Prepared for the
The RPS Collaborative
Samantha Donalds
Program Associate
Clean Energy States Alliance
Revised, July 2018
About This Report
This report was produced for the RPS Collaborative, a project of the Clean Energy States
Alliance (CESA), that is generously supported by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Energy
Foundation. The views and opinions stated in this document are the authors alone.
This is a revised and updated version of the report, which was originally published in April 2015.
CESA Research Associate Georgena Terry contributed to this updated report.
Warren Leon provided guidance throughout the course of this project and reviewed several
drafts of this report. Deborah Donovan of Sustainable Energy Advantage shared her extensive
knowledge on this topic in the early stages of the project. Jenny Heeter of NREL and Val Stori
and Maria Blais Costello of CESA reviewed and commented on drafts of this report.
The following individuals reviewed and edited the RPS program summaries for their states: Ray
T. Williamson of the Arizona Corporation Commission; Samantha Meserve of the Massachusetts
Department of Energy Resources; Kim Lighthart of the Nevada Public Utilities Commission;
Elizabeth Nixon of the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission; Luke M. Forster of the New
York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA); Sam Watson from the
North Carolina Utilities Commission; Rebecca Smith from the Oregon Department of Energy;
Scott Gebhardt of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection; David Smithson
of the Texas Public Utilities Commission; Blake Thomas of the Utah Office of Energy
Development; Andrew Perchlik and Joanna White from the Vermont Public Service
Department; and Andrew Kell of the Wisconsin Public Service Commission.
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States
Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their
employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or
responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus,
product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately-owned
rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name,
trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorse-
ment, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof.
The views and opinions of the authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect
those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 2
Introduction: Renewable Thermal in RPSs ................................................................................................... 3
Eligible Renewable Thermal Technologies.................................................................................................... 3
Assigning a REC Value to Renewable Thermal Energy .................................................................................. 5
Monitoring and Metering Renewable Thermal Energy Production ............................................................. 6
Classifying Renewable Thermal in the RPS ................................................................................................... 7
States with Renewable Thermal in the RPS .................................................................................................. 8
ARIZONA .................................................................................................................................................... 8
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ............................................................................................................................ 9
INDIANA .................................................................................................................................................. 10
MARYLAND .............................................................................................................................................. 11
MASSACHUSETTS .................................................................................................................................... 12
NEVADA ................................................................................................................................................... 13
NEW HAMPSHIRE .................................................................................................................................... 14
NORTH CAROLINA ................................................................................................................................... 15
OREGON .................................................................................................................................................. 16
PENNSYLVANIA ....................................................................................................................................... 16
TEXAS ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
UTAH ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
VERMONT................................................................................................................................................ 18
WISCONSIN ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Sources for More Information .................................................................................................................... 20
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 3
Introduction: Renewable Thermal in RPSs
State Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) programs have historically focused on electricity
generation. However, some states have incorporated renewable thermal power for heat
generation into their RPS as a way to support the development and market growth of solar
thermal, biomass thermal, geothermal, and other renewable thermal technologies. But because
RPS programs were originally designed to measure electrical output, not heat output, it is
complicated to incorporate renewable thermal energy into state RPS programs.
The reasons that some states have added renewable thermal technologies to their RPS include:
Adding clean energy technologies to an RPS is a powerful way to promote their
development and market growth.
Using certain renewable energy sources, like biomass, to produce heat is more efficient
than using them to produce electricity.
Renewable thermal heat achieves a main policy goal of an RPS: it helps people transition
away from fossil fuels to cleaner, renewable and local technologies.
Renewable thermal energy has many of the same benefits as other renewable technologies,
including improved air quality, economic development and job creation, and the promotion of
regional energy security.
Among the fourteen state RPS programs that include renewable thermal, there is significant
variation in terms of (1) which renewable thermal technologies are eligible, (2) how energy
output is measured and monitored, (3) how REC values are determined, and (4) how the
technologies are classified in the RPS.
This paper provides an overview of how states across the country are incorporating renewable
thermal technologies into their RPS programs. Its purpose is not to advocate for including
renewable thermal technologies into RPSs, but rather to provide a general introduction to the
Eligible Renewable Thermal Technologies
There are several different renewable thermal technologies, but the most common renewable
thermal technologies incorporated into an RPS program are the following:
1. Solar Thermal: Several technologies are included in this category: solar hot water, solar
space heat, solar thermal process heat, solar pool heating, and solar space cooling.
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 4
2. Biomass: Biomass can take three different forms, solid (pellets or chips, usually made of
wood), liquid (biodiesel, pyrolysis oil, ethanol usually made with plant matter), or gas
(produced by the anaerobic digestion of animal or food waste).
