Privacy Office Contact Information
Please send any questions by email to [email protected] or by U.S. Mail to:
General Services Administration
Chief Privacy Officer
1800 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20405
Document Purpose
This document contains important details about a GSA managed System, Application, or Project (identified below by
the Authorization Package name). To accomplish its mission the GSA Office it supports must, in the course of
business operations, collect personally identifiable information (PII) about the people who use such products and
services. PII is any information [1] that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity like a name,
address, or place and date of birth.
GSA uses Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) to explain how it collects, maintains, disseminates, uses, secures, and
destroys information in ways that protect privacy. This PIA comprises sections that reflect GSA’s privacy policy and
program goals. The sections also align to the Fair Information Practice Principles (FIPPs), a set of eight precepts
codified in the Privacy Act of 1974.[2]
[1]OMB Memorandum Preparing for and Responding to the Breach of Personally Identifiable Information (OMB M-17-12) defines PII
as: “information that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, either alone or when combined with other information
that is linked or linkable to a specific individual.” The memorandum notes that “because there are many different types of information
that can be used to distinguish or trace an individual's identity, the term PII is necessarily broad.”
[2] Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a, as amended.
General Information
PIA Identifier: 348
System Name: GSA Implementation of Google Workspace
CPO Approval Date: 2/14/2022
PIA Expiration Date: 2/13/2025
Information System Security Manager (ISSM) Approval
Nathaniel Ciano
System Owner/Program Manager Approval
Chris McFerren
Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) Approval
Richard Speidel
PIA Overview
A: System, Application, or Project Name:
GSA Implementation of Google Workspace
B: System, application, or project includes information about:
GSA Employees and Contractors
C: For the categories listed above, how many records are there for each?
We estimate a minimum of 500,000 records for the above categories.
D: System, application, or project includes these data elements:
Gmail Google, Meet Classic Hangouts, Google Chat, Google Calendar, Google Drive and Shared Drive . Google
Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Forms, Google Sites Google Keep Apps Script Chrome Browser,
GSA uses GWE for email, collaboration and sharing of information. As such, the applications
(Gmail, Google Meet, Google Drive and Docs, Calendar, Chats and Classic Hangouts, Google
Groups, Google Vault, Google Keep, and Cloud Search) are used as a means to collect, maintain,
collaborate and share information between users within GSA.
1.0 Purpose of Collection
1.1: What legal authority and/or agreements allow GSA to collect, maintain, use, or disseminate the information?
44 U.S. Code §3101. Records management by agency heads; general duties 5 U.S. Code §301. Departmental
1.2: Is the information searchable by a personal identifier, for example a name or Social Security number?
1.2a: If so, what Privacy Act System of Records Notice(s) (SORN(s) applies to the information being collected?
Existing SORN applicable
1.2: System of Records Notice(s) (Legacy Text): What System of Records Notice(s) apply/applies to the
Yes, the system is searchable by a google account holder’s name. Administrators can deactivate certain accounts;
however, that does not preclude a user from searching a deactivated user’s account for data that already exists in the
system. Sources may vary widely as information is not collected by the system’s applications specifically, but are
used as a mechanism to store, collaborate and share information between users. The potential PII stored and shared
using GWE comes from a varied source of extracts and sources. GSA primarily relies on GWE for storage, sharing or
collaboration of mission-critical information at the FISMA moderate level. For example, Google and GSA have
entered into a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) to allow GSA’s Office of Evaluation Sciences to store HIPAA
Limited Data Sets on Google Drive.
GWE is covered under GSA's Enterprise Organization of Google Applications SORN GSA/CIO-3 GSA Enterprise
Organization of Google Applications and
1.2b: Explain why a SORN is not required.
1.3: Has an information collection request (ICR) been submitted to or approved by the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB)?
1.3: Information Collection Request: Provide the relevant names, OMB control numbers, and expiration dates.
GWE is not an information collection for Paperwork Reduction Act purposes. If a Google form requires an ICR, the
form creator must adhere to procedures and policy.
1.4: What is the records retention schedule for the information systems(s)? Explain how long and for what reason the
information is kept.
Records are maintained and verified while an employee has active employment. After a user leaves GSA, the email
record will be available for 7 years and 15 years for high level officials. Records are disposed of as specified in the
handbook, GSA Records Maintenance and Disposition System (CIO P 1820.1). The record retention period is
indefinite this is part of GSA Number/Disposition Authority GRS 03.1/011 and DAAGRS-2013-0005-0008.
2.0 Openness and Transparency
2.1: Will individuals be given notice before the collection, maintenance, use or dissemination and/or sharing of
personal information about them? No
2.1 Explain: If not, please explain.
As a general rule, personal information is not collected by the system's applications. The system is a mechanism to
collect, maintain, collaborate and share information between users.
