Server Configuration Portal Scripting Guide
Version 2021.1
Server Configuration Portal Scripting Guide - Version 2021.1
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Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Limitations ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Prerequisites............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Installing Windows PowerShell ............................................................................................................................ 5
Starting Windows PowerShell.............................................................................................................................. 5
Checking the Version of Windows PowerShell.................................................................................................... 5
Getting Help............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Help Available in Windows PowerShell ............................................................................................................... 6
Listing User Workspace Manager Modules and Cmdlets ................................................................................... 6
Further Resources ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Getting Started with Windows PowerShell ............................................................................................... 7
Windows PowerShell Core About Topics ................................................................................................. 7
Product Instances .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Listing available Product Instances ..................................................................................................................... 8
Loading SCP cmdlets for a Product Instance ...................................................................................................... 9
Viewing the currently loaded Product Instance ................................................................................................. 10
Server Installation .................................................................................................................................................. 11
Installing Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Setting Up a New Server and Database ............................................................................................................ 11
Upgrading an existing Server and Database ..................................................................................................... 14
Cloning an existing Server ................................................................................................................................. 15
Server Configuration Portal Cmdlets ..................................................................................................................... 16
Database Management ......................................................................................................................................... 18
View Database Connection details .................................................................................................................... 18
Update Database Connection details ................................................................................................................ 18
Viewing Product Database Scripts .................................................................................................................... 19
Exporting Database Creation Scripts ................................................................................................................ 19
Exporting Database Upgrade Scripts ................................................................................................................ 20
Connecting a Server to a Database .................................................................................................................. 20
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Server Management .............................................................................................................................................. 22
View Server details ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Resetting a Server to an out of box state .......................................................................................................... 23
Starting or Stopping a Server ............................................................................................................................ 23
Changing Website ............................................................................................................................................. 23
Viewing and Fixing Variances............................................................................................................................ 24
Enabling or Disabling Logging ........................................................................................................................... 24
Additional Configuration ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Changing the HTTP listener port for WinRM ..................................................................................................... 25
Scripting Multiple/Remote Servers ........................................................................................................................ 26
Enabling Remoting ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Enabling CredSSP ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Working with PowerShell Sessions ................................................................................................................... 27
Script Examples .................................................................................................................................................... 28
Complete Server Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 28
Clone Multiple Servers from the Current Server................................................................................................ 28
Return Variances from Multiple Servers ............................................................................................................ 29
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This guide assists Ivanti administrators to automate the configuration of Ivanti product servers, such as
Management Server and Personalization Server, using Windows PowerShell.
Ivanti product servers are shipped with Server Configuration Portal (SCP) cmdlets a set of Windows
PowerShell cmdlets that allow administrators to easily automate tasks such as:
Initial configuration of a server
Creating databases or exporting database scripts
Starting or stopping a server
Checking the operation of a server
Enabling or disable logging
When following examples in this document, enter only the part after the Windows
PowerShell prompt. For example, if the example shows:
PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential
Enter the following in the Windows PowerShell console:
$credential = Get-Credential
The following limitations apply to the SCP cmdlets:
A new PowerShell session is required for the configuration of each Ivanti product server. Once an Import-
ApsInstanceModule operation has been invoked the PowerShell session can only be used to configure that
specific server instance.
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Installing Windows PowerShell
SCP cmdlets require Windows PowerShell 3.0 to be installed before use. To install Windows PowerShell:
Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2Windows PowerShell is installed as standard on Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008 SP2 or 2008 R2 SP1 Download Windows Management Framework 3.0 from the
Microsoft Download Center:
For more information refer to Installing Windows PowerShell on Microsoft MSDN:
Starting Windows PowerShell
Use either of the following methods to launch a Windows PowerShell console:
Click Start, type PowerShell. Right-click Windows PowerShell and select Run as administrator.
On the taskbar, right-click Windows PowerShell and select Run as administrator.
For more information refer to Starting Windows PowerShell on Windows Server on
Microsoft MSDN:
Checking the Version of Windows PowerShell
The $PSVersionTable variable should be used to confirm that either PSVersion is 3.0 or later, or
PSCompatibleVersions contains 3.0.