3. Geothermal: Air, water, and ground source. Geothermal can be used for both heating
and cooling.
Some states allow all these technologies to be eligible under the RPS, and other states include
only specific ones, as shown in Table 1. How states determine which renewable thermal
technologies count towards their RPS has a lot to do with regional resource availability and
local preferences. For example, some states have large quantities of agricultural waste
available, and therefore might include biomass. Some states have suitable geological ground
conditions for extensive geothermal energy use. States in cool climates have more heating
needs and might be inclined to support a wider variety of renewable thermal technologies.
States in warmer climates may need cooling rather than heating, which suggests a different set
of renewable thermal technologies.
Table 1: States that include each of these renewable thermal technologies in their RPS:
Solar Thermal
AZ, DC, IN, MA, MD*,
AZ, IN, MA, MD**,
NC***, NH, OR***, TX,
* Solar hot water only
** Excludes woody biomass
***Only useful thermal energy that is produced as a byproduct by biomass electricity generators is
The most common renewable thermal technology included in state RPS programs is solar hot
water used in buildings. This is the most widely accepted renewable thermal technology added
to RPS programs, for a variety of reasons: it is a simple, mature technology that is well known
Combined Heat and Power (CHP), also known as cogeneration, produces electricity and useful thermal energy
from the same fuel source. CHP is usually powered by natural gas, but is sometimes fueled by biomass. CHP
qualifies for some states’ RPSs. In most cases, only the electricity generation from CHP systems receives RECs, but
in a few states, such as Massachusetts and Oregon, the thermal output of biomass-fueled systems is eligible for
RECs and those states are included in this paper. Comprehensive information about CHP in RPS programs is
available in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s March 2016 publication “Portfolio Standards and the
Promotion of Combined Heat and Power, available at
The same energy sources that generate renewable thermal heat can also be used to generate electricity. This
includes solar thermal electric, geothermal electric, and biomass electric, all of which are included in various state
RPS programs. In the case of thermal electric technologies, their incorporation into the RPS is straightforward.
However, heat technologies, not electric, are the focus of this paper.
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 5
and uncontroversial. By contrast, biomass technologies can be controversial because they
release greenhouse gas emissions and, in the case of woody biomass, may lead to concerns
about particulates and deforestation in certain locations. For this reason, eligible biomass
systems are sometimes restricted to animal waste biomass only and/or non-woody biomass.
Assigning a REC Value to Renewable Thermal Energy
In order to count towards an RPS requirement or goal, the renewable thermal energy
generated must be connected to a value that can be converted into a Renewable Energy
Certificate (REC). RECs were designed to measure electricity, not energy or heat. In most RPS
programs, one REC is equal to one MWh of electricity generated. Because renewable thermal
heat is not measured in megawatt-hours (MWh), states have developed various methods of
assigning REC values for these technologies.
Some states base RECs for thermal energy on a BTU to MWh conversion. This is
sometimes called the “electric equivalency basis.” In this situation, the heat produced is
measured. A frequent REC conversion rate is 3,412,000 BTUs = 1 MWh = 1 REC.
Other states calculate RECs based on the MWh of conventional electricity displaced. In
this situation, the electricity displaced is measured. This equation is typically 1 MWh
displaced = 1 REC.
Table 2 below shows how REC values are awarded in different states. How a state awards REC
values can vary by technology and metering type.
Table 2: How REC values are awarded by state
RECs awarded based on energy generated,
1 REC = 3,412,000 BTUs = 1 MWh
RECs awarded based on electricity displaced,
1 REC = 1 MWh displaced
AZ, DC (for metered output), IN, MA, MD,
NV (for solar thermal), NH, NC, OR, TX (for
landfill gas)
DC (for estimated output), PA, TX (for solar
hot water and geothermal), UT, VT, WI
In Arizona and Nevada, 1 REC = 1 kWh, whereas in other states 1 REC = 1 MWh. In Nevada, 1 REC = 1 kWh = 3,412
BTUs. Arizona’s conversion rate is unique: 1 REC = 1 KWh = 3,415 BTUs.
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 6
Monitoring and Metering Renewable Thermal Energy
Approaches to monitoring and metering renewable thermal systems vary by state and by
technology, as well as by the size of the system and whether it is a residential or commercial/
industrial system. Some states have stricter standards for monitoring and metering than others.
Monitoring means verifying that the renewable thermal system is in good working order, as
well as verifying that measuring systems are fully functional. Some states require that indepen-
dent licensed monitors verify and report energy production and technical specifications. In
addition to or instead of monitoring, some states require that renewable thermal systems meet
certification requirements in order to be eligible for the RPS. For example, many states require
solar thermal systems to be certified by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC).
