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Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema for the Seattle Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema for the Seattle
Interactive Media Museum Interactive Media Museum
Rachel I. Clarke
Syracuse University
Jin Ha Lee
University of Washington
Joseph T. Tennis
University of Washington
Michael Carpenter
University of Washington
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Clarke, Rachel I.; Lee, Jin Ha; Tennis, Joseph T.; and Carpenter, Michael, "Developing a Video Game
Metadata Schema for the Seattle Interactive Media Museum" (2013).
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Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema for the Seattle Interactive Media Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema for the Seattle Interactive Media
Museum Museum
Description/Abstract Description/Abstract
As interest in video games increases, so does the need for intelligent access to them. However, traditional
organizational systems and standards fall short. In order to Bll this gap, we are collaborating with the
Seattle Interactive Media Museum to develop a formal metadata schema for video games. In the paper,
we describe how the schema was established from a user-centered design approach and introduce the
core elements from our schema. We also discuss the challenges we encountered as we were conducting
a domain analysis and cataloging real-world examples of video games. Inconsistent, vague, and
subjective sources of information for title, genre, release date, feature, region, language, developer and
publisher information conBrm the importance of developing a standardized description model for video
Keywords Keywords
Video games, metadata schema, multimedia, interactive media, cultural artifacts, Seattle Interactive
Media Museum
Disciplines Disciplines
Cataloging and Metadata | Library and Information Science
Additional Information Additional Information
"Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema for the Seattle Interactive Media Museum" Brst appeared in
International Journal on Digital Libraries
, Vol. 13, Issue 2, pp. 105-117. The Bnal publication is available at
Springer via
Creative Commons License Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
This article is available at SURFACE at Syracuse University:
Developing a Video Game Metadata Schema
for the Seattle Interactive Media Museum
Jin Ha Lee, Joseph T. Tennis, Rachel Ivy Clarke, Michael Carpenter
Information School, University of Washington, Mary Gates Hall, Ste 370, Seattle,
WA 98195, USA
Phone: 206.685.0153
Fax: 206.616.3152
E-mail:; [email protected]; raclar[email protected]; carp1[email protected]
Abstract: As interest in video games increases, so does the need for intelligent access to them.
However, traditional organizational systems and standards fall short. In order to fill this gap, we
are collaborating with the Seattle Interactive Media Museum to develop a formal metadata schema
for video games. In the paper, we describe how the schema was established from a user-centered
design approach and introduce the core elements from our schema. We also discuss the challenges
we encountered as we were conducting a domain analysis and cataloging real-world examples of
video games. Inconsistent, vague, and subjective sources of information for title, genre, release
date, feature, region, language, developer and publisher information confirm the importance of
developing a standardized description model for video games.
Keywords: Video games, Metadata schema, Multimedia, Interactive media,
Cultural artifacts, Seattle Interactive Media Museum
Abbreviations: SIMM: Seattle Interactive Media Museum; FRBR: Functional Requirements for
Bibliographic Records; OCLC: Online Computer
Library Center;
1. Introduction
Recent years demonstrate an immense surge of interest in video games. 72% of
American households play video games, and in 2010,the game industry generated
$25.1 billion in revenue (ESA, 2011). Industry analysts expect the global gaming
market to reach $91 billion by 2015 (GIA, 2009). This increased pervasiveness
inspires design and development as well as consumer consumption, amplifying
the power of the video game market in the global economy. Video games are also
increasingly of interest in scholarly and educational communities. Studies of
games across disciplines like computer science, communication and media
studies, arts and humanities, and social sciences aim to examine the roles of
games in society and interactions around games and game players (Winget, 2011).
Games are also of significant interest to the education community, with a focus on
how games can be used as learning tools and technologies (Gee, 2003). Video
games are entrenched in American economic, cultural, and academic systems.
As games become more embedded in our lives and culture, providing intelligent
access to these forms of interactive media becomes increasingly important.
Effectiveness of information access is a direct function of the intelligence put into
organization of that information (Svenonius, 2000). Consumers, manufacturers,
scholars and educators all need meaningful ways of organizing video game
collections for access. Current organizational systems for video games, however,
are severely lacking due to the challenges rooted in the unique nature of video
games as cultural artifacts and the lack of efforts for standardization. As a result,
many systems use different labels for metadata elements as well as different
vocabularies to describe games. The objective of our study is to create a metadata
schema that can capture the essential information about video games and
interactive media in a standardized way. This will allow for better navigation
through a game collection as well as improved interoperability across multiple
organizational systems. Improving organization and access will not only enhance
people’s gaming experiences, but also have substantial commercial and cultural
2. Challenges and Critical Literature Analysis
Current models of video game organization come from two divergent sources.
First is the contemporary field of knowledge organization, a subset of library and
information science (LIS) that specializes in arranging, describing, and presenting
metadata for information objects and collections. Historically, these collections
focus mostly on books and similar documents, treating artifacts like video games
as products of popular culture and therefore of less scholarly value.
