NIST Special Publication 800-207
Zero Trust Architecture
Scott Rose
Oliver Borchert
Stu Mitchell
Sean Connelly
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NIST Special Publication 800-207
Zero Trust Architecture
Scott Rose
Oliver Borchert
Advanced Network Technologies Division
Information Technology Laboratory
Stu Mitchell
Stafford, VA
Sean Connelly
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency
Department of Homeland Security
This publication is available free of charge from:
August 2020
U.S. Department of Commerce
Wilbur L. Ross, Jr., Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Walter Copan, NIST Director and Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology
This publication has been developed by NIST in accordance with its statutory responsibilities under the
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National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-207
Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Spec. Publ. 800-207, 59 pages (August 2020)
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Reports on Computer Systems Technology
The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and
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government, and academic organizations.
Zero trust (ZT) is the term for an evolving set of cybersecurity paradigms that move defenses
from static, network-based perimeters to focus on users, assets, and resources. A zero trust
architecture (ZTA) uses zero trust principles to plan industrial and enterprise infrastructure and
workflows. Zero trust assumes there is no implicit trust granted to assets or user accounts based
solely on their physical or network location (i.e., local area networks versus the internet) or based
on asset ownership (enterprise or personally owned). Authentication and authorization (both
subject and device) are discrete functions performed before a session to an enterprise resource is
established. Zero trust is a response to enterprise network trends that include remote users, bring
your own device (BYOD), and cloud-based assets that are not located within an enterprise-
owned network boundary. Zero trust focuses on protecting resources (assets, services,
workflows, network accounts, etc.), not network segments, as the network location is no longer
seen as the prime component to the security posture of the resource. This document contains an
abstract definition of zero trust architecture (ZTA) and gives general deployment models and use
cases where zero trust could improve an enterprise’s overall information technology security
architecture; cybersecurity; enterprise; network security; zero trust.
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This document is the product of a collaboration between multiple federal agencies and is
overseen by the Federal CIO Council. The architecture subgroup is responsible for development
of this document, but there are specific individuals who deserve recognition. These include Greg
Holden, project manager of the Federal CIO Council ZTA project; Alper Kerman, project
manager for the NIST/National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence ZTA effort; and Douglas
This document is intended to describe zero trust for enterprise security architects. It is meant to
aid understanding of zero trust for civilian unclassified systems and provide a road map to
migrate and deploy zero trust security concepts to an enterprise environment. Agency
cybersecurity managers, network administrators, and managers may also gain insight into zero
trust and ZTA from this document. It is not intended to be a single deployment plan for ZTA as
an enterprise will have unique business use cases and data assets that require safeguards. Starting
with a solid understanding of the organization’s business and data will result in a strong
approach to zero trust.
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Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 History of Zero Trust Efforts Related to Federal Agencies .............................. 2
1.2 Structure of This Document ............................................................................ 2
2 Zero Trust Basics ................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Tenets of Zero Trust ....................................................................................... 6
2.2 A Zero Trust View of a Network ...................................................................... 8
3 Logical Components of Zero Trust Architecture ................................................. 9
3.1 Variations of Zero Trust Architecture Approaches ........................................ 11
3.1.1 ZTA Using Enhanced Identity Governance ........................................ 11
3.1.2 ZTA Using Micro-Segmentation ......................................................... 12
3.1.3 ZTA Using Network Infrastructure and Software Defined Perimeters . 12
3.2 Deployed Variations of the Abstract Architecture .......................................... 13
3.2.1 Device Agent/Gateway-Based Deployment ........................................ 13
3.2.2 Enclave-Based Deployment ............................................................... 14
3.2.3 Resource Portal-Based Deployment .................................................. 15
3.2.4 Device Application Sandboxing .......................................................... 16
3.3 Trust Algorithm.............................................................................................. 17
3.3.1 Trust Algorithm Variations .................................................................. 19
3.4 Network/Environment Components .............................................................. 21
3.4.1 Network Requirements to Support ZTA .............................................. 21
4 Deployment Scenarios/Use Cases ..................................................................... 23
4.1 Enterprise with Satellite Facilities.................................................................. 23
4.2 Multi-cloud/Cloud-to-Cloud Enterprise .......................................................... 24
4.3 Enterprise with Contracted Services and/or Nonemployee Access .............. 25
4.4 Collaboration Across Enterprise Boundaries ................................................ 26
4.5 Enterprise with Public- or Customer-Facing Services ................................... 27
5 Threats Associated with Zero Trust Architecture ............................................. 28
5.1 Subversion of ZTA Decision Process ............................................................ 28
5.2 Denial-of-Service or Network Disruption ....................................................... 28
5.3 Stolen Credentials/Insider Threat ................................................................. 29
5.4 Visibility on the Network ................................................................................ 29
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5.5 Storage of System and Network Information ................................................ 30
5.6 Reliance on Proprietary Data Formats or Solutions ...................................... 30
5.7 Use of Non-person Entities (NPE) in ZTA Administration ............................. 30
6 Zero Trust Architecture and Possible Interactions with Existing Federal
Guidance ...................................................................................................................... 32
6.1 ZTA and NIST Risk Management Framework .............................................. 32
6.2 Zero Trust and NIST Privacy Framework ...................................................... 32
6.3 ZTA and Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management Architecture
6.4 ZTA and Trusted Internet Connections 3.0 ................................................... 33
6.5 ZTA and EINSTEIN (NCPS National Cybersecurity Protection System) ... 34
6.6 ZTA and DHS Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigations (CDM) Program ...... 34
6.7 ZTA, Cloud Smart, and the Federal Data Strategy ....................................... 35
7 Migrating to a Zero Trust Architecture ............................................................... 36
7.1 Pure Zero Trust Architecture ......................................................................... 36
7.2 Hybrid ZTA and Perimeter-Based Architecture ............................................. 36
7.3 Steps to Introducing ZTA to a Perimeter-Based Architected Network ........... 37
7.3.1 Identify Actors on the Enterprise ........................................................ 38
7.3.2 Identify Assets Owned by the Enterprise ............................................ 38
7.3.3 Identify Key Processes and Evaluate Risks Associated with Executing
Process ......................................................................................................... 39
7.3.4 Formulating Policies for the ZTA Candidate ....................................... 39
7.3.5 Identifying Candidate Solutions .......................................................... 40
7.3.6 Initial Deployment and Monitoring ...................................................... 40
7.3.7 Expanding the ZTA ............................................................................. 41
References ................................................................................................................... 42
List of Appendices
Appendix AAcronyms ............................................................................................ 45
Appendix BIdentified Gaps in the Current State-of-the-Art in ZTA .................... 46
B.1 Technology Survey ....................................................................................... 46
B.2 Gaps that Prevent an Immediate Move to ZTA ............................................. 47
B.2.1 Lack of Common Terms for ZTA Design, Planning, and Procurement 47
B.2.2 Perception that ZTA Conflicts with Existing Federal Cybersecurity
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Policies .......................................................................................................... 47
B.3 Systemic Gaps that Impact ZTA ................................................................... 47
B.3.3 Standardization of Interfaces Between Components .......................... 47
B.3.4 Emerging Standards that Address Overreliance on Proprietary APIs. 48
B.4 Knowledge Gaps in ZTA and Future Areas of Research .............................. 48
B.4.5 Attacker Response to ZTA ................................................................. 49
B.4.6 User Experience in a ZTA Environment ............................................. 49
B.4.7 Resilience of ZTA to Enterprise and Network Disruption .................... 49
B.5 References ................................................................................................... 50
List of Figures
Figure 1: Zero Trust Access ............................................................................................ 5
Figure 2: Core Zero Trust Logical Components .............................................................. 9
Figure 3: Device Agent/Gateway Model ........................................................................ 14
Figure 4: Enclave Gateway Model ................................................................................ 15
Figure 5: Resource Portal Model ................................................................................... 16
Figure 6: Application Sandboxes ................................................................................... 17
Figure 7: Trust Algorithm Input ...................................................................................... 18
Figure 8: Enterprise with Remote Employees ............................................................... 24
Figure 9: Multi-cloud Use Case ..................................................................................... 24
Figure 10: Enterprise with Nonemployee Access .......................................................... 25
Figure 11: Cross-Enterprise Collaboration .................................................................... 26
Figure 12: ZTA Deployment Cycle ................................................................................ 37
List of Tables
Table B-1: Summary of Identified Deployment Gaps .................................................... 46
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1 Introduction
A typical enterprise’s infrastructure has grown increasingly complex. A single enterprise may
operate several internal networks, remote offices with their own local infrastructure, remote
and/or mobile individuals, and cloud services. This complexity has outstripped legacy methods
of perimeter-based network security as there is no single, easily identified perimeter for the
enterprise. Perimeter-based network security has also been shown to be insufficient since once
attackers breach the perimeter, further lateral movement is unhindered.
This complex enterprise has led to the development of a new model for cybersecurity known as
“zero trust” (ZT). A ZT approach is primarily focused on data and service protection but can and
should be expanded to include all enterprise assets (devices, infrastructure components,
applications, virtual and cloud components) and subjects (end users, applications and other non-
human entities that request information from resources). Throughout this document, “subject”
will be used unless the section relates directly to a human end user in which “user” will be
specifically used instead of the more generic “subject.” Zero trust security models assume that an
attacker is present in the environment and that an enterprise-owned environment is no
differentor no more trustworthy—than any nonenterprise-owned environment. In this new
paradigm, an enterprise must assume no implicit trust and continually analyze and evaluate the
risks to its assets and business functions and then enact protections to mitigate these risks. In
zero trust, these protections usually involve minimizing access to resources (such as data and
compute resources and applications/services) to only those subjects and assets identified as
needing access as well as continually authenticating and authorizing the identity and security
posture of each access request.
A zero trust architecture (ZTA) is an enterprise cybersecurity architecture that is based on zero
trust principles and designed to prevent data breaches and limit internal lateral movement. This
publication discusses ZTA, its logical components, possible deployment scenarios, and threats. It
also presents a general road map for organizations wishing to migrate to a zero trust design
approach and discusses relevant federal policies that may impact or influence a zero trust
ZT is not a single architecture but a set of guiding principles for workflow, system design and
operations that can be used to improve the security posture of any classification or sensitivity
level [FIPS199]. Transitioning to ZTA is a journey concerning how an organization evaluates
risk in its mission and cannot simply be accomplished with a wholesale replacement of
technology. That said, many organizations already have elements of a ZTA in their enterprise
infrastructure today. Organizations should seek to incrementally implement zero trust principles,
process changes, and technology solutions that protect their data assets and business functions by
use case. Most enterprise infrastructures will operate in a hybrid zero trust/perimeter-based mode
while continuing to invest in IT modernization initiatives and improve organization business
Organizations need to implement comprehensive information security and resiliency practices
for zero trust to be effective. When balanced with existing cybersecurity policies and guidance,
identity and access management, continuous monitoring, and best practices, a ZTA can protect
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against common threats and improve an organization’s security posture by using a managed risk
1.1 History of Zero Trust Efforts Related to Federal Agencies
The concept of zero trust has been present in cybersecurity since before the term “zero trust” was
coined. The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and the Department of Defense
published their work on a more secure enterprise strategy dubbed “black core” [BCORE]. Black
core involved moving from a perimeter-based security model to one that focused on the security
of individual transactions. The work of the Jericho Forum in 2004 publicized the idea of de-
perimeterizationlimiting implicit trust based on network location and the limitations of relying
on single, static defenses over a large network segment [JERICHO]. The concepts of de-
perimeterization evolved and improved into the larger concept of zero trust, which was later
coined by John Kindervag
while at Forrester.
Zero trust then became the term used to describe
various cybersecurity solutions that moved security away from implied trust based on network
location and instead focused on evaluating trust on a per-transaction basis. Both private industry
and higher education have also undergone this evolution from perimeter-based security to a
security strategy based on zero trust principles.
Federal agencies have been urged to move to security based on zero trust principles for more
than a decade, building capabilities and policies such as the Federal Information Security
Modernization Act (FISMA) followed by the Risk Management Framework (RMF); Federal
Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM); Trusted Internet Connections (TIC);
and Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) programs. All of these programs aim to
restrict data and resource access to authorized parties. When these programs were started, they
were limited by the technical capabilities of information systems. Security policies were largely
static and were enforced at large “choke points” that an enterprise could control to get the largest
effect for the effort. As technology matures, it is becoming possible to continually analyze and
evaluate access requests in a dynamic and granular fashion to a “need to access” basis to mitigate
data exposure due to compromised accounts, attackers monitoring a network, and other threats.
1.2 Structure of This Document
The rest of the document is organized as follows:
Section 2 defines ZT and ZTA and lists some assumptions when designing a ZTA for an
enterprise. This section also includes a list of the tenets of ZT design.
Section 3 documents the logical components, or building blocks, of ZT. It is possible that
unique implementations compose ZTA components differently yet serve the same logical
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Section 4 lists some possible use cases where a ZTA may make enterprise environments
more secure and less prone to successful exploitation. These include enterprises with
remote employees, cloud services, and guest networks.
