If you are Fully Vaccinated you can create your own quarantine plan. However if you choose to
create your own plan you are responsible for demonstrating to CBSA that your plan is
considered suitable by the Government of Canada. The Arrival Team can only provide the
following suggestions and cannot confirm or guarantee that your plan will be considered
suitable. By creating your own plan you accept the risk for ensuring the suitability of your plan
and for providing sufficient proof to CBSA at the Canadian airport. You will be personally liable if
your plan is not accepted by CBSA. As such we strongly recommend that all students order
their plan from our quarantine accommodation provider Study Safe instead for peace of mind.
If you choose to create your plan your intended location should have a private entrance,
bathroom and kitchen facilities that will not be shared with anyone who didn’t travel with you.
Please note that quarantine accommodation locations should be in the city of your Port of Entry
(Toronto). For those students traveling to Sault Ste. Marie this means that you must have your
backup Quarantine Plan in Toronto as this is where the decision on your exemption from
quarantine is decided.
Due to recent announcements this Quarantine Plan must be used for at least 3 days as you will
be required to complete an arrival test and will need to quarantine until you receive the results.
Your Quarantine Plan must also be extendable up to at least 14 days in case you are denied
exemption from the full quarantine.
Therefore your quarantine plan needs to be for 3 days and a possible 14 days.
Please review the following checklist, links and use the example below to help you create your
own plan. Please make sure to review the suitability of your plan by reviewing this link.
Quarantine Plan Letter
Your quarantine plan letter needs to demonstrate the suitability of your plan, and it needs to
demonstrate your understanding of what is expected of you.
Ensure that your Quarantine Plan Letter has the following proof
My plan meets the suitability requirements as stated by the Government of Canada
Proof of access to a quarantine location:
A Booking confirmation or a letter/message from family and friends showing you
have access to the property
Proof of suitability: Pictures of the accommodation showing its suitability for quarantine
Proof of Financial: Bank statements showing proof of funds to cover quarantine
Proof of access to necessities: Evidence that you have access to food and water without
A letter from a friend/family member stating they will drop off supplies
Or knowledge of how to obtain supplies from nearby stores
Knowledge of Quarantine Protocol
Demonstrate that you are able to quarantine in isolation and don’t share spaces
with others who didn’t travel with you.
That you will not leave until a negative result is obtained from required testing
That you know who to contact if you develop symptoms as well as understand
the penalties for not following quarantine.
Your Quarantine Plan covers 3 and 14 days
At least 3 days for to await the results of an entry test
14 days incase you are denied exemption
Proof of Transportation
That you have access to transportation from the airport
That you will follow public health guidelines while traveling to your quarantine
You should review all the links below and any further pages on https://travel.gc.ca/ to ensure
you understand everything regarding travel to Canada during the pandemic.
Example Quarantine Plan Letter
I am aware of and understand all current federal and provincial (Ontario) quarantine obligations
during the COVID-19 pandemic
I understand that I am responsible for ensuring that my plan is consider suitable and for
providing all proof as required.
My personal details are:
I will quarantine for at least 3 days until I receive a negative test result on my Arrival Test.
If I do not qualify for the Fully Vaccinated Traveller exemption and am ordered to quarantine I
agree to quarantine for the full 14 days and complete all testing as directed.
You can contact me at:
I will proceed directly to the quarantine location I have provided in this letter and on ArriveCan.
I will travel directly to my quarantine location by the following means of transportation
(Specify means of transportation-taxi, private car, etc)
My place of quarantine will be
(Provide proof of your quarantine such as a hotel booking confirmation, a message from a friend
or family member confirming that you will be staying with them, your rental lease, etc.):
Name of Hotel: (if applicable)
I will take care to have no contact with vulnerable persons with underlying health concerns
during my quarantine, I will also choose a quarantine location where other residents are not
health care workers.
I will be able to access the necessities of life at my place of quarantine
(Provide details, for example toiletries, internet etc.)
I will arrange to obtain food supplies without leaving my place of quarantine or having contact
with others.
(Provide details about how you will obtain: Family members will provide contactless delivery or
that you will order delivery from a nearby grocery store or restaurant).
I have all the medication that I need or I can order it from the following location by contactless
I will wash my hands and use hand sanitizer and clean surfaces as required.
I have access to the financial resources needed to quarantine. (Provide
as much proof as possible that you have access to enough funds to cover for
the cost related to the quarantine period: bank account summary, credit card that has
a sufficient limit and ensure that your funds work in Canada, etc.)
I will not leave my quarantine until I have a negative test result on my day 8 test and have
completed the full 14 days or further requirements as needed.
As I travel to my place of quarantine, I agree to:
Wear an appropriate mask or face covering during the journey, unless I am alone
in a personal vehicle.
I will practice physical distancing at all times and will avoid contact with others during the
In the place where I am staying, I agree to and confirm the following:
There are no vulnerable individuals (adults 65 and over or people who have health
conditions or a weak immune system).
There are no health care workers.
If there are other people living in my place of quarantine that did not travel with me: I will have
no contact with them or share spaces with them
I will not have any guests, even if I am outside and keep a distance of two meters or wear a
I will not use the shared spaces, such as lobbies, courtyards, restaurants, gyms, and pools, in
apartment buildings or hotels.
I will stay two meters apart from other people if I go out on my balcony or into my private
I will not share any personal items with others, including plates, utensils, glasses, towels,
sheets, and clothing.
With regard to providing for myself, I agree to:
Use the home delivery service of a grocery store or pharmacy and maintain a contact-free
delivery of two metres, if no one is helping me with my groceries or medication.
Maintain a contact-free delivery of two metres, if someone is helping me with my groceries or
During my quarantine, I agree to:
Use ArriveCAN or call 1-833-641-0343 to confirm that I have arrived at the address I
provided for my quarantine, within 72 hours of arriving.
Use ArriveCAN or call 1-833-641-0343 to complete daily COVID-19 symptom self-assessments
during my quarantine period.
Answer any phone calls from the Government of Canada from 1-888-336-7735.
Not leave my place of quarantine during the 14 days of isolation, except in an emergency, such
as a medical emergency. In the event of an emergency medical consultation, I will notify the
emergency services and healthcare personnel that I am currently in quarantine after arriving
from abroad, and I will follow all their instructions. In addition, I will wear a mask, practice
physical distancing with others as much as possible, and disinfect my hands regularly.
I will Isolate myself from others if I experience COVID-19 symptoms and call the COVID-19
hotline (1-866-797-0000 and 1-833-784-4397) and follow the instructions given.
I will undergo the COVID-19 tests required by the Ontario and federal government.
If I am exempt from quarantine:
I agree to abide by the health measures in place at the local, state and federal level.
I agree to respect the physical distance at all times in public places.
I agree to keep my proof of vaccination during my first 14 days in Canada.
I agree to make a complete list of all persons with whom I will be in close contact for the first 14
days following my arrival in Canada.
In addition, I am aware that:
I could be checked on to make sure I am not breaking my quarantine. I could be moved to a
quarantine facility if I break my quarantine or if I test positive for COVID-19.
I will have to quarantine again for a new 14-day period if COVID-19 symptoms appear during
my quarantine, if I am exposed to COVID-19, or if I test positive for COVID-19.
My quarantine could be longer if the test result from the COVID-19 test conducted on day 8
arrives later than day 14 of my quarantine.
I understand that there are serious consequences for not abiding by quarantine regulations (a
fine of up to $750,000, up to six months of jail time, and, as a foreign resident, being removed
from Canada and banned from entering for one year).
I also understand that failure to abide by quarantine regulations may constitute other criminal