April-June 2017, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 1 –14
DOI: 10.1177/2332858417711427
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Surveys are one of the most common ways to collect infor-
mation about students. They are used extensively in aca-
demic educational research, primarily to collect information
about students that is not easily accessible. Student surveys
also play an increasingly large role in accountability efforts
in many school districts. Perhaps the best known of these
student surveys is the Tripod 7C
(Ferguson, 2008, 2012), in
which students respond to questions about their teacher and
their classroom environment. The Tripod 7C has been
administered in school districts for over a decade, resulting
in, according to the developers, data being collected from
millions of students in every region of the United States.
More recently, the CORE Districts in California are imple-
menting a new School Quality Ratings Index
that heavily
weighs self-reported student data, while the New York City
school district administers the NYC School Survey
to stu-
dents in Grades 6–12 to understand more about the learning
Academic researchers and school administrators conduct
surveys of students to collect information not available in
administrative or other databases. Yet our heavy reliance on
student survey data raises questions about their accuracy.
While many student survey questions are attitudinal (e.g., “I
get nervous in this class”), academic and administrative sur-
veys ask students factual questions about themselves, their
classrooms, and their schools. Factual questions are distin-
guished from attitudinal questions in that they have a clear
and correct answer. For example, responses to questions
about a student’s overall grade point average (GPA) or
whether his or her teacher asks questions during class to be
sure that students are following along while he or she teach-
ing could be compared with data from administrative data-
bases or classroom observations. While attitudinal questions
query the respondents about their states of mind and thus
cannot be verified, responses to factual questions have cor-
rect answers and can be independently verified.
This raises an important question: To what extent do
K–12 students accurately respond to these types of ques-
tions? Despite a growing reliance on students reporting fac-
tual information about themselves and their classrooms in
school practice and academic research, we know quite little
about the accuracy of student self-reports, particularly
related to the specific types of questions on which students
tend to inaccurately report. The literature in this area is
largely confined to comparing self-reports of GPA and stan-
dardized test scores with administrative databases. Yet even
a cursory review of surveys such as the Tripod 7C and sur-
veys of secondary students conducted by the National Center
for Education Statistics that are often used by academic
researchers reveals that we ask students many more types of
Understanding Student Self-Reports of Academic
Performance and Course-Taking Behavior
Jeffrey A. Rosen
RTI International–Chicago
Stephen R. Porter
North Carolina State University
Jim Rogers
RTI International–Research Triangle Park
In recent years, student surveys have played an increasingly large role in educational research, policy making, and, particu-
larly, accountability efforts. However, research on the accuracy of students’ self-reports about themselves and their education
is limited to analyses of overall grade point average and ACT/SAT standardized test scores. Using a unique data set, we
investigate the accuracy of students’ survey responses to questions about their course taking and grades in mathematics dur-
ing high school. We then analyze which student and survey characteristics influence accuracy. We find that students are
reasonably good reporters of course-taking patterns but poor reporters of more potentially sensitive questions, including
when the student completed Algebra I and the grade earned in the course. We find that lack of accuracy in student survey
reports is consistently related to several student characteristics.
Keywords: educational policy, measurements, policy, self reports, survey research, validity/reliability
711427EROXXX10.1177/2332858417711427Rosen et al.Accuracy of Student Self-Reports
Rosen et al.
factual questions: questions about themselves, actions that
they have taken in schools, and when they took these actions.
The purpose of this study is to use a unique data source to
understand more about the ability of students to report fac-
tual information when surveyed. We used the High School
Longitudinal Study (HSLS:09) to compare student survey
responses to questions about their academic records with
information from their school course transcript data. To our
knowledge, this data source is one of the few available in
which students’ survey responses can be compared with
administrative databases (which are presumed to be accu-
rate). Prior studies have focused largely on GPA and test
score reporting accuracy. This study adds course-taking and
specific course grade reporting accuracy to the field’s knowl-
edge of misreporting in student surveys. We also investigate
the specific student characteristics that explain reporting
accuracy. Our analyses shed light on the extent to which stu-
dents can accurately report critical academic information
beyond the commonly studied GPA and SAT/ACT score.
Prior Research
Accuracy of Self-Reports
It is common practice in education research to use self-
reports of student grades in research studies. Since a widely
cited meta-analysis by Kuncel, Credé, and Thomas (2005),
many researchers have argued that self-reported grades are
generally accurate (i.e., Ratelle & Duchesne, 2014) and can
be safely used as measures of student performance in studies
of educational outcomes and interventions. Today, the prac-
tice of using self-reports of grades and scores remains typical
even among very well-known researchers writing in the top
educational research journals (i.e., Guo, Marsh, Morin,
Parker, & Kaur, 2015; Yeager et al., 2016). However, a review
of the research over the last 15 years suggests that student
self-reports, particularly of factual questions such as GPA
and test scores, may suffer from systematic inaccuracy.
Studies of self-reported student data have a fairly lengthy
history. Cautionary notes on students’ ability to report grades
and test scores accurately were raised early on by Maxwell
and Lopus (1994): They found students with below-average
grades to be most likely to misreport, and this finding has
been frequently replicated over the years. Cassady (2001), in
a sample of undergraduate students, found the lowest-per-
forming students (lowest quartile) to be much less accurate
reporters than students in higher-performance categories.
Zimmerman, Caldwell, and Bernat (2002) found widespread
self-reporting inaccuracy and a tendency by lower-perform-
ing students to overreport GPA by at least two half grades.
Mayer et al. (2007) found systematic overreporting in SAT
scores, particularly among lower-scoring students. Cole and
Gonyea (2010) investigated reporting accuracy in self-
reported ACT scores, finding that when students are inac-
curate in reporting their scores, a disproportionate number of
them overreport their scores; again, lower-achieving stu-
dents are much less accurate when reporting their scores.
Despite the issue with misreporting among lower-per-
forming students, early studies on the use of self-reported
measures of academic performance offered some hope in
that they seemed to demonstrate that self-reports show
acceptable accuracy. Cassady (2001) found self-reported
GPA in a sample of college students to be accurate, based on
correlations between self-reported GPA and official univer-
sity records (r = .97). The highly influential meta-analysis
by Kuncel et al. (2005) revealed that self-reported perfor-
mance measurements such as GPA and SAT score are gener-
ally accurate and can be safely used when administrative
data are unavailable.
