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I. California Standards
Content Standards
5.5 Students explain the causes of the American Revolution
(1) Understand how political, religious, and economic ideas and interests
brought about the Revolution (e.g., resistance to imperial policy, the Stamp
Act, the Townshend Acts, taxes on tea, Coercive Acts).
(2) Know the significance of the first and second Continental Congresses and of
the Committees of Correspondence.
Analysis Skill Standards
Chronological and Spatial Thinking
(1) Students place key events and people of the historical era they are studying in a
chronological sequence and within a spatial context; they interpret time lines.
(3) Students explain how the present is connected to the past, identifying both
similarities and differences between the two, and how some things change over time
and some things stay the same.
Historical Interpretation
(1) Students summarize the key events of the years they are studying and explain the
historical contexts of those events.
(3) Students identify and interpret the multiple causes and effects of historical events.
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Grade 5
United States History and Geography
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Reading Comprehension
1.5 Understand and explain the figurative and metaphorical use of words in context.
2.3 Discern main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing
evidence that supports those ideas.
2.4 Draw inferences, conclusions, or generalizations about text and support them
with textual evidence and prior knowledge.
1.2 Create multiple-paragraph expository compositions.
2.4 Write persuasive letters or compositions.
2.2 Deliver informative presentations about an important idea, issue, or event.
Listening and Speaking
(3) Be understood when speaking, using consistent standard English grammatical
forms, sounds, intonation, pitch and modulation.
(5) Recognize appropriate ways of speaking that vary based on purpose, audience,
and subject matter.
Reading Fluency
(6) Use decoding skills and knowledge of academic and social vocabulary to achieve
independent reading.
(8) Read increasingly complex narrative and expository texts aloud with appropriate
pacing, intonation and expression.
Reading Comprehension
(1) Describe main ideas and supporting details of a text.
(3) Describe relationships between text and their experience.
(4) Locate and identify the function of text features such as format, diagrams, charts,
glossaries and indexes.
(5) Use resources in the text (such as ideas, illustrations, titles, etc.) to draw conclu-
sions and make inferences.
(6) Distinguish between explicit examples of fact, opinions, inference, and cause/
effect in texts.
(7) Identify some significant structural (organizational) patterns in text, such as
sequence/chronological order, and cause/effect.
The Stamp Act Crisis
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(4) Use complex vocabulary and sentences appropriate for language arts and other
content areas (e.g. math, science, social studies).
(5) Independently write a persuasive letter with relevant evidence.
II. Teacher Background Information
he 13 American colonies in 1754 faced threats from French Quebec in the north
and Spanish Florida in the south. The French were also establishing forts in the
Ohio Valley, a vast territory to the west of the Appalachian Mountains claimed by both
Britain and France. Most Native Americans were more sympathetic to the French since
they considered the British colonists to be more of a threat to their existence. Although
most of the British colonies claimed lands in the Ohio Valley, the governor of Virginia
sent George Washington into the region to present an ultimatum to the French
demanding that they leave Virginia’s territory. The French refused and a conflict
resulted over the disputed land.
In 1756 the struggle over the Ohio Valley had grown into a
major war fought in America and Europe. The Seven Years’
War (French and Indian War) ended in 1763 with the
expulsion of the French from the North American
continent. Spain, France’s ally, lost Florida to the British.
The British colonies of North America no longer faced an
imminent threat from the French. Native Americans,
however, who had allied with the French during the war,
were still a threat. Shortly after the war with France ended,
an Indian leader named Pontiac attacked British outposts in
the Ohio Valley.
King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763
prohibiting colonial settlement beyond the Appalachian
Mountains as a means of conciliating Native Americans.
The Proclamation irritated colonists who looked to the west
as a source of acquiring new land. Although Indian lands west of the Appalachians were
placed under military control colonists largely ignored the Proclamation and continued
to move west.
The huge cost of the war was another point of contention between Britain and her
American colonies. Britain argued that since the war had been fought to protect the
colonies they must share in the cost of the war. The Sugar Act in 1764 was the first act
passed by Parliament for the express purpose of raising money in the colonies. Before
1764 the colonies voted on tax measures in their local colonial governing bodies. The
colonies objected to the taxation since they had no representatives in Parliament.
