ATI TEAS Study Guide
A PDF Guide to theATI TEAS Tests with
Free Questions and TEAS Tips
This guide features a ten-step plan to make the most of our ATI TEAS resources,
as well as sample questions to kick-start your practice.
August 2017
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Applying to Nursing School
Ten Steps to Pass the TEAS
TEAS Practice Test
TEAS Practice Test - Answers & Explanations
A Final Word
What are your chances of getting into nursing
During the academic year of 2014-2015, 265,954 applications for entry-level
baccalaureate nursing programs were submitted. 63% of applications—170,109
—met admissions criteria. However, of that number, 50,000 applications were
rejected, with only 119,428 applications resulting in acceptance into a
For anyone submitting an application in 2014-2015, the chance of success was
less than 50%. For applicants who met the admissions criteria and successfully
submitted their application, the chance of acceptance was 70%.
The reasons for this high number of unsuccessful applications are mainly two-
fold. First, there weren't enough spaces, or funding, available for so many
applicants, and second, despite meeting admission criteria, many applicants
were beaten by others with better scores.
The good newsis that the nursing sector is growing at a rate of 16%, which is
quite fast,meaning that nearly half a million new jobs will exist by 2024. The
other good newsis that you can do a lot of preparation to boost your scores and
increase your chances of being acceptedinto your preferred program.
How do I beat the competition?
Based on the data above, it it safe to assume that from the outset, your
application has a 50% chance of being successful. To increase your
chances,prepare forthechallengesyou need to overcome. One of
thechallengesyou have more control over is the TEAS test.
If ATI Testing’s TEAS test is part of your application, the followingten steps
can help you better prepare and increase your chances of not only getting the
grades required, but exceeding them. Beat the competition, boost your
confidence, and ace the TEAS.
Data on this page collected from the Bureau of Labour Statistics
10 March 2017
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1.Familiarize yourself with formalities.
Where can you take the test?
When must you register?
Can you retake the test if you don’t get a good result?
How much time do you need between retakes?
Find out this information and plan accordingly. Check out our website to get
2.Take a practice test.
Just how good are you at the TEAS? Use one of our ATI TEAS practice tests in
TimedMode to seehow much you know.Taking a full-length TEAS test can
help you establish what you need to focus on as well as benchmark your
starting score.
We advise that you take the test unprepared. Attempt all the questions. Make
a note of your score, particularly what percentage of questions you got right for
each section.
3. Create a study plan.
Startby dividing up the different topics. You can use our TEAS subject
webpages for topic guidance. Break the topics down as small as possible. Plan
20-minute to one-hour study sessions for yourself.Remember:
Tailor your study plan to the time you have before test day. Make sure you
aren’t learning things up to the last minute. Give yourself a few weeks to
review the material.
How much time do you need to learn the material? Be realistic; remember
DNA wasn’t discovered in a day.
How much time do you need to test your knowledge? Learning the material
is only half the battle.
How well do you performon tests? Do you feel like you do well on tests, or
are your palms sweaty at the thought of test day? Be sure to take extra timed
practice tests to calm your nerves andto teach yourself to perform better
under stressful circumstances.
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4.Identify the important topics.
Each topic is important, but focus on the topics that feature more questions
compared to others.
This section is worth of the total exam.
There are an additional six pretest items that are unscored and spread across
all three topics.
This pie chart shows how much each topic is worth for this section:
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Topic 2: Life & Physical Sciences
- 8questions
- worth 17% of the topic
Topic 3: Scientific Reasoning
- 7 questions
- worth 15% of the topic
Topic 1: Human Anatomy & Physiology
- 32 questions
- worth 68% of the topic
Get the ATI TEAS Science Practice Pack Here!
This section is worth of the total exam.
There are an additional six pretest items that are unscored and spread across
all three topics.
This pie chart shows how much each topic is worth for this section:
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Topic 2: Craft & Structure
- 14 questions
- worth 30% of the topic
Topic 3: Integration of Knowledge & Ideas
- 11 questions
- worth 23% of the topic
Topic 1: Key Ideas and Details
- 22 questions
- worth 47% of the topic
Get the ATI TEASReading Practice Pack Here!