Recently, researchers have taken a new look at self-
reporting accuracy. Caskie, Sutton, and Eckhardt (2014)
investigated reporting accuracy in a sample of undergradu-
ates, finding that females on average overreported their
actual college GPA and males underreported it but only in
the lowest-performing groups. Teye and Peaslee (2015)
studied grades and attendance reporting among younger stu-
dents, finding student reports to be inaccurate, especially
among lower-performing children. Schwartz and Beaver
(2015) offer some very compelling recent data on self-
reporting accuracy, using the National Longitudinal Study of
Adolescent Health. The authors found that self-reported
GPA was approximately one-half letter grade greater than
GPA recorded in administrative databases, and again, inac-
curacy was greater for lower-performing students.
One reason why many scholars erroneously conclude that
student self-reports are accurate is due to an overreliance on
bivariate correlations. Take, for example, the Kuncel et al.
(2005) finding that the correlation between actual and self-
reported GPA is .82. This relationship sounds robust, until
one estimates the percentage of variance in self-reports due
to actual GPA. If we regressed students’ self-reported GPA
on actual GPA, an r of .82 indicates that the R
from this
regression model would be .67. In other words, actual GPA
explains only two-thirds of the variance in self-reported
GPA. From this perspective, self-reports appear to contain
substantial error. Of course, if this were random error, we
would be less concerned, but the literature is clear that this is
not the case: There are substantial patterns of overreporting
among lower-performing students.
The accuracy of student reports on course taking has been
studied much less extensively than grades and test scores. In
general, authors seem to have disseminated findings through
technical reports. The ACT registration section, which
includes items for students to report grades and courses
taken, has been used to assess the accuracy of course-taking
self-reports. It seems that students taking the ACT report
their courses highly accurately: Valiga (1986) found accu-
rate reporting for course taking to be 95%, and Sawyer,
Laing, and Houston (1988) found it to be 87%. As recently
Accuracy of Student Self-Reports
as 2015 (Sanchez & Buddin, 2015), the ACT data sources
have been used, again revealing very high rates (>90%) of
course reporting accuracy.
Peer-reviewed articles on the accuracy of self-reporting
courses taken seem to be quite rare. Niemi and Smith (2003)
provide one notable analysis of course-taking accuracy,
using data from the 1994 National Assessment of Educational
Progress and the 1994 High School Transcript Study. They
found that students dramatically overstated the number of
history classes taken and failed to distinguish among differ-
ent types of history classes. More peer-reviewed work on
self-reports of course taking is needed.
Why Self-Reports May Be Inaccurate
Why might students be inaccurate reporters of their aca-
demic records? The survey methodology literature offers
some insights. Tourangeau, Rips, and Rasinski (2000) devel-
oped a model of the survey response process consisting of
four major components: comprehension (understanding
what is being asked), retrieval (being able to retrieve from
memory information import to forming a response), judg-
ment (aggregating all retrieved information and coming up
with an answer), and response (the actual reporting of the
answer). Error is possible at any of these points during the
survey response process.
Retrieval is one area where the response process for stu-
dents could break down. Retrieval success for academic
events will depend on their distinctiveness, when they
occurred, and whether respondents are asked to report on
events that occurred within specific time boundaries. More
distinctive events are more likely to be encoded in memory,
which results in their ability to be recalled. One issue with
surveys about academic behavior is that much of what we
might ask of students is not distinctive, unless it is out of the
ordinary. One example is course grades: With so many
courses throughout the academic career, students will face
difficulties in reporting course grades unless, for example,
they usually receive As but receive a D or vice versa.
Retrieval also depends on the effort put into the retrieval
process. Thus, students who have difficulty focusing or are
uninterested in the survey topic will likely, on average,
devote less time and effort into retrieving the requested
information, with subsequent higher error rates.
At the judgment stage, students must take all of the infor-
mation that they have retrieved from memory and construct
an answer. Often memories are not complete, and students
will infer an answer from partial memories. If students can-
not recall taking a course, they may interpret the lack of
memory as having not taken the course and so report a “no”
rather than “don’t know” response. Because it is difficult to
recall the timing of a particular event, students may guess
when they have taken part in an academic activity.
Once respondents have an answer to report, they face two
additional decisions: First, they must determine how to map
the response onto the response scale provided by the survey;
second, they must decide whether to alter the response. The
first issue tends to occur with questions that use vague
response scales, such as often/very often or agree/strongly
agree, where the meanings of the response categories are
unclear. The second can occur with any survey question that
asks about potentially embarrassing information, with some
respondents altering the response to give the socially desir-
able answer (Duckworth & Yeager, 2015.)
Two other causes of misreporting and inaccuracy could
be mischievous or careless behavior among survey respon-
dents, which may be particularly problematic among adoles-
cents. Robinson-Cimpian (2014) defines the mischievous
respondent as one who enters responses that she or he thinks
are funny (i.e., reporting they are adopted when they are not)
or implausibly extreme on items related to, for example,
alcohol consumption. One serious issue with the mischie-
vous respondent is the potential impact on subgroup esti-
mates. Robinson-Cimpian shows how a relatively small
number of mischievous respondents can introduce bias in
subgroup estimates of characteristics such as disabilities and
gender identity. By removing the mischievous respondents,
he shows how estimates of some characteristics can be
changed, suggesting that mischievous responses introduce
systematic bias.
Carelessness (random or thoughtless answers) on the sur-
vey task can also introduce error, leading to inaccurate sur-
vey responses. One common method to identify careless
respondents involves introducing survey items specifically
designed to uncover carelessness. For example, a survey
may introduce nonsense items or may place a series of
effort-based questions at the end of the substantive content
sections of the survey (Meade & Craig, 2012). These
approaches have the downside of lengthening survey admin-
istration, so it may be more advisable to correct for careless-
ness or a lack of survey effort post hoc. An interesting post
hoc approach to identifying low-effort survey respondents
involves examining item nonresponse. Since it is long estab-
lished that survey nonresponse is not random (Krosnick &
Presser, 2010) and often reflects underlying attributes of sur-
vey respondents, Hitt, Trivitt, and Cheng (2016) argue that
item missingness can be used as a proxy measure for effort
on the survey task. In a study based on 6 nationally represen-
tative data sets, Hitt et al. used item missingness as a proxy
for effort and conscientiousness, finding the percentage of
items skipped on a survey to be a significant predictor of
educational outcomes later in life. The clear implication
from Hitt et al. is that effort on the survey task, as reflected
in item missingness, does reflect something important about
the survey respondent.
