Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates:
A Multi-measure, Multi-predictor Approach
Ana Allen Gomes,
José Tavares,
and Maria Helena P. de Azevedo
Department of Education, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal,
IBILI (FCT), Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra,
Coimbra, Portugal,
Institute of Medical Psychology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
The present study examined the associations of sleep patterns with multiple measures of academic achievement of
undergraduate university students and tested whether sleep variables emerged as significant predictors of
subsequent academic performance when other potential predictors, such as class attendance, time devoted to
study, and substance use are considered. A sample of 1654 (55% female) full-time undergraduates 17 to 25 yrs of
age responded to a self-response questionnaire on sleep, academics, lifestyle, and well-being that was administered
at the middle of the semester. In addition to self-reported measures of academic performance, a final grade for
each student was collected at the end of the semester. Univariate analyses found that sleep phase, morningness/
eveningness preference, sleep deprivation, sleep quality, and sleep irregularity were significantly associated with at
least two academic performance measures. Among 15 potential predictors, stepwise multiple regression analysis
identified 5 significant predictors of end-of-semester marks: previous academic achievement, class attendance,
sufficient sleep, night outings, and sleep quality (R
= 0.14 and adjusted R
= 0.14, F(5, 1234) = 40.99, p < .0001).
Associations between academic achievement and the remaining sleep variables as well as the academic, well-being,
and lifestyle variables lost significance in stepwise regression. Together with class attendance, night outings, and
previous academic achievement, self-reported sleep quality and self-reported frequency of sufficient sleep were
among the main predictors of academic performance, adding an independent and significant contribution,
regardless of academic variables and lifestyles of the students. (Author correspondence: [email protected])
Keywords: Academic performance, Adolescents, Chronotype, Multiple regression, Questionnaire, Sleep, Students
Controlled studies that manipulated sleep in healthy
adults through a variety of methods, e.g., post-training
sleep and total, partial, or selective-stage sleep depri-
vation, have found that sleep is associated with a range
of cognitive activities, such as attention (Fafrowicz et al.,
2010; Lim & Dinges, 2010; Van Dongen et al., 2003a;
Wimmer et al., 1992), insight (Wagner et al., 2004 ), diver-
gent thinking (Horne, 1988; Wimmer et al., 1992),
decision-making (Harrison & Horne, 1999, 2000),
speech (Harriso n & Horne, 1997), and most notably
learning and memory (Diekelmann, 2009; Dotto, 1996;
Ficca & Salzarulo, 2004; Fogel et al., 2007; Li et al., 1991;
Maquet, 2001; Roehrs & Roth, 2000; Smith, 1995, 2001;
Stickgold & Walker, 2007; Stickgold et al., 2001; Walker
& Stickgold, 2004, 2006). Both total (Lim & Dinges,
2010) and partial (chronic) (Banks & Dinges, 2007; Van
Dongen et al., 2003) sleep deprivation may impair
daytime neurobehavioral functions in adults. However,
the exact mechanisms underlying the associations are
still unclear. A concise, up-to-date, discussion about the
main theoretical viewpoints on the effects of sleep
deprivation on cognitive functions may be found else-
where (Lim & Dinges, 2010).
A considerable amount of research has focused on the
role of sleep on memory. The role of sleep on memory is
not merely a passive one (interference reduction); rather,
research indicates that sleep actively facilitates memory
(Diekelmann et al., 2009; Ficca, 2010). Sleep appears to
be related to (i) distinct memory types such as working
memory (Kopasz et al., 2010; Lim & Dinges, 2010; Van
Dongen et al., 2003a) and long-term memory; (ii)
several kinds of materials, namely, memory for pro-
cedural/nondeclarative and declarative knowledge
(Dotto, 1996; Fogel et al., 2007; Smith, 1995, 2001); and
(iii) different memorization stages, such as encoding,
Part of this paper was presented as Open Communication at the 20th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Lisbon, 1418
September 2010.
Address correspondence to Ana Allen Gomes, Departamento de Educação, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago,
3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal. Tel.: +351 234 370 353; Fax: +351 234 370 640; E-mail: [email protected]
Submitted January 4, 2011, Returned for revision January 27, 2011, Accepted July 13, 2011
Chronobiology International, 28(9): 786 801, (2011)
Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
ISSN 0742-0528 print/1525-6073 online
DOI: 10.3109/07420528.2011.606518
consolidation, and reconsolidation (Walker & Stickgold,
2006). A full discussion of the role of sleep on memory,
and its underlying mechanisms, is beyond the scope of
the present study, but may be found in other works
(e.g., Diekelmann et al., 2009; Fica & Salzarulo, 2004;
Maquet, 2001; Stickgold & Walker, 2007; Walker &
Stickgold, 2004, 2006).
Although findings based on standardized cognitive
tasks of controlled studies cannot directly be generalized
to community samples in natural environments, the
above-mentioned cognitive activities seem intuiti vely
important for academic performance; therefore, it is
reasonable to suppose that sleeping behaviors and
patterns might also influence academic achievement in
real-life circumstances. In line with experimental
research, ecological studies have found significant
associations between sleep patterns and academic
achievement meas ures, such as grade point averages
(GPAs; for an overview see Curcio et al., 2006; Dewald
et al., 2010; Gomes et al., 2002; Wolfson & Carskadon,
2003). Although the focus of the present paper is on
undergraduates, it is worth mentioning that the relation-
ships between sleep parameters and school performance
have been more regularly investigated in children and
adolescents of several age and educational levels (Bruni
et al., 1995; Buckhalt et al., 2009; Dewald et al., 2010;
Giannotti & Cortesi, 2002; Hofman & Steenhof, 1997;
Meijer & Wittenboer, 2004; Pagel & Kwiatkowski, 2010;
Pagel et al., 2007; Ravid et al., 2009; Roberts et al., 2001;
Wolfson & Carskadon, 1998). In addition, a growing
number of experimental studies on younger children
and adolescents show, for instance, that sleep facilitates
memory (Kopasz et al., 2010), and that sleep restriction
or extension in school-aged children by only 1 h during
consecutive nights leads to differential impact on neuro-
behavioral measures (Sadeh et al., 2003). However, it
cannot be assumed that the effects of sleep on cognition
or academic performance are the same in all ages or at all
stages of human development (Dewald et al., 2010). For
example, academic outcome measures seem to be
differentially influenced by sleep, depending on student
educational level and age (Pagel et al., 2010), and
recent reviews (Diekelmann et al., 2009; Kopasz et al.,
2010) report that procedural memory consolidation in
children may not benefit from sleep to the same extent
as it does in adults.
Our focus is sleep and academic performance of uni-
versity undergraduate students. University students are
required to perform at demanding levels. In addition,
sleep patterns are likely to change from high school to
university due to alterations in zeitgebers, such as class
schedules and lifestyle preferences (Urner et al., 2009).
Specifically, in samples of university students observed
in their natural environment, poorer academic results
have been consistently associated with shorter sleep dur-
ation (Borisenkov et al., 2010; Jean-Louis et al., 1996;
Kelly et al., 2001; Medeiros et al., 2001; Trockel et al.,
2000), with later sleep-wake schedules (Elliason et al.,
2010; Johns et al., 1976; Medeiros et al., 2001, 1996;
Smith et al., 1989; Trockel et al., 2000), and/or with
related variables, such as delayed sleep phase (Lack,
1986) and eveningness orientation (Bes¸oluk et al., 2011;
Borisenkov et al., 2010; Medeiros et al., 2001; Randler &
French, 2006; Smith et al., 1989). Eveningness preference
has also been found to be associated with other variables
apparently related to academic achievement, such as
procrastination (Digdon & Howell, 2008; Hess et al.,
2001). In a study on personality, conscientiousness was
associated with earlier class schedules, which in turn
were associated with academic performance (Gray &
Watson, 2002). Lower academic grades in college were
also found to be associated with other sleep variables,
such as irregular sleep-wake cycle (Medeiros et al.,
2001), poor sleep quality (Gilbert & Weaver, 2010;
Howel et al., 2004; Johns et al., 1976), complaints of
onset and maintenance insomnia (Pagel & Kwiatkowski,
2010), excessive daytime sleepiness (Rodrigues et al.,
2002), and frequent snoring (Ficker et al., 1999).
