Volunteer Fire Infrastructure &
Response Equipment (V-FIRE)
Grant Program
Request For Applications (RFA)
Application Deadline: April 30, 2024, by 5:00 PM
To ensure adequate time to respond, substantive written questions regarding this Request for
Applications will be accepted until April 23, 2024, by 12:00 Noon
Technical Assistance for E-Grants will not be available after 5:00 PM on April 30, 2024
Table of Contents
I. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
II. Eligibility and Nonprofit Prequalification .............................................................................................. 3
III. SFY2023-2024 Volunteer Fire Infrastucture & Response Equipment Grant Program Objectives ...... 5
IV. Authorized Program Expenditures ...................................................................................................... 6
A. Permissible Costs .......................................................................................................................... 6
B. Costs Not Permissible ................................................................................................................... 7
V. Consolidation of Resources and Municipal Shared Services Development ......................................... 8
VI. Application Format and Content ......................................................................................................... 8
A. Format........................................................................................................................................... 8
B. Required Application Content: ..................................................................................................... 9
VII. Application Evaluation Criteria ......................................................................................................... 12
VIII. Checklist of Required Documents .................................................................................................... 14
IX. Timeline.............................................................................................................................................. 14
X. Approval and Notification of Awards .................................................................................................. 14
XI. Administration of Grant Contracts..................................................................................................... 15
A. Issuing Agency………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………..15
B. Filing an Application .................................................................................................................... 15
C. Reservation of Rights .................................................................................................................. 16
D. Term of the Contract……………………….………..……………………………………………………………………….….17
E. Payment and Reporting Requirements of Grant Awardees ....................................................... 17
F. Satisfactory Progress ................................................................................................................... 21
G. General Specifications ................................................................................................................ 21
H. Special Conditions………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….22
XII. Questions ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Exhibit A: Best Practices for Preparing an Effective Grant Application…………………………………………...……..24
Exhibit B: For County Applications: Notice of Endorsement……………………………………….……………….……...25
Exhibit C: For Counties and Municipal Shared Services Applications: Local Volunteer Fire Department
Consent Form……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...….….26
I. Introduction
In May of 2023, New York State Governor Kathy Hochul, through her initiatives outlined in the FY2024
State Budget, has devoted $25,000,000 in State funding to support volunteer fire departments. To fortify
these efforts, the SFY2023-2024 Volunteer Fire Infrastructure & Response Equipment (V-FIRE) Grant
Program has been issued by the New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
(DHSES) to enhance the security and safety of the citizens of New York State by providing critical funding
to strengthen volunteer fire departments and districts.
The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to solicit eligible applications for up to $1,000,000 in
funding to support construction, renovation, or purchase costs of critical facilities (buildings, training
facilities, etc.) that support fire operations, or up to $500,000 in funding to support the purchase of
allowable fire service equipment to upgrade and improve their facilities and response capabilities. Funds
will be awarded competitively, based on the review of applications submitted.
The $25,000,000 available in State funding for this initiative will be divided into two tracks of eligible
projects to maximize the benefits of the program funds. Eligible applicants may only select ONE of the
following options for their grant applications:
Funding Option 1:
o Construction/Renovation/Facility Purchase Projects: A total of $20,000,000 in program
funds will be devoted to support Construction/Renovation/Facility Purchase projects and
is available to all eligible applicants. The funding amount per application may not exceed
$1,000,000 in projects requested under Funding Option 1.
Funding Option 2:
o Equipment Projects: A total of $5,000,000 in program funds will be devoted to support
allowable fire service equipment projects and is available to all eligible applicants. The
funding amount per application may not exceed $500,000 in projects requested under
Funding Option 2.
Should an eligible applicant submit for multiple projects within an application under one of the above
funding options, they are highly encouraged to prioritize their projects with the most pressing needs and
most significant capability gaps. DHSES reserves the right to adjust the allocation caps for either track of
funding to support the most critical needs of the fire service community based on the number and type
of applications received.
II. Eligibility
A. Eligibility
Only eligible entities that are located within the State of New York and serve one or more local
governments may apply. All applications must articulate how they meet the eligibility requirements
within their application.
1. Eligible organizations include:
Volunteer Fire Companies that are comprised of 100% volunteer firefighters, that are
responsible for providing fire protection services to one or more jurisdiction(s). These
entities are required to submit the signed contract agreement with the town or village they
are covering.
o Nonprofit Fire Companies are eligible to apply and are subject to Prequalification or
Prequalification Exempt status as identified below.
Municipalities Villages, Towns, Cities and Fire Districts responsible for providing fire
protection through a fire department comprised of 100% volunteer firefighter membership.
Counties and Municipal Shared Services Applications: Counties may only apply on behalf of
local volunteer fire departments that are comprised of 100% volunteer firefighter
membership, provided the applying county has a minimum of 60% documented approval
from the volunteer fire departments within the county that will directly benefit from the
requested project(s). Requests for grant funds under a county application must be for
shareable projects that will benefit and be accessible to the volunteer fire departments
represented in the application. The applying County must complete and submit the Local
Volunteer Fire Department Consent Form (Exhibit C), to include at least 60% sign-off from
the fire chiefs of agencies represented in the application.
Two or more municipalities may apply for shared projects that will benefit and be accessible
to two or more volunteer fire departments.
Examples of shareable projects include, but are not limited to, the following:
o Fire Training Center, training tower or other training facility
o Decontamination or gear-washing trailer
o SCBA fill station
2. Organizations that are not eligible for this Grant Program include:
Fire departments and/or fire companies whose volunteer membership is less than 100% of
their total workforce.
Statewide, local, or regional organizations.
Federal fire departments and fire departments under contract with the Federal Government
whose sole responsibility is fire protection on Federal property.
NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, to include Offices and units within
the Agency.
For-profit fire departments (i.e., do not have specific nonprofit status or do not support a
Applicants that have defaulted or are delinquent on a loan(s) as part of the Emergency
Services Revolving Loan Program are not eligible to apply.
B. Prequalification Requirements for Nonprofit Applicants
All nonprofit organizations are required to be prequalified or prequalified exempt prior to grant
application. Please review the following section carefully to verify what prequalification steps you must
complete to meet the prequalification requirements. Applications received from nonprofit applicants
that are not either prequalified or prequalified exempt on the application due date listed on the cover
of this RFA cannot be evaluated. Such applications will be disqualified from further consideration.