It seems fairly clear that self-reported student GPA and
test scores often appear to suffer from systematic inaccuracy,
yet use of self-reported grades in educational research is a
fairly standard practice. Recent studies of certain socioemo-
tional outcomes (i.e., Feldman & Kubota, 2015; Guo et al.,
Rosen et al.
2015; Yeager et al., 2016), gender-based motivation in math
and science (Diseth, Meland, & Breidablik, 2014; Leaper,
Farkas, & Brown, 2012), the effects of working on academic
performance (Darolia, 2014), and adjustment in school
(Ratelle & Duchesne, 2014) all use self-reported measures
of academic performance. The widespread use of self-
reported grades and scores is most likely due to the ease and
relative inexpensiveness of collecting these data, especially
when compared with the challenges of collecting adminis-
trative records data. However, it seems necessary to not only
renew old cautions about using self-reported measures but
better understand why self-reporting inaccuracy on these
types of questions seems so common for students.
Furthermore, it seems wise to examine different types of
questions (i.e., specific course grades and courses taken)
commonly posed to students to determine if they, too, suffer
from systematic inaccuracy.
Research Questions
Possible sources of error may be present in student self-
reporting. While the literature has suggested a potential lack
of accuracy in self-reports of GPA and test scores for some
time, it has not offered guidance about the data quality of
other types of factual questions. In addition to adding new
analyses of the accuracy of self-reporting grades based on a
unique data set, we seek to contribute to the literature by
adding course grades and course taking to the evidence pool
on student self-reporting.
Specifically, our paper seeks to answer the following
research questions:
Research Question 1: How accurate are student self-
reports of courses taken and academic performance?
Research Question 2: Are there systematic patterns in the
direction of error? In other words, do students tend to
overreport positive outcomes and underreport nega-
tive outcomes?
Research Question 3: How do student characteristics and
aspects of the survey explain self-report accuracy?
The questions that we address here are critical for research
and practice for two reasons. First, one alternative to student
self-report data collection is collecting factual information
from student transcripts or other administrative records.
However, transcript collection tends to be cost prohibitive
for most researchers, leaving them little recourse but to rely
on self-reported information. For these users of data, more
information on self-reporting accuracy would be helpful,
specifically on the conditions that lead to higher rates of mis-
reporting (i.e., characteristics of students, questions, and
interview setting). Second, student self-reporting has found
its way into many state and local accountability systems. It
is important for researchers and practitioners to learn much
more about the types of self-report information that is more
or less accurate. While student surveys proliferate, the field
has little evidence to address whether students can self-
report accurately, beyond overall GPA and ACT/SAT scores.
The results can provide guidance to states and localities con-
sidering more reliance on student self-reporting.
Methodology and Descriptive Results
The HSLS:09 is a nationally representative longitudinal
study of >23,000 9th graders in U.S secondary schools. The
HSLS:09 base-year data collection took place in the 2009–
2010 school year and included surveys of students, parents
teachers, school counselors, and school administrators. The
first follow-up of HSLS:09 took place in 2012, when most
sample members were in 11th grade, and it included sur-
veys of students, parents, school counselors, and school
administrators. The 2013 update (designed to collect infor-
mation on the cohort’s postsecondary plans and choices)
occurred in the last half of 2013 and included surveys of
students and parents. Finally, high school transcripts were
collected in the 2013–2014 academic year. At each wave of
the study, surveys were conducted electronically (self-
administered), by phone, and in person via computer-
assisted interviewing methods. The content of the surveys
and the transcripts is quite extensive; for further informa-
tion, see Ingels et al. (2015).
We examined responses to questions about the grades that
students received in Algebra I, whether they enrolled in
Algebra I, and what other math courses they enrolled in. We
focused on math for the following reason. In sorting through
the extremely large number of courses taken by students in
the HSLS:09 data set, it was clear that math course naming
conventions (e.g., Algebra I, Geometry) are simple and stan-
dardized across schools. HSLS:09 does include data on sci-
ence and English language arts course taking. However,
science course titles were far less standardized, which we
believed introduced a high risk of misidentifying inaccurate
respondents. English course titles across the data set were in
a very simple sequence corresponding to the student’s grade
(English Language Arts I—9th grade, English Language
Arts II—10th grade, etc.). We therefore felt that matching
rates in English courses could reflect the simple ordering of
courses rather than something systematic about students’
ability to report their actual English courses.
The questions and response options are listed in Table 1.
Note that we report results using three different waves of the
survey: the base year, during the 9th grade; the first follow-
up, when most students were in 11th grade; and the second
follow-up, when most students were in the 12th grade.
Mathematics Course-Taking Accuracy
To correctly identify student responses as matches, we
adopt the following approach. First, we rely on course cod-
ing as conducted by the National Center for Education
HSLS:09 Survey Questions and Response Options for Mathematics Courses
Question Response options Survey wave HSLS:09 variable
Are you currently taking a math course this fall? Yes/no 9th grade (2009) S1MFALL09
What math course(s) are you currently taking? (Check all that
9th grade (2009)
Algebra I including IA and IB Check all that apply S1ALG1M09
Geometry Check all that apply S1GEOM09
Algebra II Check all that apply S1ALG2M09
Trigonometry Check all that apply S1TRIGM09
Review or Remedial Math including Basic, Business,
Consumer, Functional or General math
Check all that apply S1REVM09
Integrated Math I Check all that apply S1INTGM09
Statistics or Probability Check all that apply S1STATSM09
Integrated Math II or above Check all that apply S1INTGM209
Pre-algebra Check all that apply S1PREALGM09
Analytic Geometry Check all that apply S1ANGEOM09
Other advanced math course such as pre-calculus or calculus Check all that apply S1ADVM09
Other math course Check all that apply S1OTHM09
What grade were you in when you took Algebra I? [(If you have
taken it more than once, answer for your most recent course. If
you are currently taking Algebra I, choose your current grade.)
/ (If you have taken it more than once, answer for your most
recent course.)]
