Reporting Statistical Results in Text and in Graphs
The Office of Evaluation Sciences reports evaluation results in the form of abstracts published on
its website. Most evaluations are done via randomized controlled trials (RCTs), and results
typically are presented for a linear regression model estimated with ordinary least squares (OLS)
where one of the regression model’s parameters represents the effect of a treatment or
intervention. This document describes OES’s preferred method of reporting these estimates, 95%
confidence intervals, and p
When to Apply This Guidance
When reporting treatment effects and statistical inferences, OES has a preferred style for
reporting results in text and for graphical presentation. These guidelines apply both for project
abstracts (published on the OES website) and for slide presentations. This guidance pertains most
directly to results from RCTs, and observational quasi-experimental designs (QEDs) may require
alternative ways of presenting results.
Required Elements in Text
One treatment condition and a control condition
For reporting the treatment effect estimate from a linear regression, required elements to include
in text are:
The observed mean (proportion for binary responses) for the control group
The point estimate of the regression coefficient (expressed in percentage points for binary
responses). Depending on the research design and statistical model, this may be a
covariate-adjusted estimate.
The 95% confidence interval for the regression coefficient
The p
-value, rounded to 2 or 3 decimal places as appropriate. Report the actual p
not just whether it falls below a threshold.
If multiple comparisons adjustment is used for p
-values, report the un
adjusted values in
text and note the adjusted values in a footnote (read more about OES guidance on multiple
These values help to convey to an audience both the statistical
and practical
significance of
treatment effects — with the former captured by p
-values and the latter captured by point
estimates and confidence intervals.
Here’s an example, from a fictional project that assessed the effect of letters on applications for a
benefit (required elements are highlighted in bold):
Update September 2020
Of individuals who received a letter, 6.00 percent applied for benefits in the nine months
after the letters were sent out, compared with 0.96 percent of individuals who did not
receive a letter. After adjusting for age, socioeconomic status, and other factors that might
influence whether an individual applies for benefits, we estimated that letters resulted in
an increase of 5.09 percentage points (p
=.000, 95% CI [5.02, 5.17]).
Note two things about how the treatment effect is described in this example. First, the text makes
clear that the estimated treatment effect (an increase of 5.09 percentage points) is not just the
difference between the observed means in the two experimental groups but rather is adjusted for
covariates included in the statistical model. Second, the text is clear that this treatment effect on a
binary outcome is measured in percentage points (as opposed to “an increase of 5.09 percent”).
Effects on binary outcomes should be described in percentage points. If it is also useful to describe
the effect in relative terms as a percentage of the baseline outcome (“a 530% increase”), then this
can be done too, but should be done in addition to, not instead of, an estimate in percentage
Multiple treatment conditions and a control condition
Many evaluations include two or more treatment conditions. When this is the case, the preferred
elements to include in text are:
The observed mean (proportion for binary responses) for the control group
The point estimate (regression coefficient) for the treatment effect for each treatment
group, relative to the control/reference group. Depending on the research design and
statistical model, these may be covariate-adjusted treatment effects.
The 95% confidence intervals for these point estimates
The p
-values for these treatment effects, rounded to 2 or 3 decimal places as appropriate.
Report the actual p
-values, not just whether they fall below a threshold.
If adjusting p
-values for multiple comparisons, report the un
adjusted values in text and
note the adjusted values in a footnote (read more about OES guidance on multiple
Depending on the research questions and comparisons specified in the analysis plan, differences
among the treatment arms may be relevant. In each case, the (potentially covariate-adjusted)
difference should be reported as described above (point estimate of the difference, 95% CI, and
actual p
Predicted means for the treatment arms may also be explicitly reported if relevant, but this is
optional (these are likely depicted graphically; see guidance on figures below).
Here’s an example from project 1738, which evaluated the effect of postcard reminders to seniors
on vaccine uptake. The trial involved a stepped-wedge design where timing of receiving postcards
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was varied for those assigned to treatment for a total of three treatment arms and one control
group. The results were summarized in text as follows:
Individuals in the control group received 8.58 percent of recommended vaccinations
during the study period. Results indicated that, compared to the control group, individuals
in the October group showed an increase of 0.27 percentage points (p
= .002, CI [0.12,
0.42]), and individuals in the November group showed an increase of 0.15 percentage
points (p
= .13, CI [0.00, 0.30]).
In this particular example, the estimated treatment effect was statistically significant for only one
of the treatment arms. When this is the case, it may be useful to highlight this in-text. For example:
“The treatment effect was statistically significant only for the October group.”
Required Elements in Figures
In addition to reporting results in-text, it is helpful to present results graphically. This gives
readers a frame of reference for interpreting the magnitude of causal effects relative to the
baseline response.
One treatment condition and a control condition
When there is one treatment condition, required elements for graphical presentation are:
Figure should be in the form of a bar plot where the y-axis starts at zero;
Report the observed
mean for the control group with a blue bar;
Report the (potentially covariate-adjusted) predicted
mean for the treatment group in
yellow (control mean + treatment effect);
Include 95% confidence intervals for those means. For the control group, the 95%
confidence interval is based on the standard error of the mean. For the treatment group,
the 95% confidence interval is based on the standard error of the treatment effect
In a footnote, explain (1) that the treatment group estimate is based on our estimate of the
treatment effect and covariate adjusted (if applicable); (2) that the error bars represent
95% confidence intervals; and (3) that the confidence interval for the treatment condition
reflects uncertainty in our treatment effect estimate and covariate adjustment (if
applicable). The last point is important to make clear that the confidence intervals for the
two groups are calculated in different ways and represent different sources of uncertainty;
Here is an example to be adapted as appropriate: “The estimate for the email group
is based on our estimate of the treatment effect after adjusting for age,
race/ethnicity, and other covariates. Error bars represent 95% confidence
intervals, and the confidence interval for the email group reflects statistical
This example has been edited for clarity.