Describing non-book artifacts with LIS standards has long been problematic.
Hagler (1980) observed that imposing book-based characteristics on non-book
materials leaves these items in the lurch: unlike books, video games do not come
with title pages, so traditional library standards based on title pages are unusable.
An ongoing lack of principles for describing non-book items results in description
based on physical form, rather than intellectual content (Leigh, 2002). This
becomes especially problematic with the exponential increase in born-digital
items, since their physical form itself is debatable. Items such as software,
contemporary digital art, and video games are now created specifically in and for
a digital, electronic environment. Descriptions based on physical form are no
longer applicable to these items. Digital media are defined as muchor even
moreby their performativity and interactive nature than by any physical
characteristics (Reinhart, 2007).
A significant attempt to overcome some of these obstacles, Functional
Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), was developed to be a
generalized view of the bibliographic universe independent of any cataloging code
or implementation (Tillett, 2004). FRBR is a conceptual model representing the
entities and relationships of the bibliographic universe, where attributes and
relationships of bibliographic entities are defined and described based on main
generic user tasks in searching and using national bibliographies and library
catalogs (IFLA Study Group on the FRBR, 1998; Kruth, 2001). In FRBR, there
are four different levels of bibliographic entities: work (intellectual/artistic
creation), expression (work realized in the form of notation, sound, image, etc.),
manifestation (physical embodiment of an expression), and item (an exemplar of a
manifestation). However, applying the FRBR model to video games presents
fundamental problems: McDonough et al. (2010) tried to apply the FRBR model
to a classic computer game but could not easily determine work, expression,
manifestation, or item. Despite FRBR’s attempt at a comprehensive set of
attributes, there are still limitations due to missing characteristics germane to
interactive media. Attributes derived from the context of a cultural object, like a
user’s reaction to an object (e.g., mood), or similarity-based relationships (e.g.,
similar games)--which can be significant in the context of video games--are not
represented in the FRBR model (Lee, 2010). Winget and Murray (2008) also
argue for the importance of collecting information related to the context of use
for video games.
Other existing content and object description standards are similarly problematic,
and illustrate the glaring lack of innovation in game description. Unlike other
digital media, games lack specific controlled vocabularies for subject and genre.
For instance, digital art is sufficiently served by established topical art
vocabularies like the Getty’s Art & Architecture Thesaurus and the Thesaurus for
Graphic Materials in conjunction with the Library of Congress Subject Headings
(Hanlon & Copeland, 2001). Video games have no such specialized indexing
language, and the general-purpose Library of Congress Subject Headings contains
only 219 headings for describing different video games by name (e.g., Dead or
Alive, Halo, Legend of Zelda), with many notable series missing (e.g., Final
Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Mass Effect, God of War). There are a mere 5 headings
with regards to genre (Computer adventure games, Computer baseball games,
Computer flight games, Computer war games, and Computer word games),
clearly limiting the ability to describe and therefore search or browse games by
Recently, the LIS community demonstrated increased interest in the preservation
of video games, notably the “Preserving Virtual Worlds” project (McDonough et
al., 2010) which identifies several challenges for preserving virtual worlds and
suggests metadata description as a preservation strategy. Winget (2011)’s review
of video game preservation literature reveals a focus on games as artifacts thus
limited to traditional preservation challenges of hardware, software, emulation,
and scope. In addition to an emphasis on preservation rather than description, both
projects focus on game information from a data- or creator-centric point of view,
rather than that of the end user.
Currently, the only systematically designed game-specific descriptive framework
comes from a German master’s thesis by Huth (2004), who drew existing
elements from OCLC Metadata Elements (OCLC, 2003), the Dublin Core
Metadata Element Set (DCMI, 2003) and added new elements. The metadata is
organized into five groups: Representation, Reference, Provenance, Fixity, and
Context (Anderson, 2010). But this schema only addressed early game systems
not reflective of today’s gaming environment, especially with regards to newer
innovations like online real-time games involving multiple users. Huth’s
approach, like those above, reveals a focus on historical preservation with little
provision for users’ needs and desire for access from their own perspectives and
their behaviors. This limited understanding of video games and their users in the
LIS community is an impediment to developing useful information systems that
meet the needs of real users.
The second source of video game organization and description comes from
commercial systems, mainly on the Internet. Although the web contains massive
information about video games, it is scattered across many sites and sources.
Websites such as, Moby Games,, Giantbomb, IGN,
GameFAQs, GameSpot, etc. are generally geared toward gamers making purchase
decisions and so provide only basic descriptive elements like title, genre, release
date, and publisher. Other informational websites such as Wikipedia provide a
large amount of descriptive information, but it is often unstructured, cumbersome
to navigate, unvetted and unverified. As a result, users often have to jump to
multiple places to find and cross-check different types of information from these
multiple sites.