Summarizing the vast literature on sleep and chrono-
biology, we may assume that four fundamental sleep
patterns are expected to be associated with academic
achievement: sleep quantity, sleep quality, sleep regu-
larity, and sleep phase schedules. Specifically, sleep
restriction, poor sleep quality, and irregular and late
sleep schedules are expected to be associated with
poorer school performance.
As to sleep amount, given the vast research on sleep
deprivation (both partial and total) and on hypothetical
sleep functions (e.g., restoration theory), especially in
relation to the impact of these sleep functions on cogni-
tive/neuropsychological functioning as already reviewed,
it is reasonable to expect students with greater sleep debt
to demonstrate worse academic performance. In fact,
both rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep
stages appear to play a role in memory and learning con-
solidation. Therefore, it is also expected that poor sleep
quality, which may manifest itself through difficulties
with sleep onset, and/or light sleep, and/or fragmented
sleep, might also have an impact on academic perform-
ance. As to sleep irregularity, shiftwork and jetlag research
shows that abrupt changes in the sleep-wake schedule
lead to internal dissociation of circadian rhythms, which
may result in a variety of undesirable effects, including
performance decrements (AASM, 2005). As jetlag symp-
toms may arise when three or more time zones are
rapidly traversed, it is reasonable to suppose that univer-
sity students showing comparable irregularities in their
sleep-wake schedule will suffer undesirable conse-
quences, such as higher fatigue, mood deterioration,
reduced performance (Taub & Berger, 1973, 1976), and
excessive daytime somnolence (Manber et al., 1996).
Finally, studies on student samples have consistently
reported poorer school performance to be associated
with a later sleep-wake schedule and/or chronotype pre-
ference towards eveningness. In this case, it is worth men-
tioning that morningness-eveningness is a continuum of
Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates 
© Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
normal interindividual differences. That is, along this
continuum, sleep should be normal in quantity (Roenne-
berg et al., 2004) and quality, providing the individual is
able to adapt to her/his preferred schedule (AASM,
2005). Therefore, in contrast to sleep restriction, sleep
irregularity, or poor sleep quality, it seems that later
sleep-wake schedule and eveningness are not per se pro-
blematic in the sense that there is no alteration of sleep
duration or architecture. Thus, the hypothesized associ-
ations between later sleep-wake schedule and academic
performance are not direct, but are most probably
mediated by oth er variables, such as sleep restriction
and sleep irregularity, both being higher in evening
types (Giannotti et al., 2002; Gomes et al., 2008; Taillard
et al., 1999), and/or lower class attendance, which may
occur as a consequence of conflict between late sleep-
wake schedule/eveningness tendencies and externally
imposed morning class schedules.
Despite the numerous publications on sleep and aca-
demic performance among university students, to date
very few studies have examined the relative impact of
sleep variables on academic results in real-life circum-
stances and when other potential predictors are con-
sidered, such as well-being, lifestyle, and academic
variables. Jean-Louis et al. (1996) considered several psy-
chosocial factors, such as personal, medical, social, sleep
habits, academic, mood, and substance abuse, that could
be related to the academic performance of college stu-
dents. Multiple regression analysis identified six signifi-
cant predictors, three of which were sleep variables
(weekend sleep amount, sleep latency, and falling
asleep at school). Trockel et al. (2000) analyzed the
associations of first-year undergraduate academic per-
formance with health-related variables relative to exer-
cise, nutrition, sleep habits, mood states, perceived
stress, time management, social support, religious or
spiritual habits, extra number of hours worked per
week, sex, and age. Multiple regression analyses selected
five significant predictors, two of which were sleep vari-
ables (weekday and weekend wake-up times), that
accounted for the highest proportion of explained var-
iance in GPA. In a study focused on links between
alcohol use, sleep, and academic performance in
college students, Singleton and Wolfson (2009) found
Scholastic Aptitude Test scores were the strongest predic-
tor of GPA, with the other significant predictors being sex,
alcohol consumption, sleep duration, and daytime slee-
piness. By consider ing the multiple variables that might
explain academic performance, these types of studies
provide valuable data and help to better assess the rela-
tive effect of the various aspects of sleep.
In a relatively recent literature review, Curcio et al.
(2006) state that the first step in the research agenda on
sleep and academic performance should be to find
reliable measures of academic performance or, alterna-
tively, adopt the recommendation of Wolfson and
Carskadons (2003) of using a multimeasure approach
(e.g., grades, tests, teacher reports). In addition,
Wolfson and Carskadon stress the need to gather longi-
tudinal data (see also Dewald et al., 2010) and emphasize
that future studies should assess a variety of other vari-
ables, besides sleep, that influen ce academic per form-
ance. In spite of these recommendations, to date very
few published studies have adopte d such a multimea-
sure, multipredictor approach. Moreover, research
aimed at studying the associations between sleep and
academic performance has rarely measured neuroticism,
the one exception being the study of Gray and Watson
(2002), apparently overlooking the literature that has em-
phasized neuroticism to be one of the most important
individual predictors of intolerance to shiftwork, as neu-
rotic individuals are more prone to experience undesir-
able consequences following abrupt changes in their
sleep-wake schedule (e.g., Costa et al., 2001; Härma,
1993; Saksvik et al., 2011). In addition, there appears to
be interindividual variability in the susceptibility to
sleep restriction (Banks & Dinges, 2007; Van Dongen
et al., 2003b) as well as to desynchronization of circadian
rhythms (Reinberg et al., 1989), and neuroticism is likely
related to this greater vulnerability, at least with respect to
sleep debt (Blagrove & Akehurst, 2001; Taylor & McFatter,
2003). For these reasons, it seemed important to consider
neuroticism in the present study.
The present study had two major aims: (i) to analyze
associations between sleep patterns and multiple
measures of academic performance of university stu-
dents (self-reported retention, previous GPA, subjective
impact of sleep patterns on academic results, and end-
of-semester marks as indicated by university records);
and (ii) to examine longitudinally whether sleep vari-
ables emerge as significant predictors of subsequent aca-
demic performance when other potential predictors,
such as class attendance, time devoted to study, sub-
stance use, and neuroticism, are considered. Included
in the second aim was determination of whether neuroti-
cism plays a moderating role in the associations between
sleep patterns and subsequent end-of-semester marks.
Indeed, it may be that inadequate sleep, such as sleep
curtailment, has a greater detrimental effect on daytime
functioning in neurotic subjects than in stable subjects.
In this study, we focus on four fundamental sleep vari-
ables: sleep amount, sleep quality, sleep regularity, and
sleep phase schedule. Specifically, we hypothesize that
sleep restriction, poor sleep quality, and irregular and
late sleep schedules are associated with poorer
academic performance.
Participants were 1654 full-time students, 55% female
and 45% male, aged 17 to 25 yrs (M = 19.98, SD = 1.65),
from a public Portuguese University, located in a city at
the littoral, center-north region of Portugal. They were
distributed across the 1st (31.3%), 2nd (39.5%), and 3rd
(29.2%) yrs of university study of 18 undergraduate
 A. A. Gomes et al.
Chronobiology International
degree programs, representative of 50% of the existing
undergraduate degree programs of the university
grouped into five academic fields: engineering (40%),
sciences (30%), pre/primary-school education (12%),
management (10%), and languages (9%). Inclusion cri-
teria were 25 yrs of age, full-time student status, non-
working, nonpregnant, and nonparent (no children).
