TO: Committee on Oversight and Accountability Members
FROM: Committee on Oversight and Accountability Majority Staff
DATE: March 16, 2023
RE: New Evidence Resulting from the Oversight Committee’s Investigation into the
Biden Family’s Influence Peddling and Business Schemes
On February 27, 2023, Chairman Comer issued a subpoena for certain financial records. The
subpoena sought unique and particularized information critical to the Committee’s investigation,
connected to three Biden family business associates.
The Committee’s Recent Subpoena for Bank Records
The Committee seeks to craft legislative solutions aimed at deficiencies it has identified in
the current legal framework regarding ethics laws and disclosure of financial interests related
to the immediate family members of Vice Presidents and Presidentsdeficiencies that may
place American national security and interests at risk.
Pursuant to a subpoena, the Committee recently obtained financial records related to Mr.
John Robinson Walker, a Biden family associate, and his company Robinson Walker, LLC.
Prior to issuing the subpoena, the Committee received information that Mr. Walker used his
company to transfer money to Biden family members. The bank records proved that
information correct.
Ranking Member Jamie Raskin mischaracterized the substance of the bank records by
referencing payments related to Mr. Walker’s miscellaneous purchases such as “Papa John’s”
andcoffee at Starbucks[.]” Rep. Raskin omitted material facts that Robinson Walker, LLC
received a $3 million wire from a Chinese company in March 2017—less than two months
after Vice President Joe Biden left public office—and that Mr. Walker then transferred over a
million dollars to various bank accounts associated with the Bidens in the following months.
To correct Rep. Raskin’s disinformation about our evidence, we are providing a synopsis of
some of the payments from the Rob Walker accounts to the Biden family.
Overview of the Financial Records Related to Robinson Walker, LLC
Mr. Walker established Robinson Walker, LLC, a limited liability company, in Delaware in
From 2015 through 2017, Biden family members and their companies received over $1.3
million in payments from Rob Walker related accounts.
The Biden family members who received money from this account included:
o Hallie Biden, who received two separate payments totaling $35,000 in 2017;
o James Brian Biden Sr. (James Biden);
o Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden); and
o A bank account identified as an unknown “Biden.The Committee is continuing to
investigate the identity of this account holder.
These records prove the Biden family used at least three family membersHallie Biden,
James Biden, and Hunter Biden—and various companies to receive the lucrative payments
from Robinson Walker, LLC, including Owasco PC, JBBSR INC, and RSTP II, LLC.
Robinson Walker, LLC Paid Biden Family Members Over $1 Million After Receiving the State
Energy HK Limited Wire
On March 1, 2017—less than two months after Vice President Joe Biden left public office
State Energy HK Limited, a Chinese company, wired $3 million to Robinson Walker, LLC.
At the time of the wire, Rob Walker’s business account had a balance of approximately
The next day, Robinson Walker, LLC wired $1,065,000 to European Energy and
Infrastructure Group (EEIG) in Abu Dhabi, a company associated with James Gilliar. Gilliar
was a business partner of Hunter Biden and involved in foreign transactions with the Biden
After the Robinson Walker, LLC account received $3 million from State Energy HK
Limited, Biden family members and their companies began receiving incremental payments
over a period of approximately three months. The recipients of the money included Hallie
Biden, companies associated with Hunter Biden and James Biden, and an unknown bank
account identified as “Biden.” The wires and online banking transfers are listed below:
Originating Account
Beneficiary Account
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Hallie Biden
Robinson Walker, LLC
Owasco P.C.
Robinson Walker, LLC
First Clearing, LLC
Given the description of the beneficiary bank account, the Committee believes that the wire was intended for
Hunter Biden or one of his companies. The Committee will continue to investigate this transaction.
Robinson Walker, LLC
Owasco P.C.
Robinson Walker, LLC
Owasco P.C.
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Owasco P.C.
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
Robinson Walker, LLC
After the Chinese company wired Robinson Walker, LLC the $3 million, the Biden family
received approximately $1,065,692 over a three-month period in different bank accounts.
Notably, EEIG, James Gilliar’s affiliated company, received almost the exact same amount
$1,065,000—on March 2, 2017. From the bank records, it appears that the Biden family
received approximately one-third of the money obtained from the China wire.
The Rob Walker Accounts Made Payments While Vice President Biden Held Public Office
On November 5, 2015, Robinson Walker, LLC received a wire from a company (the
Committee continues to investigate the identity of the account holder for this company) that
had an overseas bank account in the amount of $179,836.86.
The next day, Rob Walker transferred $59,900 from the Robinson Walker, LLC account to
one of his personal checking accounts.
Three days later, on November 9, 2015, Rob Walker used his personal checking account to
send a wire to a bank account for “Robert Biden” in the amount of $59,900.
Similar to the March 2017 transaction with the Chinese company, EEIG also received
$59,900 (one-third of the total amount).
The Committee will Continue to Obtain Evidence to Further its Legislative Purpose
The Committee is concerned about the information revealed in these bank records, including:
(1) why the Chinese energy company waited less than two months after Vice President Biden
left public office to send the $3 million wire; (2) why the Robinson Walker, LLC account
received the China company’s payment instead of the Biden family members’ companies; (3)
why the payments to the Biden family members were structured in incremental payments to
different bank accounts; (4) what services the Biden family members provided to the China
company and when those purported services were provided; (5) why Hallie Biden—publicly
reported to work as a school counselor—received money from Robinson Walker, LLC;
(6) who the account holder is for the bank account entitled “Biden.” We hope that our
Democrat colleagues will join us in addressing these important issues.
The Committee is concerned about the national security implications of a President’s or Vice
President’s immediate family members receiving millions of dollars from foreign nationals
or companies without any oversight. Current financial disclosure laws and regulations do not
require non-dependent family members to provide any information to the public.
The Committee seeks meaningful reforms to government ethics and disclosure laws that will
provide necessary transparency into a President’s or Vice President’s immediate family
members’ income, assets, and financial relationships with companies. The Committee
intends to develop legislation that would strengthen reporting requirements related to certain
foreign transactions involving senior elected officials’ family members and implement
financial disclosure laws that shed light on ownership of opaque corporate entities.
The American people deserve transparency into the extent of the Biden family’s influence
peddling, and we intend to deliver legislation that will preclude family members from
capitalizing on their relatives’ public office. In doing so, the Committee will restore honesty
and integrity to the highest levels of our government.
Margie Fishman & Nicole Gaudiano, Report: Joe Biden’s son, widowed daughter-in-law in love, The News
Journal (Mar. 2, 2017).