OLSE Regulations Implementing the Employer Spending Requirement of the San Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance (HCSO)
Effective 2008, San Francisco law requires your employer to make health care expenditures on your behalf. A health care
expenditure is an amount of money paid by your employer to you or to a third party for the purpose of providing you with access to
health care services. For example, your employer may:
make payments to enroll you in a health insurance program,
reimburse you for the costs of health care services you get on your own,
make payments on your behalf to the City’s new Healthy San Francisco program, or
establish and maintain a reimbursement account for your health care expenses.
You have been asked to complete this Voluntary Waiver Form because your employer is requesting a waiver from the legal
requirement described above. Your employer may obtain a waiver from this legal requirement if you are currently receiving health
care services through another employer, either as an employee of that other employer or by virtue of being the spouse, domestic
partner, or child of a person employed by that employer. To support a waiver request, your employer must obtain a new signed
Voluntary Waiver Form from you each year, updated as necessary to reflect any changes to the information provided.
Even if you receive health care services through another employer, you are entitled to receive health care services from this
employer. If you sign this form, your employer may stop making a mandatory health care expenditure to you or on your behalf. If
you want your employer to provide you with access to health care services, do not sign this form. It is illegal for your employer to
force or to pressure you to sign this form.
You have the right to cancel or revoke this voluntary waiver at any time. Your revocation must be submitted in writing. If you
revoke this waiver, your employer will be required to make health care expenditures to you or on your behalf.
Employee Name ___________________________ Name of Employer Requesting Waiver: ____________________________
Employee Address ___________________________ Employer Address: ____________________________________________
Employer Contact Person: _____________________
Employer Telephone No.: ___________________
I hereby certify that I receive health care services through another employer or through my spouse, domestic partner, or parent(s), as
indicated below:
If you receive health care services through another employer whom you work for and wish to provide a waiver to the
employer listed above, please provide the information below:
Name of Employer Providing Health Care Services: Type of Coverage Provided to You:
____________________________________________ health insurance (provide name of provider below)
Employer Address: ____________________________ ________________________________________________
Employer Contact Person: ______________________ SF Health Access Program/Healthy San Francisco
Employer Telephone No.: ______________________ reimbursement/direct payment of health care expenses
other (describe) _________________________________
If you receive health care services through the employer of your parent, spouse, or domestic partner and wish to provide a
waiver to the employer listed above, please provide the information below:
Name of Person Whose Coverage Extends to You: Type of Coverage Provided to You:
____________________________________________ health insurance (provide name of provider below)
His/Her Relationship to You: ____________________ ________________________________________________
Name of His/Her Employer _____________________ SF Health Access Program/Healthy San Francisco
His/Her Employer Address: _____________________ reimbursement/direct payment of health care expenses
Employer Contact Person: ______________________ other (describe) _________________________________
Employer Telephone No.: ______________________
I hereby waive the right to the health care expenditures described above, made to me or my behalf by the employer listed above.
______________________________ ______________________________
Employee’s Signature Today’s Date
If you have any questions about your employer’s obligations under the Health Care Security Ordinance,
please call 554-7892 or visit www.sfgov.org/olse/hcso.
Para asistencia en Español, llame al 554-7892.
需要中文幫助﹐請電 554-7892.
Complete this section ONLY if you wish to revoke a Voluntary Waiver Form that you have signed and provided to your employer.
If you wish to waive your right to health care expenditures made to you or on your behalf by my employer, do NOT complete the
portion below.
I no longer wish to waive the right to health care expenditures made to me or my behalf by my employer, pursuant to the San
Francisco Health Care Security Ordinance.
______________________________ ______________________________
Employee’s Signature Today’s Date