PS C:\> $PSVersionTable
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 3.0
WSManStackVersion 3.0
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.18047
BuildVersion 6.2.9200.16481
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.2
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Getting Help
Help Available in Windows PowerShell
Help for all SCP cmdlets are available in Windows PowerShell using the Get-Help cmdlet:
PS C:\> Get-Help Get-ApsInstance
Gets the product instances that are installed.
Examples and further details can be obtained using the -full parameter:
PS C:\> Get-Help Get-ApsInstance -Full
Listing User Workspace Manager Modules and Cmdlets
To list modules:
PS C:\> Get-Module -Name AppSense* | Format-List
Name : AppSense.ServerConfiguration.PowerShell
Path : C:\Program Files\AppSense\Environment Manager\Personalizatio
n Server\bin\AppSense.ServerConfiguration.PowerShell.dll
Description :
ModuleType : Binary
Version :
NestedModules : {}
ExportedFunctions :
ExportedCmdlets : {Get-ApsDatabaseVersion, Disable-ApsLogging,
Export-ApsDatabaseScript, Export-ApsServerImage...}
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To list cmdlets:
PS C:\> Get-Command -Module AppSense*
CommandType Name ModuleName
----------- ---- ----------
Cmdlet Disable-ApsLogging AppSense....
Cmdlet Enable-ApsLogging AppSense....
Cmdlet Export-ApsDatabaseScript AppSense....
Cmdlet Export-ApsServerImage AppSense....
Cmdlet Get-ApsCurrentInstance AppSense....
Cmdlet Get-ApsDatabaseDetail AppSense....
Cmdlet Get-ApsDatabaseScript AppSense....
Cmdlet Get-ApsDatabaseVersion AppSense....
Cmdlet Get-ApsInstance AppSenseI...
Cmdlet Get-ApsPrerequisite AppSense....
Cmdlet Get-ApsServerDetail AppSense....
Cmdlet Get-ApsVariance AppSense....
Cmdlet Import-ApsInstanceModule AppSenseI...
Cmdlet Initialize-ApsDatabase AppSense....
Cmdlet Initialize-ApsServer AppSense....
Cmdlet Install-ApsPrerequisite AppSense....
Cmdlet Repair-ApsVariance AppSense....
Cmdlet Reset-ApsServer AppSense....
Cmdlet Set-ApsServerDatabase AppSense....
Cmdlet Set-ApsWebSite AppSense....
Cmdlet Start-ApsServer AppSense....
Cmdlet Stop-ApsServer AppSense.... Cmdlet
Update-ApsServer AppSense....
Further Resources
For more information about Windows PowerShell refer to the following resources on Microsoft MSDN and
Microsoft TechNet:
Getting Started with Windows PowerShell
Windows PowerShell Core About Topics
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Product Instances
Multiple Ivanti product servers can be installed simultaneously on a machine. For example, a machine can run
up to 17 instances of the Ivanti Management Server and up to 17 instances of the Ivanti Personalization Server.
Each different product server is referred to as an instance.
To allow administrators to manage different instances on the same machine a set of cmdlets known as
AppSenseInstances is installed by Ivanti product servers. Use AppSenseInstances to:
List installed product instances
Load the appropriate set of SCP cmdlets for a product instance
Windows PowerShell automatically loads the AppSenseInstances cmdlets for you when launched you don’t
need to load these cmdlets manually.
You can only load the SCP cmdlets for one product instance into each Windows
PowerShell session. If you need to work with multiple instances in the same script refer
to Scripting Multiple/Remote Servers.
Listing available Product Instances
Use the Get-ApsInstance cmdlet to list available product instances. For example:
PS C:\> Get-ApsInstance
InstanceId : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
ProductCode : 05aa1fcd-7e88-408d-992b-4c96926bdd22
OriginalUpgradeCode : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
OriginalProductCode : 05aa1fcd-7e88-408d-992b-4c96926bdd22
Version : 10.0.604.0
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\AppSense\Management Center\Server\Bin\
CmdletPath : C:\Program Files\AppSense\Server Configuration
C:\Program Files\AppSense\Management Center\Server\Bin\
Server.PowerShell.dll;C:\Program Files\AppSense\Management
ProductName : AppSense Management Server 10.0
IsDefault : True
Status : Unknown
LoggingStatus : Undefined
DisplayName : AppSense Management Server 10.0 (DEFAULT)
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You can also specify filter and optional parameters including:
-InstanceId –The GUID that uniquely identifies this product instance on the machine. For example,
f321d748-8600-4cd1-beb9-8f1fc6dd0b85 would identify the above product instance.