Please note that prequalification in the Grants Gateway will transition to the Statewide Financial
System (SFS) on January 16, 2024. Information regarding the transition can be found on the following
website: https://grantsmanagement.ny.gov/transition-SFS. Please be advised that the deadline for
submitting a prequalification application in the Grants Gateway has passed. If you are not currently
prequalified or prequalified exempt in the Grants Gateway, starting January 16, 2024, you will need to
register your organization and complete the prequalification process in SFS. For additional information,
please reference the Grants Management website: https://grantsmanagement.ny.gov/register-your-
Volunteer Firefighter Companies’ Prequalification Status
Organizations incorporated under Not-for-Profit Corporation Law § 1402 are NOT required to
prequalify but must either do so or provide documentation supporting their exemption for State
review and approval in order to (i) apply for grants offered by the State of New York, (ii) enter
into a contract with the State, (iii) amend an existing State contract, or (iv) make a purchase with
State funds. Information on requesting a prequalification exemption and the necessary forms
can be found on the Grants Management website on the Get Prequalified page. Applications
from volunteer firefighter companies that are not Prequalified and have not applied for and
received a prequalification exemption on the application due date listed on the cover of this RFA
cannot be evaluated. Such applications will be disqualified from further consideration.
The State reserves 7 to 10 days to process applications for prequalification and requests for exemption.
We recommend that you submit all such materials sufficiently in advance of the application due date to
ensure they will be reviewed and approved in time for your application to be considered.
III. SFY2023-2024 Volunteer Fire Infrastructure & Response Equipment
Grant Program Objectives
In recognition of the budgetary challenges faced by many fire protection agencies statewide, combined
with their need to upgrade facilities and equipment, this grant program seeks to support the purchase,
construction, or renovation of existing fire stations/facilities and/or purchase of allowable equipment.
Eligible organizations serving a single jurisdiction may apply, but the scoring of each application will
include an evaluation of the regional impact of proposed projects.
This grant program is intended to support volunteer fire departments to upgrade and improve their
facilities and response capabilities through the following primary objectives:
1. Ensure that Fire Stations and Fire Training Facilities within New York State are safe,
structurally sound, meet current building codes and regulations, and support or promote
effective and safe firefighting practices.
2. Support volunteer firefighter safety and health and wellness by providing adequate and up-
to-date equipment to include personal protective equipment (PPE), decontamination
equipment and supplies, and effective exhaust removal systems.
3. Support the consolidation of fire service resources through regionalization efforts to
expand above and beyond jurisdictional boundaries to further enhance local, county and
statewide response efforts.
IV. Authorized Program Expenditures
Permissible Costs
Applicants seeking funding through the SFY2023-2024 V-FIRE Grant Program may request funding through
one of the following options of allowable project types:
Funding Option 1:
o Construction of New Facilities This category includes both fire stations and training
facilities. There is a growing demand for new training facilities and existing training
structures are deteriorating rapidly due to the strain of overuse and age. In addition to
training facilities, it is often not cost effective to renovate an aging fire station. Costs of
station design and construction can overburden some agencies.
Permissible projects include, but are not limited to:
Fire Stations
o New construction
o Additions to existing structures
Fire Training facilities including training towers and buildings
Instructional classrooms and meeting spaces
Exhaust systems
Shower facilities for decontamination
Substations and Joint/Shared Stations
o New construction
o Additions to existing structures
o Renovation of Existing Facilities As facilities and infrastructure age, it is important to
maintain a safe and sophisticated fire station, with ample room to house fire apparatus
and equipment, as well as train firefighters, so they can maintain/increase their
knowledge and ability to respond to emergencies. It is also important to keep up with the
advancements in technology, as well as new building codes and standards. Outdated,
overflowing, and unsafe stations and training facilities should be considered for expansion
and/or renovation.
Permissible projects include, but are not limited to:
Remodeling an existing structure (i.e., updating, improving, or altering)
o Includes work to both the interior and exterior of facilities
o Creating a dedicated space for Personal Protective Equipment
(separate from other occupied areas to lower transfer of
Modifications to bring facilities into compliance with the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA)
o Includes ramps, entryway improvements, elevators, etc.
Exhaust systems
Shower facilities for decontamination
Funding Option 2:
o Purchase of Allowable Equipment With an increased awareness on the health and safety
of firefighters, as well as new policies and regulations, agencies may find it difficult to continue
investing in the latest equipment to keep first responders protected from the dangers of the
Permissible items include, but are not limited to:
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including SCBA
PPE washer/extractor
PPE dryers
Radios and communications equipment
Firefighter rehabilitation equipment
SCBA fill station and testing equipment
Costs Not Permissible
Costs incurred prior to award; including grant writer fees.
Organizational, management and administrative costs, including hiring of staff.
Payment for costs fully covered by a grant award or legislative member item.
Supplanting or replacing funding for costs budgeted, allocated or expended for an existing project.
Grant funding may only be utilized to support a new project, with the understanding that
sustainment of the newly purchased equipment, facility, building renovation, new construction, etc.
beyond the grant performance period is the organization’s responsibility. Grant funds may not be
used to support loan payments, to include the Emergency Services Revolving Loan (ESRL) Program.
Once an award has been made, any amendment or alteration of the program or initiative to be funded is
subject to approval by the Commissioner.
Any questions regarding eligibility of costs or requests to amend an application or program to be funded
should be directed to Grant.Info@dhses.ny.gov.
V. Consolidation of Resources and Municipal Shared Services
To maximize the benefit of the available funding and encourage sustained shared services, this grant
program seeks to promote consolidation of services between agencies (operational or administrative, to
include human resource services), joint purchases for shared equipment, and multi-agency training
centers in support of efforts to improve coordination and communication. Formal consolidation between
partnering volunteer fire departments is encouraged under this grant program. Agencies seeking to
consolidate resources or share services are encouraged to apply for grant funds for a mutually beneficial
project(s) as outlined under “Permissible Costs” above.
Two (2) or more municipalities are also eligible to apply for two (2) or more of their volunteer fire
departments under a municipal shared services application. If applying as a town, the application must
demonstrate how the request for grant funds will be for a shareable project(s) that will benefit and be
accessible to all agencies represented in the application.
Applications submitted with a focus towards consolidation or under municipal shared services will be
awarded up to ten (10) bonus points, based upon the information provided in the application.