Section 5 discusses threats to an enterprise using a ZTA. Many of these threats are
similar to any architected networks but may require different mitigation techniques.
Section 6 discusses how ZTA tenets fit into and/or complement existing guidance for
federal agencies.
Section 7 presents the starting point for transitioning an enterprise (such as a federal
agency) to a ZTA. This includes a description of the general steps needed to plan and
deploy applications and enterprise infrastructure that are guided by ZT tenets.
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2 Zero Trust Basics
Zero trust is a cybersecurity paradigm focused on resource protection and the premise that trust
is never granted implicitly but must be continually evaluated. Zero trust architecture is an end-to-
end approach to enterprise resource and data security that encompasses identity (person and non-
person entities), credentials, access management, operations, endpoints, hosting environments,
and the interconnecting infrastructure. The initial focus should be on restricting resources to
those with a need to access and grant only the minimum privileges (e.g., read, write, delete)
needed to perform the mission. Traditionally, agencies (and enterprise networks in general) have
focused on perimeter defense and authenticated subjects are given authorized access to a broad
collection of resources once on the internal network. As a result, unauthorized lateral movement
within the environment has been one of the biggest challenges for federal agencies.
The Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) and agency perimeter firewalls provide strong internet
gateways. This helps block attackers from the internet, but the TICs and perimeter firewalls are
less useful for detecting and blocking attacks from inside the network and cannot protect subjects
outside of the enterprise perimeter (e.g., remote workers, cloud-based services, edge devices,
An operative definition of zero trust and zero trust architecture is as follows:
Zero trust (ZT) provides a collection of concepts and ideas designed to minimize
uncertainty in enforcing accurate, least privilege per-request access decisions in
information systems and services in the face of a network viewed as compromised. Zero
trust architecture (ZTA) is an enterprise’s cybersecurity plan that utilizes zero trust
concepts and encompasses component relationships, workflow planning, and access
policies. Therefore, a zero trust enterprise is the network infrastructure (physical and
virtual) and operational policies that are in place for an enterprise as a product of a zero
trust architecture plan.
An enterprise decides to adopt zero trust as its core strategy and generate a zero trust architecture
as a plan developed with zero trust principles (see Section 2.1 below) in mind. This plan is then
deployed to produce a zero trust environment for use in the enterprise.
This definition focuses on the crux of the issue, which is the goal to prevent unauthorized access
to data and services coupled with making the access control enforcement as granular as
possible. That is, authorized and approved subjects (combination of user, application (or service),
and device) can access the data to the exclusion of all other subjects (i.e., attackers). To take this
one step further, the word “resource” can be substituted for “data” so that ZT and ZTA are about
resource access (e.g., printers, compute resources, Internet of Things [IoT] actuators) and not just
data access.
To lessen uncertainties (as they cannot be eliminated), the focus is on authentication,
authorization, and shrinking implicit trust zones while maintaining availability and minimizing
temporal delays in authentication mechanisms. Access rules are made as granular as possible to
enforce least privileges needed to perform the action in the request.
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In the abstract model of access shown in Figure 1, a subject needs access to an enterprise
resource. Access is granted through a policy decision point (PDP) and corresponding policy
enforcement point (PEP).
Figure 1: Zero Trust Access
The system must ensure that the subject is authentic and the request is valid. The PDP/PEP
passes proper judgment to allow the subject to access the resource. This implies that zero trust
applies to two basic areas: authentication and authorization. What is the level of confidence
about the subject’s identity for this unique request? Is access to the resource allowable given the
level of confidence in the subject’s identity? Does the device used for the request have the proper
security posture? Are there other factors that should be considered and that change the
confidence level (e.g., time, location of subject, subject’s security posture)? Overall, enterprises
need to develop and maintain dynamic risk-based policies for resource access and set up a
system to ensure that these policies are enforced correctly and consistently for individual
resource access requests. This means that an enterprise should not rely on implied
trustworthiness wherein if the subject has met a base authentication level (e.g., logging into an
asset), all subsequent resource requests are assumed to be equally valid.
The “implicit trust zone” represents an area where all the entities are trusted to at least the level
of the last PDP/PEP gateway. For example, consider the passenger screening model in an airport.
All passengers pass through the airport security checkpoint (PDP/PEP) to access the boarding
gates. The passengers, airport employees, aircraft crew, etc., mill about in the terminal area, and
all the individuals are considered trusted. In this model, the implicit trust zone is the boarding
The PDP/PEP applies a set of controls so that all traffic beyond the PEP has a common level of
trust. The PDP/PEP cannot apply additional policies beyond its location in the flow of traffic. To
allow the PDP/PEP to be as specific as possible, the implicit trust zone must be as small as
Zero trust provides a set of principles and concepts around moving the PDP/PEPs closer to the
resource. The idea is to explicitly authenticate and authorize all subjects, assets and workflows
that make up the enterprise.
Part of the concepts defined in OASIS XACML 2.0
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2.1 Tenets of Zero Trust
Many definitions and discussions of ZT stress the concept of removing wide-area perimeter
defenses (e.g., enterprise firewalls) as a factor. However, most of these definitions continue to
define themselves in relation to perimeters in some way (such as micro-segmentation or micro-
perimeters; see Section 3.1) as part of the functional capabilities of a ZTA. The following is an
attempt to define ZT and ZTA in terms of basic tenets that should be involved rather than what is
excluded. These tenets are the ideal goal, though it must be acknowledged that not all tenets may
be fully implemented in their purest form for a given strategy.
A zero trust architecture is designed and deployed with adherence to the following zero trust
basic tenets:
1. All data sources and computing services are considered resources. A network may be
composed of multiple classes of devices. A network may also have small footprint
devices that send data to aggregators/storage, software as a service (SaaS), systems
sending instructions to actuators, and other functions. Also, an enterprise may decide to
classify personally owned devices as resources if they can access enterprise-owned
2. All communication is secured regardless of network location. Network location alone
does not imply trust. Access requests from assets located on enterprise-owned network
infrastructure (e.g., inside a legacy network perimeter) must meet the same security
requirements as access requests and communication from any other nonenterprise-owned
network. In other words, trust should not be automatically granted based on the device
being on enterprise network infrastructure. All communication should be done in the
most secure manner available, protect confidentiality and integrity, and provide source
3. Access to individual enterprise resources is granted on a per-session basis. Trust in
the requester is evaluated before the access is granted. Access should also be granted with
the least privileges needed to complete the task. This could mean only “sometime
recently” for this particular transaction and may not occur directly before initiating a
session or performing a transaction with a resource. However, authentication and
authorization to one resource will not automatically grant access to a different resource.
4. Access to resources is determined by dynamic policyincluding the observable state
of client identity, application/service, and the requesting assetand may include
other behavioral and environmental attributes. An organization protects resources by
defining what resources it has, who its members are (or ability to authenticate users from
a federated community), and what access to resources those members need. For zero
trust, client identity can include the user account (or service identity) and any associated
attributes assigned by the enterprise to that account or artifacts to authenticate automated
tasks. Requesting asset state can include device characteristics such as software versions
installed, network location, time/date of request, previously observed behavior, and
installed credentials. Behavioral attributes include, but not limited to, automated subject
analytics, device analytics, and measured deviations from observed usage patterns. Policy
is the set of access rules based on attributes that an organization assigns to a subject, data
asset, or application. Environmental attributes may include such factors as requestor
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network location, time, reported active attacks, etc. These rules and attributes are based
on the needs of the business process and acceptable level of risk. Resource access and
action permission policies can vary based on the sensitivity of the resource/data. Least
privilege principles are applied to restrict both visibility and accessibility.
5. The enterprise monitors and measures the integrity and security posture of all
owned and associated assets. No asset is inherently trusted. The enterprise evaluates the
security posture of the asset when evaluating a resource request. An enterprise
implementing a ZTA should establish a continuous diagnostics and mitigation (CDM) or
similar system to monitor the state of devices and applications and should apply
patches/fixes as needed. Assets that are discovered to be subverted, have known
vulnerabilities, and/or are not managed by the enterprise may be treated differently
(including denial of all connections to enterprise resources) than devices owned by or
associated with the enterprise that are deemed to be in their most secure state. This may
also apply to associated devices (e.g., personally owned devices) that may be allowed to
access some resources but not others. This, too, requires a robust monitoring and
reporting system in place to provide actionable data about the current state of enterprise
6. All resource authentication and authorization are dynamic and strictly enforced
before access is allowed. This is a constant cycle of obtaining access, scanning and
assessing threats, adapting, and continually reevaluating trust in ongoing communication.
An enterprise implementing a ZTA would be expected to have Identity, Credential, and
Access Management (ICAM) and asset management systems in place. This includes the
use of multifactor authentication (MFA) for access to some or all enterprise resources.
Continual monitoring with possible reauthentication and reauthorization occurs
throughout user transactions, as defined and enforced by policy (e.g., time-based, new
resource requested, resource modification, anomalous subject activity detected) that
strives to achieve a balance of security, availability, usability, and cost-efficiency.
7. The enterprise collects as much information as possible about the current state of
assets, network infrastructure and communications and uses it to improve its
security posture. An enterprise should collect data about asset security posture, network
traffic and access requests, process that data, and use any insight gained to improve
policy creation and enforcement. This data can also be used to provide context for access
requests from subjects (see Section 3.3.1).
The above tenets attempt to be technology agnostic. For example, “user identification (ID)”
could include several factors such as username/password, certificates, and onetime password.
These tenets apply to work done within an organization or in collaboration with one or more
partner organizations and not to anonymous public or consumer-facing business processes. An
organization cannot impose internal policies on external actors (e.g., customers or general
internet users) but may be able to implement some ZT-based policies on nonenterprise users who
have a special relationship with the organization (e.g. registered customers, employee
dependents, etc.).
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2.2 A Zero Trust View of a Network
There are some basic assumptions for network connectivity for any organization that utilizes
ZTA in network planning and deployment. Some of these assumptions apply to enterprise-owned
network infrastructure, and some apply to enterprise-owned resources operating on
nonenterprise-owned network infrastructure (e.g., public Wi-Fi or public cloud providers). These
assumptions are used to direct the formation of a ZTA. The network in an enterprise
implementing a ZTA should be developed with the ZTA tenets outlined above and with the
following assumptions.
1. The entire enterprise private network is not considered an implicit trust zone. Assets
should always act as if an attacker is present on the enterprise network, and
communication should be done in the most secure manner available (see tenet 2 above).
This entails actions such as authenticating all connections and encrypting all traffic.
2. Devices on the network may not be owned or configurable by the enterprise. Visitors
and/or contracted services may include nonenterprise-owned assets that need network
access to perform their role. This includes bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies that
allow enterprise subjects to use nonenterprise-owned devices to access enterprise
3. No resource is inherently trusted. Every asset must have its security posture evaluated
via a PEP before a request is granted to an enterprise-owned resource (similar to tenet 6
above for assets as well as subjects). This evaluation should be continual for as long as
the session lasts. Enterprise-owned devices may have artifacts that enable authentication
and provide a confidence level higher than the same request coming from nonenterprise-
owned devices. Subject credentials alone are insufficient for device authentication to an
enterprise resource.
4. Not all enterprise resources are on enterprise-owned infrastructure. Resources
include remote enterprise subjects as well as cloud services. Enterprise-owned or -
managed assets may need to utilize the local (i.e., nonenterprise) network for basic
connectivity and network services (e.g., DNS resolution).
5. Remote enterprise subjects and assets cannot fully trust their local network
connection. Remote subjects should assume that the local (i.e., nonenterprise-owned)
network is hostile. Assets should assume that all traffic is being monitored and potentially
modified. All connection requests should be authenticated and authorized, and all
communications should be done in the most secure manner possible (i.e., provide
confidentiality, integrity protection, and source authentication). See the tenets of ZTA
6. Assets and workflows moving between enterprise and nonenterprise infrastructure
should have a consistent security policy and posture. Assets and workloads should
retain their security posture when moving to or from enterprise-owned infrastructure.
This includes devices that move from enterprise networks to nonenterprise networks (i.e.
remote users). This also includes workloads migrating from on-premises data centers to
nonenterprise cloud instances.
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3 Logical Components of Zero Trust Architecture
There are numerous logical components that make up a ZTA deployment in an enterprise. These
components may be operated as an on-premises service or through a cloud-based service. The
conceptual framework model in Figure 2 shows the basic relationship between the components
and their interactions. Note that this is an ideal model showing logical components and their
interactions. From Figure 1, the policy decision point (PDP) is broken down into two logical
components: the policy engine and policy administrator (defined below). The ZTA logical
components use a separate control plane to communicate, while application data is
communicated on a data plane (see Section 3.4).
Figure 2: Core Zero Trust Logical Components
The component descriptions:
Policy engine (PE): This component is responsible for the ultimate decision to grant
access to a resource for a given subject. The PE uses enterprise policy as well as input
from external sources (e.g., CDM systems, threat intelligence services described below)
as input to a trust algorithm (see Section 3.3 for more details) to grant, deny, or revoke
access to the resource. The PE is paired with the policy administrator component. The
policy engine makes and logs the decision (as approved, or denied), and the policy
administrator executes the decision.