Colonists began to demand “no taxation without representation!” The Massachusetts
colony led the opposition. Town meetings in Boston denounced the tax policy and the
The Stamp Act Crisis
Lesson Plan
Title page of George Washingtons Journal
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Massachusetts legislature established a “Committee of Correspondence” to build a
united opposition to the imposed taxes. By the end of the year other colonies had joined
with Massachusetts and pledged not to import British goods.
In 1765 Parliament passed the Stamp Act as a further measure to raise revenue by placing
taxes on newspapers, almanacs, pamphlets, advertisements, land deeds, marriage
licenses, insurance policies, and even dice and playing cards. Revenue
stamps or stamped paper had to be purchased before goods could be
sold in the colonies. Colonists united in opposition and organized
committees to boycott British goods. Some newspapers refused to
purchase stamped paper and published in defiance of the law. The
Sons of Liberty, a secret organization, was formed to intimidate
anyone who cooperated by purchasing the hated stamps. Members of
the organization terrorized men who had been selected to issue the
revenue stamps and were responsible for tar and feathering tax collectors.
The commander of British forces in America, General Thomas Gage, called on
Parliament to send troops to the colonies to impose order. Parliament passed a
Quartering Act requiring the colonies to supply food and shelter for the troops in inns
and unoccupied dwellings. Later Quartering Acts house troops in private homes at the
expense of the homeowners.
Several of the colonies called for a special congress to meet to take measures to oppose
Parliament’s tax policy. The Stamp Act Congress accused Parliament of violating their
rights as Englishmen. The Congress called on all colonies to refuse to buy any goods
made in England until the act was repealed. The governor of Rhode Island refused to
enforce the Stamp Act. In several other colonies the courts were closed rather than use
the required stamps.
Revenues Parliament had expected from the Stamp Act were not being raised and British
merchants were being seriously hurt by the success of the colonial non-importation
agreements. In 1766 Parliament debated repeal. Benjamin Franklin in London as an
agent for several colonies was called to testify. Franklin warned that if Britain attempted
to send more troops to enforce the Stamp Act there would likely be open rebellion.
Parliament relented and repealed the Stamp Act. On the same day it repealed the Stamp
Act, Parliament, not wishing to give the impression that it was “backing down,” passed
the Declaratory Act. This act simply stated that Parliament had the power to pass any
laws it wished to govern the colonies.
The Stamp Act Crisis
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The Stamp Act Crisis
Lesson Plan
III. Materials Needed
Sales receipts indicating taxes paid on items
Student Handout 1: “Causes of the American Revolution Time Line”
Student Handout 2: Role Cards for:
a. Members of the British Parliament
b. Members of Colonial Assemblies
Document 1: “The Stamp Act”
Document 2: “Opposition to the Stamp Act”
Transparency Master: “Cause and Effects Chart”
Note To The Teacher
Before introducing the lesson have each student bring in a sales receipt from a recent
purchase. Collect the slips and with a highlighter shade the tax that was collected on the
purchase. Make certain that any credit card information that may be on the receipt is
darkened so that it is not readable. You may wish to inform parents that sales receipts
are to be used and advise them to blot out any credit card numbers. Do not tell students
why these receipts are being collected. Simply inform them that they will be used later
in one of the lesson activities.
IV. Lesson Activities
A glossary is included at the end of this lesson of words and their definitions based on the usage
in lesson readings. You may wish to develop a vocabulary activity or game to help build student
fluency and vocabulary development.
A. Before beginning the lesson distribute Student Handout 1, “Causes of the Amer-
ican Revolution Time Line, 1754–1766.” Tell students that they should refer to
the time line as they study the major events leading to the American Revolution.
The time line provides a chronological sequence of major events and helps students
understand cause-and-effect relationships.
B. Introduce the lesson after reading the textbook account of the Seven Years’ War
(French and Indian War). Using an historical atlas or an American history textbook,
have students point out French, Spanish, and British colonies on the North
American continent in 1750 and 1763. Alternatively, create transparencies from
these maps:
Map 1, North American 1750
Map 2, North America 1763
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The Stamp Act Crisis
Lesson Plan
Remind students that the American colonies considered New France to be a
serious threat to their safety. Review the British land gains in North America in
1763 by the Treaty of Paris. Have students point out on the map Canada ceded
to Britain by France and Florida ceded by France’s ally Spain.