Metering means measuring the heat produced and/or the electricity displaced. Approaches to
metering vary: some states allow estimates of heat production while others require direct
measurement. Most states do a combination of both methods. In Washington, DC, for instance,
heat output is measured only for metered systems; for systems without meters, the electricity
displaced is measured.
Metering requirements can vary by system size. Many states have less stringent metering
requirements for smaller systems because metering equipment is not standard in many smaller
renewable thermal systems and can add significantly to the cost of the system. In some states,
small systems are allowed to estimate output with periodic system verification by independent
monitors, while larger systems are required to perform actual metering overseen by indepen-
dent monitors; variations of this approach exist in the District of Columbia, Nevada, New
Hampshire, Texas and Wisconsin.
Metering requirements can also vary by technology type. For instance, biomass systems can be
measured by heat output or by fuel input, whereas the “fuel input” from solar thermal cannot
be measured; a solar thermal system might instead be measured by heat produced or by
electricity displaced. In Maryland, for example, solar and biomass thermal systems must be
metered, while geothermal output is estimated.
Approaches used to estimate renewable thermal heat production can vary. Some states offer
an approved formula for estimating output (“modeled output”). For solar hot water,
performance estimates based on the SRCC’s solar water heating rating system are commonly
used as a proxy for actual system output (as in Arizona, DC, Maryland and Nevada). For biomass
thermal systems, the heat output can be estimated based on the fuel input.
Those states that use the amount of electricity displaced as the basis for awarding RECs often
use the average expected system performance of the electrical system that the renewable
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 7
thermal system is replacing. In Texas, for example, solar hot water and geothermal heat pumps
earn REC offsets based on the average annual MWh of the system they are replacing.
For the states that measure heat output, many specify that only “useful thermal energy” counts
towards their RPS program. Various states define this term differently. Some states use this
term to differentiate between the total amount of heat produced (system output) and the
amount of heat used by the end user, the latter being the amount that should be counted
towards the RPS. Other states use the term “useful thermal energy” to also refer to the need to
subtract the parasitic load (the energy used to run the system) from the total amount of heat
produced in order determine the amount of useful heat that should be applied to the RPS.
Depending on the state and the size of the system, one can either directly meter the parasitic
load or use a percentage estimate of energy lost. What needs to be measuredtotal system
output or actual energy useddetermines where the metering device will be placed on the
renewable thermal system.
Besides parasitic load, another discount factor that is sometimes included when developing a
metering system to measure heat output is a meter accuracy discount factor. This is the
estimated margin of error for the metering system. It is calculated based on the manufacturer’s
guarantee of meter accuracy.
An added factor in the complexity of determining a metering approach is that the U.S. does not
have an official heat meter standard by which thermal energy is measured, although the
Environmental Protection Agency is in the process of drafting one.
In the meantime, many
states have opted to use the European heat meter standard, which measures heat in BTUs
(British Thermal Units).
Classifying Renewable Thermal in the RPS
States have classified renewable thermal technologies into their RPS in a variety of different
In several states, renewable thermal technologies are classified separately from electricity-
generating renewable technologies. For instance, in Pennsylvania, renewable thermal tech-
nologies are classified as Tier II demand-side management resources, and they earn Tier II
energy efficiency credits. In Arizona, renewable thermal technologies are classified as
customer-sited resources, and in Texas they are classified as generation-offset technologies.
Wisconsin has an RPS tier for non-electric resources which displace electricity, and renewable
thermal technologies fall into this category.
The group that is working on this is ASTM E44.25 Subcommittee on Heat Metering. See:
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 8
In other states, renewable thermal technologies are included alongside electricity-generating
renewable technologies. In the District of Columbia’s RPS, for example, solar thermal is
included as a Tier I technology along with solar electric and other renewable technologies.
Renewable thermal technologies are also classified as Tier I resources in Maryland and North
In the case of solar thermal, many states count the energy generated or displaced as part of a
solar carve-out. In these cases, solar thermal may be awarded Solar Renewable Energy
Certificates (SRECs). This is the case in Maryland and North Carolina. In other states, solar
thermal technologies may be eligible for solar multipliers.
How renewable thermal RECs are classified can vary by technology within a state. For example,
in Nevada, solar thermal counts towards the RPS as a renewable resource, while geothermal
counts towards the RPS as an energy efficiency measure.
To promote the growth of renewable thermal technologies, New Hampshire has established a
separate carve-out for these technologies. This ensures that a minimum amount of renewable
thermal energy must be produced. New Hampshire is the only state that has created a specific
carve-out for renewable thermal technologies.
States with Renewable Thermal in the RPS
The following is an overview of the state RPS programs that include renewable thermal tech-
nologies as of May 2018. For the purposes of this paper, all programs are referred to as RPSs,
and all renewable energy certificates are referred to as RECs. However, significant variation
exists among state programs as to what terminology is used.