Policy administrator (PA): This component is responsible for establishing and/or
shutting down the communication path between a subject and a resource (via commands
to relevant PEPs). It would generate any session-specific authentication and
authentication token or credential used by a client to access an enterprise resource. It is
closely tied to the PE and relies on its decision to ultimately allow or deny a session. If
the session is authorized and the request authenticated, the PA configures the PEP to
allow the session to start. If the session is denied (or a previous approval is
countermanded), the PA signals to the PEP to shut down the connection. Some
implementations may treat the PE and PA as a single service; here, it is divided into its
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two logical components. The PA communicates with the PEP when creating the
communication path. This communication is done via the control plane.
Policy enforcement point (PEP): This system is responsible for enabling, monitoring,
and eventually terminating connections between a subject and an enterprise resource. The
PEP communicates with the PA to forward requests and/or receive policy updates from
the PA. This is a single logical component in ZTA but may be broken into two different
components: the client (e.g., agent on a laptop) and resource side (e.g., gateway
component in front of resource that controls access) or a single portal component that acts
as a gatekeeper for communication paths. Beyond the PEP is the trust zone (see Section
2) hosting the enterprise resource.
In addition to the core components in an enterprise implementing a ZTA, several data sources
provide input and policy rules used by the policy engine when making access decisions. These
include local data sources as well as external (i.e., nonenterprise-controlled or -created) data
sources. These can include:
Continuous diagnostics and mitigation (CDM) system: This gathers information about
the enterprise asset’s current state and applies updates to configuration and software
components. An enterprise CDM system provides the policy engine with the information
about the asset making an access request, such as whether it is running the appropriate
patched operating system (OS), the integrity of enterprise-approved software components
or presence of non-approved components and whether the asset has any known
vulnerabilities. CDM systems are also responsible for identifying and potentially
enforcing a subset of polices on nonenterprise devices active on enterprise infrastructure.
Industry compliance system: This ensures that the enterprise remains compliant with
any regulatory regime that it may fall under (e.g., FISMA, healthcare or financial
industry information security requirements). This includes all the policy rules that an
enterprise develops to ensure compliance.
Threat intelligence feed(s): This provides information from internal or external sources
that help the policy engine make access decisions. These could be multiple services that
take data from internal and/or multiple external sources and provide information about
newly discovered attacks or vulnerabilities. This also includes newly discovered flaws in
software, newly identified malware, and reported attacks to other assets that the policy
engine will want to deny access to from enterprise assets.
Network and system activity logs: This enterprise system aggregates asset logs,
network traffic, resource access actions, and other events that provide real-time (or near-
real-time) feedback on the security posture of enterprise information systems.
Data access policies: These are the attributes, rules, and policies about access to
enterprise resources. This set of rules could be encoded in (via management interface) or
dynamically generated by the policy engine. These policies are the starting point for
authorizing access to a resource as they provide the basic access privileges for accounts
and applications/services in the enterprise. These policies should be based on the defined
mission roles and needs of the organization.
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Enterprise public key infrastructure (PKI): This system is responsible for generating
and logging certificates issued by the enterprise to resources, subjects, services and
applications. This also includes the global certificate authority ecosystem and the Federal
which may or may not be integrated with the enterprise PKI. This could also be a
PKI that is not built upon X.509 certificates.
ID management system: This is responsible for creating, storing, and managing
enterprise user accounts and identity records (e.g., lightweight directory access protocol
(LDAP) server). This system contains the necessary subject information (e.g., name,
email address, certificates) and other enterprise characteristics such as role, access
attributes, and assigned assets. This system often utilizes other systems (such as a PKI)
for artifacts associated with user accounts. This system may be part of a larger federated
community and may include nonenterprise employees or links to nonenterprise assets for
Security information and event management (SIEM) system: This collects security-
centric information for later analysis. This data is then used to refine policies and warn of
possible attacks against enterprise assets.
3.1 Variations of Zero Trust Architecture Approaches
There are several ways that an enterprise can enact a ZTA for workflows. These approaches vary
in the components used and in the main source of policy rules for an organization. Each
approach implements all the tenets of ZT (see Section 2.1) but may use one or two (or one
component) as the main driver of policies. A full ZT solution will include elements of all three
approaches. The approaches include enhanced identity governance–driven, logical micro-
segmentation, and network-based segmentation.
Certain approaches lend themselves to some use cases more than others. An organization looking
to develop a ZTA for its enterprise may find that its chosen use case and existing policies point
to one approach over others. That does not mean the other approaches would not work but rather
that other approaches may be more difficult to implement and may require more fundamental
changes to how the enterprise currently conducts business flows.
3.1.1 ZTA Using Enhanced Identity Governance
The enhanced identity governance approach to developing a ZTA uses the identity of actors as
the key component of policy creation. If it were not for subjects requesting access to enterprise
resources, there would be no need to create access polices. For this approach, enterprise resource
access policies are based on identity and assigned attributes. The primary requirement for
resource access is based on the access privileges granted to the given subject. Other factors such
as device used, asset status, and environmental factors may alter the final confidence level
calculation (and ultimate access authorization) or tailor the result in some way, such as granting
only partial access to a given data source based on network location. Individual resources or PEP
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components protecting the resource must have a way to forward requests to a policy engine
service or authenticate the subject and approve the request before granting access.
Enhanced identity governance-based approaches for enterprises are often employed using an
open network model or an enterprise network with visitor access or frequent nonenterprise
devices on the network (such as with the use case in Section 4.3 below). Network access is
initially granted to all assets but access to enterprise resources are restricted to identities with the
appropriate access privileges. There is a downside in granting basic network connectivity as
malicious actors could still attempt network reconnaissance and/or use the network to launch
denial of service attacks either internally or against a third party. Enterprises still need to monitor
and respond to such behavior before it impacts workflows.
The identity-driven approach works well with the resource portal model (see Section 3.2.3) since
device identity and status provide secondary support data to access decisions. Other models work
as well, depending on policies in place. Identity-driven approaches also work well for enterprises
that use cloud-based applications/services that may not allow for enterprise-owned or -operated
ZT security components to be used (such as many SaaS offerings). The enterprise can use the
identity of requestors to form and enforce policy on these platforms.
3.1.2 ZTA Using Micro-Segmentation
An enterprise may choose to implement a ZTA based on placing individual or groups of
resources on a unique network segment protected by a gateway security component. In this
approach, the enterprise places infrastructure devices such as intelligent switches (or routers) or
next generation firewalls (NGFWs) or special purpose gateway devices to act as PEPs protecting
each resource or small group of related resources. Alternatively (or additionally), the enterprise
may choose to implement host-based micro-segmentation using software agents (see Section
3.2.1) or firewalls on the endpoint asset(s), These gateway devices dynamically grant access to
individual requests from a client, asset or service. Depending on the model, the gateway may be
the sole PEP component or part of a multipart PEP consisting of the gateway and client-side
agent (see Section 3.2.1).
This approach applies to a variety of use cases and deployment models as the protecting device
acts as the PEP, with management of said devices acting as the PE/PA component. This
approach requires an identity governance program (IGP) to fully function but relies on the
gateway components to act as the PEP that shields resources from unauthorized access and/or
The key necessity to this approach is that the PEP components are managed and should be able
to react and reconfigure as needed to respond to threats or change in the workflow. It is possible
to implement some features of a micro-segmented enterprise by using less advanced gateway
devices and even stateless firewalls, but the administration cost and difficulty to quickly adapt to
changes make this a very poor choice.
3.1.3 ZTA Using Network Infrastructure and Software Defined Perimeters
The last approach uses the network infrastructure to implement a ZTA. The ZTA implementation
could be achieved by using an overlay network (i.e., layer 7 but also could be set up lower of the
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OSI network stack). These approaches are sometimes referred to as software defined perimeter
(SDP) approaches and frequently include concepts from Software Defined Networks (SDN)
[SDNBOOK] and intent-based networking (IBN) [IBNVN]. In this approach, the PA acts as the
network controller that sets up and reconfigures the network based on the decisions made by the
PE. The clients continue to request access via PEPs, which are managed by the PA component.
When the approach is implemented at the application network layer (i.e., layer 7), the most
common deployment model is the agent/gateway (see Section 3.2.1). In this implementation, the
agent and resource gateway (acting as the single PEP and configured by the PA) establish a
secure channel used for communication between the client and resource. There may be other
variations of this model, as well for cloud virtual networks, non-IP based networks, etc.
3.2 Deployed Variations of the Abstract Architecture
All of the above components are logical components. They do not necessarily need to be unique
systems. A single asset may perform the duties of multiple logical components, and likewise, a
logical component may consist of multiple hardware or software elements to perform the tasks.
For example, an enterprise-managed PKI may consist of one component responsible for issuing
certificates for devices and another used for issuing certificates to end users, but both use
intermediate certificates issued from the same enterprise root certificate authority. In some ZT
product offerings currently available on the market, the PE and PA components are combined in
a single service.
There are several variations on deployment of selected components of the architecture that are
outlined in the sections below. Depending on how an enterprise network is set up, multiple ZTA
deployment models may be in use for different business processes in one enterprise.
3.2.1 Device Agent/Gateway-Based Deployment
In this deployment model, the PEP is divided into two components that reside on the resource or
as a component directly in front of a resource. For example, each enterprise-issued asset has an
installed device agent that coordinates connections, and each resource has a component (i.e.,
gateway) that is placed directly in front so that the resource communicates only with the
gateway, essentially serving as a proxy for the resource. The agent is a software component that
directs some (or all) traffic to the appropriate PEP in order for requests to be evaluated. The
gateway is responsible for communicating with the policy administrator and allowing only
approved communication paths configured by the policy administrator (see Figure 3).
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Figure 3: Device Agent/Gateway Model
In a typical scenario, a subject with an enterprise-issued laptop wishes to connect to an enterprise
resource (e.g., human resources application/database). The access request is taken by the local
agent, and the request is forwarded to the policy administrator. The policy administrator and
policy engine could be an enterprise local asset or a cloud-hosted service. The policy
administrator forwards the request to the policy engine for evaluation. If the request is
authorized, the policy administrator configures a communication channel between the device
agent and the relevant resource gateway via the control plane. This may include information such
as an internet protocol (IP) address, port information, session key, or similar security artifacts.
The device agent and gateway then connect, and encrypted application/service data flows begin.
The connection between the device agent and resource gateway is terminated when the workflow
is completed or when triggered by the policy administrator due to a security event (e.g., session
time-out, failure to reauthenticate).
This model is best utilized for enterprises that have a robust device management program in
place as well as discrete resources that can communicate with the gateway. For enterprises that
heavily utilize cloud services, this is a client-server implementation of the Cloud Security
Alliance (CSA) Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) [CSA-SDP]. This model is also appropriate
for enterprises that do not want a BYOD policy in place. Access is possible only via the device
agent, which can be placed on enterprise-owned assets.
3.2.2 Enclave-Based Deployment
This deployment model is a variation of the device agent/gateway model above. In this model,
the gateway components may not reside on assets or in front of individual resources but instead
reside at the boundary of a resource enclave (e.g., on-location data center) as shown in Figure 4.
Usually, these resources serve a single business function or may not be able to communicate
directly to a gateway (e.g., legacy database system that does not have an application
programming interface [API] that can be used to communicate with a gateway). This deployment
model may also be useful for enterprises that use cloud-based micro-services for a single
business processes (e.g., user notification, database lookup, salary disbursement). In this model,
the entire private cloud is located behind a gateway.
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Figure 4: Enclave Gateway Model
It is possible for this model to be a hybrid with the device agent/gateway model. In this model,
enterprise assets have a device agent that is used to connect to enclave gateways, but these
connections are created using the same process as the basic device agent/gateway model.
This model is useful for enterprises that have legacy applications or on-premises data centers that
cannot have individual gateways in place. The enterprise needs a robust asset and configuration
management program in place to install/configure the device agents. The downside is that the
gateway protects a collection of resources and may not be able to protect each resource
individually. This may also allow for subjects to see resources which they do not have privileges
to access.
3.2.3 Resource Portal-Based Deployment
In this deployment model, the PEP is a single component that acts as a gateway for subject
requests. The gateway portal can be for an individual resource or a secure enclave for a
collection of resources used for a single business function. One example would be a gateway
portal into a private cloud or data center containing legacy applications as shown in Figure 5.
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Figure 5: Resource Portal Model
The primary benefit of this model over the others is that a software component does not need to
be installed on all client devices. This model is also more flexible for BYOD policies and inter-
organizational collaboration projects. Enterprise administrators do not need to ensure that each
device has the appropriate device agent before use. However, limited information can be inferred
from devices requesting access. This model can only scan and analyze assets and devices once
they connect to the PEP portal and may not be able to continuously monitor them for malware,
unpatched vulnerabilities, and appropriate configuration.
