a PVY
isolate, and four negative control
wells containing sap from PVY-free sprouts,
g. all negative control wells must have absorbance values of <0.100 for the results of
the ELISA plate to be considered valid (the ELISA plate should be blanked on a
well or wells containing buffer only),
h. the positive/negative threshold will be 0.100 unless the mean of the negative
controls is >0.033 in which case the threshold will be 3X the mean of the negative
6. RT-PCR amplification and sequencing
a. sprout sap will be combined with buffer and spotted in quadruplicate on
nitrocellulose membranes as specified in the dot blot procedure,
b. RNA will be extracted from dot blots and cDNA generated by reverse
transcription using Primer A (Nie and Singh, 2002),
c. cDNA will be amplified by PCR using Primers S1 and A (Nie and Singh 2002)
for 30-35 cycles,
d. sequencing of amplicons will be contracted to a sequencing facility to obtain
uniform and consistent results,
e. P1 gene sequences will be aligned and analyzed using standard bioinformatics
protocols will be determined.
Reference: Nie, X. and Singh, R.P. 2002. A new approach for the simultaneous
differentiation of biological and geographical strains of potato virus Y by uniplex and
multiplex RT-PCR. J. Virol. Methods 104:41-54.