FAQ Erasmus Sport
1. How can I reach the Erasmus Sport Center?
The Erasmus Sport Center is situated on the campus of the Erasmus University Rotterdam,
located at Burgemeester Oudlaan 50. For the accessibility of the campus and information about
parking, please visit https://www.eur.nl/contact
2. How can I activate my Erasmus Sport app account?
The Erasmus Sport app is managed by our fitness instructors. To activate your account you can
send an email to fitness@erasmussport.nl or contact one of the fitness instructors. You can also
contact them for other questions regarding the app.
3. What are the opening hours of the Erasmus Sport Center?
The opening hours of the Erasmus Sport Center and the fitness can be found here:
4. On which days is the Erasmus Sport Center closed?
The Erasmus Sport Center is open 7 days a week, with the exception of public holidays and the
Christmas holidays. For current opening hours and national holidays, check our website:
In addition, we use a summer schedule during the summer holiday, in which we are open 7 days
a week, but with more limited opening times and other lessons.
5. What should I do when I lose my Erasmus Sport pass?
When you lose your Erasmus Sport pass or if this pass has been stolen, you should report this as
soon as possible. This can be done at our service desk or by email: info@erasmussport.nl
If the lost or stolen Erasmus Sport pass is used by someone else in the meantime this will be
seen as abuse and we will have to take the Erasmus Sport pass (also see our general terms and
After reporting your missing pass, we can duplicate your Erasmus Sport pass at our service desk.
For this you pay €2,50 administration cost and another €5,00 deposit for your new pass. With
the creation of such a duplicate, the deposit on your old sport pass expires. This means that
when you find your lost pass, you can’t claim this deposit anymore. When your sport pass gets
stolen and you report this to the police, you will only pay the new deposit for the pass. We will
not charge the administrative costs if you show proof of the police report.
6. Where can I go when I have lost something at Erasmus Sport?
The found objects (clothing, shoes, etc.) are stored in a large cart near the squash courts. Found
cards, jewelry, electronics and such are stored at the service desk. If the found objects are not
claimed within two weeks, we bring them to the front office of the University Support Centre:
Partners & sports clubs
7. Are there collaborations between Erasmus Sport and other sports facilities?
Yes! With your Erasmus Sport pass you can visit many of our sport partners in Rotterdam and
surroundings, which offer discounts or free use of what they offer. For an overview of all our
partners you can visit http://erasmussport.nl/prices/ and scroll down a bit.
8. How do I become a member of one of the clubs?
If you want to join one of our student sport clubs, you can directly contact the club you want to
join. You can find an overview of all our sports clubs here: http://erasmussport.nl/clubs/. To visit
the website of one of these clubs you can click the logo on the right. The contact information
can be found on the websites of the clubs.
9. How much extra do I have to pay when I want to become a member of a club?
Each club uses different rates, so the amount you have to pay extra differs per club. To get this
question answered, it is best to contact the club directly. You can find an overview of all our
sports clubs here: http://erasmussport.nl/clubs/.
You do need a sport pass for most clubs. You can contact the relevant club to find out what
agreements they have about this.
10. What does Erasmus Sport offer?
Almost too much to mention! We offer daily group lessons, fitness and sport opportunities
without guidance. Furthermore, we offer various courses (which sometimes require additional
payment) and we have 23 sport clubs each offering their own program. With your Erasmus
Sport pass you can also visit many of our sport partners in Rotterdam, which offer discounts.
For more information about what Erasmus Sport has to offer, visit the links below:
11. Where can I find dates for open days of sports clubs when I am interested in becoming a
You can contact the relevant club for this. You can find an overview of all clubs via
12. Are there lockers available at Erasmus Sport where I can put my stuff in?
Yes, there are lockers and these lockers can be used free of charge. To start using one of the
lockers you enter a four-digit code, after which you will be assigned a locker. After completing
your workout, you can use the combination of your own chosen code and the safe number to
remove your belongings from the save. Lockers are emptied out every night, so you cannot
store your belongings in a locker overnight.
Please note: The lockers are quite large and should be large enough for a normal sized sports
bag, but there is a possibility that larger objects (such as umbrellas or large suitcases) don’t fit
inside the lockers.
13. Do we have a swimming pool at our facilities?
No, unfortunately we do not have a swimming pool. However, you can swim with a discount at
the swimming pool “Oostelijk Zwembad” after showing your student pass. For more information
you can check their website: https://oostelijkzwembad.nl
14. How do I reserve a squash court?
Two valid sport passes or day passes are required to reserve a squash court. Reservations can
only be made on the day itself at the service desk. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make
reservations online or by phone. The squash court can only be reserved for 30 minutes. So after
30 minutes there is a possibility that you have to leave your court because someone else made a
reservation on the same court. If this is the case you can make a new, connecting, reservation
for another court at the service desk. Reserving a squash court is free of charge. Squash rackets
can be rented at the service desk for €2,50 per racket and squash balls can be bought at the
service desk for €4,00.
Beware: On Tuesday and Thursday evenings it can be very busy on the squash courts, because
on those evenings our squash club ‘Tick in de Nick’ is active. So especially on those evenings it is
advisable to come by the service desk earlier that day to make a reservation.
15. How do I reserve a tennis court?
Two valid sport passes or day passes are required to reserve a tennis court. Reservations can
only be made on the day itself at the service desk. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make
reservations online or by phone. The tennis court can only be reserved for 45 minutes. So after
45 minutes there is a possibility that you have to leave your court because someone else made a
reservation on the same court. If this is the case you can make a new, connecting, reservation
for another court at the service desk. Reserving a tennis court is free of charge. Rackets can be
rented at the service desk for €2,50 per racket and balls can be bought at the service desk for
7,00 per set of four balls.
