Listening Speaks to Our Intuition While Reading Promotes
Analytic Thought
Janet Geipel and Boaz Keysar
Department of Psychology, University of Chicago
It is widely assumed that thin king is independent of language modality because an arg ument is ei-
ther logically valid or invalid regardless of whether we rea d or he ar it. T his is tak en for gra nted in
areas such a s psychology, medicine, and the law. Contrary to this assum ption, we demonstrate that
thinking from spoken information leads to m ore intuitive performance comp ared with thinking
from written information. Consequently, w e propose that people think more intuitively in the spo-
ken modality and more analytically in the written modality. This effect was robust in ve e xperi-
ments (N = 1,243), across a wide ra nge of thinking task s, from simple trivia questions to c omplex
syllogisms, and it generalized across two different languages, English and Chinese. We show that
this effect is consistent with n euroscientic ndings and propose that modality dependence could
result from how language modalities emerge in development and are use d over time. This nding
sheds new light on the way language in uences though t and has impor tant impl icatio ns for res earch
that relies on linguistic materials and for domains where thinking and reasoning are central such a s
law, medicine, and business.
Keywords: thinking, language, modality, intuition, analysis
Supplemental materials:
The ability to communicate and the ability to think are fundamen-
tal human skills. We think based on information that is communi-
cated to us, and we communicate our conclusions using language.
Theories of thinking are typically concerned with knowledge repre-
sentation (Cheng & Holyoak, 1985) and with the rules and proce-
dures that are perfo rmed on thes e repres enta tio ns (e.g.,
Braine, 1998;
Rips, 1994). This is true regardless of whether a theory assumes a
propositional representation (e.g.,
Rips, 1983) or an analogical one
Ford & Johnson-Laird, 1985; Johnson-Laird, 2010). In general,
research has implicitly assumed that thought is inuenced by the
informational content, and not by the language modality through
which the content is communicated.
Indeed, thinking should be modality independent because it i s
about the content of information. C onsider t he argument: John
is taller than Mark, and Mar k is taller than Dave. Therefore, John
is taller than Dave. The conclusion logically follows from the
premises and the rule of transitivity. Because trans itivity is con-
veyed via meaning, using transitivity should not depend on
whether we read this arg ument or hear it. This is s o self-evident
that it is r arely stated an d has been tacitly assumed in philoso-
phy, logic, law, and psychology. H ere we investigate the psycho-
logical validi ty of this a ssumption.
Dual process models of thinking assume that two qualitatively dif-
ferent types of mental processes determine the way we think
Epstein, 1994; Kahneman & Frederick, 2002; Sloman, 1996, 2002).
One is often characterized as more automatic and intuitive, and the
other as more controlled and analytic (
Hammond, 1996; Schneider
& Shiffrin, 1977
). For example, the default-interventionist account
posits that intuitive processing delivers an initial response, which
may or may not be monitored and corrected by subsequent analytic
information processing (Evans, 2006; Kahneman, 2003). The paral-
lel-competitive account instead holds that the intuitive and analytic
processing routes operate simultaneously, but intuitive processing
frequently forms the nal response (Sloman, 1996, 2002).
Although dual process models have been highly i nuent ial,
they are not universally accepted. A hybrid model suggests that
logical intuitive processes could be responsible for certain
cases that default-interve ntionist models have associate d with
analyti c processes (
De Neys, 2006). According to the hybrid
model, there are two types of intui tion: heuristic intuition
Janet Geipel
This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation
(1520074) and the University of Chicago Center for International Social
Science Research (CISSR). The authors thank Constantinos Hadjichristidis,
Leigh H. Grant, Veronica Vazquez-Olivier, Zeynep Aslan, and Luca Surian
for valuable comments on an earlier version of this article, as well as Yarra
Elmasry and Lee Dong for editing. Both authors contributed equally. All
data are available on the Open Science Framework, see
(Geipel & Keysar, 2021).
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Janet
Geipel, who is now at Department of Management, University of Exeter
Business School, Rennes Drive, Exeter EX4 4PU, United Kingdom. Email:
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
© 2022 American Psychological Association
ISSN: 0096-3445
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
that hampers performance on tricky logical problems and logi-
cal intuition tha t fac ilitates it. Furthermore, single process
models argue against a qualitative diffe rence between intuit ive
and analytic thinking processes, and instead view them as oppo-
site ends of a c ontinuum (e.g .,
Keren & Schul, 2009; Kruglan-
ski, 2013
; Kruglan ski & Gigerenzer , 2011; Osman, 2004).
Some suggest that the continuum reects how accessible a
thought is, and that the response to a problem depends on
resources and motivat ion, which may inu ence such accessibil-
ity (see
Kruglanski & Gigerenzer, 2011).
In what follows we assume that thinking can be relatively more
intuitive or relatively more analytic, without making additional
assumptions about the nature and interaction between these modes
of thinking. That is, we do not associate our proposal to a particu-
lar dual process model (default-interventionist, parallel, or hybrid)
nor does our account depend on whether thinking involves catego-
rically distinct types of processes or a continuum. We propose that
the language modality in which such problems are transmitted sys-
tematically inuences thinking performance by differentially cuing
heuristic intuition. Specically, we hypothesize that spoken prob-
lems favor heuristic intuition and that written problems rely more
on analytic processes.
Modality and Thinking
We reason that modality might inuence thinking performance
because reading and hearing language might differentially activate
intuitive and analytic processing. This idea is motivated by neuro-
scientic research demonstrating differential neural responses
when people read narratives as opposed to when they hear them
Michael et al., 2001; Regev et al., 2013). These differential pat-
terns of neural activation are not simply related to low-level proc-
essing of sensory information, but to comprehending meaningful
linguistic information. Specically, spoken narratives elicit reli-
able activation in the left anterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,
whereas written narratives elicit reliable activation in the left pos-
terior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. It has been suggested that
such double dissociation implies the existence of distinct control
processes for the two modalities, although the nature of the differ-
ences has not been specied (
Regev et al., 2013).
Furthermore, it has been proposed that cognitive processes
engaged in reading are more complex than those involved in lis-
tening (
Liberman, 1989; Margolin et al., 1982; Rayner et al.,
), and that reading places relatively more demands on cogni-
tive processes that lead people to control, regulate, and maintain
resources (
Daneman & Merikle, 1996; Pimperton & Nation,
). This is supported by research showing that reading stories
compared with listening to them results in fewer task-unrelated
thoughts because cognitive resources are more occupied and peo-
ple exert more cognitive control when reading (
Kopp & DMello,
; Varao Sousa et al., 2013). It is possible that reading requires
people to exert more cognitive control than listening and that as a
result the act of reading may prompt more analytic thinking.