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Biomass thermal, biogas thermal, commercial solar pool heaters,
geothermal space heating and process heating systems, solar industrial process heating and
cooling, solar space heating, and solar water heaters. Eligible biogas and biomass thermal
systems specifically exclude biomass and wood stoves, furnaces and fireplaces. All eligible
technologies in the RPS must offset conventional energy resources.
RPS Classification: Arizona’s RPS includes two main categories of eligible technologies: “Eligible
Renewable Energy Resources” and “Distributed Renewable Energy Resources,” which are
defined as “technologies that are located at a customer’s premises and that displace
conventional energy resources that would otherwise be used to provide electricity to Arizona
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 9
customers.” Certain specified renewable thermal technologies (see eligible technologies list
above) and wind generators (1 MW or less) are classified as Distributed Renewable Energy
Resources. Arizona’s RPS includes a distributed renewable energy requirement of 30 percent
after 2011, one half of which must come from residential applications.
REC Creation: 1 REC = 1 kWh = 3,415 BTUs
Metering & Monitoring: Arizona’s rules do not specifically require meters to monitor renewable
thermal heat output. Residential solar water heating systems use the Solar Rating and Certif-
ication Corporation’s (SRCC) OG-300 standard as a proxy for actual system output. Larger solar
thermal systems usually include a meter to monitor solar thermal system output. On smaller
commercial (non-residential) systems, Arizona accepts reasonable engineering calculations as a
proxy for actual system output, particularly if they are based, in part, on SRCC’s OG-100
collector ratings.
Arizona Administrative Code, Article 18: Renewable Energy Standard and Tariff, Pages
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Solar thermal (solar water heat, solar space heat, solar thermal process
heat and solar space cooling)
RPS Classification: Solar thermal is included as a Tier I technology in the DC RPS, along with solar
electric and other renewable technologies.
REC Creation: When solar thermal heat output uses an approved energy meter, RECs are
awarded based on energy generated. 1 kWh = 3,412 BTUs.
For estimated output of solar thermal heat, RECs are awarded based on kilowatt-hour savings
for the system.
Metering & Monitoring: Behind-the-meter generators with a capacity of less than 10kW may
submit engineering-based estimates of their output if the generator is not directly measured by
a revenue grade utility meter. For solar thermal energy systems that do not generate electricity,
if the output is to be estimated, the Commission will provide PJM-EIS with the output in kilo-
watt-hour savings for the system, based on SRCC’s estimated annual system performance
of OG-300 certified systems.
The energy output of the non-residential solar heating, cooling or process heat property
systems producing or displacing greater than 10 kWh per year is determined by an on-site
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 10
energy meter that meets performances standards established by the International Organization
of Legal Metrology (OIML) and the solar collectors used have a OG-100 certification from the
SRCC, If applicable.
Solar thermal installations must generally use SRCC certified components in order to qualify as
an eligible resource. The Solar Collector Certification Temporary Amendment Act of 2010
requires certification of residential solar thermal systems and certification of nonresidential
solar thermal collectors. Read the full act at
See page 10 of DC’s RPS Final Rules for details on assigning REC values:
DC PSC RPS page:
RPS Type: Voluntary
Eligible Technologies: Clean energy resources that provide thermal energy for heating, cooling
or mechanical work are eligible for the RPS.
RPS Classification: Renewable thermal technologies are classified alongside renewable
electricity-generating technologies.
REC Creation: For clean energy resources that provide thermal energy, one clean energy credit
(REC) is earned for every 3,412,000 BTUs of useful thermal energy produced. Utilities can seek
approval of an alternative equation to determine the number of clean energy credits earned for
the useful thermal energy produced.
Metering & Monitoring: In order to measure thermal energy for the purpose of goal compli-
ance, it may be measured directly through a meter, calculated using the equation set forth in
IAC 17.1, or a utility may seek approval from the commission to use an alternative equation.
Indiana Administrative Code (IAC) Title 170, Article 17.1, Indiana Voluntary Clean Energy
Portfolio Standard Program
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 11
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Residential solar water heating (excluding systems used solely to heat a
pool or hot tub), geothermal heating and cooling, and thermal energy associated with biomass
systems using primarily food waste, crop waste, crops grown for energy production, or animal
manure, including poultry litter, and specifically excluding woody biomass.
RPS Classification: Renewable thermal technologies are classified as Tier I resources. Solar water
heating is eligible for the solar carve out.
REC Creation: Tier 1 RECs for renewable thermal are awarded at a 3,412,000 BTU = 1 MWh = 1
REC conversion rate. SRECs are awarded for solar thermal. A residential solar hot water system
may not produce more than 5 RECs in one year.
