July 1, 2020
Fiscal Year 2020/21
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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
LEGAL AUTHORITY REFERENCE .................................................................... 2
AIRFIELD CHARGES ......................................................................................... 3
Aircraft Landi ng Fees ................................................................................................................. 3
Outdoor Aircraft Parking Fees ................................................................................................... 3
AIRPORT SUPPORT AREA CHARGES............................................................. 5
Cargo Facilities........................................................................................................................... 5
Customs Cargo Facility—Annual Airline Fee ............................................................................. 5
TERMINAL AREA CHARGES ............................................................................. 6
Airline Terminal Rental Rates .................................................................................................... 6
Security Access Fees .................................................................................................................. 9
NonAirline Terminal Rental Rates ............................................................................................ 9
GROUNDSIDE AREA CHARGES..................................................................... 10
Vehicle Parking Rates—Public ................................................................................................. 10
Vehicle Parking Rates—Employees ......................................................................................... 10
Ground Transportation Vehicle Access Charges ..................................................................... 11
UTILITIES CHARGES ....................................................................................... 13
Electricity ................................................................................................................................. 13
Water....................................................................................................................................... 13
Waste Water Treatment.......................................................................................................... 13
Refuse Collection ..................................................................................................................... 13
Triturator Fee........................................................................................................................... 14
Airport Communications Infrastructure Charge (ACIC)........................................................... 14
Infrastructure Connectivity and Cable Television (CATV) Transport Charges......................... 14
Shared Tenant Services ........................................................................................................... 15
Installation Services (fee per hour) ......................................................................................... 18
Airport Data and Video Services.............................................................................................. 18
SERVICE CHARGE ON DELINQUENT PAYMENTS ....................................... 18
Summary of Airport Charges
The Summary of Airport Charges provides information on fees and charges established and
levied by the Airport Commission for the use of the San Francisco International Airport.
This booklet provides airlines, aviation support service providers, transportation operators, and
other tenants with a description of the charges to which they may be subject. This booklet will
also serve Airport staff as a comprehensive reference document by assembling in one source
the fees, charges, and rates currently in effect.
While the Summary of Airport Charges attempts to describe current rates for the major charges
established and levied by the Airport Commission, it is not intended to be all-inclusive. Many
Airport Commission charges are incorporated in tenant leases that are fixed until renegotiated
or adjusted periodically, in accordance with specific lease terms.
The language used in this booklet to describe the various fees and charges is intended to be
informative only. It is not intended to provide definitions and terms for each fee type that would
carry the weight of law. The Airport Commission and the City of San Francisco may not be held
liable for an interpretation of charges based on this booklet.
Fees, charges, and rates contained herein are effective July 1, 2020 unless noted otherwise,
but may change at any time without notice and may have changed since the publication of this
booklet. Please contact San Francisco International Airport Finance Division with any questions
on airport charges.
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Summary of Airport Charges
Legal Authority Reference
The fees, charges, and rates contained herein were approved by the Airport Commission on
June 16, 2020 under Resolution 20-0105, and were calculated in accordance with the policies
and procedures of the Commission and certain agreements between the Commission and
various users of the Airport, including the 2011 Lease and Use Agreement.
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Summary of Airport Charges
Airfield Charges
Aircraft Landing Fees
I. Rate per 1,000 pounds of approved maximum landing weight is based on the status of
the Operator:
a. Signatory landing fee = $7.29 per thousand pounds.
b. Nonsignatory landing fee = $9.11 per thousand pounds.
c. General Aviation landing fee = $9.11 per thousand pounds.
II. Minimum Landing Fees:
All aircraft are subject to a minimum landing fee. Aircraft landing fees are based on the
greater of the minimum landing fee or a fee based on the total weight of the aircraft
calculated at the rate per 1,000 pounds. The breakeven weight is the weight at which
the minimum fee is equal to the landing fee calculated at the rate per 1,000 pounds.
