How-To Guide
SAP Business One 8.82 and higher
Document Version: 1.0 2012-09-01
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Table of Contents
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Defining Initial Settings ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Initializing a Perpetual Inventory System ........................................................................................................................... 6
Defining Primary G/L Accounts .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Defining an Opening Inventory Account ............................................................................................................................ 11
Defining Item Defaults ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Defining Warehouses .......................................................................................................................................................... 13
Drop-Ship Warehouses ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Defining a Default Warehouse .............................................................................................................................. 15
Defining Item Groups .......................................................................................................................................................... 17
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average ................................................................................................ 20
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Defining Item Cost When Using Moving Average Valuation Method ............................................................................ 20
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the Moving Average Valuation Method ...................................... 22
Sales Documents .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Purchasing Documents ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Special Scenarios for A/P Documents ............................................................................................................... 29
Inventory Transactions ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Perpetual Inventory System by Standard Price .................................................................................................. 38
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Defining Item Cost when Using the Standard Price Valuation Method ........................................................................ 38
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the Standard Price Valuation Method........................................ 39
Sales Documents .................................................................................................................................................. 40
Purchasing Documents ........................................................................................................................................ 42
Special Scenarios for A/P Documents ................................................................................................................47
Inventory Transactions ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO .................................................................................................................... 56
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Defining Item Cost When Using FIFO Valuation Method ................................................................................................ 56
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the FIFO Valuation Method .......................................................... 57
Sales Documents .................................................................................................................................................. 58
Purchasing Documents ........................................................................................................................................ 60
Special Scenarios for A/P Documents ............................................................................................................... 64
Inventory Transactions .........................................................................................................................................67
Handling Small Values ............................................................................................................................................. 72
Handling Small Values for All Valuation Methods ............................................................................................................ 72
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Table of Contents
Updating Valuation Methods .................................................................................................................................. 74
Revaluing the Inventory ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Printing Inventory Revaluation Documents ..................................................................................................................... 81
Working with Inventory Audit Reports ..................................................................................................................83
Generating Inventory Audit Reports ................................................................................................................................. 83
Examples of Inventory Audit Reports for Different Calculation Methods ..................................................................... 87
Moving Average ..................................................................................................................................................... 88
Standard Price ....................................................................................................................................................... 89
Cost of Revaluation Document in Inventory Audit Report .............................................................................................. 91
Unexpected Results in Inventory Audit Report ................................................................................................................ 91
Difference Between Inventory Audit Report and Inventory Account Balance ................................................. 91
Number of Records Returned is Too Large......................................................................................................... 91
Unexpected Results Due to Particular Basic Initial Settings ............................................................................. 91
Working with Inventory Valuation Simulation Reports .......................................................................................95
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System .......................................................................................... 99
Defining Purchase Accounts ............................................................................................................................................. 99
Examples for Journal Entry Structures Used When Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System .............. 100
Goods Receipt POs and A/P Invoices ................................................................................................................ 101
Closing a Goods Receipt PO ............................................................................................................................... 103
Goods Return ....................................................................................................................................................... 104
A/P Credit Memo................................................................................................................................................. 104
Landed Costs ....................................................................................................................................................... 105
Authorizations ......................................................................................................................................................... 107
Database Tables Reference ................................................................................................................................... 108
Copyrights, Trademarks, and Disclaimers .......................................................................................................... 109
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
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A perpetual inventory system reflects the value of inventory postings in terms of monetary transactions in the
accounting system. These monetary transactions are carried out only when items defined as inventory items are
received or released from stock.
You should determine a perpetual inventory system during basic initialization, before posting any transactions.
SAP Business One provides the following three valuation methods for calculating the inventory value:
Moving Average Calculates the average cost for the item in each sales, purchasing, inventory, and production
Standard Price Calculates the inventory value by a fixed price, which is then used for all transactions.
FIFO (First In First Out) With this method, goods purchased first (or produced first) are sold first, regardless of
the actual goods flow.
o Each inventory receipt transaction creates a layer of quantities linked to costs. A FIFO layer is defined as
the quantity of an item in a warehouse with a particular cost value.
o Each inventory release transaction uses quantities and their corresponding costs from the first open layer
or layers.
When you use a perpetual inventory system, SAP Business One lets you do the following:
Manage the three methods in the same company.
You can select a certain valuation method on the level of item and item group.
Update the valuation method of your items globally. For more information, see Updating Valuation Methods.
Update the calculated item cost for each item, if required. For information, see Revaluing the Inventory.
The SAP Business One 8.8 family release includes enhancements and changes in inventory management
regarding the different valuation methods. The changes are described in this document; however, for
more examples, see the document Enhancements in Inventory Management in the documentation area of
SAP Business One Customer Portal at
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
Defining Initial Settings
When you decide to use the perpetual inventory system, employees responsible for logistics and accounting must
analyze the accounting transactions carried out in the background for each inventory transaction. You need to
determine special G/L accounts for the inventory transactions. This influences the settings for warehouses and
item groups.
Initializing a Perpetual Inventory System
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration System Initialization Company Details
Basic Initialization tab.
2. To initialize the perpetual inventory system, select the Use Perpetual Inventory checkbox.
This selection is irreversible after you create an inventory transaction.
3. In the Item Groups Valuation Method dropdown list, select an inventory valuation method.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
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The default valuation method of new items is taken from their linked item groups, and the valuation method of
new item groups is the method selected in this field.
The cost calculated for the items is in local currency.
You can change the selected valuation method in the Item Groups Valuation Method field at any time;
however, changes apply only to item groups added after the change, not to the ones added before.
4. To manage the cost of items for each warehouse individually, select the Manage Item Cost per Warehouse
checkbox. When this checkbox is deselected, calculating inventory price is combined for all warehouses.
This selection is irreversible after you create an inventory transaction.
The following example shows the difference between managing the item cost per company and for each
warehouse individually. The moving average valuation method is used.
Manage Item Cost per Company
Manage Item Cost per
Item Cost in
Warehouse 1
Item Cost in
Warehouse 2
Goods receipt PO 1
Quantity of 1
Price 10
Warehouse 1
Goods receipt PO 2
Quantity of 1
Price 30
Warehouse 2
20 = (10*1 + 30*1) / 2
To document your inventory transactions on the expenses side as well as to conduct a perpetual inventory
system, select the Use Purchase Accounts Posting System checkbox. When the checkbox is selected, each journal
entry includes additional rows reflecting the company's expenses. For more information, see Working with a
Purchase Accounts Posting System
o Once you have recorded transactions, you cannot modify this setting.
o This checkbox is not relevant for the US and Canada localizations.
5. To allow items to be included in documents such as deliveries or A/R invoices, even when the item cost has
not been defined, select the Allow Stock Release Without Item Cost checkbox.
6. To save your changes, choose the Update button.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
Defining Primary G/L Accounts
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Setup Financials G/L Account
Determination Inventory tab.
2. Define primary G/L accounts to be selected as defaults in new warehouses, item groups, and items master
data. The following table describes the usage of each account:
Type of Account
Inventory Account
Reflects the actual inventory value recorded in any
inbound or outbound inventory transaction, goods
receipt and issue production.
Cost of Goods Sold Account
Used in A/R outbound or inbound transactions to
reflect the actual inventory value of goods sold. In the
case of based A/R returns, it always reflects the COGS
value from the base document.
Allocation Account
A clearing account used as an offsetting account to the
inventory account only on the A/P side (in goods
receipt POs, goods returns, and in A/P credit memos,
A/P invoices based on goods receipt POs). The
balance of this G/L account reflects the total amount
of open goods receipt POs and goods returns
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
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Type of Account
Variance Account (Price Difference Account)
Used only with a standard price valuation method. In
certain scenarios, if there are differences between the
standard price and the actual price in purchasing and
inventory documents, these differences are recorded
in the variance account.
Price Difference Account
Used in purchasing transactions to reflect price
differences between target A/P documents or non-
based returns and insufficient inventory levels or
inventory value. With inventory revaluation, this
account is used for debiting or crediting inventory
value of non-existing inventory quantity, if the current
on-hand quantity is either zero or less than the
quantity that is being revaluated by target A/P
document. Price difference amount is then fully or
proportionally posted to the price difference account.
Negative Inventory Adj. Acct
Used to reflect differences between the static price
and inbound or outbound transactions amounts in the
negative zone. This account replaces the price
difference and the exchange rate differences accounts
while relevant scenarios are done in the negative zone.
In such cases, the moving average or FIFO prices are
held static; SAP Business One saves and uses the last
price for the item before zeroing the stock. The
differences between these prices and inventory values
resulting from the addition of new documents are
posted to this account.
This account is not relevant for the standard
price valuation method.
From an accounting perspective, we do not
recommend using negative inventory.
However, to use negative inventory, deselect
the Block Negative Inventory checkbox in
Administration System Initialization
Document Settings General tab.
Inventory Offset - Decr. Acct
Used to balance the inventory account in case of
outbound inventory transactions (goods issue,
inventory posting).
Inventory Offset - Incr. Acct
Used to balance the inventory account in case of
inbound inventory transactions (goods receipt,
inventory posting).
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
Type of Account
Sales Returns Account
Reflects the actual inventory value recorded in A/R
return documents (excluding A/R credit memo based
on A/R reserve invoice).
Purchase Account / Purchase Returns Account / Cost
of Goods Purchased / Purchase Balance Account
When working with the purchase accounts posting
system, you should define the relevant default
accounts. For more information, see Working with a
Purchase Accounts Posting System.
Exchange Rate Differences Account
Used in purchasing transactions to reflect price
differences caused by changes in the exchange rate
between based A/P invoices and insufficient inventory
levels or values.
In certain scenarios, when you create a target
document based on a base document, a difference in
local currency occurs if the following conditions exist:
The item price is in a foreign currency.
The target document is connected to a different
exchange rate.
That difference is posted to this account.
This account is only used while item has a positive or
zero in-stock quantity (except when processing based
A/P returns and based A/P credit memos in moving
average price valuation method).
Goods Clearing Account
An offsetting account to the allocation and expense
clearing costs, used when closing goods receipt POs or
goods returns. In this case, no inventory entry is
registered, however, a journal entry is created
including this account.
G/L Decrease Account
Used as balancing account when the stock value is
decreased by a material revaluation transaction.
G/L Increase Account
Used as balancing account when the stock value is
increased by a material revaluation transaction.
WIP Inventory Account
An offsetting account to the inventory account used in
the production process; it reflects the value of a
production order during its various stages.
WIP Inventory Variance Account
This account contains the cost of the direct material,
direct labor, and factory overhead placed into the
products on the factory floor. A manufacturer must
disclose in its financial statements the cost of its work
in process as well as the cost of finished goods and on-
hand materials.
Expense Clearing Account
An offsetting account used as a clearing account for
freight charges influencing inventory value against the
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Type of Account
inventory account in A/P documents, side by side with
the allocation account (A/P reserve invoice excluded,
the Stock in transit account is used instead).
Stock In Transit Account
Clearing account used as an offsetting account to
the inventory account only in the A/P reserve
invoice and its targets documents). The balance of
this G/L account reflects the total amount of open
A/P reserve invoices.
For examples of usage of the accounts described above, see the following:
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the Moving Average Valuation Method
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the Standard Price Valuation Method
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the FIFO Valuation Method
The sum of the inventory account balance and the sales returns account balance reflects the total value of
the inventory.
Due to various user actions, the total balance of the inventory and sales returns accounts might be different
from the inventory audit report. Those differences can be caused by one of the following scenarios:
o The inventory account is involved in a manual journal entry.
o In a service type document, you use a specific account as the inventory or sales returns account, as well
as another account type (for example, as an allocation account), or as the G/L account.
3. On the Purchasing tab, define an expense and inventory account.
This account is used for items managed by the moving average valuation method to reflect specific amount
differences. Those differences are caused when you manually change prices in A/P credit memos that are based
on A/P invoices.
4. To update changes, choose the Update button.
Defining an Opening Inventory Account
You should create an opening inventory G/L account in the chart of accounts. This G/L account is used as
an offsetting account to the warehouse inventory account to which you enter initial quantities.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Inventory Transactions Inventory Opening
Balances, Inventory Tracking and Inventory Posting Initial Quantity tab.
