Short-Term Disability (STD)
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is Short-Term Disability my sick time?
Yes. Short-Term Disability provides you with income if you’re unable to work due to a non-occupational illness or
injury. Some examples include cold, flu, surgery, hospitalization, time before or after the birth of a child, and
doctor’s orders restricting time at work.
2. What absence code should I use to record Short-Term Disability or sick time?
Absence code 0220 (STD Employee Sick)
3. Can Short-Term Disability be recorded in hourly increments?
A non-exempt employee may record STD in hourly increments. An exempt employee must record a half day or full
day of STD unless it is an approved Family Medical Leave absence for your own medical condition.
4. When is an Employee Health Report (EHR) due?
An EHR is due on the seventh consecutive calendar day of absence caused by a non-occupational illness or injury. If
you do not submit an EHR within the required seven calendar days, STD benefits are not payable.
5. How do I submit an EHR?
Your EHR can be submitted to a secure email address healthservices@conocophillips.com or via fax at (918) 662-
6873. A confirmation receipt is not available. You can call HR Connections at 877-812-7547 to confirm receipt.
Please allow 24 hours for processing before calling.
6. If I’m on vacation or off-shift and then become ill, when do I start counting the seven consecutive days to
determine when an EHR is due?
The first day you are not able to report on a scheduled work day due to your illness is the first day you begin
counting the seven consecutive calendar days to submit an EHR.
7. If I’m on vacation and become ill, can I record STD instead of vacation?
No. Unless you’re admitted to an inpatient hospital because of the non-occupational illness or injury, you must
complete the scheduled vacation before qualifying for STD. Your timesheet should appropriately reflect your
scheduled vacation before STD time is recorded.
8. Can an EHR be requested more frequently than the seven consecutive calendar days?
Yes. ConocoPhillips Health Services (COPHS), at their discretion may request that an EHR is submitted more
9. If I use MDLive (ConocoPhillips telemedicine provider) for a doctor’s visit, will they provide an EHR if necessary?
When you utilize MDLive, ask the licensed health professional to provide you with documentation to excuse your
absence from work. This documentation must include the diagnosis and return-to-work date.
10. My physician released me to return to work. What should I do?
You should notify your supervisor and submit your final EHR to ConocoPhillips Health Services (COPHS)
as soon as practical in advance of your return-to-work date. Employees in safety sensitive positions should wait to
receive COPHS approval to return to work before reporting for duty. Employees working in an office setting should
return to work on the day indicated on the EHR. COPHS will approve the release to return to work as soon as
administratively possible.
Short-Term Disability (STD)
Frequently Asked Questions
11. I’m concerned that I may not be able to perform my job because my doctor ordered physical restrictions for me
and/or my doctor prescribed a prescription drug which could impair my ability to perform my job, what should I
Contact your supervisor as soon as practical and submit an EHR to COPHS. If there are physical restrictions for your
work you should submit an EHR even if you were absent less than seven consecutive calendar days. The restrictions
listed on the EHR will be reviewed by COPHS in conjunction with your supervisor to determine if your work
restrictions are able to be accommodated. You should not report to work until you receive approval from COPHS.
12. If a physician requires me to take time off from work for an elective or cosmetic surgery/procedure, am I covered
under STD?
13. Is my time off for doctor appointments covered under STD?
When possible, employees are encouraged to schedule doctor appointments during non-workdays such as 9/80
and 19/30. Preventive wellness doctor visits (such as appointments for dental cleanings, routine vision exams and
annual physicals) are not covered under STD because they are not related to an illness or injury. Appointments for
doctor visits, diagnostic tests and procedures are covered under STD.
14. Is travel time to and from doctor appointments covered under STD?
No, time to travel to doctor appointments is not covered. As a reminder, exempt employees must record STD in full
or half-day increments. Non-exempt employees must record STD in hourly increments
15. Will ConocoPhillips reimburse me for any costs incurred to obtain a completed EHR from my physician?
16. Can I continue to run my outside business while on STD?
You must inform your local HR Business Partner (HRBP) before beginning any work while on STD. If you do not
receive written permission to perform the work, in advance, from your HRBP, your STD benefits are not payable.
The short-term disability benefit is provided as a component benefit program of the ConocoPhillips Disability Plan (Plan). This information is
intended as a general guide only. Benefits and eligibility for coverage are determined under the specific provisions of the official Plan documents
which includes the Summary Plan Description. If there is a discrepancy or conflict between this information and the terms of the official Plan
documents will control. ConocoPhillips reserves the right to amend, change or terminate any of its health and welfare benefit plans, any underlying
insurance contracts or any other programs, at any time and without notice, at its sole discretion, according to the terms of the applicable plans,
programs or any underlying insurance contracts.