1 = 8th grade or earlier 11th grade (2011) S2ALG1WHEN
2 = 9th grade
3 = 10th grade
4 = 11th grade
5 = 12th grade
6 = You have not taken
Algebra I yet
What was your final grade in Algebra I? 1 = A (between 90-100) 11th grade (2011) S2ALG1GRADE
2 = B (between 80-89)
3 = C (between 70-79)
4 = D (between 60-69)
5 = Below D (anything
less than 60)
6 = Your class was not
7 = You haven’t
completed the course
[Are you currently/Were you] taking a math course [during the
spring term of 2012?]
Yes/no 11th grade (2011) S2MSPR12
What math course or courses [are you currently taking/were you
taking during the spring term of 2012]?
11th grade (2011)
Pre-algebra Yes/no S2PREALGM12
Algebra I, 1A or 1B Yes/no S2ALG1M12
Algebra II Yes/no S2ALG2M12
Algebra III Yes/no S2ALG3M12
Geometry Yes/no S2GEOM12
Analytic Geometry Yes/no S2ANGEOM12
Trigonometry Yes/no S2TRIGM12
Pre-calculus or Analysis and Functions Yes/no S2PRECALC12
Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB or BC Yes/no S2APCALC12
Other Calculus Yes/no S2CALC12
Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics Yes/no S2APSTAT12
Question Response options Survey wave HSLS:09 variable
Other Statistics or Probability Yes/no S2STAT12
Integrated Math I Yes/no S2INTGM112
Integrated Math II Yes/no S2INTGM212
Integrated Math III or above Yes/no S2INTGM312
International Baccalaureate (IB) mathematics standard level Yes/no S2IBMATHSTD12
International Baccalaureate (IB) mathematics higher level Yes/no S2IBMATHHI12
Business, Consumer, General, Applied, Technical, Functional,
or Review math
Yes/no S2REVIEWM12
Other math course Yes/no S2OTHM12
[Did [you/he/she] take/[Have/Has][you/your teenager] taken]
any high school courses for college credit [when [you/he/she]
[were/was] in high school] including AP courses, IB courses,
and other courses for college credit? [Include any courses that
[you/he/she] [are/is] taking now.]
Yes/no 12th grade (2013) S3ANYCLGCRED
Which of the following types of courses for college credit [did
[you/he/she] take/[have/has] [you/he/she] taken[ when [you/he/
she] [were/was] in high school]?
12th grade (2013)
Advanced Placement (AP) courses Yes/no S3AP
International Baccalaureate (IB) courses Yes/no S3IB
In which of the following subjects [did [you/he/she] take/[have/
has] [you/he/she] taken] AP courses?
12th grade (2013)
Math Yes/no S3APMATH
Science Yes/no S3APSCIENCE
Another subject S3APOTHER
In which of the following subjects [did [you/he/she] take/[have/
has] [you/he/she] taken] IB courses?
12th grade (2013)
Math Yes/no S3IBMATH
Science Yes/no S3IBSCIENCE
Another subject Yes/no S3IBOTHER
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Statistics, in which coders used high school transcripts and
high school course catalogs to assign individual HSLS:09
courses a School Courses for the Exchange of Data (SCED)
code. SCED is a common classification system for second-
ary school courses and is updated and maintained by a work-
ing group of state and local education agency representatives
who receive suggestions and assistance from a wide network
of subject matter experts at the national, state, and local lev-
els. In any validity study, what is used for validation is
assumed to be correct, and we assume that the course coding
was done correctly and that it accurately reflects what
courses a student actually took.
Second, we distinguish between general course titles and
specific course titles as listed on the student survey. Terms
for general course titles, such as “Geometry,” could refer to
the specific SCED course title Geometry or to a wide num-
ber of courses listed on the SCED, such as Analytic
Geometry, Informal Geometry, or Principles of Algebra and
Geometry. Students could easily use “Geometry” as a short-
hand reference to any of these courses. Conversely, specific
course titles, such as Algebra II, refer to specific courses
listed on the SCED, and students should have the ability to
distinguish such courses from other courses that contain
algebra content, such as Principles of Algebra and Geometry.
Third, we use the following set of criteria for classifying
a student response as correct: (1) For courses on the student
interview that have specific course titles, such as Algebra I,
student responses are classified as correct only if the corre-
sponding SCED course title appears on the transcript. (2)
For responses on the student interview that refer to a group
of related courses, such as Statistics or Probability, student
responses are classified as correct if they have taken at least
one course in the group. In this example, any course with
“Statistics” or “Probability” in the SCED title would be
coded as a correct response. (3) Finally, we code student
responses in three ways for general course titles:
Responses are correct only for the specific course
title, based on the full sample of students. For exam-
ple, a student who checks Geometry on the student
interview is coded as having a correct response only
if he or she took a course with the specific SCED title
of Geometry. In Table 2, this group is reported as a
match type of “specific” and “full” sample.
Responses are correct for only the course title, after
restricting the sample by removing any student from
the analytic data set who took a course with a related
title. For example, any student who took a course
other than Geometry that contains “Geometry” in the
title, such as Informal Geometry, is dropped from the
analysis. This provides a measure of accuracy for stu-
dents who cannot be confused about what course
Geometry refers to, as these students took either no
Geometry course or only the course with the specific
Percentage of Responses Matching Between Student Transcripts and Survey Reponses
Survey wave: Course Match type Sample Taken on transcript Taken on survey Match
9th grade (2009)
Pre-algebra Specific Full 3.5 4.9 94.7
Algebra I Specific Full 58.6 50.6 82.3
Algebra II Specific Full 4.8 6.4 96.1
Geometry Specific Full 24.3 23.9 94.7
Specific Restricted 24.9 23.5 95.5
General Full 26.7 23.9 94.1
Analytic Geometry Specific Full 0.1 0.2 99.8
Trigonometry Specific Full 0.1 0.4 99.6
Specific Restricted 0.1 0.2 99.7
General Full 0.5 0.4 99.5
Integrated Math I, II or above Group Full 4.7 3.0 95.6
Statistics or Probability Group Full 0.0 0.3 99.7
11th grade (2011)
Pre-algebra Specific Full 0.4 1.4 98.4
Algebra I, 1A or 1B Specific Full 5.4 5.7 94.0
Algebra II Specific Full 33.3 36.3 86.6
Algebra III Specific Full 1.7 3.9 95.5
Geometry Specific Full 13.5 14.7 92.6
Specific Restricted 13.9 14.0 93.6
General Full 16.3 14.7 92.1
Analytic Geometry Specific Full 0.2 0.5 99.4
Specific Restricted 0.2 0.5 99.5
General Full 0.8 0.5 98.8
Trigonometry Specific Full 2.4 9.4 91.8
Specific Restricted 2.5 5.8 95.5
General Full 9.7 9.4 92.5
Pre-calculus or Analysis & Functions Specific Full 18.3 19.3 94.8
Specific Restricted 18.7 18.7 95.8
General Full 20.5 19.3 94.8
AP Calculus AB or BC Group Full 2.5 2.9 99.3
AP Statistics Specific Full 0.9 1.1 99.6
Integrated Math I, II, III or above Group Full 3.7 3.2 95.8
IB mathematics standard level Specific Full 0.3 0.8 99.2
IB mathematics higher level Specific Full 0.4 0.1 99.5
12th grade (2013)
AP math courses Group Full 14.1 16.5 95.6
IB math courses Group Full 1.4 1.3 99.4
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Note. Estimates are weighted with W3W1STUTRN for 9th-grade courses, W3W2STUTRN for 11th-grade courses, and W3STUDENTTR for 12th-grade
SCED title of Geometry. In Table 2, this group is
reported as a match type of “specific” and “restricted”
Responses are correct for any general course title that
is related to the student response. Here, any SCED
course title containing “Geometry” is coded as a cor-
rect response for a student who chooses Geometry on
the student interview. In Table 2, this group is reported
as a match type of “general” and “full” sample.