Each consolidating or municipal shared services application must identify a submitting partner and all
participating partners. All partners must be eligible organizations identified in Section II above. The roles
and responsibilities of submitting and participating partners are as follows:
A. Submitting Partner Guidelines: The submitting partner will be the fiduciary agent for a
successful consolidation or municipal shard services application, responsible for completing all
required grant reporting forms in coordination with and on behalf of one or more eligible
B. Participating Partner Guidelines: Participating partners may mutually develop and/or share
requested projects with the submitting partner, to include development of an application for the
grant program and the implementation and evaluation of funded projects.
Application Limit: For the purpose of the grant program, an eligible organization may be included as a
represented fire department within a County application and may also apply on an individual or
consolidating/municipal shared services application, provided that both applications are requesting
funding for different projects.
VI. Application Format and Content
A. Format: Grant applications MUST be submitted via the automated E-Grants System operated by
DHSES. The E-Grants system allows an agency to complete an application electronically and
submit it online using a secure portal. If, upon reading this RFA, you are interested in completing
a grant application, and you have not previously been registered to use the DHSES E-Grants
system, your agency will need to register and be assigned a username and password. The
Registration Request Form and a detailed tutorial on how to use the E-Grants system is available
at: https://www.dhses.ny.gov/e-grants.
B. Required Application Content: The following questions must be addressed in your SFY2023-2024
V-FIRE Grant application. You must answer these grant specific questions in the required
Application Worksheet.
Please Note: Applicants are required to answer all the questions in the Application Worksheet,
unless directed otherwise by the individual questions within each of the criteria sections. Failure
to answer all the required questions could lead to a reduction in your score for the section being
reviewed and could lead to an unfavorable overall score by the review panel. Please refer to
Exhibit A for some best practices and tips on preparing an effective grant application.
The following must be addressed in your application:
1. Applicant and Jurisdiction Description
A. Organization Name and Identifying/Contact Information:
Please identify the applicant organization, or submitting partner, if applying as a consolidating/
municipal shared services partnership.
B. Description of Organization or Partnership:
Please provide or describe the following:
Location within New York State, to include all station locations;
Number of square miles covered;
Population of region covered;
Annual operating budget;
Average annual call volume for last three years (2020-2022)
C. Affirmation of Fire Reporting:
To be eligible for award under the V-FIRE Grant Program, all fire departments are required to be
current on their National Fire Incident Reporting (NFIRS) through the NYS Division of Homeland
Security and Emergency Services, Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC).
D. Personnel Details:
Please identify the number of personnel, to include number of active interior and exterior
firefighters, within the organization or consolidating/municipal shared services partnership. For
consolidating or municipal shared services applications, membership information should be
identified for the submitting partner and each participating partner.
E. Historical Description of Organization:
Please provide a brief history of the organization or municipal shared services partnership.
Describe how the organization or partnership represents the interests of volunteer fire personnel.
Also include a description of the types of incidents your agency responds to, the type and age of
the current station(s) and fire equipment in service, identify your response district (rural, urban
or suburban), as well as some details of the environment protected.
2. Proposed Budget
Please prioritize each project within your budget (Project #1 being most critical, etc.). For each
project, select a Project Title from the drop-down menu and provide a brief description of the project
under Project Description, then select the appropriate allowable NYS Budget Category that best
defines the project. Finally, please provide the Total Cost for each project. There is no cap to the
number of projects that you may request, however, the total costs identified in your budget plans will
be reviewed for reasonable and necessary expenses, and whether they meet the objectives of this
grant. Furthermore, your total request for the SFY2023-2024 V-FIRE Grant Program cannot exceed
$1,000,000 under Funding Option 1-Facility Projects, or $500,000 under Funding Option 2-Equipment
3. Project Details
Please provide additional details as indicated below for each requested project.
A. Fulfillment of Program Objectives:
Please describe how each project will support the program objectives of the SFY2023-2024 V-FIRE
Grant Program and enhance your organization's or consolidating/municipal shared services
partnership's capabilities.
In this section, please describe the current facility or equipment that will be enhanced or replaced
by the requested funding (for example, date of building construction and any renovations that
have taken place, current structural defects, safety hazards, etc.). If the requested project will not
be replacing an existing facility or piece of equipment, please justify the need for the requested
B. Implementation and Sustainment Plan:
Please describe how your organization or municipal shared services partnership will implement
and sustain this project, to include an estimated timeline of the project implementation,
consistent with the three-year spend down time frame of this grant funding. This should include
a summary of appropriate milestones of the requested project and how you plan to manage the
administrative requirements of this funding. For any projects that will require additional training
of staff, i.e., for new equipment, please provide anticipated training details in this section.
4. Consolidation / Municipal Shared Services Partnership Details
For applications being submitted under a consolidating or municipal shared services partnership,
applicants must provide sufficient detail on how the submitting and participating partners will
mutually develop and/or share requested projects, including a clear reporting of relationships
concerning enhancement and/or sustainment of developed projects from their Budget Plan. For
applicants seeking to consolidate resources, or if consolidation efforts are already underway, please
provide a detailed description and timeline of steps that have and/or will be taken towards
consolidation. Ten (10) bonus points may be awarded based on the responses in this section.
5. Notice of Endorsement
The Notice of Endorsement is required for county applications only and indicates the
acknowledgment that the County Fire Coordinator or Emergency Manager is aware of the application.
Once completed and signed, the Notice of Endorsement must be scanned and submitted as a pdf file
along with the application package. Please refer to Exhibit B of this RFA for the Notice of Endorsement
document and further instructions.
6. Signed Contract Agreement
The signed contract agreement with the town or village they are covering is required for Volunteer
Fire Companies.
7. Overall Assessment of Application
Under the SFY2023-2024 V-FIRE Grant Program, applicants will receive up to ten (10) points based on
their “Overall Assessment of Application.” This score will be determined by the reviewers based on a
complete assessment of the application. Reviewers will assess how well the application addresses the
primary objectives of the SFY2023-2024 V-FIRE Grant Program. It is important to clearly articulate the
purpose for the request for funding and how it relates to enhancing your agency’s overall capabilities.
8. Social and Economic Vulnerability
To advance considerations of equity in awarding V-FIRE grant funding, DHSES will add additional
points to the scores of agencies that are located in historically underserved or disadvantaged
communities. Using a Statewide geographic comparison, DHSES will apply the CDC’s Social
Vulnerability Index (SVI) tool to each applicant and will add ten (10) points to applicants located in
counties with a “Medium-High” SVI ranking and fifteen (15) points to applicants located in counties
with a “High” SVI ranking.
9. Bonus Points Criteria (up to 15 total points per application):
Bonus points may be awarded by the review panel based upon the criteria identified below.