Exclusion criteria were age >25 yrs of age, part-time
student status, working, elite athlete, significant univer-
sity extracurricular activities, having children, and being
pregnant. Based on the students residency status on
school days versus weekends/holidays, three groups
were formed and labeled as moved students (66%),
those presumably studying outside their home and
living in the university city during the week; nonresi-
dents (23.7%), students that presumably travel daily
from their home town to the university to attend
classes; and residents (10.3%), students whose family
home is presumably located in the university city.
Instruments and Measures
Sleep-Wake Questionnaire
A sleep-wake questionnaire covering demographic,
sleep, academic, lifestyle, and well-being variables was
developed for a large research project on sleep, well-
being, and academic success of university students that
was to be completed during the school semester. Based
on existing sleep-wake questionnaires, and lacking a
specific Portuguese instrument to access sleep-wake pat-
terns in undergraduates, the questionnaire was princi-
pally constructed by the first and third authors, both of
whom had at least 5 yrs of clinical practice at a sleep
clinic at the University Hospital of Coimbra and research
experience in the adaptation, development, and vali-
dation of psychological and psychiatric assessment
tools. The second author contributed with his experience
in supervising research projects about the diagnosis and
intervention strategies for the promotion of academic
success at the university level. The questionnaire was
also built upon the experience of all authors having
served as university teachers. The first version was
tested with 103 undergraduates using think aloud pro-
cedures. After this pilot study, several improvements
were made. The resulting version was then examined
by a group of five teachers. Again, minor improvements
were introduced based on their feedback. After these
steps, the authors agreed on a definitive version of the
questionnaire. The entire questionnaire is shown in
Appendix, and items used in the present work are ident-
ified with an asterisk. The psychometric properties are
further addressed below.
Composite Morningness Questionnaire
The Composite Morningness Questionnaire (CMQ;
Smith et al., 1989), Portuguese version (Silva et al.,
1995), was used to measure chronotype. In our sample,
the internal consistency of the CMQ, assessed through
Cronbach α, was 0.81.
Eysenck Personality Inventory
The Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI), the 12-item
version, from the Standard Shiftwork Index (SSI)
(Barton et al., 1995) (Portuguese version: Silva et al.,
1995), was used to measure neuroticism and extrover-
sion. Two main reasons led us to prefer this tool
instead of other measures of these constructs. First, the
small number of items is advantageous when researchers
need to collect large amounts of data in an already big
booklet (as in our study). Second, this version was
chosen to integrate the SSI, a battery of tests utilized by
leading researchers to investigate shiftwork through the
adoption of standardized measures (Barton et al.,
1995). A two-factor structure was found in our study
(principal components analysis with varimax rotation)
in accordance with the expected, with the exception
of two item s that did not load in any dimension
and were, therefore, excluded from further analyses.
Five items loaded on the extraversion factor (22.21% of
the explained variance; Cronbach α = 0.68), and an
additional five items loaded on the neuroticism factor
(22.07% of the explained variance; Cronbach α = 0.66).
Variables derived from the self-response question-
naires that are relevant for the analyses of the present
study covered several domains. (Except when otherwise
specified, the described variables are taken from the
sleep-wake que stionnaire; further details about the
respective items may be found in Appendix.)
Demographics variables included sex, age, residential
status, curricular year, academic field (cf. initial ques-
tions in Appendix).
Academic antecedents variables included past aca-
demic achievement (as measured by self-reported pre-
vious GPA, rated on a 6-point scale), vocational
preferences (mis)match (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or other), and
academic failure in most courses of the previous curri-
cular year. As regards prior GPA, in Portugal marks are
expressed on a 0- to 20-point scale (at the university
level) or, similarly, on a 0- to 200-point scale (admis-
sion to university classification as the result of a
weighted mean between high-school GPA and admis-
sion tests). In the sleep-wake questionnaire, the partici-
pant was asked to report his/her prior GPA on a 6-point
scale such that 10 (coded as 1), 1011 (coded as 2),
1213 (coded as 3), 1415 (coded as 4), 1617 (coded
as 5), 18 (coded as 6) for university classification or
as similar options formulated in terms of the to 0- to
200-point scale (rather than 0 to 20) for admission to
the university (cf. item 35 in Appendix). As to voca-
tional preference match, student admission to majors
in public universities in Portugal occurs once a year
throughout the country. Each student must complete
a form indicating his/her preference for an under-
graduate degree program and university. Candidates/
Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates 
© Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
applicants to each undergraduate degree program are
sorted by the Portuguese Ministry of Science and
Higher Education according to their grades. Depend-
ing on the applicants position on each list and on
the limit of admissions defined for each degree
program, students may or may not be admitted to
their first preference, and, alternatively, they may be
admitted to their second, third, or other choice. In
the present study, we have assumed that the students
choice (assessed in the Demographics/Academics
section of the questionnaire) reflects his/her vocational
preference. As to the previous year academic failure in
most courses (7th question on the Demographics/
Academics part of the questionnaire), in many Portu-
guese faculties and universities, students may pass or
fail a curricular year (or grade) at the university level,
just as they can at the high-school level. Undergraduate
programs are structured in academic years (two seme-
sters) in such a way that each course is matched to a
given curricular year. To obtain approval (pass) in
any single course, the student must attain a final
mark of 10 points on a 20-point scale (<10 points,
the student fails that course). Each individual course
corresponds to a certain number of credits. Universities
and faculties establish a minimum number of credits/
curricular year that students must obtain by passing
courses in order to proceed (pass) to the subsequent
curricular year. When a student fails more than half
the courses in a given academic year, he/she does
not obtain enough credits. Consequently, he/she
remains, technically, in the same curricular year and
must repeat the failed courses. Herein, we term this
situation previous year failure in most courses.
Current academic engagement variables include class
attendance (rated on a 5-point scale, cf. item 34 in
Appendix), and study time (h/wk, cf. item 32 in
Lifestyle and substance usage variables include (cf.
items 2631 and 33 in Appendix) exercise (h/wk),
other extracurricular activities (h/wk), night outings
(frequency), cigarette use (weighted mean = [units/
week day × 5 + units/weekend day × 2]/7 days),
alcohol consumption (weighted mean = [units/week
day × 5 + units/weekend day × 2]/7 days), coffee con-
sumption (weighted mean = [units/week day × 5 +
units/ weekend day × 2]/7 days), and consumption of
other substances (frequency).
Daytime subjective well-being variables include vigor,
mood/anxiety complaints, cognitive functioning, and
daytime somnolence (Manber et al., 1996). The first
three indices resulted from a factor analysis of 14
items asking how the student felt during the day, with
each item rated from 0 to 4 or 4 to 0, as appropriate
(cf. items 19a to 19n in Appendix). The selected
method was a principal component analysis with
varimax rotation for components with eigenvalues
1.0. A three-factor solution was found, explaining
55.99% of the total variance. Factor 1 items (active,
energetic, efficient, alert, happy, relaxed) corresponded
to vigor and accounted for 23.01% of the variance.
Factor 2 items (tired, irritable, depressed, nervous) cor-
responded to mood/anxiety complaints and accounted
for 17.63% of the variance. Factor 3 items (productive,
attentive, motivated, difficulty concentrating) corre-
sponded to cognitive functioning and accounted for
15.35% of the variance. The Cronbach α values were
0.77, 0.74, and 0.73, respectively, indicating good
internal consistency of each factor. The daytime som-
nolence index consisted of 5 items adapted from
Manber et al. (1996), plus 1 item about somnolence
during class (items 18a to 18e and 18f in Appendix).
