Tuesday, March 21, 2023
9:00 A.M.
Room 400 - City Hall
#1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place (400 Van Ness Avenue)
City and County of San Francisco
Vice President
Airport Director
Commission Secretary
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 2
Minutes of the Airport Commission Meeting of
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
A. CALL TO ORDER: ..................................................................................... 4
B. ROLL CALL: ............................................................................................... 4
C. ANNOUNCEMENT BY COMMISSION SECRETARY: .............................. 4
D. ADOPTION OF MINUTES: ........................................................................ 4
Regular meeting of February 21, 2023. ..................... 4
E. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (Discussion Only): ............................................... 4
F. ITEMS INITIATED BY COMMISSIONERS (Discussion Only): .................. 6
MAINTENANCE: ........................................................................................ 6
1. Authorization to Accept and Expend Airport Terminal Program
Federal Grant Funds in the Amount of up to $31,000,000 for the
International Terminal Building Roof Upgrade Project ............. 6
. .................................................................................. 6
2. Request to Reject All Bids for Contract No. 11658.61, Construction
Services for the Airport Noise Insulation Program, 2020-2024 Phase,
Group 1 Project and Authorize the Director to Re-Advertise the
Project as Contract No. 11658.71, Construction Services for the
Airport Noise Insulation Program, 2020-2024 Phase, Group 1 Project
........................................................................................................ 7
. .................................................................................. 7
3. Authorization to Issue Request for Proposals No. 50338 for As-
Needed Airport Sustainability Services and Negotiate with the
Three (3) Highest-Ranked Proposers ......................................... 7
. .................................................................................. 7
4. Award of a 2023 Lease and Use Agreement with Certain Airlines
Operating at San Francisco International Airport ....................... 8
................................................................................... 8
. .................................................................................. 8
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 3
5. Commencement of the Competitive Selection Process for the
Foreign Currency Exchange Services Lease ............................. 8
. .................................................................................. 9
6. Commencement of the Competitive Selection Process for the
Banking Services Lease .............................................................. 9
. .................................................................................. 9
7. Commencement of the Competitive Selection Process for the
Terminal 3 Retail Specialty Lease ................................................ 9
. .................................................................................. 9
8. Approval of Modification No. 2 to Professional Services Contract
No. 50249.02 for Additional Support Services and Deliverables for
As-Needed Airport Planning Consulting Services HNTB Corporation
$2,000,000 .................................................................................... 10
................................................................................. 10
9. Approval of Phase D to Contract No. 11576.66, Design-Build Services
for the Sewer Treatment Plant Improvements Project Plant
Construction Company LP $951,389 ......................................... 10
................................................................................. 10
10. Approval of Amendment No. 3 to International Terminal Food and
Beverage Lease 3, Lease No. 16-0014
Tastes on the Fly SFO International, LLC ................................. 11
................................................................................. 11
I. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT: .............................................................. 11
J. CORRESPONDENCE:............................................................................. 11
K. CLOSED SESSION: ................................................................................ 11
L. ADJOURNMENT: ..................................................................................... 11
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 4
Minutes of the Airport Commission Meeting of
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
The regular meeting of the Airport Commission was called to order at 9:00 A.M. in Room
400, City Hall, San Francisco, CA and via teleconference.
Present: Hon. Eleanor Johns, President
Hon. Malcolm Yeung, Vice President
Hon. Everett A. Hewlett, Jr.
Hon. Jane Natoli
Hon. Jose F. Almanza
Kantrice Ogletree, Commission Secretary provided public comment instructions for ac-
cessing the meeting. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 4, 2023.
The minutes of the regular meeting of February 21, 2023 were approved unanimously upon
a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a second by Commissioner Yeung.
Regular meeting of February 21, 2023.
There were no questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.
