The Health Professions Oice (HPO) at Rutgers–New Brunswick coordinates two 7-Year BA/MD joint programs for high-
achieving students who are in their sophomore year at Rutgers. These programs are oered jointly with Robert Wood
Johnson Medical School (RWJMS) and New Jersey Medical School (NJMS).
To apply, students must have:
• Completed 4 semesters of college, with a minimum of 60 credits.
Note: Applicants with an associates degree, regardless of whether it was earned as a dual degree in high school or as a
traditional degree aer high school, are ineligible to apply for the program.
• Been enrolled in Rutgers for a minimum of one year, earning a minimum of 30 credits.
• Earned a minimum cumulative and science grade-point average of 3.5 at Rutgers.
• Completed two semesters of General Biology with lab, two semesters of General Chemistry with lab, two semesters of Organic
Chemistry (lab may be taken in the junior year), one semester of college-level Mathematics, and one semester of English. The
RWJMS program also recommends taking Biostatistics and Spanish.
• Note: If AP or transfer credit was granted for General Biology, two other upper-level biology courses (200-level courses or
higher) are required to have been taken at Rutgers.
• The RWJMS program requires students to submit a standardized test score of either SAT, ACT, or MCAT.
• Students with an SAT or ACT score: Test must have been taken prior to admission to Rutgers. Students with an SAT or ACT
score are not required to take an MCAT.
• Students without SAT or ACT scores: If admitted to the accelerate program, students are required to complete the MCAT
by April of junior year and score competitively.
• The NJMS program does not require SAT or ACT test scores. All accepted students are required to take the MCAT and be in the
competitive range of other accepted students to medical school that year.
• Students only pay for three years of tuition at Rutgers and four years of tuition at medical school.
• Credits for some classes taken during the rst year at the medical school count toward both the MD and the BA/BS degrees.
• Students complete all Rutgers requirements during their junior year. In their senior year, students take the full rst-year
medical school curriculum and receive credit for those courses toward completion of their undergraduate degree.
• Note: A student’s matriculation into medical school is conditional upon meeting additional requirements in their junior and
senior year.
BA/MD Program
at Rutgers–New Brunswick
The 7-Year BA/MD joint degree program at Rutgers–Newark oers a guaranteed admission to medical school for
competitive students that maintain certain minimum progress requirements. The BA/MD program is oered jointly
between the School of Arts and Sciences–Newark and Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS).
To apply, students must:
• Be enrolled in their senior year of high school at the time of application.
• Achieve a 1400 or higher on the SAT (Evidence-Based Reading and Writing and Math) in one test administration.
• An ACT composite score of 32 and above will be accepted in lieu of SAT scores.
• Note: Only test scores through October of your senior year will be considered for the BA/MD program. If you plan to take the
SAT and/or ACT aer October, you should still send your scores to Rutgers for scholarship consideration.
To Apply, Complete the Following Steps by November 1
• Apply to Rutgers online, selecting “Newark College of Arts and Sciences” as one of your school choices and “Med Joint BA/
MD” as your academic interest.
Submit your test scores directly from the testing agency to Rutgers.
Complete the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR).
• Once you apply to Rutgers–Newark and indicate your interest in the BA/MD program, an admissions oicer will email you.
Complete and submit the BA/MD supplemental application at nwksta You will need to submit
the following items as one le to the Application Portal.
• A 600-word essay (See for essay selection topics.)
• (3) letters of recommendation (Recommenders’ names and emails can be submitted on the second tab of the
supplemental application. Your recommenders will receive a link to submit.)
• A resume (1–2 pages)
• An oicial transcript
• Any additional documentation you deem pertinent, such as verication of your volunteer work, copies of awards
received, etc.
Consideration Process
File Review: Admissions will review all students who applied. Those applicants who met the minimum criteria and submit
completed portfolios by November 1 will then be reviewed for consideration into the BA/MD Program. As this does take some
time, student patience is appreciated. Applicants will be notied of the status of their le via email. Students should check the
email account provided on the Rutgers application regularly for BA/MD status updates.
Rutgers Interview: Applicants with the strongest credentials will be interviewed in person or by telephone between
December–February. Not all applicants are guaranteed an interview, but you will be notied of your status regardless.
NJMS Interview: Should Rutgers recommend the applicant, NJMS will review the credentials and may consider them for an
in-person interview by late March.
Final Selection Process: NJMS ultimately makes all BA/MD admission decisions. Notications are mailed in April. Admitted
students must inform Rutgers of their enrollment intentions by May 1.
BA/MD Program
at Rutgers–Newark