Minimum landing fees and breakeven weights for each type of aircraft are provided
Minimum Fee Breakeven Weight (lbs.)
Signatory Landings
1. Fixedwing aircraft $393 53,900
2. Rotarywing aircraft 196 26,900
NonSignatory Landings:
3. Fixedwing aircraft $491 53,900
4. Rotarywing aircraft 246 27,000
General Aviation Landings
5. Fixedwing aircraft $261 28,600
6. Rotarywing aircraft 131 14,400
III. Air Carrier Incentive Program:
A 100% discount on landing fees will apply for a period of up to 24 months, with a minimum of
12 months from the service commencement date, per the Air Carrier Incentive Program.
Outdoor Aircraft Parking Fees
I. General Aviation Parking Rates:
Monthly general aviation aircraft parking rates shall be based on the maximum permissible
landing weight of the aircraft as follows:
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Summary of Airport Charges
Maximum Approved
Landing Weight (lbs.)
Up to 10,000
10,001 to 24,000
24,001 to 55,000
55,001 to 100,000
100,001 to 150,000
150,001 or more
First 8 Hours
or Fraction Thereof
Commercial Rates Apply
Each Additional
8 Hours or
Fraction Thereof
Commercial Rates Apply
II. Commercial Aircraft Parking Rates:
Terminal or Near Terminal Locations (e.g. Plots 6, 9, 10, 12, A, B, C, D, G):
Maximum Approved
Landing Weight (lbs.)
Less than 250,000 lbs.
250,001 lbs. or more
First 8 Hours
or Fraction Thereof
Each Additional
8 Hours or
Fraction Thereof
Remote Locations (e.g. Plots 40, 41, 50, TW):
Maximum Approved
Landing Weight (lbs.)
Less than 250,000 lbs.
250,001 lbs. or more
First 8 Hours
or Fraction Thereof
Each Additional
8 Hours or
Fraction Thereof
III. Permit Rates shall apply when the aircraft operator so requests and pays the permit rate
monthly in advance, and requires issuance of a permit.
IV. Maximum Landing Weight shall mean the maximum (permissible) gross landing weight
of the aircraft.
V. Payment of rates for each eight hours or fraction thereof shall be made prior to the
departure of the aircraft unless credit arrangements have been approved by the Airport
Director or other duly authorized agent of the Airport Commission.
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Summary of Airport Charges
Airport Support Area Charges
Cargo Facilities
Rental rates for all cargo handling and cargo related office space:
Rental Rate
Warehouse (Includes related office space) $26.73
Customs Cargo Facility—Annual Airline Fee
This is an annual fee to be collected from airlines using the United States Customs Service
(USCS) on-Airport facility for clearance of international cargo shipments into the United States.
The amount of the fee will be determined annually to cover facility rent and recovery of the
Airport’s tenant-improvement costs and operating and maintenance costs associated with
housing this function in West Field Cargo Building 1. The Customs Cargo Facility fee will be
billed monthly to each airline based on its pro-rata share of transaction data reported by USCS
to the Airport.
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Summary of Airport Charges
Terminal Area Charges
Airline Terminal Rental Rates
I. Exclusive Use Space:
The rental rate of exclusive use space varies by category of space.
Category Description
I Ticket counters, holdrooms, service counters and kiosks
II VIP clubs and lounges, baggage claim lobbies, baggage
service offices, curbside checkin, and other enclosed space
departure level and above
III Other enclosed space arrivals level and below, nonpublic
offices, and other enclosed areas arrivals level and below
IV Inbound/outbound baggage, and equipm ent rooms
V Other unenclosed space, and covered areas at ramp level
When nonairline terminal rental revenue together with the Groundside Area deficit is insufficient to
cover the cost of the terminal area public space, a surcharge is added to the airline base terminal rental
rate so that 50% of the net cost will be paid from airline terminal rentals (the other 50% is paid through a
landing fee surcharge).
The annual rental rates by category of space are:
Category Total Rate per Sq. Ft.