2. Specify the selection criteria of items for which you would like to enter initial quantities, and choose the OK
The Initial Quantity window opens.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
3. In the Open Inventory Account field, specify an opening inventory account. The account is automatically
updated in the G/L Account field for all the items you selected. You can manually change the opening
inventory account for each item.
4. To save your changes, choose the Add button.
The opening inventory account should be different from the inventory account. Otherwise, when you
enter an initial quantity, the same account is both credited and debited, producing a zero effect on the
account balance.
Defining Item Defaults
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration System Initialization General Settings
Inventory tab.
2. In the Item Defaults area, specify the following information:
Default Warehouse
In the Default Warehouse dropdown list, choose a
default warehouse. This warehouse is used in all new
transactions. When modified, this setting is updated
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
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immediately per company, for all users
You can also set a default warehouse at the
item level and at the user level. For more
information, see Defining a Default
Set G/L Accounts By
When modified, this setting is updated immediately
per company, for all users.
In the Set G/L Accounts By dropdown list, choose the
method by which you would like to set the G/L
accounts connected to new item records only:
The G/L accounts defined in the Warehouses Setup
window, located under Administration Setup
Inventory Warehouses Accounting tab.
Item Group
The G/L accounts defined in the Item Groups Setup
window, located under Administration Setup
Inventory Item Groups Accounting tab.
Item Level
Select this method to define G/L accounts for each
item manually on the Inventory Data tab in the Item
Master Data window.
The list of accounts can be displayed in the
warehouse table. To display the relevant
accounts, click (Form Settings). Those
G/L accounts are enabled only if you choose
the Item Level option.
Auto. Add All Warehouse to New Items
SAP Business One adds all the existing warehouses
to every new item and every new added warehouse to
all the existing items.
Defining Warehouses
To define a new warehouse, do the following:
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Setup Inventory Warehouses.
The Warehouses Setup window appears.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
In the Warehouse Code field, enter the code of the new warehouse. In the Warehouse Name field, enter the name
of the warehouse.
2. On the General tab, view or define the following:
Fields that are self-explanatory are not described in the table below.
This checkbox is selected by default. It enables the
warehouse to be automatically involved in the MRP
process. If you deselect this checkbox and also
deselect the Drop Ship checkbox, you make this
warehouse a non-nettable warehouse.
Drop Ship
This checkbox is enabled only when the Nettable
checkbox is deselected.
Select this option to define the warehouse as a drop-
ship warehouse. A drop-ship warehouse is used when
the company does not manage inventory, but receives
commission for every order.
You cannot change the setting of the Drop
Ship checkbox after a drop-ship warehouse is
recorded in an existing document.
3. On the Accounting tab, you can define the G/L accounts for the item group. The default G/L accounts are
taken from the G/L Account Determination window.
4. Choose the Add button.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
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Drop-Ship Warehouses
Drop shipping entails transferring goods directly from your vendor to your customer without holding the items as
inventory in your warehouses. A drop-ship warehouse does not actually contain items; it is a ‘’virtual’’ warehouse.
The moment the goods ‘’enter’’ the drop-ship warehouse, you ship them to your customer. The system does not
record any inventory postings for documents using this type of warehouse.
To work with drop shipping in SAP Business One, you must create a drop-ship warehouse.
When you work with a perpetual inventory system, documents in which drop-ship warehouses are used create
journal entries that do not reflect the inventory value of the items received or released from a drop-ship
If you manage an item in a drop-ship warehouse as well as in a regular warehouse, inventory postings
occur only when you create documents involving the regular warehouse.
Drop-ship warehouses cannot be used for serial batch numbers and cannot be included in an MRP run.
Defining a Default Warehouse
You can set a default warehouse at three levels:
1. Item level in the Item Master Data window
2. User level in the User Defaults window
3. Company level in the General Settings window (Administration System Initialization General Settings
Inventory tab Items subtab)
The system takes the default warehouse according to the order above; for a new transaction, the system takes
the default warehouse from the item level. If an item does not have a defined default warehouse at the item level, it
takes the default warehouse from the user level. If there is no default warehouse defined at the user level, it takes
the default warehouse defined in the general settings.
Defining a Default Warehouse in General Settings
For information about how to define the default warehouse in the general settings, see Defining Item Defaults.
Defining a Default Warehouse at User Level
From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Setup General User Defaults.
The User Defaults window appears.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
For any new user defaults code, you can define a default warehouse in the Warehouse field, as shown in the
window above.
You can change this setting for an existing user defaults code at any time. However, the change applies to new
transactions only. If you create a document based on a document that was created before the change, the
warehouse from the base document is used.
Defining a Default Warehouse at Item Level
To choose a default warehouse for an item, do the following:
1. Open the Item Master Data window of the relevant item.
2. On the Inventory tab, select the row of the warehouse you would like to set as the default.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
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Choose the Set Default Whse button.
The row of the default warehouse is now displayed in bold.
3. Choose the Update button.
You can change this setting at any time. However, the change applies to new transactions only. If you create a
document based on a document that was created before the change, the warehouse from the base document is
Defining Item Groups
You can classify all or part of your inventory into item groups. For example, you can create groups that
correspond to your business areas and assign the items to a business area using the group, or you can classify
similar items to one general group. You can use the groups to format your reports and evaluations and to process
items together as a group.
Whenever you create an item that belongs to a group, the item draws the defaults set from the item group, for
example, the valuation method, the G/L account, the default warehouse and so on.
To create an item group:
1. From the Business One Main Menu, choose Administration Setup Inventory Item Groups.
The Item Groups Setup window appears.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
2. In the Item Group Name field, enter the name of the group you want to create.
3. On the General tab, view or specify the following information:
Planning Method
MRP - Select this if you want this item group to be
planned by MRP.
None - Select this if you do not want this item
group to be planned by MRP.
Make Select this if you want MRP to generate
production order recommendations for this item
Buy Select this if you want MRP to generate
purchase order recommendations for the item
Order Interval
Select one of the defined intervals or select Define New
to open the Order Interval - Setup window. In MRP
calculations, the system automatically groups the
recommended orders into interval periods and
arranges orders within the same period into the first
working day of that period.
Order Multiple
Enter the numeric value to define the size of the lots
for the MRP.
Minimum Order Qty
Enter the value to define the minimum lot size.
Lead Time
Enter the number of days to calculate the duration of
time from ordering a product to the time when the
product is received or produced.
Cycle Group
Select an inventory cycle for this group. The inventory
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Initial Settings
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
cycles define and schedule inventory counts.
Activates alert notifications of inventory counts for this
Default Valuation Method
Select the default valuation method for the item group.
You can change the valuation method for a
group at any time. However, the change
applies only to the relevant items that you
create after the change, not retroactively
4. On the Accounting tab, define the G/L accounts for the item group, if necessary. The item group draws the
default G/L accounts from the Inventory tab of the G/L Account Determination window.
5. Choose the Add button.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average
When managing a perpetual inventory system by moving average, an inventory receipt posting debits the
inventory account of each warehouse according to the price entered in the document. This price also updates the
item cost. An inventory release posting credits the inventory/sales returns account according to the item cost.
Due to various user actions, the item cost per item, as displayed on the Inventory Data tab in the Item
Master Data window, might be different from the moving average price per item calculated by the
inventory valuation simulation report. For example, working with negative inventory could be a cause of
those differences.
Defining Item Cost When Using Moving Average Valuation Method
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Item Master Data Inventory Data tab.
2. Create a new item.
3. From the Valuation Method dropdown list, choose Moving Average.
The default inventory valuation method of a new item is taken from its linked item group. For information about
the valuation method of a new item group, see Defining Item Groups.
It is possible to change the valuation method of an item at any time, as long as the item is not linked to any
open documents (goods receipt PO, delivery, return and goods return) and its in-stock quantity is zero.
4. If in the Company Details window, the Manage Item Cost per Warehouse checkbox is selected, the item cost is
calculated separately for each warehouse and is displayed in the warehouse row in the table.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average
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If the button is deselected, a single item cost is managed for all the warehouses and is displayed above the
warehouses table.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average
5. Choose the Add button.
You cannot enter the item cost into the Item Master Data window manually for an item with moving
average price valuation. Hence, the default cost of a newly created item without any transactions is zero.
You can set the item cost in two ways:
o Incoming inventory transaction Any incoming inventory transaction sets the current moving
average price. If your initial settings allow negative inventory, an outgoing transaction takes the
current moving average price, which is zero, regardless of the item price entered in the document.
o Inventory revaluation You can perform inventory revaluation for a new item to set its cost. For more
information, see Revaluing the Inventory.
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the Moving
Average Valuation Method
The moving average valuation method takes the weighted average of all units available for sale to determine the
item cost. SAP Business One saves the cumulative quantity and the cumulative value of the item in stock. The
item cost is the quotient of the cumulative value divided by the cumulative quantity.
The moving average price is calculated as follows:
The following prerequisites apply to all the described examples:
The business partner is tax exempted.
The initial settings were defined as follows:
o In the Company Details window, on the Basic Initialization tab:
o The Use Purchase Accounts Posting System is deselected.
o The Use Negative Amount for Reverse Transaction is selected.
o The G/L accounts set for the items are by warehouse. For more information, see Defining Item Defaults.
The G/L account code and name, ‘13400000-01-001-01', 'Inventory Finished Goods' relates to the
release/receipt of items from/to warehouse 01.
There are sufficient in-stock quantities of all the items involved in the scenarios below.
Sales Documents
Delivery and Delivery Based on a Return
The following journal entry is created when you add a delivery:
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average
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The amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item in the
delivery document by its item cost.
The item cost in the delivery based on a return is taken from the return document. It updates the moving average
Return and Return Based on a Delivery
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a return:
The amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item in the
delivery document by its item cost.
A return based on a delivery creates a transaction with the item cost taken from the base document. It updates
the moving average price.
If the return is the first transaction for an item, the cost and transaction value are zero. However, the item cost can
be set to a positive value using the inventory revaluation document; then the newly set item cost is used in the first
transaction for this item.
A/R Invoice Based on a Delivery
When basing an A/R invoice on a delivery, no inventory posting is created; thus, only a regular journal entry is
created in the accounting system.
A/R Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/R invoice that is not based on a delivery:
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average
This journal entry includes both the delivery’s inventory transaction and the invoice’s accounting
A/R Credit Memo Based on a Return
When basing an A/R credit memo on a return, no inventory posting is created; thus, only a regular credit journal
entry is created in the accounting system.
A/R Credit Memo and A/R Credit Memo Based on an A/R Invoice
The following journal entry is created when you add an A/R credit memo:
The credit and debit amounts of both the sales returns and the cost-of-goods-sold accounts are calculated by
multiplying the quantity of each item in the document by its item cost.
This scenario is not relevant for an A/R credit memo based on an A/R reserve invoice. A credit memo
based on an A/R invoice created a transaction with the item cost taken from the base document. It also
updates the moving average price.
Purchasing Documents
Goods Receipt PO
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a goods receipt PO:
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Moving Average
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The Debit and Credit amounts are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item in the document by the price
specified in the goods receipt PO.
The allocation account functions as a temporary alternative to the vendor's account, which is cleared only after
you create a corresponding A/P invoice or goods return document.
Goods Receipt PO with Freight
A goods receipt PO with freight behaves like any other goods receipt PO document. In addition, the freight amount
recorded in the journal entry is the global amount of additional expenses for the entire quantity. The expenses
clearing account is a clearing account recorded counter to the inventory account.
Goods Receipt PO Based on Goods Return
A goods receipt purchase order based on a goods return uses the cost price from the goods return document.
Goods Return and Goods Return with Freight
In the following example, the item cost is 100 and the item price in the document is 150. The following journal
entry is created automatically when you add a goods return:
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The value of items returned in a non-based goods return is the current item cost calculated for the item and not
the unit price entered in the goods return document.
Goods Return Based on a Goods Receipt PO
This journal entry is identical to the entry created by a goods receipt PO, only reversed.
The item is released from the inventory with the base document price.
Goods Return Based on a Goods Receipt PO with Freight
The item is released from the inventory with the base document price.
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO
When basing an A/P invoice on a goods receipt PO, the allocation costs account is debited, counter to the
vendor's account, which is credited:
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The allocation account functions as a clearing account. In this example, it is debited by the amount in
which it was credited in the goods receipt PO.