Cronbach α was 0.84.
Neuroticism was measured by our neuroticism factor of
the EPI-12 item version.
Sleep quantity variables include perceived (in)sufficient
sleep using a frequency scale (cf. item 14 in Appendix).
Sleep quality variables include 7 items, each rated from
0 to 4 or 4 to 0, as appropriate, covering sleep-onset,
early and night awakenings, perceived sleep depth,
and quality of sleep (cf. items 48 plus 15a and 15b
in Appendix). A sleep quality index was obtained
through summation of these items. Higher scores
equate to poorer sleep quality. Th e internal consistency
was good as indicated by the Cronbach α = 0.73.
Sleep phase/chronotype variables include sleep phase
during weeknights, sleep phase during weekend
nights, and morningness-eveningness as expressed
by the CMQ total score. Each sleep phase variable
was determined as a mid-sleep point expressed in
hours and minutes, according to the specified formulas
[weeknights mid-sleep = bedtime on weeknights +
(time in bed on weeknights/2) and weekend nights
mid-sleep = bedtime on weekends + (time in bed on
weekends/2)], where time in bed was the time interval
between bedtime and rise time (either on weeknights
or on weekends, as appropriate).
Sleep irregularity variables include bedtime irregularity
during the school week, rise-time irregularity during
the school week (cf. items 9 and 13 in Appendix), and
week/weekend sleep-phase irregularity (difference
between week and weekend night sleep phases,
expressed in hours and minutes).
Academic Performance Measures
a. Self-report measures: Three academic achievement
items were included in the sleep-wake questionnaire.
Previous GPA and academic failure of most courses
during the previous curricular year were previously
described. In addition, we also considered it important
to assess the subjective impact of sleep on academic
performance as perceived by each student through
the following question: Do you feel your sleep
patterns have been negatively influencing your aca-
demic performance at the university? (cf. item 36 in
 A. A. Gomes et al.
Chronobiology International
b. Objective prospective measure: This measure consisted
of the final mark obtained by each student at the end of
the semester as shown in the university records.
Specifically, for each undergraduate degree program,
we selected one course per year (the most representa-
tive and relevant). For instance, for all participants in
the 1st year of the mathematics degree program (n =
43), we collected the final marks received in the Math-
ematical Analysis II course; for all participants study-
ing in the 3rd year of the biology degree program
(n = 72), the end-of-semester marks obtained in the
Genetics course were collected. The end-of-semester
classification of the student in a given course, on a
0- to 20-point scale, represents a weighted mean
score of a certain number of tasks, i.e., assignments
and written examinations. The assessment tasks are
defined by each professor in agreement with university
rules. To enable combination and comparison among
marks between different courses, within each given
course raw classifications were transformed into stan-
dardized z values.
The research project was approved by the department
and university scientific councils, which were the local
sanctioning boards of the university, and conformed to
international ethical standards as described in Portaluppi
et al. (2010) for biological rhythm research.
A teacher from each university year and selected
degree program was approached, and the voluntary
nature and the general format of the research were
explained. With the approval of the teachers and the
consent of the students, the questionnaires were com-
pleted at the end of the class sessions. It was emphasized
that participation was voluntary, and confidentiality was
assured. The aims of the study were briefly explained in
the beginning of the questionnaire and were also orally
explained to the students by the principal researcher,
who was present in all sessions.
To assess the typical sleep-wake patterns of the stu-
dents when they must attend classes, the survey was con-
ducted in the middle of the semesters, at least 1 mo after
the beginning of the classes. Data collection was carefully
planned so events that could potentially influence sleep-
wake patterns, e.g., holidays and student festivities, were
excluded. All questionnaires were collected after 12:00 h
to avert underrepresentation of evening-type students in
the sample. Participation rate, determined by the differ-
ence between the number of questionnaires distributed
(2018) and number of questionnaires returned (1819),
was 90.1%. From the questionnaires collected, a total of
165 were excluded due to missing answers on key ques-
tions, i.e., sleep-wake schedules and sleep durations
(33 participants); atypical cases or circumstances, e.g.,
pregnancy (4 participants); age >25 years (61 partici-
pants); having children (5 participants); non-full-time
student, i.e., students with part- or full-time jobs, elite
athlete students, and those involved in University
Student Union activities (62 participants). A final classifi-
cation for each participant was obtained through univer-
sity records at the end of the semester.
Data Analyses
First, associations between each sleep pattern and aca-
demic performance measures were examined. t tests for
independent samples were used to compare mean
values on sleep patterns between students who passed
versus students who failed the previous curricular year.
Mean values for each variable were compared between
sleep groups for the remaining academic achievement
measures, previous GPA, subjective detrimental effect
of sleep on academic performance, and end-of-semester
marks. First, following Neale and Liberts (1986) rec-
ommendations, for each sleep variable three to four (as
appropriate) nonextreme groups of similar size were
formed based on quartiles or frequencies. Then, aca-
demic performance mean values were determined for
each sleep group and compared by analysis of variance
(ANOVA). End-of-semester raw classifications in all ana-
lyses were converted to standardized z scores to enable
combination and comparability among marks from
different courses.
Second, considering the entire set of potential predic-
tors of academic performance, the main predictors for
end-of-semester marks were identified through multiple
regression analysis using the stepwise method to select
the most relevant variables:
1. The normality assumption was checked for numeric
variables. For variables not showing normal distri-
bution, data were transformed to approximate a Gaus-
sian curve (log
transformations were used to correct
for skewed distributions).
2. A correlation matrix was examined to select potential
predictors and avoid multicollinearity; whenever
nominal variables were involved, we used other mag-
nitude of association measures instead of correlation
coefficients, e.g., η.
Variables showing nonsignificant associations with z
scores were excluded.
Among variables significantly associated with z
scores, redundant variables were also removed; for
each set of interrelated variables, the rule was to
retain the variable showing the highest correlation
coefficient with z scores. In addition, a collinearity
diagnosis of the model was made, and indepen-
dence was assumed if the following criteria were
met: variance inflation factor [VIF] <2, tolerance
values distant from 0, Durbin Watson statistic 2,
condition index <15.
3. The stepwise regression analysis was conducted, en-
tering as potential predictors only those variables
showing significant associations with marks in uni-
variate analyses and with minimal redundancy
Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates 
© Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
among each other. The criterion variable was the z
scores. The rule to enter or remove a variable was
p .05 and p .10 (SPSS default option). As to
missing values, listwise deletion was used (Afifi
et al., 2004). Eight outliers were detected and excluded
from the database for the regression analysis. An
additional multiple regression analysis was conducted
to test for neuroticism moderator effects. To represent
the relevant interactions, variables were first centered
and then multiplied together.
A total of 1240 participants were included in the
regression analysis, i.e., 75% of the initial sample (n =
1654). These 1240 were comparable to the total sample
with respect to sex, age, curricular year, academic
domain, and residency status. A total of 406 subjects
were excluded from the analysis due to missing data in
any of the potential predictors or in the criterion variable.
These 406 students were similar to the remaining 1240 for
academic field and residency situation, but were older
(M = 20.47, SD = 1.77 vs. M = 19.82, SD = 1.59; t test,
p < .05) and men were overrepresented (49.8% in the
excluded group vs. 43.2% in the sample group; χ
p < .05).