I $340.28
II 255.21
III 170.14
IV 85.07
V 34.03
II. Joint Use Space:
Airlines sharing space leased to more than one scheduled airline pay rent according to a joint use
formula, summarized as follows:
1. Applicable total charges are based on the five categories of rental space defined herein
under Airline Terminal Rental Rates, Section I, Exclusive Use Space.
2. Twenty percent (20%) of the applicable total charges for joint use space (rent plus any other
charges or credits) is divided equally among the airlines that use the space.
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Summary of Airport Charges
3. The remaining eighty percent (80%) of applicable total charges or credits is divided among
those airlines using the space based on each user airline's share of enplaning (and/or
deplaning, as appropriate) passengers proportionate to the total number of enplaning
(and/or deplaning, as appropriate) passengers during the May 2019 through April 2020
4. Charter operators, seasonal carriers, and those airlines that are exclusively handled by
Signatory carriers will be billed through the sponsoring Signatory airlines.
III. Common Use Fees-Domestic Terminals*:
Provided in the 2011 Lease and Use Agreement, airlines utilizing common use facilities in the domestic
terminals are subject to the following new common use fees:
NarrowBody WideBody
Aircraft Aircraft
Usage Fee per Departure $198 $228
Usage Fee per Arrival 198 228
Common Use Baggage Claim Fee per use 301 346
Common Use Ticket Counter Fee per use 139 160
Total $836 $962
Usage Fee per Departure Holdroom Only** $173 $200
Usage Fee per Arrival Holdroom Only** 173 200
Hourly Ticket Counter Fee *** 71 71
Hourly Baggage Makeup Fee 56 56
Hourly Podium Fee**** 36 36
* Fees also apply to remote bus gates.
** Gates with airline owned and maintained jet bridges.
*** Ticket Counter Fees are for use of a pair of counters, with a 2hour minimum if used on a noncontinuous basis.
**** Applies to podium usage not associated with Common Use turns.
IV. Turn Fee – Domestic Airlines Operating in International Terminal (includes Canada operations)*:
Billed by & Paid Billed by & Paid
to Airport to SFOTEC
("Domestic ("SFOTEC Use
Airline ITB Fee") Fee")
Narrowbody aircraft ‐‐ $296
Usage Fee per Departure $133 ‐‐
Usage Fee per Arrival 133 ‐‐
Common Use Baggage Claim Fee per use 201 ‐‐
Common Use Ticket Counter Fee per use 73 ‐‐
Total $540 $296 $836
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Summary of Airport Charges
Billed by & Paid Billed by & Paid
to Airport to SFOTEC
("Domestic ("SFOTEC Use
Airline ITB Fee") Fee")
Widebody aircraft ‐‐ $296
Usage Fee per Departure $163 ‐‐
Usage Fee per Arrival 163 ‐‐
Common Use Baggage Claim Fee per use 246 ‐‐
Common Use Ticket Counter Fee per use 94 ‐‐
Total $666 $296 $962
* SFOTEC fee will be prorated for half turns. Fees also apply to remote bus gates from the International Terminal.
V. International Seasonal and Charter Use of International Terminal – Per Passenger Fee
The passenger fee for international seasonal service and charter use of the International Terminal will be
equivalent to the total International Joint Use charges divided by the total passengers (enplanements
and deplanements) for the scheduled international carriers. The fee will be determined by the
International Joint Use charges and total passengers in the IT Joint Use calcu lation in effect at the time of
the activity and will be charged for both enplanements and deplanements.
VI. Transborder Program Fee*:
Airlines providing service to Mexico and Canada at SFO may participate in the Transborder program with
the fees below.
Mexico operations
Full Turn Fee $425
Arrival Only Fee 175
Carriers with Mexico operat ions also require customs clearance, and pay FIS Joint Use and
SFOTEC member fees.
Canada operations
(See "Turn Fee‐ Domestic Airlines Operating in International Terminal")
*Transborder policy to remain in effect on a continuous basis.