If the price is changed in the A/P invoice, the inventory account is affected and the moving average price is
A/P Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/P invoice that is not based on a goods
receipt PO:
The amount of the debited inventory account is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item by the price
specified in the A/P invoice.
A/P Invoice with Freight
An A/P invoice with freight behaves like any other A/P invoice. In addition, the expenses clearing account is not
recorded in this journal entry since the inventory account reflects the item prices, including freight. As mentioned
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earlier, the expenses clearing account is a clearing account, and this journal entry recorded the final values for
affecting the inventory valuation. Therefore, no intermediate accounts are recorded here.
A/P Credit Memo Based on a Goods Return with or without Freight
In the following example, you base an A/P credit memo on a goods return. The item price in the goods return is 90
with a freight amount of 10, and the item cost is 80. The following journal entry is created automatically:
The price difference account is debited by the document total including freight charges minus the amount posted
to the inventory account in the goods return.
The allocation account functions as a clearing account. In this example, it is debited by the amount in
which it was credited in the goods return.
A/P Credit Memo
In the following example, you create an A/P credit memo. The item price in the A/P credit memo is 70, and the
item cost is 100. The following journal entry is created automatically:
The amount of the debited inventory account is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item in the
document by its item cost. The value of items returned is calculated from the current moving average price, not
the price entered in the document.
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A/P Credit Memo Based on an A/P Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/P credit memo that is not based on a
goods return:
The item is released from the inventory with the base document price.
A/P Credit Memo with Freight and A/P Credit Memo Based on A/P
Invoice with Freight
The price difference account is debited by the document total including freight charges minus the amount posted
to the inventory account in the A/P invoice.
The item is released from the inventory with the base document price.
Special Scenarios for A/P Documents
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO Exchange Rate
A difference in the local currency amount results from the following situation:
You create an A/P invoice for a foreign currency vendor based on a goods receipt PO.
In the invoice, the item price is defined with a foreign currency.
The A/P invoice is connected to a different exchange rate from the one defined for the goods receipt PO.
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In the following example, the local currency for your company is US dollars. A goods receipt PO was created for
Foreign Vendor, whose currency is the euro. The goods receipt PO contains the following information:
The posting date is July 1st. The exchange rate for that day is 1.
1 unit of Item1 is managed by the moving average valuation method.
The item price in the document is EUR 100.
On July 11th, an A/P invoice was created for the vendor, based on the goods receipt PO from July 1st, and the
exchange rate on that day is 2.
There are four possible scenarios for this situation:
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is less than or equal to their
quantity in stock.
In the example, the quantity in stock is 2. Since the actual inventory valuation changes in this situation, the
inventory account is affected accordingly.
The quantity in stock of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is zero.
Since there is no quantity in stock and the actual inventory valuation does not change in this situation; the
exchange rate differences account is affected accordingly.
The quantity in stock of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is negative.
In the example, the quantity in stock is (-2). Since the in-stock quantity is negative and the actual inventory
valuation does not change in this situation, the negative inventory adjustment account is affected accordingly
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is greater than their quantity in
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In the example, the quantity in stock is 1. For this scenario, the quantity of the item in the documents is 2.
Since the actual inventory valuation changes only for the existing quantity in stock, the inventory account is
affected by the existing quantity and the exchange rate differences account is affected by the remaining
The above scenarios are also relevant for copying a goods return to an A/P credit memo.
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO Price Differences
When copying a goods receipt PO to an A/P invoice, there might be a difference between the item prices
recorded in the goods receipt PO and their prices in the A/P invoice.
In the following example, a goods receipt PO was created for 1 unit of Item1, with a price of 100. In an A/P invoice
based on that goods receipt PO, the price was changed to 150.
There are four possible scenarios for this situation:
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is less than or equal to their
quantity in stock.
In the example, the quantity in stock is 2. Since the actual inventory valuation changes in this situation, the
inventory account is affected accordingly
The quantity in stock of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is zero.
Since there is no quantity in stock and the actual inventory valuation does not change in this situation, the
price difference account is affected accordingly.
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The quantity in stock of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is negative.
In the example, the quantity in stock is (-2). Since the in-stock quantity is negative and the actual inventory
valuation does not change in this situation, the negative inventory adjustment account is affected accordingly.
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is greater than their quantity in
In the example, the quantity in stock is 1 and the quantity of the item in the documents is 2. Since the actual
inventory valuation changes only for the existing quantity in stock, the inventory account is affected by the
existing quantity and the price difference account is affected by the remaining quantity.
The above scenarios are also relevant for copying a goods return to an A/P credit memo
Closing a Goods Receipt PO or a Goods Return
When closing a goods receipt PO or a goods return, no inventory posting is registered; however, a journal
entry is created to clear the allocation costs account:
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o The above scenario is applied whether or not the goods return includes freight.
o When a goods receipt PO is closed, the amounts are the same as when a goods return is closed, but each
amount appears with a positive sign.
o To close a goods receipt PO or a goods return, use one of the following methods:
o Right-click the window and choose Close.
o From the Data menu, choose Close.
Closing a Goods Receipt PO with Freight
A/P Credit Memo Based on an A/P Invoice when Changing the
Freight Amount
In the following example, an A/P invoice was created for Item1 with a price of 100, and the freight amount in the
invoice is 10. An A/P credit memo was created based on that invoice, and the freight was changed to 20.
The expense and inventory account reflects the changes made in the freight amount.
The expense and inventory account can be defined in the G/L Account Determination window on the
General subtab of the Purchasing tab.
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Inventory Transactions
Goods Receipt
The Debit and Credit amounts are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item in the document by the
prices specified in the goods receipt.
Goods Issue
The amount in the Debit and Credit columns is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each one of the items in
the goods issue by their item cost.
Inventory Transfer
If you had specified different inventory accounts for your different warehouses, the inventory transfer transaction
would have credited the inventory account of the release warehouse and debited the inventory account of the
receipt warehouse. The release/receipt price is set by the moving average price of the item in the release
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If you manage the item cost per warehouse, inventory transfer changes the moving average price. The
item cost in the receiving warehouse is calculated as follows: (stock value of the item in receiving
warehouse + received value) / new quantity in the receiving warehouse.
Entering Initial Quantities and Inventory Postings
A positive initial quantity creates the following journal entry:
The amount in the Credit and the Debit columns is calculated by multiplying the amounts of the Initial Quantity
and the Price fields of each item in the Initial Quantity window.
A negative initial quantity creates the following journal entry:
The price of the item is defined by its item cost.
If the Allow Initial Quantities without Price checkbox is selected and no price is entered for the items, it is
not necessary to specify an opening inventory account. Notice that no monetary transaction is created in
the accounting system in this scenario.
If you would like to record initial quantities, including price, you must choose an opening inventory G/L
account manually.
A positive inventory posting where the counted quantity is greater than the existing In Whse quantity creates
the following journal entry:
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A negative inventory posting where the counted quantity is less than the existing in-stock quantity (the In
Whse field) creates the following journal entry:
Landed Costs
For information about landed costs, see the online help for SAP Business One.
In a production order for a production bill of materials item, the parent item price is calculated according to
the moving average prices of its child items. You cannot change this price.
In the following examples, both the parent and child items are defined with Moving Average as their inventory
valuation method.
The two methods for issuing items in production orders are manual and backflush. For more information, see
the online help for SAP Business One.
With this method, you should document the receipt of the parent item and the release of the child items.
o Issue for production
The amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each child item by
its item cost and summing the resulting product for all child items.
o Receipt from production
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The amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each child item
by its item cost and summing the resulting product for all child items.
When you close a production order, if there is a difference between the actual component cost and the
actual product cost, an additional journal entry is recorded for the price difference:
For example, the parent item comprises 1 child item with a quantity of 2. The price of the child item is 50.
You issue a receipt for the product before issuing the child item. During the receipt from production, the
value in the Actual Product Cost field on the Summary tab of the Production Order window is 2 X 50=100.
Before you issue the child item, its cost is changed to 75. During the issue for production, the journal entry
created for the child item release was calculated as 2 X 75 = 150. This value is saved in the Actual
Component Cost field on the Summary tab of the Production Order window.
When the production order is closed, the difference between the costs [2 X (50 minus 75) = -50] is
recorded in the WIP inventory variance account, while the WIP inventory account is cleared.
With this method, when the production order is completed, the inventory account of the parent item
warehouse is debited and the inventory account of the child warehouses is credited. The release/receipt price
is set by the moving average prices of the child items. With this method, there is no issue for production;
however, the above two journal entries are always created.
Working with Negative Inventory
The item quantity in stock can go negative on the company level if you are not running item cost per
warehouse (the Manage Cost per Warehouse checkbox is deselected), or on the warehouse level if you are
running item cost per warehouse (the Manage Item Cost per Warehouse checkbox is selected).
If the item quantity in stock is negative, SAP Business One uses the static price the last price which was
used for the item before zeroing the stock. As long as the inventory level is negative, any transaction does not
update the moving average price.
In the journal entry, the difference between the document or transaction balance and the value posted to the
inventory account (in case of negative values) is posted to the negative inventory adjustment account.
The moving average item price cannot be changed through material revaluation, as long as the item is in the
negative zone.
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Perpetual Inventory System by Standard Price
Perpetual Inventory System by Standard Price
SAP Business One lets you work with the standard price method for calculating your inventory value.
A standard (fixed) price should be entered in each item record, thus influencing every inventory posting. An
inventory receipt created with a different price than the standard price set for the item debits the inventory
account according to the standard price. In addition, the difference between the standard price and the actual
receipt price is recorded in a variance or a price difference account. Inventory releases are recorded according to
the standard price.
Defining Item Cost when Using the Standard Price Valuation
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Item Master Data Inventory Data tab.
2. Create a new item.
3. From the Valuation Method dropdown list, choose Standard.
The default inventory valuation method of a new item is taken from its linked item group. For information, see
Defining Item Groups.
As long as an item is not linked to any open documents and its In Stock quantity is zero, it is possible to
change its valuation method at any time.
4. In the Item Cost field, specify the standard price.
If you select the Manage Item Cost per Warehouse checkbox, the standard price is calculated separately in
each warehouse and is displayed in the warehouse row in the table.
In this case, after specifying a value in the Item Cost field, you can update this item cost to all warehouses.
Alternatively, you can set a different standard price manually for each warehouse.
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It is recommended to specify or update standard price by means of a material revaluation document,
rather than using the Item Master Data window. The change log of item master data can be deleted at
some point and the information about item cost change can be lost. If the item cost is changed by
material revaluation, this information cannot be deleted.
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the Standard
Price Valuation Method
The standard price valuation method uses a fixed price based on the defined cost for the item to valuate the
warehouse inventories.
The following prerequisites apply for all the described examples:
The business partner is tax exempted.
The initial settings are defined as follows:
o In the Company Details window, on the Basic Initialization tab:
o The Use Purchase Accounts Posting System checkbox is deselected.
o The Use Negative Amount for Reverse Transaction is selected.
o The G/L accounts set for the items are by warehouse. For information, see Defining Item Defaults.
The item's standard price is 100.
The G/L account code and name, ‘13400000-01-001-01', 'Inventory Finished Goods' relates to the
release/receipt of items from/to warehouse 01.
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There are sufficient quantities in stock of all the items involved in the scenarios below.
No journal entry reflecting the inventory value is created by a document containing items with Standard
as their inventory valuation method, but with no item cost defined for them.
Sales Documents
Delivery and Delivery Based on a Return
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a delivery:
The debit and credit amounts are calculated as a multiplication of each one of the items in the delivery by the
standard price of each item.
Return or Return Based on a Delivery
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a return:
The debit and credit amounts are calculated as a multiplication of each item in the delivery by the standard price
of each item.
A/R Invoice Based on a Delivery
When basing an A/R invoice on a delivery, no inventory posting is created; thus, only a regular journal entry is
created in the accounting system.
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A/R Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/R invoice that is not based on a delivery:
This journal entry includes both the delivery's inventory transaction and the invoice's accounting
A/R Credit Memo Based on a Return
When basing an A/R credit memo on a return, no inventory posting is created; thus, only a regular credit journal
entry is created in the accounting system.