Sleep and Multi-measures of Academic Achievement
Sleep and Previous Academic Failure (Failed Most Courses in
the Last Year)
Compared to those who passed (88.9%, n = 1457), stu-
dents who failed most of their courses in the preceding
curricular year (11.1%, n = 182) displayed current later
phases of the sleep-wake cycle, both on weeknights
= 7.12, p < .0001) and on weekends (t
= 3.45,
p < .0001), higher eveningness orientation (i.e., lower
morningness scores on the CMQ, t
= 3.92, p < .0001),
and greater rise-time variation during the week (t
3.01, p < .01). This pattern of results was also evident
when examining per sleep group the percentage of
students who had failed most courses (Table 1).
Prior GPA by Sleep Group
From eveningness to morningness chronotype tendency
groups (F = 5.511, p < .001) and across groups of students
showing progressively lower rise-time oscillations during
the week (F = 3.185, p < .05), there was increased im-
provement in past academic achievement grades. Pre-
vious GPAs were also found to be higher in groups with
earlier sleep-wake phases during the school week (F =
14.760, p < .0001), and in groups reporting better sleep
quality (F = 2.710, p < .05), as shown in Table 1.
Perceived Impact of Sleep on Academic Performance
Across groups showing progressively later sleep-wake
phases on weeknights (F = 17.115, p < .0001) and on
weekends (F = 4.247, p < .01), lower morningness scores
(F = 23.284, p < .0001), lower frequency of enough sleep
(F = 91.141, p < .0001), poorer sleep quality (F = 19.699,
p < .0001), and greater bedtime (F = 11.936, p < .0001)
and rise-time (F = 10.853, p < .0001) oscillations during
the week, there was an increase in mean values for the
perception that sleep patterns have had a negative
impact on university academic performance (Table 1).
End-of-Semester Marks by Sleep Group
Students of sleep groups who achieved higher marks
(mean z scores) at the end of the semester (Table 1)
were those who reported earlier sleep phases during the
week (F = 5.335, p < .001) and on weekends (F = 4.649,
p < .01), higher morningness scores (F = 3.486, p < .05),
more stable bedtime schedules during the week (F =
3.240, p < 0.05), better sleep quality (F = 3.722, p < .05),
and higher frequency of enough sleep (F = 3.689, p < .05).
Main Predictors of End-of-Semester Marks: Stepwise
Multiple Regression
After identifying through ANOVA those sleep variables
significantly associated with end-of-semester marks, we
then sought to determine whether or not any sleep
pattern would be selected as a main predictor of academic
performance when considered concurrently with other
potential predictors of academic performance in a step-
wise multiple regression analysis. From a total of 30 vari-
ables initially considered to possibly be associated with
university marks (covering demographic, neuroticism,
lifestyle, well-being, academic, and sleep domains), a pre-
liminary univariate analysis found 19 significantly related
to z scores ( p < .05). Nonsignificant associations were
found for 11 variables (sex, residential status, curricular
year, academic field, passing or failing most courses the
previous year, exercise, other extracurricular activities,
mood/anxiety complaints, neuroticism, and, as already
reported, rise-time irregularity during the school week
and week/weekend sleep-phase irregularity). From
these 19 variables significantly associated with z scores,
4 (vigor, daytime somnolence, sleep phase on week-
nights, QCM total score) were removed from the analysis
to avert multicollinearity with similar variables, thus as-
suring independence among potential predictors. The
intent was to identify, within each group of interrelated
variables, the variable with the strongest association
with z scores. Thus, 15 potential predictors were entered
in the stepwise regression analysis. Descriptive statistics
for the potential predictors and for z scores (criterion vari-
able) are shown in Table 2. From the 15 variab les included
in the model, stepwise regression yielded 5 that were sig-
nificant predictors of marks, explaining 14% of the var-
iance of the z scores (R
= 0.14, adjusted R
= 0.14; F(5,
1234) = 40.99, p < .0001; Table 3). The most important
predictor of z scores was previous academic achievement,
followed by class attendance. The third predictor was the
frequency of enough sleep. Night outings and sleep
quality were the last of the five significant predictors.
Moreover, the selected predictors showed associations
 A. A. Gomes et al.
Chronobiology International
with z scores in the expected directions. Thus, higher
(lower) previous GPA, higher (lower) class attendance,
higher (lower) frequency of enough sleep, lower
(higher) frequency of night outings, and better (worse)
sleep quality during the semester were associated with
an increase (decrease) in end-of-semester marks as
expressed by z scores.
Associations of the remaining sleep, academic, well-
being, and lifestyle variables e.g., (time devoted to
study, alcohol consumption, cognitive functioning) with
academic achievement lost significance in the stepwise
regression. Of the four sleep variables entered in the
analysis, twosleep quality and enough sleepre-
mained significantly associated with end-of-semester
grades in the presence of other significant predictors,
thus adding an independent contribution to grades.
The other two sleep variables introduced in the analysis,
sleep phase and regularity of sleep schedules, lost signifi-
cance in a stepwise regression after controlling for the
influence of previous academic results, class attendance,
night outings, sleep amount, and sleep quality.
Finally, to ascertain whether neuroticism interacts
with the two selected sleep variables in predicting
end-of-semester marks, another multiple regression
TABLE 1. Academic achievement measures across sleep groups
Failed most
courses (%)
Negative impact of sleep over
Sleep Quality Index Very Good 10.4 3.43 1.55 0.13
Good 9.8 3.28 1.74 0.05
Poor 13.2 3.30 1.70 0.04
Very Poor 11.0 3.29 2.10 0.08
NS <0.05 <0.0001 <0.05
Enough sleep
Never + Rarely 11.2 3.27 2.28 0.05
12 nights/wk 10.5 3.34 2.02 0.09
34 nights/wk 12.4 3.27 1.71 0.02
Almost all nights/always 10.3 3.42 1.15 0.14
NS NS <0.0001 <0.05
CMQ Morningness tendency 7.6 3.49 1.50 0.14
9.4 3.34 1.62 0.00
13.1 3.27 1.83 0.06
Eveningness tendency 14.3 3.24 2.07 0.08
<0.0001 <0.001 <0.0001 <0.05
Sleep phase on week
<03:56 h 5.3 3.51 1.61 0.11
03:56 to 04:25 h 9.2 3.46 1.62 0.09
04:26 to 05:00 h 9.3 3.16 1.74 0.13
>05:00 h 21.7 3.20 2.09 0.09
<0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.001
Sleep phase on weekend
<05:15 h 7.9 3.44 1.68 0.13
05:15 to 06:00 h 9.1 3.30 1.68 0.05
06:01 to 07:00 h 12.2 3.30 1.79 0.10
>07:00 h 16.4 3.29 1.92 0.11
<0.0001 NS <0.01 <0.01
Week-weekend sleep-
phase displacement
<1h 12.7 3.33 1.81 0.09
1h1h30 11.2 3.30 1.76 0.02
1h312h15 10.3 3.33 1.71 0.01
>2h15 10.3 3.37 1.75 0.09
Bedtime oscillation along
the school week
1h 10.8 3.34 1.58 0.09
1h012h 10.6 3.32 1.85 0.03
>2h 12.3 3.33 1.86 0.07
NS NS <0.0001 <0.05
Rise-time oscillation
along the school week
<1h 8.5 3.41 1.62 0.07
1h1h59 9.4 3.32 1.74
2h 15.8 3.26 1.92 0.07
<0.01 <0.05 <0.0001 NS
Expressed in a 6-point scale: 10 points [coded as 1]; >10 11 points [coded as 2]; 1213 points [coded as 3]; 1415 points [coded as 4]; 1617
points [coded as 5]; 18 points [coded as 6].
Assessed through a 5-point scale, coded from 0 = strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree.
Transformed into standardized z scores. M =
mean values. NS = not significant ( p > 0.05).
Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates 
© Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
was conducted by entering the five predictors found
plus neuroticism and its interactions with sleep
quality and enough sleep. To represent the interactions
between sleep quality or enough sleep and neuroticism,
the variables were first centered and then multiplied
together. The main effects for the five predictors pre-
viously selected by the stepwise regression analysis
remained statistically significant, but the main effect of
neuroticism was not significant ( p = .572), and nor
was its interaction with enough sleep ( p = .771) or
sleep quality ( p = .783).
The present study examined associations between sleep
patterns reported at the middle of the semester, self-
reported performance measures, and, most importantly,
subsequent academic achievement (end-of-semester
marks) in relation to demographics, well-being, and
academic and lifestyle variables in a sample of under-
graduates. Four sleep aspects were considered: quantity,
quality, regularity, and phase/schedule.
Our results with respect to the impact of adequate
sleep duration on end-of-semester marks are in line
with the findings of other naturalistic correlational
investigations (Oginska & Pokorski, 2006), as well as
with those of controlled studies, indicating that cumulat-
ive sleep debt (Van Dongen et al., 2003a), even in appar-
ently small amounts and in healthy young adults, is
associated with a variety of undesirable consequences
(Banks & Dinges, 2007; Pilcher & Huffcutt, 1996;
Spiegel et al., 1999; Van Dongen et al., 2003a, 2003b).
For example, Banks and Dinges (2007) found that
across nights of partial sleep deprivation, i.e., 14 nights
with 6 h of sleep/night, the accumulation of neurobeha-
vioral deficits may achieve levels equivalent to those
found after 1 to 3 nights of total sleep deprivation. If
these findings of controlled studies hold true in real-life
circumstances, it is then understandable that those stu-
dents obtaining enough sleep more frequently achieve
greater marks.
The association found in our sample between enough
sleep and end-of-semester marks is also comparable to
the results of similar correlational studies in undergradu-
ates reporting decreased academic performance with
shorter sleep duration (Borisenkov et al., 2010; Jean-
Louis et al., 1996; Kelly et al., 2001; Medeiros et al.,
2001; Trockel et al., 2000). Compared with these natura-
listic studies, one contributing factor of our investigation
is that rather than sleep length, per se, we have
TABLE 2. Descriptive statistics for the variables in the regression analysesz scores (criterion variable) and potential predictors (n = 1240*)
Variable M SD Min Max
z scores 0.03 0.97 2.73 3.06
Age 19.82 1.58 17 25
Vocational preferences match (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) 1.45 0.73 1 3
Previous academic achievement (self-reported GPA) 3.41 0.96 1 6
Class attendancetransf. [log
] 0.18 0.24 0 0.70
Study h/wktransf. [log
] 0.86 0.31 0 1.75
Cognitive functioning 9.56 2.46 0 16
Night outings (past midnight) 2.38 1.25 0 5
Cigarettestransf. [log
] 0.16 0.35 0 1.43
Coffeetransf. [log
] 0.22 0.21 0 0.78
Alcoholtransf. [log
] 0.12 0.20 0 1.11
Other substancestransf. [log
] 0.06 0.15 0 0.70
Enough sleep (frequency) 2.56 1.12 0 4
Sleep Quality Index (7 items) 8.75 3.92 0 24
Weekend sleep phase 6:05 1h21 1:15 12:00
Bedtime irregularity along the school week 1h58 1h24 0h 9h
*Excluding 8 outliers and participants with missing data for 1 of the 16 variables (listwise deletion).
TABLE 3. Significant predictors of z scores selected through stepwise regression
Model (variables added at each step) RR
Adjusted R
Standard error of the estimate
Change statistics
1. Previous GPA 0.307 0.094 0.093 0.926 0.094 128.572 (1, 1238) <0.001
2. Class attendance* 0.362 0.131 0.130 0.908 0.037 52.849 (1, 1237) <0.001
3. Enough sleep (frequency) 0.369 0.136 0.134 0.905 0.005 6.814 (1, 1236) 0.009
4. Night outings 0.373 0.139 0.137 0.904 0.003 4.825 (1, 1235) 0.028
5. Sleep Quality Index 0.377 0.142 0.139 0.903 0.003 4.475 (1, 1234) 0.035
Constant included. Criterion variable: z scores. Durbin-Watson: 1.852. Condition Index = 14.270. Collinearity statistics for each predictor:
tolerance values > 0.89, VIF < 1.1. *Transf. log
 A. A. Gomes et al.
Chronobiology International
considered a measure of insufficient sleep, i.e., frequency
of enough sleep. This seemed to be more in line with the
notion of sleep deb t in the sense of chronic sleep restric-
tion (Van Dongen et al., 2003a).
Our findings on sleep quality are in agreement with pre-
vious studies showing associations between poor sleep,
lower academic performance of university students
(Gilbert & Weaver, 2010; Howel et al., 2004; Johns et al.,
1976), and other aspects of daytime functioning impair-
ment, e.g., subjective complaints such as increased feel-
ings of depression, tension, and fatigue, not only in sleep
clinical samples (AASM, 2005) but also in community
samples of young adults (Alapin et al., 2000; Oginska &
Pokorski, 2006; Pilcher & Ott, 1998; Pilcher et al., 1997).
Because of the nonexistence of a European Portuguese
version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI;
Buysse et al., 1989), we adopted another measure of
sleep quality; however, it should be stressed that our
sleep-quality items show similarities with some of the
PSQI items. Similar results on the associations of both
sleep length and sleep quality with academic achievement
have also been reported for other age groups, including
children, e.g., a recent meta-analytic review of Dewal
et al. (2010). However, precaution is needed in generaliz-
ing the current findings to other age groups or educational
levels (e.g., Kopasz et al., 2010; Pagel et al., 2007).
As to sleep regularity, several associations with self-
reported academic performance emerged, and one
significant association with end-of-semester marks was
found by univariate analysis, but it lost significance in
multiple regression analysis. Abrupt shifts of sleep-wake
schedules lead to internal dissociation among circadian
rhythms (Reinberg et al., 1989), which may be accom-
panied by complaints of somnolence, attention deficit,
concentration difficulty, and performance decrement
that are commonly found in shiftwork and rapid travel
across multiple time zones (AASM, 2005). In undergradu-
ates, irregularities of 2 to 4 h in the sleep-wake schedule
are associated with increased fatigue, deterioration of
mood, and lower performance (Taub & Berger, 1973),
and irregular sleep-wake schedules of healthy students
are associated with excessive daytime somnolence com-
pared to regular colleagues (Manber et al., 1996). In our
sample, sleeping enough and with good quality were
more important in determining subsequent academic
performance than maintaining a regular sleep-wake sche-
dule, but no definitive conclusion should be drawn. It
seems critical to further scrutinize the potential impact
of irregularities of sleep-wake schedules in academic
samples using longitudinal measures, such as 1-wk sleep
logs or actigraphy, to assess irregularity (Medeiros et al.,
2001), as this topic seems to be under investigated.
Each of the three variables used to measure chrono-
type/sleep phase in the present study showed significant
relationships in univariate analysis with previous year
academic failure in most courses, perceived influence
of sleep in academic performance, and university
marks, and all (but one) were associated with prior
GPA. The literature consistently reports associations
between undergraduate later sleep-wake schedules and
lower academic performance (Bes¸oluk et al., 2011;
Borisenkov et al., 2010; Elliason et al., 2010; Johns et al.,
1976; Lack, 1986; Medeiros et al., 2001, 1996; Randler &
French, 2006; Smith et al., 1989; Trockel et al., 2000).