E. DIRECTOR’S REPORT (Discussion Only):
Airport Director Ivar Satero gave an update on the following:
Customer Care Narrative Tool: The narrative tool tracks customer comments about their
experience at the Airport. Typically, SFO collects those comments and assigns them to the
various parties of responsibility, such as facilities, the airlines, or service providers. The
Customer Care Team came up with a narrative tool to trend if the Airport has been improv-
ing in certain areas. It has been in place for three-to-four months. The Team has taken a lot
of care into categorizing the various areas of passenger concern. They took the comments
and tried to distill them into discreet areas that apply to certain stakeholders, activities, or
facilities. The tool shows the number of comments that have been received by quarter laid
against passenger demand. There is a seasonality to it due to different passenger loads
and the impact of COVID. There are trends that are helpful to show how the Airport has
been effective and its level of engagement with stakeholders. These include:
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 5
Baggage In Quarter 2 of 2022, there was a spike of baggage issues related to timeli-
ness of baggage delivery or delayed/lost baggage. It is a function of airline services and
their service providers. There was a spike in summer peak travel and enplanements
started to ramp up. Over time, the number of complaints per quarter has dropped. The
real tell will be if it spikes again during this summer.
Cleanliness Recognizing cleanliness is such an important issue, the Airport has imple-
mented a zero-defects approach with its custodians. It’s an example of an initiative to
move the needle based on what is shown in the narratives.
Discrimination Getting to the bottom of any issues around discrimination is part of the
Airport’s Racial Equity Action Plan. There was a spike in Quarter 2 of 2022 and then a
trend downward. The Airport has such a strong focus on Racial Equity and will see if it
can continue to drive the trend downward. The awareness the Airport has brought to
this issue as a strategic priority has allowed people a safe place to express issues and
President Johns asked how the comments are collected. Director Satero responded
through the website and the Director’s mailbox. President Johns said she was curious be-
cause passengers are in a rush and not willing to respond to surveys. Director Satero said
it is mainly received electronically.
Moving Equipment Always having moving equipment working is a key point for the
Airport. There are initiatives around a zero-defect approach to no outages in any of the
300 different elevators, escalators, and moving walkways.
Wheelchair Service Tip solicitation is an area of focus that the Airport is working with
service providers on.
The tool has been effective with engagement with stakeholders, awareness, and in provid-
ing access to people to express concerns from an employee and passenger standpoint.
Comparing January 2023 to January 2022, there was a 30% drop in complaints per 10,000
passengers. The initiatives are having a good effect, and the Airport will continue to trend
and report. Director Satero thanked the Customer Care Team for their efforts.
President Johns said she’s glad they’re doing it.
Vice President Yeung said the spike in Quarter 2 of 2022 was interesting. He wanted to
commend people for Quarter 4 of 2022 when there were a lot of airline delays. The volume
of complaints, with the exception of concessions, didn’t track that delay.
Competitive Selection Process Communications Policy: During solicitations and prior to the
issuance of an RFP, there is a Restricted Communications Period. Items 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 on
the calendar are subject to this policy. It begins when the RFP/RFQ or advertisement of
bids is published and ends when the Commission awards the contract or otherwise termi-
nates the competitive process.
Report on other recent San Francisco International Airport activities, events, and an-
nouncements: Runway 1L-19R construction has been pushed up one week due to the rain.
Staff will start closures on March 27. Staff don’t anticipate significant impact on operations.
Operations will be similar to when there are strong summer winds but with more flexibility.
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 6
Commissioner Natoli asked how to include comments the Commissioners receive in the
narrative tool. Director Satero said they will follow up.
President Johns said the Airports Council International “Best Airport in North America for
Airport Service Quality” award that the Airport received really impressed her because it was
based on passenger feedback. She also noted SFO as “Best Airport in the 40+ million
worldwide.” She commended everyone involved in running the Airport. She also com-
mended the new software that helps determine if a landing plane is heading toward a taxi-
There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.
There were no items initiated by Commissioners.
Item No. 1 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Almanza and a
second by Commissioner Natoli.
1. Authorization to Accept and Expend Airport Terminal Program Federal Grant
Funds in the Amount of up to $31,000,000 for the International Terminal
Building Roof Upgrade Project
Resolution authorizing the acceptance and expenditure of Airport
Terminal Program federal grant funds in the amount of up to
$31,000,000 for the International Terminal Building Roof Upgrade
Project, plus additional amounts up to 15% of the original amount
that may be offered, and authorizing the Commission Secretary to
seek approval from the Board of Supervisors to accept and expend
the grant under Section 10.170-1 of the San Francisco Administrative
Kevin Kone, Managing Director of Finance and Acting Airport Controller pre-
sented this item.