-Name –The full name associated with a product instance on the machine. This parameter is case
insensitive. The default instance is always named “DEFAULT”.
-ProductName The part of the product name associated with a product instance on the machine. This
parameter is case sensitive.
-IsDefault Returns details on the default instance.
-AsJson Returns the instance in json format
Loading SCP cmdlets for a Product Instance
Before using the SCP cmdlets, you must specify the instance you want to manage using the Import-
ApsInstanceModule cmdlets. For example:
PS C:\> Import-ApsInstanceModule -ProductName "Personalization Server" -IsDefault
You can specify:
No parameters loads the SCP cmdlets for the only product instance installed on the machine as long as
there is only a single product instance installed
-InstanceId loads the SCP cmdlets for the specified product instance
Any combination of -Name, -ProductName loads the SCP cmdlets for the matched product instance as long
as there is only a single product instance installed that matches the specified parameters.
The following example loads the cmdlets for a Personalization Server named ‘Instance1’:
PS C:\> Import-ApsInstanceModule -ProductName "Personalization Server" Name Instance1
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Viewing the currently loaded Product Instance
After loading cmdlets for a product instance you can use the Get-ApsCurrentInstance cmdlet to see which
instance is loaded. For example:
PS C:\> Get-ApsCurrentInstance
InstanceId : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
ProductCode : 05aa1fcd-7e88-408d-992b-4c96926bdd22
OriginalUpgradeCode : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
OriginalProductCode : 05aa1fcd-7e88-408d-992b-4c96926bdd22
Version : 10.0.604.0
InstallPath : C:\Program Files\AppSense\Management Center\Server\Bin\
CmdletPath : C:\Program Files\AppSense\Server Configuration
C:\Program Files\AppSense\Management Center\Server\Bin\
Server.PowerShell.dll;C:\Program Files\AppSense\Management
ProductName : AppSense Management Server 10.0
IsDefault : True
Status : Unknown
LoggingStatus : Undefined
DisplayName : Get-ApsCurrentInstance
Management Server 10.0 (DEFAULT)
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Server Installation
Completing installation of an Ivanti product server involves:
Installing any missing prerequisites
Creating a database
Initializing the product server and connecting to the database
Installing Prerequisites
Each Ivanti product server specifies its own list of prerequisites. This list normally includes:
To view missing prerequisites use the Get-ApsPrerequisite cmdlet. For example, to list missing prerequisites:
PS C:\> Get-ApsPrerequisite
Missing prerequisites can be installed using the Install-ApsPrerequisite cmdlet. For example, to install all
missing prerequisites:
PS C:\> Install-ApsPrerequisite -All
You can also specify a subset/individual prerequisite using the Where-Object cmdlet. For example, to install the
BITS prerequisite only:
PS C:\> $prerequisite = Get-ApsPrerequisite | Where-Object { $_.Name -like "*BITS*" }
PS C:\> Install-ApsPrerequisite -Prerequisite $prerequisite
Setting Up a New Server and Database
During the creation of product databases and configuration of product servers various credentials are required:
-ConfigurerCredential specifies the credentials that will be used to connect to the SQL Server during
database creation and schema modification. This can be a dbo account or another user with appropriate
privileges. This parameter defaults to the current logged in user
-ServiceCredential specifies the credentials that will be used by the product server to connect to the
database during normal operation. This parameter is required during database creation to allow the
database roles for the specified credentials to be created/mapped
Use Get-Credential to create a credential object for configurer/service credentials:
PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
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Use the Initialize-ApsDatabase cmdlet to create a product database:
PS C:\> Initialize-ApsDatabase -DatabaseServer "SQLSERVER\Instance" -DatabaseNam
e ManagementServer ConfigurerCredential $configurerAccount -ServiceCredential
$serviceAccount DatabaseConnection "NewConnection" –Verbose
VERBOSE: Starting Initialize-ApsDatabase
VERBOSE: DatabaseServer: SQLSERVER\Instance
VERBOSE: DatabaseName: ManagementServer
VERBOSE: DatabaseConnection: NewConnection
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Connecting to database 'ManagementServer'
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Applying latest database schema
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Applying default configuration to database
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Creating database login 'serviceAccount' of type
'Impersonate' for web directory and Windows services access
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Setting web directories to use new database login
VERBOSE: Completed Initialize-ApsDatabase
Note If the ConfigurerCredential is not supplied then Initialize-ApsDatabase cmdlet will default to
using Windows Impersonation. On completion the DatabaseConnection.xml will not contain the
configurer credentials. This can be fixed within the Server Configuration Portal.