VII. Jet Bridge Rental Rate:
The rental fee for carriers using Airportowned jet bridges will be $21.00 per aircraft operation (aircraft
arrival and departure).
VIII. Sky Terrace (Terminal 2) Rental Rate:
Rate per hour*: $334
*A twohour minimum contract is required.
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Summary of Airport Charges
Security Access Fees
Fees for security identification badges, fingerprinting services, and vehicle permit are
established as follows:
Security Access Fees (per badge) Fee
New Badge (valid up to two years) $90
Badge Renewal (valid up to two years) 63
Temporary (T) Badge (standard) 10
Replace Damaged Badge 25
Replace Lost or Stolen Badge* 150
Badge Reprint Fee 25
Ramp Permit for Authorized Vehicles (valid for 1 year) 40
Seals for Nonregistered Equipment/Vehicles 40
Fingerprint 81.25
Vehicle Reinspection Fee 25
Airport Security Key Replacement 100
Traffic/Security Admonishment 50
Film Permit (per day)** 2,0006,000
* Lost or stolen badges returned to the Security Access Office within 7 business days are eligible for 100% refund. Lost
or stolen badges returned after the 7
business day but before the badge expiration date is eligible for a 50% refund.
All refunds for lost or stolen badge fee are at the discretion of the Security Access Office.
** Fee of $2,000 to $6,000 per day will be determined by the Security Access Office depending on the size of the
filming crew. Still photography shoot is $2,000 per day.
Non-Airline Terminal Rental Rates
The space categories are similar to those in use by the airlines. The annual rental rate for each
category is equivalent to the airline terminal rental rate.
Category Description
I Ticket counters, holdrooms, service counters and kiosks
VIP clubs and lounges, baggage claim lobbies, baggage service
offices, curbside checkin, and other enclosed space departure
level and above
Other enclosed space arrivals level and below, nonpublic offices,
and other enclosed areas arrivals level and below
IV Inbound/outbound baggage, and equipment rooms 85.07
V Other unenclosed space, and covered areas at ramp level 34.03
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Summary of Airport Charges
Groundside Area Charges
Vehicle Parking Rates—Public
Domestic Garage
International Garages A & G
Long Term Parking Garages 1 & 2
Park Valet
ParkFAST *
Each 15
Maximum per
each 2
Lost Ticket per
each 2
* Rates shown are for subscribing ParkFAST members. Nonmembers pay an additional $2 per day.
Vehicle Parking Rates—Employees
Permits are sold throughout the quarter in which they are valid. Permit parking fees are applied
to the remainder of the valid quarter at time of sale.
I. Terminal Parking Permits: Domestic and International Terminal Garages.
Period Remaining Rate
Over 2 months, up to full calendarquarter $336
Over 1 month, up to 2 full months 224
Up to 1 full month 112
II. Non-Terminal Parking Permits: Lot C, Lot D, West Field Garage, and all other Airport controlled
parking areas, including cargo facilities and maintenance hangars.