The metadata across these websites is also uncontrolled, meaning that there is no
accepted standard for describing games in a consistent manner. Without clear,
comprehensive descriptions it can be challenging to collocate similar games or
generate recommendations for new games based on what a user enjoyed in a
previous playing experience. Many commercial game websites use their own
vocabularies for describing information such as game genre. These genre labels
are not formally designed according to established standards or principles, and
often do not match or crosswalk across different sites. For instance, a “platform”
game (where players navigate the game by making characters jump from one
platform to another) is classed as a sub-genre under “action” on, but
identified as its own separate genre by IGN Entertainment (, while Moby
Games fails to include it at all. Furthermore, the genre labels tend to be general
and therefore too broad and vague to be of any use. The “role-playing” category
on Moby Games retrieves 3,727 results, making the category impossible to
Even searching for a known game is difficult because a set of primary access
points for games is not clear or consistently agreed upon. With other cultural
objects such as books, music, or movies, the name of the artifacts’ creator,
composer/performer, or director are commonly provided as primary access points,
respectively. With games, however, the group of people involved in creating a
game is typically very large, making attribution to a single artist or creator
difficult. It is also unclear if users even know or remember the names of
designers, or if they are even interested in finding games this way. In addition,
other feasible access points like characters, music tracks, or motifs have not been
adequately explored on the user’s behalf. Indeed, it is currently unknown which
elements of video games would make for the most useful access points. All these
challenges indicate the need for a more formal and standardized representation of
video games based on a user-centered approach.
3. Study Design
3.1. Method
At the University of Washington Information School, we have been collaborating
with the Seattle Interactive Media Museum (SIMM), recently established by
Andrew Perti and Michael Carpenter, to develop a new metadata schema for
describing all aspects of video games for improved organization and access.
While the SIMM is interested in the preservation of video games and related
materials, their objective also includes aggregation, research and exhibition of
interactive media culture and the physical, digital, and abstract artifacts therein,
therefore implying a need for robust, media-specific metadata to serve a variety of
use cases. As an emergent organization, the SIMM provides an optimal crucible
for creating such a schema.
In the Autumn quarter of 2011, the authors, colleagues from the SIMM, and
graduate students participated in a special topics course Video Game Metadata
at the University of Washington Information School. The course was designed to
offer interested students the opportunity to collaborate with the authors as well as
the creators of the SIMM in order to get hands-on experience in creating a
metadata schema for use in a real-world application.
The majority of the course focused on user- and document-based analyses in order
to determine metadata elements crucial to describing video games. First, different
personas epitomizing the most common types of game players and potential
SIMM patrons were developed. A persona is an archetype representing the needs,
behaviors, and goals of a particular group of users and using personas enables a
goal-directed design of a system (Cooper, 1999). The 6 personas that emerged
were Player (Jeffrey, a Junior High Student), Parent (Marcia, a Classroom
Assistant and a mother of 3), Collector (Sam, a Copywriter for,
Academic (Dr. Russell, an Economics professor), Game Developer/Designer
(Debra, a Game Designer), and Curator/Librarian (Nancy, an Academic
Librarian). Full descriptions of the six personas and the use scenarios are included
in Appendix I. Based on these personas we created several use scenarios for the
SIMM website which helped us in selecting metadata elements that would be
useful for each user group.
After creating these personas and use cases, we compiled a master list of metadata
elements from a number of major commercial, hobby, and review websites related
to video games including Mobygame, Giantbomb, Allgame, Amazon, Gamefaqs,
Wikipedia, etc. This constituted the primary form of domain analysis. This
follows the method highlighted in Hjørland (2002). In his work, Hjørland
identified ways domains can be studied and understood in order to create
metadata. We used the extant sources of information organization listed above in
order to see how the domain was shaped, what was listed, and where there were
lacunae. We also brainstormed several additional elements that might be useful
for the specified personas and other people interested in video games. We ended
up with a list of 61 different information features and went over them one by one,
trying to determine if they were necessary or potentially useful from the
perspective of each persona. The following table shows what we determined to be
the relative importance of each element for different personas. The solid circle
denotes the features that were regarded as highly important for the persona and the
unfilled circle denotes features that would potentially be helpful but not necessary.
The table only shows the select elements that were deemed important for multiple
personas, not the full list of 61 elements.
Table 1. The Relative Importance of Metadata Elements for the Five Personas
3.2. Limitations
Personas can be a very useful tool in design, although they are not free from
limitations. Previous literature notes challenges in defining the right personas and
verifying that personas accurately reflect user data (Grudin and Pruitt, 2002;
Chapman and Milham, 2006). Generally, persona-based approaches for design
can be most successfully used when the designers have a good understanding of
the persona types that will be using the system and thus be able to see the world
from the personas’ points of view (i.e., perspective taking) (Bagnall et al., 2005).