Once a database has been created, then the server can be created using the Initialize-ApsServer cmdlet. The
DatabaseServer, DatabaseName, ConfigurerCredential, and ServiceAccount parameters can all be specified
again, or instead, the DatabaseConnection parameter can be used by specifying the name of the
DatabaseConnection created during the Initialize-ApsDatabase step.
PS C:\> Initialize-ApsServer DatabaseConnection "NewConnection" –Verbose
VERBOSE: Starting Initialize-ApsServer
VERBOSE: WebsiteName: Management
VERBOSE: WebsiteAuthentication: Windows
VERBOSE: DatabaseServer: SQLSERVER\Instance
VERBOSE: DatabaseName: ManagementServer
VERBOSE: DatabaseConnection: NewConnection
VERBOSE: ConnectionString:
VERBOSE: InstallMode:
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Loading recommendations
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Creating application pools
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Applying application pool defaults
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Creating and initializing IIS directories
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Applying web directory defaults
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Creating database login 'serviceAccount' of type
'Impersonate' for web directory and Windows services access
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Setting web directories to use new database login
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Registering and starting Windows services
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Applying service defaults
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsServer: Setup complete
VERBOSE: Completed Initialize-ApsServer
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In addition to the parameters specified above, Initialize-ApsServer can be supplied with the following
WebSiteName the name of the website this server will be placed on. The website must already exist.
WebsiteAuthentication comma separated list of authentication types to be applied to the server. A website
will only apply authentication types configured as allowable.
ConnectionString the additional parameters to add to the default connection string. If you have configured
SQL AlwaysOn with Availability Group Multi-Subnet Failovers, you must handle the MultiSubnetFailover
value in the database connection string. See the example below.
HostName the custom IIS Website binding host name
HostPort the custom IIS Website binding port number
Port the local IIS Website binding port number
The following example sets MultiSubnetFailover=true on the connection string:
$db = "ms0425"
$sql = "gw-sql\mssql2012"
$p="password"|convertto-securestring -asplaintext -force;
$p2="password"|convertto-securestring -asplaintext -force;
initialize-apsdatabase -databaseconnection db1 -databaseserver $sql -databasename $db -
servicecredential $c -servicesqlauthentication -configurercredential $c2 -connectionstring
initialize-apsserver -databaseconnection db1
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Upgrading an existing Server and Database
To upgrade a product instance:
Install the product server update install the appropriate MSI or MSP file from the product server release,
available from the Ivanti community website (
Upgrade the database Use Initialize-ApsDatabase with the same parameters to upgrade the database to
the version needed for the installed product server
Use Get-Credential to create a credential object for configure or service credentials:
PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential
cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
If upgrading from 8.x, pass in the same parameters used to initially create the database.
PS C:\> Initialize-ApsDatabase -DatabaseServer "SQLSERVER\Instance" -DatabaseNam
e ManagementServerConfigurerCredential $configurerAccount -ServiceCredential
$serviceAccount -Verbose
VERBOSE: Starting Initialize-ApsDatabase
VERBOSE: DatabaseServer: SQLSERVER\Instance
VERBOSE: DatabaseName: ManagementServer
Database Upgrade
Database 'ManagementServer' is out of date and requires upgrading. Clients will not be
able to connect to this server until the database has been upgraded.
Upgrade Database?