President Johns said she remembers the opening of the International Terminal and
can’t believe the roof already needs to be replaced. She’s glad the Airport has grant
There were no further comments from the Commissioners. The following constitu-
ents provided public comment for Item #1:
Shawn O’Leary, Diversified Metal Mfg, submitted public comment via email prior to
the meeting objecting to the item.
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 7
Item No. 2 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Natoli and a
second by Commissioner Hewlett.
2. Request to Reject All Bids for Contract No. 11658.61, Construction Services
for the Airport Noise Insulation Program, 2020-2024 Phase, Group 1 Project
and Authorize the Director to Re-Advertise the Project as Contract No.
11658.71, Construction Services for the Airport Noise Insulation Program,
2020-2024 Phase, Group 1 Project
Resolution rejecting all bids for Contract No. 11658.61, Construction
Services for the Airport Noise Insulation Program, 2020-2024 Phase,
Group 1 Project, and authorizing the Director to re-advertise the pro-
ject as Contract No. 11658.71, Construction Services for the Airport
Noise Insulation Program, 2020-2024 Phase, Group 1 Project.
Claudia Luquín, Director of Project Management presented this item.
President Johns said she hopes the Airport gets it right the second time around.
There were no further comments from the Commissioners and no public comment.
Item No. 3 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Almanza and a
second by Commissioner Natoli.
3. Authorization to Issue Request for Proposals No. 50338 for As-Needed Airport
Sustainability Services and Negotiate with the Three (3) Highest-Ranked
Resolution authorizing the issuance of Request for Proposals
No. 50338 for As-Needed Airport Sustainability Services and negotia-
tion with the three (3) highest-ranked proposers.
Nupur Sinha, Director of Planning and Environmental Affairs presented this
Vice President Yeung asked if this would help prepare the Airport to apply for Infla-
tion Reduction Act money since the administration is very focused on sustainability.
Ms. Sinha said the funding portion would normally go through Finance, but it will be
a collaborative effort with Project Management.
Commissioner Almanza asked for clarification on the contract amount. Ms. Sinha
clarified it is $1 million for five years. It is a relatively small contract.
There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 8
Item No. 4 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a
second by Commissioner Yeung.
4. Award of a 2023 Lease and Use Agreement with Certain Airlines Operating at
San Francisco International Airport
Resolution awarding a 2023 Lease and Use Agreement with certain
Through airlines operating at San Francisco International Airport, and directing
the Commission Secretary to forward the lease to the Board of Su-
pervisors for approval.
Javad Hadizadeh, Director of Aviation, Parking, and Space Management pre-
sented this item.
Commissioner Natoli asked how many airlines are remaining. Mr. Hadizadeh said
there are a total of 60 airlines. The airlines have been given a fair amount of time to
decide to go on the lease or a permit. There is a chance that there may be a handful
or less within the next few months. Staff are not sure. Some airlines have a rigorous
and long routing process for their signatories to sign off. He would estimate in the
ballpark of four or five airlines.
Vice President Yeung asked what happens to airlines who enter into the agree-
ment but want to terminate their participation. He also asked what the process is to
approve new airlines in the future. Mr. Hadizadeh responded that the Lease and
Use Agreement runs for 10 years. Anyone who is not a current signee can choose to
join and enjoy the remainder of the Agreement, which will extend until 2033. The
process to join is the same. Staff will hold meetings, prepare documents, and go be-
fore the Airport Commission and Board of Supervisors. Regarding if an airline wants
to break the lease, there are very strict provisions that may allow it, but they have to
be under extreme duress. Otherwise, the Agreement in its entirety will continue de-
spite an airline wanting to leave.
President Johns asked if the airlines on the month-to-month lease know they pay a
premium but still decide to continue. Mr. Hadizadeh said they are very well-versed.
There were no further questions from the Commissioners. The following constituents pro-
vided public comment for Item #4:
Shawn O’Leary, Diversified Metal Mfg, submitted public comment via email prior to
the meeting objecting to the item.