Nevertheless, the association between sleep phase and
end-of-semester grades lost its significance in stepwise
multiple regression after controlling for the effects of
class attendance, previous academic achievement,
night outings, sleep quantity, and sleep quality. Thus,
the association between late sleep-wake schedules/
phases and academic performance appears to be
mediated by other variables, such as sleep restriction,
which is more pronounced in evening-type students
(Giannotti et al., 2002; Gomes et al., 2008; Taillard
et al., 1999), and class attendance, which was already
found to be lower in evening-tendency students
(Gomes, 2006). Indeed, there are normal interindividual
differences linked to the peak time (acrophases) of circa-
dian rhythms, which manifests along a continuum from
morning- to evening-type individuals, with a majority
of intermediate persons between the two extremes
(Kerkhof, 1985). These would be normal variations, but
uniform work and school schedules do not consider
these differences; thus, inconsistencies may arise
between the individual preferred schedules and exter-
nally imposed time schedules, which may lead to
several undesirable consequences, such as when an
evening-type student is confronted with morning class
schedules (Bes¸oluk et al., 2011; Giannotti et al., 2002).
As to multiple regression analysis, in our study, based
on an initial pool of 30 demographic, academic, well-
being, neuroticism, and sleep variables, a stepwise
regression entering 15 potential predictors of academic
achievement for university students led to the selection
of 5 variables that remained significantly associated with
marks. Two were sleep variables, sleep quantity and
sleep quality. These two sleep variables added a small,
but independent and significant, contribution to univer-
sity grades beyond previous academic achievement and
class attendance. This low contribution may lead to a
questioning of their pertinence, and it may be argued
that significant associations emerged only by chance or
because of large sample size. Although this might be
true, both objections would also apply to any one of the
other variables considered. Furthermore, these two
sleep variables were better predictors of school achieve-
ment than other potential predictors, such as time
devoted to study, subjective cognitive functioning, or vo-
cational preferences. Using a stepwise regression method,
which tends to select a relatively small number of predic-
tors (Afifi et al., 2004), and considering the 15 potential
predictors of academic results, two of the four sleep vari-
ables emerged in the group of the five selected significant
predictors of student performance, whereas other appar-
ently logical predictors of academic achievement lost sig-
nificance and were not selected for the main group. In
Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates 
© Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
addition, no evidence was found that neuroticism moder-
ates or influences the impact of sleep variables on end-
of-semester marks. In conclusion, the results of our
regression analysis study found that in students with
similar previous academic achievement and class attend-
ance, both sleep quantity and sleep quality may influence
academic results in such a way that sleep reduction or
poor-quality sleep may be associated with decreased
academic performance.
The current results are in line with controlled studies
cited at the beginning of our paper, showing consistent
associations between sleep and a set of cognitive activi-
ties, memory in particular. Our results are also consistent
with the review pap er on sleep and academic perform-
ance by Curcio et al. (2006), who concluded that, as
both REM and NREM sleep stages appear to be necessary
for learning and memory, sleep loss and sleep fragmen-
tation constitute a risk for efficient consolidation of
declarative and procedural knowledge and skills. In
light of this conclusion, it is understandable that sleep
restriction and poor-quality sleep may impact academic
performance of undergraduates.
It is interesting to note that the best predictors of end-
of-semester marks were previous academic achievement
and class attendance, in close agreement with findings
reported in the literature. In fact, several studies found
that student academic achievement prior to postsecond-
ary education, e.g., high-school GPA (Robins et al., 2004)
and admission tests (Kuncel et al., 2010; Sackett et al.,
2009; Trapmann et al., 2007), is related, to a lesser or
greater extent, with subsequent outcomes in college. As
to class attendance, a recent meta-analytic review con-
cluded that it explains a large degree of unique variance
in college grades, superior to other known predictors of
academic performance (Credé et al., 2010). However, to
date, surprisingly few studies, if any, interested in the
impact of sleep/biological rhythms on academic per-
formance have considered this variable.
The present study has several further important
strengths: (i) it encompasses a large sample of under-
graduates from a variety of academic fields (engineering,
exact and natural sciences, languages, education, and
management) that may be found in universities all over
the world; thus, our results have the potential to be
extrapolated to other universities and countries; (ii) the
sample represented in a balanced way both sexes and
three academic years; (iii) the study was conducted in a
single university; thus, all students were subjected to
identical class timings, examination schedules, and
school-year calendar; (iv) in line with expert recommen-
dations (Curcio et al., 2006; Wolfson & Carskadon, 2003),
several measures of academic achievement were col-
lected (multimeasure approach) and were not limited
to self-reported data; (v) the study included a longitudi-
nal analysis of the relationship between sleep patterns
and end-of-semester academic marks; therefore,
although the nonexperimental nature of the present
research does not allow for the extraction of causal
inferences, we can be sure about the tempo ral sequence
of the relationships found; (vi) a multivariable approach
was adopted; that is, besides sleep patterns, a variety of
other variables that might explain academic performance
of university students was considered, which helped to
better assess the relative impact of sleep on academic
performance in real-life circumstances.
Certain limitations of the present work should be
mentioned. First, we were unable to control for the
time-of-day of the assessment tasks and written examin-
ations. In addition, our study, like oth ers in the field of
sleep and biological rhythms, did not cover all of the
possible relevant variables that could be related to
academic performance. Some important variables not
considered by us, but currently known to predict
academic performance, were conscientiousness person-
ality dimension, which is a strong predictor of postse-
condary academic achievement (Kuncel et al., 2010;
OConnor & Paunonen, 2007; Trapmann et al., 2007);
achievement motivation, the strongest predictor of GPA
in the meta-analysis of Robins et al. (2004); and academic
self-efficacy (Ferla et al., 2009; Robins et al., 2004).
Furthermore, the present study did not control for socio-
economic status (SES) even though Pagel et al. (2007)
reported that the number and type of sleep variables
affecting the GPA of adolescents changed after statisti-
cally controlling for age and household income. On the
other hand, SES is likely to be somewhat restricted in
range in university samples. Furthermore, in our study,
the most important predictor of end-of-semester marks
was previous academic achievement, which is also sup-
posed to have been influenced by SES (Robbins et al.,
2004; Sackett et al., 2009). Therefore, as prior academic
achievement was included in our final regression
model, we believe that, indirectly, the effect of SES is
not completely absent from our results regarding end-
of-semester marks. We also did not control for mental
or other medical disorders that might influence both
sleep and academic outcomes. However, our study con-
sidered neuroticism, which has been reported to be
strongly correlated with several mental disorders,
especially mood disorders, eating disorders, somatoform
disorders, anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia (Lahey,
2009). Furthermore, in our study, the associations
between lower academic performance, poor sleep
quality, and sleep debt were not moderated by neuroti-
cism. In particular, we did not control for sleep disorders,
such as sleep apnea, delayed sleep phase syndrome, or
narcolepsy (AASM, 2005), commonly detected for the
first time in this age group. We did not control either
for medication use (other than medication to promote
sleep), nor for its possible effects. Even though we
measured daytime sleepiness, the present study did not
fully explore the role of this variable over academic per-
formance; however, a very recent meta-analytic review
highlights the need to treat sleep duration, sleep
quality, and sleepiness as separate variables in future
research (Dewald et al., 2010). Although this review was
 A. A. Gomes et al.
Chronobiology International
based on child and adolescent sleep literature, we believe
future studies on undergraduates should follow this rec-
ommendation. Despite its limitations, to date our study
seems to be one of the most comprehensive within the
biological rhythm and sleep research fields, combining
an interesting set of different variables, two of which,
class attendance and previous academic achievement,
were identified in meta-analyses as among the most con-
sistent predictors of academic achievement (e.g., respect-
ively, Credé et al., 2010; Robins et al., 2004). Considering
feasibility, the use of a self-response questionnaire was a
perfectly adequate tool to collect data on sleep patterns
from a large sample at the same point-in-time, but the
limitations of this kind of instrument are well known.