Fourth, some interview responses are so vague that coding
them correctly from a student’s point of view is difficult, if
not impossible. These are not included in our analysis; some
examples are “Review or remedial math including basic,
business, consumer, functional or general math” and “Other
advanced math course such as pre-calculus or calculus.”
To get a sense of the extent of possible misreporting, we
examined match rates for the math courses that students took
(see Table 2). The tables show what percentage of students
overall took a specific course (based on transcript data), the
percentage taking a specific course (based on the student sur-
vey), and the percentage of respondents for whom the tran-
script and self-report response match. For example, transcript
data indicate that 3.5% of the sample took pre-algebra, while
the student survey data indicate that 4.9% took pre-algebra.
Comparing transcripts to student self-reports of course taking
reveals that the pre-algebra self-report matches the transcript
record of courses taken for 94.7% of the sample.
Most courses have matching rates well above 90%, even
though most of the courses enrolled very few sample mem-
bers. However, for the courses that enrolled the most sample
members, such as Algebra I in the 9th grade and Algebra II
in the 11th grade, the match rates are somewhat lower—82%
and 87%, respectively. So, while the matching rates are high
across all the courses that we examined, the most commonly
taken courses show somewhat higher rates of mismatch.
Overall, students appear to be able to correctly report which
courses they have taken in high school.
Algebra I Reporting Accuracy
Students appear to accurately report which courses they
have taken, perhaps because courses taken are relatively dis-
tinct items that should be easy to recall and report accurately.
We next look at two items that should be more difficult to
report accurately: the year that Algebra I was taken and the
final grade received in the Algebra I course.
In Table 3, the bolded numbers on the diagonal reflect the
percentage of cases with matching transcript and student
survey data.
Percentages that are not bolded reflect mis-
matches. For example, for students with transcripts indicat-
ing that they took Algebra I in the 9th grade, 81% accurately
reported as much on the student survey. Across Table 3, for
transcripts indicating that Algebra I was taken at the 10th
grade or later, students reported it much less accurately, at
<50%. It is also notable that students who incorrectly
reported when they took Algebra I most often reported that
they took the course in the 9th grade.
Determining whether students accurately reported their
final grade in Algebra I is complicated by the lack of a final
grade accounting for every term that the student took the
course. Algebra I grades are reported for more than one term
on 57% of student transcripts that had at least one term of
Algebra I reported. Instead of reporting a single final grade,
schools report grades for four quarters, three trimesters, or
two semesters such that many students have multiple Algebra
I grades on their transcripts. We used the final grade reported
on the transcript for matching grades in Algebra I. We
believe that students are most likely to accurately recall their
final grades as opposed to grades that they receiving during
a semester or trimester.
In Table 4, the bolded percentages on the diagonal again
reflect the percentage of students whose survey response
matches what is recorded on their transcript. Students with
better grades in Algebra I tend to report more accurately. Of
the students who received an A in Algebra I, 83% correctly
reported receiving an A on the student survey. The accuracy
Weighted Percentage of Student Interviews and Transcripts Matching on Grade When Algebra I Taken, by Grade
Students reporting Algebra I taken in
Transcript indicates taken in Overall 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Not yet n
8th grade or earlier 31.1 80.5 15.0 2.3 0.6 0.0 1.6 5,860
9th grade 48.2 10.0 84.0 4.4 1.1 0.0 0.5 8,910
10th grade 10.3 7.9 47.7 40.0 3.0 0.1 0.9 1,600
11th grade 4.7 10.3 49.0 10.3 28.6 0.0 1.4 770
12th grade 0.1 0.0 69.8 0.0 21.4 6.1 2.6 20
Had not taken Algebra I yet 5.6 22.1 51.8 12.1 3.4 0.0 10.6 940
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Note. Estimates are weighted with W3W2STUTR. Bold indicates the percentage of cases with matching transcript and student survey data (percentages that
are not bolded reflect mismatches).
Weighted Percentage of Student Interviews and Transcripts
Matching on Grade in Algebra I
Students reporting Algebra I grade
final grade Overall A B C D Below D n
A 19.0 83.3 14.6 2.0 0.1 0.0 2,730
B 30.3 37.8 52.6 8.1 1.3 0.2 4,080
C 29.5 9.2 47.7 35.6 6.2 1.4 3,330
D 19.1 3.5 23.7 46.0 19.6 7.2 1,980
Below D 2.0 2.1 11.3 29.9 31.9 24.9 200
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Note. Estimates are weighted with W3W2STUTR. Bold indicates the per-
centage of students whose survey response matches what is recorded on the
transcript (mismatch otherwise).
rates for other transcript grades (B, C, D, below D) decline
fairly dramatically, ranging from 20% to 53%. Furthermore
and not surprising, students who misreport tend to inflate
their grades. For example, of the students who had a tran-
script grade report of B in Algebra I, 38% reported receiving
an A. This pattern is evident among students who received
C’s on their transcripts as well. When misreporting, students
tended to inflate their grades.