The main difference with this model is there is no local agent that handles requests, and so the
enterprise may not have full visibility or arbitrary control over assets as it can only see/scan them
when they connect to a portal. The enterprise may be able to employ measures such as browser
isolation to mitigate or compensate. These assets may be invisible to the enterprise between these
sessions. This model also allows attackers to discover and attempt to access the portal or attempt
a denial-of-service (DoS) attack against the portal. The portal systems should be well-
provisioned to provide availability against a DoS attack or network disruption.
3.2.4 Device Application Sandboxing
Another variation of the agent/gateway deployment model is having vetted applications or
processes run compartmentalized on assets. These compartments could be virtual machines,
containers, or some other implementation, but the goal is the same: to protect the application or
instances of applications from a possibly compromised host or other applications running on the
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Figure 6: Application Sandboxes
In Figure 6, the subject device runs approved, vetted applications in a sandbox. The applications
can communicate with the PEP to request access to resources, but the PEP will refuse requests
from other applications on the asset. The PEP could be an enterprise local service or a cloud
service in this model.
The main advantage of this model variant is that individual applications are segmented from the
rest of the asset. If the asset cannot be scanned for vulnerabilities, these individual, sandboxed
applications may be protected from a potential malware infection on the host asset. One of the
disadvantages of this model is that enterprises must maintain these sandboxed applications for all
assets and may not have full visibility into client assets. The enterprise also needs to make sure
each sandboxed application is secure, which may require more effort than simply monitoring
3.3 Trust Algorithm
For an enterprise with a ZTA deployment, the policy engine can be thought of as the brain and
the PE’s trust algorithm as its primary thought process. The trust algorithm (TA) is the process
used by the policy engine to ultimately grant or deny access to a resource. The policy engine
takes input from multiple sources (see Section 3): the policy database with observable
information about subjects, subject attributes and roles, historical subject behavior patterns,
threat intelligence sources, and other metadata sources. The process can be grouped into broad
categories and visualized in Figure 7.
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Figure 7: Trust Algorithm Input
In the figure, the inputs can be broken into categories based on what they provide to the trust
Access request: This is the actual request from the subject. The resource requested is the
primary information used, but information about the requester is also used. This can
include OS version, software used (e.g., does the requesting application appear on a list
of approved applications?), and patch level. Depending on these factors and the asset
security posture, access to assets might be restricted or denied.
Subject database: This is the “who” that is requesting access to a resource [SP800-63].
This is the set of subjects (human and processes) of the enterprise or collaborators and a
collection of subject attributes/privileges assigned. These subjects and attributes form the
basis of policies for resource access [SP800-162] [NISTIR 7987]. User identities can
include a mix of logical identity (e.g., account ID) and results of authentication checks
performed by PEPs. Attributes of identity that can be factored into deriving the
confidence level include time and geolocation. A collection of privileges given to
multiple subjects could be thought of as a role, but privileges should be assigned to a
subject on an individual basis and not simply because they may fit into a particular role in
the organization. This collection should be encoded and stored in an ID management
system and policy database. This may also include data about past observed subject
behavior in some (TA) variants (see Section 3.3.1).
Asset database (and observable status): This is the database that contains the known
status of each enterprise-owned (and possibly known nonenterprise/BYOD) asset
(physical and virtual, to some extent). This is compared to the observable status of the
asset making the request and can include OS version, software present, and its integrity,
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location (network location and geolocation), and patch level. Depending on the asset state
compared with this database, access to assets might be restricted or denied.
Resource requirements: This set of policies complements the user ID and attributes
database [SP800-63] and defines the minimal requirements for access to the resource.
Requirements may include authenticator assurance levels, such as MFA network location
(e.g., deny access from overseas IP addresses), data sensitivity, and requests for asset
configuration. These requirements should be developed by both the data custodian (i.e.,
those responsible for the data) and those responsible for the business processes that
utilize the data (i.e., those responsible for the mission).
Threat intelligence: This is an information feed or feeds about general threats and active
malware operating on the internet. This could also include specific information about
communication seen from the device that may be suspect (such as queries for possible
malware command and control nodes). These feeds can be external services or internal
scans and discoveries and can include attack signatures and mitigations. This is the only
component that will most likely be under the control of a service rather than the
The weight of importance for each data source may be a proprietary algorithm or may be
configured by the enterprise. These weight values can be used to reflect the importance of the
data source to an enterprise.
The final determination is then passed to the PA for execution. The PA’s job is to configure the
necessary PEPs to enable authorized communication. Depending on how the ZTA is deployed,
this may involve sending authentication results and connection configuration information to
gateways and agents or resource portals. PAs may also place a hold or pause on a
communication session to reauthenticate and reauthorize the connection in accordance with
policy requirements. The PA is also responsible for issuing the command to terminate the
connection based on policy (e.g., after a time-out, when the workflow has been completed, due to
a security alert).
3.3.1 Trust Algorithm Variations
There are different ways to implement a TA. Different implementers may wish to weigh the
above factors differently according to the factors’ perceived importance. There are two other
major characteristics that can be used to differentiate TAs. The first is how the factors are
evaluated, whether as binary decisions or weighted parts of a whole “score” or confidence level.
The second is how requests are evaluated in relation to other requests by the same subject,
application/service, or device.
Criteria- versus score-based: A criteria-based TA assumes a set of qualified attributes
that must be met before access is granted to a resource or an action (e.g., read/write) is
allowed. These criteria are configured by the enterprise and should be independently
configured for every resource. Access is granted or an action applied to a resource only if
all the criteria are met. A score-based TA computes a confidence level based on values
for every data source and enterprise-configured weights. If the score is greater than the
configured threshold value for the resource, access is granted, or the action is performed.
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Otherwise, the request is denied, or access privileges are reduced (e.g., read access is
granted but not write access for a file).
Singular versus contextual: A singular TA treats each request individually and does not
take the subject history into consideration when making its evaluation. This can allow
faster evaluations, but there is a risk that an attack can go undetected if it stays within a
subject’s allowed role. A contextual TA takes the subject or network agent’s recent
history into consideration when evaluating access requests. This means the PE must
maintain some state information on all subjects and applications but may be more likely
to detect an attacker using subverted credentials to access information in a pattern that is
atypical of what the PE sees for the given subject. This also means that the PE must be
informed of user behavior by the PA (and PEPs) that subjects interact with when
communicating. Analysis of subject behavior can be used to provide a model of
acceptable use, and deviations from this behavior could trigger additional authentication
checks or resource request denials.
The two factors are not always dependent on each other. It is possible to have a TA that assigns a
confidence level to every subject and/or device and still considers every access request
independently (i.e., singular). However, contextual, score-based TAs would provide the ability to
offer more dynamic and granular access control, since the score provides a current confidence
level for the requesting account and adapts to changing factors more quickly than static policies
modified by human administrators.
Ideally, a ZTA trust algorithm should be contextual, but this may not always be possible with the
infrastructure components available to the enterprise. A contextual TA can mitigate threats
where an attacker stays close to a “normal” set of access requests for a compromised subject
account or insider attack. It is important to balance security, usability, and cost-effectiveness
when defining and implementing trust algorithms. Continually prompting a subject for
reauthentication against behavior that is consistent with historical trends and norms for their
mission function and role within the organization can lead to usability issues. For example, if an
employee in the HR department of an agency normally accesses 20 to 30 employee records in a
typical workday, a contextual TA may send an alert if the access requests suddenly exceed 100
records in a day. A contextual TA may also send an alert if someone is making access requests
after normal business hours as this could be an attacker exfiltrating records by using a
compromised HR account. These are examples where a contextual TA can detect an attack
whereas a singular TA may fail to detect the new behavior. In another example, an accountant
who typically accesses the financial system during normal business hours is now trying to access
the system in the middle of the night from an unrecognizable location. A contextual TA may
trigger an alert and require the subject to satisfy a more stringent confidence level or other
criteria as outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-63A [SP800-63A].
Developing a set of criteria or weights/threshold values for each resource requires planning and
testing. Enterprise administrators may encounter issues during the initial implementation of ZTA
where access requests that should be approved are denied due to misconfiguration. This will
result in an initial “tuning” phase of deployment. Criteria or scoring weights may need to be
adjusted to ensure that the policies are enforced while still allowing the enterprise’s business
processes to function. How long this tuning phase lasts depends on the enterprise-defined metrics
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for progress and tolerance for incorrect access denials/approvals for the resources used in the
3.4 Network/Environment Components
In a ZT environment, there should be a separation (logical or possibly physical) of the
communication flows used to control and configure the network and application/service
communication flows used to perform the actual work of the organization. This is often broken
down to a control plane for network control communication and a data plane for
application/service communication flows [Gilman].
The control plane is used by various infrastructure components (both enterprise-owned and from
service providers) to maintain and configure assets; judge, grant, or deny access to resources; and
perform any necessary operations to set up communication paths between resources. The data
plane is used for actual communication between software components. This communication
channel may not be possible before the path has been established via the control plane. For
example, the control plane could be used by the PA and PEP to set up the communication path
between the subject and the enterprise resource. The application/service workload would then
use the data plane path that was established.
3.4.1 Network Requirements to Support ZTA
1. Enterprise assets have basic network connectivity. The local area network (LAN),
enterprise controlled or not, provides basic routing and infrastructure (e.g., DNS). The
remote enterprise asset may not necessarily use all infrastructure services.
2. The enterprise must be able to distinguish between what assets are owned or
managed by the enterprise and the devices’ current security posture. This is
determined by enterprise-issued credentials and not using information that cannot be
authenticated information (e.g., network MAC addresses that can be spoofed).
3. The enterprise can observe all network traffic. The enterprise records packets seen on
the data plane, even if it is not be able to perform application layer inspection (i.e., OSI
layer 7) on all packets. The enterprise filters out metadata about the connection (e.g.,
destination, time, device identity) to dynamically update policies and inform the PE as it
evaluates access requests.
4. Enterprise resources should not be reachable without accessing a PEP. Enterprise
resources do not accept arbitrary incoming connections from the internet. Resources
accept custom-configured connections only after a client has been authenticated and
authorized. These communication paths are set up by the PEP. Resources may not even
be discoverable without accessing a PEP. This prevents attackers from identifying targets
via scanning and/or launching DoS attacks against resources located behind PEPs. Note
that not all resources should be hidden this way; some network infrastructure components
(e.g., DNS servers) must be accessible.
5. The data plane and control plane are logically separate. The policy engine, policy
administrator, and PEPs communicate on a network that is logically separate and not
directly accessible by enterprise assets and resources. The data plane is used for
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application/service data traffic. The policy engine, policy administrator, and PEPs use the
control plane to communicate and manage communication paths between assets. The
PEPs must be able to send and receive messages from both the data and control planes.
6. Enterprise assets can reach the PEP component. Enterprise subjects must be able to
access the PEP component to gain access to resources. This could take the form of a web
portal, network device, or software agent on the enterprise asset that enables the
7. The PEP is the only component that accesses the policy administrator as part of a
business flow. Each PEP operating on the enterprise network has a connection to the
policy administrator to establish communication paths from clients to resources. All
enterprise business process traffic passes through one or more PEPs.
8. Remote enterprise assets should be able to access enterprise resources without
needing to traverse enterprise network infrastructure first. For example, a remote
subject should not be required to use a link back to the enterprise network (i.e., virtual
private network [VPN]) to access services utilized by the enterprise and hosted by a
public cloud provider (e.g., email).
9. The infrastructure used to support the ZTA access decision process should be made
scalable to account for changes in process load. The PE(s), PA(s), and PEPs used in a
ZTA become the key components in any business process. Delay or inability to reach a
PEP (or inability of the PEPs to reach the PA/PE) negatively impacts the ability to
perform the workflow. An enterprise implementing a ZTA needs to provision the
components for the expected workload or be able to rapidly scale the infrastructure to
handle increased usage when needed.
10. Enterprise assets may not be able to reach certain PEPs due to policy or observable
factors. For example, there may be a policy stating that mobile assets may not be able to
reach certain resources if the requesting asset is located outside of the enterprise’s home
country. These factors could be based on location (geolocation or network location),
device type, or other criteria.
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4 Deployment Scenarios/Use Cases
Any enterprise environment can be designed with zero trust tenets in mind. Most organizations
already have some elements of zero trust in their enterprise infrastructure or are on their way
through implementation of information security and resiliency policies and best practices.
Several deployment scenarios and use cases lend themselves readily to a zero trust architecture.
For instance, ZTA has its roots in organizations that are geographically distributed and/or have a
highly mobile workforce. That said, any organization can benefit from a zero trust architecture.
In the use cases below, ZTA is not explicitly indicated since the enterprise likely has both
perimeter-based and possibly ZTA infrastructures. As discussed in Section 7.2, there will likely
be a period when ZTA components and perimeter-based network infrastructure are concurrently
in operation in an enterprise.