A. County Applications
For Counties applying on behalf of their local volunteer fire departments for shareable projects,
at least 60% sign-off from the volunteer fire departments within the county must be obtained and
included via Exhibit C: Local Volunteer Fire Department Consent Form (page 26) as part of the
application submission. County applications must demonstrate how the requested project(s) will
be accessible to and benefit those volunteer fire departments. Ten (10) bonus points may be
awarded for County applications.
B. Consolidation / Municipal Shared Services
For applications being submitted by agencies consolidating their resources, planning to
consolidate, or applying under a municipal shared services partnership, applicants must provide
sufficient detail on how the submitting and participating partners will mutually develop and/or
share developed projects, including a clear reporting of relationships concerning enhancement
and/or sustainment of developed projects within their Budget Plan. Ten (10) bonus points may
be awarded based on the responses in this section.
Please Note: For purposes of this grant program, County Applications are eligible for ten (10)
bonus points as identified above but are not eligible for additional Consolidation/Municipal
Shared Servicesbonus points, as this criterion is specific to one or more municipalities applying
on behalf of their local volunteer fire departments.
C. Rural Area Designation
Per the Homeland Security Act of 2002, a rural area is defined in 49 U.S.C. § 5302 as an area
encompassing a population of less than 50,000 people that has not been designated in the most
recent decennial census as an “urbanized area” by the Secretary of Commerce. DHSES will add
five (5) bonus points to the overall scores of applicants located in rural areas, as defined above.
10. Grants Management Performance History
For previously funded recipients, DHSES will assess how well the applicant has historically managed
grant funds and/or open loans within the Emergency Services Revolving Loan (ESRL) Program. This
will include reporting compliance, successful award spend-down, and program objective compliance.
Once a prospective applicant’s final overall average score is determined by the review panel, DHSES
may subtract up to ten (10) points based on its “Grants Management Performance History” criteria.
Applicants that have defaulted or are delinquent on loans as part of the Emergency Services Revolving
Loan Program are not eligible to apply.
VII. Application Evaluation Criteria
The following multi-tiered criteria will be used by DHSES to evaluate each application and to determine
grant awards. Grant awards will be approved by the Commissioner of DHSES.
Tier 1 Criteria
Tier 1 criteria are rated either “yes” or “no” and serve as a baseline review by DHSES to determine if
applicants are eligible and have appropriately submitted all of the required application materials. If any
of the answers are “no,” the application will be immediately disqualified without further review and
consideration for an award.
1. Was the application submitted on time?
2. Was the application submitted via E-Grants?
3. Was the application complete, including the required Application Worksheet? The required
Application Worksheet must be attached in E-Grants by the submission due date.
4. Did the application meet all minimum eligibility requirements?
Applicant is an eligible organization as outlined in Section II;
Applicant met prequalification requirements prior to application deadline;
For County applications:
o Notice of Endorsement (Exhibit B) completed and attached;
o Local Volunteer Fire Department Consent Form (Exhibit C), to include at least 60 %
documented approval from volunteer fire departments located within the county;
For Municipal Shared Services applications:
o Local Volunteer Fire Department Consent Form (Exhibit C), to include signatures from
all volunteer fire departments represented in the application;
For volunteer fire companies:
o Signed contract agreement with the town or village they are covering
5. Is the applicant current with NFIRS reporting?
Tier 2 Criteria
Applications meeting the Tier 1 review set forth above will be evaluated competitively using the criteria
specified below. Scores per criterion will be totaled to establish a ranked list of eligible applications for
consideration of awards. Untimely submission of any requested supporting documentation to DHSES
will be grounds to disqualify the original application.
Tier 2 Evaluation Criteria
Point Score Range
Applicant Organization’s Annual Operating Budget
Annual Operating Budget less than $250,000
20 points
Annual Operating Budget $250,000 to $750,000
15 Points
Annual Operating Budget more than $750,000
10 Points
Annual Operating Budget Subtotal
20 Points Maximum
Application Content
Proposed Budget Plan
0-20 points
Fulfillment of Program Objectives
0-20 points
Project Details: Implementation and Sustainment Plan
0-15 points
Overall Assessment of the Application
0-10 points
Application Content Subtotal
65 Points Maximum
Social and Economic Vulnerability
Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Score
0-15 points
Social and Economic Vulnerability Subtotal
15 Points Maximum
100 Points
Bonus Points
County Applications
0-10 Points
Consolidation/Municipal Shared Services Applications
0-10 Points
Rural Area Designation
0-5 Points
Bonus Points Subtotal
15 Bonus Points Maximum
Per Application*
Grand Total
115 Points Maximum
Grants Management Performance History
0-10 points (Subtracted off
the top of the final score)
*County Applications may be eligible for up to ten (10) bonus points as identified
above but are not eligible to receive additional bonus points under a
Consolidation/Municipal Shared Services” application (the maximum per application
= 15 bonus points)
Applications receiving the highest score based upon panel review will be selected for recommendation to
the Commissioner for award. The total scores will be averaged and ranked in order from highest to lowest.
The State reserves the right, for the purpose of ensuring the completeness and comparability of proposals,
to analyze submissions and make adjustments or normalize submissions in the proposals, including the
applicant’s technical assumptions, and underlying calculations and assumptions used to support the
computation of costs, or to apply such other methods, as it deems necessary to make comparisons.
In the event of a tie score where one or more applications may not be fully funded, the applicant with the
highest Social Vulnerability Index score will be ranked higher. If still tied, the applicant with the greatest
Overall Assessment of the Application will be ranked higher. The State also reserves the right, at its
discretion, to make amendments and/or alter funding levels of one or more applicants based on any new
information discovered that would have originally affected the scoring or to not award funding to any
application with a final average score of 60 or less.
VIII. Checklist of Required Documents
1. Application Worksheet: Available here: https://www.dhses.ny.gov/state-funded-programs
2. Prequalification Confirmation: Nonprofit applicants are required to provide documentation
showing prequalification or prequalification exempt status. (see Section II(B) of the RFA, if
3. For County Applications Only: Notice of Endorsement (Exhibit B): The Notice of Endorsement
document with all appropriate signatures must be scanned and submitted electronically as a pdf
file attached or included with the application package. Please refer to Exhibit B for the Notice of
Endorsement document.
4. For County and Municipal Shared Services Applications: Local Volunteer Fire Department Consent
Form (Exhibit C). County applications require a 60% minimum sign-off from local volunteer fire
departments located within the county. Municipal Shared Services applications require a list and
signatures from all fire departments represented in the application.