The development of language and its use over time provide fur-
ther motivations for the idea that the two modalities might differ-
entially inuence thinking performance. The acquisition of spoken
language is spontaneous and effortless. The great majority of
humans acquire spoken language by mere exposure to it (
man & Whalen, 2000; Pinker, 1994; Rayner et al., 2001; Rayner
& Clifton, 2009
). In contrast, the ability to read emerges later in
development and requires intense formal instruction and practice
Rayner et al., 2001). Without instruction, many people never
become literate (Liberman, 1989; Liberman & Whalen, 2000;
Rayner et al., 2001; Rayner & Clifton, 2009). Indeed, 14% of the
world population is illiterate (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2018). This
difference between the acquisition of spoken and written language
has led some scholars to consider spoken language a human
instinct, and learning to read an intellectual achievement (
man, 1992
; Liberman & Whalen, 2000; Musso et al., 2003; Pinker,
; Tomasello & Vaish, 2013). The later and relatively effortful
acquisition of reading skills suggests a more deliberate process,
whereas the early and relatively spontaneous acquisition of spoken
language suggests a more intuitive process.
Furthermore, once spoken and written language are mastered,
they are routinely used in different contexts. Spoken language is
often used in casual settings and informal exchanges. In contrast,
written language is frequently used in formal contexts such as
school or work settings and in ofcial documents. Written lan-
guage also involves more formal language (
Cunningham & Stano-
vich, 1998; Hayes & Ahrens, 1988), even when the exchange
itself is not necessarily formal. It has even been argued that spoken
language is a more primary means of communication than written
language (
McGregor, 2009). Such differences in the developmen-
tal trajectory and use of spoken and written language could pro-
mote relatively more heuristic intuitive responding when receiving
information in spoken form and relatively more analytic respond-
ing when receiving information in written form.
There is evidence from other domains t hat performance on
thinking problems depends on task, situation, and mindset. For
example, it is w ell documented that individualistic and collecti-
vist cultural mi ndsets can inuence perception (
Nisbett et al.,
2001; Var num et al., 2010) and problem solving (Arieli & Sagiv,
). For instance, Arieli and Sagiv (2018) studied bilingual-
bicultural individuals a nd f ound differences in problem-solving
performance depending on which cultural mindset was primed
through the language used. Other evidence suggests that context
can prime the use of more intuitive or more analytic thinking.
For example, instructing participants to draw a picture of their
current emotional state compared with solving mathematical
problems inuenced the quality of their subsequent decisions
Usher et al., 2011). Similarly, answering questions that require
calculations primed a more analytic mindset compared with
answering ques tions about feelings (
Hsee & Rottenstreich,
2004). Finally, inducing a more mindful mindset reduced suscep-
tibility to cognitive biases by increasing analytic responding
(Maymin & Langer, 2021 ).
We propose that language modality might systematically inu-
ence the way people think. Because spoken language is spontane-
ously acquired early in development, and because it is routinely
used in more informal contexts, it might make heuristic intuition
relatively more accessible. On the other hand, because reading is
more effortful and learned later in development and because writ-
ten language is used in more formal contexts, it might favor rela-
tively more analytic thinking. Our theory predicts that thinking
We thank an anonymous reviewer for suggesting this alternative
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
based on spoken problems would result in comparatively more
heuristic, intuitive responses while thinking based on written prob-
lems would result in comparatively more analytic responses. The
experiments we report provide evidence for this modality depend-
ence theory.
Design and Logic of the Experiments
In ve experiments, we examined whether listening prompts
relatively more intuitive responding and reading prompts rela-
tively more analytic responding. We tested problems that involve
a conict between a heuristic, intuitive solution that for most peo-
ple is readily accessible and a solution that for most people is less
accessible and requires more analytic thought. We predicted that
such conict problems should yield relatively more heuristic
responses when heard and relatively more analytic responses when
Consider the following problem that involves such a conict If
you are running a race and you pass the person in second place,
what place are you in? (
Thomson & Oppenheimer, 2016). Heu-
ristic intuition suggests that you are now in rst place but the more
analytic response is that you are in second place (
Oldrati et al.,
; Travers et al., 2016; but see Bago & De Neys, 2017). All
our experiments test verbal problems that include such a conict
between the answer supported by more heuristic intuition and by
more analytical thought. If our modality dependence theory is cor-
rect, then written problems would yield relatively more analytical
responses while spoken problems would cue relatively more intui-
tive responses.
Study 1 investigates the modality dependence theory with a sim-
ple task that requires the identication of semantic anomalies.
Studies 2, 3, and 4 investigate it with insight problems like the
race problem described above. Finally, Study 5 examines the
effect of modality on deductive reasoning. All studies tested native
speakers of English and used English materials except for Study 3
that examined native speakers of Chinese and used materials in
Chinese. Its purpose was to examine whether the theory extends to
other languages and to a non-Western, educated, industrialized,
rich, and democratic (WEIRD) population (
Henrich et al., 2010).
Methodological Notes
Presentation Format
In all the studies, we aimed t o test how language modality
inuences thinking performance in a relatively ecologically vali d
way while preserving experimental control. In the written condi-
tion participants read each problem in a self-paced manner as
this re ects a natural way of reading. In the spoken condition
participants heard the problem in a natural pace. Following each
problem, participants had to cli ck on a button labeled next that
directed them to a new pag e where t hey were asked to provide
their response. Once participants clicked the button, the problem
was no longer accessible to them. This ensured that in both
modalities they could not go back and review t he problem. We
note variations i n the presentation format in the Method of each
Response Format
Because our theory does not concern the response format, we
elected to keep the response format the same across modalities and
asked participants to type their response (or click in some cases) in
both modality conditions. This choice also had the advantage of
presenting a switch in both modality conditions. They switched
from reading to typing, or from listening to typing.
Study 1
Study 1 investigates thinking performance that requires the
identication of semantic anomalies by using what is known as
the Moses Illusion (
Erickson & Mattson, 1981). When asked
How many animals of each kind did Moses take on the Ark?
people typically rely on their intuition and respond two. But if
people instead reect further they will realize that the very ques-
tion is wrong (
Fazio et al., 2015). It was Noah, not Moses, who
gathered animals on the ark. Therefore, the question itself involves
a semantic anomaly. The reason people show this illusion is that
Moses and Noah are two biblical characters who are highly associ-
ated semantically with each other (Sanford & Sturt, 2002). Heuris-
tic intuitive thinking relies on such associations and provides an
incorrect answer. To notice the anomaly, one must suppress this
erroneous intuition and access stored knowledge. Therefore, the
Moses Illusion is a useful tool to investigate our proposal. If listen-
ing prompts relatively more heuristic intuitive thinking, then it
should prompt more intuitive responses, which in this case is two
of each animal. In contrast, when such questions are read, people
would be more likely to detect the semantic anomalies.
The data of all our studies are available on the Open Science
Framework, see
(Geipel & Keysar, 2021). All materials are
presented in the
Supplemental Materials Method. The study pre-
diction, study design, sample size, and analyses were preregistered
on, see The Uni-
versity of Chicago Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved the
research of all studies.
Power Analysis
We conducted an a priori power analysis for a dependent t test
(two-tailed) with the following estimates: a = .05, power = .95,
= .40 (based on piloting). This analysis revealed that a mini-
mum of 84 participants was required for a within-participants
design. As a precaution of possible data loss, we preregistered and
requested 100 participants through Prolic(
Participants were native English-speaking U.S. residents and
recruited online through Prolic( We received data
from 107 participants of whom we excluded 18 (16.8%): 6.5%
because they failed an audio check at the beginning of the study
and 10.3% because they failed at least two out of four catch ques-
tions distributed across the study. We analyzed the data of the
remaining 89 participants (42 women, 46 men, 1 other, M
33.1 years, age range = 18 to 60 years).