In cases where personal information is collected by the system's applications, the application will present the
applicable Privacy Act statement(s) to the user before they submit such information.
3.0 Data Minimization
3.1: Why is the collection and use of the PII necessary to the project or system?
GWE core apps (primarily Email, Sites, Groups and Docs) may contain PII stored there by users for the purposes of
normal day to day work operations, operations collaboration or simple storage. A user could potentially enter PII into
the system but the system itself does not collect it. None of the system's applications collect that information by
In cases where the system's applications collect personal information, that information is needed to comply with a
legislative mandate (e.g., law, Executive Order, etc.)
3.2: Will the system, application, or project create or aggregate new data about the individual?
3.2 Explained: If so, how will this data be maintained and used?
3.3 What protections exist to protect the consolidated data and prevent unauthorized access?
Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is used for access to the data, access controls are in place to ensure no
inadvertent Agency wide exposure of the data is permitted, and users are trained on the proper handling of PII
information when used with these applications.
3.4 Will the system monitor the public, GSA employees, or contractors?
3.4 Explain: Please elaborate as needed.
The system is a mechanism to collect, maintain, collaborate and share information between users and not used as a
monitoring or surveillance tool.
3.5 What kinds of report(s) can be produced on individuals?
Using the audit logs provided by GWE as a part of it’s Cloud Audit Logs, reports can be produced on Admin Activity
and Data Access activity by both privileged and non-privileged users.
Additionally, GWE administrators can filter and generate a report by event name, user, IP address, date, disk space
and email address.
Finally, If a system's application (e.g., Google Forms) collects personal information about a user, that information can
be accessed only by administrators and privileged users. That information can be filtered and reported by user/email
address and other data elements that may be collected.
If a system's application (e.g., Google Forms) collects personal information about a user, that information can be
accessed only by administrators and privileged users. That information can be filtered and reported by user/email
address and other data elements that may be collected.
3.6 Will the data included in any report(s) be de-identified?
3.6 Explain: If so, what process(es) will be used to aggregate or de-identify the data?
Any reports that can be produced about the personal information are appropriate for those privileged users and do
not require any aggregation or de-identification. However, in cases where information needs to be reported in the
aggregate, privileged users should take care to de-identify all information prior to sharing with other audiences.
3.6 Why Not: Why will the data not be de-identified?
No, the reports that can be produced on Admin Activity and Data Access activity by both privileged and non-
privileged users are appropriate for those audiences and do not require any aggregation or de-indentification.
4.0 Limits on Using and Sharing Information
4.1: Is the information in the system, application, or project limited to only the information that is needed to carry out
the purpose of the collection?
4.2: Will GSA share any of the information with other individuals, federal and/or state agencies, or private-sector
Federal Agencies
4.2How: If so, how will GSA share the information?
For example, GSA may share data with the DOJ, only for investigation purposes. The full list of disclosures GSA is
permitted to make under the Privacy Act is listed in the SORN under “routine
4.3: Is the information collected:
From Another Source
4.3Other Source: What is the other source(s)?
Sources may vary widely as information is not collected by the system’s applications specifically, but are used as a
mechanism to store, collaborate and share information between users.
In cases where the system's application specifically collects personal information it would be collected directly from
the individual.
BOT Name Vaccination Attestation GSA Roster Update: The narrative information in response to the Vaccination
Attestation process is stored in Google Sheets. It is organized by employee name and GSA email address. Any
attachments associated with the narrative information are stored in Google Drive.
4.4: Will the system, application, or project interact with other systems, applications, or projects, either within or
outside of GSA?
4.4WhoHow: If so, who and how?
4.4Formal Agreement: Is a formal agreement(s) in place?
4.4NoAgreement: Why is there not a formal agreement in place?
GWE is not internally connected with any other systems with memoranda of understanding (MOU) or information
sharing agreements (ISA). However, GWE does integrate with GSA’s Active Directory (AD), which is under
Enterprise Infrastructure Operations (EIO) FISMA and provides the access control list for GWE.
5.0 Data Quality and Integrity
5.1: How will the information collected, maintained, used, or disseminated be verified for accuracy and
Sources may vary widely as information is not collected by the system’s applications specifically, but are used as a
mechanism to store, collaborate and share information between users.
6.0 Security
6.1a: Who or what will have access to the data in the system, application, or project?