Multivariate Models
Our descriptive analyses demonstrate that (1) students are
reasonably good reporters of their course taking overall,
although the most commonly enrolled in courses (Algebra I
and Algebra II) show higher rates of misreporting; (2) stu-
dents who take Algebra I in 10th grade and beyond tend to
report inaccurately on the year when they took it; and (3)
students with lower grades in Algebra I tend to inaccurately
report their grades and, when they do misreport, seem to
inflate their academic performance. These results raise the
question why misreporting occurs on student surveys. To
address this question, we estimate two logistic regression
models predicting correct matches between student tran-
scripts and interviews on (1) what grade the student was in
when she or he took algebra and (2) the final grade received
in the Algebra I course, as reported on the transcript. We
used the same set of independent variables for each model.
Independent Variables
Descriptive statistics are presented in Tables 5 and 6.
Cognitive and academic ability. Student ability, in terms of
their cognitive ability and their performance in school, could
explain their reporting accuracy. We measured cognitive
ability with a math assessment
and academic ability with
the student’s overall GPA as reported on the transcript.
We also include dummy variables for the grade level in
which the student took Algebra I. It may be the case that
students who took the course most recently would be best
able to report accurately.
Conscientiousness on the survey task. Responding to sur-
veys is an effortful task. As discussed previously, Tourangeau
et al. (2000) outline a lengthy four-step cognitive process
that respondents go through before responding to a survey
item. At each point, error can be introduced. Following Hitt
et al. (2016), we include the percentage of items that a
respondent skips as a measure of conscientiousness on the
survey task, where students who answered <90% of items
are coded as 1 (0, otherwise). Approximately 6.5% of stu-
dents answered <90% of survey items.
Interview mode. Students were first surveyed in school via
computer-based self-administration. If the student failed to
participate in the school survey, she or he was then contacted
first for a telephone interview and then for an in-person
interview. Because the latter two modes introduce a human
interviewer into the process, students may react to social
desirability effects. Social desirability involves the inter-
viewee providing an answer that makes one “look good.” In
self-administered surveys, social desirability should be min-
imal (for a review, see Weisberg, 2005). The presence of an
interviewer (telephone or in person), we expect, may result
in social desirability–driven inaccuracy.
English language proficiency. As described by Tourangeau
et al. (2000), basic comprehension is required to process
Descriptives for Independent Variables
Variable M SD Min Max
Took in 9th grade 0.67 0.47 0 1
Took in 10th grade 0.14 0.35 0 1
Took in 11th or 12th 0.06 0.24 0 1
Item skipper 0.06 0.23 0 1
Grade point average 2.66 0.76 0 4
Math cognitive ability 49.75 9.25 26.54 84.91
Mode: self, out of school 0.10 0.30 0 1
Mode: telephone 0.06 0.24 0 1
Mode: in person 0.06 0.24 0 1
English language learner status 0.03 0.16 0 1
Socioeconomic status −0.09 0.70 −1.75 2.28
Female 0.51 0.50 0 1
Asian 0.03 0.17 0 1
Black 0.14 0.35 0 1
Latino 0.23 0.42 0 1
Other race/ethnicity 0.09 0.29 0 1
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Note. Estimates are weighted with W3W2STUTR.
survey questions and report accurately. We suspect that
English language learners (ELLs) may have more difficulty
understanding questions, which may influence their ability
to report accurately. However, the survey questions that we
examined are fairly straightforward, and status as a limited
English speaker may not influence reporting accuracy as
much as it would if the survey questions under examination
were more complex. The ELL measure used in these models
is reported on the student transcript.
Model Results
Table 7 shows the results of the two logistic regression
models. For each model, we present the coefficients and the
discrete change in the probability of a correct match, for the
given amount of change in the independent variable, as indi-
cated in the last column of the table.
Timing of the event is a strong predictor of accuracy for
when the course was taken but not for the overall letter
grade. Students who took Algebra I in later grades were 11 to
14 percentage points more accurate than students who took
it in the 8th grade.
Our measure of survey engagement also showed mixed
results in terms of its effect on accuracy. Item skipping had
no statistically significant effect on letter grade accuracy, but
item skipping did have an effect on when the course was
taken. Students who skipped a large proportion of items
were less accurate in reporting when they took Algebra I, by
6 percentage points.
Cognitive ability is a strong predictor of accurate report-
ing with the student’s transcript-reported GPA and math
assessment score. The results are statistically and substan-
tively significant. If a student’s transcript-reported GPA
increases by 1 grade point, the probability of accurately
reporting the Algebra I grade increases by 18 percentage
points, and the probability of accurately reporting when
Algebra I was taken increases by 5 percentage points. The
corresponding changes for a 1-SD increase in math assess-
ment score are 1 and 4 percentage points, respectively.
Mode effects of the interview are generally negative, as
expected, given previous findings in the literature indicating
that self-reports tend to be the most accurate when assessed
without the presence of a human interviewer or others pres-
ent. Taking the survey online out of school slightly decreases
accuracy for when taken, and this could be due to the pres-
ence of family members and friends during survey adminis-
tration. Conducting the survey by telephone with a human
interviewer has a slight negative effect on accuracy, although
not statistically significant. Conducting the interview in per-
son reduces accurate reporting on grade received by 8 per-
centage points, but this is not statistically significant.