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Material and Procedure
Participants received 30 trivia questions, 15 in the written and
15 in the spoken modality. Thus, modality was manipulated within
participants. In each modality condition, participants received ve
questions that were wrong, or semantically distorted, and 10 that
were undistorted control questions (see
Supplemental Materials
Method Table S1
for the full set of questions). The presentation
order of the spoken and written questions was blocked, and the
presentation order of the modalities was counterbalanced across
participants. We also counterbalanced across participants the list
of items in each modality condition so that each question appeared
in both modalities across subjects. Furthermore, within each mo-
dality block, the presentation order of the 15 trivia questions was
randomized separately for each participant.
Each trivia question had three response options: A blank box to
type a response, a Do not know button, and a Wrong button.
We instructed participants that they may or may not encounter
questions that have something wrong with them, and which do not
have an answer if taken literally (see
online supplemental
for exact wording of the instructions). Then we provided
participants with an example of such a distorted question and
explained that the question itself is wrong, and that whenever they
encounter such a question they should answer Wrong. In the
spoken modality, the trivia questions were read aloud in a neutral
tone by two male native English speakers with a standard Ameri-
can English accent.
Following the trivia questions, participants were asked Overall,
how would you rate your performance on this task? (1 = worse
performance to 101 = best performance), and then completed a
short version of a Need for Cognition and Faith in Intuition scales
Cacioppo et al., 1984). The Need for Cognition scale included
statements such as: I try to avoid situations that require thinking
in depth about something.,, I prefer complex to simple prob-
lems. The Faith in Intuition scale included statements such as: I
can usually feel when a person is right or wrong even if I cannot
explain how I know it., and When it comes to trusting people, I
can usually rely on my gut feelings.’” (1 = completely false to 5 =
completely true).
Subsequently, participants answered questions about the task
such as Overall, how involved did you feel in this task?,”“Over-
all, how interesting was this task for you?,”“Overall, how bored
were you?, and Overall, how much did you like this task? (all
on a slider scale, 1 = not at all, 101 = very much). Participants in
the spoken condition were then asked
Overall, how well did you
understand the speaker? (1 = not at all well,7=perfectly well)
and Overall, how much did you like the voice of the speaker?
(1 = not at all,7=very; see
Supplemental Materials Results
Tables S1
to S3 for descriptive statistics). Finally, participants
were asked to indicate their age, gender, and educational level (see
Supplemental Materials Results Table S6 for descriptive statistics).
Results and Discussion
Distorted Questions
We calculated the mean r ate of correct identication of the
distorted questions for eac h p articipant (see
Figure 1). Partici-
pants detected distortion s signicantly more often in the written
than in the spoken condition (M
= .53, CI [.46, .61], SD =
.34, M
= .43, 95% CI [.36, .49], SD = .32), t(87) = 2.98,
p = .004, d
= .32 (Wilcoxon signed-ranks test: T =
1446.50, z =2.72,p = .00 6, d
We submitted the mean rate of co rrect responses to a 2 (Order:
spoken rst, written rst) 3 2 (Speaker: male 1, male 2) 3 2 (Modal-
ity: spoken, written) mixed-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA)
with Order and Speaker as between-subjects factors and Modality
as the within-subject factor. This analysis revealed a signicant
main effect of modality, F(1, 84) = 8.76, p =.004,h
was qualied by a signicant Modality 3 Order interaction, F(1,
84) = 14.97, p , .001, h
= .15. Pairwise tests, adjusted for multi-
ple comparisons, showed that the modality effect was signicant
for participants who received the questions rst in the spoken mo-
dality (p = .001), but not for those who rst received the questions
in the written modality (p = .507). However, there was no main
effect of order, F(1, 84) = .64, p =.428,h
, .01, nor a main effect
of speaker, F(1, 84) = 1.79, p =.184,h
= .02. There was also no
signicant Modality 3 Speaker interaction, F(1, 84) = .99, p =
.322, h
, .01, nor was there a three-way Modality 3 Order 3
Speaker interaction, F(1, 84) , .01, p =.927,h
, .01. In general,
participants were less able to detect the anomaly when hearing than
when reading the problem, which suggests that they engaged heu-
ristic intuitive processes more when listening.
We then analyzed the rate of intuitive answers. In the Moses
question, this amounts to typing two animals. Participants were
signicantly less likely to provide such intuitive yet wrong
answers in the written than in the spoken condition (M
= .37,
95% CI [.31, .43], SD = .29, M
= .49, 95% CI [.43, .56],
SD = .31), t(87) = 3.46, p = .001, d
= .41 (Wilcoxon signed-
ranks test: T = 573.00, z = 3.32, p = .001).
Finally, we averaged the rate of the Do not know responses
for each participant and found no difference between the modal-
ities (M
= .09, 95% CI [.05, .13], SD = .19, M
= .08,
95% CI [.04, .12], SD = .18), t(87) = .69, p = .489, d
= .07
(Wilcoxon signed-ranks test: T = 396.50, z = 1.05, p = .295).
Figure 1
Mean Accuracy by Language Modality and Question Type (Study 1)
Note. Error bars illustrate standard errors of the mean.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Control Questions
The average rate of correct responses was comparable in the two
modalities (M
= .81, 95% CI [.76, .86], SD =.23,M
.80, 95% CI [.75, .85], SD =.24),t(88) = .54, p =.589,d
(Wilcoxon signed-ranks test: T = 709.00, z =.06,p = .954). Simi-
larly,therateoftheD o not kno w responses was comparable
across modali ties (M
= .16, 95% CI [.12, .21], SD =.23,
= .17, 95% CI [.12, .21]), SD =.22,t(88) = .12, p =
.907, d
, .01 (Wilcoxon signed-ranks test: T =683.00,z =
.06, p = .95 6).
Next, we averaged the rate of Wrong responses for the control
questions. Such a response would indicate that participants identi-
ed an anomaly when no anomaly was present. Such responses
were equally rare in both modalities (M
= .03, 95% CI [.01,
.04], SD = .06, M
= .04, 95% CI [.01, .06], SD = .12), t(88) =
.68, p = .496, d
= .10 (Wilcoxon signed-ranks test: T =
163.00, z = .01, p = .989).
Secondary Exploratory Results
We analyzed the results for the Need for Cognition, Faith in
Intuition, self-rated performance in the reasoning task, and per-
ceived task involvement. We found no support for a mediation or
a moderation with any of these measures. We present a full report
in the
Supplemental Materials Results.
In summary, the results suggest that language modality system-
atically inuences thinking performance in this task. When people
respond to simple trivia questions, they are less likely to detect
semantic anomalies when they hear them than when they read
them. This performance difference suggests that the spoken mo-
dality makes heuristic intuitive thought more accessible than the
written modality.