Thus, ideally, self-report measures of sleep should be
complemented by more objective measures, such as
actigraphy or polysomnography. In the present research,
due to university restrictions for accessing student
records, only one mark per participant was collected at
the end of semester, wh ich may not be necessarily
representative of the students usual performance. This
limitation could explain the overall small percentage
of variance found in stepwise regression analyses.
Another potential reason for the relatively small variance
is likely a consequence of the longitudinal design
adopted. As we examined the prospective relationships
among sleep, academic performance, and life-style vari-
ables (measured in the middle of the school semester)
with subsequent academic performance (end-of-seme-
ster marks), changes in the variables studied between
the two points-in-time (middle of semester and end of
semester) might have occurred, or other variab les that
were not controlled by the researchers might have in-
truded and impacted end-of-semester achievement. In
summary, the significance of the relative contribution
of each sleep variable should be weighed, bearing in
mind the inherently noisy nature of academic perform-
ance in real-life circumstances.
In conclusion, adequate sleep with respect to quantity,
quality, and timing is likely associated with better marks
for university students. Our results have several impli-
cations. In particular, sleep education should be incor-
porated into existing prevention programs to promote
student health and academic success.
Student participation and lecturers cooperation are
gratefully acknowledged. The assistance of colleagues in
data collection was precious. The present work is cur-
rently financially supported by the IBILI (Institute of Bio-
medical Research in Light and Image; Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia [FCT]), Faculty of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Coimbra, Portugal. The University of Aveiro,
Department of Educational Scienc es, now Department
of Education, provides logistic support (note: work par-
tially based on a larger research project formerly sup-
ported by F.C. Gulbenkian [LEIES Project] and by FCT-
Portugal [SPASHE project; UI-CCPSF research Unit]).
Declaration of Interest: The authors report no conflicts
of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the
content and writing of the paper.
Sleep-Wake Questionnaire for University Students [SWQUS] - «during-the-semester» version
*Sex: Female. Male. *Age: ____ yr-old
* Do you have children? Yes. No.
* Undergraduate degree: _____________. *Curricular year: _____.
* Your current major was your first second third or other choice
* In the last year, have you completed enough course credits to progress to a new curricular year?
Yes. No, I have failed most courses.
* What is your student status? full-ti me student; part-time student due to part-/full-time job; elite athlete
student; student union delegate/representative
* Please indicate the town where you live
during the school week: __________ and on weekends / holidays: ___________
Last Month
Please consider
the last month, keeping in mind what usually happens in a typical class week.
* 1. In a typical class week, at what time do you usually
go to bed? (on average) ___ h ___ min
get up? (on average) ___ h ___ min
* 2. On weekends, during the semester, at what time do you usuall y
go to bed? (on average) ___ h ___ min
get up? (on average) ___ h ___ min
Sleep and Academic Performance in Undergraduates 
© Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
* 3. During the school week, does your bedtime change from night to night?
Not at all Yes: it varies between ___ h ___ and ___ h ___
* 4. After going to bed, you usually fall asleep within
1-14 min 15-30 min 31-45 min 46-60 min more than 60 min
* 5. How often do you have trouble falling asleep?
never rarely sometimes 3-4 nights a week almost every night/always
* 6. How many times do you usually wake up during a nights sleep?
none once 2-3 times per night 4-5 times per night 6 times or more
* 7. How often do you wake up spontaneously much earlier than needed (i.e., much earlier than your planned waking
never rarely sometimes 3-4 nights a week almost every night/always
* 8. Are nocturnal or early morning awakenings a problem for you?
not at all a bit somewhat often very often
* 9. During the school week, does your wake-up time change from day to day?
Not at all Yes, it varies between ___ h ___ and ___ h ___
10. After waking up, you usually get up within
1-14 min 15-30 min 31-45 min 46-60 min more than 60 min
11. During the semester, how many hours per night do you usually sleep on weekends?
4h or less 4-5h 5-6h 6-7h 7-8h 8-9h 9-10h 10-11h 11h or more
12. In a typical class week, how many hours per night do you usually sleep?
4h or less 4-5h 5-6h 6-7h 7-8h 8-9h 9-10h 10-11h 11h or more
13. During a typical week of classes, does your sleep duration change from night to night?
Not at all Yes, it varies between ___ h ___ and ___ h ___
* 14. In a typical week during the semester, how often do you get the sleep hours you need?
never rarely 1-2 nights a week 3-4 nights a week almost every night/always
* 15. Regardless of its duration, how would you describe your
[15.a] sleep quality? very poor poor fair good very good
[15.b] .. sleep depth? very light light fairly deep deep very deep
16. Do you use medication to promote sleep?
never rarely sometimes often almost every night/always
17. Do you take naps?
never rarely sometimes several times a week almost always/always
* 18. Usually, during the day:
a) [
b) [
c) [
d) [
e) [
items on daytime somnolence, each rated in a five-point Likert scale, from Manber et al., 1996)
f) How often do you feel excessively somnolent/sleepy during classes?
never rarely
sometimes often very often/always
Not at all A bit Somewhat Much Very much
a) Energetic □□
b) Tired □□
c) Irritable □□
d) Alert □□
e) Depressed □□
f) Nervous □□
g) Happy □□
h) Productive □□
i) Relaxed □□
j) Efficient □□
k) Attentive □□
l) Motivated □□
m) Active □□
n) Having difficulties concentrating □□
 A. A. Gomes et al.
Chronobiology International
Other Sleep Aspects
20. How many hours of sleep per night do you need to feel well?
4h or less 4-5h 5-6h 6-7h 7-8h 8-9h 9-10h 10-11h 11h or more
21. Did your sleep habits change at the university in comparison to high school?
not at all a bit somewhat much very much
22. In your opinion, do you have any sleep problems?
No Yes Please describe: _________________________________
23. This academic year, did you ever stay awake all night to complete academic tasks?
No Yes Please specify how many sleepless nights: _____
24. This academic year, did you ever stay awake all night due to other reasons?
No Yes Please specify how many sleepless nights: _____
25. With respect to the place where you sleep most of the time when you are at the university:
a) Do you share your sleeping room with someone else?
No Yes specify (e.g., colleague; brother): ______
b) Is your sleep disturbed
by noise? not at all a bit somewhat much very much
by your roommate? not at all a bit somewhat much very much not applicable
* 26. How many cigarettes do you smoke
per day (on average)? Week days: _____ Weekends: _____
* 27. How many glasses of alcoholic beverages do you drink
per day (on average)? Week days: ____ Weekends: _____
* 28. How many cups of coffee do you have
per day (on average)? Week days: _____ Weekends: _____
* 29. How often do you use other substances?
never rarely sometimes often/many times very often/always
* 30. How many hours a week do you exercise (on average)? ____
* 31. How many hours a week (on average) do you spend engaging in other extracurricular activities ? ____
* 32. During the class semester, how many hours a week (on average) do you spend studying? ____
* 33. How often do you go out at night (e.g., party, club, disco) until after midnight?
almost never once a month 2-3 times per month 1-2 times a week 3-4 times a week almost
always/every night
* 34. How many lectures do you attend (on average)?
every or almost every lecture more than half half less than half almost none or none
* 35.
For 2
or 3
year students: Indicate the answer that best describes your classifications at the university
(0-20 scale), on average:
10 or less 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18 or more
For 1
year students- Indicate your admission classification to the university (0-200):
less than 100 100-114 115-134 135-154 155-174 175 or higher
* 36. Do you feel your sleep patterns have been negatively influencing your academic performance at the university?
strongly disagree disagree do not know/neither agree nor disagree agree strongly agree
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