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):y
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Creating database
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Connecting to database
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Applying latest database schema
VERBOSE: Initialize-ApsDatabase: Applying default configuration to database
VERBOSE: Completed Initialize-ApsDatabase
If upgrading from 10.x, a database connection parameter can be specified instead:
PS C:\> Initialize-ApsDatabase DatabaseConnection 'NewConnection' -Verbose
You can use the ReportOnly option in Initialize-ApsDatabase to find out beforehand what the command is going
to upgrade:
PS C:\> Initialize-ApsDatabase -DatabaseServer "SQLSERVER\Instance" -DatabaseNam
e ManagementServer ConfigurerCredential $configurerAccount -ServiceCredential
$serviceAccount -ReportOnly
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Existing database "ManagementServer" on server "SQLSERVER\Instance" to be upgraded from
Server Configuration version 13.2.0 to version 13.3.0
Existing database "ManagementServer" on server "SQLSERVER\Instance" to be upgraded from
version 10.0.0 to version 10.1.0
Upgrade details:
10.1.0 Upgrade from earlier major version
10.1.0 Create/replace [dbo].[Machine_Create]
10.1.0 Create/replace [dbo].[DiscoveredMachines_Create]
Cloning an existing Server
The SCP cmdlets provide the ability to export and import server configuration settings. This allows the entire
configuration of a product server to be cloned between machines. The configuration is stored as an XML file and
information within the file is encrypted using a password when the configuration is exported. This password
must be specified when configuring a server using the configuration file.
To export configuration settings, use the Export-ApsServerImage cmdlet:
Export-ApsServerImage -Path "PersonalizationServer.xml" -Password "password"
To configure a server using a configuration file use the Initialize-ApsServer cmdlet with the -Path and -Password
Initialize-ApsServer -Path "PersonalizationServer.xml" -Password "password"
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Server Configuration Portal Cmdlets
The SCP comes with a new PowerShell module to support operations provided by the new web interface. The
cmdlets defined within this module can be accessed via a standard Import-Module:
Import-Module AppSense.ServerConfigurationPortal.PowerShell
After successfully importing, the following addition cmdlets will be available within the PowerShell session:
Use the Get-ApsDatabaseConnection to obtain the list of all DatabaseConnections local to the installed SCP:
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-ApsDatabaseConnection
ConnectionId : b4e1cd90-5431-41f4-821e-f033396cfaf9
ServerType : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
FriendlyName : AMC-Conn
SqlInstance : SQLSERVER\Instance
DatabaseName : ManagementServer
ConnectionString :
ServiceCredential : ServerConfig.ConnectionCredential
ConfigurerCredential : ServerConfig.ConnectionCredential
UpgradeStarted :
IsUpgrading : False
The Get-ApsServerInstance cmdlet is used by the SCP to build its tree view and is a lightweight version of Get-
PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-ApsServerInstance
ServerType : Management
InstanceId : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
InstanceName : DEFAULT
Local : True
HostName : VMM-2012R2
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The Get-ApsServerInstanceDetail cmdlet is used by the SCP to provide information on a specific instance.
PS C:\> Get-ApsServerInstanceDetail -InstanceId 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
ServerType : Management
InstanceId : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
InstanceName : DEFAULT
Local : True
HostName :
WebSite : Management
HostNameBinding : Management.DesktopNow.AppSense
HostPort : 80
LocalPort : 7751
AuthTypes : {Windows}
SupportedAuthTypes : {Anonymous, Windows}
DatabaseSettingsName :
DatabaseName :
DatabaseInstance :
BindingInfo :
Status : Unconfigured
Logging : Undefined
Variances : {}
ConfigurationBindings :
You can specify:
-InstanceId returns information on the specified instance
-InstanceName returns information on the specified instance
-HostName returns information for all instances on a given host
The Remove-ApsDatabaseConnection cmdlet is used by the SCP to remove DatabaseConnections local to the
PS C:\> Remove-ApsDatabaseConnection -DatabaseConnection "NewConn" -Type Management
You can specify:
-DatabaseConnection The name of the DatabaseConnection to remove
-TypeThe DatabaseConnection type, either Management or Personalization.
