Thank You Letter Quick Guide
Don't underestimate the power of a thank you letter.
Within 24 and 48 hours after a round of interviews, always send a thank you letter to each of
your interviewers by mail or email. The thank-you letter is a marketing tool as well as your
showing of appreciation for a person’s time spent with you in an interview, internship, or
volunteer experience. You would send a thank-you letter also in thanks for a referral or job
Email is the quickest way to get thank you letters in front of interviewers and is perfectly
acceptable these days. Regardless of what means you use to send a thank you letter after an
interview, do follow professional business letter standards. If using email, be sure to avoid
using emoticons, shorthand, and acronyms. Near the end of the interview, ask each
interviewer for his or her contact information and correct name spelling or ask for a business
Sending a thank you by regular mail is also acceptable, but you want to make sure you get it out
right away. When you go to an interview, take an envelope, card and stamp. Leave them in your
car and when you’re finished with the interview, take a few minutes to write your note (neatly
of course) and you can drop it in the mail on your way home. This will ensure there is not a
huge delay between you sending the note and the employer receiving it.
Writing a thank you letter is an effective interviewing strategy. For example, it…
Shows that you are courteous, knowledgeable and professional
Demonstrates your written communication skills
Helps to make you stand out in the mind of the interviewer
Elevates you above competing candidates who did not follow up via a thank you letter
Gives you an opportunity to reinforce your qualifications and qualities
Allows you to include something important you forgot to mention during the interview
Confirms your understanding of topics discussed and helps to avoid misunderstandings
Writing a Thank-You Letter
You want to accomplish 4 things in your thank you letter:
Overcome objections. Show that any concerns about your qualifications raised by the
interviewer during the interview are not problems because you are fully capable of
meeting the challenge.
USG Career & Internship Services Center | Thank-You Letter Quick Guide
Reiterate your expertise. Demonstrate how you can meet the needs of the employer
expressed during the interview.
Highlight your core professional competencies and successes. Outline how you meet
or exceed each qualification.
Communicate valuable information- information that will have the reader feel that his
organization (or company) needs you
Thank You Letter Sample Layout
To: Interviewer’s Email Address
Subject: Thank you for the [Job Title] position interview on [date]
Dear Ms./Mr./Dr./other [Interviewer's last name]:
[Thank the interviewer for taking the time to talk with you. Mention the date of the interview
and job title.]
[Express your interest in the company. Say that you want the job. Deliver a subtle sales pitch
indicating why you think you are qualified for the job based on the interview, and what you can
do for the company. If you forgot to mention something important, this is your opportunity.]
[Mention topics that stimulated your interest or an interesting/key point made by the
interviewer. This will help you stand out in the interviewer's mind. For example, if you both
shared a laugh, mention how you enjoyed the moment. If a particular qualification grabbed the
interviewer's attention, emphasize it.]
[Thank her/him for taking the time for the interview. State what steps you would like to see
next. Offer to provide more information to help with the hiring decision while providing your
phone number and email address. Say that you look forward to hearing from the interviewer
(Remember to sign your letter!)
[Your name typed]
If you are hand writing a thank you note, be sure to date the note, and use your very best
USG Career & Internship Services Center | Thank-You Letter Quick Guide
Sample Thank You Letter
Subject: Thank you for the executive assistant position interview on May 9
Dear Ms. Lin:
Thank you for meeting with me this morning to discuss the Executive Assistant position. I
enjoyed our conversation, and I am very excited about the possibility of joining your team.
I know what it takes to run a busy and successful insurance office. In my last position as an
administrative assistant for XYZ Company, I helped manage all aspects of the operation,
handling tasks such as bookkeeping, customer service, claims processing, report preparation,
and ongoing communications with the district manager.
You mentioned that you need an assistant who has strong “people” skills, and this is an area in
which I excel. At XYZ Company, I helped the manager build a loyal client base by consistently
providing excellent service. My last supervisor said, “John is one of the hardest-working
employees I have known. His friendly and professional customer-service skills helped the firm
achieve a 20 percent revenue increase last year, and I couldn’t have done it without him.”
I don’t see the executive assistant role as a punch-the-clock, 9-to-5 job. I will be your “right
hand”- helping you manage the day-to-day operations, volunteering for special projects, and
ensuring the company is positioned for growth and increased profitability.
Again, thank you for considering me for this exciting opportunity. As you requested, I’m
enclosing a list of professional references. Please feel free to call me if you need additional
information, have any questions, or would like to offer me the job! Thank you for your time,
and I look forward to hearing from you.
John Smith