Students should also recognize that France no longer held the vast territory of
Louisiana. French lands west of the Mississippi had been turned over to Spain.
Ask students to predict how the British colonists might react if they no longer
felt the need for protection. It is important for students to understand that as long
as France was a threat to the safety of the colonies they would be willing to rely
on the British for their defense.
C. Remind students that wars are expensive to fight. Divide the class into two
groups, one representing members of the British Parliament and the other
members of colonial assemblies. Give each group the appropriate role card
(Student Handout 2). Allow time for groups to discuss what steps should be
taken to pay off the war debt. Conduct a mock meeting and have a representative
from each group prepare a speech explaining their position. As the speeches are
presented members of the group should applaud or cheer when major points are
made. The opposing side should likewise be vocal in their objections.
On an overhead or poster paper draw interlocking circles of a Venn diagram. As
a class activity, ask students to indicate on the diagram the arguments put forth
by the British and those of the colonists regarding paying for the war and in the
overlapping circle, list policies that both sides agreed upon. Discuss the
possibility of the two opposing sides being able to agree on a compromise policy
of paying the war debt.
Colonial Views
British Views
Shared Views
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D. Tell students that in 1764 the British Prime Minister, George Grenville,
announced that he would call on Parliament to pass a stamp tax on paper and
official documents similar to one that already existed in England. Grenville,
however, promised to give the colonists a year to come up with an alternate tax.
Colonial assemblies spent the next year voicing their opposition to any type of
stamp tax and argued that they could only be taxed by their own consent.
Distribute Document 1, a brief excerpt from the Stamp Act passed by Parlia-
ment in 1765. You can have students focus on several of the items that required
stamps (e.g., items such as certificates, pamphlets, newspapers, calendars or
others that may be in the classroom). You may want to conduct a scavenger hunt
in the classroom for items that would have required a Stamp Act tax such as a
newspaper, calendar, pamphlet, or even a class or school certificate for
attendance. Ask students how they would feel if they were required to pay a tax
on these items. Have students take the role of colonists and react to the Stamp
Act. Discuss the reasons why colonists were so angry over these stamp taxes.
Distribute the sales slips that students brought to class earlier—these should be
distributed at random. In groups, have students examine the cash register slips.
Ask them to explain why a section of the sales slip has been highlighted. As a
mathematics activity, ask students to determine what percentage of tax was
collected. Continue the discussion asking questions such as:
1) Why are there taxes on certain things?
2) For what are current taxes used?
3) Do citizens today have a responsibility to pay taxes?
4) Do citizens today have a voice in making tax policy?
5) Do you think that the colonial leaders who opposed the Stamp Act would
approve of current taxes? Why or why not?
Be sure that students know that the sales slips they brought to class reflect city
and state taxes. You can further expand the lesson by introducing federal taxes.
Make certain that students understand the difference between taxes imposed by
a parliament in which colonists were not represented and by city, state, and
federal government today in which citizens have a voice through their elected
E. Divide the class into six small groups. Give each group a copy of one of the boxed
readings or illustrations in Document 2, “Opposition to the Stamp Act.” Have
the groups discuss how their assigned reading or illustration helps to explain
ways in which American colonists opposed the Stamp Act. Each group should
select a spokesperson to explain their document to the class.
You may have to work with several groups to help them interpret their assigned
task. For example, one of the readings reflects opposition in Nova Scotia to the
The Stamp Act Crisis
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Stamp Act. You will need to make sure that students understand that the Stamp
Act applied to all British colonies in North America, not just the 13 that were later
to become the United States. With the Patrick Henry reading, since students
have not yet studied ancient history, it will probably be necessary to briefly tell
them the story of the assassination of Julius Caesar and the execution of King
Charles I so that the group would understand why some members of the House
of Burgesses called Patrick Henry a traitor.