4.1 Enterprise with Satellite Facilities
The most common scenario involves an enterprise with a single headquarters and one or more
geographically dispersed locations that are not joined by an enterprise-owned physical network
connection (see Figure 8). Employees at the remote location may not have a full enterprise-
owned local network but still need to access enterprise resources to perform their tasks. The
enterprise may have a Multiprotocol Label Switch (MPLS) link to the enterprise HQ network but
may not have adequate bandwidth for all traffic or may not wish for traffic destined for cloud-
based applications/services to traverse through the enterprise HQ network. Likewise, employees
may be teleworking or in a remote location and using enterprise-owned or personally-owned
devices. In such cases, an enterprise may wish to grant access to some resources (e.g., employee
calendar, email) but deny access or restrict actions to more sensitive resources (e.g., HR
In this use case, the PE/PA(s) is often hosted as a cloud service (which usually provides superior
availability and would not require remote workers to rely on enterprise infrastructure to access
cloud resources) with end assets having an installed agent (see Section 3.2.1) or accessing a
resource portal (see Section 3.2.3). It may not be most responsive to have the PE/PA(s) hosted on
the enterprise local network as remote offices and workers must send all traffic back to the
enterprise network to reach applications/services hosted by cloud services.
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Figure 8: Enterprise with Remote Employees
4.2 Multi-cloud/Cloud-to-Cloud Enterprise
One increasingly common use case for deploying a ZTA is an enterprise utilizing multiple cloud
providers (see Figure 9). In this use case, the enterprise has a local network but uses two or more
cloud service providers to host applications/services and data. Sometimes, the application/service
is hosted on a cloud service that is separate from the data source. For performance and ease of
management, the application hosted in Cloud Provider A should be able to connect directly to the
data source hosted in Cloud Provider B rather than force the application to tunnel back through
the enterprise network.
Figure 9: Multi-cloud Use Case
This use case is the server-server implementation of the CSA’s software defined perimeter (SDP)
specification [CSA-SDP]. As enterprises move to more cloud-hosted applications and services, it
becomes apparent that relying on the enterprise perimeter for security becomes a liability. As
discussed in Section 2.2, ZT principles take the view that there should be no difference between
enterprise-owned and -operated network infrastructure and infrastructure owned and operated by
any other service provider. The zero trust approach to multi-cloud use is to place PEPs at the
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access points of each application/service and data source. The PE and PA may be services
located in either cloud or even on a third cloud provider. The client (via a portal or local installed
agent) then accesses the PEPs directly. That way, the enterprise can still manage access to
resources even when hosted outside the enterprise. One challenge is that different cloud
providers have unique ways of implementing similar functionality. Enterprise architects will
need to be aware of the how to implement their enterprise ZTA with each cloud provider they
4.3 Enterprise with Contracted Services and/or Nonemployee Access
Another common scenario is an enterprise that includes on-site visitors and/or contracted service
providers that require limited access to enterprise resources to do their work (see Figure 10). For
example, an enterprise has its own internal applications/services, databases, and assets. These
include services contracted out to providers who may occasionally be on-site to provide
maintenance (e.g., smart heating and lighting systems that are owned and managed by external
providers). These visitors and service providers will need network connectivity to perform their
tasks. A zero trust enterprise could facilitate this by allowing these devices and any visiting
service technician access to the internet while obscuring enterprise resources.
Figure 10: Enterprise with Nonemployee Access
In this example, the organization also has a conference center where visitors interact with
employees. Again, with a ZTA approach of SDPs, employee devices and subjects are
differentiated and may be able to access appropriate enterprise resources. Visitors to the campus
can have internet access but cannot access enterprise resources. They may not even be able to
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discover enterprise services via network scans (i.e., prevent active network reconnaissance/east-
west movement).
In this use case, the PE(s) and PA(s) could be hosted as a cloud service or on the LAN (assuming
little or no use of cloud-hosted services). The enterprise assets could have an installed agent (see
Section 3.2.1) or access resources via a portal (see Section 3.2.3). The PA(s) ensures that all
nonenterprise assets (those that do not have installed agents or cannot connect to a portal) cannot
access local resources but may access the internet.
4.4 Collaboration Across Enterprise Boundaries
A fourth use case is cross-enterprise collaboration. For example, there is a project involving
employees from Enterprise A and Enterprise B (see Figure 11). The two enterprises may be
separate federal agencies (G2G) or even a federal agency and a private enterprise (G2B).
Enterprise A operates the database used for the project but must allow access to the data for
certain members of Enterprise B. Enterprise A can set up specialized accounts for the employees
of Enterprise B to access the required data and deny access to all other resources, but this can
quickly become difficult to manage. Having both organizations enrolled in a federated ID
management system would allow quicker establishment of these relationships provided that both
organizations’ PEPs can authenticate subjects in a federated ID community.
Figure 11: Cross-Enterprise Collaboration
This scenario can be similar to Use Case 1 (Section 4.1) as employees of both enterprises may
not be located on their organizations’ network infrastructures, and the resource they need to
access may be within one enterprise environment or hosted in the cloud. This means that there do
not need to be complex firewall rules or enterprise-wide access control lists (ACLs) allowing
certain IP addresses belonging to Enterprise B to access resources in Enterprise A based on
Enterprise A’s access policies. How this access is accomplished depends on the technology in
use. Similar to Use Case 1, a PE and PA hosted as a cloud service may provide availability to all
parties without having to establish a VPN or similar. The employees of Enterprise B may be
asked to install a software agent on their asset or access the necessary data resources through a
web gateway (see Section 3.2.3).
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4.5 Enterprise with Public- or Customer-Facing Services
A common feature in many enterprises is a public-facing service that may or may not include
user registration (i.e., users must create or have been issued a set of login credentials). Such
services could be for the general public, a set of customers with an existing business relationship,
or a special set of nonenterprise users such as employee dependents. In all cases, it is likely that
requesting assets are not enterprise-owned, and the enterprise is constrained as to what internal
cybersecurity polices can be enforced.
For a general, public-facing resource that does not require login credentials to access (e.g., public
web page), the tenets of ZTA do not directly apply. The enterprise cannot strictly control the
state of requesting assets, and anonymous public resources (e.g., a public web page) do not
require credentials in order to be accessed.
Enterprises may establish policies for registered public users such as customers (i.e., those with a
business relationship) and special users (e.g., employee dependents). If the users are required to
produce or are issued credentials, the enterprise may institute policies regarding password length,
life cycle, and other details and may provide MFA as an option or requirement. However,
enterprises are limited in the policies they can implement for this class of user. Information about
incoming requests may be useful in determining the state of the public service and detecting
possible attacks masquerading as legitimate users. For example, a registered user portal is known
to be accessed by registered customers using one of a set of common web browsers. A sudden
increase in access requests from unknown browser types or known outdated versions could
indicate an automated attack of some kind, and the enterprise could take steps to limit requests
from these identified clients. The enterprise should also be aware of any statutes or regulations
regarding what information can be collected and recorded about the requesting users and assets.
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5 Threats Associated with Zero Trust Architecture
No enterprise can eliminate cybersecurity risk. When complemented with existing cybersecurity
policies and guidance, identity and access management, continuous monitoring, and general
cyber hygiene, a properly implemented and maintained ZTA can reduce overall risk and protect
against common threats. However, some threats have unique features when implementing a
5.1 Subversion of ZTA Decision Process
In ZTA, the policy engine and policy administrator are the key components of the entire
enterprise. No communication between enterprise resources occurs unless it is approved and
possibly configured by the PE and PA. This means that these components must be properly
configured and maintained. Any enterprise administrator with configuration access to the PE’s
rules may be able to perform unapproved changes or make mistakes that can disrupt enterprise
operations. Likewise, a compromised PA could allow access to resources that would otherwise
not be approved (e.g., to a subverted, personally-owned device). Mitigating associated risks
means the PE and PA components must be properly configured and monitored, and any
configuration changes must be logged and subject to audit.
5.2 Denial-of-Service or Network Disruption
In ZTA, the PA is the key component for resource access. Enterprise resources cannot connect to
each other without the PA’s permission and, possibly, configuration action. If an attacker
disrupts or denies access to the PEP(s) or PE/PA (i.e., DoS attack or route hijack), it can
adversely impact enterprise operations. Enterprises can mitigate this threat by having the policy
enforcement reside in a properly secured cloud environment or be replicated in several locations
following guidance on cyber resiliency [SP 800-160v2].
This mitigates the risk but does not eliminate it. Botnets such as Mirai produce massive DoS
attacks against key internet service providers and disrupt service to millions of internet users.
is also possible that an attacker could intercept and block traffic to a PEP or PA from a portion or
all of the user accounts within an enterprise (e.g., a branch office or even a single remote
employee). In such cases, only a portion of enterprise subjects is affected. This is also possible in
legacy remote-access VPNs and is not unique to ZTA.
A hosting provider may also accidentally take a cloud-based PE or PA offline. Cloud services
have experienced disruptions in the past, both infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
and SaaS.
operational error could prevent an entire enterprise from functioning if the policy engine or
policy administrator component becomes inaccessible from the network.
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There is also the risk that enterprise resources may not be reachable from the PA, so even if
access is granted to a subject, the PA cannot configure the communication path from the
network. This could happen due to a DDoS attack or simply due to unexpected heavy usage. This
is similar to any other network disruption in that some or all enterprise subjects cannot access a
particular resource due to that resource not being available for some reason.
5.3 Stolen Credentials/Insider Threat
Properly implemented ZT, information security and resiliency policies, and best practices reduce
the risk of an attacker gaining broad access via stolen credentials or insider attack. The ZT
principle of no implicit trust based on network location means attackers need to compromise an
existing account or device to gain a foothold in an enterprise. A properly developed and
implemented ZTA should prevent a compromised account or asset from accessing resources
outside its normal purview or access patterns. This means that accounts with access policies
around resources that an attacker is interested in would be the primary targets for attackers.
Attackers may use phishing, social engineering, or a combination of attacks to obtain credentials
of valuable accounts. “Valuable” may mean different things based on the attacker’s motivation.
For instance, enterprise administrator accounts may be valuable, but attackers interested in
financial gain may consider accounts that have access to financial or payment resources of equal
value. Implementation of MFA for access requests may reduce the risk of information loss from
a compromised account. However, an attacker with valid credentials (or a malicious insider) may
still be able to access resources for which the account has been granted access. For example, an
attacker or compromised employee who has the credentials and enterprise-owned asset of a valid
human resources employee may still be able to access an employee database.
ZTA reduces risk and prevents any compromised accounts or assets from moving laterally
throughout the network. If the compromised credentials are not authorized to access a particular
resource, they will continue to be denied access to that resource. In addition, a contextual trust
algorithm (see Section 3.3.1) is more likely to detect and respond quickly to this attack than
when occurring in a legacy, perimeter-based network. The contextual TA can detect access
patterns that are out of normal behavior and deny the compromised account or insider threat
access to sensitive resources.
5.4 Visibility on the Network
As mentioned in Section 3.4.1, all traffic is inspected and logged on the network and analyzed to
identify and react to potential attacks against the enterprise. However, as also mentioned, some
(possibly the majority) of the traffic on the enterprise network may be opaque to layer 3 network
analysis tools. This traffic may originate from nonenterprise-owned assets (e.g., contracted
services that use the enterprise infrastructure to access the internet) or applications/services that
are resistant to passive monitoring. The enterprise that cannot perform deep packet inspection or
examine the encrypted traffic and must use other methods to assess a possible attacker on the
That does not mean that the enterprise is unable to analyze encrypted traffic that it sees on the
network. The enterprise can collect metadata (e.g., source and destination addresses, etc.) about
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the encrypted traffic and use that to detect an active attacker or possible malware communicating
on the network. Machine learning techniques [Anderson] can be used to analyze traffic that
cannot be decrypted and examined. Employing this type of machine learning would allow the
enterprise to categorize traffic as valid or possibly malicious and subject to remediation.
5.5 Storage of System and Network Information
A related threat to enterprise monitoring and analysis of network traffic is the analysis
component itself. If monitor scans, network traffic, and metadata are being stored for building
contextual policies, forensics, or later analysis, that data becomes a target for attackers. Just like
network diagrams, configuration files, and other assorted network architecture documents, these
resources should be protected. If an attacker can successfully gain access to this information,
they may be able to gain insight into the enterprise architecture and identify assets for further
reconnaissance and attack.
Another source of reconnaissance information for an attacker in a ZT enterprise is the
management tool used to encode access policies. Like stored traffic, this component contains
access policies to resources and can give an attacker information on which accounts are most
valuable to compromise (e.g., the ones that have access to the desired data resources).
As for all valuable enterprise data, adequate protections should be in place to prevent
unauthorized access and access attempts. As these resources are vital to security, they should
have the most restrictive access policies and be accessible only from designated or dedicated
administrator accounts.
5.6 Reliance on Proprietary Data Formats or Solutions
ZTA relies on several different data sources to make access decisions, including information
about the requesting subject, asset used, enterprise and external intelligence, and threat analysis.