Metering & Monitoring: Residential solar hot water can either be measured by a meter that
meets the required standards of the International Organization for Legal Metrology (IOLM) or
measured by the SRCC’s OG-300 thermal performance rating for the system, and certificated to
the OG-300 standard of the SRCC. Non-residential and commercial solar hot water systems
must be measured by an on-site meter that meets the required performance standards of the
Biomass thermal systems must be metered by an on-site meter that meets IOLM performance
standards. Geothermal output is estimated.
Legislative activity: The Maryland Energy Administration’s Thermal Energy Task Force submitted
a report to the legislature in January 2014 with recommendations on how to more fully
incorporate renewable thermal energy sources into the state RPS.
Biomass Thermal regulations
Geothermal regulations
Solar thermal regulations
Report of the Thermal Renewable Energy Credit Task Force, Maryland Energy
Administration, January 2014
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 12
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Any facility that generates useful thermal energy using sunlight, biomass,
biogas, including renewable natural gas that is introduced into the natural gas distribution
system, liquid biofuel or naturally occurring temperature differences in ground, air or water.
Facilities using biomass fuel shall be low emission, use efficient energy conversion technologies
and fuel that is produced by means of sustainable forestry practices.
RPS Classification: Renewable thermal energy is eligible for the state’s Alternative Energy
Portfolio Standard (APS), which requires meeting 5 percent of Massachusetts’ electric load with
“alternative energy” by 2020. Massachusetts’ APS is distinct from the RPS, but essentially acts
as a separate tier. The APS also includes non-renewable energy sources, such as CHP, flywheel
storage, and efficient steam technologies.
REC Creation: An alternative energy credit (AEC) equivalent to one megawatt-hour of electricity
is earned for every 3,412,000 British thermal units of net useful thermal energy produced. The
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources may provide a credit multiplier for certain non-
emitting renewable thermal technologies, so as to stimulate the development of new on-site
renewable thermal energy generating sources.
Metering & Monitoring: Energy production must be verified through an on-site utility grade
meter or other means satisfactory to the department. Small systems will not have to meter, but
will instead receive AECs based on a calculation of their expected net thermal energy output.
Legislative activity: On June 2, 2017, the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER)
filed Regulation 225 CMR 16.00 with the Secretary of State’s office to add additional eligible
technologies, including renewable thermal, in the APS pursuant to Chapter 251 of the Acts of
2014. The final regulations were promulgated and went into effect on December 29, 2017.
Bill S.2214 188th (2013 - 2014): An Act relative to credit for thermal energy generated
with renewable fuels
225 CMR 16.00: Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard (APS)
Renewable Heating and Cooling in the Alternative Portfolio Standard
Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard Guideline on Metering and Calculating the Useful
Thermal Output of Eligible Renewable Thermal Generation Units (December 2017)
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 13
Commonwealth Accelerated Renewable Thermal Strategy Final Report, prepared for
the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) (January 2014).
Massachusetts Heating and Cooling: Opportunities and Impacts Study, prepared by
Meister Consultants Group for the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and the
Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (March 2012).
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Solar water heat, solar space heat, geothermal electric, solar thermal
electric, solar thermal process heat, geothermal heat pumps
RPS Classification: Renewable solar thermal technologies count towards the RPS as renewable
resources. Geothermal energy systems providing heated water to one or more customers are
classified as an energy efficiency measure.
REC Creation: Solar thermal energy systems are credited with 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity for
each 3,412 British thermal units of heat generated.
The energy, measured in BTUs, generated by a geothermal energy system providing heated
water to one or more customers must be calculated as (F x T) x 500, less the system losses as
calculated by a professional engineer and accepted by the Administrator, where “F” equals the
flow rate, measured in gallons per minute; and “T” equals the change in temperature across a
heat exchanger or system, measured by the difference in temperature of the incoming fluid in
degrees Fahrenheit and the temperature of the outgoing fluid in degrees Fahrenheit after it has
passed through the heat exchanger or system. For heat exchangers used by end-use customers,
it is assumed that no system losses occur, and no calculation of system losses by a professional
engineer is required.
Metering & Monitoring: Solar water heating systems that are not rated by the SRCC must use a
thermal energy meter. For solar water heating systems with an SRCC rating of 34 million BTUS
or more, a thermal energy meter is required. For a solar water heating system that has an SRCC
rating of less than 34 million BTUs, the annual performance estimates of the SRCC for the solar
water heating system may be used.
A solar thermal system that is used for a purpose other than as a solar water heating system
qualifies as a renewable energy system only if the Commission determines that the provider
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 14
can adequately measure or estimate the number of equivalent kWh attributable to the solar
thermal system.