16. Is it possible to reserve a sports hall or training room at Erasmus Sport?
Yes, this is possible. With a valid sport pass, you can reserve a sports hall or training room, when
available, in the weekend (1-hour reservation) for free. This can be done by sending an email to
info@erasmussport.nl starting from the Wednesday afternoon (12 PM) before. This email
should contain the sport for which you want to reserve the room, the day and time you want to
reserve the room and a telephone number where we can reach you if necessary. Everyone who
wants to participate at the reserved time must be in possession of a valid sports pass or
purchase a day pass at the service desk.
For reservations during the week or for longer reservations during the weekend, a fee will be
charged. To make these reservations you can also email us at info@erasmussport.nl and we will
respond as soon as possible.
17. Is it possible to shower at Erasmus Sport?
Yes. After exercising, you can take a shower in one of our changing rooms. Some of these
showers can be found in lockable cabins, so you have enough privacy.
18. Can I borrow sports equipment at the Erasmus Sport Center?
For all the groups lessons you can use the necessary materials free of charge. In addition, there
are various materials that can be borrowed (including basketballs, dodge balls and indoor
footballs), rented (squash rackets, tennis rackets) or bought (squash balls, tennis balls, towels)
at our service desk. If you are unsure whether you can borrow, rent of buy certain materials
from us, you can always call us on 010-4081875 or send an email to info@erasmussport.nl.
19. Should I take my own sport materials to take part in one of the sports?
If you want to take your own materials this is no problem, but this is not necessary. For all the
group lessons you can use the necessary materials free of charge. If you are unsure whether you
can borrow, rent of buy certain materials from us, you can always call us 010-4081875 or send
an email to info@erasmussport.nl.
Sport Classes
20. Does Erasmus Sport offer trial lessons?
Yes, we do. At our service desk you can buy a day pass for €6,00. With this pass you can
participate in one or more group lessons or practice another sport on that day. If you want to
(also) use the fitness facilities that day, you will pay an extra fee of €3,00. To try a training of a
club, you need to contact that club.
21. Do I need to apply if I want to take part in one of the group lessons?
Power Pump and Xcore are the only group lessons for which you have to apply. To do so you
need to get a ticket at our service desk. These tickets are available the day of the lesson, until
the lesson starts. In total there are a limited places available for Power Pump and Xcore and
full=full. For all the other group lessons you just make sure to be in the right training hall on
time, to participate in the lesson.
22. Where can I find if classes get cancelled?
Of course we try to prevent lessons from getting cancelled as much as possible. Occasionally it
can happen that no substitute is available in the absence of a teacher. In these cases we will
always report this as soon as possible via http://erasmussport.nl/roosters-and-
Membership & Prices
23. Can I buy a sport pass for a period shorter than a year?
Yes, you can also purchase a sport pass for the period of 1, 3 or 6 months. Check
http://erasmussport.nl/prices/ for the prices of these different passes.
24. How long is my Erasmus Sport pass valid for?
All passes for the fixed periods of 1, 3, 6 or 12 months start on the day of the purchase. So if you
buy a sport pass for 1 year on December 7th 2018, this pass will be valid until December 6th,
Our promotional passes are valid for a predetermined period of time, for example up to and
including the 31st of August. When you scan your pass at the entrance gate next to our service
desk, the screen will always show the expiration date.
25. Is it possible to pay in instalments?
No, this is not possible. The full amount must be paid at once.
26. Is it possible to prematurely terminate my Erasmus Sport pass?
No, this is not possible. Our sport passes cannot be terminated, which is why we can offer such
good deals with such an extensive program.
27. Is there a possibility to buy an Erasmus Sport pass only for fitness?
No, this is not possible. For access to the fitness you pay an additional fee (see
www.erasmussport.nl/tarieven), which can be bought on top of the basic sport pass.
28. Is there a special deal for EUR employees?
EUR employees can buy a sport pass for same rates as EUR students. For the prices of these
passes you can check: http://erasmussport.nl/prices/ for an overview of the different rates.
During the promotional periods in January and September, it is possible that employees will
receive an even more favourable rate than for students. To be informed about this, always keep
an eye on our website and social media!
29. Is there a special deal for students who stay in Rotterdam for a period shorter than a year?
Each September and January we have special promotions, where we offer the Erasmus Sport
pass at a discount. In September we also offer special passes for a shorter period of time for
members of the ESN (Erasmus Student Network: https://esn-rotterdam.nl/). Are you a member
of ESN, ask them about the specifications. Outside the promotional periods we do not have
special offers for students who stay in Rotterdam for less than a year, although a sport pass can
be purchased for shorter periods of time. For the prices of these passes you can check:
30. What do I pay when I want to work out at Erasmus Sport?
The price list for the different kind of sport passes can be found here:
In addition, we always have special offers in September and January. In these months we have
special discounts. We will always communicate these discounts via our website and our social
31. Which methods of payment do we accept?
At our service desk you can pay for your sport pass with cash, debit card (Maestro and V Pay)
and credit card (MasterCard and VISA). In our webshop you can pay with iDeal and credit card.
At the Erasmus Sport Café you can pay with cash or debit card (Maestro and V Pay).
32. Will my sport pass be renewed automatically?
No, we do not automatically renew your sport pass. If you want to extend your sport pass, you
can do this yourself via our webshop or at our service desk. When you extend your sport pass
you have to again pay the full amount at once.