Prepared by Bowdoin Library, BL, 25 January 2018 1
Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide Author-Date References (17
Books .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
One author .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Two or three authors ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Four or more authors ............................................................................................................................................................... 1
Editor, translator, or compiler instead of author ........................................................................................................................ 1
Organization as author ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Unknown author ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Book published electronically .................................................................................................................................................. 2
Chapter, essay, or other part of a book .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Journals, magazines, and newspapers ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Scholarly journal ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Popular magazine article ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Newspaper article.................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Web pages and websites ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
In-text citations ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Discussion ................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
One author
(Doniger 1999, 65–66)
Doniger, Wendy. 1999. Splitting the Difference. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Source: CMOS 15.9.
Two or three authors
(Cowlishaw and Dunbar 2000, 104–107)
(Jacobstein, Mersky, and Dunn 2000, 198)
Cowlishaw, Guy, and Robin Dunbar. 2000. Primate Conservation Biology. Chicago: University of Chicago
Jacobstein, J. Myron, Roy M. Mersky, and Donald J. Dunn. 1994. Fundamentals of Legal Research. 6th ed.
Westbury, New York: Foundation Press.
Source: CMOS 15.9.
Four or more authors
Include all names in the reference list entry, but only the first surname followed by “et al.” in the in-text citation.
(Laumann et al. 1994, 262)
Laumann, Edward O., John H. Gagnon, Robert T. Michael, and Stuart Michaels. 1994. The Social
Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Source: CMOS 15.9, 15.29.
Editor, translator, or compiler instead of author
“When no author appears on the title page, a work is listed by the name(s) of the editor(s), compiler(s), or translator(s).” (CMOS
14.103) Use ed., eds., trans., comp., or comps. in reference list entry, not in in-text citation. (CMOS 15.36)
(Hall 1991, 42)
(Lattimore 1951, 87)
Hall, David D., ed. 1991. Witch-Hunting in Seventeenth-Century New England: A Documentary History,
1638-1693. 2nd ed. N.p.: Duke University Press.
Lattimore, Richmond, trans. 1951. The Iliad of Homer. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Source: CMOS 15.9, 15.36, 14.132.
Prepared by Bowdoin Library, BL, 25 January 2018 2
Organization as author
If no personal name is listed as author on the title page, then the organization that issued the publication may be given as author
in the reference list and the in-text citation. (CMOS 15.37)
(Association of the Menhaden Oil and Guano Manufacturers of Maine 1878, 18)
Association of the Menhaden Oil and Guano Manufacturers of Maine. 1878. The Menhaden Fishery of
Maine: With Statistical and Historical Details, Its Relations to Agriculture, and as a Direct Source of
Human Food; New Processes, Products, and Discoveries. Portland: B. Thurston.
Source: CMOS 15.37.
Unknown author
“If the author, editor, translator, or the like for the work is unknown, the reference list entry should normally begin with the title.
An initial article is ignored in alphabetizing. Text citations may refer to a short form of the title but must include the first word
(other than an initial article).” (CMOS 15.34)
(Business Booms and Depressions since 1775 1943)
(Business Booms and Depressions 1943)
(Business 1943)
Business Booms and Depressions since 1775: An Accurate Charting of the Past and Present Trend of Price
Inflation, Federal Debt, Business, National Income, Stocks and Bond Yields, with a Special Study of
Postwar Periods. 1943. Toledo, Ohio: The Century Press.
Source: CMOS 15.34, 15.39.
Book published electronically
For books requiring a specific application or device, the format (if available), name of the application, and/or the device used
must be specified. (CMOS 14.159) If page numbers are not fixed, consider including a chapter number, section heading, location
number such as loc. 382 of 1288, etc. instead. (CMOS 14.160, 14.161) For more information on URLs and access date, see
"Discussion" below.
(Association of the Menhaden Oil and Guano Manufacturers of Maine 1878, 45)
(Austen 2007, loc. 382 of 1288)
(Kurland and Lerner 1987, chap. 10, doc. 19)
(Lovitch 2017, 41)
Association of the Menhaden Oil and Guano Manufacturers of Maine. 1878. The Menhaden Fishery of
Maine: With Statistical and Historical Details, Its Relations to Agriculture, and as a Direct Source of
Human Food; New Processes, Products, and Discoveries. Portland: B. Thurston.