All GSA users including contractors use GWE for email, collaboration and sharing of information. As such, the
applications (Email, Sites, Docs, Calendar, and Drive & Hangouts) do not collect any information, but it’s used as a
means to store, share or house information of many types by all users in GSA. All personnel required to have
background investigation completed before email access is granted. The GWE team verifies suitability of an
employee or contractor before granting access to GWE from GSA Credential and Identity Management System
(GCIMS) before granting access to email. To enable similar sharing and collaboration in Google with our non-GSA
partners, these partners will use the GSA Affiliated Customer Accounts (GACA) process. GACA accounts allow GSA
employees to share information on Google Drive or Google Sites with GSA external customers and business partners
who do not have a email address. Use of a GACA account has no impact on whether or to whom
information can be shared. The determination of what can and cannot be shared using a GACA account is made on a
case-by-case basis, looking at the type of information and the identity of the party with whom it is shared.
6.1b: What is the authorization process to gain access?
All personnel required to have background investigation completed before email access is granted. GWE team
verifies suitability of an employee or contractor before granting access to GWE from GSA Credential and Identity
Management System (GCIMS) before granting access to email. To enable similar sharing and collaboration in
Google with our non-GSA partners, these partners will use the GSA Affiliated Customer Accounts (GACA) process.
GACA accounts allow GSA employees to share information on Google Drive or Google Sites with GSA external
customers and business partners who do not have a email address.
6.2: Has a System Security Plan (SSP) been completed for the Information System(s) supporting the project?
6.2a: Enter the actual or expected ATO date from the associated authorization package.
6.3: How will the system or application be secured from a physical, technical, and managerial perspective?
GSA assesses information and systems for compliance risk, reputational risk, strategic risk, situational/circumstantial
risk, and operational risk. In order to mitigate these risks to an acceptable level, GSA implements extensive security
controls for information collected or maintained on its behalf, and conducts third-party assessments of vendors and
services it procures. GSA leverages FedRAMP instance of GWE and it has been approved to use as SaaS from
FedRAMP. GSA implements controls relevant to third party vendors and services according to risks identified the
following types of third party reviews: Third Party Security Assessment and Authorization (SA&A) Package;
Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE) Review; Risk Assessments by Independent
Organization; or a complete Risk Assessment by GSA.
6.4: Are there mechanisms in place to identify and respond to suspected or confirmed security incidents and
breaches of PII?
6.4What: What are they?
GSA has procedures in place for handling security incidents. GSA monitors use of its systems and is responsible for
reporting any potential incidents directly to the relevant Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO). This Officer
coordinates the escalation, reporting and response procedures on behalf of GSA.
7.0 Individual Participation
7.1: What opportunities do individuals have to consent or decline to provide information?
No opportunities exist to consent, or decline. Sources may vary widely as information is not collected by the system's
applications specifically, but are used as a mechanism to store, collaborate and share information between users.
For initial use cases with personal information, users are still required to respond, but they may choose the option
that is equivalent to declining to provide any personal information.
7.1Opt: Can they opt-in or opt-out?
7.1Explain: If there are no opportunities to consent, decline, opt in, or opt out, please explain.
No opportunities exist to consent, decline or opt out. Sources may vary widely as information is not
collected by the system’s applications specifically, but are used as a mechanism to store, collaborate and
share information between users.
For initial use cases with personal information, users are still required to respond, but they may choose the
option that is equivalent to declining to provide any personal information.
7.2: What are the procedures that allow individuals to access their information?
Only cleared individuals are granted permission to the system after a successfully completed background
investigation. Individuals do not access their personal information in GWE directly. Instead, individuals may update
their personal information via HRLink and GCIMS. Access Logs are available for audit purposes. GACA account
holders can view their own account information in Google but do not have access to an account in HRLink and
GCIMS. These non-GSA partners will use the GSA Affiliated Customer Accounts (GACA) process to create GACA
accounts and those account holders can access their own profiles in Google.
7.3: Can individuals amend information about themselves?
7.3How: How do individuals amend information about themselves?
An individual’s information (e.g. profile display name) can only be changed via authoritative systems such as HR
Links and GCIMS.
In the case of users providing personal information via the system's applications, the user will have access to update
their personal information via modification to a Document, Sheet, etc. or amending responses submitted via Google
8.0 Awareness and Training
8.1: Describe what privacy training is provided to users, either generally or specifically relevant to the system,
application, or project.
GSA requires annual privacy, security training & collaboration sharing for all personnel and has policies in place that
govern the proper handling of PII. This is managed through the CIO and Online Learning University (OLU) system.
9.0 Accountability and Auditing
9.1: How does the system owner ensure that the information is used only according to the stated practices in this
GSA requires privacy and security training for all personnel, and has policies that govern the proper handling of PII.
GSA has also implemented security and privacy controls for its systems, including those that support design
research, and has limited access to those personnel with a need to know. Further, OMB requires the GSA to
document these privacy protections in submissions for Information Collection Requests processed under the
Paperwork Reduction Act. All GSA systems are subject to periodic audits to ensure that GSA protects and uses
information appropriately. As discussed above, GSA takes automated precautions against overly open access