F. Inform students that colonial leaders called for a Stamp Act Congress to meet in
New York in October 1765 to draft a resolution to send to King George III
opposing the Stamp Act. Read the following excerpt from the resolution to the
class. Pause to explain the points the colonists were making.
Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress
October 19, 1765
The members of this Congress, sincerely devoted . . . to His Majesty’s
person and Government, . . . esteem it our indispensable duty to make the
following declarations of our humble opinion respecting the most
essential rights and liberties of the colonists. . . .
That His Majesty’s . . . subjects in these colonies are
entitled to all the . . . rights and liberties of his natural
born subjects within the Kingdom of Great Britain.
That it is . . . essential to the freedom of a people, and
the . . . right of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed
on them but with their own consent . . .
That the people of these colonies are not . . .
represented in the House of Commons in Great
That the late Act of Parliament entitled An Act for
granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other
duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America,
etc., by imposing taxes on the inhabitants of these
colonies; and the said Act and several other Acts . . .
subvert the rights and liberties of the colonies.
Ask students if it would have made a difference if the colonies had
representatives in the British Parliament. Ask students to think about the
following before arriving at an answer to the question:
1) Colonists would only have a few votes in the Parliament.
2) The British believed that anyone who served in the Parliament represented
all Englishmen not just the people living in England.
The Stamp Act Crisis
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G. Tell students that businesses in England that sold goods to the colonies were
losing money because of the colonial boycott and called on Parliament to repeal
the Stamp Act. The Parliament was forced to repeal the act only a year after it had
Have the class imagine that they are in the American colonies celebrating the
repeal of the Stamp Act when they are told of a new law passed by Parliament
called the Declaratory Act. Assign a student to be the “Town Crier” and shout
“Hear Ye! Hear Ye! We have a message about a new law passed by Parliament.
Be silent and listen to what Parliament has declared!” The teacher then gives a
dramatic reading of the act.
The Declaratory Act
Whereas several of the houses of representatives in His Majesty’s
colonies . . . have claimed to themselves . . . the sole and exclusive right of
imposing duties and taxes upon His Majesty’s subjects in the said
colonies . . . : may it therefore please Your Most Excellent Majesty that
it may be declared . . . that the . . . Parliament assembled, had, hath, and
of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws . . . to bind
the colonies and people of America . . . in all cases whatsoever.
And be it further declared . . . that all resolutions, votes, orders, and
proceedings, in any of the . . . colonies . . . whereby the power and authority
of the Parliament of Great Britain to make laws . . . is denied . . . are hereby
declared to be, utterly null and void. . . .
Discuss the act using questions such as:
1) In your opinion, did the colonists win a victory with the repeal of the Stamp
2) Why do you think that Parliament passed the Declaratory Act on the same
day it repealed the Stamp Act?
3) If you had signed the Resolution of the Stamp Act Congress, how would you
have responded to the Declaratory Act? Explain.
Have students write a letter to the editor of a colonial newspaper stating their
views on the Declaratory Act. In order to emphasize different viewpoints among
the colonists, divide the class into three groups representing:
1) colonists who believed that they had to obey English laws whether they liked
them or not;
2) colonists who were loyal to England but opposed Parliament’s right to pass
tax laws; and,
3) members of the Sons of Liberty.
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Select one or two students from each group to read their letters to the class.
Students should recognize that all the colonists did not feel the same way about
England’s right to govern the colonies.
H. On the overhead projector display Transparency Master 1, “Cause and Effect”
Chart. Events are listed in the left column and have students consider the effects
of each of these events. Discuss student responses before filling in the blanks on
the overhead. A sample of a completed chart is provided below. Also ask students
what effect the Proclamation of 1763 had on Native Americans. Have students
consider questions such as:
1) Why would Native Americans believe that the government in England was
protecting their rights to lands west of the Appalachian Mountains?
