Evening & Weekend MBA Program, Fall 2021
Name of Applicant: Last Name First Name Middle Name Date of Birth
Applicant Information
Please complete both the top and the waiver sections of this form even if you do not waive access
Deliver this form to the person who will write your recommendation
Instruct your recommender to: email the completed form to or mail the completed
form to:
Evening & Weekend Berkeley MBA - Admissions, 430 Student Services Bldg. #1906, Berkeley, CA 94720
Waiver Section: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment) allows you to access
your educational records if you enroll at the Haas School of Business. You may waive your right of access to this
specific report if you so choose. Your decision to waive or not to waive your right of access will have no bearing on
the handling of your application. I hereby waive do not waive my right of access to this letter of recommendation
Applicant's signature
Applicant's name (print)
Note to recommender: If the applicant has not waived their right, as listed above, then the applicant may request to see
this recommendation.
Recommender Information
Thank you for agreeing to write a recommendation for the applicant for admission to the Evening & Weekend Berkeley
MBA Program at the Haas School of Business. We encourage you to be completely candid and to provide examples
wherever possible. It is helpful to the candidate that you answer the specific questions that we ask.
If the applicant has not waived their right, as listed above, then the applicant may request to see this
We greatly appreciate the time and effort that you are taking to provide us with your assessment.
Recommender's name (print)
Telephone number
E-mail address
You may/may not contact me at work regarding this applicant.
Recommendation: Part I
1. How long have you known the applicant, and what is the nature of your relationship? (100 word limit)
2. How would you rate the applicant’s career progression, using the applicant’s peers as your reference group?
Please explain your rating and comment on the candidate’s key strengths and potential for future career
progression. (250 word limit)
3. What are the applicant’s areas of development? Please provide specific examples. (250 word limit)
4. In the Berkeley MBA Program, we develop leaders who embody our Defining Leadership Principles; one of them is
Confidence Without Attitude or “confidence with humility.” Please comment on how the applicant reflects this
Berkeley Haas value. (200 word limit)
5. (Optional) Is there anything else we should know? (250 word limit)
Please rate how the candidate compares to his/her peers against the following criteria.
Unable to
Seldom Sometimes Often
Most of
the time
Works collaboratively with others
Demonstrates strong leadership
Takes time to understand and listen
to others
Demonstrates awareness of self and
Open to feedback and constructive
Displays initiative and self-
Shows intellectual curiosity
Makes the most out of situations,
whether good or bad
Demonstrates strong
communication skills
Acts with integrity
(Optional) Use this space if you would like to elaborate on any lower ratings.
To what degree do you recommend the applicant for admission?
I certify that this recommendation was written entirely by me using my own words. The applicant was not involved in
crafting any portion of this written recommendation.
Recommender's signature Recommender's name (print) Date Skills/
Qualities 5 4 3 2