Often, the assets used to store and process this information do not have a common, open standard
on how to interact and exchange information. This can lead to instances where an enterprise is
locked into a subset of providers due to interoperability issues. If one provider has a security
issue or disruption, an enterprise may not be able to migrate to a new provider without extreme
cost (e.g., replacing several assets) or going through a long transition program (e.g., translating
policy rules from one proprietary format to another). Like DoS attacks, this risk is not unique to
ZTA, but because ZTA is heavily dependent on the dynamic access of information (both
enterprise and service providers), disruption can affect the core business functions of an
enterprise. To mitigate associated risks, enterprises should evaluate service providers on a
holistic basis by considering factors such as vendor security controls, enterprise switching costs,
and supply chain risk management in addition to more typical factors such as performance,
stability, etc.
5.7 Use of Non-person Entities (NPE) in ZTA Administration
Artificial intelligence and other software-based agents are being deployed to manage security
issues on enterprise networks. These components need to interact with the management
components of ZTA (e.g., policy engine, policy administrator), sometimes in lieu of a human
administrator. How these components authenticate themselves in an enterprise implementing a
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ZTA is an open issue. It is assumed that most automated technology systems will use some
means to authenticate when using an API to resource components.
The biggest risk when using automated technology for configuration and policy enforcement is
the possibility of false positives (innocuous actions mistaken for attacks) and false negatives
(attacks mistaken for normal activity) impacting the security posture of the enterprise. This can
be reduced with regular retuning analysis to correct mistaken decisions and improve the decision
The associated risk is that an attacker will be able to induce or coerce an NPE to perform some
task that the attacker is not privileged to perform. The software agent may have a lower bar for
authentication (e.g., API key versus MFA) to perform administrative or security-related tasks
compared with a human user. If an attacker can interact with the agent, they could theoretically
trick the agent into allowing the attacker greater access or into performing some task on behalf of
the attacker. There is also a risk that an attacker could gain access to a software agent’s
credentials and impersonate the agent when performing tasks.
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6 Zero Trust Architecture and Possible Interactions with Existing Federal
Several existing federal policies and guidance intersect with the planning, deployment, and
operation of a ZTA. These policies do not prohibit an enterprise from moving to a more zero
trust-oriented architecture but can influence development of a zero trust strategy for an agency.
When complemented with existing cybersecurity policies and guidance, ICAM, continuous
monitoring, and general cyber hygiene, ZTA may reinforce an organization’s security posture
and protect against common threats.
6.1 ZTA and NIST Risk Management Framework
A ZTA deployment involves developing access polices around acceptable risk to the designated
mission or business process (see Section 7.3.3). It is possible to deny all network access to a
resource and allow access only via a connected terminal, but this is disproportionately restrictive
in the majority of cases and could inhibit work from being accomplished. For a federal agency to
perform its mission, there is an acceptable level of risk. The risks associated with performing the
given mission must be identified and evaluated, and either accepted or mitigated. To assist in
this, the NIST Risk Management Framework (RMF) was developed [SP800-37].
ZTA planning and implementation may change the authorization boundaries defined by the
enterprise. This is due to the addition of new components (e.g., policy engine, policy
administrator, and PEPs) and a reduction of reliance on network perimeter defenses. The overall
process described in the RMF will not change in a ZTA.
6.2 Zero Trust and NIST Privacy Framework
Protecting the privacy of users and private information (e.g., personally identifiable information)
is a prime concern for organizations. Privacy and data protections are included in compliance
programs such as FISMA and the Heath Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
In response, NIST produced a Privacy Framework for use by organizations [NISTPRIV]. This
document provides a framework to describe privacy risks and mitigation strategies, as well as a
process for an enterprise to identify, measure, and mitigate risks to user privacy and private
information stored and processed by an organization. This includes personal information used by
the enterprise to support ZTA operations and any biometric attributes used in access request
Part of the core requirements for ZT is that an enterprise should inspect and log traffic (or at least
log and inspect metadata when dealing with traffic that cannot be decrypted by monitoring
systems) in its environment. Some of this traffic may contain private information or have
associated privacy risks. Organizations will need to identify any possible risks associated with
intercepting, scanning, and logging network traffic [NISTIR 8062]. This may include actions
such as informing users, obtaining consent (via a login page, banner, or similar), and educating
enterprise users. The NIST Privacy Framework [NISTPRIV] could help in developing a formal
process to identify and mitigate any privacy-related risks to an enterprise developing a zero trust
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6.3 ZTA and Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management Architecture
Subject provisioning is a key component of ZTA. The policy engine cannot determine if
attempted connections are authorized to connect to a resource if the PE has insufficient
information to identify associated subjects and resources. Strong subject provision and
authentication policies need to be in place before moving to a more zero trust–aligned
deployment. Enterprises need a clear set of subject attributes and policies that can be used by a
PE to evaluate access requests.
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued M-19-17 on improving identity
management for the Federal Government. The goal of the policy is to develop “…a common
vision for identity as an enabler of mission delivery, trust, and safety of the Nation” [M-19-17].
The memo calls on all federal agencies to form an ICAM office to govern efforts related to
identity issuance and management. Many of these management policies should use the
recommendations in NIST SP 800-63-3, Digital Identity Guidelines [SP800-63]. As ZTA is
heavily dependent on precise identity management, any ZTA effort will need to integrate the
agency’s ICAM policy.
6.4 ZTA and Trusted Internet Connections 3.0
TIC is a federal cybersecurity initiative jointly managed by OMB, DHS, and the General
Services Administration (GSA), and is intended to establish a network security baseline across
the Federal Government. Historically, TIC was a perimeter-based cybersecurity strategy which
required agencies to consolidate and monitor their external network connections. Inherent in TIC
1.0 and TIC 2.0 is the assumption that the inside of the perimeter is “trusted,” whereas ZTA
assumes that network location does not infer “trust” (i.e., there is no “trust” on an agency’s
internal network). TIC 2.0 provides a list of network-based security capabilities (e.g. content
filtering, monitoring, authentication, and others) to be deployed at the TIC Access Point at the
agency’s perimeter; many of these capabilities are aligned with ZT principles.
TIC 3.0 has been updated to accommodate cloud services and mobile devices [M-19-26]. In TIC
3.0, it is recognized that the definition of “trust” may vary across specific computing contexts
and that agencies have different risk tolerances for defining trust zones. In addition, TIC 3.0 has
an updated TIC Security Capability Handbook, which defines two types of security capabilities:
(1) Universal Security Capabilities that apply at the enterprise level, and (2) PEP Security
Capabilities that are network-level capabilities to be applied to multiple policy enforcement
points (PEPs), as defined in TIC use cases. The PEP Security Capabilities may be applied at any
appropriate PEP located along a given data flow instead of at a single PEP at the agency
perimeter. Many of these TIC 3.0 security capabilities directly support ZTA (e.g., encrypted
traffic, strong authentication, microsegmentation, network and system inventory, and others).
TIC 3.0 defines specific use cases that describe the implementation of trust zones and security
capabilities across specific applications, services, and environments.
TIC 3.0 is focused on network-based security protections, whereas ZTA is a more inclusive
architecture addressing application, user, and data protections. As TIC 3.0 evolves its use
cases, it is likely that a ZTA TIC use case will be developed to define the network protections to
be deployed at ZTA enforcement points.
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6.5 ZTA and EINSTEIN (NCPS National Cybersecurity Protection System)
NCPS (operationally known as EINSTEIN) is an integrated system-of-systems that delivers
intrusion detection, advanced analytics, information sharing, and intrusion prevention
capabilities to defend the Federal Government from cyber threats. The goals of NCPS, which
align with the overarching goals of zero trust, are to manage cyber risk, improve cyber
protection, and empower partners to secure cyber space. EINSTEIN sensors enable CISA’s
National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) to defend federal
networks and respond to significant incidents at federal agencies.
The placement of NCPS sensors for DHS situational awareness is based on a perimeter network
defense in the Federal Government, while ZTA moves protections closer to the assets, data and
all other resources. The NCPS program is evolving to ensure that situational awareness is
preserved through utilization of security information about cloud-based traffic, helping to set the
foundation for expanded situational awareness telemetry from ZTA systems. NCPS intrusion
prevention functions would also require evolution to be able to inform policy enforcement at
both the current NCPS locations as well as ZTA systems. As ZTA is adopted across the Federal
Government, the NCPS implementation would need to continually evolve, or new capabilities
would need to be deployed to fulfill NCPS objectives. Incident responders could potentially
leverage information from the authentication, traffic inspection, and logging of agency traffic
available to federal agencies that have implemented a zero trust architecture. Information
generated in a ZTA may better inform event impact quantification; machine learning tools could
use ZTA data to improve detection; and additional logs from ZTA may be saved for after-the-
fact analyses by incident responders.
6.6 ZTA and DHS Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigations (CDM) Program
The DHS CDM program is an effort to improve federal agency information technology (IT).
Vital to that posture is an agency’s insight into the assets, configuration, and subjects within
itself. To protect a system, agencies need to set up processes to discover and understand the basic
components and actors in their infrastructure:
What is connected? What devices, applications, and services are used by the
organization? This includes observing and improving the security posture of these
artifacts as vulnerabilities and threats are discovered.
Who is using the network? What users are part of the organization or are external and
allowed to access enterprise resources? These include NPEs that may be performing
autonomous actions.
What is happening on the network? An enterprise needs insight into traffic patterns
and messages between systems.
How is data protected? The enterprise needs a set policy on how information is
protected at rest, in transit, and in use.
Having a strong CDM program implementation is key to the success of ZTA. For example, to
move to ZTA, an enterprise must have a system to discover and record physical and virtual
assets to create a usable inventory. The DHS CDM program has initiated several efforts to build
the capabilities needed within federal agencies to move to a ZTA. For example, the DHS
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Hardware Asset Management (HWAM) [HWAM] program is an effort to help agencies identify
devices on their network infrastructure to deploy a secure configuration. This is similar to the
first steps in developing a road map to ZTA. Agencies must have visibility into the assets active
on the network (or those accessing resources remotely) to categorize, configure, and monitor the
network’s activity.
6.7 ZTA, Cloud Smart, and the Federal Data Strategy
The Cloud Smart
strategy, updated Data Center Optimization Initiative [M-19-19] policy, and
Federal Data Strategy
all influence some requirements for agencies planning a ZTA. These
policies require agencies to inventory and assess how they collect, store, and access data, both on
premises and in the cloud.
This inventory is critical to determining what business processes and resources would benefit
from implementing a ZTA. Data resources and applications and services that are primarily cloud-
based or primarily used by remote workers are good candidates for a ZTA approach (see Section
7.3.3) because the subjects and resources are located outside of the enterprise network perimeter
and are likely to see the most benefit in use, scalability, and security.
One additional consideration with the Federal Data Strategy is how to make agency data assets
accessible to other agencies or the public. This corresponds with the cross-enterprise
collaboration ZTA use case (see Section 4.4). Agencies using a ZTA for these assets may need to
take collaboration or publication requirements into account when developing the strategy.
Federal Cloud Computing Strategy:
Federal Data Strategy:
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7 Migrating to a Zero Trust Architecture
Implementing a ZTA is a journey rather than a wholesale replacement of infrastructure or
processes. An organization should seek to incrementally implement zero trust principles, process
changes, and technology solutions that protect its highest value data assets. Most enterprises will
continue to operate in a hybrid zero-trust/perimeter-based mode for an indefinite period while
continuing to invest in ongoing IT modernization initiatives. Having an IT modernization plan
that includes moving to an architecture based on ZT principles may help an enterprise form
roadmaps for small scale workflow migrations.
How an enterprise migrates to a strategy depends on its current cybersecurity posture and
operations. An enterprise should reach a baseline of competence before it becomes possible to
deploy a significant ZT-focused environment [ACT-IAC]. This baseline includes having assets,
subjects, business processes, traffic flows and dependency mappings identified and cataloged for
the enterprise. The enterprise needs this information before it can develop a list of candidate
business processes and the subjects/assets involved in this process.
7.1 Pure Zero Trust Architecture
In a greenfield approach, it would be possible to build a zero trust architecture from the ground
up. Assuming the enterprise knows the applications/services and workflows that it wants to use
for its operations, it can produce an architecture based on zero trust tenets for those workflows.
Once the workflows are identified, the enterprise can narrow down the components needed and
begin to map how the individual components interact. From that point, it is an engineering and
organizational exercise in building the infrastructure and configuring the components. This may
include additional organizational changes depending on how the enterprise is currently set up
and operating.
In practice, this is rarely a viable option for federal agencies or any organization with an existing
network. However, there may be times when an organization is asked to fulfill a new
responsibility that would require building its own infrastructure. In these cases, it might be
possible to introduce ZT concepts to some degree. For example, an agency may be given a new
responsibility that entails building a new application, service, or database. The agency could
design the newly needed infrastructure around ZT principles and secure system engineering
[SP8900-160v1], such as evaluating subjects’ trust before granting access and establishing
micro-perimeters around new resources. The degree of success depends on how dependent this
new infrastructure is on existing resources (e.g., ID management systems).