We found an order effect such that the performance advantage
for the written modality was found when participants completed the
spoken version rst. All subsequent studies varied modality
between-participants, which avoids order effects. One might sug-
gest that the modality effect is due to a greater difculty in compre-
hending spoken language because it is transient. Perhaps because
listeners cannot go back and replay the spoken information, as
opposed to being able to review the written information, they might
experience more difculty holding spoken information in memory.
If this were the case, the performance deterioration in the spoken
condition should also be observed for the undistorted control ques-
tions that were closely matched to the distorted experimental ques-
tions. Given that there was no modality difference in performance
in the undistorted control questions, this nding argues against such
an account.
Study 2
Study 2 extended the investigation to verbal riddles, such as the
race problem presented in the introduction, known as the Cogni-
tive Reection test (CRT;
Frederick, 2005; Thomson & Oppen-
heimer, 2016
). These problems involve a conict between a
heuristic intuitive answer and a more analytic one. We purpose-
fully chose verbal problems that do not require the application of
complex mathematical and logic principles. We compared per-
formance on such problems to performance on control problems
where intuitive and analytic thinking do not provide conicting
answers (What did Rudolphs nose do to help guide Santas
Sirota et al., 2021). We expect that in the spoken modal-
ity people will rely more on heuristic intuitive thinking and would
make more errors than in the written modality. However, it is pos-
sible that more errors in the spoken modality might result from
factors other than an enhanced role for intuition. If this is the case,
then performance should be worse in the spoken modality not just
in the conict problems but also in the non-conict problems. Our
theory predicts that thinking performance would be more intuitive
in the spoken modality and less accurate than in the written modal-
ity, but only for the riddles that involve a conict, not for the con-
trol ones.
Power Analysis
We estimated the required number of participants by conducting
an a priori power analysis for a one-way ANOVA using G*Power
using the following estimates: a = .05, power = .95, f = .22 (based
on piloting), number of groups = 2. This analysis revealed that a
minimum of 272 participants was required. We recruited more
participants to prevent a reduction in statistical power due to possi-
ble exclusions.
Participants were native English-speaking U.S. residents and
were randomly assigned to the spoken or written condition. We
recruited 353 participants (130 women, 216 men, 7 other, M
38.6 years, age range = 1888 years) from August 2018 to Sep-
tember 2018. Of these, 212 participants (40.8% women) were
assigned to the spoken condition (female speaker n = 110, male
speaker n = 102) and 141 participants (59.2% women) to the writ-
ten condition. Given the overexposure of highly educated popula-
tions to reasoning problems such as the CRT (
Haigh, 2016), we
recruited participants from the downtown Center of the Decision
Research of the University of Chicago, which attracts participants
from a range of backgrounds.
Material and Procedure
Participants sat in a lab room in front of a computer screen with
headphones and rst rated their mood (Overall, my mood is on a
scale ranging from 10 = very unpleasant to 10 = very pleasant).
We measured participants mood because studies have shown that
mood can inuence reasoning performance (e.g.,
Channon &
Baker, 1994
; Oaksford et al., 1996). Participants then received ve
verbal conict problems and two control problems (see
Supplemental Materials Method Table S2). As in Study 1, follow-
ing each problem participants provided their answer on a separate
page without the option to return to the actual problem. In the spo-
ken modality, either a female or a male native English speaker
with a standard American English accent read the problems aloud
in a neutral tone. We randomized the problem order across partici-
pants. Participants provided their answer by typing it in a blank
box on the computer. Once participants responded, they could con-
tinue to the next problem.
After answering the problems, participants received the follow-
ing questions: Overall, how involved did you feel in this task?
(slider scale, 1 = not at all, 101 = very much) and Overall, how
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
difcult was it for you to respond to the questions? (1 = not at all
difcult,7=very difcult; see
Supplemental Materials Results
Table S1
for descriptive statistics). Then participants answered a
short form of the Need for Cognition and Faith in Intuition scales
Cacioppo et al., 1984), with each scale consisting of ve state-
ments (see
Supplemental Materials Results Table S2 for descrip-
tive statistics).
Participants in the spoken modality condition then rated the
speaker (Overall, how well did you understand the speaker?;1=
not at all well,7=Perfectly well, and Overall, how much did you
like the voice of the speaker?;1=not at all,7=very; see
Supplemental Materials Results Table S3 for descriptive statistics;
Supplemental Materials Results for exploratory analyses).
Finally, all participants reported their age, gender, political ori-
entation, religious beliefs (1 = not at all religious to 7 = very reli-
gious), education level, and employment status (see
Materials Results Table S4
to S6 for descriptive statistics; see
Supplemental Materials Results for exploratory analyses).
Results and Discussion
We rst considered the speaker ratings and found that both
speakers were understood equally well, Welchs F(1, 202.89) =
.30, p = .586, d
= .07, and were equally liked, Welchs F(1,
195.12) = 2.86, p = .092, d
= .24 (see Supplemental Materials
Results Table S3 for statistics). Because speaker identity did not
inuence reasoning accuracy, Welchs F(1, 210) = .05, p = .827,
= .03, we combined results into a single spoken condition.
Conflict Problems
We computed the average accuracy rate over the ve conict
problems for each participant (see
Figure 2). We tested for differen-
ces between the conditions using the robust Welchs F test because
the assumption of homogeneity of variance was violated. As pre-
dicted by our theory, mean accuracy was signicantly higher in the
written than in the spoken condition (M
= .35, 95% CI [.30,
.39], SD = .27, M
= .25, 95% CI [.22, .28], SD = .23), Welchs
F(1, 263.05) = 12.45, p , .001, d
=.40(MannWhitney U =
11,958.00, p = .001, d
Control Problems
We then averaged the number of correct responses across the
control problems and found no difference in accuracy rate between
the modality conditions (M
= .88, 95% CI [.83, .92], SD =
.25, M
= .87, 95% CI [.84, .91], SD = .26), Welchs F(1,
306.56) = .01, p = .941, d
= .04 (U = 14,828.00, p = .972, d
= .01).
In summary, the results show that the spoken modality promotes
more intuitive responding than the written modality. Given that we
found no differences for control problems, these results support
our modality dependence theory according to which the spoken
modality cues comparatively more heuristic intuition than the writ-
ten modality. This generalizes the language modality effect on
thinking performance from the relatively simple verbal task of
detecting semantic anomalies to the relatively more complex task
of solving verbal insight problems.
Study 3
Writing systems vary between languages. We considered it
essential to evaluate whether the language modality effect we dis-
covered is specic to English or can be generalized to other lan-
guages. We chose Chinese for two reasons. While English is an
Indo-European language, Chinese belongs to the Sino-Tibetan lan-
guage group. The two languages use different writing systems
with fundamentally different mapping between the sound of the
word and the way it is written. English uses a segmental, alphabet
system while Chinese uses a logographic system. If modality has
the same effect in Chinese, it is reasonable to conclude that its
impact generalizes to other languages beyond English. In addition
to generalizing to a different language, the study also generalizes
to a population that is not WEIRD. Finally, different from Study
2, Study 3 used the same number of conict and control problems
so that we can compare them directly.