Austen, Jane. 2007. Pride and Prejudice. New York: Penguin Classics. Kindle.
Kurland, Philip B., and Ralph Lerner, eds. 1987. The Founders’ Constitution. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
Lovitch, Derek, ed. 2017. Birdwatching in Maine: A Site Guide. Hanover: University Press of New
Source: CMOS 15.4.
Chapter, essay, or other part of a book
(Wiese 2006, 101–102)
(“Anti-Terror Bill” 2002, 14-4)
Wiese, Andrew. 2006. “The House I Live in: Race, Class, and African American Suburban Dreams in the
Postwar United States.” In The New Suburban History, edited by Kevin M. Kruse and Thomas J.
Sugrue, 99–119. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
“Anti-Terror Bill Zooms Into Law.” 2002. In CQ Almanac 2001, 14-3–14-6. Washington, DC:
Congressional Quarterly.
Source: CMOS 15.9, 15.39.
Prepared by Bowdoin Library, BL, 25 January 2018 3
Journals, magazines, and newspapers
Scholarly journal
In the Reference List, show volume number. Show issue number, month, or season, if available, in parentheses (CMOS 15.47,
15.48). For guidance on URLs and when to use the access date, see “Discussion” below.
(Karmaus and Riebow 2004, 645)
(Kossinets and Watts 2009, 411)
(Novak 2008, 758)
(Smith 1998, 639)
Karmaus, Wilfried, and John F. Riebow. 2004. “Storage of Serum in Plastic and Glass Containers May
Alter the Serum Concentration of Polychlorinated Biphenyls.” Environmental Health Perspectives 112
(May): 643–47.
Kossinets, Gueorgi, and Duncan J. Watts. 2009. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network.”
American Journal of Sociology 115: 405–50. Accessed February 28, 2010.
Novak, William J. 2008. “The Myth of the WeakAmerican State.American Historical Review 113:
Smith, John Maynard. 1998. “The Origin of Altruism.” Nature 393 (6686): 639–40.
Source: CMOS 15.4, 15.9, 15.47, 15.48.
Popular magazine article
“Repeat the year of publication with the month and day to avoid any confusion.” (CMOS 15.49)
(Martin 2002, 84)
Martin, Steve. 2002. “Sports-Interview Shocker.” New Yorker, May 6, 2002.
Source: CMOS 15.49.
Newspaper article
“Repeat the year of publication with the month and day to avoid any confusion.” (CMOS 15.49) “If a newspaper article is
unsigned, the title of the newspaper stands in place of the author.” (CMOS 15.49) Except for well-known national newspapers in
the U.S., the name of the city should be added after the title (not italicized, in parentheses) if not already included in the title; the
name of the state, province, or nation may be added if needed. (CMOS 14.193) Include a time stamp after the date for online
articles if available and as appropriate. Include information about the edition or section as appropriate. Note that page numbers
are omitted, since they can vary in different editions of the newspaper. For more information on URLs and access date, see
"Discussion" below.
(Niederkorn 2002)
(The Washington Post 2018)
Niederkorn, William S. 2002. “A Scholar Recants on his ‘Shakespeare’ Discovery.” New York Times, June
20, 2002. Arts section, Midwest edition.
The Washington Post. 2018. “Mr. Trump, Tilting at Free Trade.” January 12, 2018. Academic Search
Complete (EBSCO).
Source: CMOS 15.4, 15.49.
Web pages and websites
Include owner or sponsor; title or description of page being cited, if any; “(website)” or “(web page)” if the nature of the source
may otherwise be unclear”; title or description of website; date of publication or revision, otherwise access date; and URL. (CMOS
15.50, 14.207) “Repeat the year with the month and day to avoid any confusion.” (CMOS 15.50) “When only an access date is
used, record n.d. as the date of publication in the reference list entry and for the in-text citation.” (CMOS 15.50) For more
information on URLs, see "Discussion" below.
(Bowdoin College Library 2018)
(University of Ottawa, n.d.)
Bowdoin College Library. 2018.Newspapers: Foreign & Foreign Language.” Last updated January 22,
University of Ottawa. n.d. “The Arrival of the Loyalists in Canada”. Site for Language Management in
Canada (SLMC). Accessed November 21, 2017.