The fact that this research was carried out in a class environment enabled us to
have at least one or more persons who actually fit into each persona type .This
allowed us to make reasonable assumptions about the users’ motivations and
behaviors. Another limitation is that the persona type can be too broad and may
not accurately represent the goals, needs, desires, and knowledge of a particular
class of users, especially when inferences are made based on personas’ high
specificity (Chapman and Milham, 2006). Considering these limitations, the
authors do not intend to solely rely on personas for creating our metadata schema.
In conjunction with domain analysis from numerous game-related websites,
personas can serve as a powerful tool for establishing the initial set of core
metadata elements. However, this is part of a bigger project that aims to establish
a more complete set of metadata elements in multiple stages. For our future steps,
we will be conducting in-depth user interviews as well as a large scale survey in
order to obtain more user data that would help us improve our selection and
evaluation of metadata elements. Our broader intention is to take multiple user-
centered design methods to maintain and continue to improve our schema over
4. The Core Metadata Elements
Based on the investigation of personas and different use scenarios as well as the
information in Table 1, we decided to focus on establishing an initial set of core
elements that should be described by any system attempting to organize video
games and interactive media. Our final CORE set consists of 16 elements that
were deemed useful for a range of user groups: Title, Edition, Platform, Format,
Developer, Publisher, Retail Release Date, Number of Players, Online
Capabilities, Special Hardware, Genre, Series/Franchise, Region, Rating,
Language, and UPC. We have borrowed and modified the definitions from
existing standards such as FRBR (for Edition, Developer, Retail Release Date,
and Language) and CIDOC CRM (for Title) in order to maintain some degree of
interoperability for common elements. However, for other elements, we had to
create definitions based on the group discussion on what each of the elements
referred to, since we could not find reusable definitions from existing standards.
Details of each element are described in Table 2. Through discussion, we decided
that the element “system requirements” in Table 1 should be split into “online”
and “special hardware” in order to reduce ambiguity.
Table 2. The 16 CORE Metadata Elements
After we decided upon the 16 CORE elements in our metadata schema, the
remainder of the quarter-long class was dedicated to testing the usability of the
schema. We collected 30 games and attempted to catalog them according to the
schema. Games for this exercise were carefully selected to present a variety of
genres, platforms, creators, and editions. Additionally, we selected games with
widely varying packaging and documentation elements in order to test the
efficacy of each chief source of information. The full list of games tested in the
exercise is included in Appendix II.
5. Discussion
As we progressed through the cataloging exercise, many challenges for describing
video games emerged. Some of the problems are unique to video games and
others are commonly encountered when describing and organizing other non-
textual information objects.
5.1. Information Sourcing Issues
While each CORE element includes a specific definition and chief source of
information, sourcing this information still proved problematic. It is important to
note that under the direction of the SIMM, we strove to describe each game at the
Manifestation level of the FRBR model of description. This means that each game
is described at what is widely considered the “edition” level in the domain of
video games. The reasoning behind this decision is closely related to what we
intend this core set of metadata to be. CORE16 were selected as the most general
and essential information about games that should be recorded for describing any
video game collection. Item level description such as the condition and
provenance of the item will certainly be critical in some environments (e.g., for a
video game museum curator), but not in others (e.g., online database for video
games; commercial websites for video games). This decision was also partly due
to the fact that we are designing our schema from a user-centered approach, and
our assumption is that for general users, the item level description would not be
sought as often as the manifestation level description. The item level description
will most likely be included as we move onto the second phase of the project
which focuses on establishing a recommended set of metadata elements, an
expansion of the CORE16.
Because of this stipulation from the SIMM with regards to the focus on the
manifestation level, rather than describing games at the more granular Item level
of FRBR (e.g. an actual game cartridge or optical disc) we identified and defined
a chief source of information that would encompass many FRBR Items. Thus, for
each element, the most commonly cited sources of information include the
housing of material of a game, such as the box, manual, and/or cartridge.
However, as previously noted, this traditional view focused on physicality
becomes problematic very quickly. Some contemporary games are born digital
and available to users via download, meaning they have no boxes, no cartridges,
and only rarely have manuals (usually in the form of on-screen instructions rather
than printed materials). This immediately challenges our established designations
of chief source of information for many of our CORE elements. Many of these
games come without a reliable physical source; without this, we have no access to
critical metadata except by playing the game itself. For some games, we were able
to find a different version released for another platform in a game box with a
manual (e.g., Plant vs. Zombies released for Microsoft Windows). However,
finding a physical counterpart is not always possible, as some games are
developed exclusively as direct downloadable apps for tablets and smartphones
(e.g. Chaos Rings for iOS/Android). Other desirable descriptive information
deemed important to users could not be sourced from the games themselves, but
was only available via secondary sources. Even when secondary sources of
information were found, the quality of the information varied immensely.