Power Analysis
We estimated the number of participants by conducting an a pri-
ori power analysis for a mixed-factor ANOVA using an uncer-
tainty bias correction (
Anderson et al., 2017). The following
estimates were used (based on Study 2): a = .05, power = .80, F=
17.19, N = 386, number of between-subjects factor = 2, number of
within-subject factor = 2. This analysis revealed that we needed a
minimum of 296 participants. We recruited more participants to
prevent reduction in statistical power due to possible exclusions.
Participants were native Mandarin Chinese speakers from Bei-
jing and they were randomly assigned to the spoken or written
condition. We recruited 389 participants through the Beijing Cen-
ter of the University of Chicago (68.7% women, 31.1% men, .2%
others). Of these, 185 participants were randomly assigned to the
spoken condition and 204 to the written condition.
Figure 2
Mean Accuracy by Language Modality and Problem Type (Study 2)
Note. Error bars illustrate standard errors of the mean.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Material and Procedure
The study was conducted in the lab and the procedure was the
same as in Study 2. Participants received eight reasoning problems
in Chinese, four with a conict between a relatively more intuitive
and a relatively more analytic solution, and four control problems
without such conict (e.g., How many cubic feet of sand are there
in a sandbox that is 1
deep 1
wide 3 1
long?). The presentation
order of problems was randomized across participants. For the full
set of problems see
Supplemental Materials Method Table S3.In
the spoken modality, the problems were read aloud in a neutral
tone by one of two male speakers both native Chinese speakers
from Beijing. We used a 2 (Modality: written, spoken) 3 2 (Item
type: conict, no-conict) mixed-factorial design, with modality
as the between-subjects factor and item type as the within-subject
Results and Discussion
In contrast to Studies 1 and 2 where experimental and control
items were analyzed separately, here we analyzed them jointly
because they were equal in number. We expected that the written
modality would lead to more analytically correct responses for the
conict problems than the spoken modality, but have less of an
inuence on the control problems. For the dependent variable, we
focused on the difference in performance between the conict and
control problems. Our theory predicts a bigger difference in the
spoken than the written modality condition.
As predicted, the difference was bigger in the spoken than in
the written condition (see
Figure 3). In the spoken modality, accu-
racy was 26 percentage points lower for conict compared with
no-conict problems. In contrast, in the written modality the corre-
sponding difference was only 15 percentage points. This interac-
tion between problem type and language modality was signicant,
F(1, 387) = 20.87, p , .001, h
= .05.
Pairwise comparisons showed a signicant difference between
conict and no-conict problems for the written condition, F(1,
387) = 87.17, p , .001, h
= .18, as well as for the spoken
condition, F(1, 387) = 231.03, p , .001, h
= .37. There was also
a main effect of modality, F(1, 387) = 47.47, p , .001, h
= .11,
and a main effect of problem type, F(1, 387) = 304.36, p , .001,
= .44.
In the data we report above, 12% of participants had one or
more missing values. This was due to technical issues that some
participants in the spoken condition experienced. They reported
that they could not hear the recording occasionally due to Internet
connection problems. To make sure that the results are not due to
this issue, we conducted additional tests where we restricted the
analysis to participants who had a complete data set.
The pattern of the results with this restricted data set mirrors the
pattern of the results with the full data set. Accuracy in the spoken
condition was 25 percentage points lower for conict compared
with no-conict problems, while in the written modality the corre-
sponding difference was 16 percentage points. This interaction
between problem type and language modality was signicant, F(1,
340) = 17.65, p , .001, h
= .05.
Pairwise comparisons showed a signicant difference between
conict and no-conict problems for the written condition, F(1,
340) = 105.97, p , .001, h
= .24, as well as the spoken condition,
F(1, 340) = 193.97, p , .001, h
= .36. There was also a main
effect of modality, F(1, 340) = 30.78, p , .001, h
= .08, and a
main effect of problem type, F(1, 340) = 298.58, p , .001, h
In summary, the results of Study 3 generalize the effect of mo-
dality on thinking performance to a Chinese population, using a
language with a writing system that is different from English. It
also provides a direct comparison of conict and control problems.
Study 4
Studies 1 to 3 demonstrate higher response accuracy in solving
verbal conict problems that are communicated in written rather
than spoken form. Therefore, the difference in performance sup-
ports the idea that the spoken modality makes more accessible
heuristic intuition than the written modality. However, there is an
alternative explanation to these ndings, which suggests that they
reect a simple presentation format effect. Spoken language tends
to be transient while written language can be reviewed and reana-
lyzed. Such presentation format might provide an advantage to the
written condition. Indeed, studies have shown that a spoken pre-
sentation format compared with a written presentation format can
hurt thinking performance as it taxes working memory by increas-
ing difculty in keeping the problem information in mind (see
hooly et al., 2002
). Such differences in presentation format could
cause our effect, but it would not reect a modality effect. It would
reect a presentation format effect. If this is the reason for the
ndings of Studies 1 to 3, then they do not support our account
that modality differentially affects thought.
However, there are three main reasons to doubt this alternative
account. First, the one-sentence trivia questions used in Study 1
were relatively simple, so it is unlikely that the modality effect
was due to additional working memory load in the spoken modal-
ity to store and process the information. Second, in Study 1, where
modality was manipulated within participants and order was coun-
terbalanced, we observed a modality by order interaction whereby
the modality effect was present when the spoken problems were
presented rst but absent when the written problems appeared rst.
Figure 3
Mean Accuracy by Modality and Problem Type (Study 3)
Note. Error bars illustrate standard errors of the mean.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This result is consistent with our pr ediction that the written mo-
dality engages an analytic mindset, which could have spilled
over when solving the spoken problems. If the modality effect
was due to the additional memory load associated with the spo-
ken modality, then the performance for the spoken problems
should have been worse t han for the written problems irrespec-
tive of presentation order.
Third, in all our studies, performance
in the control problems was comparable across modality condi-
tions. If the modality effect was merel y due to additional dif-
culty in processing and using the problem information it should
have also been manifested in the control problems.
Study 4 was designed to test the modality dependence theory
under conditions that rule out the alternative explanation that is
based on presentation format. To do that we presented the written
problems in a sequential way thereby mimicking the sequential
manner of the spoken problems. If the ndings in Studies 1 to 3
are merely due to the presentation format, then the effect of modal-
ity should disappear in Study 4. If, however, the effect of modality
persists, then it would support the account that the two modalities
differentially inuence thinking performance.
Power Analysis
We estimated the number of participants required by conducting
an a priori power analysis for a one-way ANOVA using G*Power.
We used the following estimates: a = .05, power = .95, f = .20
(based on Study 2), number of groups = 2. This analysis revealed
a minimum sample of 328 participants. We recruited more partici-
pants to prevent a reduction in statistical power due to possible
Participants were native English-speaking U.S. residents and
were randomly assigned to the spoken or written condition. We
requested 410 participants through Prolic(
Study 4 was conducted online, so we included three attention
checks. We excluded anyone who failed one or more attention
checks (24 participants, 5.9%). The results presented below are
based on the remaining 386 participants (176 women, 207 men, 3
unknown, M
= 40.2 years, age range = 21 to 80 years). Of these,
116 were in the spoken condition, 123 in the written sequential
condition, and 147 in the standard written condition.