5. For Volunteer Fire Company Applications: A copy of the signed contract agreement with the town
or village you are covering must be included as an attachment to your application.
IX. Timeline
DHSES must receive completed grant applications by April 30, 2024, by 5:00 p.m. Applications received
after the due date and time will not be considered. Applications must be submitted via the DHSES E-
Grants System. Please note that E-Grants Technical Assistance will only be available during business hours
on the date the application is due. Furthermore, all written questions must be submitted to DHSES by
April 23, 2024, by 12:00 noon to ensure that a timely response is provided to the applicant.
Grant applicants can expect to be notified of award decisions sometime in summer of 2024.
X. Approval and Notification of Awards
The Commissioner of DHSES will provide oversight of the grant review process. The Commissioner will
announce the final grant award decisions based on the review panel’s rating of applications and
recommendations. DHSES will notify all applicants in writing as to final grant award determinations.
Nothing herein requires or prohibits DHSES to approve grant funding for any one applicant, certain
applicants, all applicants or no applicants. Any disbursement of an award is contingent upon entering into
a contract with DHSES, as explained in further detail below.
Pursuant to Section 163(9)(c) of the State Finance Law, any unsuccessful Bidder may submit a written
request for a debriefing regarding the reasons that the Bid submitted by the Bidder was not selected for
award. Requests for a debriefing must be made within 15 calendar days of notification by DHSES that the
Bid submitted by the Bidder was not selected for award. An unsuccessful Bidder’s written request for a
debriefing shall be submitted to DHSES Director of Grants Program Administration. The debriefing shall
be scheduled within 10 business days of receipt of the written request by DHSES or as soon as practicable
under the circumstances.
Due to the competitive nature of this grant application, proposed changes to the scope of the program
may not be approved post-award.
XI. Administration of Grant Contracts
DHSES will negotiate and develop a grant contract with the applicant or the submitting partner of
successful municipal shared services partnerships based on the contents of the submitted application and
intent of the grant program as outlined in this RFA. The grant contract is subject to approval by the NYS
Attorney General and the State Comptroller before grant funding may actually be disbursed to reimburse
project expenses.
The period of performance for contracts supported by Volunteer Fire Infrastructure & Response
Equipment Grant Program funds will be three (3) years from the date of the award. The final performance
period will be communicated to applicants and/or grantees by DHSES. Although the contract format may
vary, the contract will include such standard terms and conditions included in DHSES grant contracts
available for review on the DHSES website: https://www.dhses.ny.gov/grant-reporting-forms.
Applicants agree to adhere to all applicable State regulations.
A. Issuing Agency
This RFA is issued by DHSES, which is responsible for the requirements specified herein and for
the evaluation of all applications.
B. Filing an Application
Grant applications must be submitted via the automated DHSES E-Grants System. The system
allows an agency to complete an application electronically and submit it over the Internet using a
secure portal. If, upon reading this RFA, you are interested in completing a grant application and
you have not previously been registered to use the DHSES E-Grants system, your agency will need
to register and be assigned a username and password. The Registration Request Form can be
found at the following Internet address: https://www.dhses.ny.gov/e-grants.
A detailed tutorial on how to use the E-Grants system can be found with the application
documents at the following location: https://www.dhses.ny.gov/state-funded-programs. The E-
Grants Tutorial will guide you in a step-by-step process through the E-Grants application
C. Reservation of Rights
The issuance of this RFA and the submission of a response or the acceptance of such response by DHSES
does not obligate DHSES in any manner. DHSES reserves the right to:
1. Reject any and all applications received in response to this RFA;
2. Withdraw the RFA at any time at DHSES’ sole discretion;
3. Make an award under the RFA in whole or in part;
4. Disqualify any applicant whose conduct and/or application fails to conform to the requirements
of the RFA;
5. Seek clarifications and revisions of the applications;
6. Use application information obtained through site visits, management interviews and the State's
investigation of an applicant’s qualifications, experience, ability or financial standing, and any
material or information submitted by the applicant in response to DHSES’ request for clarifying
information in the course of evaluation and/or selection under the RFA;
7. Prior to the application opening, amend the RFA specifications to correct errors or oversights, or
to supply additional information, as it becomes available;
8. Prior to the application opening, direct applicants to submit application modifications
addressing subsequent RFA amendments;
9. Change any of the scheduled dates;
10. Eliminate any non-mandatory, non-material specifications that cannot be complied with by all
the prospective applicants;
11. Waive any requirements that are not material;
12. Negotiate with successful applicants within the scope of the RFA in the best interests of the
13. Conduct contract negotiations with the next responsible applicant, should DHSES be
unsuccessful in negotiating with the selected applicant;
14. Utilize any and all ideas submitted in the applications received;
15. Unless otherwise specified in the RFA, every offer is firm and not revocable for a period of 60
days from the application opening; and,
16. Communicate with any applicant at any time during the application process to clarify responses
and /or require correction of arithmetic or other apparent errors for the purpose of assuring a
full and complete understanding of an applicant’s proposal and/or to determine an applicant’s
compliance with the requirements of this RFA.
17. Award grants based on geographic or regional considerations to serve the best interests of the
18. Terminate, renew, amend or renegotiate contracts with applicants at the discretion of DHSES.
19. Periodically monitor the applicant’s performance in all areas mentioned above, in addition to
the activities in the contract.
20. Revoke funds awarded to an applicant, or enforce any available sanction against any applicant,
who materially alters the activities or is in material noncompliance under the grant award, or
who does not implement an approved project within 60 days of the final contract approval.
21. Consider all applications and documentation submitted as State agency records subject to the
New York State Freedom of Information Law (Public Officers Law, Article 6). Any portion of the
application that an applicant believes constitutes proprietary or critical infrastructure
information entitled to confidential handling, as an exception to the Freedom of Information
Law, must be clearly and specifically designated in the application.
22. Applicants funded through this program agree to provide DHSES, upon request at any time
during the life of the grant contract, such cooperation and information deemed necessary by
DHSES to ascertain: (1) the nature and extent of any threats or hazards that may pose a risk to
the applicant; and (2) the status of any corresponding applicant or applicant plans, capabilities,
or other resources for preventing, protecting against, mitigating, responding to, and recovering
from such threats or hazards.
23. Require applicants to attend and participate in any DHSES-sponsored conferences, training,
workshops or meetings (excluding those identified by DHSES as voluntary) that may be
conducted, by and at the request of DHSES, during the life of the grant contract.