Item No. 5 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Natoli and a
second by Commissioner Almanza.
5. Commencement of the Competitive Selection Process for the Foreign
Currency Exchange Services Lease
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 9
Resolution approving the proposed minimum qualification require-
ments and lease specifications for the Foreign Currency Exchange
Services Lease, and authorizing Staff to issue a Request for Bids and
conduct an informational conference for interested proposers.
Cheryl Nashir, Director of Revenue Development & Management presented this
Vice President Yeung thanked Ms. Nashir for her comments about why there
isn’t a percentage of rent schedule and explaining the difference between an RFP
and RFB.
There were no further comments from the Commissioners and no public comment.
Item No. 6 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Hewlett and a
second by Commissioner Natoli.
6. Commencement of the Competitive Selection Process for the Banking
Services Lease
Resolution approving the proposed minimum qualification require-
ments and lease specifications for the Banking Services Lease, and
authorizing Staff to issue a Request for Bids and conduct an informa-
tional conference for interested proposers.
Cheryl Nashir, Director of Revenue Development & Management presented this
Commissioner Natoli asked how much use the ATM at the Long-Term Parking
Garage receives. Ms. Nashir said they will have to review and send the information.
There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.
Item No. 7 was approved unanimously upon a motion by Commissioner Almanza and a
second by Commissioner Yeung.
7. Commencement of the Competitive Selection Process for the Terminal 3 Retail
Specialty Lease
Resolution approving the proposed minimum qualification require-
ments and lease specifications for the Terminal 3 Retail Specialty
Lease, and authorizing Staff to issue a Request for Proposals and
conduct an informational conference for interested proposers.
Cheryl Nashir, Director of Revenue Development & Management presented this
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 10
Commissioner Almanza asked if there is a specific category the Airport is looking
for. Ms. Nashir said specialty retail is hard, but it makes the Airport interesting. A gift
store with a lot of different items would be great, especially San Francisco-themed
President Johns asked if the current concession sold mostly items from San Fran-
cisco. Ms. Nashir confirmed. President Johns asked if the new lease is opening to
a broader category. Ms. Nashir confirmed. President Johns asked if there will still
be a specialty store related to San Francisco in the area. Ms. Nashir said there are
a few places nearby that cover it.
There were no further questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.
The Consent Calendar, Item Nos. 8 through10, was approved unanimously upon a motion
by Commissioner Natoli and a second by Commissioner Hewlett.
8. Approval of Modification No. 2 to Professional Services Contract
No. 50249.02 for Additional Support Services and Deliverables for As-Needed
Airport Planning Consulting Services
HNTB Corporation
Resolution approving Modification No. 2 to Professional Services
Contract No. 50249.02 for additional support services and delivera-
bles for As-Needed Airport Planning Consulting Services with HNTB
Corporation, increasing the not-to-exceed Contract amount by
$2,000,000 for a new total not-to-exceed Contract amount of
9. Approval of Phase D to Contract No. 11576.66, Design-Build Services for the
Sewer Treatment Plant Improvements Project
Plant Construction Company LP
Resolution approving Phase D to Contract No. 11576.66, Design-
Build Services for the Sewer Treatment Plant Improvements Project,
with Plant Construction Company LP to increase the Contract not-to-
exceed amount by $951,389, establish a Final Guaranteed Maximum
Price of $26,735,635, and extend the total Contract duration to 893
consecutive calendar days.
Minutes, March 21, 2023, Page 11
10. Approval of Amendment No. 3 to International Terminal Food and Beverage
Lease 3, Lease No. 16-0014
Tastes on the Fly SFO International, LLC
Resolution (1) approving Amendment No. 3 to International Terminal
Food and Beverage Lease 3, Lease No. 16-0014, with Tastes on the
Fly SFO International, LLC, removing the Samovar Tea facility from
the lease premises, leaving the Minimum Annual Guarantee as is,
and reducing the Annual Promotional Charge from $12,570 to
$7,157; and (2) directing the Commission Secretary to request ap-
proval by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Section 9.118 of the
Charter of the City and County of San Francisco.
There were no questions from the Commissioners and no public comment.
There was no Public Comment.