NV-PUC and
Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 704.7801-704.7828, Portfolio Standard
Nevada Administrative Code (NAC) 704.8831-704.8937, Portfolio Standard
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Solar thermal, geothermal (ground source heat pumps), and thermal
biomass renewable energy technologies.
RPS Classification: New Hampshire is the first and only state to require that a portion of its RPS
come from thermal energy (2 percent by 2023 and thereafter). The New Hampshire RPS
includes a Class I sub-class for useful thermal energy. Since 2014, providers of electricity have
been required to meet the Class I thermal RPS obligation.
REC Creation: Thermal RECs are calculated based on the measured thermal output and
converted assuming that 3,412,000 BTUs equals one megawatt-hour of electricity.
Metering & Monitoring: Systems larger than 150,000 BTUs/hr are required to install thermal
meters. Systems smaller than 150,000 BTUs/hr can either install thermal meters or meters to
measure a parameter that can be used to calculate the thermal output such operating hours or
fuel input.
Legislative activity: Legislation requiring the creation of a renewable thermal RPS sub-class was
passed in July 2012 with subsequent amendments. The New Hampshire Public Utilities
Commission finalized the rulemaking in December 2014, but RECs were issued retroactively
back to January 1, 2014. Order No. 25,978 (1/17/2017) reduced the Thermal Class I obligation
from 1.3 percent to 0.6 percent.
A detailed case study of thermal technologies in the New Hampshire RPS is included as chapter three in Jenny
Heeter et al., Case Studies of RPS Best Practices: Solar Carve-Outs, SREC Tracking, and Thermal Inclusion
(Montpelier: Clean Energy States Alliance, 2018),
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 15
NH PUC RPS Class I Thermal Renewable Energy Certificate Program
PUC 2500 Electric Renewable Portfolio Standard
Metering and Measurement of Thermal Energy Draft Report (Antares Group for the
New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission, September 2013)
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Solar thermal, and waste heat derived from a renewable energy resource
(biomass, including poultry waste) and used to produce useful, measurable thermal energy at a
retail electric customer's facility.
RPS Classification: Solar thermal is included in the solar-specific target.
REC Creation: Renewable energy certificates shall be earned based on one certificate for every
3,412,000 BTUs of useful thermal energy produced.
Metering & Monitoring: The useful thermal energy may be measured by meter, or if that is not
practicable, by other industry-accepted means that show what measurable amount of useful
thermal energy the system or facility is designed and operated to produce and use. Meter
devices, if used, shall be located so as to measure the actual thermal energy consumed by the
load served by the facility.
NC Code 62-133.8 Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS)
NC Code, Chapter 8, Electric Light and Power, Pages 88-102
North Carolina Utilities Commission Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Portfolio
Standard webpage
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 16
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Biomass electric facilities that generate useful thermal energy as a
RPS Classification: “Thermal Renewable Energy Certificates” (T-RECs) are treated as a sub-
category of RECs.
REC Creation: “Thermal Renewable Energy Certificate” (T-REC) means a REC created in
association with the generation of 3,412,000 British thermal units of qualifying thermal energy,
which is equivalent to one REC created in association with the generation of one megawatt
hour of Qualifying Electricity.
Metering & Monitoring: Meters measuring thermal output are required for large facilities (those
that can produce at least one T-REC 3,412,000 BTUs of qualifying thermal energy per hour).
Small systems (generating less than one T-REC per hour) must also meter delivered qualifying
thermal energy. However, certain directly measured parameters with low variance may be
evaluated on an annual basis and used as a constant in the calculation methodology.
For complete details on Oregon’s metering and monitoring requirements for thermal energy,
see pages 6-8:
Legislative activity: In 2016, SB 1547 added thermal energy as an eligible resource. The Oregon
Department of Energy filed their final rules incorporating thermal energy into the RPS in
December 2017.
Oregon Department of Energy’s RPS webpage:
OAR 330-160-0080: Thermal Energy from the Generation of Electricity Using Biomass
Draft Rules for Thermal Renewable Energy Certificates (R-RECs) Companion Issues
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Solar hot water. Other renewable thermal technologies might be
considered for inclusion on a case-by-case basis.
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 17
RPS Classification: Solar thermal technologies that do not produce electricity (e.g., domestic
solar water heaters) are considered Tier II demand-side management resources. A solar hot
water system will qualify for Tier II Energy Efficiency Credits provided that the system has
replaced an electric hot water system for which the electricity savings would need to be proven
in kilowatt-hours, not BTU output. Please note that these credits are not the same as Solar
Photovoltaic credits that are qualified as a separate Tier.
REC Creation: RECs for renewable thermal are assigned based on the electricity displaced. 1 REC
= 1 MWh of electricity generated or displaced.