This section is worth
of the total exam.
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Topic 2: Measurement & Data
- 9 questions
- worth 28% of the topic
Topic 1: Number & Algebra
- 23 questions
- worth 72% of the topic
A calculator is now permitted and provided on the test.
There are an additional four pretest items that are unscored and spread across
all three topics.
This pie chart shows how much each topic is worth for this section:
Get the ATI TEASMath Practice Pack Here!
This section is worth of the total exam.
There are an additional four pretest items that are unscored and spread across
all three topics.
This pie chart shows how much each topic is worth for this section:
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Topic 2: Knowledge of Language
- 9 questions
- worth 38% of the topic
Topic 3: Vocabulary Acquisition
- 6 questions
- worth 25% of the topic
Topic 1: Conventions of Standard English
- 9 questions
- worth 38% of the topic
Get the ATI TEASEnglish & Language UsagePractice Pack Here!
5. Know the difference between the TEAS V and ATI TEAS 6
We offer two full-length ATI TEAS tests as well as additional questions
arranged in subject-specific tests for each of the four sections of the TEAS.
For the Reading and English & Language Usage sections, TEAS V tests can offer
an adequate means to test your knowledge for the ATI TEAS 6 test. However,
for the Math and Science sections, it is important to understand the
differences between TEAS V material and the questions you will face on
theactual ATI TEAS 6.
The Math section now features a calculator. TEAS V practice tests and TEAS V
Math questions do not. Our ATI TEAS questions can help you test your
knowledge and improve your mental arithmetic. Prepare for the ATI TEAS 6
Math section with TEAS practice tests that permit a calculator and are
designed for the sixth edition of ATI Testing's nursing exam.
The Science section no longer includes the Earth & Physical Science topic.
TEAS V tests may still feature this topic. When youpractice with any of these
TEAS V Science questions, be careful not to prepare for questions you will not
encounter on the actual ATI TEAS exam.
6.Study in segments.
Does your list of subjects to learn look ridiculously long? No fear; keep it in
segments and tackle one at a time. Dipping in and out ofnursing forums is not
studying. Avoid procrastination by taking timed study sessions, and choose
sleep over long, late hours of staring blankly at the screen.
7.Test your progress.
After you have studied a cluster of topics, test your knowledge. You can use our
supplementary practice questions in the ATI TEAS Premium Pack to see how
you are doing.
Remember, no matter how many questions you attempt, keep a record of what
your success percentage is. Be serious about taking the test in an environment
like the real test—no music, only silence, no distractions, and with a timer.
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8. Understand the test format.
All the sections are tested in a multiple-choice format. The time frames for
each of the sections are as follows:
There is not much time for each question, so there are techniques to be
learned when approaching the different sections. Be sure to read the answer
explanations that accompany our free practice questions. These explanations
offer tips and techniques for better methods of taking the test.
9. Focus on your weakest areas.
Use your results from the practice test to identify your weakest areas. Refocus
your attention on these topics. Re-learn the material, using the detailed
explanations to help understand where you are going wrong.
53 questions (47 scored)
36 questions (32 scored)
53 questions (47 scored)
28 questions (24 scored)
170 questions
English & Language Usage
64 minutes
54 minutes
63 minutes
28 minutes
209 minutes
10.When test day is a week away
Double-check the schedule fortest day, including:
Revisit notes with confidence and take a final practice test at least two days
before the real test.
Don’t worry if you do badly on some questions. The scores will help you to
focus your attention on your most important notes.
On test day, head to the test center with a positive outlook. Do a power pose
for two minutes before you start the test. Good luck!
What time it is held;
What you can and cannot take into the test center; and
How to get there.
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Allow yourself 10 minutes to answer the following 10 practice questions.
You are permitted to use a calculator for the mathquestions if you wish.
Record your score and check your answers at the end of the test.