A/R Credit Memo and A/R Credit Memo Based on an A/R Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/R credit memo that is not based on a
This scenario is not relevant for an A/R credit memo based on an A/R reserve invoice
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Purchasing Documents
Goods Receipt PO
The following example displays a case in which the item's price, as recorded in the goods receipt PO, varies from
the item's standard price set in the Item Master Data window:
The price in the goods receipt PO is 150.
The standard price of the item is 100.
The allocation account functions as a temporary alternative for the vendor's account, which is cleared
only after you create a corresponding A/P invoice.
Goods Receipt PO with Freight
This example relates to the same example as described above for the goods receipt PO:
The freight amount recorded in the journal entry is the global amount of additional expenses for the entire
quantity. The expenses clearing account is recorded counter to the inventory account.
Goods Return and Goods Return with Freight
In the following example, the item price, as recorded in the goods return, varies from the standard price of the set
in the Item Master Data window:
The item price in the goods return is 150.
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The standard price of the item is 100.
The debit and credit amounts are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item in the document by its
current cost, and not the item price entered in the goods return document. Since the current cost is used, any
freight addition has no effect on the allocation and inventory accounts.
Goods Return Based on a Goods Receipt PO
This example relates to the same example as described above for the goods receipt PO.
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a goods return according to above-described
scenario: Goods Return Based on a Goods Receipt PO with Freight
This example relates to the same example as described for the goods receipt PO.
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a goods return according to the scenario
described above for a goods receipt PO:
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A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO
When you base an A/P invoice on a goods receipt PO, the allocation account is debited counter to the vendor
account, which is credited:
The allocation account functions as a clearing account. In this example, it is debited by the amount in which it was
credited in the goods receipt PO.
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO with Freight
In addition to the expense clearing account, the allocation account also acts as a clearing account. In this
example, these accounts are debited by the amounts in which they were credited in the goods receipt PO.
A/P Invoice
The following example displays a case in which the item's price, as recorded in the A/P invoice, varies from the
item's standard price.
The price in the A/P invoice is 150.
The standard price of the item is 100.
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The amount of the debited inventory account is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item by the
standard price of the item. The amount of the debited variance account is calculated by multiplying the
quantity of each item by the difference between the price of the item in the A/P invoice and the standard price
of the item.
A/P Invoice with Freight
This example relates to the same example as described for the A/P invoice.
The expenses clearing account is not recorded in this journal entry since the inventory account reflects the item
prices, including freight. As mentioned earlier, the expenses clearing account is a clearing account, and this
journal entry recorded the final values for affecting the inventory valuation. Therefore, no intermediate accounts
are recorded here.
A/P Credit Memo Based on a Goods Return
When you base an A/P credit memo on a goods return, the journal entry created automatically is identical to the
one created by an A/P invoice based on a goods receipt PO, only reversed:
The allocation account functions as a clearing account. In this example, it is debited by the amount in which it was
credited in the goods returns.
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A/P Credit Memo Based on a Goods Return with Freight
The variance account is credited or debited by the document total, including freight charges, minus the amount
that was posted to the inventory account in the goods return.
A/P Credit Memo and A/P Credit Memo Based on an A/P Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/P credit memo that is not based on a
goods return:
A/P Credit Memo with Freight and A/P Credit Memo Based on A/P
Invoice with Freight
The expenses clearing account is not recorded in this journal entry since the inventory account reflects the item
prices, including freight. As mentioned earlier, the expenses clearing account is a clearing account, and this
journal entry recorded the final values for affecting the inventory valuation. Therefore, no intermediate G/L
accounts are recorded here.
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Special Scenarios for A/P Documents
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO Exchange Rate
The following situation results in a difference in the local currency amount:
You create an A/P invoice for a foreign currency vendor based on a goods receipt PO.
In the invoice, the item price is defined with a foreign currency.
The A/P invoice is connected to an exchange rate different from the one defined for the goods receipt PO.
In the following example, the local currency for your company is US dollars. A goods receipt PO was created for
Foreign Vendor, whose currency is the euro. The goods receipt PO contains the following information:
The posting date is July 1st. The exchange rate for that day is 1.
1 unit of Item1 is managed by the standard price valuation method.
The item price in the document is EUR 100.
On July 11th, an A/P invoice was created for the vendor, based on the goods receipt PO from July 1st; the
exchange rate on that day is 2.
The four possible scenarios for this situation are as follows:
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is less than or equal to their
quantity in stock.
In the example, the quantity in stock is 2. Since the actual inventory valuation changes in this situation, the
variance account is affected accordingly.
The in-stock quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is zero.
Since there is no quantity in stock and the actual inventory valuation does not change in this situation, the
exchange rate differences account is affected accordingly.
The quantity in stock of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is negative.
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The exchange rate differences account is affected the same way as if the item’s quantity in stock is zero.
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is greater than their quantity in
In the example, the quantity in stock is 1 and the quantity of the item in the documents is 2. Since the actual
inventory valuation changes only for the existing quantity in stock, the variance account is affected by the
existing quantity and the exchange rate differences account is affected by the remaining quantity.
The above scenarios are also relevant for copying a goods return to an A/P credit memo.
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO Price Differences
When copying a goods receipt PO to an A/P invoice, there might be a difference between the item prices
recorded in the goods receipt PO and their prices in the A/P invoice.
In the following example, a goods receipt PO was created for 1 unit of Item1 and its price was 100. In an A/P
invoice based on that goods receipt PO, the price was changed to 150.
There are four possible scenarios for this situation:
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is less than or equal to the
quantity in stock.
In the example, the quantity in stock is 2. Since the actual inventory valuation changes in this situation, the
variance account is affected accordingly.
The quantity in stock of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is zero.
Since there is no quantity in stock and the actual inventory valuation does not change in this situation, the
price difference account is affected accordingly.
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The quantity in stock of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is negative.
In the example, the quantity in stock is -2. The journal entry recorded is the same as the journal entry
recorded when the in-stock quantity is positive. Therefore, the variance account is affected accordingly.
The quantity of the items copied from the goods receipt PO to the A/P invoice is greater than the quantity in
In the example, the quantity of the item in the documents is 2, and the quantity in stock is 1. Since the actual
inventory valuation changes only for the existing quantity in stock, the variance account is affected by the
existing quantity, and the price difference account is affected by the remaining quantity.
The above scenarios are also relevant for copying a goods return to an A/P credit memo.
Closing a Goods Receipt PO or a Goods Return
When a goods receipt PO or a goods return is closed, no inventory posting is registered; however, a journal
entry is created to clear the allocation costs account:
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o The above scenario is applied whether or not the goods return includes freight.
o When a goods receipt PO is closed, the amounts are the same as when a goods return is closed, but each
amount appears with a positive sign.
o To close a goods receipt PO or a goods return, use one of the following methods:
o Right-click the window and choose Close.
o From the Data menu, choose Close.
Closing a Goods Receipt PO with Freight
A/P Credit Memo Based on an A/P Invoice when Changing the
Freight Amount
In the following example, an A/P invoice was created for Item1 with a price of 100, and the freight amount in the
invoice is 10. An A/P credit memo was created based on that invoice, and the freight was changed to 20.
The variance account reflects the final freight amount.
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Inventory Transactions
Goods Receipt
The following example displays a case in which the item's price, as recorded in the goods receipt, varies from the
item's standard price:
The price in the goods receipt is 150.
The standard price of the item is 100.
The amount of the debited inventory account is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item by the
standard price of the item. The amount of the debited variance account is calculated by multiplying the quantity
of each item by the difference between the price of the item in the goods receipt and the standard price of the
Goods Issue
The debit and credit amounts are calculated as a multiplication of each item in the goods issue by its standard
Inventory Transfer
If you had selected different inventory accounts for your different warehouses, the inventory transfer transaction
credits the inventory account of the release warehouse and debits the inventory account of the receipt
warehouse. The release/receipt price is set by the standard price of each item.
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If the item's standard price in the release warehouse is different from its standard price in the receipt
warehouse, this difference is recorded in the variance account of the receipt warehouse.
Entering Initial Quantities and Inventory Postings
A positive initial quantity with the following data creates the journal entry shown below:
o The price in the Initial Quantity window is 120.
o The standard price of the item is 100.
The amount of the debited inventory account is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item by the
standard price of the item. The amount of the debited variance account is calculated by multiplying the
quantity of each item by the difference between the price of the item and its standard price.
A negative initial quantity creates the following journal entry
The amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item by its
standard price.
A positive inventory posting, where the counted quantity is greater than the quantity in stock, with the
following data, creates the journal entry shown below:
o The inventory difference price is 120.
o The standard price of the item is 100.
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The amount of the debited inventory account is calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item by the
standard price of the item. The amount of the debited variance account is calculated by multiplying the
quantity of each item by the difference between the price of the item in the inventory posting and the
standard price of the item.
A negative inventory posting creates the following journal entry:
The amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each item by its
standard price.
Landed Costs
For information about landed costs, see the online help for SAP Business One.
In a production order for a production bill of materials item, the parent item price is calculated according to the
standard price of its child items. You cannot change this price.
In the following examples, both the parent and child items are defined with the Standard valuation method.
The two methods for issuing items in production orders are manual and backflush. For more information, see the
online help for SAP Business One.
With this method, you should document the receipt of the parent item and the release of the child items.
o Issue for production
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Standard Price
The amounts in the debit and credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each child item
by its standard price and summing the resulting product for all child items.
o Receipt from production
If there is a defined standard price for the parent item, the amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are
calculated by multiplying the quantity of the parent item by its standard price. If no standard price is
defined for the parent item, the amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the
quantity of each child item by its item cost and summing the resulting product for all child items.
If the item cost of the parent item is different from the total value of its child items, an additional journal
entry is recorded for the price difference:
For example, the parent item comprises 1 child item with a quantity of 2. The cost of a child item is 100,
and the cost of the parent item is 200.
During the issue for production, the journal entry created for the release of the child items is calculated as
2X100 = 200. This value is saved in the Actual Component Cost field on the Summary tab of the
Production Order window.
During the receipt from production, the parent item’s cost is changed to 250. This value is saved in the
Actual Product Cost field on the Summary tab of the Production Order window.
When the production order is closed, the difference between the costs [250 minus 200 = 50] is recorded
in the WIP inventory variance account, while the WIP inventory account is cleared.
With this method, when the production order is completed, the inventory account of the parent item
warehouse is debited and the inventory account of the child warehouse is credited. The release/receipt
price is set by the standard prices of the child items.
With this method, there is no issue for production; however, the above 2 journal entries are always
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by Standard Price
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Working with Negative Inventory
If the item quantity in stock is negative, the journal entry recorded by the creation of a receipt inventory is not
different from one that is recorded when the item’s in-stock quantity is positive
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
With the FIFO method, the first unit added to the inventory is the first to be sold.
The inventory comprises FIFO layers. Each layer contains the following information:
The entry date of the layer
The item cost for that layer
The open quantity the number of items in the layer
When this number is 0, the layer is closed.
The open value the product of the item cost of the layer and its open quantity
Each inventory receipt transaction creates a new layer. Each inventory release transaction uses quantities
and their corresponding costs from the first open layers. A layer closes when its entire quantity is released.
When several inventory receipt transactions are recorded on the same date, SAP Business One identifies the
first layer, second layer, and so on, according to their entry sequence.
Defining Item Cost When Using FIFO Valuation Method
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Item Master Data Inventory Data tab.
2. Create a new item.
3. From the Valuation Method dropdown list, choose FIFO.
The default valuation method of a new item is taken from its linked item group. For information, see Defining
Item Groups
It is possible to change the valuation method of an item at any time, as long as the item is not linked to any
open documents and its in-stock quantity is zero.
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
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The Manage Inventory by Warehouse checkbox is deselected by default and the inventory quantity is managed for
all warehouses together. If you want to manage inventory quantity by warehouse, select this checkbox.
4. Choose the Add button.
Examples of Journal Entry Structures When Using the FIFO
Valuation Method
The following prerequisites apply for all the described examples:
The business partner is tax exempted.
The initial settings were defined as follows:
o In the Company Details window, on the Basic Initialization tab:
o The Use Purchase Accounts Posting System checkbox is deselected.
o The Use Negative Amount for Reverse Transaction is selected.
o The G/L accounts set for the items are by warehouse. For information, see Defining Item Defaults.
The G/L account code and name, ‘13400000-01-001-01', 'Inventory Finished Goods' relates to the
release/receipt of items from/to warehouse 01.
There are sufficient quantities in stock of all the items involved in the following scenarios.
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
Sales Documents
The following examples refer to the scenario in which the item cost in the first open layer is 100, and in each
example only one unit is sold.
Delivery and Delivery Based on Return
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a delivery:
The total amount is the result of the cost in the first open layer multiplied by the quantity in the delivery document.
Return and Return Based on Delivery
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a return:
When a return is based on a delivery or an A/R invoice, it takes the item price from the base document. The
return opens a new layer immediately following the original layer; the cost of the return is based on the cost of
the original layer.
When a return is not based on a delivery or an A/R invoice, the cost of the first open layer is used for
calculating the amounts in the journal entry. The return opens a new layer that functions as the last open layer
on the list. For more information on similar examples, see the document Enhancements in Inventory
Management in Release 8.8 & 8.81 in the documentation area of SAP Business One Customer Portal at
If the first transaction for an item as a return, then the cost and transaction value is zero.
A/R Invoice Based on Delivery
When basing an A/R invoice on a delivery, no inventory posting is created; thus, only a regular journal entry is
created in the accounting system.
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A/R Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/R invoice that is not based on a delivery:
This journal entry includes both the delivery’s inventory transaction and the invoice’s accounting
A/R Credit Memo Based on a Return
When you base an A/R credit memo on a return, no inventory posting is created; thus, only a regular credit journal
entry is created in the accounting system.
A/R Credit Memo
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/R credit memo
When an A/R credit memo is based on an A/R invoice, the cost of the A/R invoice is used for calculating the
amounts in the journal entry. The A/R credit memo opens a new layer immediately following the original layer
and the A/R credit memo bases its costs on the original layer.
When a credit memo is not based on an existing document, the cost of the first open layer is used for
calculating the amounts in the journal entry. This A/R credit memo opens a new layer, which functions as the
last open layer on the list.
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
This scenario is not relevant for an A/R credit memo based on an A/R reserve invoice
If an A/R credit memo is the first transaction for the item, the cost and the transaction value is zero.
Purchasing Documents
In some of the following examples, the G/L accounts and the directions (debit/credit) in the journal entry
remain as they are; however, the amounts may vary according to the origin of the document, as follows:
A document that is not based on an existing document
A document based on a document representing an open layer
A document based on a document representing a closed layer
SAP Business One may use several of the first open layers. This depends on the open quantities in each
layer and the quantity in each document.
Goods Receipt PO
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a goods receipt PO:
A new layer of quantity and cost is created when you add a goods receipt PO.
The allocation account functions as a temporary alternative for the vendor and is cleared only after you create a
corresponding A/P invoice.
Goods Receipt PO with Freight
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a goods receipt PO with freight
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The freight amount recorded in the journal entry is the global amount of freight for the entire quantity. The
expenses clearing account is a clearing account recorded counter to the inventory account.
Goods Return
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a goods return:
This journal entry is identical to the entry created by the goods receipt PO, only reversed.
When a goods return is based on a goods return PO, there are two possibilities:
o If the layer created by the goods receipt PO is still open, the goods receipt PO cost is used for calculating
the journal entry amounts and the layer is then closed. This means the open quantity and the open value
of the layer become zero.
o If the layer created by the goods receipt PO was closed, the cost of the first open layer is used for
calculating the amounts in the journal entry. Then, the open quantity and the open value of the layer are
When a goods return is not based on an existing goods receipt PO, the cost of the first open layer is used for
calculating the amounts in the journal entry, regardless of the prices in the document.
Goods Return with Freight
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add a goods return with freight:
When a goods return is based on a goods receipt PO and the layer created by the goods receipt PO is still
open, the goods receipt PO cost is used for calculating the journal entry amounts and the layer is closed.
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
When a goods return is not based on an existing goods receipt PO, the cost of the first open layer is used for
calculating the amounts in the journal entry, regardless of the prices in the document.
The goods return behaves like a release document; therefore, the freight does not affect the inventory value
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO
When you base an A/P invoice on a goods receipt PO, the allocation account is debited counter to the vendor
account, which is credited:
The allocation account functions as a clearing account. In this example, it is debited by the amount in
which it was credited in the goods receipt PO.
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO with Freight
A/P Invoice
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add an A/P invoice not based on a goods receipt
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A new layer of quantity and cost is created as you add an A/P invoice.
A/P Invoice with Freight
The expenses clearing account is not recorded in this journal entry since the inventory account reflects the item
prices, including freight. As mentioned earlier, the expenses clearing account is a clearing account, and this
journal entry recorded the final values for affecting the inventory valuation. Therefore, no intermediate accounts
are recorded here.
A/P Credit Memo
An A/P credit memo based on an A/P invoice:
o If the layer created by the A/P invoice is still open, the A/P invoice cost is used for calculating the journal
entry amounts, and the layer is closed.
o If the layer created by the A/P invoice was closed, the first open layer‘s cost is used for calculating the
amounts in the journal entry. Then, the open quantity and the open value of the layer are decreased.
An A/P credit memo based on a goods return:
When you base an A/P credit memo on a goods return, the allocation account is debited counter to the
vendor’s account, which is credited:
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
An A/P credit memo that is not based on an existing document
The cost of the first open layer is used for calculating the amounts in the journal entry, regardless of the prices
in the document. If the price in the A/P credit memo differs from the cost of the first open layer, this price
difference is recorded in the price difference account.
In the following example, the cost of the first open layer is 100, and the item price in the document is 80.
A/P Credit Memo with Freight
Since this is an inventory release document, the journal entry is similar to a regular A/P credit memo and,
therefore, freight does not affect the inventory valuation.
Special Scenarios for A/P Documents
In scenarios in which one document is based on another, the quantity has been fully copied to the target
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO Exchange Rate
A difference in the local currency amount results from the following situation:
You create an A/P invoice for a foreign currency vendor based on a goods receipt PO.
In the invoice, the item price is defined with a foreign currency.
The A/P invoice is connected to a different exchange rate than the one defined for the goods receipt PO.
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
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In the following example, the local currency for your company is US dollars. A goods receipt PO was created for
Foreign Vendor1, whose currency is the euro. The goods receipt PO contains the following information:
The posting date is July 1st. The exchange rate for that day is 1.
2 units of Item1 are managed by the FIFO valuation method.
The item price in the document is EUR 100.
On July 11th, an A/P invoice was created for the vendor, based on the goods receipt PO from July 1st. The
exchange rate on that day is 2.
The three possible scenarios for this situation are as follows:
The layer created by the goods receipt PO is fully open.
Since the actual inventory valuation changes in this situation, the inventory account is affected accordingly.
The layer created by the goods receipt PO is fully closed.
Since there is no open quantity in the layer and the actual inventory valuation does not change in this
situation, the exchange rate differences account is affected accordingly.
The layer created by the goods receipt PO is partially opened.
Since the actual inventory valuation changes only for the existing quantity in stock, the inventory account is
affected by the existing quantity and the exchange rate differences account is affected by the remaining
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
A/P Invoice Based on a Goods Receipt PO Price Differences
When you copy a goods receipt PO to an A/P invoice, there might be a difference between the item prices
recorded in the goods receipt PO and their prices in the A/P invoice.
In the following example, a goods receipt PO was created for 1 unit of Item1 and its price was 100. In an A/P
invoice based on that goods receipt PO, the price was changed to 150.
The three possible scenarios for this situation are as follows:
The layer created by the goods receipt PO is fully open.
Since the actual inventory valuation changes in this situation, the inventory account is affected accordingly.
The layer created by the goods receipt PO is fully closed.
Since there is no quantity in stock and the actual inventory valuation does not change in this situation, the
price difference account is affected accordingly.
The layer created by the goods receipt PO is partially opened.
In this example, the goods receipt PO was created for 2 units of Item1. Since the actual inventory valuation
changes only for the existing quantity in stock, the inventory account is affected by the existing quantity and the
price difference account is affected by the remaining quantity.
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
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Closing a Goods Receipt PO or a Goods Return
When you close a goods receipt PO or a goods return, no inventory posting is registered; however, a journal entry
is created to clear the allocation costs account:
o The above scenario is applied whether or not the goods return includes freight.
o When a goods receipt PO is closed, the amounts are the same as when a goods return is closed, but
each amount appears with a positive sign.
o To close a goods receipt PO or a goods return, right-click the window and choose Close, or use the
Data menu.
Closing a Goods Receipt PO with Freight
Inventory Transactions
Goods Receipt
The following journal entry is created automatically as a result of adding a goods receipt:
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
The inventory offset increasing account is credited and a new layer is created according to the price specified in
the document.
Goods Issue
The following journal entry is created automatically as a result of adding a goods issue:
The inventory offset decreasing account is debited according to the first open layers.
Inventory Transfer
If you select different inventory accounts for your different warehouses, the inventory transfer transaction credits
the inventory account of the release warehouse and debits the inventory account of the receipt warehouse. The
release/receipt price is set by the first open layers linked to the release warehouse.
When creating an inventory transfer and the item price is taken from a layer that is not the latest layer, the layer
that is created for reflecting the inventory transfer is added right before the original layer. This behavior applies
regardless of whether or not item cost is managed per warehouse.
Entering Initial Quantities and Inventory Postings
A positive initial quantity creates the following journal entry:
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Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
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A new layer is created according to the price entered in the Initial Quantity window.
A negative initial quantity creates the following journal entry:
The cost of the first open layer is used
o If the Allow Initial Quantities without Price checkbox is selected and no price is entered for the items,
it is not necessary to specify an opening inventory account. Notice that no monetary transaction is
created in the accounting system in this scenario.
o If you would like to record initial quantities including price, you must choose an opening inventory G/L
account manually.
A positive inventory posting update creates the following journal entry:
A new layer is created according to the price recorded in the Inventory Posting window.
A negative inventory posting update (where the counted quantity is less than the existing quantity) creates
the following journal entry:
The price of the first open layer is used.
Landed Costs
For information about landed costs, see the online help for SAP Business One.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
In a production order for a production bill of materials item, a new layer of costs is created for a parent item.
The cost of the parent item is calculated as the total FIFO prices of its child items multiplied by the quantity.
In the following examples, both the parent and child items are defined with FIFO as their valuation method.
The two methods for issuing items in production orders are manual and backflush. For more information, see
the online help for SAP Business One.
With this method, you should document the parent item's receipt and the child item's release.
o Issue for production
The receipt from production opens a new layer for the parent item. The item cost of this new layer is
calculated by summing the item costs in the first open layers for the child items.
The amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are calculated by multiplying the quantity of each child item by
its cost in the first open layers and summing the product for all child items.
When you close a production order, if there is a difference between the actual component cost and the
actual product cost, an additional journal entry is recorded for the price difference
For example, the parent item comprises 1 child item with a quantity of 2.
You receive the product before issuing the child item. During the receipt from production, the price of the
child item is 10 in the next open layer. Therefore, the value in the Actual Product Cost field on the
Summary tab of the Production Order window is 10 X 2 = 20.
During the issue for production, the price of the child item is 35 in the next open layer. The journal entry
created for the child item release was calculated as 2 X 35 = 70. This value is saved in the Actual
Component Cost field on the Summary tab of the Production Order window.
When the production order is closed, the difference between the costs [2 X (10 minus 35) = -50] is
recorded in the WIP inventory variance account, while the WIP inventory account is cleared.
With this method, when the production order is completed, the inventory account of the parent item's
warehouse is debited and the inventory account of the child items’ warehouse is credited according to the
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Perpetual Inventory System by FIFO
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FIFO prices of the child items. With this method, there is no issue for production; however, the above 2 journal
entries are always created
Working with Negative Inventory
When the in-stock quantity of an item is negative or zero after a release or a receipt transaction, the following
All FIFO layers of this item are closed.
As long as the inventory level is negative, any inventory transaction does not create a new FIFO layer.
The price of released items is taken from the last purchasing/receiving price before the stock is zeroed
When the in-stock quantity of an item becomes positive as a result of the addition of a new receipt
transaction, two FIFO layers are created for this item. The first layer records the quantity required to bring the
stock balance to zero. This layer is closed. The second layer records the remaining quantity of the receipt
transaction and functions as the first open layer for future FIFO transactions.
For example: An item's stock balance is (-4). Since the in-stock of the item is negative, there are no open
layers. The item cost in this case is 100.
A quantity of 10 was recorded as a receipt transaction with a price of 150 per unit.
As a result of this transaction, two FIFO layers are created:
1. The first layer, which is required to bring the stock balance to zero, is for the quantity of 4 and is closed.
2. The second layer is for the remaining quantity of 6 and functions as the first open layer of this item. The item
cost of this layer is 150.
The FIFO item price cannot be changed through material evaluation as long as the item is in the negative zone.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Handling Small Values
Handling Small Values
In previous SAP Business One releases, there are certain unexpected scenarios involving items with small values
Valuation Method: Standard Price
Display settings:
o Prices: four digits after the decimal
o Amounts: two digits after the decimal
Goods Return
Goods Return
Goods Return
In this example, the item quantity turns zero, but the inventory value remains positive.
As of SAP Business One 8.8, the system has functionality that helps avoid inaccuracy with all the three valuation
Handling Small Values for All Valuation Methods
To avoid inconsistencies between the inventory quantity and the inventory value, SAP Business One has a system
for handling small value items for all three valuation methods.
SAP Business One keeps track of inventory value and inventory quantity, and detects if a transaction brings the
inventory quantity to zero. If the inventory quantity is zeroed, the system recalculates the item cost, if necessary,
to make a decimal rounding and consequently zero the inventory value.
Valuation Method: Moving Average Price
Display settings:
o Prices: four digits after the decimal
o Amounts: two digits after the decimal
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Handling Small Values
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The inventory account is credited with the amount of 0.34 at the second delivery transaction, and the
G/L account is fully cleared when the quantity in stock is zero.
The following is the journal entry for the second delivery:
G/L Account
Inventory Account
Cost of Goods Sold Account
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Updating Valuation Methods
Updating Valuation Methods
SAP Business One lets you change the valuation method of an item. However, that is possible only as long as the
item is not linked to any open documents and its in-stock quantity is zero.
Use the Inventory Valuation Method and the Update Valuation Method windows to update the valuation method of
your items.
You can change the valuation method manually for each item separately using the Item Master Data
window. For more information, see the following:
Defining Item Cost When Using Moving Average Valuation Method
Defining Item Cost when Using the Standard Price Valuation Method
Defining Item Cost When Using FIFO Valuation Method
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Item Management Inventory Valuation
The Inventory Valuation Method window opens
2. Specify the following information to be used as selection criteria for items to include in the update:
Item No. From ... To
Specify the range of items to be included in the update.
Select a specific item group or All for all item groups.
Item Properties
Lets you specify item properties.
Default Valuation Method
Enter the new inventory valuation method for the
selected range of items. The selected method is
displayed by default for all items in the New Method
field in the Update Valuation Method window, but can
be changed manually.
3. To proceed, choose the OK button.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Updating Valuation Methods
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The Update Valuation Method window opens.
The window displays items from the selected range. The items are displayed only if their in-stock quantity is zero
and they have no open documents.
4. View or specify the following information:
Approves the method update.
Item Number
The item code.
Item Description
The item description.
Current Method
The item’s current valuation method is displayed.
New Method
If required, choose a different valuation method.
5. To apply the changes, choose the Update button.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Revaluing the Inventory
Revaluing the Inventory
If your company manages a perpetual inventory system, you might need to perform inventory revaluation. Use
any of the supported valuation methods: moving average, standard, and FIFO.
You can revaluate inventory values by:
Price Change - Changes the price for a specific item
The inventory price is changed and the inventory value is recalculated according to the new price.
Inventory Debit/Credit - Changes the value of a specific quantity of inventory
The quantity of inventory remains unchanged, resulting in a change in the price.
When inventory is subject to FIFO control and there are items in the FIFO layer, an inventory debit or credit results
in a posting to the inventory account. If the FIFO layer is empty, the posting goes to the price difference account
You cannot perform inventory revaluation if any item involved has a negative value
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Inventory Transactions Inventory Revaluation.
The Inventory Revaluation window appears.
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Revaluing the Inventory
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2. View or specify the following data in the general area:
Displays the number of the inventory revaluation
document. The system assigns the numbers
automatically and consecutively. You cannot change
this number.
Select the required numbering series for the
Revaluation Type
In the dropdown list, choose the required revaluation
Price Change
Choose to change the cost of the item and
calculate the value of the whole inventory
according to the new price.
Inventory Debit/Credit
Choose to revaluate by changing the inventory
value, which causes the item cost to change
Posting Date
Date on which the document that changed the
inventory was posted. Displays by default the current
date for the inventory revaluation. You can change this
date if necessary.
Document Date
Displays by default the current date for the inventory
revaluation. You can change this date if necessary.
Ref. 2
Enter a reference for the journal entry, if required.
Enter any additional information regarding the
Journal Remark
By default Inventory Revaluation is displayed. This text
is copied to the journal entry.
3. To revaluate the cost of the item, in each row of the table, in the Item No. field or in the Item Description field,
specify the item number. You can add as many items as you want to the table.
In the upper table, view or change the following information
Item No.
The item number.
Item Description
The item description.
Displays the default warehouse as defined in your
If you manage the item cost per warehouse, changes
for the item cost are applied for the specified
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Revaluing the Inventory
The following applies if you set the G/L
account for an item by warehouse or item
If you do not manage item cost per
warehouse, but you have a different account
for each warehouse, the difference between
the old and the new price is debited to the
inventory account of the warehouse you have
specified in this field. This is also reflected in
the inventory audit report.
For more information, see Defining Item Defaults
Current Cost
Displays the current average or standard cost of the
This field appears only if the selected revaluation type
is Price Change
New Cost
Enter the new cost you wish to assign to the item.
This field appears only when the selected revaluation
type is Price Change. For FIFO inventory items the field
is blank.
Unit of Measure
Displays the type of unit by which you manage the
inventory, for example, box, carton, or case.
Enter the quantity of inventory item subject to
Enter the amount you wish to credit or debit from the
current inventory value of the item. Enter credit as a
negative value. The negative/positive amounts depend
on the Display Credit Balance with Negative Sign
checkbox selection (Administration System
Initialization Company Details Basic Initialization
This field appears only if the selected revaluation type
is Inventory Credit/Debit.
In Stock
The total quantity in stock.
Issued Layers
Select to display all layers (including empty layers) for
the item in the FIFO Layers table.
The column appears only for FIFO items, if the
selected revaluation type is Inventory Credit/Debit.
G/L Increase Acct,
Specify the G\L accounts to be used as the balancing
accounts in the transaction created by the revaluation.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Revaluing the Inventory
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G/L Decrease Acct
The accounts appear as default in these fields and are
taken from the item master data, item group, or
warehouse level.
The G/L Increase Acct is used when the inventory
value is increased due to the revaluation.
The G/L Decrease Acct is used when the inventory
value is decreased.
Val. Method
Displays the valuation method. If the method is FIFO,
additional information is displayed in the FIFO Layers
Distr. Rule
Enter the distribution rule/profit center to which the
revenue resulting from the revaluation is allocated.
If the item’s valuation method is FIFO, use the information in the FIFO Layers table to view and change the item
cost for the different FIFO layers:
Doc No.
Displays the document/transaction involved with the
creation of the layer.
Entry Date
Displays the entry date of the document/transaction.
Current Cost
Displays the current cost of the FIFO inventory item
from one particular layer. This field appears only if the
selected revaluation type is Price Change.
New Price
Price for the layer.
This field appears only if the selected valuation type is
Price Change.
Enter the quantity of the inventory item's layer subject
to debit/credit.
Enter the amount you wish to credit or debit from the
current inventory value of the item's layer. Enter credit
as a negative value. The negative/positive amounts
depend on the Display Credit Balance with Negative
Sign checkbox selection (Administration System
Initialization Company Details Basic Initialization
This field appears only if the selected revaluation type
is Inventory Credit/Debit.
Open Qty
Displays the available quantity for the layer.
4. If you choose the Price Change revaluation type in the Inventory Revaluation window, in the New Cost field,
enter the new item cost.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Revaluing the Inventory
5. If you chose the Inventory Debit/Credit revaluation type, in the Quantity field, specify the quantity for which
you would like to document a change in the inventory value.
The quantity specified does not change the quantity in stock and is used only for the recalculations of the item
cost. For example, you know a price mistake was made in a certain receipt document and you want to specify
the related quantity. The quantity in stock does not change, but the inventory value of the entire quantity is
updated regardless of the quantity specified here.
If the amount in the Quantity field is greater than the In Stock quantity, the amount recorded in the journal
entry is proportionally divided between the inventory and the price difference accounts (according to the
item's valuation method and current in-stock quantity).
In the Debit/Credit field, enter the required cost. Enter a positive amount to debit the inventory account and a
negative amount to credit it. The negative/positive amounts depend on the Display Credit Balance with
Negative Sign checkbox selection (Administration
Initialization tab).
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Revaluing the Inventory
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6. To post the inventory revaluation, choose the Add button.
A journal entry is created which consists of a G/L increase or decrease account and the inventory account.
The G/L increase or decrease accounts are those defined for the item row in the Inventory Revaluation window.
When the selected revaluation type is by Price Change, the amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are
calculated by multiplying the in-stock quantity of the item by the delta between the current and the new item cost.
o If you manage the item by the FIFO valuation method, the item cost refers to the cost of the selected
FIFO layer.
o If you manage the item cost per warehouse, the quantity affected is the quantity in the specified
o If you manage the item cost per company, the quantity affected is the total in-stock quantity of all the
company’s warehouses.
For example, the in-stock quantity of Item1 is 6, and its cost is 50. You change the cost to 100. As a result the G/L
increase account is credited by 300 = 6 X (100 minus 50).
When the selected revaluation type is by Inventory Debit/Credit, the amounts in the Debit and Credit columns are
set according to the value in the Debit/Credit field. If the item is managed by the standard price method, the
variance account replaces the inventory account.
When the selected revaluation type is by Inventory Debit/Credit for a partial quantity of a FIFO layer, the original
layer is reduced by the revalued quantity, and a new layer is added for the revalued quantity and the revaluated
price right after the original layer.
In addition, in the Item Master Data window, on the Inventory Data tab, the Item Cost field is updated
Printing Inventory Revaluation Documents
SAP Business One lets you print inventory revaluation documents using default printing layouts.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Inventory Transactions Inventory
2. Find the relevant record.
3. From the Tools menu, choose Print Layout Designer, or click in the toolbar.
4. Choose the preferred printing layout.
5. Print the document.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Revaluing the Inventory
You can edit the default layouts or create new ones by using Print Layout Designer (PLD). For more
information about Print Layout Designer, see the document How to Customize Printing Layouts with the
Print Layout Designer in the documentation area of SAP Business One Customer Portal at
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Audit Reports
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Working with Inventory Audit Reports
Generating Inventory Audit Reports
The inventory audit report is available only for companies using the perpetual inventory system. It provides an
audit trail for the posted inventory transactions in the chart of accounts.
Use this report to make comparisons between the accounting view (inventory balance accounts) and the logistics
view (inventory value displayed by the audit report). The report explains the value changes in inventory accounts.
This report does not recalculate the item cost but displays the information from the database. In addition, only
inventory related transactions are displayed in the report. Transactions with non-inventory items or drop-ship
warehouses are not displayed.
To create what-if scenarios, use the inventory valuation simulation report.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Inventory Reports Inventory Audit Report.
The Inventory Audit Report Selection Criteria window opens.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Audit Reports
Specify the following data:
Date From … To
To check the item cost and value of particular
transactions, select System Date. To compare the
inventory account balance with the inventory audit
report, select Posting Date.
Specify the range of dates to include in the report.
When running the inventory audit report by posting
date and the posting date of a transaction falls within
the defined range, but the system date falls outside the
range, the report displays the row for this transaction
in blue.
Code From ... To
Select the range of items to include in the report.
Item Group
Select a specific item group.
Lets you specify item properties.
G/L Accounts
Includes all accounts in the report. Click (Browse)
to specify which accounts to include in the report.
Select the checkbox of each warehouse to include in
the report. Drop-ship warehouses do not appear in the
list of warehouses.
If you manage items cost on the company level and not
for each warehouse individually, select all warehouses.
Otherwise, when running the report, you might obtain
incorrect results for the value of your inventory. For a
scenario that causes incorrect results in the report,
see Moving Average.
Select one of the following:
By Items
View and audit the results by items.
Summarize by Accounts
View the information summarized by accounts.
Group by Warehouses
Group the items by warehouse
This option is activated only if both of the
following are true:
o Your company has been defined to
manage item cost by warehouse (the
Manage Item Cost per Warehouse
checkbox is selected in SAP Business One
Main Menu Administration System
Administration Company Details
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Audit Reports
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Basic Initialization tab).
o You have selected the By Items radio
button in the Display area.
We recommend that you select this checkbox
if you are managing item cost per warehouse.
Otherwise, the inventory audit report may
return unexpected results.
If you are not running inventory cost by
warehouse, this checkbox is not activated and
the inventory audit report generates results
for all the warehouses together.
Display OB for Items/Accounts with no Transactions
Displays the opening balances for items or accounts
that have no transactions posted in SAP Business One.
If an item has no transactions within the selected date
range but has open transactions from previous
periods, the total of these transactions is presented as
an open balance for this item. As a result, the report
total displays the item valuation from the end date of
the defined date range - that is, it contains both the
opening balance figures and the transactions that are
within the defined date range.
2. To generate the report, choose the OK button. The inventory audit report opens.
This report displays the total inventory value for the items according to the configured selection criteria. The
fields that appear in the report depend on whether you selected By Items or Summarize by Accounts as the
display option.
To display detailed information of the inventory transactions or a summary on the item level, use the Expand
and the Collapse icons and buttons.
In the expanded view, the text color of each transaction changes as follows:
o Red text
If the transaction causes the cumulative quantity or the cumulative value to fall below zero, the text color
of those fields is red.
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Working with Inventory Audit Reports
o Blue text
When you run the Inventory Audit report by posting date, if the transaction’s system date deviates from
the posting date range, the text color of its row is blue.
3. View the following information:
General Area
Date From … To
Displays start and end dates for the report
calculations, as defined in the selection criteria.
The report is sorted by either the posting date or the
system date.
When the posting date in some documents differs
from the system date, sorting the report by posting
date can lead to misleading results in some cases.
Displays the company’s local currency.
Displays the range of items included in the report, as
defined in the selection criteria. If nothing was
defined in the selection criteria for the item, the field
displays All. If more than one type of criteria were
selected, the field displays Multiple.
This field is displayed only if you selected the By
Items checkbox in the selection criteria.
Displays the warehouses included in the report, as
defined in the selection criteria. If all warehouses
were selected, the field displays All.
This field is displayed only if you selected the By
Items checkbox in the selection criteria.
Displays the range of accounts to be included in the
report, as defined in the selection criteria.
This field is displayed only if you selected the
Summarize by Accounts checkbox in the selection
Table Area
Item No.
The item code.
The description of the item code, as defined in the
item master data.
G/L Account
The account number.
System Date
The system date of the transaction creation.
Posting Date
The posting date of the transaction.
Displays the abbreviated name of the document. To
view the journal entry of the transaction, click
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Audit Reports
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(Link Arrow).
The warehouse in which the transaction occurred.
The quantity of the item in the transaction. A positive
quantity refers to a receipt transaction, while a
negative quantity refers to a release transaction.
Displays the cost of the item in the transaction.
Trans. Value
Displays the value that was posted to the inventory
Cumulative Qty
Displays the total quantity in stock after the
transaction. At the summary levels (by G/L account
or by item), it summarizes the quantities from the
lower levels up to the report end date.
Cumulative Value
Displays the total value of inventory after the
transaction. At the summary levels (by G/L account
or by item), it summarizes the values from the lower
levels up to the report end date. The bottom of the
report displays the cumulative value for all the items
in the report.
Valuation Meth.
The current valuation method of the item.
Some of the fields in the report are not visible by default. To show them in the Inventory Audit report, click
(Form Settings).
Since the valuation method for an item can be changed, the method in the Valuation Meth. field does not
necessarily reflect the valuation method by which the item cost was calculated.
Note that the valuation method can be changed only when the cumulative quantity of an item is zero.
4. To close the report, choose the OK button.
Examples of Inventory Audit Reports for Different Calculation
The following examples describe how SAP Business One generates the Inventory Audit report.
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Working with Inventory Audit Reports
Moving Average
Each new receipt to stock or issue from stock updates the Cumulative Qty and the Cumulative Value fields.
. Two goods receipt PO documents are added:
o The first goods receipt PO contains 5 items with an item price of 20. The total cost is 100 = 5 X 20.
o The second goods receipt PO contains 5 items with an item price of 10. The total cost is 50 = 5 X 10.
As a result, the cumulative quantity is 10 and the cumulative value is 150.
The item cost applied when issuing from stock is calculated as the result of the cumulative value divided by
the cumulative quantity: 15 = 150 / 10.
A delivery of 3 items is added. Therefore, the total cost is -45 = -3 X 15.
The inventory value after the delivery is added is the difference between the previous inventory value and the
released transaction value: 105 = 150 45.
Trans. Value
Goods Receipt
PO 1
Goods Receipt
PO 2
Delivery 1
If you manage items cost on the company level and not for each warehouse individually, all warehouses must be
selected in the Inventory Audit Report Selection Criteria window. Otherwise, when running the report, you might
obtain incorrect results for the value of your inventory.
The following example describes a scenario of incorrect results in the Inventory Audit report:
Two goods receipt PO documents are added:
o The first goods receipt PO contains 1 item with an item price of 10 received by warehouse 01. The total
cost is 10 = 1 X 10.
o The second goods receipt PO contains 1 item with an item price of 20 received by warehouse 02. The
total cost is 20 = 1 X 20.
As a result, the cumulative quantity is 2 and the cumulative value is 30.
The item cost applied when issuing from stock is calculated for all warehouses as the result of the cumulative
value divided by the cumulative quantity: 15 = 30 / 2.
A delivery of 1 item from warehouse 01 is added. Therefore, the total cost is -15 = -1 X 15.
In the Inventory Audit Report Selection Criteria window, only warehouse 01 is selected. Therefore, the following
incorrect results are displayed:
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Audit Reports
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Receipt PO 1
Delivery 1
When all warehouses are selected in the Inventory Audit Report Selection Criteria window, the report
displays the correct results:
Receipt PO 1
Receipt PO 2
Delivery 1
Standard Price
Each receipt to stock or issue from stock uses the standard price as defined for the item in the item master data.
For more information, see Defining Item Cost when Using the Standard Price Valuation Method.
The standard price of the item is 20.
Two goods receipt PO documents are added:
o The first goods receipt PO contains 5 items. The total cost is 100 = 5 X 20.
o The second goods receipt PO contains 3 items. The total cost is 60 = 3 X 20.
As a result, the cumulative quantity is 8 and the cumulative value is 160.
A delivery of 4 items is added. Therefore, the total cost is -80 = -4 X 20.
The inventory value after the delivery was added is 80 = 160 80.
Trans. Value
Goods Receipt
PO 1
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Working with Inventory Audit Reports
Trans. Value
Goods Receipt
PO 2
Delivery 1
Each new receipt to stock or issue from stock updates the Cumulative Qty and the Cumulative Value fields.
Two goods receipt PO documents are added:
o The first goods receipt PO contains 5 items with an item price of 20. The total cost is 100 = 5 X 20. As a
result, a first FIFO layer with item cost 20 is created.
o The second goods receipt PO contains 5 items with an item price of 10. The total cost is 50 = 5 X 10. As a
result, a second FIFO layer with item cost 10 is created.
As a result, the cumulative quantity is 10 and the cumulative value is 150.
A delivery of 3 units is added and consumes 3 units from the first FIFO layer. Therefore, the total cost is -60 =
-3 X 20.
A second delivery of 4 units is added. The first 2 units are consumed from the first FIFO layer and close it. The
total cost is -40 = -2 X 20.
The other 2 items are consumed from the second FIFO layer. The total cost is -20 = -2 X 10.
The inventory value after the deliveries were added is 30 = 150 60 40 20
Trans. Value
Goods Receipt
PO 1
Goods Receipt
PO 2
Delivery 1
Delivery 2
Delivery 2
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Working with Inventory Audit Reports
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Cost of Revaluation Document in Inventory Audit Report
For any revaluation document a document that changes an item cost, such as an A/P invoice based on a goods
receipt PO, landed costs, material revaluation, and so on the cost in the inventory audit report is the delta value
divided by the relevant quantity.
Unexpected Results in Inventory Audit Report
Difference Between Inventory Audit Report and Inventory Account
A difference between the inventory audit report and the inventory account balance may occur when the inventory
account is used for a non-inventory related transaction, for example, a manual journal entry, payment, service
type invoice and so on. In this case, you should eliminate the non-inventory related postings from the inventory
account balance and then compare it to the inventory audit report.
Number of Records Returned is Too Large
In some releases, there is an application limitation to display a certain number of records. If the number of the
records that the inventory audit report needs to display exceeds the limitation, the system displays the
following message: ‘’You have insufficient resources to complete this action. Select fewer records and try
again. [Message 131-225].”
Unexpected Results Due to Particular Basic Initial Settings
When using certain inventory audit report filters, misleading results can occur due to the basic initialization
settings regarding item cost managing.
o Valuation Method: Moving Average Price
o Two different warehouses are defined for this item. The item has a different cost in the warehouses.
o The Manage Item Cost per Warehouse checkbox in the Company Details window is selected.
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Working with Inventory Audit Reports
The following transactions have been created for this item:
Document Type
Item Cost
Goods Receipt
A/P Invoice
Goods Receipt PO
Goods Issue
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Working with Inventory Audit Reports
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The following are the results of the inventory audit report:
The result of the inventory audit report appears not to be as expected. The initial 3 incoming transactions resulted
in a cumulative quantity of 3 and a cumulative value of 60. Since the item valuation method is Moving Average
Price, any outgoing transaction would be expected to use item cost of 20 (60/3=20) per unit. However, the above
quantity of 1 is released with item cost 15 in the goods issue document.
If you return to the Inventory Audit Report Selection Criteria window and select the Group by Warehouses
checkbox, the inventory audit report returns the following results:
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Audit Reports
The goods issue was issued from warehouse 01, where the cumulative quantity at that time was 2 and the
cumulative value was 30. Hence, the item is released at the cost of 15 from warehouse 01.
To avoid similar unexpected results, we recommend that you apply the rules in the following diagram when
running the inventory audit report:
Printing Inventory Audit Reports
SAP Business One lets you print the Inventory Audit reports using default printing layouts.
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Inventory Reports Inventory Audit Report.
2. Specify the selection criteria and run the report. For more information, see Generating Inventory Audit Reports
From the Tools menu, choose Print Layout Designer, or click in the toolbar.
Choose the preferred printing layout and print the document.
o When you print the report, you can also print the selection criteria on a separate page.
o You can edit the default layouts or create new ones by using Print Layout Designer (PLD). For more
information about Print Layout Designer, see the document How to Customize Printing Layouts with
the Print Layout Designer in the documentation area of SAP Business One Customer Portal at
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Valuation Simulation Reports
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Working with Inventory Valuation Simulation
This report contains information that may be required for IFRS reporting disclosure. IFRS reporting requires an
overview of the method used to value your company's inventory, for example in the Notes to Financial
Statements. In SAP Business One, it is possible to specify the inventory valuation method at the item level, and to
group the inventory items that are of a similar nature in item groups. Inventory items with a similar nature should
be valued using the same method, and this report can be used to validate your inventory valuation methods prior
to IFRS reporting. You may need to provide the result of this report as part of your IFRS disclosure requirement.
You can use this report to valuate the entire inventory of all items on a reporting date on a reporting date on the
company or warehouse levels. You would normally valuate the warehouse inventory on the balance sheet
reporting date.
It is intended to be a managerial report to check what-if scenarios. For instance, you can see what happens if you
value an item based on a different calculation method.
This report is not intended to be used as a report for auditing. For auditing purposes, use the inventory
audit report.
To generate the inventory valuation simulation report, do the following:
1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Inventory Inventory Reports Inventory Valuation
Simulation Report.
The Inventory Simulation Valuation Report Selection Criteria window appears.