Source: CMOS 15.50.
Prepared by Bowdoin Library, BL, 25 January 2018 4
In-text citations
“Two or more works by the same author in the same year must be differentiated by the addition of a, b, and so forth (regardless
of whether they were authored, edited, compiled, or translated) and are listed alphabetically by title. Text citations consist of
author and year plus letter.” (CMOS 15.20) For additional examples of in-text citations, see examples throughout this guide.
(Doniger 1999, 65–66) [After attributed text. Most subsequent examples are given in this form.]
(Doniger 1999, 2017) [Citing additional work by same author published in a different year.]
(Doniger 1980a, 134) [Two works by same author, same year.]
(Doniger 1980b, 30-31) [Two works by same author, same year.]
(Doniger 1999, 92; 2017, 29) [Citing additional work by same author, with page numbers.]
(Doniger 1999, 92; Cowlishaw and Dunbar 2000, 43) [Citing additional work by another author(s).]
Doniger (1999, 65–66) [Embedded in the text.]
(Business Booms and Depressions 1943) [No author provided.]
Business Booms and Depressions since 1775: An Accurate Charting of the Past and Present Trend of Price
Inflation, Federal Debt, Business, National Income, Stocks and Bond Yields, with a Special Study of
Postwar Periods. 1943. Toledo, Ohio: The Century Press.
Doniger, Wendy. 1980a. Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
Doniger, Wendy. 1980b. Women, Androgynes, and Other Mythical Beasts. Chicago: University of Chicago
Doniger, Wendy. 2017. The Ring of Truth and Other Myths of Sex and Jewelry. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Source: CMOS 15.20, 15.25, 15.30.
This guide is based on The Chicago Manual of Style, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 17th ed., 2017. Main Ref Desk
Z253 .U69 2017. The complete Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) is also available online for Bowdoin College users,
<>. CMOS provides two basic documentation systems, Notes and Bibliography and
Author-Date. This guide covers the Author-Date system. Many of the examples and quoted text in this guide are taken from
Chapter 15 of CMOS. For cases not covered there, adapt examples from chapter 14 (CMOS 15.1-15.3, 15.32).
URLs. When citing an online source, include a URL, preferably (1) a DOI-based URL (beginning with “”) or a
Handle-based URL (beginning with “”); (2) otherwise, a URL labelled as persistent or stable or a permalink;
(3) otherwise, a standard URL. (CMOS 14.6, 14.8, 14.9) To create a URL from a DOI such as “doi:10.1086/679716”, append that
DOI to” to create a URL of the form “”. (CMOS 14.8) For a source consulted
via a library or other commercial bibliographic database and available only through a subscription or library account, it may be
best to name the database in lieu of a URL. [...] A URL that leads to information about the source, if not full access to it, is safe to
use.” (CMOS 14.11) The domain name, e.g., or name of the database may be substituted for a very
long URL for “formally published resources” such as Google Books. (CMOS 14.10)
Access dates. “Chicago does not [...] require access dates in its published citations of electronic sources unless no date of
publication or revision can be determined from the source.” (CMOS 14.12) Nevertheless, some publishers, disciplines, or
professors may require access dates.
Other best practices. “In many cases the contents of the print and electronic forms of the same publication are intended to be
identical. [...] In practice, because there is always the potential for differences, intentional or otherwise, authors should cite the
version consulted.” (CMOS 14.16) “As long as a consistent style is maintained within any one work, logical and defensible
variations on the style illustrated in this chapter and in chapter 15 are acceptable if agreed to by author and publisher.” (CMOS
Other issues.
o More than ten authors, etc.: CMOS 14.76
o Editor, translator, or compiler in addition to author:
CMOS 15.9, 14.104
o Organization as author, CMOS 15.37
o Additional works by same author, CMOS 15.30
o Edition: CMOS 14.113ff, 15.40ff
o Series: CMOS 14.123ff
o No date of publication, CMOS 15.44, 15.50
o No place of publication: CMOS 14.132, 15.50
o No journal issue number, CMOS 15.48
o No journal volume number, CMOS 15.47
o Citation taken from secondary source: CMOS 15.56
o Formats for in-text citations and reference list: CMOS 2.24,
o Government and legal documents: CMOS 15.58-15.59
o Citation management tools: CMOS 14.5