Material and Procedure
Study 4 used the sam e materials and pr ocedure as Stu dy 2.
In addition to the spoken and written mo dality conditions, we
included a written-sequential condition th at simulated the tran-
sient presentation of spoke n l anguage. To do this, we presente d
the written problems in separa te phrases on co nsecutive
screens so that pa rticipants could not reread th em. Participants
had to p roceed to the next part of the pro blem by clicking on a
button labeled next. Onc e they pressed the nex t button they
were not allowed to go back. In the s poken modality, w e pre-
sented the audio information, and just l ike in the written mo-
dality, participants controlled the next button to proceed to the
response page. Crucially, participants co uld not anticipate the
question bef ore the nal par t disa ppeared . We d ecided to use
this text segmentation reading m ethod for two reasons. First,
this method represents the most natural and ecologically valid
way of equating the spo ken and written language modalities
Szarkowska & Gerber-
Morón, 2018) . Second, research sug gests that reading, lik e lis-
tening, is largely serial and incrementa l (se e
Rayner & Clifton,
In each modality condition, we presented participants with ve
conict reasoning problems and three control problems (see
Supplemental Materials Method Table S2). In the spoken modality,
the problems were read aloud by two male native English speakers
with a standard American English accent. Participants then lled
the Need for Cognition and Faith in Intuition scales as in Study 1
Supplemental Materials Results Table S2). Lastly, participants
indicated their age, gender, education level, and employment status
Supplemental Materials Results Table S7).
Results and Discussion
Conflict Problems
Participants in the written-sequential condition and the standard
written condition were signicantly more likely to solve the prob-
lems correctly (M
= .47, 95% CI [.42, .51], SD =
.24; M
= .54, 95% CI [.50, .58], SD = .25) than were
participants in the spoken condition (M
= .37, 95% CI [.32,
.41], SD = .23), Welchs F(2, 251.39) = 17.40, p , .001, d
.60; H(2) = 31.92, p , .001, d
= .58 (see Figure 4). Crucially,
pairwise tests, adjusted for multiple comparisons, revealed a sig-
nicant difference between the written-sequential and spoken con-
ditions (M
= .10, 95% CI [.03, .18], SE = .03, p = .004,
= .43). There was also a signicant difference between the
written-standard and spoken conditions (M
= .18, 95% CI
[.25, .11], SE = .03, p , .001, d
= .73) and a smaller sig-
nicant difference between the written-sequential and the written-
standard conditions (M
= .08, 95% CI [.15, .01], SE = .03, p =
.034, d
= .31).
Figure 4
Mean Accuracy by Language Modality and Problem Type (Study 4)
Note. Error bars illustrate standard errors of the mean.
* p , .05.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Control Problems
Again there was no signicant difference in accuracy between
the modalities for the control problems (M
= .88,
SD = .20, 95% CI [.84, .91], M
= .90, SD = .17, 95%
CI [.86, .93], M
= .87, SD = .21, 95% CI [.84, .91]), Welchs
F(2, 249.80) = .49, p = .616, d
= .11; H(2) = 2.11, p = .348,
= .03. This shows that the spoken modality did not induce
an overall deterioration in performance, and that the reduced accu-
racy in the spoken modality was unique to problems that involved
a conict between heuristic intuitive and analytic thought.
In summary, these results replicate the ndings of Studies 1 to 3
and extend the modality effect to a written presentation format that
is sequential. Therefore, participants in both modality conditions
had to keep the information in mind and were unable to revisit it.
This nding, then, supports the idea that language modality inu-
ences thinking performance and speaks against the possibility that
this effect is simply explained by increased difculty in processing
the problem information in the spoken condition due to its ephem-
eral nature.
Study 5
Study 5 expanded the scope of the investigation by examining
deductive reasoning (Henle, 1962). A central aspect of logical rea-
soning is validity, which is strictly a formal property that is inde-
pendent of meaning and truth. A logical argument is valid if and
only if its conclusion follows from the premises. For example, the
following syllogism is logically invalid:
Premise 1. All living things need water
Premise 2. Roses need water
Conclusion. Therefore, roses are living things
Even though the premises and the conclusion are true, this syllo-
gism is invalid because the conclusion does not follow from the
premises. However, because people believe the conclusion, they tend
to judge the syllogism as logically valid. More generally, truth-value
negatively impacts validity judgments when validity and truth con-
ict (
Evans et al., 1983). People are more likely to judge valid argu-
ments as invalid when the conclusion is unbelievable, and they are
more likely to judge invalid arguments as valid when the conclusion
is believable. This is called belief bias (
Wilkins, 1929).
Study 5 capitalized on this bias which appears to be driven by
heuristic intuition. The perception of truth is claimed to be an intu-
itive process that connects to our beliefs (
Gilbert, 1991). To reduce
the belief bias when judging validity, most people must recruit
analytic processes and focus on formal, analytic aspects of the syl-
logism (
Evans & Curtis-Holmes, 2005), while only few people
with high cognitive ability can automatically apply logical princi-
ples (
Raoelison et al., 2020). Therefore, if thinking performance is
modality dependent, and listening cues relatively more heuristic
intuition, then the belief bias should be greater in the spoken than
in the written modality.
The prediction, study design, sample size, and analyses were
preregistered on, see
Power Analysis
We conducted an a priori power analysis for an independent
samples t test (two-tailed) using the following estimates: a = .05,
power = .80, d
= .50 (based on piloting), df = 1. This analysis
revealed a minimum sample of 128 participants. We recruited
more participants to prevent reduction in statistical power due to
possible exclusions.
Participants were native English-speaking U.S. residents and
were randomly assigned to the spoken or written condition. We
requested 140 participants through Prolic( and
collected data from 156 who passed the screening tests, in antici-
pation of some attrition. Seven participants (4.5%) were excluded
because they failed one or more attention checks. We analyzed the
data of the remaining 149 participants (83 women, 62 men, 4
other, M
= 31.4 years, age range = 1860 years), where 80 were
in the spoken condition and 69 were in the written condition.
Material and Procedure
Participants received 12 syllogisms, each comprising two prem-
ises (four or ve words) and a conclusion (ve or six words). Six
syllogisms were valid but had an unbelievable conclusion, and six
were invalid but had a believable conclusion. We followed
et al. (2008)
in this design, in which the believability of the infor-
mation was inconsistent with the logical format of the syllogisms
in both types. To solve such problems correctly, participants need
to put aside their knowledge of facts and reason based solely on
the relationship between the premises and the conclusion.
Supplemental Materials Method Table S4 presents the full set of
items. Before beginning the task, participants received an explana-
tion of logical validity (see
Supplemental Materials Method for
the wording of the instructions). To ensure participants under-
standing of the task, following the instructions partici pants
were asked two task comprehension questions. If participants
incorrectly responded t o one of these questions, they were
redirected to the instruction page. Then participants practiced
two examples of each syllog ism type followed by fe edback on
their performance (see
Supplemental Materials Method for the
wording of the feedback).