Question 1
Which organelle performs autophagy?
A. Proteasome
B. Cytoskeleton
C. Ribosome
D. Lysosome
Fe + O2 Fe2O3
Which of the following choices shows the correct molarity of the reaction
A. Fe + O2 2Fe2O3
B. Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3
C. Fe + 3O2 Fe2O3
D. 4Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3
Which of the following is carried out by the Luteinizing hormone (LH)?
A. Protection of pregnancy
B. Ovulation
C. Menstruation
D. Labor
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Which of the following is spelled correctly?
A. neumonia
B. pnumonia
C. numonia
D. pneumonia
Read the following passagebefore answering Questions 5
and 6.
India's economy grew faster than estimated last quarter, maintaining
pressure on the central bank to extend its record interest rate
increases even as the global recovery weakens. Stocks, bond yields,
and the rupee, India's currency, advanced. Gross domestic product
rose 7.7 percent in the three months ending June 30, the Central
Statistical Office said in New Delhi today. That compares to a 7.8
percent climb in the previous three months. The median of 26
predictions in a Bloomberg News survey was for a 7.6 percent gain.
India’s consumption has "remained strong" because of higher
salaries, while inflation may remain "stubborn" in the near term, the
Reserve Bank of India said last week.
Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the passage?
A. India's economy is weakening.
B. India's economy grew more slowly this quarter than the previous
C.The Bloomberg News survey overestimated the growth of India's
D.The Reserve Bank of India is undisturbed by inflation in the near
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Which of the following beliefs is not supported by this passage?
A.Inflation and consumption are not affected by the same factors.
B.The global recovery is weakening.
C.India's currency is gaining value.
D.High interest rates are generally necessary for economic growth.
Question 7
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She has very set ideas about how parents should behave.
Which of the following dictionary definitions is most appropriate for "set" as
used in the sentence above?
A. A growing number or a collection of
B. Fixed or firmly settled
C. The act or action of setting
D. Being in readiness, prepared
After years of serving the community, due to lack of funds the local library will
be shut down.
Which of the following phrases is misplaced in the sentence above?
A. After years of
B. the community
C. due to lack of funds
D. will be shut down
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Yesterday, Bob earned $50 mowing lawns. Today, Bob earned 60% of what he
earned yesterday. How much money did Bob earn today?
A. $3
B. $25
C. $30
D. $40
The pie chart above shows how fast drivers pulled over for speeding were
driving above the speed limit. According to the chart, which of the following is
NOT true?
A.More drivers were pulled over for speeding 10–20 MPH above the speed
limit than for speeding 20–30 MPH above the speed limit.
B.Fewer than 50% of all drivers pulled over for speeding were speeding
either < 10 MPH or > 30 MPH above the speed limit.
C. More drivers were pulled over for speeding 10–20 MPH above the speed
limit than for speeding > 30 MPH above the speed limit.
D.More than half of all drivers pulled over for speeding were speeding at
least 20 MPH above the speed limit.
Question 1
Which organelle performs autophagy?
A. Proteasome
B. Cytoskeleton
C. Ribosome
D. Lysosome
Fe + O2 Fe2O3
Which of the following choices shows the correct molarity of the reaction
A. Fe + O2 2Fe2O3
B. Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3
C. Fe + 3O2 Fe2O3
D. 4Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3
Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is (D).
The lysosome is an acidic organelle that contains degrading enzymes.
Lysosomes can digest worn-out organelles and release their components to be
re-used in the cytoplasm. This process is called autophagy (“self-digestion”).
The proteasome is a complex that degrades malfunctioning/misfolded proteins
to peptides, the cytoskeleton maintains the shape and general organization of
cellular contents, and the ribosome is a large cellular complex that translates
messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules to protein.
Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is (D).
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The reaction above is the oxidation of iron. First, look at the number of oxygen
moles of the products. Three oxygen moles mean that the oxygen moles on the
left (reactants) must be multiplied by 3 and the oxygen moles on the right
(product) must be multiplied by 2. This is done to achieve an identical number
of oxygen moles on both sides.
Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3
After balancing the oxygen moles, the number of ferritin moles becomes
unbalanced—one on the left, four on the right. To fix this, simply multiply the
number of ferritin moles on the left by four:
4Fe + 3O2 2Fe2O3,
which is the balanced equation.
Which of the following is carried out by the Luteinizing hormone (LH)?
A. Protection of pregnancy
B. Ovulation
C. Menstruation
D. Labor
Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is (B).
The Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is produced in the gonadotropic cells of the
anterior pituitary gland. In females, an acute rise of the hormone levels
triggers ovulation.
Progesterone is secreted from the Corpus Luteum, and during pregnancy, from
the placenta. A decrease in progesterone leads to menstruation, and during
pregnancy the levels of progesterone greatly increase. A drop in progesterone
in late pregnancy leads to labor.
Oxytocin is produced by the hypothalamus and is secreted in large amounts
during labor.
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Which of the following is spelled correctly?
A. neumonia
B. pnumonia
C. numonia
D. pneumonia
Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is (D).
Pneumonia is a lung inflammation caused by a bacterial or viral infection.
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Read the following passagebefore answering Questions 5
and 6.
India's economy grew faster than estimated last quarter, maintaining
pressure on the central bank to extend its record interest rate
increases even as the global recovery weakens. Stocks, bond yields,
and the rupee, India's currency, advanced. Gross domestic product
rose 7.7 percent in the three months ending June 30, the Central
Statistical Office said in New Delhi today. That compares to a 7.8
percent climb in the previous three months. The median of 26
predictions in a Bloomberg News survey was for a 7.6 percent gain.
India’s consumption has "remained strong" because of higher
salaries, while inflation may remain "stubborn" in the near term, the
Reserve Bank of India said last week.
Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the passage?
A. India's economy is weakening.
B. India's economy grew more slowly this quarter than the previous
C.The Bloomberg News survey overestimated the growth of India's
D.The Reserve Bank of India is undisturbed by inflation in the near term.
Answer & Explanation
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The correct answer is (B).
The third sentence states that the economy grew 7.7% during the three
months ending June 30, while the fourth sentence states that the economy
grew 7.8% during the previous three months.
Answer (A) is incorrect because the passage only mentions India’s economy
Answer (C) is incorrect because the fifth sentence states that Bloomberg News
predicted a 7.6% increase and the third sentence states that the actual increase
was 7.7%. Bloomberg underestimated the growth.
Answer (D) is incorrect because the word "stubborn" indicates that the
inflation is behaving in a way the Reserve Bank does not view favorably.
Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is (D).
The first sentence states that India's economy's fast growth is maintaining
pressure on the central bank to extend its interest rate increases, even as the
global recovery weakens. This means that global economic growth is suffering
due to the high interest rates and that there is a need to lower them to allow
for economic growth.
Which of the following beliefs is not supported by this passage?
A.Inflation and consumption are not affected by the same factors.
B.The global recovery is weakening.
C.India's currency is gaining value.
D.High interest rates are generally necessary for economic growth.
Answer (A) is incorrect because the last sentence states that India’s
consumption has "remained strong" because of higher salaries, while
inflation may remain "stubborn." The bank attributes the strong consumption
to the high salaries, but it does not mention what is causing the inflation to
remain stubborn. It can be inferred that this is caused by a different factor.
Answer (B) is incorrect because the first sentence states, " even as the global
recovery weakens."
Answer (C) is incorrect because the second sentence states, "Stocks, bond
yields, and the rupee, India's currency, advanced."
Question 7
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The pie chart above shows how fast drivers pulled over for speeding were
driving above the speed limit. According to the chart, which of the following is
NOT true?
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A.More drivers were pulled over for speeding 10–20 MPH above the speed limit
than for speeding 20–30 MPH above the speed limit.
B.Fewer than 50% of all drivers pulled over for speeding were speeding either
< 10 MPH or > 30 MPH above the speed limit.
