021-782-5024 082-728-4229
In 2005 Korean Jung YunOck & South African Clifford T
Smith started a company to assist graduates to secure
Conversational English Teaching contracts in South Korea.
In 2007 this growing company, TeachKorea, applied for a
tender with the Korean National Institute for International
Education (NIIED) to become an ocial agency for their EPIK
Program and where awarded their first tender for 2008.
Every year since then we have been awarded the EPIK
tender and in 2012 we re-branded as GoldKey Education
Pty Ltd as we expanded into China, Japan, Hong Kong and
South America.
To date GoldKey has placed over 2,000 graduates in top
quality posts in Korea, China, Japan, Hong Kong and South
America and we would be happy to assist you to realize
your very own adventure overseas.
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GoldKey Education Pty Ltd
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“Travel is fatal to prejudice,
bigotry, and narrow-mindedness,
and many people need it sorely
on these accounts. Broad,
wholesome, charitable views
of men and things cannot be
acquired by vegetating in one
little corner of the earth all
one’s lifetime.
Mark Twain
       
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