Participants in the spoken condition heard the syllogisms spoken
in a neutral tone by two male native English speakers from the Chi-
cago area with a standard American English ac cent. Participants in
the written sequential and spoken conditions received the syllogisms
in a transient form: rst premise (four words), second premise (four
to ve words), and conclusion (ve to six words), each presented on
5). Following each written and spoken information, participants had
to proceed to the next part of the syllogism by clicking on a button la-
beled nex t.
The written condition is analogous to the sequential written con-
dition tested in Study 4 and hence an eventual modality effect can-
not be ascribed to differences in presentation format as in both the
spoken and the written condition participants have to keep the infor-
mation in mind and integrate it to evaluate the validity of the con-
clusion. Participants task was to judge the syllogisms validity by
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
selecting either Valid or Invalid. The presentation order of the
syllogisms was randomized across participants.
Previous research has found performance differences with syllo-
gistic reasoning between spoken and written presentation formats,
but not in the context of the belief bias (
Gilhooly et al., 1993). Par-
ticipants provided more correct responses in the written condition.
However, these ndings could be fully explained as a presentation
format effect, not necessarily a modality effect. This is because the
syllogisms in the written condition were not presented sequentially
but were presented in their entirety without time limits. This gave
a clear advantage to participants in the written condition over the
spoken condition as they did not have to keep the written premises
and conclusions in working memory while evaluating validity. In
our case, participants received the premises and the conclusion
sequentially and did not have access to them when they evaluated
validity. Given that in both modality conditions participants had to
keep this information in mind, our procedure provides an opportu-
nity to evaluate a modality effect as distinct from a presentation
After completing the syllogism task, participants answered the
following questions: How many problems out of 12 do you think
you solved correctly? (0 to 12 scale), and Overall, how difcult
was it for you to solve the problems? (slider scale: 1 = not at all
difcult, to 101 = extremely difcult). Then, they rated their agree-
ment with the following statements: While reading the problems,
I was fully absorbed,”“I enjoyed reading the problems,”“I felt
totally involved in reading the problems,”“While reading the
problems, I had the impression that time was passing quickly,
and I found the task extremely rewarding (1 = strongly disagree,
2=disagree,3=neither agree nor disagree,4=agree,5=
strongly agree). In the spoken condition, the text had listening
to instead of reading (see
Supplemental Materials Results
Table S1
for descriptive statistics).
For expl oratory purposes, participants then r eceived three
CRT type problems in written form. The goal was to explore
whether solving syll ogisms in the two modalities prompts differ-
ent levels of cognitive fatigue (Ackerman & Kanfer, 2009 ).
Previous evidence demo nstrates that increased cognitive f atigue
deteriorates performance in subsequent reasoning tasks (e.g.,
Inzlicht & Schmeichel, 2012; Mani et al., 2013; Timmons &
Byrne, 2019 ). Therefore, if modality differentially taxes cogni-
tive resources and consequently in
uences cognitive fatigue,
then this might inuence performance on the subsequent CRT
Following the CRT task, participants lled out the Need for
Cognition and Faith in Intuition scales (see
Materials Results Table S2 for descriptive statistics). Finally, par-
ticipants answered questions concerning their prior experience
with solving syllogisms, formal education in logic, their age, gen-
der, and educational level (see
Supplemental Materials Results
Table S7
for descriptive statistics; see Supplemental Materials
Results for exploratory analyses).
Results and Discussion
Experience With Solving Syllogisms
First, we evaluated whether participants in the two modality
conditions differed in their past experience in solving syllogisms
or their formal education in logic. We found no differences for
experiences, v
(1, N = 149) = .02, p = .886, / = .01, or formal edu-
cation in logic, v
(1, N = 149) = .14, p = .709, / = .03.
Validity Judgments
We computed an accuracy index for each participant by averag-
ing the rate of correct acceptance of valid problems and correct
rejection of invalid problems across the 12 syllogisms. Preliminary
analyses revealed that speaker identity did not affect accuracy
(F , 1); therefore, we dropped this factor from the analyses.
As predicted, participants in the written condition were signi-
cantly more accurate in judging validity than participants in the
spoken condition (M
= .60, 95% CI [.55, .65], SD = .20,
= .54, 95% CI [.50, .58], SD = .18), Welchs F(1,
136.39) = 4.26, p = .041, d
= .34, U = 3,267.50, z = 1.95, p =
.051, d
= .18.
Figure 5
Illustration of the Procedure Used in Study 5
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This shows that participants in the spoken condition were more
affected by the belief bias, suggesting that the spoken modality
engages comparatively more heuristic intuition than the written
Performance in the CRT Task
The CRT problems followed the syllogism task and were
received by all participants in written form. This task was included
for exploratory purposes. Its aim was to assess whether the modal-
ity in which the syllogisms were presented differentially taxed
cognitive resources. If it did, then performance on the subsequent
CRT problems could be affected as studies suggest that cognitive
fatigue deteriorates reasoning performance. There was no differ-
ence in CRT performance across the modalities (M
= .68,
95% CI [.59, .77], SD = .38, M
= .63, 95% CI [.54, .71],
SD = .40), Welchs t(145.72) = .88, p = .378, d
= .15, U =
2,971.50, z = .87, p = .387, d
= .20. This suggests that the mo-
dality effect on syllogistic reasoning is not due to increased cogni-
tive fatigue in the spoken modality. Therefore, the way we
presented the spoken and written information was successful in
equating the conditions in terms of working memory load.
CRT performance correlated with performance in the syllogism
task, r(147) = .285, p , .001; however, the magnitude of this cor-
relation did not differ across conditions (Written: r(78) = .335, p =
.002, Spoken: r(104) = .309, p = .001; z = .19, p = .848, q
.03). This suggests that the two tasks revealed consistent individ-
ual differences in reasoning: people that perform better with syllo-
gisms also perform better on the CRT (e.g.,
Toplak et al., 2014).
Because the written condition involved a sequential presenta-
tion, the modality effect cannot be ascribed to a simple presenta-
tion advantage in the written condition. Indeed, the results from
the CRT task provide converging indirect evidence, showing that
cognitive fatigue after the syllogism task was not affected by the
modality of performing it.
In summary, Study 5 demonstrated that judgments of logical va-
lidity are affected by modality. Participants were more susceptible
to the belief bias when they heard the syllogisms than when they
read them. To the extent that the belief bias is linked to intuition
Evans & Curtis-Holmes, 2005), the present results suggest that
thinking from spoken premises relies relatively more on heuristic
intuition than thinking from written premises.
General Discussion
Our results suggest that thinking performance is modality de-
pendent. When people answered spoken trivia questions, they
were less likely to detect semantic distortions and more likely to
fall for the Moses illusion than when they answered the same trivia
questions in written form. When people solved spoken riddles,
they responded relatively more intuitively than when they solved
the same riddles in written form. When judging logical validity,
people were more affected by the belief bias in the spoken modal-
ity, suggesting that heuristic intuition plays a larger role in that
modality than in the written one. Clearly, thinking is not modality
We found evidence for a modality effect on thinking perform-
ance by testing two very different languages namely English and
Chinese, which speaks to the generalizability of the effect across
languages and populations. Furthermore, we tested problems
involving different levels of complexity: simple detection of
semantic anomalies, relatively more complex verbal riddles, and
harder multipremised syllogisms. The fact that the modality effect
was present using simple one-sentence semantic anomalies speaks
against the idea that the effect is due to an increased difculty of
processing the information in the spoken modality. Furthermore,
the effect persisted when presenting written problems in a sequen-
tial form mimicking the presentation format of spoken problems.