For more on what to report when using blocking, see OES guidance on block randomization.
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uncertainty in our estimate of the treatment effect after adjustment for
Optional markers of statistical significance (e.g., an asterisk), with a legend indicating the
-value threshold for statistical significance;
A horizontal line denoting the observed mean for the control condition is strongly
recommended in most cases, but not necessary;
Include a y-axis label indicating the scale and type of response (e.g., “proportion
Figure 1: Example figure using “dummy” data.
Figure 1 shows an example using some simulated data. It includes the observed mean of the
control group (blue) and the predicted mean of the treatment group (yellow). It also includes 95%
confidence intervals and further includes a horizontal line at the level of the control mean to
clarify that the significance of the treatment effect is evaluated with respect to the response
under treatment relative to the mean under control. The y-axis further begins at zero, and the
y-axis label notes that the intervals shown are 95% confidence intervals.
Multiple treatment conditions and a control condition
When there are two or more treatment conditions:
Figure should be in the form of a bar plot where the y-axis starts at zero;
Report the observed
mean for the control group with a blue bar;
Report the (potentially covariate-adjusted) predicted
means for the treatment groups in
yellow (control mean + treatment effect);
R code to produce this figure is included at the end of this document.
For more on what to report when using blocking, see OES guidance on block randomization.
Update September 2020
Include 95% confidence intervals for those means. For the control group, the 95%
confidence interval is based on the standard error of the mean. For the treatment groups,
the 95% confidence intervals are based on the standard error of the treatment effect
In a footnote, explain (1) that the treatment group estimates are based on our estimates of
the treatment effects per treatment arm and covariate adjusted (if applicable); (2) that the
error bars represent 95% confidence intervals; and (3) that the confidence interval for
each treatment condition reflects uncertainty in our treatment effect estimate and
covariate adjustment (if applicable). The last point is important to make clear that the
confidence intervals for the two groups are calculated in different ways and represent
different sources of uncertainty;
Here is an example to be adapted as appropriate: “The predicted means for the
information-only email group and the risk-framing email group are based on our
estimates of the treatment effects after adjusting for age, race/ethnicity, and other
covariates. Error bars represent 95% confidence intervals, and the confidence
interval for each email group reflects statistical uncertainty in our estimate of the
treatment effect after adjustment for covariates.”
Optional markers of statistical significance (e.g., an asterisk), with a legend indicating the
-value threshold for statistical significance;
A horizontal line denoting the observed mean for the control condition is strongly
recommended in most cases, but not necessary;
Include a y-axis label indicating the scale and type of response (e.g., “proportion
Figure 2: Example figure using “dummy”
R code to produce this figure is included at the end of this document.
Update September 2020
Figure 2 provides an example using simulated data. This figure contains all of the recommended
elements: a bar plot starting at zero on the y-axis, the control group mean, the predicted
treatment means, and 95% confidence intervals.
Code Appendix
Sample code is provided in both R and Stata:
R Code
The below code was used to generate Figures 2 and 4. The source code for the oes_plot(...)
function can be found here (this link might not be accessible from outside OES). To use the code,
just click “Raw” to view the raw script file and then copy and paste the URL where the placeholder
URL is below.
# pull oes_plot function from source code
gitHub.url <- "https://Place.Holder…"
# load and attach estimatr library
# df : a data frame of simulated data
# x1 : binary indicator for treatment assignment (two arms)
# x2 : factor indicating assignment to multi-arm treatment (four
# y1 : response for binary treatment
# y2 : response for multi-arm treatment
# fit models
fit1 <- lm_robust(y1 ~ x1, df)
fit2 <- lm_robust(y2 ~ x2, df)
# plot results for each (figures 2 and 4 in document)
oes_plot(fit1,treatment_arms = 1,title = "Outcomes")
oes_plot(fit2,treatment_arms = 3,title = "Outcomes")
Stata Code
The below code was used to generate Figure 4. The source code for the oes_plot_stata
program can be found here (this link might not be accessible from outside OES). To run a program
in Stata, you can save the GitHub file locally (either pull the file from GitHub or copy and paste it
Update September 2020
into a local do file). Then load the program as per the “configure program” line below and run it
with any arguments specific to your dataset.
/*Note that to maintain consistency, this example code uses the
simulated dataset referenced in the R code but renames x2 ->
treatment and y2 -> y given that the Stata code does not
differentiate between datasets with one or more treatments.*/
//generate dummies for each treatment group
forval i = 0/3 {
gen treat_`i' = (treatment == `i')
//run specification from which to estimate core treatment effects
reg y treat_1 treat_2 treat_3, vce(hc2)
//capture standard errors
forval i = 1/3 {
local treat_`i'_se = _se[treat_`i']
//capture p-values
forval i = 1/3 {
lincom _b[treat_`i']
local p_`i' = (2 * ttail(e(df_r), abs(r(estimate)/r(se))))
//graph arguments
local ytitle = "Response" // y axis label
local alpha_level = .05 // pvalue cutoff
local ymin = 0 //minimum y axis value (strongly recommend starting at
local ymax = .15 //maximum y axis value
local ygap = .05 //gap between each y axis tick mark
//configure program
do ".../GitHub/code_library/data_visualization/"
//run figure - Note: arguments should always appear in the order they
are listed in the program
oes_plot_stata "`ytitle'" "`alpha_level'" "`ymin'" "`ymax'" "`ygap'"
"`p_1'" "`treat_1_se'" "`p_2'" "`treat_2_se'" "`p_3'" "`treat_3_se'"
//export your graph locally!
Update September 2020