Parking Rate at Facility with Bus Service Rate
Over 2 months, up to full calendarquarter $225
Over 1 month, up to 2 full months 150
Up to 1 full month 75
Parking Rate at Facility without Bus Service Rate
Over 2 months, up to full calendarquarter $204
Over 1 month, up to 2 full months 136
Up to 1 full month 68
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Summary of Airport Charges
Ground Transportation Vehicle Access Charges
I. Taxicabs charged upon exit from taxicab lot:
Per Trip $4.50
II. Taxi safety inspection fee:
Annual Safety Inspection Fee $57 per vehicle
Semiannual Safety Inspection 57 per vehicle
Failed Safety Inspection Fee 130 per vehicle
III. Taxi smart-card replacement fee:
Initial Card No Charge
Replacement Card #1 No Charge
Replacement Card #2 and each thereafter $27 per card
IV. Commercial Ground Transportation Operators:
1. Registration and administration fees are as follows: Fee per Vehicle
Annual Vehicle Registration & Safety Inspection Fee (all vehicle types $57
except long distance charter buses and limousines)
Long Distance Charter Bus Registration & Safety Inspection Fee:
10 vehicles or less 1,545
11 to 20 vehicles 2,060
21 to 30 vehicles 2,575
31 to 40 vehicles 3,090
41 vehicles or more 5,150
Limousine Registration Renewal Fee 57
Offsite Vehicle Inspection Service Fee (for fleets of > 25 vehicles)
< 20 miles away from SFO 21
20 miles or more 42
Missed Scheduled Inspection 105
Failed Inspection Fee 130
Late Inspection Cycle Fee 260
Temporary Identification Permit 52
Oneday Temporary Permit Fee (with 72 or more hours in advance 27
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Summary of Airport Charges
Fee per Vehicle
Oneday Temporary Permit Fee (with less than 72 hours in advance $130
Operator Reorientation Fee (for revoked or suspended permits) 77
Late Registration & Permit Renewal Fee 30 days or greater from the 205
annual renewal date (per permit)
Special Event Fee 515
2. Ground transportation access fees are as follows:
Operator Fee per Trip
Scheduled Buses $3.60
Charter Buses 3.60
Prearranged Vans 3.60
OffAirport Parking Lot Shuttles 3.60
OffAirport Parking Lot Shuttles not Implementing Clean Vehicle Policy 10.80
Hotel Courtesy Shuttles 3.60
Hotel Courtesy Shuttles not Implementing Clean Vehicle Policy 10.80
Shared Ride Vans* 3.60
Limousines Domestic Garage Level 5 4.50
Limousines Terminals Curbside 4.50
Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) Domestic Garage Level 5 4.50
Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) Terminals Curbside 4.50
Miscellaneous Ground Transportation 3.60
Commercial shared ride van permit applies
V. Off-Airport Rental Car Fee:
OffAirport Rental Car operators are charged 10% of gross receipts for revenue derived from Airport
customers. The Airport Director or the Director’s designee is authorized to waive this fee for the first
$83,333 per month of such revenue on a permitbypermit basis , provided that this option shall be
offered to each offAirport rental car operator on an equal basis in connection with permit issuance.
VI. SFO Transportation and Facility Fee:
The SFO Transportation and Facility Fee is collected by the rental car companies with proceeds remitted
monthly to the Airport. The fee is assessed per signed rental car contract and represents a partial
recovery of the associated costs of providing AirTrain Service (debt service, maintenance & operating
expenses) allocable to the rental car in dustry in conjunction with rental car patron movement between
the Rental Car Center and all domestic and international Airport terminals.
SFO Transportation and Facility Fee = $16/signed rental car contract
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Summary of Airport Charges
Utilities Charges
The Airport buys power from the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and resells it to Airport tenants at
Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E) rates, which may be adjusted by PG&E at any time during the
The Airport charge Airport tenants for water delivered.
Cost per Additional Monthly
100 cubic feet Service Fee
Water Rate $9.81 +
monthly service fee
based on meter size
Waste Water Treatment
The Airport charge Airport tenants for waste water (sewage) treatment.