7.2 Hybrid ZTA and Perimeter-Based Architecture
It is unlikely that any significant enterprise can migrate to zero trust in a single technology
refresh cycle. There may be an indefinite period when ZTA workflows coexist with non-ZTA
workflows in an enterprise. Migration to a ZTA approach to the enterprise may take place one
business process at a time. The enterprise needs to make sure that the common elements (e.g., ID
management, device management, event logging) are flexible enough to operate in a ZTA and
perimeter-based hybrid security architecture. Enterprise architects may also want to restrict ZTA
candidate solutions to those that can interface with existing components.
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Migrating an existing workflow to a ZTA will likely require (at least) a partial redesign.
Enterprises may take this opportunity to adopt secure system engineering [SP800-160v1]
practices if they have not already done so for workflows.
7.3 Steps to Introducing ZTA to a Perimeter-Based Architected Network
Migrating to ZTA requires an organization to have detailed knowledge of its assets (physical and
virtual), subjects (including user privileges), and business processes. This knowledge is accessed
by the PE when evaluating resource requests. Incomplete knowledge will most often lead to a
business process failure where the PE denies requests due to insufficient information. This is
especially an issue if there are unknown “shadow IT” deployments operating within an
Before undertaking an effort to bring ZTA to an enterprise, there should be a survey of assets,
subjects, data flows, and workflows. This awareness forms the foundational state that must be
reached before a ZTA deployment is possible. An enterprise cannot determine what new
processes or systems need to be in place if there is no knowledge of the current state of
operations. These surveys can be conducted in parallel, but both are tied to examination of the
business processes of the organization. These steps can be mapped to the steps in the RMF
[SP800-37] as any adoption of a ZTA is a process to reduce risk to an agency’s business
functions. The pathway to implementing a ZTA can be visualized in Figure 12.
Figure 12: ZTA Deployment Cycle
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After the initial inventory is created, there is a regular cycle of maintenance and updating. This
updating may either change business processes or not have any impact, but an evaluation of
business processes should be conducted. For example, a change in digital certificate providers
may not appear to have a significant impact but may involve certificate root store management,
Certificate Transparency log monitoring, and other factors that are not apparent at first.
7.3.1 Identify Actors on the Enterprise
For a zero trust enterprise to operate, the PE must have knowledge of enterprise subjects.
Subjects could encompass both human and possible NPEs, such as service accounts that interact
with resources.
Users with special privileges, such as developers or system administrators, require additional
scrutiny when being assigned attributes or roles. In many legacy security architectures, these
accounts may have blanket permission to access all enterprise resources. ZTA should allow
developers and administrators to have sufficient flexibility to satisfy their business requirements
while using logs and audit actions to identify access behavior patterns. ZTA deployments may
require administrators to satisfy a more stringent confidence level or criteria as outlined in NIST
SP 800-63A, Section 5 [SP800-63A].
7.3.2 Identify Assets Owned by the Enterprise
As mentioned in Section 2.1, one of the key requirements of ZTA is the ability to identify and
manage devices. ZTA also requires the ability to identify and monitor nonenterprise-owned
devices that may be on enterprise-owned network infrastructure or that access enterprise
resources. The ability to manage enterprise assets is key to the successful deployment of ZTA.
This includes hardware components (e.g., laptops, phones, IoT devices) and digital artifacts (e.g.,
user accounts, applications, digital certificates). It may not be possible to conduct a complete
census on all enterprise-owned assets, so an enterprise should consider building the capability to
quickly identify, categorize, and assess newly discovered assets that are on enterprise-owned
This goes beyond simply cataloging and maintaining a database of enterprise assets. This also
includes configuration management and monitoring. The ability to observe the current state of an
asset is part of the process of evaluating access requests (see Section 2.1). This means that the
enterprise must be able to configure, survey, and update enterprise assets, such as virtual assets
and containers. This also includes both its physical (as best estimated) and network location. This
information should inform the PE when making resource access decisions.
Nonenterprise-owned assets and enterprise-owned “shadow IT” should also be cataloged as well
as possible. This may include whatever is visible by the enterprise (e.g., MAC address, network
location) and augmented by administrator data entry. This information is not only used for access
decisions (as collaborator and BYOD assets may need to contact PEPs) but also for monitoring
and forensics logging by the enterprise. Shadow IT presents a special problem in that these
resources are enterprise-owned but not managed like other resources. Certain ZTA approaches
(mainly network-based) may even cause shadow IT components to become unusable as they may
not be known and included in network access policies.
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Many federal agencies have already begun identifying enterprise assets. Agencies that have
established CDM program capabilities, such as HWAM [HWAM] and Software Asset
Management (SWAM) [SWAM], have a rich set of data to draw from when enacting a ZTA.
Agencies may also have a list of ZTA candidate processes that involve High Value Assets
(HVA) [M-19-03] that have been identified as key to the agency mission. This work would need
to exist enterprise- or agency-wide before any business process could be (re)designed with a
ZTA. These programs must be designed to be expandable and adaptable to changes in the
enterprise, not only when migrating to ZTA but also when accounting for new assets, services,
and business processes that become part of the enterprise.
7.3.3 Identify Key Processes and Evaluate Risks Associated with Executing Process
The third inventory that an agency should undertake is to identify and rank the business
processes, data flows, and their relation in the missions of the agency. Business processes should
inform the circumstances under which resource access requests are granted and denied. An
enterprise may wish to start with a low-risk business process for the first transition to ZTA as
disruptions will likely not negatively impact the entire organization. Once enough experience is
gained, more critical business processes can become candidates.
Business processes that utilize cloud-based resources or are used by remote workers are often
good candidates for ZTA and would likely see improvements to availability and security. Rather
than project the enterprise perimeter into the cloud or bring clients into the enterprise network
via a VPN, enterprise clients can request cloud services directly. The enterprise’s PEPs ensure
that enterprise policies are followed before resource access is granted to a client. Planners should
also consider potential tradeoffs in performance, user experience, and possible increased
workflow fragility that may occur when implementing ZTA for a given business process.
7.3.4 Formulating Policies for the ZTA Candidate
The process of identifying a candidate service or business workflow depends on several factors:
the importance of the process to the organization, the group of subjects affected, and the current
state of resources used for the workflow. The value of the asset or workflow based on risk to the
asset or workflow can be evaluated using the NIST Risk Management Framework [SP800-37].
After the asset or workflow is identified, identify all upstream resources (e.g., ID management
systems, databases, micro-services), downstream resources (e.g., logging, security monitoring),
and entities (e.g., subjects, service accounts) that are used or affected by the workflow. This may
influence the candidate choice as a first migration to ZTA. An application/service used by an
identified subset of enterprise subjects (e.g., a purchasing system) may be preferred over one that
is vital to the entire subject base of the enterprise (e.g., email).
The enterprise administrators then need to determine the set of criteria (if using a criteria-based
TA) or confidence level weights (if using a score-based TA) for the resources used in the
candidate business process (see Section 3.3.1). Administrators may need to adjust these criteria
or values during the tuning phase. These adjustments are necessary to ensure that policies are
effective but do not hinder access to resources.
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7.3.5 Identifying Candidate Solutions
Once a list of candidate business processes has been developed, enterprise architects can
compose a list of candidate solutions. Some deployment models (see Section 3.1) are better
suited to particular workflows and current enterprise ecosystems. Likewise, some vendor
solutions are better suited to some use cases than others. These are some factors to consider:
Does the solution require that components be installed on the client asset? This may
limit business processes where nonenterprise-owned assets are used or desired, such as
BYOD or cross-agency collaborations.
Does the solution work where the business process resources exist entirely on
enterprise premises? Some solutions assume that requested resources will reside in the
cloud (so-called north-south traffic) and not within an enterprise perimeter (east-west
traffic). The location of candidate business process resources will influence candidate
solutions as well as the ZTA for the process.
Does the solution provide a means to log interactions for analysis? A key component
of ZT is the collection and use of data related to the process flow that feeds back into the
PE when making access decisions.
Does the solution provide broad support for different applications, services, and
protocols? Some solutions may support a broad range of protocols (web, secure shell
[SSH], etc.) and transports (IPv4 and IPv6), while others may only work with a narrow
focus such as web or email.
Does the solution require changes to subject behavior? Some solutions may require
additional steps to perform a given workflow. This may change how enterprise subjects
perform the workflow.
One solution is to model an existing business process as a pilot program rather than just a
replacement. This pilot program could be made general to apply to several business processes or
be made specific to one use case. The pilot can be used as a “proving ground” for ZTA before
transitioning subjects to the ZTA deployment and away from the legacy process infrastructure.
7.3.6 Initial Deployment and Monitoring
Once the candidate workflow and ZTA components are chosen, the initial deployment can start.
Enterprise administrators must implement the developed policies by using the selected
components but may wish to operate in an observation and monitoring mode at first. Few
enterprise policy sets are complete in their first iterations: important user accounts (e.g.,
administrator accounts) may be denied access to resources they need or may not need all the
access privileges they have been assigned.
The new ZT business workflow could be operated in reporting-only mode for some time to make
sure the policies are effective and workable. This also allows the enterprise to gain an
understanding of baseline asset and resource access requests, behavior, and communication
patterns. Reporting-only means that access should be granted for most requests, and logs and
traces of connections should be compared with the initial developed policy. Basic policies such
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as denying requests that fail MFA or appear from known, attacker controlled or subverted IP
addresses should be enforced and logged, but after initial deployment, access polices should be
more lenient to collect data from actual interactions of the ZT workflow. Once the baseline
activity patterns for the workflow has been established, anomalous behavior can be more easily
identify. If it is not possible to operate in a more lenient nature, enterprise network operators
should monitor logs closely and be prepared to modify access policies based on operational
7.3.7 Expanding the ZTA
When enough confidence is gained and the workflow policy set is refined, the enterprise enters
the steady operational phase. The network and assets are still monitored, and traffic is logged
(see Section 2.1), but responses and policy modifications are done at a lower tempo as they
should not be severe. The subjects and stakeholders of the resources and processes involved
should also provide feedback to improve operations. At this stage, the enterprise administrators
can begin planning the next phase of ZT deployment. Like the previous rollout, a candidate
workflow and solution set need to be identified and initial policies developed.
However, if a change occurs to the workflow, the operating ZT architecture needs to be
reevaluated. Significate changes to the systemsuch as new devices, major updates to software
(especially ZT logical components), and shifts in organizational structure—may result in changes
to the workflow or policies. In effect, the entire process should be reconsidered with the
assumption that some of the work has already been done. For example, new devices have been
purchased, but no new user accounts have been created, so only the device inventory needs to be
This publication is available free of charge from:
American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (2019)
Zero Trust Cybersecurity Current Trends. Available at
Anderson B, McGrew D (2017) Machine Learning for Encrypted
Malware Traffic Classification: Accounting for Noisy Labels and Non-
Stationarity. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International
Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM, Halifax,
Nova Scotia, Canada), pp 1723-1732.
Department of Defense CIO (2007). Department of Defense Global
Information Grid Architecture Vision Version 1.0 June 2007. Available at
Cloud Security Alliance (2015) SDP Specification 1.0. Available at
National Institute of Standards and Technology (2004) Standards for
Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information Systems.
(U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC), Federal Information
Processing Standards Publication (FIPS) 199.
Gilman E, Barth D (2017) Zero Trust Networks: Building Secure Systems
in Untrusted Networks (O’Reilly Media, Inc., Sebastopol, CA), 1st Ed.
Department of Homeland Security (2015) Hardware Asset Management
(HWAM) Capability Description. Available at
Cohen R, Barabash K, Rochwerger B, Schour L, Crisan D, Birke R,
Minkenberg C, Gusat M, Recio R, Jain V (2013) An Intent-based
Approach for Network Virtualization. 2013 IFIP/IEEE International
Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2013). (IEEE,
Ghent, Belgium), pp 42-50. Available at
The Jericho Forum (2007) Jericho Forum Commandments, version 1.2.
Available at
Office of Management and Budget (2018) Strengthening the
Cybersecurity of Federal Agencies by Enhancing the High Value Asset
This publication is available free of charge from:
Program. (The White House, Washington, DC), OMB Memorandum M-
19-03, December 10, 2018. Available at
Office of Management and Budget (2019) Enabling Mission Delivery
through Improved Identity, Credential, and Access Management. (The
White House, Washington, DC), OMB Memorandum M-19-17, May 21,
2019. Available at
Office of Management and Budget (2019) Update on Data Center
Optimization Initiative (DCOI). (The White House, Washington, DC),
OMB Memorandum M-19-19, June 25, 2019. Available at
Office of Management and Budget (2019) Update to the Trusted Internet
Connections (TIC) Initiative. (The White House, Washington, DC), OMB
Memorandum M-19-26, September 12, 2019. Available at
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Ferraiolo DF, Gavrila S, Jansen W (2015) Policy Machine: Features,
Architecture, and Specification. (National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Interagency or Internal Report
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Brooks SW, Garcia ME, Lefkovitz NB, Lightman S, Nadeau EM (2017)
An Introduction to Privacy Engineering and Risk Management in Federal
Systems. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
MD), NIST Interagency or Internal Report (IR) 8062.