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Database Management
View Database Connection details
Use the Get-ApsDatabaseDetails cmdlet to display details of the current instances DatabaseConnection:
PS C:\> Get-ApsDatabaseDetail
DatabaseConnection : PS-Database-Conn
ServerName : SQLSERVER\Instance
SqlDbName : ManagementServer
ConnectionString :
ServiceAccount : ServiceCredentials
ServiceAuthType : Impersonate
ServicePassword : System.Security.SecureString
DatabaseState : UpToDate
CurrentVersion :
LatestVersion :
Update Database Connection details
Use the Update-ApsDatabase cmdlet to perform either a Schema upgrade and/or a Data Upgrade of an existing
out of date database:
PS C:\> Update-ApsDatabase DatabaseConnection "AMC-Database-Conn"
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Viewing Product Database Scripts
Use the Get-ApsDatabaseScript cmdlet to display the database scripts for a product:
PS C:\> Get-ApsDatabaseScript
Name Description ScriptType AppliesTo
---- ----------- ---------- ---------
Create Database Database creation CreateDatabase 10.1
Get Version Version retrieva... GetDatabaseVersion 10.1
IsDbEmpty Checks If Databa... IsDatabaseEmpty 10.1
Create Login Creates a Login ... CreateLogins 10.1
Purge Events Purges all event... BatchJobs 10.1
Create Schema Create Schema CreateSchema 10.1
Upgrade Schema 7... Upgrade Schema 7... UpgradeSchema 7.0
Upgrade Schema 7... Upgrade Schema 7... UpgradeSchema 7.1
Upgrade Schema 7... Upgrade Schema 7... UpgradeSchema 7.2
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.0
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.1
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.2
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.3
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.4
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.5
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.6
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 8... UpgradeSchema 8.7
Upgrade Schema 8... Upgrade Schema 1... UpgradeSchema 10.0
Exporting Database Creation Scripts
Use the Export-ApsDatabaseScript cmdlet to export database scripts
PS C:\> Export-ApsDatabaseScript -ScriptType "CreateDatabase, CreateSchema, CreateLogins"
-Path C:\Scripts
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem C:\Scripts
Directory: C:\Scripts
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 17/07/2013 17:36 2281 Create_Database.sql
-a--- 17/07/2013 17:36 4501 Create_Login.sql
-a--- 17/07/2013 17:36 349344 Create_Schema.sql
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Exporting Database Upgrade Scripts
To export scripts to upgrade a database, always use the cmdlet Export-ApsDatabaseScript and specify the
exact database version with the -AppliesTo parameter. The Get-ApsDatabaseScript cmdlet is deprecated
and should no longer be used - it does not correctly process the AppliesTo parameter and will be removed or
updated in a future release.
It is necessary to provide the exact version of the database to be upgraded (including all components, e.g.
10.1.33) for the AppliesTo parameter. The cmdlet will then generate the correct SQL script for the upgrade.
The version can be found on the landing page of the personalization side of the EM Console (before upgrading),
or in the database table dbo.Properties, in the row with Namespace ‘Database’ and Name ‘Version’:
An example is:
Import-ApsInstanceModule -ProductName PersonalizationServer -IsDefault
Export-ApsDatabaseScript -ScriptType UpgradeSchema -AppliesTo 10.0.56 | out-
file Upgrade.sql
The exported script will have a check that it is being applied to the correct database version.
Connecting a Server to a Database
Use the Set-ApsServerDatabase cmdlet to quickly switch a server to use a different database. You must have
previously used Initialize-ApsServer to ensure the server has completed initial configuration.