C. More drivers were pulled over for speeding 10–20 MPH above the speed limit
than for speeding > 30 MPH above the speed limit.
D.More than half of all drivers pulled over for speeding were speeding at least
20 MPH above the speed limit.
Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is (D).
The pie slices representing drivers pulled over for speeding at least 20 MPH
above the speed limit (20–30 MPH and >30 MPH) is less than half the entire
pie as these are represented by the green and purple sections of the pie.
Answer (A) is incorrect as the red section of the pie (10-20 MPH) is clearly
larger than the green section (20-30 MPH). Therefore, this statement is true,
not false.
Answer (B) is talking about the combined areas of the blue section (<10 MPH)
and the purple section (>30 MPH), and together they make up less than half
the circle. Therefore, this statement is also true.
Answer (C) is also true as the red section (10-20 MPH) is larger than the purple
section (>30 MPH).
Therefore, the only false statement is (D).
Yesterday, Bob earned $50 mowing lawns. Today, Bob earned 60% of what he
earned yesterday. How much money did Bob earn today?
A. $3
B. $25
C. $30
D. $40
Answer & Explanation
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The correct answer is (C).
60% of $50 is the same as $50 × 0.6, which is equivalent to
and                 $30.
She has very set ideas about how parents should behave.
Which of the following dictionary definitions is most appropriate for "set" as
used in the sentence above?
A. A growing number or a collection of
B. Fixed or firmly settled
C. The act or action of setting
D. Being in readiness, prepared
After years of serving the community, due to lack of funds the local library will
be shut down.
Which of the following phrases is misplaced in the sentence above?
A. After years of
B. the community
C. due to lack of funds
D. will be shut down
Answer & Explanation
The correct answer is (C).
The descriptive phrase “After years of serving the community” refers to the
local library. Consequently, the correct phrasing of the sentence is, “After
years of serving the community, the local library will be shut down due to lack
of funds.”
The correct answer is (B),"fixed or firmly settled."
The word "set" has several meanings. However, in the context provided in the
sentence, you can infer which meaning is the relevant one.
You must check which option both fits the general notion conveyed in the
sentence and corresponds well with the structure of the sentence.
Option (A): In addition, saying that the woman has a VERY collection (or
growing number) of ideas doesn't sit well with the sentence.
Option (C): Suggesting that the woman is performing an action about how
parents should behave doesn't stand to logic either.
Option (D): Saying the woman is VERY prepared (or full or readiness) ideas also
does not comprise a proper sentence.
Option (B): According to this option, the woman has firm (or fixed) ideas as to
how parents should behave. This sentence makes sense and therefore is the
correct answer.
Solving tip: There are two ways to tackle these sorts of questions:
1) Method One
Read the sentence.
Figure out the appropriate definition.
Look for an answer choice that states your anticipated answer.
If such an answer exists, choose it. If not, check the answer choices one by
one and choose the one that fits best.
Even though the first method might seem longer (especially if your
anticipated answer does not appear among the answer choices), we
recommended using it over the second method. The reason is that some of the
answer choices are designed to distract you from the correct answer.
Anticipating the correct answer may help you avoid these traps and enhance
your ability to manage the test, instead of it managing you.
2) Method Two
Read the sentence.
Go over the answer choices one by one.
Choose the answer that fits best.
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Answer & Explanation
Our newly updated ATI TEAS practice tests have been launched!
Compare our practice packs here:
Get Our Best-Selling ATI TEAS Premium Practice Pack
August 2017
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What’s included in the pack:
- Two full-lengthATI TEAS practice tests (340 questions)
- 8 additional ATI TEAS Reading exercises (191 questions)
- 5 additional ATI TEAS Math exercises (94 questions)
- 2 additional ATI TEAS Science exercises (32 questions)
- 6 additional ATI TEAS English & Language Usage exercises (120 questions)
- Answers with detailed explanations
- Personalized score reports
- Secured payment & immediate online access
To get started go straight to the ATI TEAS Premium Pack on our website: