Full-Time MBA Program, Fall 2021
Name of Applicant (print)
Last Name First Middle
Date of Birth
Note To Applicant
Please complete both the top and the waiver sections of this form even if you do not waive access.
Deliver this form to the person who will write your recommendation. Provide an unsealed envelope pre-addressed to yourself.
Instruct your recommender to: enclose the completed form; seal the envelope; sign across the seal; and mail the envelope back to you.
Send the envelope with its seal unbroken to the MBA program with the rest of your application materials.
Waiver Section: Applicant to Complete
I understand that federal legislation provides me with a right of access to this recommendation, which may be waived, and that no school or person can
require that I waive this right.
Applicant's signature
Applicant's name (print) Date
Recommender's name (print)
Note To Recommender
The above individual is applying for admission to the Berkeley Full-time MBA program at the Haas School of Business. Thank you for agreeing to write
a recommendation for the applicant. We encourage you to be completely candid and to provide specific examples wherever possible. It is helpful to the
applicant if you answer the specific questions that we ask. Generic recommendations that do not address our questions typically do not strengthen an
application. We greatly appreciate you taking the time and effort to provide us with your assessment of the applicant’s abilities.
ensures the confidentiality of your assessment. Return the envelope to the applicant, who will submit it to us unopened with the remaining application
materials. Our preference is to receive all application materials in one package from the applicant; however, if you wish to send your letter directly to our
Admissions Team, we will certainly accept it.
Recommender's signature
Recommender's name (print)
Position/Title Company name
Address Telephone number
E-mail address (work) Telephone number
If you are a Berkeley-Haas alum, please let us know your program and year graduated.
for which the applicant may be considered eligible
By checking this box, I certify that this recommendation was written entirely by me, using my own words. The applicant was not involved
in crafting any portion of this written recommendation.
I hereby □ waive do not waive my right of access to this letter of recommendation
After completing this form, please enclose it in an envelope, seal the envelope, and sign across the seal. Your signature across the sealed flap of the envelope
I □ authorize □ do not authorize the Haas MBA Program to use this letter of recommendation in support of any award or scholarship program
Full-Time MBA Program, Fall 2020
Recommendation: Part I
Please write an assessment of the applicant that addresses the prompts below. We are looking for your candid and accurate assessment of the applicant’s
potential to be a successful leader and what specific traits the applicant possesses that evidence this potential. Please be as specific as possible and use
concrete examples where applicable. Do not incorporate anything drafted by the candidate in your recommendation or have the candidate submit the
recommendation on your behalf.
1. Please provide a brief description of your interaction with the applicant and, if applicable, the applicant's role in your organization.
2. How does the applicant's performance compare to that of other well-qualified individuals in similar roles? Please provide specific examples.
(E.g. what are the applicant's principal strengths?)
3. Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the
applicant’s response.
. In the Berkeley MBA program, we develop leaders who embody our distinctive culture’s four key principles,
Please comment on how the applicant reflects this Berkeley Haas value.
5. (Optional) Is there anything else we should know?
Recommendation: Part II
Please give us your appraisal of the applicant in terms of the traits listed below. Compare the applicant with others whom you know have applied to business
school or with individuals who are being groomed for leadership positions within your organization.
that this applicant be admitted to the Haas School of Business.
Please see next page for the Appraisal Grid
enthusiastically recommend recommend □ recommend with reservations do not recommend
one of which is “Confidence Without Attitude” or “confidence with humility.”
Full-Time MBA Program, Fall 2020
Skills/ Qualities
Results Orientation
Invents and delivers
best in class standards
and performance
Introduces incremental
improvements to
enhance business
performance using
robust analysis
Exceeds goals and raises
effectiveness of
achieve goals
Fulfills assigned tasks
Strategic Orientation
other parts of the
company or other
players in the industry
Develops insights or
recommendations that
have shaped team or
department strategy
Develops insights or
recommendations that
have improved business
Identifies opportunities
area of responsibility
issues of work or
Team Leadership
Recruits others into
insight into individual
abilities; rewards those
who exceed
Actively engages the
team to develop plans
and resolves issues
through collaboration;
shows how work fits in
with what others are
Solicits ideas and
perspectives from the
team; holds members
Assigns tasks to team
Avoids leadership
responsibilities; does
not provide direction to
Influence and
Builds enduring
partnerships within and
outside of organization
to improve
effectiveness, even at
short-term personal
Brings others together
across boundaries to
achieve results and
share best practices
Generates support from
others for ideas and
Engages others in
problem solving
Accepts input from
Presents views clearly;
solicits opinions and
concerns; discusses
them openly
Presents views clearly
and demonstrates
understanding of the
response of others
Presents views clearly
and in a well-structured
and organized
Sometimes rambles or
is occasionally
Information Seeking
Involves others who
would not normally be
involved including
experts or outside
organizations; may get
them seek out
Does research by
making a systematic
effort over a limited
period of time to obtain
needed data or
Ask a series or probing
questions to get at the
root of a situation or
Personally investigates
problems by going
directly to sources of
Ask direct questions
about problem at hand
to those individuals
immediately available
Developing Others
others to develop by
identifying new growth
opportunities as well as
supporting their efforts
to change
Gives specific positive
and negative behavioral
feedback and provides
unfalling support
Gives specific positive
and negative behavioral
feedback to support the
development of others
Points out mistakes to
support the
development of others
Focuses primarily on
own abilities
Change Leadership
Builds coalition of
supporters and
coordinates change
across multiple
individuals; may create
champions who will
mobilize others to change
Promotes change and
mobilizes individuals to
change behavior
Defines positive
direction for change and
persuades others to
support it
Challenges status quo
and identifies what
needs to change
Accepts status quo;
does not see the need
for change
Respect for Others
Uses understanding of
others and self to
resolve conflicts and
foster mutual respect
Is respectful to all
generous with praise;
ensures others opinions
are heard
Is humble and
respectful to all
Generally treats others
with respect usually
shares praise and credit
Is sometimes self-
absorbed or overly self-
Is reliable and
authentic even at some
personal cost; works to
ensure all members of
the organization
operate with integrity
Is reliable and authentic
even at some personal
cost; acts as a role
model for the values of
the organization
Acts consistently with
stated intentions even
in difficult
Generally acts
Shows occasional
lapses in trustworthy
5 4 3 2 1