National Institute of Standards and Technology (2020) Privacy
Framework: A Tool for Improving Privacy Through Enterprise Risk
Management, Version 1.0. (National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD).
Nadeau T, Gray K (2013) SDN: Software Defined Networks: An
Authoritative Review of Network Programmability Technologies.
(O’Reilly) 1
Joint Task Force (2018) Risk Management Framework for Information
Systems and Organizations: A System Life Cycle Approach for Security
and Privacy. (National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-37, Rev. 2.
This publication is available free of charge from:
Grassi PA, Garcia ME, Fenton JL (2017) Digital Identity Guidelines.
(National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD),
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-63-3, Includes updates as of March 2,
Grassi PA, Fenton JL, Lefkovitz NB, Danker JM, Choong Y-Y, Greene
KK, Theofanos MF (2017) Digital Identity Guidelines: Enrollment and
Identity Proofing. (National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-63A, Includes
updates as of March 2, 2020.
Ross R, McEvilley M, Oren JC (2016) Systems Security Engineering:
Considerations for a Multidisciplinary Approach in the Engineering of
Trustworthy Secure Systems. (National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-160,
Vol. 1, Includes updates as of March 21, 2018.
Ross R, Pillitteri V, Graubart R, Bodeau D, McQuaid R (2019)
Developing Cyber Resilient Systems: A Systems Security Engineering
Approach. (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-160, Vol. 2.
Hu VC, Ferraiolo DF, Kuhn R, Schnitzer A, Sandlin K, Miller R,
Scarfone KA (2014) Guide to Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC)
Definition and Considerations. (National Institute of Standards and
Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-162,
Includes updates as of August 2, 2019.
Department of Homeland Security (2015) Software Asset Management
(SWAM) Capability Description. Available at
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Appendix AAcronyms
Application Programming Interface
Bring Your Own Device
Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation
Department of Homeland Security
Denial of Service
Government to Business (private industry)
Government to Government
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Non-Person Entity
Policy Administrator
Policy Decision Point
Policy Engine
Policy Enforcement Point
Public Key Infrastructure
NIST Risk Management Framework
Software Defined Network
Software Defined Perimeter
Security Information and Event Monitoring
Trusted Internet Connections
Virtual Private Network
Zero Trust
Zero Trust Architecture
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Appendix BIdentified Gaps in the Current State-of-the-Art in ZTA
The current maturity of zero trust components and solutions was surveyed during the research
conducted in the development of this document. This survey concluded that the current state of
the ZTA ecosystem is not mature enough for widespread adoption. While it is possible to use
ZTA strategies to plan and deploy an enterprise environment, there is no single solution that
provides all the necessary components. Also, few ZTA components available today can be used
for all of the various workflows present in an enterprise.
The following is a summary of identified gaps in the ZTA ecosystem and areas that need further
investigation. Some of these areas have some foundation of work, but how ZTA tenets change
these areas is not well-known as there is not enough experience with diverse ZTA-focused
enterprise environments.
B.1 Technology Survey
Multiple vendors were invited to present their products and views on zero trust. The goal of this
survey was to identify missing pieces that prevent agencies from moving to a zero trust based
enterprise infrastructure now or maintaining an existing ZTA implementation. These gaps can be
categorized into immediate deployment (immediate or short term), systemic gaps that affect
maintenance or operations (short or midterm), and missing knowledge (areas for future research).
They are summarized in Table B-1.
Table B-1: Summary of Identified Deployment Gaps
Category Example Questions Identified Gaps
How should procurement
requirements be written?
How does a ZTA plan work with
TIC, FISMA, and other
Lack of a common
framework and vocabulary
for ZTA
Perception that ZTA
conflicts with existing
How can vendor lock-in be
How do different ZTA environments
Too much reliance on
vendor APIs
Areas needing
more research
How will threats evolve in the face of
How will business processes change
in the face of ZTA?
What a successful
compromise looks like in
an enterprise with a ZTA
Documented end user
experience in an enterprise
with a ZTA
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B.2 Gaps that Prevent an Immediate Move to ZTA
These are the issues that are slowing adoption of a ZTA at present. These were classified as
immediate issues, and no thought of future maintenance or migration was considered for this
category. A forward-thinking enterprise may also consider the maintenance category to be of
immediate concern in preventing the initial deployment of ZTA components, but these issues are
considered a separate category for this analysis.
B.2.1 Lack of Common Terms for ZTA Design, Planning, and Procurement
Zero trust as a strategy for the design and deployment of enterprise infrastructure is still a
forming concept. Industry has not yet coalesced around a single set of terms or concepts to
describe ZTA components and operations. This makes it difficult for organizations (e.g., federal
agencies) to develop coherent requirements and policies for designing zero trust enterprise
infrastructure and procuring components.
The driver for Sections 2.1 and 3.1 is an initial attempt to form a neutral base of terms and
concepts to describe ZTA. The abstract ZTA components and deployment models were
developed to serve as basic terms and ways to think about ZTA. The goal is to provide a
common way to view, model, and discuss ZTA solutions when developing enterprise
requirements and performing market surveys. The above sections may prove to be incomplete as
more experience is gained with ZTA in federal agencies, but they currently serve as a base for a
common conceptual framework.
B.2.2 Perception that ZTA Conflicts with Existing Federal Cybersecurity Policies
There is a misconception that ZTA is a single framework with a set of solutions that are
incompatible with the existing view of cybersecurity. Zero trust should instead be viewed as an
evolution of current cybersecurity strategies as many of the concepts and ideas have been
circulating for a long time. Federal agencies have been encouraged to take a more zero trust
approach to cybersecurity through existing guidance (see Section 6). If an agency has a mature
ID management system and robust CDM capabilities in place, it is on the road to a ZTA (see
Section 7.3). This gap is based on a misconception of ZTA and how it has evolved from previous
cybersecurity paradigms.
B.3 Systemic Gaps that Impact ZTA
These are the gaps that affect initial implementation and deployment of ZTA and continued
operation/maturity. These gaps could slow the adoption of ZTA in agencies or result in
fragmentation of the ZTA component industry. Systemic gaps are areas where open standards
(produced either by a standards development organization [SDO] or industry consortium) can
B.3.3 Standardization of Interfaces Between Components
During the technology survey, it became apparent that no one vendor offers a single solution that
will provide zero trust. Furthermore, it might not be desirable to use a single-vendor solution to
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achieve zero trust and thereby risk vendor lock-in. This leads to interoperability within
components not only at the time of purchase but also over time.
The spectrum of components within the wider enterprise is vast, with many products focusing on
a single niche within zero trust and relying on other products to provide either data or some
service to another component (e.g., integration of MFA for resource access). Vendors too often
rely on proprietary APIs provided by partner companies rather than standardized, vendor-
independent APIs to achieve this integration. The problem with this approach is that these APIs
are proprietary and single-vendor controlled. The controlling vendor can change the API
behavior, and integrators are required to update their products in response. This requires close
partnerships between communities of vendors to ensure early notification of modifications
within APIs, which may affect compatibility between products. This adds an additional burden
on vendors and consumers: vendors need to expend resources to change their products, and
consumers need to apply updates to multiple products when one vendor makes a change to its
proprietary API. Additionally, vendors are required to implement and maintain wrappers for each
partner component to allow maximum compatibility and interoperability. For example, many
MFA product vendors are required to create a different wrapper for each cloud provider or
identity management system to be usable in different kinds of client combinations.
On the customer side, this generates additional problems when developing requirements for
purchasing products. There are no standards that purchasers can rely on to identify compatibility
between products. Hence, it is very difficult to create a multiyear road map for moving into ZTA
because it is impossible to identify a minimum set of compatibility requirements for components.
B.3.4 Emerging Standards that Address Overreliance on Proprietary APIs
As there is no single solution to developing a ZTA, there is no single set of tools or services for a
zero trust enterprise. Thus, it is impossible to have a single protocol or framework that enables an
enterprise to move to a ZTA. Currently, there is a wide variety of models and solutions seeking
to become the leading authority of ZTA.
This indicates that there is an opportunity for a set of open, standardized protocols or frameworks
to be developed to aid organizations in migrating to a ZTA. SDOs like the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) have specified protocols that may be useful in exchanging threat information
(called XMPP-Grid [1]). The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) has produced a framework for
Software Defined Perimeter (SDP) [2] that may also be useful in ZTA. Efforts should be directed
toward surveying the current state of ZTA-related frameworks or the protocols necessary for a
useful ZTA and toward identifying places where work is needed to produce or improve these
B.4 Knowledge Gaps in ZTA and Future Areas of Research
The gaps listed here do not hinder an organization from adopting a ZTA for its enterprise. These
are gray areas in knowledge about operational ZTA environments, and most arise from a lack of
time and experience with mature zero trust deployments. These are areas of future work for
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B.4.5 Attacker Response to ZTA
A properly implemented ZTA for an enterprise will improve the enterprise’s cybersecurity
posture over traditional network perimeter-based security. The tenets of ZTA aim to reduce the
exposure of resources to attackers and minimize or prevent lateral movement within an
enterprise should a host asset be compromised.
However, determined attackers will not sit idle but will instead change behavior in the face of
ZTA. The open issue is how the attacks will change. One possibility is that attacks aimed at
stealing credentials will be expanded to target MFA (e.g., phishing, social engineering). Another
possibility is that in a hybrid ZTA/perimeter-based enterprise, attackers will focus on the
business processes that have not had ZTA tenets applied (i.e., follow traditional network
perimeter-based security)in effect, targeting the low-hanging fruit in an attempt to gain some
foothold in the ZTA business process.
As ZTA matures, more deployments are seen, and experience is gained, the effectiveness of ZTA
in shrinking the attack surface of resources may become apparent. The metrics of success of
ZTA over older cybersecurity strategies will also need to be developed.
B.4.6 User Experience in a ZTA Environment
There has not been a rigorous examination of how end users act in an enterprise that is using a
ZTA. This is mainly due to the lack of large ZTA use cases available for analysis. There have,
however, been studies on how users react to MFA and other security operations that are part of a
ZTA enterprise, and this work could form the basis of predicting end user experience and
behavior when using ZTA workflows in an enterprise.
One set of studies that can predict how ZTA affects end user experience is the work done on the
use of MFA in enterprises and security fatigue. Security fatigue [3] is the phenomenon wherein
end users are confronted with so many security policies and challenges that it begins to impact
their productivity in a negative way. Other studies show that MFA may alter user behavior, but
the overall change is mixed [4] [5]. Some users readily accept MFA if the process is streamlined
and involves devices they are used to using or having with them (e.g., applications on a
smartphone). However, some users resent having to use personally-owned devices for business
processes or feel that they are being constantly monitored for possible violations of IT policies.
B.4.7 Resilience of ZTA to Enterprise and Network Disruption
The survey of the ZTA vendor ecosystem displayed the wide range of infrastructure that an
enterprise deploying a ZTA would need to consider. As previously noted, there is no single
provider of a full zero trust solution at this time. As a result, enterprises will purchase several
different services and products, which can lead to a web of dependencies for components. If one
vital component is disrupted or unreachable, there could be a cascade of failures that impact one
or multiple business processes.
Most products and services surveyed relied on a cloud presence to provide robustness, but even
cloud services have been known to become unreachable through either an attack or simple error.
When this happens, key components used to make access decisions may be unreachable or may
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not be able to communicate with other components. For example, PE and PA components
located in a cloud may be reachable during a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack but may
not be able to reach all PEPs located with resources. Research is needed on discovering the
possible choke points of ZTA deployment models and the impact on network operations when a
ZTA component is unreachable or has limited reachability.
The continuity of operations (COOP) plans for an enterprise will likely need revision when
adopting a ZTA. A ZTA makes many COOP factors easier as remote workers may have the
same access to resources that they had on-premises. However, policies like MFA may also have
a negative impact if users are not properly trained or lack experience. Users may forget or not
have access to tokens and enterprise devices during an emergency, and that will impact the speed
and effectiveness of enterprise business processes.
B.5 References
Cam-Winget N (ed.), Appala S, Pope S, Saint-Andre P (2019) Using
Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) for Security Information
Exchange. (Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)), IETF Request for
Comments (RFC) 8600.
Software Defined Perimeter Working Group “SDP Specification 1.0” Cloud
Security Alliance. April 2014.
Stanton B, Theofanos MF, Spickard Prettyman S, Furman S (2016) Security
Fatigue. IT Professional 18(5):26-32.
Strouble D, Shechtman GM, Alsop AS (2009) Productivity and Usability
Effects of Using a Two-Factor Security System. SAIS 2009 Proceedings (AIS,
Charleston, SC), p 37. Available at
Weidman J, Grossklags J (2017) I Like It but I Hate It: Employee Perceptions
Towards an Institutional Transition to BYOD Second-Factor Authentication.
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
(ACSAC 2017) (ACM, Orlando, FL), pp 212-224.