24. In its sole discretion, reserves the sole discretion to increase or decrease the total funding
available for this program at any time, resulting in more or fewer applications funded under this
DHSES may exercise the foregoing rights at any time without notice and without liability to any
responding applicant or any other party for its expenses incurred in preparation of responses hereto or
otherwise. All costs associated with responding to this RFA will be at the sole cost and expense of the
D. Term of the Contract
Any resulting contract or agreement for more than $50,000 from this RFA will be effective only upon
approval by both the NYS Office of the Attorney General and State Comptroller. Any resulting contract
for $50,000 and under from this RFA will be effective upon signature of both parties. For grants valued
at $10,000 or less, a Purchase Order invoking a “Letter of Agreement” between DHSES and the
successful applicant will be issued.
E. Payment and Reporting Requirements of Grant Awardees
1. Standard Cost Reimbursement Contract
Each successful applicant must enter into a standard cost reimbursement contract with DHSES. Such
contract will include this Request for Applications, the successful applicant’s proposal, any attachments
or exhibits and the standard clauses required by the NYS Attorney General for all State contracts
(available upon request). The contract will be subject to approval by the Attorney General and State
Comptroller. Although the contract format may vary, the contract will include such clauses, information,
and rights and responsibilities as can be found on the DHSES website, including:
APPENDIX A-1 - Agency Specific Clauses or a Letter of Agreement (Depending upon Funding
APPENDIX C - Payment and Reporting Schedule
APPENDIX D - Workplan/Special Conditions
For purposes of this RFA, these terms and conditions are incorporated by reference and the applicant
must agree to the inclusion of all of these terms and conditions in any resulting grant contracts as part
of the application submission. Copies of the standard terms and conditions included in DHSES grant
contracts are available for review on the DHSES website at https://www.dhses.ny.gov/grant-reporting-
forms. Payments will be made subject to proper documentation and compliance with reimbursement
procedures and all other contractual requirements.
2. Procurements
Applicants must follow and comply with all procurement procedures under General Municipal Law 5A
and/or any other state regulations applicable to these funds and will be subject to monitoring by DHSES
to ensure compliance.
Contracting with Small and Minority Firms, Women’s Business Enterprise and Labor Surplus
Area Firms
Pursuant to New York State Executive Law Article 15-A, the New York State Division of Homeland
Security and Emergency Services recognizes its obligation under the law to promote opportunities for
maximum feasible participation of certified minority-and women-owned business enterprises and the
employment of minority group members and women in the performance of New York State Division of
Homeland Security and Emergency Services contracts. Minority and women-owned business
enterprises can be readily identified on the directory of certified businesses at:
For purposes of this solicitation, applicants and subcontractors are hereby notified the State of New
York has set an overall goal of 30% for MWBE participation or more, 15% for Minority-Owned Business
Enterprises (“MBE”) participation and 15% for Women-Owned Business Enterprises (“WBE”)
participation, based on the current availability of qualified MBEs and WBEs for your project needs.
Further, pursuant to Article 15 of the Executive Law (the “Human Rights Law”), all other State and
Federal statutory and constitutional non-discrimination provisions, the applicant and subrecipients will
not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, creed (religion),
color, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, military status, age, disability, predisposing genetic
characteristic, marital status or domestic violence victim status, and shall also follow the requirements
of Human Rights Law with regard to non-discrimination on the basis of prior criminal conviction and
prior arrest.
Sexual Harassment Prevention
By submitting this application, Applicants are certifying that Applicant has a policy addressing sexual
harassment prevention and that applicant provides sexual harassment training to all its employees on
an annual basis that meets the Department of Labor’s model policy and training standards. If Applicant
cannot make the certification, the Applicant may provide an explanatory statement with its bids
detailing the reasons why the certification cannot be made.
Use of Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprises in Contract Performance
Article 3 of the Veterans’ Services Law acknowledges that Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Businesses
(SDVOBs) strongly contribute to the economics of the State and the nation. As defenders of our nation
and in recognition of their economic activity in doing business in New York State, bidders/proposers for
this contract for commodities, services or technology are strongly encouraged and expected to consider
SDVOBs in the fulfillment of the requirements of the contract. Such partnering may be as
subcontractors, suppliers, protégés or other supporting roles. SDVOBs can be readily identified on the
directory of certified businesses at https://online.ogs.ny.gov/SDVOB/search
Bidders/proposers need to be aware that all authorized users of this contract will be strongly
encouraged to the maximum extent practical and consistent with legal requirements of applicable laws
to use responsible and responsive SDVOBs in purchasing and utilizing commodities, services and
technology that are of equal quality and functionality to those that may be obtained from non-SDVOBs.
Furthermore, bidders/proposers are reminded that they must continue to utilize small, minority and
women-owned businesses consistent with current State Law. Utilizing SDVOBs in State contracts will
help create more private sector jobs, rebuild New York State’s infrastructure, and maximize economic
activity to the mutual benefit of the contractor and its SDVOB partners. SDVOBs will promote the
contractor’s optimal performance under the contract, thereby fully benefiting the public sector
programs that are supported by associated public procurements.
Public procurements can drive and improve the State’s economic engine through promotion of the use
of SDVOBs by its contractors. The State, therefore, expects bidders and proposers to provide maximum
assistance to SDVOBs in their contract performance. The potential participation by all kinds of SDVOBs
will deliver great value to the State and its taxpayers.
For purposes of this solicitation, applicants and subrecipients are hereby notified the State of New York
has set an overall goal of 6% for SDVOB participation or more.
Contractor will report on actual participation by each SDVOB during the term of the contract to the
contracting agency/authority according to policies and procedures set by the contracting
Worker’s Compensation and Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage
By submitting this application, Applicants are certifying that Applicant has workers’ compensation and
disability coverage. If Applicant cannot make the certification, the Applicant may provide an exemption
statement with its bids detailing the reasons why the certification cannot be made.
3. Iran Divestment Act
As a result of the Iran Divestment Act of 2012 (Act), Chapter 1 of the 2012 Laws of New York, a new
provision has been added to the State Finance Law (SFL), § 165-a, effective April 12, 2012. Under the
Act, the Commissioner of the Office of General Services (OGS) will be developing a list (prohibited
entities list) of “persons” who are engaged in “investment activities in Iran” (both are defined terms in
the law). Pursuant to SFL § 165-a(3)(b), the initial list is expected to be issued no later than 120 days
after the Act’s effective date, at which time it will be posted on the OGS website.