2) Would Native Americans who supported the French in the Seven Years’
War be more likely to support the British in any future wars? Why?
of 1763
Stamp Act
Repeal of the
Stamp Act
Colonists refuse to obey
Colonies have to provide
shelter for the troops; they
organize protests and
Stamp Act Congress,
boycotts, non-importation
agreements, protests by the
Sons of Liberty
Colonists feel that the
boycotts worked; they
Some colonists protested
Parliaments right to pass
laws to govern the colonies
without their consent
Troops have to be sent to
enforce the Proclamation
More troops have to be sent
to the colonies to keep order
Merchants loose money
because of the boycotts
Parliament passes the
Declaratory Act
More troops may have to be
sent to enforce laws
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I. Divide the class into the previous six small groups. Assign each group a statement
from the list below. Have each group decide on a way to present information to
the class to either support or oppose the assigned statement. Groups may wish to
write and present a brief skit, to present a speech or debate, to draw cartoons, or
to develop tableaus to relay information to the class. Conclude the lesson by a
general class discussion on the major events between 1763 and 1767 that led to
growing conflicts between the English colonies in North America and Britain.
1) After 1763 the British colonies no longer feared the French.
2) The Proclamation of 1763 was designed to protect the colonists from Native
American attacks.
3) The American colonies should have obeyed British laws.
4) Colonial boycotts of British goods were effective means of protest.
5) Britain should never have passed the Stamp Act.
6) The British Parliament showed weakness when it repealed the Stamp Act.
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The Stamp Act Crisis
Student Handout 1
Causes Of The American Revolution
Time Line, 1754–1766
1754 Albany Congress
Benjamin Franklin called for the British
colonies to unite expecting a war with France
in North America.
1756–1763 Seven Years’ War (French And Indian War)
The British defeated the French and took
Canada. France was no longer a threat to the
English colonies in North America.
1763 Proclamation of 1763
The British prohibited [forbade] the colonists
from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.
1765 Stamp Act
Parliament passed a tax on colonial newspapers,
pamphlets, books, legal documents, and even
dice and playing cards.
1765 Stamp Act Congress
A special meeting was called to protest the
British tax. A group known as the Sons of
Liberty was formed to resist [oppose] British
1766 Repeal of the Stamp Act
Parliament repealed [abolished] the Stamp Act.
1766 The Declaratory Act
On the same day that Parliament removed the
Stamp Act it passed a Declaratory Act stating
that it had power to pass any laws governing the
American colonies.
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The Stamp Act Crisis
Student Handout 2
Members of the British Parliament
As a member of the British Parliament you are concerned about the large war
debt. Since you believe that the Seven Years’ War was fought primarily for the
protection of the American colonies they should have to help pay the debt.
The people of England are already paying taxes and it would not be fair to have
them pay even more. After all, the French no longer threaten the colonies in
North America. The colonists are the ones who benefited from the war, so they
should have to pay.
For years the North American colonies have not been obeying trade laws. Up to
now Britain has not tried to enforce these laws. We know that some of the
colonial merchants have been smuggling and we must put a stop to these
unlawful activities.
It costs us about 300,000 pounds to keep troops in the colonies. It is time that
they paid for part of that cost. We need to now decide how to raise money to pay
for these expenses.
Members of Colonial Assemblies
The Seven Years’ War, as it is called in Britain, actually began in 1754 in the
Ohio Valley and lasted for nine years. We in the colonies had to fight as well as
the troops sent here from Britain. This war that we call the French and Indian
War cost us dearly. Many of our people living along the frontier were attacked by
Indians and lost their homes and farms.
We are loyal British subjects and have the same rights as any person living in
England. We cannot be taxed by a Parliament in which we have no vote. This is
one of the basic rights of Englishmen. It is only fair that we decide in our colonial
assemblies the taxes we should pay.
Britain won the war with the loyal support of her American colonies. Britain will
benefit from lands taken from the French. Therefore, we should not be expected
to pay the cost of this war. Also, there is no longer a reason to have a large British
army in North America so we object to having troops sent here. We should not
be expected to pay the cost of placing more troops in America.
If the British Parliament tries to tax us, we will have to decide what steps we
should take. We are all loyal to our king and willing to obey any just law, but we
cannot give up our rights as Englishmen to be taxed without our consent.
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The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act passed by Parliament in 1765 listed items that were required to
have a tax stamp. The law was long and detailed. Each item that required a stamp
also included the amount of tax that was to be paid. The act also provided for a
death sentence for any person caught counterfeiting revenue stamps. Some of the
items that were listed are given below.