We note that these mode effects must be interpreted with
caution, because the design of the HSLS:09 changed the
interview mode as the number of contacts increased. That is,
those students who ended up with the in-person human inter-
viewer were surveyed via this mode because of previous
failed attempts to survey them with another mode. While
many of the characteristics correlated with refusal to
Correlations for Independent Variables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1. Took in 9th grade 1.00
2. Took in 10th grade −.58 1.00
3. Took in 11th or 12th −.36 −.10 1.00
4. Item skipper .01 .00 .06 1.00
5. Grade point average .10 −.25 −.17 −.12 1.00
6. Math cognitive ability −.02 −.20 −.12 −.13 .54 1.00
7. Mode: self, out of school −.03 .01 .03 −.03 −.02 .00 1.00
8. Mode: telephone −.02 .04 .04 −.02 −.13 −.06 −.08 1.00
9. Mode: in person −.05 .04 .07 .02 −.17 −.11 −.08 −.06 1.00
10. English language learner status −.03 .08 .00 .03 −.07 −.08 .00 .04 .03 1.00
11. Socioeconomic status .03 −.13 −.09 −.06 .33 .34 −.02 −.05 −.10 −.12 1.00
12. Female .02 −.04 −.02 −.01 .16 −.01 .04 −.02 −.03 .00 .01 1.00
13. Asian −.02 −.03 −.01 .00 .10 .12 .00 −.01 −.01 .09 .04 −.01 1.00
14. Black .03 .01 −.02 .08 −.16 −.18 .01 −.01 .07 −.04 −.12 .04 −.07 1.00
15. Latino −.05 .07 .07 .04 −.19 −.13 .02 .07 .05 .18 −.28 .00 −.09 −.22 1.00
16. Other race / ethnicity .01 .01 .00 −.04 −.07 −.03 .01 .01 .02 −.05 −.01 −.01 −.06 −.13 −.18
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Note. Estimates are weighted with W3W2STUTR.
respond, such as academic ability and socioeconomic status,
are included in the models, it is possible that the mode effects
are picking up unobserved characteristics of students who
cooperate with surveys only after many attempts at refusal
Perhaps the most surprising finding in the table is the
positive effect of ELL status, with ELLs more likely to
report accurately for grade received (18 percentage points)
and when taken (6 percentage points; not statistically signifi-
cant). After controlling for cognitive ability and survey
Factors Affecting Correct Response for Algebra I Questions: Grade Received and When Taken
Letter grade received Grade when taken
B (SE) ΔP(Y = 1) B (SE) ΔP(Y = 1) ΔX
Took in 9th grade
−0.066 −0.02 1.083 0.14 0 to 1
(0.109) (0.132)**
Took in 10th grade
−0.034 −0.01 1.129 0.14 0 to 1
(0.172) (0.215)**
Took in 11th or 12th
0.181 0.04 0.768 0.11 0 to 1
(0.217) (0.211)**
Item skipper 0.018 0.00 −0.479 −0.06 0 to 1
(0.186) (0.210)*
Grade point average 0.749 0.18 0.413 0.05 1 grade point
(0.084)** (0.081)**
Math cognitive ability 0.005 0.01 0.038 0.04 1 SD
(0.006) (0.007)**
Mode: self, out of school
0.015 0.00 −0.163 −0.02 0 to 1
(0.151) (0.176)
Mode: telephone
0.044 0.01 −0.231 −0.03 0 to 1
(0.180) (0.168)
Mode: in person
−0.336 −0.08 −0.227 −0.03 0 to 1
(0.189) (0.213)
English language learner status 0.784 0.18 0.579 0.06 0 to 1
(0.328)* (0.380)
Socioeconomic status 0.012 0.00 0.069 0.01 1 SD
(0.055) (0.070)
Female 0.006 0.00 0.091 0.01 0 to 1
(0.076) (0.101)
0.178 0.04 −0.011 0.00 0 to 1
(0.219) (0.239)
−0.238 −0.05 −0.139 −0.02 0 to 1
(0.126) (0.134)
−0.170 −0.04 0.184 0.02 0 to 1
(0.125) (0.164)
Other race/ethnicity
0.007 0.00 0.020 0.00 0 to 1
(0.100) (0.147)
Intercept −2.294 −1.867
(0.315)** (0.376)**
n 14,750 18,680
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Note. Estimates are weighted with W3W2STUTR.
Reference category is “took in 8th grade.”
Reference category is “mode: self, in school.”
Reference category is “white.”
*p < .05. **p < .01.
Rosen et al.
engagement, socioeconomic status had no effect on accurate
It is reassuring that, in general, reports of course taking
seem to contain manageable misreporting. In courses with
large cross sections of students (Algebra I and II), match
rates are lower, but students seem to be reasonably good
reporters of their courses. The slightly lower match rate in
courses with broad enrollment (Algebra I and II) is likely
driven by the presence of a broader cross section of students
in the sample (i.e., higher numbers of lower-ability students).
Unfortunately, reports on more sensitive questions—when
Algebra I was taken and what grade was received in it—con-
tain much higher rates of error.
While misreporting can affect descriptive statistics, one
major question is whether misreporting has an effect on mul-
tivariate analyses. That is, does misreporting affect the rela-
tionship between, for example, self-reported grades and
student outcomes? We estimated a simple model predicting
graduation from high school, using item skipping, GPA,
math cognitive ability, and demographics. We also included
the letter grade and grade taken for Algebra I from the tran-
script, as well as a variable measuring the discrepancy
between the transcript report and the self-report, by subtract-
ing the self-report response from the transcript report. A unit
change on this variable indicates a one-unit discrepancy
between the two sources of information (e.g., a student
reporting an A while the transcript reports a B).
The results of these models are reported in Table 8. The
discrepancy variable is statistically significant only in the
letter grade–taken model, and it suggests that errors in self-
reports are correlated with the probability of graduating
from high school. Students who overreport their grades by 1
letter grade have a probability of graduation 1 percentage
point lower than students who accurately report; overreport-
ing by 2 letter grades results in a decrease in probability of
graduating by almost 3 percentage points. Thus, it appears
that error in student self-reports is problematic for descrip-
tive statistics, as might be used by school districts, and for
academic researchers estimating multivariate models.
Similar to previous findings in the literature, our multi-
variate models confirm that some student characteristics,
primarily academic and cognitive ability, are major influenc-
ers of inaccurate survey reporting among students. Higher-
ability students report more accurately than lower ability
students, and this is consistent across both of our models.