5.1.1. Inconsistent, Vague and Undefined Source Information
For example, “retail release date” is an element that all participants agreed to be
important for all the user personas. The release date information of a game can
provide a lot of contextual information about the game to users. For instance, for
an RPG game, the release date can shed some insights into what kind of visual
style, battle system, and the level of difficulty may be expected. The release date
can also heavily affect the purchase decision of gamers, be useful for historical
analysis of video game trends for scholars, and will be important for curators for
preserving the accurate information about the artifacts. However, as we started
cataloging examples of actual games, it became evident that there is in fact no
reliable source of this information. The only date information we can obtain from
the game itself is the copyright date. Using copyright date information for the
release date is problematic, especially for games that belong to a particular series.
Copyright date typically indicates a date when the first manifestation of the series
was published and thus does not apply to any of the later manifestations. Also for
early games developed prior to the early 1990s, this information is not well-
documented, which makes it difficult to determine the exact date, especially for
games that have multiple versions released (McDonough et al., 2010). We also
had an extended discussion on how specific this information should be in other
words, is the publication year sufficient, or should we include month information,
or do we need an exact date? Our final decision to preserve the exact date was due
to the fact that for most current games, data at this level is usually obtainable
without too much difficulty, and it is better to preserve more information than
less. We acknowledge that for older games, we might only be able to obtain and
record the publication year.
We explored different ways to obtain this information. First, we looked at
different websites including Wikipedia, Amazon, GameSpot, GameFaqs, etc.
Using multiple sources to find and cross-check the release date for the game
seemed to work for some cases, but often we found conflicting information on
these multiple sites. For instance, the release date for the North American version
of the game Shenmue on Wikipedia is November 6, 2000, as opposed to
November 7 on Gamespot, and November 8 on While the
difference in date might be perceived as insignificant for average gamers, it does
pose a problem for identifying and preserving these games from an organizational
point of view, such as that of the SIMM. While specific game company websites
turned out to be the most reliable source of release date information, most did not
carry information about all the games that they published. This is especially
problematic for games published by now-defunct companies. We contacted some
game companies such as ATLUS and SquareEnix, and were told that there is no
single person who manages such information to whom they could point us. We
believe this is probably a common issue across game companies, especially
because many are short-lived or merge with other companies.
The “genre” element also suffered from inconsistent information sources. Genre is
one of the few elements that describes the content of a game rather than
descriptive features. Therefore, it was perceived as the most useful information for
browsing a video game collection as well as discovering new games to play. As
we investigated hundreds of genre labels from different sources of genre
classification for video games, it became evident that genre metadata is
uncontrolled, meaning that there is no accepted standard for describing games in a
consistent manner, or even correctly. On most websites, we could not even find
definitions for the genre labels. Many commercial game websites use their own
terms for describing information like genre, with local definitions that do not
match across different sites: for instance, on, both Super Mario
Bros. and Grand Theft Auto are classified as “action” although most people would
agree that they are very different. Most of us agreed that these current labels are
general and too broad and vague to be of any use. We recommend taking a new
approach in describing the genre information of games which is discussed further
in section 5.3.
5.1.2. Subjective Source Information
Another issue with source information is the potential lack of objectivity.
“Features” was a highly debated metadata element that was ultimately excluded
from the CORE elements. The problem with this element is that it is impossible to
obtain consistent information, even with a designated chief source of information,
which makes it difficult and time-consuming for catalogers and searchers.
Commercial websites such as Amazon often include the description of features
although it is unclear as to where this information is derived from. Some websites
such as have their own list of features whereas others do not list any
feature information at all.
During our cataloging activities, most of us ended up entering a wide variety of
information for this element that could potentially be useful but not represented in
any other field. Thus it ended up taking the role of a traditional “notes” field.
Deciding to faithfully transcribe the features listed on the designated chief source
of information (i.e., the game box in the case of the “features element) allowed
us to maintain some consistency in our data entry. However, we learned that many
games contain text that is heavily geared toward marketing rather than objectively
describing the features of the game (e.g., “Unleash over 100 mind-blowing spells
from Disgaea; The Fun-Dead Game of the Year from Plants vs. Zombies). Our
discussion ended with three divergent suggestions: 1) there needs to be a list of
controlled vocabularies from which catalogers can choose features; 2) this field
should be left similar to the notes field where catalogers can decide to leave any
information that they think would be useful for the system users; 3) this element
should be populated with a verbatim transcription from the box, marketing
hyperbole and all, in order to preserve the historical accuracy of the chief source
of information.
5.2. Unclear Conceptual Boundaries
Several elements thought to be useful to all personas as well as the SIMM
suffered from unclear conceptual boundaries. Despite clear element definitions,
teasing out the differences in descriptive information from the sources of
information is challenging at best. This is perhaps due to incompatibility of
established descriptions, definitions and concepts with those emergent from the
specific domain of video games. Video games clearly diverge from the established
FRBR conceptual model; however, many bibliographic description elements are
still linked to this conception and so reflected in the CORE elements. It is for this
reason that we believe we can contribute to content description standards. Both
the Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard and the Cataloging Cultural
Objects (CCO) standard do not explicitly address the conceptual model of video
games as an entity for description. In the case of RDA, video games are
considered containers of moving images and nothing more (Canadian Library
Association et al., 2010). In fact there is no definition of video game in RDA.