By submitting a proposal in response to this RFA, or by assuming the responsibility of a Contract
awarded hereunder, the applicant (or any assignee) certifies that once the prohibited entities list is
posted on the OGS website, it will not utilize on such Contract any subcontractor that is identified on the
prohibited entities list.
Additionally, applicants are advised that once the list is posted on the OGS website, any applicant
seeking to renew or extend a Contract or assume the responsibility of a Contract awarded in response to
the solicitation, must certify at the time the Contract is renewed, extended or assigned that it is not
included on the prohibited entities list.
During the term of the Contract, should DHSES receive information that a person is in violation of the
above-referenced certification, DHSES will offer the person an opportunity to respond. If the person
fails to demonstrate that it has ceased its engagement in the investment which is in violation of the Act
within 90 days after the determination of such violation, then DHSES shall take such action as may be
appropriate including, but not limited to, imposing sanctions, seeking compliance, recovering damages,
or declaring the Contractor in default. DHSES reserves the right to reject any bid or request for
assignment for an entity that appears on the prohibited entities list prior to the award of a contract, and
to pursue a responsibility review with respect to any entity that is awarded a contract and appears on
the prohibited entities list after contract award.
4. Vendor Responsibility
State Finance Law §163(9)(f) requires a State Agency to make a determination that an applicant is
responsible prior to awarding that applicant a State contract which may be based on numerous factors,
including, but not limited to the applicants: (1) financial and organizational capacity; (2) legal authority
to do business in this State; (3) integrity of the owners, officers, principals, members, and contract
managers; and (4) past performance of the applicant on prior government contracts. Thereafter,
applicants shall at all times during the Contract term remain responsible. The applicant agrees, if
requested by the Commissioner of DHSES, or his or her designee, to present evidence of its continuing
legal authority to do business in New York State, integrity, experience, ability, prior performance, and
organizational and financial capacity. DHSES requires that vendors file the required Vendor
Responsibility Questionnaire online via the New York State VendRep System. To enroll in and use the
New York State VendRep System, see the VendRep System, see the VendRep System Instructions
available at: http://www.osc.state.ny.us/vendrep/info_vrsystem.htm or go directly to the VendRep
system online at https://onlineservices.osc.state.ny.us/Enrollment/login?0 . Vendors must provide their
New York State Vendor Identification Number when enrolling. To request assignment of a Vendor ID or
for VendRep System assistance, contact the Office of the State Comptroller’s Help Desk at 866-370-4672
or 518-408-4672 or by email at ITServic[email protected]. Vendors opting to complete and submit
a paper questionnaire can obtain the appropriate questionnaire from the VendRep website
http://www.osc.state.ny.us/vendrep/forms_vendor.htm or may contact the Office of the State
Comptroller’s Help Desk for a copy of the paper form. Applicants will also be required to complete and
submit a Vendor Responsibility Questionnaire prior to contracting.
a) Suspension of Work for Non-Responsibility:
The Commissioner of DHSES or his or her designee, in his or her sole discretion, reserves
the right to suspend any or all activities under the Contract, at any time, when he or she
discovers information that calls into question the responsibility of the applicant. In the
event of such suspension, the applicant will be given written notice outlining the
particulars of such suspension. Upon issuance of such notice, the Contractor must
comply with the terms of the suspension order. Contract activity may resume at such
time as the Commissioner of DHSES or his or her designee issues a written notice
authorizing the resumption of performance under the Contract.
b) Termination for Non-Responsibility:
Upon written notice to the applicant, and a reasonable opportunity to be heard by
appropriate DHSES officials or staff, the Contract may be terminated by the
Commissioner of DHSES or his or her designee at the applicant’s expense where the
applicant is determined by the Commissioner of DHSES or his or her designee to be non-
responsible. In such event, the Commissioner of DHSES or his or her designee may
complete the contractual requirements in any manner he or she may deem advisable
and pursue legal or equitable remedies for breach. Applicants shall at all times during
the Contract term remain responsible. The applicant agrees, if requested by the
Commissioner of DHSES, or his or her designee, to present evidence of its continuing
legal authority to do business in New York State, integrity, experience, ability, prior
performance, and organizational and financial capacity.
F. Satisfactory Progress
Satisfactory progress toward implementation includes but is not limited to; executing contracts and
submitting payment requests in a timely fashion, retaining consultants, completing plans, designs,
reports, or other tasks identified in the work program within the time allocated for their completion.
DHSES may recapture awarded funds if satisfactory progress is not being made on the implementation
of a grant project.
G. General Specifications
By submitting the application, the applicant attests that:
1. Applicant has express authority to submit on behalf of the applicant’s agency.
2. Submission of an application indicates the applicant’s acceptance of all conditions and
terms contained in this RFA, including Appendices A-1 and C, and all other terms and
conditions of the award contract.
3. The application and any resulting grant, if awarded, must adhere to, and be in full
compliance with any, resulting contract(s) and relevant federal and states policies and
regulations or be subject to termination.
4. Any not-for-profit subrecipients are required to be prequalified, prior to contract
execution, by the State of New York upon application submission through the New York
State Grants Gateway (https://grantsgateway.ny.gov)
5. If your organization is not currently doing business with NYS, you will need to submit a
Substitute W-9 form to obtain a NYS Vendor ID. The form is available on the Office of
the State Comptroller website at: http://www.osc.state.ny.us/state-agencies/forms.
6. Contract Changes - Contracts with applicants/subrecipients may be executed,
terminated, renewed, increased, reduced, extended, amended, or renegotiated at the
discretion of the Commissioner of DHSES, in light of applicants/subrecipients
performance, changes in project conditions, or otherwise.
7. Records Applicants/subrecipients must keep books, ledgers, receipts, work records,
consultant agreements and inventory records pertinent to the project; and in a manner
consistent with DHSES contractual provisions and mandated guidelines.
8. Liability - Nothing in the contract between DHSES and the applicant shall impose liability
on the State of New York or DHSES for injury incurred during the performance of
approved activities or caused by use of equipment purchased with grant funds.
9. Reports - A provider agency shall submit to the DHSES reports in a format and time
schedule specified in the grant contract, which shall include a description of the
program efforts undertaken during the report period and the current status of the
10. Tax Law Section 5-a Certification In accordance with section 5a of the Tax Law, sub-
recipients will be required, prior to the approval of any contract awarded as a result of
this RFA, to certify that it and its affiliates, subcontractors, and subcontractors’ affiliates
have registered with the New York State Tax Department for the purpose of collection
and remittance of sales and use taxes. In order to trigger this certification requirement,
a subrecipient or its affiliates, subcontractor, or subcontractors’ affiliates must have
made more than $300,000 in sales of tangible personal property or taxable services to
location within New York State and the contract must be valued in excess of $100,000.