Since the survey reporting task involves a number of traits
and attributes (i.e., conscientiousness, persistence, aptitude)
that correlate with cognition and performance school, it is
not surprising that cognitive ability and classroom perfor-
mance would predict accuracy in survey reports. However,
the magnitude of the effect is notable. Higher-GPA students
are far more accurate reporters, as demonstrated in our mul-
tivariate model predicting accuracy in reporting Algebra I
ELLs did not behave as we predicted, nor perhaps as the
Tourangeau et al. (2000) model would predict. ELLs were
more likely to report their grades accurately than non-ELLs
but not more likely to report the grade when they took
Algebra I. Theorizing from the Tourangeau et al. model, we
expected ELLs to be less likely to report accurately due to
potential question comprehension problems. Rather, we
found the opposite. Unfortunately, our data do not allow us
to investigate this further, and we do suggest that future
research examine the intersection of cultural and social
Predicting High School Graduation With Algebra I Responses
1 2
Transcript Algebra I: letter grade 0.210
Transcript Algebra I: when taken −0.122
Transcript minus self-report −0.252 0.036
(0.103)* (0.121)
Item skipper −0.126 −0.306
(0.402) (0.339)
Grade point average 2.059 1.797
(0.191)** (0.149)**
Math cognitive ability 0.018 0.016
(0.014) (0.013)
Item skipper −0.126 −0.306
(0.402) (0.339)
English language learner status −0.470 −0.420
(0.538) (0.453)
Socioeconomic status 0.362 0.352
(0.153)* (0.144)*
Female −0.016 −0.028
(0.189) (0.164)
−0.728 −0.490
(0.598) (0.498)
0.033 0.106
(0.204) (0.181)
0.307 0.364
(0.222) (0.183)*
Other race/ethnicity −0.219 −0.222
(0.354) (0.314)
Intercept −3.157 −1.765
(0.916)** (0.725)*
n 12,290 16,980
Source. Ingels et al. (2015).
Note. Estimates are weighted with W3W2STUTR. Values are presented
as B (SE).
Reference category is White.
*p < .05. **p < .01.
Accuracy of Student Self-Reports
forces, language ability, and measurement errors on student
Inaccurate reporting by students does not appear to be ran-
dom. In fact, students in our sample may even be making
rational choices when they misreport. By application of the
Tourangeau et al. (2000) model to the reporting of grades, the
response phase gives students a chance to decide if (and how)
they should report potentially embarrassing information. A
low final grade might be embarrassing for a student to report.
When a student erroneously reports a grade, he or she does
tend to inflate that grade but perhaps only slightly. For exam-
ple, C students were more likely to report receiving a B
(47.7%) than an A (9.2%). D students were more likely to
report a C (46.0%) than a B (23.7%) or an A (3.5%). When
the student decides to misreport during the response phase,
she or he may make a rational choice to misreport reasonably.
Our data do not allow us to investigate this further, but it
could be the case that rational decision making goes into the
decision to misreport. If this is in fact the case, survey meth-
odologists will need to develop and test methods of control.
For example, prompts in the instrument indicating that
answers may be cross-checked with transcripts could encour-
age more accuracy. If students are acting rationally, perhaps
they would respond to prompts with more accurate reports.
Systematic patterns of misreporting may be evident in
other ways. Students who misreported when they took
Algebra I were most likely to report taking the course in 9th
grade. This could reveal something systematic about misre-
porting, such as confusion about the survey question or mis-
chief on behalf of the respondent. We investigated the
transcript-recorded courses of students who inaccurately
reported taking Algebra I in 9th grade. In 37% of these cases,
Algebra I was taken in multiple years (9th and 10th grades)
but reported for 9th grade, even when the survey question
asked respondents to report the “most recent grade” that they
took the course. This pattern may reflect respondent confu-
sion over the question wording. In another 37% of cases that
misreported taking Algebra I in 9th grade, the transcripts
show the course being completed in the 8th grade and the
student enrolled in Geometry or Integrated Math in 9th grade.
The remaining 25% of cases have transcripts that show 9th-
grade enrollment in Pre-Algebra or some other unclassified
math course that may be a lower level than what is typical for
9th grade. This pattern may reflect social desirability bias.
The literature indicates that higher-performing students
are fairly accurate self-reporters of distinctive and easily
recalled information, such as GPA. However, lower-per-
forming students are often inaccurate when they self-report
school performance measures. We sought to determine if
this pattern was evident in factual questions that should be
easier to recall. As with school performance measures, we
found lower-performing students to be less accurate than
higher-performing students when they reported on the grade
level in which they were enrolled in Algebra I. Remembering
whether specific courses were taken should be relatively
easy, as opposed to other information about a specific course.
Our data show that students can accurately recall and report
whether they took Algebra I, but they are much less able to
accurately report when they took the course or, especially,
how they performed in it. This pattern of results reflects the
major obstacle to researchers and administrators seeking to
use student self-reported data in their work. Relatively dis-
tinctive and easily recalled information lends itself to accu-
rate reporting. But more frequent and mundane events are
less likely to be encoded in memory, withdrawn from mem-
ory, and accurately reported. Yet it is often these more fre-
quent and mundane behaviors that we wish to have to use in
our work.
These results lead us to question the use of many types of
questions in student surveys. Many of these questions ask
students about frequent mundane events, sometime asking
them to report over periods of a year or more. It is vital that,
as a field, we establish a firmer research base for the use of
these questions before we can begin to use them in our
research and accountability efforts.
1. See
2. See
3. See
4. HSLS:09 did not collect transcripts from middle schools;
however, some high schools provided high school–level courses
taken in the 8th grade or earlier. For high school transcripts that
did not provide that information, we were able to identify students
who took Algebra I in the 8th grade or earlier when they took a
higher-level math course in the 9th grade (e.g., geometry, Algebra
II, trigonometry).
5. We also conducted an analysis to assess how sensitive match
rates were to different coding decisions. For students who had mul-
tiple Algebra I grades reported on their transcripts, we calculated an
average course grade and used that for matching. For example, if a
student’s transcript reported an A in Algebra I for the fall semester
and a B for the spring semester, these grades are recorded as 4.0 and
3.0, respectively, and we calculated the final grade as the average,
3.5. Coding in this manner resulted in an Algebra I grade match
rate of 48.9%, compared with 46.9% based on the final grade only.
6. HSLS:09 does not include a reading cognitive assessment.
7. The item response percentage was calculated as the number
of items to which a student responded, divided by the total number
of items that applied to that student.
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JEFFREY A. ROSEN is a researcher at RTI International. His
research interests include data quality in sample surveys, social and
emotional learning, and educational interventions for traditionally
disadvantaged students.
STEPHEN R. PORTER is professor of higher education in the
Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human
Development at North Carolina State University, where he teaches
courses in educational statistics and causal inference with observa-
tional data. His current research focuses on student success, with an
emphasis on quasi-experimental methods and survey methods, par-
ticularly the validity of college student survey questions.
JIM ROGERS is a senior manager of systems analysis and pro-
gramming at RTI International. His interests are in probability sur-
veys and data management.