There was no discussion by the Commission.
There are no planned agenda items for a Closed Session for the current meeting.
There being no further calendared business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned
at 9:54 A.M.
(Original signed by: Kantrice Ogletree)
Kantrice Ogletree
Airport Commission Secretary
SFO Customer Narratives as a tool for solving intractable issues
SFO’s Contact Us feature is useful for customers to share long-form complaints about their airport experience with us.
These complaints are full of raw emotion and help us identify emerging and persistent complaints.
January 2023, a new process to address these emerging and persistent complaints was launched via bi-weekly
1. The unedited narratives are shared with Airport stakeholders in order to convey the full emotional impact that
an unsatisfactory experience can have on a customer, their loyalty, and their perception of the SFO brand.
2. Charts of the individual complaint topics are shared by quarter and against enplanements for context.
3. Accountability. Section managers who oversee functions with persistent or emerging complaint trends provide
progress on a resolution, or a description of obstacles in the way of resolution.
4. Customer Care summarizes the section head responses and shares with the COO for buy-off, or a request for
more info.
Progress will be acknowledged and celebrated.
Airport Commission | March 21, 2023 | Public Comment Call-in: 1-415-655-0002 | Access Code: 2599 773 5987 # | Attendee ID: 24726664 #
SFO Customer Narratives as a tool for solving intractable issues
Section Charts Complaints by quarter for each category. These are unsolicited complaints, so even small numbers may indicate a problem.
Airport Commission | March 21, 2023 | Public Comment Call-in: 1-415-655-0002 | Access Code: 2599 773 5987 # | Attendee ID: 24726664 #
SFO Customer Narratives as a tool for solving intractable issues
Airport Commission | March 21, 2023 | Public Comment Call-in: 1-415-655-0002 | Access Code: 2599 773 5987 # | Attendee ID: 24726664 #
SFO Customer Narratives as a tool for solving intractable issues
Airport Commission | March 21, 2023 | Public Comment Call-in: 1-415-655-0002 | Access Code: 2599 773 5987 # | Attendee ID: 24726664 #
SFO Customer Narratives as a tool for solving intractable issues
Has the new process been effective?
Our revised approach has only been in effect for 80 days, but we can draw some early conclusions:
January 2023 complaint per 10,000 enplaned passengers is lower than January 2022 (0.43 versus
Provided additional urgency to impactful issues
Enhanced problem solving with Airport staff and has opened the door to more effective
collaboration with stakeholders
The reporting process is being automated which will result in more visibility, dashboarding, and
faster resolution of complaint topics as will be required in an Airport Integrated Operations
Center (AIOC) environment.
Airport Commission | March 21, 2023 | Public Comment Call-in: 1-415-655-0002 | Access Code: 2599 773 5987 # | Attendee ID: 24726664 #
This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted
From: Wufoo
To: Airport Commission Secretary (AIR)
Subject: Online Public Comment Form [#75]
Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2023 6:29:01 AM
Name shawn oleary
Organization Diversified Metal Mfg
3727 METRO DRIVE STE D 3727 metro drive ste D
Stockton, CA, ca 95215
United States
Phone Number (209) 857-9033
Meeting Date Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Calendar Item No. OR Subject G.1: Federal Property Improvement Grant/G.4.: Award
Annonymous Lease
This Airport should pay delinquint (un-recoverable) money past due to hard working small business
before expenditures for roofing. The objection is to leave unpaid; balances for Airport Property
Improvement, before any other improvements are scheduled. The second objection is no Contract
Advertisement should be solicited before informing bidders, they have no legal protections with
Mechanics Lien Rights, and other hard working small trade contractors have had property stolen by
Airport Security; been stiffed by crooked Airline tenants, and the Airport Management.
This Commission is again conducting lease business in secret, even after the Nuru Corruption, and
the former Commision Vice President resigning after alleged involvement. The objection is to not
inform the public which Airline Lease and Use Agreements this Commission plans to approve
without public comment; or objection. It can be expected all slick Willie "YES" sock puppets will
follow as directed without conscience or self respect. I ask a Sunshine Request with all names of
Airport Lease "pending" approvals be forward to objectee before further action.