CCO (Baca et al., 2006) is likewise agnostic with regard to the conceptual
boundaries and definition of video games. Cultural objects, the purview of CCO,
are left to the cataloguer and his or her institution to decide. This leaves room for
a more specific conceptualization of metadata required for video games, like what
we offer here.
5.2.1. Region and Language
Region information is necessary for players because most of the console games
are locked via hardware restrictions, to a particular region such as North America
(NTSC U/C), Japan and Asia (NTSC-J), and Europe and Oceania (PAL). Some
games, like smartphone apps, are free of those regional restrictions, but can still
be targeted for audiences speaking particular languages. In cases like such, it can
be unclear as to what to describe as the “region” of the game. There can also be
cases where the game is released in a particular country without being localized,
meaning a Japanese game can be released in Korea without being translated into
Korean. If so, should the “region” information include Japan as well as Korea?
Also there are cases where the game is available in multiple languages although it
is still locked to particular region: for instance, a game originally released in Japan
and later published in North America can have an option for Japanese subtitles
and/or voice acting. In this case, should the main language be Japanese or
English? All these cases suggest that it is necessary to have a fairly detailed rule
on how to describe the language and region information.
5.2.2. Developer vs. Publisher
The box of the game usually has different names and logos representing the
companies involved in producing the game. The challenge we encountered was
that without consulting other online sources, it was often difficult to determine
which company represents the publisher versus the developers. The problem is
further complicated by the fact that some companies actually can be publishers as
well as developers of the games. Sometimes this information can be found inside
the manual but this was not consistently true for all cases. For older games, some
of the companies have already dissolved and it was difficult to find any
information about the particular organization based on a company name, logo, or
acronym. In addition, there are many different ways of describing the company
(for instance, Nintendo, Nintendo Corp., Nintendo US) so there must be a
controlled vocabulary listing the preferred form of these names of organizations.
This problem is not unfamiliar to archivists writing administrative history of a
fonds (body of records created by an organization). Both Cook (1993) and Millar
(2002) have described the mercurial nature of organizations. The records of an
organization are meant to reflect the ordinary course of business. However, when
business changes, so too does the structure of records creation. We see that
manifest in this context with the changing organizational structure of game
companies. A full archival contextual analysis of game companies would help
make this aspect of metadata more robust and meaningful, but also more complex
as we would need to represent the change in the organization over time.
5.3. Need for Better Subject Access
In most video game descriptions that are currently available on various websites
and catalogs, the only prominent access point provided for any kind of subject
access to the games is genre information. For our cataloging exercise, we
established a preliminary controlled list of genre and style labels from which
catalogers could select terms. The instructions we established allowed for
selecting multiple labels in an attempt to provide more specific information about
the content of the game. However, this did not solve the issue of label ambiguity,
and it introduced another problem: how to order the different genre labels in a
meaningful way. Examining the genre labels also made us realize that the genre
element is not strictly about the gameplay or style--it is overloaded with a range of
different types of information. In order to tease out these subtleties we
recommend creating a faceted scheme for video game genres. Facet analysis is the
process of examining a subject field and dividing it into fundamental categories,
each of which represents an essential characteristic of division of the subject field
(Spiteri, 1997). Some of the dimensions we identified so far include gameplay
(e.g., action, RPG, strategy), style (e.g., platformer, MMORPG, tower defense),
the purpose of games (e.g., educational, party), target audience (e.g. adult, early
childhood), presentation (e.g, 2D, anime/manga), temporal aspect (e.g., real-time,
turn-based strategies), point of view (e.g., first-person, third-person), theme (e.g.,
fantasy, sci-fi), mood/affect (e.g., horror, mystery), setting (e.g., futuristic, space),
and so on. We believe that by harnessing these particular characteristics, we will
be able to develop systems that reveal or suggest similar games with significantly
improved results. For instance, using this faceted scheme, the genre facets of a
game such as Final Fantasy XIII can be described as follows:
Gameplay (RPG); Style (Action RPG); Purpose (Entertainment); Target
audience (Teen ESRB); Presentation (3D); Point of view (Third-person);
Theme (Fantasy); Mood/Affect (Mystery; Inspirational); Setting
(Futuristic); Temporal aspect (Real-time); Type of ending (Circuitous);
Visual style (Photorealism Illusionism)
Future work will report further on this development.
5.4. Other Issues: Names, Versions, Series, and Platforms
There were several other issues in describing video games. The naming of the
games was one of them. Sometimes there are mismatching titles and numbering of
games that are released in multiple regions (e.g., Biohazard in Japan was released
in North America as Resident Evil; Puzzle Bobble in Japan was based on the
arcade game Bubble Bobble and was released in North America and Europe as
Bust-a-Move; Final Fantasy IV in Japan was released in North America as Final
Fantasy II), and there is also an issue of multiple titles and other names by which
the game is known (e.g., The Legend of Zelda vs. Zelda; Super Mario Bros. vs.