To switch a server to use a database for which a DatabaseConnection exists, use the DatabaseConnection
For example:
PS C:\> Set-ApsServerDatabase -DatabaseConnection "PS-Database-Conn" -Verbose
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To switch a server to use a database where no existing DatabaseConnection exists, specify the required
For example:
PS C:\> Set-ApsServerDatabase -DatabaseServer "SQLSERVER\Instance" -DatabaseName
"PersonalizationServerNew" -ServiceCredential $credential -Verbose
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Server Management
View Server details
Use the Get-ApsServerDetail cmdlet to display details of the current instances website:
PS C:\> Get-ApsServerDetail
WebSite : Management
HostName : Management.DesktopNow.AppSense
HostPort : 7751
LocalPort : 80
AuthTypes : {Windows}
SupportedAuthTypes : {Anonymous, Windows}
DatabaseSettingsName : NewConn
DatabaseName : ManagementServer
DatabaseInstance : SQLSERVER\Instance
Status : Started
Logging : Disabled
Variances : {}
BindingInfo :
ConfigurationBindingInfo :
OriginalUpgradeCode : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
InstanceId : 935bfcca-23d0-4a08-93e4-064025b91d7b
InstanceName : DEFAULT
The full set of binding information for the website is contained within the BindingInfo array. To access this array
use the following commands:
PS C:\> $serverDetails = Get-ApsServerDetail
PS C:\> $serverDetails.BindingInfo.Count
PS C:\> $serverDetails.BindingInfo[0] | Format-List
IpAddress : *
Host :
Port : 8081
Protocol : http
PS C:\> $serverDetails.BindingInfo[1] | Format-List
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IpAddress : *
Host : MyHostHeader
Port : 9091
Protocol : http
Resetting a Server to an out of box state
The Reset-ApsServer cmdlet can be used to reset a server to an out of box state. During a reset:
All services and application pools are stopped/removed
All web directories are removed
The product configuration is deleted
The server stops running
For example:
PS C:\> Reset-ApsServer
Starting or Stopping a Server
The Start-ApsServer and Stop-ApsServer cmdlets can be used to start or stop a product server. Starting or
stopping a product server starts/stops all services and application pools associated with the product server.
Product consoles may display an error message to users if they attempt to connect or perform any actions whilst
a server is stopped.
To stop a server use the Stop-ApsServer cmdlet. For example:
PS C:\> Stop-ApsServer
To start a server use the Start-ApsServer cmdlet. For example:
PS C:\> Start-ApsServer
The current state of a server can be determined using the Get-ApsCurrentInstance cmdlet. For example:
PS C:\> Get-ApsCurrentInstance
Review the status field to determine if a server is started, stopped or unconfigured.
Changing Website
The Set-ApsWebSite cmdlet allows a configured server instance to migrate from its current website to a new
one. For example:
PS C:\> Set-ApsWebSite WebSiteName "NewWebSite"
If the website name specified by the WebSiteName parameter does not exist, it will be created. If it does exist,
the website will be used. The old website will be stopped.
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Viewing and Fixing Variances
If a server is encountering problems use the Get-ApsVariance cmdlet to highlight known issues:
PS C:\> Get-ApsVariance
Many variances can be fixed automatically. Use the Repair-ApsVariance cmdlet to attempt to repair variances:
PS C:\> Repair-ApsVariance -All
You can also limit the variances that will be repaired using the Where-Object cmdlet. For example:
PS C:\> $variance = Get-ApsVariance | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq "" }
PS C:\> Repair-ApsVariance -Variance $variance
Enabling or Disabling Logging
Logging can be enabled/disabled using the Enable-ApsLogging and Disable-ApsLogging cmdlets. Enabling
logging creates log files in product server installation directory:
PS C:\> Enable-ApsLogging
Once an issue requiring logging has been resolved, use the Disable-ApsLogging cmdlets to disable logging:
PS C:\> Disable-ApsLogging
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Additional Configuration
Changing the HTTP listener port for WinRM
The Server Configuration Portal (SCP) can now be configured to communicate with remote personalization and
management servers using non-default WinRM ports, non-default UrlPrefixes and either http or https
By default, the SCP will continue to use http port 5985 and UrlPrefix ‘wsman’ to communicate with remote
servers. If a different configuration is required, the SCP web.config file must be modified. This can typically be
found here:
C:\Program Files\AppSense\Server Configuration Portal\web.config
Open the file and insert a line matching your environment into the <WinRMPorts> section. For example:
<Server Name=”MyServer” ServerURL=”” Transport=”MyTransport”
UrlPrefix=”MyUrlPrefix” Port=”MyPort” />
If required separate <Server> elements can be added for each Management and Personalization server in your
environment. If no server element is found for a server, the default <Server> element with name * is used.
The attributes that can be used are:
Attribute Description
Name This attribute is required and can be either the NetBIOS name as shown in the
SCP or *.
ServerUrl This is an optional attribute and is used to provide the full URL of the server. This
is required for https connections where the full server name must match the SSL
certificate. If omitted the SCP will use the Name attribute to connect.
Transport Http or Https
UrlPrefix This is an optional attribute and is used by the WinRM listener. If omitted the
default PowerShell value of ‘wsman’ is used.
Port The TCP port used by the server.
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Scripting Multiple/Remote Servers
Enabling Remoting
Windows PowerShell remoting allows scripts to communicate with and run Windows PowerShell cmdlets on
remote machines. No configuration is required to enable a computer to send remote commands. However, to
receive remote commands, Windows PowerShell remoting must be enabled on the machine.
Windows PowerShell remoting is enabled on Windows Server 2012 by default. On all other systems, use the
Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet to enable it. You can also use the Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet to re-enable
remoting on Windows Server 21012 if it is disabled.
To enable remoting, open a Windows PowerShell console as an administrator and enter:
PS C:\> Enable-PSRemoting
For more information refer to Enable-PSRemoting on Microsoft TechNet:
Enabling CredSSP
CredSSP allows credentials to be passed to a secondary machine on the network. This allows the SCP cmdlets
Connect to SQL server databases using the current user
Read server images (used for cloning servers) from a network share
Whilst CredSSP is not required, if it is not used you must specify the ConfigurerCredential parameter wherever
it is used.
Enabling CredSSP requires changes on both server and client machines:
On a server machine, to allow CredSSP connections, use:
Enable-WSManCredSSP Server
Select Yes when prompted to allow CredSSP connections
On client machines, to allow outbound CredSSP connections to specified servers, use:
Enable-WSManCredSSP Client -DelegateComputer @("server1.domain", "server2.domain")
Select Yes when prompted to allow CredSSP connections
For more information refer to Enable-WSManCredSS on Microsoft TechNet:
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Working with PowerShell Sessions
Windows PowerShell allows for the concept of sessions, each of which may load in a separate copy of the SCP
cmdlets. You can use Invoke-Command to create a temporary session and run cmdlets, or create a session that
can be re-used using New-PSSession.
For more information refer to about_PSSessions on Microsoft Technet:
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Script Examples
Complete Server Configuration
$ProductName = "Personalization Server"
$ConfigurerUsername = "DOMAIN\AppSensePersonalizationServerConfigurer"
$ConfigurerPassword = "password"
$ServiceUsername = "DOMAIN\AppSensePersonalizationServerService"
$ServicePassword = "password"
$DatabaseServer = "SQLSERVER\Instance"
$DatabaseName = "AppSensePersonalizationServer"
$DatabaseConnection = "PS-Database-Conn"
# Load cmdlets for appropriate product
Import-Module AppSenseInstances
Import-ApsInstanceModule -ProductName $ProductName -IsDefault
# Create configurer credential object
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $ConfigurerPassword -Force
$ConfigurerCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
($ConfigurerUsername, $SecurePassword)
# Create service credential object
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $ServicePassword -Force
$ServiceCredential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
($ServiceUsername, $SecurePassword)
# Install/fix all prerequisites
Get-ApsPrerequisite | Install-ApsPrerequisite
# Create database
Initialize-ApsDatabase -DatabaseServer $DatabaseServer -DatabaseName $DatabaseName
ConfigurerCredential $ConfigurerCredential -ServiceCredential $ServiceCredential
DatabaseConnection $DatabaseConnection
# Configure server
Initialize-ApsServer -DatabaseConnection $DatabaseConnection
Clone Multiple Servers from the Current Server
$Credential = Get-Credential
$ProductName = "Personalization Server"
$Path = "\\server\share\ServerImage.xml"
$Password = "password"
$ComputerName = @("server1.domain", "server2.domain")
Import-ApsInstanceModule -ProductName $ProductName -IsDefault
Export-ApsServerImage -Path $Path -Password $Password
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
Param($ProductName, $Path, $Password)
Import-ApsInstanceModule -ProductName $ProductName -IsDefault
Initialize-ApsServer -Path $Path -Password $Password
} -ArgumentList ($ProductName, $Path, $Password) -Authentication Credssp -Credential
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Return Variances from Multiple Servers
$Credential = Get-Credential
$ProductName = "Personalization Server"
$ComputerName = @("server1.domain", "server2.domain")
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock {
Param($ProductName, $Path, $Password)
Import-ApsInstanceModule -ProductName $ProductName -IsDefault
} -ArgumentList ($ProductName, $Path, $Password) -Authentication Credssp -Credential