Define the following filters:
Fields that are self-explanatory are not described in the table.
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Valuation Simulation Reports
General Area
Code From… To…
Define the items for which you want to create the
Vendor From… To…
You can restrict the selection by the preferred vendor
of an item. The preferred vendor is specified in the
item master record. You can valuate all the items from
one or more preferred vendors.
Project From…To…
You can valuate the warehouse inventories for one or
more projects. Enter the project(s) if relevant.
Calc. Method
Choose one of the calculation methods from the
dropdown menu:
Moving Average
By Price List
You can use one of the price lists defined in the
system to valuate the warehouse inventories.
When you choose this method, the Price Source
field appears. In the dropdown list, select the price
Last Evaluated Price
You can perform the valuation based on the last
evaluated prices. In this case, SAP Business One
uses the last calculated costs for each item. If you
run a valuation under the FIFO method, for
example, and then run a valuation for the last
calculated costs, SAP Business One valuates the
items using the last value that was determined for
an item under the FIFO method.
You cannot select the same calculation
method as that defined for the item in the Item
Master Data window, because this report is
intended for examining what-if scenarios.
By Price Source
Choose the price list for the report calculation.
This field appears only if you have chosen the
By Price List calculation option.
Display Method
Choose one of the following display formats for the
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Valuation Simulation Reports
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Row Per Item
Displays one row per item.
Detailed Receipts/Releases
Displays all goods issues and receipts.
FC Exchange Rate
If you valuate transactions in a foreign currency, select
one of the following:
Exchange Rate on Report Date
The cumulative values are converted according to the
exchange rate on the date of the report.
Transaction Rate
o If the calculation method is Moving Average or
FIFO and you have selected Additional FC for
Total and specified a foreign currency, the
exchange rate is used for display purpose
only. The item costs are always based on the
transaction value in local currency. The
foreign currency values are displayed
according to the exchange rates that exist for
the dates on which the respective documents
were added (Administration Exchange
Rates and Indexes) and are used to calculate
the item costs in local currency.
o If the calculation method is By Price List or
Last Evaluated Price and the price is
maintained in the respective price list in a
foreign currency, the exchange rates that exist
for the dates on which the respective
documents were added (Administration
Exchange Rates and Indexes) are used to
calculate the item costs in local currency
Allow Negative Inventory
Select the checkbox:
To allow negative inventory during valuation. Items
may have negative inventories. From the
accounting perspective, no procedure is available
for valuating negative inventories.
To create the report for an item that has a positive
inventory quantity, but reached a negative level in
the past.
If the checkbox is not selected and the item
reached negative inventory level, the report
stops at the point when the inventory quantity
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with Inventory Valuation Simulation Reports
reaches a negative level. Respective row is
displayed in red and the system message
''Inventory valuation cannot be
calculated for item" appears in the
Additional FC for Total
Displays the valuation in a foreign currency.
By default the field is deselected and the results are
displayed in local currency.
If you select Additional FC for Total, an additional field
is displayed in which you must select the required
currency. You can then switch between the local
currency and the selected foreign currency on the top
left of the report results window.
If you specify an additional currency, it is displayed the
next time you open the report.
Table Area (Warehouses Selection)
By Location
Determine which storage locations will be considered
in the report. Make the selection by location or by
warehouse, in which case you define the range of
included or excluded warehouses.
By Warehouses
2. Choose the OK button.
The following is an example of the inventory simulation valuation report:
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
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Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting
Purchase accounting is a mechanism that allows the direct monitoring of the total purchase expense via the profit
and loss (P&L) account. Depending on the localization, a purchase accounts posting system can be used in
companies that manage a perpetual inventory system.
Purchase accounting adds a P&L account dimension to a purchase posting. The purchase account is debited to
reflect the actual total inventory-related purchase cost. This enables the analysis of purchases by period in the
P&L account report.
When you work with a purchase accounts posting system, the following documents are involved with the
purchase accounts postings:
Goods receipt POs
Goods returns
A/P invoices, A/P correction invoices
A/P credit memos, A/P correction reversals
Landed costs
A purchase accounts posting is not linked to the inventory-item valuation basis. For information about initializing
a purchase account posting system, see Initializing Perpetual Inventory System
Defining Purchase Accounts
When you manage both a perpetual inventory system and a purchase accounts posting system, you have to
define G/L accounts that reflect the purchasing transactions.
Define those G/L accounts in the following tabs:
Administration Setup Financials G/L Account Determination Inventory tab
Administration Setup Inventory Item Groups Accounting tab
Administration Setup Inventory Warehouses Accounting tab
The following table describes the additional purchase accounts you have to define:
Type of Account
Purchase Account
A profit and loss account that identifies the entire
purchasing value. This account is debited when you
purchase goods against the cost-of-goods-purchased
The amount posted to the purchase account is equal
to one of the following:
The amount posted to the allocation account plus
the expense clearing account, when those
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
Type of Account
accounts are credited.
The amount posted to the business partner minus
(the amount posted to the allocation account plus
the expense clearing account), when the allocation
and the expense clearing accounts are debited.
Purchase Return Account
This account functions as a purchase account for
returning goods. It is credited when goods are
Cost of Goods Purchased
This profit and loss account is credited to reflect an
increase in inventory value, just like the cost-of-goods-
sold account, and it is debited to reflect a decrease in
inventory value. This account acts as an offset account
to the purchase account.
The amount posted to this account is equal to but
opposite of the amount posted to the inventory
Purchase Balance Account
This account is credited or debited to reflect any
variance between the purchase account and the cost-
of-goods-purchased account.
Purchase balance account postings are always equal to
but opposite of the variance account postings.
Examples for Journal Entry Structures Used When Working with a
Purchase Accounts Posting System
The following prerequisites apply for all the examples below:
The business partner is exempt from tax.
The initial settings are defined as follows:
o In the Company Details window on the Basic Initialization tab:
o The Use Purchase Accounts Posting System checkbox is selected.
o The Use Negative Amount for Reverse Transaction is deselected.
o The G/L accounts set for the items are by warehouse. For more information, see Defining Item Defaults.
If not mentioned otherwise in the example, assume sufficient in-stock quantities of all the items involved in
the scenarios below.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
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Goods Receipt POs and A/P Invoices
The following examples describe the journal entry structures created for the different scenarios involved with
the creation of a goods receipt PO and then drawing it into an A/P invoice.
Example 1
A goods receipt PO is created for a standard item and contains the following information:
o Cost of 3
o Quantity of 1
o Unit price of 10
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add the goods receipt PO
Allocation account
Inventory account
Variance account
Cost of goods purchased
Purchase balance account
Purchase account
The cost of goods purchased is credited by the standard price of the item; the credit in the purchase balance
account is balanced by the debit of the variance account.
The goods receipt PO is copied into an A/P invoice, and the unit price is changed to 12. The following journal
entry is created:
Allocation account
Variance account
Purchase balance account
Purchase account
Both the purchase balance and purchase accounts reflect the price increase of 2.
Example 2
A goods receipt PO is created containing the following information:
o The item is managed by the moving average method.
o The quantity is 1.
o The unit price is 10.
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add the goods receipt PO
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How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
Allocation account
Inventory account
Cost of goods purchased
Purchase account
For an item managed by the moving average method, the cost-of-goods-purchased account is credited by the
purchase price.
The goods receipt PO is copied into the A/P invoice after a delivery for a quantity of 1 was created. The unit
price in the A/P invoice has been changed to 15. The following journal entry is created:
Allocation account
Price difference account
Purchase balance account
Purchase account
Since the in-stock quantity is changed before the A/P invoice is created, the price difference and the
purchase balance accounts reflect the price increase.
Example 3
A goods receipt PO is created containing the following information:
o The item is managed by the moving average method.
o The quantity is 1.
o The unit price is 10.
o The freight charges are 5.
The following journal entry is created automatically when you add the goods receipt PO
Allocation account
Expense clearing account
Inventory account
Cost of goods purchased
Purchase account
The above goods receipt PO is copied into the A/P invoice after a delivery for a quantity of 1 was created.
The unit price in the A/P invoice is changed to 15, and freight charges are changed to 10. The following
journal entry is created:
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Table Heading
Table Heading
Table Heading
Allocation account
Expense clearing account
Price difference account
Purchase balance account
Purchase account
Example 4
A goods receipt PO is created containing the following information:
o The item is managed by the moving average method.
o The quantity is 1.
o The unit price is 10.
o The freight charges are 7.
In addition, the in-stock quantity is (-10). The static item cost is 5. The following journal entry is created
automatically when you add the goods receipt PO:
Allocation account
Expense clearing account
Inventory account
Negative inventory adjustment
Purchase account
Cost of goods purchased
Purchase balance account
The cost-of-goods-purchased account reflects the inventory value, and the purchase balance account reflects
the variance between the purchase and the cost-of-goods-purchased accounts.
Closing a Goods Receipt PO
When closing a goods receipt PO, no inventory posting is made; however, a journal entry is created to clear
the allocation account and to reduce the purchase account. For example, when closing a goods receipt PO
with a quantity of 3 and a unit price of 10, the following journal entry is created:
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
Allocation account
Goods clearing account
Purchase account
Goods clearing account
Goods Return
When creating a goods return based on this goods receipt PO, the allocation, the inventory, and the cost-of-
goods-purchased accounts are reverted. In addition, the value of the purchase account is reverted by the
purchase return account.
For example, a goods receipt PO is created containing the following information:
o The item is managed by the moving average method.
o The quantity is 1.
o The unit price is 10.
When creating a goods return based on this goods receipt PO, the following journal entry is created
Allocation account
Inventory account
Cost of goods purchased
Purchase return account
A/P Credit Memo
When creating an A/P credit memo not based on an existing document, the purchase return account is
debited by the document price. The cost-of-goods-purchased account is credited by the product of the item
quantity multiplied by the item cost.
For example, an A/P credit memo is created containing the following information:
o Item is managed by the moving average method.
o Quantity of 1, unit price is 7.
o Freight charges of 2.
In addition, the in-stock quantity is 6 and the item cost is 2. The following journal entry is created
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
Inventory account
Price difference account
Purchase return account
Cost of goods purchased
Purchase balance account
Landed Costs
The following examples describe the journal entry structures created for scenarios involving the creation of a
landed costs document.
Example 1
A landed costs document based on a goods receipt PO is created and contains the following information:
o The item is managed by the moving average method and has a positive inventory level.
o The actual customs is 30.
The following journal entry is created once the document is added:
Inventory account
Customs allocation account
Purchase account
Cost of goods purchased
The cost-of-goods-purchased account reflects the price increase of the purchased item due to customs
Example 2
A landed costs document based on a goods receipt PO is created and contains the following information:
o A quantity of 10 with an in-stock quantity of 4
o Actual customs of 30
The following journal entry is created when the document is added:
Inventory account
Customs allocation account
Price difference account
Purchase account
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Working with a Purchase Accounts Posting System
Cost of goods purchased
Purchase balance account
The customs charge is applied equally to each unit, that is, 3 per unit. The cost-of-goods-purchased account
reflects the increased value of the in-stock quantity, and the price difference account reflects the remaining
quantity: 18 = 3 X (10 minus 4).
Example 3
A landed cost document for a quantity of 10 is created based on a goods receipt PO. The actual customs
is 30, and the inventory level of the item is negative. The following journal entry is created when the
document is added:
Customs allocation account
Negative inventory adjustments
Purchase account
Purchase balance account
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
For information about the authorizations required for using a perpetual inventory system, see the online help
for SAP Business One and the document How to Define Authorizations in the documentation area of SAP
Business One Customer Portal at
© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
Database Tables Reference
Database Tables Reference
For information about the tables used in a perpetual inventory system, see the .chm file: Database Tables
Reference. You can download it from SAP Community Network.
To download the Database Tables Reference .chm file:
1. Go to
2. Under BUSINESS ONE KNOWLEDGE CENTER, click the link of the SAP Business One release version you
3. Click the SDK Help Center link.
4. In the File Download window, do one of the following:
o To open the .zip file, choose the Open button; then extract the REFDB.chm file to your computer.
o To save the .zip file to your computer, choose the Save button. You can open the .zip file and extract the
REFDB.chm file later.
How to Set Up and Manage Perpetual Inventory System
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