Cost per
100 cubic feet
Waste Water Treatment Rate $29.43
Refuse Collection
The fee for use of Airport trash compactors for airline tenants is assessed monthly. Aviation support
service providers handling trash for multiple airlines will be assessed (1) the monthly fee for its own
use of the facilities and (2) monthly fee multiplied by the number of airlines handled by that service
provider. All other users are as follows:
per Month
Airline $984
Retail concession 656
Retail concession with "green" certification 492
Food & Beverage concession 896
Food & Beverage concession with "green" certification 672
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Summary of Airport Charges
Triturator Fee
Use of the Airport triturators requires issuance of a use permit by Aviation Management and a
permittee-specific PIN identification code. The fees for use of Airport triturators are as follows:
Fee per use
Terminal Loca tions $82
Nonterminal Locations 42
Airport Communications Infrastructure Charge (ACIC)
Airport Facilities Bandwidth
Monthly Fee
DSO (Digital Subscriber 0), (baseline bandwidth capacity) $15
DS1 (Digital Subscriber 1), (equivalent to 24 DSO bandwidth) 139
IT10M10MBBW Bandwidth (10 MB Bandwidth) 221
DS3 (Digital Subscriber 3), (equivalent to 672 DSO bandwidth) 1,000
Metro Ethernet, Copper Handoff 640 960
Metro Ethernet, Copper Handoff, CIR of 10 Mbps 640
Metro Ethernet, Copper Handoff, CIR of 50 Mbps 865
Metro Ethernet, Copper Handoff, CIR of 100 Mbps 960
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff 840
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 10 Mbps 840
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 50 Mbps 1,065
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 100 Mbps 1,330
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 150 Mbps 1,400
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 250 Mbps 1,500
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 500 Mbps 1,650
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 600 Mbps 1,730
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 1000 Mbps 2,050
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 2 Gbps 2,450
Metro Ethernet, Fiber Handoff, CIR of 10 Gbps 5,650
Zterm/SFO Private Ring 190
ACIC Cable television (CATV) Signal Transport 100
Infrastructure Connectivity and Cable Television (CATV) Transport Charges
Connection Service Monthly Fee
Copper Cable PointtoPoint Connectivity‐ intra/inter campus
$ 15
18G701Gig 35Vlan
04A21100Mbps 1Vlan no IP 103
07H00Metro Eth 10Mbps 610Vlan No IP No QoS 606
07H01Virtual ETH 10Mb 1 VLAN no IP 101
07H10VirtualETH100Mb per VLAN (Layer 2) 151
Ethernet Port charge 50 500
Ethernet Port via ADSL 10Mb 50
ETH10MA 10 Mbps port charge; single VLAN 50
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Summary of Airport Charges
Connection Service Monthly Fee
ETH10MT 10 Mbps port charge; multiple VLAN $100
ETH100MA 100 Mbps port charge; single VLAN 100
ETH100MT 100 Mbps port charge; multiple VLAN 200
ETH1GA 1 Gbps port charge; single VLAN 200
ETH1GT 1 Gbps port charge; multiple VLAN 325
ETH10GA 10 Gbps port charge; single VLAN 325
ETH10GT 10 Gbps port charge; multiple VLAN 500
Dark Fiber, Multimode 200
Dark Fiber, Singlemode 270
VPN Account 11
Access Point to Wifi Network 55
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) per Viewpoint Access (per viewpoint) 20
CCTVWCCTV Workstation 110
ISDNBRI Signal Transport Fee 30
PointtoPoint T1 (intracampus connectivity circuitry) 278
CATV1additional set top receivers max 7
DVTVDVR TV connection w/ 1 set top receiver
DVTV1additional set top receivers max 7
HDTVHD TV Connection w/ 1 set top receiver
HDTV1additional set top receivers max 7
Shared Tenant Services
Monthly Fee
Shared Tenant ServiceVoice/Data Circuit without Set
Shared Tenant Service Digital Port
Shared Tenant ServiceVoice/Data Circuit with Set
39 134
STS line w/2500 set
STS6408 STS line w/6408D instrumen ts 67
STS6408D STS line w/6408D+ instruments
STS6416D STS line w/6416D instruments