This further helps to rule out a simple explanation that the effect is
due to differences in presentation format. Our results, therefore,
suggest that the very comprehension of spoken problems affects
thinking performance differently than the comprehension of writ-
ten problems, because the spoken modality privileges heuristic
intuition, while the written modality privileges analytic thought.
Although problems that require logical reasoning tend to benet
from analytic processing, correct responding can also be generated
spontaneously without deliberation. For example, one can solve rea-
soning problems by automatically applying logical or mathematical
principles that have been internalized (
De Neys, 2006). Such logical
intuition should apply predominantly to problems whose solutions
involve the application of logico-mathematical principles (
Sinayev &
Peters, 2015
). With the exception of Study 5, the present studies
tested verbal problems that do not require the application of logico-
mathematical principles (
Sirota et al., 2021). Therefore, performance
in Studies 1 to 4 is unlikely to be relevant to logical intuition.
Alternative Explanation
An alternative account for the impact of modality on thinking
might be that listening is more cognitively demanding than reading,
hence incre as ing the load on working memo ry (Klingner et al.,
). One could imagine two versions of this account. One version
is that because spoken language is transient, people rely more on
working memory to keep track of the information thereby depleting
working memory resources (
Gilhooly et al., 2002). This could reduce
the resources available to think deliberatively. Our results speak
against this account because they demonstrate that the modality effect
persists even when transience of the language is controlled.
A second version could suggest that cognitive demand is higher
in the spoken modality for reasons other than its transient nature.
The literature does not provide evidence for this account. If any-
thing, research on short term memory for spoken and written lan-
guage suggests the opposite. Studies using relatively simple
sequential working memory tasks, such as digit span tasks, found
that performance for spoken stimuli tends to be better than for
written stimuli (e.g.,
Greene, 1992; Penney, 1989). Similarly,
research testing modality effects with a working memory task in
which sequences of letters are presented shows better performance
accuracy with spoken than with written language (
Amon & Ber-
tenthal, 2018
). Had spoken language been more cognitively
demanding, performance in these working memory tasks should
have been worse with spoken language, not better.
Theoretical Contribution
We propose that thinking performance based on spoken prob-
lems is systematically different than thinking performance based
on written ones because the spoken modality privileges heuristic
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
intuitive thinking, while the written modality privileges analytic
thinking. This is motivated by the modalities distinct engagement
of controlled processing, developmental trajectory, and the context
in which they are likely to be used over time. Written language is
assumed to engage more controlled processing than spoken lan-
guage (
Varao Sousa et al., 2013). Furthermore, spoken language is
acquired spontaneously and intuitively while written language is
acquired via formal instruction (
Liberman, 1992; Liberman &
Whalen, 2000
; Pinker, 1994). Finally, spoken language is typically
used in informal conversations while written language is often
used in formal contexts. Therefore, it is likely that the modality
effect is related to differences in the underlying cognitive process-
ing, developmental trajectory, and context of use of these
Our nding contributes to the theoretical understanding of the
relationship between language and thought broadly dened.
Research has identied mild effects on cognition of structural ele-
ments of language, such as grammatical gender, as well as other
aspects of language including metaphors about time or motion
(Boroditsky, 2001; Gumperz & Levinson, 1991 ; Sapir, 1929; Sera
et al., 1994
; Whorf, 1956; but see Gleitman & Papafragou, 2012).
Our theory and the supporting studies add an important novel
dimension to our understanding of how language might inuence
cognition: through its modality.
Our research also contributes to theories of thinking, which tend
to be concerned with the conditions under which thought involves
deliberation and intuition (
Evans & Curtis-Holmes, 2005; Sloman,
; Thompson, 2012). Research has demonstrated that individ-
ual differences as well as contextual factors can impact the extent
to which thinking involves deliberation and intuition (
De Neys,
; Sorrentino & Stanovich, 2002; Toplak et al., 2014). For
example, high cognitive ability and instructions to focus on the
logical nature of the task can promote correct performance (
et al., 1994
; Newstead et al., 1992; Sorrentino & Stanovich, 2002)
while time pressure favors heuristic intuition (
Evans & Curtis-
Holmes, 2005
; Finucane et al., 2000). Our nding suggests that
language modality might modulate such thinking processes, lead-
ing spoken language to privilege heuristic intuitive thinking com-
pared with written language.
Furthermore, the vast majority of thinking research, as well as
research on judgment and decision making, presents instructions
and linguistic stimuli in the written modality under the implicit
assumption that modality is immaterial for evaluating theories of
thinking and decision making. Our results illustrate that this meth-
odological practice might lead to a systematic underestimation of
the extent to which people respond intuitively to problems. The
magnitude of the misestimation could be signicant because
everyday thinking is often based on spoken communications.
Our ndings have potentially important implications in a variety
of domains. Because they challenge the fundamental assumption
that thought is modality independent, our ndings could impact
the way research is conducted. Research in psychology, sociology,
political science, economics, and other social sciences often
involves instructions and stimuli. However, most choose the mo-
dality of the language by convenience, precisely because of the
implicit assumption that modality is immaterial for most tasks. For
example, some surveys present questions in writing while in others
the questions are spoken directly to participants. The modality
effect suggests that providing surveys in the spoken modality
responses might be relatively more intuitive. Thus, a public opin-
ion survey about illegal immigration might tap into feelings when
conducted orally, while a written format might involve fewer such
emotional considerations. Therefore, such disciplines might rely
on our ndings for a more reasoned selection of the modality to
not bias results.
Our ndings also carry potential implications for any domain
where thinking and reasoning is central such as medicine, busi-
ness, and the law. For example, legal reasoning is crucial for the
practice of law, which applies both rules of deductive reasoning
and analogical reasoning via cases (Pashler & Ellsworth, 2013 ).
However, it does not consider language modality as a factor. A
legal brief makes the same argument whether it is read or heard,
but it might not have the same impact. Our discovery suggests that
reading an argument would lead to more analytic outcomes,
whereas hearing it would give more consideration to heuristic
In the history of humanity, written language developed thou-
sands of years after spoken language (
Houston, 2004). As recently
as 200 years ago, only 12% of the worlds population was able to
read and write (Roser & Ortiz-Ospina, 2018). Our studies demon-
strate that the choice between the older and the newer language
modality is consequential: Modality directly affects thought, mak-
ing us more intuitive when we hear a problem while more analytic
when we read it. This nding should inform not only theories of
thinking, but also practices in which the nature of thought is conse-
quential such as policy making, judicial reasoning, and medical
decision making.
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Received December 8, 2021
Revision received June 29, 2022
Accepted September 20, 2022
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