Metering & Monitoring: Solar hot water systems must have a meter demonstrating energy
Legislative activity: In October 2016, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission voted to
implement modified regulations related to the AEPS Act of 2004, including defining the term
"useful thermal energy" to mean thermal energy created from the production of electricity.
This technology and fuel neutral definition of useful thermal energy essentially allows CHP
facilities to qualify as a Tier II resource, however, this definition expressively prohibits
combined-cycle electric generation facilities from being considered as an eligible resource.
PA Code Chapter 75, Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards
Pennsylvania Alternative Energy Portfolio Standard Program website
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: Solar hot water, geothermal heat pumps, and landfill gas.
RPS Classification: Solar hot water and geothermal heat pumps are classified as generation
offset technologies.
REC Creation: Solar hot water and geothermal heat pumps earn REC offsets based on the
average annual MWh output of the system they are replacing.
For a municipally owned utility operating a gas distribution system, any production or
acquisition of landfill gas that is directly supplied to the gas distribution system is eligible to
produce RECs based upon the conversion of the thermal energy in BTUs to electric energy in
kWh using as the conversion factor the system wide average heat rate of the gas-fired units of
the combined utility's electric system as measured in BTUs per kWh.
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 18
Metering & Monitoring: Customer-owned eligible renewable energy generating units with a
rated capacity of less than 1MW operating on the customer’s side of the utility meter may
report generation based on metered or estimated output. For all other generating units, the
output of the facility must be readily capable of being physically metered and verified in Texas
by the program administrator.
Texas Code 25.173, Goal for Renewable Energy
RPS Type: Voluntary
Eligible Technologies: Solar thermal and geothermal.
RPS Classification: There are no tiers in Utah’s program of voluntary renewable energy goals.
Renewable thermal technologies are classified as renewable energy sources, but are
categorized separately from electricity-generating sources.
REC Creation: REC value is determined by the equivalent kilowatt-hours saved, except to the
extent the commission determines otherwise with respect to net-metered energy.
Metering & Monitoring: Utah does not engage in the inspection or awarding of REC values. The
Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS), which tracks RECs in
Utah, allows small, customer-sited distributed generating units to self-report generation data.
Utah Code Chapter 17, Energy Resource Procurement Act
WREGIS Operating Rules
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: All renewable thermal technologies are eligible.
RPS Classification: Eligible thermal technologies are classified as Tier 3 “energy transformation”
technologies, defined as measures that produce energy-related goods and services and result in
a net reduction in fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, but do not generate
electricity. Examples include cold-climate heat pumps, weatherization, and wood pellet boilers.
Law requires utilities to hold Tier 3 RECs, which are not tradable. Distributed biomass projects
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 19
count towards Tier 2 (distributed generation requirement) if they produce combined heat and
REC Creation: For Tier 3, RECs are created as MWh equivalents of displaced fossil fuels. A
technical advisory group determines how much fossil fuel is displaced by eligible technologies
and converts the displaced fossil fuel to a MWh equivalent based on the utility’s individual mix
of power supply resources. Utilities can also submit savings claims outside of the technical
advisory group process, but they run the risk of the Vermont Public Utility Commission not
accepting the claims. Thus, the utilities are generally deploying technologies that have agreed-
on savings values. If an energy transformation project is funded by both a distribution utility
and the state’s efficiency utility, the Commission allows credits to be shared between the two.
Metering & Monitoring: There is no metering requirement for renewable thermal systems.
Monitoring and verification are performed annually through audits of utility claims and
empirical studies of measured savings.
Legislative activity: In June 2015, Vermont H.40 established a mandatory renewable portfolio
standard. The first compliance year was 2017. Prior to H.40, Vermont’s voluntary renewable
goal did not allow thermal systems to earn RECs.
Vermont Statutes, Title 30: Public Service, Chapter 89: Renewable Energy Programs
State of Vermont Public Utility Commission Renewable Energy Standard
RPS Type: Mandatory
Eligible Technologies: All categories of renewable thermal technologies are eligible.
RPS Classification: Renewable thermal technologies count towards the RPS as non-electric
resources to the extent they displace electricity from conventional resources.
REC Creation: Under the RPS, electricity providers, or customers who own displacement facilities,
may create and sell or transfer both Renewable Resource Credits (RRCs) and Renewable Energy
Certificates (RECs). An RRC is defined as either 1) a REC that exceeds a utility's minimum
requirements or 2) a certificate representing one MWh of displaced conventional electricity. To
create a RRC, displaced electricity must be multiplied by a displacement percentage that
represents only the portion of electricity from conventional resources. The displacement
percentage is determined by the Public Service Commission (PSC) on an annual basis per
administrative code. Details at
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 20
Metering & Monitoring: Metering is required for utility-owned systems. For customer-owned
systems, estimating the amount of displaced electricity is allowed through methods approved
by the PSC.