An act for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies
and plantations in America, towards further defraying the expenses of defending, protecting,
and securing the same. . . .
For every . . . sheet or piece of paper, on which shall be . . . written, or printed:
. . . any . . . pleading in any court. . . .
. . . any copy of any will. . . .
. . . any . . . certificate of any degree taken in any university, academy, college, or seminary
of learning. . . .
. . . any license, appointment, or admission of any . . . attorney . . . to practice in any
. . . any . . . deed. . . .
. . . And for and upon every pack of playing cards, and all dice. . . .
. . . And for and upon every paper, commonly called a pamphlet, and upon every
newspaper. . . .
. . . For every advertisement to be contained in any . . . newspaper . . .
. . . For every . . . calendar . . .
The Stamp Act Crisis
Document 1
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The following pledge was signed by New York merchants on October 31, 1765,
one day before the Stamp Act was to take effect.
“We the under-written [signers], Retailers of Goods, do hereby promise
and oblige ourselves not to buy any Goods, Wares, or Merchandizes, of
any Person or Persons whatsoever, that shall be shipped from Great-
Britain, after the first Day of January next; unless the Stamp Act shall be
The Stamp Act Crisis
Document 2
Opposition To The Stamp Act
The Pennsylvania Journal announced that the Stamp Act would start on
November 1. The editor of the paper announced that he would refuse to pay the
stamp tax required by Parliament and would stop publishing the paper until they
could find a way to avoid paying the tax.
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The Stamp Act Crisis
Document 2
The Stamp Act went into effect on November 1. On November 7 Benjamin
Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette was printed without the required stamp. The
Pennsylvania Gazette reported the following news had just arrived from Boston.
“We have certain information from Boston, that the printers there intend
to continue their papers, and to risk the penalties—and that if any of
them were to stop on account of the stamp act, their offices would be in
danger from the enraged people . . . .”
People in New York broke into offices
and took the official stamped papers
and burnt them in the streets as crowds
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Pennsylvania Gazette
November 7, 1765
Benjamin Franklin’s Pennsylvania Gazette on November 7,
1765, included an article about the lynching in effigy of a
man who was in charge of issuing stamps in the British
colony of Nova Scotia.
WE hear from Halifax, in the province of Nova-Scotia,
that on Sunday . . . was discovered hanging on the gal-
lows behind the Citadel Hill, the effigies of a stampman,
. . . this we are informed gave great pleasure and satis-
faction to all the friends of liberty and their country
there, as they hope . . . the neighbouring colonies will
oppose this unconstitutional tax. . . .
Patrick Henrys Treason” Speech
May 30, 1765
Patrick Henry had just been elected to the Vir-
ginia House of Burgesses when the Stamp Act was
being discussed. In his first speech Patrick Henry
criticized the Stamp Act. He said:
When English settlers came to the American
colonies they brought with them rights that
they had in England.
Only officials in the colonial assembly who rep-
resented the people could pass taxes for the
Therefore, the British Parliament had no right
to pass tax laws for the colonies.
As he was about to finish Patrick Henry reminded the members of the House of Bur-
gesses that in ancient history Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by Brutus and other
Romans who did not want a dictatorship, that in the seventeenth century King Charles
I of England was beheaded on orders from Cromwell who had defeated the King’s army
in battle. As Patrick Henry spoke, “Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I had his Cromwell,
and King George . . . some members of the House of Burgesses interrupted shouting
Treason!” Patrick Henry paused and then continued, “ . . . if this be treason, make the
most of it.”
The Stamp Act Crisis
Document 2
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of 1763
Stamp Act
Repeal of the
Stamp Act
The Stamp Act Crisis
Transparency Master 1
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The Stamp Act Crisis
attorney lawyer
avoid go around; dodge
counterfeit fake or forge; not legal
deed legal document (usually proving ownership of land or a house)
defray to provide payment for
effigy image or figure of a person
gazette newspaper
null and void of no value; not legal; no good
plea a formal request or appeal in a court by a lawyer
pound British unit of money
retailer dealer; one who sells goods to people
wares goods; products
wholesaler merchant; one who sells goods to businesses
will legal document telling how a persons property should be distributed