Mario). When the old game is ported into a new platform it can be given a
different name (e.g. Tales of Graces F released for Playstation 3 in North America
vs. Tales of Graces released for Wii in Japan). Denoting the actual difference
among different versions/editions of the games (e.g., Special, Classic, Limited,
Collector’s, Deluxe, Super, Premium, Gold, Platinum) can also be challenging
without conducting additional research on each item. Sometimes the same games
are packaged and sold differently in multiple ways (e.g., God of War Saga
Collection vs. God of War: Collection vs. God of War: Origins Collection). We
are currently discussing different options for dealing with this naming problem
such as employing attributes or specifying the relationship types among different
Determining the series information can also be difficult. Sometimes the
numbering after the title can help, but the first published game of the series of
course does not typically have any numbering associated with it. For other games
within a series, there is no numbering that can directly connect the games (e.g.,
Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari, Katamari Forever, Beautiful Katamari).
Some games belong to multiple series: for example, Persona 4 belongs to Shin
Megami Tensei series (Parent) as well as Persona series (Child), and Tales games
have various titles belonging to the main series (e.g., Tales of Vesperia, Tales of
Symphonia) as well as the spinoff series (e.g., Tales of the Tempest, Tales of VS.).
There is also the issue of the coherence of a series. Some games make up a series
because there is actually a continuation of the story that is told across multiple
games (e.g., Halo series) whereas others are not connected in any way story-wise,
but do share a similar theme or gameplay format and thus constitute a series (e.g.,
Final Fantasy series). To make things even more complicated, there are examples
such as Shadow Hearts series Shadow Hearts: Covenant (the second game in
the series) is a continuation of the story told in Shadow Hearts (the first game),
but Shadow Hearts: From the New World (the third game) is a completely new
story featuring a similar gameplay format and battle system as the previous
games. Also some spinoff series feature particular species or characters from
another series (e.g., Chocobo Racing featuring chocobos from Final Fantasy
series), therefore they are not connected directly with regards to the story, theme,
or general gameplay format of the original series. Determining all this information
related to series will require significant amount of time researching the
background information of each game for the cataloger. We are considering the
separation of elements Series and Franchise, or adopting another element called
Universe to represent these different types of series.
Additionally, the concept of platform can be confusing to some users as the
software and hardware needed to play the game are completely integrated for
some consoles (e.g., Sony Playstation) but in other cases, they are separate (e.g.,
games developed for iOS can be play used in any devices that runs iOS including
iPad, iPhone, etc.).
6. Conclusion and Future Work
The efforts described in this paper were a first step in creating a formal metadata
schema for describing video games and interactive media. Through the process of
exploring personas and use scenarios, selecting metadata elements, and cataloging
actual games based on those elements, we encountered several challenges, some
of which are unique due to the nature of video games. These challenges confirm
the importance of having a standardized way of describing games including
definitions of metadata elements, instructions for description, and controlled
vocabularies, as well as conceptualizing a new model, specific to the video game
domain. We plan to further develop our schema by continuing the following
efforts: 1) extending the CORE set of elements by selecting and defining a larger
“recommended” set that can potentially be useful for users of video games, and 2)
developing controlled vocabularies for particular elements such as genre,
publisher, etc. This second version of the schema will not only contain a larger
number of metadata elements, but also incorporate hierarchical and faceted
structures for some of the elements (e.g., genre, plots, visual style). Additionally,
we are conducting a series of systematic user studies involving in-depth
interviews in order to discover which information elements are perceived as
useful and necessary for end-users such as gamers or parents of young gamers.
The information we obtain from these interviews will further help us verify the
importance of including particular metadata elements as well as improve the
definitions and instructions provided for each element. After the completion of the
recommended set in addition to the CORE16, we plan to do a more extensive
evaluation of these schemas by creating a database of metadata records for a
sample game collection and conducting a usability test of this database. All of
these efforts will ideally move us closer to understanding the universe of games
more fully, and potentially lead us to new domain-specific conceptual models that
more accurately reflect and represent this space. We believe that our end results
will be useful for any game related organization: not only libraries, archives, and
museums with video games in their collections, but also commercial enterprises
like game developers, manufacturers, and distributors.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the class participants of INFX 598 Video Game
Metadata and especially Andrew Perti at the SIMM for their valuable contributions to the project.
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I. Five Personas and Use Scenarios
Player persona
Name: Jeffrey Cunningham
Occupation: Junior High Student
Gender: Male
Education: As a junior high student, Jeffrey excels in art, wood shop, and typing
classes. He plays basketball on the JV team.
Computing and Web experience: Owned his first laptop computer at age 10.
Although he’s not into programming, he does have considerable Web 2.0 skills.
He regularly updates two separate blogs, participates in fantasy football and
baseball leagues, and has 1432 friends on Facebook. Plays lots of online video
Personal Web behavior patterns: Likes to browse game web sites. Has special
affinity for and Uses these sites mostly to
inform video game purchases and obtain gameplay information.