Certification will take the form of a completed Tax Form ST-220 (1/05).
11. Standard Contract Provisions - Grant contracts executed as a result of this RFA process
will be subject to the standard clauses for New York State Contracts as referenced
herein and as located at:
12. Compliance with Procurement Requirements - The applicant shall certify to DHSES that
all applicable statutory and contractual procurement procedures were followed and
complied with for all procurements.
H. Special Conditions
New York State Emergency Management Certification and Training Program
1. Participation in, and successful completion of, the New York State Emergency Management
Certification and Training Program (EMC Training Program) is a mandatory requirement under
this Contract and a condition of funding. The EMC Training Program will be made available to,
and required for, DHSES-specified county and city government officials in order to ensure a
consistent emergency management preparedness and response strategy across the State.
Attendee substitutions, except as expressly approved by DHSES, shall not be permitted or
deemed to be in compliance with this requirement.
2. To fulfill the EMC Training Program requirement of the Contract and in order to be eligible for
funding under this Contract, applicants must arrange for DHSES-specified applicant employees
to receive and acknowledge receipt of EMC Training no later than 180 days after execution of
this Contract. Copies of the training certificates for each required participant must be submitted
to DHSES upon execution of the Contract, or, in the event that training is scheduled, but not yet
complete, the applicant will be required to submit a signed statement indicating the scheduled
future dates of attendance, and no later than thirty (30) days after the training is complete,
forward such training certificates to DHSES. Continued compliance with the EMC Training
Program also requires an annual refresher training of one day per 365 day-cycle from the date
of initial training for previously trained individuals if such person remains employed by the
applicant and fulfilling the same functions as he or she fulfilled during the initial training. Should
a new employee be designated to serve in the DHSES-specified positions, then he or she must
come into compliance with the EMC Training Program requirements not later than 180 days
after taking office.
3. Applicants must commit to active participation in a DHSES Annual Capabilities Assessment as a
condition of funding. Active participation includes making reasonable staff, records, information,
and time resources available to DHSES to perform the Annual Capabilities Assessment and meet
the objectives and goals of the program. Applicants must be aware that the process of
conducting a DHSES Annual Risk Assessment is an ongoing process and requires a continued
commitment on the part of the applicant to ensure that it is effective.
4. All applicants funded through this program agree to provide DHSES, upon request at any time
during the life of the grant contract, such cooperation and information deemed necessary by
DHSES to ascertain: (1) the nature and extent of any threats or hazards that may pose a risk to
the recipients or subrecipients; and (2) the status of any corresponding recipients or
subrecipients plans, capabilities, or other resources for preventing, protecting against,
mitigating, responding to, and recovering from such threats or hazards.
5. Additionally, pursuant to Article 26 of the NYS Executive law, DHSES is authorized to undertake
periodic drills and simulations designed to assess and prepare responses to terrorist acts or
threats and other natural and man-made disasters. Funded applicants agree to attend and
participate in any DHSES-sponsored conferences, training, workshops or meetings (excluding
those identified by DHSES as voluntary) that may be conducted, by and at the request of DHSES,
during the life of the grant contract.
6. Failure to comply with any of the requirements, as listed above, may result in sanctions up to
and including the immediate suspension and/or revocation of the grant award.
XII. Questions
Questions regarding the SFY2023-2024 Volunteer Fire Infrastructure & Response Equipment Grant
Program should be directed to the following email address: Grant.Info@dhses.ny.gov. To the degree
possible, each inquiry should cite the RFA section and paragraph to which it refers. Written questions will
be accepted until 12:00 noon on April 23, 2024.
Updates and frequently asked questions will be posted on the NYS Division of Homeland Security and
Emergency Services (DHSES) website: https://www.dhses.ny.gov/state-funded-programs. Please check
the website frequently for updates.
All questions regarding the E-Grants System should be directed to DHSES via email
([email protected]ov) or telephone (866-837-9133). No technical assistance will be available after
5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2024.
Exhibit A: Best Practices for Preparing an Effective Grant
What to do when you have received the Request for Applications (RFA):
It is important to start early in preparing your application, highlighting deadlines and/or tasks
that must be completed as part of the application process.
Review all plans, strategies, policies and documents related to the grant you are applying for
to ensure you can appropriately address the goals and objectives pertaining to the nature of
the grant opportunity.
What to do when you are completing the application:
Ensure that the proposed budget is realistic, reasonable, and articulate how your budget will
address the objectives of the grant opportunity.
Review and evaluate the scoring criteria. Pay close attention to the sections that are weighted
the most first as they have a greater impact on your overall score.
If your grant application requires you to reference goals and/or objectives, make sure the
goals and objectives you cite are measurable. Goals should reflect the long-term and global
impact of a program or project. Meanwhile, objectives should be specific and measurable
building blocks designed to meet your goals.
Create an evaluation plan that demonstrates how you will assess your proposed projects for
effectiveness and/or meeting the objectives of the grant opportunity, even if such a plan is
not required.
Address steps that will be taken to institutionalize, sustain, or enhance the capabilities or
proposed project being developed after grant funding has been exhausted
What to do prior to submitting your application:
Make sure that you have completed all the required sections of the application. Applicants
are strongly recommended to share their completed applications with a colleague to ensure
that the application is clearly written and addresses all the objectives of the grant
Exhibit B: For County Applications - Notice of Endorsement
Please note: This document must be completed and signed where appropriate, then scanned into a PDF to be
submitted with the Application package.
My signature below indicates that I understand and agree to the purpose, conditions and
rules surrounding the SFY2023-2024 Volunteer Fire Infrastructure & Response Equipment
Grant Program and that by signing this document, I acknowledge these conditions and
pledge to work cooperatively to fulfill the purpose of the grant, if awarded.
II. Submitting Partner (County)
Name of Organization/County
Official's Name and Title
Authorized Official Signature
III. Participating Partner(s): Attach list as needed
Name of Organization
Official's Name and Title
Authorized Official Signature
IV. County Fire Coordinator (CFC)/Emergency Manager (EM) Verification
For Counties applying for this funding, the CFC/EM is asked to endorse the Applicant as outlined above
by providing their signature below. Neither the County, nor yourself, are asked to endorse the merits of
the application.
Official's Name and Title
Authorized Official Signature