STS8410 STS line w/8410D instruments
STS8410D STS line w/8410D+ instrumen ts
STS8434 STS line w/8434D instruments
ITST82410D STS line w/2410D+ instruments
ITST92420 STS line w/2420D instruments
ITS13STS9408 110
ITS14STS9611 110
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Summary of Airport Charges
Layer 3 VRG L3VRF (Virtual Routing) 267
Long Distance calling rate for Continental US (per minute) $0.05
Category Monthly Fee
LTA Telephone 67
Voice Mail Box 17
Large Voice Mail Box 22
Auto Attendant Call Tree 166
Public Internet Access (PIA) 101
Public Internet Access (PIA) 110
Public Internet Access Pro (PIA Pro
5 Total Static IP addresses) 220
Public Internet Access PIA1PIA 1IP
Public Internet Access PIA2PIA 3IP
Public Internet Access PIA3PIA 8IP
Public Internet Access PIA1PIA 20M 176
Public Internet Access PIA5PIA 50M 1IP 500
Public Internet Access PIA15 50Mb 401
Public Internet Access PIA2220Mb 3IP 228
Public Internet Access PIA100
100 MBPS 872
Public Internet Access PIA150150MBPS 1,237
Public Internet Access PIA200200MBPS 1,575
Public Internet Access PIA250250MBPS 1,867
Public Internet Access PIA400400MBPS 2,772
Public Internet Access PI21P21P (paired with existing PIA) 60
Verint PISM Workstation Connection 0
SFO Email account 17
Common Use Network Access (CUNA) 50 496
Common Use Network Access 50
1Vlan Common Use Network Access VX 66
Common Use Network Access w/o port
Common Use Network Access on Existing Trunk
Common Use Network Access 27IPs
Common Use Network Access 59IPs
Wireless Network ID
55 220
Wireless Network ID SSID1SSID1
Wireless Network ID SSID2SSID2
Wireless Network ID SSID3SSID3
Wireless Network ID SSID4SSID4
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Summary of Airport Charges
Monthly Fee
Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)
85 190
ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), 5Mb, 384kb, 6K', 1IP
ADSL, 5Mb, 384kb, 6K', 3IP
ADSL, 5Mb, 384kb, 6K', 11IP
ADSL, 10Mb, 512kb, 5K', 1IP
ADSL, 10Mb, 512kb, 5K', 3IP
ADSL, 10Mb, 512kb, 5K', 11IP
ADSL, 15Mb, 768kb, 4K', 1IP
ADSL, 15Mb, 768kb, 4K', 3IP
ADSL, 15Mb, 768kb, 4K', 11IP
Veryhighbitrate Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL)
130 235
VDSL, 20Mb, 5Mb, 3500', 1IP
VDSL, 20Mb, 5Mb, 3500', 3IP
VDSL, 20Mb, 5Mb, 3500', 11IP
VDSL, 30Mb, 7Mb, 3K', 1IP
VDSL, 30Mb, 7Mb, 3K', 3IP
VDSL, 30Mb, 7Mb, 3K', 11IP
VDSL, 40Mb, 10Mb, 2K', 1IP
VDSL, 40Mb, 10Mb, 2K', 3IP
VDSL, 40Mb, 10Mb, 2K', 11IP
PointtoPoint MetroE Services
PC10PPMC10 Point to Point MetroE Copper CIR 10MB
PC50PPMC50 Point to Point MetroE Copper CIR 50MB
PC100PPMC100 Point to Point MetroE Copper CIR 100MB
PF10PPMF10 Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 10MB
PF50PPMF50 Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 50MB
PF100PPMF100 Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 100MB
PF150PPMF150 Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 150MB
PF250PPMF250 Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 250MB
PF500PPMF500 Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 500MB
PF600PPMF600 Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 600MB
PF1GPPMF1G Point to Point MetroE Fiber CIR 1000MB
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Summary of Airport Charges
Installation Services (fee per hour)
Labor (1 hour minimum)
Installation charge (includes 1
hour of technician time)
Overtime (for work before/after normal work hours)
Overtime ITT nonemergencies/weekends (4 hour minimum)
Airport materials and supplies (onetime charge)
At cost
Systems equipment (special order, onetime charge)
At cost
Airport Data and Video Services
Monthly Fee
Airportowned common use MultiUser System Equipment (MUSE):
MultiUser Flight Information Display System (MUFIDS) $140/terminal
Network printer $95/peripheral
Service Charge on Delinquent
A finance charge at the rate of 1.5% per month (on the unpaid balance) will be assessed on any
payment not received from an Airport tenant by the due date.
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