How they will use the site: Jeffrey comes to mostly as a recreational
activity. He enjoys the ability to view hi-resolution box art for his favorite games.
He also browses the tiff files of classic game magazines. Recently he has taken an
interest in researching the histories of local gaming companies he might one day
apply to.
Any additional site-specific demographics: Jeffrey can’t wait to get an iPad in
order to peruse game magazines on the go.
Parent Persona
Name: Marcia Strom
Occupation: Classroom Assistant
Gender: Female
Education: BA in Psychology
Computing and Web experience: Primarily uses a desktop at home for email.
Will browse the web to shop on occasion and is a whiz at using travel sites to find
good airplane fares.
Personal Web behavior patterns: Marcia does not use a large variety of
websites. Once she is comfortable with a certain interface it takes a lot to pull her
away to another one. She found out about through her son who went
on a field trip to the SIMM.
How they will use the site: Once Marcia’s son Joey showed her, she
immediately saw a link connecting the exhibit Joey saw on video game music
design to Super Mario Brothers 3, a game she played while in college. Once the
floodgates to Nostalgia Land opened, Marcia spends free time watching gameplay
videos and listening to music files of the games she played with her dad as a
young girl.
Any additional site-specific demographics: Marcia has 3 children and plans on
taking them to the SIMM to see the exhibits in person.
Nostalgia/Collector Persona
Name: Sam Schneider
Occupation: Copywriter for
Gender: Male
Education: BA in Communications
Computing and Web experience: Very web savvy, especially Web 2.0. Has
designer friends and colleagues and he definitely “speaks the language.”
Personal Web behavior patterns: Uses a tablet for most of his non-writing
computing needs. Keeps tabs on his world with heavy use of RSS feeds. Facebook
How they will use the site: Sam is a true game geek and spends a fair amount of
time browsing numerous game sites. He has recently adopted as his
go-to site for information on classic video games. He surfs here because the
associative interface keeps attracting his attention to items he has not seen in
years. These include gameplay videos, screenshots, and hi-resolution promotional
art he loved when he was younger.
Any additional site-specific demographics: Gamer with wife and kids, but lots
of expendable income. He has a man den that includes current generation systems
and a few classic ones too.
Academic/Scholar Persona
Name: Dr. Clancy P. Russell
Occupation: Economics professor
Gender: Male
Education: PhD in Social Economics
Computing and Web experience: Is seasoned when it comes to internet research
in library databases. Has good luck with Google. Does not create much on the
web; he mostly has his teaching assistants create his web content.
Personal Web behavior patterns: Dr. Russell is very old-school when it comes
to using the internet. He is skilled at searching library databases but needs
assistance from library staff to hone in on and find some articles. He keeps two
email accounts: one on Yahoo! and the other at the university. The only web news
he sees in on the Yahoo! front page.
How they will use the site: Dr. Russell is teaching a class in social economics.
One of his modules will focus on the phenomenon of microtransactions on the
Xbox Live Marketplace and the Playstation Network. He uses in
order to find links to the most current research and scholarship regarding both the
games chosen for the study, and microtransactions in general. He uses the creator
information to contact the producers of the games in hopes of setting up a webinar
for his students.
Any additional site-specific demographics: Dr. Russell does not do a lot of
research on video games outside of library databases, so he chose
because he is confident the information is both accurate and presented clearly.
Game Developer/Designer Persona
Name: Debra Gurvitz
Occupation: Game Designer
Gender: Female
Education: BS Computer Science
Computing and Web experience: Expert
Personal Web behavior patterns: Surfer, Publisher, and Critic
How they will use the site: Debra is constantly looking for new ideas for games
based on themes, mood, and characters of older games. She is also always
interested in trivia related to games so she can try to design with that in mind.
Any additional site-specific demographics: Debra knows the is a
robust database where she can find arcane bits and pieces to put into her designs.
She also knows she can look at a wide range of games displayed by different
criteria. This allows her to make accurate references to past games in the new
ones she creates.
Curator/Librarian Persona
Name: Nancy Henderson
Occupation: Academic Librarian
Gender: Female
Education: MS Library and Information Science
Computing and Web experience: Nancy is quite tech-savvy and always up-to-
date on new IT devices and applications.
Personal Web behavior patterns: As a librarian, she is extremely skilled at
searching library databases and the Web for any type of information. She also
spends a lot of time on the Web, and especially on social media websites.
How they will use the site: At Nancy’s library, they have decided to build a
video game collection for students as well as scholars who are interested in game
research. She uses in order to learn more about how games are
organized, and get inspired on how she can organize the games in their new
collection as well.
Any additional site-specific demographics: She is not a gamer herself, so she
has to look up information on video games on various website in order to help
plan the game related library events and programs.
II. Games Used for Testing
Table 3. Games used for testing the metadata schema