Chapter PSC 118, Renewable Resource Credit Tracking Program
Wisconsin State Legislature 196.378 Renewable Resources
Sources for More Information
Renewable Thermal Technologies in the Massachusetts APS
Clean Energy States Alliance, January 2018
Since 2014, the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) has been working on
designing rules and regulations for including renewable thermal technologies in the Alternative
Portfolio Standard (APS). This webinar featured a presentation on the draft regulations by
Samantha Meserve, Renewable Thermal Program Coordinator at DOER.
State Leadership in Clean Energy: Award-Winning Programs in New Hampshire and Rhode
Clean Energy States Alliance, July 2016
This webinar highlighted two winning programs from CESA’s 2016 State Leadership in Clean
Energy Awards, including New Hampshire’s Useful Thermal Energy Certificate (T-REC) Program.
Elizabeth Nixon and Barbara Bernstein from the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission
Sustainable Energy Division presented.
State of the States Biomass Thermal Policy Incentives on the State Level
Biomass Thermal Energy Council Webinar, August 2014
This webinar provides an overview of state-supported biomass thermal incentives and rebates
across the country, including renewable portfolio standards. Guest speaker John Ackerly from
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 21
the Alliance for Green Heat discussed residential incentives; Adam Sherman from the Biomass
Energy Resource Center discussed commercial incentives; and Ellen Burkhard and Ryan Moore
from NYSERDA discussed a new renewable heat program in New York State.
Massachusetts Renewable Thermal Opportunities and Impacts
Clean Energy States Alliance, May 2012
The webinar reported on the findings of the "Massachusetts Renewable Heating and Cooling:
Opportunities and Impacts Study." Guest speakers were Bram Claeys, Renewable Energy Policy
Director, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources; Christie Howe, Project Manager,
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center; and Neil Veilleux, Senior Consultant, Meister Consultants
Solar Thermal Trends, Performance-Based Incentives, and RPS
Clean Energy States Alliance Webinar, March 2012
This webinar featured three presentations looking at solar thermal from different vantage
points. Les Nelson of the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials summar-
ized market and costs trends for solar thermal technologies. James Critchfield discussed U.S.
EPA’s initiative to work with stakeholders to create a U.S. Heat Meter Standard, which will set
requirements for the instrumentation and application of equipment used to measure the
energy generation of thermal energy systems. Sam Watson of the North Carolina Utilities
Commission described his state’s experiences with including solar thermal in its RPS and
discussed lessons learned.
Case Studies of RPS Best Practices: Solar Carve-Outs, SREC Tracking, and Thermal Inclusion
Clean Energy States Alliance, July 2018
This report’s third chapter, written by Val Stori, is a detailed case study of thermal technologies
in the New Hampshire RPS. It traces the history of the state’s thermal RPS provisions, describes
the results, and identifies the program’s strengths and limitations.
A Summary Guide to Wood Biomass Heating Programs of CESA Members
Clean Energy States Alliance, March 2016
Renewable Thermal in State Renewable Portfolio Standards 22
This document surveys current and planned activities of CESA member states that are focused
on the deployment of modern, high-efficiency, wood heating systems.
Portfolio Standards and the Promotion of Combined Heat and Power
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Combined Heat and Power Partnership, March 2016
This publication contains a comprehensive overview of the incorporation of CHP into RPS
programs around the country.
Solar Heating and Cooling Best Practices in State Policies to Support Commercial and
Industrial Market Development
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, December 2012
This paper reviews policies and implementation programs that support commercial and
industrial applications of solar heating and cooling technologies. For information on eligibility
within the state clean energy standards, see pages 3-8.
The Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE)
The DSIRE website contains extensive information about state renewable energy policies and
incentives, including RPSs. DSIRE is run by the NC Clean Energy Technology Center.
The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) is a national, non-
prot coalition of public agencies and organizations working
together to advance clean energy. CESA members—mostly
state agencies—include many of the most innovative, success-
ful, and inuential public funders of clean energy initiatives
in the country.
CESA works with state leaders, federal agencies, industry
representatives, and other stakeholders to develop and
promote clean energy technologies and markets. It supports
eective state and local policies, programs, and innovation
in the clean energy sector, with an emphasis on renewable
energy, power generation, nancing strategies, and eco-
nomic development. CESA facilitates information sharing,
provides technical assistance, coordinates multi-state
collaborative projects, and communicates the views
and achievements of its members.
Clean Energy States Alliance
50 State Street, Suite 1
Montpelier, VT 05602
© 2018 Clean Energy States Alliance